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TAC Attack

APRIL 1975

Mt\ULOI· ~

"Uncle Willie !" Willie & Joe

Page .. .l&









Angle of Attack 3 COL Wm. J. BALLY Jr.
Aircrewman of Distinction 7
Phyz Biz 10
Weapons Words 15
SPO Corner 18

Emergency Situation Training (F-100) 19

Safety Awards 25
Chock Talk
Letters 28
TACRP 127-1
Articles, accident briefs, and associated material In this magazine are non-directive In nature. All suggestions and recommendations
are Intended to remain within the scope of existing directives. Information uSed to brief accidents and Incidents does not Identify the
persons, places, or units Involved and may not be construed as Incriminating under Article 31 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Names, dates, and places used In conjunction with accident stories are fictitious. Air Force units are encouraged to republish the material
contained herein; however, contents are not for public release. WrUtli'n permission must be obtained from HQ TAC before material may be
republished by other than Department of Defense organizations.
Contributions of articles, photos, and Items of Interest from personnel In the field are encouraged, as are comments and criticism. We
reserve the right to edit an manuscripts for clarity and readability. Direct communication Is authorized with: The Editor, TAC ATTACK,
HQ TAC/SEPP, Langley AFB, Va. 23665. Autovon 432-2937
Distribution FX, Controlled by SEPP.
Angle of


Recently, two aircrewmen died in an accident that late General George S. Patton, "Information is like eggs,
might have been prevented. Unfortunately, the problem the fresher, the better." We must have all information in
although known to some, was not surfaced; therefore, no order to see potentially dangerous trends developing.
preventive measures were taken. You're the guys with first hand knowledge of your
During the accident investigation, the Board found 13 birds - so if you have an emergency or aircraft
previous instances of aircraft hydraulic pump cavitation malfunction, let your Safety Office know about
after zero or near zero "G" conditions - the accident it ... even if you consider it insignificant. Passing the
cause. Two of these 13 occurrences involved the accident word is a key factor in accident prevention. _;::::.-
aircraft. The tragic part was that no one had submitted an
Aircraft Incident Report. Because no one filed an incident
report, no trends were noticed, the deficiency was not
identified, and no corrective action taken. No one got the
word of the accident potential. Result? Two pilots were

AF R 127·4 states an event is classified an aircraft
incident even when no damage results when it
"constitutes a significant hazard to the crew or aircraft
such that a similar occurrence could result in injury or
damage." We need this information to prevent WILLIAM J. B
accidents ... that's the name of the game. To quote the Chief of Saf

F-4 Accident the mission was flown as briefed

Monday-morning quarterback ... how it might be prevented from tactical formation and landing, was
twenty-twenty hindsight . . . Do you recurring. also briefed.
get tired of hearing those two Gomer Flight was briefed as a The flight received only two air-
phrases? I do too, but it's really hard three-ship ACM training mission. The craft and was realigned with 03 in the
not to use them when you're flying a Flight Lead, an FE/IP, was giving a number two position. Shortly before
desk in some headquarters and not local area checkout to Gomer 03. The leaving for the aircraft, the flight
faced with the pressures of nursing a briefing covered GCI intercepts, two examiner, Gomer 01, decided to fly
sick bird back to homeplate. So here Ml G-Cap ACM engagements, tactical two one versus one ORI scenarios
we go again ... formation and landing. An alternate rather than the briefed "perch"
The following is the sequence of mission, consisting of two GCI inter- attacks. The setup, briefed at the duty
events from a recent accident in cepts, two ACM engagements initiated desk, was as follows:
another command and some tips on from a "perch" position followed by The adversary (Gomer 01) was to

4 APRIL 1975
be at 12,000 feet MS L, 450 KTS. The weather, cancelled range times, etc. We fighter jocks are known for our
fighter (Gomer 02) would be at What have we done about it? Have cat I ike reflexes and super-sight. But
14,000 feet, 500 KTS with 2,000 feet you ever flown substitute maneuvers how much time did this pilot really
lateral separation. The two aircraft that really haven't been adequately have to recognize his adversary's alti-
would be on reciprocal courses. At briefed? If not, you're either an FNG tude and projected fl ightpath and
the abeam point, Gomer 01 would or have a short memory. I haven't take the necessary evasive action to
call "HACK," delay five seconds, and always been sure if everyone knew avoid collision? Let's say a closure
initiate a 4-5G AB loop. At the end of exactly what they were supposed to rate of 500 KTS, which is pretty
the loop, he would start a level 3G do, even though no one in the flight conservative in an ACM engagement.
turn into the fighter. There was no asked any questions or raised any 6,000 feet will go by in approxi-
"canned" maneuver to perform, but doubts. Maybe they were afraid of mately seven seconds. Not much time
grading is based on time to achieve a being accused of not being able to to determine the other aircraft's posi-
missile or gun kill . The IP briefed hack it .. . ever hear that one? tion, direction and take proper evasive
that, from personal experience, the Another question that comes to action.
quickest method to achieve a kill mind is why Gomer 02 tried the IPs and flight leads are super-
would be an immediate one-half- maneuver when he wasn't sure of its visors .. . They've been selected on
cuban eight begun at the "HACK." consequences. I don't know the the basis of experience and judgment.
He briefed Gomer 02 that he should answer. But I do know that new guys Every time they brief a mission they
obtain visual contact with Gomer 01 in a squadron always get a lot of the must be sure what needs to be accom-
as he approached the apex of his "If you can't hack it" and "Nobody plished and how to accomplish it in
maneuver and that Gomer 01 should said it would be easy" approaches. the safest, most realistic way. ACM
be on the downhill side of the loop. Elimination of this type of attitude training demands flexibility and judg-
Because of this, Gomer 02 would end may just bring out a few more ques- ment. We can't have "canned" re-
up at approximately one mile at tions during or after flight briefings. sponses if we are to have realistic
zero-one's six o'clock. Another factor to look at is time. training ... but the margin for error is
Gomer 02, who had not been
previously exposed to these maneu-
vers, was not convinced the recom-
mended attack would work .
The maneuver began as briefed.
Neither the pilot nor WSO in Gomer
01 could obtain visual contact with
Gomer 02. Number two started a
slight left roll as he approached the
vertical which negated the initial later-
al separation. As his aircraft ap-
proached 20 degrees nose high,
inverted, Gomer 02 saw 01 and
believed he was beginning the down-
hill portion of his loop. Boresight was
selected and Gomer 02 put the de-
fender in his reticle. Gomer 02B
called out the slant range as about
6,000 feet. Shortly thereafter, 02
realized the two aircraft were on a
coli is ion course. Although evasive
action was initiated, the aircraft col-
OK guys, now you know what
happened. We've all been in the posi-
tion of having our mission changed
due to a non-availability of aircraft,





small. We must demand the utmost of mote complete understanding of all what to do, so why take him on a
ourselves and our wingrnan, both on aspects of the flight are necessary so training mission? The consequences of
the ground and in the air, if we are to that we are sure everyone knows what a mistake made in training can be just
prevent another accident of this type. they are to do. You wouldn't take a as fatal as one made in combat ..
Thorough preflight briefings that pro- guy "Downtown" if he didn't know and harder to explain.

