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Preparation of Concrete Using Gold Mine Waste: Project Reference No.: 40S - Be - 1708

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Goldmines waste (GMW) coarse aggregates, compressive strength, flexural strength
and durability.

Gold mines Crushed Black stones are one of the primary waste products of mining
operations of Hutti Goldmines Limited. They comprise of Stone chips and dust of the parent
rock from which the ore is extracted. The characteristics of Gold mines Crushed Blackstone
depend upon the composition of parent rock. The disposal of this material is a major
environmental problem for the mining industry. Among the 960 million tons of solid waste
generated annually in India, nearly 290 million tons are inorganic wastes of industrial and
mining sectors. The gold mining industry at Hutti village in Raichur district of Karnataka is
producing abundant quantity of tailings and Crushed Blackstone which is un-utilized for
several years, for extraction of 1 gram of gold, 1 ton of waste material is generated; Annually
Hutti goldmines limited is generating nearly 50 million tons of waste containing tailing and
crushed Blackstone. There is no vegetation on dumps, which leads to release of fine particles
into the atmosphere due to wind erosion. This causes air pollution in the area. The tailings
and Crushed Blackstone have affected the landscape and topography of the area as well.
Hence, it is essential to find some way to use the Gold mine wastes.
Fine and coarse aggregates are becoming scarce and meeting the demand of
aggregates in the construction industry is becoming a challenging task. In this investigation
an attempt is made to utilize Gold mines Crushed Blackstone as a substitute for coarse
aggregates in producing concrete. Further Gold mines Crushed Blackstone referred as GMW
coarse aggregate and concrete made of it is referred as GMW concrete. The acceptability of
utilizing goldmine tailings as a substitute to sand in concrete production was found to be
satisfactory on the basis of compressive strength and durability.
This study is initiated to assess the suitability of Gold mines Crushed Blackstone as
substitute for coarse aggregate in concrete. The evaluation was based on parameters such as
physical properties of materials, workability, compressive strength, flexural strength and
A Hutti goldmine is in the nearby locality of Kalaburagi, black stone is available in
large quantity. Therefore to utilize this waste following objectives have been framed

1) Chemical analyses of goldmine waste coarse aggregate.
2) To study the physical properties of goldmine waste as a coarse aggregate.
3) To study the fresh state properties of concrete using goldmine waste as a coarse
4) To study the strength properties of concrete using goldmine waste as a coarse
5) To study the durability property of concrete using goldmine waste as a coarse

Cement: Ordinary Portland cement confirming to IS: 1489-1991[6] was used.
Fine aggregate: Locally available sand belonging to zone II is used as fine aggregate.
Coarse aggregate:
Coarse aggregates available from local crusher were used. Here we have used two
size fractions of Coarse aggregates i.e., fraction 1 (20mm Down size) and fraction 2 (12.5mm
down size) were used in the present study.

Goldmines waste coarse aggregate:

Crushed Blackstone taken from Hutti Goldmines Limited was manually crushed and
used as 100% replacement to locally available coarse aggregates, because of difficulty in
manual crushing only 20mm and down size has being used.

Super plasticizer:
Super plasticizer used in the present investigation was Addage plast PCE 840. For
M40 grade concrete.

Trial Casting
Mix design by IS method:
Indian standard institute has brought out mix design procedure mainly work done in
national laboratories i.e., covered in IS 10262-2009 to obtain the medium strength concrete.
Two Grades of concrete mix i.e., M20 and M40.
Mixing is done on hard surface manually. First the sand and cement taken in correct
proportion and mixed in dry state. Then the coarse aggregate is added and mixed well using
trowels. The predetermined amount of water is added and mixed till the color is
homogeneous and the mix is workable.
Cubes specimens of size 150×150×150mm and Beam specimens of size
100x100x500mm were cast using the finalized mix proportion from Table No. 1 for M20 and
M40 grade concrete (control mix and GMW Concrete).
The specimens were kept in water tank and cured as per IS standard, water being
changed at regular interval. After the period of curing the specimens were taken from water
tank and allows to dried the specimen and then the specimen were tested.
Table No. 1: Finalized mix proportion.

