Sustainability 11 02666 With Cover
Sustainability 11 02666 With Cover
Sustainability 11 02666 With Cover
Special Issue
Environmental Behaviour and Collective Decision Making
Edited by
Dr. Ralph Hansmann
What Do Coffee Shop Entrepreneurs Need to
Do to Raise Pro-Environmental Customer
Behavioral Intentions?
Sunmi Yun and Taeuk Kim *
International Center for Hospitality Research & Development, Dedman School of Hospitality, Florida State
University, Tallahassee, FL 32306, USA; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +1-850-345-2971
Received: 10 April 2019; Accepted: 30 April 2019; Published: 10 May 2019
Abstract: Our research framework, built on the norm activation model (NAM), was designed to
provide a comprehensive understanding of the formation of consumers’ pro-environmental behavioral
intentions in an eco-friendly coffee shop. We employed the NAM to test its mediating effect of personal
environmental norms (PEN), social environmental norms (SEN), and ascription of responsibility
(AR) and the moderating effect of the overall green image (OGI) on pro-environmental behavioral
intentions. Data were collected through a survey of 530 customers who frequently visited a coffee
shop in Korea, and structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test the research hypotheses. The
findings generally supported the hypothesized associations of the study variables within our proposed
theoretical framework (PEN, SEN, and AR in order of the mediating effect on pro-environmental
behavioral intentions) and confirmed OGI’s moderating effect. In addition, the study’s results have
important (1) theoretical and (2) practical implications for the environment. (1) They expand the
original NAM by explaining the effect of the relationship between SEN and PEN on pro-environmental
customer behavioral intentions (PCBI) and confirm the mediating effect of the NAM (SEN, PEN, AR)
on PCBI, as demonstrated in previous studies. (2) Moreover, the findings herein may encourage coffee
shops to participate in the prevention of environmental problems by restricting the use of products
such as plastic coffee cups and straws.
Keywords: norm activation (NAM); environmental problem concern (EPC); social environmental
norms (SEN); personal environmental norms (PEN); ascription of responsibility (AR);
pro-environmental customer behavioral intentions (PCBI); overall green image (OGI); coffee shops
1. Introduction
The global environment has become a primary focus of concern as more people are aware of
sustainability-related issues than ever before. Reflecting the awareness of ecological issues that
have been steadily increasing over the last two decades, the general public is now beginning to
comprehend the impact these issues will have on their lives [1–4]. As consumers have recognized the
importance of a sustainable green environment, environmental protection has become an essential
issue in the consumer market [5]. Governments all over the globe are executing environmental policies
as environmental protection is gathering global interest. Over fifty nations participated in the ocean
plastics reducing campaign. For instance, India prohibited the use of disposable plastic material.
Chile, Peru prohibited plastic bags. Nigeria set up waste recycling factories. Private organizations
such as Internal Olympic Committee (IOC), World Wildlife Fund (WWF), LG electronics, and Volvo
also joined plastic regulation campaigns. Additionally, global citizens are showing their interest
via SNS, expressing their opinion about disposable plastic materials’ rejection in the form of a viral
campaign [6]. Environmentally-conscious consumers recognize that our society faces a severe crisis
due to environmental problems (e.g., climate change, water scarcity, and air pollution). Customers
with environmental concerns prefer to buy and use pro-environmental goods and services, even if
they are less convenient than the alternatives [7,8]. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the needs
of eco-friendly consumers and strive for pro-environmental management in the consumer market
by, for example, implementing environmentally-friendly technologies, initiating diverse eco-friendly
programs, encouraging eco-friendly practices among customers and employees, modifying operation
processes, and developing environmental policies and guidelines [2,7,9–11]. Notably, the global growth
of the coffee shop industry has inevitably increased energy and resource consumption, from the amount
of coffee that is harvested to the electricity needed to switch on the lights in the actual shops. This
increased consumption correlates with a rise in the amount of waste produced, including packaging
materials and coffee grounds [12]. The issue of environmental sustainability in the coffee shop industry
is frequently discussed in the mainstream media in terms of disposable waste, often focused on coffee
cups and grounds [13,14]. Therefore, as coffee shops attempt to become environmentally friendly
in order to respond to consumers’ enhanced awareness, an increasing number of coffee shops are
proactively changing their operations by focusing on more eco-friendly practices. For example,
Starbucks is working to shrink its environmental footprint and meet its customers’ expectations by
increasing the use of recycled cups, reducing waste, and conserving energy/water [15]. Dunkin’ Donuts
announced its plan to eliminate all polystyrene foam cups in its global supply chain beginning in
spring 2018, with a targeted completion date of 2020 [16]. Costa Coffee has put great effort into using
sustainable and recyclable products and equipment. For instance, the company’s paper cups are made
of a sustainable wood pulp material from northern European forests; the company does not use smart
coffee machines in order to help reduce carbon emissions, and it recycles all of its coffee sacks into the
shops’ carpet underlay [16]. Despite this growing interest in pro-environmental behaviors, however,
relatively little attention has been paid to the identification of the essential factors that influence
pro-environmental customer behavioral intentions (PCBI) in environmentally-friendly coffee shops.
