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Indian Geotechnical Conference

IGC 2022
15th – 17th December, 2022, Kochi
Kochi Chapter

Design and Estimation of a Composite Earthen Dam at

Gokuldham, Chikhale, Belagavi

Shanta Boli1[0000-0003-1982-8943], Shripal C Shamarayanavar2[0000-0001-9054-5976],

Shriharsh Shintre3[0000-0002-8406-8891], Venkatesh P Channadasar4[0000-0003-3216-2234],
Shashank Bangi5[0000-0002-6793-1948] ,Vikhyat Katti6[0000-0003-0393-0636] and
Vikas Gingine7[0000-0003-1719-1854]

KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Belagavi

Abstract. To meet the water requirements of the habitants of Gokuldham vedic

village, composite earthen dam is proposed across a stream flowing through the
area. Surveying of the catchment area and the dam site was done to arrive at
various quantities necessary to plan and design the proposed dam. The main
aim of this project is to construct the Dam using naturally available materials by
excluding man made materials such as cement and machineries without
affecting the local ecology of the region. Soil from different sources within the
property was tested for suitability to construct different parts of the dam. These
test results are presented in this article. A detailed report including estimated
quantities and cost of construction are submitted to the village panchayat for the
approval of budget. The construction will begin after its approval. This article
briefly describes the entire process of planning, designing and quantity
estimation for the proposed earthen dam.

Keywords: Earthen Dam, Soil, Estimation.

1 Introduction

Gokuldham is a model Vedic village community project developed by ISKCON,

Belagavi. The habitants of this community need water for agriculture and domestic
use. The surface run-off needs to be stored so that it is available for use in non-
monsoon seasons. The earthen dam project was taken up with this objective in mind.
Being a part of MoU between the institute KLS GIT and ISKCON, Belagavi. This
project has adopted the principles of Gokuldham society, the exclusion of man-made
material like cement and machineries used for compaction and using natural materials
available in the area without affecting the local ecology of the region.

1.1 Site Overview

Gokuldham is located in the Sahyadri Mountain ranges, 40 kms, from Belagavi city.
The dam site is situated in a location with elevated abutments on both sides. The
substrate is a rocky and provides a firm foundation for the dam. In case of breach
there will be no harm to life or property as there are no places of dwelling
immediately on the downstream of the dam. The latitude and longitude of proposed
dam site is 15°40’11” N and 74°17’16”E.

TH-10-012 1
Shanta Boli, Shripal C Shamarayanavar, Shriharsh Shintre ,Venkatesh P Channadasar,
Shashank Bangi , Vikhyat Katti and Vikas Gingine

1.2 Need
This area receives abundant rainfall but does not have a structure in order to store this
water. A few years ago, the old earthen Dam was breached due to heavy rainfall and
improper methods of construction. Thus, construction of a composite earthen dam is
proposed across one of the streams running in this area to meet the water
requirements of the habitants of Gokuldham vedic village.

1.3 Objective
To prepare a detailed project report to submit to the village panchayat in order to get
approval and funds sanctioned for the construction of proposed composite earthen
dam at Gokuldham. The report consists of surveying, results of various tests
conducted on soil samples collected from the vicinity of the dam site and the material
estimation for the dam.

2 Preliminary Stage

In the preliminary stage of the project surveying of dam site, its catchment area and
reservoir was carried out. Soil from different sources in the area was also tested for
suitability as a construction material for the dam. Methodology of the work is shown
in Fig.1.

Fig.1 Flowchart showing the methodology

2.1 Survey and Selection of Site

Based on the requirement of a dam site, a suitable location was chosen across the
natural stream flowing through the area to construct the dam. The important feature of
the site includes a strong substrata and natural elevated apartments on either sides of

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Shanta Boli, Shripal C Shamarayanavar, Shriharsh Shintre ,Venkatesh P Channadasar,
Shashank Bangi , Vikhyat Katti and Vikas Gingine

the reservoir with sufficient capacity and no danger to life and property on the
downstream side in case of breach. A contour map was developed after surveying the
site to establish different elevations to be used in the design and determine the
reservoir capacity. Google map of the catchment area was provided the run off
volume into the reservoir. Fig.2 shows the topographical map of the project site on
Google map. Fig.3 shows the project boundary on Google map. Dam site as shown in

Location map

Fig.2 Location of Gokuldham, Chikhale Village, Belagavi

Fig.3 Catchment area under consideration

Fig.4 Dam Site

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Shanta Boli, Shripal C Shamarayanavar, Shriharsh Shintre ,Venkatesh P Channadasar,
Shashank Bangi , Vikhyat Katti and Vikas Gingine

2.2 Runoff Estimation

The maximum flood discharge was calculated using Ryves Coefficient.
Ryves Coefficient: It was originally developed for the Tamil Nadu region, is in
use in Tamil Nadu and parts of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. It is represented
as Qp = CR*A2/3 or Peak Discharge = Ryves Coefficient X Catchment Area2/3.
The catchment area of the dam site is 0.1 km2 and maximum flood discharge
has been calculated by considering 31.2 inches of average annual rainfall. The
maximum flood discharge calculated using Ryves Coefficient is 2.15 m3/sec.
The capacity of the reservoir up to MWL is 20 lakh liters.

