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JOHN H. TayLtor
Typeset in Garamond
Printed in Slovenia
by Korotan
British Museum has itself been given new life. It is owing in large measure to her
generous financial backing and her interest in every aspect of the work that this
project has been brought to a successful conclusion. A special word of gratitude
is also due to the British Museum Friends, for additional financial support.
For assistance in the preparation of this book, I would also like to thank my
colleagues in the Department of Egyptian Antiquities, Vivian Davies, Jeffrey
Spencer, Richard Parkinson, Nigel Strudwick and Joyce Filer. Andrew Middleton
and Caroline Cartwright of the Department of Scientific Research have shared
with me the results of their investigations of ancient timbers, pigments and
embalming substances, references to which appear in the text. Kenneth Thomas
kindly identified the insect remains illustrated in fig. 53. I wish also to thank
the following members of the Department of Conservation, who patiently
restored and studied many of the objects illustrated: Rachel Berridge, Karen
Birkhélzer, Anne Brodrick, Hayley Bullock, Lorna Butler, Pippa Cruickshank,
Vincent Daniels, Jane Foley, Marilyn Hockey, Bridget Leach, Heidi Leseur,
Denise Ling, Amelie Mithivier, Jennifer Potter, Monique Pullan, Janet Quinton,
Sophie Rowe, Fleur Shearman, David Singleton, Helen Tayler, Wendy Walker,
Clare Ward, Fiona Ward and Barbara Wills. Claire Thorne created the admirable
reconstructions which appear as figs 73 and 103-6. Thanks are also due to
Andrew Boyce for permission to reproduce his drawing of the miniature coffin
from Amarna (fig. 166).
Coralie Hepburn and Laura Brockbank ably and patiently edited the text.
Finally, a special word of thanks is due to the British Museum's photographers,
Lisa Baylis, Christi Graham, Sandra Marshall, Janet Peckham and James Rossiter.
The quotations appearing on pp. 35, 45, 170 and 177 are reproduced from
M. Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Literature (Berkeley, Los Angeles, London), II
(1976), 17, 115-6, I (1973), 19, 24. Those on pp. 13, 39-40, 43 and 45 are
from R. Parkinson, Voices from Ancient Egypt (London, 1991), 133, 134, 142,
145-6. Those on pp. 50-1 and 78 are from C. Andrews, Egyptian Mummies, 2nd
edn. (London,1998), 12-13. Those on pp. 47 and 215 are from, respectively:
M.P. Pearson, The Archaeology of Death and Burial (Swwoud, 1999), 71, and
J. Assmann, “Death and initiation in the funerary religion of ancient Egypt’, in:
Religion and Philosophy in Ancient Egypt (Yale Egyptological Studies 3, New
Haven, 1989), 140.
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belief in a life after death. It is often observed that they appear to have devoted
greater efforts and resources to preparing for the afterlife than to creating a con-
venient environment for the living. Although this impression is partly the result
of the history of archaeological investigation in Egypt, there is a degree of truth
in it; the houses of the living, even the palaces of the kings, were constructed
chiefly of perishable materials such as mud-brick, reeds and wood. The tombs of
the dead, for the most part, were made of stone. This reflects the contrast appar-
ent to the minds of the Egyptians, between the transient earthly life, requiring
only a temporary dwelling, and the eternal afterlife, for which a permanent set-
ting was needed. The tomb was frequently referred to as the ‘house of eternity’
and collections of instructions urge the use of stone for its construction. It was,
then, a firm belief in an eternal afterlife, rather than an obsession with death
itself, which provided the motivation for the building of the pyramids and the
spectacular funerary monuments which have drawn visitors to the banks of the
Nile from the classical era to the present day.
In the ancient Egyptians’ view of the universe, the continued existence of the
world and its inhabitants depended to a large degree on the fulfillment of natural
cycles. The rising and setting of the sun, the phases of the moon, the motions of
the stars, the annual flooding of the Nile, and the growth and death of plants
were perceived as manifestations of potent creative forces and as reassuring signs
that the ideal order of familiar things would continue indefinitely. Human life
was also viewed as part of the great scheme of creation, and was regarded as
cyclical, an experience which, like the endless re-emergence of the sun each
dawn, could be expected to repeat itself throughout eternity.
Texts show that the Egyptians perceived an individual human life as a series of
changes, beginning at birth and passing via adolescence and maturity to old age
and death. Death, however, was regarded not as an end, but merely as a further
change, albeit a highly important one, leading forward to another type of exis-
tence. Spell 178 of the Book of the Dead (see pp. 196-8) describes death as ‘the
night of going forth to life’, emphasising that it was viewed as a transitional state,
leading to the afterlife.
Naturally, this conception was the product of many centuries of thought. The
relatively sophisticated rationalisation of death which it implies surely did not
allay all fears. Hence the Egyptians’ attitude to death, as expressed in their writ-
ings, was an ambivalent one. From the emotional viewpoint, they feared and
abhorred the ending of human life as much as any other society. Tomb inscrip-
tions appeal to the living as ‘O you who love life and hate death . . ... Some texts
even deny the occurrence of death: spell 144 in the Coffin Texts contains the pas-
sages “You have departed living; you have not departed dead’ and ‘Rise up to life,
for you have not died’. Yet intellectually the Egyptians recognised that death was
inevitable; only by passing through it could the afterlife be attained. The major-
The two opposing views of death are contrasted in a literary text of the
Middle Kingdom, the ‘Dialogue between a man tired of life and his ba’. In this
work, two aspects of the same individual, the physical being and the 6a (a spiri-
tual entity; see pp. 20-3) deliver different attitudes to death. The da emphasises
the painfulness arising from death, which separates a man from his home and
deprives him of the light and warmth of the sun. The pessimistic man, on the
other hand, welcomes death in a series of poetic similes:
Death is to me today
Like a sick man’s recovery,
Like going outside after confinement.
Death is to me today
Like the scent of myrrh,
Like sitting under a sail on a windy day.
Death is to me today
Like a man’s longing to see home,
Having spent many years abroad.
The earliest clear signs of a belief in the survival of death date from the begin-
ning of the fourth millennium sc. During the Badarian and Nagada I-II cultures
(c. 4400-3200 Bc), the corpse was usually laid in an individual pit-grave, which
would probably have been covered by a low mound of earth to serve as a protec-
tion and a marker. Gifts for the dead were placed with the body (see fig. 2). The
essentially practical character of most of the objects provided — ceramic and
stone jars of food and drink, maceheads, flint knives and other tools and
weapons, cosmetic palettes and personal jewellery — indicate that at this stage the
afterlife was regarded as an extension of earthly existence, a state in which the
deceased would experience the same needs and require the same comforts as
those in life. Already at this formative period it is possible to recognise the
fundamental aspects which were to characterise Egyptian funerary practices
2. Reconstructed burial of an
unidentified adult man of the
late Predynastic period, about
3400 Bc. Around the
naturally preserved body are
stone and pottery vessels, flint
knives, a mudstone palette
and beads. From Gebelein.
L. of body 163 cm.
throughout the succeeding four millennia. Chief among these were the notions
that the deceased required nourishment, and that some form of physical activity
was possible (since tools and weapons could not be used without the ability to
move, nor could offerings be consumed). Moreover, the provision of objects of
amuletic or magical significance, even at this early date, is indicative of a belief
that the individual could gain personal access to the supernatural.
The establishment of a unified state with centralised government and a liter-
ate bureaucracy, about 3100 Bc, coincided with an acceleration in the develop-
ment of burial practices. Tombs evolved into complex architectural structures,
and proper burial ultimately came to involve a series of rituals and the provision
of magical texts and images. The underlying notions of posthumous existence
evolved throughout many centuries, and the nature of the afterlife came to be
formulated within a framework of religious doctrines, texts and practices.
The Egyptians believed that the universe was inhabited by three kinds of beings:
the gods, the living and the transfigured dead. Egyptian cosmogonic mythology
explains the origins of the principal gods, but does not provide a detailed or
coherent account of the creation of humanity. It is clear, however, that man was
considered to be a complex being, who could experience immortality in various
forms. The Egyptian view of man is evident from many texts, and it is important
to recognise that a simple dualistic division into ‘body and ‘soul’, as expressed in
some other religions, does not reflect the reality of their approach. Writings
reveal that the ancient Egyptians perceived man as a composite of physical and
non-physical elements. These were termed kheperu, ‘manifestations’, and might
be more accurately described as ‘aspects’ or ‘modes’ of human existence. The
most important of these aspects wére the physical body and the heart, and the
non-physical entities known as the ka and the 6a. Each of these, together with
the name and the shadow, were believed to enshrine some unique quality of the
individual. Several texts and artistic representations point to the importance of
preserving a range of these aspects in order to survive death. In the tomb of the
scribe Amenemhat (18th Dynasty) at Thebes, ka, ba, corpse (khat) and shadow
(among others) are mentioned; in a relief from the tomb of another Amenemhat
of the following dynasty, the totality of the deceased is represented by his body,
his heart, his ka and his ba, which are shown being presented by divinities to
their owner (see fig. 3). Each of these aspects was capable of supporting indepen-
dently the continued existence of the person after death, but each had to be nur-
tured and maintained according to its special needs if the afterlife was to be
successfully attained. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the whole of
the Egyptians’ elaborate funerary preparations were devoted to preserving these
elements throughout eternity.
The distinction between the earthly body and the transfigured eternal one is
apparent in the terminology used. The words khet and iru (‘form and ‘appear-
ance’) denoted the body in life. The dead body — either unmummified or
embalmed — could be termed &hat, but specifically appropriate to the embalmed
body were the words tut, which can mean ‘mummy’ or, more generally, ‘image’,
and sah, denoting a body on which the proper rites of mummification had been
performed, fitting it for its special role in the afterlife. The distinctive appearance
of the sah is well-known from mummies, anthropoid coffins and mummiform
statues: the limbs enveloped in brilliant white wrappings, the face and hands of
gold, the hair a long tripartite wig, usually coloured blue (see fig. 4). These were
attributes which belonged to divinities, and through the processes of mummifica-
tion they were conferred on the deceased, making him too a divine being. The
divine character of this eternal body is emphasised elsewhere in a genre of texts
which equate each of the individual parts of the body with a deity:
4. Painted wooden figurine The creation of this new, eternal body involved the special treatment of the
representing the mummy of corpse and involved the use of materials with magical significance. The aims of
yng on a Bice these treatments, and the pro-
The figure forms part of a
cedures used, varied from
model of a funerary boat
(see fig. 67) and illustrates one period to another,
the idealised appearance of and will be described
the mummified dead. 12th below, pp.‘46—91. Here
Dynasty, about 1850 Bc.
it should be noted that
From a tomb at Thebes.
L. 18 cm. preservation of the
body as in life was
not a primary aim.
Special importance
was also attached to
the heart (see fig. 5),
which was regarded as the centre of the
individual, both anatomically and emotionally.
Medical texts written on papyri show that the heart
was believed to be the focal point from which vessels commu-
nicated with all parts of the body, and it was the heart, rather than
the brain, that was regarded by the Egyptians as the location of the intellect
and memory. Here also resided the moral aspect of the individual. Retaining com-
mand over one’s heart was essential, for not only did it govern the mental processes
but it gave control over the bodily faculties in the afterlife. Care was taken to pre-
serve it in situ during mummification, and the Book of the Dead included several
spells to ensure that the deceased should retain his own heart, and that it should
not be taken from him or turned against him in the hall of judgement by any of
the denizens of the underworld. Spell 26 includes the words:
Further magical protection was provided in the tomb via heart amulets and
the heart scarab inscribed with appropriate spells from the Book of the Dead.
Besides ensuring continuity from the living to the resurrected person, the impor-
tance of the heart was further manifested in the judgement of the deceased
before Osiris, an episode described in detail in spells 30B and 125 of the Book of
the Dead. Here the symbolic weighing of the heart in the balance against the
image of maat (the cosmic order) was believed to determine the deceased’s wor-
thiness to be admitted into the afterlife (see below, p. oF:
The ka
The most important of the non-physical aspects of man was the ka. This word,
written with a hieroglyphic symbol representing a pair of upraised human arms,
embodied a highly complex notion, which defies direct translation into a single
English word or phrase. The nature of the ka was multi-faceted and, as the con-
cept changed over time, the Egyptians’ use of the term was not consistent.
