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Painting BVA

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Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6.


Programme Name: BVA (Painting)

Programme Specific Outcome (PSO)

PSO 1 Develop various skills and styles of Drawing and Painting.

PSO 2 Learn about different materials and mediums and its usage in a specific chosen context.
PSO 3 Understanding of Visual Elements and its relationship with respect to image making.
PSO 4 Learning to choose and understand a relevant Compositional/ Visual devices towards expression.
PSO 5 Understanding and developing of personal visual language
PSO 6 Exposure to the practices and various styles and traditions of visual art practice regionally, nationally and globally.
PSO 7 Learning to analyze and critique relevant research area of interest to evolve personal language and its context.
PSO 8 To equip to continue art practice independently/professionally.
PSO 9 To be able to undertake advanced studies in specific area of interest in Visual Arts.
Syllabus of Courses

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting
BVA Painting : Regular Programme
Core / Elective / Foundation
Year I Credits / Hours per week 09
PNT 1101 : Drawing I
Year of Introduction: 1950
Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Core Studio Practice
Course Outcome (CO) PNT 1101 Drawing I

CO1 Overview of Possibilities and Limitations of various Tools and Mediums of Drawing
CO2 Exploration of Line as Fundamental to observation based Drawing.
CO3 Learning to construct Shapes and Forms through observation.
CO4 Mastering various rendering techniques to model object/s and space/s.
CO5 Ability to Draw and render Textures in micro scoping details.
CO6 Learning to Develop compositional Drawings and treating Drawing as an Art Form complete in itself.
CO7 Routine everyday Sketching to build basic skills of Drawing and observation.
CO8 Recording mundane happenings in Sketchbooks to develop and understand personal inclination towards subject matter..
Uni Topic Contac Weighta BT CO PSO Elemen Releva Relatio
t t ge Level ts of nce to n to
No. Hours Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Enviro
102 hrs Entrepr l (N)/ nment
PNT 1101 Drawing I eneursh Region and
er ip al(R)/G Sustain
(Ent)/ lobal ability
Skill (G) (ES),
Develo Human
pment Values
(SD) (HV)an
1 Play with tools and mediums on paper surface to
05 05 1,2 CO1 PSO2
understand their possibilities and limitations
2 Executing observation based drawings of object/s PSO1
organized in the studio only by using Lines 10 15 1,2,3,6 CO2

3 Constructing Shape/s and Form/s by using Lines in and PSO

outside the studio settings. 15 15 3,4,6 1,3
4 Making use of various rendering techniques like hatching,
Cross-hatching etc to draw/model 3-dimensional object/s CO PSO
15 15 2,3,4,6
and space/s in and outside studio on 2-dimensional 2,3,4 1,3,6
5 Producing detailed studies of different textured surfaces by PSO
15 15 2,3,4,6 CO 5
selecting suitable objects. 1,3
6 Creating Drawing based compositions by using sketch PSO
books as resource material. 1,2,3,4,5, CO SD G, ES,
20 15 3,4,5, HV &
6 6, 7,8
7 PE
7 Inculcating a discipline of regular Sketching practice to PSO
1,2,3,4,5, CO R& G
facilitate Skills, Observation and Subject matters. 22 20
6 7,8 1,5,7,

Reference Books

1. The Drawing Book (Forward by David Hockney) by Jeffery Camp

2. Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards

3. The Natural Way to Draw - A Working Plan for Art Study by Kimon Nicolaïdes
4. Drawing: A Contemporary Approach by Teel Sale & Claudia Betti
Syllabus of Courses

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting
BVA Painting : Regular Programme
Core / Elective / Foundation
Year I Credits / Hours per week 09
PNT 1102 : Composition I
Year of Introduction: 1950
Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Core Studio Practice
Course Outcome (CO) PNT 1102 Composition I

CO1 Learns to understand Color as an vehicle of visual information.

CO2 Learns to understand the Color as the means of visual expression.
CO3 Learns about the understanding the light in terms of Color, about the Tonal Values and learns methods of Watercolor application.

CO4 To explore Color relationships in terms of light.

CO5 Learns about the Color Perspective and learns about Spatial relationship of Color

CO6 Learns to observe and assimilate the visual in terms of configuration of marks of different colors and tones and learns importance of textures in image

CO7 Learns to read an image in terms of interplay of visual elements.

Uni Topic Contac Weighta BT CO PSO Eleme Releva Relatio
t t ge nts of nce to n to
No. Hours Emplo Local Gender
yabilit (L)/ (G),
y Nationa Enviro
102 hrs (Emp) l (N)/ nment
/semest / Region and
er Entrep al(R)/G Sustain
reneur lobal ability
ship (G) (ES),
(Ent)/ Human
Skill Values
Devel (HV)an
opmen d
t (SD) Profess
1 To discuss/ study Color as the important visual element in
context of personal day to day experience, like its usage
05 05 1,2 CO1 PSO3
in TV ads, Hoardings, Architecture, Clothing and other
utility equipment and devices.

2 To discuss/ study Color as the important visual element in PSO3

context of Paintings and Sculptures (with special focus on 05 10 1,2,3,6 CO2
the works of the artist one is familiar with.)

3 Make compositions based on objects placed in Studio PSO 1,

Space in Monochrome to study different intensities of a CO
20 15 3,4,6 2
Color. (To lay emphasis on understanding the light in 3
terms of Color)
4 Make compositions based on objects placed in Studio CO PSO
Space studying the local color. (To lay emphasize on 20 15 2,3,4,6
understanding the light in terms of Color relationships.) 4 1,2

5 Make compositions based on working outdoors to study

objects in natural light CO PSO 1,
20 15 2,3,4,6
5 2

6 Make compositions to study surfaces of different objects

to explore surface qualities. (Texture studies) 20 15 1,2,3,4,5,6
6 1,2,3 L,N, R& G
7 Group Discussion: To analyse works in terms of inter- PSO
relationship of visual elements but with special emphasis 12 15 1,2,3,4,5,6
7 3
to Color

Reference Books
1. 1Color in Art by John Gage

2. 2The Art of Color by Johannes Itten


3. Color: A course in mastering the art of mixing colors by Betty Edwards

4. Colour: Travels through the Paintbox by Victoria Finlay

5. Paint: A Manual of Pictorial Thought & Practical Advice by Jeffery Camp

6. The Drawing Book (Forward by David Hockney) by Jeffery Camp

Syllabus of Courses

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting

Core Elective.
Year I Credits / Hours per week 06
PNT 1103 : Mural Techniques- I
Year of Introduction: 1950
Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Core elective Studio Practice
Course Outcome (CO) Mural Techniques –I
CO1 Understanding the importance of Relief in Mural making and how it is different from 2-dimensional drawing/painting or 3-Dimensional
modeling or carving.
CO2 Learning about the role Light plays in Relief making.
CO3 Mastering the materials and tools which can be used for Relief Carving/modeling processes.
CO4 Learning to prepare the surfaces suitable for Relief Carving/modeling.
CO5 Learning how to carve/model in Relief.
CO6 Developing Compositions in Relief.
Uni Topic Contac Weighta BT CO PSO Elemen Releva Relatio
t t ge ts of nce to n to
No. Hours Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Enviro
72 Entrepr l (N)/ nment
hours eneursh Region and
/semest ip al(R)/G Sustain
er (Ent)/ lobal ability
Skill (G) (ES),
Develo Human
pment Values
(SD) (HV)an
1 Initiating with drawing based exercises to develop
understanding on how Relief is different than 2- CO
7 10 1,2,3 PSO 1
dimensional drawing/painting and understanding the 1,2
crucial role light play in its viewership and execution.
2 Preparing slabs and surfaces suitable for Relief 12 15 2,3,6 PSO 2
carving/modeling. Initiating with making plaster of paris
slabs and learning further about other basic materials like 3,4
wood, clay etc.
3 Initiate learning and practicing basic carving/modeling CO
techniques with the help of necessary tools on the prepared 20 22 1,2,3,4 1,2,3, PSO 2
surfaces. 5
4 Prepare Drawings (cartoons) for the final composition. CO PSO SD G, ES,
08 23 3,4,5 HV
1,2,6 3,4 L,N, R&
5 Execute Composition in Relief from the selected Drawing 1,2,3,4,5, PSO
25 30 CO 6
(cartoon) 6 3,4

