Performance Appraisal Project

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A project report submitted to CMED School of Management. In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree Of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION By S.NAVANITHA (39308ED125)

Ratna Nilay, Near Flyover, Narayanaguda, Hyderabad-29 Ph.040-66639393

I S.Navanitha declare that the project report entitled A study on assessing employees performance A Case Study at AP FOREST ACADEMY, is an original and bonafide work done by me during the academic year 2008-2010. This is being submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of the Master of Business Administration. The matter embodied in this report has not been submitted for the award of any other degree or diploma.



I consider as a great privilege to thank all those people who helped me to complete this project work. I express my sincere thanks to the CMED School of Management and our respected director Dr. Rama Krishna garu for giving me this opportunity to under take the project work.

I am gratified to my project guide Dr.Rama Krishna garu, with out whose guidance and encouragement at all levels , the study wouldnt have been completed.

I express my profound thanks to, Dr.c.Suvarna (IFS), V.S.Moses (Deputy Dir.) for giving an opportunity to help me complete my project & Mr. P.Chandra Shekhar Training coordinator, of AP FOREST ACADEMY, Hyderabad, for giving me valuable advice and guidance and sparing valuable time in clarifying various doubts raised by me.


The strength of any organization is its people. If people attended to work properly they can recognize their talents by developing their capabilities and utilizing them appropriately, organizations are likely to be dynamic and grow fast. Ultimately the varieties of tasks in any organization have to be accomplished by the people. Some of them may have capabilities to do certain tasks better than other task. And some of them may not have capabilities to do the tasks assigned to them. In this situation one of the important activity conducted by any organization is performance appraisal. Employee performance is the only way to achieve organizational objectives. So, Performance Appraisal has achieved a greater importance in Human Resource Management. So the main objective of the project is to analyze the employee level of satisfaction by Assessing the employees performance, as the organization does not follow the performance Appraisal system the study is conducted to know where the employees stand so far in their Performance and to suggest where the employees are lagging in their performance and Suggest the organization to give them a proper guidance for the purpose of their Development.


1. Research Methodology 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Objective of the study Need of the study Source of the data Sample size Limitation of the study

2. Literature Review 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Definitions 2.3 Purpose of performance appraisal 2.4 Process of performance appraisal 2.5 Methods of Performance appraisal system 2.6 Components of appraisal evaluation

3. Company Profile 3.1 Brief information about academy 3.2 Objectives and vision of the academy 3.3 Activities taken up by academy 3.4 Highlights and awards of the academy 3.5 Future plans of action by academy

4. Data analysis and interpretation

5. Findings and conclusions 5.1 5.2 5.3 Findings, suggestions and conclusions Questionnaires Bibliography



1. Objectives of the study:

o To analyze the training systems for further development of employees. o To know where the employee stand in so far as their performance is considered and to assist them with constructive criticism and guidance for the purpose of development. o To determine the career growth of employees. o To know the level of satisfaction of both the executive and ministerial staff working at AP FOREST ACADEMY. o To know the knowledge level of the employees. o To provide suggestions if any, for more effective performance by employee to achieve organizational goals. o To know weather the management is involved in assessing the performance of the employees.

2. NEED OF THE STUDY: Human resource is that type of resource, which needs some policies and Procedures for effective and smooth functioning of the organization. Every organization tries to perform itself at the most possible way, which again requires potential man power for that. So; the potential man power is to be selected so as to achieve good results. Here, performance appraisal plays a major role for getting the potential employees in to the organization, so the need of the study is to know how the present topic effects the organization if the topic has been implemented by the organization. Source Personnel Management (book) - By C.B.Mamoria

3. SOURCE OF DATA: Primary Data:Primary data are those which are collected a fresh and for the first time. Primary data for the study is collected through questionnaire and questionnaire is used in closed form. Secondary Data:The secondary data has been collected from the company records and website.

4. Questionnaire design and sample size: There are a total of 15 questions that aims to cover all aspects needed by employee to perform well in the organization. In those 6 questions specifies performances of the superior and subordinate. It includes multiple choice questions (Nominal Scale). The sample size taken for the study includes workers (males & females) of the department. The total sample taken for the study is 125 members. 5. DATA ANALYSIS: The statistical tool SPSS is used for analysis. The data pertaining to different dimensions of employees. Simple statistical data like % are used in interpretation of data results are illustrated by means of Bar charts.

Limitations of the study: The sample used for the study has been taken from the executive & ministerial staff of AP Forest Academy & FSOS & FBOS of forest department. Time constraint is also one of the limitations, because of the busy schedule of some employees data has not been collected from those employees. Few people failed to give exact information for the first particular 6 questions as they have to give ratings for superiors and subordinates.


INTRODUCTION: Managing employee performance is an integral part of the work that all managers and rating officials perform throughout the year. It is as important as managing financial resources and program outcomes because employee performance or the lack thereof, has a profound effect on both the financial and program components of any organization. The Department of the Interiors performance management policy is designed to document the expectations of individual and organizational performance, provide a meaningful process by which employees can be rewarded for noteworthy contributions to the organization, and provide a mechanism to improve individual/organizational performance as necessary. To accomplish these objectives, managers need to identify organizational goals to be accomplished, communicate individual and organizational goals to employees that support the overall strategic mission and Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) goals of the Department, monitor and evaluate employee performance, and use performance as a basis for appropriate personnel actions, including rewarding noteworthy performance and taking action to improve less than successful performance.

Performance appraisal is the method of assessing the contribution of employees at different levels of the organization during a particular period of time. According to Wayne F Cascio (1995) performance appraisal is defined as the systematic description of job related strengths and weaknesses of an individual or a group. Performance evaluation or Performance appraisal is the process of assessing the performance and the progress of an employee or a group of employees on a given job and his potential for future development. According to Flip, Performance appraisal is the systematic, periodic and an impartial rating of an employees excellence in matters pertaining to his present job and his potential for a better job. A formal definition of Performance Appraisal system is that, it is the

systematic evaluation of the individual with respect to his or her Performance on the job and his or her potential for development. The performance appraisal system is introduced to replace casual assessment of Performance with formal, systematic procedures. The underlying philosophy behind the Performance appraisal system is the assessment of performance on a continuous basis, which can be openly shared with the concerned subordinate.

Sourcepersonal management -by C.B.Mamoria

Process of Performance Appraisal:

1. Establishing Performance standards 2. Communicating the standards 3. Measuring the actual performance 4. Discussing Results 5. Decision Making Establishing performance standards: 1. The first step in the process of performance appraisal is the setting up of the standards which will be used as the base to compare the actual performance of the employee. 2. This step requires setting the criteria to judge the performance of the employees as successful or unsuccessful and the degrees of their contribution to the organizational goal and objectives. 3. The standards set should be clear, easy understandable and measurable . Communicating the standards: 1. The standards once set it is the responsibility of the management to communicate the standards to all the employees of the organization. 2. This will help them to understand their roles and to know what exactly is expected from them. 3. The standards should also be communicated to the appraisers or the evaluators and if required, the standards can also be modified at this stage itself according to the relevant feedback from the employees or the evaluators. Measuring the actual performance: 1. The most difficult part of the Performance appraisal process is measuring the actual performance. 2. It is a continuous process which involves monitoring the performance throughout the year. 3. This stage requires the careful selection of the appropriate techniques of measurement, taking care that personal bias does not affect the outcome of the process and providing assistance rather than interfering in an employees work.