7. Nestanebisheru before an presented. The ka required a physical form to inhabit after death and for this
offering table in the shape of reason the corpse was mummified. To receive nourishment, however, the ka
the ka hieroglyph. The chief
needed to leave the body and move to the offering-place. Here, a statue was pro-
importance ofthe fa in the
cult of the dead lay in the fact vided, in which the fa resided during the important nourishing process. Statues
that it was the state of could be set up in temples as well as in the tomb to enable the person repre-
existence in which the sented to receive a share of the offerings made to the gods. This nourishment did
deceased received sustenance. not of course take place in any concrete sense — the ka was believed to absorb the
Food offerings were regularly
described as being ‘for the ka’;
life-giving power of food, and this sufficed to keep the individual alive. The ka
here the form of the offering was thus essential for survival in the next world and in order to reach the trans-
table reflects this. Early 22nd figured state and enter the afterlife the deceased needed to be reunited with his
Dynasty, about 930 Bc. From ka, which separated from the body at death. Hence the dead were often referred
the ‘Royal Cache’ at Deir
to as ‘those who have gone to their kas’, while the tomb was termed the ‘house of
el-Bahri, Thebes. H. 52 cm.
the ka’.
The ba
The concept of the 6a (like that of the ka) was complex and diverse, and the use
of the term changed through time and according to whether it was applied to
gods, to the king or to non-royal individuals. As described in texts of the Old
Kingdom, the ba of a god or of the king encompassed the powers of that entity.
It was the vehicle by which they were manifested as individuals, and hence the
word is sometimes translated as ‘personality’ — though this is not an altogether
satisfactory interpretation, since even an inanimate thing such as a town or a
door had its own 6a. In these early texts, and in later inscriptions of a non-funer-
ary character, a god or a place could have two or more bau (pl.), which embod-
ied the totality of the divine powers or deities associated with them.
But it is in funerary literature from the Middle Kingdom onwards that the
concept of the 6a in relation to the ordinary mortal is most clearly developed. In
these texts each individual has his own ba-spirit, personified as one of the modes
in which he continues to exist after death. Although not a physical being, the ba
was credited with many human characteristics. It was able to eat, drink, speak
and move. The capacity for free and unrestricted movement was in fact the
single most important characteristic which the ba possessed; it was the means by
which the dead were empowered to leave the tomb and to travel. Depictions of
the 6a in tomb-paintings, and on papyri and coffins begin in the New Kingdom
and continue to the Roman Period. Doubtless on account of its association with
mobility, the form chosen for the representation of the ba was that of a bird with
a human head, and often with human hands and arms as well (see figs 8-10).
The behaviour of the ba is described in many mortuary texts of the New
Kingdom and later periods. These sources emphasise its ability to separate from
the body at death. While the corpse remained inert in the tomb (which was fre-
quently equated with the netherworld), the ba was able to fly away to visit the
world of the living, or ascend to the sky to travel with the sun god in his barque.
Vignettes from the Book of the Dead show the ba perched on the facade of the
8. Section of the Book ofthe tomb (see fig. 8), and some funerary stelae of the Late Period have a small ba
Dead papytus of the scribe figure attached to the top. During these absences from the tomb the ba could feed
Any. On the left, Any and his
itself, but each night it had to return to the corpse in order to be reunited with
wife Tutu are shown playing
the board-game sewet in the its physical ‘base’ or ‘anchor’. Without this periodic contact the deceased would
afterlife. To the right they perish. Several spells in the Book of the Dead are concerned with the relationship
appear again in the form of between the 6a and the corpse, in particular spell 89, ‘for letting a ba rejoin its
their ba-spirits perched on
corpse in the realm of the dead’, which addresses the gods with the words: “The
the facade of the tomb.
19th Dynasty, about 1270 Bc.
sacred barque will be joyful and the Great God will proceed in peace when you
From Thebes. H. 42 cm. allow this ba of mine to ascend vindicated to the gods . . . May it see my corpse,
may it rest on my mummy, which will never be destroyed or perish.’ The
vignette of this spell shows the 6a hovering above the mummy, with which it is
about to merge (see fig. 10). The papyrus of Nebqed in the Louvre contains a
9. Wooden shabu figure
representing the deceased
holding the da in his hand.
18th Dynasty, about 1300
Provenance unknown.
ie 30.3%em.
unique scene in which the ba is depicted flying down the shaft of the tomb to
the burial chamber in which lies the mummy. This union of 6a and corpse pro-
duced resurrection, just as the uniting of the sun god and Osiris in the under-
world each night (see below, p. 29) rejuvenated both gods. On account of this
doctrine, it was essential that the corpse should be transformed through mum-
mification into an eternal, perfect body which could be reunited with the ba.
The desire to survive death is of course a hope common to most human societies,
and it is usually placed in a framework of religious belief. In this, ancient Egypt-
ian culture was no exception. Although belief in an afterlife undoubtedly arose
Osiris is chiefly famous as the central figure of a cycle of myths describing his
death and resurrection. He was also, however, an important figure in one of the
main Egyptian accounts of creation, associated with the cult centre of Heliopolis.
This story describes how from a primeval watery chaos (Nun) there emerged a
mound of earth on which appeared the god Atum. Atum created first atmosphere
and moisture (the god Shu and the goddess Tefnut), and they in turn produced the
god Geb (earth) and the goddess Nut (sky). The offspring of this pair were the
gods Osiris and Seth, and the goddesses Isis and Nephthys. The story of Osiris’
subsequent murder and resurrection is alluded to countless times in texts and
images from the Old Kingdom onward, but the most complete account of the
myth is that recorded by the Greek author Plutarch in the second century ap. In
Plutarch’s version Osiris figures as a king of Egypt in the remote past, who civilised
his people, teaching them agriculture and establishing laws. His jealous brother
Seth, seeking to destroy Osiris, invited him to a feast, at which a beautiful chest
was offered to the guest who would fit perfectly inside it. When Osiris climbed in,
Seth’s confederates sealed the lid and threw the chest into the Nile, and Osiris was
drowned. After a long search, Isis, the sister and wife of Osiris, recovered her hus-
band’s body, only for it to fall into the hands of Seth, who cut it into fourteen
pieces which he scattered throughout Egypt. Isis and Nephthys again searched and
retrieved every part of Osiris’ body with the exception of the phallus. The jackal-
headed Anubis mummified the corpse, and Osiris was resurrected by Isis and
Nephthys. Osiris then became the ruler of the realm of the dead, while his son
Horus, having successfully challenged the usurper Seth for the kingship of Egypt,
avenged his father’s murder and assumed his place on the throne.
11. The god Osiris, ruler of Plutarch’s narrative is a relatively late synthesis made up of elements which
the underworld, enthroned originally formed parts of other myths, notably the conflict between Horus and
under a canopy. He is
Seth, with its important links with kingship and the royal succession. These ear-
attended by the goddesses
Isis and Nephthys, and before lier myths included episodes which are frequently alluded to in funerary texts
him on a lotus flower stand and iconography, such as the injuring and restoration of the wedjat, the eye of
the four Sons of Horus. The Horus, which later became a powerful protective amulet. According to another
royal sceptres held by Osiris
element of the myth, Horus and Seth came before a tribunal of the gods which
symbolise his kingly status,
and the green colour ofhis
resulted in the vindication of Horus, a scenario which was reflected in the judge-
skin reflects his associations ment before Osiris which every dead man and woman had to undergo in order
with the new growth of to enter the next life (see below, pp. 36-7).
plants, regarded by the
In some of the Old Kingdom Pyramid Texts (Sth to 6th Dynasties) the dead
Egyptians as a metaphor for
king is identified with Osiris, and thereby was believed to experience rebirth just
rebirth. From the papyrus of
Hunefer, early 19th Dynasty, as the murdered god had done. In the First Intermediate Period, this path to new
about 1280 Bc. From Thebes. life became available to all Egyptians, each of whom could be individually iden-
H. of sheet 40 cm. tified with Osiris. From this time onwards the names of the dead were regularly
preceded by that of Osiris, so that ‘the Osiris N’ became synonymous with ‘the
deceased N’, who could then experience resurrection. Many features of the
burial ritual and the tomb equipment promote this assimilation. The deceased in
his coffin takes the place of the mummified Osiris and is addressed in texts as
Osiris; he receives the protection of Nut, Isis, Nephthys and Anubis — all deities
who played important roles in the Osirian myth.
The principal centre of the cult of Osiris was at the city of Abydos, tradition-
ally identified as the god’s burial-place. This site had been important since the
formative years of the Egyptian state (before 3000 Bc), when the earliest kings
were buried there. The original local deity of Abydos was the jackal-god Khenti-
mentiu, the ‘Foremost of the Westerners’ (i.e. the dead), but his identity became
absorbed by Osiris as the cult of the latter acquired ever greater prominence.
This amalgamation resulted in the name Khentimentiu being applied to Osiris
as an epithet, which appropriately reflected his later role as ruler over the dead.
Osiris’ cult-centre at Abydos became a major place of pilgrimage. Those who
could make the journey paid at least one visit there during their lifetime, and
this formed an element of the ideal funeral ceremonies after death. This journey
is shown in tomb paintings, and model boats to convey the dead to Abydos were
provided in tombs.
Osiris was represented as a mummiform figure, dressed in a white linen
shroud, and provided with royal crook and flail sceptres, and distinctive crowns
(see fig. 11). In several images, both two-dimensional and in the round, he also
appears with erect phallus (miraculously restored by Isis after the reconstitution
of Osiris’ body). This signifies the notion that the fertility of the land was also
closely linked with the resurrection of the god. Osiris also had links with the
inundation of the Nile and the life-cycle of vegetation. In this manner he sym-
bolised the capacity of the earth to bring forth new life. This was another
metaphor for resurrection and was manifested in art, Osiris often being depicted
with green flesh. By assimilation, the deceased is sometimes also shown thus,
particularly on coffins of the Late Period.
12. Scene from the Book of the name Ra, essentially the daytime sun, but could also be manifested under
Amduat, which describes and many other names and guises. The newly-risen sun at dawn was known as
illustrates the nocturnal
Khepri, represented as a scarab beetle propelling the solar disc into the sky; the
journey of the sun god
through the Duat or
evening sun was equated with Atum, the creator god in one of the main cos-
underworld. The god, in his mogonic myths.
ram-headed nocturnal form, As noted above, the Egyptians saw the act of creation as cyclical. Hence
stands within a barque, which rebirth was brought about by the same god who originally created the universe
is towed along a waterway
towards the eastern horizon.
and life. The endless cycle of sunrise and sunset was perceived as a powerful
Here, in the guise of the scarab metaphor for continuous rebirth after death, and the daily journey of the sun
beetle Khepri, he projects the became the model for eternal existence. The Books of the Underworld, inscribed
solar disc into the sky, while
in the royal tombs of the New Kingdom, describe how each evening the sun was
his corpse (lower right)
believed to enter the subterranean netherworld, or Duat (see fig. 12). Here he
remains in the underworld.
From the papyrus of the priest travelled by barque during the twelve hours of night along a river which passed
of Amun Ankhefenkhons, Late through a series of underground caverns, populated by divine beings both amiable
21st or early 22nd Dynasty, and hostile, and also by the dead, who awoke to new life as the sun god’s rays
about 970-900 Bc. From
shone on them (see below, pp. 33-4). His journey was opposed by the forces of
Thebes. H. 20 cm.
chaos, embodied in a giant serpent named Apep, who had to be combatted and
overthrown each night before the eastern horizon was reached. The crucial
episode in the journey took place in the fifth hour of the night, when the sun
god encountered his own corpse, equated with the mummified Osiris, and the
two were united. The sun god’s power resurrected Osiris, and the sun god, by
merging with his corpse, was himself rejuvenated, releasing the creative forces
necessary for the continuation of life. This union served as the model for the
joining of ba and mummy, by which ordinary mortals were rejuvenated (see
above, pp. 21-3). Hence funerary texts emphasise the close association of the
deceased with both Osiris and the sun god. This relationship becomes particu-
larly marked in funerary texts and images from the 19th Dynasty onwards.
Each new day therefore was a repetition of the ‘first time’, the original creation
of the universe, and, consistent with this idea, the sun god was himself regarded
as emerging from the earth as a newborn child at dawn (see fig. 13). The sun at
dawn was Khepri, and hence the scarab became a symbol of regeneration.
