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Physical Education
and Sports for CWSN
(Children with Special Needs: Divyang)

In this Chapter...
l Adaptive Physical Education
l Adaptive Sports
l Organisations Promoting Adaptive Sports
l Role of Professionals for Children with Special Needs

Today, even physically challenged people (Divyang) have the In other words, it is a diversified programme which includes
opportunity to participate in all physical education events developmental activities, games, sports, etc, that suit the
with full enthusiasm. The education programme that enables interests, capacities and limitation of children with
them to do so is called adaptive physical education. disabilities.
Such an education includes various special education It is a sub disciple of physical education that focuses on the
teachers who train children with disabilities to participate in creation of individualised programmes for students who may
various local, state, national, and even international sports safely or successfully engage in unrestricted participation in
events such as Special Olympics, Paralympics, Deaflympics, physical education programmes.
etc. Adaptive physical education provides safe, personally
satisfying and successful experiences of physical ability to
Adaptive Physical Education children who are differently abled.
Adaptive physical education programmes are school based Adaptive physical education programmes focus on the
programmes for children with disabilities like development of composition, posture, balance, coordination
deafness/hearing impairment, blindness, speech impairment, motor skills, etc. It teaches modified and suitable alternative
any type of physical impairments, autism, mental retardation activities which are more helpful in different circumstances.
Aims of Adaptive Physical Education
Children with disabilities have special needs because they
are not able to participate in regular physical exercises and The aim of an adaptive physical education programme is as
activities. So the adapted physical education programme is follows
specially designed for individuals with disabilities. l
Providing physical education that meets the unique needs
It can be defined as, ‘‘Adapted physical education is the art of such children.
and science of developing, implementing and monitoring a l
Development of the student’s motor skills.
carefully designed physical education instructional l
To assist differently abled students in achieving mental,
programme for learners with disabilities.’’ emotional, physical and social growth.
Achieving meaningful success and positive education Organisations Promoting Adaptive Sports
For the promotion and organisation of adaptive sports, many
Developing self-esteem and improving socialisation skills.
different competitions are held. Some of them are Special
Coping with disabilities through an active and healthy Olympics Bharat, Paralympics, Deaflympics etc.
These competitions provide a good platform for individuals
Developing cognitive abilities to improve education results. with disabilities to participate.
Objectives of Adaptive Physical Education Special Olympics Bharat
The objectives are discussed as follows Special Olympics Bharat is a National Sports Federation in
1. To Develop Motor Skills According to this objective, India accredited by Special Olympics International that uses
the emphasis is onto develop motor skills of students sports as a catalyst to transform the lives of children and
with disabilities. Motor skills are necessary for people with intellectual disabilities like Down Syndrome,
performing not only specific skills but daily routine Autism, ADHD and others.
activities also. These skills enable physically disabled
It was founded in 1987 as ‘Special Olympics India’ and later
students to be active and smart.
the name was changed to ‘Special Olympics Bharat’ in 2001.
2. To Improve Physical Fitness It is an important It is registered under the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 (amended
objective of adaptive physical education in which in 2015). It is recognised by the Government of India as a
modified or adaptive exercises are provided in the National Sports Federation in priority category. It works for
programmes to improve physical fitness of students. development of sports opportunity for the people with
3. To Ensure Students Participation in Physical intellectual disabilities.
Education Programmes This objective focuses on
It is officially recognised programme of Special Olympics
ensuring that each students actively participates in
International founded by Eunice Kennedy. It is a designated
physical education programmes regularly. It also ensures
Nodal Agency for all disabilities.
that the student is integrated into regular education
programme whenever possible.
4. To Promote Sportsmanship Qualities It is another
vital objective of adaptive physical education to promote
sportsmanship qualities among the differently abled
students. Participation in adaptive physical education
programmes naturally improves sportsman qualities.
5. To Ensure Services to Differently Abled Students
This objective ensures that the differently abled
students are provided with the physical education Vision
services that meet their special needs properly. Its vision is to inspire children and people with intellectual
6. To Improve Social Adjustments Participation in disabilities to take up games and sports so that there is a
programmes of adaptive physical education helps the general acceptance and inclusion of these people in society.
differently abled students to make social adjustments, as Special Olympics Bharat strives to
such adjustments are most important especially in l
Focus on holistic development and training that goes beyond
present day society. the classrooms into the playing fields, etc, to encourage
Overall, the aims and objectives of adapted physical children with disabilities to join and remain in school.
education programmes is to make the children with special l
Create role models with a view to inspire the children and
needs cope with their disabilities in a better way. also motivate parents to send their children to school and
to participate in sports and other extra-curricular activities.
Adaptive Sports l
Train teachers to sensitise them to needs of special
Adaptive sports are the type of competitive sports that are children, and create a cadre of physical education teachers
designed for individuals with disabilities. These sports are from among the disabled who can work with schools and
slightly different than normal sports as there may be some community centers.
modifications in the rules or in the equipment to meet the l
Ensure maximum involvement of community for greater
special needs of the participants. For instance, sled hockey public understanding and acceptance of people with
allows the use of sleds for players to sit and play the game. intellectual disabilities.
