Latvian Pronouns

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Latvian Pronouns

If you're trying to learn Latvian Pronouns you will find some useful
resources including a course about Personal pronouns, indefinite
pronouns, relative pronouns, reciprocal or reflexive pronouns... to
help you with your Latvian grammar. Try to concentrate on the
lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes
its place. Also don't forget to check the rest of our other lessons listed
on Learn Latvian. Enjoy the rest of the lesson!

Latvian Pronouns

Learning the Latvian Pronouns displayed below is vital to the

language. Latvian pronouns include personal pronouns (refer to the
persons speaking, the persons spoken to, or the persons or things
spoken about), indefinite pronouns, relative pronouns (connect parts
of sentences) and reciprocal or reflexive pronouns (in which the
object of a verb is being acted on by verb's subject).

Grammar Tips:

In English personal pronouns are (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they), and
(me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them), In Latvian, the personal
pronouns are:

Es… (I), tu… (you), viņš… (he), viņa… (she),

Mēs… (we), jūs…… (you) viņi… (they masc.), viņas… (they fem.)

Examples: es mācos (I learn), tu mācies (you learn), viņš mācās (he

learns), viņa mācās (she learns), jūs mācāties (you learn [polite]), mēs
mācāmies (we learn), jūs mācāties (you learn [plural]), viņi mācās
(they learn [plural masc.]), viņas mācās (they learn [plural fem.]).

Indirect Object Pronouns:

Indirect object pronouns are words that replace the indirect object,
which is usually a person.

Man (me), tev (you), to (him, her, you (formal), mūs (us), jūs (you), tos

Examples: Padod man grāmatu (give me the book). Es mīlu tevi (I love

Possessive Pronouns:

Mans (mine masc.), mana (mine fem.), tavs / tava (yours), viņa /
viņas (his, hers), mūsu (ours), jūsu (yours), viņu (theirs).

Here are some examples:

Latvian Pronouns
Pronouns Vietniekvārdi

I Es

you tu/jūs

he viņš

she viņa

we mēs

they viņi /viņas//tie/tās

me man /mani (accusative)

you Tev, jums /tevi/jūs

him viņam /viņu

Latvian Pronouns
her viņai /viņu

us mums /mūs

them viņiem /viņām//viņus/viņas//tiem/tām//tos/tās

my mans /mana/mani/manas

your tavs/tava/tavi/tavas//jūsu

his viņa

her viņas

our mūsu

their viņu /to

mine manējais/manējā/manējie/manējās// mans/mana/mani/manas

yours tavējais/tavējā/tavējie/tavējās//tavs/tava/tavi/tavas//jūsējais/jūsējā/jūsējie/jūsējās//jūsu

his viņa

hers viņas

ours mūsējais/mūsējā/musējie/mūsējās//mūsu

theirs viņu

Notice the structure of the Pronouns in Latvian.

List of Pronouns in Latvian

Below is a list of the Personal pronouns, indefinite pronouns, relative

pronouns, reciprocal or reflexive pronouns in Latvian placed in a
table. Memorizing this table will help you add very useful and
important words to your Latvian vocabulary.

English Pronouns Latvian Pronouns

I speak Es runāju

you speak Tu runā, jūs runājat

English Pronouns Latvian Pronouns
he speaks viņš runā

she speaks viņa runā

we speak mēs runājam

they speak viņi runā

give me dod man/dodoet man

give you dod tev/jums//dodiet tev /jums

give him viņam

give her dod , dodiet viņai

give us dod/doties mums

give them dod, dodiet viņiem /viņām

my book mana grāmata

your book tava/jūsu grāmata

his book viņa grāmatu

her book viņas grāmata

our book mūsu grāmata

their book viņu grāmatas

Personal pronouns, indefinite pronouns, relative pronouns, reciprocal

or reflexive pronouns have a very important role in Latvian. Once
you're done with Latvian Pronouns, you might want to check the rest
of our Latvian lessons here: Learn Latvian. Don't forget to bookmark
this page.

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