6 APRIL 1975


Captain Nicholas H. Hobbie, Jr.,

64th Fighter Weapons Squadron,
Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada

; : :
On 6 December 1974, Captain Nicholas H. Hobbie, Jr., recorder and contained no flight or engine instruments.
was flying as Instructor Pilot in the rear cockpit of a 64th With no accurate idea of altitude, airspeed or heading,
Fighter Weapons Squadron T·38. The sortie was an air Captain Hobbie turned toward Nellis AFB using ground
combat tactics upgrade mission for the front seater. While references and advised the other two aircraft in the flight
initiating an unloaded extension maneuver to gain energy, of his situation. The GCI site, which had been working
the front seater's ejection system malfunctioned, opening with the flight, vectored one of these aircraft to provide
his lap belt, firing the man-seat separator, and filling the assistance; the rejoin was successful. Captain Hobbie
front cockpit with smoke. The pilot was violently thrown performed a controllability check, with his wingman in
against the canopy, the survival kit on which he was chase position calling off airspeeds and altitudes over the
sitting was thrust forward against the control stick and radio. It was determined that a no-flap approach would
held there. The oxygen hose, G-suit and communications have to be made at airspeeds in excess of 200 knots.
cord were pulled loose in the process, preventing Aided by his wingman, Captain Hobbie flew a straight-in
intracockpit communications for the remainder of the approach and successfully landed the aircraft. Captain
flight. Observing these events, plus the erratic diving Hobbie's distinctive actions saved both the aircraft and
motion of the aircraft, Captain Hobbie took control and the front seater from certain disaster, since the upgrade
attempted to regain level flight. This required the use of student's seat malfunction prohibited a safe ejection.
both hands, for he was pulling against the combined Captain Hobbie's outstanding skill and professional
weight of the front seater and the survival kit which were competence in handling this airborne emergency qualifies
wedged against the stick in the front cockpit. For all him for this month's Tactical Air Command Aircrewman
practical purposes, the front seater was immobilized in of Distinction. ~
this position and was unable to talk or render any
assistance to Captain Hobbie other than pushing back EDITORS NOTE:
against the seat kit to give him an additional one half inch Captain Hobbie died in an aircraft accident soon after he so bravely
of aft stick travel. To compound an already desperate handled this emergency. This award is to be presented
situation, the rear cockpit had been modified with a stress posthumously.

interest items,
TAC tips

with morals,
for the
TAC aircrewman
Early and provident fear is the
mother of safety.
Edmund Burkommi

AIMS altimeters have been responsib.e for some recent They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. A lot
aircraft incidents. If you have a probtem with the system, of us jocks think we know everything about flying and
make sure you let both maintenance and safety know will never hear anything really new. How about this one?
about it. The following are two recent problems: Did you know that with 100% oxygen selected and on
Another command noted problems with T-39 hot-mike, breathing sounds are much sharper and deeper?
aircraft modified with the AIMS altimeter. It seems the One ol' dog just learned one new trick.
new altimeter is longer than the one it replaced and the
pitot static lines are kinking due to the lack of space
behind the instrument panel.
An AIMS altimeter failed during the first flight
after its installation. When the altimeter was switched A HELP /MG HAND
from standby to reset mode, the stby/reset knob and shaft
pulled out of the instrument case. This allowed cabin An A-7D was rettsning home after depot level
pressure to enter the altimeter, giving faulty indications. maintenance when the pilot experienced radio difficulties;
An interesting point ... the malfunction will only be the heading indications also appeared erroneous. While
apparent when the cockpit is pressurized. If you find checking this out, the inertial dumped its gyro platform
stby/reset shaft is missing from the altimeter during making the primary ADI unusable. As if this wasn't bad
preflight, abort the aircraft. enough, our jock was I MC. YGTBSM, right?
The pilot descended to VMC using his standby ADI
and mag compass. The radio became sperational again and
he made contact with the approach control of a nearby
OLD DOG LEARNS NEW rya military base and asked for a gyro-out GCA. At 200 feet
AG L and in the weather, the pilot went missed approach
At FL 380, the SLUF driver noticed engine surges, fuel due to large course corrections. While he was coordinating
flow and oil pressure fluctuations. During descent, all for another approach. the pilot was advised of a Saturn
fluctuations and surges ceased. At FL 300, the pilot Airways C-130 that could provide a formation led
experienced symptoms of hypoxia. Oxygen quantity and approach at 145 Knots. The A-7 jock joined up with the
pressure were normal and the regulator appeared to work Herk and the two held hands until the runway was sighted
OK. Selecting hot- mike, the jock monitored both the at 200 feet and 1/2 mile on final.
normal _and 100% oxygen settinos. The sounds on both Military aviators sometimes overlook the professional
settings were identical, so the pilot suspected a competence of our civilian cotxterparts. In this case, the
malfunctioning oxygen system. The Finergency/Mask Test professionalism of this Saturn crew saved a fighter jock
position was selected, an emergency declared, and an and his sick bird from possible disaster. Congratulations
uneventful landing accomplished. on a nice save.

8 APRIL 1975
CREW REST & CREW DUTY approximately 80 knots with 2,000 feet of runway
remaining. Hard brake application produced no apparent
Ever notice the similarities between aircraft accidents? deceleration. With both crew members pressing hard on
Recently the Air Force lost three aircraft in two the binders, the aircraft drifted to the right and came to
accidents; two different types of aircraft were involved rest with the nose gear off the right side of the runway at
from two commands. The link between them was that the the end.
accident investigation boards noted crew rest/duty day Investigation revealed that the left anti-skid sensor plug
violations in both cases. was not locked into place and the right anti-skid sensor
These violations were not listed as causes in either plug appeared to be backed off. However, both plugs were
accident, but were findings. The point is that fatigue plays still making good electrical contact. If these were
an important part in how a person reacts to stress. Had malfunctioning, only the anti-skid protection would be
these crews been adequately rested, they might have acted lost. Wha' happened? REVERTED RUBBER
differently to certain problems that led up to the HYDROPLANING. That's where a locked wheel skid on a
accident ... just one link in the chain of events might wet runway lasts long enough to produce temperatures of
have been broken. 400 - 600 degrees F, causing the rubber to revert to its
AFR 60-1, Chap 7, and its TAC Supplement list crew uncured, sticky condition. Mix this with H 20 and you've
rest and duty limitations. To help eliminate fatigue, these got a solution that will sustain a skid down to
were formulated to give aircrews adequate periods of rest approximately 10 knots. In this incident, both main tires
before flying and to insure that aircrews are not subjected showed heat deformation and the runway had two
to unreasonable crew duty periods. The responsibility for 700-foot steam cleaned strips leading to where the main
insuring adequate crew rest ultimately rests with you, the gear came to rest. So there was enough braking action to
aircrew. But other people can also help - like the stop wheel rotation, even if there was anti-skid failure.
schedulers. They must also be alert for crew rest
violations. You can help the schedulers by letting them
know when your mandatory attendance at various unit
functions conflicts with flying duties. Aircrews and
schedulers also need the backing of their bosses.
Commanders must insist that their crews obtain adequate
rest prior to flying, and insure that the crew duty day
doesn't overextend the aircrews' capabilities . .. or violate
AFR 60-1 .
Crew duty periods for types of aircraft are also
explained in the regulation. The point to remember is that
the period begins when a crew member reports to work
for the performance of official duties or reports for an
assigned mission whichever is earlier. Violations of this
sort usually occur when flying night sorties and should be
closely watched during this period.
Flying is a demanding and fatiguing job. Why strap on This is a good example of a tire that suffered
a jet when you're already tired? You won't enjoy it and reverted rubber skidding - it's not an F-4 roller.
you could be a hazard. Get your crew rest.