Rebirth was thus seen as being dependent on association with the sun god (see
fig. 14). In the case of the dead king this association was particularly close. In
many of the spells of the Pyramid Texts the dead king spends his afterlife travelling
14. The sun god, in the form with the sun god across the sky, and even at this early period a direct identifica-
of awinged solar disc with
tion of the king with the sun god was made: ‘Your body is [King] Pepy, O Ra;
human arms, holds the sign
of life (ankh) to the face of the
your body will be nourished as Pepy, O Ra’. The identification of the king with
mummy. Above is the sky in the god himself was expressed even more forcibly in the later Books of the Under-
the form of the goddess Nut, world. From the Middle Kingdom, however, this afterlife with the sun god (like
and beneath the mummy’s that with Osiris) was accessible to the king’s subjects as well, as many passages
bier are the four canopic jars.
from the Coffin Texts and the Book of the Dead show. The dead travelled with Ra
Painting on the foot of the
inner coffin of the priest in his barque, partaking of his resurrection, and fighting his foes in the under-
Hor. 25th Dynasty, about world. For this reason, the deceased is often represented spearing the Apep ser-
700-680 Bc. From Thebes. pent on behalf of Ra. In characteristic Egyptian fashion, this concept was held
H. of coffin 180 cm.
alongside that already mentioned, in which the dead were resurrected by the life-
giving rays of the sun as the god passed through the realm of the dead each night.
The survival of the dead depended, in broad terms, on their entering a new state
of existence, in which they were integrated into the cyclical patterns of the uni-
verse. Since gods such as Ra and Osiris were immortal and were repeatedly reju-
venated, the deceased, through a close identification with them, could hope to
partake of endless rebirths as well. This cyclical eternity, manifested in the world
through the motions of sun and the changes of the seasons, was denoted by the
word neheh. This was differentiated from djet, eternity, in which time was viewed
as linear, carrying the implication of a static, unchanging existence: this was the
continuous afterlife in the tomb, in which the dead were nourished and provi-
sioned for ever by the mortuary cult and by the magical power of texts and
images. The dead could survive in both ways as long as the universe endured,
and this is reflected in two common but alternative names for the tomb: Aut en
neheh and per-djet, both of which can be translated as “house of eternity’.
Attaining the afterlife depended on the deceased’s survival through the various
modes of existence discussed above (ka, ba, body, name, etc.). Proper preparation
had therefore to be made. A secure burial place was needed for the body, which
ideally should be preserved by mummification to enable the a to be reunited with
it. A chapel or offering place was needed, where the rituals to sustain the ka could
be performed. The deceased also required access to special powers and knowledge
to pass safely through hazards and to enjoy a comfortable existence in the nether-
world. All these needs were satisfied by a gerset neferet, or ‘a good [proper] burial’,
the various elements of which will be examined in the following chapters.
The state of existence which the deceased aimed to reach in the beyond was
called akh. This word, written with the hieroglyphic sign of a crested ibis, is used
to denote the individual dead in the netherworld, and also their state of being.
In this context it can be translated as ‘transfigured being’. But the term akh is
also used outside the context of non-royal funerary literature. In secular texts it
has connotations of ‘effectiveness’; in religious texts it is an attribute of gods who
are closely associated with the powers of creation and regeneration. Atum, Ra,
Nut, Osiris, Isis and Horus were all described as akh and had the power to
confer the status of akh on others. The deceased, by becoming akh, acquired
‘effectiveness’ as well as some of the qualities of those gods, not becoming their
full equals, but being identified with them and endowed with a creative energy
akin to that employed in the creation of the world. This gave them the means to
arise from the inertia of death to new life (as the inert state of the primordial
chaos was transformed into the ordered, created universe capable of supporting
life). Akh also had associations with light and luminosity, perhaps also to be
understood in the context of the origin of the universe, which is linked in Egypt-
ian thought with the notion of the creation of light. To be ak, then, was to be
an effective spirit, enjoying the qualities and prerogatives of gods, having the
capacity for eternal life and being capable of influencing other beings — as seen
in the letters to the dead (see below, pp. 42-3).
Akh is different to the other ‘modes’ of human existence. Unlike the ka, ba
and name, which are aspects of the individual, akh is the state achieved only after
death, and after a successful passage through tests and dangers. Not all the dead
were imagined as akhu. Those who had lived wicked lives were denied the
blessed state, and were condemned to a second death, total extinction, after suf-
fering horrifying punishments. To help the deceased to become akh was the pri-
mary aim of all the funerary preparations, and hence funerary texts were
collectively called sakhu, ‘that which makes [a person] ak/’ (see p. 193).
The reaching of the transfigured state, the ‘afterlife’, was conceived in terms of a
‘physical passage’, a journey along prescribed paths which the deceased had to
take. Burial in the tomb was the prelude to this journey; the procession to the
tomb on the day of burial is paraphrased as letting ‘the god [the deceased] ascend
to his horizon’. The horizon, as the place where the sun rises and sets, was of
course endowed with regenerative significance, and denoted the goal of the
transfigured dead.
The actual location and topography of the world of the dead, as described in
texts of different periods, was subject to numerous variations. The Pyramid Texts
of the Old Kingdom situate it in the northern sky, and the dead king was to reach
it by ascending to the heavens, after which he would live among the gods, accom-
panying the sun god Ra. The Coffin Texts, formulated in the period after the Old
Kingdom, present a more developed concept. The celestial realm of the sun god is
now complemented by an earth-bound underworld, which was the kingdom of
Osiris. In order to reach this realm safely, the dead had to possess special knowl-
edge: the names of the denizens of the underworld, the locations of paths, water-
ways and gates, and the necessary words and acts to pass these. This information
was included in the Coffin Texts, into which were incorporated compositions now
known as “guides to the hereafter’, which provided the inexperienced deceased
with the information required to lead him safely to his destination. One of the
15. Map of the routes to the
netherworld from the Book of
Two Ways, a painting on the
floor of the outer coffin of the
physician Gua. The diagram
and its accompanying text
served as a guidebook to
inform the deceased about the
topography of the hereafter
and to equip him with the
knowledge to behave correctly
when encountering its
inhabitants. 12th Dynasty,
about 1850 Bc. From Deir el-
Bersha. L. of coffin 260.5 cm.
earliest of these compositions is the Book of Two Ways, inscribed chiefly on coffins
of the Middle Kingdom (see fig. 15). This gives precise details of the paths lead-
ing to the hereafter, one of which consists of earth, the other of water, and details
are included of important features of the region; the deceased must negotiate
mounds and fiery lakes, and pass hostile demons whose names he must know in
order to pacify them. This text is accompanied by a large graphic element, in
effect a ‘map’, painted on the floor of the coffin, on which the deceased can walk.
Funerary literature, images and amulets provided the deceased with special
knowledge and magical aid to overcome obstacles to reaching the afterlife safely.
The most detailed sources which actually describe the realm of the dead are the
Books of the Underworld, composed in the New Kingdom. These describe the
nightly journey of the sun god through the subterranean underworld as he makes
his way from the western to the eastern horizon. According to the Book ofAmduat
and Book of Gates, the underworld was divided into twelve regions, each of which
corresponded to one hour in the sun god’s journey, and each of which was occu-
pied by the dead. As hour succeeded hour, the sun god’s barque, sailing on the
underworld river, entered cavern after cavern. As his rays illuminated the cavern
they brought new life to the dead, who until that moment had lain inert in their
16. Representation of coffins. They would awake, throw off their mummy-wrappings, and enjoy a com-
agriculture in the afterlife, the plete human lifespan during the single hour of the night when they were in the
vignette of spell 110 of the
presence of Ra. The dead were judged and rewarded according to their behaviour.
Book of the Dead. The ideal
state of existence, which the
The righteous cultivated and received offerings. The wicked received their punish-
dead achieved after becoming ments. At the end of the hour the god sailed on and the great doors slammed shut;
akh, included an agricultural the dead would lament his departure and return to their sleep until the next night.
paradise known as the Field
Once they have reached the eternal realm, the transfigured dead are represented
of Reeds. From the papyrus
of Kerqun. Ptolemaic Period,
either as bas or as humans. They may be depicted in the iconography of the sah:
305-30 Bc. From Thebes. white-clad, with golden skin, the iconography in fact familiar from mummies and
H. 38.5 cm. mummiform coffins. Alternatively, they appear as living beings dressed in the cos-
tume of everyday life. In this guise, they are often represented in the Book of the
Dead in a specific environment called the Field of Reeds or Field of Offerings. This
is a kind of ‘paradise’ reserved for the righteous, which is a reflection of the envi-
ronment of Egypt, with waterways and cultivated banks. Here the deceased would
plough, sow, and harvest abundant crops, which would provide food offerings for
eternity (see fig. 16). Even this ideal world could however have unwelcome aspects.
Every deceased Egyptian was subject to perform agricultural labour for the gods,
and to escape this unpleasant task was one of the main functions of the magical
To enter the afterlife it was not enough that proper funerary preparations be
made. The deceased also had to demonstrate that he was of good character, as
SERRE dE Re ee
52 3 i
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17. The judgement of the evidenced by proper conduct during his life on earth. Many tombs contain bio-
dead. On the left, Hunefer is graphical inscriptions intended to demonstrate that the deceased was of upright
conducted to the balance by
character, by emphasising good deeds and the avoidance of evil acts, in general
the jackal-headed Anubis,
who also adjusts the scales. conformity to what were regarded as acceptable standards of behaviour. This was
The monster Ammut living according to maat, conceived by the ancient Egyptians as the basis for all
crouches beneath the balance, order in the universe. Maat was ‘what is right and embraces the notions of truth
so as to swallow the heart
and justice. It was personified as a goddess. For the universe to continue it was
should the weighing indicate
essential that maat be maintained; without maat chaos would ensue, in which
a life of wickedness. The ibis-
headed Thoth records the the ideal hierarchy of society would be overturned. A crucial duty of the king
outcome and, on the right, was to increase maat, and every individual had a responsibility to live according
Hunefer, having been to this principle by following accepted codes of proper behaviour. Doing maat
declared maa-kheru (‘true of
brought rewards in the form of a good afterlife: ‘She accompanies the person
voice’ or ‘justified’), is led by
Horus towards Osiris (not who practises maat down into the realm of death. He is placed in a coffin and
shown). From the papyrus of buried with her; his name shall not be erased from the earth’.
Hunefer. Early 19th Dynasty, The concept of a judgement of the dead is mentioned as early as the Old
about 1280 Bc. From Thebes.
Kingdom, when tomb inscriptions refer to a tribunal of the gods, though this is
H. 40 cm.
chiefly for obtaining justice for misdemeanours committed on earth, such as
damaging a tomb. The idea was developed during the Second Intermediate
Period by including a judgement as the culmination of the deceased’s passage to
the next world. This judgement described at length in spell 125 of the Book of
the Dead was an inescapable trial through which every deceased had to pass to
reach the state of resurrection.
The judgement took place in the Hall of the Two Truths (or Two Maazts), into
which the deceased was conducted by Anubis who had been responsible for his
mummification (see fig. 17). The dead man greeted the gods of the judgement
hall with the words ‘I know you, I know your names’. As in his passage through
the gateways of the hereafter, he was again cross-examined to establish that he
possessed arcane knowledge. In versions dating to the New Kingdom the judge-
ment is usually presided over by Osiris, accompanied by Isis and Nephthys and
the Sons of Horus; in later periods, the place of Osiris is often taken by Ra.
Forty-two gods who acted as assessors sat in the hall, and the deceased had to
greet each one by name and deny that he had committed a specific misde-
meanour while alive. The forty-two ‘sins’ enumerated in this ‘declaration of
innocence’ included offences against ethics, society and cult practices:
Having made this declaration, the deceased stood before a balance. His heart
was placed on one of the scale pans, to be weighed against the image of maat
(either personified as a goddess figure wearing an ostrich feather, or the feather
alone). The heart, as the seat of the intelligence and memory, contained a record of
the deceased’s actions in life. The symbolic weighing revealed the nature of the
deceased’s relationship with maat. An even balance signified a life in conformity
with maat, whereas wrongdoing caused the heart to weigh heavier than the image.
During this weighing, the heart was temporarily out of the deceased’s control, and
there was a fear that it might reveal to the gods of the judgement hall something
which would harm its owner’s chances of attaining the afterlife. Spell 30B of the
Book ofthe Dead would prevent the heart from disclosing anything untoward:
This spell was inscribed on an amulet called a ‘heart-scarab’ which was placed
on the mummy’s breast or within the wrappings (see pp. 205-6). Successful pass-
ing of judgement meant that the deceased was declared maa-kheru ‘true of voice’ or
justified. His eternal survival was confirmed, and he was assured of perpetual suste-
nance. He is depicted in jubilant pose, arms upraised, and adorned with feathers
symbolising his being in harmony with maat. In Book of the Dead vignettes he is
presented by Horus to Osiris, In the papyrus of Any, the gods declare the verdict:
Ammut, ‘The Devourer (of the Dead)’, was a hybrid creature depicted as a
composite of animals which had a reputation for ferocity. Her head was that of a
crocodile, her front legs those of a lion, and her hindparts those of ahippopota-
mus. In the vignette of the judgement, she crouches near the balance ready to
swallow the hearts of those who the weighing reveals to have lived a life of
wickedness. This consumption of the heart of an unrighteous person denied him
access to the afterlife.