Mission International Paralympic Committee
Its mission is to provide adequate sports infrastructure and This committee was founded on 22nd September, 1989. It
training to develop fitness, courage, confidence, good health, organises Paralympics after every four years in the same year
joy etc. for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. in which Olympics are held.
It also focuses on making them participate in sharing of gifts, After every Summer and Winter Olympics, Summer
skills and friendship with their family, friends and the Paralympic and Winter Paralympics are held at the same
community. venue.
Oath The International Paralympic Committe also serve as the
The oath of Special Olympics Bharat is “Let me win, but if I International Federation for nine sports, for which it
cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.” supervises and coordinates the world championship and other
competitions. Its headquater is located in Bonn, Germany.
Benefits of Special Olympic Bharat
The aim of IPC is to develop sports opportunities for all the
It is helpful in developing a positive attitude, people with an impairment from the beginner to the elite
self-confidence and self-worth. level.
It improves motor skills and physical fitness. The Paralympic Committee has allowed competitions in ten
It promotes mental, physical, social and emotional eligible impairment types. They are
1. Impaired muscle power
It increases family support and social acceptance.
2. Impaired passive range of movements
Organisation of Sports Championship 3. Loss of limb
Special Olympics Bharat organises championships at local, 4. Leg length difference
district, state, national and international level like National
5. Short stature
Games, National Football, Table Tennis Championship,
National Floor Hockey Championship, National Volleyball, 6. Hypertonia (i.e. spastics)
National Badminton Championship, etc. It has sent a number 7. Ataxia (lack of muscle coordination)
of athletes for summer and winter international sports events. 8. Athetosis (a brain disorder causing involuntary writhing
9. Vision impairment (i.e. blindness)
Paralympics is derived from the Greek word which means
‘parallel to Olympics’. Dr Ludwig Guttmann is credited with 10. Intellectual impairment
the starting of the paralympic movement which is an Olympic Deaflympics
event for physically and intellectually disabled persons.
Deaflympics is an international Olympic event at which deaf
Guttmann was a neurologist during World War II and treated athletes compete. Unlike other paralympic events, deaf
British War casualties. He founded the National Spinal athletes cannot be guided by sounds like referee whistle,
Injuries Centre at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in England. gunshot etc. Therefore, special arrangements are made for
In July 1948, Guttmann organised a sports competition for the deaf athletes at Deaflympics such as waving a flag, using
British World War II patients with spinal cord injuries. light instead of gunshots etc.
This event was hugely popular and in 1960 after the Rome The Deaflympics are more than just the world’s second oldest
Olympics, Paralympic events were held for the first time in multiple sports after olympics. These games are the world’s
Rome. Since then, these games are held at an interval of every fastest growing sports events.
four years following the Olympic games. The Deaflympics are an equivalent to the Olympic games for
deaf athletes. These games have been organised by the
International Committee of sports for deaf since the first event.
The first of such games were held in Paris in 1924. Since
then, these games have been held regularly after every four
years. The Deaflympics Winter Games were started in 1949.
From 1924 to 1965, these games were officially known as the
‘International Games for the Deaf’ or the ‘International Silent
Paralympic Logo Games’.
From 1966 to 1999, they were recognised as ‘World Games Year and Venue of Summer Deaflympics
for the Deaf’ or the ‘World Silent Games’.
S. No. Year City Country
Since 2001, these games are renamed as Deaflympics’. Till
I 1924 Paris France
now, the Deaflympics have been hosted by 36 cities in 21
countries. II 1928 Amsterdam Netherlands
III 1931 Nuremberg Germany
Motto and Logo
IV 1935 London Great Britain
The Motto of Deaflympics is ‘Per Ludos Aequalitas’ meaning
V 1939 Stockholm Sweden
‘Equality through sports’. It’s logo is inspired by the sign for
Olympics. The circle in the middle represents an eye because VI 1949 Copenhagen Denmark
deaf people have more visual power. VII 1953 Brussels Belgium
The four colours of the logo i.e. red, green, yellow and blue VIII 1957 Milan Italy
represent the four regional confederations of the IX 1961 Helsinki Finland
International Committee of Sports for Deaf viz. Europe, Asia X 1965 Washington DC United States
Pacific, Pan-America and Africa. It ties together the strong
XI 1969 Belgrade Yugoslavia
elements, sign language, deaf and international cultures,
unity and continuity. XII 1973 Malmo Sweden
XIII 1977 Bucharest Romania
XIV 1981 Cologne West Germany
XV 1985 Los Angeles United States
XVI 1989 Christchurch New Zealand
XVII 1993 Sofia Bulgaria
XVIII 1997 Copenhagen Denmark
XIX 2001 Rome Italy
XX 2005 Melbourne Australia

Deaflympics Logo XXI 2009 Taipei Chinese Taipei

XXII 2013 Sofia Bulgaria
XXIII 2017 Samsun Turkey
The main purpose of Deaflympics is to provide opportunities
XXIV 2022 Caxias do sul Brazil
to person with hearing disability to participate in elite sports.