The F-4 Dash One says the cycling of the anti-skid

system may not be apparent on a wet runway . A low
deceleration may be mistakenly interpreted as brake or
SKATING PHANTOM anti-skid failure. We Phantom drivers know that with the
anti-skid turned off, relatively low brake pressure will
The runway was wet as the F-4E made its approach. cause locked wheels when on a slippery surface.
Touchdown was normal. Chute was deployed and the Some food for thought: A way to prevent a Phantom
anti-skid system functionally checked. After one cycle, from ice skating down a wet runway is to put out that
the brakes were released. At approximately 100 knots, the anchor on the jet's posterior and snatch up the cable. This
AC applied brakes and felt no response. The paddle switch will ruin the day for the hydroplaning gremlin and save
was depressed and the anti-skid turned off . . . still no you from an exciting ride. An ounce of prevention is
braking action. Emergency brakes were selected at worth a pound of mire. ~

phyz-biz decompression sickness II Lt Col Harold Anderson hq TAC physiological training coordinator

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Last month we presented some background may cause the crew member's attention to be diverted
information on the cause of decompression sickness. The from his flight requirements. It is important to remember
"bubble theory" was reviewed, and bubbles in the blood- that the bends may appear as only the first sympton of
stream and/or the tissue fluids were indicted as the most decompression sickness, and be quickly followed by more
likely agents. One approach to determine whether or not serious symptoms such as CNS distrubances, chokes, etc.
bubbles do cause symptoms of decompression sickness is The first symptom of the bends, no matter how minor,
to expose either experimental animals or humans to high requires immediate corrective action.
altitude, await the appearance of symptoms, then X-ray
the area to record the presence of bubbles in the painful Immobilize the joint (or area) involved; do not rub,
region. This approach has resulted in photographic knead, massage, or exercise.
records of bubbles in blood vessels and tissues. Declare your emergency ASAP - request clearance for
The main mechanisms by which bubbles cause pain an altitude below 18,000 ft.
and disrupt function are by direct mechanical pressure on Immediately set your oxygen regulator at 100%.
body tissues, and by blockage of blood vessels. In the Report to a Flight Surgeon ASAP, even if the
former, bubbles arise in the tissue fluids that bathe each symptoms disappear during descent; symptoms have been
cell by diffusion and by coalescence. They tend to grow as known to return with increased severity hours after their
altitude increases. As the bubble dimensions increase, initial disappearance.
they can exert mechanical pressure on the tissue,
disrupting the function of the cells, or generating painful Although exercise seems to increase the incidence rate
sensations. and severity, the pains from bends may also appear in
In the latter, the presence of bubbles in blood vessels individuals who have been seated and immobile for some
can cause a blockade, preventing effective circulation of time - as in the case of fighter aircrews. The heavier and
blood beyond the site of the blockade. The result` is a more vigorous the exercise, the more likely it will
narrow area of stagnant hypoxia. Nerve cells are precipitate a bends episode. One reason for not exercising
particularly susceptible to hypoxia, so we shouldn't be the affected joint is that the exercise may worsen the
too surprised to find that decompression sickness can be symptoms, perhaps by generating additional bubbles.
responsible for permanent neurological damage. Another possibility is that the bubble may move to a new
Painful mechnical pressure by bubbles on structures in position, which may be even more painful than the
muscles and/or in the vicinity of joints is known as original location.
"bends" (and an individual who experiences them is said Let's review the factors which seem to initiate the
to have "bent" at such and such an altitude). Involvement appearance of bends.
of the brain and/or spinal cord by either mechanism The basic condition for the appearance of
(direct pressure; stagnant hypoxia) can produce central decompression sickness in aircrews is exposure to cabin
nervous system (CNS) symptoms. altitudes of 18,000 feet or higher for long periods of time.
During 1974, in TAC, there were eight cases of If we superimpose this basic condition upon a few other
"bends" reported from altitude chamber rides (out of a conditions such as a rapid rate of ascent, exercise, obesity
total of 6,913 aircrews exposed). There were no aircraft and increasing age, we can expect the rate of incidence to
incidents in TAC, but 10 bends incidents were reported increase.
from other commands. The dull, aching, disconcerting, Next issue, we'll discuss these factors in more detail
sometimes disabling muscle and joint pains are serious and tie them in to other types of decompression sickness
enough in themselves, but there are other aspects to such as CNS disturbances and "the chokes." Until then,
remember about bends. The pain, as its severity increases, keep the bubbles in your beer or coke, not in your blood.

(or how to avoid killing yourself
with the equipment that's designed
to save your bod)

*Inflation, you know.

By Capt Mike Byers


In the 1960s, the Air Force started procuring survival OK, so now we've got automatic kits for just about
kits that would deploy automatically after ejection. The every fighter-type bird in the T AC inventory that uses a
reason that the "bean counters" were persuaded to cough "hard" kit (like the F-4, for example); we're working on
up between $3,000 and $6,000 apiece for these jewels is getting automatic kits for the birds that don't have them
that guys were getting smashed up on parachute landing yet. 2 Theoretically at least. we shouldn't be having many
falls (PLF) with nonautomatic kits. You have to admit, problems with PLF injuries caused by the kit .
it's a bad situation when you punch out of a fighter, get a Unfortunately, from looking at accident reports over the
good chute and bust both legs when you hit the ground. last couple of years, you get the idea that a few jocks are
When your SURVIVAL GEAR causes your injury, that's still hitting the ground with undeployed kits. About 20
just unacceptable! 1 percent of these guys get killed or seriously injured . A few
of these accidents are caused by some mechanical failure
in the survival kit automatic deployment system : Nobody
has ever built a perfect machine or maintained a machine
1. Medical research has conclusively proven that it is perfectly.3 You can bet, however (and do so every time
exceptionally difficult to run, fight, swim or otherwise you fly). that there are a bunch of dedicated guys around
maneuver with two broken legs. the Air Force who spend their time making sure that your
gear is going to work correctly. Consequently, the greatest
2. F-5/T-38. percentage of undeployed kit injuries happen because the
crew member didn't have the kit in the automatic mode
3. The wedge is the simplest tool known to man. There and/or didn't get a chance to manually deploy it before he
are people who can screw up a wedge. hit the ground. Since the whole idea of the automatic kit

12 APRIL 1975

Throw a quarter on the grass

is to get the kit open without any effort on your part, you
don't have to be a fox to figure out that flying with the
kit in the automatic mode is a pretty good idea.
Aha! you say. What about those trees down there?
What's gonna happen when the kit lanyard hangs in one
tree, the chute snags in another, and I'm in the middle?
That smarts! Well, here comes the tech order stuff, so
watch out . .. If you look in T.O . 1401 -2-1, 4 you will see
that some tree landing procedures have been developed .
1401-2-1 was written by aircrews, life support technicians
and experienced jumpers, and it was written so you can
understand it; you don't even have to be a fighter pilot.
Here's what it says about tree landings :


The completion of the following procedures will insure

that you are in the proper configuration for a tree landing.
These procedures should be accomplished immediately
after parachute opening shock.

NOTE: Immediately prior to tree penetration, jettison the

survival kit to preclude possible hang-up. Aircrews who
JMJar the SA-20 parachute with the CNU-7/P container
affixed to the harness will not deploy the life raft prior to
tree penetration.


There's more info in the TO, but the "NOTE" is what

we're interested in. Pickle off the kit before you go into
the trees because your chances of getting smashed by an
undeployed k it are greater than your chances of getting
hurt in a tree hang-up. This is true even if you're
unconscious or incapacitated and can't pickle off the kit.
The odds are still in your favor if you come down with
the kit deployed. Sure, if you're flying all the time over
heavily forested areas, you might want to consider leaving
the kit in the manual mode. By the statistics, though,
you ' re in better shape if you fly in automatic mode all the
time, regardless of tree cover.

4. Check with your friendly Life Support section.


The good guys at the 354 TFW Life Support Branch

sent us some photos that should make the point: Photo 1
illustrates why it's bad news to land on an undeployed
"hard" kit. Look at where the kit edge hits your legs on
the PLF - the usual injury is to break both legs at the
points where the kit catches you. You can make a much
softer landing with your gear hanging on that 25-foot
lanyard as shown in Photo 2. Photo 3 shows the fittings
that allow you to get rid of the kit for tree landings. Note
that with the kit deployed, you only have to punch the
left airlock fitting to jettison the whole works.



If you've got some thoughts, questions, or comments

on this article, let us hear from you . Send us a
"Fieaglegram." The best life support ideas come from the
people who fly with and work on the equipment every
day. __:;;. .