The world of the dead was a hierarchical society, just as the earthly life had
been, but one divided on a somewhat different basis. Besides the gods and the
deceased king, it was inhabited by the blessed and the damned. The notion that
the afterlife was reserved only for those of good character is clear from the judge-
ment of the dead, in which the hearts of those found to have lived wickedly are
swallowed by Ammut. In this tradition, no further details of their fate are
revealed. The contemporary Books of the Underworld, however, dwell at greater
length on the separation of the righteous from the damned. The subterranean
world through which the sun god passes each night is occupied by both cate-
gories of being. The visitation of the sun god provides the occasion for their fates
to be assigned to them. The blessed dead, or akhu, who have lived according to
the principle of maat, are granted new life and offerings; those who have not are
termed mut, literally ‘the dead’, the term signifying those who would not experi-
ence rebirth. Whereas the akhu are said to have adored the sun god, the mut are
equated with his foes (the forces of chaos who threaten the continuation of the
cosmic order). They are condemned to a series of horrifying torments, including
decapitation and burning in furnaces, images somewhat reminiscent for us of
early Christian notions of hell. These tortures resulted in the total extinction of
these negative entities, to whom the afterlife was forever denied.
The possibility of this ‘second death’ provoked a very real fear, and numerous
funerary texts were intended to protect the unwary deceased from this fate. The
realm of the dead, indeed, held many perils for those who were unprepared. The
integrity of the body had to be preserved, and spells were provided to ensure
this, while other spells warded off hunger and thirst. Several passages in the
Coffin Texts allude to the danger of existing in a manner in which the normal
functions of life were reversed — walking upside down, and, even worse, eating
and drinking one’s own excrement and urine.
Return to Egypt!
For it is today that you have begun to be old, have lost your manhood,
and have thought of the day of burial,
the traversing to blessedness.
To die in a foreign land was therefore highly undesirable for the ancient Egyp-
tians, not simply on account of suffering death in unfamiliar surroundings, but
because to die among foreigners carried the danger that the individual might be
denied a proper burial according to Egyptian custom — and this might jeopardise
one’s chance of reaching the afterlife. Texts lay emphasis on this undesirability of
dying outside Egypt. In the tale of Sinuhe, the hero, who has spent many years
dwelling abroad, longs for home, declaring: “What is more important than that
my corpse be buried in the land in which I was born.’ He is urged by the Egypt-
ian king to return, in terms alluding directly to this matter: “You shall not die
abroad! Not shall Asiatics inter you. You shall not be wrapped in the skin of a
ram to serve as your coffin.’ Sinuhe gratefully responds: “Truly good is the kind-
ness that saves me from death. Your &a will grant me to reach my end, my body
being at home!’
For those who did die beyond the frontiers, an attempt might be made to
recover the body for mummification and burial in Egypt. Pepinakht (who
lived during the reign of Pepy II, c. 2278-2184 Bc) records in his tomb
inscription at Aswan how he was commanded by the king to rescue the body
of Anankhet, who had been killed by the ‘sand dwellers’ on the Red Sea coast,
where he was building a ship to sail to the land of Punt. Another example is
contained in the autobiography of Sabni (6th Dynasty), inscribed in his tomb
chapel, also at Aswan. Sabni’s father Mekhu had died while leading an expedi-
tion into Nubia, and Sabni records how he set out with troops and with gifts
for the local Nubian ruler, in order to retrieve the body of his father. The body
was found, loaded on to a donkey, and brought to Egypt. Sabni proudly
records that the king praised him for this act of piety, and dispatched
embalmers from the Residence to carry out the mummification of Mekhu (see
also p. 76). Not all Egyptians who died abroad were as fortunate as Mekhu,
however; some were buried where they died — but not necessarily without
Egyptian rites. The records of later foreign expeditions list embalmers among
the personnel, to mummify those who died outside Egypt; an expedition to
the Wadi Hammamat under Senusret I (c. 1965-1920 Bc) included thirty
Probably the largest numbers of Egyptians who died abroad were soldiers.
Garrison troops might be buried locally, as were some of those who were sta-
tioned at fortresses in Nubia during the late Middle Kingdom. The majority of
those killed in battle were probably buried on the spot. Some might be brought
home, but perhaps only under special circumstances. One such group was the
approximately sixty battle casualties of the early Middle Kingdom buried at Deir
el-Bahri. Their funerary preparation was rudimentary — arrows were found still
embedded in some of the bodies — but evidently some trouble had been taken to
bring them to Thebes for burial.
Among the many forms in which death came, drowning was regarded as a
particularly fortunate fate. Those who drowned in the Nile were thought to be
specially honoured by the gods, and in texts from the 30th Dynasty and later
they are entitled /esy, ‘favoured one’. It was apparently believed that the drowned
were transmitted immediately to the realm of the dead, and a scene in the Books
of the Underworld shows the inert bodies of drowned persons being brought
ashore by the gods. This notion perhaps owes its origins to the idea that waters
were a medium for the renewal of life.
It is apparent from the above that premature death, even in violent circum-
stances, did not necessarily harm one’s chances of reaching the afterlife. Those
who were executed for major crimes such as treason, however, were potentially
denied the afterlife, as expressed in the phrase “There is no tomb for the rebel’.
Execution by burning was a punishment for serious offences, and since the
corpse was destroyed in the process no afterlife was possible for those con-
demned to suffer this fate. In the trials of persons charged with conspiring to
murder Ramesses III (c. 1184-1153 Bc), a distinction was made between the
punishments decreed for those of ordinary status, and those of high rank, the
former being executed, but the latter being allowed to commit suicide, appar-
ently as a mark of clemency. The distinction perhaps lay in the notion that exe-
cution terminated existence permanently, whereas suicide was still compatible
with an afterlife. In the Dialogue between a man tired of life and his Ba (cf. p. 13),
the man contemplates suicide as a means of release from suffering, and there is
no implication that this was viewed as morally wrong.
It is interesting that the inducement for the dead lady’s intercession is the
assurance of proper funerary offerings. Also unusual is the suggestion here that
communication may take place via a dream, a very early instance of this notion,
which is better known from later periods.
Much more bitter is the celebrated letter to the dead woman Ankhiry, a rare
example of a letter to the dead from the New Kingdom preserved in Papyrus
Leiden 371. Here the husband rebukes his dead wife, attributing evil to her
although he had treated her well in her lifetime and has performed the proper
funerary rites for her:
What evil thing have I done to you that I should have come into this wretched
state in which I am? What have I done to you? What you have done is that you
have laid hands on me, although I had done nothing evil to you . . . |made you
a married woman when I was a youth. I was with you when I was performing all
manner of offices. I was with you, and did not put you away. I did not cause
your heart to grieve ... And when you did sicken of the sickness that you did
have, I caused to be brought a master-physician, and he treated you, and he did
everything whereof you did say, “Do it.’ . . And when I arrived in Memphis, I
asked leave of Pharaoh, and I came to the place where you were [buried], and I
wept exceedingly together with my people in front of my street-quarter, and I
gave linen clothes to wrap you, and I caused many clothes to be made, and I left
no good thing that it should not be done for you . . . But behold, you do not
know good from bad. It shall be decided between you and me...
In a passage from the same letter, not cited here, the widower states that he
expects to have justice by means of a tribunal of the gods, in which his letter will
be used to plead his case. The precise nature of the ‘evil’ which he attributes to
Ankhiry does not emerge, although there is an indication that he was contem-
plating remarriage and was suffering uneasy emotions.
There is no doubt that the dead were also to be feared. Those who presented
the greatest threat to the living were the hostile dead, or mut, those who had
been denied transfiguration into the blessed state either on account of evil con-
duct in life or because some other factor had prevented them from entering the
hereafter — violent death, or not having been given proper burial. Mut could
harm the living, and magical texts provide instructions for warding off their
influence. The akhu, or transfigured dead, could also prove troublesome to those
on earth. Magical spells protected houses and their inhabitants, particularly
those asleep, from the unwelcome attentions of the spirits of the dead, who were
believed to bring illness and bad dreams. In a ‘ghost story’ preserved on ostraca
from the New Kingdom, the akh of a long-dead official haunts the Theban
necropolis because his tomb has fallen into ruin, and is only appeased when
promised a new tomb and mortuary cult to provide offerings for eternity.
strengthen the hopes of the living. Therefore one should live only for the pre-
sent, enjoying the pleasures of life to the full.
A text from a much later period (first century Bc) on the stela of Taimhotep
presents a pessimistic view of the state of existence in the hereafter. The dead
lady, who had been wife of the High priest of Ptah at Memphis, had died young
and addresses her husband, urging him to take pleasure in life, for the nether-
world is a dark and gloomy place, populated by the inert dead.
The negative view of the afterlife produced an opposing reaction, which is
most eloquently expressed in the harper’s song from the tomb of Neferhotep:
had the mummy of King Ahmose II (d. 526 Bc) exhumed, abused and finally
burned; the story may be apocryphal but the impiety with which the act was
regarded is beyond doubt.
A primary aim of proper burial, then, was to protect the corpse from destruc-
tion, and as funerary practices evolved greater efforts were devoted to ensuring
the security of the body. The culmination of this trend was mummification, the
preservation of the corpse by artificial methods. In essence, the process perfected
by the Egyptians consisted of extraction of the internal organs, thorough drying
of the body, packing, anointing and wrapping in linen. This process is nowadays
referred to by the terms embalming or mummification. ‘Embalming’, derived
from the Latin in balsamum, means to preserve through the agency of balm;
‘mummy’ derives from the Persian word mummia, ‘bitumen’.
The word was applied to Egyptian preserved bodies probably
on account of their often blackened appearance, which
might have suggested that they had been treated with bitu-
men. The occasional use of bitumen in mummification as
early as the New Kingdom is suggested by recent analytical
studies, but so far there is no proof that it was widely used
until the Late Period — the darkening of the skin of many
mummies being a consequence of the use of resin. None the
less, the term ‘mummy’ has become firmly established as a
description for an artificially preserved corpse.
It is often supposed that these techniques were adopted
because the introduction of deeper graves, wood- or brick-
lined burial chambers and coffins, around 3000 Bc, frus-
trated the natural preservative process by insulating the
corpse from the dry sand which had so efficiently desiccated
19. Body of awoman of earlier bodies. This may have been a consideration, but it cannot be regarded as
the mid-Predynastic period the only factor involved. Mummification, in fact, was more than an elaborate
(about 3500 BC), excavated
procedure to prevent or retard decay. It was carried out in a ritual context. By the
in the cemetery of
Hierakonpolis. Human
Old Kingdom, the notion had arisen that the body had to undergo special treat-
remains from this site show ment to equip it for its new role as an eternal image of the deceased. The con-
the earliest evidence so far cept of transforming the corpse is found in many societies both ancient and
discovered for attempts at modern. In the words of Pearson: “The body is not simply a biological entity but
artificial preservation of the
corpse using linen wrappings
is a carefully crafted artefact, further worked and transformed after the moment
and resin. Remains of matting of death.’ Egyptian mummification provides a classic illustration of this notion.
in which the body was Ritual treatments of the corpse are already attested in Egypt in prehistoric
wrapped are visible at the top. times, and it was in this context that mummification arose. As early as the
second half of the fourth millennium Bc, as discoveries at Hierakonpolis show,
corpses were being wrapped in hides or linen, and resin and linen padding were
being used to create an idealised body (see fig. 19). These practices became more
widespread with the passage of time. These treatments clearly influenced later
mummification procedures, so that by the 1st Dynasty the use of linen wrappings
was well-established. However, other traditions co-existed alongside that of
trappings were rich and elaborate. The main exception to this situation is
during the Third Intermediate Period, when special efforts were made by the
embalmers to restore the integrity of the corpse and to reproduce its appearance
in life.
Since the creation of this perfect body was an important element in the trans-
figuration of the dead, each of the various stages of embalming took place in a
ritual context, with accompanying liturgy and ritual acts. Even some of the
materials used in mummification had religious as well as preservative functions.