Reference Books
Syllabus of Courses

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting
BVA Painting : Regular Programme APPLIED ARTS, SCULPTURE
Core / Elective / Foundation
Year I Credits / Hours per week 09
PNT 1104: Color and Design I
Year of Introduction: 1950
Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Core elective Studio Practice
Course Outcome (CO) Color and Design I
CO1 Learns to understand Color as an vehicle of visual information
CO2 Learns to understand the Color as the means of visual expression
CO3 Learns to play with 2D shapes as the basic component of composition and learns the process of abstracting the observed reality into
shapes: Geometric and organic (through deconstruction/ division.)
CO4 Learns to orchestrate the pictorial space by exploring the physical properties Color in terms of Color perspective
CO5 Learns to make a composition based on a brief in terms of arrangement of Shapes (Colors) and learns to negotiate with
figure – ground relationship and also positive and negative spaces.
CO6 Learns to read an image in terms of interplay of visual elements.
CO7 Learns to read an image in terms of interplay of visual elements.
Uni Topic Contac Weighta BT CO PSO Elemen Releva Relatio
t t ge ts of nce to n to
No. Hours Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Enviro
102 hrs Entrepr l (N)/ nment
/semest eneursh Region and
er ip al(R)/G Sustain
(Ent)/ lobal ability
Skill (G) (ES),
Develo Human
pment Values
(SD) (HV)an
1 To discuss/ study Color as the important visual element in 10 05 1,2 CO1 PSO3
context of personal day to day experience, like its usage
in TV ads, Hoardings, Architecture, Clothing and other
utility equipment and devices.
G, ES,
2 To discuss/ study Color as the important visual element in 10 10 1,2,3,6 CO2 PSO3 HV
context of Paintings and Sculptures (with special focus on L,N, R& G
the works of the artist one is familiar with.)

3 Make compositions based on objects (both imaginary and 20 15 1,2,3,4 CO1 PSO1,
real) by fragmenting/ deconstructing an object in to 2, 3 SD
- To lay emphasis on Color in terms of shape
- To learn the process of abstracting the
observed reality into essential shapes:
Geometric and organic (through
deconstruction/ division.)

4 Make compositions through working outdoors and also in 20 15 1,2,3,4 CO2 PSO1,
terms of concept to study following aspects: 2, 3
1. Relationship between Space and Color
2. Relationship between Color and Perspective

5 Make a composition based on a specific concept, idea or a 20 20 1,2,3,4, 5 CO 3 PSO3,

feeling using 2D shapes. 4

6 Group Discussion: To analyse works in terms of inter- 20 15 4, 5 CO 6 PSO

relationship of visual elements but with special emphasis
to Color.

Reference Books
1 Color in Art by John Gage
.2 The Art of Color by Johannes Itten

3 Color: A course in mastering the art of mixing colors by Betty Edwards

4 The Interaction of Color by Josef Albers
Paint: A Manual of Pictorial Thought & Practical Advice by Jeffery Camp
The Art of Looking Sideways by Alan Fletcher
Syllabus of Courses

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting
BVA Painting : Regular Programme
Core / Elective / Foundation
Year I Credits / Hours per week 09
PNT 1201 : Drawing II
Year of Introduction: 1950
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Core Studio Practice
Course Outcome (CO) PNT 1201 : Drawing II
CO1 Learning the Fundamentals of Perspective drawing.
CO2 Ability to draw buildings and cityscapes using Perspective drawing Principals
CO3 Learning to draw the basic structure and constituents of human face to facilitate portrait drawings.
CO4 Mastering the skills of portrait drawings.
CO5 Utilizing Portraiture and Perspective drawing skills to make drawing based Composition.
CO6 Exploring Collage as process of making drawing.
CO7 Routine everyday Sketching to build basic skills of Drawing and observation.
CO8 Recording mundane happenings in Sketchbooks to develop and understand personal inclination towards subject matter..
Uni Topic Contac Weighta BT CO PSO Elemen Releva Relatio
t t ge ts of nce to n to
No. Hours Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Enviro
102 hrs Entrepr l (N)/ nment
/semest eneursh Region and
er ip al(R)/G Sustain
(Ent)/ lobal ability
Skill (G) (ES),
Develo Human
pment Values
(SD) (HV)an
1 Making drawings illustrating Perspective drawing
principals like Vanishing point, Vantage point, Horizon 05 05 1,2,3 CO1 PSO1
line, Foreshortening etc
2 Drawing observation based individual buildings and 1,2,3,4,5, PSO1 G, ES,
cityscapes utilizing Perspective drawing principals. 15 15 CO2
6 SD L,N, R& G HV & PE

3 Drawing basic elements of Human face from different

vantage points to study its structure with the help of 05 05 2,3 CO 3 PSO1
Plaster cast.
4 Executing detailed Portrait studies of the live model in the 15 15 1,2,3,4,6 CO 4 PSO 1
5 Creating Drawing based compositions by using CO PSO
Perspective and Portraiture studies as resource materials. 20 20 1,2,3, 1,3,4,
4,5 5
6 Making compositions by using collage as a technique for PSO
image making. 20 20 2,3,4,5,6 CO 6 2,3,4,
7 Inculcating a discipline of regular Sketching practice to PSO
facilitate Skills, Observation and Subject matters. 1,2,3,4,5, CO
22 20 1,5,7,
6 7,8
Reference Books
1. Ways of Drawing: Artists, Perspectives and Practices by Julian Bell

2. Drawing Lessons from the Great Masters by Robert Beverly Hale (Author), Jacob Collins (Foreword)

3. Drawing: A Contemporary Approach by Teel Sale & Claudia Betti

Syllabus of Courses

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting
BVA Painting : Regular Programme
Core / Elective / Foundation
Year I Credits / Hours per week 09
PNT 1202 : Composition II
Year of Introduction: 1950
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Core Studio Practice
Course Outcome (CO) PNT 1202 Composition II
CO1 Learns to play with 2D shapes as the basic component of composition and Learns the process of abstracting the observed
reality into essential shapes: Geometric and organic (through deconstruction/ division.)
CO2 Learns to orchestrate the pictorial space by exploring the physical properties Color in terms of Color perspective
CO3 Learns to make a composition based on a brief in terms of arrangement of Shapes (Colors) and learns to negotiate with
figure – ground relationship and also positive and negative spaces.
CO4 Learns to explore distancing the Color, Space, Shape and Texture from the objective referents and learns to broaden
ones approach/ practice in context of the works by Masters.
CO5 Learns to make a composition based on a brief in terms of arrangement of Shapes (Colors) and learns to negotiate
with figure – ground relationship and also positive and negative spaces.
CO6 Learns to explore the fluidity of shape and form.
CO7 Learns to read an image in terms of interplay of visual elements.