Thanks to lt Col Tompkins, 353TFS for the idea for this

PHOTO 2 article.

14 APRIL 1975
tity-c istance tables in Chapter 5, AFM
When you have justified the need
for an explosives facility, ye ole site
plan is the next order of business. Site
plans are prepared, eva!Jated and sub-
mitted at the local level in accoroanm
weapons words with Chapter 8, AFM 127-100 and its
TAC supplement. Preparation of site
plans cannot be delegated to any one
particular office of responsibility. It
should be a threefold responsibility.
The organization requiring the facility
an existing facility, consider the type must identify and justify it to the
of structure, materials used in con- local civil engineers, who must review
site plans struction, size and use of the struc-
ture. These are essential due to the
the requirement, submit designs, and
obtain funding. The local weapons
By SMSgt Willie C. Buckholts blast, fragmentation and overpressure safety office acts as an active advisor.
HO TAC/SEW effects in the event of an explosion. They provide the expertise in the
We can't afford to have facilities preparation of the plan. The civil
In daily munitions operations, constructed in a way which would engineering experts can provide scale
supervisors and technicians are con- permit an explosion in one facility to maps of the installation and drawings
cerned with explosives storage, oper- cause an explosion in an adjacent of the facility(s) when not available in
ating and administrative support facil- facility. In addition, an improperly AFM 88-2. Once the plan is com-
ities. What does this have to do with sited facility would waste the tax- pleted, don't forget to coordinate the
"site plans"? The simple answer is payers' money. A munitions facility is package with MA, DE, SE, etc. Keep-
"weapons safety." The Air Force has just a lot of concrete and steel if it is ing all the staff informed ,reverts
volumes on explosives and related not sited and constructed properly. time and cost-consuming delays. Make
weapons systems. They describe how Drawings of structures may be sure all questions have been asked and
to store, maintain, and deliver muni- obtained from AFM 88-2 and AFM answered prior to submitting the
tions with a maximum of efficiency 88-22. package for approval.
and safety. Next, we must consider where to Now that your site plan package is
In our business of weapons safety, locate the facility in relation to other compl2te with all supporting attach-
primary guidance comes from AFM facilities, target zones, i.e., inhabited ments and in five copies, you're ready
127-100. The requirement for a site buildings, public highways, etc. The to forward it through command safe-
plan can be found throughout this clear zone of the facility is directly ty channels for review and subsequent
manual; however, the crux of data related to the sited explosives capac- approval by the Department of De
comes from Chapters 4, 5 and 8. Why ity and is computed from the quan- fense Explosives Safety Board.
are site plans required? When are they
submitted and by whom? Who has the
responsibility for review and approv-
al? Let's review the above questions
Thru Fab
and briefly discuss site plans. EXPLOSIVE FEB 1975
Munitions are manufactured with
varying degrees of sensitivity and TOTAL 1 1

moisture absorbing qualities. It is Personnel 2

highly desirable, and in some cases
mandatory, that they be stored in Materiel 0 0
structures designed to prevent
weather damage and possible chemical Other 0

reactions due to the breakdown of

original compositions. Therefore, MISSILE
prior to the construction of a new
explosives facility or modification to
by Bill Mauldin

Willie 8, Joe

Good stuff is never outdated and

Bill Mauldin's stuff is good. If you
were lucky (?) enough to see his
drawings in the "Stars and Stripes" "Go ahead, Willie. lfya don't bust it ya'll worry
during the big one, you'll never forget about it all night."
them. If you've never seen his "Willie
& Joe" series before, here's your
chance to see Pulitzer prize winning
humor that transcends all branches of
the service, all past wars and the
so-called generation gap. Our thanks
to Bill for allowing us to run this "Who started th'
spread in TAC ATTACK.

The Prince and the Pauper "Just gimme a coupla aspirin. I already got a Purple Heart."

"Aim between tl
charge wh
"Able Fox Five to Able Fox. I got a target but ya gotta be patient."

"My son. Five days old.

Good-lookin' kid, ain't he?"
"He's right, Joe , When we ain't fightin'
rr' eyes, Joe. Sometimes they we should act like sojers."
.en they're wounded."
radomes have been shattered by lightning and other TAC
aircraft have also had problems.
So what do you Aardvark jocks need to know? (Even
you guys with stationary wings can learn something).
Fixes for the F-111 are coming . . . they have worked
on other aircraft, but are a couple years off .. . so plan
Strikes can occur 30 or more miles from the nearest
cloud. Avoiding cumuliform clouds reduces strike
probability, but doesn't eliminate it.

SPO Co1ne1
Most strikes occur at or near the freezing level (±5°
If it's your unlucky day, odds are that you will :
• Be in or near clouds.
• Have the pitot tube and radome zapped by a
liyhtning strike.
F-111 SH~Z~M • Lose part of the CADC system (AVVI, AOA, AMI).
by Capt Dan Brown • Lose all or part of the pitot static system from
holes in the lines (or have insidious errors).
All ·aircraft are susceptible to damage from lightning • Lose the flight control computer or autopilot.
strikes ... some more than others. The newest member to • Have errors in, or damage to, any instrument on the
join the electrifying group of F-1 06s, F-1 04s, R/R F-4s, et instrument bus due to impulse lead-in on the pitot heat
al, is the beloved Aardvark. In our 80,000 pound lightning wire.
rod, the resu Its have varied from momentary • Have engine rollback, or false indications of
overextension of aircrew eyeball and sphincter muscles to rollback due to impulse effects on tachometers (the
loss of nearly every instrument you fly with . . . not to experts aren't sure which).
mention various holes in radomes, pitot static lines, If it's day and VFR at homeplate, you'll probably get
RHAW antennas, and wing tips. So far, F-111s have been it safely on terra firma with little sweat. But if it's night or
fortunate in sustaining damage limited to the incident in weather reserved for company grade jocks, you will
category; however, potential for disaster has been have a hairy tale to tell when you get back to the club.
demonstrated by other aircraft. Two F-1 06s were involved
in major aircraft accidents because of lightning strikes;
one of the aircraft was lost and the pilot killed . RF-4 Guest SPO Corner
s 't/ '~ f
Maj Fred Kempf
FLIP I, General Planning, defines a standard formation
as: one in which a proximity of no more than one mile
laterally or longitudinally and within 100 feet vertically
from the Flight Leader is maintained by each wingman .
If you intend to operate outside those dimensions and
you are in the air traffic control environment, the flight
lead must request and receive ATC approval. IF R trail
formation departures and tactical formations are examples
of non-standard formations using FLIP planning
guidelines. The controller should be informed as to the
positions of wingmen in terms of distance and altitude
differential from lead so that he can separate other
aircraft from the perimeter of the airspace encompassing
the formation . If traffic avoidance vectors are received,
lead should request vectors for wingmen to insure their
safe clearance around traffic. ____:::,..

