Astm A385-A385m-20
Astm A385-A385m-20
Astm A385-A385m-20
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: A385/A385M − 20
between them can produce a coating as shown in Fig. 2, which 3.5 A problem with steel chemistry is not usually apparent
typically would have a mottled or dull gray appearance. The until after an item has been galvanized. Not all combinations of
values of silicon in the mill test reports of steel can give an silicon, phosphorus, carbon, and manganese can be galvanized
indication of the reactivity of the steel in the hot-dip galvaniz- successfully. When the steel chemistry is known beforehand,
ing process but are not a guarantee. The best practice is to experienced galvanizers can in some, but not all, instances
galvanize test pieces to get a better indication of the reactivity exercise limited control over the coatings as shown in Fig. 2.
of the steel. Also, the combination of two different steel types or thick-
3.3 These elements manifest their structural effect as an nesses in one item may result in a nonuniform galvanizing
accelerated growth of the compound layers, particularly the finish. The experience of the steel supplier, designer,
zeta layer, and the virtual elimination of the eta layer. manufacturer, and galvanizer should determine the steel selec-
Cosmetically, this accelerated growth is seen as a gray matte tion.
finished coating as opposed to the usual bright and smooth 3.6 In general, galvanized coatings are specified because of
appearance of galvanized coatings. Sometimes, a large surface their corrosion resistance, not because of their appearance. The
may have adjacent areas of matte finish and bright finish relative corrosion resistance of the normal and abnormal
leading to a mottled appearance. coatings is, for all practical purposes, equal.
3.4 There is some evidence that the coatings resulting from 3.7 Steels with very low levels of silicon (less than 0.02 %)
this accelerated growth are more brittle and less adherent than and aluminum-killed steels regularly present a challenge in
normal coatings. There is also evidence that these coatings are developing a galvanized coating that meets the thickness
subject to a premature red staining in atmospheric exposure; requirements of Specifications A123/A123M or A153/A153M.
however, this staining has been found not to be associated with Phosphorus (less than 0.020 %) can also exhibit low coating
corrosion of the substrate steel. thicknesses. For these steels, it may be difficult to meet the
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A385/A385M − 20
coating thickness requirements of Specifications A123/A123M TABLE 1 Vent Holes for Overlapped Areas for Steels 1⁄2 in.
or A153/A153M. In these cases, the galvanizer and the [12.75 mm] or Less in Thickness
purchaser should agree on a plan of action. Some choices are Overlapped Area in.2 [cm 2] Vent Holes Unwelded Area
under 16 [103] None None
to accept the lower coating thickness, apply a paint coating 16 [103] to under 64 [413] One 3⁄8 in. [1 cm] 1 in. [2.5 cm]
over the galvanized coating (Duplex System), blast clean the 64 [413] to under 400 [2580] One 1⁄2 in. [1.25 cm] 2 in. [5.1 cm]
steel before hot-dip galvanizing to increase the coating 400 [2580] and greater, One 3⁄4 in. [1.91 cm] 4 in. [10.2 cm]
each 400 [2580]
thickness, over-pickle the steel in sulfuric acid to roughen the
surface and increase the coating thickness, or other possible
solutions. TABLE 2 Vent Holes for Overlapped Areas for Steels Greater than
1⁄2 in. [12.75 mm] in Thickness
4. Assemblies of Different Materials or Different Surfaces
or Both Overlapped Area in.2 [cm 2] Vent Holes Unwelded Area
under 16 [103] None None
4.1 Whenever possible, assemblies should consist of ele- 16 [103] to under 64 [413] None None
64 [413] to under 400 [2580] One 1⁄2 in. [1.25 cm] 2 in. [5.1 cm]
ments of similar steel chemistry and surface condition. 400 [2580] and greater, One ⁄4 in. [1.91 cm]
3 4 in. [10.2 cm]
4.2 Whenever different analyses of steel or different sur- each 400 [2580]
faces of steel are united in an assembly, the galvanized finish is
not generally uniform in appearance. These differences in-
4.2.1 Excessively rusted surfaces.
4.2.2 Pitted surfaces.
4.2.3 Machined surfaces.
4.2.4 Cast iron (especially with sand inclusion).
4.2.5 Cast steel.
4.2.6 Malleable iron.
4.2.7 Hot-rolled steel.
4.2.8 Cold-rolled steel. FIG. 3 Rolled Surfaces
4.2.9 Steel containing chemical elements in excess of those
recommended in 3.2.
