09-WVSU2021 Part1-Notes To FS
09-WVSU2021 Part1-Notes To FS
09-WVSU2021 Part1-Notes To FS
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
The financial statements of West Visayas State University were authorized for issue on February
14, 2022 as shown in the Statement of Management Responsibility for Financial Statements
signed by Dr. Joselito F. Villaruz, Jr., the University President. West Visayas State University is a
state university that started in 1902 as the tributary normal school in Iloilo. It became an
independent teacher training institution in 1924 which was then known as the Iloilo Normal School
(INS). The INS became the West Visayas State College by virtue of R.A. 4189 in 1965. On
January 27, 1986, PD. 2019 converted the College into the West Visayas State University
(WVSU), integrating the Iloilo National College of Agriculture (INCA) into its system. On April 5,
1987, the University acquired the Don Benito V. Lopez Memorial Hospital and transformed it into
the West Visayas State University Hospital, presently known as WVSU Medical Center. On
November 23, 2000, in consonance with the provision of the Higher Education Act of 1994 and
the Higher Education Modernization Act of 1997, four (4) CHED supervised institutions (CSIs)
were integrated to the University. These are, Calinog Agricultural and Industrial College (CAIC),
Janiuay Polytechnic College (JPC), Lambunao Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) and
Pototan College of Arts and Sciences (PCAS). In 2006, a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
confirmed by BOR Resolution No.24, s. 2006, was executed between the University and the City
of Himamaylan, Negros Occidental to operate a WVSU-Extension in the City of Himamaylan. The
WVSU-Extension in Himamaylan was converted into a regular campus of the WVSU known as
the West Visayas State University-Himamaylan City Campus (WVSU-HCC) by virtue of RA 11308
dated April 17, 2019. The mandate of West Visayas State University is the achievement of the
education goals of an institution of higher learning in the Philippines. These services are grouped
into the following key areas: instruction, research and extension. The Agency's registered office
address is located at Luna Street, Lapaz, Iloilo City, Philippines.
The financial statements have been prepared to some extent in accordance with and to comply
with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) issued by the Commission on
Audit per COA Resolution No. 2014-003 dated January 24, 2014.
The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of historical cost, unless stated
otherwise. The Statement of Cash Flows is prepared using the direct method.
The financial statements are prepared on an accrual basis in accordance with the International
Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS).
3.2 Consolidation
The financial statements of the West Visayas State University reflect the combined assets,
liabilities, revenues, and expenses of the main campus, the hospital and campuses namely: the
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
West Visayas State University Main Campus (WVSU-Main) at Luna Street, Lapaz, Iloilo City; the
West Visayas State University Medical Center (WVSUMC) at E. Lopez Street, Jaro, Iloilo City; the
College of Agriculture and Forestry at Lambunao, Iloilo (CAF); the WVSU-Calinog Campus at
Calinog Iloilo; the WVSU-Janiuay Campus at Janiuay, Iloilo; the WVSU-Lambunao Campus at
Lambunao, Iloilo; the WVSU-Pototan Campus at Pototan, Iloilo and the West Visayas State
University-Himamaylan City Campus (WVSU-HCC), Himamaylan, Negros Occidental.
The University has no interest in any joint venture as of the reporting date.
The University has no investment in government business enterprises within the reporting period.
The University has no trusts under administration within the reporting period.
a. Financial assets
Other Investments
The Other Investments reflected in the financial statements of the University reflects dormant
accounts that resulted from conversion from old government accounting method to the National
Government Accounting System (NGAS).
The Accounts Receivable of the University consists mainly of unpaid accounts of Philippine Health
Insurance Corporation (PHIC) and various patients with promissory notes, employees and other
debtors of the University Medical Center; and receivables from client accounts of university income
generating projects at year-end. Due from Other National Government Agencies consists the
prepayments to the DBM Procurement Service while Receivables from Disallowances represent
receivables from COA disallowances net of refunds. Loans receivables on the other hand are
loans granted to students under the Students Financial Assistance Program (StuFAP) and Student
Assistance Fund for Education (SAFE) from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).
For unpaid accounts of Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC) patients and employees
of the University Medical Center there is a pending action of COA Central Office regarding the
request for write off accounts with no promissory notes. In addition, an allowance for impairment
is provided to establish the remoteness of its collection based on the age of receivables as follows:
01-60 days–1%; 61-180 days-2%; 181 days-1 year-3%; more than 1 year-5%.
