MIT Professional Education Professional Certificate in Digital Transformation ENG

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Professional Certificate Program in

Digital Transformation

Professional Certificate Program: Digital Transformation
There is not one
technology that dominates
the current landscape, all
of them complement each
other to provide data and
lead change in companies

Prof. John R. Williams

Professional Certificate Program: Digital Transformation
10 Participant Profile
11 Instructors

15 Certificate Outline

16 Methodology and Assessment

17 Impact Project

18 Impact Advisor

18 Learning Facilitators

19 Professional Development


03 In the Midst of the Digital 20 Get Your Certification

04 About the Certificate 22 About MIT Professional Education

05 Certificate Structure 23 Corporate Courses

08 The Learning Experience 24 The Beyond Online Methodology

09 Key Takeaways 25 Benefits of Joining the Alumni


Professional Certificate Program: Digital Transformation
In the Midst

of the Digital


Our world today is not simply changing. It is Business leaders must possess a global
in a process of constant evolution, which of vision and be able to inspire those around
course has tremendous effects on them, a critical skill for the successful
implementation of a diverse range of
Now, cultural diversity abounds, and the projects.

key to making an impact depends on This transformation, born from

having a strong understanding of the latest technological change, has impacted
disruptive technology. organizations both on a procedural and
cultural level.

Professional Certificate Program: Digital Transformation

this Certificate

Managers need to adopt an innovative This certificate prepares you to understand

mindset and improve their leadership the new digital paradigm of today’s
skills,both for developing and retaining technological transformation and
talent as well as for creating high- evolution, and it also provides an overview
performance teams that can adapt to any of the key technologies driving this change.
This certificate takes a practical approach
The Professional Certificate Program in intended to help you become an active part
Digital Transformation is MIT Professional of the digital transformation.
Education’s response to this need.

9 months 8-10 hours a week Online

Certificate Structure

Core Courses

Professional Certificate Program:

The Professional Certificate in Digital Transformation offers a holistic vision of many

possible applications in different industries, sectors, and types of organizations. The

following diagram summarizes the formative courses.

In this 9-month online program, participants will fully explore these three courses, plus

two electives, to better understand and champion digital transformation.

We live in a highly globalized world. It’s

important for professionals to adapt to this

new culture of continuous innovation to

5 weeks

achieve personal and professional

Cultural Awareness for
Global Business

Organizations and projects increasingly

need the combination of such technical

excellence with strong interpersonal and

leadership skills. ‘Soft skills’ are needed in

order to emerge strengthened from this

environment of constant innovation and: •

‚ Create a culture of driving change. •

‚ Develop a global vision of the projects. •

‚ Train the ability to inspire and motivate

8 weeks

Leadership and Innovation

Given that our economy is currently

undergoing a rapid evolution, professionals

8 weeks need to immerse themselves in

technological environments in order to

Digital Transformation:

understand the technologies that are
From AI and IoT to Cloud,

driving this change.

Blockchain, and Cybersecurity

Elective Courses

Professional Certificate Program: Digital Transformation

Blockchain connects decentralized systems
in a format that is open source, versatile,
and unalterably secure without depending 8 weeks
on third parties so that everyone can
participate directly in the exponential Blockchain:

change that is taking g place Disruptive Technology

Organizations are increasingly more

dependent on large information flows, so the
demand for safer and faster environments is
growing rapidly and exponentially. When the
infrastructure that supports technology
changes structurally, it is essential to
8 weeks understand this change in order to make
strategic decisions about the future of a
Cloud & DevOps:
 business or project.
Continuous Transformation

With a focus on product design,

manufacturing, and economies of scale in
product development, this online program
explores how product architecture,
platforms, and commonality can help an 8 weeks
organization deploy and manage a family of Designing High-
products in an increasingly competitive Impact Solutions

environment. with MITdesignX

Digital platforms and two-sided markets

have quickly established themselves as a
staple of modern business, presenting new
opportunities and challenges alike for
engineers, product managers, regulators,
8 weeks and entrepreneurs. However, there
continues to be little discussion surrounding
Digital Platforms:
 why some digital platforms help companies
Designing Two-Sided Markets
flourish where others have fallen short.
from APIs to Feature Roadmaps

