Anas Al - Qudah, Myriam Aloulou: Abstract
Anas Al - Qudah, Myriam Aloulou: Abstract
Anas Al - Qudah, Myriam Aloulou: Abstract
Index Terms: GDP per Capita, Inflation rate, foreign trade, Bitcoin, hedging Portfolio, Crypto-currency
In simple form, purchasing power parity (PPPs) is relative
prices, which show the proportion of the prices in national
currency to same services & goods in many countries. And
from the most important examples in the economics literatures
in this regard is the BigMacCurrency index it is well known as
burgernomics (OECD, benchmark results, 2002), whereby the
BigMac PPP is the conversion rate that would mean
hamburgers cost the same in USA as abroad. The significant
question in this regard that we can derive from the previous
words is how should measures of Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) which be converted into a common unit like the
burgernomics did before, but the researchers found that the
market exchange rates will be an unsatisfactory solution for
many purposes because the exchange rates will reflect so
many influences than the direct price comparisons that are
required to make volume comparisons. Figure 1 below shows Based on the above; the researchers will try in this article to
the size of economies as a percentage share of total GDP for study a new relationship between the economic variables did
selected countries. Figure 1.The Size of economies: not mentioned in economics researches previously, which is
Percentage share of total OECD GDP, 1999, selected mean addressing new model between existing variables to get
countries. out results and recommendations in this regard, and the main
variables that the researchers trying to test it are the: GDP per
capita, inflation Rate and foreign trade and they take also the
___________________________________ Bitcoin currency as a new kind of money has a broad impact in
the fields of economics.
• Author: Dr. Anas Al.Qudah, Assistant Professor, Emirates
College of Technology, Finance and Banking, College of 2 THE STUDY OBJECTIVE
Business & IT, Email: [email protected], Abu Dhabi, In this study the researchers will try to find the correlation
UAE, P O Box: 41009 between the Bitcoin Prices and some Macroeconomics
• Co- Author: Dr. Myriam Aloulou, Assistant Professor, Emirates variables like GDP per capita, foreign trade and inflation rate in
College of Technology, Finance and Banking, College of GCC countries, and they want to investigate the effect of
Business & IT, Email: [email protected], Abu Dhabi, extension use of Bitcoin on these variables mentioned before.
UAE, P O Box: 41009 They will use for this purpose Statistical Package for the Social
Sciences (SPSS) to find the correlation between them. And
they will review the previous literatures in this regard to find
the range they are consistent with these previous studies, and
the possibility to use the results that will be founded in the
hedging purposes against future inflation risks
trade data which are publicly available. They showed also how
3 LITERATURE REVIEW the bitcoin exchanges contribute to price discovery.
There are several areas of interest by researchers in regards
of Bitcoin. Yarmouk (2013) studied its economic situation as a 4 THE STUDY METHOD
money or currency. Ciaian et al (2014) explained the bitcoin
exchange prices. Eric Lockard, the Corporate Vice President TABLE 1
of Universal Store in Microsoft company considered that the REVIEW OF THE EMPIRICAL LITERATURE
digital currencies like Bitcoin is growing beyond early time
enthusiasts, and he expected the continuity of its growth,
which allows people to use the digital currencies like Bitcoin to
buy their goods and services, and this kind of commercial
action will allow to Microsoft to be at the front edge of that
trend. XinLi, Chong Alex Wang (2016), found the bitcoin
exchange rate is affected by the state of economy and the
conditions of the market. Joseph D. Alba, David H. Papell
(2005) found considerable evidence of Purchasing Power
Parity in the countries which have good commerce, lower rate
of inflation and stable nominal exchange rate, and they have
close level of development then US Their results
demonstrated that the features of each country justify the
adherence to and deviations from long term purchasing power
parity. Jim Lothian (2016), found that the purchasing power
parity affected the price level based on the change of the
monetary arrangement. He concludes that there is a
correlation between inflation rate, the exchange rate changes
and the varied monetary regimes that prevailed. Stephanie
Kremer, Alexander Bick, Dieter Nautz (2014) confirmed by
using the panel method that in the developed country having a
good economic growth, the inflation rate is very low,
conversely to the non-industrialized countries with lower
economic growth and high rate of inflation. Barro (1995)
believed that there is a causal influence between inflation and In order to achieve the purpose of this study, it will use the
economic growth. He estimated that the rate of inflation affects correlation between each of (GDP per capita, Inflation rate and
negatively the real gross domestic products in the long run foreign trade) and (the Bitcoin) in the other side, so the study it
which justify the importance of keeping the prices stable. will be in three sections: The first section: correlation between
Sandeep Mazumder (2016) found that the benefit of an Bitcoin and GDP per capita in GCC countries. In the second
accelerated inflation occurs in the countries with low Gross section: correlation between Bitcoin and Inflation Rates in
Domestic product. But those with high GDP shouldn‘t expect GCC countries. And in the third section: correlation between
output gain from an increase in price level. The use of Bitcoin bitcoin and foreign trade. Figure 2 below shows the sections of
didn‘t cause inflation. It controls and limits the velocity of the study:
money supply which reduces inflation (Burghelea, 2008).
