Curriculum Map Sci
Curriculum Map Sci
Curriculum Map Sci
Level 2
Developing Children’s Knowledge in Scientific Concepts
SY 2016 – 2017
I. Course Description:
Science Subject is a growing program that aims at developing children’s knowledge related top different scientific concepts .It is built on a clear curriculum framework with clear
standards and well defined objectives. Text is better organized and the language is simple and direct. The introductory book, starter, features, coloring, cutting and pasting activities
which are appropriate for young learners. The course provides
Science Education is developing children knowledge in different aspects and give them knowledge about human beings, animals, plants, things around us and as well as about
solar system also. Students will learn about energy, light and forces also in this primary science subject. The students will aware from so many concepts..
III. Scope and Sequence
First Term
Part 1: Ourselves
Unit 1: Our body.
Unit 2: The body machine.
Second Term
Developing children’s general self- Part 1: Ourselves Developing the concepts and Reading Reflection exercise using
awareness about our body. Unit 1: Our body importance of body organs. Discussion “Self-check”
Drawing Project Evaluation
To explain how the skeleton Pages 2-4 Sticking pictures
supports and protects the body. Primary Science 2 Expressing ideas
Teacher’s Guide Answering activities
To identify the function of each Author: Nicholas Horsburgh
component of the skeleton.
To demonstrate the function of Unit 1: Our body Developing self-awareness foe the Reading Check there understanding
the skeleton . body organs and there functions. Discussion related to exercise using
To examine the skeletons of Pages 2-5 Writing ‘’ post man activity’’
different groups of animals. Primary Science 2 Drawing
Teacher’s Guide Sticking pictures
Author: Nicholas Horsburgh Expressing ideas
Answering activities
Week Objectives Unit/Topic/Reference/ Essential Suggested
Materials Ideas/Concepts Strategies / Activities
To recall the functions of the Unit 2: The body machine. Every internal Body organs in our Reading Reflection exercise using
major internal organs of the Pages 6-8 body do very important functions. Discussion “Self-check”
body. Primary Science 2 Drawing
Sticking pictures
Teacher’s Guide
To locate the major body Expressing ideas
organs in an outlined diagram. Answering activities
To recall the functions of the Unit 2: The body machine. To discuss some of the ways in Writing Reflection exercise using
sense organs. Pages 6-10 which we need to look after Discussion ‘’Flash Card Making’’
To explain that eating a Primary Science 2 ourselves to stay heathy and Drawing
4 balanced diet,maintaining active. Sticking pictures
Teacher’s Guide
proper fluid itake,and regular Expressing ideas
exercise are needed to Answering activities
maintain health.
Developing awareness about different Unit 3: Animals Realizing goals, describing Reading Reflection exercise using
types of Animals . Pages 11 - 13 themselves, working with partners Discussion “Self-check”
Different flash cards of and reflecting of feelings Drawing Project Evaluation
Compare similarities and differences insects Sticking pictures
among the Animals. Primary Science 2 Expressing ideas
5 Answering activities
Teacher’s Guide
Tracing one insect
body on a large piece
of paper
Match special body parts of Unit 4: Life cycles Recognize that animals may be Reading Reflection exercise using
various animals to their Pages 16-18 herbivorous , or omnivorous and Discussion “Self-check”
function. Different pictures related to recognize their differences. Drawing
To explain animal lifecycles. life cycles of Animals. Sticking pictures
Primary Science 2 Expressing ideas
Answering activities
Teacher’s Guide
To introduce the idea that Unit 4: Life cycles Teaching them by showing Writing Reflection exercise using
animals produce young ones Pages 16-19 Lifecycles of animals. Reading “Post man’’
that grow in to adults. Different pictures related to Discussion
lifecycles. Drawing
To identify environment of Primary Science 2 Sticking pictures
8 animal adaptation for survival. Expressing ideas
Teacher’s Guide
Answering activities
To discuss some of the ways in Unit 5: Plants. Teaching them about different
which plants are useful. Pages 20-24 plants by using flashcards.
To identify the importance of Different pictures related to
plants in our daily life . plants.