Our daily lives are filled with a barrage of

Professional Certificate Program: Digital Transformation

information. Accordingly, the demand for
professionals to communicate clearly and
9 weeks effectively is more urgent than ever. More
Persuasive Communication:
 than simply transmitting their ideas,
Critical Thinking to Enhance your professionals and innovators must now learn
Message to capture and maintain their audiences’

Machine Learning, a branch of Artificial

Intelligence, is becoming a fundamental tool
for making sound decisions by analyzing
large quantities of data and events. Its
objective: reduce spaces of uncertainty and
arbitrariness through automatic learning 8 weeks
and provide organizations and professionals
the security needed to make impactful
Machine Learning:

From Data to Decisions

You will explore the systematic process of

innovating. In doing so you will examine the
role of critical thinking in innovating, design
your own toolkit to solve real-world
problems, and learn more about the benefits
8 weeks
this framework can offer you and your
Innovation and Technology organization.

In this world marked by tight competition,

organizations are required to innovate and
develop at the speed of light to remain
ahead. This exhilarating environment
requires leaders who adapt, continuously
learn, and understand that technology is key
to take their organizations to a more 9 weeks
beneficial, optimized, and connected reality.
Management of Technology:

Roadmapping & Development


Professional Certificate Program: Digital Transformation
The Learning Experience
At MIT Professional Education we believe The program is 100% online, and the
in practical applications and encourage virtual campus is available anytime,
participants to implement what they have anywhere. It is a space for continuous
learned. Through our programs, learning, taking you beyond the
participants are given the tools to make limitations of a traditional classroom.

their learning experience as fulfilling as

possible. Participants will have the chance There are no prerequisites for this
to participate in an engaging and certificate. The certificate will guide and
collaborative classroom environment with prepare you to understand all the content
discussion forums and group activities. and complete the required activities.

Professional Certificate Program: Digital Transformation
01 Learn how to combine excellence in the 04 Become familiar with Cloud Computing
implementation of technical expertise and DevOps to analyze the best
with interpersonal and leadership approach to leveraging their potential
skills. for secure software design and
efficient technology operations.

02 Deepen in the context of globalization

to which we are exposed to be able to 05 Cultivate a deeper understanding of the
operate in this new culture of fundamentals of blockchain and its
continuous innovation. practical applications.

03 Discover the five technologies that are 06 Understand the platform and product
transforming our societies and how they family’sconcepts and be able to
are doing it: Blockchain, Cloud, prioritize drivers of modularity and
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of product platform design to identify new
Things (IoT) and Cybersecurity. market and product opportunities and
generate revenue growth.

07 Help others hone their interpersonal

skills in vital areas such as public
speaking, critical thinking, digital

Professional Certificate Program: Digital Transformation
Participant Profile
Professional Certificate Program in Digital Transformation is aimed at various professional
profiles. This includes:

Professionals with strong leadership skills who want to have a powerful impact on
the success of their organization’s innovation processes.

CEOs, general directors, and other functional managers in technical areas whose
companies are going through digital transformations and who want to create new
business models and optimize their current operations.

CTOs, CInOs, and technical professionals who want to obtain a broader strategic
vision about how these key technologies can transform their business operations.

Entrepreneurs of innovative technological startups.

Any professional who wants to understand the benefits and opportunities that cultural
diversity, leadership in innovation, and the latest technologies can offer for digital
transformation in their organization.


Professional Certificate Program: Digital Transformation
Dr. David Niño teaches in MIT’s Daniel J.
Riccio Graduate Engineering Leadership
Program. Previously, he was a Professor of
Engineering Leadership Practice and
Management at Rice University. During this
tenure, he led the creation of the first four-
year certificate in engineering leadership
and was director of Rice Leadership, the
university’s leadership development

A former professor of management, Dr. Niño

has published on leadership, ethics,
corporate culture, and the development of
professional management skills. He has
Dr. David Niño
conducted research in cutting-edge
Senior Lecturer in the Daniel J. Riccio Graduate technology environments and is currently
Engineering Leadership Program at MIT interested in researching how leadership
develops among engineers and in
engineering organizations.

“Professionals who want to come to MIT and want to learn how to

be a more effective and more impactful professional will benefit
from this course.”

