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A Research Paper Presented to

the College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences
Cebu Institute of Technology-University
Cebu City, Philippines


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Nursing


Arreglo, Denise Jhoanne C.
Dipaling, Erika C.
Madrazo, Eiffel Jane M.
Manalo, Jaylord R.
Obando, Karylle P.
Ortega, Mary Belle A.

Mrs. Jeanette Paris-Lim RM, RN, MAN

June 2023

This thesis entitled ‘’Early Motherhood: Exploring the Lived

Experiences of Selected Adolescent Mothers in Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu
City” prepared and submitted by Arreglo, Denise Jhoanne C., Dipaling, Erika
C., Madrazo, Eiffel Jane M., Manalo, Jaylord R., Obando, Karylle P., Ortega,
Mary Belle A. in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of
Science in Nursing has been examined and is recommended for acceptance and
approval for oral defense.



Research Adviser


Research Coordinator




This Research Paper has been accepted and approved on partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Degree of BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN NURSING.


Head, RDCO


Dean, College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences


The researchers would like to extend their deep gratitude and appreciation

to the following persons whose support and assistance have made the study


To their beloved parents, who unconditionally supported them and provided

encouragement and guidance, allowing the researchers to complete the study.

To the Dean of the College of Nursing, Dr. Judith D. Ismael, for her

assistance and permission to use the many resources that the school has to offer

in order to make this research possible.

To Mrs. Maria Miraluz Sevilla-Burlas and Mrs. Jeanette Paris-Lim for

sharing their expertise and providing valuable advice and guidance to help improve

this research study.

To the respondents, for their cooperation in answering the survey

questionnaires and giving the researchers their trust in using their data for the


Above all others, to the One Almighty God, for providing wisdom, knowledge

in exploring things, for the guidance in helping surpass all the trials that we

encountered and for giving determination to pursue our study, and to make this

study possible.

The Researchers

Teenage Mothers: Exploring the Lived Experiences of Selected Adolescent

Mothers in Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City

Arreglo, Denise Jhoanne C.

Dipaling, Erika C.
Madrazo, Eiffel Jane M.
Manalo, Jaylord R.
Obando, Karylle P.
Ortega, Mary Belle A.

Cebu Institute of Technology-University


Abstract - This research study aims to explore, understand, and further investigate
the lived experiences of adolescent mothers in relation to their experiences as first-
time mothers at a young age. The struggles, difficulties, parenting skills, perception
on bodily changes, and their mental health are unraveled. Adolescent childbearing
has become a widespread phenomenon amid the current health crisis, affecting
all geographic, racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups. The qualitative method,
descriptive phenomenology design, and purposive sampling method were used to
collect data using a researcher-created interview guide questionnaire (Appendix
A), which is an open-ended question to explore and share their experiences as
first-time mothers at a young age. The study utilized purposive sampling to identify
the research informants in accordance with the established research inclusion and
exclusion. The research involved a total of 10 informants who were interviewed
individually face-to-face. The chosen informants who met the study's inclusion and
exclusion criteria were asked and agreed to participate in an in-depth interview
using the guide questionnaire. This study's data greatly aids the researchers in
understanding the adolescent mother's struggles, difficulties, parenting skills, and
mental health after becoming a mother at a young age. The data collected was
analyzed by Colaizzi’s data analysis method. After analyzing the data on the lived
experiences of selected adolescent mothers, the researchers identified four main
themes: "Facing Challenges", “Searching for Answers”, “All Worth It”, and "A
Burden to None”. These themes were further divided into seven sub-themes:
"Stresses Me Out”, “What Changed?”, “Being Judged”, “Managing Feelings”,
“Methods of Caregiving”, “Comfortable with my Body”, and “Happy Pill.”

Keywords: Adolescent Mothers, Bodily Changes, Lived Experiences, Mental

Health, Parenting Skills, Qualitative Research

Content Page

Title Page i

Approval Sheet ii

Acknowledgement iii

Abstract iv

Table of Contents v

List of Figures vii

List of Tables viii


Background of the Study 1

Philosophical Stance 4


Domain of Inquiry 10

Research Question 11

Significance of the Study 12



Introductory Statement 14

Research Design 14

Research Locale 15

Research Sampling 15

Research Informant/ Participant 15

Research Instrument 16

Research Procedure 19

Data Analysis 20

Ethical Consideration 21


Theme 1: Facing Challenges 27

Theme 2: Searching for Answers 38

Theme 3: All Worth It 44

Theme 4: A Burden to None 47


Implications 50

Recommendations 51

References 53


Appendix A: Letter of Intent 59

Appendix B: Consent Form 61

Appendix C: Interview Guide Questions 65

Appendix D: Gantt Chart 69

Appendix E: Summary of Research Expenses 70

Appendix F: Reflexive Journal 71

Appendix G: Verbatim Transcriptions 74

Appendix H: Clustering Themes 115

Appendix I: IERC Certificate 118

Appendix J: Anti-Plagiarism Certificate 120

Appendix K: Censor Certification 121

Appendix L: Curriculum Vitae 122



Figures Page
Figure 1: Bracketing Diagram 17


Tables Page
Table 1: Profile of Informants 24
Table 2: Essential Themes 27

Adolescent childbearing has become a widespread phenomenon amid the

current health crisis, affecting all geographic, racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic

groups. The World Health Organization (WHO, 2022) reported that adolescents

aged 15-19 years in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) had an estimated

21 million pregnancies per year, with half of them being unintended and resulting

in an estimated 12 million births. In the Philippines, despite the decreasing trend

of registered births among those 15 to 19 years old, the adolescent birth rate in the

country remains high, as it exceeds the Asia Pacific average of 35 and comes

close to the global average of 50 (UNFPA Philippines, 2020). Teenage pregnancy

brings about profound body changes as young mothers navigate the

transformative journey of pregnancy and childbirth, The bodily changes

experienced by teenage mothers during and after childbirth are not only significant

for their physical well-being but also emphasize the unique challenges and impact

of teenage pregnancy on both the mother's developing body and overall transition

into motherhood at a young age. In addition to the physical changes, the impact of

teenage pregnancy on mental health further underscores the need for

comprehensive support and understanding, as young mothers contend with the

interplay between their evolving bodies and the psychological well-being affected

by the challenges and responsibilities of early parenthood. Moreover, parents’

goals for their children's development differ due to their individual personalities,

which may influence behavior regarding parental roles and have implications for

efforts to promote specific parenting practices.

Adolescent mental health issues are not adequately handled, even though

they are quite common. Teen moms who are under considerable environmental

and psychosocial stressors must receive particular care, as they run the risk of

developing mental health problems that would damage both them and their

children. Moreover, a notable issue persists concerning parenting styles and the

availability of reliable sources of parenting knowledge. This ongoing problem can

impact individuals' ability to adopt effective parenting styles and access accurate

information since this provides reliable indicators of parenting functioning

(Smetana, 2017). Bodily changes play a role in shaping the parenting identity of

adolescent mothers. Accepting and adapting to their transformed bodies can be

intertwined with their ability to embrace their roles as mothers and develop a sense

of competence and confidence in parenting. Gaining insight into how teenage

mothers feel about their body changes allows for a more comprehensive

understanding of their experiences, enabling the provision of targeted support, and

contributing to their overall well-being as they navigate the transformative journey

of motherhood.

Addressing the mother's needs would allow them to better meet their

child's needs. Understanding adolescent mothers’ awareness of their mental well-

being and the barriers to their parenting skills and knowledge are necessary to

identify gaps that may hinder their children’s growth and development. This study

remains significant as it remains to be a problem worldwide. Although it has been


studied internationally, there is still limited published research available involving

adolescent mothers in the Philippines relating to mental health needs, bodily

changes and parenting. This aims to determine the adverse experiences related

to maternal mental health during the transition to motherhood and identify existing

skills and knowledge on parenting. Lastly, this study aims to explore the lived

experiences of selected adolescent mothers by understanding their needs,

perceptions, and experiences in determining the struggles in parenting and their

body changes during and after childbirth.

This study greatly improves the nursing field in raising awareness about

teenage pregnancy. This helps them understand and predict the attitude, factors

and changing physical and physiological aspects of adolescent mom. Also,

according to (Fernandez et al., 2020) A specific level of skills is required by the

new format from the nurse. Prioritizing abilities, skills, and attitudes that are

relevant to nursing practice this viewpoint, in relation to the adolescent's health

promotion and education.



The four philosophical presuppositions—the epistemological, axiological,

methodological, and ontological presuppositions—are implanted in the course of

this study.

The researcher's attitude toward focusing on the informants' responses to

questions regarding their lived experiences as adolescent mothers and their

mental health, rather than just the informants themselves, was referred to as the

research's epistemological viewpoint. Therefore, the researchers' perspective on

how this study was conducted was not prejudiced against the informants but rather

toward the responses and lived experiences.

The effectiveness of the researcher's writing and data interpretation was

evaluated based on their rhetorical or methodological stance. The information

about the lived experiences of adolescent mothers was collected for this study,

and it was respectfully and discreetly analyzed. This includes seeing the

informants' facial expressions, gestures, and mannerisms while they respond to

the researchers' inquiries.

Respect for the researcher is a key component of the research axiological

position during the data gathering phase. By being impartial toward the information

the informants would provide, researchers would appreciate the information they

have collected.

The researchers' relationship to the subject matter of the study—the lived

experiences and mental health of adolescent mothers—is referred to as the


research's ontological perspective. To put it another way, the focus was on the

many responses related to the lived experience and mental health of the

adolescent moms, which would encourage the informants to express and talk

about their experiences.



This chapter presents a thorough analysis of the relevant literature that the

researchers reviewed to support and validate the qualitative investigation. By

examining many perspectives and viewpoints that are grounded in parenting skills,

knowledge, and mental health among adolescent mothers, the researchers hope

to better explain their research. To give a thorough backdrop of the investigation,

concepts, conclusions, and ideas from scholarly works that are linked to the

subject, several literatures and studies were presented.

Adolescent mothers may go through emotional shifts that can cause issues

with their mental and physical health. They are a disadvantaged population who

run the risk of a variety of unfavorable outcomes, according to decades of studies.

According to Mangeli M. et al. (2017), adolescent mothers require complete

support from healthcare experts, which health care practitioners must provide

through consultation, education, support, coordination, preventive, and care

initiatives. S.M. Jack et al. (2022) investigated young mothers' use of and

experiences with mental health care services. It was discovered that mothers

require support from at least one individual with whom they can discuss mental

health at a time that is convenient for them and when their need is greatest.

Multiple factors influenced young mothers' decisions and ability to access mental

health services, with the majority feeling judged, stigmatized, or unsafe. The

history of poor care creates apprehension for further engagement and is a

significant barrier to safe engagement with support systems.

According to a growing body of research, adolescent mothers may be more

likely to experience negative long-term mental health consequences, maybe as a

result of lowered socioeconomic prospects or social stigma (Angelini & Mierau

2018; Henretta et al 2008; Xavier et al 2018). As stated by Agnafors S, Bladh M,

Svedin CG, et al. (2019), having children at a young age raises the likelihood of

developing prevalent mental illnesses. However, it is important to address the

public health concern of poor maternal mental health. Adolescent mothers are

more likely than adult mothers to experience higher prevalence of depression,

anxiety and other common mental health disorders during pregnancy and the

postpartum period. Significant stress and anxiety can result from the pressures of

taking care of a new baby, struggling financially, and dealing with societal


Conversely, Ngum Chi Watts et.al. (2015) conducted a study that provides

insight into young African migrant women’s experiences of teen pregnancy and

early motherhood, with a particular focus on their experiences of social support.

The paper is based on qualitative research, which included in-depth interviews with

sixteen young mothers. Their findings add to the growing body of research

indicating that teen childbearing should not be viewed solely through a 'risk

prevention' lens that emphasizes negative consequences for teen mothers and

their babies (McMichael, 2013). Despite the challenges of early parenting, their

research shows that motherhood brought happiness and a greater sense of


meaning to many of the young women (Benza et.al, 2015). There was a sense of

maturity and responsibility as well. Following motherhood, many young mothers

developed a personal sense of stability, identity, purpose, and responsibility.

Furthermore, positive motherhood experiences were associated with positive

social support, which contributed to teenage mothers' feelings of acceptance and


Barlett et. al. (2018) analyzed the parents’ perceptions of their knowledge

of children’s social-emotional and physical development. A total of 90 parents of

young children were interviewed to assess their knowledge

of parenting and early childhood development. It was found out that parents have

the knowledge but are still unsure regarding transitional periods such as the start

of preschool, developmental milestones, and behavioral change and formation.

Furthermore, because physical development had observable markers and

milestones, parents knew more about their child's physical development than

social-emotional development. Parents were aware that children's development is

not static and saw parenting and child development knowledge acquisition as a

continuous process. Rose M C Kagawa et al. J Adv Nurs (2017) stated that

adolescent moms frequently experience difficulties resulting from their

socioeconomic situation and developmental stage, which can impede the process

of acquiring competence and confidence in the maternal role. Moreover, the level

of skill and cultural standards that parents bring to childrearing can also differ along

a socioeconomic gradient, which can influence parenting. The Adolescent Family

Life (AFL) demonstration projects support young families through social support

and medical care. The AFL funding required programs to deliver 10 core services,

including pregnancy testing, adoption counseling, preventive and prenatal referrals

for teens, nutritional counseling, well infant care, sexually transmitted infection

screening, family life counseling, educational or vocational services, mental health

services, and referrals for family planning.

According to an Article of American Academy (2019), teenagers with young

children are frequently unprepared for the stresses of parenting, and those with a

history of social isolation, violence, or other forms of toxic stress are more likely to

employ harsh, authoritarian parenting techniques. Their children are behind in

terms of development and are at risk for poor educational outcomes that extend

into adolescence. Therefore, when aggressive conduct happens, roles,

communication, and emotional expression are impacted, which has a negative

effect on parental abilities.



The study aimed to understand the experiences of teenage mothers. This

study attempted to comprehend and address the needs, perceptions, and

experiences with regards to parenting skills, knowledge, as well as mental health

of adolescent mothers with a grand question:

1. Can you tell us about your emotions, struggles, or experiences as an

adolescent mother and how they affect your parental care?


The research question aimed to understand and address the needs,

perceptions, and experiences with regards to parenting skills, knowledge, as well

as mental health of adolescent mothers in Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City.

In support of gathering their lived experiences, the researchers created a

semi-structured interview guide questionnaire (see Appendix A). This is the tool

used to ask the informants about their mental well-being and lived experiences.

The research tool primarily inquiries about the informant's knowledge, parenting

skills, and mental health.



The study was conducted to understand and address the needs, perceptions, and

experiences with regards to parenting skills, knowledge, as well as mental health

of adolescent mothers in Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City. The result of this study

is beneficial to the parents, the community, health workers, mothers, researchers,

nursing field and other interested individuals.

Adolescent Mothers. They would obtain knowledge and awareness from this

study to help them better understand how to raise their child.

Parents. The parents of adolescent mothers also benefit from this study since they

can obtain knowledge on how to support and assist their daughter in raising their


Community. It enables the community to acknowledge the importance of

parenting towards their children. It can also help raise awareness on mental health


LGU. They would obtain knowledge about the problems and real-life experiences

of adolescent mothers. This would enable them to comprehend the circumstances

of those adolescent mothers better and increase the ability of teen parents to carry

out their duties as young parents and their expected roles as young adults. Also,

in terms of upholding a healthy atmosphere and guaranteeing the security of the

adolescent mother and the child.

Nursing Field. It enables them to gain knowledge as they get to understand how

other people behave and act in specific situations. It allows them to explore and

improve healthcare practices to assist adolescent moms in selecting the best

course of action when interacting with patients depending on a variety of factors.

Nursing Students. They would benefit from this study; it would add to the body of

knowledge on the attitude of Nursing Students toward adolescent moms. Also, it

would give them ideas during community service to properly raise awareness and

provide support to adolescent mothers to fully accept and promote their maternal


CNAHS. They would benefit from it by imparting knowledge to the student's

providing information that is based on the lived experience of adolescent mothers.

Moreover, the CNAHS can also help bring good social support which can

contribute to feelings of acceptance and optimism for students who are also

adolescent mothers.

CES. It enables them to acquire new ideas regarding the possible projects and

programs they are planning in the future. The CES can also be a gateway to

implement a community awareness campaign targeting adolescent mothers,

especially on providing knowledge about family planning, prevention of violence

and education.

Future Researchers. They would also certainly benefit from the study. It would

serve as the foundation for their research and a guide on how they should proceed

to explore further into the topic and enhance their learning.


This chapter discusses the research design, the selection of participants as

well as the instrumentation and validation, data gathering procedures and

instrument and analysis of data. The primary objective of this qualitative

phenomenological research is to explore and understand the lived experiences

among adolescent mothers, their parenting skills, knowledge, as well as mental

health needs. Phenomenology is the study of phenomena (Salvador, 2016). As a

result, it asserts that each circumstance or experience can only be acquired by a

specific individual who has acquired fresh perspectives and insights (Crotty, 1997).

Others may benefit from this study's conclusions. Additionally, phenomenological

research is based on examining and comprehending human beings' lived

experiences. It allows researchers to engage in flexible activities that can describe

and help to understand complex phenomena, such as various aspects of human

social experience (Alhazmi & Kaufmann, 2022).


