Cardio = heart Myo = muscle Arterio = artery
Cyto = cell Arthro = joint Heap/Hepato = liver
Pyo = pus Cranio = skull Thrombo = clot
Pyro = fever Nephro = kidney Osteo = bone
1. The courses included in the licensure examination and
their corresponding weights are as follows: The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) was established
on May 18, 1994 through the passage of Republic Act No.
Clinical Chemistry 20% 7722, the Higher Education Act of 1992. CHED is the
Microbiology and Parasitology 20% government agency under the Office of the President of the
Hematology 20% Philippines that covers institutions of higher education both
Blood Banking and Immunology and Serology 20% public and private.
Clinical Microscopy 10% Under CHED is the Technical Committee for Medical
Histopathologic Techniques 10% Technology Education (TCMTE) which is composed of leading
(MTLaws and bioethics and Laboratory Management – not academicians and practitioners responsible for assisting the
written in R.A. 5527, but are now included in the board exam) Commission in setting standards among institutions offering
Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/Medical
2. To pass the exam, an examine must: Laboratory Science program and in monitoring and
• receive a general weighted average of 75%, evaluating such institutions.
• have no rating below 50% in any major courses, and
• pass in at least 60% of the courses computed according to •4 year program
their relative weights. •consists of general education and professional courses -
students are expected to complete within the first 3 years -
3. If an examinee passed the examination and is 21 years old 4th year is dedicated to internship training
and above. He or she will be issued a certificate of •in CHED accredited training laboratories affiliated with their
registration and a PRC card as a licensed medical college - CHED issued guidelines for institutions offering
technologist. BSMT/BSMLS
If an examinee is younger than 21 years old, he or she will •CHED Memorandum Order No. 13 series of 2017 - contains
register as a professional after his or her 21st birthday. goals, program outcomes, performance indicators and the
minimum course offerings - compliant with the K-12
4. If an examinee failed to pass the licensure examination curriculum.
three times, he or she needs to enroll in a refresher course
before retaking the examination. General Education (GE) course offerings cut across different
programs. GE courses aim to develop humane individuals
5. If an examinee failed to pass the examination but garnered that have a deeper sense of self and acceptance of others.
a general weighted average of 70%-74%, he or she may apply The general courses included in the new CMO are
for certification as a medical laboratory technician.
1. Understanding the Self
Curriculum comes from the Latin word currere which means 2. Readings in Philippine History
to run. 3. The Contemporary World
According to the Glossary of Educational Reforms, curriculum 4. Mathematics in the Modern World
refers to the knowledge and skills students are expected to 5. Purposive Communication
learn, which include learning standards or learning objectives 6. The Life and Works of Rizal
they expected to meet; 7. Science, Technology, and Society
8. Art Appreciation
Curriculum refers to the means and materials with which 9. Ethics
students interact for the purpose of achieving identified
educational outcomes. Professional courses are taken for learners to develop the
knowledge, technical competence, professional attitude, and
According to John Dewey, curriculum is the “continuous values necessary to practice and meet demands of the
reconstruction, moving from the child’s present experience profession. Some of the professional courses are
out into that represented by the organized bodies of truth
that we call studies… the various studies… are themselves 1. Principles of Medical Laboratory Science 1: Introduction to
experience-they are that of the race.” Medical Laboratory Science, Laboratory Safety, and Waste
The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) was established This course deals with the basic concepts and
on May 18, 1994 through the passage of Republic Act No. principles related to the Medical Technology/Medical
7722, the Higher Education Act of 1992. CHED is the Laboratory Science profession. Its emphasis is on the
government agency under the Office of the President of the curriculum, practice of the profession, clinical laboratories,
Philippines that covers institutions of higher education both continuing professional education, biosafety practices, and
public and private. waste management.
Under CHED is the Technical Committee for Medical
Technology Education (TCMTE) which is composed of leading 2. Principles of Medical Laboratory Science 2: Clinical
academicians and practitioners responsible for assisting the Laboratory Assistance and Phlebotomy
Commission in setting standards among institutions offering Clinical Laboratory Assistance encompasses the
Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/Medical concepts and principles of the different assays performed in
Laboratory Science program and in monitoring and the clinical laboratory. Phlebotomy deals with the basic
evaluating such institutions.
concepts, Principles, and application of the standard Some of the procedures and tests that students
procedures in the blood collection, transport, and processing. perform for the laboratory component of the course in
a school-based laboratory are
3. Community and Public Heath for MT/MLS Preparation of culture media
This course involves the study of the foundation of
Collection of specimen
community health that include human ecology, demography,
and epidemiology. It emphasize the promotion of Preparation of bacterial smear
community, public, and environmental health and the Staining of smear
immersion and interaction of students with people in the Inoculation of specimen on culture media
community. Characterization of colonies of bacteria growing in
culture media
4. Cytogenetics 8. Clinical Parasitology
This course is focused on the study of the concepts This course is concerned with the study of
and principles of heredity and inheritance which include animal parasites in humans and their medical
genetic phenomena, sex determination, and genetic defects
significance in the country. Its emphasis is on the
rooted in inheritance, among others. It also discusses the
pathophysiology, epidemiology, life cycle, prevention
abnormalities and genetic disorders involving the
chromosomes and nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). Emphasis is and control, and the identification of ova and/or adult
given to the analysis of nucleic acids and their application to worms and other forms seen in specimens submitted
medical science. for diagnostic purposes.
Research 1: Introduction to Laboratory Science
It deals with the basic concepts and principles
of research as applied in Medical Technology/Clinical
Laboratory Science.