Eligibility Criteria Year and Venue of Winter Deaflympics
The eligibility criteria to compete at the Deaflympic Games, S. No. Year City Country
the athletes must have a hearing loss of minimum 55 decibel
I 1949 Seefeld Austria
in their better ear. Hearing aid, cochlear implants, etc., are
not allowed to be used in the competition. II 1953 Oslo Norway
III 1955 Oberammergaau Germany
Summer and Winter Deaflympics
The sports included in Summer Deaflympics are Athletics, IV 1959 Montana-Vennala Switzerland
Badminton, Basketball, Beach Volleyball, Bowling, Cycling V 1963 Are Sweden
Road, Football, Handball, Judo, Shooting, Karate, VI 1967 Berchtesgaden West Germany
Orienteering, Swimming, Table Tennis, etc.
VII 1971 Adelboden Switzerland
The sports that are included in Winter Deaflympics
are Alpine skiing, Cross-country skiing, Curling, Ice Hockey, VIII 1975 Lake Placid United States
and Snowboard. IX 1979 Meribel France
S. No. Year City Country Occupational Therapist
X 1983 Madonna di Campiglio Italy An occupational therapist is a professional who helps the
children with special needs to develop fine and gross motor
XI 1987 Oslo Norway
skills like eating, dressing, bathing, drinking etc.
XII 1991 Banff Canada
An occupational therapist also helps them develop their
XIII 1995 Yllas Finland sensory and cognitive abilities. This is done by teaching
XIV 1999 Davos Switzerland simple activities like grasping, reaching, picking, dressing,
feeding etc.
XV 2003 Sundsvall Sweden
The primary aim of an occupational therapist is to maximise
XVI 2007 Salt Lake City United States the child’s potential to participate in activities of everyday life
XVII 2015 Khanty-Mansiyak Russia by minimising the impact of their disability.
XVIII 2019 Sondrio Province Italy The role of an occupational therapist is to develop physical
XIX 2023 Quebec Canada
coordination among the children with special needs like
hand-eye coordination to improve skills such as hitting a ball
or copying from a blackboard, etc. This professional also
Role of Professionals for arranges for any specialised equipment if required by the
Children with Special Needs child.
The professionals who work with children with special needs Physiotherapist
have to focus on their overall development. They help and The role of the physiotherapist is to manage children with
support such children in achieving their full potential, giving movement disorders. He teaches them how to balance their
ability to communicate properly, etc. movements while walking, rolling, sitting and crawling. For
The professionals working with these children are this, various exercises are taught that also prevent the
counsellors, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, development of deformities.
physical education teachers, speech therapists and special Another role of the physiotherapist is to encourage a child’s
educators. independence and mobility, thereby helping in building
The roles of these professionals are discussed below self-esteem. He evaluates movements and functions of the
body with special reference to physical mobility, balance,
posture, gain, fatigue, etc. He uses range of techniques
A counsellor is a trusted professional who provides a safe and like massage, exercise, electrotheraphy and hydrotheraphy,
supportive environment. The role of the counsellor is to etc.
discuss the concerns of the child with special needs and A physiotherapist also identifies the type of equipment that
understand the feelings, emotions and sentiments of the child. can help a child in managing movement disorders.
A counsellor also counsels the parents, guardians and
Physical Education Teacher
teachers of the child with special needs. He provides
guidance and helps the child to adapt to different situations Physical education teacher generally determines the abilities
because he understands the mental and physical needs of the of students with special needs and also the procedures that
child. may need to be implemented to support their participation
A counsellor helps students with special needs with in sports and physical fitness.
their academic goals, their social, personal and career The physical education teachers help students with special
development. needs to improve their physical fitness. They help in
He also carries out various development programmes related improving hand-eye coordination, flexibility, muscular
to stress management, anger management, conflict strength, endurance and even cardiovascular efficiency of
management, positive thinking, etc. He provides social students with special needs.
support to the child along with exploring ways to make the The physical education teachers also teach physical activities
disability more manageable. A counsellor helps the child to which may help in reducing stress tension, depression and
cope better with the disability. anxiety of the students with special needs.
They also help students with special needs in developing Speech therapist also helps such students who have fluency
a feeling of self-esteem and social awareness as the disorders like stoppages, repetitions or prolonging sounds in
students with special needs may often feel isolated and words, etc.
removed from the group. They organise various physical Special Educator
activities for students with special needs to promote their
The role of a special educator is to work for the overall
mental and physical health.
development of children with special needs. This is done by
Speech Therapist developing teaching aids and instructional materials as well as
The role of a speech therapist is to build the through remedial teaching.
communication of children with special needs. This is Special educators are concerned with the overall success of
done by teaching them how to use words, sounds of children with special needs. Their role is to improve a student’s
speech, gestures and maintenance of eye contact. ability to function in social, emotional and behavioural capacities.