18 APRIL 1975

by Wiley E Greene, Major, AZ ANG

First of all, we don't want to open the canopy. Big,
Black Clouds have a nasty way of getting you all wet. So
So far it has been a normal flight. Your TACAN has an much for Option A. Option B has some merit, but if your
affinity for locking on some 40 degrees off of where it element leader was impolite enough to rapidly retard his
belongs; your DME occasionally has a 100-mile error; and throttle in the first place, there's a good chance he forgot
you finally got tired of hearing the UHF cycle, so you you exist. Option C might be valid, but consideration
turned it off. Fortunately you're number four and, must be given to weather- remember . .. no radio and no
except for that BIG BLACK CLOUD that's sitting on top TACAN. When in doubt- "D."
of the only airport within 500 miles, it's no sweat and all Once you've started going ahead on a formation
you have to do is hang on. Your flight leader splits the landing, it is almost impossible to regain the proper
flight into elements and your element leader taps his position. You might be able to gain a little advantage by
shoulder. You know he isn't patting himself on the back, using speed brakes, but there is still a couple of seconds
so you figure he wants you to land on his wing. A little delay in getting the drag that you want. You are much
speed brake action, a couple of turns - there's the gear better off if you direct your attention to making your
signal, three green, some flaps - we must be on final. own landing - on you r side of the runway . Hopefully,
Airspeed is high - beginning to see the ground - still he'll stay on his. DON'T try to look back over your
some scud - recheck the gear; yup, three green -there's shoulder and fly formation. It doesn't work.
the overrun - Great Gobs of Goose Gravel! Your element
If your leader needed to go to idle in a hurry, there's
leader chopped the throttle and there you are, sliding into
an awfully good chance that you're fast; and if you are,
the lead. Now what?
then here comes a long landing. The best technique is to
OPTIONS: plan on touching down at your computed touchdown
a. Open the canopy. speed even if you are a mite long. Each 10 knots fast is an
b. Kick it into burner so that your element leader extra 1,000 feet of landing roll. Eight thousand feet of
thinks he's stopped and he slides into the dirt trying to wet asphalt plus a long landing equals tailhook plus cable.
turn off at the first taxiway. Almost guaranteed. Hopefully, if you use the arresting
c. Go around. gear, your fearless leader won't. But that's another
d. Forget about him and make your own landing. situation.

Every day you would hear the mighty roar of jets and

I told see them rolling down the runway towards the river.
Then , right at the end , they would rotate the nose and fly
into the wild blue.
One day the ops officer came into the squadron with

you so .... great news. " No more going all the way to the end of the
runway before pulling back on the pole," he said . As
everyone gathered around him, he begain to explain.
"Last night, I was reading this part of the Dash One. It's
called performance data. They've got all sorts of charts
back here. They tell you what speeds to fly at for final
approach, how long you can cru ise. There's even one
called 'takeoff roll.' With this one, we can figure out just
when we can pull back on the pole to take off. All you
have to do is enter the chart with temperature, go up to
pressure altitude, across to gross weight, then down to
takeoff distance. Easy, huh? We can read the temp from
the 'Burpee-Cola' thermometer outside and get pressure
altitude from the weather shack."
The ops officer decided he would be the first to try a
takeoff using the new system . He lined up facing the river
and down the runway he roared. The aircraft was about
three-quarters of the way down when he quickly rotated
by Capt Marty Steere
the nose; the aircraft proceeded down the runway, went
off the end, into the river ... still maintaining the same
attitude. End of experiment.
At that point, the other pilots in the squadron reverted
During the mid-fifties, an Air National Guard unit back to the old technique of going all the way to the
based near a large river received word that they were to departure end of the runway before pulling back on the
acquire some new aircraft .. . jets. This caused quite a stir pole. They weren't going to take any chances on that
among the pilots in the unit as they were flying P-51 happening again.
Mustangs. They were fine, sure . .. but real jets! This anecdote is true and maybe it explains the
F-84s ... a real hot mama. reluctance of some of us to use the T -0-L-D Charts.
The first big decision was who would go to pick up the The guys in that guard unit had the right idea about using
first two aircraft. A first lieutenant was chosen because he the charts. The only problem was they didn't know very
was the only jock in the unit who had previous jet much about over-rotation and a thing called
experience . . . six hours in pilot training. The ops officer power-required and power-available. Now that the Air
went because . .. well , you know. Force has been in the jet business for some time, we know
When they arrived at the depot to accept the F-84s, about those things. We also know that warm weather and
they were greeted by a beaming second balloon who took high pressure altitudes reduce the effective thrust of our
them to their aircraft and gave them quickie ground engines. It's getting to be t hat time of year again, so a
school. simple review ofT-0-L-D terms is appropriate.
"Nothing to worry about," he grinned. "They're easy Critical Field Length : the total runway length
to fly. Just to make sure though, I'll even start 'em up for required to accelerate with both engines operating to the
you. Just remember one thing : when you're taking off, let critical engine failure speed, experience an engine fa ilure,
the jet go all the way to the end of the runway before you then either continue the takeoff or stop.
pull back on the stick. Then it'll take off, no sweat." Critical Engine Failure Speed : the speed to which
With this in mind, the two jocks strapped on the F-84s an aircraft will accelerate with both engines, experience an
and left. The jet flew like a dream. But that takeoff was engine failure, and permit acceleration to takeoff or
just a little bit hairy. When they arrived at homeplate, deceleration to stop in the same distance.
they told everyone in the squadron about flying the Fox Minimum Go Speed (Decision Speed) : the
84. minimum speed at which an aircraft can experience an

20 APRIL 1975
engine failure and still take off under the existing setting) and a 5-second period to accomplish the abort
conditions of temperature, pressure altitude, gross weight, procedure (throttles at IDLE, wheel brake applied, and
and the length of runway available. drag chute deployed (if used)). What isn't allowed for is
Maximum Abort Speed: the maximum speed at hook extension time. The Dash One says approximately 5
which an abort may be started and the aircraft stepped in seconds is required. Second, what conditions do specific
the remaining runway. charts take into effect? For instance, does the max abort
Velocity During Ground Run: this chart provides speed chart include the capability of any arresting gear? If
two things: (1) takeoff speeds for various gross weights not, you may wish to consider it. Then the takeoff may
and CG locations; and (2) the relationship KIAS and be aborted at the max engagement speed for the
distance traveled during takeoff ground run and may be arrestment gear or the computed max abort speed,
used to obtain a line distance in which to check whichever is higher. What type of braking is required by
acceleration performance. the chart? Normal or maximum? Important facts to
OK, now we've reviewed the terms for takeoff data. consider. The final thing to remember is to make your
The relationship between the terms is illustrated in Figure decision early ... before you release brakes. Don't get
1. There are some things to remember when computing caught with your pneumatic knickers down.
yOUT takeoff data. The first is time. How much time do All of the terms listed may not be used by your
your charts allow for the performance of certain actions? particular aircraft or they may be called by different
Like making the decisior, to take off or to abort, or to names. The point to remember is to make sure you
accomplish the abort procedures. For instance, the F-4 compute your takeoff data using your performance data
max abort speed chart allows for a 3- second decision charts. don't want to be one of those guys who said,

period (with both engines operating at the initial thrust T-O-L-D you so, but . ..."











t"t 0


3 4

111S1 Ailtt
41. X 1020


Scopewizardry encompasses the accumulated radar aren't being practiced?

air-to-air techniques that have been developed down Most F-111 right seaters have never experienced the
through the years since WW II. Backseaters with a lot of joy and wonder of air-to-air radar work on a square B
moxie, flying all weather/night fighters such as the scope. Nevertheless, the principles of Scopewizardry hold
Beaufighter, Black Widow, F-94, F-89, F-1 01, and F-4, true whether you are looking at a pie-shaped scope or a
put it all together in principles that have stood the test of square scope. What you see is what you get and seeing is
time. believing.
The question is "Are we paying attention?" There have
been bags full of words written about the "See and Be ELEVATION
Seen Concept" and yet we still run airplanes together. So
here we go again, one more time. You can't teach old dogs Finding the airborne radar target is the most crucial
new tricks, probably because they learned them all a long problem. For obvious reasons, in order to "see" the
time ago. But how about teaching new dogs old target, the antenna has to be "looking" at it. Radar
tricks . . . tricks that aren't being taught anymore, hence contacts are lost or never seen due to erroneous antenna