4.3 Where combinations are unavoidable, thorough abrasive
blasting of the entire assembly will normally improve galva- becomes volatile at the galvanizing temperature and will
nizing quality. generate gas which will prevent zinc from sealing the contact
edges. All steel should be degreased before pickling and in the
5. Overlapping or Contacting Surfaces case of folded assemblies, before folding and assembling (see
5.1 Overlapping or contacting surfaces that have not had all Fig. 4).
edges seal welded are undesirable.
5.2 When the distance between the overlapping surfaces is 7. Weld Flux Removal and Welding Rods
less than 3⁄32 in. [2.38 mm], these surfaces will not normally be 7.1 Welding flux residues are chemically inert in normal
wet by molten zinc. Furthermore, cleaning solution compounds pickling solutions. Thus, they will not be removed by standard
that remain on these surfaces volatilize during the galvanizing galvanizing cleaning techniques and are best removed at the
process and may interfere with zinc wetting in adjacent areas. time of fabrication by grit or sand-blasting or by a wire needle
Such uncoated surfaces cause a rust staining after exposure to gun.
the environment. Traditionally however, steel grating has been 7.2 It is desirable to choose a welding rod with a chemical
manufactured without seal welding and when properly composition as close as possible to the parent metal.
executed, this manufacturing means has permitted the galva-
nized coating to satisfy the quality requirements of the appli- 7.3 Welding rods high in silicon may cause excessively
cable ASTM specifications. thick or darkened coatings or both to form in the welded area.
5.3 When the overlap surface area is large and the edges
have been seal welded, air or moisture, or both, entrapped
therein can develop destructive pressures when the assembly is
heated to the galvanizing temperature, which is nominally
850 °F [454 °C]. Vent holes or unwelded area around the
adjoining surfaces should be provided through one or both
sides into the lapped area in accordance with the following
6. Sheet Steel Rolled Over a Wire or Rod Stiffener
6.1 All oil or grease should be removed from both the sheet
steel and wire or rod before rolling (see Fig. 3). Grease or oil FIG. 4 Folded Surfaces
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A385/A385M − 20
8. Flame Cut Cope Edges Preparation
8.1 Flame cut copes on beams can be extremely sensitive to
residual stresses in the steel beam and, with the rough surface
from the flame cutting operation, can be sources of cracking
during the thermal cycling of the hot-dip galvanizing process.
The steel beams start near ambient temperature then are
immersed in the molten zinc and heated to above 800 °F for
usually 5 to 10 min. The steel beams are then cooled back to
ambient temperature so the thermal cycling can create thermal
stresses in the area of the cope.
8.2 One method that has had fairly good success at mini-
mizing the cracking at the edges of the flame cut cope is to
weld a bead along the sides of the cope in the area where the
flame cutting was done before hot-dip galvanizing. This
welding operation will reheat the area and may relieve some of NOTE 1—Strengthening gussets in channel sections should be cropped
for zinc drainage.
the residual stress near the cope edges. The weld bead will not FIG. 5 Cropped Corners—Channel Sections
eliminate all incidents of cracking but will greatly reduce the
likelihood of cracking.
8.3 The weld rod material should be chosen as described in
Section 7.
12. Design Recommendations for Providing for the Free NOTE 1—Crop corners of gussets on fabricated columns.
Flow of Cleaning Solutions, Fluxes, Air, and Zinc FIG. 6 Cropped Corners—Fabricated Columns
12.1 All fabricated assemblies shall be so designed with
vent and drain holes such that no air is trapped during the each side of each intersection. The vent openings shall be a
immersion of the assemblies into cleaning solutions or molten minimum of 3⁄8 in. [1 cm] in diameter or 25 % of the diameter
zinc. Similarly, these holes shall allow all solutions and molten of the pipe that is used, whichever is larger (see Fig. 8) and
zinc to drain freely from the assemblies. Failure to follow this shall be located as described above. Fabricated pipework
practice will result in areas that will not galvanize properly, or designs containing five or more horizontal components or rails
that may retain entrapped flux or excessive amounts of zinc. (see Fig. 9) have a tendency to float within the zinc bath. To
12.2 Free flow of cleaning solutions and molten zinc shall mitigate against floating, external vents shall be provided with
also be provided for in assemblies of hot-rolled shapes. This is one vent hole in each side of the internal intersections (see Fig.
accomplished by cropping the corner to provide an opening 9).
