d100 Wild Magic

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d100 WILD MAGIC A small songbird pops into existence in mid-flight 10

A caster teleports 25 ft. to the left of their location. A trail feet above the caster. Roll a d20. On a 1, the bird poops
of fire appears from their starting position to their and it lands on the caster. On a 20, the bird poops and it
1 teleported position. 25 lands on the target of the spell.
2 The spell fails to take effect... until 1d4 rounds later. 26 The caster develops severe claustrophobia for 1d4 hours.
Something Fishy: the caster is left smelling of fish. The
target of the spell also smells of fish. If the spell affects A sinkhole, 20 feet deep and 10 feet in diameter, appears
an area, the area smells of fish. If the spell produces a 27 at a random location within 100 feet of the caster.
projectile the projectile becomes a fish(no change to
3 damage type). 28 The caster gets the hiccups, which last for 1d6 minutes.

4 All the players randomly change bodies for 1d4 rounds. Any non-magical pouches or containers on the caster’s
It rains literal cats and dogs for one round, causing 1d4 29 person tear open and spill their contents onto the ground.
bludgeon damage to any creature hit by a dog and 1d6 Around the caster spawns 10 frogs, all of them are
5 slashing damage to any creature hit by a cat. 30 passive.
Feathers - The caster hair follicle's sprout feathers of one 31 Around the caster spawns 10 rats, all of them hostile.
type and in the next round, these fall off, or fly away and A lit birthday candle appears before the caster. In front of
a round after, they sprout different feathers. This effect the candle is a note. The note reads “blow the candle out
lasts a number of turns = d6+spell level . So the caster 32 to make a wish.
6 was casting Chain Lightning a 6th level spell. 6d6 turns. A tiny elemental of the caster’s choice appears as a
A genie offers the caster a Wish, but refuses to grant it 33 familiar.
7 and disappears.
Fog seeps up from the ground, obscuring everything
8 The caster can see one round into the future. 34 within a 20' radius of the target, or caster, for 1d4 rounds.
Everyone in a 3d6 foot radius has to make a DC 15 Con The next person the caster physically touches takes 1d6
9 save or falls asleep for 1d4 rounds. 35 lightning damage.
2d8 gp fly out of the casters hands. 2d8 of them hit (if The caster grows an extra finger on one of their hands. A
the second roll exceeds the first, they all hit), dealing remove curse spell or a successful DC20 medicine check
10 1d4-1 bludgeoning damage each. 36 can remove the finger.
The caster and the target both get an intense sense of The spell is unexpectedly loud and everyone within 10
11 kinship and refuse to fight each other for 1d4 rounds. feet of you (including you) takes 1d6 thunder damage
The caster loses containment of his or her magical 37 and the spell can be heard 600 feet away.
power, which all goes pouring out to the nearest creature. The casters eyes catch on fire and their hands are
The caster expends all his or her remaining spell slots covered in ice crystals. Any unarmed attack deals an
and sorcery points, adding all the spell levels together 38 additional 1d4 cold damage for 1d4 rounds.
(with each sorcery point counting as 1 level). The target
39 Caster's race changes every day for the next week.
takes 1d6 force damage for each spell level expended
Both caster must make a DC 15 Wis save. On failure,
this way. If this damage kills the target, the leftover
40 they drop whatever they are holding.
damage continues to the next closest creature, and so on
12 until all damage has been applied. 41 Caster knows a new language, chosen by the DM.
The spell builds up at the users magical implement, 42 Any loose objects move 10ft closer to caster.
charging. The spell is not cast this turn, but next, dealing 43 Caster's hair changes color.
13 double damage to those hit. After casting the spell, the caster hears strange whispers
A force explodes out in a ring around the caster, in an unknown language for 1d20 minutes. Occasionally
knocking everybody back 5 feet (Fort save DC14, range the whispers seem to go quiet, as though they know
14 25ft) 44 someone is listening.