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
b. Financial liabilities
The University’s financial liabilities include due and demandable accounts payable to internal and
external creditors for services rendered and goods delivered, inspected and accepted as of
December 31, 2021. These payables consist mostly of services rendered and goods delivered in
December which were not paid due non-availability of supporting documents and early cut-off of
payment with depository banks during year-end.
Cash and cash equivalents comprise the cash on hand (Cash Collecting Officer and Petty Cash
Fund) and cash in bank.
3.5 Inventories
Inventory is measured at cost upon initial recognition. Inventories are recognized as an expense
when deployed for utilization or consumption in the ordinary course of business.
The University has not recognized any investment property for the reporting period.
An item is recognized as property, plant, and equipment (PPE) if it meets the characteristics and
recognition criteria as a PPE.
An item recognized as property, plant, and equipment is measured at cost. The cost of the PPE is
the cash price equivalent.
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
Its purchase price, including non-refundable purchase taxes and expenditure that is directly
attributable to the acquisition of the items.
After recognition, all property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated
depreciation and impairment losses.
When significant parts of property, plant and equipment are required to be replaced at intervals,
the University recognizes such parts as individual assets with specific useful lives and depreciates
them accordingly. Likewise, when a major repair/replacement is done, its cost is recognized in the
carrying amount of the plant and equipment as a replacement if the recognition criteria are
All other repair and maintenance costs are recognized as expense in surplus or deficit as incurred.
Each part of an item of property, plant, and equipment with a cost that is significant in relation to
the total cost of the item is depreciated separately. The depreciation charge for each period is
recognized as expense unless it is included in the cost of another asset.
Depreciation of an asset begins when it is available for use such as when it is in the location and
condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management. For
simplicity and to avoid proportionate computation, the depreciation is for one month if the PPE is
available for use on or before the 15th of the month. However, if the PPE is available for use after
the 15th of the month, depreciation is for the succeeding month.
Depreciation Method
The University uses the Schedule on the Estimated Useful Life of PPE by classification prepared
by COA.
For the reporting period, the University uses a residual value equivalent to five percent (5%)
An asset’s carrying amount is written down to its recoverable amount, or recoverable service
amount, if the asset’s carrying amount is greater than its estimated recoverable service amount.
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
The University derecognizes items of property, plant and equipment and/or any significant part of
an asset upon disposal or when no future economic benefits or service potential is expected from
its continuing use. Any gain or loss arising on derecognition of the asset (calculated as the
difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset) is included in
the surplus or deficit when the asset is derecognized.
3.8 Lease
The University has no lease contract for the reporting period. Rent income and expenses
recognized in the books represent short-term rentals of university and hospital facilities.
Intangible assets such as computer software that was previously lumped with Information
Communication Technology Equipment was recognized and recorded under Computer Software.
Amortization is also recognized.
3.10 Provisions
Whenever applicable, the University recognizes the effects of changes in accounting policy
retrospectively. The effects of changes in accounting policy were applied prospectively if
retrospective application is impractical.
Transactions in foreign currencies were initially recognized by applying the spot exchange rate
between the function currency and the foreign currency at the transaction.
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
The University recognizes assets and revenue from gifts and donations when it is probable that
the future economic benefits or service potential will flow to the entity and the fair value of the
assets can be measured reliably.
Measurement of Revenue
Revenue was measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable.
Rendering of Services
The University recognizes revenue from rendering of services by reference to the stage of
completion when the outcome of the transaction can be estimated reliably. The stage of completion
is measured by reference to labor hours incurred to date as a percentage of total estimated labor
Sale of Goods
Revenue from the sale of goods is recognized when the significant risks and rewards of ownership
have been transferred to the buyer, usually on delivery of the goods and when the amount of
revenue can be measured reliably and it is probable that the economic benefits or service potential
associated with the transaction will flow to the University.
The National Government through government subsidy funds (Regular Agency Fund) the
operations of the University; however, it is also authorized to use its Internally Generated Income
under RA 8292. The Regular Agency Fund annual budget is prepared on cash basis and in
accordance with guidelines set by the DBM and is part of the Annual General Appropriations Act
(GAA). For Internally Generated Income, prior to the start of a new budget year, the university
prepares its projected revenue and other receipts through a Program of Receipts and Expenditures
(PRE). Except for the University Medical Center, a Request for Authority to Use Collection (RAUC)
is prepared every quarter containing the actual collections and its utilization for approval by the
Board of Regents in accordance with the PRE as prescribed under COA Circular No. 2000-02.