with a minimum area of 0.3 in.2 [1.9 cm2] at the corners of all 12.4 Figs. 10-13 show most of the conditions encountered
stiffeners (see Fig. 5), gussets, or bracing (see Fig. 6). with tubular product assemblies. The venting shall open
12.3 Air or moisture, or both, entrapped within closed wherever possible. This is the most desirable situation. A
fabricated pipework, such as handrail, can develop destructive minimum vent opening of 25 to 30 % of the cross-sectional
pressures when heated to the galvanizing temperature. Pipe area of tubular structure shall be specified where full-open
handrail shall preferably be vented full open internally, as venting is not possible. For small cross sections, larger percent
shown in Fig. 7. In addition, there shall be one 3⁄8 in. [9.5 mm] vent openings are recommended. See attached drawings for
minimum diameter external hole at each intersection to prevent specific recommendations. In box sections (see Fig. 10) where
any possible explosions in the event that the fabricator neglects gusset plates are used, the gusset plates shall be clipped at the
to provide internal venting. This hole shall be located as close four corners. In addition, a center hole shall be provided so that
as possible to the weld bead joining the two steel pieces and the the cumulative area of the vent holes meets the recommended
edge of the hole shall be not more than 0.5 in. [12 mm] from minimum. Gusset plates shall not be spaced closer than 36 in.
the edge of the weld bead. Where internal venting is not [914 mm] apart. In the case of columns with end plates (see
possible, external vents shall be provided with one vent hole in Fig. 11) where the end plate must be closed, the shaft of the
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A385/A385M − 20
FIG. 7 Handrail
FIG. 8 Handrail—Alternative
column shall be vented. The vent opening shall be a half circle 13. Moving Parts
with its diameter at the base plate (D, Fig. 11). This is much
13.1 When a galvanized assembly incorporates moving
superior to putting a hole with the circumference of the hole
tangential to the base plate. On trusses (see Fig. 12 and Fig. 13) parts (such as drop handles, shackles, and shafts) a radial
where tubular members intersect, vent holes are recommended clearance of not less than 1⁄16 in. [1.59 mm] must be allowed to
at both sides of the intersection. ensure full freedom of movement following galvanizing.
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A385/A385M − 20
The above drawing illustrates desirable design features for fabrication of handrail containing five or more rails.
(1) Each vent hole shall be as close to the weld as possible with the edge of the hole less than 0.5 in [12 mm] from the edge of the weld bead, and not less than
3⁄8 in. [9.5 mm] in diameter. The two holes at each intersection shall be 180° apart and in the proper location as shown.
(2) Vent holes in end sections or in similar sections shall be at minimum 1⁄2 in. [12.7 mm] in diameter, but may be considered optional depending on lifting orientation
during galvanizing or to achieve higher coating quality.
(3) Any device used for erection in the field that prevents full openings on vertical legs shall be attached after galvanizing.
Vent holes shall be visible on the outside of any pipe assembly prior to hot-dip galvanizing.
13.2 Moving parts such as handles or hinges should be with the concrete materials. When embedding steel parts in
galvanized separately and assembled after galvanizing. It may concrete, the highest quality system is produced when all of the
be necessary to post heat these parts in order to have them steel parts are coated with the same corrosion protection
function freely. This heating may cause discoloration of the system. If there are galvanized parts in concrete near steel parts
galvanized coating near the heated area. with no corrosion protection, there can be active corrosion cells
whenever moisture is present. This will lessen the corrosion
14. Marking for Identification
protection offered by the galvanized coating. The highest
14.1 Paint is not removed by pickling and must not be used quality system contains all galvanized steel parts.
when marking for identification material to be galvanized.
15.2 Galvanized steel parts when placed in concrete are
14.2 Satisfactory identification may be provided by welding normally passivated either by natural weathering prior to
the identifying marks on the material, by embossing the placement, by applying a passivation coating after the hot-dip
identifying marks on a steel tag of no less than No. 12 gauge galvanizing process, or, effectively, by the presence of more
(0.105 in. [2.69 mm]) and securing to the material with a heavy than 100 PPM of chromate in the concrete mix. When no
wire such as No. 9 gauge (0.148 in. [3.76 mm]), or by die passivation layer is on the surface of the galvanized coating
stamping the identifying marks into the material with charac- and no chromates are in the concrete, there is a slight chance of
ters 1⁄2 in. [12.7 mm] high and a minimum of 1⁄32 in. [0.79 mm] a reaction between the zinc metal and the concrete water
deep. solution. The reaction between zinc metal and concrete water
14.3 All markings shall remain legible after galvanizing. solution can release small quantities of hydrogen gas bubbles.
When the concrete cover is designed to be thin and the surface
15. Galvanized Steel in Concrete area of the galvanized part in the concrete is large, these
15.1 Galvanized steel can be placed in direct contact with escaping gas bubbles could cause rough concrete surfaces.
concrete as the galvanized coating forms an excellent bond These rare situations can be avoided by allowing the parts to
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A385/A385M − 20
Drawing shows location of holes and clipped corners, which must be flush. Using the following formulas, the chart shows typical sizes of holes and
clipped corners.