Dr. Niño has taught He is currently a founding He holds a Ph.D. in

leadership since 1998 at the officer of the Leadership Management from the
undergraduate, master’s, Development Division of the University of Texas, Austin,
doctoral, and executive/ American Society for where he also studied for his
professional levels. Engineering Education and Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of

advises professionals and Business Administration, and

executives on leadership and Master of Arts.
development issues.

Professional Certificate Program: Digital Transformation
Bhaskar Pant is the executive director

of MIT Professional education, the

branch of MIT that provides technology

professionals access to MIT knowledge.

Under his direction, the MIT Professional

Education offering has grown

considerably,as have corporate
relationships and its globalreach, as
professionals from more than 120

different countries participate in the

classroom, internationals and, recently,
also in those launched in online and
mixed formats. The courses, which cover
such cutting-edge areas as big data,
artificial intelligence, and the Internet

Bhaskar Pant  
of Things (IoT), combined with other
Executive Director of MIT Professional Education professional development courses in the
fields of innovation and entrepreneurship,
have benefited thousands of
professionals worldwide.

“Much of innovation and leadership is cultural awareness.”

Mr. Pant was part of the “The Building on Mr. Pant’s Prior to joining MIT, Mr. Pant
Future of Education at MIT” initiative, whose objective
held important leadership
team, created by the MIT
was to expand globally, MIT positions in education and
President, and contributed Professional Education offers corporate companies around
specifically to the work of the short programs in an the world.
subcommittee that was increasing number of regions
responsible for “opening the in Asia, Latin America, the

doors of MIT to the world”. Middle East, and Europe

Professional Certificate Program: Digital Transformation
Dr. Sanchez is the architect of the global
network “The Internet of Things” and data
analysis platforms for SAP, Ford, Johnson &
Johnson, Accenture, Shell, Exxon Mobil, and
Altria. In cyber security, he has developed
cyber-attack impact analyses for the U.S.

Department of Defense and a password

firewall for the IARPA.

Dr. Sanchez holds a Ph.D. from the

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
and teaches MIT courses in cybersecurity,
engineering, blockchain,

and data science. He has been involved in

developing educational software for
Microsoft and establishing the Accenture
Dr. Abel Sanchez

Technology Academy. He has

produced over 150 educational videos, has

Executive Director of MIT’s Geospatial Data Center 10 years of experience with learning
management systems, and has made
deployments in the Americas, Asia, and


“We cannot bet on the artificial intelligence, or the human being

separate. We must get the fusion of both.”

Involved in the
Produced more than
Made deployments in

development of
150 educational videos
the Americas, Asia and

educational software
and has ten years
for Microsoft and in the
of experience with

establishment of the
management systems

Accenture Technology

Professional Certificate Program: Digital Transformation
Professor John R. Williams’ research focuses
on the development and application of

computing algorithms in distributed

cyberphysical systems. He was director of
the AutoID Laboratory, where the Internet of
Things was invented.

He is considered, along with Bill Gates

and Larry Ellison, one of the 50 most

powerful people in “Computer Networks”.

He is the author and co-author of more than

250 articles in journals and conferences.

Professor Williams teaches courses on the

basics of programming, modern software

development, and the architecture of web,

Prof. John R. Williams

cloud, and blockchain systems.

Professor of Information Engineering, Civil and
Environmental Engineering and Director of MIT
Geospatial Data Center

“Once you climb that first mountain of knowledge, you will be able
to teach yourself many things.”

Author and co-author of

Earned a bachelor’s
arned his doctorate from

more than 250 articles

degree in Physics from the
Swansea University, in the

in magazines and
University of Oxford and
United Kingdom.
conferences. a Masters in Physics from


Professional Certificate Program: Digital Transformation
Certificate Outline
Course 1
Courses 4 and 5 Electives#
Cultural Awareness for Global BusinesK
A Blockchain: Disruptive Technology (8
A Introduction to Cultural AwarenessH weeks)H
A Intercultural Communication: The role of A Cloud & DevOps: Continuous
verbal and non-verbal communication Transformation (8 weeks)H
A Designing High-Impact Solutions with
MITdesignX (8 weeks)H
Course 2