Discussing Results: 1. The result of the appraisal is communicated and discussed with the employees on one-to-one basis. The focus of this discussion is on communication and listening. 2. The results, the problems and the possible solutions are discussed with the aim of problem solving and reaching the goal

3. The feedback should be given with a positive attitude as this can have an effect on the employees future performance. The purpose of the meeting should be to solve the problems faced and motivate the employees to perform better. Decision Making: The last step of the process is to take decisions which can be taken either to improve the performance of the employees, take the required corrective actions, or the related HR decisions like rewards, promotions, demotions, transfers etc.

Purpose of Performance Appraisal:

Making payroll and compensation decisions 80% Training and development needs 71% Identifying the gaps in desired and actual performance and its cause 76% Deciding future goals and course of action 42% Promotions, demotions and transfers 49%


With the evaluation of the appraisal system number of methods or techniques of performance appraisal have been developed. They are as follows. Traditional methods 1. Graphic rating scales. 2. Check lists. 3. Ranking method 4. Forced distribution method. 5. Critical incident method. 7. Group appraisal 8. Performance test and observation. 9. Annual confidential reports. 10. Essay methods. Traditional Methods: 1. GRAPHIC RATING SCALES: Here the individuals is assessed on the quantity or quality of his work as well as on other factors which vary with the job but include personal traits such as co-operation, loyalty, reliability as well as specific items such as communication. Here a graphic scale is used such as starting with outstanding and going on to above average, average or satisfactory. It is very widely used rating method. 2. CHECK LISTS: The check list method is a simple rating technique in which the superior is given a list of statements representing the characteristics and performance of each employee. Modern methods 1. Behaviorally anchored rating scales 2. Assessment center 3.Human resource accounting 4. Management by objectives 5. Psychological appraisal

3. Ranking method: Under this method the employees are ranked from best to worst on some characteristics. the rater first find the employees with the highest and lowest performance in that particular job category and rate the performer as the best and later as the poorest.

4. FORCED DISTRIBUTION METHOD: The rates may rate his employee at the higher or at the lower end of the scale under earlier methods. This method is developed to present the rates from rating too high or too low. The rates after assigning the points to the performance of each employee have to distribution. This method eliminates central tendency and leniency bases.

5. CRITICAL INCIDENT METHOD: Often discussing ratings with employee particularly on the basis of traits such as initiative, reliability, etc. have been found to demotivate them of negative feedback. The critical incidents method shifts the emphasis from traits to behavior, which can be more readily discussed. The supervisors keep a book where they record for each employee from time to time, actual incidents of negative or positive behavior.

6. Group appraisal: Under this method an appraiser is by a group of appraisers. This group consists of the immediate supervisor of the employee to other supervisors who has close contacts with the employees work, manager or head of the department and consultants. 7. PERFORMANCE TEST AND OBSERVATION: With a limited number of jobs, employee assessment may be Based upon a test of knowledge or skills. The test must be reliable and validated to be useful. Even then, performance tests are to measure potential more than Actual performance. 8. ANNUAL CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS: Confidential records are maintained mostly in government a department through its application in the industry is not ruled out. The system was highly secretive ants confidential feedback to the assesses was given only incase of an adverse entry. The annual confidential report (ACR) was highly subjective ratings were easily manipulated because the evaluation was linked to promotion. 9. ESSAY METHODS: This is the easiest method where the rater is required to write a paragraph on the subordinates strengths, weakness and so on. For example, in case of selection, this sort of appraisal is often sought from the previous employer. However, as different to compare essay rating. Thus, some from of formal method such as the Graphic Rating Scale has to be used.

MODERN METHODS: 1. BEHAVIORALLY ANCHORED RATING SCALES (BARS): This method combines elements of the traditional rating scales and critical incidents methods, using BARS, job behavior from critical effective and ineffective behaviors are described more objectively. The method employs individual who are familiar with a particular job to identify its major components they then rank as validate specific behavior for each of the components

2. MANAGEMENT BY OBJECTIVE: As against the work-standards approach where the standards were fixed by management, in the Management by objective approach the employee are required at times to set their own performance standards or arrive at a consensus regarding the standards with their supervisors. MBO has become very popular during the last ten years and in some organizations has even become a fad. However it is found that at lower organization levels employees very often are reluctant to set their own goals. When this problem is experienced, some from of coercion is used and MBO degenerates into the work-standards approach. In such a case, it is better to adopt the work-standards approach. In such a case, it is better to adopt the work-standards approach.

3. PSYCHOLOGICAL APPRAISALS: Large organization employee full time industrial psychologist. When psychologist is used for evaluations they assess an individuals future potential and not past performance. They appraisal normally consist of in-depth interviews, psychologist then writes an evaluation of the employees intellectual, emotional, motivational and other work related characteristics. Thus suggests individual potential and may predict future performance.

4. ASSESSMENT CENTERS: This method of appraising was first applied in German army in 1930; later business and industrial houses started using the method. It is system where assessment of several individuals is done various experts by using various techniques. These techniques include role playing case studies simulation exercise structure in sight transaction analysis.

5. Human resource accounting: HR accounting deals with the cost of contribution of human resource to the organization. Cost of employees includes cost of man power planning recruitment selection induction placement training development wages and benefits etc.

COMPONENTS OF APPRAISAL EVALUATION Who will appraise: The appraise may be any person who has thorough knowledge about job context, Contents to be appraised, standards of contents and who is performing the job. The appraiser should be capable of determine what is more important and what is relatively less important. He should prepare reports and make judgments without basis.

Typical Appraises are: Superior Peer Subordinates Employee themselves/ self appraisal Users of service and consultants appraisal by all These parties are called 360-degree performance Appraisal. When to Appraise:Informal appraisals are conducted whenever the superiors or personal manager helps it necessary. However, systematic appraisals are conducted on regular basis, say for example, every six months or/annual. Whose performance should be appraised?

The individual employee, workgroup or divisions of an organization and the people who are working behind the curtains.

The Evaluation Process: The process of evaluation follows as set pattern, which are follows. Establishing performance standards: Communicate performance expectations to employees Measure actual Performance. Compare actual performance with standard Discussion Appraisal with the employee It necessary initiate corrective action


INTRODUCTION A.P. Forest Academy is located at Hyderabad Nagpur National Highway in Dulapally forest block situated 24 kms away from the city of Hyderabad. The location offers and ideal atmosphere for conducting trading and education activities. This academy was established in the year 1987 as state institute of forestry training under CIDA sponsored project. It was renamed as A.P.Forest academy (APFA) w.e.f. January 2001. APFA has well equipped training facilities conference halls, indoor, auditorium, outdoor auditorium, audiovisual aids, library, hostel and transport facilities to undertake training programmers, seminars, workshops and other extension activities. OBJECTIVES OF AP FOREST ACADEMY: To provide opportunities to develop and upgrade and disseminate the knowledge, experience and expertise and to develop knowledge bank to cater to the stakeholders in NRM sector.

