Microbial Fuel Cell Material
Microbial Fuel Cell Material
Microbial Fuel Cell Material
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Carbon Nanotube Based Anodes and Cathodes for Microbial Fuel Cells
Naveen Patel, Dhananjai Rai, Deepak Chauhan, Shraddha Shahane,
Umesh Mishra, Biswanath Bhunia................................................................................ 125
Chapter 1
Sabeela Beevi Ummalyma1,*, Dinabandhu Sahoo1, Ashok Pandey2, Kooloth Valapil Prajeesh3
Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development (IBSD), A National Institute under
Department of Biotechnology Govt.of India, Takyelpat, Imphal-795001 Manipur, India
CSIR-Indian Institute for Toxicology Research, 226-001, Lucknow, India
CSIR-National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (CSIR-NIIST),
Trivandrum-695 019, India
* [email protected]
Pollution of the environment associated with increased population along with energy
consumption and the projected reduction of fossil fuels highlights the necessities for
sustainable, cost-effective eco-friendly bio-energy sources. The latest research on
microalgae revealed that algal biomass has promising technologies for biofuel
production, high-value product development, carbon sequestration and wastewater
treatment. However, the latest application of microalgal biomass is its use as microbial
fuel cells (MFCs). Microalgae-based microbial fuel cells (mMFCs) are used as a device
that can convert energy from sunlight into electrical energy through biological pathways.
This chapter is aimed to highlight the advantages of microalgae for power generation in
MFCs, factors influencing electricity production from algae, and future perspectives of
Microalgae, Microbial Fuel Cells, Bioenergy, Algal Biomass
1. Introduction................................................................................................2
2. Microbial fuel cells .....................................................................................3
3. Microalgal microbial fuel cell (mMFC) technology ...............................4
3.1 Role of microalgae at the anode ..........................................................4
3.2 Role of algae at the cathode .................................................................5
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 1-20 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-1
1. Introduction
The increase in alarming signals of global warming associated with the energy crisis
throughout the world lead researchers to focus on alternative renewable energy sources.
There are different types of resources which have been investigated for bio-energy
applications ranging from corn, lignocellulosic biomass, agricultural and other industrial
wastes [1]. Microalgae are known as photosynthetic green microscopic plants and
resources for third generation biofuels. The advantageous features of algal biomass
include high growth rate, availability throughout the year, cultivation on non-agricultural
land and are non-competitive with food. The photosynthesis process is initiated with the
photon induction in an algal cell similar to higher plants and carbon fixation into different
storage compounds such as lipids, proteins and carbohydrates. Many types of research
have proven that algal biomass can be used for biofuel production. However, the process
technology has not been commercialized in a full-scale operation due to certain
challenges associated with energy intensive and costly process. Algal biomass harvesting
from liquid suspension itself is 30% of the cost of the whole process [2]. Consequently, a
possible way of algal biomass utilization is where drying and harvesting are not involved
in the process. Hence the coupling of algal biomass in microbial fuel cells represents a
possible, cost effective, alternative environmental friendly technology for sustainable
biorefineries. Microalgae can be mass cultivated in seawater, wastewater and rivers as
valuable biomass enriched with carbohydrates, lipids and protein. They can be exploited
for a wide range of applications of bio-energy with different routes for bio-oils, biodiesel,
bioethanol, biomethane, hydrogen and even electricity as well [3-5]. The microalgal
biomass production has been initiated with suitable algal strain selection and cultivation,
dewatering of biomass from suspended water via harvesting methods followed by
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 1-20 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-1
subsequent thickening, drying, post-processing for oils and other product extractions [6].
For mass cultivation of algae, biomass is conducted either in phototrophic or mixotrophic
cultivation systems. Algal growths under phototrophic conditions are limited by the light
sources. Under high light intensities, the growth of cells is limited; whereas penetration
of light can be affected at high cell density, penetration of light is limited to few
millimetres of depth from the surface. However, photobioreactor with a large surface area
per unit volume and appropriate light intensities are recommended [7]. Microorganisms’
cells have simple cellular construction for fast growth; usually grow in motile unicellular
states which help for an easy harvest [8]. Algae-based photosynthetic microbial fuel cell
(PMMFC) is an attractive technology, algae are utilized to provide organic substrates in
the anodic compartment, production of oxygen for the cathodic compartment, carbon
dioxide capture, biofuel production and wastewater treatment [1, 9-16]. This chapter
summarizes the microalgal microbial fuel cells along with their advantages and
limitations. Future perspectives for the commercial applications are also discussed.
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 1-20 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-1
exchange membrane. However, microbial fuels cells can be replaced or linked with
microalgae-based fuel technology to reduce the cost and resultant algal biomass can be
utilized for biofuels and other high-value products formation.
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 1-20 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-1
photosynthesis process negatively affects the power output which is one of the limitations
in this kind of fuel cells. In order to overcome this issue, some reports showed that
purging of nitrogen gas, as well as use of concentrated salt solution, can minimize the
problem [38]. For this condition, a salt-tolerant alga is needed to balance the normal
functioning of the cell without affecting its physiology.
Figure1: Representing the role of algae at the cathode and anodic chambers (A),
microalgae used as substrates for microorganisms in the anode chamber of fuel cells.
(Adapted from Baicha et al. [15]
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 1-20 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-1
platinum for redox reactions and energy-intensive process to maintain the dissolved
oxygen at its optimum level [39, 40]. The biocathode approach offers microorganisms to
act as a biocatalyst for enabling electrochemical reduction at the cathode [41, 42].
Integration of microalgal photosynthesis in MFCs is a viable way to reduce or maintain
consumption of energy [43, 44]. The released oxygen in the cathode chamber via the
photosynthetic process helps in running MFCs and utilization of produced biomass for
various applications. The utilization of algae at the cathodes allows expensive catalysts
normally used for reduction of oxygen to be replaced with biomaterials [38, 40]. Figure 1
illustrates the role of algae on both cathode and anode for electricity generations.
4.1 pH
pH is the main physiological factor affecting the proper functioning of MFCs. Low
concentrations of ions and neutral pH in the anode chamber are required for proper
metabolic activity of microorganisms. In this regard, the cathode chamber pH is almost
similar to that of the anode chamber [45]. Any fluctuation in proton, electron or oxygen
concentrations leads to a pH gradient and decreases the power output by perturbing the
physiology of the cell. The travelling of electrons to anode leads to elevated proton
concentration in the anodic chamber. Zhang et al. [46, 47] reported that a higher electric
current can also result in decreased pH at the anode. The chemical and physical
atmosphere in the MFCs harshly affects the kinetics and thermodynamics of oxygen
reduction. In the case of oxygen reduction in the cathode chamber leads to a shifting of
alkaline pH. The physical and chemical environments of MFCs adversely affect the
kinetics and thermodynamics of the electrocatalytic reduction of oxygen. Reduction of
oxygen at the cathode resulted in alkaline pH [97]. Alkaline pH influences cathode and
anode reactions of the single chambered membrane. Even though high pH (8-10) inhibits
the activity of microorganism at the anode, which can be favoured for cathodic reaction
thus improving overall efficiencies. Hence, the current density at the cathode can be
improved by using low-cost catalysts [48]. In order to maintain the pH in the original
level, buffers like phosphate, carbonates, carbon dioxide, borax and zwitterions are used
[40, 49-50]. For large scale operation, a carbonate buffer is the best. It has been proven
that carbonate is more beneficial than phosphate for regulating pH because of inorganic
carbon readily available in wastewaters and more diffusion coefficient in water which
enable its transports via biofilm. However, the benefits of the zwitter ionic buffer are its
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 1-20 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-1
less toxicity, non-interference with biochemical activity and slightly high pKa (6-8) than
the normal pH buffer [51-53].
4.2 Temperature
For the proper functioning of MFCs, high operation temperatures are beneficial in terms
of the mass transfer, reaction kinetics, low resistance, high current density and better
columbic efficiency. The high-temperature increase the rate of biochemical reaction,
which enhances the growth of microorganisms due to more substrates assimilation and
helps in high ionic conductivity which reduces the resistance [54]. Many researchers have
conducted experiments to assess the effect of a wide range of temperature for the
performance of MFCs [55, 57]. It has been reported that 35°C, but can be varied with the
type of organisms is optimum. The conductivity of membrane enhanced with the
increased in temperature [56]. Zhang et al. [58] evaluated the influence of day/light
temperature ranges and showed that more power density was obtained at 18/30°C.
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 1-20 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-1
which is an iron-reducing bacteria in microbial solar cells anode chamber produced 0.1 %
of PCE [73], but organic acids produced as a result of fermentation of photosynthetically
produced intracellular starch were found to be a bottleneck for light/electricity
conversion. Other studies on algae digesting consortium of Lactobacillus and Geobacter
used for bioelectricity from phototrophic grown Chlamydomonas cells showed 0.47% of
power conversion efficiency [74]. Usually, algae-based MFCs, alteration of algal biomass
into organic acids is directly proportional to PCE. The photosynthetic fuel cell from light
to electricity is promising and results showed that conversion efficiency of 3% was
similar to organic solar cells [75-77]. Mixed culture predominating Chlorella showed the
efficiency of PAMFC converting PAR light energy to electricity as 0.1% per day [30].
Another parameter affecting algae-assisted cathodes is light intensity. Wu et al. [78]
evaluated influence of various intensities of light on photo-microbial fuel cells with
cathode containing Desmodesmus sp and results showed that resistance of cathode and
anode were strongly influenced by variation in light intensity and hence the voltage.
Gonzalez del Campo et al. [79] achieved maximum power output in continuous flow
mode compared to that of sequencing batch mode.
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 1-20 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-1
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 1-20 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-1
overcoming the obstacles for economically efficient and viable mMFCs. Sustainability of
the technology strongly depends on the performance of cathodic and anodic reactions.
Moreover, future research work on MFCs can be focused on technologies for developing
low-cost energy input in mMFCs and exploitation of wet algal biomass for boils and
biochar production. Hence mMFCs represent a novel, promising, environmental friendly
cost-effective technology for sustainable energy production.
Sabeela Beevi Ummalyma is grateful to the Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable
Development, A National Institute under Department of biotechnology Govt. of India for
providing financial support and help for this work.
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Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 1-20 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-1
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 1-20 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-1
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 1-20 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-1
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 1-20 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-1
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 21-52 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-2
Chapter 2
Rajesh K. Srivastava
Department of Biotechnology, GIT, Gitam Institute of Technology and Management (GITAM)
(Deemed to be University), Visakhapatnam, A. P. India
[email protected]
The microalgal cell provides an alternative source for bioenergy generation with
application in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) construction. Availability in an
environmentally friendly nature, it has exhibited the capability to capture CO2 gas with an
accumulation of rich oil contents for biofuel. Biodiesel, bioethanol, methane or hydrogen
production capabilities are found in microalgae. Microalgae-MFC has contributed in
electricity generation by using the electrons released at the anode electrode. Microalgae
are also useful in simultaneous electricity generation and wastewater treatment. In this
chapter, our focus is on the advantages, limitations and future prospects of microalgae
species, highlighting enhanced biofuel production.
Microbial Fuel Cells (MFC), Biofuels, Microalgae, CO2 Emissions, Wastewater
Treatment, Electricity Generation
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 21-52 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-2
1. Introduction
Increased use of arable land is reported for the cultivation of agricultural crops or plant
biomass which is utilized for the production of first and second-generation biofuels but
current researches are now focusing on the utilization of non-arable land for the
cultivation of algal biomass for obtaining of third generation biofuels. During the last few
years, advanced research activities have been carried out for the cultivation of algal
biomasses and their use in biofuel production [1]. Applications of microalgae have been
reported for conversion of CO2 gas into potential biomasses and their ability to produce
oxygen gas as strategic importance. Significant research has carried out to exploit the
ability of microalgae for microbial fuel cells (MFC) development via integration with
favourable facts of phototrophic organisms as in-situ generators of oxygen by facilitating
the reaction in the cathode chamber of MFC. Microalgae have the capability of effective
removal of phosphorous and nitrogen from wastewater as an important application of the
MFCs [2, 3]. The potential for algal biomass production in conjunction with wastewater
treatment and power generation with fully biotic MFCs has been discussed in many
recent kinds of literature with anaerobic biofilm and anodic half-cell for generating
current. Phototrophic biofilm on the cathode has been provided with the oxygen for the
oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and also form microalgal biomass [4]. Mass outdoor
cultivation of microalgae for biofuels and co-products has shown many challenges due to
low lipid productivity, contamination, inefficient CO2 supply, and difficulties in
harvesting. In this regards, stage cultivation process has been developed to address these
challenges while culturing microalgae in a fermentor heterotrophically or photobioreactor
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 21-52 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-2
mixotrophically [5]. Lipid degradation processes have been found in microalgae for their
survival and cells grown under fluctuating environmental conditions. And microalgae
have the capability for permanent remodelling or turnover of membrane lipids as well as
rapid mobilization of storage lipids [6]. Microalgal species has the capability at first-stage
for rapidly obtaining their high cell densities via inoculating a phototrophic open-pond
culture and the second-stage is the nourishment of high levels of carbonate, pH, and
salinity. Microalgae species have the capability to resist in phototrophic conditions and
shown capability to utilize the organic carbon. A model of triacylglyceride (TAG) has
been developed for rapid, non-destructive lipid quantization using liquid-state NMR. A
two-stage cultivation system and a high pH-mediated auto-flocculation method have been
utilized for haloalkaline-tolerant and multitrophic green microalgae (taken from soda
lakes) strain ALP2 in a 1 L fermentor and 40 L open-tank which has achieved a final
biomass concentration of 0.978 g DCL-1 with lipid content of 39.78% DC and auto-
flocculation harvesting efficiency of 64.1% in unoptimized conditions [7]. There are
some suitable conditions reported for microalgal biofuel (i.e. diesel) production and these
are optimal bio-environment for microalgae cultivation, process design of algal biodiesel
production, physicochemical properties of lipids extracted from microalgae, properties of
the produced biodiesel fuel, and the transesterification process. Designs of full-scale and
lab-scale photobioreactors (PBRs) have been illustrated for the cultivation of microalgae
[8]. For biodiesel production, sufficient nutrients are added for enhanced microalgae
biomass production. Biodiesel has become renewable and environmentally friendly
energy due to its production from microalgae which have high growth rate and ability to
synthesize a large quantity of lipids within their cell. Microalgae cultivation can be done
in wastewater or organic compost with sufficient nutrients to maintain growth. After
microalgal cell cultivation, harvesting and drying, the microalgae oil extractions are done
in downstream processes during the process of microalgae-derived biodiesel production
[9]. Microalgae and cyanobacteria have been utilized for production of bioethanol. The
industrial bioethanol production has been found to depend on the capability of reducing
production costs for the third generation of biofuels production. Production of bioethanol
has carried out via three routes from microorganisms. The traditional methods are
involving hydrolysis and fermentation of biomass with bacteria or yeast, the dark
fermentation route and the use of engineered cyanobacteria or photofermentation [10]. A
modification of CoA-dependent 1-butanol production pathway into a cyanobacterium,
Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942 has been done for 1-butanol production from CO2.
For this purpose, the activity of each enzyme in the pathway was done by chromosomal
integration and expression of the genes. Treponema denticola trans-enoyl-CoA reductase
(Ter) has utilized the NADH (as reducing power) and used for the reduction of crotonyl-
CoA to butyryl-CoA by Clostridium acetobutylicum butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase with
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 21-52 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-2
2. Microalgae species
Microalgae are microscopic algal organisms of single-cell (unicellular size range 1 µm to
few hundred µm) of algal species with surviving capability individually or in chains or
clusters. They are grown in suspended forms (i.e. free-float in a water body) or attached
forms (via adhering to a submerged surface). They have the capability to produce
approximately half of the atmospheric oxygen on earth by consuming vast amounts of the
CO2 gas as a component of greenhouse gas. Around 35,000 species have been identified
and described as they are known to assimilate the different pollutants in natural water
systems [14]. Microalgal cells growth has the capability to survive in fluctuating
environmental conditions with permanent remodelling or turnover of membrane lipids in
rapid mobilization of storage lipids. Lipid catabolism is associated with lipolysis (i.e.
releases fatty acids and head groups by lipases at membranes or lipid droplets) and
degradation of fatty acids to acetyl-CoA at peroxisome through the β-oxidation pathway
in green microalgae) [15].
Necessary enzymes and regulatory proteins are found to involve in lipolysis and
peroxisomal β-oxidation with highlighting of gaps in understanding of lipid degradation
pathways of microalgae. Glyoxylate cycle and gluconeogenesis have been analyzed with
metabolic use of acetyl-CoA products via understanding various cellular processes such
as vesicle trafficking, cell cycle and autophagy of lipid turnover [6]. The microalgae have
exhibited many applications in environmental biotechnology as utilized for
bioremediation of wastewater and also to monitor the environmental toxicants.
Microalgal biomass production occurs during wastewater treatment in the biofuel
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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manufacturing processes. Microalgal lipid potential has forced research towards finding
effective ways to manipulate biochemical pathways in lipid biosynthesis with more
attention toward cost-effective algal cultivation and harvesting systems [16].
Microalgal has been used as promising feedstock for biodiesel and other liquid fuels and
it has shown fast growth rate with high lipid yields as well as ability to grow in a broad
range of environments. Many microalgae have been achieved maximal lipid yields only
under stress conditions via hindering their growth but compositions were not found ideal
for biofuel applications [17]. Metabolic engineering of algal fatty acid biosynthesis has
shown the promises for the creation of certain microalgal strains with enhanced capability
of economically producing fungible and sustainable biofuels. The algal fatty acid
biosynthetic pathways have shown more homology to bacterial and plant systems and
understand of the algal fatty acid biosynthetic pathway has gleaned from basic studies of
plant or bacterial systems. Successful engineering of lipid metabolism in algae can
express necessary change with the characterization of the algal fatty acid synthase (FAS)
including protein-protein interactions and regulation [18]. Microalgae are capable of
producing greater than 50,000 kg/acre/year of biomass and their biomass is naturally
capable of accumulating energy-dense oils which can be converted into transportation
fuels. It has economic parity with fossil fuels with several challenges such as identifying
crop protection strategies, improving harvesting and oil extraction processes, and
increasing biomass productivity as well as oil content. These challenges can be solved by
genetic, molecular and synthetic biology techniques to enable the capability of microalgal
biofuels to economically competitive with fossil fuels [19].
Microalgae biofuel production technologies have improved fuel security with reduction
of CO emissions. Microalgal has helped in the development of photosynthetically derived
fuels as renewable and potentially carbon-neutral with scalable alternative reserve.
Microalgae can be produced on non-arable land as well as saline and wastewater streams
with the utilization of salt or organic wastes present in it. Further, it can be used to
produce a range of products such as biofuels, protein-rich animal feeds, chemical
feedstocks (e.g. bioplastic precursors) and higher-value products. Selection, breeding and
engineering approaches can be utilized for improved microalgal biomass production with
biofuel conversion efficiencies [20].
Chlorella Vulgaris, Nannochloropsis and Spirulina are some reported microalgal species,
utilized for algal electrical outputs at the stationary phases of algae development. And
indirect correlation has been reported between absorption levels and electrical output
with the investigation as a proportional increase from the stationary phase [21]. Live
green microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa has been utilized at the anode of a microbial fuel
cell (MFC) to act as an electron donor. High cell density has developed at controlled
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 21-52 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-2
oxygen content and light intensity at the anode with the capability to generate electricity
without any externally added substrates. Two models of algal microbial fuel cells (MFCs)
have been shown with the utilization of graphite/carbon electrodes without any mediator.
Model 1 algal MFC has been constructed with live microalgae grown at the anode and
potassium ferricyanide at the cathode. Model 2 algal MFC has live microalgae in both the
anode and cathode under different growth conditions. The maximum power densities per
unit anode volume were found relatively higher (6030 mW/m2/L) in model 1 algal MFC
as compared to previously reported bacteria-driven MFC with a maximum power density
of 30.15 mW/m2 containing graphite/carbon electrode [22]. A much smaller power
density (2.5 mW/m2) has been reported in model 2 algal MFC. Increasing the algal cell
permeability by 4-nitroaniline can increase the open circuit voltage with mitochondrial
action where as proton leak promoting agents (i.e. resveratrol and 2, 4-dinitrophenol) has
increased the electric current production in algal MFC. Introducing Chlorella vulgaris to
the cathode chamber is used to generate oxygen in situ and this algal species is used to
construct the modified microbial fuel cell (MFC) with a tubular photobioreactor (PHB)
configuration as a cathode compartment [12]. And carbon paper-coated Pt is used as a
cathode electrode and it has increased voltage output at a higher extent than carbon felt
used as an electrode. The maximum power density of 24.4 mW/m2 has been obtained
from the MFC with algae biocathode via utilization of carbon paper-coated Pt as the
cathode electrode under intermittent illumination. Maximum power density has been
shown 2.8 times higher than the abiotic cathode. Continuous illumination has shortened
the algal lifetime [23]. Microalgal species has the ability to grow in a freshwater and
saturated saline and it can efficiently use CO2 for global carbon fixation (more than 40%)
and marine microalgae can develop the capability for more productivity due to very
rapidly biomass with doubling time (6 h to one day) depending on the microalgal strain.
Microalgae have more capacity to produce energy-rich oils in a natural way in total dry
biomass via accumulation. Some Botryococcus spp. has been identified to have up to
50% of their dry mass stored as long-chain hydrocarbons. Microalgae are diatoms, green
algae, golden brown, prymnesiophytes, eustigmatophytes and cyanobacteria [24, 25].
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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the multigene family of LHC genes for encoding light-harvesting chlorophyll-a/b (LHC)
proteins of photosystem (PS)II [28, 35].
Table 1 Different microalgae reported with triglyceraldyde storage for biofuel source
Microalgal strain Cell Bio-products References
Chlamydomonas Genome Biodiesel from triacylglycerol (TG) 46– [38, 39]
reinhardtii with 65% of dry weight in starch
121Mbp accumulation (sta) mutants. Cellulosic
ethanol produced from terrestrial plants
Oedogonium Chloroplast Biodiesel, Algal oil and methanol used [40, 41]
cardiacum genome for transesterification (92) by lipase-
mediated synthesis of fatty acid
monoalkyl esters (FAME, biodiesel-)
Coccomyxa A genome Saturated (C16:0 and C18:0) and [42, 43]
subellipsoidea with 49 monounsaturated fatty acid (C18:1)
Mbp high-quality biofuels-making. Lipid
productivity (from OCNL treatment)
232.37 mg/L/ day and 1.25-fold more
than TBNS and as much as 5.06-fold
more than OCND strategy.
Volvox carteri Genome Hydrogen production (30.8 nmole H2 [44, 45]
UTEX2908 with 138 mg Chl-1s-1)
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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Table 2 Application of different microalgal species with other microbial strains in MFCs
construction with the capability to electricity generation
Microalgal species a MFCs Maximum Power References
lone/ with others density (mW/m2)/
Current generation
Chlorella pyrenoidosa Anode of MFCs an 30.15- 104.06 in Model [67, 68]
electron donor with two 1 algal MFCs; 2.16 in
chamber Model 2 algal MFCs -
Chlorella vulgaris The cathode as an 23.17 - 327.67 [68]
with Actinobacteria electron acceptor
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 21-52 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-2
as the source of electrons. In this regard the model cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp.
PCC 6803 has been used extensively in BPV devices. Bioelectrochemical systems have
advantages over conventional microbial fuel cells as these require the input of organic
carbon for microbial growth. Innovative approaches can address scale-up issues
associated with the fabrication of the inorganic (electrodes) and biological (microbe)
parts of the biophotovoltaic devices [62]. It needed a simple commercial inkjet printer to
fabricate a thin-film paper-based biophotovoltaic cell consisting of a layer of
cyanobacterial cells on top of a carbon nanotube-conducting surface to generate a
sustained electrical current both in the dark (as a ‘solar bio-battery’) and in response to
light (as a ‘bio-solar-panel’) with potential applications in low-power devices [63].
Microbial electrochemical technology has been utilized for diverse applications such as
wastewater treatment, biofuel production, water desalination, remote power sources and
biosensors. It has shown many advantages based on the self-sustaining nature of the
microorganisms with donation or acceptance of electrons from an electrode and the range
of fuels can be used. Systems can be scaled up through careful consideration of electrode
spacing and packing per unit volume of the reactor. MFCs can be used to produce
electricity along with the use of microorganisms on the anodes or cathodes, or both
electrodes for a variety of different purposes as shown in Figure 1 [64].
Multimeter Computer
e- e-
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 21-52 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-2
and glucose is the most used substrate in MFC. Plants have also been used in MFC for
generating electric power [66].