Uni Topic Contac Weighta BT CO PSO Elemen Releva Relatio

t t ge ts of nce to n to
No. Hours Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Enviro
102 hrs Entrepr l (N)/ nment
/semest eneursh Region and
er ip al(R)/G Sustain
(Ent)/ lobal ability
Skill (G) (ES),
Develo Human
pment Values
(SD) (HV)an
1 Make compositions based on objects placed in Studio PSO1,
15 15 1,2,3,4 CO1
Space by fragmenting/ deconstructing an object in to 2, 3
- To lay emphasis on Color in terms of shape
- To learn the process of abstracting the
observed reality into essential shapes:
Geometric and organic (through
deconstruction/ division.) SD G, ES,

2 Make compositions through working outdoors and also in

terms of concept to study following aspects:
15 15 1,2,3,4 CO2 L,N, R& G
1. Relationship between Space and Color 2, 3

2. Relationship between Color and Perspective

3 Make a composition based on a specific concept, idea or a PSO3,

20 20 1,2,3,4, 5 CO 3
feeling using shapes 4

4 Make a composition with Collage based on a specific

concept, idea or a feeling using Newspaper/ Magazine
- Further explore distancing the Color, Space, PSO
Shape and Texture from the objective 20 20 CO 4 2,3,4,
referents. 5
- To explore the Color, Space, Shape and
Texture on the basis of works by Cubists,
Dadaists and Surrealists.

5 Introduction to Papiercolleas the technique of image PSO

making with special reference to the works of Henri 17 15 CO 5 2,3,4,
Mattisse. 5,6
6 Group Discussion: To analyse works in terms of inter- PSO
relationship of visual elements but with special emphasis 15 15 4, 5 CO 6
to Color 7

Reference Books
1. 1The Interaction of Color by Josef Albers

2. The Art of Color by Johannes Itten

3. Understanding Art by Lois Fichner-Rathus

4. Art Fundamentals: Theory and Practice by Otto G. Ocvirk, RobertO. Bone, Robert E. Stinson, Philip R. Wigg

5. The Art of Looking Sideways by Alan Fletcher

6. The Complete Letters of Vincent Van Gogh

Syllabus of Courses

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting
BVA Painting : Regular Programme - Painting, sculpture , Applied Arts)
Core Elective.
Year I Credits / Hours per week 06
PNT 1203 : Mural Technique –II
Year of Introduction: 1950
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Core elective Studio Practice

Course Outcome (CO) Mural Techniques –II

CO1 Understanding the importance of Relief in Mural making and how it is different from 2-dimensional drawing/painting or 3-Dimensional
modeling or carving.
CO2 Learning about the role Light plays in Relief making.
CO3 Mastering the materials and tools which can be used for Relief Carving/modeling processes.
CO4 Learning to prepare the surfaces suitable for Relief Carving/modeling.
CO5 Learning how to carve/model in Relief.
CO6 Developing Compositions in Relief.

Uni Topic Contac Weighta BT CO PSO Elemen Releva Relatio

t t ge ts of nce to n to
No. Hours Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Enviro
72 Entrepr l (N)/ nment
hours eneursh Region and
/semest ip al(R)/G Sustain
er (Ent)/ lobal ability
Skill (G) (ES),
Develo Human
pment Values
(SD) (HV)an
1 Initiating with drawing based exercises to develop
understanding on how Relief is different than 2- CO
7 10 1,2,3 PSO 1
dimensional drawing/painting and understanding the 1,2
crucial role light play in its viewership and execution.
2 Preparing slabs and surfaces suitable for Relief 12 15 2,3,6 PSO 2
carving/modeling. Initiating with making plaster of paris
slabs and learning further about other basic materials like 3,4
wood, clay etc.
3 Initiate learning and practicing basic carving/modeling CO
techniques with the help of necessary tools on the prepared 20 22 1,2,3,4 1,2,3, PSO 2
surfaces. 5
4 Prepare Drawings (cartoons) for the final composition. CO PSO SD
08 23 3,4,5
1,2,6 3,4 L,N, R& G
G, ES,
5 Execute Composition in Relief from the selected Drawing HV
1,2,3,4,5, PSO
(cartoon) 25 30 CO 6
6 3,4

Reference Books
Syllabus of Courses

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting
BVA Painting : Regular Programme Sculpture, Applied Arts
Core / Elective / Foundation
Year I Credits / Hours per week 09
PNT 1204 : Color and Design I
Year of Introduction: 1950
Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Core elective Studio Practice
Course Outcome (CO) Color and Design I
CO1 Learns to understand Color as an vehicle of visual information
CO2 Learns to understand the Color as the means of visual expression
CO3 Learns to play with 2D shapes as the basic component of composition and learns the process of
abstracting the observed reality into essential shapes: Geometric and organic (through deconstruction/ division.)
CO4 Learns to orchestrate the pictorial space by exploring the physical properties Color in terms of Color perspective
CO5 Learns to make a composition based on a brief in terms of arrangement of Shapes (Colors) and learns to negotiate with
figure – ground relationship and also positive and negative spaces.
CO6 Learns to read an image in terms of interplay of visual elements.
CO7 Learns to read an image in terms of interplay of visual elements.
Uni Topic Contac Weighta BT CO PSO Elemen Releva Relatio
t t ge ts of nce to n to
No. Hours Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Enviro
102 hrs Entrepr l (N)/ nment
/semest eneursh Region and
er ip al(R)/G Sustain
(Ent)/ lobal ability
Skill (G) (ES),
Develo Human
pment Values
(SD) (HV)an
1 To discuss/ study Color as the important visual element in 10 05 1,2 CO1 PSO3
context of personal day to day experience, like its usage
in TV ads, Hoardings, Architecture, Clothing and other
utility equipment and devices.

2 To discuss/ study Color as the important visual element in 10 10 1,2,3,6 CO2 PSO3
context of Paintings and Sculptures (with special focus on
the works of the artist one is familiar with.)

3 Make compositions based on objects (both imaginary and 20 15 1,2,3,4 CO1 PSO1,
real) by fragmenting/ deconstructing an object in to 2, 3
- To lay emphasis on Color in terms of shape
- To learn the process of abstracting the
observed reality into essential shapes:
Geometric and organic (through
deconstruction/ division.)
4 Make compositions through working outdoors and also in 20 15 1,2,3,4 CO2 PSO1,
terms of concept to study following aspects: 2, 3
1. Relationship between Space and Color
2. Relationship between Color and Perspective SD

5 Make a composition based on a specific concept, idea or a 20 20 1,2,3,4, 5 CO 3 PSO3, L,N, R& G
feeling using 2D shapes. 4 G, ES,
6 Group Discussion: To analyse works in terms of inter- 20 15 4, 5 CO 6 PSO
relationship of visual elements but with special emphasis
to Color.

Reference Books
1 Color in Art by John Gage
.2 The Art of Color by Johannes Itten

3 Color: A course in mastering the art of mixing colors by Betty Edwards

4 The Interaction of Color by Josef Albers
Paint: A Manual of Pictorial Thought & Practical Advice by Jeffery Camp
The Art of Looking Sideways by Alan Fletcher
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember, 2.Understand, 3. Application, 4. Analysis, 5. Evaluation, 6. Creation

Programme Name: BVA (Painting)

Programme Specific Outcome (PSO)

PSO 1 Develop various skills and styles of Drawing and Painting.

PSO 2 Learn about different materials and mediums and its usage in a specific chosen context.
PSO 3 Understanding of Visual Elements and its relationship with respect to image making.
PSO 4 Learning to choose and understand a relevant Compositional/ Visual device towards expression.
PSO 5 Understanding and developing of personal visual language
PSO 6 Exposure to the practices and various styles and traditions of visual art practice regionally, nationally and globally.
PSO 7 Learning to analyze and critique relevant research area of interest to evolve personal language and its context.
PSO 8 To equip to continue art practice independently/professionally.
PSO 9 To be able to undertake advanced studies in specific area of interest in Visual Arts.
Syllabus of Courses: Drawing-III Course Code: PNT1301

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting

BVA (Painting): Regular Programme

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year II Credits / Hours per week 09
PNT1301:Drawing III
Year of Introduction: 1950
Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Core Studio Practice
Course Outcome (CO)PNT1301 Drawing III

CO1 Learning basic Drawing techniques.