To assist, collaborate and organizing training programmes and action research in various NRM related subjects, including the fields of development, administration, industries, and corporate management dependent on natural resources besides human resource development.

To develop and promote reasonably adequate infrastructure to impart and assist more effective trainings, consultancies, research and development programmes, extension activity, monitoring and evaluation of various programmes aimed at alleviating rural poverty.

To develop and promote special areas of interest in Joint / Community Forest Management, Rural Development, community participation with special reference to tribals, and other forest dependent communities in development and management of NRM.

To develop and promote Information Technology, especially in the areas of Geometrics, Remote Sensing, use of GPS, Management of Information System based on latest technologies.

THE VISION: To develop AP forest academy into a premier institute and knowledge hub not only in AP but also in the country with modern technologies and expertise for imparting effective training in participatory Natural Resource Management and for conducting studies in NRM sector. Human resources The academy is headed by director general assisted by director or additional director ten dy. Directors, Five assistance Director and two forest section officers. Apart from the faculty, senior officers of Forest Department and subject experts on various sources are regular invented to deliver the lecture sessions in regular and refresher trainings. Administrative wing is having a superintendent, three senior assistants, a junior assistant, two physical training instructor, six office subordinates, three office associates and three computer operators for smooth running of office. Also training coordinators and training hall assistants are engaged for effective management of training programmer. Activities taken up by academy The A.P forest academy, dulapally is activity involved in diverse activities such as conducting trainings, workshops and seminars, study tours, action research, environmental education and extension activities with an objective to build capacities of communities and service providers under different schemes. Training programs: APFA organized three types of training programs: job course training, refresher courses a certificate course training on integrated Natural Resources Management for sustainable development. Job course trainings:

In order to conduct in service trainings to field functionaries of A.P.Forest Development, a forest school was started in 1926 at Nizamabad. It was shifted to Mahaboobabad and subsequently to Yellandu in the year 1941. The forest guard training school functioning g at Sudikonda in the East Godavari district was merged with forest school, yellandu in the year1969. From 01.10.2001 onwards, the in-service training of forest section officers has been conducted at APFA. Forest beat officers training was also shifted to APFA during August 2006. Forest Beat Officers training was also shifted to APFA during august 2006. The training module includes class room lecture sessions, field visits, field work, special lectures by senior officers and subject experts, education tours, practical sessions and extension activities.

Government of Indian trainings: The Directorate of Forest Education MOEF, dehradun has been releasing funds for organizing refresher training for frontline staff. The participants are called from all the divisions and wing of the state forest department. Compulsory vertical training for IFS officers has also been regularly sponsored by MOEF, National medical plants board is also fund in the academy for conducting the workshops training programmers on medical and aromatic plants. Training for service providers and communities: The academy has been conducting training programmer with and objective to improve the management of natural resources, create awareness on forest development among the communities, personality development of communities and disseminate rapid changes that are happening in technology improvement. INTERNATIONAL TRAININGS: The academy has imparted training on Fundamentals of Forest Management to the officers of Maldives. This was sponsored by Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations during 2007.Academy collaborated with West Virginia University as a part of internationalization of forestry project. Study tours and seminars were organized as part of the program me in USA as well as India. Foresters from Srilanka were also trained earlier. CERTIFICATE COURSE ON NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: The APFA in collaboration with IBRAD, Kolkata introduced a four month certificate course on Natural Resource Management to develop a cadre of Natural Resource Managers with special emphasis on forestry. WORKSHOPS / SEMINARS:

The above are being organized from time to time to disseminate information and new technologies among the stakeholders of forestry sector, review the implementation of programmers, develop, monitor and evaluate mechanisms. ACTION RESEARCH: APFA has undertaken action research studies on various forestry and social developmental activities like gender mainstreaming of the forest frontline staff, database analysis, training impact assessment etc.

FUNDING: Major funding comes from the government of Andhra Pradesh under plan scheme i.e., Andhra Pradesh Community Forest Management (APCFM) project sponsored by the World Bank. Under non-plan also, some funds are allocated by the state government for conducting various activities. Regular establishment costs like salaries are met from the non-plan funds and the outsourcing costs are met from APCFM project funds. CO-ORDINATION WITH NATIONAL LEVEL INSTITUTIONS: The academy has coordinated with different national level training institutes for organizing training programmes like effective human resource training and development, managing of human relations in organizations, rural marketing, promoting participatory practices in NRM, micro-finance, promotion of SHGs, qualitative research methods of participatory forest management, bio-diversity, gender, team building and conflict management, management of change etc. OUR EXPERIENCE: Training has been imparted for about 23431 participants over a period of more than one and half a decade. IFS officers from different states underwent training in 9 batches on livelihood development strategies in forest fringe villages, best practices in forest management etc. 13 trainings for the forest frontline staff have been organized in association with directorate of forest education, GOI, Dehradun. A project capacity building and entrepreneurship development in medicinal plants was sanctioned in 2004 by national medicinal plants board for organizing training programmes and workshops on medicinal and aromatic plants.

National level workshops were organized on Bamboo for Livelihoods and on Gender Mainstreaming. CAF (children and forestry education) is being taken up to lay focus on environmental education and extension activities. THEMES: Natural Resources Management, NWFP, Livelihood planning, Bamboo for livelihood promotion, forest based crafts development, clean sustainable livelihoods, participatory bio-diversity conservation, community sivilculture, medicinal plants cultivation, development & marketing etc.

SIFT (state institute of forestry training) was converted into AP forest academy in the

year 2001.

The world bank funded AP forestry project phase 1 provided necessary funds for building the initial infrastructure like administrative building, hostel, staff quarters etc.

MOE&F has chosen APFA as one of the premier institutions in the country for imparting one week compulsory training to IFS officers in 2001-2002.

Recognizing the valuable contribution mode by APFA in training the personnel and communities involved in forest management, the Indian council of forestry research and education (ICFRE) has awarded APFA, a national prize in forestry extension along with Rs. 10000/- cash prize during the year 2001-2002.

APFA was awarded government of AP Merit Certificate also.

So far eight compulsory training programmers have been conducted for IFS officers in association with MOEF.

13 trainings for the forest frontline staff have been organized in association with Directorate of Forest Education, GOI, and Dehradun.

Training on forestry matters and joint forest management was imparted to Srilankan participants in 2003.

A project capacity building and entrepreneurship development in medicinal plants

was sanctioned in 2004 by national medicinal plants board for organizing training programmers and workshops on medicinal and aromatic plants

A national level workshop was organized on Bamboo for Livelihoods in 2005 in which about 450 participants representing FD officers, NGOs, Basket weavers, Marketing agencies and industries took part.

CAF programmed was initiated by APFA in 2005 to lay focus on environmental education and extension activities.
Two workshops on environmental education were conducted in the years 2005 &

2006 under CAF program me.