In an MFC, bacteria are used as catalysts to oxidize organic matters in order to generate
electrical current. MFC has been found effective in the removal of chemical oxygen
demand (COD) from wastewater. Removal of nitrogen and phosphorus has been reported
with only bacteria containing MFC [73]. Improvement in treatment efficiency of
wastewater can be achieved by a combined process consisting of MFC and microalgae
cultivation. Wastewater treated with a single-chamber MFC (SMFC) has shown
electricity generation (maximum power density of 268.5 mW/m2) with 67% COD
removal as well as partial removal of nitrogen (50%) and (34%) of total phosphorus. The
treated wastewater has been further used to cultivate microalgae to remove the residual
phosphorus and nitrogen (97% TP and 99% NH4+-N). The combined process of SMFC
with cultivated microalgae has been effective and a promising candidate for treating
wastewater with complete removal of TP and NH4+-N [74].
For power generation, various parameters have been considered in MFC technologies
which include maximum power density, coulombic efficiencies and sometimes chemical
oxygen demand removal rate [75]. These parameters have helped in the construction of
effective MFCs devices. Application of microbes for bioremediation while at the same
time generating electricity via MFC technology have a highly advantageous position for
applications in various sectors of industrial, municipal and agricultural waste
management. Bioelectricity production involves the generation of electricity by anaerobic
digestion of organic substrates by microbes [76]. MFC is a device that converts chemical
energy released as a result of oxidation of complex organic carbon sources which are
utilized as substrates by micro-organisms to produce electrical energy thereby proving to
be an efficient means of sustainable energy production. The electrons released due to the
microbial metabolism are captured to maintain a constant power density, without an
effective carbon emission in the ecosystem [77].
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 21-52 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-2
from microalgal species of both marine and freshwater algae [78]. Algal species do not
produce any food for people. The carbohydrate content in the algae cell is available as
starches and sugars to be utilized for fermentation to produce bioethanol [1].
The low hemicellulose levels and absence of lignin in microalgae (Spirogyra) species
results in increased hydrolysis efficiency of biomass and fermentation yields as well as
reduction of the cost of the bioethanol production. Algae species have the ability to take
up CO2 from the atmosphere and power the plants for use of appropriate technology
options to get the good algae bioethanols to yield with GHG reductions relative to fossil
and other biobased fuels [79]. Algal biomass is a crucial energy resource, utilized for the
generation of electricity and transportation fuels. High level of biocomponents in
microalgae has exhibited the potential feedstock for the generation of ecofriendly
biofuels. Microalgae-derived biofuels are suitable as carbon-neutral replacements for
petroleum oil/ fuel [80].
Fermentation process for metabolic conversion of microalgal compounds has been used
for the synthesis of bioethanol and higher alcohols synthesis. Major biocomponents
(carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids) of microalgal biomass are, have been utilized for
maximum biofuel generation. Efficient pretreatment methods for algal biomass
hydrolysis can help in enhancing the bioavailability of substrates (simple sugar, amino
acid, and fatty acid). Biocomponents have been useful for the generation of various
biofuels (bioethanol, higher alcohol, and biodiesel) through fermentation and
transesterification processes. Maximum utilization of algal biomasses has been successful
to get economically feasible biofuel production [81]. The technical potential of producing
biofuel has been reported in naturally occurring microalgae spirulina. It was grown in
such environment which contained nitrates, phosphates and carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere. After drying of algae and grinding, this algal matter was subjected to acid
hydrolysis to extract carbohydrates for the formation of an algal sugar solution.
Fermentation of this algal sugar solution (15.2 g.L-1 of reducing sugar) by Saccharomyces
cerevisiae was performed to produce ethanol (0.85-1.0%). Varied ethanol percentages
were found based on the variation of hydrolysis time, the concentration of sulfuric acid
and fermentation time. This process provided the assurance in a defined way for biofuel
production from other carbohydrates enriched microalgae [82].
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 21-52 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-2
and flow with more focus on economic and future overview on biodiesel production from
microalgae [96].
Commercial production of microalgal biodiesel is not found economically viable due to
low storage lipid yield. Selection of lipid-rich microalgae is an important task for
microalgal biodiesel production. Laboratory screening protocols with a comprehensive
assessment of microalgae species have been done under the laboratory as well as fields
conditions. Graesiella sp. WBG-1 has the capability of accumulating a large amount of
storage lipid content (33.4 % DW with 90% of storage TAGs) under natural solar
irradiance and temperature with pilot-scale raceway pond. It has shown the feasibility of
using a low-cost raceway pond for autotrophic cultivation of microalgae for biodiesel
production [97].
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 21-52 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-2
yield (77%) [100]. Ruminal fluid as a source of hydrolytic microorganisms has been
utilized for the pretreatment of microalgae (Senedesmus). In a bioreactor, use of enriched
culture microalgae to the ruminal fluid ratio (S/X: 0.5) has been reported for the
hydrolysis (29%) with subsequent production of methane yield for 7 days. The main
predominant ruminal hydrolytic bacteria were principally Clostridium, Proteocatella and
Pseudomonas [101].
Microalgae species are available as alternative substrate /source for biofuel synthesis as
these have shown an environmentally friendly nature with the capability to capture CO2
gas for the accumulation of rich oil contents for biofuel (biodiesel, bioethanol / n-butanol,
methane or hydrogen gas as production capability). Microalgae are utilized as low cost
and promise substrate for third generation biofuels production. Microalgae-MFC has
been utilized in electricity generation by using the electrons released to the anode
electrode. Microalgae have also been utilized in electricity generation via wastewater
treatment with removal of toxic compounds. Lipid degradation processes in microalgae
have been reported for their survival and cells grown under fluctuating environmental
conditions. Microalgae cultivation and process designing have been reported for algal
biodiesel production. Lipids from microalgae have been utilized for the production of
biodiesel fuel by transesterification process. Lab-scale photobioreactors (PBRs) have
been utilized for cultivation of microalgae via utilization of wastewater or organic
compost with sufficient nutrients to sustain its growth. We need to focus more research
on the development of microalgae species with more lipid storage capacity via utilization
of wastewater treatment and ability to utilize the excess CO2. As microalgae species are
not a competitor for arid / fertilized land (utilize for food cultivation) they shoould be
promoted as a source for biofuel production for future energy demand.
ABE: Acetone–Butanol–Ethanol; ACCase: Acetyl-CoA carboxylase; AD: Anaerobic
digestion; Algal Res: Algal research; Appl Biochem Biotechnol: Applied biochemistry
and biotechnology; ASTM: American section of the international association for testing
materials; BBC: Bold's basal culture; Biol Evol: Biology evolution Biol: Biology;
Biomass Bioenergy: Biomass and bioenergy; Bioresour Technol: Bioresource
technology; Biotechnol Adv: Biotechnology advances; Biotechnol: Biotechnology;
BMP: Biochemical methane potential; BPV: Biophotovoltaic; CaO: Calcium oxide;
Cas: CRISPR-associated; CE: Columbic efficiency Chin J Chem Eng: Chinese journal
of chemical engineering; CO2: Carbon dioxide; COD: Chemical oxygen demand;
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 21-52 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-2
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Chapter 3
Naveen Patel1a*, Dhananjai Rai2b, MD. Zafar Ali Khan3b, Shivam Soni1d, Umesh Mishra1e and
Biswanath Bhunia4f
Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Agartala-799046,
Tripura, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Jhansi, Jhansi-284128, Uttar Pradesh, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Government Polytechnic College, Gonda, Gonda-271001,
Uttar Pradesh, India
Department of Bio Engineering, National Institute of Technology Agartala, Agartala-799046,
Tripura, India
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
The exploitation of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas have been increasing and is
creating a worldwide energy crisis. Because of global environmental concerns about
pollution and energy uncertainty, sustainable and clean energy resources are needed to be
investigated. Microbial fuel cell (MFC) is such a technology, which uses organic
compounds and converts it into electrical energy through catalytic reactions by
microorganisms. The electricity generation efficiency of MFC is greatly influenced by
various physical and chemical parameters i.e. operating conditions like temperature, pH,
type of oxidant, electrode surface area, electrolyte conductivity and substrate, etc.
MFC, Operating Condition, Substrate, Oxidant, Electrode, Conductivity
List of Abbreviations
MFC Microbial fuel cell
PTFE Polytetra fluoroethylene
CoTMPP Cobalt tetramethoxyphenylporphyrin
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 53-74 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-3
AC Activated carbon
RVC Reticulated vitreous carbon
CNT Carbon nanotubes
MEA Membrane electrode assembly
UMFC Upflow Microbial fuel cell
PEM Proton exchange membrane
CEM Cation exchange membrane
AEM Anion exchange membrane
BPM Bipolar membrane
COD Chemical oxygen demand
CE Coulombic efficiency
OCP Open circuit potential
1. Introduction..............................................................................................55
2. Cathode Electrode ...................................................................................55
2.1 Cathode Electrode with Catalysts ......................................................55
2.2 Cathode Electrode without Catalysts.................................................56
3. Anode electrode Materials and surface modification ..........................57
4. Reactor configuration..............................................................................59
5. Membranes/Separators Tested in MFC ................................................60
5.1 Ion Exchange Membrane ...................................................................60
5.2 Size Selective Separators ...................................................................61
6. Effect of Temperature on MFC Performance ......................................62
7. Substrates (Fuels) in the MFC Anode Chamber ..................................62
8. Electrolyte Conductivity .........................................................................63
9. Electrolyte pH in Governing MFC Performances................................64
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 53-74 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-3
1. Introduction
Development and industrialization are obligatory to produce power from available
resources to fulfil the world's increasing energy demand. Fossil fuels such as natural gas,
coal, and petroleum are being exploited more to fulfil the energy requirements.
Dependence on these natural sources is unsustainable due to pollution and limited
availabilities which have further created the problem of a global energy crisis. Lots of
research is going in the quest for developing highly efficient energy transformations and
ways to utilize alternative renewable energy sources [1]. Hence, the development of an
alternate long-term energy source is necessary. Bioelectricity generation using microbial
fuel cells (MFCs) is one of the areas of green energy productions utilizing renewable
resources. MFC is a bio-electrochemical device, which utilizes organic matter and
degrades them into smaller molecules through the catalytic activities of microorganisms
to generate electricity [2]. The MFC's performance is largely affected by many physical
and chemical parameters, such as membrane/separator, types of oxidants, electrode
surface area [3], electrode material [4], reactor configuration [5], pH, types of oxidants,
electrolyte conductivity, substrates (fuels) and temperature [6]. By optimizing these
operating parameters, the performance of MFC can be enhanced by decreasing the
polarizations/internal resistance. This chapter encapsulates details related to the effects of
these operating parameters on MFC performance
2. Cathode Electrode
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 53-74 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-3
study, reduction in loading along with increase in current density (0.42 A m-2) as
compared to large scale (commercial) available Pt-black (0.22 A m-2, Vulcan XC-72, E-
Tek) was observed [8]. The binding energies of oxygen can be reduced by using Pt in a
combination of transition metals like Fe, Co and Ni. Higher power density
(1681 mW m-2) was obtained, when carbon electrode doped Pt-Co alloy in the ratio of 2:1
as compared to the power density (1315 mW m-2) obtained by using platinum-coated
carbon paper for MFC operation [9]. By doping MnO2 with cobalt, an increase in the
value of current generation was observed from 86 mW m-2 (when only MnO2 was used as
a control) to 180 mW m-2, which is close to the value obtained by Pt (198 mW m-2) [10].
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and perfluorosulphonic acid (Nafion) are the most
commonly used binders for coating the catalyst (Pt or CoTMPP stands for cobalt
tetramethoxyphenylporphyrin) on the electrode substrate.
A comparative study was performed by Cheng et al,. for employing two binders namely
Nafion and PTFE for coating Pt catalyst in a single chamber air cathode MFCs. During
their study, they observed the maximum power of 480 mW m-2 when Nafion was used as
binder whereas 331 mW m-2 was the maximum power density when using PTFE as a
binder. Because of the hydrophobicity of PTFE, biofilm formation was found to be low
and thin on using PTFE as binder [11]. Coating of CoTMPP catalyst using Nafion as
binder was also studied and the generated power was 369 mW m-2. In terms of cost,
Nafion binder cost was 500 times more than the PTFE binder. Nowadays, researchers
have developed biocathodes for reducing overpotentials. Biocathodes have the ability to
perform reduction reaction in MFC electrodes and are microbially catalysed. These
biocathodes are being considered as an alternative for replacing expensive catalysts. The
biocathodes are getting popularity because of their several advantages such as low cost,
reclamation nature, efficiency in wastewater treatment, environmental compatibility, and
biogas generation capability.
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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Use of AC with HNO3 for MFC operations, among all these available chemicals for pre-
treatment, leads to exhibit higher power density of 170 mW cm-2 as compared to 51 mW
m-2 which was obtained without pre-treatment of AC. But still these cathode electrodes
without catalyst due to some reason have relatively smaller power density when
compared with Pt-coated AC [14].
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Fig. 1. Power density curves in single chamber bottle type MFCs with carbon paper and
carbon brush anodes [18].
Reticulated vitreous carbon (RVC) because of its, high conductivity, porosity and brittle
nature has been used by many researchers but its cost is higher than other carbon
materials used as an anode electrode. In recent years, stainless steel, gold, ceramic with
carbon and titanium are few other non-carbon materials which have been used as anode
materials [19, 20]. In a study conducted by Dumas et al., on the use of stainless steel as
anode material in MFC operations, low power density was generated (4 mW m-2) [21].
Whereas another study performed by Richter et al., revealed that gold cannot be used by
it self as anode electrode [22].
Surface modification of anode electrode has been attempted in order to increase the
performance of MFC operations using a particular anode. In one of the successful
modifications suggested by Cheng and Logan, the carbon cloth anode was treated with
5% NH3 gas at 700°C using helium as carrier gas. It has been found that the power
increased (1640 4 to 1970 4 mW m-2) and lag period reduced up to 50% along with an
increase in positive surface charge from 0.38 to 3.9 meq m-2. It has been observed that
surface coating with materials like polyaniline, carbon nanotubes (CNT), metals and
composites of these materials (polymer/CNTs) resulted in improving power generation.
The surface area and adhesion of bacteria on the surface of the material can be increased
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 53-74 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-3
by coating polyaniline on the MFC anodes, which further help, in enhancing the
maximum power densities of MFC operations [24]. The coating of the anode with CNT
helps in increasing the transfer of an electron to the electrode from bacteria and also helps
in decreasing the internal resistance of MFC [25]. There are different types of surface
treatments which include; (a) heating of carbon mesh at 450°C for 30 min [26], (b)
oxidation of carbon electrodes surface using acid (sulphuric acid) and (c) combination of
both heat and acid treatment [27]. These treatments lead to (1) lesser contaminant
formation (2) Increase in specific surface area and (3) more positive charge transfer to
electrode [27].
Recently, applying of 1.85 V (vs. Ag/AgCl) to graphite plates in electrochemical
oxidation method had gained a lot of attention. The power density with pre-treatment can
be increased (39 to 58%) [28]. Guo et al., has reported that on increasing the surface
roughness of graphite rod/sheets/plates by sandpaper, higher power generation can be
achieved [29]. By use of mediators like neutral red and methylene blue (MB), electrons
can be transferred from bacterial cell to electrode [30]. Continuous wash out during batch
mode operation is one of the major limitations related to the use of these mediators which
are required to be supplemented continuously, so that the performance of MFC can be
maintained. This problem of washing out can be solved by using immobilized lipases
which are sustainable for higher duration.
4. Reactor configuration
Reactor volume variation, spacing of electrode, hydraulic flow pattern, oxygen supply,
and membrane area are the reactors configuration and these are the main operating
conditions that affect the performance of MFC. Double chamber "H" type MFCs, among
various types of MFCs, have been used most frequently by the researchers. One of the
major important aspects of using this type of MFC is that it helps in limiting the substrate
and oxygen crossover with increase in diffusion of proton through ion exchange
compartment [31]. The performance of MFC was decreased as the distance between the
electrodes was increased as it leads to increase in internal resistance. Therefore, clamping
of electrodes along with the membranes or separators has been done by various
researchers [32]. In double chamber MFCs, by maintaining small spacing between
electrodes, the internal resistance was lower (93Ω) [32] compared to the value obtained
by other researches who performed the operation by maintaining larger spacing of
electrodes for MFC operations (672Ω) [33]. Unknown power densities were developed
due to the application of different configurations of the MFCs and this unknown power
generated can be calculated by using Eq.1, which is based on the difference in internal
and external resistances of the two systems [31, 34].
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 53-74 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-3
(eq. 1)
= power density (mW m-2) with advanced configuration of MFC.
= power density with H type MFC.
= internal resistance of H type MFC.
= internal resistance of an advanced cell
MFCs configuration with advanced ion transport design leads to increase in power
production which was nearly 17% more than the salt bridge MFCs [34]. Just like the
previous study, it was observed that bottle type MFCs were less efficient than the cube
type MFCs [35]. A comparative study was carried out between single chamber bottle and
cube type MFCs by Logan et al. and it was reported that the higher power density was
obtained by a cube type MFC than the bottle type MFC (i.e. 2400 mWm-2 for cube type
and 1200 mWm-2 for bottle type). Further, the internal resistance for cube MFC was
smaller i.e. (8 Ω) whereas, internal resistance for the bottle type was higher (20 Ω).
Sandwich type MFCs with membrane electrode assembly (MEA) has shown higher
power density as compared to MFC with spacing between the cathode and anode
electrodes of 1.7 cm. However, main problems such as water leakage, evaporation and
high oxygen demand are associated with the use of single chamber MFC. These problems
can be eliminated by using PTFE diffusion layers on cathode, which will further help in
increasing the CE and maximum power densities [36]. He et al. have studied two
different configurations of upflow MFCs (UMFCs) and they have found maximum power
density of 170 mWm-2 from one reactor and 29.2 mWm-2 from other reactor with internal
resistances of 84 Ω and 17 Ω respectively [26, 37]. The maximum density (309 mWm-2)
was obtained by flat plate MFC [12].
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Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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separators have been higher diffusion of oxygen and substrate cross over. Though, this
problem can be solved by increasing the distance between electrodes as suggested by few
researchers but it can also lead to increase in internal resistance [44]. Therefore, further
research is required to be done in this field so that the MFCs performance with size-
selective separators can be optimized.
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 53-74 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-3
Coulombic efficiency (CE) and electricity generation were observed. The double-
chambered MFC acetate fed has shown high CE value of 72.3% as compared to 43, 15
and 36% exhibited by butyrate, glucose and propionate respectively [50]. Whereas in
term of power density, glucose as substrate has the maximum of 156 as compared to 58 ,
51.4 and 64.3 mW m-2 of acetate, butyrate and propionate substrates respectively.
8. Electrolyte Conductivity
There are two categories in which the electrolytes of MFC have been classified. These
are; Anodic solution (anolyte) and cathodic solution (catholyte). Both of these play a very
important role in preventing imbalances and hence lead to better MFC performance.
According to the study conducted by Fan et al., the level of internal resistance of
electrolyte was increased (47.3 to 82.2%) as the phosphate buffer reduced to 50 mM from
200 mM [51]. In another study of membrane-free single chambered MFC, the internal
resistance was decreased from 161 to 91 Ω as NaCl (100mM) was added into 100mM
phosphate buffer as a supplement [6]. However, no significant change was observed on
further increasing the electrolyte concentration to 400 mM (200mM NaCl+200mM
phosphate) from 200 mM (100mM NaCl+100mM phosphate). Electrolyte concentration
greatly affect the MFCs internal resistance of anode, cathode and solution. In another
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 53-74 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-3
study, it has been reported that 36-78% of the total internal resistance was contributed by
the electrolyte resistance, whereas 2-35% of the resistance was contributed by the anode
[51]. Whereas in term of power density, a special observation was reported by Cheng and
Logan, that with increase of the electrolyte conductivity from 1.7 Ms cm-1 to 7.8 mS cm-1,
the power density increased to 33 mW m-3 from 16 mW m-3 [52]. This increase in power
density was observed up to 60 mW m-3 when the conductivity was increased to 20 mS
cm-1. In another study, it has been found that the addition of buffer in the primary sludge
led to increase in power generation of up to 1.5 times [53]. This increase in power density
was observed up to 60 mW m-3 till the conductivity was increased to 20 mS cm-1. The
power generated in a single chambered air cathode MFC can be increased by 85%, as the
buffer concentration (conductivity) of solution level increased to 400 mM from 100 mM
as shown in Fig. 2 [6].
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 53-74 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-3
eq. (2)
eq. (3)
= half-cell reduction potential
= standard potential
= universal gas Constant
= temperature in Kelvin
= number of electrons transferred, and
= Faraday's constant (the number of Coulombs per mole of electrons).
Oxygen redox potentials of the cathode, previously reported by Logan et al. at various
pHs were 0.627 V (pH 10) and 0.805 V (pH 7) [2]. In another report, it was found that
when pH value decreased from 7 to 3.5, the value of open circuit potential (OCP)
increased to 1.38 from 0.90 V, whereas an increase in basic nature led to drop in OCP
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 53-74 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-3
The formation of water is faster than hydrogen peroxide. However, hydroxide formation
is primarily responsible for the degradation of cathode materials and MFCs membrane,
but it also acts as a disinfectant for microbial contamination [2]. Some researchers have
tried to use Fe (CN)6 3- as an oxidant in place oxygen as it has high reduction potential as
well as the ability to replace the use of precious catalyst like platinum [60]. With the use
of ferricyanide catholyte, the voltage generation was increased to 11% (0.65 V) in
comparison to the MFC with aeration (0.578 V) [61]. In one of the similar study like
above, MFC catholytes with aerated ferricyanide have higher power generation of 155%
than the MFC catholytes with ferricyanide or only with aeration where power generation
was about 111% [62]. Permanganate's open circuit potential (OCP) of the cathode for
MFC operation was found to be higher as compared to that of oxygen (i.e. 1.7 V at pH
3.5 for permanganate whereas 0.8V at pH 7 for oxygen) [60]. Nitrate and sulphate with
biocathode (microbial interaction) along with a significant amount of oxygen
concentration can be used as final electron acceptors [63]. The performance of MFC gets
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 53-74 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-3
affected according to the concentration of reactant i.e. partial pressure of oxidisers (for
example use of oxygen in place of normal air) in the cathode according to Nernst Eq.3.
There are three possible effects due to the increase in partial pressures of oxygen [64].
These are (1) increase in OCP; (2) decrease in activation losses; and (3) increase in
limiting current due to a reduction in mass transport. Similar results were reported in one
of the studies by Kakarla et al. where MFCs performance (air cathode) was evaluated by
increasing the oxygen concentrations, supplied from externally connected algae
bioreactor [54].
MFCs architecture, temperature, electrode and catalyst materials, pH, membrane/
separator, conductivity and substrate concentration are the physical and chemical factors
which are very crucial for efficient, economic and sustainable MFC power generation and
hence optimization of these parameters is essential. Optimization becomes more essential
especially at the time of real field application of these MFCs, therefore the main
physicochemical parameters affecting the MFC operations need to be thoroughly
determined and optimized.
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Chapter 4
Fatma Aydin Unal1,2, Mehmet Harbi Calimli1,3, Hakan Burhan1, Fatma Sismanoglu1,
Busra Yalcın1, Fatih Şen1*
Sen Research Group, Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Arts and Science, Dumlupınar
University, Evliya Çelebi Campus, 43100 Kütahya, Turkey
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Alanya Alaaddin
Keykubat University, 07450 Alanya/Antalya, Turkey
Tuzluca Vocational High School, Igdir University, Igdir, Turkey
[email protected]
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) received considerable interest in recent years and represent a
promising technology based on the conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy
by microbial catalysis. However, their power output and stability is low due to the
influence of the cathode, electrolyte, membrane, microorganism of the anode, and cell
configuration. The choice of appropriate characterization techniques and methods to
examine these problems, which limit the development of MFCs, is extremely important.
For this reason, this chapter focuses on biochemical and electrochemical characterization
techniques in order to examine a variety of surface morphology, analytical and
spectroscopic details.