22 APRIL 1975
teaching new dogs old tricks By Maj Fred Kempf

elevation positioning and herein I ies the reason for most ahead) be prepared to turn smartly to avoid a fender
instances of "no joy." bender.
Where to position the antenna, then? In level flight set If a target is being unruly and won't drift the way you
the two bar search pattern at zero degrees elevation, would like, you are going to have to "move it." This is
unless you are searching specifically for a high or low accomplished by turning your aircraft which alters the
target. This will give you the optimum look for mid-air target drift pattern on the scope. If you turn toward the
collision avoidance. On climbout, set the bottom of the target's direction of flight, you will "heat up" the rate of
box scan at zero degrees; in descending flight, set the top closure and reduce the angular rate of drift. If you break
at zero. This is only a rule of thumb. More precise into the direction the target came from, the angular rate
elevation search patterns for given airspeeds and vertical of drift increases smartly and the closure rate "cools
velocities can be developed on graph paper; unfortunately, down."
these come under the general heading of "useful If the target is zinging down a constant azimuth on the
information seldom referred to." left and you wish to avoid unpleasantries, break left into
There is another elevation problem to reckon with. Is the target. Turn right if the target is coming down dead
the antenna searching at the same elevation displayed on ahead or on the right. It's amazing how strong the
the antenna position indicator? There are at least a couple inclination is to turn right when the target is approaching
of ways of checking this out. The first and best method is from the left in an attempt to get away from the bogey.
to slip in behind your formation partner and see if you're This temptation can be overcome with practice (lack of
painting him on both sweeps. The second method involves practice may remove the temptation forever).
your resident mathematician. Have him determine at what The question arises, "What do you do when the target
range ground returns should begin to paint for a given goes off the side of the scope in azimuth?" If your plan
AG L and zero antenna elevation. If either of these don't was to avoid the target, you should be home free. If you
check out, you may have an antenna elevation problem. were attempting to join-up, you have two choices. One is
The final point regarding elevation is this : With the to start looking and guessing. The other is to turn into the
antenna searching level, a distant target will likely paint target, getting it back on the scope in order to "move it"
on both sweeps. As you draw closer, the target may begin and thus manage the situation. If you both are generally
to paint on only one sweep, indicating an altitude headed in the same direction and wish to join following an
differential. If you ever get a chance to observe an old RO overshoot, develop a procedure whereby you turn 45° -
going into super search at happy hour, watch his lips 60° away from the side on which the target disappeared.
move. He's probably saying UP-DOWN-UP-DOWN. He Fly this heading for a minute or two, reduce speed, and
knows that the left to right sweep is UP and the right to then turn back into the direction of the target until it is
left sweep is DOWN without having to look at the antenna reacquired . Because you can't see the target for quite
position indicator or the little green arrows. If you are some time, you are operating strictly on procedure and
seeing your target on both sweeps, be prepared to vacate care must be exercised not to reenter a hairy situation
your altitude; someone might have made a mistake. (blind overshoots are bad news but a procedural overshoot
is better than blind luck).
Working air-to-air azimuth problems can be a painless
Azimuth interpretation is not as difficult as the way to kill two hours in the flight simulator and the air
elevation problem in that you don't have to manually savvy you ~ develop ' as a result really pays off. Incidentally,
position the antenna. Let the radar do its thing while you do your simulator people keep the air-to-air capability up
watch the target. Targets do one of two things in azimuth; to speed or is it a low priority item?
they either drift or they don't.
A drifting target displays little azimuth movement at RANGE
longer ranges; however, as you draw closer its rate of drift Range and range rate closure have been touched upon
will increase. If the target doesn't drift, but continues to in the discussion of elevation and azimuth. The best thing
close at a constant azimuth (be it left, right, or dead that can be said for range is to use a realistic range setting

but it's worth it. Nobody said it was going to be easy.
We finally come to what to do about your radar

teaching new dogs contact. The other half of the team needs to be informed.
This is called commentary; however, it's a little more
dynamic than the term implies. There is a whole shopping
old tricks list of air defense terminology to describe the facets of
Scopewizardry. Terms such as JUDY, PORT,
STARBOARD, PIGEONS, ANGELS, etc., are pretty well
known throughout T AC; however, we do not need to
when looking for or working a target. Not much point in overly concern ourselves with these. What we need is
drilling around looking at an 80 mile scope, improving positive communication with the other guy.
your long range pick-up skills, when it's the pop-up traffic If you find yourself on a collision course, tell the pilot
at less than 10 miles that's out to kill you. Try a 30 mile to TURN LEFT or BREAK LEFT NOW, depending on
scope for cruise altitude. At low altitudes, a 10 mile range the urgency of the situation, and with all the authority
setting is ideal due to the ground clutter problem. As the you can muster. Other urgent commands might be DIVE
target closes, keep selecting the shortest range that still or CLIMB, followed by the imperative NOW.
contains the return. You can't get an accurate picture Routine commentary should give azimuth, elevation,
working a five mile target on a 30 mile scope because range, and overtake. For example, "Contact-30
everything is jammed up in the vertex. right-Level-9 Miles-Closing at 400 knots." This differs
Range rate closure speed is difficult to judge at best. If from your visual contact in that you have range and
your set provides an overtake readout, a quick lock-on is estimated range rate closure available. In summing up, it
worth a hundred guesses. In lieu of that capability, the can be simply stated that commentary should be accurate,
next best bet is practice. Here again, canned situations in timely, and authoritative.
the simulator are invaluable for developing a feel for range By now you are probably thinking that all this is heady
rate closure. stuff for the F-4 types but it really doesn't apply to the
Radar lock-ons are wonderful if you are short on talent Aardvark . Some old-timer probably told you that the
and unable to keep track of the target while in a search F-111 attack radar air mode is an afterthought, ill
mode. What you experience, though, is target fixation to conceived, and of little value in a fighter bomber. Wrong!
the exclusion of all other activity in the area. It is of little The airborne target pick up capability of the F-111 is as
comfort to avoid colliding with the target you are good as most other fighter aircraft and that's what it's all
locked on to, only to smash into his unseen wingman who about. If you aren't getting a pick-up on your tanker by
was flying loose route formation. the time he starts his turn down track, there is something
wrong with either your technique, radar air mode, or
both. You should consider improving your capability
There are a number of WSOs who fly around from when you get back on the ground .
takeoff to landing with their radar in the ground map If you decide that Scopewizardry might be the way to
mode. They take great pride in tuning, looking at go, it would be good to examine your crosscheck habits.
land/water contrast and marvelling at cardinal effect. Your scan pattern should take in the flight instruments,
This type of WSO should be called THE SIGHTSEER. performance instruments, navigation aids, radar scope and
If you want to give it your best shot and avoid the visual field . You might even want to check six . The length
label of Sightseer, here's what to do. Keep your radar in of time you spend on any one item will vary according to
the air mode except during TFR, rangework, or those few flight conditions, but all should be checked each time
times you need a high altitude radar fix . Use your air around. Above all, clear, clear, clear; visually and by radar.
mode during climbout, descent, and low level when not This article raises some questions on F-111 air-to-air
required for navigation. You say that the air mode is no radar training. Are we spending too much time on the
good in low level ground clutter? Wrong again. You can ground problems of navigation and rangework? Are we
pick up bug smashers in the pattern at 3-5 miles, the same turning out WSOs who will give a hundred percent with
range the best interceptors do. Try putting your antenna what's available? Take a look at your mission film and
up just a touch to get rid of some of the ground clutter. find out how much Scopewizardry you are practicing. It
Use some side lobe cancellation if available. You may get doesn't cost anything . .. the principles and equipment
20 false alarm targets before you find your bug smasher, are on hand, and the payoff could be a mid-air save . ....->

24 APRIL 1975

Maintenance Safety Award

Staff Sergeant Steven P. McAuliffe, 27 Tactical Fighter

Wing, Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico, has been
selected to receive the Tactical Air Command
Maintenance Safety Award for this month. Staff Sergeant
McAuliffe will receive a certificate and letter of
appreciation from the Vice Commander, Tactical Air

Crew Chief Safety Award

Staff Sergeant James A. Bearden, 1st Organizational

Maintenance Squadron, 1st Tactical Fighter Wing, MacDill
Air Force Base, Florida, has been selected to receive the
Tactical Air Command Crew Chief Award for this month.
Staff Sergeant Bearden will receive a certificate and letter
of appreciation from the Vice Commander, Tactical Air

chock talk ..incidents and incidentals


ON BY AN EAGLE release button located at the bottom ladder. When using the button in the
of the fuselage approximately three top kick-in step, visually clear the area
The F-15's retractable ladder can feet aft of the ladder; or (2) depress below the ladder before you step on
prove to be a real head-knocker if the button located inside the top the button.
you're not careful. One individual has kick-in step. Whether th e Eagle nests at your
already found this to be painfully Maintenance personnel and pilots base or is just passing through , a little
true. should use caution when lowering the caution when using the retracting
There are two ways to extend the ladder by the lower release button. ladder will save you from a nasty
Eagle steps: ( 1) depress the ladder Stand well clear of the area below the thwack on the head.

