Diagnostic Test
Diagnostic Test
Diagnostic Test
Department of Education
Division of __________________
District of __________________
PROJECT ____________
Reading is the key to skillful learning and better living. The learners
who read well develop a better understanding and effective adjustment towards life's
situations. When the learners understand what they read they could identify, classify,
build, organize, synthesize, make adjustments and arrived at proper decisions. Poor
reading performance is one of the various problems that a teacher encountered as
she teaches, therefore, it is a vital task of all concerned especially the teachers to
improve the quality of instruction to help the slow readers and readers at-risks
acquire the basic knowledge and skills in reading which could be utilized as avenues
to undertake other subject areas prescribed in the curriculum. Project ____________
was created to strengthen the reading ability of pupils at risk in reading using various
teacher-made exercises suited to the needs of pupils.
Results showed that there is a significant difference between the MPS gained
in the Diagnostics test administered among the ____ (number of
respondents/participants). The test revealed that the participants were unable to
easily recognize the words given to them. Thus, the school designs Project _______
to improved their reading skills.
3. Embracing
reading even
at home with
the guidance
of parents,
sisters or
brothers, etc.
Phase III
Post 1.To evaluate the 1.Evaluation Remedial Furnish post November Report on
Implementation improvement of of students’ reading test oral and Mean and
the students’ reading level. teachers written reading Proficiency
reading and test. Level
proficiency. students,
Prepared by:
School Reading Coordinator
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of ___________
District of __________
Read the story and then answer the question below.
Max reads more than anyone he knows. He loves to read during all of his
free time. His friends tease him because he would rather read than play video
games, but his parents and his teachers are proud of him. They say reading is
important, and it will help him learn about the world around him. They also tell him it
is a good habit to read on a regular basis. One day Max was reading a magazine
article about volcanoes. He told his friends all about volcanoes and what causes
them to erupt. The very next week, his class was assigned a science project about
volcanoes. Guess who everyone wanted in their project group? Max’s friends weren’t
teasing him anymore. Max ended up being in a group with Liz, Anna and Josh. The
assignment was to create a poster board with information about volcanoes and to
build a volcano model. Max made copies of the magazine article about volcanoes so
his project partners could read about them too. They also went to the library to look
for more information about volcanoes.
The group met at Anna’s house that night to organize the information and
decide what they wanted to put on the poster board. They all asked Max what he
thought was most important. Then they decided on the following together. What
causes volcanoes to erupt? The release of pressure when magma rises up through
cracks in the Earth’s crust causes volcanoes to erupt. How do volcanoes form? Lava
from eruptions cools and forms new crust. The crust builds up after several eruptions
to form a volcano. How hot is lava? Lava can get as hot as 1,165 Fahrenheit. The
next night they met at Josh’s house to build their volcano. They used cardboard and
modeling clay. First they made a volcano shape with the cardboard, and then they
covered the shape in brown and red clay. The red was lava flowing down the
volcano. They also attached red clay to the top of the volcano to make it look like it
was erupting. The volcano looked great. Max, Liz, Anna and Josh were very proud of
their hard work. When they turned in their project, their teacher was proud too.
Thanks to Max’s good habit, they earned an A+ on both parts of the project.