Fuel Cell, Microbial Fuel Cell, Characterization, Electrochemistry, SEM
1. Introduction..............................................................................................76
2. Characterization techniques of microbial fuel cells .............................77
2.1 Electrochemical techniques ...............................................................77
2.1.1 Voltammetric measurements .............................................................78 Cyclic voltammetry (CV) ................................................................78
2.1.2 Electrochemical spectroscopy technique (EST) ................................81
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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1. Introduction
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) contain inorganic-organic substances and generate electrical
current by using bacteria as a catalyst. The electrons generated by the bacteria in these
materials are transmitted from the cathode to the anode. Under normal circumstances, a
positive current causes the reverse electron current from the positive point to the negative
point. For this purpose, different chemical mediators are used to generate the current
using bacteria from the electrode-free systems. The resulting electrons reach the cathode
to merge with protons thanks to the oxygen in the air and a separating material on the
anode, and so water is formed as a result of this process [1]. To characterize the contents
of the microbial fuel cell, some different techniques, such as CLSM (confocal laser
scanning microscopy), SEM (scanning electron microscopy), and fluorescence
microscopy are performed. These techniques detect growth patterns, heterogeneity, and
biofilm thickness-density on the anode surface in microbial fuel cells [2–5]. Besides, the
porosity of membrane materials and electrode are also characterized by using these
techniques. Other techniques, such as spectroscopic, electrochemical, and biochemical
are carried out to evaluate the structure of the product and the usage of the substrate and
the mediators in the microbial fuel cells. Among these, the spectroscopic techniques, such
as High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 75-100 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-4
(UV-VIS) [6] are used to detect the types of chemicals. The use of redox mediator as a
biochemical method is a quantitative measurement technique [7]. Cyclic voltammetry
(CV) [8], differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) [9], chronoamperometry (CA) [10],
chronopotentiometry (CP) [11], polarization curves [12], power curves [13], coulombic
efficiency [14], resistance [15], and energy efficiency [16] are electrochemical methods
which allow qualitative analysis. Among these techniques, cyclic voltammetry is the
most widely used method in biological fuel cells, and it is the basic structure to provide
electron transfer in the system [7].
Where Ox and Red are the oxidized and reduced species, and n is the number of electrons
involved. The activity of the species presents the redox reaction activity and the standard
potential effect the electrode surface potential in the fuel cells. This is expressed by the
Nernst equation as follows [19]:
𝑅𝑅 a𝑜𝑜
𝐸 = 𝐸0 + ln (2)
𝑛𝑛 ared
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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Figure 1. A. Excitation signal: potential vs. time in CV; B. Cyclic voltammogram: current
vs. Potential.
The following equation is used to determine the potential of redox reaction occurring in a
microbial fuel cell.
Epa +Epc
E0 = (3)
Generally, the analyte concentration determines the peak height in a reaction having electron
transfer and diffusion control. The following equation is called Randles-Sevcik (Eq. 4) which is
used to calculate analyte current.
nFvD 2
𝐼𝑝 = 0.4463 nFAC � � (4)
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 75-100 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-4
graph between the square root of the scan rate and the peak current is linear [21]. In the
simplest case of Langmuir adsorption [21], the shape of the voltammogram is entirely
symmetric with identical areas under the two waves, and the peak potentials satisfy Epa =
Epc = E0. In this case, the peak current is proportional to v rather than to v1/2.
It is relatively easy to determine whether a reaction is a reversible couple, with the help
of the cyclic voltammetry method. The required anion/cation ratio for an effective
reversible electrochemical system is 1, and the electrode potential separation rate in the
room conditions is 59.2 mV/n (n is the number of transferred electrons in electrochemical
reaction). The non–reversible systems have more differences with lower peak numbers
and peak potentials compared to reversible ones. The reason for this is the extension of
the time required for electron transfer in non-returnable systems [20]. In microbial fuel
cell researches, cyclic voltammetry methods were applied for (1) examining the direct or
indirect electron transfer mechanism between the biological membrane and the electrode,
(2) determining the anodic oxidation potential and the cathodic reduction potential,
including biological or chemical potential; (3) testing the performance of the catalyst
system [19]. The use of cyclic voltammetry technology is easy, but it takes time.
However, background experiments are necessary to guarantee the accuracy of the
mechanical work. The anode may contain peak current and peak potential direct or
indirect electron transfer from electrode interface reactions when the chamber is filled
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 75-100 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-4
with microbial assemblies. There are many unknown factors for complex systems, such
as wastewater [20]. The cyclic voltammetry curves are affected by the following factors:
pre-treatment of the electrode surface, microorganism types and their thermodynamic
properties, the rate of electron transfer reactions concentration of electroactive species
and their diffusion rates and sweep rate.
It should be noted that many electrode materials used in microbial fuel cells can not
fabricate reversible electrochemical reactions even for classical reversible redox couple
Fe(CN)63- /Fe(CN)64 [20–24]. This is mainly due to the fact that the heterogeneous
processes of electrode reactions can be considerably infected by the microstructure,
roughness, and functional groups present on the electrode surface. For example, an
electrode will fabricate different electrode reactions and different cyclic voltammetry
curves before and after polishing. For this reason, the electrode and operating terms must
be suitable for the proper definition of kinetic parameters [20].
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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generated (P) by the microbial fuel cells for each set Rext through the second Ohm law
(equation 5) [1–31].
Figure 4. MFC current (I), voltage (E) and power (P) as function of applied external
resistance (Rext).
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 75-100 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-4
Since there is no current for the open circuit condition (infinite Rext), no energy is
generated. The power rises with the current until Maximum Power Point (MPP) is
reached. Symmetric power curves are recorded for microbial fuel cells with high Rint.
When maximum power point is applied, Rext equals Rint (i.e., maximum power transfer
theorem). With low Rint, power generation increases in microbial fuel cells [1]. For this
reason, one of the primary objectives of microbial fuel cells is to reduce the internal
resistance of the system [34–35]. An example of how the microbial fuel cells electrical
parameters (I, E and P) change when Rext is changed is given in Fig. 4 [1–31].
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 75-100 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-4
Figure 5. Anode (in brown) and cathode (in green) polarization curves addition gives the
total MFC polarization curve (in blue).
There are different methods to track the polarization curve of microbial fuel cells [35].
The simplest one is called the "variable resistance method." This consists of connecting
different external resistances (Rext) to the microbial fuel cells and measuring the response
regarding output voltage. Using first Ohm's law, current intensity can be calculated for
each set resistance as Eq. 6 [37]:
I = E ∕ 𝑅ext (6)
Before obtaining the polarization curve, it is suggested that the microbial fuel cells are
entirely set to the open circuit potential in the open circuit mode for several hours. Then,
Rext must be changed in descending order, starting from the highest value (in the order of
104 Ω) to conclude at the lowest one (1 Ω is sufficient). To achieve a meaningful result,
once the system reaches steady-state conditions again, the voltage on each setting
resistance must be recorded. Steady state can take a few minutes or more to set up. This
depends on the system and the amplitude of the Rext variation. It is recommended to wait
at least 2 minutes between obtaining each voltage. The polarization curve should be
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 75-100 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-4
recorded in both senses (in other words, down from high to Rext, and vice versa). Also, the
entire polarization curve measurement should not last more than 2-3 hours since it can
negatively affect the exoelectrogenic metabolism. There must be a compromise between
the number of Rext being tested (giving the curve resolution) and the time required for the
measurement (the final result). There is no general rule for this, and there must be work
arounds for each tested microbial fuel cells [38].
An example of measuring polarization and power curves in microbial fuel cells is shown
in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Example of MFC polarization curve (in blue) and the power curve (in red).
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 75-100 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-4
Ohmic resistances are the basic building blocks of microbial fuel cells, and that provide
the primary functions for the formation of the central features of these cells, partly due to
the low ionic conductivity of the substrate solutions. However, usually due to the low
level of optimization in fuel cell design, internal resistance dominates ohmic resistance.
By the time the linear polarization curve is obtained, the slope becomes equal to the
internal resistance. E is the electromotive force, and Rint is the internal resistance of the
microbial fuel cells [20]. When the internal resistance is equal to the external resistance,
the highest power value is obtained. However, when the polarization curves are not
linear, the power output is closely related to the concentration losses.
M ∫0 id𝑡
εCb = FbV . (9)
Where M is the molecular weight of oxygen 32 g/mol, F is the Faraday constant,= 96,485
C/mol, b=4 corresponds to the number of electrons exchanged per mole of oxygen, VAn is
the volume of liquid in the anode compartment, and ∆COD is the change in COD
(chemical oxygen demand) over time tb (g/L) [38–40]. For continuous flow through the
system, microbial fuel cells can achieve its continuous steady operation state when the
load resistor (external resistor) remains constant, and the current does not change with
time. Therefore, calculation of εcb can be further simplified and calculated as follows [34–
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 75-100 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-4
εCb = FbV∆COD (10)
where VCOD is the difference in the effluent and influent COD (g/L).
2.3 Resistance
In a real microbial fuel cells system, energy loss is accompanied by internal resistance
from microorganism to electron transfer to the last electron receiver. The internal
resistance can diminish the yield by reducing the output voltage [42].
εCOD = . (11)
∫ Uidt
ηMFC = (12)
maddes ∆H
where H is the heat of combustion (J / mol) and m is the amount (mol) of substrate added.
This is usually only calculated for substances that are known when H is not known for
actual wastewater. In microbial fuel cells, the energy efficiency ranges from 2% to 50%
or more when biodegradable substrates are used [1].
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 75-100 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-4
loss in energy causes the electrons to form a pear-shaped interaction volume in the size
region of micrometres. Increasing the acceleration voltage would only increase the
penetration depth for a given Z and not the interaction volume. The elasticity of collisions
increases with Z resulting in larger scattering angles and smaller, more spherical
interaction volumes. Elemental and phase composition of a sample, therefore, have a
strong influence on the energy and scattering angle of the reflected electrons, and
compositional analysis becomes more reliable and more significant for the differences in
Z [1]. Two types of reflected electrons are distinguished and require separate detectors,
the backscattered electrons with kinetic energy higher than 50 eV and the secondary
electrons with lower energy. The high energy backscattered electrons result from elastic
collisions with deflection angles larger than 90° and are measured for the compositional
analysis while secondary electrons lost their kinetic energy as a result of the inelastic
collision and are detected at lower deflection angles for imaging.
Consequently, the fraction and energy of backscattered electrons increase with the atomic
number of a sample which aids the compositional analysis. In practice, high acceleration
voltage and large spot size are employed to improve the count of backscattered electrons
and to reduce error in the compositional analysis. However, these settings are detrimental
for the image resolution since they increase the probe size. Backscattered electrons also
originate from a larger interaction volume than the secondary electrons measured with the
same acceleration voltage and spot size which further diminishes the usefulness of
backscattered electrons for imaging. High-resolution image acquisition is therefore
performed separately from the compositional analysis at low acceleration voltage and
small spot size in order to minimize the probe size and the interaction volume. In some
instances where phase contrast is preferred to resolution, backscattered electrons are used
for imaging as well. Phase contrast is also called Z-contrast since the atomic number
determines the energy difference between electrons reflected from different phases. The
phase contrast is improved with the same methods as the compositional analysis. Thus, a
compromise between resolution and phase visualization is necessary when such
measurements are performed.
Interference from charging and radiation damage is an additional problem for the imaging
of less conductive samples, especially when the biological specimen is investigated. The
sputter coating of several nanometers of gold, palladium, chromium, or platinum
becomes necessary if the sample is not sufficiently conductive to discharge into the
sample. Biological samples also have to be chemically fixed with cross-linking agents
and dehydrated before the metal coating since otherwise the water evaporates under the
high vacuum conditions of the measurement and scatter the electron beam. These
requirements reduce the data representativeness of the sample in its natural form and
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 75-100 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-4
In conclusion, microbial fuel cells (MFCs) have received considerable interest due to
their promising technology based on the conversion of chemical energy into electrical
energy by microbial catalysis. There are many types of electrochemical characterization
techniques such as cyclic voltammetry (CV), differential pulse voltammetry (DPV),
chronoamperometry (CA), chronopotentiometry (CP), etc. There are also other
techniques such as atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, etc to
identify the related materials in microbial fuel cells. However, the choice of appropriate
characterization techniques and methods to solve the problems related to microbial fuel
cells is extremely important as mentioned in this chapter. In this regard, biochemical and
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 75-100 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-4
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Chapter 5
1. Introduction............................................................................................102
2. Exoelectrogens in microbial fuel cell ...................................................104
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 101-124 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-5
1. Introduction
The quality of human life in society directly influences the environmental condition by
interfering with the use of energy in different sectors. To keep pace with our extravagant
lifestyle, there arises an escalating need not only to produce an adequate amount of
energy but also to discover sustainable and environmentally friendly energy sources.
Though current industrial sectors rely more or less on renewable energy resources, it will
not be sufficient to encounter the augmented energy requirements in the future [1].
Renewable sources such as bioethanol and biodiesel generated from a range of organic or
inorganic wastes by anaerobic fermentation combined with other downstream techniques
can provide a competitive solution to energy and environmental dilemma concurrently.
Nevertheless, an assortment of future renewable and sustainable energy must enclose
diverse carbon-neutral based technologies such as microbial fuel cell in order to attain
future energy exigency.
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) came into light due to their ability to exploit the chemical
energy of recyclable organic matter to form electrical energy [2] though the whole
reaction which is an association of bacterial metabolism with electrochemical reactions
on the anode [3]. Moreover, attribution to electricity generation, wastewater treatment,
bioremediation of toxic metals, etc. make this particular technology an attractive
alternative for future energy demand [4]. MFCs are bio-electrochemical devices that
generally consist of an aerobic/anaerobic cathode chamber(electrode, electron acceptor
and catalyst) and an anode chamber(anaerobic; includes an electrode, microorganisms
and anolyte) alienated by a proton exchange membrane(PEM) [5]. This membrane allows
cations precisely H+ ions to pass the anode chamber and reach the cathode chamber. The
whole external circuit is completed by means of a conductive load that connects both
anode and cathode within the chambers (Fig. 1).
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 101-124 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-5
Figure 1. Depicts the construction and working of the paper-based microbial fuel cell.
In-depth study about MFC reveals that on the anode surface, a biofilm develops, which
contains electro-active microorganisms capable of transferring electrons generated from
the decomposition of organic matter to the electrode. The electrons and protons are then
transferred from the organics to the cathodic surface by extracellular electron transfer
(EET) and proton exchange membrane (PEM) respectively thereby generating energy for
respiration of microorganisms. The electrons are then transferred to the cathode through
external electrical connection and merge with oxygen and protons to form H2O in the
presence of a catalyst such as platinum [6, 7]. Rahimnejad et al. [8] illustrated the
chemical reactions taking place in both the chambers by equations 1 and 2.
The electrons generated in the bacterial cells transferred directly to the anode or
facilitated by a mediator present in the solution [9]. Depending on the mode of electron
transfer from the cell to the electrode, microbial fuel cells are categorized as direct
electron transfer (DET), mediated electron transfer (MET), electron transfer through
nanowire and electron transfer by oxidizing excreted catabolites by microorganisms in
the fuel cells [10]. While METs require mediator precisely a chemical to transfer
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 101-124 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-5
electrons from the bacterial cells to the anode, DETs involve those bacteria that have the
capacity to transfer electrons and protons directly into the anode as part of its normal
metabolic process such bacteria are precisely called exoelectrogens.
Thus keeping in mind the necessity of microbial fuel cells, the present chapter discusses
(a) the role of exoelectrogens in microbial fuel cells, (b) the mechanism and efficacy of
paper-based microbial fuel cell and (c) applications of paper-based microbial fuel cells.
The future perspective of microbial fuel cells is also stated and this chapter is expected to
elucidate the importance of paper-based microbial fuel cells in various domains of
biological and engineering aspects.
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even without much effort of the operator and can produce efficient power even after only
being plummeted onto the liquid solution containing organic matter.
Moreover, the use of paper can lead the energy sector towards the emergence of light-
weighted and eco-friendly electronics along with the auxiliary remunerations of cost-
effectiveness and widespread obtainability [34]. Researchers have experimented with
different designs of paper MFCs to monitor the amount of generated bioelectricity. Some
of these paper-based MFCs such as 2D MFCs, 3D MFCs, microfabricated paper-based
MFCs, screen-printed paper microbial fuel cell, stackable, two-chambered, paper-based
microbial fuel cell and origami paper-based fuel cell is described in following
Winfield et al. [35] have constructed 2D paper-based MFCs and 3D paper-based MFCs
and compared the electricity generating capacity of both the MFCs and found that though
both the cells generated current simply by dripping onto the liquid solution. The 3D
tetrahedron MFCs generated power for over 2 weeks with the output sufficient for any
basic useful applications.
Chouler et al. [36] reported single-component paper MFC that intends at evolving simple,
light-weighted single-use sensing device. The membrane-less device was constructed by
screen-printing carbon-based electrodes onto a single sheet of paper that also played a
role of a separator between the two electrodes. The capillary force of action created a
continuous flow. However, the flow pattern and force of flow differed with the range of
paper structure. The authors used 1 kΩ resistor to which the electrodes were connected.
The exoelectrogens in the biofilm generated electrons (e) and protons (H) that were either
transported across the external circuit or diffused through the paper to the cathode. The
authors also compared the effect of stacking in this device by folding two pMFCs back-
to-back (fpMFC) and found that stacking of two devices together (fpMFC) resulted into a
maximum power density and power output of 0.07 μW and 3.0 cm μA cm which were
almost 1.7 and 4 times the value obtained with a single cell respectively.
Hashemi et al. [37] constructed a 3D paper-based microbial fuel cell by employing S.
oneidensis MR-1 as a biocatalyst. The authors allowed the fuel cell to lead the liquid
solution through three-dimensional papers which curtailed the need for external force.
The cell permitted the flow of the microbial stream and potassium ferricyanide into the
chambers where both the chambers were separated by PEM. The positively charged ions
were released during the biocatalytic breakdown of the anolyte and reached the cathode.
The authors observed the production of 1.3 μW of power and 52.25 μA of current along
with the formation of a biofilm on the anode.
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 101-124 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-5
Hashemi et al. [37] designed a self-pumped paper-based microbial fuel cell operating
under continuous flow condition by the action of capillary motion. The authors employed
Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 as biocatalyst and conducted this experiment for
approximately 5 days without any intrusion and external power source for the duration of
the operation. They observed a production of 52.25 µA current and a power density of
approximately 25 W/m3 along with biofilm formation on carbon cloth electrode.
Fraiwan et al. [38] presented a micro-fabricated paper-based microbial fuel cell (MFC)
generating a maximum power of 5.5 μW/cm. The authors constructed an MFC that
involved anodic and cathodic compartments separated by a paper-based proton exchange
membrane by intruding sulfonated sodium polystyrene sulfonate and micro-fabricated
paper chambers stacked to form multilayer cell by modelling hydrophobic barriers of
photoresist. A current of 74 μA was generated immediately after the addition of biomass
and catholyte to the MFC. The authors observed that the voltage produced during the
electricity production was raised by 1.9 fold when two MFC devices were stacked in
Another modification of paper-based microbial fuel cell involves origami based paper
microbial fuel cell that blends the skill of origami and the knowledge of MFCs. This
device holds the perspective to shift the prototype from traditional microbial fuel cells to
flexible paper-based cells. This three-dimensional fuel cell comprises of modular and
foldable battery stack generated by 2D paper sheets over high degrees of folding. The
multi-layered MFC is constructed on the concept of ninja star-shaped origami design
shaped by eight MFC modular blades and is flexible from sharp shuriken to round
Frisbee form. Fraiwan et al. [39] reported an origami-based paper microbial fuel cell in
which the biomass is added into an inlet of the closed cell stack which was being
transported into each MFC module through patterned fluidic concurrently by displaying
all the air-cathodes to the air for their cathodic reactions. The device was observed to
generate electrical current and potential to lighten an LED for more than 20 min.
In the similar context, Lee et al. [40] designed a fully-integrated stackable 3-D paper-
based bacteria-powered fuel cell system that was capable of generating power from
microbial metabolism. This particular device was able to deliver on-board energy with
one drop of bacteria-containing liquid from wastewater, municipal wastes, biomass and
watershed. This device was associated with an air-breathing cathode constructed of paper
with activated carbon on the sprayed nickel electrode. The authors gave this device a
compact and stackable structure by employing origami techniques.
Fraiwan et al. [41] also developed a stackable and integrable paper-based microbial fuel
cell (MFC) for potentially powering on-chip paper-based devices. A cell stack was
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 101-124 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-5
designed by connecting four MFCs in series by folding them three times. These MFCs
were prepared on a T shaped filter paper. Each MFC was constructed by sandwiching
multifunctional paper layers for two chambered fuel cell configuration. The device was
designed in the form that allowed bacteria-containing anolyte and potassium ferricyanide
to flow through predesigned separated fluidic pathways within the paper matrix, filling
the reservoir of each device. The MFC stack in series generated a power density of 1.2
μW/cm, which was almost two-fold higher than the earlier reported values on the paper-
based MFC stack [37].
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 101-124 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-5
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 101-124 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-5
Rahimnejad and et al. successfully generated the power by using fabricated paper-based
MFC and operated one digital clock and ten LED lamps for the duration of 48 hours [46,
Biohydrogen production
The paper-based MFCs can also be designed to produce biohydrogen apart from
electricity. These can also be used in the hydrogen economy as a renewable source of
hydrogen production to meet the hydrogen demand [45, 48].
The useful hydrocarbons can also be produced from wastewater streams by using paper-
based MFCs with the help of electrodes which can generate methane gas by the
conversion of carbon present in the effluent stream [49]. During this process, the solid
particles are separated by a screening process from the stream and then transferred into a
large tank, inside which the anode is coated with a strain of bacteria which purify the
water by oxidation and produces electricity [50]. The flow of electrons take place towards
the cathode which is coated with a specific group of bacteria hence the carbon dioxide
(CO2), hydrogen (H2) and electricity are converted into methane gas by the process of
electro-methanogenesis [51, 52].
Wastewater treatment
The paper-based MFCs play a vital role in the process of treatment of wastewater as it
contains biodegradable organic matters [53, 54]. The wastewaters coming from the
household effluents, food and beverage industry, medical and pharmaceutical work fields
are allowed to undergo the various biochemical processes in order to remove the metals
and metal ions from the leachate [55-58]. The cost-effective biological treatment
processes of wastewater with the help of paper-based MFCs are also used for the removal
of hydrocarbons, salinity and sulphate and purification of the wastewater [59, 60]. The
anaerobic degradation process of wastewater is also helpful for the energy generation and
methane gas production after a long-term treatment process [44].
The batteries used in electrochemical sensors are not a continuous source of energy,
hence the low power-generating microbial fuel cell (MFC) due to the reaction at the
cathode and anode for powering the small elements can be used in sensors [61]. These
sensors are used for the detection of toxicity in the environment [62], biological oxygen
demand (BOD) [63], bacterial contamination in water [64, 65], hazardous compounds in
water [36] and biomedical sensors for the detection of glucose, enzymes and vitamins
[66, 67]. These biosensors show a satisfactory performance upon use and can be used for
a period of 5 years [45, 68].
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 101-124 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-5
MFCs in space
The sources of energy production are very limited and the regular replacement processes
of the power sources are not feasible in the space stations so the need of a continuous
power source or a source of power generation with a longer period compared to others is
essential. The Paper-based MFCs are also used to power spaceships operated remotely
which can be triggered by the bioelectricity production due to the wastes [39, 69]. It has
been observed that hybrid MFCs are more effective than the lithium-ion power batteries
and can supply power to steadily operate low load devices [70]. The small satellites can
be operated by the combination of capacitors and microbial fuel cells and can provide
real-time information to the data centre [71, 72].
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 101-124 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-5
The alternative sources of power generation to massive and expensive batteries are
stackable paper-based microbial fuel cells which can produce a power density up to 1.6
Volt by the metabolism of the microbial biomass used in it. The 2-dimensional paper
sheets are helpful to produce the 3-dimensional microbial fuel cells stack which has a
multifunctional layer forming ability due to its high degree of folding. This paper-based
microbial fuel cell has made a revolutionary change in the field of power generation by
fuel cell technology as it is very simple in design, the production cost is low and easy to
use as a power source for low power chips and sensors.
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Chapter 6
Naveen Patel1*, Dhananjai Rai2, Deepak Chauhan2, Shraddha Shahane1, Umesh Mishra1, and
Biswanath Bhunia3
Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Agartala, Agartala-799046,
Tripura, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Bundelkhand Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Jhansi, Jhansi-284128, Uttar Pradesh, India
Department of Bio Engineering, National Institute of Technology Agartala, Agartala-799046,
Tripura, India
[email protected]
Microbial fuel cell (MFC) is one of the natural cordial efficient power vitality sources
which have the capability to convert chemical energy into electrical energy from
wastewater and microorganisms as a biocatalyst. However, the low power production and
the high cost of electrodes have limited application of MFCs. One of the important
factors which affect the overall performance of MFC is an electrode. The carbon
nanotube has become a potent electrode material owing to its exceptional features. This
book chapter provides an overview of electrode materials based on carbon nanotube for
MFC operations, which will be the promising candidates for better MFC operations and
other bio-electrochemical systems. Hence, these electrodes will ultimately help in
achieving sustainable water/wastewater treatment and bioenergy production.