The ladder is released by depressing
the ladder release button located
at the bottom of the fuse Iage
approximately 3 feet aft of the
ladder, or by depressing the
button located inside the top
kick-in step.

~----~~~~---- ~D ~~~
-- ~:b::~o~~~~~~

inlet screen became covered with ice; panel in a attempt to spot the leak.
PlEASE DON'T FEED THE When the TSgt leaned over the
temperatures were below freezing
ANIMALS with a small temperature/dew-point canopy rail to supervise the Airman ,
spread. Seeing the ice covered screen , his parka hat and headset were sucked
A Tech Sergeant lost his parka hat the sergeant decided to lower the off toward the intake. He grabbed the
to a hungry A-378. He was in the intake screen and continue the run. headset, but one each parka hat was
cockpit during an engine ground run He then told his assistant to climb eaten by the Hungry Hummer.
trying to locate an oil leak. The right onto the wing and remove an access Standard procedure requires the

26 APRIL 1975
with a maintenance slant 10 commandments for electricians

I Beware the lightning tampereth not with safety

that lurketh in the undis- devices and interlocks, for
charged capacitor, lest it this incurreth the wrath of
cause thee to bounce upon thy supervisor and bringeth
thy buttocks in a most un- the fury of thy safety inspec-
technician-like manner. tor upon thy head and shoul-
II Cause thou the switch
that supplieth large quanti- VII Work thou not on en-
ties of juice to be opened ergized equipment, for if
and thusly tagged, that thy thou dost, thy fellow workers
days in this earthly veil of will surely buy beers for thy
tears may be long . widow and console her in
other ways .
Ill Prove to thyself that all
circuits that radiateth and VII Service thou not
A-37 engine inlet screens to be in the
upon which thou worketh are equipment for electrical
up - position during ground runs. grounded and thusly tagged cooking. It is a slothful proc-
Looks like another failure to follow lest they lift thee to radio ess and thou might sizzle in
established procedures. Another thing frequency potential and thine own fat for hours upon
to remember is to properly secure all causeth thee also to make a hot circuit bef0re thy
wearing apparel and loose objects like a radiator. Maker sees fit to end thy
when working near engine inlets. Let's misery.
stop feeding the animals. IV Tarry not amongst
those fools who engageth in IX Trifle thou not with
intentional shocks for they radioactive tubes and sub-
are surely nonbelievers and stances lest thou commence
SPARKS IN THE COCKPIT are not long for this world . to glow in the dark like a
lightning bug and thy wife
Following tech data is a must, yet V Take care that thou have no further use for thee
useth the proper method except thy wages.
incidents still occur because of non-
when thou takest the meas-
compliance. The latest involved an
ure of a high-voltage circuit X Thou shalt not make
F-4D. During flight, the WSO saw lest thou incinerate both thy- unauthorized modifications
sparks and smoke coming from the self and thy meter, for verily, to equipment, but causeth
area of the right rudder pedal in the though thou hast no ac- thou to be recorded all field
rear cockpit. The battery hold-down count number and can easily changes and authorized
rod and wing nut were not secured be surveyed, the test meter modification made by thee,
properly lAW 1F-4D-2-13. During doth have one and, as a con- lest thy successor tear his
flight it came loose and struck the sequence, bringeth much hair and go slowly mad in
115 volt AC terminal of the ECM woe unto the supply depart- his attempt to decide what
circuit breaker panel ... ZAP! Luck- ment. manner of creature hath
ily there were no injuries or damage made a nest in the wiring of
VI Take care that thou such equipment.
to the aircraft. We might not be so
lucky the next time.


Spitfire F.22 and 24; 1947.