A workshop on collaborative partnership among village level and supportive

institutions for sustainable NRM and Livelihoods Security was organized on collaboration with IIFM, Bhopal in 2006.

Forest extension activities were taken up on a large scale by utilizing the mass medium Doordarshan channel in 2006 and 2007.

Database software for APFA was developed in January 2007.

A diagnostic study to assess the training needs and develop a training module for the benefit of the officers and staff of the AP forest department was organized in collaboration with IIFM, Bhopal in January 2007.

A two week training program me on Fundamentals in Forest Management was

organized for Maldives foresters in collaboration with FAO in March 2007.

APFA has introduced a four month certificate course in natural resource management in the year 2007 for developing a cadre of natural resource managers.

AWARDS Visitors from various parts of the country are informing that the A.P. Forest Academy is a premier training centre among the state forestry training institutes in the country in view of its magnitude and quality of operations. Recognizing the valuable contribution made by A.P. Forest Academy in training the personnel and communities involved in Forest Management the Indian council of Forestry and Research and Education (ICFRE) have awarded a national prize in Forestry extension for the year 2001-2002. A.P. Forest department received awards in the year 2004 (Silver Icon) and in the year 2005 (Gold Icon) from Govt of India for e-governance initiatives FUTURE PLAN OF ACTION A proposal for registration of Centre for Forest and Natural Resources Management (CEFNARM) under the Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Areas) public societys registrant Act 1350 F is under consideration of the Government. Action is underway to strengthen the existing capabilities of the Academy especially in terms of quality and effectiveness of the Programmes on one hand and to diversify into the new fields on the other.


Frequencies Age


20-30 31-40 41-50 Above 50 Total

Frequency 57 30 19 19 125

Percent 45.6 24.0 15.2 15.2 100.0

Valid Percent 45.6 24.0 15.2 15.2 100.0

Cumulative Percent 45.6 69.6 84.8 100.0






y c n u q e r F
20 10 0 20-30 31-40 41-50 Above 50


The above mentioned diagram shows that the majority of the respondents are majorly belongs to the age group of 20-30,and around 24% of the respondents belong to the age group of 31-40,and the remaining respondents are from age group of 41-50 & above 50.


Frequency Valid Deputy director Training coordinator Office staff FSO FBO Total 4 2 8 60 51 125

Percent 3.2 1.6 6.4 48.0 40.8 100.0

Valid Percent 3.2 1.6 6.4 48.0 40.8 100.0

Cumulative Percent 3.2 4.8 11.2 59.2 100.0






y c n u q e r F
20 10 0 Deputy director Training coordinator Office staff FSO FBO


The above designation graph effectively places a major importance of collecting data from FSOs & FBOs, and the rest of the data collected from executive staff i.e. (deputy directors) and ministerial staff i.e.(training coordinators & office staff)



0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 Above 20 Total

Frequency 49 27 6 13 30 125

Percent 39.2 21.6 4.8 10.4 24.0 100.0

Valid Percent 39.2 21.6 4.8 10.4 24.0 100.0

Cumulative Percent 39.2 60.8 65.6 76.0 100.0





y c n u q e r F



0 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 Above 20


The above mentioned table shows that the 39.2% of the employees are of 0-5 years of experience & 24% of the employees have above 20years of experience, these employees pertaining to the age group of 41-50 & above 50, and the remaining 14% of the employees have 6-15 years of experience.



7th 10th Inter Degree PG Total

Frequency 2 23 15 60 24 124 1 125

Percent 1.6 18.4 12.0 48.0 19.2 99.2 .8 100.0

Valid Percent 1.6 18.5 12.1 48.4 19.4 100.0

Cumulative Percent 1.6 20.2 32.3 80.6 100.0

Missing Total







y c n u q e r F
20 10 0 7th 10th Inter Degree PG


The above mentioned graph shows that the majority of the employees i.e. more than half of the total respondents (60 members) are graduates, and 19.2% of the employees are post graduates, and the remaining 20% of the employees has the qualification of 10th and inter ,and its only tow members who has the qualification of 7th class.

Accurately and thoroughly applies requisite knowledge and skills necessary to complete work.
Accurately and thoroughly applies requisite knowledge and skills necessary to complete work.


exceptional Above expectations Meets expectations Needs improvement unsatisfactory Total System

Frequency 29 24 46 22 2 123 2 125

Percent 23.2 19.2 36.8 17.6 1.6 98.4 1.6 100.0

Valid Percent 23.6 19.5 37.4 17.9 1.6 100.0

Cumulative Percent 23.6 43.1 80.5 98.4 100.0

Missing Total

Accurately and throughly applies requisite knowledge and skills necessary to complete work.



y c n u q e r F



0 exceptional Above expectations Meets expectations Needs improvement unsatisfactory

Accurately and throughly applies requisite knowledge and skills necessary to complete work.

The above table shows that 36.8% of the employees meets expectations in applying knowledge and skills to complete work, and 23.2% of employees feel that they are exceptional and the remaining 40% of the employees are above expectations & needs improvement and very few like 1.6% i.e. (2 members) are unsatisfactory.

Productively and efficiently handles volume of work required by job and meets deadlines.
Productively and efficiently handles volume of work required by job and meets deadlines.


exceptional Above expectations Meets expectations Needs improvement Unsatisfactory Total System

Frequency 37 33 35 16 1 122 3 125

Percent 29.6 26.4 28.0 12.8 .8 97.6 2.4 100.0

Valid Percent 30.3 27.0 28.7 13.1 .8 100.0

Cumulative Percent 30.3 57.4 86.1 99.2 100.0

Missing Total

Productively and efficently handles volume of work required by job and meets deadlines.



y c n u q e r F
10 0 exceptional Above expectations Meets expectations Needs improvement Unsatisfactory

Productively and efficently handles volume of work required by job and meets deadlines.

The above table shows that highest percentage (29.6%) of the employees feel that they are exceptional in efficiently handling the work, and 54.4% of employees opinion is above expectations and meets expectations. and very few employees feel that they need improvement in efficiently handling the work, and out of 125 respondents one employee was unsatisfactory and 3 of employees has not mentioned their opinion.

Capably articulates thoughts and ideas while speaking.

Capably articulates thoughts and ideas while speaking.


exceptional Above expectations Meets expectations Needs improvement Unsatisfactory Total System

Frequency 27 42 44 9 1 123 2 125

Percent 21.6 33.6 35.2 7.2 .8 98.4 1.6 100.0

Valid Percent 22.0 34.1 35.8 7.3 .8 100.0

Cumulative Percent 22.0 56.1 91.9 99.2 100.0

Missing Total

Capably articulates thoughts and ideas while speaking.




y c n u q e r F



0 exceptional Above expectations Meets expectations Needs improvement Unsatisfactory

Capably articulates thoughts and ideas while speaking.

The above table shows that 35.2% of the employees meets expectations in communicating their thoughts and ideas ,and 54% of the employees feel exceptional(21%) and above expectations(33.6%).and the remaining 7.2% i.e.(9 members) feel that they need improvement in communicating.