Biocatalyst, Electrode, Carbon Nanotube, Bio-Electrochemical Systems and Bioenergy
List of Abbreviation
COD Chemical oxygen demand
CE Coulombic efficiency
CHIT Chitosan
CNTs Carbon nanotubes
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 125-150 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-6
1. Introduction............................................................................................127
1.2 Microbial Fuel Cell Technology......................................................128
2. Anode ......................................................................................................128
2.1 Non-carbon Anode Materials ..........................................................129
2.2 Carbon Anode Materials ..................................................................129
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 125-150 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-6
1. Introduction
In modern days energy issues have earned a lot of attraction all around the globe. For the
world to thrive, perfect, proficient and reasonable energy administrations must be
accessible. Non-renewable energy sources (NRES) are the major energy producing
resources, near about 87% of the total energy generation around the world originates
from NRES, which are currently being depleted, which may lead a worldwide energy
emergency in the near future [1]. In addition to this, fossil fuel combustion emits
greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide which may lead to the rise of the sea water level
and global climate change, thus threatening food security [2]. The increase in the price of
fossil fuel due to high demand, energy scarcity and global climate change problems have
started the question about the need for development of other sustainable energy sources.
Nuclear power delivers a carbon-free method of energy production, but because of non-
availability of proper disposal techniques of radioactive wastes and leakages, it also
becomes a serious threat to the society [3]. Energy sources such as hydropower, solar
energy, wind power and biomass are carbon-neutral renewable energy sources which are
continually being researched [1]. From the different energy alternatives, one of the
proposed future energy sources is biomass, as it is carbon neutral. However, the
combustion process, which creates pollution, is currently being utilised for biomass
energy development [1]. Therefore, new methods without involving the combustion
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 125-150 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-6
process are required to be developed to capture the energy from biomass and to provide
sustainable energy for a global society without creating any pollution problems.
Microorganisms can be used for channelizing the electrons and energy, which leads to the
production of methane, hydrogen and electricity [4]. Electricity, among these energy
forms, is considered to be more attractive because of its ability to be utilised directly
without involving any conversion process. To the present date, wastewater is considered
to be one of the most primarily available sources of biomass. In recent years, a new
tendency has been developed where researchers have started considering wastewater not
as a waste only which needs to be discarded but it can also be harvested as a source of
energy [5]. Therefore, to find a technology that allows effective wastewater treatment to
generate electricity directly from wastewater has become very important.
2. Anode
Being one of the most indispensable parts of MFCs, anode materials help in amplifying
the performance of MFCs by improving the electron transfer, anode resistance, bacterial
attachment, and oxidation of substrate [9, 15]. Basically, enhanced conductivity,
improved specific surface area, elevated porosity, robust biocompatibility, chemical
stability, fabrication ease, congruous mechanical strength and cost-effectiveness are the
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 125-150 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-6
primary requirements of anode materials [9]. The non-carbon- and carbon- anode
materials are discussed below.
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 125-150 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-6
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 125-150 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-6
up to 40% than that of an untreated anode because of the consideration that the carboxyl
groups on the graphite felt have the capability to furnish strong hydrogen bonding with
peptide in bacterial cytochromes, which further result in better electron transfer.
b) Surface Coating
Recently, various mediators, metals and their composites have represented as materials
for surface coating [30, 31]. A number of mediators consisting of neutral red (NR), 2‐
hydroxy‐1,4‐naphthoquinone (HNQ) and anthraquinone-1,6-disulfonic acid, have been
immobilized on the anode. The results obtained from immobilization of graphite with
mediators demonstrated the fundamental increment in Pmax value because of the
improvement in electron exchange [32, 33]. However, while using these immobilized
mediators in long-term MFC operations, easy degradation is the main problem.
Metal and metal oxide-coated anodes which include Au, Pd and Fe3O4 nanoparticles,
have also been reported. Recently, Fan et al. proposed gold nanoparticles covered
graphite anodes which helped in enhancing the value of current density by 20 times than
that of the plain graphite, compared to control graphite the current density was increased
1.5-2.5 times when graphite coated with Pd nanoparticles were used [30]. In another
investigation with iron composites, Kim et al. detailed the importance of coated ferric
oxide on the anodes, which helped them in improving the properties of iron-reducing
bacteria. The outcomes were higher Pmax and improved coulombic efficiency (CE) than
the plain anode [34]. In outline, specific equipment, high temperature, multiple steps and
long treatment time are the basic requirements for most of the anode modification
methods. Therefore, further researches are required so that simple and more effective
modification method can be developed.
3. Cathode
The majority of the materials referred under segment 2.3 for the anode, can possibly be
used as cathode materials. At present, carbon fabric and carbon paper are most
gigantically used as cathode materials. Oxygen, in perspective of its high oxidation
potential, is normally used as an electron acceptor [35]. In order to improve the kinetics
of oxygen reduction at the electrode surface along with a decrease in the activation
energy barrier catalysts are required [36]. For the most part, the catalysts required in
MFCs need to have; high catalytic activity towards the oxidation at a temperature and pH
range of 10-40oC and 5-7 respectively, chemical and electrochemical solidness, great
biocompatibility, and financially savvy [37]. Platinum (Pt) is the widely used metal
catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in MFCs due to its excellent catalytic
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 125-150 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-6
4. Problem Statements
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 125-150 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-6
often closed at both ends as shown in Fig. 1. These rolls are laid out in such a way so that
CNTs obtained are extensive in bundles along with their walls formed by hexagonal
carbon rings. The closures/ terminations of CNTs are domed structured that is shaped of
six-membered rings and capped by a five-membered ring. Variety of techniques can be
used for the synthesis of CNTs. In general, arc discharge, chemical vapour deposition
(CVD), and laser vaporization (laser ablation) are probably the most well-known
techniques [45, 46].
Generally, CNTs have two key classifications [48]. a) Single-walled CNTs (SWCNTs);
which typically contain single cylindrical graphene layer in the wall of the tube as shown
in Fig. 2, with diameters in the range of 0.4 to 2 nm and length up to 1.5 cm.
b) Multi-walled CNTs (MWCNTs) are those which contain several layers of graphene
telescoped one over another with a spacing of approximately 0.34 nm in the middle of
them, while the diameters range is from 10 to 200 nm, and lengths up to hundreds of
microns (Fig. 2).
To date, CNTs in view of their exceptional physical and chemical properties are getting
tremendous ubiquity and these properties incorporate high specific surface area, porosity,
conductivity and tensile strength, in addition of biocompatibility and possibility to create
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 125-150 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-6
anchoring sites with catalytic nanoparticles etc. [44, 49]. Still, more researches are
required to be carried out by using CNTs as electrode materials in proton exchange
membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC), and MFC [39, 50, 51].
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 125-150 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-6
carbon sources is provided by laser energy whereas, in case of arc discharge, the energy
of a high-temperature plasma is discharged between two graphite electrodes [53, 54].
Laser ablation and arc discharge have genuine troubles for being used as cost-effective
CNT producing procedures because of the high temperature (3000 ℃) necessity for the
reaction environment. Hence, limiting the number of CNTs which can be synthesized
using these two processes when compared with CV [55].
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 125-150 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-6
durations to even sub-seconds. Various other features of this system incorporate material
waste reduction, homogenization of thin film conductance, and nanolevel control over the
film advancement [65].
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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been likewise utilized for catalyst support applications [77, 78]. Carbon black, for
example, Vulcan XC-72 has been broadly utilized in a fuel cell as a catalyst support,
because of its high conductivity, adequate surface area, easy accessibility and minimal
cost [78, 79]. Recently, CNTs have been of great interest as a cathode material in fuel cell
applications because of their exceptional electrical, physical and substance properties [43,
50]. However, in spite of being the recent area of interest, still, their limited
investigations have been reported on the CNT-based cathode for MFCs [42, 80, 81].
Some researchers have compared performances of catalyst supports such as CNTs and
carbon black utilized in fuel cell applications [82, 83]. In 2006, Xin exhibited that
MWCNTs showed 30% more resistance towards corrosion as compared to Vulcan XC-
72, achieving solidness of the PEMFC [84]. In another study, Matsumoto et al. reported
that a better PEMFC performance can be obtained by using Pt/CNTs as compared to
commercial Pt/carbon black with reducing 60% Pt loading per cathode area [83]. Sharma
et al. have developed a new configuration of the catalyst by depositing Pt and Pt alloy
catalysts on MWCNTs and further coating them on carbon paper. Cathode reactor of Sn-
Pt/MWCNT has provided higher Pmax as compared to other reactors of Ru-Pt/MWCNT
and Pt/MWCNT [42]. However, in the same study, application of nafion as a binder has
shown the ability to isolate MWCNTs from the catalyst layers in the MWCNT
suspension [85]. Furthermore, nafion could cause an expansion in resistivity and an
abatement in catalytic activity [67].
In 2008, a new category of anode materials which consists of MWCNT-coated carbon
cloth was prepared by a group of researchers. Accordingly, Pt catalysts were coated
straightforwardly onto the MWCNT-coated carbon cloth cathode. Shockingly, no major
difference in the value of Pmax and COD removal efficiency was obtained when
MWCNT-coated carbon cloth reactors with or without Pt catalysts were operated. This
might be because of weak collaboration between the Pt and MWCNT-coated carbon
cloth, which have the potential to cause the disengagement of Pt catalysts from the
MWCNTs [51]. In a recent study, SWCNT and MWCNT modified cathodes
with/without Pt catalyst were fabricated by Wang et al. using some new methods [86].
Further, these cathodes were developed and produced by filtration of the CNT suspension
by employing PTFE membrane. Microwave method operated at 250W and 140oC for the
90s was used for coating of Pt catalysts on the surface of CNTs. As indicated by their
Pmax and OCV outcomes, MFCs could be positioned as follows Pt/SWCNT >
Pt/MWCNT > SWCNT cathode. Beside this, on the application of Pt/SWCNT based
cathode reactor, about three times lower internal resistance was obtained as that acquired
from Pt/MWCNT reactor. Indeed, even the performance of SWCNT cathode reactors in
contrast to those from carbon cloth indicates incredible MFC response. Chemical
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 125-150 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-6
deposition and microbial adherence on the cathode surfaces have caused a steady decline
in SWCNT performance, as they knock down the charge transfer and catalytic activity of
the reactor. Interestingly, it is known that tetramethoxyphenylporphyrin (TMPP) and
phthalocyanine (Pc) with Fe or Co acts as fine ORR catalysts and can be also explored as
alternatives to Pt [87-89]. Deng et al. were the first to use CoTMPP and FePc for
deposition on MWCNT-COOH which can be further utilized as MFC cathodes. These
types of developed catalysts showed higher catalytic activity than that of CoTMPP-
FePc/graphite [80]. Results on the application of these cathodes for MFCs application
had demonstrated that the value Pmax obtained was 1.5 times higher than that of obtained
on using commercial Pt-carbon cloth cathodes. But still, the performance of CoTMPP-
FePc/MWCNT-COOH on carbon cloth could be further improved by employing air
splashing in place of paste painting. Additionally, the deposition method of CoTMPP-
FePc on MWCNT-COOH was found to be convoluted and tedious. On the further
extension of the study, Yuan et al. have used a catalyst of FePc as a support on MWCNT-
NH2 and MWCNT-COOH. MFCs could be ranked as follows in terms of Pmax value:
FePc/MWCNT-NH2 > FePc/MWCNT-COOH > FePc/MWCNT [90]. In one of the
alternative studies regarding catalyst by Lu et al. and Zhang et al. shown a new
possibility about utilizing the MnO2/CNT-coated carbon support as the cathode of MFCs
[81, 91]. Lu et al. compared three types of MnO2 namely α-MnO2, β-MnO2, γ-MnO2/CNT
spray-coated carbon cloths on the basis of MFC performance [91]. Based on their results,
the highest Pmax, OCV and COD removal efficiency was obtained by β-MnO2/CNT
cathode reactors among other MnO2/CNT reactors. Unfortunately, the Pmax value
obtained by the β-MnO2/CNT reactor was 1.56 times lesser than that obtained by
commercial-Pt carbon cloth. With likewise catalyst, Zhang et al. also affirmed that CNTs
were perfect catalyst support material for MnO2 in which MnO2/CNT acted as a good
substitute for the Pt/carbon black in MFC applications [81]. As such, further studies are
required to be carried out so that highly improved, efficient, cost-effective and easily
prepared CNT-modified electrodes can be developed.
Outlining of the electrode in light of the savvy innovation is the best test in assembling of
MFCs. Surface zone, morphology, biocompatibility, conductivity and stability are the
most imperative properties on which MFCs performance depends upon. CNTs and CNT
composites because of their unique properties have been explored to develop anodes and
cathodes, and several electrode modification methods have been developed so that power
generation can be improved. To date, various changes are in progress, for example,
surface treatment, coating with nanomaterials and composites. The power generation and
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 125-150 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-6
electrode cost have not reached the level for commercial use. Additionally, investigation
on more successful electrode materials and optimization of the configuration are expected
to address these challenges.
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Chapter 7
Hakan Burhan1, Gazi Yilmaz1, Ahmet Zeytun1, Harbi Calimli1,2, Fatih Sen1*
Sen Research Group, Department of Biochemistry, Dumlupınar , University, 43100 Kütahya,
Tuzluca Vocational High School, Igdir University, Igdir, Turkey
[email protected]
Today, carbon nanotubes are extensively used for energy suppy in electrical devices due
to their specific mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties. Additionally, carbon
nanotubes are widely used in microbial fuel cells which provide zero carbon emission in
energy supply. Carbon nanotube-based materials have good electrochemical properties
for the microbial fuel cells. Also, the use of carbon nanotube-based composites in the
design of microbial fuel cells is very important in a large area of application from
medical devices to scaled power generation. For this purpose, in this chapter, microbial
fuel cells formed by carbon nanotube-based composites were evaluated by using
microbial fuel cells and the effects of microbial fuel cells.
Carbon-Based Materials, Electrochemistry, Fuel Cells, Nanomaterial, Nanotechnology
1. Introduction............................................................................................152
2. Design of carbon nanotube-based electrodes ......................................154
2.1 Fabrication of pristine carbon nanotubes ........................................154
2.2 Functionalization of carbon nanotubes ............................................155
2.3 The use of carbon nanotube-based materials...................................156
2.3.1 Carbon nanotube-based thin films ...................................................156
2.3.2 Carbon nanotubes–based monolith structures .................................158
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1. Introduction
Since Iijima and his colleagues [1] discovered the carbon nanotubes in 1991, they have
attracted considerable interest due to their unique characteristics. The general structure of
the carbon nanotube is such that it has a narrow, long, and cylindrical carbon atom at
each end [2–3]. These tubular structures are often multi-walled (MWCNT) and single-
tube or single-walled (SWCNT) and have a very high degree of electrical conductivity
[4], thermal conductivity [5], high tensile strength [6], and elastic modulus. Materials
treated with carbon nanotubes gain unique properties and therefore, are highly preferred
as the basic building blocks. Carbon nanotube-based materials have unique properties
such as magnetic, adsorption, large surface area, and biocompatibility. Thus, carbon
nanotube-based materials are extensively used in the design of materials. These structures
can be used in many areas including tissue engineering [7], energy collection materials
[8–9], biosensors [10–14], biological distribution systems [15–17], and microelectronics
[18–20]. Among these applications, microbial fuel cells are also very important and they
use microorganisms in their platform. Microorganisms used in microbial fuel cell
produce electricity due to their capability of exocellular electron transfer, so they are
known as exoelectrogen [21]. To generate electricity in microbial fuel cells, some organic
substances, such as lactase, glucose, and acetate are oxidized with the help of an
electrocatalyst. Reduction of the organic substance (e-transmitter) to the carbon dioxide
occurs by metabolic events and bacterial respiration. Upon the electrons transferred on
the surface of an anode, they pass to an external surface to generate electricity. Finally, in
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 151-176 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-7
the electrolyte, the electrons pass through a membrane and come together with protons
that pass from the anode to the cathode, and a cathode is collected at the tip, whereby
water from the oxygen (e-receiver) is formed. Due to the possibility of using different
bacterial sources in energy recovery applications, microbial fuel cells can be used in
small power sources [22–25], biomass [26–30], hydrogen production [31–35], biosensor
studies [36–40], and chemical synthesis systems [41–42].
Fig. 1. (Right) In the general working principle of microbial fuel cells; It is catalyzed by
the biofilm (bacterial community) that produce protons and carbon dioxide from the
oxidations of organic molecules; as a result, the electrons are passed to the anode. It is
shown in the figure that it is substantially reduced by the use of metal catalysts in
conventional microbial fuel cells to generate oxygen water in the cathode. In general, a
membrane (green) can be used to increase the filtration of the protons between the
cathode and the anode parts, but in laminar flow microbial fuel cells, the membranes are
removed because the cations move at high speed and relative flow rates cause low
convector. In a multilayered biofilm, the electrons for the outer layers are carried by
their conducting batteries, mainly known as nanowires. At the same time, electrons are
transferred to the surface of anode thank to contact directly or electron shuttles (on the
left side).
Among the materials that can be used for microbial fuel cells, carbon nanotube-based
materials are very important. Especially, 10 years ago, carbon nanotube-based
composites and carbon nanotubes were used as components of microbial fuel cells. The
resulting nano-engineering materials, which help the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in
the cathode and the bacterial population in the anode, are aimed to develop the microbial
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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fuel cells in these two ways. We should note that in this classification, only the
biocathodes and bacterial communities act as electron acceptors [43–45]. Besides,
Antolini et al. [46] have investigated microbial fuel cells composite applications
containing polymer/carbon, carbon/metal, polymer/metal composites, while another
article deals with a broader approach to electrode materials [47]. While emphasizing the
importance of their work, the study included carbon nanotubes in microbial fuel cells and
stated that they would benefit both nanomaterial researchers and the microbial fuel cell
research community due to the high demand for new carbon nanotube-based chemicals to
produce bioenergy. In this chapter, we start by monitoring the carbon nanotubes that are
initially functional and continue with the methods that must be applied for the preparation
of carbon nanotube-based microbial fuel cell electrodes and then, the synthesis process of
the carbon nanotubes. In the next step, we evaluated the impact of nanomaterials on
microbial fuel cell and finally, we discussed the problems and possibilities of microbial
fuel cell’s scaling and commercialization with the help of carbon nanotubes.
Fig. 2. In the arc discharge shown in Figure 2, the energy present in a plasma having
high temperature released from the electrodes as a result of evaporation in compressed
of carbon nanotubes. (b) Laser energy is produced by Laser ablation having high
temperature and convert a carbon source upon the carbon vapor occurs in a helium and
argon stream. (c) In chemical vapor deposition, the gaseous hydrocarbon is crushed into
hydrogen and carbon and deposited on the catalyst bed as carbon nanotubes and
introduced into the furnace.
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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(Figure 2). The high temperature in laser ablation is achieved by laser energy [48–49];
hence, the drying of the carbon source is supplied, and the energy present on plasma is
discharged between the anode and the cathode. In the studies which aim to produce cost-
effective carbon nanotubes, the efficiency is low due to high temperatures. Therefore, arc
discharge and laser ablation are disruptive. Furthermore, as shown in Fig. 2, high-quality
carbon nanotubes in chemical vapour deposition can be produced in the result of the
reaction occurred among catalyst and hydrocarbon feedstock [51].
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 151-176 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-7
than seconds. Other properties for nano level control are film growth, material waste cost,
and thin film conductivity.
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Figure 3(a). Lin and his colleagues used an acrylic substrate to provide adhesive transfer
of carbon nanotubes from the surface of the silicon substrate. (b)Transfer pressure; It
exposes carbon nanotube film by spraying and submerging on a glass surface with
PDMS stamp. After this step, the PMLS is peeled, and the temperature and pressure are
applied to transfer it in a substep. (c) A polymer containing carbon nanotube as a carrier
is loaded upon the microwave -assisted transfer applies for the enlargement of silicon.
The resulting pattern comprising carbon nanotubes is heated by microwave (d). A laser
impact energy is conducted for the evaporation of some impurities for carbon nanotube
present on the first substrate. (e) The liquid-liquid interface transfer is performed by
resting the carbon nanotube with an aqueous solution and an organic solution, and then
a film has appeared at the liquid interface. To adhere to the thin film to the surface, a
substrate present in the mixture is drawn from bottom to top.
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 151-176 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-7
appropriate material to apply for transferring of film from the initial and the desired
substrate. The PDMS undergoes soft lithographic processing to transfer a carbon
nanotube network pattern specified by the configuration of the microbial fuel cells
compartments. Also, the potential for the energy of microbial fuel cells is lower than the
polymers used in its design and manufacture. The more precise and difficult part of the
fabrication of the thin film is a wet transfer using many commercially available carbon
nanotube solutions. This process is simultaneously applied with thermal heating to
eliminate surfactants in the solution [71].
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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Finally, the resulting pattern was incubated overnight in hydrochloric acid (HCl) to
remove the substrate from the metal foam. The obtained pattern exhibits
superhydrophobic properties.
Figure 4 shows the carbon nanotube-based aerogel synthesis process schematically. (a)
A new method of synthesis conducted according to mentioned above is used to increase
the concentration of colloids for obtaining gel to extract the solvent produced with
supercritical drying. (b) formation of a composite containing metal oxide of aerogels or
CN synthesized with the sol-gel method. (c) It is an aerogel synthesis method on carbon
nanotubes grown in microfibrous carbon paper.
3. Anode modification
An anode compartment plays an important role in microbial fuel cells because microbial
fuel cell acts as an electron generator in power generation. In this section,
bacterial/electrode communication, which is the basis for understanding the anode
development pathways, was detected. We then, provide an overview of the anode
materials used to improve the overall performance of microbial fuel cells [71].
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nanotube and TiO2 based electrodes. The nanoparticles of tin oxide (SnO2) bonded to
carbon nanotubes were also applied to the microbial fuel cells as an electrode material.
4. Cathode modification
The power generation cycle in a microbial fuel cell is completed as a result of the
generation of water. The oxygen reduction reaction kinetics is very slow. This slow
reaction is a significant problem for industrial application of lithium-air batteries and
acidic and alkaline fuel cells. The integration of enzymes into microbial fuel cell cathodes
is discussed and shows outstanding performance against oxygen reduction reaction, and
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 151-176 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-7
viability requiring bacterial metabolism [71]. To evaluate the catalytic activity of the
cathode, two general oxygen reduction pathways (H2O) are frequently studied: direct
reduction to H2O by four-electron path and indirect reduction by 2-electron pathways in
which hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is the intermediate product and higher energy
conversion to the first pathway. Efficacy is the main criteria to decide which pathway to
prefer. Catalytic activities for oxygen reduction reaction in carbon materials are linked to
the presence of quinone functional groups attributed to the reduction mechanism on the
surface of carbon nanotubes. On complexly designed nano-surfaces, the oxygen reduction
reaction mechanism varies greatly depending on the type of carbonaceous material and
chemical functional groups leading to the formation of a mixture of H2O2, OH-. Rao et al.
[118] examined the structure of the oxygen reduction reaction regions on vertically
aligned carbon nanotubes supplemented. Developments in microbial fuel cell cathode
modification have a wide range of use in many materials. The oxidation of carbon
nanotubes with oxygen-carrying functions added to the carbon nanotube structure allows
the carbon nanotubes to be more readily bonded to other materials, creating a surface
problem. The oxidative treatment is accomplished by boiling the carbon nanotubes in
solution, which is a mixture of sulfuric acid (H2SO4), nitric acid (HNO3). Different
substrates such as carbon mat, glassy carbon electrode, and metal coated silicon wafers
can then be coated with functionalized carbon nanotubes and used as the microbial fuel
cell cathode. Zhu et al. [119] studied acid-treated multi-walled carbon nanotubes which
were electrophoretically deposited on the graphite felt to be used in the precipitated
microbial fuel cell, and a power density of about 60 % higher than that of the naked
graphite felt cathode is reached. Functionalized carbon nanotubes tend to remain
homogeneous over a more extended period compared to pristine (untreated) carbon
nanotubes dispersed in ethanol. Physical adsorption of polymers establishes those types
of materials. In situ polymerization is a highly flexible way to inoculate polymers to
high-density carbon nanotubes and is provided by initiators in the surface of oxidized
carbon nanotubes. The monomers are polymerized to macromolecules and bonded to
carbon nanotube surfaces. This method allows the use of the commercial polymer while
the steric effect of the macromolecules and the polymer chains are inhibited by low
reactivity to anchor the carbon nanotube surface.