Beeswax, with which the body was sometimes coated, had connotations of
rebirth, while the molten resin with which many mummies were treated was per-
haps regarded as conferring divine status on the deceased.
manipulation, wrapping and anointing of the body, and the prescribed ritual
acts and words which accompanied each stage in the process. The principal sur-
viving documents of this text are hieratic papyri of the Roman Period (P. Bulaq
3, Louvre 5158 and a document in Durham). These almost certainly enshrine
traditions deriving from a much earlier period; unfortunately, no document pre-
serves the complete text, only the later stages of the ritual surviving. The Rhind
Magical Papyrus, dating from about 200 Bc, also contains some details of
embalming procedures, including the positioning of incisions in the skin for
subcutaneous packing.
If indigenous sources are relatively unrevealing, the same cannot be said of the
writings of the Classical authors Herodotus and Diodorus Siculus. Their
accounts of mummification preserve much information which is not found in
any other written source, but which can often be confirmed through examina-
tion of the mummies themselves.
Herodotus of Halicarnassus, the ‘Father of History’, visited Egypt in about
450 sc, during the First Persian Period. His account of mummification is the
single most important written source on the subject, and, though often quoted,
cannot be omitted here:
There are those who are established in this profession and who practise
the craft. When a corpse is carried in to them they show the bearers
wooden models of mummies, painted in exact imitation of the real
thing. The best method of embalming, so they say, is that which was
practised on one whose name I cannot mention in this context [i.e.
Osiris]. The second method they demonstrate is somewhat inferior and
costs less. The third is cheapest of all. Having indicated the differences,
they ask by which method the corpse is to be prepared. And when the
bearers have agreed a price and departed, the embalmers, left behind in
the workshop, begin embalming.
In the best treatment, first of all they draw out the brains through the
nostrils with an iron hook. When they have removed what they can in
this way they flush out the remainder with drugs. Next they make an
incision in the flank with a sharp obsidian blade, through which they
extract all the internal organs. Then they clean out the body cavity,
rinsing it with palm wine and pounded spices, all except frankincense,
and stitching it up again. And when they have done this they cover the
corpse with natron for seventy days, but for no longer, and so
mumumify it. After the seventy days are up they wash the corpse and
wrap it from head to toe in bandages of the finest linen anointed with
gum, which the Egyptians use for the most part instead of glue. Finally
they hand over the body to the relatives who place it in a wooden
coffin in the shape of aman before shutting it up in a burial chamber,
propped upright against a wall. This is the most costly method of
preparing the dead.
Those for whom the second and less expensive way has been chosen are
treated as follows: the embalmers fill their syringes with cedar oil which
they inject into the abdomen, neither cutting the flesh nor extracting the
internal organs but introducing the oil through the anus which is then
stopped up. Then they mummify the body for the prescribed number of
days, at the end of which they allow the oil which had been injected to
escape. So great is its strength that it brings away all the internal organs
in liquid form. Moreover the natron eats away the flesh, reducing the
body to skin and bone. After they have done this the embalmers give
back the body without further ado.
The methods of mummification evolved through time, from the late fourth mil-
lennium BC to the first few centuries AD. Examination of mummies has demon-
strated the basic accuracy of Herodotus’ statement that different processes were
available simultaneously, apparently according to the status or wealth of the indi-
vidual. The following account describes the procedures which would have been
observed in the most elaborate mummification.
The first stage was the purification of the corpse by washing. This would be done
very soon after death since, in the hot climate of Egypt, decomposition began
immediately. For this preliminary washing a dilute solution of natron (see below,
= 2d =o—l 4 Le Ne
—— a
2 S T L L A
o M
e D ( (im) f\
ik (s7 iiLA
AUah ambAiURA Aa
21. The bu, or tent of
purification, as depicted in
the tomb of Pepiankh at Meir.
The zbu was a temporary
structure erected close to the
tomb, in which the corpse
underwent a ritual cleansing
prior to mummification. On
the right, the coffin, mounted
on a lion-shaped bier, is
carried out by the embalmers.
6th Dynasty, about 2200 Bc.
pp. 55—G) in water was probably used. It took place in a temporary structure, ©
probably a tent of reeds and matting, close to the Nile or to a canal. In the Old
Kingdom, the structure in which the body of the king was purified was called
the seh-netjer (divine booth), that for non-royals the iu (short for ibu en wab,
tent of purification); in later periods, the term seh-netjer predominated. Images
of the bu in Old Kingdom tombs (see fig. 21) depict it as a tent-like structure
with two entrances or ramps communicating with water; emplacements for such
a structure have been identified in the valley temples of the pyramids of kings
Khafra (c. 2558-2532 Bc) and Pepy II (c. 2278-2184 Bc).
Removal of viscera
The embalmers’ next task was the removal of the organs within
the body cavity. For this operation, the corpse was laid on its back
on a stone table. Actual examples of calcite embalming tables have
been found at the Step Pyramid at Saqqara (c. 2670 Bc), in the
tomb of King Horemheb in the Valley of the Kings (c. 1295 Bc),
and at Memphis, where the sacred bulls of Apis were mummified.
The sides of the tables were carved in the form of standing lions,
and the central surface sloped slightly towards the foot end, to
enable the body fluids to drain into a receptacle. For the mummi-
fication of persons of lower status a wooden table was used; an
example found at Thebes, and used in the embalming of the offi-
cial Ipy (11th Dynasty), consisted of a wooden board with four
wooden battens positioned at intervals to support the corpse.
Using a knife of obsidian or some sharp stone such as flint, the
embalmer made a short, straight incision in the left side of the
abdomen, and removed the stomach and intestines by hand (see
fig. 24). After perforating the diaphragm, he also extracted the
lungs and the liver from the thorax. The heart was intentionally
left in place since, as the location of the intellect and memory, it
would be required to play a major part in the judgement of the
deceased before the god Osiris (see Chapter 1), and therefore had
to remain under the direct control of its owner. The kidneys were
sometimes removed during this stage of mummification, but are
often found to have been left in situ. The principal organs
extracted from the body — the liver, lungs, stomach and intestines
— were embalmed separately (see below, pp. 64-76).
Diodorus Siculus, in his account of mummification, records a
strange tradition which applied to the evisceration of the corpse.
The man who made the incision, to whom Diodorus gives the
name paraschistes (literally, the ‘ripper-up’), immediately ran away,
while his colleagues shouted curses and threw stones at him.
Diodorus explains: “They suppose him to be worthy of hatred
who applies force to the corpse of a fellow creature, or wounds it,
or executes any evil in general upon it.’ It is likely that this ritual
condemnation (as it surely must have been) was a means of averting by magic
any negative consequences which might follow from the performance of an act
that was necessary but still fundamentally abhorrent to Egyptian principles of
proper conduct.
As an alternative to extracting the viscera through the abdomen, the
embalmers sometimes injected a fluid into the rectum, as stated by Herodotus.
The ‘oil of cedar’ which he mentions (in fact, probably juniper oil) would not,
25. When the embalmers had however, dissolve the organs in the manner suggested, and some uncertainty
completed the mummification hangs over the identification of the substance used. It is possible that the true
of acorpse a rectangular
intention of the embalmers was to preserve the organs im situ, rather than to
plaque of metal or wax was
often placed over the remove them in liquid form, since in several mummies treated in this manner
evisceration-wound. Like substantial remains of the internal organs were found to be present.
many others, these examples After the removal of the contents of the thorax and abdomen, the interior of
of white metal (perhaps tin) the body was cleansed with water and — according to Herodotus — with palm
bear the image of the wedjat
wine. This was done in preparation for the desiccation of the body.
eye which represents the eye
of the god Horus. Probably
Third Intermediate Period, Drying the body; the use of natron
about 1069-664 Bc. The lengthiest part of the process was the dehydration of the body. Removal of
Provenance unknown.
all fluid effectively prevented the growth of bacteria which might lead to decay.
Dimensions oflargest
specimen 8x6.4 cm.
Occasionally this was accomplished simply by air-drying, but in the majority
of cases of authentic mummification a chemical process was employed. As an
alternative to the desert sand which had preserved the bodies of predynastic
Egyptians, another natural substance was used as a drying agent. This was natron
—a compound of sodium salts which occurs in a natural state at several locations
within Egypt, chiefly in the Wadi Natrun in the Libyan Desert, north-west of
Cairo. This was the site of an ancient branch of the Nile, now occupied by a
series of salt lakes. Natron occurs in solution in the waters and as an encrusted
deposit on the bottom of the lakes and on the ground around their shores.
Textual sources confirm that both these sources — and doubtless others besides —
were exploited by the ancient Egyptians.
Natron had a number of uses in ancient Egypt,
but it is best known as a drying agent for the
embalming of corpses. It effectively drew moisture
from the body, and may have been valued particu-
larly for its effectiveness in breaking down the fatty
tissues. Scientific analyses of embalmers’ salts from
various periods has indicated that the chemical
composition of natron was variable. In many sam-
ples the predominant constituents are sodium car-
bonate and sodium bicarbonate, but there is
usually also a quantity of sodium sulphate and
sodium chloride (common salt). Indeed, some
samples consist chiefly of sodium chloride, and, as
laboratory experiments have shown that this could
achieve mummification almost as effectively as
26. Linen package containing natron, it is possible that it was used as an alternative by Egyptian embalmers.
the crystalline salts used to However, since several of the samples tested represent embalmers’ refuse, it is
extract moisture from the
possible that the chemical make-up of the salts had undergone alteration during
corpse. Large numbers of
these packages were stuffed the mummification process and do not represent their original composition.
inside the body cavity to Although natron in solution has been found in some tombs, the bulk of
absorb fluids from within, archaeological evidence and the results of modern laboratory experiments indi-
while the exterior of the
cate that the salts were usually employed in the form of a dry powder. Small
corpse was covered with a
heap ofsalts in dry, powder
linen packages of natron were stuffed inside the body cavity, perhaps together
form. Probably Third with temporary packing materials such as rags and wood shavings (see fig. 26).
Intermediate Period, The body was then completely covered with natron, and was set aside for a pre-
about 1069-664 Bc. From scribed period, during which its entire fluid content was absorbed by the natron,
Deir el-Bahri, Thebes.
14.8x11.6 cm.
leaving the corpse thoroughly desiccated. Several texts indicate that this part of
the process would have lasted about forty days, and modern experimental mum-
mification carried out on the bodies of birds and small animals has confirmed
that complete dehydration can be effectively achieved in this time; the seventy
days mentioned by Herodotus actually refers to the duration of the entire mum-
mification process, including the wrapping and the various ritual acts (see
below). It is possible that, at its most sophisticated, the drying process involved
more than one stuffing with natron in order to ensure thorough desiccation of
the body.
Dehydration resulted in the disappearance of most of the muscle tissues and sub-
cutaneous fat, leaving the body as little more than a skeleton covered with dark,
rather wrinkled skin. Once the natron had been removed, the embalmers set about
restoring some of the lost substance of the corpse to compensate for its shrunken
appearance. The body cavities were rinsed and filled with packing materials to pro-
vide support and to lend a pleasant smell. These materials often included linen,
sawdust and earth, as well as aromatic resins. In many mummies of the Late to
Roman periods molten resin was poured into the interior. Occasionally dried
lichen was used. In the 21st Dynasty, packing materials were also inserted beneath
the skin in an attempt to render the corpse more lifelike (see below).
27. Prosthetic toe made of few cases are known in which missing limbs were replaced by artificial substi-
cartonnage, originally fitted tutes. These include crude imitations of arms and legs using sticks, and elaborate
with a toe-nail made of a
items such as the artificial toe found within the wrappings of a mummy of the
different material. This is one
of the earliest known Third Intermediate Period (see fig. 27). In the most elaborate treatments, gold or
examples of an artificial limb. silver stalls were placed over the tips of the fingers and the toes (see fig. 28).
It is reported to have been
found on a mummy, but signs
Wrap pings
of wear and refurbishment
show that the prosthesis had
The standard material for mummy wrappings was linen; as the textile of every-
probably been worn in life, day use for clothing and bed-covers it was produced in large quantities. Wrap-
and that it was adapted to be ping the corpse in strips and sheets of linen is attested as early as c. 3400 Bc in
attached to the body after graves at Hierakonpolis. It had apparently become an element of the formal
death. Probably 21st to early
26th Dynasties, about
treatment of the dead by the Ist Dynasty, even before the development of true
1069-600 Bc. From Thebes. mummification.