Pavel Ciaian, Miroslava Rajcaniova & d‘Artis Kancs (2015)
confirmed that there is positive and significant relationship
between the supply and demand of bitcoin and its price. Philip
Inyeob Ji, Kwang Myung Chun (2016) found a significant and
large positive relationship between bitcoin returns and
inflation for many countries providing major Bitcoin trading
currencies, including Australia, China, and the United
Kingdom. They concluded that Bitcoin may have the potential
to be an inflation hedge in a limited group of countries. Anna
Loseva (2016) found that the Bitcoin has a positive effect on
the money stock and a negative one on inflation and the
supply of money. In fact, the more the number of bitcoin in the
economy, the slower is the inflation. Pal Boug et al (2010),
showed that in each of the 13 less developed countries. A rise
in the incertainty and volatility of the real exchange rate in the
short run and long run has a significant negative effect on
foreign trade. Morten Brandvold, Peter Molnár, Kristian Where;
Vagstad, Ole Christian and Andreas Valstad (2015) considered - Bitcoin (BTC): Digital Currency created
that Bitcoin as a payment system and open source peer-to- and held electronically using software.
peer electronic money is one of the market leaders with very - GDP: Gross Domestic Product per capita.
high information share. It is traded at frequent exchanges and - Inf.R: Inflation Rate.
6.1 The 1st section: Correlation between Bitcoin and the
Gross Domestic Product (GDP per capita) in GCC
Depend on the data published at the official site: economics
trading (GCC countries | Economic Indicators) GDP per capita
in GCC countries (Gulf Cooperation Council) has been
recorded as the following in the end of fiscal year 2017, when
Where; modified by purchasing power parity (PPPs).
- H01: there is no correlation between Bitcoin Prices
and GDP per capita in GCC countries. TABLE 3
- H02: there is no correlation between Bitcoin Prices GDP PER CAPITA IN GCC COUNTRIES CALCULATED BY
and Inflation Rate GCC countries. U.S DOLLARS (BILLIONS)*
- H03: there is no correlation between Bitcoin Prices
and Foreign Trade in GCC countries.
P: population
R: real GDP, R = C+I+G+(X-M),
C: consumption,
I: investment,
G: government expenditure,
(X-M) = net exports.
On the other side we found the Historical Bitcoin Price for the
study period (2010-2017) and the following table and chart
show the closing prices for bitcoin, and any economist can see
the differences between the periods down, where the bitcoin According to the Study Objectives, the Data needed to test
price was register the highest level at the end of (2014, 2016) Correlation using SPSS should be the data mentioned in table
respectively, it reached to (770 USD and 990 USD) for each 3 and table 4 which include the GDP per capita & bitcoin
unit. But it started trading at (0.06 USD) at the beginning of prices for the period 2009 until 2017 in GCC countries.
2010 as shown in the figure below:
6.1.1 The result of correlation test between the GDP per
Capita in GCC & bitcoin prices for the period 2009 until
The table below (6) shows the result of correlation test
between the GDP per capita in GCC & bitcoin prices depend
on Pearson, Spearman's Rho and Kendall's rank respectively:
UNTIL 2017
The table below shows the closing price for Bitcoin Currency in
the last 9 Years which is considered as the study period:
Pearson correlation coefficient is the most commonly used
method, although it is very sensitive to outliers. Spearman and
Kendall correlation coefficients are not sensitive to outliers but
their explanatory power is lower. From table above; A
Pearson‗s rank-order correlation was run to define the
relationship between 9 years GDP per capita and Bitcon
Prices in GCC countries. The numbers above (rs (9) = 0. 1129,
p = 0.77). And from the table above; the Spearman's rank-
order correlation was run to determine the relationship
between 9 years GDP per capita and Bitcon Prices in GCC
countries. There was a (rs (9) = 0. 4333, p = 0.2499). Also a
We believe in this regard that the bitcoin will continue in Kendall's rank-order correlation was run to determine the
volatility behavior in the next few years, because many relationship between the same 9 years GDP per capita and
countries are moving towards electronic commerce today, and Bitcon Prices in GCC countries. There was a (rs (9) = 0. 3333,
this is significant reason to push up the bitcoin prices in the p = 0. 2595). Depend on the table above; the researchers
future, and here we are not talking about the using bitcoin cannot accept that there is a relationship between GDP per
safely, but we looking to the bitcoin from the economist eye of Capita in GCC countries and the Bitcoin Prices. It is clear that
view, actually the trading price for this coin reached in June the R-score was very low and the P-value was very high.