His essential job is to help the children to express Another role of special educator is to encourage family
themselves using oral communication skills or sounds involvement, working with other school staff to better understand
and gestures. This helps in emotional development as well the needs of the specific child, etc. For this purpose, collaborating
as building confidence in children with special needs. with school and community professionals is also required.
CBSE Term II Physical Education XI 7

PART 1 6. Identify the event for which this logo is

Objective Questions
l Multiple Choice Questions
(a) Summer Olympics
1. The aim of adaptive physical education is to help (b) Paralympics
whom? (c) Winter Olympics
(a) Adults (b) Differently abled students (d) International Cricket Council
(c) Athelets (d) All of these
Ans. (b) The logo is for Paralympics. The event supports
Ans. (b) The aim of adaptive physical education is to help leadership, promotes health and develops confidence.
differently abled students. It develops the opportunity for
the differently abled students to participate in physical 7. The given logo is used for sports event organised in
activity. India. Name it
2. Which of the following organisations helps
promoting adaptive sports?
(a) Special Olympics Bharat (b) Deaflympics
(c) Paralympics (d) All of the above
Ans. (d) All the given such as Special Olympics Bharat,
Deaflympics and Paralympics help in promoting adaptive
sports. (a) Special Olympics Bharat
(b) Cerebral Palsy Games
3. In which year, the name of ‘Special Olympics India’ (c) Para Sports
was changed to ‘Special Bharat Olympics’ ? (d) Wheelchair Racing
(a) 1985 (b) 2000 Ans. (a) The given logo is for a specific sports event ‘Special
(c) 2001 (d) 2002 Olympic Bharat’ which is organised for differently abled
Ans. (c) In the year 2001, the name was changed to Special people.
Olympics Bharat from Special Olympics India.
8. Match the following.
4. In which year the International Paralympic
Committee was founded? List I List II
(Summer Deaflympics, Host City ) (Year)
(a) 22nd September, 1989 (b) 22nd September, 1990
(c) 20th September, 1989 (d) 20th September, 1992 A. Nuremberg 1. 1953
Ans. (a) International Paralympic Committee was founded on B. Brussels 2. 2005
22nd September, 1989 to organise paralympics after every
C. Melbourne 3. 1997
four years.
D. Copenhagen 4. 1931
5. How many types of competition has been allowed
by the paralympic committee? Codes
(a) 12 (b) 10 (c) 15 (d) 22 A B C D A B C D
Ans. (b) A total of 10 types of competitions are allowed by the (a) 1 2 3 4 (b) 4 1 2 3
paralympics committee. (c) 2 3 4 1 (d) 3 4 1 2
Ans. (b) The options in the left are the names of the cities Ans. (b) The first Paralympics games were held in Rome in
where summer deaflympics were held. On the right 1960 and the event became hugely popular.
column are the year in which the events were held. So
12. Seetha who is studying in class XI at Kaveri Public
Nuremberg hosts the event in 1931, Brussels in 1953,
School has a tendency to forget things along with a
Melbourne in 2005 and Copenhagen in 1997.
flickering mind. She is also not able to sit quietly in
9. Match the following. a place for a while. The teacher observed her and
List I (Adaptive Sports) List II (Year of Starting advised Seetha’s parents during a parent teacher
meeting to see a professional for CWSN.
A. Special Olympics Bharat 1. 1989
Which among the following professional should
B. International Paralympics 2. 1949 Seetha’s parents meet?
(a) Psychologist
C. Deaflympic Winter Games 3. 1987 (b) Speech therapist
(c) Physical education teacher
Codes (d) Counsellor
Ans. (d) Seetha is facing emotional problems. Her parents
(a) 3 1 2 (b) 1 3 2 should meet a counsellor to understand the feelings,
(c) 2 1 3 (d) 3 2 1 emotions and sentiments of the child.
Ans. (a) The left column indicates the organisations promoting
adaptive sports and the right column indicates the years
13. Raman is five year old boy facing movement
in which these organisations were formed. Special
disorders. He is not able to balance himself
Olympic Bharat was formed in 1987, International properly while walking, rolling or sitting. He should
Paralympics Committee was formed in 1989 and be taken to which of the following professional?
Deaflympics Winter Games were held in 1949 for the first (a) Counsellor
time. (b) Physiotherapist
(c) Special educator
10. Match the following. (d) Psychologist
List I List II Ans. (b) Raman is facing problems of balancing himself while
A. Counsellor 1. Overall development of CWSN walking, rolling, sitting etc. So he should be taken to a
physiotherapist so that proper equipments to manage the
B. Physiotherapist 2. Understand feelings of CWSN movements can be identified.
C. Special educator 3. Oral Communication Skills 14. These games are major international multi-sport
D. Speech therapist 4. Manage Movement disorders events for the athletes with various disabilities such
as mobility disabilities, blindness, cerebral palsy.
Codes Which games are discussed here?