A Designing Product Families: From Strategy

Leadership and Innovatios to Implementation (8 weeks)H
A Why leadership matters in theinnovation A Digital Platforms: Designing Two-Sided
process?H Markets from APIs to Feature Roadmaps (8
A My leadership skillsH
A Persuasive Communication: Critical
A Creating and communicating a shared Thinking to Enhance your Message (9
visionH weeks)H
A Analysis of a real project A Machine Learning: From Data to Decisions
(8 weeks)H
Course 3
A Management of Technology: Roadmapping
Digital Transformation: From AI and IoT & Development (9 weeks)H
to Cloud, Blockchain, and CybersecuritË A Innovation and Technology (8 weeks)

A Blockchain: Introduction and ApplicationsH

A Key Concepts of BlockchainH
A CloudH
A Artificial IntelligenceH
A The Internet of ThingsH
A Cybersecurity



Professional Certificate Program: Digital Transformation

and Assessment
All the courses included in the Professional Certificate in Digital Transformation take
place in highly collaborative environments, fostered by discussion forums and group
activities. In this practical, results-driven program you will get a hands-on learning
experience based on the case method. Plus, you will acquire skills and tools that you can
immediately use to benefit your organization and your career. Participants will be guided
throughout all courses by expert facilitators who will be on hand to answer any questions
and respond to comments.

J Practical activitiesH J Additional resources: Videos and

J Self-assessmentH recommended readingsH
J Review activitiesH J Guided group forumsH
J Live online sessions: By professors and J Case applications
industry experts who will teach real-life
applications and respond to
participants’ questions


Professional Certificate Program: Digital Transformation

The Impact Project is a cross-cutting integrate, and connect the knowledge
project that runs throughout the acquired in each of the courses and
Professional Certificate. It is group work, perform, together with their working group,
which serves as a culminating academic a presentation, and defense of the
proposed solution to the business
challenge posed

This project is designed for the student

to reflect on the topics covered In addition to the above, the project has
throughout the certificate, make a several additional objectives such as
practical application of such knowledge, enhancing teamwork, verbal
communication skills, research skills,
planning and the ability to solve complex


Professional Certificate Program: Digital Transformation

Throughout your Professional Certificate, you will be supported by an integrated and
experienced team of professionals dedicated to creating a positive impact, reorienting,
and improving your professional career. The Impact Advisor will provide you with all the
key points and tools to design the best strategy to improve your employability and
optimize your professional activity. You will have two individual 45-minute sessions with
this professional advisor: the first one will focus on social and interpersonal skills (soft
skills), while the second one will be oriented to more technical aspects (tech skills).

The program will be supported by Learning
Facilitators. These senior consultants are
subject matter experts, with vast industry
experience. They will be available to answer
questions, to probe to generate deeper
discussion, and to facilitate a collaborative,
positive learning experience via discussion
forums and live video sessions.

Professional Certificate Program: Digital Transformation

Development Webinars
Throughout the professional certificate, participants will be able to participate in
professional development webinars with subject matter specialists. Each of these
sessions, which will last 1h, will take place in the fourth week of each module,
distributed as follows *:

] Fourth week of the program in Leadership and Innovation`

] Fourth week of the program in Digital Transformation: From AI and IoT to
Cloud, Blockchain, and Cybersecurity`
] Fourth week of the program in Elective Course 1`
] Fourth week of the program in Elective Course 2.

The topics to be covered in these sessions are as follows:

Session One Personal Branding

Session Two Communication Skills

Session Three Negotiation skills

Session Four Networking and the headhunter ecosystem

* Sessions may change depending on the availability of the

speaker and MIT Professional Education’s academic portfolio

Professional Certificate Program: Digital Transformation
Certificate of Completion
All participants who successfully complete In order to obtain MIT CEUs, participants
the Professional Certificate Program in must complete a required MIT CEU

Digital Transformation will receive an MIT confirmation form. MIT CEUs are calculated
Professional Education Certificate of based on the number of learning

Completion. In addition, they will also earn hours in each course.

31.6 Continuing Education Units (MIT

The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is defined as 10 contact hours of ongoing learning to indicate the
amount of time they have devoted to a non-credit/non-degree professional development program. To
understand whether or not these CEUs may be applied toward professional certification, licensing
requirements, or other required training or continuing education hours, please consult your training
department or licensing authority directly.