This research utilized Husserl’s transcendental descriptive phenomenology

design integrating qualitative analysis. The case study design provides deeper

understanding of the lived experience of the participant as the experience is

individually felt (Guetterman, 2015). It addresses the common questions of

everyday experiences believed to be important sociological or psychological

phenomena of the typical group of people wherein it focused on describing the


incidents from the perspectives of those who have experienced it (Merriam, S.B.,

2002). Thus, the informant's lived experiences are thoroughly discussed in terms

of how they appear and how they live through them. In addition, the adolescent

mothers were asked to answer a semi-structured interview type of questionnaire

prepared by the researchers.


This study was conducted at Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City. The

researchers initially identified 10 adolescent mothers. This place was selected by

the researcher since the respondents are residing in this area and this meant that

the respondents can be easily accessed.

The method that was applied in the study is purposive sampling in which

this method is also called judgmental sampling for it relies on the researcher’s

judgement in order to identify and choose informant who can supply the study with

the most useful information. The informants who were chosen are those who are

residing in Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City.


The researchers initially identified 10 adolescent mothers since data

saturation is the basis of the sampling, who were pre-selected and chosen before

the study began, the informants are the ones who are knowledgeable about this

study. Inclusion criteria comprised adolescent mothers who are 18 to 19 years of

age who live in Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City. Additionally, it included adolescent

mothers who had given birth between the ages of 15 and 19 and had subsequently

entered adulthood, being aged 20 or older at the time of the interview. The

researcher also included adolescent mothers who are living independently, with

their partner, and even residing with their parents. Exclusion criteria was applied

to those adolescent mothers who are not currently residing in Basak, San Nicolas,

Cebu City and any informant requirements that do not meet the inclusion criteria.

Respondents’ responses remained confidential for their convenience and are for

research purposes only.


The researchers were part of the research instrument because they are the

means of gathering information from the informants. A semi-structured interview

was conducted using the interview guide questionnaire prepared. According to

George (2022) semi-structured interview is a technique for gathering data that

depends on posing inquiries within a preset theme framework. The questions are

not, however, arranged in any particular sequence or fashion.

Semi-structured interviews are frequently qualitative in character in

research. In marketing, social science, survey technique, and other research

domains, they are typically employed as an experimental tool. A large query that

scopes a wide topic and a broad viewpoint for the informant to answer was posed

after building rapport with the informant. The first query focuses on the informants'

parenting abilities and understanding of what they were currently going through.

The informants were asked to respond to pre-planned questions as well as

challenging inquiries. Next, they were asked whether they have faced challenges,

such as having trouble juggling their responsibilities as a teenage mother.

Furthermore, researchers asked the informants if the change in the environment

causes them to worry or worry less about things like their ability to adapt to the

changes, changes in their sleep patterns, a decline in their self-esteem and

confidence, or if it has an impact on their relationships with others.


Husserlian Descriptive Phenomenological Design was used in this study, which is

a methodological approach used to temporarily suspend or "bracket" one's

preconceptions, biases, beliefs, and assumptions about the phenomenon under

investigation. The researchers' actions are as follows, with the goal of uncovering

the essential structures of these experiences without imposing preconceived

notions or theoretical frameworks.

Putting on

Teenage Mothers: Exploring the

Lived Experiences of Selected
Adolescent Mothers in Basak,
San Nicolas, Cebu City


Figure 1 Bracketing Diagram


Introspection. The process of engaging in internal self-reflection involves exploring

one's own thoughts, emotions, and personal encounters. During this introspective

practice, the researcher carefully examines their own assumptions, beliefs, and

experiences associated with the phenomenon under study. This introspective

journey allows them to recognize and acknowledge their biases and preconceived

notions, gaining awareness of how these influences can shape their understanding

and interpretation of the subject matter.

Putting on Hold. The researcher deliberately puts aside their preconceived notions

and biases, temporarily releasing any personal judgments or theoretical

frameworks that could potentially impact their interpretation of the phenomenon.

Receptiveness. It embodies the concept of having an open mind, being

approachable, and displaying a willingness to embrace novel ideas, perspectives,

or experiences. Receptiveness implies a readiness to listen, contemplate, and

wholeheartedly embrace diverse viewpoints or potentialities. The researcher

maintains an attitude of openness and receptiveness, enabling the phenomenon

to unfold and reveal itself on its own terms. They strive to approach the

phenomenon with a fresh perspective and a non-judgmental disposition.

Contemplative Examination. During the research process, the researcher actively

participates in reflective analysis, consistently revisiting and reexamining their

assumptions. This continuous introspection aids in the continual recognition and

deliberate detachment of personal biases.


Through the utilization of bracketing in phenomenological research, the researcher

endeavors to uncover the core essence of the phenomenon and attain a more

genuine comprehension of individuals' lived experiences, as their own biases and

preconceptions can readily resurface and impact their interpretations. This

approach enables a profound exploration of the subjective meanings and

frameworks of human experiences, thereby enriching the analysis with intricacy

and depth.


The data collection process recommended by Creswell (2013) was applied.

Since one-on-one interviews were used to capture the qualitative data, the

informant was strongly advised to observe safety practice and wear a face mask

during the interview. To collect information from the selected informants, a consent

letter was used. The informants went through pre-orientation to get a general

understanding of the study before the researchers used the consent letter that

each informant signed indicating their agreement to participate in the scheduled

interview. Ten (10) residents of Basak, San Nicolas were chosen as informants by

the researchers, and they were asked to consent to a 20-to-30-minute one-on-one

interview. Upon interview, the researchers asked for consent for the video or audio

recording. The interview was filmed and recorded, and the researchers ensured

that the resolution of the video was blurred to ensure confidentiality. If the informant

would prefer not to be filmed, an audio recording would be suggested as an

alternative. Also, the files were password-protected to ensure confidentiality.

Moreover, the video or audio was kept by one of the researchers. In order to build

rapport with the informant before posing the key questions, the researcher first

introduced himself or herself and then offered open-ended inquiries like, "How are

you doing?” and other inquiries before eventually posing the informant with the

main queries. However, in order to protect data confidentiality, the interview

question did not include the informant's name or any other private information. By

offering them the chance to respond to the questions and share their thoughts on

a particular subject, each informant was given adequate time to do so. In some

cases, when informants experienced catharsis, appropriate interventions such as

providing comfort and allowing time for composure were observed. During the

debriefing, informants were offered snacks and drinks as a mark of appreciation

before the researchers asked them questions and received their responses. The

researchers conducted a dialectical analysis and unbiased interpretation of the

facts collected.


Colaizzi's (1978) approach of data analysis was used to lead the data analysis

since it is appropriate for our descriptive phenomenological study. The researcher

then formulates meanings by identifying meanings that may emerge from careful

consideration of the significant statements. The researchers hand transcribed the

informant's response in order to record the data they collected through one-on-one

interviews. Colaizzi's seven descriptive approaches for data analysis were used to

evaluate the data once it has been transcribed and undergone verification for

authenticity. The first step is familiarizing, where researchers read the transcript to

identify themes. Next, they extract significant statements from the transcript that

are important for describing the phenomenon. Then, they formulate meanings from

these statements, interpreting their implications and importance based on the

interview context. The fourth step involves clustering the themes, grouping them

together based on similarities. In the fifth step, the researchers integrate the results

into a description of the phenomenon, taking note of any inconsistencies. They

finalize essential themes that accurately describe the phenomenon. The sixth step

is to provide an exhaustive description of the phenomenon, presenting a clear and

comprehensive synthesis. Finally, in the seventh step, the researchers validate the

data by using a researcher-made validation tool and ensuring agreement with the

collated results from the informants.


Principle of Confidentiality

When notifying and requesting consent from informants and school

administrators, the researchers performed the study while keeping ethical factors

in mind. To begin with, approval was requested from the Research Center of the

Cebu Institute of Technology University, where the researchers' studies examined

the risk and potential negative effects of the research on the informants. By doing

this, researchers received the go-ahead in data collection by guaranteeing the

safety, dignity, and rights of the research informants. The Cebu Institute of

Technology University's administration provided written permission before allowing

the researchers to interview the informants. Every informant was given the

assurance of complete confidentiality prior to the videotaped interview, and they

were required to sign a consent form outlining their right to discontinue participation

in the study at any time, as well as their agreement to cooperate with the alternative

of having the interview audiotaped instead. In order to protect data confidentiality,

the interview question did not include the informant's name or any other private

information. The interview was filmed and recorded, and the researchers ensured

that the resolution of the video was blurred and also the files were password-

protected to ensure confidentiality.

Principle of Beneficence

The principle of beneficence is therefore applied since researchers showed

the utmost respect for the informant's decisions regarding the secrecy of the

information they obtained, safeguarding them from danger, and ensuring their well-


Principle of Autonomy

The principle of autonomy was also used because researchers granted the

informants the right to refuse participation in the data collection process or to pick

an alternative method, such as audio recording. Since the data collection took

place in a closed space to encourage candor during the focused group discussion,

the confidentiality principle was also used.

In this chapter, the data collected in the study are presented, described,

and analyzed in three (3) separate sections, namely:

Profile of Informants

Informants’ Stories

Essential Themes

This study explored the experiences of Selected Adolescent Mothers.

Purposive sampling was utilized in choosing the ten informants based on the

following specific criteria: included adolescent mothers who are 18 to 19 years of

age who live in Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City. Additionally, it included adolescent

mothers who had given birth between the ages of 15 and 19 and had subsequently

entered adulthood, being aged 20 or older at the time of the interview. The

researcher also included adolescent mothers who are living independently, with

their partner, and even residing with their parents. Exclusion criteria was applied

to those adolescent mothers who are not currently residing in Basak, San Nicolas,

Cebu City and any informant requirements that do not meet the inclusion criteria.

The succeeding table presents the demographic data of the informants based on

their age, occupation, if they still go to school, if they have a job, and if they are

living independently, with their partner, or residing with their parents.


Table 1.0

Profile of Informants

Age Independently,
Code Age During
During Education Occupation with Partner,
Name Pregnancy
Interview or Residing
with Parents
decided to
Mary 19 18 Housewife with Partner
decided to Residing with
Jennifer 23 16 Housewife
stop Parents
decided to Residing with
Sarah 21 17 Housewife
stop Parents
decided to Residing with
Lisa 18 18 Housewife
stop Parents
Residing with
Patricia 19 15 ALS Housewife
decided to Residing with
Karen 19 18 Housewife
stop Parents
decided to Residing with
Nicole 19 18 Housewife
stop Parents
Graduated Residing with
Emily 18 17 Housewife
SHS Parents
decided to
Angela 18 17 Housewife with Partner
decided to Residing with
Dahlia 18 17 Housewife
stop Parents

As seen in Table 1.0, the informants of this study were given code names

based on random women names to maintain confidentiality. The informants are all

first-time adolescent mothers and fall within the age bracket of the inclusion and

exclusion criteria.

Mary is a 19-year-old mother of one. She currently doesn’t go to school and

doesn’t have a job. Her live-in partner was the one who provided for their everyday

needs. Her son has jaundice caused by ABO compatibility. Lived with her partner.

Jennifer is a 23-year-old mother of one. She had her first child when she

was 16 years old. She is a single mom and relied on her mother for their everyday

needs. She no longer attends school and currently doesn’t have a job. Residing

with Parents.

Sarah is a 21-year-old mother of one. She had her first child when she was

17. At the time of her pregnancy, she decided to stop going to school, but as of

now she is currently studying. Both the informant and her partner don’t have jobs,

thus relied on the mother for their everyday needs. Residing with Parents.

Lisa is a 19-year-old mother of two. She had her first child when she was

18. She currently lives with her partner in their parents’ house. She stays at home

watching the kids while her partner goes to work to support their needs. She is

currently not going to school and does not have a job. Residing with Parents.

Patricia is a 19-year-old mother of one. She had her first child when she

was only 15 years old. Currently living with her partner and residing with Parents.

She stopped going to school due to her pregnancy. She stays at home while her

partner goes to work to support them with their everyday needs.

Karen is a 19-year-old mother of one. She stopped going to school and

relied on her partner for their everyday needs. She resides under her parents’

house with her child and her live in partner.

Nicole is a 19-year-old mother of one. She currently resides with her

parents. She doesn’t have a partner as they left them when she got pregnant. She

also stopped going to school and currently doesn’t have a job. She relied on her

family with their everyday needs.

Emily is an 18-year-old mother of one. She recently graduated, thus doesn’t

go to school anymore and currently doesn’t have a job. She lived under her

grandmother’s house along with her live-in partner. She relied on her husband and

her grandmother for their everyday needs.

Angela is an 18-year-old mother of one. She had a child when she was 17.

She no longer goes to school and currently doesn’t have a job. She stays at home

taking care of her child while her partner goes to work to support their everyday

needs. Lived with her partner.

Dahlia is an 18-year-old mother. She has two children. She currently lives

with her father and her live in partner. She no longer goes to school and doesn’t

have a job. She relied on her partner with their needs.



Using Colaizzi’s method, the interview transcripts were meticulously analyzed and

aggregated into four essential themes and their corresponding subthemes.

Table 2.0


Stresses Me Out

Facing Challenges What Changed?

Being Judged

Managing Feelings
Searching for Answers
Methods of Caregiving

Comfortable with my Body

All Worth It
Happy Pill

A Burden to None -

Essential Theme #1: Facing Challenges

Learning about one’s pregnancy can be quite challenging and different for every

mother who may have a wide range of emotions and questions. Receiving the

news that you’re pregnant can either be good news or a bad one.

According to Mead (2008), there should be a shift from approaching childbirth from

the perspective of a catastrophe waiting to happen to the conviction that pregnancy

and childbirth are normal until proven otherwise. Pregnancy may also be described

as a crisis (Raphael-Leff, 1991) or from a psychological and psychoanalytical


perspective (Bondas, 2000; Reid & Garcia, 1989). However, there are some

studies focusing on pregnancy from a caring perspective. Pregnancy may be

understood as a transition (Imle, 1990) and as a part of a woman’s transition to

motherhood (Bergum, 1997).

Subtheme 1: Stresses Me Out

Adolescent mothers may be particularly susceptible to parenting stress

because of conflicting parenting and developmental demands. This may be due to

maternal attributes such as maternal self-efficacy, child characteristics and

contextual influences specifically the perceived social support (Flaherty SC, Sadler

LS., 2022).

As first-time mothers at such a young age, when news about being pregnant

was received they can go through different kinds of emotions. Though every

mother has their own unique experiences, one thing in common was that all of

them went through a similar kind of feeling, such as stress upon knowing about

their pregnancy. This can be supported by the results gathered from the

informants' responses as shown.

Mary (SS5) stated, “Kuan, gi kulbaan ko kay wa ko nag expect unya bata

pa man gud ko. Sayo pa kayo ma kuan ba, ma mabdos. Naka stress pud nako kay

kuan gani mga problema sa pamilya unya kanang sa kwarta pud. Naka desisyon

pud kos akong kaugalingon nga mo undang nalang ug skwela kay dako man gud

ug responsibilidad mag atiman ug bata”. [Uhm, I was nervous because I didn’t


expect it, and I was still young. I think, uhm, it’s still too early for me to get pregnant.

What gave me stress also are my family and financial problems. I decided to just

stop schooling because taking care of a child is a big responsibility.]

Jennifer (SS6) stated, “Wala ko kahibaw nga buntis ko. Didto ra ko kahibaw

nga ang akong friend lang ni ingon nga, “Buntis man ka.” Pero wala ra man, okay

ra man nako nga single. Single mom ko. Mga problema ako gika stressan pud,

mga kuan problema sa pamilya. Wala nako nag skwela. Personal nako to nga

desisyon.” [I didn’t know I was pregnant. I only knew about it when I was with my

friend, and she told me “I think you’re pregnant”. But it’s nothing, I’m fine being

single and as a single mom. The problems that I’m stressed about are family

problems. I also stopped schooling, it’s my own decision to stop.]

Sarah (SS6) stated, “Depressed kayko ato, Sir oy. Kay daghan man kog gi

huna huna ato. Una, bata pako, unsa akong mabuhat unya kana gung mga storya

sad sa mga tao. Naka hatag pud nako ug stress ning mga madungngog nako nga

mga sulti sa tao, hasta problema sa pamilya. Nag skwela ko karon pero katong

nag mabdos ko, nihunong ko pag skwela. Ako jud to nga desisyon.” [I was really

depressed at that time, sir. It’s because I had been thinking a lot at that time. First,

I’m still young, what can I do? It also gives me stress when I hear gossip from other

people. Family problems were also the cause of my stress. I still go to school but

when I was pregnant, it was a personal decision to stop.]

Lisa (SS5) stated, “Kulba. Lisod, ma’am uy. Lisod ma inahan. Sayo pa

kaayo. Kuan, daghan man. Problema sa pamilya, kwarta. Ning undang ko ug

skwela, oo pero dili ko sure kung personal ba nga desisyon. Murag dili.” [Nervous.

It was hard ma’am. It’s hard becoming a mother. It’s too early. There are many

reasons. Like problems with family and problems in terms of money. Yes, I stopped

going to school but I’m not sure if it was a personal decision. I think not.]

Patricia (SS6) stated, “Di ko katuo nga buntis ko. Sige rako kalipong maong

naka ingon kong mabdos ko. Sa ako ate nagpa bp ko niya, didto nahibaw-an. Lisod

oy. Kanang kami rang duha, wala gyuy lain mo kuan. Ang stress, kanang kuan,

family problem. Makakuan nako. Nag skwela ko karon, ALS. Pag mabdos nako

sauna, ning undang ko tapos karon ning balik ko sa pagka ALS. Okay nako karon.”

[I can’t believe that I am pregnant. I always feel dizzy, that’s why I suspected of

being pregnant, then I let my sister monitor my blood pressure and that is where I

got to discover. It was hard. The idea of being just the two of us and no one else.