15 The caster begins to glow. (As Light spell, no save) After 1d4 rounds of casting the spell, a bear intent on
The caster loses control of their bladder. Constitution violence towards the party, and with knowledge of their
16 save DC18 or they urinate on the spot. 45 whereabouts, is summoned 200 feet away.
The user is driven mad by the spell, causing them to go Five Violet Fungus sprout up from the ground and begin
17 into a barbarian rage for one minute. 46 attacking the party when the spell is cast.
Your shadow detaches from you and becomes a shadow A Couatl, sensing a spell being cast, swoops within 10
18 (the creature). feet of the party's heads, and flies away after examining
You flash with golden light that seems to hang in the air 47 the magic cast.
around you. Everyone caught in this light (20 foot The caster experienced extreme discomfort in their
radius) receives double healing and cannot lie for the stomach for 1d4 turns before finally releasing a
19 next 10 turns (one minute outside combat). monstrous belch for another 1d4 turns. This belch
The world seems to dim and plants seem to wilt around functions as per the description of the spell Gust of
you. Everybody in a 20 foot radius takes double damage Wind, with the direction of the wind being whichever
from necrotic damage and take one point of exhaustion 48 direction the caster is facing.
on any critical failures for the next 10 turns (one minute
20 outside combat). For the next 24 hours, the caster’s nose grows outwards
by 1 inch every time they knowingly tell a lie. The nose
You feel very attractive... All unsecured objects and 49 returns to it’s previous size once the duration is up.
21 creatures in a 100 ft radius moves towards you by 5 feet. For the next hour, the caster bursts into a fit of evil,
You feel like you really need to sneeze. Make a maniacal laughter every time they open their mouth.
constitution saving throw with a DC of 10+your spell Each time they do so, they must make a DC 13 Wisdom
casting modifier. On a failure, you sneeze, and saving throw or be compelled to pull a minor prank of
involuntarily cast prismatic spray (without consuming a some kind. The nature of the prank is at the player’s
spell slot) in the direction you are facing. On a successful discretion, so long as it is suitably mischevious and
22 save, you sneeze normally, without any ill effects. 50 harmless.
The world seems to slow to a crawl around you. You get Every writing in a 10-foot radius of the caster
23 to take 1 additional action. immediately transforms into incredibly petty criticism of
The smell of cinnamon fills the area in a 30-foot radius the caster. If the caster reads any of it, they must make a
24 around the caster. DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or believe whatever minor
51 putdown the writing describes.
A chorus of ethereal voices congratulate the caster on thin creature. No negative effects purely cosmetic, can be
casting the spell and compliment the quality of both the reversed with remove curse.
casting and the spell itself. Anytime the caster uses
magic within an hour of the casting of the original spell, 79 The casters eyes and veins glow in the dark for 1d6 days.
they are met with the murmured approval and A weapon within 30 feet of caster becomes sentient, it's
52 commentary of the voices. always grumbling about being dirty and grants
You immediately grow a bunch of body hair that falls off disadvantage to the user if they don't spend an hour a day
53 after a day. 80 cleaning it.
Instead of the fireball you were expecting, you begin The caster rolls 1d2. 1 = the age 1d10 years. 2 = they
summoning countless cabbages, pouring out in a cone in 81 lose 1d10 years.
54 front of you. Any object or being that the caster touches for 1d10
Instead of doing any damage the full points of damage rounds ( 1 minute out of combat) turns to leaves for 1d10
55 would heal the person instead. 82 minutes.
Instead of the cone of ice you wanted, a disgruntled 6 If the caster is using a spell casting focus, it grows 100
inch pixie appears, flies up to you, punches you in the 83 times heavier for one minute.
forehead, sprinkles you with a dust that makes you The casters eyes flash with a strange color. To the caster,
sneeze violently, and then vanishes in a puff of neon pink everybody's skin and muscles are transparent, revealing
56 and orange glitter. 84 their organs. This lasts for 1 minute.
The somatic components for the song are replaced with Magical silence falls in a 50 ft radius that lasts for 10
the theme song to friends, and the hand-gestures are the 85 minutes.