Develops plans and organize projects, tasks and resource to accomplish work objectives.
Develops plans and organize projects, tasks and resource to accomplish work objectives.


exceptional Above expectations Meets expectations Needs improvement Total System

Frequency 39 32 36 16 123 2 125

Percent 31.2 25.6 28.8 12.8 98.4 1.6 100.0

Valid Percent 31.7 26.0 29.3 13.0 100.0

Cumulative Percent 31.7 57.7 87.0 100.0

Missing Total

Develops,plans and organize projects,tasks and resource to accomplish work objectives.




y c n u q e r F
10 0 exceptional Above expectations Meets expectations Needs improvement

Develops,plans and organize projects,tasks and resource to accomplish work objectives.

The above graph shows that highest percent (31.2%) of the employees opinion was exceptional in accomplishing work objective, and 54.4% of the employees opinion was meets expectations (28.8%) and above expectations (25.6%) and the remaining 16 members opinion was they need improvement for accomplishing work objective.

Capably handles organization issues in a confident manner.

Capably handles organization issues in a confident manner.


exceptional Above expectations Meets expectations Needs improvement Unsatisfactory Total System

Frequency 51 61 3 1 7 123 2 125

Percent 40.8 48.8 2.4 .8 5.6 98.4 1.6 100.0

Valid Percent 41.5 49.6 2.4 .8 5.7 100.0

Cumulative Percent 41.5 91.1 93.5 94.3 100.0

Missing Total

Capably handles organization issues in a confident manner.






y c n u q e r F



0 exceptional Above expectations Meets expectations Needs improvement Unsatisfactory

Capably handles organization issues in a confident manner.

The above table shows that most of the respondents (112 members) opinion was exceptional and above expectations in handling organization issues, and the remaining (11 respondents), 7 of them were unsatisfactory, 3 of them meets expectations and one respondent opinion was needs improvement.

Analyze problems, develops alternatives for solving and initiates corrective actions.

Analyze problems, develops alternatives for solving and initiates corrective actions. Cumulative Percent 47.9 90.9 93.4 94.2 100.0

Frequency Valid Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Cant say Total Missing Total System 58 52 3 1 7 121 4 125

Percent 46.4 41.6 2.4 .8 5.6 96.8 3.2 100.0

Valid Percent 47.9 43.0 2.5 .8 5.8 100.0

Analyze problems,develops alternatives for solving and initiates corrective actions.





y c n u q e r F
20 10 0 Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Cant say

Analyze problems,develops alternatives for solving and initiates corrective actions.

The above table shows that 46.4% of the employees are strongly agree that they initiates corrective actions for solving problems and 41.6% of the employees opinion was agree and the remaining employees opinion was like disagree(3 members),strongly disagree(1 member) and (7 members) cant say.

How often you delegate authority to your subordinate at work place?

How often you delegate authority to your subordinate at work place? Cumulative Percent 9.0 54.9 95.9 100.0

Frequency Valid Large extent Some extent Rarely Never Total Missing Total System 11 56 50 5 122 3 125

Percent 8.8 44.8 40.0 4.0 97.6 2.4 100.0

Valid Percent 9.0 45.9 41.0 4.1 100.0

How often you delegate authority to your subordinate at work place?





y c n u q e r F
20 10 0 Large extent Some extent Rarely Never

How often you delegate authority to your subordinate at work place?

The above graph shows that employees rarely delegate authority to their subordinates at work place.

Level of motivational skills use to improve positive performance among your subordinate to achieve organization goals.

Level of motivational skills use to improve positive performance among your subordinate to achieve organization goals. Cumulative Percent 57.6 89.6 99.2 100.0

Frequency Valid Large extent Some extent Rarely Never Total 72 40 12 1 125

Percent 57.6 32.0 9.6 .8 100.0

Valid Percent 57.6 32.0 9.6 .8 100.0

Level of motivational skills use to improve positive performance among your subordinate to achive organization goals.



y c n u q e r F
20 0 Large extent Some extent Rarely Never

Level of motivational skills use to improve positive performance among your subordinate to achive organization goals.

The above graph shows that more than half of the employees motivate their subordinate performance to large extent i.e. (57.6%) of employees, and 32% of the employees opinion was some extent and the remaining 9.6% opinion was rarely and .8% i.e. one member opinion was never.

To what extent you cooperate with your colleagues?

To what extent you cooperate with your colleagues? Cumulative Percent 56.8 92.0 99.2 100.0

Frequency Valid Large extent Some extent Rarely Never Total 71 44 9 1 125

Percent 56.8 35.2 7.2 .8 100.0

Valid Percent 56.8 35.2 7.2 .8 100.0

To what extent you cooperate with your colleagues?




y c n u q e r F
20 0 Large extent Some extent Rarely Never

To what extent you cooperate with your colleagues?

The above graph shows that more than half of the employees cooperate with their colleagues to large extent i.e. (56.8%), and 35.2% of the employees cooperate to some extent and a very few employees like 7.2% rarely cooperate.

Have you used creative ability to discuss and work with colleagues to think up new systems and styles of working?

Have you used creative ability to discuss and work with colleagues to think up new systems and styles of working? Cumulative Percent 35.8 95.9 98.4 99.2 100.0

Frequency Valid Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Cant say Total Missing Total System 44 74 3 1 1 123 2 125

Percent 35.2 59.2 2.4 .8 .8 98.4 1.6 100.0

Valid Percent 35.8 60.2 2.4 .8 .8 100.0

Have you used creative ability to discuss and work with colleagues to think up new systems and styles of working?



y c n u q e r F
20 0 Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Cant say

Have you used creative ability to discuss and work with colleagues to think up new systems and styles of working?

The above table shows that 59.2% of the employees agree that they use creative ability to discuss and work with colleagues and 35.2% of the employees strongly agree and the remaining 2.4% of the employees opinion was disagree.

To what extent you feel responsible for completing the task given by your superior?

To what extent you feel responsible for completing the task given by your superior? Cumulative Percent 75.8 92.7 99.2 100.0

Frequency Valid Large extent Some extent Rarely Never Total Missing Total System 94 21 8 1 124 1 125

Percent 75.2 16.8 6.4 .8 99.2 .8 100.0

Valid Percent 75.8 16.9 6.5 .8 100.0

To what extent you feel responsible for completing the task given by your superior?



y c n u q e r F



0 Large extent Some extent Rarely Never

To what extent you feel responsible for completing the task given by your superior?

The above graph shows that 75.2% of the employees feel responsible for completing the task given by superior and 16.8% of the employees opinion was to some extent they are responsible.

Would you like to expand your knowledge to become more

proficient at this job?

Would you like to expand your knowledge to become more proficient at this job? Cumulative Percent 55.0 96.7 98.3 100.0

Frequency Valid Strongly agree Agree Disagree Cant say Total Missing Total System 66 50 2 2 120 5 125

Percent 52.8 40.0 1.6 1.6 96.0 4.0 100.0

Valid Percent 55.0 41.7 1.7 1.7 100.0

Would you like to expand your knowledge to become more proficient at this job?





y c n u q e r F



0 Strongly agree Agree Disagree Cant say

Would you like to expand your knowledge to become more proficient at this job?