2.3 Material Selection

One of the requirements of this project, as stipulated by Gokuldham authority was to

use the soil which was within the area and from a source as close as possible to the
dam site in order to avoid additional transportation expenses. Five different soil
samples were collected from different sources at Gokuldham. These soil samples
were tested in laboratory in order to classify them. The classification chart was then
used to decide the suitability of soil for the core and shell of the dam based on
IS:12169-1987(R2006) Appendix A. Table 1. shows the basic test results carried out
on the soil samples.
The soil samples collected were named based on their location as:
1. Near Electrical Pole (N EP)
2. Near Tree (N T)
3. Near Pond (N P)
4. Near Dam (N D)
5. Near New Plot (N PL

Based on Indian Standard Soil classification system (ISSCS), Classified the soil
samples like silty gravel (GM) for Electrical pole, high compressibility clayey soil
(CH) for tree, high silty soil (MH) for pond, Intermediate silty soil (MI) for dam,
Intermediate clayey soil (CI) for new plot. Among these soil samples Near Electrical
pole (GM) soil is used for pervious casing and Near Tree (CH) soil is used for
Impervious core.
Where G showing specific gravity, LL represents liquid limit in %, PL represents
plastic limit in %, MDD represents maximum dry density in kN/m3 and OMC
represents optimum moisture content in %.

TH-10-012 4
Shanta Boli, Shripal C Shamarayanavar, Shriharsh Shintre ,Venkatesh P Channadasar,
Shashank Bangi , Vikhyat Katti and Vikas Gingine

Table 1. Soil Tests Results

LL PL OM 69-
Soil Particle Size D Classifi
G % % C% 1987(R
locati distribution % [2] kN/ cation
[1] [3] [3] [4] 2006)
on m3[4]
dix A]

e for
45 27 21 8 46 30 38 14.7 GM perviou

Near for
4 16 32 48 58 20 28 14.5 CH
Tree impervi


4 40 29 27 57 27 52 14.9 MH both

1 9 53 37 40 20 35 16.7 MI both

New 5 12 41 42 45 26 24 14.3 CI


TH-10-012 5
Shanta Boli, Shripal C Shamarayanavar, Shriharsh Shintre ,Venkatesh P Channadasar,
Shashank Bangi , Vikhyat Katti and Vikas Gingine

3 Design and Estimation

3.1 Geometry of Dam

IS: 12169-1987 Criteria for Design of small embankment dams is referred for the
designing of the earthen Dam. Since the Dam is less than 15m in height, it is
considered as a small dam, for which stability analysis is not required [5,6]. Cross
section of the dam is shown in Fig.5. Dimensions of the Dam is shown in Table 2.
The components of the Dam are:

1. Cut-off
2. Core
3. Casing
4. Internal drainage system
5. Slope protection
6. Surface drainage

Table 2. Dimensions of Dam

Sl.No Description Dimensions Clauses

1 The total length of the Dam 37.2m
2 Upstream slope 2H:1V
3 Downstream slope 1.5H:1V
4 Top width 2m
5 Top Dam level RL - 102m
6 Full tank level RL - 100m
7 Height of the Dam 5m
8 Height of key trench 1.50m
9 Slope of Core 1:01 4.2.3
10 Top width of core 1m 4.2.3

TH-10-012 6
Shanta Boli, Shripal C Shamarayanavar, Shriharsh Shintre ,Venkatesh P Channadasar,
Shashank Bangi , Vikhyat Katti and Vikas Gingine

Fig.5 Cross Section of Dam

3.2 Weir Design

For surplus water, Design of weir is done and Table 2. shows the dimensions of the
Table 3. Dimensions of Weir

Sl.No Description Dimensions

1 Total length of the weir 5m
2 Upstream slope 2H:1V
3 Downstream slope 1.5H:1V
4 Top width 2m
5 Height of the weir 3m

TH-10-012 7
Shanta Boli, Shripal C Shamarayanavar, Shriharsh Shintre ,Venkatesh P Channadasar,
Shashank Bangi , Vikhyat Katti and Vikas Gingine