Welcome to

the gateway
to MIT knowledge

and expertise for


around the world.

Participants from

155 countries

More than 1,600

online activities

92% of Professional

Alumni rated

their experience

as outstanding
About MIT

Professional Certificate Program: Industry 4.0

MIT Professional Education
fosters the development of
Professional innovative leaders
Education equipped to address
complex problems globally

MIT Professional Education provides MIT Professional Education is central to

continuing education courses and lifelong MIT’s vision. It fulfills the mandate to
learning opportunities for science, connect practitioner-oriented education with
engineering, and technology professionals at industry and incorporate industry feedback
all levels, from around the world. Worthy of and knowledge into MIT education and
note is that MIT professors and lecturers research.

lead and teach all MIT Professional

Education offerings. Some of our programs The Institute is committed to generating,
have a long history. Others are relatively disseminating, and preserving knowledge

while working with others to apply this

knowledge for the benefit of humankind.
Our Digital Plus Programs go beyond
online, blending innovative content delivered
using the best of online technology and
traditional classroom instruction in a flexible,
collaborative learning environment.

Bhaskar Pant
Executive Director of MIT Professional Education

“MIT Professional Education's goal is to make

education accessible to everyone everywhere. We
welcome everyone who wants to advance in their
career or grow their business to unite and be part of
the MIT Professional Education all-inclusive


Professional Certificate Program: Industry 4.0

At MIT Professional Education, we are committed to accompanying organizations as they
aspire to provide their professionals with the ongoing education critical for success in
today’s competitive environment. That’s why we offer plans for companies who wish to
train their professionals with us.

Which program
best suits your
1 Standard Program:

Teams or groups of at least 10 people will

obtain special conditions in their registration
for any of our programs.

2 Custom Programs:

Custom-made to meet the specific needs of

each organization and its professionals.

3 Private Cohorts:

Available in Open Enrollment courses with a

minimum of participants.

For more information on our Programs for Organizations,

please contact us at: [email protected]

The Beyond Online

Professional Certificate Program: Industry 4.0

MIT Professional Education is You will have access to one of the most
revolutionizing the digital learning innovative e-learning platforms that utilizes
experience. In fact, we are no longer talking the latest technology.You will also have an
about online-only, but rather an interactive opportunity to meet and work with some of
and collaborative learning experience that’s the world’s leading subject matter experts in
digitally powered: a Beyond Online their respective fields.

With MIT Professional Education, you’ll have an opportunity to:

Ä Attend select live webinars Ä Fulfill your reskilling and

with MIT Instructors· upskilling needs in this fast-
changing environment·
Ä Collaborate and engage with
world-renowned MIT Ä Master the technical and
Instructors· human skills necessary for
effective leadership·
Ä Learn from expert learning
facilitators, guest speakers, Ä Meet and network with other
and subject matter experts program participants from all
from industries· around the world.

Ä Weekly live webinars from

learning facilitators.

Clara Piloto
Director of Global Programs at MIT Professional Education

“MIT Professional Education’s programs tackle all the

technologies that are at the heart of the digital
transformation, enabling dedicated professionals to meet
new challenges in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and lead
change within theirorganizations.”

Benefits of Joining the

Professional Certificate Program: Industry 4.0

Alumni Community
MIT Professional Education offers a number of benefits for
participants who successfully complete our courses:

1 Certificate Award Ceremony at MIT’s

Campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts,
where participants will receive a physical

2 Two years’ access to the virtual campus

once the program is completed.

3 Unlimited news updates.

4 Unlimited access to webinars.

5 15 % discount for MIT Professional

Education online programs and short
duration in-person programs.

6 Exclusive announcements of new courses,

programs, and events through our virtual
Alumni Campus: Professional Network.

7 Invitation to the MIT Professional Education

Alumni LinkedIn group.

8 Networking opportunities with other MIT

Professional Education Alumni.

9 In addition to academic facilitator, you’ll be

assigned a coach.


Are you ready to

champion digital

transformation in

your organization,

industry, and the


Frequently Asked Questions For more information, please contact us:

USA: +1 617 982 1343

Europe: +34 660 558 464

Email: [email protected]


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