Tablet 069 - 21 - STS Operation Drill
Tablet 069 - 21 - STS Operation Drill
Tablet 069 - 21 - STS Operation Drill
8.54 – Are officers aware of the requirements of the ship-to-ship transfer checklists and are
there records of STS operations maintained?
Vessel last STS operation was on 11 July 2021 and last STS
drill carried out on 10 June 2021. However, as per STS plan,
drill should be carried out a week or 24 hours range before
STS operation.
It is important that any additional roles and responsibilities are identified
and that suitable training is provided prior to the operation.
(STS Transfer Guide, 1st Ed. 2013, Section 1.8)
An appropriate drill should be held, where applicable, within 24 hours and
in any case not more than seven days preceding an STS transfer
(STS Transfer Operations Plan by PT Waruna Nusa Sentana, Section 7.5)
Master should carry out STS drill as per Shipboard Drill Schedule Form
PPK-002 that should be carried out a week or 24 hours range before STS
Record of STS Drill use standard form SCF-008