The above graph shows that most of the employees (52.8%) opinion was strongly agree for expanding their knowledge and 40% of the employees opinion was agree.

Are you loyal to your colleagues and subordinates when they really

needed your help?

Are you loyal to your colleagues and subordinates when they really needed your help? Cumulative Percent 49.6 95.2 97.6 100.0

Frequency Valid Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree Total 62 57 3 3 125

Percent 49.6 45.6 2.4 2.4 100.0

Valid Percent 49.6 45.6 2.4 2.4 100.0

Are you loyal to your colleagues and subordinates when they really needed your help?





y c n u q e r F



0 Strongly agree Agree Disgree Strongly disagree

Are you loyal to your colleagues and subordinates when they really needed your help?

The above table shows that out of the total 125 respondents,119 members opinion was strongly agree(62 members) and agree(57 members) that they are loyal in helping their colleagues and subordinates and the remaining 6 members opinion was disagree and strongly disagree.

Level of satisfaction on your current job profile.

Level of satisfaction on your current job profile. Cumulative Percent 33.1 64.5 86.3 95.2 100.0

Frequency Valid Above 95% 95-85% 84-65% 64-50% Below 50% Total Missing Total System 41 39 27 11 6 124 1 125

Percent 32.8 31.2 21.6 8.8 4.8 99.2 .8 100.0

Valid Percent 33.1 31.5 21.8 8.9 4.8 100.0

Level of satisfication on your current job profile.




y c n u q e r F



0 Above 95% 95-85% 84-65% 64-50% Below 50%

Level of satisfication on your current job profile.

The above graph shows that 32.8% of the employees satisfaction is above 95% and 52.8% of the employees satisfaction is between 95-65% and the remaining 13.6% of the employees satisfaction is between 64% to below 50%.

Level of contribution you have made in organization to achieve its

Level of contribution you have made in organization to achieve its goals. Cumulative Percent 33.9 70.2 83.9 97.6 100.0

Frequency Valid Above 95% 95-85% 84-65% 64-50% Below 50% Total Missing Total System 42 45 17 17 3 124 1 125

Percent 33.6 36.0 13.6 13.6 2.4 99.2 .8 100.0

Valid Percent 33.9 36.3 13.7 13.7 2.4 100.0

Level of contribution you have made in organization to achive its goals.




y c n u q e r F



0 Above 95% 95-85% 84-65% 64-50% Below 50%

Level of contribution you have made in organization to achive its goals.

The above graph shows that 33.6% of the employees contribution is above 95% and 36% of the employees contribution is between 95-85% and 27.2% of the employees contribution is between 84-50% and the remaining 2.4% of the employees contribution is below 50%.

Cross tabs

Age * Designation Cross tabulation Count Designation Deputy director Age 20-30 31-40 41-50 Above 50 Total 0 0 2 2 4 Training coordinator 0 2 0 0 2 Office staff 3 0 0 4 7 Fso 29 16 3 8 56 Fbo 17 11 12 4 44 Total 49 29 17 18 113

Bar Chart
Designation Deputy director Training coodinator 25 Office staff Fso Fbo 20


t n u o C



0 20-30 31-40 41-50 Above 50


The above graph shows the cross tabulation between age and designations. As the numbers of respondents are from fsos cadre so, this designation covers all the age groups. And the executive staff (Dy directors) age group is between 41-50 and above 50, and the two training coordinators age group is between 31-40 and in office staff 3 members age group is between 20-30 and the remaining 4 members age group is above 50.

Age * Experience Cross tabulation Count

Experience 0-5 Age 20-30 31-40 41-50 Above 50 Total 36 7 0 0 43 6-10 11 14 0 0 25 11-15 0 4 0 1 5 16-20 2 3 8 0 13 Above 20 0 1 9 17 27 Total 49 29 17 18 113

Bar Chart
Experience 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 30 Above 20


t n u o C



0 20-30 31-40 41-50 Above 50


The above graph shows that 0-5 years experience of employees are more in 2030years of age group, and 6-10yr experience of employees cover age group between 20-31, and 11-15yr experience of employees cover age group between 3140 and above 50, and 16-20yr experience of employees covers age group from 3050, and finally above 20yr experience of employees age group is between 40-above 50.

Age * Qualification Cross tabulation Count

Qualification 7th Age 20-30 31-40 41-50 Above 50 Total 1 1 0 0 2 10th 1 5 10 4 20 Inter 5 3 2 4 14 Degree 28 15 5 8 56 PG 15 5 0 0 20 Total 50 29 17 16 112

Bar Chart
Qualification 7th 10th Inter 25 Degree PG 20


t n u o C



0 20-30 31-40 41-50 Above 50


The above graph shows that the degree qualification covers all the age groups,and the PG employees age group is between 30-40,the inter & 10th qualification also covers all the age groups, and the qualification 7th employees are only two members and age group is between 20-40yr.


Accurately and thoroughly applies requisite knowledge and skills necessary to complete work.
Accurately and thoroughly applies requisite knowledge and skills necessary to complete work. Cumulative Percent 17.8 39.0 75.4 91.5 100.0


exceptional above expectations meets expectations needs improvement unsatisfactory Total System

Frequency 21 25 43 19 10 118 5 123

Percent 17.1 20.3 35.0 15.4 8.1 95.9 4.1 100.0

Valid Percent 17.8 21.2 36.4 16.1 8.5 100.0

Missing Total

Accurately and thoroughly applies requisite knowledge and skills necessary to complete work.



y c n u q e r F



0 exceptional above expectations meets expectations needs improvement unsatisfactory

Accurately and thoroughly applies requisite knowledge and skills necessary to complete work.

The above table shows that the employees has given their opinion about their superiors, so 21 members of employees rate their superior as exceptional in applying knowledge and skills necessary to complete work,25 members opinion is above expectations ,and the highest no. of employees i.e.(43 members) opinion is meets expectations, and 19 members feel that their superiors needs some improvement, and very few i.e.10 members were unsatisfactory.

Productively and efficiently handles volume of work required by

job and meets deadlines.

Productively and efficiently handles volume of work required by job and meets deadlines. Cumulative Percent 21.2 41.6 77.9 97.3 100.0


exceptional above expectations meets expectations needs improvement unsatisfactory Total System

Frequency 24 23 41 22 3 113 10 123

Percent 19.5 18.7 33.3 17.9 2.4 91.9 8.1 100.0

Valid Percent 21.2 20.4 36.3 19.5 2.7 100.0

Missing Total

Productively and efficiently handles volume of work required by job and meets deadlines.



y c n u q e r F



0 exceptional above expectations meets expectations needs improvement unsatisfactory

Productively and efficiently handles volume of work required by job and meets deadlines.

The above table shows that the highest percent i.e. 33.3% of employees opinion is that their superiors meet expectations in efficiently handling the work, and 19.5% of employees opinion is exceptional, and about 36.6% of employees opinion is above expectations(18.7%) and needs improvement(17.9%),and remaining 2.4% i.e. (3 members) opinion is unsatisfactory.

