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Ijaerv13n21 08
Ijaerv13n21 08
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
Corresponding author, 1*Orcid: 0000-0001-9409-8341
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 21 (2018) pp. 14886-14892
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
Additionally, an energy management system is required for there would not be a continuous and reliable service. Therefore,
residential, industrial and commercial users that adjust to the the Distributed Hybrid Energy System (DHES) offers to
needs of incorporating DG, DER, MG and SG. This integrate DER and distributed energy storage technologies
management unit is called Distribution Management System (such as battery systems) that can store enough energy and can
(DMS) and comes from the need to implement technological be used in scarcity periods [12].
support that makes decisions and enables an effective and
Management of Smart Grids
efficient integration [9].
The management of the network is analyzed from four points
The goals of the DMS are to control, optimize, analyze and plan
of view: generation, transmission, distribution, management
the network’s operation as well as design the supply chain.
and control of the electric network. The challenges found in
each aspect show some barriers that are arise in the migration
from traditional electric networks to smart grids.
When microgrids (MG) are integrated into the electrical
system, the offered energy must be planned from the dispatch
centers whether it is produced from microgrids or large
stations. In the case of Colombia, in [2] a modification of the
offering mechanisms is proposed along with the creation of an
intradaily market. The purpose is to plan paths of action
oriented towards creating adequate and favorable conditions for
the participation of MG and harness DER. This offer will be
made based on the hourly generation forecasts.
Additionally, MG that cannot generate energy over periods of
time shall receive support from power systems. These changes
in the state of MG shall be made automatically in order to
guarantee an electricity service of quality for the users [13].
Figure 1. Interaction between actors in different domains of
the Smart Grid through Secure Communication Flows and Transmission
Electric Flows. Source [8] The different nodes of the electric system shall include
interconnected DG systems that shall produce technical issues
for the transportation and distribution networks. Such issues
shall be related with difficulties in voltage control, reactive
PROBLEMS FOR SMART GRID AND MICROGRID power management, reduction of the efficacy in electric
INTEGRATION INTO THE CONVENTIONAL protection strategies plus the negative impact in energy quality.
ELETRIC NETWORK Perhaps the biggest challenge that limits the proliferation of DG
lies in the control of the voltage levels in the nodes [14][15].
This section discusses the challenges of determining the This implies that an adequate operation is necessary to remotely
location, size and configuration of a renewable power plant, the control the voltage of nodes in order to maintain the balance of
generation forecasts and the management and control in the the electric system and assure that the power parameters are
integration of SG and MG into the conventional electric within the limits set by different standards.
network. Said challenges are now described.
Location, size and configuration of a renewable power
plant Distribution networks were designed for unidirectional energy
flows and not to ease the penetration of DG. As a result, the
To determine the location, size and configuration of renewable distribution units that are stationed in inappropriate places,
power plants, algorithms are required to optimize the available where generation does not meet the demand or surpasses the
area since one of the characteristics of renewable power plants network’s capacity, can have negative effects such as reverse
is that they take on a large extension of terrain in order to power flows, increases in voltage, degradation of the quality of
generate some megawatts (MW). Optimization algorithms can the voltage waveform, injection of harmonic components in the
determine the location and size of a power plant in places where network or destabilization of the network [16][17].
the weather information is scarce [10].
The installation of bidirectional Smart measuring devices
Generation forecast allows the identification of what has been consumed and what
The generation forecast becomes a challenge due to the has been generated, in the different periods of time for the
variability of the resource used to generate. For instance, the corresponding billing. Therefore, network operators can
periods of time when the wind flow is continuous cannot be properly charge for the real consumption of each participant of
predicted for wind energy systems or when solar radiation is the system.
optimal for photovoltaic solar systems [11]. This uncertainty in
the prediction process turns systems into inefficient because
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 21 (2018) pp. 14886-14892
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) When all ants have completed the solution, the traces are
updated according to equation (2).
In general, ants tend to leave pheromones in the environment
when looking for food. When they manage to find food, they 𝜏𝑥𝑦 ← (1 − p)𝜏𝑥𝑦 + ∑ 𝛥𝜏𝑥𝑦 (2)
deploy even more pheromones on their way back to the nest 𝑘
with the purpose of guiding the other ants. The next ants will
Where, 𝜏𝑥𝑦 is the number of pheromones deposited for a
then optimize the path since they will take the path that requires 𝑘
the lowest effort. The pheromones gradually disappear and the transition state xy, p is the pheromone coefficient and 𝛥𝜏𝑥𝑦 is
most recent cells remain. Figure 3 describes the optimization the number of pheromones deposited by the k ant, often given
process with the ant colony method. by the Travelling Salesman Problem.
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 21 (2018) pp. 14886-14892
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
obtain the following generation of individuals that is more with no restrictions, although it can be used to solve
adapted to survive than the previous generation [24]. combinatory problems [28].
