AWS PHB-7 - Manual para SMAW
AWS PHB-7 - Manual para SMAW
AWS PHB-7 - Manual para SMAW
Pocket Handbook
for Shielded Metal
Arc Welding
Number 7 in a series
NOTE: Although care was taken in choosing and presenting the data in this guide, AWS cannot guarantee that it is
error free. Further, this guide is not intended to be an exhaustive treatment of the topic and therefore may not include all
available information, including with respect to safety and health issues. By publishing this guide, AWS does not insure
anyone using the information it contains against any liability or injury to property or persons arising from that use.
Copyright American Welding Society
Provided by IHS under license with AWS 2Licensee=Cotemar SA de CV/5987603001, User=DOMINGUEZ, ALFONSO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 08/09/2017 08:01:27 MDT
Table of Contents
Basic Safety Precautions ...........................................4 Typical Shielded Metal Arc Electrode
AWS Specifications for Covered Electrodes ............6 Orientation and Welding Technique for
Engineering Functions of SMAW Electrode Carbon Steel Electrodes ..................................... 15
Coatings ................................................................7 Suggested Amperage Ranges
Current Requirements for SMAW Electrode Austenitic Stainless Steel (Type 3XX)
Classifications.......................................................8 Electrodes ....................................................... 16
Classification System for Carbon Steel Copper Alloy Electrodes..................................... 16
Electrodes for SMAW...........................................9 Nickel Alloy Steel Electrodes............................. 17
Interpretation of Last Digit in AWS Electrode Proper Care and Handling of SMAW Electrodes ... 18
Classification ......................................................10 Special Precautions for Low Hydrogen Electrodes... 20
Meaning of Suffix in Classification of Guide to Conditioning and Storage of
Carbon Steel and Low-Alloy Steel SMAW Steel Electrodes .................................................. 21
Electrodes ...........................................................11 Permissible Atmospheric Exposure of
Electrode Deposition Efficiency and Stub Low-Hydrogen Electrodes ................................. 22
Loss Factors ........................................................12 Suggested Joint Designs for SMAW Applications... 23
Suggested Amperage Ranges for Carbon Steel Basic Welding Symbols and Their Location
and Low-Alloy Steel Electrodes .........................13 Significance ........................................................ 31
Deposition Rate, 5/32 in. Diameter Covered Location of Elements of a Welding Symbol ........... 33
Cutting, and Allied Processes, for additional
Compressed Gas Cylinders. Keep caps on information.
cylinders when not in use. Make sure that gas
EXX20 AC or DCSP (horizontal fillet)
AC or DC either polarity (flat)
Last Digit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Type of slag Note b Organic Rutile Rutile Rutile Low Low Mineral Low
Hydrogen Hydrogen Hydrogen
Type of arc Digging Digging Medium Soft Soft Medium Medium Soft Medium
penetration Note c Deep Medium Light Light Medium Medium Medium Medium
Iron powder in 0–10% None 0–10% 0–10% 30–50% None None 50% 30–50%
G Needs only a minimum of one of the elements listed in the AWS A5.5 table for chemical requirements
Copyright American Welding Society
Provided by IHS under license with AWS Licensee=Cotemar SA de CV/5987603001, User=DOMINGUEZ, ALFONSO
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*Travel angle may be 10° to 30° for electrodes with heavy iron powder coatings.
The electrical resistivity of the core wire in these electrodes is exceptionally high. For this reason, excessive amperage will
overheat the electrode and damage the covering, causing arc instability and unacceptable amounts of splatter. Each classifica-
tion and size of electrode has an optimum amperage range.
when experiencing impact loads. This condition can electrodes while in their possession. For example,
be the result of dropping the electrode packages dur- in foggy, misty, and rainy weather, or in conditions
ing transportation of the materials to the job site or by of high humidity, the electrodes should be kept in a
hitting the packages with another object while in stor- closed container to prevent direct exposure of the
age or during material movement. It is the responsi- materials to the weather conditions. It is also
bility of the welder to inspect the electrodes prior to imperative that the electrodes not be kept or carried
use to ensure that the coating is intact and does not in the pockets of a welder, as exposure to perspira-
show indications of damage. tion or other body moisture may cause the coating
The recommendations contained in this pocket hand- The electrode manufacturer will have recommen-
book represent good welding practices. Many weld- dations for processing their products. Valuable
ing codes have specific requirements for handling information can be obtained from the manufacturers
electrodes and for the time of electrode exposure in for handling, using, and reconditioning SMAW
the atmosphere during the welding operation. The electrodes.
E70XX 4 max
E70XXR 9 max Over 4 to 10 max
E70XXHZR 9 max
E7018M 9 max
E70XX-X 4 max Over 4 to 10 max
E80XX-X 2 max Over 2 to 10 max
E90XX-X 1 max Over 1 to 5 max
E100XX-X 1/2 max Over 1/2 to 4 max
E110XX-X 1/2 max Over 1/2 to 4 max
1. Column A: Electrodes exposed to atmosphere for longer periods than shown shall be redried before use.
2. Column B: Electrodes exposed to atmosphere for longer periods than those established by testing shall be redried before use.
3. Entire table: Electrodes shall be issued and held in quivers, or other small open containers. Heated containers are not mandatory.
4. The optional supplemental designator, R, designates a low-hydrogen electrode which has been tested for covering moisture content after
exposure to a moist environment for 9 hours and has met the maximum level permitted in ANSI/AWS A5.1-91, Specification for Carbon
Steel Electrodes for Shielded Metal Arc Welding.
Provided by IHS under license with AWS Licensee=Cotemar SA de CV/5987603001, User=DOMINGUEZ, ALFONSO
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Suggested Joint Designs for SMAW Applications (Continued)
Copyright American Welding Society
Provided by IHS under license with AWS 26
Licensee=Cotemar SA de CV/5987603001, User=DOMINGUEZ, ALFONSO
No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 08/09/2017 08:01:27 MDT
Copyright American Welding Society
Suggested Joint Designs for SMAW
Provided by IHS under license with AWS
Applications (Continued)
Licensee=Cotemar SA de CV/5987603001, User=DOMINGUEZ, ALFONSO
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