The stress like family problems, it affects me. I am now continuing my education,

ALS. When I got pregnant, I stopped going to school for a while and now I am

currently continuing my education. I am okay now.]

Karen (SS3) stated, “Sakit kaayo. Sakit kaayo murag nakuan ko bas akong

ginikanan na nganong naminyo kog sayo. Sakit kaayo ignaon sayo ka maminyo

kuan kays tanan imong kuan ba na wa ka katagbaws imo pagka daga, mao ra.

Naka stress nako, ang gi kuan nga ako jung i-kuan ako mga anak nako jud na

manganak ko puhon, ana. Guol pud ko kay dugang problema ning kwarta ug sa

pamilya lage. Nihunong ko skwela tungod naminyo ko sayo.” [It was painful. It was

painful thinking about my parents and why I got married at a very young age. It

was very painful hearing things like I got married way too early, and you can’t

control your libido and now you can’t enjoy your youth days. What made me

stressed was the pressure that I should really take care of my kids and that I will

give birth soon. Money and family add up to the problem which makes me sad. I

stopped going to school because of being married at a young age.]

Nicole (SS5) stated, “Kuan, naka bati ko ug depressed. Pwerte siyang

lisoda kung walang-wala jud ka. Naka stress nako kay kung sige lang ug huna

huna ba. Ug nganong namabdos ko, ing-ana ba. Di ko kadawat. Naa pud koy

problema sa pamilya. Niundang nako skwela man, personal to nga desisyon.” [I

feel depressed. It’s hard if you don’t have anything. I am stressed because I keep

thinking about why I got pregnant, something like that. I just can’t accept the fact

since I have problems with my family, and I quit school due to personal decisions.]

Emily (SS6) stated, “Kanang kulba unya sige kog kalipong unya sige lang

katog. Lisod, samot nag lisod kaayo panganak nga sakit kaayo pag bati. Kana

sakit kaayo magbati. Nag hatag nako ug stress kay mag andam paka sa tanan

nga dapat nimo buhaton sa bata. Dugang pa pud sa kuan, problema sa pamilya,

ug kwarta. Nihunong nako skwela. Oo, personal to nga desisyon.” [I got nervous,

and I always feel dizzy and sleepy. It is hard to give birth, and the pain that I am

feeling is incomparable. It stresses me out since I need to prepare all the materials

needed for the baby. Additionally, family problems and financial problems. I

stopped studying. Yes, it was my personal decision.]

Angela (SS5) stated, “Nakulbaan sad. Mga stress? Ahh mga fam.. family

problem sad. Kuan sa ka kulba sad sa kuan nga wala kabalo akong mama nga

mabdos ko. Nag skwela man ko but kuan, graduate na.” [I also got nervous.

Stress? Ahh, family problems also. The nervousness also, the nervousness

thinking that my mother doesn’t know that I am pregnant. I used to go to school,

but I have already graduated.]

Dahlia (SS5) stated, “Nakuyawan nga nay sagol kalipay ing-ana. Lisod siya

kay silbi bata pa kaayo ta, unya wa pa jud koy inahan, way mo tudlo nako ba saon

pag kuan sa mga bata mao ng challenge. Bag-ohay pa ko nanganak. Challenge

kaayo duha. Unya imong bana nangitag kwarta unya ikaw ra usa mo atiman sa

duha nimo ka anak. Lisod gyud siya. Stress? Kuan, pangandam sa mga kuan sa

bata mga gamit. Problema pud sa kwarta ug pamilya. Bag-ohay pa ko nihunong

Grade 11. Oh, personal nga desisyon.” [Nervous with a mixed emotion of

happiness. It was hard in a way that I am too young, and I also don’t have a mother.

No one is there to teach me how to raise kids and that’s the challenge for me. I

recently gave birth. Having two was really a challenge. My partner is the one

working looking for money and you’re the only one who’s going to look after your

two kids. It was really hard. Stress? Preparing for the baby and preparing the things

needed. Problems also in terms of money and family. I recently stopped until

Grade 11. Yes, it was a personal decision.]

Subtheme 2: What Changed?

Teenage pregnant women experience physical changes that are like those

of adult pregnant women. These changes include weight gain, expansion of the

uterus, and changes in body shape (Butler Tobah, Y. S., & Gharib, S. D., 2018).

Becoming a mother is a profoundly transformative experience that brings

about a multitude of changes. From the moment of conception, a woman embarks

on a journey of physical, emotional, and psychological transformations that

reshape her identity and outlook on life. This can be supported based on the

informants' responses as shown.

Mary (SS9) stated, “Sa pag mabdos nako, kuan wala ra man. Happy ra

man kos akong lawas. Mga kausaban? Daghan man. Lahi ra jud tong wala pa koy

anak ba. Wala ra man pud naka kuan naka apekto sa pagpakig uban nako sa mga

tao.” [During my pregnancy, I am happy with my body. There are a lot of changes,

it’s really different than before that I still don’t have a child. It didn’t affect my

relationship with people.]

Jennifer (SS10) stated, “Lahi ra. Kontento nako karon sa lawas nako pero

kadtong pag mabdos kay dili ko ganahan ato hehe. Kadtong na mama na jud ko

kay lahi ra jod kaayo sa daga pa. Wala ra man pud naka apekto akong pag mabdos

sa pagpakig uban nako sa uban tao.” [It's different. I am contented with my body

now, but when I was pregnant, I didn't like it hehe. I feel different since I became a

mother than before when I was a teenager. My pregnancy did not affect my

relationship with other people.]

Sarah (SS10) stated, ”Komportable rako, oo. Okay ra man ko ato kay

maskin buntis ko kay wa gyud ko nanambok. Murag tungod sad to sa ka stress ba.

Kuan sukad pa gyud sauna makaingon ko nga strong ko so nakaya ra nako siya.

Pero usahay mura gud nakog gi doubt akong self. Mao na akong na feel. Naka

apekto siya sa pagpakig uban nako sa mga tao kay nauwaw gyud ko ato. Kay

maski hantod ron, nag skwela man ko. Di gihapon ko mo storya sa akong mga

classmate kay ma uwaw gihapon ko.” [Yes, I feel comfortable. Even though I was

pregnant, I never gained weight, maybe it was because of stress too. Since then,

I can say that I am strong, because I was able to handle it, but sometimes I have

self-doubts – that's how I feel. It affected my relationship with other people because

I felt really shy. Up until now that I went back to school, I don’t even talk to my

classmates because I’m ashamed.]

Lisa (SS9) stated, “Happy ra kos akong lawas man. Kadto na mama nako

kay mura kog nakugihan. Naka apekto siya sa pagpakig uban nako sa mga tao.”

[I am happy with my body and since I became a mother, I feel that I am

hardworking. It affected the way I interact with people.]

Patricia (SS10) stated, “Wala, normal ra. Mga kausaban? Wala raman. Aw

Sige ra kog kaluya ato, walay kuan. Sige rakog kalipong. Kuan ra nako madala

tanan. Sakto ra pud. Kuan, naka kuan kog beso beso ko ug mga inahan. Anad na

kay dili na sa mga daga ko mo uban.” [Nothing, it’s normal and there’s no changes

at all. I always feel weak and dizzy. I can exactly manage, and I can get along with

other mothers - I get used to it since I am no longer with the teenagers.]

Karen (SS9) stated, “Dili ko kontento sa lawas nako pag mabdos. Na usab

na. Mga kausaban kay, imong kuan, imong anak kanang si- kanang kuan nimo.

Sakit kaayo. Naka apekto ni sa pagpakig uban nako sa mga tao. Na apektohan

jud kos akong kuan sa akong mga kuan hmm.” [Since I got pregnant, I am not

contented with my body since there are changes like having a baby inside my belly

and it hurts. It affected my interaction with people.]


Nicole (SS9) stated, “Oh, komportable ra man kos akong lawas pag

mabdos. Gibati nako mga pag bag-o kuan sige lang ug atiman sa akong anak.

Naka apekto siya sa pakig uban nako ug mga tao kanang ila kong gipa lipay lipay.”

[Yes, I am comfortable with my body during pregnancy. There was a change, I

always take care of my child since I am already a mother. It affected my interaction

with people, and that they made me happy.]

Emily (SS10) stated, “Pag mabdos? Oo, komportable ra man kos akong

lawas. Mga nabantayan nako nga pag bag-o kay kuan, sayo na matog. Sayo na

kaayo mo mata. Wala ra may problema, wa man naka apekto sa uban tao.” [When

I was pregnant? Yes, I am comfortable with my body. There were changes that I

have noticed, like having to sleep early and waking up early. It didn’t affect my

relationship with other people.]

Angela (SS8) stated, “Oh, komportable ra man kos akong lawas sa

panahon pag mabdos. Ahh, changes sa akong body kanang something

stretchmarks or kuan ana. Wala ra man pud naka apekto sa pakig uban sa mga

tao. Dili ra.” [Yes, I was comfortable with my body the time when I got pregnant.

There were changes like stretchmarks. It didn’t affect my relationship with other


Dahlia (SS8) stated, “Pag mabdos kuan kanang sige kog kaon ug kanang

mga healthy kanang mga fruits. Mga kausaban? Wala ra. Ma compare ra nako

sauna ba nga batan-on pa ko. Lahi ra. Wala. Wala ra man naka apekto ako pag

mabdos sa pakig uban ug mga tao.” [During my pregnancy, I always eat healthy

foods like fruits. There were no changes, I can compare myself before when I was

younger there is really a significant difference, No. Nothing was affected even how

I approached other people during my pregnancy.]

Subtheme 3: Being Judged

Moral judgments and stereotypes contribute to the stigmatization of

teenage pregnant women. Religious beliefs, which vary across cultures and

communities, can also influence the level of judgment imposed on teenage

mothers (Hill, 2018). Society often perceives them as irresponsible and immature,

assuming that their pregnancy is a result of promiscuity or moral failings (Mollborn,


As shown in the informants’ responses, being judged as an adolescent

mother is a harsh reality that many young women face. Society often holds

preconceived notions and biases, which contribute to the stigmatization and

judgment that young mothers endure. However, it is important to challenge these

judgments and foster empathy and understanding.

Mary (SS17) stated, “Kana gud permi ma sulti nila, Ma’am nga bigaon kuno.

Sayo nag kiat ba.” [That is what they always say that I am a slut. It was too early

for me to be doing those stuff.]

Jennifer (SS18) stated, “Ingon sila nga, sayo ko nag ano, nag igat igat

hehe.” [That is what they say a lot, I started at a young age. Being flirtatious.]

Sarah (SS18) stated, “Ang ilang ipang ingon kay murag kanang di na ma

asenso, di ka graduate, unya permi nalang mangayo. Luoy kaayo. Mao na ako

madunggan.” [They always say that I will not succeed in life, I will not graduate,

and then I always ask for money, that they pitied me, I always hear them speaking

that to me.]

Lisa (SS17) stated, “Daghan man. Mga kuan, bigaon. Sayo nag kiat kiat.”

[A lot, like I am flirty, and I started flirting at an early age.]

Patricia (SS18) stated, “Kanang ingnon ug burikat. Kay nag una una man,

ing-ana. Bata pa gani.” [They always say that I am a slut because I engaged in

some sexual stuffs at a young age.]

Karen (SS17) stated, “Mo ana dai, “Sayoha ba naminyo ana niya oy. Ga

biga-biga” ana sa mga tao.” [They say, “You’re too young to be married, so flirty”,

they said.]

Nicole (SS16) stated, “Gi storyaan kog, di nako dawat ba kay lagi, akong

papa. Ana ba. Sakitan kos iyang storya. Hinuon sad wala man sila niistorya ug

mga bati. Kanang laban lang ba, ana ba.” [I was always told that I was not

accepted, especially my father. It was a painful story to tell. Gladly, others did not

speak badly about me, rather they are rooting for me.]

Emily (SS18) stated, “Ingnon ko nga bata pa gani, nanganak na. Mabdos

na.” [They told me, I am still young to be pregnant and to be raising a child.]

Angela (SS16) stated, “Kuan, ahh judgement sa kanang kuan laing tao.

Sayo pa daw. Nag kiat ana.” [Judgement by others. I am still young, and I flirt a


Dahlia (SS16) stated, “Kuan sayo nabuntis. Ingnaan nga “Bata pa. Maypag

may untag ni skwela pa.” [I got pregnant early, they told me “I’m still young, I should

have pursued my studies first.]

Essential Theme #2: Searching for Answers

Adolescent mothers often find themselves searching for answers regarding the

challenges and responsibilities of motherhood at a young age. They may seek

guidance and information on how to effectively care for their child, make important

decisions, and balance their own needs with the demands of parenting.

Being able to acquire knowledge and be self-aware of personal feelings and

caregiving could lead to personal growth and intellectual development and skills

essential for survival.

Subtheme 1: Managing Feelings

A significant number of mothers experienced notable increases in poor

conflict management and problem intensity when transitioning to parenthood. This

suggests that adolescent mothers may be more responsive to the negative effects

of having their first child on these aspects of relationship functioning (Doss et. al.,


This reveals the facets of emotional management, including maintaining

emotional well-being, dealing with stress and anxiety, seeking support, and

addressing feelings of guilt or shame. This can be supported by the informants'

discussions as follows.

Mary (SS16) stated, “Mental health? Guol ko. Labi na kay naa lage pud

problema akong anak. Kuyawan ko nganong na yellow to siya.” [I was worried

about my mental health. Especially that my child has a problem, I was shocked

why he looked yellowish.]

Jennifer (SS17) stated, “Mga problema ra gihapon. Daghan man, ana.”

[There are still a lot of problems.]

Sarah (SS17) stated, “Mga storya sa mga tao, maka apekto sad sa akong

kuan mental health. Ang first time kay napay 7 years depression. So hantod ron

ma depress gihapon ko. Gamay lang gani nga problema kay murag ma down

dayon ko. Unya kanang murag wa nakoy salig sa akong self.” [The way people

speak about me also affected my mental health. I have had depression for seven

years, up until now. When I’m faced with problems, even if it’s only a minor one, I

feel sad. I lost trust within myself.]

Lisa (SS16) stated, “Kuan, daghan man. Dili ko ka explain hehe. Basta

daghang mga kuan.” [There are a lot, and I can’t explain hehe.]

Patricia (SS17) stated, “Ang stress, kanang kuan, family problem.

Makakuan nako. Kuan, um, kalimot ko da. Pwede kuan lang, sunod. Kuan, wala

ra. Pagkakuan ra. Pagka una ana akong anak, simple ra man to. Kalimot ko hehe.”

[Stress like family problems. When I had my first child, it was simple. I forgot.]

Karen (SS16) stated, “Ang gi kuan nga ako jud i-kuan ako mga anak nako

jud na manganak ko puhon, ana. Naka apekto siya nako labi na sa pag eskwela

mao ni undang ko.” [I thought a lot about that I really should give birth to this child.

It affected my studies that why I stopped going to school.]

Nicole (SS16) stated, “Kung sige lang ug huna-huna ba. Ngano namabdos

ko. Ing-ana ba, di ko kadawat. Mao to lage. Gistoryaan kog sakit sa akong papa,

ana ba, sakitan ko. Unya maka huna-huna sad ta maka huna-huna sad tag mga

hikog hikog, ana.” *CRIES* [I thought a lot about why I got pregnant, like that and

I couldn’t accept it. I can’t accept that my father said something that made me feel

hurt. And I got to the point where I thought about suicide.]

Emily (SS17) stated, “Mental health? Stress. Mag andam pa ka sa tanan

nga dapat nimo buhaton sa bata. Basta lisod oy.” [Mental health? Stress. A need

to prepare everything you have to do with the baby. It’s quite difficult.]

Angela (SS15) stated, “Family problem gihapon maka apekto sad sa akong

mental health. Maka apekto sa pang huna-huna.” [Family problem has affected my

mental health; it affected the way I think.]

Dahlia (SS15) stated, “Kuan, pangandam sa mga kuan sa bata, mga gamit.

Pero wala ra man, kanang steady ra man akong kuan.” [Prepare the things needed

by the baby, but other than that, my mental health is stable.]


Subtheme 2: Methods of Caregiving

According to Lee et al. (2013) in their study entitled, “Parenting Techniques

and Adolescent Mothers' Depressive Symptoms", it investigates the relationship

between specific parenting techniques used by adolescent mothers and their

depressive symptoms. It explores techniques such as positive reinforcement,

effective communication, and setting boundaries, and examines how they may be

associated with the mental health of adolescent mothers.

This is shown through the informants' responses that, as adolescent

mothers may search for answers on various parenting styles and techniques to

provide the best care for their child. This could include learning about different

approaches to discipline, establishing routines, and seeking educational resources

such as books, online articles, parenting classes, or based on parents' guidance.

They may strive to improve their knowledge and skills as caregivers, continuously

learning and adapting their methods of caregiving based on new information and


Mary (SS14) stated, “Lisod padako bata, Ma’am oy. Pero makaya ra man

siguro pod hehe. Mga pag atiman pud nako sa akong anak kay kuan kanang mga

tinudlo ra pud sa akong mama.” [It’s hard to raise a child Ma’am but I think I will

make it hehe. The way I take care of my child is being taught by my mother.]

Jennifer (SS15) stated, “Naa puy problema. Pero nakaya ra man nako

bisan wala koy pares. Ako ra tanan. Wala koy gisaligan. Wala man koy mama.”

[There is still a problem, but I still managed to overcome it even without my partner.

I'm all alone, I don’t rely on anyone because I don't have a mother.]