British Royal Navy equivalent of the Supermarine
Spiteful single-engined fighter; 1947.
Editor: Coastal Command four-engined
I read with a great deal of interest, the article maritime-reconnaissance aircraft; 1949 to 197 3 !
"Were Two Props Better Than One," by Bill 15. WESTLAND WYVERN - British
Holder, which appeared in the February 1975 Royal Navy long-range, single-engine (both piston
issue TAC ATTACK. and turboprop versions) carrier fighter; 1949.
In response to the author's request, I have 16. FAIREY GANNET - British Royal
checked my "files" and have the following Navy twin-engined turboprop, carrier,
additions to his list of aircraft which utilized the anti-submarine strike fighter; 1949.
counter-rotating propellers: 17. BLACKBURN Y.B.1 - British Royal
A. The list below is comprised of aircraft Navy twin-engined turboprop, carrier fighter
which were originally designed with the intention (same specification as Gannett); 1950.
of using contra-props: 18. C 0 N V A I R X P 5 Y- 1 I R 3 Y
1. MACCHI-CASTOLDI M.C. 72 - Italian TRADEWINDS - USN four-engined turboprop
racing float-plane, built too late to compete in the flying boat; 1950.
1931 Schneider Trophy races, but subsequently 19. DOUGLAS A2D-1 SKYSHARK -
set the Absolute World Air Speed Record in 1934 USN twin-engined turboprop attack fighter ,
at440 mph. intended as AD Skyraider replacement; 1950.
2. KAWASAKI KI. 64 - Japanese 20. NORTH AMERICAN XA2J-1- USN
experimental heavy, twin-engined fighter; 194 3. twin-engined turboprop, carrier attack bomber,
3. MARTIN-BAKER M.B. 5 - British, intended as AJ-2 Savage replacement ; 1952.
piston-engined fighter (one built); 1944. 21. SAUNDERS-ROE PRINCESS -
4. CURTISS XP-60C USAAF British ten-engined (four are coupled) turboprop
single-engined fighter prototype, predecessor to commercial flying boat; 1952.
the XP-62; 1943. 22. C 0 NV A I R X F Y- 1 USN
5. CURTISS XP-62 - The aircraft you single-engined turboprop, vertical-take-off, carrier
actually have pictured in your article and fighter ; 1954. (Still displayed-Norfolk NAS)
misidentified as the XP-72; 1943. 23 . LOCKHEED XFV-1 USN
6. CURTISS XF14C-2 - USN equivalent single-engined turboprop, VTO, carrier fighter,
of the XP-62; 1944. direct competitor for XFY-1; 1954.
7. CURTISS XBTC-2 - Built and flown 24.TUPOLEV TU-114 CLEAT -
against the same specification as the Douglas Commercial version of the Bear bomber.
XTB2D which you mentioned in the article; 25. ANTONOV AN-22 COCK - Soviet
1945. transport.
8. ARSENAL VB 10 French B. The list below is comprised of aircraft
twin-engined fighter; 1945. which, while not specifically designed for
9. BOEING XF8B-1 - USN single-engined contra-props, did fly with such a propeller
fighter; 1944. installation at one time:
multi-engined, flying wing, heavy bomber and F.Mk.21
(predecessor to the YB-49); 1946. 2. HAWKER FURY (second prototype)
twin-engined photo reconnaissance aircraft; 1946. 4. CHANCE VOUGHT XF4U-4 CORSAIR
12. SUPERMARINE SEAFIRE F./F.R.46 C. Many aircraft have, in addition, flown as
and 47 - British Royal Navy equivalents of the test-beds for engine installations, and some of
28 APRIL 1975
these did use contra-rotating propellers. Among turboprop aircraft such as the Gannet and Y.B.1
the examples of these are the following aircraft (Numbers 14 and 15 on the first list) is that this
(all British): design allows one engine/propeller to be
1. BLACKBURN Y.A.7 and Y.A.8 - shut-down/feathered, providing much greater
Prototypes for the Blackburn Y.B.1 fighter, endurance in crmsmg flight without any
number 17 on the first list. asymmetric power problems.
2. A V R 0 L ANCAST ER an d Third, and last, is the fact that the German
LANCASTRIAN - Both flown with Griffon, Dornier DO 33 5 PFEIL (ARROW) should not
piston-engine, contra-prop installations. really be included as a representative of the
3. AVRO LANCASTER and LINCOLN- contra-prop principle. Certainly it did have two
Both flown with Python, turbo-prop/ contra-prop propellers, in separate locations, driven by
engine installations. separate engines, and rotating in different
At this point, I would like to make several directions, but then so did the Lockheed P-38
comments concerning the article itself. Lightning and North American F-82 Twin
First, as previously mentioned, the picture Mustang. In other words, the DO 33 5 is, in
which you have labelled as the Republic XP-72 is, reality, simply a twin-engined aircraft of unusual
in fact, the Curtiss XP-62 fighter prototype. I design, as opposed to a contra-prop. That
have enclosed two reprints from the William particular design is, by the way, no longer so
Green book "Warplanes of the Second World War, unusual. It is flown many times each day by great
FIGHTERS," Volume Four. The differences numbers of TAC and civilian pilots. It is precisely
' should be obvious, as the XP-72 was a far cleaner the concept of the Cessna Skymaster/0-2.
aerodynamic design. In addition, the XP-72 I hope that all this has provided you with
reprint will indicate that this fighter was not built some useful and historical background
"in an attempt to match the F-80A's information on contra-props.
performance," as was stated in the article. The Major Henry R. Kramer, USAF
XP-7 2 was " ... essentially a progressive CINCLANT HQTRS/]0332
development of the Thunderbolt . .. displayed an Norfolk, Virginia
exceptional performance . .. but the changing
requirements of war demanded long-range escort Editor:
fighters rather than interceptors, and the order Reference page 11, Feb 75 TAC ATTACK,
for P-72s was cancelled, further development you have identified a picture of a single engine
being abandoned in view of the greater promise fighter as the Republic XP-72, an outgrowth of
offered by new turbojet-driven interceptors such the P-47. In actuality this is a photo of the Curtiss
as the Lockheed P-80 Shooting Star." XP-62.
Second, the reasons why a designer would The XP-62 grew out of the Curtiss XP-60
want to use the contra-rotating propeller principle series. This began with a modified P-40D fuselage,
is really not so obscure. The article correctly a new laminar flow wing and a Merlin V-1650
noted the drag reducing advantages offered by engine. Five prototypes were built in varying
housing two engines within a single-engine configurations, the most promising one being
cowling. In addition, however, the original and powered with the Pratt and Whitney R-2800
most obvious reason was to reduce or eliminate radial. The first airplane flew in 1942. Since
the torque problems associated with high-power significant performance· increase over ex1stmg
piston engines. Torque was always a major fighters was not realized, the project was
consideration with single, piston engined fighters, dropped.
and in the case of the XP-72, the torque came The XP-62, which is the photo you published,
from no less than twenty-eight cylinders, was a progressive development as a high-altitude
putting-out over 3,000 h.p., applied to a prop of fighter. It was much larger and heavier than the
over 13¥2-foot diameter! Another advantage of P60 - possessing a pressurized cockpit, extensive
contra-props specifically noted for twin-engined armor and powered by the Wright R-3350. A

You're all absoluttJiy right/ In fairness to Mr. Holder,
LETTERS I must confess the e"or wa8 the result of photo
"switchology." To clarify the differences in the two
aircraft, check below, correctly captioned
Naval version with folding wings was built as the this time. - ED
XF14C-2. The official reason for cancelling these
programs was that a concurrent B-29 program
required the entire R-3350 production.
The Republic XP-72 was not built as a
modification to the P-4 7, but was intended to be
a production follow-on. The airplane, although
showing strong "Jug" heritage, was CURTISS XP-62
approximately 70% different. It was not built to
compete with the P-SOA as it was ahead of the
P-80's time. In fact, it was built to take advantage
of the new P and W R4360 engine which offered
a SOOAI power increase. The performance increase
was spectacular, realizing a top speed of 480 MPH
at sea level. Two prototypes were built with the
first one flying on 2 Feb 1944. This aircraft was
fitted with a huge 4-bladed prop that required
that all takeoffs and landings be made in a three
point attitude. The second prototype was fitted
with a Curtiss electric contrarotating 6-bladed
prop. Due to the early stage of development of
the R-4360 and the consequent problems, this
project was dropped also. In the spring of 1966, I had the good fortune
to save a trusty old T-hird from destruction and
References: "The Curtiss Hawks, "Wolverine was awarded the TAC Pilot of Distinction honors.
Press 1972 "Whine from the Jug, Sentry However, I was also awarded a one year tour to
Publications 1974 "Nam" and never got to see the write-up in TAC
ATTACK. Many times as I read your magazine
JAMES P. SCOTT II, Lt Col, over the years, I threatened to write you a letter
166 TAG to ask where I might get a copy of that issue. I'm
New Castle, DE not sure which one it was since I have never seen
it, but I believe it was about April 1966.
Could you send me a copy of that issue? If
Editor: not, could you make a copy of the write-up and
In reterence to the Republic XP-72 article on send it to me? If there is any cost involved, I'll be
Page 11 of your Feb issue, I believe the happy to send you the money.
photograph actually shows the Curtiss XP-62. Thanks for your time
If you will consult Vol 4 (Pages 72 & 184) of Sincerely,
Mr. William Green's series of small books entitled
"War Planes of the Second World War," (pub. STEPHEN C. MARCINKO, Major, USAF
Doubleday & Co, 1964) you will find short but Woodland Park, Colorado
informative articles on both airplanes.
Your excellent memory's superseded only by the rat-holing
DON MORGAN instincts of the TAC ATTACK staff. You only missed
Service Engineering Div it by one month - your May 1966 issue is on its way.
San Antonio ALC All of us at TAC Safety would like to pass our belated
Kelly AFB Texas congratulations to you on your "save."- ED

30 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1975. 635.212/9 APRIL 1975

TAC eL7-

AT 1
Thru Feb FEB
Thru Feb
Thru Feb
1975 1974 1915 1974 1975 1974


1 4 0 1 2 0 2

MAJOR ACFT. ACCIDENTS 110- 1 4 3 0 1 2 0 2

AIRCREW FATALITIES 1110. 1 12 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL EJECTIONS Ill' 1 2 5 0 0 0 0

SUCCESSFUL EJECTIONS 101. 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 1

TAC's top "5"


33 TFW TAC 146 130 SOG ANG
50 4 TFW TAC 126 2 ADGP TAC,
35 127 TFW ANG 115 136 ARW ANG
32 31 TFW TAC 107 143 SOG ANG
30 121 TFW ANG 95 DET 1, D.C. ANG


74 4.5 5.4 1
i 1


75 7.9 5.4

74 7.2 6.3 1

ANG 2.8
15 5.7

74 16.4
15 0 0
\ \ .
- ____


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