CO2 Learning to explore various drawing media and its application in creative Drawing.
CO3 Learning to resolve fundamental technical problems of different mediums in making Drawings.
CO4 Exposure to various traditional art practices regionally and nationally.
CO5 Developing student’s visual language.

Unit Topic Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Element Relevan Relation

No. Hours (%) Level s of ce to to
Employa Local Gender
bility (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ National Environ
Entrepre (N)/ ment and
neurship Regional Sustaina
(Ent)/ (R)/Glob bility
Skill al (G) (ES),
Develop Human
ment Values
(SD) (HV)and
1 Understanding of different materials for the Drawing 15 10 1,2,3,4 CO1
practices. PSO3
2 Special emphasis on qualities of various drawing mediums PSO1
during Drawing process. 15 15 1,2,3,4 CO2
3 To understand the basics of Drawing and create aptitude L,N, R& G
for Drawing: using still life as a subject of exploration. PSO1
25 25 1,2,3,4,5 CO3
Explore value studies, perspectives, composition, figure PSO3
and ground relationships, positive/negative shapes and PSO4
other significant visual differences.
4 Introduction to figure drawing – study from life: Human PSO1
figure in various positions, Backgrounds, in action PSO2
25 25 1,2,3,4,5,6 CO4 PSO4
Scale: intimate and monumental PSO6
5 Study of human head;Quick and Detailed Drawing on PSO1
paper with charcoal or pencil PSO2
20 125 1,2,3,4,5,6 CO5 PSO4
Maintenance of sketchbook as daily practice PSO6

Reference Books
1. Masters drawings – Impressionism and post Impressionism
2. drawings from different artistsin the context of Indian and western practice
3 References from Indian miniature painting
Reference books of Contemporary Indian and western Art
a)Drawing by Philip Rawson
b)From the Earthly World to the Realm of Gods: KasturbhaiLalbhai collection of Indian Drawings By RatanParimoo
c) Ways of Drawing: Artists' Perspectives and Practices
Edited by Julian Bell, Julia Balchin, Claudia Tobin
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting

BVA (Painting): Regular Programme

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year II
PNT1304 : Composition III
Credits / Hours per week 09
Year of Introduction: 1950
Semester I
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Mode of Transaction Core Studio Practice
Course Outcome (CO) PNT1304Composition III

CO1 Learning Painting media.

CO2 Learning various materials and its application to creative painting process.
CO3 understanding, resolving the fundamental technical problems of different materials while creating Composition
CO4 Exposure to traditional and contemporary painting methods, materials, and perceptions.
CO5 Identify different approaches to subject matter in painting to establish an individual language or style in their work.

Unit Topic Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Element Relevan Relation

No. Hours (%) Level s of ce to to
Employa Local Gender
bility (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ National Environ
Entrepre (N)/ ment and
neurship Regional Sustaina
(Ent)/ (R)/Glob bility
Skill al (G) (ES),
Develop Human
ment Values
(SD) (HV)and
1 Understanding of different materials for the Painting PSO1
practices 15 10 1,2,3,4 CO1 PSO2
Apply a range of problem-solving techniques for
thedevelopment of composition.
2 Special emphasis on qualities of various Painting mediums PSO1
during Composition developing process. PSO2
15 15 1,2,3,4 CO2
G, ES,
- Introduction to water base colures PSO4 L,N, R& G HV & PE
3 Establishing aptitude with the basic skills of painting,
including basic color theory, value studies, form, texture
and composition PSO1
25 25 1,2,3,4,5 CO3
Compositional arrangement ofobjects and material as a PSO3
subject of exploration. Explore figure and ground PSO4
relationships and also look for space articulation in
Eastern and Western traditions.
4 Introduction to figure drawing – study from life: Human PSO1
figure in various positions, Backgrounds, in action PSO2
25 25 1,2,3,4,5,6 CO4 PSO4
Use of Dry pastel and oil pastel as medium of exploration PSO6
5 Study of human head; Quick and Detailed work with PSO1
colour on paper PSO2
(Scale: intimate and monumental /A2, A1size) 20 125 1,2,3,4,5,6 CO5 PSO4
Maintenance of sketchbook as daily practice

Reference Books
1. Masters work of painting – Impressionism and post Impressionism
2. Reference Books of Paintings of different artists in the context of Indian and western practice
3 References from Indian miniature painting to understand colour
4 Reference books of Contemporary Indian and western Art practice
Syllabus of Courses

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting
BVA Painting : Regular Programme
Core Elective.
Year II PNT 1305 : Mural I Credits / Hours per week 06

Semester I Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012 Maximum Marks / Grade 100

Mode of Transaction Core elective Studio Practice

Course Outcome (CO) PNT 1305 : Mural –I
CO1 Understanding the importance of Relief in Mural making and how it is different from 2-dimensional drawing/painting or 3-Dimensional
modeling or carving.
CO2 Learning about the role Light plays in Relief making.
CO3 Mastering the materials and tools which can be used for Relief Carving/modeling processes.
CO4 Learning to prepare the surfaces suitable for Relief Carving/modeling.
CO5 Learning how to carve/model in Relief.
CO6 Developing Compositions in Relief.
Uni Topic Contac Weighta BT CO PSO Elemen Releva Relatio
t t ge ts of nce to n to
No. Hours Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Enviro
72 Entrepr l (N)/ nment
hours eneursh Region and
/semest ip al(R)/G Sustain
er (Ent)/ lobal ability
Skill (G) (ES),
Develo Human
pment Values
(SD) (HV)an
1 Initiating with drawing based exercises to develop
understanding on how Relief is different than 2- CO
7 10 1,2,3 PSO 1
dimensional drawing/painting and understanding the 1,2
crucial role light play in its viewership and execution.
2 Preparing slabs and surfaces suitable for Relief
carving/modeling. Initiating with making plaster of paris CO
12 15 2,3,6 PSO 2
slabs and learning further about other basic materials like 3,4
wood, clay etc. L,N, R& G G, ES,
3 Initiate learning and practicing basic carving/modeling CO SD
techniques with the help of necessary tools on the prepared 20 22 1,2,3,4 1,2,3, PSO 2
surfaces. 5
4 Prepare Drawings (cartoons) for the final composition. CO PSO
08 23 3,4,5
1,2,6 3,4
5 Execute Composition in Relief from the selected Drawing 1,2,3,4,5, PSO
25 30 CO 6
(cartoon) 6 3,4

Reference Books

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting

BVA (Painting): Regular Programme

Year II
Core / Elective / Foundation Credits / Hours per week 09
PNT1401Drawing IV
Year of Introduction: 1950
Semester II
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Mode of Transaction Core Studio Practice
Course Outcome (CO) PNT1401 Drawing IV
CO1 Creating drawing with special emphasis on characteristics of various drawing mediums
CO2 Understanding construction of human figure with backgrounds.
CO3 Use of human forms in context of compositional drawing
CO4 Understanding, exploring creative expression beyond predetermined Methods,
CO5 Developing the student’s visual arts vocabulary

Unit Topic Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Element Relevan Relation

No. Hours (%) Level s of ce to to
Employa Local Gender
bility (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ National Environ
Entrepre (N)/ ment and
neurship Regional Sustaina
(Ent)/ (R)/Glob bility
Skill al (G) (ES),
Develop Human
ment Values
(SD) (HV)and
Special emphasis on qualities of various drawing mediums
during Drawing process. Implementing different
1 15 10 1,2,3,4 CO1 PSO2
techniques and capturing different temperament in each PSO3
Drawing composition
several quick studies, observational drawing from the life, PSO1
2 model reference – focus on construction of human figure 15 15 1,2,3,4 CO2
Scale: intimate and monumental PSO4
Studies of animals, human figure in action, Draped and PSO1 L,N, R& G
Nude: expressive aspects of life drawing G, ES,
3 25 25 1,2,3,4,5 CO3 HV & PE
Drawing might have several separate parts that work PSO3
together to form one perceived image. PSO4
Rendering figure based on personal understanding; PSO1
4 25 25 1,2,3,4,5,6 CO4
Exploring different methods of expression using different PSO5
lines and marks. PSO6
Different gestural approach to life drawing with a PSO1
methodical approach, this ensure that the student will draw PSO2
5 with energy and accuracy 20 125 1,2,3,4,5,6 CO5 PSO4
Maintenance of sketchbook as daily practice

