Latvian Pronouns
Latvian Pronouns
Latvian Pronouns
If you're trying to learn Latvian Pronouns you will find some useful
resources including a course about Personal pronouns, indefinite
pronouns, relative pronouns, reciprocal or reflexive pronouns... to
help you with your Latvian grammar. Try to concentrate on the
lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes
its place. Also don't forget to check the rest of our other lessons listed
on Learn Latvian. Enjoy the rest of the lesson!
Latvian Pronouns
Grammar Tips:
In English personal pronouns are (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they), and
(me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them), In Latvian, the personal
pronouns are:
Mēs… (we), jūs…… (you) viņi… (they masc.), viņas… (they fem.)
Indirect object pronouns are words that replace the indirect object,
which is usually a person.
Man (me), tev (you), to (him, her, you (formal), mūs (us), jūs (you), tos
Examples: Padod man grāmatu (give me the book). Es mīlu tevi (I love
Possessive Pronouns:
Mans (mine masc.), mana (mine fem.), tavs / tava (yours), viņa /
viņas (his, hers), mūsu (ours), jūsu (yours), viņu (theirs).
Latvian Pronouns
Pronouns Vietniekvārdi
I Es
you tu/jūs
he viņš
she viņa
we mēs
us mums /mūs
my mans /mana/mani/manas
your tavs/tava/tavi/tavas//jūsu
his viņa
her viņas
our mūsu
yours tavējais/tavējā/tavējie/tavējās//tavs/tava/tavi/tavas//jūsējais/jūsējā/jūsējie/jūsējās//jūsu
his viņa
hers viņas
ours mūsējais/mūsējā/musējie/mūsējās//mūsu
theirs viņu