Sarah (SS15) stated, “Naa man jud nay stages ang bata no? Mapariha siya

nako nga gahi ug ulo kanang di nako ma control iyang anger issues. Mura ing-ana

jud. Unya kana sad kung unsa siya mo kuan sa mga tao kay ako mismo mauwaw

ko mopakita sa mga tao unya unsa nalang kaha siya nga ako sad gikauwaw. Una

kay gi try nako siya sa face the wall. Kana siya nakita nako siya sa pag basa sa

book. Pero nagka dugay murag wa man siya ni efffect so ni try kog hanger nga

kanang ipakita niya unya sa kana, maternal instincts na siya nga mas naminaw

man nuon siya.” [The child has stages, right? I can predict that she is stubborn

because I can't control her anger issues, like me – it's like that. Also, it makes me

feel embarrassed; the way she acts around people. But it makes me think, what

more would she feel knowing that I’m ashamed of her? At first, I tried to let her face

the wall as I’ve read in the book. As time goes by, it looks like it isn’t effective, so I

tried a hanger, showed it to her, and it worked. That was from my maternal instincts


Lisa (SS14) stated, “Daghan man kalisod mag atiman ug bata. Pero

nahibal-an nako ni kay mama. Siya nag tudlo nako.” [There are a lot of struggles

in taking care of a child, but I have learned it from my mother, she has taught me

about it.]

Patricia (SS15) stated, “Um. Naay mga kuan. Lisod kaayo pangitaon ang

mga kuan, mga usab nga kuanon ba. Labi na saputon. Gitudlo ra pud nako gikan

sa akong ginikanan. Sa mama nako. [Um, there are difficulties especially when

they’re having tantrums. My parents taught me how to handle it especially my


Karen (SS14) stated, “Naay kalisod. Atiman sa kalisod way ma puli puli.

Ako ra sad ani, wa may nag tudlo nako unsaon.” [There were difficulties in taking

care especially when you have no one to take turns. I did it myself and no one

taught me how to do it.]

Nicole (SS14) stated, “Oh naa juy kalisod. Akoa ra sad ni, wala may nag

tudlo nako.” [There were difficulties in taking care of a child and I did it myself, no

one taught me how to do it.]

Emily (SS15) stated, “Oh naay kalisod. Gitudloan ra man pod ko. Gikan sa

akong mama.” [Yes, there were difficulties. I was taught by my mom how to do it


Angela (SS13) stated, “Ahh depende sad ug kanang lisod jud siya kanang

handle-on jud. Gitudlo gikan sa akong mama.” [It depends if they’re hard to handle,

I have learned it from my mom.]

Dahlia (SS13) stated, “Lisod siya panagsa kanang gahi kaayo kanang di

magpatuo ba ing-ana. Pag atiman ug disipilina, kuan gikan sa akoa ug sa akong

amahan kay wala naman koy mama.” [It’s difficult sometimes because my children

are sometimes headstrong. They won’t listen to me. I learned how to take care of

them and also from what my father taught me because I no longer have a mother

to teach me those stuff.]


Essential Theme #3: All Worth It

Despite the challenges, being an adolescent mother can be incredibly rewarding

and fulfilling. The subthemes of comfortable with my body and the "happy pill"

delve into the emotions of joy, satisfaction, and happiness that adolescent mothers

may experience. It encompasses finding contentment and gratitude in their role,

accepting their circumstances, and deriving happiness from the love, connection,

and milestones experienced throughout their parenting journey.

Subtheme 1: Comfortable with my Body

The subtheme of "comfortable with my body" centers around accepting and

embracing one's physical appearance as an adolescent mother. It involves

cultivating body positivity and appreciating the changes and strengths that come

with motherhood. As shown in the discussions below, most of the respondents

mentioned that despite the bodily changes that happened because of the

pregnancy, they were able to adapt and adjust and were comfortable with it


This is supported by Hanna Przybyla-Basista, Elzbieta Kwiecinska, and

Michalina Ilzka (2020), there are evidence that shows that pregnant women

present less dissatisfaction with their body image, showing confidence during

pregnancy compared to those nonpregnant women. Also, other findings indicate

that pregnant women's viewpoint of their bodies is generally positive and positively

related to self-esteem.

Mary (SS13) stated, “Komportable ra man kos lawas nako paghuman

panganak. Wala ra koy usbon kanang dawat ra man nako gud.” [I am comfortable

with my body after giving birth, I have nothing to change because I just accept it.]

Jennifer (SS14) stated, “Usahay ganahan ko naay usbon sa akong pisikal

pero okay naman. Dawat naman nako.” [Sometimes I want to change something

in my body, but it's okay, I accept it.]

Sarah (SS14) stated, “Wala ra man. Okay ra man kos akong lawas hinuon.

Wala ra koy ganahan usbon.” [Nothing at all. My body is okay though. I just don't

want to change anything.]

Lisa (SS13) stated, “Wala ra ko mangandoy nga usbon ako pisikal nga

panagway. Wala ra man.” [I just don't want to change my physical appearance.

Nothing at all.]

Patricia (SS14) stated, “Wala ra koy ganahan usbon. Komportable ra man

ko.” [I just don't want to change anything. I'm just comfortable.]

Karen (SS13) stated, “Wala ra man. Kontento ra ko.” [Nothing at all. I am


Nicole (SS13) stated, “Wala ra, komportable ra man kos akong lawas.”

[Nothing, I am comfortable with my body.]

Emily (SS14) stated, “Wala. Dili. Wala ra koy ganahan usbon man.”

[Nothing. No. I don’t want to change anything.]


Dahlia (SS12) stated, “Dili. Wala ra koy usbon.” [No. I wouldn’t change


Subtheme 2: Happy Pill

According to a study of Journal of Adolescent Health (Jones.et al 2009),

found that despite the challenges of poverty, lack of social support, and mental

and physical health problems, many adolescent mothers in a low-income, urban

setting reported feeling a sense of pride and joy in their new role as a mother.

Reflected in this study are the moments of joy and happiness that the

informants have experienced amidst the challenges. It involves finding and

cherishing the small pleasures and milestones in their journey as mothers, which

can serve as a source of motivation and positivity.

Mary (SS10) stated, “Lipay kaayo, Ma’am oy. Maka wagtang ug kakapoy

ug stress.” [Very happy, Ma'am. It can eliminate fatigue and stress.]

Jennifer (SS11) stated, “Happy ko kay ana. Kay naka kuan ko. Naa nakoy

baby, ana.” [I feel very happy because I now have my baby.]

Sarah (SS11) stated, “Kana gud ilang storya nga kung makakita ka sa

imong anak unya ipakita nila nimo kay murag tanan kakapoy kay murag nawa.

Nituo na gyud ko ana.” [It’s what they always say, babies can somewhat make you

feel like everything is okay. Now that I have my own child, I can believe that.]

Lisa (SS10) stated, “Kuan, worth it. Worth it ra ang tanan.” [Worth it. It’s all

worth it.]

Patricia (SS11) stated, “Dakong kalipay. Makawas problema.” [Great joy, it

can lessen problems.]

Karen (SS10) stated, “Nalipay kana nagawas siya bisag kuan.” [I was

happy. Happy that she got out even though..]

Nicole (SS10) stated, “Nalipay.” [Glad.]

Emily (SS11) stated, “Nalipay.” [Glad.]

Angela (SS9) stated, “Kanang kuan, nalipay.” [Glad.]

Dahlia (SS9) stated, “Kuan nakahilak ko. Nakahilak, nalipay.” [I cried. Tears

of joy.]

Essential Theme #4: A Burden to None

"A Burden to None" is a metaphor for the complex emotions and

experiences of adolescent mothers in the early stages of motherhood. It represents

the contrasting perspectives of regret and acceptance found in this demographic.

While some adolescent mothers may see their situation as a burden, others accept

their fate and find fulfillment in their circumstances, embracing their role as mothers

without regret.

Mary (SS18) stated, “Kuan, karon wala man koy pagmahay pero kung

mabalik pa unta, mo likay ko aning mga butanga.” [I have no regrets but if I could

turn back the time, I would say that I will avoid doing things that led to this.]

Jennifer (SS19) stated, “Murag ing-ana siguro. Kung mabalik man lang.”

[Something like that, only if I could turn back the time.]

Sarah (SS19) stated, “Oo. So buyag lang no, 4 years na siya wa napun-an.

So mao jud na akong na realize ug na decide gyud nga dapat mag family planning

gyud. Unya kanang i-plano gyud tanan unya di mag dali dali tungod sa kadalian

nga kalipay. [Yes, luckily, I haven’t got pregnant again for 4 years. So that's when

I realized and decided that I should do family planning. Then plan everything and

don't rush because of temporary happiness.]

Lisa (SS18) stated, “Wala koy pagmahay. Wala rako nagmahay.” [I have

no regrets.]

Patricia (SS19) stated, “Wala ko nagmahay. Usbon lang siguro oy.

Kanang wala ko kaila sa iyang papa, bahala naa koy anak.” [I have no regrets.

Maybe I will change something like having not to know his father despite having

a child.]

Karen (SS18) stated “Naa juy pagmahay. Oh, maglikay jud.” [I have

regrets. Yes, I would avoid.]

Nicole (SS18) stated, “Naa, dakong pagmahay. Mo likay ko aning mga

butanga kung pwede pa lang mausab akong desisyon.” [Yes, I have regrets. I

would avoid these things only if I could change my decision.]


Emily (SS19) stated, “Wala koy pagmahay. Dili ra nako usbon.” [I have no

regrets; I will not change anything.]

Angela (SS17) stated, “Dili ra nako usbon ako desisyon, wala rako

nagmahay pero kung mabalik ang panahon, mo likay ko atong butanga.” [I will

not change my decision because I have no regrets but if I could turn back the

time I will avoid getting into the situation.]

Dahlia (SS17) stated, “Wala rako nagmahay, wala koy usbon nga

desisyon. Oo, mo likay ko ato.” [I have no regrets; I will not change my decision.]


In this chapter, the conclusions derived from the findings of this study on

The Lived Experiences of Selected Adolescent Mothers in Basak, San Nicolas,

Cebu City are described. The conclusions were based on the purpose, research

questions and results of the study. The implications of these findings and the

resultant recommendations will also be explained. Recommendations were based

on the conclusions and purpose of the study.


In conclusion, becoming a mother at an early age is a complex and

transformative journey that is often clouded by misconceptions and stereotypes.

Family problems mostly are the cause of stress of adolescent mothers. They are

often judged on how they could raise their child and being compared on the manner

of how adult mothers could raise them. Recognizing and addressing family

problems is essential to mitigate the negative consequences of stress. By

promoting healthy coping mechanisms and providing support systems, individuals

can navigate family challenges more effectively, leading to improved overall well-

being. Moreover, adolescent mothers experience contentment as they underwent

body changes. They accepted and embraced their physical appearance. It

cultivates body positivity and appreciate the changes and strengths that come with

motherhood. Recognizing the favorable elements of this experience can promote

a broader and more empathetic comprehension of adolescent motherhood,


leading to the development of enhanced support networks and more favorable

outcomes for both the mother and child. Adolescent mothers cherish the small

pleasures and milestones in their journey despite the mental and physical

struggles they faced. By this, they may find solace, meaning, and motivation to

continue their journey. Acknowledging and supporting the pursuit of joy and

personal accomplishments can help individuals facing mental struggles navigate

their challenges with greater resilience and hope. As a society, it is essential to

foster understanding, reduce stigma, and promote access to resources and

support systems that enable individuals to cherish the small pleasures and

milestones in their ongoing journey towards mental well-being.

With confidence, this research contributed to an understanding of the lived

experiences of adolescent mothers and its findings and recommendations can

serve as a basis for future research projects.


The action plan that the researchers recommend or proposed after gathering

data and findings are:

• Strengthening Support Networks: Develop and enhance support networks

specifically tailored for adolescent mothers. These networks should provide

comprehensive support, including access to healthcare, education,

counseling services, and opportunities for peer support and mentorship.


• Comprehensive Sex Education: Advocate for comprehensive sex education

programs that equip young individuals with knowledge about contraception,

reproductive health, and responsible decision-making. By addressing these

topics proactively, the risk of unintended pregnancies among adolescents

can be reduced.

• Addressing Stigma and Discrimination: Raise awareness and challenge the

societal stigma and discrimination faced by adolescent mothers. Promote

initiatives that foster understanding, empathy, and acceptance, aiming to

create an environment where adolescent mothers are valued, supported,

and empowered.

• Collaborative Efforts: Encourage collaboration among healthcare providers,

educators, policymakers, and community organizations to address the

unique needs of adolescent mothers comprehensively. By working

together, a multidisciplinary approach can be adopted to create holistic

support systems and opportunities for positive change.

• Research and Evaluation: Advocate for further research on the lived

experiences of adolescent mothers to continue understanding their evolving

needs, challenges, and successes. This research can inform the

development of evidence-based interventions and policies that better serve

this population.


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Cebu Institute of Technology


Barangay Captain of Basak
Municipality of San Nicolas
Cebu City

Dear Hon. Navarro,

Greetings of Peace!

We, the Level III students of Cebu Institute of Technology University - College of
Nursing are currently conducting a research entitled “Early Motherhood: Exploring
the Lived Experiences of Selected Adolescent Mothers in Basak, San Nicolas,
Cebu City. This is in partial fulfillment of the course NCM 302: Nursing Research
2. The purpose of this study is to address the needs, perceptions, and experiences
with regards to parenting skills, knowledge, as well as mental health needs of
adolescent mothers.

In line of this, we would like to ask permission to allow us to gather data on

adolescent mothers aged 18 to 19 or those adult mothers who gave birth during
their adolescent years. Data will be gathered through one-on-one interviews with
specific guided interview questions written by the researchers. This will be of
significance in our study.
Reassured that the data collected will be held strictly for study purposes only.
Thank you very much and God bless.


Cebu Institute Of Technology

N. Bacalso Ave., Cebu City Philippines

I, , understand that I am being asked
to participate in a research study entitled, “Early Motherhood: Exploring the Lived
Experiences of Selected Adolescent Mothers in Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City".
The purpose of this study is to explore the real-life experiences of adolescent
mothers. My participation in this research study is completely voluntary and I
understand that I have the option not to answer questions, which I think can cause
personal harm. If I agree to participate in this study, I will provide my narrative
responses based on the questions asked during the 20–30-minute interview. I am
also aware that no identifying information would be included or asked for during
the interview, and that this session would be filmed and recorded. I understand
that my responses would be kept confidential and anonymous, and that they would
be used for academic purposes only. There are no known risks associated with
this study, but if my emotional well-being is impacted, I would be given time to
allow catharsis and a short break to maintain my composure. Snacks would also
be provided to keep me fueled. This study may benefit me by providing me with
new insights, realizations, and a sense of accomplishment for being able to share
my narrative.

This interview would take place at Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City at my preferred
time of day or when I am not otherwise engaged. At the end of the interview, I
would be given a token of appreciation for the effort and time I shared.

In the process of doing the research or even in its reporting, the researchers would
adhere to the privacy protection policy of the IRB. If I have any questions about
this study, I can freely contact the researchers, through their mobile phone number,

I have read and understood this consent from, all my questions have been
answered, and agreed to participate. I understood that I will be given a copy of this
signed consent form.








Noted by:


Research Adviser

Cebu Institute Of Technology

N. Bacalso Ave., Cebu City Philippines

Ako, , nakasabut nga gihangyo ako
nga muapil sa usa ka research study nga gi-ulohan, "Early Motherhood: Exploring
the Lived Experiences of Selected Adolescent Mothers in Alumnos, Basak, San
Nicolas, Cebu City". Ang katuyoan niini nga pagtuon mao ang pagsuhid sa tinuod
nga kinabuhi nga mga kasinatian sa mga tin-edyer nga mga inahan. Ang akong
pag-apil niini nga research study kay boluntaryo ug akong nasabtan nga ako
adunay kapilian nga dili motubag sa mga pangutana, nga sa akong hunahuna
mahimong hinungdan sa kadaot sa akong kaugalingon. Kon ako mouyon nga
moapil niini nga pagtuon, mohatag ako sa akong salaysay nga tubag base sa mga
pangutana nga gipangutana sulod sa 20-30 minuto nga interbyu. Nakahibalo usab
ako nga wala’y makaila nga impormasyon nga iapil o ipangutana sa panahon sa
interbyu, ug nga kini nga sesyon kuhaan ug bidyo ug irekord. Nasabtan nako nga
ang akong mga tubag itago nga kompidensyal ug dili mailhan, ug nga kini gamiton
alang sa mga katuyoan sa akademiko. Wala'y nahibal-an nga mga risgo nga
nalangkit niini nga pagtuon, apan kung ang akong emosyonal nga kaayohan
maapektuhan, hatagan ako ug panahon sa pagtugot sa catharsis ug usa ka mubo
nga pahulay aron mapadayon ang akong kalmado. Hatagan sab og snacks aron
ma-gatong ko. Kini nga pagtuon mahimo’g makabenepisyo kanako pinaagi sa
paghatag og bag-ong mga panabut, pagkaamgo, ug usa ka pagbati sa
kalampusan alang sa pagpaambit sa akong asoy.
Kini nga interbyu mahitabo sa Alumnos, Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu sa akong gusto
nga oras sa adlaw o kung dili pa ko busy. Sa pagtapos sa interbyu, hatagan ko og
timaan sa pagpasalamat sa paningkamot ug oras nga akong gipaambit.