A B C D A B C D (a) Olympics
(a) 1 3 2 4 (b) 4 1 3 2 (b) Special Olympic Bharat
(c) 2 4 1 3 (d) 2 1 3 4 (c) Paralympics
Ans. (c) The left column indicates the professionals and the (d) Deaflympics
right column indicates the work. Counsellor understands Ans. (c) The games discussed here is Paralympics which is a
the feeling of CWSN. Physiotherapist helps CWSN in sporting event for differently abled people.
managing movement disorders. Special educator work for
overall development of CWSN and speech therapist l
Assertion-Reasoning MCQs
develops oral communication skills of children facing
speech problems. Directions (Q. Nos. 1-4) Each of these questions contains
two statements, Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Each of
11. Paralympic Games are the world’s largest sporting these questions also has four alternative choices, any one
event for the people with physical, visual and of which is the correct answer. You have to select one of
intellectual disabilities. It is held in two categories, the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below.
one is Summer Olympics and the other is Winter (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation
Olympics. of A
Where were the first Paralympic Games held? (b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct
explanation of A
(a) Greece (b) Rome
(c) A is true, but R is false
(c) New Delhi (d) London
(d) A is false, but R is true
1. Assertion (A) Children with disabilities have special (i) Vishal can take part in ______.
needs. (a) Deaflympics (b) Paralympics
Reason (R) These children are not able to (c) T20 World Cup (d) Olympic Games
participate in regular physical exercises and Ans. (b) Vishal can take part in paralympics as he is having
activities. intellectual impairment and there are competitions for
such people in paralympics.
Ans. (a) The Assertion is true as children with disabilities are
different than normal children, so they have special (ii) How vishal is different from other people?
needs. (a) He has problems of general mental ability
The Reason is also true as due to disabilities that cannot (b) He can see partially only
participate in regular exercises as normal students. (c) He is not having one of the limbs
So, both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation (d) None of the above
of A. Ans. (a) Vishal is different from other people as he has
intellectual impairment which means general mental
2. Assertion (A) Adaptive sports are designed for all ability problems or mental retardation.
the individuals.
(iii) How can physical education and sports help Vishal?
Reason (R) Deaflympics is an example of the (a) Develop motor skills
adaptive sports. (b) Improve social adjustment
Ans. (d) Adaptive sports are designed for children and adults (c) Improves physical fitness
with disabilities and not for everyone so assertion is false. (d) All of the above
Reason is true as deaflympics is a sporting event for the Ans. (d) Physical education and sports help Vishal by
deaf people and it is part of adaptive sports. developing his motor skills, improving social adjustment
3. Assertion (A) The motto of Deaflympics is ‘Equality and physical fitness.
through sports’. 2. Adaptive physical education programmes focus on
Reason (R) The role of counsellor is to manage the development of composition, posture, balance,
children with movements disorder. coordination, motor skills etc. It teaches modified
Ans. (c) Assertion is true as Deaflympics was formed to spread and suitable alternative activities which are more
the word of equality for all irrespective of their helpful in different circumstances. Based on this
disabilities. passage, answer the following questions.
Reason is false as the role of a counsellor is to provide a (i) Adaptive physical education programmes are meant
supportive environment and understand the feelings, for which of the following?
emotions and sentiments of a child. (a) Divyang (b) Retarded
4. Assertion (A) Differently abled students should be (c) Blind (d) All of these
treated equally. Ans. (d) Adaptive physical education programmes are meant
Reason (R) Differently abled students should not for children and adults with special needs so divyang,
be looked sympathetically rather they should be retarded and blind, all the categories will be there.
recognised for their talent and capabilites. (ii) Which of the following is an example of adaptive
Ans. (a) The Assertion is true as differently abled students have sports?
same emotions, feelings, hope and ambitions, so they (a) Indian super league
should be treated equally. (b) Special Olympics Bharat
The reason is also true as differently abled students (c) Asian Games
should be treated with respect. Their talents and (d) Euro Championships
capabilities should be recognised so that they develop self Ans. (b) Special Olympics Bharat is an example of adaptive
confidence. So, both A and R are true and R is the correct sports that organises sports events for people with special
explanation of A. needs or Divyang.
(iii) In adaptive sports, the sports equipments are
Case Based MCQs _____.
1. Vishal is having intellectual impairment but he is (a) modified (b) not used
good in sports. He wants to take part in one of the (c) minimal (d) All of these
sports events that are specially developed for such Ans. (a) The sports equipments in adaptive sports are modified
people. Based on this case, answer the following so that people with disabilities can practice on them.
10 CBSE Term II Physical Education XI

Subjective Questions
l Short Answer (SA) Type Questions 4. Define Special Olympic Bharat. List the benefits of
1. Explain the adaptive physical education Special Olympics Bharat.
programme. Ans. Special Olympics Bharat is a government organisation
made for the development of sports opportunity for the
Ans. The adaptive physical education programme is a school
people with intellectual disabilities.
based programme for children with disabilities.