Primary Science 2
Teacher’s Guide
To introduce the idea that a Unit 8: Measuring Pupil recognize the measuring Reading Worksheets
variety of measuring instruments. instruments and their uses. Discussion And draws the solar system on
instruments are used to Pages 35 - 38 Drawing the note books
accurately measure various Notes writing on the note Sticking pictures
quantities . Expressing ideas
3 book.
To explain the terms length, Answering activities
weight, height, temperature etc. Primary Science 2
Teacher’s Guide
Making the project of
solar system handing.
4 .
To identify some instruments Unit 8: Measuring writing Worksheets about planet
and explain their use to instruments Pupil recognize the term length, Discussion
measure physical quantities. Pages 35 - 39 weight, temperature etc . Drawing
To use estimates to measure Notes writing on the note Sticking pictures
these quantities. Expressing ideas
Answering activities
Primary Science 2
Teacher’s Guide
To provide introductory ideas Unit 9: Day & Night Pupil recognize that the Earth sun Reading Post man activity
about heavenly bodies such as Pages 40 - 41 and moon are spherical. Discussion
the Earth, Moon and Stars. Reading Drawing
Sticking pictures
5 Primary Science 2
To explain how day and night Expressing ideas
happen . Teacher’s Guide Answering activities
To emphasize that day and Unit 9: Day & Night Writing Reading from the students
night are the result of the Earth Pages 40 - 42 Comprehend how day and night Reading And check their notebooks and
rotating or spinning on its axis. Notes writing on the note happen . Discussion give feedback
To explain that a year is the Answering activities
6 book.
tome taken for the Earth to
make one complete orbit Primary Science 2
around the sun.
Teacher’s Guide
To show that both the Earth Unit 10: The Moon Pupil recognize that day and night Reading Reflection exercise using
and Moon revolve and rotate at are a result of the Earth rotating or Discussion “Self-check”
the same time. Pages 43 - 44 spinning . Drawing Project Evaluation?
Sticking pictures
To compare and contrast the Expressing ideas
Primary Science 2
7 Moon and the Earth. Answering activities
Teacher’s Guide
Make a complete
To explain the movements of Unit 10-: The Moon Writing Reflection exercise using
the Moon on its axis and Pages 43 - 45 Pupil will recognize .the moon Discussion ‘’Post man activity’’
around the Earth. takes 28 days to orbit the Earth . Drawing
Students will be able to explore Notes writing on the note Expressing ideas
space travel . Answering activities
Primary Science 2 Project:
Make an incomplete
Teacher’s Guide
Topic/Reference/ Essential Suggested
Week Objectives Assessment
Materials Ideas/Concepts Strategies / Activities
To provide introductory ideas Unit 11: Seasons Pupil will recognize the salient Reading Reflection exercise using
about the four seasons, air and Pages 46 - 48 features of each season . Discussion “Self-check”
water conservation . Drawing
To identify salient features of Notes writing on the note Sticking pictures
each seasons . Expressing ideas
1 book.
Answering activities
Primary Science 2
Teacher’s Guide
To discuss the distinct features Unit 11: Seasons Writing Post man activity
of each season . Pages 46 - 51 Pupil will identify the different Discussion Note book work
To identify the salient climatic seasons by studying clues about Drawing
features of each season and Notes writing on the note their features . Sticking pictures
2 emphasize their effects on Expressing ideas
lifestyle and activities . Answering activities
Primary Science 2
Teacher’s Guide
To identify the sources of water Unit 12: Water Pupil will list ways of conserving Reading Reflection exercise using
and its uses . Pages 52 – 55 the environment. Discussion “Self-check”
To create awareness of the Drawing
importance of water Notes writing on the note Sticking pictures
conservation. Expressing ideas
Answering activities
Primary Science 2
Teacher’s Guide
Topic/Reference/ Essential Suggested
Week Objectives Assessment
Materials Ideas/Concepts Strategies / Activities
To explore the sources of water Unit 12: Water Pupil will list sources of water and Reading Reflection exercise using
pollution . Pages 52 – 57 identify the sources of water Discussion “Self-check”
To investigate the properties of pollution . Drawing Project Evaluation
water . Notes writing on the note Sticking pictures
Expressing ideas
Primary Science 2 Project:
Go on a tour with your
Teacher’s Guide
teacher around the
school. Look for
situations that could be
To explain the composition of Unit 13: Air Concept of air. Reading Post man activity
Air. Pages 58 - 60 Use phenomena related to moving Discussion
To compare the important and Reading from book. air, e.g on kites, parachutes, Drawing
useful gases with those that are drying, washing to support the idea Sticking pictures
5 Primary Science 2
impure or poisonous . that air is real . Expressing ideas
Teacher’s Guide
To explore some of the Notes writing in the class Reading Reflection exercise using
properties of air . Unit 13: Air Discussion “Self-check”
To discuss air pollution . Pages 58 - 62 Drawing
Reading from book. Sticking pictures
6 Expressing ideas
Primary Science 2
Teacher’s Guide
To identify our immediate and Unit 14: The environment People recognize to create Reading Reflection exercise using
larger surroundings as our Pages 63-64 recycled and reusable objects . Discussion “Self-check”
environment . Reading from book. Drawing Project Evaluation
To classify environment in to Sticking pictures
Writing notes
7 natural and man-made . Expressing ideas
To explain that human activities Primary Science 2 Answering activities
are responsible for polluting the Teacher’s Guide
environment .