PCBI can reduce severe environmental pollution and enable customers to improve their quality of
life in a clean environment and move toward a sustainable future [2,3,17–19]. PCBI also improves
business in coffee shops by increasing customer revisits due to the higher demand for eco-friendly
goods and enhanced customer satisfaction and employee commitment [20]. Therefore, this study aims
to expand the research on PCBI and benefit both the environment and coffee shops’ ability to conduct
business successfully.
Previous studies have relied heavily on Ajzen’s [21] theory of planned behavior (TPB), Stern’s [22]
value-belief-norm (VBN) theory, and Schwartz’s [23] norm activation model (NAM) as the most
important predictors of PCBI within the domain of environmental psychology [3,24–26]. Of these,
the NAM is considered the most influential theory [3,24,27,28]. The NAM used in this study is
based on the NAM that researchers [3,27] developed by extending the VBN theory. The NAM
implies the decision-making process of activating norms for pro-social behavior [3,29]. Schwartz’s [23]
NAM comprises three concepts: awareness of problems, ascription of responsibility (AR), and
personal norms [3,22,23,30,31]. Although the NAM has been extensively used in PCBI [30], many
researchers asserted the need to expand the original NAM to better explain individuals’ eco-friendly
intentions/behaviors [1,3,12,22,32–35]. In this study, the critical variable of the existing NAM is personal
norms. In Schwartz’s [23] study, personal norms are defined as “internalized rules of conduct that
are socially learned [and that] vary among individuals within the same society and direct behavior
in a particular situation”. Hence, personal norms are behaviors that appear differently depending
on individual tendencies and situations based on behaviors learned in society. Social norms affect
individuals, and then personal norms appear. Therefore, unlike the previous studies mentioned above,
social environmental norms (SEN) are applied to the NAM, and social norms influence personal
norms and identify relationships with PCBI. Besides, previous studies on marketing and consumer
behavior have indicated that the overall image of a firm plays a critical role in customers’ behavioral
Sustainability 2019, 11, 2666 3 of 19
intentions [36]. References [5,37,38] found that the higher the overall green image (OGI), the more
people behave in an eco-friendly manner.
To fill the existing research gaps, this study’s purpose is to develop a theoretical framework that
clearly explains PCBI in the environmentally-responsible coffee shop business, which has not yet
been well documented. Moreover, we want to use customers’ environmental awareness as a basis for
marketing to improve the coffee shop business by identifying the role of personal and social norms to
explain PCBI. Specifically, we aim to (1) broaden the NAM by incorporating the VBN framework and
normative process; (2) test the mediating impact of personal environmental norms (PEN, SEN, and
AR); (3) deepen the NAM by considering the moderating impact of OGI; (4) identify the adequacy
of the proposed model by conducting a model comparison; and (5) examine the relative importance
among constructs in building intentions in the model.
2. Conceptual Framework
acceptance of several energy policies. Moreover, Guagnano [50] reported that the cooperation between
EPC and AR leads people to buy recycled paper products. From this perspective, we can suggest that
the cooperation of EPC and AR may boost people’s AR for energy saving and develop further research
on the relationship between EPC and AR. According to Han’s study, evidence has also been produced
through the empirical method, given the factors suggesting that EPC can affect AR, which can influence
PEN to promote pro-environmental customer behavioral intentions (PCBI) [3]. Continuing the research
stream on the relationships among variables within the norm activation model framework, this study
proposes that EPC influences AR and PEN and that AR, in turn, affects PEN and PCBI.
Hypothesis 2 (H2). Environmental problem concern is positively related to personal environmental norm.
2.4. Relationships among Environmental Problem Concern, Ascription of Responsibility, Social Environmental
Norms, and Pro-Environmental Customer Behavioral Intentions
Environmental problem concern (EPC) is a concept interest in environmental problems and/or
consequences [70]. Social environmental norm (SEN) can be compared to ethos, an air that induces
people to have certain environmental problem concern (EPC). SEN is mentioned as an essential concept
that helps explain individuals’ pro-environmental customer behavioral intentions (PCBI) [2,3,9,67,69,70].