It was founded in 1987 as special Olympics India and later
Children with special needs like deafness/ hearing
the name was changed to special Olympic Bharat in 2001.
impairment, blindness, speech impairment, autism,
It is officially recognised programme of Special Olympics
mental retardation etc. are not able to participate in
International founded by Eunice kennedy. It is a designated
regular physical exercises and activities.
Nodal Agency for all disabilities.
The adaptive physical education programme is not only
Benefits of Special Olympic Bharat are as follows
for differently abled but also for the people of all ages.
It is helpful in developing a positive attitude,
The adaptive physical education programme focuses on
self-confidence and self-worth.
the development of composition, posture, balance,
coordination, motor skills, etc.
It improves motor skills and physical fitness.
The programme teaches modified and suitable
It promotes mental, physical, social and emotional
alternative activities which are more helpful in different development.
circumstances. l
It increases family support and social acceptance.
2. What is the need for adaptive sports? 5. What is the vision and mission of Special Olympics
Ans. Adaptive sports are needed for the following reasons Bharat?
To enhance the self esteem and boost self confidence Ans. Vision of special Olympic Bharat is to inspire children and
of children with disabilities. people with intellectual disabilities to take up games and
sports so that there is a general acceptance and inclusion of
To develop social skills in such children so that they
these people in society. Mission of special Olympic Bharat
interact with normal children freely.
is provide adequate sports infrastructure and training to
To develop a sense of achievement by participating in develops fitness, courage, confidence, good health, joy etc.
adaptive sports and games. for children and adults with intellectual disabilities.
To improve their emotional skills so that they donot
feel left out in the society. 6. Mention three objectives of Special Olympics Bharat.
To enhance the efficiency and growth of disabled Ans. The objectives of Special Olympics Bharat are as follows
people in physical education and sports. l
Focus on holistic development and training that goes
beyond the classrooms into the playing fields, etc, to
3. What is the aim of Adaptive Physical encourage children with disabilities to join and remain in
Education? school.
Ans. The aim of adaptive physical education is as follows l
Create role models with a view to inspire the children and
Providing physical education that meets the unique also motivate parents to send their children to school and to
needs of such children. participate in sports and other extra-curricular activities.
Development of the student’s motor skills. l
Train teachers to sensitise them to needs of special
To assist differently abled students in achieving children and create a cadre of physical education teachers
mental, emotional, physical and social growth. from among the disabled who can work with schools and
Achieving meaningful success and positive education community centers.
outcomes. 7. When was the International Paralympic Committee
Developing self esteem and improving socialisation formed? What are the categories of impairment
skills. eligible to take part in it?
Coping with disabilities through an active and healthy Ans. International Paralympic Committee was formed on 22nd
lifestyle. September, 1989.
Developing cognitive abilities to improve education The Paralympic Committee has allowed competitions in ten
results. eligible impairment types.
These are as follows A counsellor also comes out with developmental
1. Impaired muscle power. programmes related to stress management.
2. Impaired passive range of movements. So, a counsellor guides the child, its parents and society
3. Loss of limb. in developing a supportive environment.
4. Leg length difference. 11. How can an occupational therapist help a child with
5. Short stature. special needs?
6. Hypertonia (i.e. spastics) Ans. An occupational therapist is a professional who can help a
7. Ataxia (lack of muscle coordination) child with special needs by developing its fine and gross
8. Athetosis (a brain disorder causing involuntary motor skills. The primary aim of an occupational therapist
writhing movements). is to maximise the child’s potential to participate in
9. Vision impairment (i.e. blindness). activities of everyday life by minimising the impact of
their Disability. This is done by teaching simple activities
10. Intellectual impairment. like grasping, reaching, picking, dressing etc.
8. Write a short note on how Paralympics started? These activities increase physical coordination among
Ans. Paralympics was started due to the efforts of Dr Ludwig such children. When the child is able to do simple
Guttmann. He was a neurologist who treated British war activities independently, it builds confidence in the child.
casualties during World War II. He founded the National The occupational therapist also arranges for any special
Spinal Injuries Centre at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in equipment needed by the child.
England. 12. Differentiate between counsellor and
Then in July 1948, Guttmann organised a sports physiotherapist on the basis of their work.
competition for patients with spinal cord injuries which Ans. The differences between counsellor and physiotherapist
became immensely popular. This was the first event of are as follows
this type after which the Paralympics were held regularly
after every four years. Counsellor Physiotherapist
Paralympics events were held the first time in Rome. The role of the counsellor is The role of the
to discuss the concerns of the physiotherapist is to manage
9. What is Deaflympics and discuss the eligibility child with special needs and children with movement
criteria to compete at Deaflympics? Which sports understand the feelings, disorder. He teaches them
are included in Summer Deaflympics? emotions and sentiments of how to balance their
Ans. Deaflympics is an international Olympic event at which the child. movement while walking,
deaf athletes compete. Unlike other paralympic events, sitting etc.
deaf athletes cannot be guided by sounds like referee A counsellor also counsels Physiotherapist evaluates
whisstle, gunshot etc. Some special arrangements are the parents, guardians and movements and functions of
made for them like waving a flag, using light instead of teachers of the child with the body with special
gunshot etc. The eligibility criteria to compete at special needs. reference to physical
Deaflympic Games, the athletes must have a hearing loss mobility, balance, posture etc.
of minimum 55 decibel in their better ear. Hearing aid,
cochlear implants etc. are not allowed to be used in the 13. What is the role of physical educator in dealing
competition. with CWSN?