Reference Books
1. Masters drawings – Impressionism and post Impressionism
2. drawings of different artists in the context of Indian and western practices - examples of notable figurative artists drawings will be referred
3 References from Indian miniature painting and books to understand drawing language
Reference books of Contemporary Indian and western Art
a)Drawing by Philip Rawson
b)From the Earthly World to the Realm of Gods: KasturbhaiLalbhai collection of Indian Drawings By RatanParimoo
c) Ways of Drawing: Artists' Perspectives and Practices
Edited by Julian Bell, Julia Balchin, Claudia Tobin

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting

BVA (Painting): Regular Programme

Core / Elective / Foundation
Year II Credits / Hours per week 09
PNT1405:Composition IV
Year of Introduction: 1950
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Core Studio Practice
Course Outcome (CO) PNT1405 Composition IV
CO1 Creating Composition with special emphasis on characteristics of various Painting mediums
CO2 Understanding construction of human figure in relation to surroundings and space.
CO3 Use of Different Objects and human forms in context of composition
CO4 Understanding, exploring creative expression beyond predetermined Methods,
CO5 Developing the student’s visual arts vocabulary

Unit Topic Contact Weightage BT CO PSO Element Relevan Relation

No. Hours (%) Level s of ce to to
Employa Local Gender
bility (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ National Environ
Entrepre (N)/ ment and
neurship Regional Sustaina
(Ent)/ (R)/Glob bility
Skill al (G) (ES),
Develop Human
ment Values
(SD) (HV)and
Special emphasis on qualities of various mediums during
composition building process. implementing different PSO1
1 techniques 15 10 1,2,3,4 CO1 PSO 2
Creative interpretation of Forms and objects from PSO3
observation. (Sketchbook)
Observational colour drawing from the life model PSO1
2 reference – focus on construction of human figure, basics 15 15 1,2,3,4 CO2 PSO3
G, ES,
of human anatomy, structure, proportion- several quick PSO4
studies on oil paper. Introduction to Oil medium L,N, R& G
Studies of animals, human figure in action, draped and PSO1
nude. Explore surface and material. Composition might PSO2
3 25 25 1,2,3,4,5 CO3
have several separate work that toil together to form one PSO3
perceived image and style. PSO4
4 Interpreting figure based on personal understanding and 25 25 1,2,3,4,5,6 CO4 PSO1
explore figure and ground relationships and also look for PSO2
space articulation in Eastern and Western traditions: PSO4
-Copy some Paintings from miniature and masters work PSO6
(various art historical references)
-Miniature painting/ oil colour Practices

Different gestural approach to life drawing and

composition with a methodical approach, PSO1
- this ensure that the student Develops confidence in using
5 20 125 1,2,3,4,5,6 CO5 PSO4
painting as a primary medium for personal expression PSO5
Maintenance of sketchbook as daily practice

Reference Books
1. Masters Painting – Impressionism and post Impressionism
Paintings of different artists in the context of Indian and western practices - examples of notable figurative artists Compositions will be
3 References from Indian miniature painting and books to understand drawing and painting language
4 Reference books of Contemporary Indian and western Art

Syllabus of Courses

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting
BVA Painting : Regular Programme

Year II Core Elective. Credits / Hours per week 06

PNT 1406 Mural -I

Semester II Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012 Maximum Marks / Grade 100

Mode of Transaction Core elective Studio Practice

Course Outcome (CO) PNT 1406 :Mural –I
CO1 Understanding the importance of Relief in Mural making and how it is different from 2-dimensional drawing/painting or 3-Dimensional
modeling or carving.
CO2 Learning about the role Light plays in Relief making.
CO3 Mastering the materials and tools which can be used for Relief Carving/modeling processes.
CO4 Learning to prepare the surfaces suitable for Relief Carving/modeling.
CO5 Learning how to carve/model in Relief.
CO6 Developing Compositions in Relief.

Uni Topic Contac Weighta BT CO PSO Elemen Releva Relatio

t t ge ts of nce to n to
No. Hours Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Enviro
72 Entrepr l (N)/ nment
hours eneursh Region and
/semest ip al(R)/G Sustain
er (Ent)/ lobal ability
Skill (G) (ES),
Develo Human
pment Values
(SD) (HV)an
1 Initiating with drawing based exercises to develop
understanding on how Relief is different than 2- CO
7 10 1,2,3 PSO 1
dimensional drawing/painting and understanding the 1,2
crucial role light play in its viewership and execution.
2 Preparing slabs and surfaces suitable for Relief
carving/modeling. Initiating with making plaster of paris CO
12 15 2,3,6 PSO 2
slabs and learning further about other basic materials like 3,4
wood, clay etc.
G, ES,
L,N, R& G
3 Initiate learning and practicing basic carving/modeling CO HV
techniques with the help of necessary tools on the prepared 20 22 1,2,3,4 1,2,3, PSO 2
surfaces. 5
4 Prepare Drawings (cartoons) for the final composition. CO PSO
08 23 3,4,5
1,2,6 3,4
5 Execute Composition in Relief from the selected Drawing 1,2,3,4,5, PSO
25 30 CO 6
(cartoon) 6 3,4

Reference Books
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation

Programme Name: BVA (Painting)

Programme Specific Outcome (PSO)

PSO 1 Develop various skills and styles of Drawing and Painting.

PSO 2 Learn about different materials and mediums and its usage in a specific chosen context.
PSO 3 Understanding of Visual Elements and its relationship with respect to image making.
PSO 4 Learning to choose and understand a relevant Compositional/ Visual devices towards expression.
PSO 5 Understanding and developing of personal visual language
PSO 6 Exposure to the practices and various styles and traditions of visual art practice regionally, nationally and globally.
PSO 7 Learning to analyze and critique relevant research area of interest to evolve personal language and its context.
PSO 8 To equip to continue art practice independently/professionally.
PSO 9 To be able to undertake advanced studies in specific area of interest in Visual Arts.
Syllabus of Courses

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting
BVA Painting : Regular Programme
Core / Elective / Foundation
Year III Credits / Hours per week 09
PNT 1501 : Drawing V
Year of Introduction: 1950
Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Core Studio Practice
Course Outcome (CO) PNT 1501 Drawing V

CO1 Understanding the different traditions of Drawing.

CO2 Learn how to use non-traditional drawing methods to explore drawings in a specific context of image making.
CO3 Able to understand various traditional and non-traditional approaches to space and its meaning in a drawing.
CO4 Able to understand the relevance of a specific manner of drawing and its manipulation in the context of a concept.
CO5 Able to Understand the various applications of lines, renderings and mark makings and its meanings.
CO6 Drawing as a process (means) of creative and personal expression

Uni Topic Contac Weighta BT CO PSO Elemen Releva Relatio

t t ge Level ts of nce to n to
No. Hours (%) Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
102 hrs (Emp)/ Nationa Enviro
/semest Entrepr l (N)/ nment
er eneursh Region and
ip al(R)/G Sustain
(Ent)/ lobal ability
Skill (G) (ES),
Develo Human
pment Values
(SD) (HV)an
1 Exercises in understanding visually the differences of
various styles and traditions of drawing.
25 25 3,4,5 CO1 PSO1
- Copy some of these drawings from miniature and various
other art historical references.
2 Explore your own context and surroundings in traditional PSO1
and non-traditional drawing techniques of image making. 15 15 1,2,3 CO2 PSO2

3 Explore drawings/ compositions based on a variety of

objects placed in front of you and articulate the light using 17 20 1,2,3, CO3
different drawing techniques and medium. G, ES,
4 Explore chosen medium of drawing through emphasizing PSO 3 HV
Creative potential of mark making and rendering based on 20 15 2,3,4,5 PSO 4 SD
4, 5
different intentions. PSO 5
5 Make drawings based on an experience: direct or indirect.
Use relevant drawing medium and chosen elements in the
drawing process. Bring a personal approach to this
1,2,3,4,5, CO PSO 7
explorations. 25 25
6 5.6 PSO 8
- Projects, Presentations and Individual tutorials in
continuation to the previous work.

