Lwdee Modernisation English

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Dwg: FBA25KB1

Validity: 2-a

FIELD INDUSTRIAL Modernization LWDDE load weighting Date: 16/04/09


Contents Page Technicians

1 Presentation 2 1
2 Install the probe 3 1
3 Place and connect the electronic board 4 1
4 Programming and adjustements 5 1

Required tools
Drill + drill bits Standard tools (spanners, pliers, etc. Spindle disk grinder or Metal saw
Multimeter SVT tool Ladder or step ladder
Filler weights Rilsan clamp

Validity Rev Date Change Description

1-a 25/11/2008 New board
2-a 16/04/2009 updater (New soft)

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Dwg: FBA25KB1

Validity: 2-a

FIELD INDUSTRIAL Modernization LWDDE load weighting Date: 16/04/09


1 – Presentation

This FIM explains how to install and connect the modernization LWDEE load
weighting. It can also make configurations and settings of the card load weighting,
but only for the probe supplied in the Kit.

If you want to re-use sensors other that the probe, thank you to contact
the service technical contract, or view the sheet FBA24270AA_BD
available at EPC, with FBA24270AA board.

 Detail of components forming the modernisation load weighting Kit :

1- Probe (Linear potentiometer)

2- LWDEE load weighting board, ref FBA24270AA
3- Connecting Cable to the serial line (RSL)
4- Probe/load weighting board connecting cable
5- Multidrop : Connecting cable to the RS485 serial line

2 – Installing the probe


- Stop the lift between the lowest level and the first level so as to:
 Be able to access the bottom of the pit
 Be able to access the car roof
- Before accessing the pit, make sure that the landing door is blocked
using the appropriate tool.
- Protect the opening to prevent from falling
- The harness must be warn and anchored

 Installation: (The car must be empty)

Step 1 : Check insulation pads
Step 2 : Position the probe under the car platform using its support bracket.
(At the centre on a stiffener of the floor structure to prevent the
measurement of parasite deformations.)
Step 3 : Form a spacer using a piece of cable casing, to obtain a compression of
7 to 9 mm. (This assures a voltage at the probe output equal to about
5Vdc, car empty)

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FIELD INDUSTRIAL Modernization LWDDE load weighting Date: 16/04/09


Step 4 : Fix the probe using the flange and hold it in contact with the flange by
pressing on it. (This limits risks of a poor adjustment.)
Step 5 : Fix the assembly with the bracket such that the
probe touches the platform with no compression.
Step 6 : Remove the spacer
Step 7 : Connect the probe cable (item 4) using its screw
Step 8 : Route the cable to the place chosen to install the
electronic board .

 Inspection:
Check that the centreline of the probe can be freely compressed without
interfering with another part of the car structure.

3 – Put the electronic board (LWDEE) into

place and make the connections

 Installation: Determine the position of electronic boards as a function of access

criteria for the MCS tool and the maximum distance of a remote equal to
These boards shall be installed in the car operating panel
(recommended in E413 and E321) or near the junction box

J17 J18


 Connections:
Step 1: Connect probe cable 4 to connector J1
Step 2: Reconnect the serial line to a remote RSL connector using extension 3
delivered in the package, and connect it on port RSL (J18)
Step 3: In the case of a Multidrop controller type: Pick RS485 serial line using the
supplied extension, and connect on port J17

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FIELD INDUSTRIAL Modernization LWDDE load weighting Date: 16/04/09


4 – Programming and settings

This board can be used for other applications, it is essential to set the defaut
parameters and I/O for an load weighting application.

4-1 : Default Configuration for parameters and I/Os:

Prerequisite : Switch S2
Switch S2 is a block of two contacts :
The PSEN contact must be on the OFF position
The RLY contact must be on the ON position

WARNING: It is necessary to know the software version to execute the

appropriated method of configuration:
To view the software version, press the sequence of keys SVT: M<4>

4-1-1 : Soft FAA30001AAA

4-1-1-1 : Perform an update of defaults parameters and I/Os:

- For parameters: press the sequence of keys SVT: M<3><1><2>

o At the question « Save def param » : Press 1 (YES) + Enter
 The screen returns to previous menu

- For I/Os : press the sequence of keys SVT: M<3><2><2>

o At the question « Save def io » : Press 1 (YES) + Enter
 The screen returns to previous menu

NOTE: the power will have to be switched off and on again to activate some

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4-1-1-2 : Enter the parameters and I/Os depending on the type of controller:

4-1-1-2-1 : MULTIDROP controller type (MCS 321/413 GCS222MMR) :

- Go to parameter settings : press the sequence of keys SVT:M<3><1><1>
- Press <Go On> or <Go Back> to scroll through the parameters
- For Link Type, enter the value 1
(Press <1><Enter>)
- For Multidrop Ident, enter the value 3 Link Type 1
(Press <3><Enter>) Multidrop Ident 3
- For Bauds J17, enter the value 1 Bauds J17 1
(Press <1><Enter>) Parity J17 1
- For Parity J17, enter the value 1
(Press <1><Enter>)
 The setup is complete. (There is no I/Os to be entered)
(Press M to exit)

4-1-1-2-1 : RSL controller type (MCS 120/220/222MMR) :