Internal Gussets—Should be spaced a minimum of 36 in. [914 mm].
Box Sections—H + W = 24 in. [610 mm] or larger-Area of hole plus clips shall be at least equal 25 % of the area of the box (H × W).
Box Sections—H + W less than 24 in. to and including 16 in. [384 mm]-use 30 %.
Box Sections—H + W less than 16 in. to and including 8 in. [192 mm]-use 40 %.
Box Sections—H + W under 8 in. leave completely open; no end plates or internal gussets.
The following chart is for square box sections only. For rectangular sections, calculate required area and check with galvanizer for positioning of
Box Size H+W, in. [mm] Holes A-Diameter, in. [mm] Clipped Corners B in. [mm]
48 [1219] 8 [203] 6 [152]
36 [914] 6 [152] 5 [127]
32 [813] 6 [152] 4 [102]
28 [711] 6 [152] 3 [76]
24 [610] 5 [127] 3 [76]
20 [508] 4 [102] 3 [76]
16 [406] 4 [102] 2 [51]
12 [305] 3 [76] 2 [51]
weather for a few weeks before placement, adding chromates 16.5 For bearing connections, clearance holes in hot-dip
to the concrete, or applying a passivation layer onto the galvanized steel parts shall be standard clearance holes in
galvanized coating. accordance with the American Institute of Steel Construction
(AISC) Steel Construction Manual, Section 16.2, page 20,
16. Galvanized Nuts, Bolts, Clearance Holes, and Tapped Table 3.1. Due to the thickness of some hot-dip galvanized
Holes in Galvanized Products coatings, there may be a fit issue with galvanized bolts in
16.1 Oversize tapping or retapping of nuts and tapped holes standard clearance holes with galvanized coatings on the side
is required when the bolt or male thread is galvanized. While walls of the holes. To accommodate the thickness of the
tapping or retapping after galvanizing results in uncoated galvanized coating on bolts sized less than 1 in. [M24] in
female threads, the zinc coating on the engaged male thread nominal diameter, the clearance hole may need to be reamed to
will retard corrosion of both components. remove excess galvanized coating so that the galvanized bolt
16.2 Refer to the sections on dimensions of zinc-coated nuts will fit in the clearance hole. The fit of the bearing connection
in Specification A563. clearance hole should be checked before the galvanized part is
shipped to the job site.
16.3 Manufacturers or specifiers are cautioned to consider
the plus tolerance that has been taken on the nominal pitch 16.6 For slip-critical connections, clearance holes in hot-dip
diameter of the bolt when establishing the degree of oversize galvanized parts shall be sized 1⁄8 in. [3 mm] larger than the
tapping of the nut that is required for proper fit. nominal bolt diameter (db+1⁄8) [(db+3)] to accommodate the
16.4 Hot-formed heading or bending may cause develop- galvanized bolt without reaming. Standard clearance holes
ment of a scale that requires an extended time of pickling to sized db+1⁄8 [(db+3)] for nominal bolt diameters 1 in. [M24] or
remove. Should this occur on screws, scale removal prior to greater do not require the use of oversized holes. When
threading is desirable in order to avoid overpickling of the specifying nominal bolt diameters less than 1 in. [M24],
threaded area. clearance holes shall be oversized an additional 1⁄16 in. per
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A385/A385M − 20
FIG. 11 Pipe Columns, Pipe Girders, Street Light Poles, and Transmission Poles With Base Plates With or Without Cap Plates
AISC Steel Construction Manual, Section 16.1, Table J3.3 or galvanized coating can increase the base steel material thick-
additional 1 mm per Table J3.3M to achieve a hole dimension ness from 2.0 to over 10.0 thousandths of an inch [50 to over
of db+1⁄8 in. [(db+3)]. 250 micrometres] depending on the steel chemistry as de-
scribed in Section 3. This should be accounted for in the critical
17. Critical Dimensions
dimension design. Re-machining or otherwise reprocessing of
17.1 When an assembly of steel parts or an individual steel critical dimensions after hot-dip galvanizing may be required.
part has been designed and fabricated with critical dimensions
and must be subsequently hot-dip galvanized, the designer 18. Keywords
should be aware that the hot-dip galvanizing process uses
chemical cleaning to prepare the surfaces for coating and this 18.1 coatings-zinc; galvanized coatings; steel products-
may alter the critical dimensions. In addition, the hot-dip metallic coated; zinc coatings-steel products
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A385/A385M − 20
Committee A05 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(A385/A385M – 17) that may impact the use of this standard.
(1) Fig. 9 was added, and subsequent figures were renumbered (2) Updates were made in 16.5 and 16.6.
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if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
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