Sa proseso sa paghimo sa research o bisan sa pagreport niini, ang mga

researchers mosunod sa palisiya sa pagpanalipod sa privacy sa IRB. Kung naa
koy pangutana bahin sa kini nga pagtuon, libre nako nga makontak ang mga
researchers, pinaagi sa ilang numero sa mobile phone, 09694898654.
Akong nabasa ug nasabtan kini nga pagtugot gikan sa, tanan nakong mga
pangutana natubag, ug miuyon nga moapil. Nakasabot ko nga hatagan ko og
kopya niining gipirmahan nga porma sa pagtugot.








Noted by:


Research Adviser



Kindly narrate about your emotions, struggles, or experiences as an

adolescent mother and how they affect your parental care?


1. How did you feel upon learning about your pregnancy?

2. Are you currently pursuing your studies, or have you stopped? If you are

still studying, how does being pregnant affect your academic performance?

If you made the decision to discontinue your studies, was it a personal


3. What are the sources of stress that impact your mental well-being as you

prepare for motherhood?

4. How do you perceive your body during pregnancy? Are you satisfied with

your physical appearance?

5. What was your reaction upon seeing your baby for the first time?

6. What challenges did you encounter during the initial months of parenthood?

7. Has your body image after giving birth ever impacted your ability to socialize

with people, participate in work, school, or other activities? Do you

sometimes wish you could alter your physical appearance after giving birth?

8. Can you identify any difficulties to your parenting abilities toward your child?

9. What parenting style do you employ with your child? Did you learn it from

somewhere or base it on your maternal instincts? Did anyone influence your


10. How does being a teen mom affect your mental health?

11. What are some misconceptions people often have about being a teen


12. If you could go back in time, do you have any regrets? Would you change

any decisions? Would you choose to abstain from sexual activity?




Pwede ba nimo ma ipahayag bahin sa imong mga emosyon, pakigbisog, o

mga kasinatian isip usa ka tin-edyer nga inahan ug sa unsang paagi kini

makaapekto sa imong pag atiman sa imong anak?


1. Unsay imong gibati sa pagkahibalo sa imong pagmabdos?

2. Gipadayon ba nimo karon ang imong pagskwela, o mihunong ka na? Kung

nagskwela pa ka, sa unsang paagi ang pagmabdos makaapekto sa imong

pagskwela? Kung nakadesisyon ka nga mohunong sa imong pagskwela,

personal ba kini nga pagpili?

3. Unsa ang mga tinubdan sa kapit-os nga makaapekto sa imong mental nga

kaayohan samtang nangandam ka alang sa pagkainahan?

4. Giunsa nimo pagtan-aw ang imong lawas sa panahon sa pagmabdos?

Kontento ka ba sa imong pisikal nga panagway?

5. Unsa ang imong reaksyon sa pagkakita sa imong anak sa unang higayon?

6. Unsay imong gibati mahitungod sa mga kausaban nga nadala samtang

ikaw nahimong inahan sa batan-ong edad?

7. Nakaapekto ba sa imong abilidad sa pagpakig-uban sa mga tawo, pag-apil

sa trabaho, eskwelahan, o uban pang kalihokan ang imong hulagway sa

lawas human sa pagpanganak? Nangandoy ka ba usahay nga mahimo

nimong usbon ang imong pisikal nga hitsura pagkahuman sa


8. Mahimo ba nimo mahibal-an ang bisan unsang mga kalisud sa imong mga

abilidad sa pagkaginikanan sa imong anak?

9. Unsang istilo sa pagkaginikanan ang imong gigamit sa imong anak?

Nahibal-an ba nimo kini gikan sa usa ka lugar o gibase kini sa imong

maternal instincts? Aduna bay nakaimpluwensya sa imong pamaagi?

10. Sa unsang paagi ang pagkahimong usa ka tin-edyer nga inahan

makaapekto sa imong kahimsog sa pangisip?

11. Unsa ang pipila ka sayop nga pagsabut sa mga tawo nga kanunay adunay

bahin sa pagkatin-edyer nga inahan?

12. Kung mabalik nimo ang panahon, naa ka bay pagmahay? Usbon ba nimo

ang bisan unsang mga desisyon? Mopili ka ba nga maglikay sa seksuwal

nga kalihokan?



This section presents the plan of activities in making the study.

TASKS 2022 2023

Submission of Chapter 1
Submission of Chapter 2
Submission of Chapter 3
Proposal Hearing
Submission of Revised
Chapters 1-3 based on the
Corrections of the Panelist
Consultation of Research
Title and Questionnaire
Submission of Revised
Chapters 1-3 based on the
corrections of Ma'am Burlas
Submission of Informed
Consent and Ethics Review
Data Gathering
Submission of Chapter 4
Submission of Chapter 5
Final Defense
Submission of Final
Manuscript and Compliance

This section presents the research budget/money spent in making this study.


Manuscript Php 1.50 per page 80 Php 120

Informed Php 3.00 per page 20 Php 60


Token of Php 1,500.00 1 1 Php 1,500


Snacks Php 500.00 1 1 Php 500

Php 1,000
Ethical Review
Php 1,000.00 1 1

Grand Total: Php 3,180




This section presents the journal of the researcher as they interview their

respondents about their lived experiences as an an adolescent mother.

June 3, 2023

Topic: Teenage Mothers: Exploring the Lived Experiences of Selected Adolescent

Mothers in Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City

As an interviewer conducting interviews on the topic of adolescent

pregnancy, I approached the interview with curiosity and empathy. I was aware of

the subject's sensitivity and the potential impact it could have on the interviewee. I

took time before the interview to reflect on my own biases and assumptions,

ensuring that I approached the interview with an open mind and non-judgmental


During the interview, I made a conscious effort to create a safe and

comfortable environment for the interviewee to share their experiences openly. To

build trust and encourage honest responses, I introduced myself, explained the

purpose of the interview, and assured confidentiality. I also acknowledged the

topic's sensitivity and expressed empathy for the interviewee's experiences. I

actively listened to the interviewees' stories as the interview progressed, allowing

them to speak freely and share their unique perspectives. I used effective

communication techniques such as maintaining eye contact, nodding to


demonstrate comprehension, and using appropriate verbal cues to encourage

them to elaborate on their experiences. I kept a neutral stance, refraining from

interjecting my own opinions or judgments, and concentrated on being an

empathetic listener. Throughout the interview, I was deeply moved by the

difficulties and challenges that teenage mothers face. Their stories highlighted the

complex emotions, societal pressures, and practical difficulties they faced when

they became mothers at such a young age. I offered support and validation

whenever the interviewee expressed emotional distress or vulnerability. I

reassured them that their experiences were valuable and that sharing their stories

would help people understand teenage pregnancy and its consequences better. It

was difficult for me to maintain objectivity at times because the interviewee's

emotions resonated with my own experiences and personal values. However, I

reminded myself to stay focused on the interviewee's narrative and to maintain the

research process's integrity. Following the interview, I took some time to reflect on

the interviewee's insights. As a researcher, I recognized the privilege and

responsibility I had to give voice to their experiences and advocate for their needs.

I recognized the research's potential impact in raising awareness and promoting

support systems for adolescent mothers.

Overall, this interview experience gave me a better understanding of the

lived experiences and challenges that teenage mothers face. It emphasized the

value of empathy, active listening, and creating a safe environment for participants

to share their stories. I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in this research

and contribute to the body of knowledge on adolescent pregnancy.






Participant 1 (Pseudonym: MARY)

Interviewer: Maayong buntag, ma’am. Ako si Mary Belle A. Ortega, estudyante

gikan sa CIT-U. Naa mi karon para mag interview nimo bahin sa among research

nga “Early Motherhood: Exploring the Lived Experiences of Selected Adolescent

Mothers in Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City”. Unya ikaw among napili nga ma

interview, ma’am kay fit man ka sa among criteria as informant. Nakabasa ug naka

sign naman ka sa consent ma’am,

R1 (SS1): Oo.

Interviewer: Usa ta mag sugod sa atong interview, ma’am. Mangutana lang ko,

kumusta man ka?

R1 (SS2): Okay ra, hehe.

Interviewer: Pwede ba or okay raba nimo, ma’am na ipahayag o isulti bahin sa

imong mga emosyon, imong gibati, o imong mga naagian isip usa ka batan-on nga

inahan? Ug sa unsang paagi kini makaapekto sa imong pag atiman sa imong


R1 (SS3): Okay ra. Lisod.

Interviewer: Pila imong edad ma’am pagkataw sa una nimong anak?

R1 (SS4): 19.

Interviewer: Unsa imong gibati pagkahibalo nimo sa imong pag mabdos?


R1 (SS5): Kuan, gi kulbaan ko kay wa ko nag expect unya bata pa man gud ko.

Sayo pa kaayo ma kuan ba, ma mabdos.

Interviewer: Nag skwela pa ba ka karon, ma’am o mihunong na ka?

R1(SS6): Niundang nag skwela.

Interviewer: Kung naka desisyon ka nga mo hunong sa imong pag skwela,

personal ba kini nga desisyon?

R1 (SS7): Personal. Dako man gud ug responsibilidad mag atiman ug bata.

Interviewer: Unsang mga butanga ang possible nakahatag nimo ug stress

kadtong na realize nimo na padung naka ma inahan?

R1 (SS8): Naka stress pud nako kay kuan gani mga problema sa pamilya unya

kanang sa kwarta pud.

Interviewer: Gi unsa nimo pag tan-aw imong lawas sa panahon sa pag mabdos?

Kontento ka ba sa imong pisikal nga panagway?

R1 (SS9): Sa pag mabdos nako, kuan wala ra man. Happy ra man kos akong


Interviewer: Unsa ang imong reaksyon sa pagkakita sa imong anak sa unang


R1(SS10): Lipay kaayo, Ma’am oy. Maka wagtang ug kakapoy ug stress.

Interviewer: Unsay imong gibati mahitungod sa mga kausaban nga nadala

samtang ikaw nahimong inahan sa batan-on nga edad?


R1(SS11): Mga kausaban? Daghan man. Lahi ra jud tong wala pa koy anak ba.

Interviewer: Naka apekto ba kini sa imong abilidad sa pagpakig-uban sa mga tao,

pag apil sa trabaho, eskwelahan, o uban pang kalihokan ang imong hulagway sa

lawas human sa pagpanganak?

R1 (SS12): Wala ra man pud naka kuan, naka apekto sa pagpakig uban nako sa

mga tao.

Interviewer: Nangandoy ka ba usahay nga mahimo nimong usbon ang imong

pisikal nga hitsura pagkahuman sa pagpanganak?

R1 (SS13): Komportable ra man kos lawas nako paghuman panganak. Wala ra

koy usbon kanang dawat ra man nako gud.

Interviewer: Mahimo ba nimo mahibal-an ang bisan unsa nga mga kalisud (kung

naa man) sa imong mga abilidad sa pagka ginikanan sa imong anak?

R1 (SS14): Lisod padako bata, ma’am oy. Pero makayara ra man siguro pud hehe.

Interviewer: Unsang istilo sa pagka ginikanan ang imong gi gamit sa imong anak?

Nahibal-an ba nimo kini gikan sa imong nabasa, gitudlo o gikan kini sa imong

maternal instincts?

R1 (SS15): Mga pag atiman nako sa akong anak kay kuan kanang mga tinudlo ra

pud sa akong mama.

Interviewer: Sa unsang paagi ang pagkahimong usa ka batan-on nga inahan

maka apekto sa imong mental health?


R1 (SS16): Mental health? Guol ko. Labi na kay naa lage pud problema akong

anak. Kuyawan ko nganong na yellow to siya.

Interviewer: Unsa ang pipila ka sayop nga pagsabot sa mga tawo bahin sa pagka

inahan sa batan-on pa nga edad? Unsa man say madunggan nimo sa uban ma’am

nga ilang e ingon anang mga manganak ug sayo o mga ma inahan sa bata pa nga


R1 (SS17): Kana gud permi ma sulti nila, ma’am nga bigaon kuno. Sayo nag kiat


Interviewer: Kung mabalik nimo ang panahon, ma’am naa ba kay pagmahay?

Usbon ba nimo ang bisan unsa nimo nga mga desisyon? Mo pili ba ka nga

maglikay sa sexual nga kalihokan?

R1 (SS18): Kuan, karon ma’am wala man koy pagmahay pero kung mabalik pa

unta, mo likay ko aning mga butanga.

Interviewer: Mao ra to, ma’am. Diri ra kutob atong interview. Daghang salamat sa

pag hatag nimo ug oras ug panahon namo, ma’am. Pahinumdom lang sad nako

nimo, ma’am na ang kining interview nga nahitabo karon, confidential ni siya.

Palihug ko dawat sa token, ma’am. Hinaot maka tabang nimo ni bisan gamay.

Salamat kayo, ma’am!


Participant 2 (Pseudonym: JENNIFER)

Interviewer: Maayong buntag, ma’am. Ako si Mary Belle A. Ortega, estudyante

gikan sa CIT-U. Naa mi karon para mag interview nimo bahin sa among research

nga “Early Motherhood: Exploring the Lived Experiences of Selected Adolescent

Mothers in Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City”. Unya ikaw among napili nga ma

interview, ma’am kay fit man ka sa among criteria as informant. Nakabasa ug naka

sign naman ka sa consent ma’am, no?

R2 (SS1): Yes.

Interviewer: Usa ta mag sugod sa atong interview, ma’am. Mangutana lang ko,

kumusta man ka?

R2 (SS2): Okay ra, hehe.

Interviewer: Pwede ba or okay raba nimo, ma’am na ipahayag o isulti bahin sa

imong mga emosyon, imong gibati, o imong mga naagian isip usa ka batan-on nga

inahan? Ug sa unsang paagi kini makaapekto sa imong pag atiman sa imong


R2 (SS3): Wala ra man. Okay ra man nako nga single. Single mom ko.

Interviewer: Pila imong edad ma’am pagkataw sa una nimong anak?

R2 (SS4): 16.

Interviewer: Pilay edad nimo karon, Ma’am?

R2 (SS5): 23.

Interviewer: Unsa imong gibati pagkahibalo nimo sa imong pag mabdos?

R2 (SS6): Wala ko kahibaw nga buntis ko. Didto ra ko nakahibaw nga akong friend

lang ni ingon nga, “Buntis man ka.”

Interviewer: Nag skwela pa ba ka karon, ma’am o mihunong na ka?

R2 (SS7): Wala nako nag skwela.

Interviewer: Kung naka desisyon ka nga mo hunong sa imong pag skwela,

personal ba kini nga desisyon?

R2 (SS8): Yes. Personal nako to nga desisyon.

Interviewer: Unsang mga butanga ang possible nakahatag nimo ug stress

kadtong na realize nimo na padung naka ma inahan?

R2 (SS9): Mga problema. Problema sa pamilya.

Interviewer: Gi unsa nimo pag tan-aw imong lawas sa panahon sa pag mabdos?

Kontento ka ba sa imong pisikal nga panagway?

R2 (SS10): Lahi ra. Kontento nako karon sa lawas nako pero kadtong pag mabdos

nako kay dili ko ganahan ato hehe.

Interviewer: Unsa ang imong reaksyon sa pagkakita sa imong anak sa unang


R2 (SS11): Happy ko kay ana. Kay naka kuan ko. Naa nakoy baby, ana.

Interviewer: Unsa imong gibati sa mga kausaban na nadala samtang ikaw

nahimong inahan sa batan-on pa edad?


R2 (SS12): Lahi ra jud kaayo sa daga pa.

Interviewer: Naka apekto ba kini sa imong abilidad sa pagpakig-uban sa mga tao,

pag apil sa trabaho, eskwelahan, o uban pang kalihokan ang imong hulagway sa

lawas human sa pagpanganak?

R2 (SS13): Wala ra man pud naka apekto akong pag mabdos sa pagpakig uban

nako sa uban tao.

Interviewer: Nangandoy ba ka usahay na mahimo nimong usbong ang imong

physical na itsura pagkahuman sa pagpanganak?

R2 (SS14): Usahay ganahan ko naay usbon sa akong pisikal pero okay naman.

Dawat naman nako.

Interviewer: Mahimo ba nimo mahibal-an ang bisan unsa nga mga kalisud (kung

naa man) sa imong mga abilidad sa pagka ginikanan sa imong anak?

R2 (SS15): Naa puy problema. Pero nakaya ra man nako bisan wala koy pares.

Interviewer: Unsang istilo sa pagka ginikanan ang imong gi gamit sa imong anak?

Nahibal-an ba nimo kini gikan sa imong nabasa, gitudlo o gikan kini sa imong

maternal instincts?

R2 (SS16): Ako ra tanan. Wala koy gisaligan. Wala man koy mama.

Interviewer: Sa unsang paagi ang pagkahimong usa ka batan-on nga inahan

maka apekto sa imong mental health?

R2 (SS17): Mga problema ra gihapon. Daghan man, ana.


Interviewer: Unsa ang pipila ka sayop nga pagsabot sa mga tawo bahin sa pagka

inahan sa batan-on pa nga edad? Unsa man say madunggan nimo sa uban ma’am

nga ilang e ingon anang mga manganak ug sayo o mga ma inahan sa bata pa nga


R2 (SS18): Ingon sila nga sayo ko nag ano, nag igat igat hehe.

Interviewer: Kung mabalik nimo ang panahon, ma’am naa ba kay pagmahay?

Usbon ba nimo ang bisan unsa nimo nga mga desisyon? Mo pili ba ka nga

maglikay sa sexual nga kalihokan?

R2 (SS19): Murag ing-ana siguro. Kung mabalik man lang.

