An Integrated Network Performance Monitor System
An Integrated Network Performance Monitor System
An Integrated Network Performance Monitor System
Hongjie Sun
Chengdong College
Northeast Agriculture University
Harbin, CHINA
[email protected]
Abstract—Network performance monitor has now become a Therefore, how to construct an Internet performance
central issue in network application and operation optimization. monitor system with reliable performance measurement
This article describes an integrated network performance technique is so important for both ISPs and final users. At
monitor system using a combination of active and passive present, there are few large-scale network performance monitor
measurement techniques. Active probing technique is used for systems in China, we need to develop our own network
overall network performance monitor, and passive monitoring performance monitor system for network performance monitor.
technique is used for local network performance information We present an integrated network performance monitor system
collection and analysis. The integrated network performance
(INPMS) using a combination of active and passive
monitor system combing two measurement techniques is a bran-
measurement techniques.
new idea. Experiment results indicate this system is effective and
of a definite practicability. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: The next
section provides a brief overview of some of the literature
Keywords-network performance monitor, active probing, related to network performance monitor technique. Section 3
passive monitoring, network tomography presents the implementation of INPMS and related techniques.
Section 4 presents the experiments and results. The last section
I. INTRODUCTION gives a brief summary of this research.
As Internet continues its explosive growth in size and
complexity, networks are more and more vulnerable to II. RELATED WORK
malicious attacks from both the outside and the inside world. Network monitoring can be classified into active and
Controlling an enterprise network requires significant technical passive monitoring.
skills as well as an ongoing effort to keep up with the ever-
expanding universe of security exploits, threats, software, Active measurement, where controlled probe traffic is
methodologies and tools. Performance management tasks such generated, injected into a network, and measured at a receiving
as problem determination-detecting system problems and node, has becoming increasingly important due to its great
isolating their root causes are an increasingly important but flexibility, intrinsically end-to-end nature, and freedom from
also extremely difficult task. the need to access core network switching elements. Existing
large scale active measurement programs have used probe
Because the great heterogeneity, rapid change, complex traffic to measure connectivity, delay, and loss statistics on
connectivity and historical reason, network measurement has coarse time scales, seconds or more commonly, minutes.
become more difficult. The communication networks are Measurement packets can be encapsulated in existing protocols
complex and constantly changing systems. There are both such as the Internet Control Message Protocol(ICMP)[1], the
practical and political reasons, different part is constructed by User Datagram Protocol(UDP)[2], and the Transmission
different company or organization, and different ISPs may Control Protocol(TCP)[3]. Examples of packet probing
have varied operational and security policies, such as trade techniques that are encapsulated in these existing protocols are
secrets, who operators do not provide information about their ping, traceroute, and the IP Performance Metrics(IPPM)
networks. Internet is extremely heterogeneous and diverse, group’s One-way Delay Protocol(OWDP)[4]. The protocols
both in terms of the technologies that form the network and the used to encapsulate these measurement packets were not
applications that use it, large in size and complex in structure, designed with measurement as a consideration. There may be
just likes a black clouds for final users. Many uncertainties lead serious limitations to measurements encapsulated in these
to the instability: unstable software, routing table and system, protocols.
etc. Most large ISPs currently collect basic statistics on the
performance of their own infrastructure, typically including There are many tools developed for network performance
measurements of utilization, availability and possibly active probing, such as bing[5], clink[6], netest[7], pathchar[8],
rudimentary assessments of delay and throughput. It has pchar [9], pipechar [10], etc.
important meaning researching on measurement approach for In the passive scenario, on the other hand, packets are
network performance monitor. sampled with the intention of gaining a better understanding of
the flow distribution in the network, identifying malicious
Engine Collection caused by router output buffer delays, router packet servicing
delays, and propagation delay variability.
The network topology is represented as a weighted tree
T=(V,L,D) comprising a set of nodes V joined by links in L. D
denotes the set of weight (delay, loss, traffic and delay jitter) on
Network Interface Card(NIC) each link. A packet source is located at the root node 0, while a
set of destinations are located at the leaf nodes R. The interior
Figure 1. Architecture of INPMS nodes of the tree represent the branch points of the routing tree
from the source to the destinations, and the links L are the
logical links that link these branch points. In this paper, we guaranteed to increase the likelihood. Let M xG be the number
select link delay as weight. The delay distributions inferring of times that a particular individual link delay set occurred.