The RAUC becomes the final budget of the University for Internally Generated Income.
A Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts (SCBAA) is prepared since the budget
and the financial statements were not prepared on comparable basis. The SCBAA shows the
original and final budget and the actual amounts on comparable basis. For Internally-Generated
Income, the receipts portion of the statement contains the various revenues and other receipts of
the agency. The Original Budgeted Amounts reflect the approved estimated revenue of the entity
per major account based on the projected and approved Program of Receipts and Expenditures
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
(PRE) for the year. The Final Budgeted Amount reflects the actual collections approved for
utilization by the University Board of Regents (BOR). Actual Amounts on Comparable Basis refer
to collections received from revenue transaction based on the Report of Collections and Deposits
For Regular Agency Fund, the NCA received for funding requirements of the agency was not
considered as receipts for the purpose of this statement.
The payments portion of the SCBAA contains the expenditures of the agency classified into PS,
MOOE, CO, FE and other disbursements. The original budgeted amount represents the approved
appropriations of the agency as reflected in the GAA. The payments for the final budgeted amount
reflect the allotment received from the Department of Budget and Management (DBM). The Actual
Amounts on Comparable Basis refer to actual payments/disbursements posted in the registries
based on the RCI and TRA.
Impairment of assets is recognized where applicable and feasible as of the reporting period.
The University regards a related party as a person or an entity with the ability to exert control
individually or jointly, or to exercise significant influence over the University or vice versa.
The University has not incurred borrowing cost for the year.
The employees of University are members of the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS)
that provides life and retirement insurance coverage to all government employees.
The University recognizes the undiscounted amount of short-term employee benefits, like salaries,
wages, bonuses, allowance, etc., as expense unless capitalized, and as a liability after deducting
the amount paid.
The University recognizes expenses for accumulating compensated absences when these were
paid (commuted or paid as terminal leave benefits). Unused entitlements that has accumulated at
the reporting date were not recognized as expense. Non-accumulating compensated absences,
like special leave privileges, were not recognized.
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
3.21 Measurement uncertainty
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IPSAS, requires management to make
estimates and assumptions that affect the reporting amounts of assets and liabilities, and
disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities, at the date of the financial statements and the
reported amounts of the revenues and expenses during the period. Items requiring the use of
significant estimates include the useful life of capital assets, impairment of assets, etc.
Estimates were based on the best information available at the time of preparation of the financial
statements and were reviewed annually to reflect new information as it becomes available.
Measurement uncertainty exists in these financial statements. Actual results could differ from
these estimates.
The West Visayas State University continue to adopt the PPSASs replacing the existing standard
and the Government Accounting Manual (GAM) prescribed by COA Circular No. 2015-07 dated
October 22, 2015 effective January 1, 2016. The major impact includes reclassification of tangible
items below the capitalization threshold of P15,000 from Property, Plant and Equipment to semi-
expendable property. Semi-expendable property, which were previously recognized as PPE, were
reclassified to the affected accounts. These tangible items were recognized as expenses upon
issuance to the end-user. The University also adopted the Revised Chart of Accounts (Updated
2019) prescribed under COA Circular No. 2020-01dated January 08, 2020.
The West Visayas State University has determined that various income and expenses was
inadvertently not recognized in the financial statements of CY 2020. These were recorded as
adjustments to Accumulated Surplus (Government Equity) in CY 2021. There is no effect in CY