Capably articulates thoughts and ideas while speaking.

Capably articulates thoughts and ideas while speaking. Cumulative Percent 21.4 42.7 81.2 95.7 100.0


exceptional above expectations meets expectations needs improvement unsatisfactory Total System

Frequency 25 25 45 17 5 117 6 123

Percent 20.3 20.3 36.6 13.8 4.1 95.1 4.9 100.0

Valid Percent 21.4 21.4 38.5 14.5 4.3 100.0

Missing Total

Capably articulates thoughts and ideas while speaking.




y c n u q e r F



0 exceptional above expectations meets expectations needs improvement unsatisfactory

Capably articulates thoughts and ideas while speaking.

The above graph shows that the highest no. of employees (45 members) opinion is meets expectations in communicating, and there is similar no. of employees (25 members) opinion is for exceptional and above expectations, 17 number of employees opinion is that their superiors needs improvement, and remaining 5 members opinion is unsatisfactory.

Develops plans and organize projects, tasks and resource to

accomplish work objectives.

Develops plans and organize projects, tasks and resource to accomplish work objectives. Cumulative Percent 29.9 54.7 86.3 98.3 100.0


exceptional above expectations meets expectations needs improvement unsatisfactory Total System

Frequency 35 29 37 14 2 117 6 123

Percent 28.5 23.6 30.1 11.4 1.6 95.1 4.9 100.0

Valid Percent 29.9 24.8 31.6 12.0 1.7 100.0

Missing Total

Develops,plans and organize projects,tasks and resource to accomplish work objectives.




y c n u q e r F
10 0 exceptional above expectations meets expectations needs improvement unsatisfactory

Develops,plans and organize projects,tasks and resource to accomplish work objectives.

The above graph shows that the employees has given the same level of rating for exceptional and meet expectations options for their superior, and 29 members of employees opinion is above expectations,17 members opinion is that superiors needs improvement, and remaining 2 members is unsatisfactory.

Capably handles organization issues in a confident manner.

Capably handles organization issues in a confident manner. Cumulative Percent 36.8 78.6 87.2 89.7 100.0


strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree cant say Total

Frequency 43 49 10 3 12 117 6 123

Percent 35.0 39.8 8.1 2.4 9.8 95.1 4.9 100.0

Valid Percent 36.8 41.9 8.5 2.6 10.3 100.0

Missing Total


Capably handles organization issues in a confident manner.




y c n u q e r F



0 strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree cant say

Capably handles organization issues in a confident manner.

The above graph shows that all most half of the employees opinion is agree for their superiors in handling organization issues, and 43 members opinion is strongly agree, and for remaining 3 options the graph shows highest rating for cant say option.

Analyze problems, develops alternative for solving and initiates

corrective actions.
Analyze problems, develops alternative for solving and initiates corrective actions. Cumulative Percent 30.4 81.7 90.4 91.3 100.0


strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree cant say Total

Frequency 35 59 10 1 10 115 8 123

Percent 28.5 48.0 8.1 .8 8.1 93.5 6.5 100.0

Valid Percent 30.4 51.3 8.7 .9 8.7 100.0

Missing Total


Analyze problems,develops alternative for solving and initiates corrective actions.





y c n u q e r F
20 10 0 strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree cant say

Analyze problems,develops alternative for solving and initiates corrective actions.

The above graph shows the highest rating is for agree option i.e. almost 60 members opinion is agree for their superiors in solving and initiating corrective actions, and 35 members opinion is strongly agree, and a similar no, of employees opinion is disagree and cant say.


Accurately and thoroughly applies requisite knowledge and skills necessary to complete work
Accurately and thoroughly applies requisite knowledge and skills necessary to complete work Cumulative Percent 16.7 24.1 55.6 88.0 100.0


exceptional above expectations meets expectations needs improvement unsatisfactory Total System

Frequency 18 8 34 35 13 108 7 115

Percent 15.7 7.0 29.6 30.4 11.3 93.9 6.1 100.0

Valid Percent 16.7 7.4 31.5 32.4 12.0 100.0

Missing Total

Accurately and thoroughly applies requisite knowledge and skills necessary to complete work



y c n u q e r F
10 0 exceptional above expectations meets expectations needs improvement unsatisfactory

Accurately and thoroughly applies requisite knowledge and skills necessary to complete work

The above table shows that the employees has given opinions about their subordinates, the graph shows similar rating given by employees for both meets expectations and needs improvement for their subordinate in applying knowledge and skills to complete work, and members opinion is exceptional,8 members opinion is above expectations, and remaining 13 members opinion is unsatisfactory for their subordinates.

Productively and efficiently handles volume of work required by

job and meets deadlines.

Productively and efficiently handles volume of work required by job and meets deadlines. Cumulative Percent 24.5 40.9 65.5 92.7 100.0


exceptional above expectations meets expectations needs improvement unsatisfactory Total System

Frequency 27 18 27 30 8 110 5 115

Percent 23.5 15.7 23.5 26.1 7.0 95.7 4.3 100.0

Valid Percent 24.5 16.4 24.5 27.3 7.3 100.0

Missing Total

Productively and efficiently handles volume of work required by job and meets deadlines.




y c n u q e r F
10 5 0 exceptional above expectations meets expectations needs improvement unsatisfactory

Productively and efficiently handles volume of work required by job and meets deadlines.

The above table shows that the similar no. of employees (27 members) has given their opinions for exceptional and meets expectations, 30 members opinion is needs improvement for their subordinates in handling the volume of work to meet deadlines,18 members opinion is above expectations, and remaining 8 members opinion is unsatisfactory for their subordinates.

Capably articulates thoughts and ideas while speaking.

Capably articulates thoughts and ideas while speaking. Cumulative Percent 15.5 33.6 67.3 94.5 100.0


exceptional above expectations meets expectations needs improvement unsatisfactory Total System

Frequency 17 20 37 30 6 110 5 115

Percent 14.8 17.4 32.2 26.1 5.2 95.7 4.3 100.0

Valid Percent 15.5 18.2 33.6 27.3 5.5 100.0

Missing Total

Capably articulates thoughts and ideas while speaking.




y c n u q e r F
10 0 exceptional above expectations meets expectations needs improvement unsatisfactory

Capably articulates thoughts and ideas while speaking.

The above table shows that the highest no. of employees (37 members) opinion is meets expectations for their subordinates in communicating, the second no .of employees opinion is needs improvement,20 employees opinion is above expectations,17 employees opinion is exceptional, and the remaining 6 employees opinion is unsatisfactory for their subordinates.

Develops plans and organize projects, tasks and resources to accomplish work objectives.
Develops plans and organize projects, tasks and resources to accomplish work objectives. Cumulative Percent 25.7 37.6 63.3 95.4 100.0


exceptional above expectations meets expectations needs improvement unsatisfactory Total System

Frequency 28 13 28 35 5 109 6 115

Percent 24.3 11.3 24.3 30.4 4.3 94.8 5.2 100.0

Valid Percent 25.7 11.9 25.7 32.1 4.6 100.0

Missing Total

Develops,plans and organize projects,tasks and resources to accomplish work objectives.




y c n u q e r F
10 0 exceptional above expectations meets expectations needs improvement unsatisfactory

Develops,plans and organize projects,tasks and resources to accomplish work objectives.

