For Students and Parents of Gifted

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The key takeaways are that the gifted program aims to provide enrichment for students with advanced intellectual abilities by fostering skills like critical thinking, problem solving, and advanced research. It also discusses definitions of giftedness.

The mission of the gifted program is to provide a differentiated curriculum to meet the needs of gifted students and allow them to reach their fullest potential by engaging in challenging work that satisfies their intellectual curiosity.

Students qualify for the gifted program by scoring in the top percentiles on achievement tests, mental ability tests, and through teacher/parent nominations. They need to meet criteria in three out of the four areas tested.

for Students and Parents of Gifted

Floyd County Board of Education Gifted Education Program

Floyd County Schools Gifted Program Mission Statement

Gifted children are an important resource for solving problems of the future, and they have the potential to become leaders in society. It is the responsibility of this school system to provide a differentiated curriculum to meet the needs of gifted students. A rich and rigorous gifted curriculum will provide students the opportunity to reach their fullest potential and to satisfy their intellectual curiosity. Opportunities will be provided for gifted students to engage in meaningful research, to foster critical and creative thinking, and develop problem solving strategies. The gifted program will capitalize on students unique abilities, talents, interests, and needs.

Gifted students will develop advanced research skills and methods. Gifted students will develop and practice creative thinking and problem-solving skills with a variety of complex topics within the area of study. Gifted students will develop and practice critical thinking and logical problem solving skills in the pertinent academic area. Gifted students will develop advanced communication skills. Gifted students will develop an understanding of self and how their unique characteristics may influence interactions with others.

What is gifted?
Definition from State of Georgia: A student who demonstrates a high degree of intellectual and/or creative ability, exhibits and exceptional high degree of motivation, and/or excels in specific academic fields, and who needs special instruction and/or special ancillary(supplemental) services to achieve at levels commensurate with his or her abilities.

How do students qualify?

Multiple Criteria
Mental Ability
* Nationally normed test *96%

*Nationally Normed *90%

*Checklists and/or tests *90%

*Checklists *GPA- grades 612

Tests Administered in Floyd County



*RenzulliHartman *GRS *TTCT *SAGES

*RenzulliHartman *GRS *GPA

*Students need to qualify in three of the four categories to be eligible for gifted.

How is a student nominated for gifted?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Teacher Parent Administrator Self-nomination Peer Automatic- this is done by gifted teacher looking at CRCT scores, ITBS scores, etc

Is my child gifted or bright?

Bright Child *Knows the answers *Is interested *Is attentive *Has good ideas *Works hard *Answers the Questions *Top group *Listens with interest *Learns with ease *6-8 repetitions for mastery *Understands ideas *Enjoys peers *Grasps meaning *Completes assignments *Is receptive *Copies accurately *Enjoys school *Is pleased with own learning Gifted Learner *Asks questions *Is highly curious *Is mentally and physically involved *Has wild and silly ideas *Plays around, yet tests well *Discusses in details, elaborates *Beyond group *Show strong feelings and opinions *Already knows *1-2 rations for mastery *Constructs abstractions *Prefers adults *Draw inferences *Initiates projects *Is intense *Creates a new design *Enjoys learning *Is highly self-critical

What do students do in a gifted elementary resource class?

Elementary Gifted- Called KALEIDOSCOPE 1. Units of study- four year cycle 2. Greek and Latin Vocabulary 3. Hands-on Equation Math All units and activities incorporate GPS, State Gifted Goals, Blooms taxonomy and multiple intelligences. Elementary is served in a pull-out resource model that is for enrichment.

Elementary Gifted Units

Elementary Kaleidoscope has a four year cycle of units:
The Road to the White House- Election Unit Beyond Words for Primary- Language Arts Unit Literary Reflections for Elementary- Language Arts Unit

Dig it up! Archeology Unit Caravans- Geography and Cultural Unit

Who Done It? Global Mystery Unit Legal Eagles- Law Unit

Build it! Architecture Unit Math Whiz Unit

What do students do in the middle school advanced content gifted class?

Middle School Students are served in an advanced content model in two content areas for a 100 block segment five days a week: 1. English Language Arts- curriculum from College of William and Mary, Stems Vocabulary- Greek and Latin 2. Mathematics- Accelerated Math 1 or Accelerated 8th Grade Math

Middle School Gifted ELA Units

6th Grade: Patterns and Autobiographies 7th Grade: Persuasion and 1940s Decade of Change 8th Grade: Utopia and Threads of Change in 19th Century American Literature

How are high school students served for gifted?

*High School Students are served in the Honors College Prep program with advanced content classes. Gifted students take HCP and AP courses with gifted certified teachers in areas of their giftedness. *Gifted study trips are taken each year. *Gifted Seniors may take the Gifted Executive Internship Class.

How do students stay in the gifted program?

Elementary Academic *Maintain satisfactory performance in gifted resource class. *Maintain satisfactory status in core curriculum academic classes. Middle School Academic

*Maintain a grade of 80 in gifted education classes. *Maintain satisfactory status in core curriculum classes.

High School Continuation Policy

* 80 or above average in gifted educationincluding Advanced Content, Cluster Group classes, AP classes, and HCP classes.

What class work does a gifted elementary student need to make-up while out of the room and in gifted resource class?
Gifted is part of their educational plan Students should not be counted absent in classes, while attending gifted. Students should not be required to make-up everything they missed. Students need to master the instructional objectives- have students do 5 most difficult first. Students do not need to feel punished by overloading them with makeup work as homework. Tests, labs, reports, projects, and other major assignments need to be made up during the school day and not before or after school. Students should not be given a 0 on work missed while in gifted classes. Time spent in gifted is mandated by the State Department. Students should not miss gifted classes because they are being punished in the regular classroom. Gifted classes are not optional.

Contact: McCall C. Govignon Coordinator of Advanced Academics Floyd County Board of Education 706-234-1031 x 7155 [email protected]

To the crazy ones!

Heres to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. Theyre not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify them, or vilify them. About the only thing you cant do is ignore them. Because they change things. They invent. They imagine. They heal. They explore. They create. They inspire. They push the human race forward. Maybe they have to be crazy. How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art? Or sit in silence and hear a song thats never been written? Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels? We educate these kind of people. While some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius! Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. Think Different!!!

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