Bang Tong Hop Cua Hinh VI Hoc

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Numbers Bound bases Meaning Example

1 audi- hear audible, audibility, audition

(n/v), auditory, auditorium
2 -cide killing suicide, patricide, matricide,
3 ora- mouth/speak oration, oracle, oratory, orator
4 aqua- or aque- water aquaplane, aqueduct, aqueous,
aquarium, aquatic
5 mor(t)- death/dead mortuary, mortal, immortal,
6 corp- the whole physical corps, corpse, corporation,
body of a human corporeal
being or an
animal/group of
people working or
acting as a unit
7 ten- hold tenable, tenant, tenure,
8 pend- hang pendulum, pendant,
suspender, impending
9 man- hand manicure, manuscript,
manacle, manual
10 ject- throw/ shoot 1. Prefix e- = outward(s) :
eject (from sth)
2. prefix in- = in(to)/
inward(s) : inject
3. prefix pro- = forward(s) :
project, projectile
4. prefix re- = backward(s):
11 -vise/vis- see revise, devise, vision, visionary,
visible, visibility, visual, audio-
12 -dic(t) say contradict, dictate, dictum,
diction, dictionary
13 -gress go regress, regressive, regression,
progress (n/v), progressive,
progression, egress, ingress
14 -ven(e) come intervene, intervening,
convene, contravene,
15 -cur(r) run recur, recurrence, current
(adj/n), currency
16 -spect look inspect, spectacles, spectacle,
prospect, perspective,
17 -pos(e) place/put oppose, depose, propose,
deposit, impose
18 -rod(e) gnaw rodent, erode, erosion, erosive
19 -port carry portable. deport, transport,
20 -rupt break rupture, erupt, abrupt, corrupt,
21 ann- year annual, annuity, annuitant,
22 gamy- marriage bigamy, polygamy
23 -tain hold
24 -ceive/-cept/- take
25 -fer carry/ bear
26 -clude shut/close

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