Ly IN Orern Wrapping the body, of course, helped to preserve its integrity, but texts indicate
that in the pharaonic period the wrapping also possessed religious significance.
Several texts explain that the wrappings were supposed to be provided by Tayet,
the goddess of weaving, or by the weavers of the goddess Neith:
dyed a deep pink colour, using plant-dyes such as that of the saff flower
(Carthamus tinctorius L). The use of a reddish pink — a solar colour — may have
conveyed the notion of resurrection by the life-giving rays of the sun. In most
cases this colour has faded owing to exposure to light, but depictions of mum-
mies in contemporary paintings show the red shroud distinctly. Long strips of
linen, arranged vertically, laterally and diagonally, held the outer shroud in place,
and were dyed in colours to contrast with the shade of the shroud.
The wrapping was as much a ritual activity as the rest of the embalming,
occupying a substantial part of the time devoted to the process. Incantations
30. The funerary mask were uttered as each piece of linen was put in place; the words to be spoken are
represented the deceased in recorded in the Ritual of Embalming, which also describes the shape, colour and
the transfigured state, with
proper positioning of various cloths. Some of these had special names associating
the shining golden skin
appropriate to a divine being them with particular deities such as Ra-Horakhty, Hathor and Thoth. Both this
(the flesh of the gods was text and the Book of the Dead include directions for the placing of amulets within
believed to be of gold). It also the wrappings to protect the deceased and assist them towards rebirth. An enor-
provided magical protection mous variety of funerary amulets was produced (see pp. 201-7), and pieces of
for the head of the deceased,
and assured his
jewellery were also placed on the body. In the case of a wealthy individual these
transfiguration through an might include collars, pectorals, earrings, bracelets and finger rings of gold, silver
association between his bodily and precious stones.
members and those of various The quantity of linen used to wrap a body varied, and was not necessarily
gods. Gilded cartonnage
related to the wealth or status of the deceased. An exceptional instance was the
mask, Late Ptolemaic to early
Roman Period, first century mummy of Wah, a minor Theban official of the 11th Dynasty, which was
BC to first century AD. wrapped in approximately 375 square metres of linen.
Provenance unknown.
H. 44 cm.
External trappings and masks
In the Old Kingdom, the body was prepared as a living image of the dead person,
with facial features reproduced and clothing applied. From the First Intermediate
Period, a different iconography was adopted, in which the body was enveloped
and provided with important trappings which served to represent the deceased in
the transfigured state — a visible sign that he had successfully reached the afterlife.
The most important of these trappings was a mask which fitted over the head like
a helmet (see fig. 30). By the principle of sympathetic magic the donning of a
mask identified the wearer — whether living or dead — with the entity represented
by the mask; so, for example, animal masks representing gods were worn by magi-
cians and priests. The funerary masks placed over the heads of the dead per-
formed an analogous function, representing them in the state aspired to after
death, as transfigured beings, equipped with divine qualities.
The features were for the most part idealised depictions of a deceased person
in the divine state, and should not be regarded as portraits; the only possible
exceptions are the masks made for royal individuals (such as the gold mask
of Tutankhamun, c. 1336-1327 Bc), where facial features distinctive of the
sculpture of a particular ruler might be reproduced (though to what extent this
image was a likeness of the actual person is debatable). Placing magical power
around the head reflects a particular concern in the minds of the Egyptians. The
loss of the head, depriving the deceased of the ability to see, hear, eat, speak
and breathe, was one of the most feared dangers of the netherworld. Spell 43 of
the Book of the Dead, ‘for preventing a man’s decapitation in the realm of the
dead’, includes the words: “The head of Osiris shall not be taken from him; my
head shall not be taken from me.’ The mask protected against the loss of the
head — but also had a more specific function in ensuring continued existence
after death. This is expressed in spell 531 of the Coffin Texts (revised and
incorporated into the Book of the Dead as spell 151B), in which the individual
parts of the mask are identified with the bodily members of particular deities or
with the barques of the sun god: ‘Your right eye is the Night-barque, your left
eye is the Day-barque, your eyebrows are (those of) the Ennead, your forehead
is (that of) Anubis, the nape of your neck is (that of) Horus . . .’ The text also
contains allusions to the deceased’s association with Osiris and Ra, providing
additional assurance of rebirth. The mask thus emphasised the deceased’s
elevation to a divine state, and this is reflected in certain common features of
the iconography of mummy masks, notably the gold colouring of the skin and
the blue wig, imitations of the attributes of gods.
While the funerary masks of kings were made of solid gold, those of persons
of lower rank were usually constructed of cartonnage, an inexpensive yet durable
material, composed of linen and plaster moulded into shape over a disposable
core. Masks of this type enjoyed several phases of popularity until the Roman
Period. At that time, several alternative types of funerary image were in vogue,
including plaster heads and panel-portraits, painted in encaustic (a technique in
which hot wax is used as a medium) or tempera (see figs 52 and 180).
Other trappings were used at different periods. During the Third Interme-
diate Period a dyed red-leather stola was often placed around the mummy’s
neck, either within the wrappings or on their surface. This ‘stole’ was often
represented in art as one of the trappings of deities, and perhaps conferred pro-
tection and divine status on the deceased. It also became part of the iconogra-
phy of mummiform coffins (see Chapter 7). From the 25th Dynasty to the
Ptolemaic Period a network of blue-green faience tubular beads, threaded in a
lozenge pattern, was placed on the front of the body, over the outer wrappings
(see Chapter 6). These nets appear to have carried celestial significance, the
colour and patterning recalling the starry sky. Such patterning appears on
dresses worn by the goddesses Isis and Nephthys in their role as protectors of
Osiris, and a garment with this design is often depicted as worn by Osiris him-
self. The placing of the bead-nets over mummies therefore conferred the pro-
tection of the goddesses as well as identifying the deceased as Osiris. During
the Roman Period the outer linen shroud of the mummy was frequently
painted with a full-length image of the deceased, usually in Hellenistic dress,
accompanied by Egyptian deities.
Disposal of waste
Excavations in the Theban necropolis have brought to light numerous caches of
embalming materials which represent the leftovers from mummification. These
usually consist of pottery jars containing cloths and rags stained with body fluids
and embalming oils, natron salts and packing materials. Most of these were evi-
dently used in eviscerating, drying and cleansing the body. The correct disposal
of this material was a matter of some importance. The cloths and salts had been
in contact with the body and had probably absorbed some of its fluids, in addi-
tion to being contaminated with small fragments of skin, hair or fingernails. Per-
haps because such material was considered unclean from the ritual viewpoint, it
was buried near but not actually in the tomb. Moreover, as it contained part of
the corpse it required proper disposal to ensure the integrity of the deceased’s
body, and to prevent any portions of it falling into the hands of persons ill-dis-
posed to the deceased who might use them to work magical spells which would
threaten the wellbeing of the spirit. This formal disposal of the residue of mum-
mification may underlie an enigmatic element of the funerary rituals depicted in
New Kingdom tombs. This focuses on an object called the tekenu, which is
drawn on a sledge with the coffin and canopic containers to the place of burial.
The tekenu is depicted as an amorphous bundle with a human head, resembling
the form of a contracted human body, and it is conjectured that it represents the
portions of the corpse which were not included in the mummy or the canopic
containers (see below, pp. 64-76). In the 25th and 26th Dynasties, these left-
overs were sometimes wrapped in a large shroud imitating the appearance of
The manner of treatment accorded to the different internal organs of the body
varied according to the ancient Egyptians’ perceptions of their significance. As
noted above, the brain was discarded, apparently
because its function was not understood, whereas the
heart — regarded as the physical ‘centre’ of the individ-
ual and the location of the intelligence — was deliber-
ately left in place within the chest cavity. Of the organs
which were extracted during mummification, four
were singled out for separate preservation. These were
the liver, the lungs, the stomach and the intestines.
The kidneys were sometimes preserved as well, but
have been less frequently identified in mummies than
the four just mentioned. The reason for the selection
of these particular organs is not fully understood, but
in view of the importance attached to nourishing the
dead it is probably no coincidence that the organs
connected with digestion were among those most con-
sistently preserved. Each of the organs was also
regarded as an independent embodiment of the
deceased himself, and this is reflected in the manner of
their treatment. The visceral packages were treated as
miniature mummies, separately preserved and encased
in containers which have affinities with full-sized
32. The organs which were coffins. Occasionally they were even wrapped in the shape of a mummy and pro-
extracted from the body vided with small cartonnage masks in precise imitation of the type placed over
during mummification
the head of the corpse.
were preserved and placed
in special containers in the According to Diodorus, the internal organs extracted by the embalmers were
tomb. Examination of these rinsed with palm wine and treated with spices. This statement may be correct,
remains using scientific but has not been confirmed by archaeology. Examination of the viscera of mum-
techniques has yielded
mies indicates that in many cases they were preserved in a similar manner to the
important evidence for
patterns of health and disease
body itself, first being dried with natron and coated with resin, before being
in ancient Egypt. This wrapped in linen. The degree of success achieved in the preservation of these
histological section of lung fragile organs varied. A number of specimens from the New Kingdom and Third
tissue, from a canopic
Intermediate Period are sufficiently well-preserved to have yielded data about
container of the Ramesside
period (about 1295-1069
various diseases from which the deceased had suffered. These include lung com-
BC), shows evidence that the plaints such as anthracosis and pulmonary oedema, and parasitic worm infec-
deceased suffered from tions like schistosomiasis (see fig. 32). However, some visceral packages have
pulmonary fibrosis. turned out to contain mainly resin and other preservatives, with little trace of the
evolved, and the canonical tradition of four singular gods had been established.
By this date their principal role was that of protecting the internal organs con-
tained in the canopic jars. They were regularly invoked in inscriptions on the jars
and chests, and from the New Kingdom onwards, each god had his distinctive
iconography. In the most common tradition Imsety was depicted with a human
head, Hapy with that of a baboon, and Qebehsenuef and Duamutef with the
heads of a falcon and a jackal respectively. The jackal and falcon heads were
probably adopted from the iconography of the ‘Souls’ (dau) of Buto and Hier-
akonpolis (representing the primeval kings of Egypt), with whom the Sons of
Horus had associations. Variations on this iconographic pattern occurred from
time to time, particularly in the Third Intermediate Period, when Qebehsenuef
was frequently depicted as jackal-headed and Duamutef as falcon-headed.
The Sons of Horus were themselves guarded by four goddesses. Two of these,
Isis and Nephthys, were prominent as protectors of the dead, having — according
to the myth — played an important part in the resurrection of the murdered
Osiris. They protected Imsety and Hapy, while Duamutef and Qebehsenuef
were guarded, respectively, by Neith and Selkis. These four goddesses are often
invoked in inscriptions on the sides of coffins and canopic chests, though at Deir
el-Bersha, a necropolis of the city of Ashmunein, the association of the Sons of
Horus with goddesses followed an independent local tradition, with Sendjet and
Renenutet replacing Isis and Nephthys.
No inscription states which organs were supposed to be protected by which
deity. The only evidence for this comes from examinations of the contents of
undisturbed canopic jars and (for mummies of the 21st to 22nd Dynasties)
identification of organs found inside the body accompanied by wax or resin fig-
ures of the Sons of Horus. Generally speaking, this evidence indicates that
Imsety protected the liver, Hapy the lungs, Duamutef the stomach, and
Qebehsenuef the intestines. However, only a minority of burials have yielded
evidence on this, and there are a number of exceptions to the above pattern,
suggesting that variant traditions may have been operating at different periods
or in different parts of Egypt.
Dynasty tombs at Saqqara and elsewhere, the tombs of high officials of the early
4th Dynasty at Meidum are the earliest to include a special place specifically for
the viscera. These are niches cut into the south wall of the burial chamber. Wall-
niches or pits occur in the same location in tombs of the reigns of Khufu (c.
2589-2566 Bc) and Khafta (c. 2558-2532 Bc) at Giza. Most were found empty
33. Calcite canopic jar with but in the tomb of Ranefer at Meidum remains of viscera, wrapped in linen,
painted wooden stopper in were still in place.
the form of ahuman head.