The above graph shows that the highest rating by employees for their subordinates is needs improvement in accomplishing work objectives, and the similar no. of employees (28 members) opinion is for exceptional and meets expectations,13 employees opinion is above expectations ,and the remaining 5 members opinion is unsatisfactory.

Capably handles organization issues in a confident manner.

Capably handles organization issues in a confident manner. Cumulative Percent 30.0 76.4 86.4 88.2 100.0


strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree cant say Total

Frequency 33 51 11 2 13 110 5 115

Percent 28.7 44.3 9.6 1.7 11.3 95.7 4.3 100.0

Valid Percent 30.0 46.4 10.0 1.8 11.8 100.0

Missing Total


Capably handles organization issues in a confident manner.





y c n u q e r F
20 10 0 strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree cant say

Capably handles organization issues in a confident manner.

The above table shows that the 51 employees opinion is agree for their subordinates in handling organization issues, 33 employees opinion is exceptional, and similar no of employees (13 members) opinion is for disagree and cant say options.

Analyze problems, develops alternatives for solving and initiates corrective actions.
Analyze problems, develops alternatives for solving and initiates corrective actions. Cumulative Percent 34.9 80.2 87.7 88.7 100.0


strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree cant say Total

Frequency 37 48 8 1 12 106 9 115

Percent 32.2 41.7 7.0 .9 10.4 92.2 7.8 100.0

Valid Percent 34.9 45.3 7.5 .9 11.3 100.0

Missing Total


Analyze problems,develops altrenatives for solving and initiates corrective actions.




y c n u q e r F



0 strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree cant say

Analyze problems,develops altrenatives for solving and initiates corrective actions.

The above table shows that the highest no of employees (48 members) opinion is agree for their subordinates in initiating corrective actions, 37 employees opinion is exceptional, 9 members opinion is disagree, and the remaining 12 employees opinion is cant say.

The employees are happy to work in this organization as there exists friendly atmosphere in the organization There is less work pressure for the employees in the organization. 65% of the employees feel that there is proper coordination between superiors and subordinates. The employees are satisfied with their current job profile. The employees seemed very responsible and hard working in achieving the targets of the organization. Employees dont seem to be taking unnecessary pressures and tensions. The employees level of contribution was satisfactory in achieving organization goals. The employees are very much satisfied with the trainings conducted by the organization. Almost all the employees are satisfied working in that organization


As the organization does not follow the performance appraisal system needs some improvements for achieving better results.

The company should be able to disclose at least few of its future plans with Recognizing the employee skills and placing them in a better position. Work responsibilities must be according to the qualification and experience of The organization should follow performance appraisal process. The organization should assess the employee based on their performance.

the employees in order to have a closed vision.

the employee.


In order to improve the performance level of the employees at the organization it is necessary to implement certain types of programs such as performance appraisal system, training and development programs, proper promotion systems, developing the employees in multi-skill training etc.and at all levels particularly in the world of fast changing technology values and environment. APFA is been justifiable good, as it has met the maximum level of satisfaction by many employees and also been helping the employees by providing critical inputs to meet their level of satisfaction. APFA has considerably effective in various programs. And the organization greatest strength today is its employees and their dedicated efforts coupled with the full support and guidance from its management. Finally, this project has been a value addition for me, in terms of learning and exposure to assess the performance of different cadres of employees in the organization.


Dear Sir / Madam, I S.Navanitha studying MBA II year in CMED Business School Hyderabad. As part of my studies, I am doing my project at AP FOREST ACADEMY on the above subject. I request you to spend your valuable time in filling up the enclosed questionnaire and return at the earliest. I assure you that the information furnished by you will be strictly confidential and will be used only for my academic purpose.


A study on assessing employees performance in AP forest academy


1) Accurately and thoroughly applies requisite knowledge and skills necessary to complete work. SELF SUPERIOR exceptional exceptional Above expectations Above expectations Above expectations Meets expectations Meets expectations Meets expectations Needs improvement Needs improvement Needs improvement unsatisfactory unsatisfactory unsatisfactory

SUBORDINATE exceptional .

2) Productively and efficiently handles volume of work required by job and meets deadlines. SELF SUPERIOR exceptional exceptional Above expectations Above expectations Above expectations Meets expectations Meets expectations Meets expectations Needs improvement Needs improvement Needs improvement unsatisfactory unsatisfactory unsatisfactory

SUBORDINATE exceptional

3) Capably articulates thoughts and ideas while speaking. SELF SUPERIOR exceptional exceptional Above expectations Above expectations Above expectations Meets expectations Meets expectations Meets expectations Needs improvement Needs improvement Needs improvement unsatisfactory unsatisfactory unsatisfactory

SUBORDINATE exceptional

4) Develops, plans and organize projects, tasks and resources to accomplish work objectives. SELF SUPERIOR exceptional exceptional Above expectations Above expectations Above expectations Meets expectations Meets expectations Meets expectations Needs improvement Needs improvement Needs improvement unsatisfactory unsatisfactory unsatisfactory

SUBORDINATE exceptional

5) Capably handles organization issues in a confident manner. SELF Strongly agree SUPERIOR Strongly agree SUBORDINATE Strongly agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Cant say Cant say Cant say

6) Analyze problems, develops alternatives for solving and initiates corrective actions. SELF Strongly agree SUPERIOR Strongly agree SUBORDINATE Strongly agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Strongly disagree Cant say Cant say Cant say

7) How often you delegate authority to your subordinate at work place. A) Large extent b) Some extent c) Rarely d) Never 8) Level of motivational skills use to improve positive performance among your subordinate to achieve organization goals. A) Large extent b) Some extent c) Rarely d) Never 9) To what extent you cooperate with your colleagues. A) Large extent b) Some extent c) Rarely d) Never 10) Have you used creative ability to discuss and work with colleagues to think up new systems and styles of working? A) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Disagree d) Strongly disagree e) Cant say 11) To what extent you feel responsible for completing the task given by your superior. A) Large extent b) Some extent c) Rarely d) Never 12) Would you like to expand your knowledge to become more proficient at this job? A) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Disagree d) Strongly disagree e) Cant say 13) Are you loyal to your colleagues and subordinates when they really needed your help? A) Strongly agree b) Agree c) Disagree d) Strongly disagree e) Cant say 14) Level of satisfaction on your current job profile. A) Above 95% b) 95-85% c) 84-65% d) 64-50% e) below 50% 15) Level of contribution you have made in organization to achieve its goals. A) Above 95% b) 95-85% c) 84-65% d) 64-50% e) below 50%


BOOKS REFFERED: Human Resource Management - By Raymond A Noe Personnel Management - By C.B.Mamoria Personality Development - By P.K.Arya Beyond Training (Database analysis of APFA) - By Dr.C.Suvarana, IFS


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