.to introduce the 3R’s strategy Unit 14: The environment Notes writing in the class Reading Reflection exercise using
for conserving the Pages 63-65 Writing “Here’s my shadow!”
Environment . Reading from book. Drawing the shadow 1. Student Observation
To create recycled and Reflecting checklist
Writing notes
reusable objects .
Primary Science 2
Teacher’s Guide
Sticking pictures
Expressing ideas
To introduce electricity as a Reading
form of energy . Unit 15: The Electricity Pupils identify the appliances which Writing
9 To identify appliances which Pages 66-68 use main electricity.e,g: lamps, Drawing the shadow
use mains electricity e,g fan, Reading from book. tape recorders, television etc. Reflecting
light bulb, computer etc . Writing notes
To provide a very basic
explanation of the production Primary Science 2
and transportation of mains Teacher’s Guide
electricity .
To warn of dangers associated Sort the appliances in to categories Reading Reflection exercise using
Unit 15: The Electricity
with batteries or mains and justify the groupings. Discussion ‘’Post man activity’’
Pages 66-70
electricity. Drawing
Reading from book.
To compare mains electricity Sticking pictures
with batteries and cells. Writing notes Expressing ideas
Primary Science 2
Teacher’s Guide
Drawing Reflection exercise using
Unit 17:Sounds.
To explain what vibration is Pupil will explore sound using the Sticking pictures “Self-check”
Pages 73 - 75
To demonstrate that sound is sense of touch (feeling vibrations ) Expressing ideas
Reading from book.
created due to vibration Answering activities
Writing notes
Primary Science 2
Making the project of
Teacher’s Guide Medium of sounds.
To identify the mediums Sort out how sound travels. Reading Post man activity
through which sound can travel Unit 17:Sounds. Discussion Note book work
To demonstrate that the speed Pages 73 - 76 Drawing
of vibration changes the volume Reading from book. Sticking pictures
and the pitch of sound Expressing ideas
Writing notes
Answering activities
Primary Science 2
Teacher’s Guide
To introduce the properties of Unit 17:Light and shadow
light Pages 77 - 79 Every shadows are formed when Reading Reflection exercise using
To explain the difference Reading from book. objects block light. Discussion “Here’s my shadow!”
between transparent, Drawing 1. Student Observation
Writing notes
translucent and opaque objects Sticking pictures checklist
Primary Science 2 Expressing ideas
Teacher’s Guide
Drawing the shadow
V. Course Requirements:
Students are assessed on a regular basis through quizzes, activity sheets, chapter tests and homework assignments.
Regular assessments include:
Reflection exercise using “Here’s what I think!”
Homework assignments
Student Observation checklist
Project Evaluation
Post man activity
The current term grades are made up of cumulative (80%) and summative (20%) assessment grades.
For Grade 2, the teacher uses the following formula to calculate the current term grade:
VII. Bibliography:
Reference Books:
1. Primary Science level 2 Teaching Guide, Nicholas Horsburgh