Coarse Coarse
Type of Grade of W/c Cement Fine Aggregate Aggregate
No. concrete Concrete Ratio Aggregate (12.5mm)

1 M20 0.53 1 1.86 2.233 0.960

2 Control M40 0.40 1 1.23 1.641 0.700
3 M20 0.53 1 1.86 2.256 0.97
4 GMW M40 0.40 1 1.23 1.657 0.71

Table No. 2: Cost analyses.

Sl No. Type of concrete Cost/m3
1 Control concrete Rs. 4614.65
2 GMW concrete Rs. 4317.50
( at Gulbarga )
3 GMW concrete Rs. 3717.56
(Nearby Hutti, raichur)

Table No. 3: Compressive strength results.

Grade of Curing period W/c Average Average

concrete Ratio compressive strength compressive
in N/mm2(control) strength in
N/mm (GMW)
M20 7 days 0.53 22.846 26.598

14 days 0.53 24.502 28.195

28 days 0.53 31.218 34.008

M40 7 days 0.40 37.322 38.513
14 days 0.40 42.989 44.030
28 days 0.40 51.293 52.174
Table No. 4: Flexural strength results.

Grade of Curing W/c Ratio Average Average Theoretical

concrete period flexural flexural strength Value as per
strength in in IS 456-2000
N/mm (contro N/mm2(GMW) in N/mm2
14 days 0.53 4.58 4.8
M20 3.130
28 days 0.53 6.28 6.9

14 days 0.40 6.280 7.062

M40 4.430
28 days 0.40 8.306 9.060

a) Permeability Test
Table No. 5: Permeability Test results.

SL NO Grade of Type of concrete Avg. depth of penetration in cm


1. M20 Control 0.80

2. GMW 1.14

3. M40 Control 0.73

4. GMW 1.05

b) Chloride attack on concrete

Table No. 6: Chloride attack Test results.
Sl No. Grade of Type of Average loss of Average loss of
concrete concrete weight in % compressive
strength in %
1 M20 Control 0.183 1.78
2 GMW 0.324 2.51
3 M40 Control 0.170 1.81
4 GMW 0.300 2.45

a) The specific gravity for both locally available and GMW Coarse Aggregate are same but
Variation in Fineness modulus and bulk density due to manual crushing of GMW coarse
aggregate. The water absorption of GMW coarse aggregate is higher than local
b) GMW coarse aggregate are stronger as compare to local coarse aggregate, this evident
from the results of crushing value of both the aggregate.
c) The workability of local and GMW coarse aggregate is nearly same in terms of slump.
d) For M20 and M40 grade concrete, the compressive strength of both control and GMW
concrete has exceeded the target mean strength. The compressive strength of GMW
concrete is higher than the control concrete. The relation between 7 and 28 days
compressive strength is agreement with the various researchers.
e) For M20 and M40 grade concrete, the flexural strength of both control and GMW
concrete has exceeded the theoretical value of flexural strength. The flexural strength of
GMW concrete is higher than the control concrete. The relation between flexural and
compressive strength at 28 days is agreement with the various researchers.
f) From permeability tests results for M20 and M40 grade concrete, the depth of
penetration of GMW concrete is higher as compare to control concrete, this may be due
to high water absorption of GMW coarse aggregate.
g) Concrete using Goldmines waste coarse aggregate is resistant to chloride attack after
immersion for a period of 28 days
h) As per cost analyses, concrete using GMW coarse aggregates is economical than
concrete using local coarse aggregates, the more economy can be achieved if it is used
nearby Hutti goldmines Raichur.

Scope for further study:

In this present study, the local coarse aggregate is fully replaced by goldmines waste
(coarse aggregate) in preparation of concrete, which were not influenced on the fresh and
hardened state properties.
a) Cost optimization by using Goldmines waste near the Hutti Goldmines industry.
b) Use of Goldmines waste fine aggregates as replacement to natural sand.
c) Use of Goldmines tailing as a partially replacement of cement in mortar.
d) Goldmines waste coarse aggregate can be used in a pavement construction.

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