problems can be roughly approximated by the linear model: G
Given an estimate of a , we can calculate new estimates of the
Y=Aθ+ε (1)
a and repeat the process. Formally, let the q-th step estimate
Where Y is a vector of end-to-end delays; A is a routing matrix; of the delay distribution of all the links in the tree topology be
G (q )
θ is a vector of link delay; ε is a noise term which can result denoted by a . Using this estimate, we can compute
from random perturbations of θ about its mean value and G G G G G
possibly also additive noise in the measured data Y. A is a
P ( q ) { X = x} and P ( q ) {Y = y ( x )} . With these values, we
binary matrix (the i,jth element is equal to one or zero) that can now impute the required quantities in the E-step:
captures the topology of the network. The problem of large- (q)
scale network inference refers to the problem of estimating the ( q +1) P { X = x}
x = N yG ( q ) G G G (2)
network parameters θ given Y and either a set of assumptions P {Y = y ( x )}
on the statistical distribution of the noise ε.
We focus on discrete delay distributions, on each link delay If we let X k ,i = {x ∈ X | xk = i} , then the M-step is :
falls in the set {0,q,2q, … ,bq}, where q is the unit of
measurement and b is an integer that defines the maximum
delay for each link. Hence, for a path containing k links, the
a k( q +1) (i ) = ∑ M xG( q +1)
n x∈ X k , i
end-to-end delay takes values in {0,q,2q, … ,kbq}. We will
consider inference under the stochastic assumption that the
individual link delays Xk are mutually independent. Let B. Passive Monitor Mechanism
ak(i)=P{Xk=iq}, i=1,…,b and k∈V. In the rest of the paper, for In our passive measurement methodology, we monitor
convenience, we will drop the use of the universal traffic through three directions. Fig. 3 shows the flow chart of
measurement unit q. Further, we will denote by passive data processing.
ak = (ak (1), ak (2),", ak (b))′ , a column vector containing all
of the link k delay probabilities. Let a = {ak , k ∈V } , a column Link Input
vector containing all the parameters of interest that have to be
estimated. Only the accumulated (end-to-end) delays at the Link selection
receiver nodes are recorded, we observe only Y = {Y j ; j ∈ R} .
Note that for j∈R, Yj∈{0,…,Lb} where L is the number of Protocol Analysis
layers in the tree. Each multicast probe packet experiences a
delay on each link along its path. Let x = {0,1,", b}|ε | be the Destination IP Analysis
space of all possible link delays. Hence, x ∈ X is an |ε|-tuple
describing the individual link delays that the probe Source IP Analysis
experienced. Let y (x ) be the multicast end-to-end
measurement that results when x occurs. Note that this is a Result Output
many-to-one function; there are several x outcomes that result
in the same y . Denote by Y = { y ( x ); x ∈ X } the space of all Figure 3. Flow chart of passive data processing
possible multicast results.
We get abnormal link information from the alarm module,
We use the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm to then select link that under passive monitor. Traffic is collected
compute the MLE of the delay distribution. through this link and protocol information is extracted. Choose
the abnormal protocol traffic and monitor destination IP
Let N yG be the number of probes that resulted in outcome address. Source IP address is monitored for abnormal
destination IP address, then give the result output to alarm
y ∈ Y . Let g ( y; a ) = P{Y = y} . Then the observed data
correspond to a multinomial experiment in terms of the
observed end-to-end link delays, and the log-likelihood can be
expressed as l (a ) = ∑
N yG log[ g ( y; a )] . This likelihood is a
y∈Y INPMS can be used for inter-domain and intra-domain
complicated function and is difficult to maximize directly. monitor. We use the active measurement data in [12]. Then put
the data on ns2. Fig. 4 shows the network topology. Abnormal
The EM algorithm is a natural approach for computing the traffic is sent from Hubei, Tibet and Yunnan. Active monitor
MLE in this kind of missing data problem. It is an iterative select link between Hubei and Henan, link between Tibet and
algorithm that starts with some initial estimate of the desired Sichuan, link between Yunnan and Guizhou as abnormal link,
parameter values. The process is repeated until the likelihood then passive monitor collects traffic from node Hubei, Henan,
converges to a maximum. Each step of the algorithm is
traffic chart of node Hubei and Henan. Input traffic of Henan
changes so sharply. We analysis the source IP address, then
find Hubei is abnormal node.
In this paper, we have proposed an investigated network
performance monitor system using a combination of active and
passive measurement techniques. Active probing technique is
used for overall network performance monitor, and passive
monitoring technique is used for local network performance
information collection and analysis. We then give the detail
introduction about mechanism of network performance
monitor. Finally we verify the validity of INPMS. Experiment
results indicate this system is effective and of a definite
Figure 4. Network Topology
This work is supported by Foundation of Northeast
Agriculture University.
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