Bscs 6th Coa Midterm KFUEIT

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Khwaja Fareed

University of Engineering & Information Technology

Rahim Yar Khan
Department: Computer Science Program: BSCS
6 Semester (Mid Term) Exam Session 2020-24

[Course Code] COSC-3114 Course Instructor: Muhammad Jahangir

Computer Organization &
Course Name: Assembly Language
(Assistant Professor)
Total Marks: 30 Weightage:
Time Allowed: 75 Minutes Exam date:

Q.1: Multiple Choice Questions 1*10=10

1. CPU has built-in ability to execute a particular set of machine instructions, called:
a) Instruction Set b) Registers c) Sequence Set d) User instructions
2. In the instruction ADD Ax, Bx, the answer gets stored in:
a) Bx b) Ax c) Buffer d) Cache
3. The addressing mode, where you directly specify the operand value is:
a) Immediate b) Direct c) Definite d) Relative
4. The register used to store the flags is called as:
a) Flag register b) Status register c) Test register d) Log register
5. The type of memory assignment used in Intel processors is _____
a) Little Endian b) Big Endian
c) Medium Endian d) None of the mentioned
6. Which one of the following symbol is used for uninitialized data label?
a) $ b) # c) ? d) >
7. The instructions like MOV or ADD are:
a) OP-Code b) Operators c) Commands d) None of these
8. How many data lines are required to transmit 4 bytes in parallel transmission?
a) 4 b) 8 c) 15 d) 32
9. The ALU makes use of _______ to store the intermediate result of execution.
a) Accumulators b) Registers c) Heap d) Stack
10. In assembly program, single line comment start with symbol:
a) // b) ? c) ; d) $

Q.2: Short Questions (2*5 = 10)

1. Define the purpose of sign flag and zero flag status register.
2. Differentiate between byte and word data types.
3. Define one operand instruction with an example.
4. Define little endian order with diagram
5. Define mov instruction and its rules.

Q.3: a. What you know about EQU and COMMENT Directive? 4

b. Describe different components/parts of an instruction of assembly language program.6

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