2021 Statement of Financial Performance.
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
Payment for Installation Asset/Expense 2020 Statement of Financial Decrease in Net (138,700.00)
of Main Line Distribution Position / Statement of Changes Assets
Panel Obligated last in Net Assets/ Equity
FY2020 ( included in Not
yet due and demandable
obligation of FY2020)
Payment of Copy Printer Asset/Expense 2020 Statement of Financial Decrease in Net (180,000.00)
Obligated last FY2020( Position / Statement of Changes Assets
included in Not yet due in Net Assets/ Equity
and demandable
obligation of FY2020)
To record the remittance REVENUE 2020 Statement of Financial Decrease in Net (2,049.75)
of interest income to BTr Position/Statement of Financial Assets
of prior year (December Performance
To record cancellation of ASSET/EXPEN 2020 Statement of Financial Increase in Net 10,000.00
Check No. 59591557 SES Position/Statement of Financial Assets
dated 12/11/2020 Performance
Adjustment for inventory EXPENSES Statement of Financial Position Decrease in Net (17,863.40)
of prior years issued to Assets
end users
Adjustment for INCOME Statement of Changes in Net Decrease in Net (45,000.00)
inadvertently recording Assets/ Equity Assets
twice Other Business
Income Account
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
To record ASSET/EXPEN 2020 Statement of Financial Decrease in Net (790,327.79)
reclassification of PPE SES Position Assets
below the threshhold of
2020 Statement of Financial Decrease in Net (7,662,999.84)
Position/Statement of Financial Assets
To record residual value ASSET/EXPEN 2020 Statement of Financial Increase in Net 5,066,747.40
of PPE SES Position Assets
To record refund of ASSET/EXPEN 2020 Statement of Financial Increase in Net 500.00
overpaid Covid-19 SES Position Assets
Hazard Pay of prior years
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
Other Reversion of 2017 and LIABILITY/EQUI 2020 Statement of Financial Increase in Net 23,543.70
Adjustments below AP TY Performance/Statement of Assets
Financial Position
Adjustments of (3,599,529.36)
net revenue
directly in net
Others Transfer of PPE ASSET Statement of Changes in Net Decrease in Net 0.00
accounts from General Assets/ Equity Assets for Fund
Fund book (Fund 101) to 101 but Increase
Trust Fund book (Fund in Net Assets of
184) -- (Kris DB Fund 184
Construction and Supply
Transfer of PPE ASSET Statement of Changes in Net Decrease in Net 0.00
accounts from General Assets/ Equity Assets for Fund
Fund book (Fund 101) to 101 but Increase
Trust Fund book (Fund in Net Assets of
184)-CHEDMARYL Fund 184
Construction & Supply (
Lot 1,5 & 6)
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
6. Cash and Cash Equivalents
The balance of Cash Collecting Officers comprises of collections of the University Medical Center
from 2:00 PM of December 31 until January 02, 2022 that falls on the weekend. This includes also
collection of Main Campus University Resource Generation Program (URGP), Calinog, Pototan
and Lambunao Campuses on December 31, 2021 which was subsequently deposited on January
03, 04 and 05, 2022.
Cash in bank-Local Currency, Current Account consists of deposits of income collected from
tuition, hospital and other fees maintained under a Special Trust Fund (Fund 164). It also includes
deposits from income collected from Income Generating Projects (IGP) of the College of
Agriculture and Forestry (Fund 161), trust receipts and liabilities recorded in Trust Receipts (Fund
Asia-Pacific Social Sciences School Network (APSSSNET) 1,000.00
Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS) 2,135.00
WVSU Main Campus Initial Deposit 500.00
International Research Conference (IRC) 416.00
Bank Interest Earned 201.12
Total 4,252.12
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
7. Investments
7.1. Investments
The Other Investments reflected in the financial statements of West Visayas State University
reflects dormant accounts which resulted from conversion from old government accounting
8. Receivables
Account Code Account Title
Current Non-Current Total
10301010-00 Accounts Receivable 82,491,644.44 49,054,660.83 131,546,305.27
10301011-00 Allowance for Impairment - Accounts Receivable (1,238,025.88) (36,504,140.51) (37,742,166.39)
10301020-00 Notes Receivable 0.00 0.00 0.00
10301990-00 Loans Receivable - Others 1,216,563.00 0.00 1,216,563.00
10303010-00 Due from National Government Agencies 3,470,212.60 0.00 3,470,212.60
10303030-00 Due from Local Government Units 44,593.02 0.00 44,593.02
10399010-00 Receivables - Disallowances/Charges 7,054,920.13 0.00 7,054,920.13
10399990-00 Other Receivables 410,654.99 0.00 410,654.99
10399020-00 Due from Officers and Employees 8,879.56 0.00 8,879.56
Grand Total 93,459,441.86 12,550,520.32 106,009,962.18
Receivables from Disallowances and other Charges include disallowances of prior years issued
by the Commission on Audit (COA) net of refunds.
The Loans receivable includes loans granted to students under the Students Financial Assistance
Program (StuFAP) and Student Assistance Fund for Education (SAFE) from the Commission on
Higher Education (CHED).