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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As a result, carbon nanotubes and carbon nanotube-based materials are extensively used
in microbial fuel cells which provide zero emission in energy supply. They have good
electrochemical properties for the microbial fuel cells. Furthermore, the use of carbon
nanotube-based composites is very important in a large area of application from medical
devices to scaled power generation. For this reason, in this chapter, microbial fuel cells
formed by carbon nanotube-based composites were evaluated by using microbial fuel
cells and the effects of microbial fuel cells.
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Chapter 8
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1. Introduction............................................................................................178
2. Biofuels and their generations ..............................................................179
2.2 Liquid biofuels .................................................................................187
2.2.1 Bioethanol ........................................................................................187
2.2.2 Biobutanol........................................................................................193
2.2.3 Biodiesel 194
2.2.4 Biomethanol .....................................................................................199
2.3 Gaseous biofuels ..............................................................................202
2.3.1 Biomethane ......................................................................................202
2.3.2 Biohydrogen ....................................................................................204
2.3.3 Biohythane .......................................................................................207
Conclusions .......................................................................................................207
References .........................................................................................................208
1. Introduction
The fast economic growth and industrialization in the world are characterized by a
significant gap between energy demand and supply. The significant increase in world
population and economic growth in emerging economies have substantially resulted in
increased energy consumption. This high energy demand is further expected to develop
more rapidly in the coming years which will have an intense impact on the global energy
market. Considering this, different biofuels such as bioethanol and biodiesel are being
used as a replacement for current fuels such as diesel and gasoline in many countries.
Thus biofuels can be used as a renewable alternative energy source [1,2]. Approximately
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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1.3 billion tons of food waste which consits of one-third of the worldwide food produced
is discarded around the world without any further use and due to rapid economic
expansion and continuous population growth in developing Asian countries, generated
food waste is increasing consistently. For instance, 1300 million tonnes of food waste is
generated worldwide and 82.8 million tonnes of food waste is produced by China alone.
In order to maintain the current levels of energy use, there is a pressing need to increase
the use of renewable energy and natural resources more efficiently. Bioenergy obtained
from biomass resources such as crops, trees, food or agricultural waste can be a key to
these problems and may be used to generate heat, electricity or transport fuels with a
lower level of greenhouse gas emissions than fossil fuel sources [1,2]. A biofuel is an
outcome of ultimate fermentation of carbohydrates using aerobic/ anaerobic
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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biofuels are mainly produced from aquatic autotrophic organisms such as algae (Fig. 4)
and fourth generation biofuels include electro and solar fuels.
Corn Cassava
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 177-220 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-8
sustainable alternatives to transport fuels are liquid biofuels from non-food crops as well
as waste. Thermochemical and biological methods have been used to convert biomass
into liquid and gaseous fuels [12]. Biofuels fall into two categories: (1) Gaseous biofuels
(biomethane, biohydrogen and biohythane) and (2) Liquid biofuels (biodiesels,
bioethanol, biobutanol, biomethanol) (Fig. 5).
Gaseous Liquid
biofuels biofuels
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Agricultural/ Domestic FW
Food processing
Bakery waste
Industrial waste
Cooking waste processing
Post harvest
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biochemical process
Pretreatment Grinder
Lignin, Cellulose,
Syngas, tars, ash,
Solid Lignin simple
Fermentation Tar Cracker
C10 C8-C9
Chains Chains
Synthetic Diesel
Aviation Fuel
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2.2.1 Bioethanol
Ethanol is one of the essential renewable and sustainable fuels and due to potential and
wider applications in industries, increasing pollution produced by use of fossil fuels, its
demand has increased globally. Therefore, production of bioethanol from cheap
feedstock such as food processing waste is useful to reduce worldwide consumption of
dwindling fossil fuels [32]. Usually, bioethanol has been produced from starch-rich crops
belonging to direct food chain [33].
Development of technology for the production of bioethanol from waste materials
obtained from agricultural and food industries is a feasible alternative to minimize the
cost of ethanol production and aid to wipe out these wastes from the direct trade. Broad
range of food wastes from industries [34, 35, 36] which include banana peels waste [37],
waste potato peels waste [38], municipal solid waste [39], domestic food waste [40],
cassava grate waste [41], and many others can be used in production of bioethanol. Most
of these wastes contain 50 to 70% of carbohydrates. [42]. In the bakery industry, bread
waste can be used as a raw material for bioethanol production and its yield, depending on
the processing technology i.e. 350–366 g ethanol per kilogram of the resource. Its low
price, maximum accessibility and, gainful chemical composition facilitate its use.
Fruit waste is another inexpensive and easily suitable potential energy source for the
production of bioethanol. Carica papaya (pawpaw) and grapefruit waste with the highest
source of energy and invert sugar are available . for the production of bioethanol by
fermentation process with a yield of ethanol greater than 80% of the fermentable sugar
consumed [43]. The waste from bananas (Musa paradisiaca), commonly discarded as
waste represent a potential energy feedstock which may be especially suited for ethanol
production. Apple (Malus pumila) occupies a prominent position in India and apple
processing industries are one of the superior industries of Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and
Kashmir, and Uttaranchal. These industries produce juices, concentrates, wines, cider,
etc. After the extraction of the juice, apple pomace remains unconsumed which contains
peels, seeds and other waste solid parts [44] and contributes about 20–35% of the total
fruit production. Apple pomace is a waste and its disposal is challenging.
‘Biodegradation’ and ‘Bioconversion’ of this waste will not only solve the serious
pollution problem but at the same time, it could be utilized to meet partially the global
challenge of the modern world i.e. fuel depletion. Bioconversion of sugars produced from
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 177-220 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-8
complex cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin present in this postharvest waste will provide
the commercially high-value compounds of high utility viz. ethanol, enzymes and single
cell protein [44]. By employing an appropriate technology it can be utilized efficiently for
bioethanol production and thereby reducing the environmental pollution as well as
generating clean technology. Pathania et al., [45] described the utilization of this waste
for multiple carbohydrase productions from Rhizopus delemar F2 under solid state
fermentation and consequently ethanol production.
Many studies have been performed for the exploration of suitable methods with high
efficiency to produce ethanol from food processing waste [46]. Table 2 displays the
findings obtained on the processes and yields associated with producing ethanol from
different types of food wastes such as lignocellulosic waste, municipal waste, food
processing waste such as banana peel, apple pomace, bakeries, cheese whey, etc. (Fig.
11). Commercial bioethanol can be produced from many types of food processing wastes
such as sugarcane, corn, wheat, potatoes, apple pomace, banana peels, dairy by-products,
bakeries waste etc. Lignocellulose is a complex carbohydrate polymer of cellulose,
hemicellulose and lignin (Table 2). Cellulose is linear and crystalline. It is a
homopolymer of repeating sugar units of glucose linked by b-1,4glycosidic bonds.
Lignocellulose is hydrophobic with complex structure.
Food waste residues are processed for bioethanol production through three major
operations (Fig. 9):
i. pretreatment for delignification is necessary to release cellulose and hemicellulose
before hydrolysis;
ii. hydrolysis of complex sugars (cellulose and hemicellulose) to produce
fermentable sugars including glucose, xylose, mannose, arabinose, galactose and
fermentation of reducing sugars.
iii. Lignin (non-carbohydrate components) also have value
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 177-220 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-8
Figure 11. Different pretreatment methods for degradation of agricultural food waste
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 177-220 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-8
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 177-220 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-8
fermentation (SSF) (Table 5). The SSF is important for the production of bioethanol
because it improves the yield of ethanol and removes the end product inhibitors [68,69].
Simultaneous 14L fermenter - As specified 14 [52]
Repeated batch
FW 1L fermenter. - As specified 264 [65]
500 ml vol Explosion,
waste, banana Simultaneous As specified 24 [66]
flask Steam drying
FW Separate 500 ml flask - As specified 16 [39]
Flask with
FW Simultaneous - As specified 48 [67]
100g FW
Separate 0.45L spraying of
FW As specified 15 [49]
Continuous fermenter LAB
Flask with
FW Simultaneous - As specified 67.6 [53]
100g FW
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 177-220 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-8
As compared to batch culture, Yan [70] found that by using fed-batch configuration,
saccharification and consecutive fermentation of ethanol were both enhanced e.g. the
yield of glucose bioconversion was found to be 92% compared to the theoretical value.
Hence, SSF can be excluded from the low danger of catabolite repression. This associates
fermentation of ethanol and hydrolysis of enzymes into a sole operation for holding the
concentration of glucose produced by enzymatic reaction at a low level so as to eliminate
inhibition due to hydrolysis of enzymes [72]. This mixed process can be executed in a
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 177-220 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-8
single tank with more ethanol production and less consumption of energy in a short time
of processing using a small quantity of enzyme [71]. For successful completion of the
SSF process fermentation conditions should be optimized critically because the
fermenting microorganisms and enzymes can have various optimum temperatures and pH
[59]. Koike et al. [27] have reported ethanol production from non-diluted FW i.e. garbage
in a continuous SSF operation with 17.7g/L ethanol production. Ma and coworkers have
[73] evaluated the performance of the SSF process using Zymomonas mobilis (acid
tolerant) from kitchen garbage without sterilization. The results obtained showed 15.4 g
sugar/100 g of garbage and 0.49 g ethanol/g of sugar in 14 hours, yielding 10.08 g/L
2.2.2 Biobutanol
Biobutanol is a second generation transport alcoholic fuel which has an advantage over
ethanol as biobased butanol fuel because of more energy density, less volatility, adequate
hygroscopicity. Biobutanol contains a series of straight-chain alcohols with each
molecule of butanol (C4H10O) containing four carbon atoms as compared to two carbon
atoms present in ethanol [74] (Table 6, Fig. 13). Biobutanol can be produced from
cellulosic raw materials, cereal crops, sugar cane and sugar beet, etc. Production of n-
butanol from food processing waste is an encouraging choice for market processes due to
its low cost. The acetone-butanol-ethanol (ABE) processes generally produce n-butanol
with 15g/L concentration because of the toxicity of n-butanol effects the development of
cell membranes and regular physiological functions of microbial cells [75]. Genetic and
metabolic engineering has been used to construct Escherichia coli and S. cerevisiae
strains for the improvement of n- butanol yield [76,77].
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 177-220 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-8
2.2.3 Biodiesel
The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) defined ‘‘Biodiesel’’ as a
mono-alkyl fatty acyl ester originated from inexhaustible feedstocks (i.e. vegetable oils)
[78]. Biodiesel is water-insoluble light-to dark-yellow coloured with stable reactivity fine
liquid. It has a turning point between 145–175˚C, a boiling point above 200˚C, 195–
325˚C range of distillation and less than 5 vapour pressure (mm Hg at 22˚C). [78].
Biodiesel being recyclable fuel is very useful as replacement of diesel and petroleum.
Biodiesel can be characterized as ‘carbon neutral’ due to nil net release of carbon
production by the fuel in the mode of carbon dioxide and thus has a great advantage.
Chemically reacting lipids such as vegetable oil, soybean oil and animal fat having
alcohol producing fatty acid esters are typically used for making biodiesel. Crops
containing oil (palm, rapeseed or soyabean) are the most favourable for the production of
biodiesel by using base-catalyzed transesterification which only requires low temperature
and pressure and gives 98% conversion yield [79]. To treat waste cooking oil (WCO),
one of the alternate is by converting it into biodiesel which is also an eco-friendly and
economically viable process. WCO is an inexpensive waste which can be utilized for
production of biodiesel hence saving the treatment and disposal cost of waste. Other than
this, it decreases or minimizes the requirement of land for the production of biodiesel
crops. But, as compared to refined and crude vegetable oils, waste cooking oils (used
frying oils) have different properties. The optimal requirements for the production of
biodiesel (concentration of catalyst and methanol/oils ratio) are incongruous. These
conditions are strongly dependent on the properties of WCO. Transesterification reaction
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 177-220 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-8
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 177-220 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-8
(b) H2O, H+
Glycerol Biodiesel
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 177-220 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-8
Table 7. Comparison between characteristics of commercial diesel fuel and diesel from
WCO [89]
Fuel property Commercial diesel fuel Biodiesel from WCO
Flash point 144 212
Pour point 254-260 262
Ash content 0.009 0.003
Carbon residue 0.35-0.39 0.38
Octane number 42 54
Raw substrates for production of biomass are based on plant lipids, such as coconut oil,
corn oil, soybean oil, palm oil, olive oil, margarine, grape seed oil and canola oil or lipids
from an animal, such as ghee, butter, fish oil and Kermanshah oil [90].
Properties of Biodiesel
Biodiesel is most preferable over diesel obtained from petroleum because it is eco-
friendly, renewable, biodegradable and non-toxic. It has high lubricity and produces low
emissions, aromatic as well as sulphur contents in addition to showing good ignition
properties [91,92]. Furthermore, the WCO is cost effective compared to fresh vegetable
oil (Table 8).
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 177-220 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-8
saponification [94] reactions which decrease the yield of biodiesel. To eliminate this error
various techniques have been proposed as follows:
Esterification of acids with sulphuric acid and methanol,
Esterification using ion- exchange resins,
Soap separation through decanter proceeded by neutralisation with alkalis,
Esterification of acids and FFA distillation with polar liquids extraction
Heating over 100˚C to eliminate water from WCO
Vacuum distillation (0.05 bar)
Moreover, phospholipids, drooping solids and impurities can be removed by
centrifugation, washed off using hot water or filtration through paper [95,96].
Trans-esterification reaction
For biodiesel production, transesterification using alcohol of vegetable/agricultural oils is
the main method (Fig. 15). There are two methods of trans-esterification as follows:
(a) without catalyst
(b) with catalyst
The yield and rate of biodiesel production can be enhanced by using various types of
catalysts. This transesterification process is changeable and the equilibrium can be shifted
to the product side due to excess alcohol. Several different alcohols i.e. methanol,
ethanol, propanol, and butanol, can be used in this reaction [97]. The methanol
application is more feasible because of its low-cost and physical as well as chemical
advantages, such as being polar and having the shortest alcohol chain [96].
The major factors in biodiesel production are temperature, agitation, the ratio of alcohol
and oil and reactants purity. Conventionally, alkaline and acidic catalysts are used mostly
for transesterification [97]. The transesterification process is very important not only in
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 177-220 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-8
the improvement of yield but also in recovery, environmental hazard safety, availability
of feedstock and conservation of resources (Fig 16).
2.2.4 Biomethanol
Methanol is also known as “wood alcohol.” Generally, methanol is easier to find than
ethanol. Feasible methods of methanol production are presently not economically usable.
Methanol is produced from biogas or synthetic gas and evaluated as a fuel for internal
combustion engines.
Characteristics: Methanol burns with an unseen flame and is toxic. It has a high octane
rating like ethanol and can be used as an ignition booster in a diesel engine.
About 2.2 litres methanol can be obtained from 1 litre of gasoline. The supply of oxygen
and hydrogen in most of the processes enhances the yield of methanol derived from
biomass and produces synthetic gas (H2 plus CO) from biomass [68].
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 177-220 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-8
Agricultural food waste biomass is first converted into bio-oil by fast pyrolysis, after that
the bio-oil is converted into hydrogen by catalytic steam reforming [98, 99]. The yield or
production of hydrogen that can be produced from biomass is relatively low i.e. 16–18%
of dry weight of biomass [100]. Only the bio-oil fraction derived from carbohydrate
generated from biomass undergoes reformation (Table 9). Nowadays, methanol is
processed from natural gas while it can also be produced via partial oxidation of biomass
[102]. Coal and biomass have been used as possible fuels for methanol synthesis and
production of syngas [103]. Sufficient amount of hydrogen is added to the gas to be
synthesized and that converts the carbon biomass into methanol carbon [104]. The
methanol can be partially produced from the waste of lignocellulosic material with the
estimated yield as 185 kg of methanol per metric ton of solid waste [105,106].
Agriculture methanol (biomethanol) is currently more expensive than synthetic methanol
from natural gas and ethanol from ethylene [107]. Table 4 lists the main production
facilities of methanol and biomethanol.
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 177-220 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-8
Catalytic synthesis:
CO + 2H2 CH3OH Biomethanol
Pressure: 4-8 Mpa
Figure 17. Biomethanol from carbohydrates by gasification and partial oxidation with O2
and H2O.
The energy value of agricultural residues generated worldwide and the forest products
industry amounts to more than one-third of the total commercial primary energy use at
present as well [108]. Supply of bio-energy may be divided into two main categories:
(1) organic domestic waste from the households of food and materials origin,
(2) plantations of energy crops.
Biomass energy from both crops and residues can lead to modern energy transporter
[109]. Biomass seems to be a promising feedstock for the main three reasons:
First, it appears to have beneficial environmental properties resulting in zero net
production of carbon dioxide and very less content of sulfur.
Second, it is a renewable in nature i.e. can be easily sustainably produced in the
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 177-220 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-8
Third, it seems to be cost-effective unless the prices of fossil fuel increase in the
future [110].
Lignocellulosic bio-methanol have fewer emissions due to the carbon content of the
alcohol sequestered in the developing of bio-feedstock which is being re-emitted into the
atmosphere [111].
2.3.1 Biomethane
Biogas a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide gas is produced through a natural
process that breaks down organic material in an oxygen-free environment by anaerobic
digestion. Anaerobic digester plays an important role as a renewable energy source that
helps dairies to generate and capture biogas. Most dairies utilizing anaerobic digesters for
production of energy store the biogas and incinerate it as renewable electricity for
operations on-farm. Anaerobic digesters can also be used to exclude pathogens, control
flies and removing odours.
To collect and transport biomethane, high pressures can be used to compress the gas
(CBM) similar to compressed natural gas (CNG), and also very low temperatures can be
utilized to generate liquefied biomethane (LBM) similar to liquefied natural gas (LNG).
There are three levels for biomethane production. Through upgrading biogas By removal
of(1) moisture, (2) hydrogen sulfide, and (3) carbon dioxide. The easy way to take off
moisture is by refrigeration whereas H2S can be removed by
• injecting air into the digester biogas holder
• biological removal on a filter bed
• adding iron chloride into the digester influent
• reacting with hydroxide (iron sponge) or iron oxide
• water scrubbing
• sodium hydroxide or lime scrubbing
• use of an activated-carbon sieve
To scavenge CO2 and traces of H2S from biogas of dairy manure the following
processes,.shown according to their present availability are considered:
• Water scrubbing
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 177-220 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-8
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 177-220 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-8
that co-digestion increases the rate of hydrolysis when food waste and manure were co-
digested in biomethane potential assay. Methane (50-70%) is the prominent biogas which
can be utilized as a source of light energy, water pumps, cooking and electric generators
[125]. Benefits of generating biogas from anaerobic digestion in comparison to other
waste treatment processes include effective removal of pathogens, less odour leakage and
low sludge production from biomass compared to aerobic treatment processes [126]. In
India, biomethane production from cattle dung is a well-developed, adopted technology
and government had taken considerable steps for the adaptation of biogas technology
2.3.2 Biohydrogen
Hydrogen has been globally recognized as an eco-friendly and renewable energy
resource. Hence, it is an ideal substitute to fossil fuels, as it has the greater energy density
i.e. 142 kJ/g out of all the known fuels, and generates sole by-product i.e. in the form of
water during combustion [128]. H2 can be generated in two processes i.e. light dependent
and light independent bioprocesses: the light dependent process involves photo-
fermentation and biophotolysis, while the light-independent reactions involve dark
fermentation and bio-electrochemical system) [129]. Integrated photo- dark fermentation
process using food processing wastes proves to be a worthwhile technology in terms of
economy for production of hydrogen.
Substrate composition
Hydrogen production was observed to be higher than that of protein and fat-based waste
i.e. 20 times more which is the potential of carbohydrate-based waste [130]. Kim et al.
[131] observed that the biohydrogen yield was cultivated around 0.5 mol H2/mol hexose
at lower than 20 C/N ratio, whereas H2 yield decreases at higher C/N ratio due to the
increased production of propionate, valerate and lactate.
Typically consortium of cultures has been utilized for production of H2 from waste
sources. However, hydrogenotrophic bacteria utilize hydrogen produced by Clostridium
and Enterobacter [132]. FW may be utilized as a source of H2-producing microflora and
seed biomass is used to suppress hydrogen-consumers by pretreating with heat [133]
(Table 10).
Kim et al. [134] have adopted various pre-treatments to choose microorganisms for
hydrogen production. Among untreated FW, lactic acid bacteria species are the most
abundant whereas, in the pre-treated FW, hydrogen-producing bacteria are dominant.
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 177-220 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-8
Hydrolysis of carbon sources plays a crucial role in the production of H2 because the
carbon and nutrient sources in fats and lipid are not bio-accessible that are present in
wastewater and dairy waste for H2 producing microorganisms [137,138]. Feng et al.
[139] have reported bio-hydrogen production using anaerobic bacteria from apple
pomace and river sludge. They have generated maximum bio-hydrogen along with other
beneficial by-products such as ethanol, butyric acid and acetic acid. Carbohydrate-rich
starch and/or cellulose are present in agricultural and food industry wastes which are
easier to process for carbohydrate and hydrogen gas formation [140].
Anaerobic fermentation is an energy-saving and eco-friendly process for bioethanol
production (Fig. 18). The FW through anaerobic acidification methods generates different
organic acids, CO2, H2 and other intermediates. This process may be used to treat huge
quantities of organic waste because the reactions involved in the production of hydrogen
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 177-220 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-8
are fast in the absence of solar radiation. Biohydrogen is used as an alternate compressed
gas to gasoline because it produces 2.8 times higher energy i.e. approximately 142.35
kJ/g and also 2.1 times more than methane. Carbohydrate-rich FW is suitable for
biohydrogen production. Hydrogen may be produced using electrolysis of water only in
areas where low-cost electricity is usually available.
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 177-220 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-8
2.3.3 Biohythane
Hythaneis is the blend of biogases containing methane and 10-12% hydrogen by volume.
Hythane produced from food processing waste through anaerobic digestion process has
been recognized as a cost-effective biogas energy. The beneficial advantage over
biohythane process includes high energy yield and low-cost input. Biohythane is usually
produced from two-phase processes [146] i.e. first phase is hydrogenogenic phase, in
which process parameters (pH of 5.5–6.5, thermophilic conditions) favouring the growth
of hydrogenogenic bacteria are controlled and neutral pH (7.0–7.5) and mesophilic
condition are employed in the second phase i.e. methanogenic stage [147]. The two-stage
processes for bio-hythane production using palm oil effluent [148], fruit vegetable waste
[149], and starch wastewater [150] have been found successful.
Food waste is a zero-value and non-consumable resource despite its high potential to be
bioconverted into value-added products like biofuel. The strategic scientific management
of huge waste generated globally by employing suitable technology will not only combat
serious environmental issues but will also add to compensate for the ever-increasing need
for energy. Thus, it is time to focus research on evolving various commercially viable
inexpensive techniques for efficient recycling of wastes to different types of fuels viz.
ethanol, hydrogen, methane, diesel etc.
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Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 177-220 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-8
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Chapter 9
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1. Introduction............................................................................................223
1.1 Microbial desalination cell and its evolution...................................223
1.2 Microbial desalination cell construction and general
principle ...........................................................................................224
2. Different types of MDC based on cathode electron acceptor ............229
2.1 MDC with the chemical cathode .....................................................229
2.2 Microbial desalination cell with the Air cathode ............................230
2.3 Microbial desalination cell with bio-cathode ..................................232
3. Applications of microbial desalination cell .........................................234
3.1 Water softening ................................................................................235
3.2 Production of chemicals and gases ..................................................235
3.3 Remediation of contaminated water and nutrients recovery ...........236
4. Parameters affecting the performance of microbial desalination cell in
desalination .......................................................................................................236
4.1 Mode of microbial desalination cell operation ................................237
4.2 Substrate concentration....................................................................237
4.3 Salt concentration ............................................................................238
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1. Introduction
Clean water represents 3% of the total water resources on earth of which only 1% is
accessible and the rest 2% is locked under glaciers and icecaps. However, urbanization,
industrial and population growth resulted in water deterioration and shortage. Hence there
is a need to develop new sources of water to meet the increase in water demand. The
water desalination technology is identified as a potential technology to overcome the
water shortage problem, i.e., conversion of sea water into potable water, yet the present
traditional techniques such as thermal desalination and reverse osmosis are energy
consuming [1, 2]. For example, the pressure required for desalination of seawater by
reverse osmosis process ranges from 55 to 82 bars and the energy consumption for the
typical size of seawater reverse osmosis (RO) unit of 24000 m3/day ranges from 4 to 6
kWh/m3. More than 60% of the world’s desalination plants utilise fossil fuels as the
source for multi-stage flash distillation [3]. Thus, the present desalination processes
contribute to the degradation of the environment by the emission of excessive heat,
greenhouse gas (GHG) and high concentration of brine. Hence the challenges in the
traditional process led to the development of a cheap, efficient and environmentally
friendly method called microbial desalination cell technology for desalination of
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Zuo et al. [6]. Effective selection of cathode electron accepter plays the vital role in the
desalination process and bioelectricity generation. Many researchers utilized a chemical
cathode called potassium ferricyanide during initial studies of microbial desalination cell.
