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Topic:- Report on Address Book

Using Python

Under Guidance
Imran Shaikh

Names of Students
1. Momin Rayyan (1916080067)
2. Faizal afzal Siddiqui (1916080071)
3. Ansari Aeraf (1916080076)
4. Dalvi Usaid (1916080059)
A contact book or address book is an application that stores the
information (name, address, contact no, etc.) of people that you save in
it. You can also edit and delete the contact.
Making of the Project The Address Book project is simply in python.
Taking about the features of this system, the user can make the list of
contacts with their name, address, and keep them as records. You just
have to type the contact information in the text fields and click on the
add button to add the information on the record.
An address book or a name and address book is a book or
a database used for storing entries called contacts. Each contact entry
usually consists of a few standard fields (for example: first name, last
name, company name, address, telephone number, e-
mail address, fax number, mobile phone number). Most such systems
store the details in alphabetical order of people's names, although
in paper-based address books entries can easily end up out of order as
the owner inserts details of more individuals or as people move. Many
address books use small ring binders that allow adding, removing and
shuffling of pages to make room.

Address Book Python Project

The objective of this project is to create an Address book using python in
which the user can add a new contact, edit and delete existing contact and
view all the contact.

In this python project for beginners, the user has to click on a button which
functions the user wants to access eg –

To edit a contact, the user has to first select a contact then click on view
button then edit the contact and then click on edit button.

To add a new contact user has to click on the add button.

Project prerequisite
We build the address book project with the help of Tkinter module and
basic python concept.

Tkinter is a standard GUI library for rendering graphics

To install the library we use the pip install command in the command

In this step we import libraries. Here, we need to import tkinter module

These are the step to build a contact book python project:
1. Importing module
2. Initializing window
3. Define buttons
4. Define functions

Let’s start building the project

1. Importing module

In this step we import libraries. Here, we need to import tkinter module

2. Initializing window

 Tk()
Use to initialized tkinter

 geometry()
Sets the window width and height

 title()
Used to set window’s tiltle

 resizable(0,0)
This command stop window to resize

 bg
Use to set the background color of the window

 Contacts’ information is stored in contactlist

 Frame is like a container that is used to organized widgets
 Here Scrollbar widget and Listbox widget is used to allow users to
select from many options
3. Define functions
Function Used

 Selected()
Function used to return selected value

 Addcontact()
Function used to add new contact

 EDIT()
Function will edit existing contact

Function will delete selected contact

 VIEW()
Function will view selected contact

 EXIT()
Used to destroy mainloop

Will set the name and number field to empty string

 Select_set()
Will sort the manage the contactlist and also used in other functions
4. Define buttons and labels

 Label()
Widget used when we want to display text

 Entry()
Widget used when we want to create an input text field.

 Button()
Widget used to display button

 root is the name of our window

 text which display on the label as title of that label
 font in which form the text will be write
 textvariable used to retrieve the text to entry widget
 place() – place widgets at specific position
 command called the specific function when the button will clicked
Software Requirements
 Windows 7
 Visual Studio Code
 IDLE 3.10
 64 bit Operating System

Hardware Components:
 Processor – Core i5
 Hard Disk – 50 GB
 Memory – 2GB RAM


We successfully develop the Address book in python. We use tkinter

library for rendering graphics. We use a random library to generate
random choices.
We learn how to create buttons widget and also learn how to call the
function using buttons. In this way, we created Address book project
using python. I hope you enjoyed.
Source Code
Project Output

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