Bit os Ray of te in The canopic nich or piti was usually no longer provided
pic niche ide i the tomb after the
Mal cee Has eouldee 4th Dynasty. The viscera were placed instead in separate receptacles. The earliest
is typical of the Middle is the calcite (Egyptian alabaster) chest made for the burial of Queen Hetepheres
Kingdom. At this period, I, mother of Khufu. It was found in her tomb at Giza, placed in a niche cut in
all four lids of a set of
jars the southern end of the burial chamber’s west wall. The chest was divided inter-
usually represented human
faces, which were probably
nally into four compartments into which the viscera were placed directly. When
Ree Se ccF Larue the tomb was found in 1925, the chest still contained the remains of the linen-
12th Dynasty, about 1900 Bc. wrapped packages, which lay in a dilute solution of natron in water.
From Deir el-Bersha. The earliest datable canopic jars are the limestone set made for Queen Mere-
Tl. 29.5'cm.
sankh III (c. 2500 Bc), found in her tomb at Giza. The canopic jars of the Old
Kingdom were simple in design. They were usually made from limestone or
calcite, and are distinguished by their shallow, convex disc-shaped lids.
The jars were usually undecorated and uninscribed — though the vizier
Kagemni, who was buried in a tomb at Saqqara in the 6th Dynasty, was
provided with a fine set of calcite canopic jars incised with his name
and titles.
By the Middle Kingdom, sets of four jars had become usual in élite
burials. The jars were made of pottery, wood, limestone or calcite —
the latter notable for their high exterior polish. They usually
have a pronounced shoulder and a tapering profile. Jars with
disc-shaped lids in the Old Kingdom tradition continued to
be made in this period, but now the lids more usually took
the form of human heads (see fig. 33). An early example of
one of these human-headed lids, dating from the late 11th
Dynasty, was found at the temple-tomb of King Men-
tuhotep II (c. 2055-2004 Bc) at Deir el-Bahri. The appear-
ance of the complete jars with their lids in place clearly reflects
that of the canonical mummy image introduced in the First
Intermediate Period (see p. 81), underlining the conception of
the viscera as embodiments of the deceased. This idea was
expressed explicitly in a set of canopic jars made of cartonnage for
Djehutynakht of Bersha, which represented the human body with
arms and feet individually depicted. In the majority of cases, how-
ever, the jars have a smooth surface, and the lids in all probability
represent not the deceased but the Sons of Horus. Early depictions of
these gods vary; on the interiors of canopic chests from Deir el-Bersha
they are all represented with the head of a falcon (appropriate to the
offspring of Horus), but on coffins of the 12th Dynasty from Asyut all four con-
sistently have human heads, and this became their standard iconography in the
Middle Kingdom. In several sets of canopic jars, three of the lids have bearded
heads, while one is beardless and has a lighter skin-colouring than the others, an
indication of female sex. Such jars are sometimes specifically identified as Imsety,
whose originally feminine character is indicated by the grammatical form of the
name. The role of the Sons as guardians was further emphasised in this period by
the addition of inscriptions on the jars invoking their
protection. This concept was sometimes graphically
illustrated by the depiction of human arms on the
sides of the jar, as though embracing the contents. A
redware jar of this type in the British Museum, bear-
ing a formula naming Duamutef, has the god’s arms
modelled in high relief, the hands grasping the ankh
and was sceptre (see fig. 34).
The outer chests for canopic jars continued to imi-
tate contemporary coffins in form, decoration and
inscriptions. During the Middle Kingdom the chests,
like the coffins, developed from a flat-lidded type to
one with a vaulted top. The canopic chests from the
necropolis of Bersha are particularly interesting in
this respect; several of them are decorated internally
with passages from the Coffin Texts, among which are
the earliest instances of the shabti spell (see Chapter
4), and there are also figures of the Sons of Horus
and tutelary goddesses.
The evolution of the canopic chest continued
during the Second Intermediate Period. Several buri-
als found at Thebes included wooden canopic chests
of distinctive type, having vaulted lids with end-
34. Redware canopic jar made boards, and images of the Anubis-jackal painted on the sides. The chest made for
for the official Wahka. The King Sebekemsaf (c. 1600 Bc), now in Leiden, had an internal lid on which the
inscription invokes the aid
of the god Duamutef, whose
four canopic jars were painted in profile. Curiously, actual jars from this period
protective embrace is are rather rare, and it may be that in many cases the linen-wrapped viscera were
graphically represented by placed directly into the wooden chest.
the human arms carved on In the 18th Dynasty the provision of canopic jars underwent a revival. They
the sides of the jar; the god’s
were often made of clay, fashioned on a potter’s wheel, and sometimes of stone
hands grasp the ankh (sign
oflife) and the was sceptre,
or wood. The body of the jar was usually squat, with a prominent shoulder, and
symbolising his authority. the lids followed the tradition of the Middle Kingdom in representing all four
Probably from the tomb of Sons of Horus with human heads (see fig. 35). The lids of a few 18th Dynasty
Wahka II at Qaw el-Kebir.
jars, however, represented the distinctive animal-heads of the Sons, and this
12th Dynasty, reign of
became standard practice in the reign of Ramesses II (c. 1279-1213 Bc) in the
Amenemhat III, about
1800 Bc. H. 28.6 cm. 19th Dynasty. The form and material of the jars also changed in the Ramesside
Period, with limestone and calcite the favoured materials rather than pottery or
35. Canopic jars made for the 36. Calcite canopic jar from
Child of the Royal Nursery, a set inscribed for Queen
Ahmose (left), an unidentified Mutnedjmet, the wife of the
owner (centre) and Renseneb pharaoh Horemheb. The
(right). 18th Dynasty canopic shape is typical ofjars dating
jars were frequently made of to the 19th and 20th
painted pottery, as these Dynasties. The hieroglyphic
examples illustrate. Early to text is the speech of the
mid-18th Dynasty, about goddess Isis, and refers to her
1550-1450 sc. Provenance protection ofImsety, one of
unknown. H.. (left to right) the Sons of Horus who in
33'em, 92 cm,.3 lcm. turn guarded the internal
organs. Early 19th Dynasty,
about 1290 sc. Probably
from Saqqgara. H. 41 cm.
wood, while blue-glazed faience was occasionally used. The distinctive ‘Rames-
side shape’ is tall and slender, and without the pronounced shoulder of 18th
Dynasty jars (see fig. 36). A standardised inscriptional formula also emerged,
painted or incised on the jar in three or four vertical columns, in which the
organ within the jar was identified both with the deceased and with its protec-
tive genius, around which protection is extended by the four goddesses.
The protection of the Sons of Horus by the four goddesses was also reflected
in the depiction of the goddesses on the sides of canopic chests in the New King-
dom. The chests themselves regularly imitated the shape of a shrine with a
cavetto cornice and sloping roof. They were usually mounted on runners to
enable them to be drawn along the ground, and indeed are depicted being pulled
in this way (often surmounted by an image of Anubis) in representations of the
funeral procession (see fig. 37). The chests made for private individuals were
usually of painted wood; those for kings were of calcite. Examples found in the
Valley of the Kings contain four cylindrical cavities, each covered by a human-
headed stopper. In the calcite canopic chest found in the tomb of Tutankhamun
(c. 1336-1327 Bc), each cavity contained a miniature gold anthropoid coffin
with glass and semiprecious inlays, inside which was a visceral package. After
the 19th Dynasty, kings seem to have returned to using individual jars, but
canopic coffinettes were used sporadically for non-royal burials. The treasury
burials of the Third Intermediate Period. The kings buried at Tanis and the
members of the family of the Theban rulers of the 21st Dynasty were provided
with sets of jars. These jars were fully functional but were of course empty (see
fig. 41); in many other cases, however, dummy jars of stone or painted wood
were provided. Some of these were carved in one piece with integral heads;
others have detachable lids but contain only a shallow cavity, too small to
accommodate organ-packages. It appears that the jars were retained on account
of their ritual significance and out of respect for the longstanding tradition that a
set of jars was a necessary component of a proper burial outfit. The association
of the names of the genii with the heads on the jars exhibits a number of varia-
tions on the traditional pattern during this period, particularly with respect to
Duamutef and Qebehsenuef, who frequently appear with the heads of a falcon
and jackal respectively (see fig. 42). The widespread occurrence of this change on
canopic jars and also in coffin decoration suggests the existence of alternative tra-
ditions, rather than error on the part of ancient scribes.
wh as hl EST TS
Ge ey, ell’)
i Dor
41. Calcite canopic jars The practice of placing visceral packages in canopic jars was revived in the late
with painted wooden lids 25th Dynasty; the jars of the Kushite rulers buried at el-Kurru and Nuri show
representing the heads of the
that this development occurred (at least for kings’ burials) in the reign of
four Sons of Horus: Imsety
(man), Hapy (baboon), Tahargo (690-664 Bc). The reintroduction of functional jars, perhaps reflecting
Duamutef (jackal) and the archaising trends which were manifested in art and material culture at the
Qebehsenuef (falcon). This period, was quickly adopted throughout Egypt, 26th Dynasty examples being
set was made for the lady
attested at Thebes, Abydos and Saqqara. 26th Dynasty canopic jars were fre-
Neskhons, wife of the high
priest of Amun Pinedjem II.
quently made of calcite. They are often of large size and are barrel-shaped, being
21st Dynasty, about 1000 Bc. widest a little above the middle (see fig. 43). The lids usually represent the
From the ‘Royal Cache’ at zoomorphic heads of the Sons of Horus (now identified once more according to
Deir el-Bahri, Thebes. the traditions of the New Kingdom), but are occasionally uniformly human. A
H. 36.5—40 cm.
more elaborate formulaic text was devised for the inscriptions. This is first
42. Set of dummy canopic jars of painted 43. Calcite canopic jars of the
wood. During the Third Intermediate Period, army commander Neferibre-
when the internal organs were replaced inside emakhet. The owner was the
the body, canopic jars continued to be placed son ofanother general named
in the tomb, though many were solid Psamtek-sa-Neit. The
imitations. These specimens also illustrate inscriptions promise the
the breakdown of the traditional pattern of protection of the goddesses
iconography for the Sons of Horus at this Isis, Nephthys, Neith and
time; here the falcon head is associated with Selkis, and that of the four
Duamutef, and that of the jackal with Sons of Horus. Late 26th
Qebehsenuef. 25th Dynasty, about 700 Bc. Dynasty, about 570-525 Bc.
Provenance unknown. H. 28-35.5 cm. From Saqqara. H. 33-5 cm.
encountered with the royal jars of the 25th Dynasty and continues to the Ptole-
maic Period. However, the return of functional jars did not completely supersede
the replacing of the viscera within the body or in the mummy wrappings. In
some cases, the viscera were placed on the thighs; in other cases returned to the
body cavity, as in the mummy of Hornedjitef in the British Museum (see front
cover), dating to the late third century Bc. In the latter case, a wooden shrine-
shaped canopic chest was also included in the tomb, but its four compartments
contained only potsherds wrapped in linen, as ‘dummy’ viscera.
The embalmers were organised in a hierarchy, like the priests of a temple, and
those who carried out the more important tasks held sacerdotal titles. The opera-
tions were supervised by the Aery seshta, or “Master of Secrets’, the ‘secrets’ being
the specialised treatments performed on the corpse to preserve it. The hery seshta
was closely linked with the god Anubis, who had mummified Osiris, according
to mythology. In the ritualised process of mummification the deceased was iden-
tified with Osiris and, accordingly, the hery seshta played the part of Anubis; it is
possible that he wore a jackal-headed mask during the proceedings to emphasise
this association. However, the depictions of a jackal-headed man in scenes such
as figs 20 and 133 more probably represent a hypothetical ideal in which Anubis
himself performed the mummification and its rituals. References to embalming
several times mention the deceased being “in (or under) the hands of Anubis’.
Other participants included the khetemu negjer, or ‘seal-bearer of the god’ and
the khery-hebet (‘keeper of the sacred book’, or lector-priest), who read out the
appropriate words at different stages of the ritual. The practical aspects of the
work were carried out by embalmers called wetyu, of whom there were doubtless
many. Their tasks would have included the preparation of water, oils, resin,
natron and cloth. Greek texts identify two specialist types of embalmer — the
paraschistes (“incision maker’ or ‘ripper-up’) and the taricheutes (‘pickler’), though
these are not distinguished in Egyptian sources.