Reference Books and areas for Visual references aand research.

Master’s drawings from early Renaissance to Renaissance to Contemporary. Also traditional styles : Ajanta, drawings of miniature artists of
different schools.
2. Look at drawings from the art movements such as Cubism, Impressionism, and Expressionism, Surrealism etc.
3. ‘Vitamin’ series on contemporary drawings.
Syllabus of Courses

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting
BVA Painting : Regular Programme
Core / Elective / Foundation
Year III Credits / Hours per week 09
PNT 1502 Composition V
Year of Introduction: 1950
Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Core Studio Practice
Course Outcome (CO) PNT 1502 Composition V

CO1 Understands Color relationships in surroundings.

CO2 Learns to develop color schemes in a specific context of interest and expression in a Composition.
CO3 Able to understand and develop skills in various mediums.
CO4 Able to understand the relevance of space and its manipulation in a multiple context of a concept.
CO5 Able to apply various color applications and renderings, mark makings and its meanings in a chosen context.
CO6 Painting as a process (means) of creativity and personal expression.

Uni Topic Contac Weighta BT CO PSO Elemen Releva Relatio

t t ge Level ts of nce to n to
No. Hours (%) Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
102 hrs (Emp)/ Nationa Enviro
/semest Entrepr l (N)/ nment
er eneursh Region and
ip al(R)/G Sustain
(Ent)/ lobal ability
Skill (G) (ES),
Develo Human
pment Values
(SD) (HV)an
1 Make observational composition based on surroundings in
20 20 1,2 CO 1 PSO 1
- Emphasis given in studying nature through arranging
different objects in a specific light setting.
2 Explore various color schemes and its applications in
various scales based on visual experiences. PSO
10 10 2,1 CO1,2
- Emphasis given to the imaginary and observed context.
3 Explore different mediums of color (water color, oil color
acrylic etc. on different surfaces (paper, canvas, encaustic 12 10 3.2,1 CO 3 PSO 3
4 Make Composition emphasizing the various articulation of
space (figure-ground relationships) based on a specific 12 10 4 ,5 PSO 4
4, 2 L, N, G, ES,
setting and arranging objects diverse contexts.
5 Make Compositions from memory using various
characteristics: application of Color (strokes, marks, 20 20 6,5
5,4 5,6,7
rendering etc. ) to achieve desired effect.
6 Study and analyze compositional techniques / approaches
of various artists and art movements such as Matisse, Paul
6,5,4,3,2, CO PSO
Gauguin, and the impressionists, Fauvists, Expressionists 28 30
1 6,5,4 9,8,7
Emphasis given to individual Projects and Presentations.
Reference Books:
1. Mattisse on Art, Edited by Jack Flam. (Also refer to works by Paul Gauguin, the Impressionists, Fauvists and Expressionists.)
2. Collected Writings of Robert Motherwell
3. Art and Visual culture by Steve Edwards and others
4. Interaction of Color by Joseph Albers.
Syllabus of Course

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting
BVA Painting : Regular Programme painting, sculpture
Core Elective.
Year III PNT 1503 Mural –I Credits / Hours per week 06

Year of Introduction: 1950

Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Core elective Studio Practice
Course Outcome (CO) PNT 1503 Mural -I
CO1 Understanding the traditional techniques of Mural making.
CO2 Methods of ground making.
CO3 Learn to make Drawings (cartoons) and transferring methods wet and dry surfaces.
CO4 Learning a specific process and its relevance in mural making.

Uni Topic Contac Weighta BT CO PSO Elemen Releva Relatio

t t ge Level ts of nce to n to
No. Hours (%) Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
72 (Emp)/ Nationa Enviro
hours Entrepr l (N)/ nment
/semest eneursh Region and
er ip al(R)/G Sustain
(Ent)/ lobal ability
Skill (G) (ES),
Develo Human
pment Values
(SD) (HV)an
1 Advanced introduction to various traditional and non-
traditional materials and process of Mural Making through 20 30 2,3,1 CO1 PSO1
2 Learn and explore different methods of plastering and
making grounds on various body / surfaces. 20 24 2,3,4 CO2 PSO2

3 Explore and learn making drawings / cartoons for mural G, ES,

L, N,
and its transferring techniques on to desired surfaces. HV
12 16 2,3,4,5 CO3 PSO 3 R& G
4 Practice methods of Italian fresco and learn how to paint 1,2,3
20 30 CO4 PSO4
with Earth colors on different grounds. 4,5,6

Reference Books
1. Look at mural paintings done in various techniques (traditional and contemporary) , Mexican Murals etc.
2. Reference books of Ajanta Murals and Cave Paintings.
Syllabus of Courses

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting
BVA Painting : Regular Programme
Core / Elective / Foundation
Year III Credits / Hours per week 09
PNT 1601 Drawing-VI
Year of Introduction: 1950
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Core Studio Practice
Course Outcome (CO) PNT 1601 Drawing-VI
CO1 Understanding of human structure and its relationship with surroundings.
CO2 Learns to use human forms in a specific context of interest and expression in a compositional drawing
CO3 Able to understand figure (form) - ground relationships and multiple approaches to space-making and it’s meanings in a drawing. .
CO4 Able to understand the relevance of space and its manipulation in the context of a concept.
CO5 Able to Understand the various applications of lines, renderings and mark makings and its meanings.
CO6 Drawing as a process (means) of creative and personal expression

Uni Topic Contact Weight BT CO PSO Elemen Releva Relatio

t Hours age Level ts of nce to n to
No. (%) Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Enviro
Entrepr l (N)/ nment
102 eneursh Region and
hrs/per ip al(R)/G Sustain
semester (Ent)/ lobal ability
Skill (G) (ES),
Develo Human
pment Values
(SD) (HV)an
1 Study of the structure of human body in various contexts.
- Emphasis given to sketching from surroundings as it is 20 20 1,2,3
1,2,3 1,2
an integral part of the practice.

2 Explore various articulations of human form through CO PSO

10 10 1,2
drawing with different mediums and scale. 1,2 1,2
3 Explore and make drawings based on a specific setting- CO PSO
arranging objects in space. 12 10 3,2,1
3,2 3,2,1
4 Draw different forms from the surrounding and compose
them in a chosen context: interior, exterior and imaginary 12 10 3,2,1 G, ES,
4, 3 4, 3
spaces etc. SD, Ent L, N, R HV
5 Explore drawings from memory using various &G
characteristics of lines / marks to achieve a desired effect.
20 20 4,5 ,6 PSO 5
- Refer and research on relevant artists or art movements
in this context.
6 Make drawings based on an experience: direct or indirect.
Use relevant drawing medium and chosen elements in the
drawing process. 4,5,6,1, PSO
28 30 CO 6
2,3 6, 7,8
- Projects, Presentations and Individual tutorials in
continuation to the previous work.

Reference Books
1. Master’s drawings from early Renaissance to Renaissance to Contemporary.
2. Look at drawings from the art movements such as Cubism, Impressionism, and Expressionism etc.

