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Mediation Rules and Regulations 01


1. These rules shall regulate all aspects of the Vivekananda Institute of
Competition Professional Studies Dispute Resolution and Client Counseling
Competition, VIPSDRCC (hereinafter referred to as „the Competition‟)
2018, organized by the Clinical Legal Centre of Vivekananda Institute Of
Professional Studies (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee).
2. The Competition will be held at Vivekananda Institute of Professional
Studies on 6 and 7th April 2018 with the Mediation Competition being
held on 7th April 2018.

3. Mediation is a voluntary, party centered and structured negotiation process

Aim and where a neutral third party assists the parties in amicably resolving their
Purpose disputes by using specialized communication and negotiation techniques. The
goal of mediation is to find a mutually acceptable solution that adequately and
legitimately satisfies the need, desire and interest of parties.

4. The Competition is open to all bona fide students pursuing undergraduate

Eligibility degrees (five and three year law courses) in law
Schools/Colleges/Institutions/Universities only in India (Hereinafter
“Participating Institution”). Each Participating Institution is permitted to
send a maximum number of two teams in the Competition which will be
further subject to First Come First Serve basis.

2nd VIPS Dispute Resolution and Client Counselling Competition

6 April, 2018 Delhi, Email-
7th April, 2018 INDIA [email protected]
Mediation Rules and Regulations 02

5. All Participants must be registered with respective institutions as full-time

or part-time students for the academic year 2017- 2018.


6. Each team shall comprise of three students consisting of one Mediator and
two team members acting as the client-counsel pair (referred to as the
“Mediating pair”).
7. One member of the team will be designated as Mediator, whose role shall
remain unchanged throughout the Competition. The other two members of
the team will form the Mediating pair, representing a Client and his/her
Counsel. The respective roles though not interchangeable within a round,
are changeable in different rounds.
8. The two mediators in one competition session (from different teams) for
all purposes will be referred to as Mediator 1 (M1) and Mediator 2 (M2) as
designated in the match-ups.

9. Two Teams (Two Mediating Pair) will be the Requesting and Responding
Parties respectively. The Mediating pairs and Mediators for each Session
and their roles shall be decided by draw of lots.
10. Each round will have members from four different institutions (four
members of two teams forming two Mediating Pair and two Mediators
from different institutions). To avoid any conflicts, the Mediators will not
be assigned to those sessions in which Mediating pairs belongs to the same
Institution as that of the Mediator.

2nd VIPS Dispute Resolution and Client Counselling Competition

6 April, 2018 Delhi, Email-
7th April, 2018 INDIA [email protected]
Mediation Rules and Regulations 03

11. The competition will have one preliminary round for a period of 35
minutes (exclusive of the preparation time provided for 15 minutes prior
to the session). Followed by a post analysis session with the judges for a
period of 5 minutes during which the members of all the teams will receive
feedback and comments from the judges regarding the session while
discussing their BATNA and mediation strategy.

12. Eight teams selected from the preliminary rounds on the basis of the
scoring criteria will qualify for the quarter finals which will be for a total
period of 45 minutes (exclusive of the preparation time provided for 15
minutes prior to the session). Followed by a post analysis session with the
judges for a period of 5 minutes.

13. The four teams qualifying for Semi-Finals will be selected on a „Knock-
Out‟ basis from the quarter finals rounds. The Time limit of the Quarter
Finals will be 45 minutes (exclusive of the preparation time provided for
15 minutes). Followed by a post analysis session with the judges for a
period of 5 minutes.

14. The teams selected for finals on a „Knock-Out‟ basis from the Semi-final
rounds will compete in the Finals for a total time period of 60 Minutes
(exclusive of the preparation time of 20 minutes prior to the competition
session) followed by a 10 minutes post analysis session.

2nd VIPS Dispute Resolution and Client Counselling Competition

6 April, 2018 Delhi, Email-
7th April, 2018 INDIA [email protected]
Mediation Rules and Regulations 04

15. Each Mediating Pair will be provided separate Confidential Information 15
minutes before the start of each session which will be their Preparation
Except for the Final Rounds where a team will be given 20 Minutes
Preparation Time. The Mediator however will not be provided any
Confidential Information
16. The Mediating pairs and the Mediators will not be permitted to have any
contact or communication whatsoever with each other once the
Confidential Information has been provided to the mediating pair.