3.3 Estimation and Rate Analysis

Quantity Estimation
Quantities of Dam stripping, Excavation for key trench, Key trench filling, Hearting
Embankment for core, Casing Embankment, Upstream stone pitching and
downstream grass turfing have been calculated. Estimated quantities is shown in
Table 4.
Table 4. Quantity Estimation

Sl.No Description of Quantities Quantity Units

1 Stripping Quantity for Earthen Dam 149.79 m3

2 Excavation for Dam Key Trench 158.64 m3
3 Hearting Key Trench Filling 158.64 m3
4 Quantity of Hearting Embankment 339.09 m3
5 Quantity of Casing Embankment 748.82 m3
6 Stone Pitching 249.55 m2
7 Grass turfing 201.22 m2

The quantity of soil required to be excavated from the borrow pit is 810m3 , 1876.1m3
and 375.6m3 for core , casing and trench filling respectively.

Rate Analysis
The Rates adopted in the estimate are as per the SR Minor Irrigation Belagavi
Circle for the year of 2018-19. The estimate is framed by adopting economic way
of execution. Rate analysis has been done for the above quantities calculated.
The final estimated cost of Earthen Dam is Rs.14,00,000. Table 5 showing the
results of rate analysis.

TH-10-012 8
Shanta Boli, Shripal C Shamarayanavar, Shriharsh Shintre ,Venkatesh P Channadasar,
Shashank Bangi , Vikhyat Katti and Vikas Gingine

Table 5. Rate Analysis

Item Description/ Item of Rate in

Unit Quantity Amount
no. work Rs.
Clearing jungle
1 m2 3500 3.15 11025
Excavation for
2 m3 322.14 250.6 80728.284
Providing hearting
3 m3 179.34 218.4 39167.856
Providing Cutoff
4 m3 158.64 218.4 34646.976
trench filling
Providing casing
5 m3 908.57 219.45 199385.686
Providing and
6 constructing vertical / m3 252.93 1873.2 473788.476
inclined graded filter
Providing and
constructing 300mm
7 m2 249.55 437.85 109265.467
thick hand packed
rough stone
Providing and
8 laying in-situ vibrated m3 2.74 5501.78 15074.877
lime mortar
Providing and
constructing granite /
9 m3 15.6 3627 56581.2
trap / basalt rubble
stone masonry
Providing 12mm
10 m2 26.63 210 5592.3
thick lime plaster
Maintenance of
11 lawns with fine m2 201.22 23 4628.06
Planting and
12 maintenance m2 120.23 92 11061.16
permanent hedges
13 Renovation lawns m2 20 1050 21000
Total estimated cost 1061945.343
Including technical assistance, consultancies 6%, Miscellaneous
Lump sum 15%

TH-10-012 9
Shanta Boli, Shripal C Shamarayanavar, Shriharsh Shintre ,Venkatesh P Channadasar,
Shashank Bangi , Vikhyat Katti and Vikas Gingine

4 Discussion

Detailed design, drawings, estimation report has been submitted to Gokuldham

ISKCON, Chikhale Village, Belagavi for Panchayat approval.
All test results are within the range and hence the soil samples can be used for the
construction of different components of Earthen dam.

5 Conclusion

In this case it was possible to locate borrow pits for the soil required to construct the
earthen dam in the vicinity of the site. This makes the project environment-friendly as
the transportation effort to carry soil from borrow pits to the dam site is considerably
reduced. The cost of borrowing soil is also considerably reduced because of this. For
small dams (like the one in this project) simple guidelines given in codes of practice
may be used to proportion the geometry of the dam. These guidelines provide a
conservative geometry of the dam in simple steps.

6 References

1. IS 2720-Part 3: Method of test for soils - Determination of specific gravity,

Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi (1985 (R2006)).
2. IS 2720-Part 4: Method of test for soils - Determination of Grain size
distribution of soil and Hydrometer Analysis, Bureau of Indian Standards, New
Delhi (1985(R2006)).
3. IS 2720-Part 5: Method of test for soils - Determination of liquid limit - plastic
limit, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi (1985(R2006)).
4. IS 2720-Part 8: Method of test for soils - Determination of dry density, Bureau
of Indian Standards, New Delhi (1985(R2006)).
5. IS 12169: Criteria for Design of Small Embankment Dams, Bureau of Indian
Standards, New Delhi (1987(R2006)).
6. Jansen, R., Kramer.: Earth fill Dam Design and Analysis, pp. 256–320.
Springer, US,(1988).

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