2017 more than (2300 USD) for each unit. And table below
shows sample from trading prices for the Bitcon currency by 6.2 The 2nd section: Correlation between Bitcoin and the
Inflation Rate in GCC countries and Bitcon Prices in GCC countries. The numbers above
shows it is a strong relationship and Negative correlation
Depend on the data published at the official site: economics between Inflation Rate and Bitcon Price, which was statistically
trading (GCC countries | Economic Indicators) Inflation Rate in significant (rs (9) = - 0.724, p = 0.02). And from the table
GCC countries (Gulf Cooperation Council) has been recorded above; the Spearman's rank-order correlation was run to
as the following in the end of fiscal year 2017: determine the relationship between 9 years Inflation Rate and
Bitcon Prices in GCC countries. There was a strong, Negative
TABLE 7 correlation between Inflation rate and Bitcon Prices, which was
THE INFLATION RATE IN GCC COUNTRIES CALCULATED statistically significant (rs (9) = - 0.803, p = 0.0091). Also a
(%)* Kendall's rank-order correlation was run to determine the
relationship between the same 9 years Inflation Rate and
Bitcon Prices in GCC countries. There was a strong, Negative
correlation between Inflation Rate and Bitcon Prices, which
was statistically significant (rs (9) = - 0.7043, p = 0.0088).
Depend on the table above; we can accept that there is a
negative relationship between Inflation Rate in GCC countries
and the Bitcoin Prices. It is clear that the R-score was high
and the P-value was very small especially in the Spearman's
Rho Correlation.
PERIOD 2009 UNTIL 2017
portfolio separately which means KSA will make hedging put option for short position or sell future contract under the
portfolio in isolation from UAE and Oman will make a hedge amount that calculated in the table (11) which shows F [St] for
portfolio in isolation from Kuwait...etc.The value of the hedge each country. The value for the hedging portfolio (V) for the
portfolio is the value of money that the country can obtain by (Dec 2018 – Jan 2019) for the countries in GCC will be as the
liquidation the portfolio when the future contracts expires, and following:
it will be calculated depend on the value of the hedge portfolio TABLE 12
(Chance, Brooks, 2008) that equal: V= h×S0 -F(St). It is THE VALUE FOR THE HEDGING PORTFOLIO (V) FOR :(
reasonable to assume that the hedge rate (h) is the same as DEC 2018 – JAN 2019)
the correlation between the Inflation rate in each country in
GCC and the Bitcoin price. And the following model will
calculate the value of hedging portfolio to hedge against the
V= h × S0 - F (St) (4)
V: The value of the hedging portfolio. Inflation rate parity (the relationship between the future contract
F [St]: The Price of future contracts (same: Exchange and the spot exchange rate that was calculated above depend
rate at time t in base currency per bitcoin) on the inflation rate & the return in bitcoin) is an important
S0: The Spot Price at time Zero (current time) fundamental relationship between the spot & future exchange
h: Hedging ratio [correlation. Normally in options rate and the inflation rate in two different currencies. It is the
portfolios will be: (Cu-Cd / Us- Ds)] foreign currency market‘s version of the carry arbitrage future
pricing model. A helpful way to understand Inflation rate parity is
As a fact for the single correlation between the inflation rate in to consider the position of country which believes that a higher
each country in GCC and the Bitcoin price for the same period inflation rate can be compensated by converting to a currency
(2009-2017), the above model was suggested by researchers that pays high return. And we have to remember in this regard
before; can be applied in the future market by using the that the future contracts or the option (Put, Call) there are no
inflation rate & the bitcoin return and then we can make the one is forced to execute the contracts or agreements.
valuation for each hedging portfolio. The table below shows
the correlation between inflation rate and the bitcoin price in 6.3 The 3rd section: Correlation between Bitcoin and the
each country in GCC: Foreign Trade in GCC countries
Depend on the data published at the official site: economics
TABLE 10 trading (GCC countries | Economic Indicators) FT in GCC
THE CORRELATION BETWEEN INFLATION RATE & countries (Gulf Cooperation Council) has been recorded as
BITCOIN PRICE IN EACH COUNTRY IN GCC the following in the end of fiscal year 2017:
And the figure below shows the Foreign Trade in GCC countries
the last ten years:
time was very small index price not more than 1 USD as a result we found that a negative strong relationship between
price for each unit. In the Barro (1995) study he found that Inflation Rate and Bitcoin Prices in each of Pearson, Kendall
there is a causal influence between inflation and economic and Spearman's tests also in GCC countries, but in the third
growth and estimated that the rate of inflation affects result we found that there was no correlation between foreign
negatively the real gross domestic products, we believe that trade and Bitcoin Prices. And we used the negative relationship
there results regarding GDP per capita and inflation they were between the inflation rate & the bitcoin price to introduce a new
consistent with Barro‘s study, because when they test the GDP model that can be used to make hedging strategy against the
& Inflation rate with same dependent variable they found they inflation in GCC countries.
are opposite. This study came to add new variables to Pavel
Ciaian, Miroslava Rajcaniova & d‘Artis Kancs‘s study (2015) 9 REFERENCES
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