To overcome the toxic, expensive and non-sustainability nature of a chemical cathode,
Mehanna et al., [1] used an air cathode and obtained substantial (43–67%) desalination of
water using equal volumes of anode and salt solution. Expensive catalyst usage and high
energy requirement to maintain dissolved oxygen led to the development of using aerobic
microbes called bio-cathodes. Wen et al. suggested the use of an aerobic bio-cathode
consisting of carbon felt and bacterial catalyst during their study that produced 609 mV
of bioelectricity with bio-cathode which was 136 mV higher than that of the air cathode.
The sustainable and effective desalination performance of the bio-cathode proved to be a
promising technology when compared with the air cathode without catalyst and
ferricyanide [7]. Another study reported utilizing algae, Chlorella vulgaris as algae bio-
cathode. The passive bio-cathodes performed better than the air cathode in desalination,
COD removal and produced high-value products from biomass. [8]. Thereafter many
studies concentrated on using bio-cathodes because of their sustainability and cost-
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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created across the electrodes of cathode and anode chambers generates electricity. The
continuous oxidation of organic matter by exoelectrogens in the anaerobic environment
leads to wastewater treatment. The desalination process is achieved by movement of ions
such as anions (Cl-, NO3-, and SO42-) and cations (Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+) across the AEM and
CEM respectively. The transfer occurs to maintain electro-neutrality condition due to the
release of electrons by the bioelectrochemical oxidation process at the anode that causes
the transfer of anions. Similarly, the reduction reaction occurs at the cathode since
oxygen accepts electrons and initiates the movement of cations into the cathode chamber.
[4]. Thus the bio-electrochemical effect on MDC leads to simultaneous wastewater
treatment, desalination, and electricity generation. The rate of desalination is the key
factor in MDC function and depends on the initial salt concentration of the sample to be
desalinated. The reaction taking place at anode and cathode chamber is given below:
At the anode:
At the cathode:
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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Oxygen is primarily used because of its high availability and high reduction potential.
[31]. It is not toxic when compared with chemical catholytes. The significant
disadvantage is that under ambient conditions, air cathodes undergo slow redox kinetics.
To minimize the activation overpotential linked with oxygen reduction, expensive
catalysts s (e.g. platinum) required. Another disadvantage is the utilization of mechanical
equipment to maintain the necessary optimal dissolved oxygen concentration [16]. Thus,
the high energy requirement increases the capital cost of the reactor. In another
perspective, the reduction of oxygen to water requires four electrons which are not
achieved. The decrease in oxygen at times forms hydrogen peroxide thus rendering only a
two electron transfer reaction. Hydrogen peroxide is considered a strong oxidizer and
results in electron or membrane degradation. It also acts as a disinfectant and inhibits the
biofilm formation on the electrode.
Mehanna et al. [1] used air cathode and anolyte containing 2 g/L acetate in cubical
shaped chambers, achieved desalination efficiency up to 63% and found superior to using
ferricyanide as catholyte. Upflow microbial desalination cell with an air cathode
containing platinum wire operated in a continuous mode reported to remove salt
efficiently. The results showed that at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 4 days, more
than 99% of NaCl removal from the initial salt concentration of 30 g TDS/L and current
production of approximately 62 mA can be achieved. At 1 or 4 days HRT, the charge
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 221-248 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-9
transfer efficiencies were 98.6% or 81% [18]. Zuo et al. fabricated a modularized
filtration air cathode MDC (FMDC) using nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes and Pt-
carbon as filtration material and cathode. Salt removal efficiency and COD removal
efficiencies were 93.6% and 97.3% respectively when real wastewater was circulated
from anode to cathode and finally to the middle membrane stack. [32].
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The algae in the presence of light consume carbon dioxide and release oxygen and other
by-products that help in the formation and growth of new cells. The oxygen produced
combines with protons in the cathode chamber and with electrons from the oxidation
process at the anode forms the clean water. The general mechanism using algae as bio-
cathode is as follows:
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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with the saline concentration of 15 g/L. Higher algal growth (38%) in 35 g/L saline water
proved that higher saline concentration positively increases the desalination performance.
[34]. Microalgae Scenedesmus abundans also had the positive effect of desalination
coupled with petroleum wastewater treatment and bioelectricity generation. [35].
Although MDCs with the chemical and air cathodes have their respective advantages;
MDCs with bio-cathodes are found to be sustainable and efficient in enhancing the
desalination process. Table 2 summarises the different types of cathodes used in MDCs
along with their advantages and disadvantages.
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and alkali production rates were 46 and 8% higher than MEDCC respectively [23].
Although system scaling up poses an important challenge, MEDCC concept effectively
recovers high-value chemicals.
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4.4 pH imbalance
In MDC operation, pH variation is considered as a universal phenomenon. The reaction
between protons released by the oxidation of bio-pollutants and the anions in the
desalination chamber results in a pH drop (acidic) over a period. Meanwhile, an oxygen
reduction reaction in the cathode chamber leads to accumulation of hydroxide ions thus
increasing pH within the cathode chamber. [4, 18, 55]. Researchers tackled the pH
imbalance based on different perspectives such as adding acids or bases [4, 18, 14] or
increasing the anolyte volume [4]. Alternatively, the recirculation of the solutions
between anode and cathode to avoid the inhibition of bacterial metabolism was found to
be a promising method. Maximum power density was 931 ± 29 mW/m2 with a 50 mM
phosphate buffer solution (PBS) and 776 ± 30 mW/m2 with 25 mM PBS with
recirculation process. The power densities obtained were higher than those achieved
without recirculation. [5]. The above recirculation technique was found to eliminate the
pH imbalances effectively. Youpeng Qu et al. [47] reported that hydraulic flow through
the desalination cells, i.e., anode solution from the first reactor flowed into the cathode
and then to the anode of the next reactor, connected can avoid pH fluctuations. But, the
transfer of organic matter and microbes during recirculation stimulated the growth of
biofilm on the cathode thus reducing the catalytic activity. The new concept called
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The general concepts about various aspects of MDC have been discussed in this chapter.
In-depth researches on MDCs have led to the development of various reactor
configurations and utilization of different forms of cathodes. Finally, the photosynthetic
MDC is declared as an efficient technology utilizing biological cathodes such as
microalgae. Usage of bio-cathodes increased because of their sustainable nature,
increased desalination efficiency, reduction in start-up time and production of valuable
biomass. The ability of bio-cathodes can be improved with the recent molecular biology
and bioinformatics techniques. Identification of better bacterial and algal species can
improve the overall efficiency of bio-cathode microbial desalination cells.
Other than desalination process, MDC plays a vital role in other valuable applications
such as water softening process, production of chemicals, acids and bases, hydrogen gas
production, remediation of contaminated water and also helps in recovery of nutrients.
A process is considered efficient only after controlling defined operational parameters.
The continuous mode of MDC operation, selection of effective anode and cathode
substrates, pH balance, initial salt concentration, usage of lower external resistance are
some of the important changes that can be done to enhance the working of MDC process.
MDC technology came into existence less than a decade and had multiple outcomes from
a single reactor. Further development in reactor configurations, selection of better
electrode materials, and optimization of other operational parameters can extensively
increase the integrated process of desalination performance, wastewater treatment, and
electricity generation.
Hence MDC is found to be a new, green, environmentally friendly, efficient and
sustainable technology.
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Chapter 10
Rouf Ahmad Dar*1, Mudasir Yaqoob2, Manisha Parmar1, Urmila Gupta Phutela3
Department of Microbiology, Punjab Agricultural University Ludhiana-141004, Punjab, India
Department of Food Science and Technology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-
141004, Punjab, India
Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-
141004, Punjab, India
[email protected]; [email protected]
Food processing wastes (FPWs) are produced in large quantity. The issue of waste is
increasing unabatingly and is posing a threat to the environment. The management of
these wastes is needed. FPWs are managed through various approaches; however, the
biofuel production is the most feasible solution and alluring the researchers across the
globe as it furnishes a substantial alternative to conventional fuels, thus reducing the
greenhouse emissions significantly. It is a worthwhile means of utilizing food processing
wastes compared to other valorisation processes. This chapter reviews the status of FPWs
across the globe, biofuel production from food processing wastes, factors affecting and
strategies for enhancing biofuel production from food processing wastes.
Food Processing Wastes, Biofuel, Conventional Fuels, Greenhouse Emissions,
1. Background ............................................................................................250
2. Status of production of food processing wastes across the globe ......251
2.1 Food processing waste .....................................................................251
2.2 Sources .............................................................................................252
2.2.1 Meat industry ...................................................................................252
2.2.2 Seafood wastes.................................................................................252
2.2.3 Dairy sources ...................................................................................253
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1. Background
Food processing waste (FPW) is obtained from different food processing industries as the
last product which has not been recycled and is abandoned as waste. The food processing
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industries are one of the principal industries of the present times. These supply a large
number of products ranging from industrial to human use. The food wastage occurs
significantly almost at every step in the processing industries. However, the wastage at
consumer and supply chain levels, the degradability of crop and food products, are
responsible for the production of substantial quantities of wastes from food processing
industries [1]. It not only involves the monetary loss [2] but also has an immense
influence on climate change. This wastage costs approximately 2600 billion USD
annually, which is almost comparable to the gross domestic product (GDP) of France or
the UK [3]. The wastage in the USA at the consumer level is 10 times more food per
capita compared to that in Southeast Asia. On the other hand, approximately 0.925 billion
people endure hunger. This raises the questions related to food security and imposes a big
challenge on food security, which will be increasing with the passage of time. As per the
McKinsey consulting report, if the wastage at consumer is curbed by 30%, it would save
approximately 0.100 billion acres of cropland by 2030 [4].
The main priorities of food waste management are to prevent food waste and recovery of
food to feed needy people. However, about 95% of the food waste is dumped at landfill
sites [5]. The incessant increase in population demands the increased production of food.
This increase in population had increased the price of oil which in turn has increased the
food production cost. These things have made it imperative to look for the advanced
approaches to food processing waste management [6]. FPWs contain carbohydrates, oils,
fats, proteins and organic acids [5,7]. FPWs are the potential substrates for the production
of different types of value-added biochemicals, biofuels, feed and enzymes etc. [8].
Production of biofuels from wastes is of more significance than other valorization
processes [5] as it significantly can influence the food prices by alleviating the
dependency on conventional fuels. Besides this, biofuels being renewable, biodegradable
in nature and emitting acceptable quality gases make them more demanding as compared
to other value-added products. Thus, this chapter is focused on various aspects of FPWs
like status of FPWs across globe, characterization, management, energy generation
technologies and valorisation to various kinds of biofuels. Apart from this, we focused on
various factors affecting biofuel generation and possible strategies for its enhancement.
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2.2 Sources
The sources of food residuals are determined by the products being processed. The
wastes produced generally include liquid and solid constituents. The product-specific
waste from the food industry is characterized by its high proportion of organic material.
This can range from tea leaves, potato and orange peels to old bread [11]. The various
sources generating food processing wastes are as follows:
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storage of the farm products to processing plants; and the production of food in ready-to-
use forms improve and sustain the quality of human life. This intern increases the
incidence of waste produced during each method of processing.
According to the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations [17],
generally 1/3rd of the food produced across the globe for human consumption is wasted. It
amounts roughly 310 billion dollars for the developing countries and US$ 680 billion for
the industrialized countries. It has been estimated that almost 30% of the cereals; 40-50%
root crops, fruits and vegetables; 20% of the oil seeds, meat and dairy products and 35%
of the fish get wasted every year. Wastage worldwide is shown in Fig.1.
In 2015, the price of the food wasted from U.S. homes, manufacturers and consumer-
facing businesses was estimated at approximately 218 billion U.S. dollars. There has
been almost a loss of 8.8% of cereals, 38.8% of roots and tubers, 16.8% of oilseeds and
pulses, 24.7% of fruits and vegetables, 9.2 % of meat, 17.7% of fish and seafoods and 5.2
% of dairy products during their production and processing in North America and
Oceania [18]. There is almost a loss of 6% of the food during processing in Latin
America and the Caribbean in the year 2015
According to the data from Stenmark et al. [19], the European Union contributes most of
the food waste from households (47 million tonnes) and the processing sector (17 million
tonnes). These two sectors contribute about 72% of EU food waste, even though there is
large uncertainty around the estimate for the processing sector. Of the remaining 28 per
cent of food waste, 11 million tonnes (12%) comes from food service, 9 million tonnes
(10%) comes from production and 5 million tonnes (5%) comes from wholesale and
retail sectors.
Loss during production
and processing
30 Waste by retailers and
Cereals Roots and Oilseeds fruits and Meat Fish and Dairy
Tubers and Pulses vegetables Seafoods foods
Fig .1. The share of food loss and waste worldwide (the Year 2015), Adapted from [20]
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Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 249-288 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-10
In Switzerland, there is almost 61% of food waste generated in the agricultural sector,
22% in the processing industry, 13% in the catering industry and 4% in the large
supermarket chains. Potato-processing industry has the highest rate at around 190,000
tonnes of losses. The lowest proportion of losses is in the cereals and baking industry
(21,000 tonnes) [21].
India processes only 2% of its produce although it being the second largest producer of
cereals and fruits, third in marine production and also one of the leading countries in
terms of livestock in the world. According to the United Nations development
programme, up to 40% of the food produced in India is wasted. According to the
agriculture ministry, Govt. of India, Rs. 50,000 crore worth of food produced is wasted
every year in the country. India loses more than $9 billion in food waste. Much of that is
led by fruit and vegetable produce, oil seeds and fisheries [22] as shown in the Figure. 2.
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water and non-soluble dietary fiber while as cassava peels contain high crude fiber
content (10–30% dry matter basis) and a low protein content of about less than 6% on dry
matter basis. They also contain natural anti-nutritional factors, decreasing the availability
of phosphorous in the non-ruminants [29]. Pulses are considered as the chief sources of
proteins. These also contain dietary fibers, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins [30].
Husks are important sources of tannins and insoluble dietary fibers (75–87%) [31].
In the poultry processing plant, the effluents normal percentage of fat, protein, ash, and
fiber on a dry-weight basis are 55.3, 27.1, 6.1, and 4.1% respectively [34]. Fat is the
major component, averaging 55.3% of the particulate matter in wastewater streams.
Proteins are the second most predominant constituent. Major sources of proteins in
poultry processing waste include blood and muscle tissues. Crude proteins mostly
constitute more than 75% of feathers [38]. There are generally two important sources of
inorganic materials which result in ash. The first is the dirt and manure detached from
birds within the feather and scalder picking operations [34], while the second is the
wastewater produced from the cleaning of the live haul area. Fiber is the minimum in the
dry matter. Fiber content within particulates is mostly from manure, ingesta, and extra
plant-containing materials detached from birds throughout the slaughtering process. The
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 249-288 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-10
main fiber sources in the feed are remnants of plant cells that are resistant to hydrolysis
by enzymes in the alimentary tract. These include hemicelluloses, cellulose, lignin and
pectin [39].
Food Waste pH Ref.
(mg/L) (g/L) (g O2/L) (g O2/L)
Olive oil waste 1.2-1.5 3-5 65.0 43.0 100
Apples - 5.9 0.45 9.6 18.70
Carrots - 8.7 4.12 1.35 2.30
Tomatoes - 7.9 0.95 1.02 1.50
Cattle - 6.7-9.3 - 0.90-4.62 3.0-12.87
Hog 14.3 7.3 - 1.95 3.015
Cheese industry whey - 5.2 0.188-2.330 0.19-6.22 0.377-2.214
Milk industry - 7.1-8.1 0.36-0.92 0.71-1.41 -
Wheat - 3.35 - - 90.75 [43]
Potato - 3.69 - - 48.95 [44]
# TN=Total nitrogen; SS= Suspended solids; BOD= Biological oxygen demand and COD=Chemical oxygen
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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The cheese industry involves the utilization of whey, lactose and the different types of
proteins present in the waste streams. Seafoods is rich sources of minerals and omega-3
fatty acids. Some of the food processing wastes and their utilization are presented in
Table 3.
Sugar beet Sugar beet pulp Ethanol, starch, oils, proteins, fibers, [59,60]
processing bioplastics, polyamides, poly lactic acids
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process. However, fuel gas needs high temperature, low heating rate and long gas
residence time period [70,71].
Liquefaction is defined as a thermochemical process operating at high pressure and low
temperature in the presence of a catalyst. The liquefaction produces a liquid product. The
process is not in demand because of the complicated fuel feeding systems and the
requirement of more expensive reactors compared to pyrolysis processes [72].
Hydrothermal carbonization
Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) is the thermal conversion technology employed to
convert food processing wastes into a valuable, energy-rich resource. It is alluring the
attention of researchers to generate energy resource from wastes having high moisture
content (80–90%). It can be also defined as a process of conversion of food wastes into a
valuable, energy resource under endogenous pressures and moderately low temperature
(180–350 °C) [73–75]. Hydrothermal carbonization of various substrates including
lignocellulosic biomass has been studied recently [73,76,77]. It was confirmed that food
waste could be favourably treated by HTC ensuing in the production of hydrochar (high
energy product). Lin et al. [5] described the positive energy balances of hydrothermal
carbonization of food waste from local restaurants. In comparison to other conversion
methods, HTC has various advantages [78]. Furthermore, the operation of the process at
higher temperatures helps in the elimination of pathogens and inactivation of other
crucial organic contaminants. Thus, this process produces a sterilized, clean, easy to store
and transport energy-rich resource. The other advantages of this process are the recovery
of some useful chemicals and nutrients from the HTC process water for use/reuse and the
liquids containing nitrogen species for use as fertilizer [73,75,78].
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 249-288 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-10
alleviate erosion and nutrient run-off problems. The solid residue also helps in retention
of water by soil and enhances growth and yield of plants [81,82]. AD involves
hydrolysis, fermentation, acetogenesis, and finally methanogenesis. This process is being
carried out in digesters at the waste treatment sites like in case of dairy waste and
distillery effluent digestion [79]. It has been utilized to valorise fruit and vegetable
processing wastes [83], food processing wastewater [84], and slaughterhouse wastes [85].
This technology seems very suitable for the food processing wastes. The process is
beneficial as it generates renewable energy, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and
involves management and rerouting of waste [75,86]. Disposing of food and other
organic materials in landfills results in methane production, a potent greenhouse gas.
Methane escapes directly into the atmosphere, so diversion of food wastes from these
landfills to digesters decreases methane emissions from these sites. Codigestion is
another process related to anaerobic digestion. It refers to the digestion of more than one
substrate together to enhance performance and stability of the process. In this process, the
energy-rich organic waste materials can be added to a dairy or wastewater digester with
excess capacity to increase its digestion process. The anaerobic digestion can be
performed at both mesophilic (25-45°C) and thermophilic (55-70°C) temperatures.
However higher temperature enhances the extent as well as the rate of biogas production
but it demands greater control and sophisticated instrumentation. Operation of the process
at psychrophilic range (5-15°C) is a simple and low-cost option but it results in low
performance [80]. The implementation of the AD by food processing plants is fascinating
as it partly or fully meets the processing energy demands, reduces the common problems
of smell and vermin efficiently by building digesters on the sites where wastes are
generated and managed effectively. Besides, the advances in anaerobic digestion
technologies have made them more feasible for the processing of various food wastes
[79,87]. The production of methane by anaerobic digestion is an appropriate solution for
food processing waste management [88].
Alcohol fermentation
Fermentation is the age-old process familiar to humans. It is used to produce foods, feeds
and other well-known compounds by the utilization of microorganisms. The food
processing wastes can be used to produce bioethanol and biobutanol (the liquid biofuels).
These biofuels are the potential alternative sources of energy to replace petrol and diesel
(conventional liquid fuels). Alcoholic fermentation producing liquid biofuels is
advantageous as it can significantly reduce the greenhouse gas emissions [89].
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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Biodiesel formation
Biodiesel, which is a potential alternative biofuel to conventional fuels can be generated
from food processing wastes either through direct transesterification (by using acid or
alkaline catalysts) or transesterification of microbial oils by different oleaginous
microorganisms. Commercially, it is generated by transesterification using an alcohol and
a catalyst. It consists of the conversion of triglycerides (oil) to methyl esters (biodiesel)
and a by-product (glycerol) [90]. Most of the biodiesel produced today use a base
catalysis reaction [91,92] which provides advantages of high conversion yields at low
temperatures and pressures and the minimal side reactions as well as reaction times
6.1 Bioethanol
Food processing wastes are potential sources of bioethanol production. The bioethanol is
produced through simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) or hydrolysis
and fermentation (SHF) processes from starchy wastes by Saccharomyces cerevisiae
[95]. Ethanol production from food processing wastes involves a different strategy
compared to other conversion methods. The hydrolysis of starch to sugars (glucose) is
enhanced by enzymes like α-amylase and glucoamylase. The food wastes from fruit,
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 249-288 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-10
vegetable, and grain processing sectors and from cafeterias are rich in carbohydrates.
These can be utilized as a substrate for the production of bioethanol [79]. Sugar juice
obtained from food wastes like fruit pomace can be directly utilized to produce ethanol
[96]. However, the lignocellulosic and starchy food wastes need to be hydrolyzed to
fermentable sugars before fermentation. After hydrolysis, fermentation is carried out
either by yeast or bacteria (Zymomonas mobilis and Clostridium thermocellum). The
FPWs can be pretreated by various methods using acid, alkali, thermal and enzymatic
processes to breakdown the complex lignocellulosic framework [97,98]. These
pretreatments though assist and expedite the bioethanol production but the degradation of
soluble sugars (especially at harsh conditions) can result in the formation of various
inhibitors viz., furfural [99]. The bioethanol has been produced from different food
wastes such as banana peel [100], grape pomace [101], lactose-rich dairy waste
[102,103], whey permeate [104], potato peel waste [105,106], citrus waste [107,108],
cafeteria food waste [109], and kitchen waste [99]. The other substantial sources for
ethanol generation are wastewater from fruit, vegetable, and starch processing.
Ultrafiltration is an efficient approach to recover the solid residues in wastewater [110].
6.2 Biobutanol
Biobutanol fuel is one of the second generation alcoholic fuels. It can be utilized as a
transportation fuel. It is the higher member of straight chain alcohols, has four carbon
atoms rather than two as in ethanol [89]. The usage of biobutanol as a transportation fuel
is gaining interest because of its lower volatility and poor hydroscopic nature, better
corrosion resistance and higher energy density compared to ethanol [111,112]. Unlike
ethanol, it can be blended with gasoline [113]. It can be easily produced from food
processing wastes and cellulosic substrates. The conventional method for its production is
acetone–butanol–ethanol (ABE) fermentation process (an anaerobic process) by
Clostridia spp [114].
The food industry wastes and any carbohydrate-containing substrates especially having
high water content (such as whey) are suitable sources of biofuel production (biobutanol)
[115]. The starchy wastes from processing industries like inedible dough, bread and
butter liquid are suitable feedstocks for biobutanol (0.3 g butanol per g of food waste)
[116]. Huang et al [117] recommended that food processing waste as a better substrate
for butanol production using Clostridium beijerinckii. In comparison to expensive
glucose, the utilization of wastes as a substrate for butanol production is advantageous
because of their cost-effectiveness, more yield, and lesser residual sugars. Apart from
these merits, the process does not involve the use of hydrolytic enzymes. All the above-
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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6.3 Biogas
Biogas from food processing wastes is produced by the anaerobic digestion process.
Biogas is a concoction of CH4 (50-60%), CO2 (30-40%), H2 (1-5%), N2 (0.5%), CO, H2S
and water vapors (traces). Biogas is considered to be a propitious alternate source of
energy with many applications: heat or electricity generation; its liquefaction into
methanol and chemical feedstocks; similar to that of compressed natural gas (CNG) [72].