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
8.2 Aging/Analysis of Receivables
Allowance for Impairment - Accounts Receivable (37,742,166.39) (1,238,025.88) (4,804,097.00) (4,183,315.79) (27,516,727.72)
9. Inventories
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
Inventories Reversal of
Inventories Inventory
carried at the Inventory
Accounts carried at write-down
lower of cost write-down
fair value recognized
and net recognized
less cost to during the
realizable during the
sell year
value year
The West Visayas State University has no investment property recorded in the books.
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
11. Property, Plant and Equipment
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
Table 1. Gain arising from changes in fair value less cost to sell attributable to physical changes
Table 2. Loss from changes in FV less cost to sell due to physical change
Date Recognized Qty. CAFV PAFV Difference Amount
December 31, 2021 1.00 8,525.00 17,250.00 (8,725.00) (8,725.00)
December 31, 2021 1.00 9,875.00 16,500.00 (6,625.00) (6,625.00)
December 31, 2021 1.00 8,875.00 15,750.00 (6,875.00) (6,875.00)
December 31, 2021 1.00 9,125.00 15,000.00 (5,875.00) (5,875.00)
December 31, 2021 1.00 8,000.00 15,000.00 (7,000.00) (7,000.00)
December 31, 2021 1.00 7,400.00 15,375.00 (7,975.00) (7,975.00)
December 31, 2021 1.00 6,875.00 11,250.00 (4,375.00) (4,375.00)
December 31, 2021 1.00 2,150.00 10,800.00 (8,650.00) (8,650.00)
December 31, 2021 1.00 1,700.00 3,240.00 (1,540.00) (1,540.00)
December 31, 2021 1.00 23,400.00 27,600.00 (4,200.00) (4,200.00)
December 31, 2021 1.00 15,800.00 24,400.00 (8,600.00) (8,600.00)
December 31, 2021 1.00 9,560.00 18,400.00 (8,840.00) (8,840.00)
December 31, 2021 1.00 8,775.00 15,300.00 (6,525.00) (6,525.00)
December 31, 2021 1.00 8,775.00 13,875.00 (5,100.00) (5,100.00)
December 31, 2021 1.00 8,775.00 13,450.00 (4,675.00) (4,675.00)
December 31, 2021 1.00 8,775.00 13,875.00 (5,100.00) (5,100.00)
December 31, 2021 1.00 23,400.00 27,600.00 (4,200.00) (4,200.00)
December 31, 2021 1.00 15,800.00 24,400.00 (8,600.00) (8,600.00)
December 31, 2021 West 1.00 Visayas 9,560.00 State 18,400.00 University (8,840.00) (8,840.00)
Pigs (Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
December 31, 2021 1.00 8,775.00
Iloilo, Philippines 15,300.00 (6,525.00) (6,525.00)
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
December 31,*2021 1.00
Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph
8,775.00 13,875.00 (5,100.00)
* Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph
(5,100.00) Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Table 4. Loss from Changes in FV Less Cost to Sell due to Price Change
Date Recognized Qty. CAFV PAFV Difference Amount
December 31, 2021 1 8,525.00 13,970.00 (5,445.00) (5,445.00)
December 31, 2021 1 9,875.00 15,950.00 (6,075.00) (6,075.00)
December 31, 2021 1 8,750.00 14,300.00 (5,550.00) (5,550.00)
December 31, 2021 1 9,125.00 14,850.00 (5,725.00) (5,725.00)
December 31, 2021 1 8,000.00 13,200.00 (5,200.00) (5,200.00)
December 31, 2021 1 7,400.00 12,320.00 (4,920.00) (4,920.00)
December 31, 2021 1 6,875.00 11,550.00 (4,675.00) (4,675.00)
December 31, 2021 1 2,150.00 3,850.00 (1,700.00) (1,700.00)
December 31, 2021 1 1,700.00 3,300.00 (1,600.00) (1,600.00)
December 31, 2021 1 23,400.00 33,550.00 (10,150.00) (10,150.00)
December 31, 2021 1 15,800.00 23,100.00 (7,300.00) (7,300.00)
December 31, 2021 1 9,560.00 14,520.00 (4,960.00) (4,960.00)
Pigs - -
December 31, 2021 1 8,775.00 11,500.00 (2,725.00) (2,725.00)
December 31, 2021 1 8,775.00 11,500.00 (2,725.00) (2,725.00)
December 31, 2021 1 8,775.00 11,500.00 (2,725.00) (2,725.00)
December 31, 2021 1 8,775.00 11,500.00 (2,725.00) (2,725.00)
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
Table 5. Decrease Due to Sales
Date Recognized Qty. Amount
December 31, 2021 1 12,500.00
December 31, 2021 1 10,000.00
December 31, 2021 1 15,500.00
December 31, 2021 1 11,000.00
December 31, 2021 1 8,500.00
December 31, 2021 1 7,000.00
December 31, 2021 1 15,000.00
December 31, 2021 1 15,000.00
December 31, 2021 1 4,000.00
December 31, 2021 1 4,000.00
Particulars Computer Other Intangible
Software Assets
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