17. The Mediator may conduct a private session, (Referred to as a „Caucus‟)
with each of the Mediating pairs. A Caucus may be called by either the
Mediating pair or the Mediator. The Mediating pair which is not part of
the Caucus will be required to leave the room during that time.
18. A Caucus may be for a maximum of 5 minutes. The Mediator and the
Mediating pair, both, will be responsible for managing and adhering to
their time limit Failure will result in a penalty. This is inclusive of the time
limit provided for the session.
19. Caucuses can also be held between the Mediator and the Clients of both
Mediating pairs or the Counsel of both Mediating pairs (“Cross-Caucus”).
20. The Mediator and Mediating pairs will be scored by the Expert Assessor
on the appropriateness of each Team to call or not to call for a Caucus.

2nd VIPS Dispute Resolution and Client Counselling Competition

6 April, 2018 Delhi, Email-
7th April, 2018 INDIA [email protected]
Mediation Rules and Regulations 05

21. Each Mediating pair and the Mediator may request for a single 2 minute
Break during each session. The Team requesting the break will be
responsible for adhering to the time limit. Failure will result in a penalty.
22. Where a Mediating pair asks for a Break, the members of the said
Mediating pair requesting the Break will be required to leave the room.

23. All Competition Sessions will be conducted in English. The Member
(client + counsel) of the same team are allowed to talk in other languages
during their breaks but only among themselves. They cannot converse with
the mediator or the other team in any other language, besides English.
However, the parties are free to use any other language whilst discussing
something with a fellow team member.

24. No outside material whatsoever, including the any access to internet will
be permitted when the round is in progress for any participants in the
round, but not before the commencement and after the ending of rounds.
Any violation of the rule will lead to immediate disqualification. Students
are allowed to bring their own books and stationery.
25. Teams are permitted the use of materials supplied by the Organizing
Committee, personal notes and stationery items. (Teams may also bring
one single-side printed A4/letter sheet to share with the other participants,
the Mediator and the Expert Assessors.)
26. No electronic equipment such as phones, tablets and laptops may be used
during the Session by any acting member of any Team. Students are
encouraged to bring calculators and watches or other dedicated timing
devices. Phones or other electronic equipment are not allowed to be used

2nd VIPS Dispute Resolution and Client Counselling Competition

6 April, 2018 Delhi, Email-
7th April, 2018 INDIA [email protected]
Mediation Rules and Regulations 06

during the Sessions for time-keeping, calculating, etc. Electronic

equipment cannot be brought to a Break or Caucus.

27. The dress code for the competition will be business formals. All the
participants are required to adhere to the dress code.

28. The organizing committee will be releasing the problems of all the rounds
of the competition in advance, on 25 March, subject to any change in the
schedule, which shall be notified through the Official Facebook Page of
the of the competition.


1) Parties‟ Statements
2) Constructive Approach
3) Creating a conducive atmosphere
4) Caucus
5) Teamwork Between Advocate and Client
6) Characterization and authenticity
7) Use of Confidential information
8) Effective utilization of the services of the mediators
9) Body Language
10) Judicious utilization of the time

1) Opening Statement of the Mediator
2) Co-operation Between Mediators
3) Caucus
4) Identification of Issues and Option Generation
5) Qualities of a Mediator
6) Control of the Mediation Session
7) Question framing
8) Non verbal communication
9) Closing Statement
10) General Performance

Results 31. Experts will be selected by the Organizing Committee to score the
performance and provide feedback to the students to help them move
through the Competition rounds.
1) Co-operation 32. Throughout the Competition, the Mediating pairs and Mediators will be
Between evaluated and scored separately and will advance independently of each
Mediators other.
33. The timings and the venue for the announcement of results of each
competition round will be intimated to the teams in advance and the teams
are expected to present themselves at the designated time and venu

2nd VIPS Dispute Resolution and Client Counselling Competition

6 April, 2018 Delhi, Email-
7th April, 2018 INDIA [email protected]
Mediation Rules and Regulations 08

Awards 34. The following is a list of the awards that will be presented to the teams.
Best Team
Winner‟s Trophy
Cash Prize: Rs. 10,000/-
Winner‟s Certificate of Merit
Runner‟s up Team
Runner‟s up Trophy
Cash Prize: Rs. 5000/-
Runner‟s up Certificate of
Best Mediator
Best Mediator Trophy
Cash Prize: Rs. 5,000/-
Best Mediator‟s Certificate Of Merit
Best Mediating pair
Winner‟s Trophy
Cash Prize: Rs. 5000/-
Winner‟s Certificate of Merit
Runner‟s up Mediating pair
Winner‟s Trophy
Winner‟s Certificate of Merit
Certificate of Merit
Quarter Finalists,
Semi-Finalists, Finalists
Other Participants
Certificate of Participation