The sports included in Summer Deaflympics are Ans. The role of physical education teacher is to generally
Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Beach Volleyball, determines the abilities of students with special needs
Bowling, Cycling, Football, Handball, Judo, Shooting, and also the procedures that may need to be implemented
Karate, Orienteering, Swimming, Table Tennis, etc. to support their participation in sports and physical
10. Explain the role of a counsellor in developing a The physical education teachers help students with
supportive environment for children with special special needs to improve their physical fitness. They help
needs. in improving hand-eye coordination, flexibility, muscular
Ans. The role of a counsellor is to develop a safe and strength, endurance and even cardiovascular efficiency of
supportive environment for children with special needs. students with special needs.
He does this by understanding the feelings, emotions and The physical education teachers also teach physical
sentiments of the child. activities which may help in reducing stress, tension,
The counsellor counsels the child’s parents, guardians depression and anxiety of the students with special needs.
and teachers on how to deal with different situations They also help students with special needs in developing
related to the child. The counsellor also develops social a feeling of self-esteem and social awarness as the
support for the child so that the child could manage students with special needs may often feel isolated and
his/her disability in a better way. removed from the group.
14. How a Speech Therapist can help the children cope Guttmann was a neurologist during World War II and
up with speech difficulties? treated British War casualties. He founded the National
Spinal Injuries Centre at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in
Ans. Speech therapist can help the children to copeup with
speech difficulties as he build the communication to the
children facing speech difficulties. This is done by In July 1948, Guttmann organised a sports competition
teaching them how to use words, sounds of speech, for British World War II patients with spinal cord injuries.
gestures and maintenance of eye contact. This event war hugely popular and in 1960 after the
His essential job is to help the children to express Rome Olympics, Paralympic events were held for the first
themselves using oral communication skills or sounds and time in Rome. Since then, these games are held at an
gestures. This helps in emotional development as well as interval of every four years following the Olympic Games.
building confidence in children with special needs. Seeing the rising popularity of the sports events
Speech therapist also helps such students who have International Paralympic Committee was formed.
fluency disorders like stoppages, repetitions or This committee was founded on 22nd September, 1989. It
prolonging sounds in words, etc. organises Paralympics after every four years in the same
year in which Olympics are held.
l Long Answer (LA) Type Questions After every Summer and Winter Olympics, Summer
Paralympic and Winter Paralympics are held at the same
1. Enumerate the objectives of adaptive physical venue.
education. The International Paralympic Committee also serve as the
Ans. The objectives of adaptive physical education are as International Federation for nine sports, for which it
follows supervises and coordinates the world championship and
(i) To Develop Motor Skills This objective emphasis on other competitions. Its headquater is located in Bonn,
developing motor skills of students with disabilities. Germany.
They are necessary for performing not only specific
3. Disuss about ‘Deaflympics’ in detail.
skills but daily routine activities.
Ans. Deaflympics are the world’s second oldest multiple sports
(ii) To Improve Physical Fitness This objective is to
after Olympics. The Deaflym pics is an International
provide modified or adaptive exercises to students in
Olympic Committee sanctioned event at which deaf
order to improve their physical fitness.
athletes compete at an international level. The Deaflym-
(iii) To Ensure Students Participation in Physical pics games are held after every four years.
Education Programmes This objective ensure that
The first Deaflympics Games were held in Paris in 1924.
each student actively participate in physical
In that deaflympics, only 148 deaf athletes from nine
education programmes regularly at his/her own
European countries participated.
From 1924-1965, these games were officially known as
(iv) To Promote Sportsmanship Qualities This objective
the ‘International Games for the Deaf ’. From 1966-1999,
ensures promotion of sportsmanship qualities among
they were called ‘World Games for the Deaf ’. Since,
differently abled students.
2001, these games are known as ‘Deaflympics’.
(v) To Ensure Services to Differently Abled Students
In Deaflympics the starter’s gun bullhorn commands or
This objective ensures that the differently abled
refree’s whistles are not used, rather flags or any visual
students are provided with proper services that meet
signals are used to alert participants.
their needs.
The motto of Deaflympics is ‘Equality through sports’.
