Agenda of 4 October 2011-1

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Notice of Meeting and Agenda

Policy and Strategy Committee

Tuesday 4 October 2011 at 10.00 am in the City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh

Order of Business Including any notices of motion and any other items of business submitted as urgent for consideration at the meeting.

Declaration of Interests Members should declare any financial and non-financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest.

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Minute of the Policy and Strategy Committee of 6 September 2011 (circulated) submitted for approval as a correct record Deputations if any Motions 5.1 By Councillor Ewan Aitken March Against Welfare Reform Bill remitted from the Council in terms of Standing Order 28.3 Council notes the planned march on 22 October in Edinburgh led by members of the disability community against the proposed changes to disability benefits and other welfare support in the upcoming welfare reform bill. Council agrees to endorse this event as a way in which the voice of those often silenced will now be heard. Note: Councillor Ewan Aitken is called for this item.


By Councillor Hinds Tram Project Public Inquiry submitted in terms of Standing Order 28 Council notes that, subsequent to the Council Meeting of 2nd September, the contract to deliver the tram, from Airport to St. Andrew Square, has been signed. Council therefore agrees that it is now time to get the process of a public inquiry underway; Council recognises that there have been massive failings in the delivery of the Edinburgh Tram project to date, damaging the reputation of this Council, and causing significant anger amongst the people of Edinburgh; Council notes the repeated calls for a full public inquiry into the Edinburgh Tram project, and formally agrees that should go ahead; Council recognises that the project is ongoing, and in no way seeks to disrupt this work, however believes that planning and preparation for a public inquiry could now proceed; Council thus agrees to write to the First Minister, outlining the position above, and requesting that he instigate a public inquiry at the earliest opportunity.

Council Depot at Inverleith report by the Director of City Development (circulated) Note: 1) 2) Councillor Whyte has been invited in respect of his earlier motion Councillors McKay and McIvor invited for local ward interest

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Winter Weather Working Together Progress Report - report by the Director of Services for Communities (circulated) Accounts Commission Statutory Performance Indicators 2010/11 report by the Director of Corporate Governance (circulated) Corporate Management Performance Report June/July 2011 report by the Director of Corporate Governance (circulated) Commissioning Plan for Children and Families report by the Director of Children and Families (circulated)

Carol Campbell Acting Head of Legal and Administrative Services

Membership Councillor Dawe (Convener) Councillor Cardownie (Vice-Convener) Councillor Balfour Councillor Blacklock Councillor Brock Councillor Buchanan Councillor Burgess Councillor Burns Councillor Edie Councillor Godzik Councillor Hinds Councillor Jackson Councillor Gordon Mackenzie Councillor MacLaren Councillor Mowat Councillor Munn Councillor Wheeler

Members called for motions: Councillor Ewan Aitken (Item No 5.1) Councillor Whyte (Item No 6)

Notes: 1) 2) In terms of Standing Orders, substitutes are not permitted at meetings of the Policy and Strategy Committee. If you have any questions about the agenda or meeting arrangements, please contact Louise Williamson, Committee Services, City of Edinburgh Council, City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1YJ; 0131 5264 4264; e-mail [email protected] . The agenda, minutes and public reports for this meeting and all the main Council committees can be viewed online by going to Members and officers of the Council can also view them by going to the Orb home page and clicking on Committee Business. A copy of the agenda and papers for this meeting will be available for inspection prior to the meeting at the main reception office, City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh.



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