2nd VIPS Dispute Resolution and Client Counselling Competition

6 April, 2018 Delhi, Email-
7th April, 2018 INDIA [email protected]
Mediation 9
Rules and Regulations 09
35. A team is required to register by completing the registration form annexed
herein and thereafter sending a scanned copy of the Registration form
filled, duly signed and stamped by the Head of Institution/Principal/Head
of Department along with the Demand Draft (DD) of Rs. 2000/- (in case
of participation in VIPSDRCC Mediation Competition) in favor of
„Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies‟ at [email protected]
with the mail marked as “REGISTRATION: VIPSDRCC Mediation
Competition”. The Last Date of Team Registration is 20 March, 2018.
36. To complete the process of Registration, the hard copy of the Registration
Form along with the Demand draft must be sent (by Post or by hand) to the
following address latest by 25 March,2018
The Dean, Vivekananda Law School,
Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies,
AU Block, Pitampura, New Delhi – 110034,
Phone: +91 (11) 26343401, 26343402, 26343403
Further, any delay in such submission shall be considered only on case by
case basis.
37. Registration fees
VIPSDRCC Mediation Competition-Rs 2000/-
VIPSDRCC Negotiation Competition-Rs 2000/-
38. In case a team is registering for both the competitions, the team shall fill
out the registration forms of both the competitions and a scanned copy of
the Demand Draft(DD) shall be drawn for a total of Rs 4000/- and the
forms shall be sent in a mail at [email protected] marked as
„REGISTRATION:VIPSDRCC Mediation and Client Counseling

2nd VIPS Dispute Resolution and Client Counselling Competition

6 April, 2018 Delhi, Email-
7th April, 2018 INDIA [email protected]
Mediation Rules and Regulations 10

Code of 39. Participants are to conduct themselves with the required etiquette during
Conduct the span of the entire competition. Reckless or irresponsible behaviour by
any of the team members of an institution may result in the
disqualification of the entire team.
40. All and any grievances are to be presented only to the organizing
committee of the Competition.
41. Participants shall not reveal their personal identities or that of their
University to any judge or participant during the course of the competition.
42. Any attempt to obtain the Confidential Information shall render a team
liable for immediate disqualification.
43. Failure to adhere to any of the time limit will result in a penalty against
whomsoever the delay is attributable to. The penalty will be decided by the
Judges /Organizing Committee.

Clarifications 44. The Participants may seek Clarifications regarding any aspect of the
Problems. Rules or Procedure vide a mail at [email protected] latest by
31st March 2018.

Interpretation 45. Any question regarding the interpretation any provision of this rule shall
be subject to the decision of the Organizing committee and any decision
made by them thereon shall be final.

2nd VIPS Dispute Resolution and Client Counselling Competition

6 April, 2018 Delhi, Email-
7th April, 2018 INDIA [email protected]
Mediation Rules and Regulations 11

46. For accommodation

Email –[email protected]
Angad Bir Singh - +91-9999493990
Praneet Kaur- 9899892787

47. For any further clarifications questions or queries the participants may feel
Contact Us
free to contact any below mentioned –
Gunjan Arora- 8860467658
Sheffali Chaudhary-
Shauray Bal – 9910262109
Praneet Kaur- 9899892787
Angad Bir Singh-
Aanchal Rathore-

2nd VIPS Dispute Resolution and Client Counselling Competition

6 April, 2018 Delhi, Email-
7th April, 2018 INDIA [email protected]


(Fill in Block Letters) M

Name: ______________________________________________ I
____________________________________________________ A
Address: _____________________________________________

I. Mediator
Name M
Year E
Phone No.

II. Mediating pair

1. Name
Year A
Phone M
No. Email E

2. Name 2
Phone No.

___________________ ______________________
Faculty Incharge Head of the Institution
(Signature with Institutional Seal) (Signature with Institutional Seal)
We the undersigned declare that the institution and its team members will abide by all the rules of the competition set out as official and as notified to us from time to time
throughout the period of the competition. We also declare and confirm that all the information provided in the registration form is true and accurate.

COUNSEL I: ___________________ COUNSEL II: ______________________

2nd VIPS Dispute Resolution and Client Counselling Competition

6 April, 2018 Delhi, Email-
7th April, 2018 INDIA [email protected]

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