The intangible assets consist the various computer software reclassified from Information
Communication Technology Equipment and development costs of the enrolment system of the
2021 2020
Account Code Account Title
Current Non-Current Current Non-Current
19901020-00 Advances for Payroll 0.00 1,140,515.63 0.00 0.00
19999991-00 Accumulated Impairment Losses - Other Assets 0.00 0.00 0.00 (39,723.30)
15.1 Payables
2021 2020
Account Code Account Title Current Non-Current Current Non-Current
20101010-00 Accounts Payable 139,090,273.78 0.00 250,927,295.58 0.00
20101020-00 Due to Officers and Employees 1,032,434.55 0.00 844,970.23 0.00
Grand Total 140,122,708.33 0.00 251,772,265.81 0.00
Accounts payable comprises the valid and legal obligations to internal and external creditors for
goods and services that have been delivered, rendered and accepted as of December 31, 2021.
Checks that became stale in the hands of the payees but were requested for replacement were
also recorded as accounts payable. In addition, unreleased checks as of December 31, 2021
were also reverted to appropriate payable accounts.
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
2021 2020
Account Code Account Title Current Non-Current Current Non-Current
20201010-00 Due to BIR 18,805,235.56 0.00 5,998,870.32 0.00
20201020-00 Due to GSIS 474,516.94 0.00 184,569.63 0.00
20201030-00 Due to Pag-IBIG 144,447.09 0.00 48,416.44 0.00
20201040-00 Due to PhilHealth 208,044.97 0.00 86,661.69 0.00
20201050-00 Due to NGAs 97,273,187.95 0.00 106,891,144.20 0.00
20201060-00 Due to GOCCs 64,239.69 0.00 106,589.69 0.00
20201070-00 Due to LGUs 257,266.58 0.00 257,266.58 0.00
Grand Total 117,226,938.78 0.00 113,573,518.55 0.00
2021 2020
Account Code Account Title Current Non-Current Current Non-Current
20401030-00 Bail Bonds Payable 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
20401040-00 Guaranty/Security Deposits Payable 54,735,312.56 0.00 59,135,402.51 0.00
Grand Total 54,735,312.56 0.00 59,135,402.51 0.00
19. Provisions
This account includes amounts received from private entities for scholarships and for
implementation of special projects subject to liquidation.
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
22. Service and Business Income
The service and business income consists of collections from tuition and other school fees as well
as hospital and related fees which the University is authorized to collect by virtue of Republic Act
(RA) 8292 otherwise known as the “Higher Education Modernization Act of 1997.” This includes
tuition and other school fees for baccalaureate degrees reimbursed by the Commission on Higher
Education (CHED) with the passage of Republic Act No. 10931 or the Universal Access to Quality
Tertiary Education and other scholarship grants provided by other National Government Agencies
and private scholarship institutions. Also included are other fees collected from other sources like
income from University Resource Generation Projects (URGP), hospital fees, training fees and
income from service providership agreements and reimbursement of power and other overhead
expenses from use of school and hospital facilities recorded as rental income.
The Shares, Grants and Donations consists of donations in kind consisting of elevator from private
entity and hospital and medical equipment from the Department of Health (DOH).
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
The West Visayas State University and its employees remit Retirement and Life Insurance
Premium (RLIP) premium to the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) in accordance
with the Republic Act No. 8291. The GSIS administers the plan, including payment of pension
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
benefits to employees to whom the act applies. The retirement and life insurance plan is a defined
contribution plan. The contribution to the defined contribution plan amounted to government share
of at least P50 Million for the reporting period (12 percent government and 9 percent employee
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
25.5 Communication Expenses
The University has not incurred Demolition/Relocation and Desilting/Dredging Expenses for the
reporting period.