57 clapping. All noises the caster makes for the next minute are x100
They grow rabbit ears that give them advantage on all 86 times louder.
58 perception rolls for 1 hour.
The caster's eyes glow and they're able to see in the dark 87 The next piece of metal the caster touches turns to gold.
but the glow allows everything in the darkness to see 88 All water in a 50 ft radius evaporates instantly.
59 them. A small lead figure of the caster in the exact pose they
60 The cast vomits up a huge slug after casting the spell. were in appears in mid air and falls to the ground.
The caster's arms disappear and are replaced with mist- Despite being so small, it weighs exactly as much as the
limbs. They can only lift up to ten pounds but can fit 89 caster.
under doors, open non-magical locks, and even cool hot The caster suddenly witnesses a memory from one of
61 metals. Lasts for 1d10 minutes. 90 their ancestors.
The target for the spell becomes immobilized for 1 The casters hair disappears, reappearing 1d6 days later,
62 round, and until they succeed in a con save (DC 10). 91 washed, braided and decorated with flowers.
The target is effect by the same spell twice. The caster Instead of the effect you were intending, there is a burst
still uses one spell slot. If the first casting is within the of silent and illusionary fireworks in a 100 foot radius
caster's control (ploy morph, alter self), the second effect around you, and all creatures affected by them are
63 is totally random. 92 stunned until their next turn.
The caster spits glitter when he talks. It gets everywhere. Instead of the intended effect, 10d10 trees in the area
The effect ends after 1 minute but the glitter never goes grow mouths, and begin singing for 1d8 rounds. If the
64 away. original spell was supposed to be a spell of healing, the
The first person who says the casters name then has total song is a rousing chorus that washes away fatigue and
65 mental control over them for 1d4 rounds. ends any emotional (fear, charm, etc.) effect that is
Target turns into a marble figurine of itself. When the currently afflicting any that hear it. If the original spell
figurine is activated (by throwing it into an unoccupied was supposed to be an attack spell, the song is an
space) it transforms back into its living form and is irresistible tune that catches up all that hear it into
66 hostile towards all creatures. singing it with the trees, and all the attitudes of the
Any keratin on the caster's body (hair, nails, feathers, combatants is changed to neutral towards each other
67 some skin, horns, hooves, etc...) turn a vibrant hue. when the song ends. If the spell was supposed to be
anything else, the song is a soothing song that makes the
68 The caster spontaneously combusts.
listeners sleepy, making it hard to take reactionary
The caster is launched ten feet into the air and falls back
93 attacks until the song ends.
69 down.
In front of the caster a portal, no larger than a fist, opens
70 Caster turns into massive oak tree. to the realm of infinite (insert desired liquid here). That
All the PCs and NPCs including monsters change places, liquid begins to pour out uncontrollably for 1 rnd / caster
71 rotate places 1d4 spots clockwise 94 level.
The caster's hair grows very rapidly, if male, so does the
95 The caster casts grease centered on self.
beard. It grows to about 2meters length, and turns purple,
The caster is trapped in a giant glass ball. Must be
72 green or blue.
96 broken to be freed.
Bubbles sprout from the casters mouth every time he
73 exales, lasts 1 hour. 97 The caster sees everyone as a decaying corpse for 24h.
74 Next book the caster reads, has him/her as protagonist 98 The caster becomes a potted plant until start of next turn.
1d8 medium sized purple tentacles rise from the ground. The caster has max damage on the spell they were
They are semi-sentinel and not aligned to caster nor foe. 99 casting.
75 They attempt to grapple anything within range (DC 14) 100 The caster gains 50 lbs.
Irregardless of the amount of time that passes in game
the caster of this spell can see and hear all that happens
in the real world surrounding the player of said character
76 for the next 1d6 minutes per level of spell cast.
The caster and target switch classes but retain their
respective level, if the target does not have a class then
the caster switches classes with the closest humanoid
77 with one.
In the next 1d6 hours the caster grows 1d6 feet, but gains
78 no mass, so a halfling would become an extremely tall

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