Syllabus of Courses

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting
BVA Painting : Regular Programme
Core / Elective / Foundation
Year III Credits / Hours per week 09
PNT 1602 : Composition VI
Year of Introduction: 1950
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction PNT 1602 : Composition VI
Course Outcome (CO)
CO1 Develops understating of relevant visual elements in a specific context of interest and its expression in a Composition.
CO2 Able to develop relevant spatial manipulation in a multiple context.
CO3 Able to conceptualize compositions independently based on ones idea.
CO4 Learns to analyze and define a chosen stylistic/individual approach towards image making
CO5 Learns the verbal communication method to articulate, communicate, explain and self clarify.
CO6 Panting as a process (means) of creativity and personal expression.

Uni Topic Contact Weigh BT CO PSO Elemen Releva Relatio

t Hours tage Level ts of nce to n to
No. (%) Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
102 hrs/ (Emp)/ Nationa Enviro
semester Entrepr l (N)/ nment
eneursh Region and
ip al(R)/G Sustain
(Ent)/ lobal ability
Skill (G) (ES),
Develo Human
pment Values
(SD) (HV)an
1 Explore compositions based on an experience: direct or
indirect. Use relevant medium and chosen color and PSO 1
textural (surface treatment) elements in the painting 20 20 2,3,1 CO 1 PSO 2
process. PSO 3

2 Make Compositions based on a specific theme or idea.

CO 2
Experiment with composing forms seen from various 10 10 4,3,2,1 PSO 4
CO 1
3 Explore compositions further with the understanding of L,N, R& G, ES,
12 10 5,6,4,3 CO 3 PSO 5 SD, Ent
visual explorations towards a personal language making. G HV
4 Explore compositions further with more specific visual
16 15 6,5,43 CO 4 PSO 5
explorations from previous exercises.
5 Refer and research on relevant artists or art movements
based on individual choices. Share works among the peers. 16 15 4,5,2,1 CO 5
One to one and group discussions.
6 Continue practice in Painting with relevant medium and
6,5,4,3, PSO 8
28 30 CO 6
2,1 PSO 9
- Projects, Presentations and Individual tutorials in
continuation to the previous work.

Reference Books
1. Writings and works by Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Mondrian, Balthus, Munch etc. and the Impressionists, Fauvists and Expressionists.
2. Art and Visual culture by Steve Edwards, Color interaction by Joseph Albers. Meaning of Art and Art and society by Herbert Read.
Syllabus of Courses

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting
BVA Painting : Regular Programme Painting, Sculpture
Core Elective.
Year III Credits / Hours per week 06
PNT 1605 Mural –II
Year of Introduction: 1950
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Core elective Studio Practice
Course Outcome (CO) Mural -II
CO1 Understands contemporary materials and different methods of Mural making.
CO2 Learns to choose and use a medium based on personal interest.
CO3 Understands a specific medium to contextualize its application.
CO4 Learns to visualize suitable compositions and its executions.
CO5 Learns a required specific processes and its relevance in mural making.

Uni Topic Contac Weighta BT CO PSO Elemen Releva Relatio

t t ge Level ts of nce to n to
No. Hours (%) Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
72 (Emp)/ Nationa Enviro
hours Entrepr l (N)/ nment
/semest eneursh Region and
er ip al(R)/G Sustain
(Ent)/ lobal ability
Skill (G) (ES),
Develo Human
pment Values
(SD) (HV)an
1 Introduction to different materials and its process of Mural
Making through exercises. Relief carving, sand casting, 20 25 2,3,1 CO1 PSO1
mosaics and mixed media etc.)
2 Learn and explore a chosen medium practically, make
works/ murals in small scale on different body/surfaces. 15 15 2,3,4 CO2 PSO2

3 Explore various visualizations suitable to different SD, Ent L,N, R& G

G, ES,
medium and context (exterior /interior).Make different 12 20 2,3,4,5 CO3 PSO 3 HV
study/ drawings of public and private buildings.
4 Further explorations in the chosen medium and create 1,2,3
10 20 CO4 PSO4
murals with a context. 4,5,6
5 Exercise could initiate students towards developing a
sensibility to choose and conceive murals through making 15 20 CO5
4,5,6 PSO 8
studies of site and making drawings accordingly.

Reference Books
1. References to Mexican Muralists and other Contemporary artists.
Reference books on Mexican mural movements, Public art initiatives and sculptures and murals on various architectural buildings- private
and public.
Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: 1. Remember 2. Understand 3. Application 4. Analysis 5. Evaluation 6. Creation

Programme Name: BVA (Painting)

Programme Specific Outcome (PSO)

PSO 1 Develop various skills and styles of Drawing and Painting.

PSO 2 Learn about different materials and mediums and its usage in a specific chosen context.
PSO 3 Understanding of Visual Elements and its relationship with respect to image making.
PSO 4 Learning to choose and understand a relevant Compositional/ Visual devices towards expression.
PSO 5 Understanding and developing of personal visual language
PSO 6 Exposure to the practices and various styles and traditions of visual art practice regionally, nationally and globally.
PSO 7 Learning to analyze and critique relevant research area of interest to evolve personal language and its context.
PSO 8 To equip to continue art practice independently/professionally.
PSO 9 To be able to undertake advanced studies in specific area of interest in Visual Arts.
Syllabus of Courses

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting

BVA Painting : Regular Programme

Core / Elective / Foundation

Year IV Credits / Hours per week 09
PNT 1701: Drawing VII

Year of Introduction: 1950

Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012

Mode of Transaction Core Studio Practice

Course Outcome (CO) PNT 1701: Drawing VII

CO1 Learns to see the relationship between diverse media employed through the act of drawing to intervene and engage with the locale.

CO2 Learns to employ diverse means both linguistic as well as media’s to make a drawing.

CO3 Learns to look at drawing as a broader field of self-engagement.

Uni Topic Contact Weightag BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio

t Hours e ts of ce to n to
No. Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
102 hrs (Emp)/ National Environ
/semest Entrepre (N)/ ment
er neurship Regiona and
(Ent)/ l(R)/Glo Sustaina
Skill bal (G) bility
Develop (ES),
ment Human
(SD) Values

1 Recordings of sites by sketching as well as photographing and

developing a relationship between them through the act of 05 05 1,2 CO1 PSO3

2 Collage as a method of drawing: various explorations of

linguistic devices, mediums, print material: printed papers and PSO3
photocopies etc. 05 10 1,2,3,6 CO2

3 Large scale explorations of monochromatic drawings on paper PSO 1,

stuck on wall. 20 15 3,4,6 2
3 L,N, R& G G, ES,
4 Presentation and critique of the works CO PSO
20 15 2,3,4,6
4 1,2

Reference Books
7. 1Drawing by Philip Rawson
8. 2Vitamin D & D2
9. Art Since 1940
Syllabus of Courses

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting

BVA Painting : Regular Programme

Core / Elective / Foundation

Year IV Credits / Hours per week 09
PNT 1702 : Composition VII

Year of Introduction: 1950

Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012

Mode of Transaction Core Studio Practice

Course Outcome (CO) PNT 1702 : Composition VII

CO1 Learns to look at ones art practice in wider context of art making by establishing linguistic connections.

CO2 Learns to articulate and objectify ones art practice within larger concerns and narratives.

CO3 Learns to converse with diverse art-practices through art-making

Uni Topic Contact Weightag BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio

t Hours e ts of ce to n to
No. Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
102 hrs (Emp)/ National Environ
/semest Entrepre (N)/ ment
er neurship Regiona and
(Ent)/ l(R)/Glo Sustaina
Skill bal (G) bility
Develop (ES),
ment Human
(SD) Values

1 Visit to the library: Discussing the works of three or more

artists whose work resonate with your own personal pursuit
25 05 1,2,3, 4, 5 CO1 PSO3
- Display of color print outs along with examples of
personal works to generate a dialogue / discussion.