Interviewer: Mao ra to, ma’am. Diri ra kutob atong interview. Daghang salamat sa

pag hatag nimo ug oras ug panahon namo, ma’am. Pahinumdom lang sad nako

nimo, ma’am na ang kining interview nga nahitabo karon, confidential ni siya.

Palihug ko dawat sa token, ma’am. Hinaot maka tabang nimo ni bisan gamay.

Salamat kayo, ma’am!


Participant 3 (Pseudonym: SARAH)

Interviewer: Maayong buntag, ma’am. Ako si Jaylord R. Manalo, estudyante gikan

sa CIT-U. Naa mi karon para mag interview nimo bahin sa among research nga

“Early Motherhood: Exploring the Lived Experiences of Selected Adolescent

Mothers in Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City”. Unya ikaw among napili nga ma

interview, ma’am kay fit man ka sa among criteria as informant. Nakabasa ug naka

sign naman ka sa consent ma’am, no?

R3 (SS1): Oo, sir.

Interviewer: Usa ta mag sugod sa atong interview, ma’am. Mangutana lang ko,

kumusta man ka?

R3 (SS2): Okay ra man sie. Ikaw?

Interviewer: Okay ra sad. Pwede ba or okay raba nimo, ma’am na ipahayag o

isulti bahin sa imong mga emosyon, imong gibati, o imong mga naagian isip usa

ka batan-on nga inahan? Ug sa unsang paagi kini makaapekto sa imong pag

atiman sa imong anak?

R3 (SS3): Oo, okay ra kaayo, sir.

Interviewer: Pila imong edad ma’am pagkataw sa una nimong anak?

R3 (SS4): 17.

Interviewer: Pilay edad nimo karon, Ma’am?

R3 (SS5): 21.

Interviewer: Unsa imong gibati pagkahibalo nimo sa imong pag mabdos?

R3 (SS6): Depressed kayko ato, sir oy. Kay daghan man kog gi huna-huna ato.

Una, bata pako. unsa akong mabuhat unya kana gung mga masturya sad sa mga


Interviewer: Nag skwela pa ba ka karon, ma’am o mihunong na ka?

R3 (SS7): Nag skwela ko karon pero katong namabdos ko, nihunong ko pag


Interviewer: Kung naka desisyon ka nga mo hunong sa imong pag skwela,

personal ba kini nga desisyon?

R3 (SS8): Oo, ako jud tong desisyon.

Interviewer: Unsang mga butanga ang possible nakahatag nimo ug stress

kadtong na realize nimo na padung naka ma inahan?

R9 (SS9): Ang mga storya sa tao, hasta problema sa pamilya.

Interviewer: Gi unsa nimo pag tan-aw imong lawas sa panahon sa pag mabdos?

Kontento ka ba sa imong pisikal nga panagway?

R3 (SS10): Oo, okay raman ko ato kay maskin nag buntis ko kay wa gyud ko

nanambok, murag tungod sad to sa ka stress ba.

Interviewer: Unsa ang imong reaksyon sa pagkakita sa imong anak sa unang


R3 (SS11): Kana gung ilang sturya nga kung makakita ka sa imong anak nya

ipakita nila nimo kay murag tanan kakapoy kay murag nawa. Nituo na gyud ko


Interviewer: Unsa imong gibati sa mga kausaban na nadala samtang ikaw

nahimong inahan sa batan-on pa edad?

R3 (SS12): Kuan sukad pa gyud sauna maka ingon ko nga strong ko so na kaya

ra nako siya. Pero usahay mura gud nakog gi doubt akong self. Mao na akong na


Interviewer: Naka apekto ba kini sa imong abilidad sa pagpakig-uban sa mga tao,

pag apil sa trabaho, eskwelahan, o uban pang kalihokan ang imong hulagway sa

lawas human sa pagpanganak?

R3 (SS13): Oo, kay nauwaw gyud ko ato. Kay mask hangtod ron nag skwela

naman ko, di gihapon ko mo storya sa akong mga classmates kay ma uwaw

gihapon ko.

Interviewer: Nangandoy ba ka usahay na mahimo ni mong usbong ang imong

physical na itsura pagkahuman sa pagpanganak?

R3 (SS14): Wala ra man. Okay ra man kos akong lawas hinuon. Wala ra koy

ganahan usbon.

Interviewer: Mahimo ba nimo mahibal-an ang bisan unsa nga mga kalisud (kung

naa man) sa imong mga abilidad sa pagka ginikanan sa imong anak?


R3 (SS15): Naa man jud nay stages ang bata no? Mapariha siya nako nga gahig

ulo kanang di nako ma control iyang anger issues. Murag ing-ana gud. Unya kana

sang kung unsa siya mo kuan sa mga taw kay ako mismo mauwaw ko mopakita

sa taw unya unsa nalang kaha siya nga ako sad gikauwaw.

Interviewer: Unsang istilo sa pagka ginikanan ang imong gi gamit sa imong anak?

Nahibal-an ba nimo kini gikan sa imong nabasa, gitudlo o gikan kini sa imong

maternal instincts?

R3 (SS16): Una kay gitry nako siya sa face the wall. Kana siya nakita nako siya sa

pag basa sa book. Pero nagka dugay murag wa man siya ni effect so ni try kog

hanger nga kanang ipakita niya. Unya sa kana, maternal instincts na siya nga mas

naminaw man nuon siya.

Interviewer: Sa unsang paagi ang pagkahimong usa ka batan-on nga inahan

maka apekto sa imong mental health?

R3 (SS17): Ang first time kay napay 7 years depression. So hantod ron ma

depressed gihapon ko. Gamay lang gani nga problema kay murag ma down na

dayon ko. Unya kanang murag wa nakoy salig sa akong self.

Interviewer: Unsa ang pipila ka sayop nga pagsabot sa mga tawo bahin sa pagka

inahan sa batan-on pa nga edad? Unsa man say madunggan nimo sa uban ma’am

nga ilang e ingon anang mga manganak ug sayo o mga ma inahan sa bata pa nga


R3 (SS18): Ang ilang ipang ingon kay murag kanang di na ma asenso, di ka

graduate, unya permi nalang mangayo luoy kaayo. Mao na ako madunggan.

Interviewer: Kung mabalik nimo ang panahon, ma’am naa ba kay pagmahay?

Usbon ba nimo ang bisan unsa nimo nga mga desisyon? Mo pili ba ka nga

maglikay sa sexual nga kalihokan?

R3 (SS19): Oo. So buyag lang no 4 years na siya wa napun-an. So mao jud na

akong na realize ug na decide gyud nga dapat mag family planning gyud. Unya

kanang i-plano gyud tanan unya di mag dali dali tungod sa kadalian nga kalipay.

Interviewer: Mao ra to, ma’am. Diri ra kutob atong interview. Daghang salamat sa

pag hatag nimo ug oras ug panahon namo, ma’am. Pahinumdom lang sad nako

nimo, ma’am na ang kining interview nga nahitabo karon, confidential ni siya.

Palihug ko dawat sa token, ma’am. Hinaot maka tabang nimo ni bisan gamay.

Salamat kayo, ma’am!

R3 (SS20): Salamat pud kaayo, Sir.


Participant 4 (Pseudonym: LISA)

Interviewer: Maayong buntag, ma’am. Ako si Mary Belle A. Ortega, estudyante

gikan sa CIT-U. Naa mi karon para mag interview nimo bahin sa among research

nga “Early Motherhood: Exploring the Lived Experiences of Selected Adolescent

Mothers in Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City”. Unya ikaw among napili nga ma

interview, ma’am kay fit man ka sa among criteria as informant. Nakabasa ug naka

sign naman ka sa consent ma’am, no?

R4 (SS1): *NODS*

Interviewer: Usa ta mag sugod sa atong interview, ma’am. Mangutana lang ko,

kumusta man ka?

R4 (SS2): Okay ra.

Interviewer: Pwede ba or okay raba nimo, ma’am na ipahayag o isulti bahin sa

imong mga emosyon, imong gibati, o imong mga naagian isip usa ka batan-on nga

inahan? Ug sa unsang paagi kini makaapekto sa imong pag atiman sa imong


R4 (SS3): Okay ra, lisod hehe. Lisod, ma’am oy. Lisod ma inahan, sayo pa kaayo.

Lisod mahimong inahan kay kuan, sayo pa kaayo ba.

Interviewer: Pila imong edad ma’am pagkataw sa una nimong anak?

R4 (SS4): 18.

Interviewer: Unsa imong gibati pagkahibalo nimo sa imong pag mabdos?

R4 (SS5): Kulba.

Interviewer: Nag skwela pa ba ka karon, ma’am o nihunong na?

R4 (SS6): Oo, nihunong na.

Interviewer: Kung naka desisyon ka nga mo hunong sa imong pag skwela,

personal ba kini nga desisyon?

R4 (SS7): Dili ko sure kung personal ba na desisyon. Murag dili.

Interviewer: Unsang mga butanga ang possible nakahatag nimo ug stress

kadtong na realize nimo na padung naka ma inahan?

R4 (SS8): Kuan, daghan man. Problema sa pamilya, kwarta.

Interviewer: Gi unsa nimo pag tan-aw imong lawas sa panahon sa pag mabdos?

Kontento ka ba sa imong pisikal nga panagway?

R4 (SS9): Happy ra kos ako lawas man.

Interviewer: Unsa ang imong reaksyon sa pagkakita sa imong anak sa unang


R4 (SS10): Kuan, worth it. Worth it ang kuan.

Interviewer: Unsa imong gibati sa mga kausaban na nadala samtang ikaw

nahimong inahan sa batan-on pa edad?

R4 (SS11): Kadto na mama ko kay mura kog nakugihan.

Interviewer: Naka apekto ba kini sa imong abilidad sa pagpakig-uban sa mga tao,

pag apil sa trabaho, eskwelahan, o uban pang kalihokan ang imong hulagway sa

lawas human sa pagpanganak?


R4 (SS12): Oo. Naka apekto siya sa pagpakig uban nako sa mga tao.

Interviewer: Nangandoy ba ka usahay na mahimo ni mong usbong ang imong

physical na itsura pagkahuman sa pagpanganak?

R4 (SS13): Wala ra ko mangandoy nga usbon ako pisikal nga panagway. Wala ra


Interviewer: Mahimo ba nimo mahibal-an ang bisan unsa nga mga kalisud (kung

naa man) sa imong mga abilidad sa pagka ginikanan sa imong anak?

R4 (SS14): Daghan man kalisod mag atiman ug bata.

Interviewer: Unsang istilo sa pagka ginikanan ang imong gi gamit sa imong anak?

Nahibal-an ba nimo kini gikan sa imong nabasa, gitudlo o gikan kini sa imong

maternal instincts?

R4 (SS15): Nahibal-an nako ni kay mama. Siya nag tudlo nako.

Interviewer: Sa unsang paagi ang pagkahimong usa ka batan-on nga inahan

maka apekto sa imong mental health?

R4 (SS16): Kuan, daghan man. Dili ko ka explain, hehe. Basta daghang mga kuan.

Interviewer: Unsa ang pipila ka sayop nga pagsabot sa mga tawo bahin sa pagka

inahan sa batan-on pa nga edad? Unsa man say madunggan nimo sa uban ma’am

nga ilang e ingon anang mga manganak ug sayo o mga ma inahan sa bata pa nga


R4 (SS17): Daghan man. Mga kuan, bigaon. Sayo nag kiat kiat.

Interviewer: Kung mabalik nimo ang panahon, ma’am naa ba kay pagmahay?

Usbon ba nimo ang bisan unsa nimo nga mga desisyon? Mo pili ba ka nga

maglikay sa sexual nga kalihokan?

R4 (SS18): Wala koy pagmahay. Wala rako nagmahay.

Interviewer: Mao ra to, ma’am. Diri ra kutob atong interview. Daghang salamat sa

pag hatag nimo ug oras ug panahon namo, ma’am. Pahinumdom lang sad nako

nimo, ma’am na ang kining interview nga nahitabo karon, confidential ni siya.

Palihug ko dawat sa token, ma’am. Hinaot maka tabang nimo ni bisan gamay.

Salamat kayo, ma’am!


Participant 5 (Pseudonym: PATRICIA)

Interviewer: Maayong buntag, ma’am. Ako si Mary Belle A. Ortega, estudyante

gikan sa CIT-U. Naa mi karon para mag interview nimo bahin sa among research

nga “Early Motherhood: Exploring the Lived Experiences of Selected Adolescent

Mothers in Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City”. Unya ikaw among napili nga ma

interview, ma’am kay fit man ka sa among criteria as informant. Nakabasa ug naka

sign naman ka sa consent ma’am, no?

R5 (SS1): Oo.

Interviewer: Usa ta mag sugod sa atong interview, ma’am. Mangutana lang ko,

kumusta man ka?

R5 (SS2): Okay ra.

Interviewer: Pwede ba or okay raba nimo, ma’am na ipahayag o isulti bahin sa

imong mga emosyon, imong gibati, o imong mga naagian isip usa ka batan-on nga

inahan? Ug sa unsang paagi kini makaapekto sa imong pag atiman sa imong


R5 (SS3): Lisod oy. Kanang kami rang duha, wala gyuy lain mo kuan.

Interviewer: Pila imong edad ma’am pagkataw sa una nimong anak?

R5 (SS4): 15.

Interviewer: Pila edad nimo karon, ma’am?

R5 (SS5): 19, mag 20.


Interviewer: Unsa imong gibati pagkahibalo nimo sa imong pag mabdos?

R5 (SS6): Di ko katuo nga buntis ko. Sige rako kalipong maong naka ingon kong

mabdos ko. Sa ako ate nagpa BP ko niya, didto nahibaw-an.

Interviewer: Nag skwela pa ba ka karon, ma’am o nihunong na?

R5 (SS7): Nag skwela ko karon, ALS. Pag mabdos nako sauna, ning undang ko

tapos karon ning balik ko sa pagka ALS.

Interviewer: Pag undang nimo sauna, ma’am. Imoha to nga desisyon?

R5 (SS8): Oo.

Interviewer: Unsang mga butanga ang possible nakahatag nimo ug stress

kadtong na realize nimo na padung naka ma inahan?

R5 (SS9): Ang stress, kanang kuan, family problem. Makakuan nako.

Interviewer: Gi unsa nimo pag tan-aw imong lawas sa panahon sa pag mabdos?

Kontento ka ba sa imong pisikal nga panagway?

R5 (SS10): Sige ra kog kaluya ato, walay kuan.

Interviewer: Unsa ang imong reaksyon sa pagkakita sa imong anak sa unang


R5 (SS11): Dakong kalipay. Makawalas problema.

Interviewer: Unsa imong gibati sa mga kausaban na nadala samtang ikaw

nahimong inahan sa batan-on pa edad?

R5 (SS12): Wala ra man. Kuan ra nako madala tanan, sakto ra pud.


Interviewer: Naka apekto ba kini sa imong abilidad sa pagpakig-uban sa mga tao,

pag apil sa trabaho, eskwelahan, o uban pang kalihokan ang imong hulagway sa

lawas human sa pagpanganak?

R5 (SS13): Oo. Nakakuan kog beso beso kog mga inahan. Anad na kay dili na

sa mga daga ko mo uban.

Interviewer: Nangandoy ba ka usahay na mahimo ni mong usbong ang imong

physical na itsura pagkahuman sa pagpanganak?

R5 (SS14): Wala ra koy ganahan usbon. Komportable ra man ko.

Interviewer: Mahimo ba nimo mahibal-an ang bisan unsa nga mga kalisud (kung

naa man) sa imong mga abilidad sa pagka ginikanan sa imong anak?

R5 (SS15): Um, naay mga kuan. Lisod kaayo pangita-on ang mga kuan, mga

usab nga kuanon ba. Labi na saputon.

Interviewer: Unsang istilo sa pagka ginikanan ang imong gi gamit sa imong anak?

Nahibal-an ba nimo kini gikan sa imong nabasa, gitudlo o gikan kini sa imong

maternal instincts?

R5 (SS16): Gitudlo ra pud nako gikan sa akong ginikanan. Sa mama nako.

Interviewer: Sa unsang paagi ang pagkahimong usa ka batan-on nga inahan

maka apekto sa imong mental health?

R5 (SS17): Ang stress, kanang kuan, family problem. Maka kuan nako. Kuan, um.

Kalimot ko da. Pwede kuan lang, sunod? Kuan, wala ra. Pagkakuan ra. Pagka una

ana akong anak, simple ra man to. Kalimot ko, hehe.


Interviewer: Unsa ang pipila ka sayop nga pagsabot sa mga tawo bahin sa pagka

inahan sa batan-on pa nga edad? Unsa man say madunggan nimo sa uban ma’am

nga ilang e ingon anang mga manganak ug sayo o mga ma inahan sa bata pa nga


R5 (SS18): Kanang ingnon ug burikat. Kay nag una una man, ing-ana. Bata pa


Interviewer: Kung mabalik nimo ang panahon, ma’am naa ba kay pagmahay?

Usbon ba nimo ang bisan unsa nimo nga mga desisyon? Mo pili ba ka nga

maglikay sa sexual nga kalihokan?

R5 (SS19): Wala ko nagmahay. Usbon lang siguro oy. Kanang wala ko kaila sa

iyang papa, bahala naa koy anak.

Interviewer: Mao ra to, ma’am. Diri ra kutob atong interview. Daghang salamat sa

pag hatag nimo ug oras ug panahon namo, ma’am. Pahinumdom lang sad nako

nimo, ma’am na ang kining interview nga nahitabo karon, confidential ni siya.

Palihug ko dawat sa token, ma’am. Hinaot maka tabang nimo ni bisan gamay.