Anaerobic digestion has extensively been used for biogas (methane) production from
food processing wastes like wastewater from processing industries producing beer, fruit
jams and potatoes etc. [118]. The rate-limiting step in biogas formation is the hydrolysis
of the substrate, as some substrates like food processing wastes consisting of animal fats,
protein and lignocellulosic biomass are complex in nature [89,119]. These sort of wastes
demand a pretreatment step to accelerate the hydrolysis process. This results in the
production of simpler units (sugars, fatty acids, amino acids) from complex organic
materials. These are then converted to sufficient volatile fatty acids which are further
converted to acetate which is the basic material for the methanogenic bacteria to produce
methane [65]. The quality of biogas is predominantly regulated by C/N ratio of raw
material. Both higher and lower C/N ratios affect the methane production rate as nitrogen
uptake by methanogens increases with higher C/N ratio whilst lower C/N ratio results in
accretion of ammonia. Thus, selection of substance should be done carefully as substrates
with abundant degradable organic matter or volatile solids produce considerable biogas
as compared to other raw materials [120]. The other parameters influencing biogas
formation are temperature, inhibitors, pH, volatile solids, organic loading rate (OLR),
total solids, hydraulic retention time (HRT), internal pressure, particle size, and mixing.
6.4 Biohydrogen
The high calorific value, easy availability and environment-friendly nature make
biohydrogen a prospective biofuel [121,122]. It is carbon neutral and has a tendency to
replace the conventional fuels thus saving the depletion of oil reserves [123]. There are
various methods through which biohydrogen is produced. Fermentative H2 generation via
light dependent and dark fermentation processes is advantageous. Light-dependent
processes like photolysis and photo-fermentation are aerobic in nature while as the dark
fermentation occurs under anaerobic conditions [124]. The combined photo-dark
fermentations for food processing wastes have been economical [125]. The dark
fermentation among all these processes is comparatively favourable due to higher yield
and lesser production cost [126,127].
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 249-288 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-10
The suitable materials for biohydrogen production should be rich in carbohydrate but be
nitrogen deficient. Among the various substrates assessed, food processing wastes being
comparatively cheaper and have been an ideal biodegradable organic matter for
biohydrogen production through dark fermentation [7,128]. The type of cultures whether
pure, co-culture or mixed also influence the biohydrogen yield [121]. Dong et al. [129]
and Logan et al. [130] obtained enhanced biohydrogen yield from 15 to 55 % from
wastes produced from potato processing industries. The various other wastes utilized for
biohydrogen generation are carrot, cabbage, lettuce and sugar beet wastes. De Gioannis et
al. [131] studied the H2 production from various types of cheese under different pH
values (6.5-7.5) and reported the highest yield of 170 ml H2/kg of total organic content
6.5 Biodiesel
Biodiesel according to American Society for Testing and Materials Standard (ASTM) is
defined as the monoalkyl esters of long chain fatty acids that are obtained from animal
fat, waste cooking oils and vegetable oils through a chemical reaction known as
transesterification. It has properties similar to diesel [132]. It can be easily blended with
diesel and engines do not need any modifications to utilize it. The major advantage of
biodiesel is that it has zero carbon emission [89]. Food-grade vegetable oils like soyabean
oil and rapeseed are currently used for the production of biodiesel in the U.S. and Europe.
The biodiesel production from such substrates is not economically viable as it is costly.
The substantial substrates for biodiesel production are animal fats, waste cooking oils,
and restaurant grease as these are also produced in higher quantity by food processing
industries [133]. The quantities of fatty residues generated by the catering industry, food
processing industry, wastewater treatment plants and autonomous sanitation are about 32,
29, 23, and 16% respectively [134].
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 249-288 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-10
improving the fuel property [137]. There are various factors that influence this process
including alcohol to oil molar ratio, reaction time, reaction temperature, nature and the
amount of catalyst as well as the raw material composition [138].
The molar ratio of alcohol: One of the most influential factors affecting the conversion
efficiency, biodiesel yield as well as the production cost is the molar ratio of alcohol.
Transesterification is an equilibrium reaction, so in order to circumvent reversible
reactions and to cause the reaction to proceed forward, a surfeit of alcohol is required.
The stoichiometric molar ratio of alcohol to oil for transesterification is 3:1; higher molar
ratios enhance the miscibility and increase the contact between triglyceride and alcohol
molecules [139]. The increase in the concentration of alcohol favours the formation of
esters from fats in a short period. Hence, there is a direct relation of the yield of biodiesel
with the concentration of alcohol but only up to a specific concentration level, beyond
which the only cost of downstream processing increased [140]. The range of molar ratios
of 6:1-30:1 has been accepted universally. Among various alcohols used for
transesterification, methanol, due to its low cost, has been commonly used. The
volumetric ratio of methanol and ethanol to oil has a great effect on biodiesel yield.
Maximum biodiesel yield of 99.5% at 1:6 oil/methanol ratio was observed. In
comparison, biodiesel yield using methanol continuously increases with the increase in
methanol molar ratio [141].
Temperature: Temperature affects the yield of biodiesel by increasing the rate of reaction
and shortening the reaction time. However, at higher temperatures saponification of
triglycerides gets accelerated [142], which vaporizes methanol and reduces the biodiesel
yield [143]. Depending on the oils or fats used, the optimum temperature may vary from
50 to 60°C [144]. Eevera [145] concluded that the highest production of biodiesel can be
obtained at 50ºC. The yield started to decrease when the temperature goes beyond 55 °C,
which may be ascribed to the fact that methanol, with boiling point 64.7ºC, vaporizes at a
higher temperature and remains in this form leading to less conversion. Abbah [146]
found that conversion of biodiesel was less at 30°C but as temperature increases, there
was an increase in the conversion rate, but it decreases if the temperature increased
beyond 60°C. The maximum yield was obtained at 55°C. Hence, temperature determines
the rate of reaction and the ethyl esters production while keeping other factors (reaction
time, stirring speed, alcohol oil ratio, etc.) constant.
Reaction Time: Reaction time has a direct effect on fatty acid esters conversion, with
maximum ester conversion within less than 90 minutes. Prolonged reaction time results
in a reduction of biodiesel production as it favours reversible reaction and can result in
depletion of esters and soap production [144,147]. Naik et al. [148] obtained a higher
biodiesel yield from longer mixing time and concluded that the reaction time of 120
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 249-288 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-10
minutes gave better results than other reaction times used. However, no accretion in
conversion was observed with excessively higher reaction time as it favours hydrolysis of
esters. However, Banihani [149] conducted an experiment at different reaction times:
30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes while keeping other parameters constant and found that the
best results were obtained from 90-minute reaction duration and the yields were lower
when the reaction time was fixed at 120 min. This was due to the fact that when the
longer reaction time was used, the rate of soap formation increases.
Effect of Catalyst Concentration: Sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide is the most
frequently used catalyst for biodiesel production. The characteristics of raw material and
procedure applied for the transesterification have been the decisive factors for selecting
the kind and quantity of catalyst [144]. Hossain and Mazen [150] concluded that different
catalysts have a distinct effect on the production of biodiesel. In an experiment, where
sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide were used as catalysts at a concentration
level of 0.5% NaOH gave better yield (71.2%) of biodiesel while KOH resulted in 68.9%
of biodiesel yield. It has been generally considered that with the increase in the quantity
of catalyst, the production of fatty acid alkyl esters also increased, as more active sites are
available by the addition of a substantial amount of catalyst [151]. On the other hand, a
limited quantity of catalyst resulted in the partial conversion of triglycerides into esters. A
study carried out by Dorado et al. [152] revealed that higher amount of catalyst in the
process results in the formation of soap which enhances the viscosity of the reacting
substances and lowers the rate of biodiesel production.
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 249-288 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-10
the effects of different pH (5.0, 5.5 and 6.0) values on biohydrogen production. It was
observed that maximum biohydrogen production was found at pH values of 5.5 and 6.0,
which showed that biohydrogen production from food waste was pH-dependent with
hydrogen yields of 79, 76 and 23 mmol H2/L-media/d for pH 5.5, 6.0 and 5.0,
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(major deterrent for the hydrogen production) formed in the first stage of the
fermentation can be used as a substrate in the second stage.
A two-stage process for improved hydrogen production was developed where
glucoamylse was first used to hydrolyse the food waste. The hydrolysate was then
further utilized as a substrate for batch fermentation and continuous fermentation
processes. The highest cumulative production of hydrogen was observed with a yield of
245.7 mL H2/g glucose in the batch system [171].
Similarly, studies have been carried out to produce hydrogen and methane from food
waste in a two-stage anaerobic digester. Both the fermentations were carried out in
continuously stirred tank fermentors and the effect of continuous circulation on the
efficiency and stability of processes was also investigated. Maximum H2 production
achieved was 3 L hydrogen per litre per day and maximum methane was 2.9 L methane
per litre per day and about 70% degradation of volatile fatty acids was also observed
Food processing wastes are produced at an alarming rate. The management of these
wastes is of utmost importance. Biofuel production from these wastes is the most feasible
option as it helps in alleviating the dependence on conventional fuels and also reduces
greenhouse emissions. The various approaches of biofuel production (like anaerobic
digestion, alcoholic fermentation and thermochemical conversion methods) from FPWs
are promising and well-consolidated methods. There is still the need to explore and
research the various aspects of valorisation of FPWs, the dissemination of knowledge to
common masses regarding the efficient utilization of food processing wastes. The
government and industries should join hands to give research wings from laboratories to
commercial scale.
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Chapter 11
Dibyajyoti Haldar1, Mriganka Sekhar Manna1, Dwaipayan Sen2, Tridib Kumar Bhowmick3,
Kalyan Gayen1*
Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Agartala, Tripura-
799046, India
Department of Chemical Engineering, Heritage Institute of Technology Kolkata, Kolkata-
700107, India
Department of Bioengineering, National Institute of Technology Agartala, Tripura-799046,
[email protected], [email protected]
A microbial fuel cell is a potential alternative for the treatment of wastewater. In this
process of water treatment, a substantial amount of energy is produced. Microorganisms
are explicitly used in microbial fuel cells to generate electrons and protons that are
involved in electrochemical reactions for the treatment of wastewater for the generation
of power. Moreover, the efficiency of the treatment process and also the generation of
power largely depend on the nature of the substrates used as feed, types of the
microorganism used and the configurations of the cells. In view of an effective treatment
process, various types of wastewater originated from a number of different sources have
extensively been treated in microbial fuel cells using electrogenic microorganisms.
Environment-friendly features of microbial fuel cells result in a better technology
compared to the existing ones for the purpose. The present chapter of this book
comprehensively briefs on the reactions mechanisms involved in different aspects of the
technique and discusses extensively the essential changes in the treatment techniques of
wastewater from varied sources.
Wastewater, Microbial Fuel Cell, Cathode, Anode, COD, Power Density
1. Introduction............................................................................................290
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1. Introduction
In recent years, a rapid urbanization all across the globe demands continuous exploration
of fossil fuel reserves. The obvious issue with such increased use of fossil fuel attributes
to global warming because of emission of greenhouse gases, necessitates the search for
alternative energy resources with low carbon footprint [1-3]. In the last few decades,
venture on renewable sources towards an environment-friendly production of alternative
energy has been a top priority [4]. However, several technological improvements and
subsequent socio-economic developments lead to cause a severe anthropogenic impact on
global sustainability in terms of environmental pollution. As far as environmental
pollution is concerned, water has been one of the major issues directly correlated with
pollution as it is vulnerable to numerous pollutants originated from different sources [5].
Therefore, treatment of wastewater is of high importance prior to its reuses in industries,
agricultural field and for drinking purposes. Especially, drought-prone localities are
primarily using treated domestic and industrial wastewaters as potable water for various
practices, which mitigate the problem related to water scarcity along with disposal issue
of wastewater [6]. However, the presence of organic loads and toxic chemicals such as
nitrogen, phosphorus, phenol and heavy metals (for example mercury and cadmium) in
the industrial effluent becomes detrimental to soil fertility and crop production. So,
sustainable treatment of wastewater necessitates an understanding of the treatment
process feasibility prior to its reuse in agricultural lands and others applications.
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Presently, biological treatment process using activated sludge is recognized as the most
conventional wastewater treatment scheme as it rapidly produces significant results,
though with an investment of high capital and operational cost [7]. However, other
methods such as adsorption, coagulation, ion exchange and membrane separation
processes are also well recognized for the purpose [8]. Further considering several pros
and cons, each of the methods is having limitations in regard to environmental
sustainability. The processes like adsorption and coagulation produce a lot of sludge
known as a secondary pollutant and global management of this secondary pollutant is one
of the typical downstream tasks to achieve. The ion exchange process is expensive while
the throughput of a membrane process is usually very low because of a secondary layer
formation over the membrane, coined as fouling of the membrane. Therefore, over the
years an urge towards a sustainable process development for the treatment of wastewater
has been a top research endeavor. One of the most promising and new technologies that
demand a critical analysis on the waste to energy concept is the microbial fuel cell, where
waste biomaterials are converted into renewable energy. The various issues and
mechanisms of the microbial fuel cell are comprehensively presented in this chapter for
the treatment of wastewater containing varied contaminations from different sources.
2. Reaction mechanism
In continuation of the uninterrupted search for a sustainable source of energy, Potter et al.
in the early 90s’ reported a technique for the conversion of organic waste into electrical
energy [9]. Since then, the microbial fuel cell has been demonstrated as a promising
biochemical concept towards the production of bioenergy from waste materials with the
help of microbial action. Microbes present in the microbial fuel cell are well capable of
converting organic substrates into CO2, water and energy [9]. The electrons produced
during the oxidation of biodegradable solid substrates are transferred to a positive
electrode (anode) during the electrolysis process. The movement of electrons towards the
anode primarily occurs in two mechanistic pathways. Firstly, electrons move through the
direct contact of the electrode with proteins like cytochrome C of the cell membrane of
microbes and secondly through the influence of any extraneous intermediates, which are
known as mediators (Fig. 1). Once the electrons are reached at the anode, these are
transferred through an external circuit to the negative electrode (cathode), where
available constituents of higher potential (electron acceptor) such as oxygen or metal ions
accept the electrons and get themselves reduced. Reduced constituents of wastewater
finally bind with the protons (H+) generated from the oxidation of the same biodegradable
substrate at the anode in the anodic chamber and pass through semi-permeable membrane
placed in between anode and cathode chambers of a fuel cell. The semi-permeable
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 289-306 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-11
membrane only allows H+ ions to pass. A detailed pictorial diagram of the conventional
microbial fuel cell is shown in Fig. 2. Microbial fuel cells in comparison to other existing
technologies offer few distinct advantages, which make this sustainable scheme more
potent towards energy generation directly from organic matter. The advantages are:
(a) The energy present in the substrate is easily converted into electrical energy with high
(b) The microbial fuel cell can be operated even at the locations with limited electrical
facilities as the process is carried out under ambient conditions.
(c) The biochemical process does not require high energy input if the cathode is already
(d) Finally, the process can be readily applicable in the sector of bioenergy due to the less
production of sludge.
Fig. 1 Different mechanisms of electron transfer from bacteria to anode; (A) Electron (e-)
is directly transferred to the anode of the fuel cell through cytochrome C, (B) Electron
(e-) is directly transferred to the anode of the fuel cell through pili or nanowire of the
bacteria, (C) Electron (e-) is indirectly transferred to the anode of the fuel cell via the
external influence of mediator
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Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 289-306 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-11
Now the electrical energy in the microbial fuel cell is primarily generated through the
movement of electrons as a result of oxidation and reduction reactions occurred at anode
and cathode respectively. Anode acts as an electron donor while cathode acts as an
electron acceptor. Substances such as oxygen, metals, nitrite, nitrate accepting the
electrons in the cathodic chamber are known as a terminal electron acceptor. The
performance of any microbial fuel cell largely depends on its structural configuration.
Fig. 3 depicts different configurations of microbial fuel cells based on the essential
mechanisms of electrochemical reactions already elaborated above.
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 289-306 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-11
are considered as one of the mostly used anode materials in a microbial fuel cell. A lot of
research investigations have been carried out with suitably modified configuration of the
anode to improve the performance of the system [12-14]. Modified carbon cloth anode
with formic acid is an example with increased efficiency of the overall process [15].
Moreover, an electrodeposition of metal oxide like, MnO2 improves the performance of
the microbial fuel cell by around 24% in comparison to the bared carbon anode [16].
Hence, the modification in the texture of the anode is very much necessary to enhance the
performance of microbial fuel cells in large-scale industrial applications. Although the
metals are much better conductors of electricity the smoother surface of the metals quite
often limits the adhesion of bacterial cells leading to the low power density compared to
carbon materials [13]. Therefore, the surface modification of the metallic anode is
accomplished through several physical and chemical processes [14]. On the contrary, the
formation of carboxyl group during the chemical treatment of bacterial cells in the fuel
cell generates a strong network of hydrogen bonds with the peptide present in the
bacterial cells, thereby improves the electron transfers from microorganisms to surface
modified anode surface. The use of different polymeric metal composites as the anode
material is another alternative to improve the performance of microbial fuel cells.
Polyaniline is widely used as polymeric metal alloy as it is highly able to restrict
deactivation of the anode by metabolic products produced by the microbial reactions
[17]. Zhang et al. has reported that the power density of 760 mW.m-2 is available from a
microbial fuel cell employing graphite/PTFE as a composite electrode and E. coli as the
bacterium [18]. The reaction mechanism for the generation of electrons from acetate rich
wastewater at anode chamber is given in Eq. 1
O 2 + 4H + + 4e − → 2H 2 O (2)
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 289-306 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-11
The availability of oxygen and accessibility of protons through PEM largely impact on
the performance of the reactions in the cathode. Oxygen is mostly preferred as a terminal
electron acceptor in the cathode chamber as it is inexpensive, easily accessible and has
high oxidation potential [19]. Two configurations of cathodes namely air and aqueous
cathodes are mostly used in microbial fuel cells. Air cathodes are very often adopted in a
microbial fuel cell as the configuration involved is most inexpensive. Part of the cathode
is directly exposed to air for higher availability of O2. On the other hand, aqueous
cathodes are consisted of carbon cloth coated with a layer of catalyst and very often
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 289-306 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-11
immersed in an aqueous layer with limited oxygen accessibility [20]. Carbon cloth is the
supporting material for binding the binder in an air cathode. The binders like Nafion and
polytetrafluroethylene (PTFE) are very commonly used to keep the catalyst intact on the
cathode plate. More power density is generally achieved when Nafion in comparison
with PTFE is used as a binder with other parameters remaining constant in a microbial
fuel cell. Nafion is put onto the cathode plate (carbon cloth) as a thick layer of biofilm
[21]. Biofouling of cathode is a serious threat to the performance of the microbial fuel
cell. With regard to the issue of biofouling, the use of metal composite electrode
containing the ingredient having anti-microbes property is the solution to the problem of
biofouling. One of the investigations on microbial fuel cell reports that the maximum
power density of ~1700 mW.m-2 has been achieved using a graphite carbon-based metal
composite catalyst (Fe3O4/GC) [22] as a cathode in a microbial fuel cell.
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 289-306 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-11
power generation in MFC. Yang et al. have studied that serine among the amino acids,
produces a maximum power density of ~770 mW.m-2 and alanine produces minimum
power density (550 mWm-2) used as a nitrogenous substrate in a single chambered air
cathode [26]. Various organic acids like (formic acid, lactic acid and succinic acid) are
also capable of producing electricity from fuel cells. Acetate and butyrate are the most
common substrates due to their immense potential of generating electricity in microbial
fuel cells [27]. When various organic alcohols are tested as a substrate; ethanol has been
proved to be more potent compared to methanol. In an experiment using a microbial fuel
cell, the maximum power density of ~800 mW.m-2 was achieved using ethanol as
substrate [28]. After various synthetic substrates were examined for the power generation
in fuel cells the research community become interested in working with real wastewater
originated from a number of different sources such as; food waste, dairy waste, livestock
and even industrial waste characteristically containing a minimum amount of organic
components. The relative performance of MFCs for the treatment of different kinds of
wastewaters is illustrated in Table 1.
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Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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microbial fuel cells and a maximum power density of 22.3 mWm-2 has been achieved
Rapid depletion of conventional fuels (viz. petroleum and fossil fuels) continuously urges
the search for alternative fuels. Further, emission of greenhouse gases mostly CO and
CO2 and consequently their detrimental effects on the environment, especially global
warming have led to the scientific community to find a way out in this regard. On the
other hand, more efficient processes of treatment of wastewater are also important for
recycling of water to prevent the shortage of water at present and in future. Therefore,
environmentally benign techniques for both the purposes are urgently required. MFC
technique has been emerged as potent to mitigate the energy crisis without affecting the
environment significantly. Moreover, the microbial fuel cell has been an individual kind
of sustainable technology which uses microorganism as biocatalysts during the
conversion of wastewater into the clean energy. Over the years, a number of attempts
have been made to improve the power density from different types of wastewater by
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 289-306 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-11
altering the basic configuration of microbial fuel cells. However, the practical adaptation
of this technology is limited within the laboratory scale and demands for a significant
breakthrough to scale up the process into the next level to be feasible for industrial
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Chapter 12
1. Introduction............................................................................................309
2. Classification of biofuels .......................................................................309
3. Bioethanol as the fuel of future ............................................................311
4. Bioethanol production ...........................................................................312
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1. Introduction
Sustainable energy is a big task in the world of growing population. The demand for
energy continuously increases with the increase in population but the sources of fossil
fuel are exhausting day by day which causes an increment in petroleum fuel prices [1,2].
The increased use of fossil fuels from petroleum resources have concerns related to
environment and energy security issues. Issues, including global climate change due to
the emission of greenhouse gases, make researchers find alternative ways for the
production of fuels from sustainable bio resources [3]. International political pressure to
reduce greenhouse gasses and global energy crisis forced researchers to develop or search
alternative renewable energy resources to replace traditional energy sources [4]. In
sustainable development, the use of renewable energy sources is in consideration. Liquid
fuels like biodiesel, bioethanol and biogases like methane and in solid fuel wood pellets
and charcoal are mainly produced from biomass and are known as biofuels [2, 5].
Today the demand for fuel production from renewable resources is high and will be very
high in the future [6]. The biofuel production gained importance in this perspective as it
is an important type of fuel used in internal combustion engines and powertrains when
blended with gasoline [4]. By definition biofuels are fuels, generated by using biological
material and ethanol is one of the best-known biofuels [7].
Currently, bioethanol is produced by the fermentation of sugarcane and starch-based
cereals but the use of crops in its production leads towards competition between animal
feed and food industries and ultimately results in higher food prices and opposition in EU
and globally. Lignocellulosic residual materials from agriculture industry and forest have
resistance towards fractionation for production of sugars, along with this, the incapability
of microbes in the fermentation of lignocellulosic hydrolysates reduces bioethanol
production from these abundant materials [4, 6].
2. Classification of biofuels
Biofuels are generally classified into primary and secondary biofuels (Table-1). Biofuels
directly obtained by the burning of woody plants and dry waste of animal are known as
primary biofuels, while the secondary biofuels are further divided into 1st, 2nd and 3rd
generation biofuels. Biofuels produced by the first generation includes fermentation of
crop plants like sugar cane or corn. Biofuels production by the first generation has a
negative impact on food security when edible parts of plants are in use for biofuel
production. This limitation paves way for second-generation biofuel production in which,
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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lignocellulosic material from nonfood biomass like straw or other agricultural waste
materials serve as feedstock [8]. These waste materials have a high concentration of
complex sugars like cellulose, hemicellulose and other polymers. These complex sugars
are usually not accessible for microbes because of the absence of appropriate
saccharolytic enzymes [9]. Third generation biofuel is produced from seaweeds, microbes
and microalgae. Production of third-generation bioethanol is an effective strategy to meet
the global needs [10].
Plant residues are the most promising low-cost and sustainable biomaterials for the
production of biofuels. First generation bioethanol serves as a vehicle fuel and in contrast
to fossil fuels, first generation bioethanol reduces CO2 emission. To meet the demand of
first-generation bioethanol higher amount of feedstock is required which can lead to
competition between fuel and food. Production of second-generation biofuels may avoid
these concerns because second-generation bioethanol production depends upon nonfood
bio resources like lignocellulosic material as they are inexpensive and are accessible in
large quantities. For second-generation bioethanol production the most common
lignocellulosic material is sugarcane bagasse. Both thermal and biological platforms are
used for biofuel production from sugarcane bagasse [3].
The production of bioethanol is increasing but depletion of water resources and use of
arable land make put it under the scanner. The extensive use of arable land to produce
biomass for bioethanol production causes a deficiency of food crops which initiates
debate for its sustainability. To eliminate this problem use of algae is gaining importance
for the production of biomass for bioethanol. Algae is present in marine, fresh and
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terrestrial ecosystems. This suggests that algae have the ability to grow in a diverse
environment. Therefore, algae as a renewable energy source will ensure energy security
and self-sufficiency. As compared to land plants algae produce 5–10 times more biomass
because of more photosynthetic efficiencies [11]. Lignin is absent in algae which serve as
an obstacle for enzymatic hydrolysis. In ethanol production, this property of algae is
helpful in pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis [2].