2 Look into the sources of your works and identify the underlying PSO3
1,2,3, 4,
intentions. Also make a reading of your works to produce a text 25 10 CO2
5, 6
anticipating new ideas.

3 Produce a body of art-works that furthers these conversations PSO 1,

and negotiations with the art-works or artists. 25 15 2,3,4,6 2
3 SD,
G, ES,
4 Presentation and critique of the works L,N, R& G HV
25 15 2,3,4,6
4 1,2

Reference Books

10. 1Vitamin P, P2 and P3

11. 2About Looking by John Berger
12. Art Today by Edward Lucie Smith
Syllabus of Courses

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting

BVA Painting : Regular Programme Painting , Sculpture

Core Elective
Year IV PNT 1705: Mural – III Credits / Hours per week 09

Year of Introduction: 1950

Semester I Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012

Mode of Transaction Core Elective Studio Practice

Course Outcome (CO): Mural – III and Mural and Fresco Techniques - I

CO1 Understanding various medium of mural making for a specific/site

CO2 Understand specific mediums for specific site.
CO3 Learn to conceptualize/ plan Drawings (cartoons) and transferring methods for chosen surfaces.
CO4 Learning a specific process and its relevance in mural making.

Uni Topic Contact Weightag BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio

t Hours e ts of ce to n to
No. Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
102 hrs (Emp)/ National Environ
/semest Entrepre (N)/ ment
er neurship Regiona and
(Ent)/ l(R)/Glo Sustaina
Skill bal (G) bility
Develop (ES),
ment Human
(SD) Values

1 Advanced introduction to various materials and process of

20 30 2,3,1 CO1 PSO1
Mural Making through exercises.

2 Learn and explore different methods of plastering and

making grounds on various body/surfaces.
20 24 2,3,4 CO2 PSO2 SD,
G, ES,
Emp, L,N, R& G
3 Experiment/explore making drawings /cartoons for mural
12 16 2,3,4,5 CO3 PSO 3
and its transferring techniques on to desired surfaces
4 Do practice in Italian fresco and learn how to paint with
Earth colors on different grounds. 20 30 CO4 PSO4
Presentation and critique of the works

Reference Books
13. 1Look at mural paintings done in various techniques (traditional and contemporary) , Mexican Murals etc.
14. 2Reference books of Ajanta Murals and Cave Paintings.

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting
BVA Painting : Regular Programme
Core / Elective / Foundation
Year IV Credits / Hours per week 09
PNT 1801 : Drawing VIII
Year of Introduction: 1950
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Core Studio Practice
Course Outcome (CO) PNT 1801: Drawing VIII
CO1 Learns to see human form as trope of contestation.

CO2 Learns to engage with present and past traditions through drawing human form in respective contexts.

CO3 Learns to engage with human form in a wider context of creative exploration.

CO3 Learns to look at drawing as a broader field of self-engagement.

Uni Contac Weighta BT CO PSO Elemen Releva Relatio

t t ge ts of nce to n to
Topic Level
No. Hours Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Enviro
102 hrs Entrepr l (N)/ nment
/semest eneursh Region and
er ip al(R)/G Sustain
(Ent)/ lobal ability
Skill (G) (ES),
Develo Human
pment Values
(SD) (HV)an
1 Exploration of human form through the act of drawing by
05 05 1,2 CO1 PSO3
looking at various mainstream and alternate traditions.
2 Life studies / Portraits: Understanding work of artists who has PSO3
worked with human form as a central theme. 05 10 1,2,3,6 CO2
G, ES,
,Emp, L,N, R& G
3 Large scale explorations of monochromatic drawings on paper PSO HV
CO Ent
stuck on wall. 1, 2
20 15 3,4,6

4 Presentation and critique of the works CO PSO

20 15 2,3,4,6
4 1,2

Reference Books
1. 1Nude by Kenneth Clarck
2. The World New Made: Figurative Painting in the twentieth Century by Timothy Hyman
3. Living Traditions by K. G. Subramanyan
4. About Looking by John Berger
5. 2When was Modernism by Geeta kapur
Syllabus of Courses

The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda

Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting
BVA Painting : Regular Programme
Core / Elective / Foundation
Year IV Credits / Hours per week 09
PNT 1802 : Composition VIII
Year of Introduction: 1950
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012
Mode of Transaction Core Studio Practice
Course Outcome (CO) PNT 1802 : Composition VIII
CO1 Learns to appropriate and accommodate alternate art practices and mediums in order to broaden ones art-practice.

CO2 Learns to play with meaning generating visual and literal devices.

CO3 Learns the intricacies of display as the major tool to intervene and project ones concerns affectively.

Uni Topic Contac Weighta BT CO PSO Elemen Releva Relatio

t t ge ts of nce to n to
No. Hours Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
(Emp)/ Nationa Enviro
102 hrs Entrepr l (N)/ nment
/semest eneursh Region and
er ip al(R)/G Sustain
(Ent)/ lobal ability
Skill (G) (ES),
Develo Human
pment Values
(SD) (HV)an
1 Look into the artists books as work of art. Explore the
25 05 1,2 CO1 PSO3
semiotics of the images and words.
2 Based on a personal text or borrowed text to come up with PSO3
a new relationship between them. 25 10 1,2,3,6 CO2
G, ES,
Emp, L,N, R& G
3 Organizing an exhibition of class works before the final PSO Ent
display. Giving attention to installation of art works, CO
25 15 3,4,6 1, 2
publicity material and semiotics of putting the wall text in 3
conjunction with the art works.
4 Presentation and critique of the works CO PSO
25 15 2,3,4,6
4 1,2

Reference Books
1. 1Shock of the New by Robert Hughes
2. 2Creative Circuit by K. G. Subramanyan
3. Poetics of Space by Gaston Bachelard

Syllabus of Courses
The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda
Faculty of Fine Arts Academic Year 2019-20
Department of Painting

BVA Painting : Regular Programme (Painting) , Sculpture)

Core Elective
Year IV Credits / Hours per week 09
PNT 1805: Mural – IV
Year of Introduction: 1950
Semester II Maximum Marks / Grade 100
Year of Syllabus Revision: 2012

Mode of Transaction Core Elective Studio Practice

Course Outcome (CO) Mural – IV and Mural and Fresco Techniques - I

CO1 Work with contemporary materials and method and explore the potential of Mural making.
CO2 Understanding to arrive and choose and use a medium based on personal interest/idea
CO3 Understand a specific medium and able to contextualize its application,
CO4 Learning to understand the specific aesthetics and process and its relevance in mural making.

Uni Topic Contact Weightag BT CO PSO Elemen Relevan Relatio

t Hours e ts of ce to n to
No. Employ Local Gender
ability (L)/ (G),
102 hrs (Emp)/ National Environ
/semest Entrepre (N)/ ment
er neurship Regiona and
(Ent)/ l(R)/Glo Sustaina
Skill bal (G) bility
Develop (ES),
ment Human
(SD) Values

1 Introduction to advanced materials and its process of

Mural Making through exercises. Relief carving, sand 20 25 2,3,1 CO1 PSO1
casting and mosaics and mixed medium etc.)
2 Understand to explore a chosen medium practically, make
works/ murals in small scale on desired surfaces.
15 15 2,3,4 CO2 PSO2

3 Work on various visualizations suitable to different

SD, L,N, R& G
medium and context (exterior /interior).Make different 12 20 2,3,4,5 CO3 PSO 3 G, ES,
study/ drawings of public and private buildings. HV
4 Further explorations in the chosen medium and create 1,2,3
murals with a context. 10 20 CO4 PSO4
Reference Books
1. 1References to Mexican Muralists and other Contemporary artists.
2. 2Reference books on environmental art, Public art initiatives and sculptures and murals on various architectural buildings- private and
. public.

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