Moreover, in the examination of environmentally-friendly tourism behaviors, SEN has been used as
an index of individual behavior [32,47,68–75]. The norm activation model (NAM) proposes that SEN
can influence an individual’s actual behaviors through its influence on EPC [23]. In conjunction with
self-concept, personal environmental norm (PEN) is expressed as a moral obligation to perform a
certain behavior [23,76]. It can be interpreted as “a longing to do certain acts” and a behavior motivated
by a will to act according to one’s values [77]. In this case, SEN promotes a compulsion derived from
society’s current ethos to engage in certain acts, like environmental protection. For example, a tidy and
organized space creates an ethos in itself that encourages people to keep that place unsoiled. The role
of injunctive social norms is to suggest to people that they must follow specific social rules or there
would be a sanction [78]. A person who visits a tourist site may avoid littering for these reasons.
Experimental studies have shown that SEN can have powerful effects on willingness to engage in
pro-environmental behavior [43,79], and a significant relationship between SEN and PEN and their
impact on environmentally-friendly purchasing intentions have been demonstrated in the context of
hospitality [3]. According to the NAM, SEN and PEN are interrelated; SEN influences PEN to modify
individuals’ actual behaviors [23]. On the other hand, personal norms are defined as individuals’ own
beliefs linked to their self-concepts. The NAM suggests various ways to understand SEN’s effect on
pro-environmental intentions/behaviors [30,78,80]. The NAM was widely used to shed light on “a
decision-making process through which personal and social norms mediate the influences of general
values on altruistic and/or helping behavior” [46] in the context of pro-environmental behavior [41].
Sustainability 2019, 11, 2666 6 of 19
However, ever since the potential of the NAM’s extensive use in the environmental domain was
uncovered [81], behaviors such as the burning of garden waste [60], recycling [44,49,67], and energy
conservation [82] have been studied using the NAM.
Most studies interpret the NAM using either a mediation model or a moderation model. The
mediation model assumes that EPC influences PEN through ascription of responsibility (AR) [33,45].
In the moderation model, PEN’s influence on behavior is moderated by EPC and AR. In this study, we
interpret the NAM as a mediation model, as De Groot and Steg [45] provided strong evidence of the
NAM as a mediation model via five recent studies comparing the two models.
Researchers proposing a mediation model assume that PEN and AR have indirect effects on
intentions and behaviors via PEN [66,83,84]. More specifically, PEN is assumed to mediate the
relationship between AR and pro-social intentions and behaviors, and AR is assumed to mediate the
relationship between EPC and PEN. This interpretation of the NAM has been supported by several
studies [45]. Stern et al. [85] showed that PEN can be predicted by the level of AR. It has also been
shown that PEN can be a significant predictor of several pro-environmental behaviors. The application
of the NAM enabled the identification of PEN as a mediator of behaviors’ situational factors [29], and
environmental studies found influential factors of pro-environmental behaviors. For instance, Vining
and Ebreo [49] found that EPC influenced recycling behavior even when PEN’s central role was not yet
identified. Moreover, some researchers suggest that PEN mediates the relationship between all of the
NAM’s independent variable components including EPC, AR, and PEN. In addition, SEN is generally
believed to be an effective predictor of PEN and PCBI [2,3,7,10,47]. According to Kim et al. [86],
SEN effectively mediates the relationship between green identity and customers’ purchase intentions.
Ultimately, it can be assumed that EPC influences SEN while SEN affects PCBI and PEN within our
conceptual framework. Hence, the following hypotheses were formulated:
Hypothesis 6 (H6). Environmental problem concern is positively related to social environmental norm.
Hypothesis 8 (H8). Social environmental norm is positively related to personal environmental norm.
Hypothesis 9 (H9). Ascription of responsibility, social environmental norm, and personal environmental norm
significantly mediate the relationship between environmental problem concern and pro-environmental customer
behavioral intentions.
brand advertising since the consumers’ minds can personally link the green image with environmental
commitments and concerns [91]. Customers in the hotel industry with OGI are more likely to engage
in eco-friendly practices [38]. Similarly, a restaurant’s OGI can relate consumers’ perceptions of the
restaurant with pro-environmental customer behavioral intentions (PCBI).
In consumer behavior, scholars have stressed the role of image for firms and products.