The genes in GA are the design variables and the chromosome There are three classifications for bees: worker, spectator and
represents a potential solution. Possible solutions are saved explorer. First, the worker bees seek food and when they find
after each iteration. When calculating the value of the physical it, they return to the hive. Then, the spectator bees can trace
aptitude (that is determined through an assessment of the high quality sources of food. When the recollection ends, the
individuals of a population), two individuals are chosen to be worker bee joins the explorer bees that constantly seek food.
modified with genetic operators, including crossing and The spectator and worker bees are modelled with the
mutation, to create a new generation [25]. exploitation method while the explorer bees are modelled with
the exploration technique. The catch in the BCA method is that
Figure 3 shows the operation of a basic genetic algorithm.
it is good for exploration yet it lacks the exploitation factor [25].
Taboo Search (TS)
The taboo search (TS) introduced by Glover in 1986 is a meta-
heuristic approach that tackles combinatory optimization
problems. More precisely, TS is an extension of local search
classic methods that can be interpreted as the combination of
local search with short term memories. Two basic elements of
TS are the definition of its search space and its neighborhood
structure. The search space is defined as the space containing
all possible solutions that can be visited during the search
process. Regarding the neighborhood structure in each iteration
of the algorithm, the local transformation that can be applied to
the current solution defines a set of neighboring solutions in the
search space, i.e. the neighbor of the current solution. In fact,
the environment of the current solution is a subset of the search
space of all possible solutions obtained by adopting a unique
local transformation for the present solution [25].
Figure 3. Genetic algorithm i: Initialization, f(X):
Assessment, ?: End condition, Se: Selection, Cr: Crossing, Meta-heuristic hybrid method
Mu: Mutation, Re: Replacement, X*: Best solution.
The implementation of two or more optimization algorithms
Source [26]
carries superior advantages in comparison to the individual
implementation. Therefore, the hybrid implementation has had
a growing trend in its use. However, hybrid algorithms can be
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
a hybrid of two or more meta-heuristics or a hybrid of meta-
The optimization with particle swarm, better known in heuristics and traditional optimization approaches [29].
scientific literature with the PSO acronym is a stochastic
method of evolutional computation inspired in the social
behavior of organisms such as flocks of birds or school of fishes APPLICATIONS
In [30], Roberto and Thiago present an algorithm based in ACO
Particles represent possible solutions. PSO are based on for the optimal allocation of distributed generation in medium
swarms and uses a set of particles to seek the best solutions. power electric networks. The problem is solved with the
Then, the best experience of particles and swarms is followed purpose of minimizing the real power losses, considering the
in which the algorithm recollects the best location and speed of installation costs of the generators. The ant algorithm has been
each particle. The movement of the particles is followed as the tested in a radial distribution system of 33 energized bars at
particles move until the end criterion is met, which is an optimal 12.66 kV (see Figure 4) and nine options of distributed
acceptable solution or a given number of iterations [27]. generation that can be used several times throughout all 32 bars
(without including the bar linked to the substation). The results
Bee Colony Algorithm (BCA)
show the efficiency of the methodology presented by managing
The algorithm of artificial bee colonies was proposed by Dervis to reduce the losses in active energy by a 59.66%. Furthermore,
Karaboga in 2005 and is based on the foraging behavior of bees its robustness is shown with a good quality solution,
and originally designed for numerical optimization problems significantly reducing the losses and improving the voltage
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 21 (2018) pp. 14886-14892
© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com
In [31], Wang Pu plans to reduce the energy consumption of a algorithm is used to solve the optimization problem in real time,
train line between the Yizhuang and Beijing stations, which are while the limitations of the distribution system, the
separated by 2682 meters and have an execution time of 185 photovoltaic inverters and the PHEV are considered. The
seconds. An optimization method based in a golden ratio simulation results in the distribution system with 33 bars prove
genetic algorithm is proposed. In first place, the train model is the effectiveness of the proposed method in mitigating the
established. In second place, the optimal operation strategy of voltage fluctuations for a PV generation profile with strong
the subway train is analyzed with different tracks. Then, the variations.
golden ratio genetic algorithm (GR-GA) is proposed to solve
the problem, seeking the optimal energy transfer position for
the train. The results show that the algorithm has a better CONCLUSIONS
optimization result in comparison to the traditional genetic
Optimization algorithms are an important tool in the search for
approach. It improves savings by 14.2%.
technical solutions and financial improvements in different
Furthermore, in [32], Elbaset defines the optimal and efficient scenarios and integration processes of distributed generation
design of a wind energy park in a determined territory into current electric networks and smart grids. Therefore,
interconnected to the electric network. This implies several scientists are recommended to proceed with these
complex optimization problems. Multi-target functions are developments in order to make these technologies more
shown, based on PSO techniques for an optimal distribution of accessible for all users and promote the efficient use of energy.
the farm in a place near Zaafrana, in the Suez Golf. To begin
with, the target function has to find an optimal number of wind
turbines to produce a specific annual demand of energy. Then, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
the effect of the trail is minimized to achieve an optimal
placement of the wind turbines based on binary PSO. The authors of this article wish to acknowledge Colciencias and
Furthermore, the optimal number of suppliers is calculated in the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas for funding
order to minimize the generated cost per kilowatt-hour. The resources to develop this research.
trail loss model is represented by the model based on Jensen
and the economic model is based on the concept of annual cost
of the system. A complete numerical example is detailed within REFERENCES
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© Research India Publications. http://www.ripublication.com