Hardscape Materials - 1
Hardscape Materials - 1
Hardscape Materials - 1
item no. item catogry descrep=on Common uses image compa=ble standards
Pile height: 25mm Gauge: 3/8" density: 16800 s.ch/m2 between pavers / natural turf
S003 ar.ficial grass synthe.c turf backing: PP Cloth + mesh + SBR latex Yarn:9000Dtex PP+PE replacment op.on
dimensions:300x600 thickness:400mm units per m2: 11
walkways, side walks , landscaping
P005 concrete .les pavers units , colors: Dark grey natrual cement , sandstone , beige,
ASTM C 936-08
Dimension: 200x100, thicknes 60,80,100mm units per m2: driveway , walkways , parking area
P009 Interlock pavers
50 units colors: crimsom red, yellow , grey. side walks , landscaping pavment
ASTM C 936-08
Dimension:190x220, thicknes 60,80mm units per m2: 35 driveway , walkways , parking area
P012 Interlock pavers units colors: crimsom red, yellow , grey. side walks , landscaping pavment
ASTM C 936-08
pigmented wet pour ,thickness: 10-100mm (SBR mixed with
R002 Rubber flooring Reselient ground cover color powder) composi.on & material: SBR and flexilon playground surfacing /exercise area ASTM F 1951-99
binder + iron oxide for color powder