Jeong et al. [38] tested the impacts of eco-friendly practices on a cafe’s green image and its customers’
attitudes. The results showed that a green image fostered positive customer attitudes toward the café,
eventually affecting consumption decisions. Han [5] suggested that enhancing a hotel’s green image
can manipulate customers’ pro-environmental intentions, which affects consumption decisions. Thus,
this strategy can significantly benefit hoteliers in the green hotel industry. Based on these research
findings, it can be assumed that the strength of the relationship between ascription of responsibility
(AR), personal environmental norm (PEN), social environmental norm (SEN), and pro-environmental
customer behavioral intentions (PCBI) depends on the level of overall green image. Based on the
discussion of the relationship between SEN, PEN, AR, and PCBI, three hypotheses are proposed
as follows:
Hypothesis 10a (H10a). Overall green image has a significant moderating role in the relationship between
ascription of responsibility and pro-environmental customer behavioral intentions.
Hypothesis 10b (H10b). Overall green image has a significant moderating role in the relationship between
personal environmental norm and pro-environmental customer behavioral intentions.
Hypothesis 10c (H10c). Overall green image has a significant moderating role in the relationship between
social environmental norm and pro-environmental customer behavioral intentions.
common method bias (CMB) [92,93], procedural remedies were used in this study. First, in order to
improve scale items before participants received the questionnaire, we supplemented the ambiguous
expressions and questions under the guidance of five professors affiliated to Department of Foodservice
Management from 21–24 January 2019. In addition, to reduce the CMB, the questionnaire was designed
to protect respondent anonymity and reduce evaluation apprehension. Moreover, the question order
was counterbalanced. Survey distribution and collection were performed with the help of Embrain, an
online survey company that provides reliable access to a large participant pool of randomly selected,
voluntary participants from national consumer panel groups. In addition, our survey questionnaire
was distributed to various coffee shop customers in Seoul, Republic of Korea who had visited a coffee
shop in the month prior to the survey. After the exclusion of insincere and inappropriate responses, a
total of 530 usable responses were collected. These cases were used to evaluate the adequacy and test
the hypothesized relationships of the proposed theoretical framework.
Regarding the demographic characteristics of the 530 participants, 57.9% (n = 307) were female
customers and 42.1% (n = 223) were male customers. Moreover, approximately 55.7% (n = 295) of the
respondents were single while 37.9% were married (n = 201), 4.2% were divorced (n = 22), 0.9% were
separated (n = 5), and 2.1% were widowed (n = 7). In addition, 79.4% (n = 421) of respondents were
20–40 years old, and the remaining 20.6% (n = 109) were over 40 years old. Their levels of education
were 2-year college (43.6%, n = 231), 4-year college (33.4%, n = 231), high school graduate and below
(18.7%, n = 99), and postgraduate or higher (4.4%, n = 23). Most of the respondents had an annual
income of 20,000,000–29,999,999 won (35.1%, n = 186), followed by 20,000,000 won or below (24.7%,
n = 24.7), 30,000,000–39,999,999 won (23.8%, n = 126), and 40,000,000 won and over (17.4%, n = 87). The
most common responses regarding the purpose of coffee shop visits were studying (38.9%, n = 206),
meeting friends (28.3%, n = 150), business meetings (23.2%, n = 123), and private time (9.6%, n = 51).
The numbers of visits to coffee shops per week were 1–2 times (44.2%, n = 234), 3–4 times (39.8%,
n = 211), 5–6 times (13.2%, n = 70), and 6+ times (2.9%, n = 15).
4. Results
This study made an effort to reduce CMV by employing procedural remedies in the survey design
stage. Therefore, CMV did not influence the parameter estimations.
IFI = 0.959, TLI = 0.949). Moreover, SEM showed high prediction power for pro-environmental
customer behavioral intentions (PCBI) in general (R2 = 0.599). The standardized path coefficients and
t-values are shown in Table 2. In addition, the hypothesis test results are provided in Figure 1. The
path estimates show that environmental problem concern (EPC) had a significantly positive direct
effect on ascription of responsibility (AR) (β = 0.721, p < 0.001); thus, H1 was supported. The result
of estimation indicated that EPC had a not significant effect on personal environmental norm (PEN);
thus, H2 was not supported. Moreover, H3 was not supported because EPC was not positively and
significantly associated with PEN. The result of estimation indicated that AR had a significant positive
effect on PCBI (β = 0.273, p < 0.001); thus, H4 was supported. The impact of PEN on PCBI (β = 0.384,
p < 0.001) was assessed; thus, H5 was supported. The proposed impact of EPC on social environmental
norm (SEN) was assessed. As expected, EPC had an impact on SEN (β = 0.761, p < 0.01); thus, H6 was
supported. The influence of SEN on PCBI was also evaluated. It was found that SEN had a significant
positive effect on PCBI (β = 0.230, p < 0.01); thus, H7 was supported. As expected, the link between
SEN and PEN was significant (β SEN-PEN = 0.384, p < 0.01); thus, H8 was supported. Moreover, the
results of the analysis on mediating effects are shown by significant indirect effects in Table 3. This
study used the bootstrapping by [102] to verify the significance of the mediation effect. The findings
revealed that EPC significantly affected PCBI (β EPC → AR & SEN & PEN → PCBI = 0.640, p < 0.001)
indirectly through AR, SEN, and PEN, thus confirming all of them as partial mediating variables. Thus,
H9 was supported.