Salamat kayo, ma’am!


Participant 6 (Pseudonym: KAREN)

Interviewer: Maayong buntag, ma’am. Ako si Mary Belle A. Ortega, estudyante

gikan sa CIT-U. Naa mi karon para mag interview nimo bahin sa among research

nga “Early Motherhood: Exploring the Lived Experiences of Selected Adolescent

Mothers in Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City”. Unya ikaw among napili nga ma

interview, ma’am kay fit man ka sa among criteria as informant. Nakabasa ug naka

sign naman ka sa consent ma’am, no?

R6 (SS1): Oo.

Interviewer: Usa ta mag sugod sa atong interview, ma’am. Mangutana lang ko,

kumusta man ka?

R6 (SS2): Okay ra.

Interviewer: Pwede ba or okay raba nimo, ma’am na ipahayag o isulti bahin sa

imong mga emosyon, imong gibati, o imong mga naagian isip usa ka batan-on nga

inahan? Ug sa unsang paagi kini makaapekto sa imong pag atiman sa imong


R6 (SS3): Sakit kaayo ingnaon sayo ka naminyo. Kuan kays tanan imong kuan

ba. Na wa ka katagbaws imo pagka daga. Mao ra. Kapoy. Di lalim. Mag

konsimisyon kas imong anak, sa imong bana pa hehe.

Interviewer: Pila imong edad ma’am pagkataw sa una nimong anak?

R6 (SS4): 19.

Interviewer: Unsa imong gibati pagkahibalo nimo sa imong pag mabdos?


R6 (SS5): Sakit kaayo. Sakit kaayo murag na kuan ko ba sa akong ginikanan na

nganong naminyo kog sayo.”

Interviewer: Nag skwela pa ba ka karon, ma’am o nihunong na?

R6 (SS6): Nihunong tungod naminyo kog sayo.

Interviewer: Pag undang nimo sauna, ma’am. Imoha to nga desisyon?

R6 (SS7): Oo.

Interviewer: Unsang mga butanga ang possible nakahatag nimo ug stress

kadtong na realize nimo na padung naka ma inahan?

R6 (SS8): Ang gi kuan nga ako jung i-kuan ako mga anak nako jud na manganak

ko puhon, ana. Guol pud ko kay dugang problema ning kwarta ug sa pamilya


Interviewer: Gi unsa nimo pag tan-aw imong lawas sa panahon sa pag mabdos?

Kontento ka ba sa imong pisikal nga panagway?

R6 (SS9): Dili ko kontento sa lawas nako pag mabdos. Na usab na.

Interviewer: Unsa ang imong reaksyon sa pagkakita sa imong anak sa unang


R6 (SS10): Nalipay kana. Nagawas siya bisag kuan.

Interviewer: Unsa imong gibati sa mga kausaban na nadala samtang ikaw

nahimong inahan sa batan-on pa edad?

R6 (SS11): Imong kuan. Imong anak. Kanang si- kanang kuan nimo. Sakit kaayo.

Interviewer: Naka apekto ba kini sa imong abilidad sa pagpakig-uban sa mga tao,

pag apil sa trabaho, eskwelahan, o uban pang kalihokan ang imong hulagway sa

lawas human sa pagpanganak?

R6 (SS12): Apekto. Na apektohan jud kos akong kuan, sa akong mga kuan


Interviewer: Nangandoy ba ka usahay na mahimo ni mong usbong ang imong

physical na itsura pagkahuman sa pagpanganak?

R6 (SS13): Wala ra man. Kontento ra ko.

Interviewer: Mahimo ba nimo mahibal-an ang bisan unsa nga mga kalisud (kung

naa man) sa imong mga abilidad sa pagka ginikanan sa imong anak?

R6 (SS14): Naay kalisod. Atiman sa kalisod way ma puli puli.

Interviewer: Unsang istilo sa pagka ginikanan ang imong gi gamit sa imong anak?

Nahibal-an ba nimo kini gikan sa imong nabasa, gitudlo o gikan kini sa imong

maternal instincts?

R6 (SS15): Ako ra jud. Wa may nagtudlo nako unsaon.

Interviewer: Sa unsang paagi ang pagkahimong usa ka batan-on nga inahan

maka apekto sa imong mental health?

R6 (SS16): Naka apekto siya nako labi na sa pag eskwela. Mao ni undang ko.

Interviewer: Unsa ang pipila ka sayop nga pagsabot sa mga tawo bahin sa pagka

inahan sa batan-on pa nga edad? Unsa man say madunggan nimo sa uban ma’am

nga ilang e ingon anang mga manganak ug sayo o mga ma inahan sa bata pa nga


R6 (SS17): Mo ana dai, “Sayoha ba naminyo ana niya oy. Ga biga-biga” ana sa

mga tao.

Interviewer: Kung mabalik nimo ang panahon, ma’am naa ba kay pagmahay?

Usbon ba nimo ang bisan unsa nimo nga mga desisyon? Mo pili ba ka nga

maglikay sa sexual nga kalihokan?

R6 (SS18): Naa juy pagmahay. Oh, maglikay jud.

Interviewer: Mao ra to, ma’am. Diri ra kutob atong interview. Daghang salamat sa

pag hatag nimo ug oras ug panahon namo, ma’am. Pahinumdom lang sad nako

nimo, ma’am na ang kining interview nga nahitabo karon, confidential ni siya.

Palihug ko dawat sa token, ma’am. Hinaot maka tabang nimo ni bisan gamay.

Salamat kayo, ma’am!


Participant 7 (Pseudonym: NICOLE)

Interviewer: Maayong buntag, ma’am. Ako si Mary Belle A. Ortega, estudyante

gikan sa CIT-U. Naa mi karon para mag interview nimo bahin sa among research

nga “Early Motherhood: Exploring the Lived Experiences of Selected Adolescent

Mothers in Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City”. Unya ikaw among napili nga ma

interview, ma’am kay fit man ka sa among criteria as informant. Nakabasa ug naka

sign naman ka sa consent ma’am, no?

R7 (SS1): Oo.

Interviewer: Usa ta mag sugod sa atong interview, ma’am. Mangutana lang ko,

kumusta man ka?

R7 (SS2): Okay ra.

Interviewer: Pwede ba or okay raba nimo, ma’am na ipahayag o isulti bahin sa

imong mga emosyon, imong gibati, o imong mga naagian isip usa ka batan-on nga

inahan? Ug sa unsang paagi kini makaapekto sa imong pag atiman sa imong


R7 (SS3): Pwerte siyang lisoda kung walang-wala jud ka.

Interviewer: Pila imong edad ma’am pagkataw sa una nimong anak?

R7 (SS4): 19.

Interviewer: Unsa imong gibati pagkahibalo nimo sa imong pag mabdos?

R7 (SS5): Kuan, nakabati kog depressed.


Interviewer: Nag skwela pa ba ka karon, ma’am o nihunong na?

R7 (SS6): Nihunong na.

Interviewer: Kung naka desisyon ka nga mohunong, ma’am, imoha to nga


R7 (SS7): Oo.

Interviewer: Unsang mga butanga ang possible nakahatag nimo ug stress

kadtong na realize nimo na padung naka ma inahan?

R7 (SS8): Kung sige lang ug huna-huna ba. Ngano namabdos ko. Ing-ana ba, di

ko kadawat.

Interviewer: Gi unsa nimo pag tan-aw imong lawas sa panahon sa pag mabdos?

Kontento ka ba sa imong pisikal nga panagway?

R7 (SS9): Oh, komportable ra man kos akong lawas pag mabdos. Kapoy lang.

Interviewer: Unsa ang imong reaksyon sa pagkakita sa imong anak sa unang


R7 (SS10): Nalipay.

Interviewer: Unsa imong gibati sa mga kausaban na nadala samtang ikaw

nahimong inahan sa batan-on pa edad?

R7 (SS11): Kuan, sige lang ug atiman sa akong anak.


Interviewer: Naka apekto ba kini sa imong abilidad sa pagpakig-uban sa mga tao,

pag apil sa trabaho, eskwelahan, o uban pang kalihokan ang imong hulagway sa

lawas human sa pagpanganak?

R7 (SS12): Naka apekto siya sa pakig uban nako ug mga tao kanang ila kong

gipa lipay lipay.

Interviewer: Nangandoy ba ka usahay na mahimo ni mong usbong ang imong

physical na itsura pagkahuman sa pagpanganak?

R7 (SS13): Wala ra man. Komportable ra man kos akong lawas.

Interviewer: Mahimo ba nimo mahibal-an ang bisan unsa nga mga kalisud (kung

naa man) sa imong mga abilidad sa pagka ginikanan sa imong anak?

R7 (SS14): Oh, naa juy kalisod.

Interviewer: Unsang istilo sa pagka ginikanan ang imong gi gamit sa imong anak?

Nahibal-an ba nimo kini gikan sa imong nabasa, gitudlo o gikan kini sa imong

maternal instincts?

R7 (SS15): Akoa ra sad ni. Wala may nag tudlo nako.

Interviewer: Sa unsang paagi ang pagkahimong usa ka batan-on nga inahan

maka apekto sa imong mental health?

R7 (SS16): Gi storyaan kog, di nako dawat ba kay lagi, akong papa. Ana ba.

Sakitan kos iyang storya. Unya maka huna sad ta. Maka huna huna sad tag mga

hikog hikog, ana. *CRIES*


Interviewer: Unsa ang pipila ka sayop nga pagsabot sa mga tawo bahin sa pagka

inahan sa batan-on pa nga edad? Unsa man say madunggan nimo sa uban ma’am

nga ilang e ingon anang mga manganak ug sayo o mga ma inahan sa bata pa nga


R7 (SS17): Hinuon sad wala man sila niistorya ug mga bati. Kanang laban lang

ba, ana ba.

Interviewer: Kung mabalik nimo ang panahon, ma’am naa ba kay pagmahay?

Usbon ba nimo ang bisan unsa nimo nga mga desisyon? Mo pili ba ka nga

maglikay sa sexual nga kalihokan?

R7 (SS18): Naa, dakong pagmahay. Mo likay ko aning mga butanga kung pwede

pa lang mausab akong desisyon.

Interviewer: Mao ra to, ma’am. Diri ra kutob atong interview. Daghang salamat sa

pag hatag nimo ug oras ug panahon namo, ma’am. Pahinumdom lang sad nako

nimo, ma’am na ang kining interview nga nahitabo karon, confidential ni siya.

Palihug ko dawat sa token, ma’am. Hinaot maka tabang nimo ni bisan gamay.

Salamat kayo, ma’am!


Participant 8 (Pseudonym: EMILY)

Interviewer: Maayong buntag, ma’am. Ako si Karylle P. Obando, estudyante gikan

sa CIT-U. Naa mi karon para mag interview nimo bahin sa among research nga

“Early Motherhood: Exploring the Lived Experiences of Selected Adolescent

Mothers in Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City”. Unya ikaw among napili nga ma

interview, ma’am kay fit man ka sa among criteria as informant. Nakabasa ug naka

sign naman ka sa consent ma’am, no?

R8 (SS1): Oo.

Interviewer: Usa ta mag sugod sa atong interview, ma’am. Mangutana lang ko,

kumusta man ka?

R8 (SS2): Okay ra.

Interviewer: Pwede ba or okay raba nimo, ma’am na ipahayag o isulti bahin sa

imong mga emosyon, imong gibati, o imong mga naagian isip usa ka batan-on nga

inahan? Ug sa unsang paagi kini makaapekto sa imong pag atiman sa imong


R8 (SS3): Lisod, samot nag lisod kaayo panganak nga sakit kaayo pag bati. Kana,

sakit kaayo mag bato.

Interviewer: Pila imong edad ma’am pagkataw sa una nimong anak?

R8 (SS4) 17.

Interviewer: Pila imong edad karon ma’am?

R8 (SS5): 18.

Interviewer: Unsa imong gibati pagkahibalo nimo sa imong pag mabdos?

R8 (SS6): Kanang kulba, unya sige kog kalipong unya sige lang katog.

Interviewer: Nag skwela pa ba ka karon, ma’am o nihunong na?

R8 (SS7): Nihunong na.

Interviewer: Kung naka desisyon ka nga mohunong, ma’am, imoha to nga


R8 (SS8): Oo, personal.

Interviewer: Unsang mga butanga ang possible nakahatag nimo ug stress

kadtong na realize nimo na padung naka ma inahan?

R8 (SS9): Aw ma mama nako padung? Stress. Mag andam paka sa tanan nga

dapat nimo buhaton sa bata. Dugang pa pud sa kuan, problema sa kwarta ug


Interviewer: Gi unsa nimo pag tan-aw imong lawas sa panahon sa pag mabdos?

Kontento ka ba sa imong pisikal nga panagway?

R8 (SS10): Pag mabdos? Oo, komportable ra man kos akong lawas.

Interviewer: Unsa ang imong reaksyon sa pagkakita sa imong anak sa unang


R8 (SS11): Nalipay.

Interviewer: Unsa imong gibati sa mga kausaban na nadala samtang ikaw

nahimong inahan sa batan-on pa edad?


R8 (SS12): Mga nabantayan nako nga pag bag-o kay kuan, sayo na matog. Sayo

na kaayo mo mata.

Interviewer: Naka apekto ba kini sa imong abilidad sa pagpakig-uban sa mga tao,

pag apil sa trabaho, eskwelahan, o uban pang kalihokan ang imong hulagway sa

lawas human sa pagpanganak?

R8 (SS13): Wala ra may problema. Wa man naka apekto sa uban tao.

Interviewer: Nangandoy ba ka usahay na mahimo ni mong usbong ang imong

physical na itsura p;agkahuman sa pagpanganak?

R8 (SS14) Wala. Dili. Wala ra koy ganahan usbon man.

Interviewer: Mahimo ba nimo mahibal-an ang bisan unsa nga mga kalisud (kung

naa man) sa imong mga abilidad sa pagka ginikanan sa imong anak?

R8 (SS15): Oo, naay kalisod.

Interviewer: Unsang istilo sa pagka ginikanan ang imong gi gamit sa imong anak?

Nahibal-an ba nimo kini gikan sa imong nabasa, gitudlo o gikan kini sa imong

maternal instincts?

R8 (SS16) Gi tudluan ra man pud ko. Gikan sa akong mama.

Interviewer: Sa unsang paagi ang pagkahimong usa ka batan-on nga inahan

maka apekto sa imong mental health?

R8 (SS17): Mental health? Stress. Mag andam pa ka sa tanan nga dapat nimo

buhaton sa bata. Basta lisod oy.


Interviewer: Unsa ang pipila ka sayop nga pagsabot sa mga tawo bahin sa pagka

inahan sa batan-on pa nga edad? Unsa man say madunggan nimo sa uban ma’am

nga ilang e ingon anang mga manganak ug sayo o mga ma inahan sa bata pa nga


R8 (SS18): Ingnon ko nga, “Bata pa gani, nanganak na. Mabdos na.”

Interviewer: Kung mabalik nimo ang panahon, ma’am naa ba kay pagmahay?

Usbon ba nimo ang bisan unsa nimo nga mga desisyon? Mo pili ba ka nga

maglikay sa sexual nga kalihokan?

R8 (SS19): Wala koy pagmahay. Dili ra nako usbon.

Interviewer: Mao ra to, ma’am. Diri ra kutob atong interview. Daghang salamat sa

pag hatag nimo ug oras ug panahon namo, ma’am. Pahinumdom lang sad nako

nimo, ma’am na ang kining interview nga nahitabo karon, confidential ni siya.

Palihug ko dawat sa token, ma’am. Hinaot maka tabang nimo ni bisan gamay.

Salamat kayo, ma’am!


Participant 9 (Pseudonym: ANGELA)

Interviewer: Maayong buntag, ma’am. Ako si Karylle P. Obando, estudyante gikan

sa CIT-U. Naa mi karon para mag interview nimo bahin sa among research nga

“Early Motherhood: Exploring the Lived Experiences of Selected Adolescent

Mothers in Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City”. Unya ikaw among napili nga ma

interview, ma’am kay fit man ka sa among criteria as informant. Nakabasa ug naka

sign naman ka sa consent ma’am, no?

R9 (SS1): Oo.

Interviewer: Usa ta mag sugod sa atong interview, ma’am. Mangutana lang ko,

kumusta man ka?

R9 (SS2): Okay ra.

Interviewer: Pwede ba or okay raba nimo, ma’am na ipahayag o isulti bahin sa

imong mga emosyon, imong gibati, o imong mga naagian isip usa ka batan-on nga

inahan? Ug sa unsang paagi kini makaapekto sa imong pag atiman sa imong


R9 (SS3): Okay ra. Ahh, depende ug kanang kuan. Ah, depende sa sitwasyon.

Interviewer: Pila imong edad ma’am pagkataw sa una nimong anak?

R9 (SS4): 18.

Interviewer: Unsa imong gibati pagkahibalo nimo sa imong pag mabdos?

R9 (SS5): Nakulbaan sad.


Interviewer: Nag skwela pa ba ka karon, ma’am o nihunong na?

R9 (SS6): Ni skwela but, kuan ning graduate na.

Interviewer: Unsang mga butanga ang possible nakahatag nimo ug stress

kadtong na realize nimo na padung naka ma inahan?

R9 (SS7): Mga stress? Ahh, mga fam- family problems sad. Kuan sa ka kulba sad

sa kuan nga wala kabalo akong mama nga mabdos ko.

Interviewer: Gi unsa nimo pag tan-aw imong lawas sa panahon sa pag mabdos?

Kontento ka ba sa imong pisikal nga panagway?

R9 (SS8): Oh, komportable ra.