- Go to parameter settings : press the sequence of keys SVT: M<3><1><1>
- Press <Go On> or <Go Back> to scroll through the parameters
- For Link Type, enter the value 0
(Press <0><Enter>)
- For RS1 CODE, enter the value 9
(Press <9><Enter>)
NOTE: 9 is used as the RS code assigned to management of LXW LNS
LWO because it is an address rarely used
- Only if OVF20 is used :
o For LW 25% OUT, enter the value 14 (Board relay 1)
(Press <14><Enter>)
o For LW 65% OUT, enter the value 15 (Board relay 2)
(Press <15><Enter>)

- Go to I/Os settings : press the sequence of keys SVT: M<3><1><2>

- Press <Go On> or <Go Back> to scroll through the I/Os
- For RSL ANS, you must enter : rs 009 pin 001
(Press <Enter><9><Enter><1><Enter>) RSL ANS rs 9 Pin 1
- For RSL LNS, you must enter : rs 009 pin 002 RSL LNS rs 9 Pin 2
(Press <Enter><9><Enter><2><Enter>) RSL LWO rs 9 Pin 3
- For RSL LWO, you must enter : rs 009 pin 003
(Press <Enter><9><Enter><3><Enter>)
NOTE: These I/O values shall be matched with the controller LCBII:
IO MCS 007 : 09 1
IO MCS 006 : 09 2
IO MCS 005 : 09 3

 The setup is complete.

(Press M to exit)

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FIELD INDUSTRIAL Modernization LWDDE load weighting Date: 16/04/09


4-1-2 : Soft FAA30001AAB ou FAA30001AAC

A default setup help is installed in version FAA30001AAB and later versions.

A « param def » parameter is used to define default parameters and I/Os in more detail
depending on the controller type (RSL or MULTIDROP)

The procedure is as follows:

- Go to «def param » parameter :

press the sequence of keys SVT: M<3><1><Go Back>

- Enter the required value (depending on controller type):

 RSL controller type : Press <0><Enter>
 MULTIDROP controller type : Press <1><Enter>

We must now validate the defaults parameters and I/Os. Complete:

- For parameters: press the sequence of keys SVT: M<3><1><2>

o At the question « Save def param » : Press 1 (YES) + Enter
 The screen returns to previous menu

- For I/Os : press the sequence of keys SVT: M<3><2><2>

o At the question « Save def io » : Press 1 (YES) + Enter
 The screen returns to previous menu

 The setup is complete. (Press M to exit)

NOTE: the power will have to be switched off and on again to activate some

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FIELD INDUSTRIAL Modernization LWDDE load weighting Date: 16/04/09


4-2 : Configure the probe:

Reminder : The probe is connected to the connector J1.

It must be configured in the I/Os to be taken into consideration.

The I/O at configure, is :

 LW sensor 1 n001 (for J1)

The procedure is as follows:

- Go to I/Os settings : press the sequence of keys SVT: M<3><1><2>
- Press <Go On> or <Go Back> to scroll through the I/Os
- For LW sensor 1, you must enter : n001
(Press <Enter> <1> <Enter>)

(If you are unable to enter the value 1, it is possible that this value is assigned to
another sensor. Find this sensor performing <Go ON> or <Go Back>, and assign
the value 0)

 The setup is complete. (Press M to exit)

NOTE : By default, if you used the method of configuration parameters and I / Os for a
FAA30001AAB or FAA30001AAC, LW sensor 1 is already configured to J1

If you want to re-use sensors other that the probe, thank you to contact
the service technical contract, or view the sheet FBA24270AA_BD
available at EPC, with FBA24270AA board.

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Validity: 2-a

FIELD INDUSTRIAL Modernization LWDDE load weighting Date: 16/04/09


4-3 : Settings:

4-3-1 : reset the zero of the probe

This step will allow to perform the calibration of the empty car.

Process :
- The car must be empty
- Check the proper functioning of the probe: sequence SVT: M <1> <2>
(the % Load and the LW needs to change if they put load in the cab)
- Save the setup of the car empty :
o Perform the sequence SVT : M<3><3>
o Choose the option : SAVE EMPTY : press <1>
-> The screen returns to previous menu

 The zero configuration is complete. (Press M to exit)

4-3-2 : Calibration of the probe

This step will allow to calibrate the probe based on a load put into the car. This load must
be at least 50% of the payload (more the load will be high (100% max), more the
calibration will be accurate)

Process :
- Put the load into the car
- Calculate Pad Number parameter according to the load introduced :

Pad number = load introduced (Kg) x 100 (% of full load

Payload (Kg) introduced into the car
when setting)
Example : if 800 kg are introduced into a car whose payload is 1000kg :
Pad Number = 800x100 = 80 (%)
- Set the Pad Number parameter :
o Press the sequence of keys SVT : M<3><1><1>
o Press <Go On> or <Go Back> to scroll through the parameters
o For Pad Number, enter the value calculated above
(Example : Press <80><Enter>)
- Save the calibration made :
o Press the sequence of keys SVT: M<3><3>
o Choose the option : SAVE FULL : press <2>
-> The screen returns to previous menu

 The calibration is complete. (Press M to exit)

Note : Pad Number parameter is no longer used once the calibration is completed

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