Table 3. Results of mediation effect ascription of responsibility, personal environmental norm, and
social environmental norm.
Indirect Effect: β(EPC → AR & PEN & SEN → PCBI) = 0.640 ***
Total Effect on PCBI: β(SEN) = 0.640 ***
The Results: H9: supported
Note 1. EPC = environmental problem concern, AR = ascription of responsibility, PEN = personal environmental
norm, SEN = social environmental norm, PCBI = pro-environmental customer behavioral intentions, AVE = average
variance extracted, CR = composite reliability, SD = standard deviation. *** p < 0.001.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 2666 11 of 19
Figure 1. Structural equation model estimation and test for structural metric invariance. Note 1.
EPC = environmental problem concern, AR = ascription of responsibility, PEN = personal environmental
norms, SEN = social environmental norms, PCBI = pro-environmental customer behavioral intentions,
OGI = overall green image, WOMI = word of mouth intention, WTPI = willingness to pay intention,
SI = sacrifice intention. Note 2. Goodness-of-fit statistics for the measurement model: χ2 = 327.878,
df = 137, p < 0.001, χ2 /df = 2.393, RMSEA = 0.051, CFI = 0.972, IFI = 0.972, TLI = 0.965. Note 3.
Goodness-of-fit statistics for the structural model: χ2 = 323.864, df = 96, p < 0.001, χ2 /dfχ= 3.374,
RMSEA = 0.069, CFI = 0.959, IFI = 0.959, TLI = 0.949. Note 4. Goodness-of-fit statistics for the baseline
model: χ2 = 409.868, df = 192, p < 0.001, χ2 /df = 2.135, RMSEA = 0.046, CFI = χ0.953, IFI = 0.954,
TLI = 0.942. Note 5. Two identical structural models were evaluated (model for high- [n = 322] and
low- [n = 207] OGI groups). χ χ
High-OGI Group (n = 322) Low-OGI Group (n = 207) Baseline Model Nested Model
Coefficients t-Values Coefficients t-Values (Freely Estimated) (Constrained to Be Equal)
H10a: AR–PCBI 0.006 0.050 0.335 2.096 * χ2 (192) = 409.868 χ2 (193) = 410.067a
H10b: PEN–PCBI 0.306 4.805 *** 0.189 2.582 * χ2 (192) = 409.868 χ2 (193) = 410.270b
H10c: SEN–PCBI 0.496 4.292 *** 0.324 2.047 * χ2 (192) = 409.868 χ2 (193) = 412.369c
Chi-square difference test: Test results: Goodness-of-fit statistics for the baseline model:
a ∆χ2 (1) = 0.199, p > 0.05 H10a: Supported χ2 = 409.868, df = 192, p < 0.001, χ2 /df = 2.135,
b ∆χ2 (1) = 0.402, p > 0.05 H10b: Not supported RMSEA = 0.046, CFI = 0.953, IFI = 0.954, TLI = 0.942.
c ∆χ2 (1) = 2.501, p > 0.05 H10c: Not supported * p < 0.05, *** p < 0.001
Note 1. AR = ascription of responsibility, PEN = personal environmental norms, SEN = social environmental norms,
PCBI = pro-environmental customer behavioral intentions, OGI = overall green image.
showed a significant link between AR and PCBI and the high-OGI group did not show a significant
link between AR and PCBI. Beyond these findings, no study has demonstrated OGI’s mediating effect
through a chi-square test. The present study’s results may or may not indicate a moderating effect
because they can be interpreted in various ways depending on different viewpoints. Therefore, in
the future, it will be possible to provide more precise theoretical and practical implications through
continuous studies on the moderating effects of OGI on the link between EPC and PCBI.
Third, this study did not divide consumers based on their different levels of EPC or the different
levels of service they received from the coffee shops they visited. Future studies could investigate
different consumer profiles based on different levels of EPC and service and then test the same model
to see if any discernible differences between them can be identified.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.Y. and T.K.; methodology, S.Y.; formal analysis, S.Y.; investigation,
T.K.; resources, T.K.; data curation, T.K.; writing—original draft preparation, S.Y. and T.K.; writing—review and
editing, S.Y. and T.K.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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