Interviewer: Unsa ang imong reaksyon sa pagkakita sa imong anak sa unang


R9 (SS9): Kanang kuan, nalipay.

Interviewer: Unsa imong gibati sa mga kausaban na nadala samtang ikaw

nahimong inahan sa batan-on pa edad?

R9 (SS10): Ahh, changes sa akong body. Something strech marks, or kuan. Ana.

Interviewer: Naka apekto ba kini sa imong abilidad sa pagpakig-uban sa mga tao,

pag apil sa trabaho, eskwelahan, o uban pang kalihokan ang imong hulagway sa

lawas human sa pagpanganak?

R9 (SS11): Wala ra man pud naka apekto sa pakig uban sa mga tao. Dili ra.

Interviewer: Nangandoy ba ka usahay na mahimo ni mong usbong ang imong

physical na itsura pagkahuman sa pagpanganak?

R9 (SS12): Oh, maka huna huna sad ko nga naa koy gusto usbon sa pisikal nako.

Interviewer: Mahimo ba nimo mahibal-an ang bisan unsa nga mga kalisud (kung

naa man) sa imong mga abilidad sa pagka ginikanan sa imong anak?

R9 (SS13): Ahh, depende sad ug kanang lisod jud siya kanang handle-on jud.

Interviewer: Unsang istilo sa pagka ginikanan ang imong gi gamit sa imong anak?

Nahibal-an ba nimo kini gikan sa imong nabasa, gitudlo o gikan kini sa imong

maternal instincts?

R9 (SS14): Gitudlo gikan sa akong mama.

Interviewer: Sa unsang paagi ang pagkahimong usa ka batan-on nga inahan

maka apekto sa imong mental health?

R9 (SS15): Family problem gihapon. Maka apekto sad sa akong mental health.

Maka apekto sa pang huna-huna.

Interviewer: Unsa ang pipila ka sayop nga pagsabot sa mga tawo bahin sa pagka

inahan sa batan-on pa nga edad? Unsa man say madunggan nimo sa uban ma’am

nga ilang e ingon anang mga manganak ug sayo o mga ma inahan sa bata pa nga


R9 (SS16): Kuan, ahh, judgement sa kanang kuan, lain tao. Sayo pa daw. Nag

kiat ana.

Interviewer: Kung mabalik nimo ang panahon, ma’am naa ba kay pagmahay?

Usbon ba nimo ang bisan unsa nimo nga mga desisyon? Mo pili ba ka nga

maglikay sa sexual nga kalihokan?

R9 (SS17): Dili ra nako usbon ako desisyon, wala rako nagmahay pero kung

mabalik ang panahon, mo likay ko atong butanga.

Interviewer: Mao ra to, ma’am. Diri ra kutob atong interview. Daghang salamat sa

pag hatag nimo ug oras ug panahon namo, ma’am. Pahinumdom lang sad nako

nimo, ma’am na ang kining interview nga nahitabo karon, confidential ni siya.

Palihug ko dawat sa token, ma’am. Hinaot maka tabang nimo ni bisan gamay.

Salamat kayo, ma’am!


Participant 10 (Pseudonym: DAHLIA)

Interviewer: Maayong buntag, ma’am. Ako si Karylle P. Obando, estudyante gikan

sa CIT-U. Naa mi karon para mag interview nimo bahin sa among research nga

“Early Motherhood: Exploring the Lived Experiences of Selected Adolescent

Mothers in Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City”. Unya ikaw among napili nga ma

interview, ma’am kay fit man ka sa among criteria as informant. Nakabasa ug naka

sign naman ka sa consent ma’am, no?

R10 (SS1): Oo.

Interviewer: Usa ta mag sugod sa atong interview, ma’am. Mangutana lang ko,

kumusta man ka?

R10 (SS2): Okay ra.

Interviewer: Pwede ba or okay raba nimo, ma’am na ipahayag o isulti bahin sa

imong mga emosyon, imong gibati, o imong mga naagian isip usa ka batan-on nga

inahan? Ug sa unsang paagi kini makaapekto sa imong pag atiman sa imong


R10 (SS3): Lisod siya kay silbi bata pa kayta, unya wa pajud koy inahan way

motudlo nako ba saon pag kuan sa mga bata mao ng challen- duha naman ako

anak ron... Bag-ohay pako nanganak. Challenge kaayo duha unya imong bana

nangitag kwarta unya ikaw ra usa moatiman sa duha nimo ka anak lisod gyud siya

Interviewer: Pila imong edad ma’am pagkataw sa una nimong anak?

R10 (SS4): 18.


Interviewer: Unsa imong gibati pagkahibalo nimo sa imong pag mabdos?

R10 (SS5): Nakuyawan nga naay sagol kalipay, ing-ana.

Interviewer: Nag skwela pa ba ka karon, ma’am o nihunong na?

R10 (SS6): Bag-ohay pa ko nihunong Grade 11. Oh, personal nga desisyon.

Interviewer: Unsang mga butanga ang possible nakahatag nimo ug stress

kadtong na realize nimo na padung naka ma inahan?

R10 (SS7): Stress? Kuan, pangandam sa mga kuan sa bata, mga gamit. Problema

pud sa kwarta ug pamilya.

Interviewer: Gi unsa nimo pag tan-aw imong lawas sa panahon sa pag mabdos?

Kontento ka ba sa imong pisikal nga panagway?

R10 (SS8): Kuan, kanang sige kog kaon ug kanang mga healthy, kanang mga


Interviewer: Unsa ang imong reaksyon sa pagkakita sa imong anak sa unang


R10 (SS9): Kuan, nakahilak ko. Nakahilak, nalipay.

Interviewer: Unsa imong gibati sa mga kausaban na nadala samtang ikaw

nahimong inahan sa batan-on pa edad?

R10 (SS10) : Wala ra. Ma compare ra nako sauna ba nga batan-on pa ko, lahi ra.

Interviewer: Naka apekto ba kini sa imong abilidad sa pagpakig-uban sa mga tao,

pag apil sa trabaho, eskwelahan, o uban pang kalihokan ang imong hulagway sa

lawas human sa pagpanganak?

R10 (SS11): Wala. Wala ra.

Interviewer: Nangandoy ba ka usahay na mahimo ni mong usbong ang imong

physical na itsura pagkahuman sa pagpanganak?

R10(SS12): Dili.

Interviewer: Mahimo ba nimo mahibal-an ang bisan unsa nga mga kalisud (kung

naa man) sa imong mga abilidad sa pagka ginikanan sa imong anak?

R10 (SS13) : Lisod siya panagsa kanang gahi kaayo, kanang di mapatuo ba. Ing-


Interviewer: Unsang istilo sa pagka ginikanan ang imong gi gamit sa imong anak?

Nahibal-an ba nimo kini gikan sa imong nabasa, gitudlo o gikan kini sa imong

maternal instincts?

R10 (SS14): Sa akoa ug sa ako amahan.

Interviewer: Sa unsang paagi ang pagkahimong usa ka batan-on nga inahan

maka apekto sa imong mental health?

R10 (SS15): Wala ra. Kanang, steady raman akong kuan.

Interviewer: Unsa ang pipila ka sayop nga pagsabot sa mga tawo bahin sa pagka

inahan sa batan-on pa nga edad? Unsa man say madunggan nimo sa uban ma’am

nga ilang e ingon anang mga manganak ug sayo o mga ma inahan sa bata pa nga


R10 (SS16): Kuan, sayo nabuntis. Ingnaa, “Bata pa. Maypa untag niskwela pa.

Interviewer: Kung mabalik nimo ang panahon, ma’am naa ba kay pagmahay?

Usbon ba nimo ang bisan unsa nimo nga mga desisyon? Mo pili ba ka nga

maglikay sa sexual nga kalihokan?

R10 (SS17): Wala ra ko nagmahay, wala koy usbon nga desisyon. Oo, mo likay

ko ato.

Interviewer: Mao ra to, ma’am. Diri ra kutob atong interview. Daghang salamat sa

pag hatag nimo ug oras ug panahon namo, ma’am. Pahinumdom lang sad nako

nimo, ma’am na ang kining interview nga nahitabo karon, confidential ni siya.

Palihug ko dawat sa token, ma’am. Hinaot maka tabang nimo ni bisan gamay.

Salamat kayo, ma’am!



This section presents how the researchers clustered the themes by utilizing
Colaizzi’s 7 Methods of Data Analysis.

This is a visual representation of the main themes and sub-themes that emerged

from the data analysis process. It serves as a tool to organize and display the

interconnectedness and relationships between different themes identified in the

research study. The thematic map provides a visual overview of the key findings

and allows researchers and readers to grasp the overarching patterns and

concepts that emerged from the data.




Institutional Ethics Review Committee
[email protected]

May 8, 2023

Mary Belle A. Ortega

Cebu Institute of Technology – University
N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City

RE: Early Motherhood: Exploring the Lived Experiences of

Selected Adolescent Mothers in Basak, San Nicolas,
Cebu City

Subject: Research Ethical Clearance

Dear Mary Belle A. Ortega:

This is to acknowledge receipt of your request and the following supporting documents
dated May 8, 2023.

1. Protocol Documentation
2. Technical Reviewers’ Approval
3. Curriculum Vitae
4. Adviser’s Endorsement
5. Informed Consent Form
6. Questionnaire

The above documents underwent EXPEDITED review.

The study protocol is hereby granted APPROVAL FOR IMPLEMENTATION by CIT-U

This ethical clearance is valid for one year until May 8, 2024.

While the study is in progress, the Proponent/s is/are requested to submit the following

1. Progress report using from IERC-PF-19: Application for Continuing Review every
six months from date of approval including the following: (NOTE: In view of the

active ethical clearance, this report is mandatory even if the study has not started
or is still awaiting release of funds.)

a. Date covered by the report

b. Protocol summary and status report on the progress of the research
c. Number of participants accrued
d. Withdrawal or termination of participants
e. Complaints on the research since the last CIT-U IERC review
f. Any relevant multi-center research reports
g. Any relevant information especially about risks associated with the
h. A copy of the informed consent document

2. Any changes in the protocol, especially those that may adversely affect the safety
of the participants during the conduct of the study, including changes in personnel,
must be submitted, or reported using form IERC-PF-15: Application for Ethics
Review of Amendments.
3. Revisions in the informed consent form using IERC-PF-15: Application for Ethics
Review of Amendments
4. Report of adverse events including from the other study sites using the form IERC-
PF-18: Reportable Negative Event Report.
5. Notice of early termination of the study and reasons for such using form ERC-PF-
21: Early Termination Report
6. Any event which may have ethical significance.
7. Any information which is needed by the CIT-U IERC to do ongoing review.
8. Notice of time of completion of the study using IERC-PF-22: Final Report.
9. Application for renewal of ethical clearance 90 days before the expiration date of
this approval through submission of form ERC-PF-19: Application for Continuing

Very truly yours,






N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City
College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences


This is to certify that the manuscript with the title “Teenage Mothers: Exploring

the Lived Experiences of Selected Adolescent Mothers in Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu

City” of Denise Jhoanne C. Arreglo, Erika C. Dipaling, Eiffel Jane M. Madrazo, Jaylord

R. Manalo, Karylle P. Obando, and Mary Belle A. Ortega has undergone texts matching

test detection test using the Turnitin software duly licensed under Cebu Institute of

Technology - University.

This is to further certify that the manuscript submitted has 10% similarity index

with 90% originality of the manuscript final report.

This certificate is issued on June 13, 2023, at Cebu Institute of Technology -

University Cebu City, Philippines.





N. Bacalso Avenue, Cebu City
College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences


This is to certify that the study entitled: “Teenage Mothers: Exploring the Lived

Experiences of Selected Adolescent Mothers in Basak, San Nicolas, Cebu City”

prepared and submitted by Arreglo, Denise Jhoanne C., Dipaling, Erika C., Madrazo, Eiffel Jane M.,

Manalo, Jaylord R., Obando, Karylle P., Ortega, Mary Belle A. in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing in the College of Nursing

and Allied Health Sciences has undergone censorship. The paper has been examined as to

grammar, spelling, and other writing mechanics and language conventions.

M.A.Ed. - ELT Candidate



Denise Jhoanne C. Arreglo

Block 3 Lot 63, Manggahan, Punta Princesa, Cebu City
[email protected]
Personal Data
Age : 22
Sex : Female
Date of Birth : April 13, 2001
Birthplace : Cebu City
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic

Educational Background
A. College
School : Cebu Institute of Technology - University
Address : N. Bacalso Ave. Cebu City, 6000
Program : Bachelor of Science in Nursing
School Year : 2022- 2023 (Current)
B. Senior High School
School : Daanbantayan National High School
Address : Poblacion, Daanbantayan, Cebu
Track : Academic
Strand : Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics
School Year : 2019-2020
C. Junior High School
School : St. Martin de Porres Academy
Address : Poblacion, Daanbantayan, Cebu
School Year : 2017-2018
D. Elementary
School : Bright Minds in Action Learning Village
Address : Poblacion, Daanbantayan, Cebu
School Year : 2008-2013


Erika C. Dipaling
Sitio Morehai, Saint Michael St., Brgy. Tisa, Cebu City
[email protected]

Personal Data
Age : 21
Sex : Female
Date of Birth : February 22, 2002
Birthplace : Babatngon, Leyte
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Iglesia Ni Cristo

Educational Background
A. College
School : Cebu Institute of Technology - University
Address : N. Bacalso Ave. Cebu City, 6000
Program : Bachelor of Science in Nursing
School Year : 2022- 2023 (Current)
B. Senior High School
School : Asian Development Foundation College
Address : Burgos Street, Tacloban City
Track : Academic
Strand : Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics
School Year : 2018-2020
C. Junior High School
School : Pagsulhugon National High School
Address : Pagsulhugon, Batbangon, Leyte
School Year : 2014-2018
D. Elementary
School : Gov. E. Jaro Elementary School
Address : Gov. E. Jaro Babatngon, Leyte
School Year : 2008-2013


Eiffel Jane M. Madrazo

Tudela, Misamis Occidental
[email protected]

Personal Data
Age : 21
Sex : Female
Date of Birth : May 30, 2002
Birthplace : Ozamiz City
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic

Educational Background
A. College
School : Cebu Institute of Technology - University
Address : N. Bacalso Ave. Cebu City, 6000
Program : Bachelor of Science in Nursing
School Year : 2022- 2023 (Current)
B. Senior High School
School : La Salle University-Integrated School
Address : Abanil Ext., Aguada, Ozamiz City
Track : Academic
Strand : Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics
School Year : 2018-2020
C. Junior High School
School : La Salle University- Integrated School
Address : Abanil Ext., Aguada, Ozamiz City
School Year : 2014-2018
D. Elementary
School : Tudela Central School
Address : Tudela, Misamis Occidental
School Year : 2008-2014


Jaylord R. Manalo
636 Kawayanan Yati, Liloan, Cebu
[email protected]

Personal Data
Age : 23
Sex : Male
Date of Birth : October 22, 1999
Birthplace : Cebu City
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic

Educational Background
A. College
School : Cebu Institute of Technology - University
Address : N. Bacalso Ave. Cebu City, 6000
Program : Bachelor of Science in Nursing
School Year : 2022- 2023 (Current)
B. Senior High School
School : Colegio dela Immaculada Concepcion
Address : A.Del Rosario cor.C.D. Seno Sts., Tipolo, 6014
Mandaue City
Track : Academic
Strand : Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics
School Year : 2016-2018
C. Junior High School
School : Colegio dela Immaculada Concepcion
Address : A.Del Rosario cor.C.D. Seno Sts., Tipolo, 6014
Mandaue City
School Year : 2012-2016
D. Elementary
School : Colegio dela Immaculada Concepcion
Address : A.Del Rosario cor.C.D. Seno Sts., Tipolo, 6014
Mandaue City
School Year : 2006-2012


Karylle P. Obando
J.C Zamora St., Pari-an, Cebu City
[email protected]

Personal Data
Age : 20
Sex : Female
Date of Birth : July 14, 2002
Birthplace : Palompon, Leyte
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic

Educational Background
A. College
School : Cebu Institute of Technology - University
Address : N. Bacalso Ave. Cebu City, 6000
Program : Bachelor of Science in Nursing
School Year : 2022-2023 (Current)
B. Senior High School
School : San Lorenzo Ruiz College of Ormoc
Address : Brgy. San Pablo, Ormoc City
Track : Academic
Strand : Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics
School Year : 2018 - 2020
C. Junior High School
School : Matag-ob National High School
Address : Brgy. San Guillermo, Matag-ob, Leyte
School Year : 2014 - 2018
D. Elementary
School : Matag-ob Central School
Address : Brgy. Talisay, Matag-ob, Leyte
School Year : 2008 – 2014


Mary Belle A. Ortega

443Q First Street Fatima, Duljo, Cebu City
[email protected]

Personal Data
Age : 22
Sex : Female
Date of Birth : January 8, 2001
Birthplace : Maasin City
Civil Status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic

Educational Background
A. College
School : Cebu Institute of Technology - University
Address : N. Bacalso Ave. Cebu City, 6000
Program : Bachelor of Science in Nursing
School Year : 2019- 2023 (Current)
B. Senior High School
School : Saint Joseph College
Address : Maasin City, Southern Leyte
Track : Academic
Strand : Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics
School Year : 2017-2019
C. Junior High School
School : Southern Leyte State University
Address : San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte
School Year : 2013-2017
D. Elementary
School : Easter Faith Christian School
Address : San Isidro, Tomas Oppus, Southern Leyte
School Year : 2011-2012

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