(vi) To Improve Social Adjustments This objective is
The four colours of the logo i.e. red, green, yellow and
essential especially in present day world as the
blue, represent the four regional confederations of the
participation in programmes of adaptive physical
International Committee of Sports for the Deaf viz.
education helps differently abled students to make
Europe, Asia Pacific, Pan-America and Africa. The circle
social adjustments.
in the middle represents an eye as deaf people are very
2. Explain in detail about how Paralympics was formed? visual. The athletes, to compete in Deaflympics, must
Ans. ‘Paralympics’ is derived from the Greek word which have a hearing loss of minimum 55 decible in their better
means ‘parallel to Olympics’. Dr Ludwig Guttmann is ear.
credited with the starting of the paralympic movement So, it can be said the Deaflympics provide ample
which is an Olympic event for physically and opportunities to persons with hearing disability to
intellectually disabled persons. participates in sports competitions.
4. What is the role of professionals who work for (i) Which professions are specially designated to work
children with special needs. Explain the role of any for children with special needs?
one professional. Ans. Professions like counsellor, occupational therapist,
Ans. The professionals who work with children with special physiotherapist, physical education teacher, speech
needs have to focus on their overall development. They therapist and special educator work for children with
help and support such children in achieving their full special needs.
potential, giving ability to communicate properly, etc. (ii) What is the role of a speech therapist for children
Their role is to understand the specific need of CWSN with special needs?
and devise pragrammes, activities and games accordingly.
Ans. The role of a speech therapist is to build the
The professionals working with these children are communication of children with special needs by teaching
counsellors, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, them the use of words, sounds, gestures etc to express
physical education teachers, speech therapists and themselves.
special educators.
The role of a Counsellor is as follows 2. Prabha is a Divyang. She is in 9th standard and likes
to take part in sports activities. Her younger sister
A counsellor is a trusted professional who provides a safe
and supportive environment. The role of the counsellor is
also takes part in sports. But the equipments used
to discuss the concerns of the child with special needs by Prabha for playing is different than what her
and understand the feelings, emotions and sentiments of sister uses. Based on this case answer the following.
the child. (i) Why Prabha’s equipments are different from her
A counsellor also counsels the parents, guardians and sisters?
teachers of the child with special needs. He provides Ans. Prabhas equipments are different from her sister because
guidance and helps the child to adapt to different they are specifically designed for the children with special
situations because he understands the mental and needs to play adaptive sports.
physical needs of the child. (ii) How physical education help CWSN?
A counsellor helps students with special needs with their Ans. Physical education provide and develop need based
academic goals, their social, personal and career programmes for children with disabilities.
He also carries out various development programmes 3. Special Olympics Bharat organises championships
related to stress management, anger management, at local, district, state, national and international
conflict management, positive thinking, etc. level like National Games, National Football, Table
He provides social support to the child along with Tennis Championship, National Floor Hockey
exploring ways to make the disability more manageable. Championship, National Volleyball, National
A counsellor helps the child to cope better with the Badminton Championship, etc. It has sent a number
disability. of athletes for world summer and winter games.
(i) Why Special Olympics Bharat was formed?
Case Based Questions Ans. It was formed to provide sports opportunity to people
1. Children with special needs have to cope up with with intellectual and physical disabilities.
many kinds of problems. Some professionals teach (ii) What is the vision of Special Olympics Bharat?
the children how to use words, sounds of speech, Ans. The vision is to inspire children and people with
gestures and maintenance of eye contact. The intellectual disabilities to take up games and sports so that
objective is to help the children to express there is general acceptance and inclusion of these people
themselves using oral communication skills. in society.
Chapter Test
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Special Olympics Bharat organises championships at which level(s)?
(a) Local level (b) State level (c) International level (d) All of these
2. Which country hosted Summer Deaflympics in 1939?
(a) United States (b) Italy (c) Sweden (d) Austria
3. What is the role of Physiotherapist?
(a) To manage special needs children with movement disorder (b) Help special needs children to develop find and gross motor skills
(c) To build communication of children with special needs. (d) To work for the overall development of children with special needs
4. Paralympics is derived from ............. word which means ‘parallel to olympics’.
(a) Greek (b) Latin (c) Sanskrit (d) Roman
5. Choose the incorrect statement.
(a) Special Olympics Bharat was initially named as Special Olympics India.
(b) Varied instruments and strategies are used in adaptive physical education.
(c) The first Summer Deaflympics was held in 1928 in Paris.
(d) Skiing, Snow-board, ice hockey are some of the games played in Winter Deaflympics.
6. The physical education instructor in a primary school wanted to include all the children of his class for a sports
competition. Some students of his class were children with special needs.
Which type of sports should be designed for such students?
(a) Zonal competition (b) Deaflympics
(c) Adaptive Sports (d) Paralympics

Short Answer (SA) Type Questions

7. How are adaptive sports different from normal sports?
8. Explain the role of special educator in working with children with disabilities.
9. Write a short note on the formation of any one adaptive sports in India.
10. How adaptive physical education motivates children with disabilities?
11. What are adaptive sports? Which organisations promote adaptive sports?

Long Answer (LA) Type Questions

12. Write a detailed note on how Deaflympics came into existence.
13. Elucidate the role of occupational therapist for students with special needs.

1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (b) 6. (b)

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