The West Visayas State University has no Generation, Transmission and Distribution Expense for
the reporting period.
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
The University has not incurred labor and wages expenses in 2021.
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
25.16 Other Maintenance and Operating Expenses
27.1. Depreciation
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
Account Code Account Title 2021 2020
50501040-01 Depreciation - Buildings and Other Structures - Buildings 163,368.15 55,136.59
50501040-02 Depreciation - Buildings and Other Structures- School Buildings 484,565.33 0.00
50501050-01 Depreciation - Machinery and Equipment - Machinery 0.00 0.00
50501030-05 Depreciation - Infrastructure Assets - Power Supply Systems 290,655.89 47,445.06
Depreciation - Machinery and Equipment - Construction and Heavy
50501050-08 Equipment 25,410.00 0.00
Grand Total 109,121,595.20 91,656,556.68
27.2. Amortization
27.4. Losses
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
29. Non-Operating Income, Gain or Losses
Non-operating income was earned from auction sale of unserviceable property and liquidated
damages charged against suppliers and contractors with late deliveries/accomplishment.
Loss of assets from sale of unserviceable property and from changes in fair value of assets was
also recognized for the period.
30. Reconciliation of Net Cash Flows from Operating Activities to Surplus/ (Deficit)
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
No terms and conditions of transactions with related parties has been made in the absence of
third-party transactions.
The key management personnel of the West Visayas State University are the SUC President, the
Vice Presidents and the members of the governing body. The governing body consists of
members provided for in Section 3 of R.A. 8292 namely:
3. The Chairman of the Committee on Education of the Senate, Congress of the Philippines,
as member;
4. The Chairman of the Committee on Higher and Technical Education of the House of
Representatives, Congress of the Philippines, as member;
5. The Regional Director of the National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) of the
particular region where the chartered SUC is located;
6. Regional Director of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) in case of science
and technological colleges;
8. The President/Chair/Head of the duly recognized Faculty Association (FA) of the chartered
SUC or the Federation President/Federation Chair/Federation Head thereof, as member;
9. The President of the supreme student council or the student representative elected by the
student council who shall be known as the Student Regent (SR) or Student Trustee (ST):
provided, that in the absence of a student council president or student representative
elected by the student council, the university or college shall schedule one (1) week for
the campaign and election of a student representative as member;
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
10. The President of the alumni association or the Federation of Alumni Association in SUCs
with multi- campuses preferably from tertiary programs as member;
11. Two (2) prominent citizens representing the private sector who have distinguished
themselves in their professions or fields of specialization chosen from among a list of at
least five (5) persons qualified in the city or the province where the school is located, as
recommended by the search committee constituted by the President in consultation with
the Chairman of the CHED based on the normal standards and qualifications for the
position as members;
12. The Regional Director of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) in case of
science and technological colleges;
The aggregate remuneration of members of the governing body and key management personnel
are as follows:
Members of the governing board other than SUC President and the President of the Faculty
Association receives per diems only defined under DBM Circular No. 2003-6 for every attendance
in a board meeting where there is a quorum.
The SUC President and the President of the Faculty Association also receive meeting per diems
for every attendance in a board meeting where there is a quorum. In addition, they also receive
salaries; other personnel benefits and personnel benefit contributions as organic employees of the
West Visayas State University. Included also in the table are the salaries, other personnel benefits
and personnel benefit contributions of the senior management group consisting of the agency’s
four (4) Vice Presidents. The composition of the key management personnel reported in 2021
who are the members of the governing board and four (4) Vice Presidents were made consistent
with the quarterly Report on Salaries and allowances (ROSA) including Extraordinary and
Miscellaneous Expenses (EMEs) submitted also to the Commission on Audit (COA).
West Visayas State University
(Formerly Iloilo Normal School)
Luna St., La Paz, Iloilo City 5000
Iloilo, Philippines
* Trunkline: (063) (033) 320-0870 loc 1102 * Telefax No.: (033) 320-0879
* Website: www.wvsu.edu.ph * Email Address: president@wvsu.edu.ph Acc. No.: M2700903PM
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2021
During the reporting period, total remuneration and compensation of P4,141,753.06 was provided
by the University to an employee who is a close family member of key management personnel
defined above up to 2nd degree of consanguinity and affinity.
During the current reporting period, the West Visayas State University has not entered into a
service concession arrangement.