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carbohydrates. Traditionally ethanol was used in the preparation of alcoholic drinks [10].
A cyanobacterium species, Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 serve as cell factory for the
production of fatty acids, biopolymers, ethanol and sugars [4]. Currently, ethanol has
been used for other purposes, for instance, bioethanol replaces gasoline as the use of
bioethanol reduces the release of CO2, toxic gases like nitric oxide, carbon mono oxide
and other volatile organic compounds. As oxygen is present in molecular structure
combustion at low temperature is possible. Sources for bioethanol production are
feedstocks like starch from corn, sucrose from sugar beet, sugarcane, wheat and
agricultural wastes including lignocellulosic biomass like rice straw, wheat straw, wood
and sugarcane bagasse (after juice extraction the remaining dry pulpy material of
sugarcane stems). When bagasse is utilized sugarcane produces high quantity bioethanol.
In third generation biofuel production, algae is the most important feedstock because it
contains almost 50% lipid for biodiesel production and the rest of the components
including sugars and proteins are used in the production of bioethanol [10].
4. Bioethanol production
Production of bioethanol is represented by the following schematic diagram (Fig.1)
Biomass when reaching the ethanol plant is stored in a warehouse and prevented from
contamination to avoid early fermentation. Pretreatment of the biomass causes extraction
of carbohydrates. If sugar from sugarcane juice and molasses is subjected to fermentation
then processes such as pretreatment, milling, detoxification and hydrolysis are not
necessary but in case of starchy materials, these processes are necessary. Processes like
pretreatment, milling and hydrolysis are also required when lignocellulosic material is
used. Further, detoxification is not necessary, until a toxic substance is fed to bioreactors
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cellulose or starch to fermentable sugars. Along with this lignin in cellulosic wastes
hinders ethanol production as lignin is hydrophobic and covers the cellulose present,
therefore, pretreatment is required to remove lignin which increases cost for bioethanol
production. Due to these factors, second generation feedstock does not serve the purpose
of commercialization, a low-cost fuel for transportation and pave the way towards third
generation fuel production [15].
Lignocellulosic biomass obtained from agriculture industry consists of bagasse, coconut
shells, wheat straw, rice straw, rice husks, maize cobs, cotton stalks, jute sticks etc.
Lignocellulosic biomass also included a fraction of municipal solid waste or could be
forestry waste like sawdust, bark and wood chips. Lignocellulosic biomass mainly has
hemicellulose (20–40%), cellulose (40– 60%), and lignin (10–25%). Cellulose fibrils are
resistant to digestion mediated by enzymes due to their crystalline nature. While in non-
crystalline form cellulose is susceptible to enzymatic mediated hydrolysis. Along this
lignin adsorb enzymes irreversibly and inhibit the action of the enzyme on cellulose
chains. Therefore, certain pretreatments are required to reduce adsorption of enzyme on
lignin. For efficient hydrolysis, the accessible area for enzymes should be increased and it
is also important to disintegrate the crystalline structure of cellulose [16].
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Biological Low cost because low energy is Low hydrolysate, Inefficient [16,17]
pretreatment required and no chemicals are for industrial purposes
required, Requirement of mild because of slow hydrolysis
environmental conditions, rate, In large scale operation
Control of pH in sugar utilization operational costs increases.
Ammonia Delignification is highly selective Consumption of energy is [17]
recycled Lignin removal high.
Ionic liquids High digestibility, Green solvents Large scale application of [17]
Reduction in crystallinity of ionic liquids is under
cellulose, Removes lignin investigation.
Supercritical Cost effective, No inhibitors Have no effect lignin and [17]
fluid formation, Increase in hemi-cellulose
technology accessibility of surface area High pressure is required.
Wet oxidation Formation of inhibitors is low. High cost of oxygen and [17]
Removes lignin alkaline catalyst
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Figure 2: Metabolic pathway of bacteria and yeast to prepare ethanol from xylose and
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assimilate hexoses and pentoses to produce ethanol. Shorter operation time, low cost, low
risk of contamination and fewer inhibitory effects are the advantages of this process [16].
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4.3.1 Microalgae
Current knowledge suggests that for biofuels, microalgae are an attractive feedstock.
Depending on cultivation conditions and species, microalgae have the ability to produce
biomethanol, bioethanol, biodiesel, biohydrogen, proteins, carbohydrates and other
compounds [10]. Green algae (chlorophyceae), dinoflagellates, diatoms
(bacillariophyceae) and golden algae (chryosophyceae) are different types of microalgae.
In different species of algae the carbohydrate, lipid and protein contents vary in most of
the microalgae the lipid content exceeds 70% by dry weight of biomass [5, 30]. Some
species like Chlorella, Scenedesmus, and Chlamydomona have carbohydrate contents up
to 50% of dry weight [31,32]. Factors like O2, CO2, nutrient contents, salinity, pH, light,
temperature and chemicals have an effect on carbohydrate and lipid contents of
microalgae. In the cell wall of microalgae, the common components are pectin, cellulose,
hemicelluloses, protein and carbohydrates. By acid or enzymatic hydrolysis, these
components can be converted into monomers in order to produce bioethanol.
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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iii. Algae have a low level of hemicellulose and have no lignin. Which increases the
efficiency of hydrolysis and fermentation yields. Due to these characteristics, the
cost for production of bioethanol reduces.
iv. Algae have the ability to utilize CO2 from environment and results in the reduction
of greenhouse gases.
v. Algae have rapid growth and it is easier to grow them easily in different aquatic
environments like municipal wastewater, fresh water or saline water.
vi. The microalgae have rapid production and harvesting cycle (1–10 days) as
compared to other feedstocks which are harvested once or twice a year due to
rapid production and harvesting cycle, algae provide sufficient supplies in order to
meet the demand for ethanol [33].
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 307-334 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-12 Hydrolysis
In bioethanol production hydrolysis is a crucial step because, in algae, the cell wall is the
structure that needs to be depolymerized to get polysaccharides like carrageenans,
alginates, agarans, fucans and ulvans. Polysaccharides are then converted into monomers
to be fermented to get bioethanol. For hydrolysis of polysaccharides into monomers, two
approaches are in use one approach is chemical hydrolysis and the second approach is
enzymatic hydrolysis. Among these two approaches, enzymatic hydrolysis is a recent
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 307-334 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-12
The physical structure and interaction of feedstock with enzymes is an important factor.
In enzymatic hydrolysis, the formation of the enzyme-substrate complex is a critical step.
The major barrier in enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulosic biomass is the surface
accessibility of cellulose. During hydrolysis, the accessibility of enzyme to substrate is by
pores present in the cell wall. As this factor is the main contributor to effective
hydrolysis. In enzymatic hydrolysis, a class of enzymes called cellulases have a role in
the hydrolysis of cellulose. Cellulase is mostly used to degrade polysaccharides and
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
Materials Research Foundations 46 (2019) 307-334 doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-12 Fermentation
In hydrolysis by the activity of microorganisms the simple sugar molecules released,
these molecules can be converted into bioethanol (Fig.3). The main product of
fermentation is bioethanol while H2O and CO2 are the byproducts. In fermentation yeast,
bacteria and fungi are in use. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a frequently used strain of
yeast for fermentation of bioethanol because of certain features like its high selectivity,
high yield of ethanol, high rate of fermentation and low accumulation of by-products
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ethanol may be due to mono sugars present in invasive feedstock which were not
willingly fermented by Escherichia coli KO11.
Surface aeration was developed by researchers in order to improve bioethanol production
from hydrolysate having five carbon monosaccharides like xylose. The process of
fermentation and enzymatic hydrolysis can be skilled by using three different strategies
i. Separate hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF),
ii. Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF),
iii. Simultaneous saccharification and co-fermentation (SSCF). Purification
In bioethanol production, the purification step involves techniques like distillation,
rectification and dehydration [29].
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control the consortium and it is also difficult to find microorganisms having identical
fermentation conditions [16].
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Chapter 13
Mehmet Gülcan1, Fulya Gülbağça2, Kubra Sevval Cevik2, Remziye Kartop2, Fatih Şen2
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Van Yüzüncü Yıl, 65080, Tuşba,
Van, Turkey
Sen Research Group, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, University of
Dumlupınar, 43100, Kütahya, Turkey
[email protected], [email protected]
Propanol can be present in two forms, 1-propanol and 2-propanol, and can be used as
biofuel. Especially, the reduction of fossil resources required for renewable energy has
paid attention for the inorganic synthesis of propanol. In this regard, the microbial
production of propanol is very important. This chapter examines the latest developments
in microbial production of propanol. Normally, various synthesis ways of propanol have
been developed. However, it has been indicated that the optimization of fermentation
conditions has enhanced the prevention of toxic propanol accumulation. For this reason,
the low cost and high-efficiency propanol production with the help of biosynthetic
pathways from microorganisms is one of the major challenges in microbial fuel cells.
Biofuel Cells, Enzymes, Graphene Composites, Bioenergy, Propanol
1. Introduction............................................................................................336
2. Biosynthesis of Propanol .......................................................................336
3. Engineering microorganisms for the path of acetone-dependent
isopropanol. ......................................................................................................338
Conclusions .......................................................................................................345
References .........................................................................................................345
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1. Introduction
Propanol, which is present in two forms, 1-propanol and 2-propanol, is used as chemical
fuels for renewable energy systems [1]. The reduction of fossil resources required for
renewable energy has been the focus of interest for the inorganic synthesis of propanol.
In this regard, this energy problem can be solved with the use of bio-derived propanol as
bio-fuel, or with propylene which can be produced chemically by propanol [2–7].
Propanol preference in the development of biofuels in the literature is still under
investigation. This molecule, which provides high octane number of electrons, has less
energy density compared to ethanol, but its abrasiveness is lower. It has a quite smaller
volume compared to alternative biofuels such as butanol or biodiesel [8]. These reasons
suggest that pure propanol cannot be used as the ideal biofuel, but the development of
microbial production of propanol is an essential development for the economy [8].
Therefore, in recent years, the idea of developing microbial production of propanol has
increased steadily. The processing conditions were optimized with the production
organisms, and the propanol yield was improved. The engineering of various metabolic
pathways has enabled the use of new raw materials.
2. Biosynthesis of Propanol
For his purpose, the preferred reaction in the early 20th century was acetone-butanol-
ethanol (ABE) fermentation of Clostridia species. This fermentation provided the
production of ammunition during the First World War as a source of acetone. Then,
butanol was used as a solvent in the automobile industry [9]. With the development of the
industry, butanol was considered to be one of the most efficient biofuels. Butanol,
acetone, and ethanol mixtures are produced by Clostridia species at a ratio of 3:6:1,
respectively. [10]. The reaction of organic acids re-assimilated at low pH to the alcohol is
carried out. Organic acid production can be prevented by a slightly acidic pH adjustment,
and the solvents present in the environment can become the major fermentation products.
Simultaneous isopropanol deposition and reduced acetone production were also observed
in some Clostridia species [10]. The specificity of increased solid NADPH dependent
primary/secondary alcohol dehydrogenase for acetone has been shown to occur with
isopropanol formation [11–12]. Comparing with the production of butanol and
isopropanol, the production of isopropanol remains lower and does not exceed 25%
alcohol fraction as shown in Fig. 1 [10].
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Fig. 3 Propionic acid and n-propanol path for the biosynthesis of natural acrylate.
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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isopropanol for ABE fermentation and affinity. The most appropriate solution in biofuel
applications is the use of fermentation spectrum products. Acetone was produced by E.
coli which in turn was created by Bermejo et al. Initially, the acetone pathway produced
by C. acetobutylicum is heterogeneous. The attempt to treat and disinfect acetate toxins
was interpreted in E. coli cultures, which understand asymmetric proteins, by this study.
To measure production capacity, acetone was produced by acetobutylicum C. Coded in
different strains of E. coli with different acetates. When using glucose as a carbon source
in the production of acetone in the bioreactor, it is best to do it through the following
procedure; having 154 mA acetone after 120 hours of culture (undetermined evaporation
of acetone) and observing aerobic conditions and pH stabilization at 5.5 [21–22].
Isopropanol was produced in E. coli as a reduction step of the clostridial acetone pathway
as shown in Fig. 4 [23–24]. The metabolic pathway was also shown in Fig. 4. The
presence of acetyl-CoA for isopropanol synthesis resulted in the lowering the expression
of citrate synthesis consuming acetyl-CoA during the production step [25–27].
To reduce the need for free acetate with bioethanolation of acetone, thioesterase can be
used. To prevent the secretion of the secondary product, the acetate must be controlled
and normalized due to increased tensile performance.
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production of isopropanol was carried out using plant hydrolysates. Also, in the case of
this commonly used feed, the production occurs even under unfavourable fermentation
conditions. In the production of propanol, mild acid treatment was carried out to remove
the bacteria in the medium to recover and reuse the yeast cells as shown in Fig. 5 [28–
30]. Today, Candida utilis was used for the production of isopropanol [31]. E. coli strains
using similar expressions were found to be lower than the E. coli strains that produced a
difference of 0.73 mol/mol compared to isopropanol yield of 0.41 mol/mol compared to
the isopropanol yield. However, the improvement of isopropanol yield obtained from
yeast can be achieved by reducing the capacity to regulate carbon flow along the
cytosolic isopropanol pathway for microbial activity by advanced metabolic design.
There are synthetic routes for the production of alcohol and the possibility of producing
n-propanol and other alcohol derivatives from threonine. The intermediate steps during
the manufacture of n-propanol proceed in the form of 2-ketobutyrate (2KB) and 1-
propanol [32–33] as shown in Fig. 6. By excessive gene expression that symbolizes the
threonine enzymes (thRABC) and leucine (leuABCD) and also by deleting the metA and
tdh that are encoded to the succinyl transferase homoserine and threonine dehydratase,
the production of threonine and 2-ketovalerate were increased. And then, to increase the
rate of presence of acetyl-CoA and dehydrogenase in alcohol, the utilization rate was
raised to 2-ketobutyrate by deleting acetohydroxy acid synthases [34–35].
Fig. 6. A diagram for the production of 1-propanol and 1-butanol by threonine and
biosynthetic norvaline in E. coli that has been genetically modified.
Microbial Fuel Cells: Materials and Applications Materials Research Forum LLC
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Fig. 7. Schematic representation of the pathway for 1-propanol and 1-butanol production
Threonine and citramalate pathways show some differences in the production of n-
propanol according to the common factor requirements. These two syntheses cause a
synergistic effect in the case of simultaneous initiation of the propanol production in the
organism. Theoretically, n-propanol yield in both paths increases from 1 mol/mol to 1.3
mol/mol for one route. Experimental data support the theoretical data, and n-propanol
yield increases. In another study, propionyl phosphate obtained by the conversion of 2-
ketobutyrate to n-propanol in the spontaneous (endogenous pyruvate oxidase, PoxB
probably catalyzes with spontaneous ox decarboxylation reaction) [38] decarboxylation
process which was demonstrated by the conversion of the intermediates to the desired
alcohol using propionate, propionyl-CoA, and 1-propanol [39–41].
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by the most commonly used propanol producers. Cellulose may be saturated through the
cooperative action of cellular enzymes cellobiohydrolase, endoglucanase, and beta-
glucosidase (BGL) [50]. Incision step catalyzed by BGL enzyme by infusion cellobiose
to glucose. It has been found that these bacteria produce propionic acid from
lignocellulosic naturally. To produce propionic acid by propionyl, the threonine or
succinate pathway was suggested to be responsible. In addition, it is characteristic for
these bacteria that they are grown at elevated temperature under the aerobic conditions
and at bear the concentrations of propanol [51]. These unique properties are very useful
when producing effective propanol because it requires continuous removal of the product
by gas stripping.
There are many types of carbon derivatives and their applications up to now [54–69]. The
carbon that contributes to the synthesis of chemicals is syngas [68–69]. There are many
advantages to the processes that obscure on hydrolysis and the fermentation of sugars.
Therefore it is proposed to generate energy from agricultural waste or direct fermentation
of the resulting gas. It is suggested that gasification should bypass the steps of costly
biomass treatment and the removal of aquatic toxins. In this case, in terms of the cost, it
will be noted that if the genetic material is developed to manipulate microorganisms and
improve possible conditions, this will allow the production of active propanol [68].
Interestingly, proteins have been used as a feedstock for high alcohol production, such as
butanol, and methyl butanol [2–4]. Alcohol was produced by removing amino acids,
removing carboxylic, and reducing the resulting the oxoacids. In this process, a mixture
of alcohol is produced from remaining protein residues, or large quantities of carbon
dioxide and light are generated from the biomass, and ammonium can also be recycled as
fertilizer [2–4]. These features make this process an exciting and sustainable alternative
to the production of biofuels by sugar. This process is not entirely appropriate to produce
pure alcohol, because the output of these reactions is a complex mixture of alcohol. As it
appears from these processes, when using raw materials for protein, the result will be
biofuels which require no separation of the product. To produce value-added chemicals,
scientists have directed their efforts and research into the use of photosynthetic objects. In
this respect, for the production of alcohol from carbon dioxide, Synechococcus elongatus
was designed with the isopropanol pathway [70–71]. In another study, by improving the
conditions of cultivation, the propanol level was enhanced to 146 mg/L. [71]. There are
more significant obstacles to the use of photovoltaic organisms to address and improve
chemical production, such as the absence of appropriate genetic engineering tools or the
lack of expertise required by effective CO2 delivery strategies. All these results indicate
that more research efforts are still required to increase the production of propanol to
industrial levels by photovoltaic organisms.
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As a conclusion, the use of propanol as biofuel has gained attention in microbial fuel cells
recently. In this regard, the microbial production of propanol is very important. This
chapter examines the latest developments and synthetic methods which related to the
microbial production of propanol. Normally, various synthesis ways of propanol have
been developed. However, the low cost and high-efficiency propanol production with the
help of biosynthetic pathways from microorganisms is one of the major challenges in
microbial fuel cells and these should be solved in near future.
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Keyword Index
Lignocellulosic Biomass .................... 307
Air Cathode........................................ 221
Algal Biomass...................................... 11 Membranes ......................................... 101
Anode................................................. 289 Microalgae ....................................... 1, 21
Microbial Desalination Cell ............... 221
Biocatalyst ......................................... 125
Bio-Cathode ....................................... 221 Nanomaterial ...................................... 151
Bio-Electrochemical Systems and Nanotechnology ................................. 151
Bioenergy............................... 1, 125, 335
Bioethanol .......................................... 307 Operating Condition............................. 53
Biofuel Cells ...................................... 335 Oxidant ................................................. 53
Biofuel ......................... 21, 177, 249, 307
Power Density .................................... 289
Carbon Nanotube ............................... 125 Propanol ............................................. 335
Carbon-Based Materials .................... 151
Cathode .............................................. 289 Renewable Energy ..................... 177, 307
Characterization ................................... 75
Chemical Cathode.............................. 221 Saccharification.................................. 177
CO2 Emissions ..................................... 21 SEM ..................................................... 75
COD ................................................... 289 Substrate ............................................... 53
Conductivity ........................................ 53
Conventional Fuels ............................ 249 Wastewater Treatment ......................... 21
Wastewater ......................................... 289
Electricity Generation .......................... 21
Electricity........................................... 101
Electrochemistry .......................... 75, 151
Electrode ...................................... 53, 125
Environment ...................................... 249
Enzymes............................................. 335
Exoelectrogens................................... 101
About the Editors
Dr. Inamuddin is currently working as Assistant Professor in the Chemistry Department,
Faculty of Science, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He is a permanent
faculty member (Assistant Professor) at the Department of Applied Chemistry, Aligarh
Muslim University, Aligarh, India. He obtained the Master of Science degree in Organic
Chemistry from Chaudhary Charan Singh (CCS) University, Meerut, India, in 2002. He
received his Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Applied
Chemistry from Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), India, in 2004 and 2007,
respectively. He has extensive research experience in multidisciplinary fields of
Analytical Chemistry, Materials Chemistry, and Electrochemistry and, more specifically,
Renewable Energy and Environment. He has worked on different research projects as
project fellow and senior research fellow funded by the University Grants Commission
(UGC), Government of India, and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
(CSIR), Government of India. He has received the Fast Track Young Scientist Award
from the Department of Science and Technology, India, to work in the area of bending
actuators and artificial muscles. He has completed four major research projects
sanctioned by the University Grant Commission, Department of Science and Technology,
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, and Council of Science and Technology,
India. He has published 133 research articles in international journals of repute and
eighteen book chapters in knowledge-based book editions published by renowned
international publishers. He has published forty two edited books with Springer, United
Kingdom, Elsevier, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. U.S.A., CRC Press Taylor & Francis
Asia Pacific, Trans Tech Publications Ltd., Switzerland and Materials Research Forum
LLC, U.S.A. He is the member of various editorial boards of journals and is serving as
associate editor for journals such as Environmental Chemistry Letter, Applied Water
Science, Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration, Springer-Nature,
Frontiers Section Editor of Current Analytical Chemistry, published by Bentham Science
Publishers, editorial board member for Scientific Reports-Nature and editor for Eurasian
Journal of Analytical Chemistry. He has attended as well as chaired sessions in various
international and national conferences. He has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow, leading a
research team at the Creative Research Initiative Center for Bio-Artificial Muscle,
Hanyang University, South Korea, in the field of renewable energy, especially biofuel
cells. He has also worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center of Research Excellence
in Renewable Energy, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia, in
the field of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells and computational fluid dynamics of
polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells. He is a life member of the Journal of the Indian
Chemical Society. His research interest includes ion exchange materials, a sensor for
heavy metal ions, biofuel cells, supercapacitors and bending actuators.
Dr. Mohammad Faraz Ahmer is presently working as Assistant Professor in the
Department of Electrical Engineering, Mewat Engineering College, Nuh Haryana, India,
since 2012 after working as Guest Faculty in University Polytechnic, Aligarh Muslim
University Aligarh, India, during 2009-2011. He completed M.Tech. (2009) and Bachelor
of Engineering (2007) degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Aligarh Muslim
University, Aligarh in the first division. He obtained a Ph.D. degree in 2016 on his thesis
entitled “Studies on Electrochemical Capacitor Electrodes”. He has published six
research papers in reputed scientific journals. He has edited three books with Materials
Research Forum LLC, U.S.A. His scientific interests include electrospun nano-
composites and supercapacitors. He has presented his work at several conferences. He is
actively engaged in searching of new methodologies involving the development of
organic composite materials for energy storage systems.
Prof. Abdullah M. Asiri is the Head of the Chemistry Department at the King Abdulaziz
University since October 2009 and he is the founder and the Director of the Center of
Excellence for Advanced Materials Research (CEAMR) since 2010 till date. He is the
Professor of Organic Photochemistry. He graduated from King Abdulaziz University
(KAU) with B.Sc. in Chemistry in 1990 and received his Ph.D. from the University of
Wales, College of Cardiff, U.K. in 1995. His research interest covers color chemistry,
synthesis of novel photochromic and thermochromic systems, synthesis of novel coloring
matters and dyeing of textiles, materials chemistry, nanochemistry and nanotechnology,
polymers and plastics. Prof. Asiri is the principal supervisors of more than 20 M.Sc. and
six Ph.D. theses. He is the main author of ten books of different chemistry disciplines.
Prof. Asiri is the Editor-in-Chief of King Abdulaziz University Journal of Science. A
major achievement of Prof. Asiri is the discovery of tribochromic compounds, a new
class of compounds which change from slightly or colorless to deep colored when
subjected to small pressure or when grind. This discovery was introduced to the scientific
community as a new terminology published by IUPAC in 2000. This discovery was
awarded a patent from the European Patent office and from the UK patent. Prof. Asiri is
involved in many committees at the KAU level and on the national level. He took a major
role in the advanced materials committee working for KACST to identify the national
plan for science and technology in 2007. Prof. Asiri played a major role in advancing the
chemistry education and research in KAU. He has been awarded the best researchers
from KAU for the past five years. He also awarded the Young Scientist Award from the
Saudi Chemical Society in 2009 and also the first prize for the distinction in science from
the Saudi Chemical Society in 2012. He futher received a recognition certificate from the
American Chemical Society (Gulf region Chapter) for the advancement of chemical
science in the Kingdome. He received a Scopus certificate for the most publishing
scientist in Saudi Arabia in chemistry in 2008. He is a member of the editorial board of
various journals of international repute. He is the Vice- President of the Saudi Chemical
Society (Western Province Branch). He holds four USA patents, more than one thousand
publications in international journals, several book chapters and edited books.