As embalming became widespread, the personnel involved gradually increased
in numbers; according to Diodorus, the office was hereditary. In the Old and
Middle Kingdoms, when mummification was usually reserved chiefly for the
royal family and persons of high rank, it is likely that only privileged individuals
were permitted to carry out the necessary operations. At this period, mummifi-
cation could be awarded by the king as a favour in recognition of good service or
an exemplary act of piety by a subordinate. The biography in the tomb of Sabni
at Aswan (6th Dynasty) records the sending from the Residence of officials to
carry out the mummification of Sabni’s father Mekhu (see Chapter 1). These
comprised two embalmers, a chief lector-priest, besides other officials, mourners,
various oils and utensils, and the ritual knowledge (literally the ‘secrets’) of the
two embalming workshops or wabety (at this period there was a Northern and
a Southern wabet). With the passage of time, the techniques and the special
A good burial comes in peace, your seventy days having been completed
in your place of embalming (wader).
There are several texts, ranging in date from the 5th Dynasty to the Ptolemaic
Period, which show that the duration of the mummification process was vari-
able. The seventy-day period is perhaps to be understood as the length of time
during which mourning for the deceased took place, within which period the
body was embalmed. Only for an elaborate mummification would seventy days
be required. This would have comprised about thirty-five to forty days for the
evisceration and drying of the body and a further thirty to thirty-five days for
anointing and wrapping. The length of time occupied by the latter operations
would have depended more on ritual requirements than practical necessity.
Sometimes considerably longer treatments are documented. The body of the
father of the vizier Senedjemib, whose tomb was at Giza, was in the wabet for
one year and two-thirds (see Chapter 5). Inscriptions in the tomb chapel of
Queen Meresankh III in the Eastern Cemetery at Giza (late 4th Dynasty) men-
tion the dates of death and burial: “Year 1, first month of shemu [harvest-season],
day 21. The resting of her ka and her proceeding to the house of purification’
44. Document written in and ‘Year after 1 [i.e. Year 2], second month of peret [season of sowing], day 18.
demotic on papyrus, Her proceeding to her beautiful tomb’. The interval between these two dates
containing the statement of
amounts to 273 or 274 days. If this time was spent entirely in the place of
Phagonis, probably a lector-
priest, who acknowledges embalming an exceptionally long mummification would be indicated. The skele-
receipt of quantities of natron ton of the queen, however, showed no evidence of special treatment.
and linen for the Mummification was not always carried out by professionals. Within a close-
mummification of acorpse,
knit community such as the workmen’s village of Deir el-Medina it could be
with a promise to hand over
the body to the choachytes (the
done by a relative or work colleague. Much more information about the organi-
officials responsible for burials sation of embalmers is available for the Ptolemaic and Roman periods, from
and the service of the dead) which survive contracts made between embalmers and relatives of the deceased.
on the 72nd day after death. Some of these documents on papyrus include receipts for materials used and a
Year 16 of the reign of
promise to deliver the completed mummy to the family on a specified day
Ptolemy II, December 270 to :
January 269 Bc. From Thebes. (see fig. 44).
H. 20 cm. Despite the ritual framework in which mummification was supposed to take
eb IN) 0 PE Gayerer
place, the realities of the embalmers’ workshop must have been hideous, particu-
larly when large numbers of corpses were being processed simultaneously for it
would have been impossible to maintain a sterile environment within the tent-
like working-areas. Insects certainly had access to the workshops, and were able
to lay their eggs on the bodies, as is clear from the many beetles and larval skins
which have been discovered when mummies have been unwrapped (see fig. 45).
Even the bodies of small rodents have been
found between layers of wrappings, where
they had presumably crept while the partly-
wrapped body was unattended, only to
become trapped.
Instances of carelessness and dishonest
practice on the part of the embalmers are
also numerous. Radiography has revealed
that many mummies of the Roman Period,
though elaborately wrapped and adorned,
are very poorly preserved and were probably
in an advanced state of decomposition
before the embalmers began their work. The
bones are frequently in disarray and some
45. Beetles adhering to body parts are found to be missing altogether. Some Theban mummies of the
the resinous coating on the 21st Dynasty, though found undisturbed by archaeologists, had been plundered
interior of the wooden coffin
of their jewellery and amulets while still in the embalming workshop, only the
of King Nubkheperra Intef.
The substance apparently impressions being left in the bandages, which had been unwound and then
remained glutinous for some replaced.
time after the body was placed The reputation of the embalmers seems to have varied. According to
in the coffin, and entrapped
Diodorus, they were ‘considered worthy of every honour and consideration,
a number of carrion beetles
(dermestes), which had
associating with the priests and even coming and going in the temples without
perhaps escaped through hindrance, as being undefiled’. Herodotus, however, perceived them as artisans,
the wrappings ofthe corpse. neither deserving of respect nor altogether trustworthy. The most explicit state-
17th Dynasty, about 1600 Bc. ment of the irregular behaviour of embalmers comes from Herodotus, who
From Dra Abu el-Naga,
Thebes. H. of coffin 170 cm.
recorded a scurrilous story that necrophilia was practised by some among them:
Now the wives of important men, when they die, are not handed
over to be embalmed at once, nor women who are especially
beautiful or famous. Not until the third or fourth day has elapsed
are they given to the embalmers. They do this to prevent the
embalmers violating the corpse. For they say that one of them was
caught who had actually abused a newly-dead woman; a workmate
denounced him.
bodies of the king and his relatives, and were subsequently extended to non-
royal persons. At some periods, different techniques were practised simultane-
ously, as noted by Herodotus, but a chronological development is apparent.
Pre-Old Kingdom
The Egyptians of the Predynastic period buried their dead in simple shallow pits,
oval or circular in shape, scooped out of the desert sand. The corpse was laid on
its side with the arms and legs tightly flexed and the hands placed in front of the
face — an apparently embryonic posture, which may point to the early develop-
ment of a concept of rebirth. The body was sometimes wrapped in matting or
hides, but was otherwise in direct contact with the sand. The body fluids were
rapidly absorbed by the sand, leaving skin, bones, hair, nails and internal organs
all well preserved.
During the second half of the fourth millennium Bc, burials began to be more
elaborately prepared, and greater efforts were made to protect the body. Besides
wrapping it in hides or matting, basket trays and simple wooden box-coffins
were introduced, and the grave-pit itself was more carefully made, with vertical
sides and a wooden roof. These well-intentioned arrangements unfortunately
proved detrimental to the body’s survival, since they insulated it from the sand
filling of the grave — the main agent of natural preservation. Most corpses buried
in this manner decomposed together with their wrappings, leaving only the
Provision of a coffin and a roofed grave with internal facings became marks of
status, and were particularly significant in the formative stages of the pharaonic
state, around 3000 Bc, when the hierarchy of Egyptian society was becoming
progressively emphasised. Once these improvements had been introduted, it was
no longer acceptable to the élite members of society to be buried in a simpler
style. No less important was the transformation of the corpse into an idealised
body which would serve the deceased in the new life. Hence more and more
attention began to be focused on preserving the body by artificial methods.
Experimentation along these lines had already begun in the late Predynastic
period; burials dating to about 3500 Bc discovered at Hierakonpolis in 1997
already showed the use of linen, both in strips to wrap the corpse and in the
form of bundles acting as padding, perhaps to help retain the shape of the body.
Moreover, traces of resin on the skin of these corpses hint at efforts to achieve
more elaborate preservation. The few surviving remains from high-status graves
of the Ist and 2nd Dynasties show that wrapping the body in linen was a well-
developed practice. Linen bandages were found on a disembodied arm from the
tomb of King Djer (c. 3000 Bc) at Abydos, and early dynastic burials from
Saqqara had all the limbs wrapped separately in linen bandages; in one case eight
layers were counted on the limbs and up to fourteen over the chest. In these
cases the soft tissues usually did not survive, with only the bones being preserved
inside the wrappings. Some burials of this period reflect the alternative tradition
(see p. 48) of dismembering the corpse and wrapping the dry bones.
Old Kingdom
In the Old Kingdom, important advances were made in the procedure of
mummification, though at this period the most elaborate treatments were
probably available only to members of the royal family and to officials of very
high status. For this reason, and on account of the robbery of most Old King-
dom tombs, very few mummies from this period have
survived. Those that have illustrate a well-defined
methodology. Although the brain was left undis-
turbed, the viscera were extracted from the body cavity
and preserved separately. This practice had been intro-
duced at least by the beginning of the 4th Dynasty
(c. 2600 Bc), since a calcite chest for the viscera was
found in the tomb of Queen Hetepheres I, mother of
King Khufu (c. 2589-2566 Bc) (see above, p. 67).
Some method of drying the corpse must have been
employed during this period, probably involving the
use of natron, but precise details are lacking. It became
customary for the corpse to be laid out with the limbs
fully extended, a practice which coincides roughly
with the adoption of the evisceration of the deceased.
This ‘extended’ posture had already been introduced
during the 3rd Dynasty, at which date the first full-
length coffins are attested (see p. 218). The soft tissues
were not well-preserved, and the embalmers seem to
have devoted most of their efforts towards the external
appearance of the wrapped mummy, which was fash-
ioned into a lifelike but idealised image of the
deceased, rather like a statue. Linen padding was
inserted under and over the skin, to fill out the shape
46. Mummy of a man found of the body, particularly the facial features, which were carefully modelled in
in a shaft-tomb near the layers of linen impregnated with resin. Arms, legs, ears, fingers and toes were
causeway of the pyramid of
individually modelled, and hair was rendered in a naturalistic manner. The
Unis at Saqqara. Using linen
soaked in resin, the body fragmentary human remains discovered in the pyramids of Djoser, Sneferu,
has been fashioned into Raneferef, Djedkara-Isesi and Unis, at Saqqara, Abusir and Dahshur, indicate
an idealised image of the that the bodies of Old Kingdom rulers were prepared in this manner. A similar
deceased as a living being,
treatment is attested in the case of non-royal individuals. The mummy of
with arms and legs separately
prepared, Facial features have Ranefer from Meidum was padded with linen and coated with resin, the indi-
been added in paint, and the vidual limbs and the head moulded, and the eyes and eyebrows painted on the
body has been dressed in a outer wrappings.
linen kilt and priest’s In an alternative treatment, applied to mummies found in tombs of the 5th
shoulder-strap. This method
of mummification was
and 6th Dynasties at Giza, a coating of fine plaster was added to the outer wrap-
characteristic of the Old pings. This coating, sometimes painted, was often confined to the head, but
Kingdom. 5th Dynasty, occasionally extended over the entire body, which was represented naturalisti-
about 2494-2345 Bc. cally, with the limbs delineated.
Middle Kingdom
The number of well-preserved mummies from this period is relatively small,
but those found provide indications that several different techniques were in
use at this period. The mummies of some of the wives and courtiers of Men-
tuhotep II (c. 2055-2004 Bc), found in tombs at Deir el-Bahri, had been pre-
pared in a simple manner. They showed no abdominal incisions to extract the
viscera, which in most cases were found still within the body cavities. There
were some signs that oil or resin might have been injected via the anus, but the
evidence was inconclusive and it may be that the bodies had simply been
wrapped, without any attempt at evisceration. The preservation of the soft
tissues and hair of these mummies was consistent with a process of drying by
means of an external application of natron and oil or resin. Fingernails, epider-
mis and — in some cases — hair had been lost, but the bodies had evidently been
wrapped while the soft tissues were still flexible; jewellery placed on the body of
the woman Ashait had left its imprint in the flesh. Another mummy from Deir
el-Bahri, dating from the late 11th or early 12th Dynasty, is that of the official
Wah. In this case, the organs of the abdominal cavity had been extracted via an
incision in the flank, and the soft tissues were well preserved. As with the other
mummies discussed here, however, more attention had been devoted to the
wrappings and external adornments. Wah’s mummy was provided with a gilded
mask and enveloped in a huge amount of linen (see p. 60). At several points
during the wrapping, the textile had been coated with resin, as though to pro-
vide a sealant, and jewellery and amulets were placed between some of the
many layers of linen.
Middle Kingdom mummies from other sites exhibit signs of different meth-
ods of treatment. Evisceration was frequently performed, as indicated by the
provision of canopic containers in many tombs of the 11th and 12th Dynasties.
The modelling of the facial features over the skull by means of layers of linen, as
in the Old Kingdom, continued, as exemplified by the head of the provincial
governor Djehutynakht, found in his tomb at Deir el-Bersha. In this case, details
such as the eyebrows were added in black paint on an outer layer of linen. The
mummies from this tomb, however, were also provided with masks, so that the
facial modelling on the bodies may ultimately have been concealed. In general,
the mummification process in the Middle Kingdom did not result in consistent
survival of the soft tissues, and the majority of bodies from this period were
reduced to skeletons.
The embalmers may have attempted to remove the brain as early as the Old
Kingdom, but it was not until the Middle Kingdom that this practice became
more widespread, although the procedure was still at an experimental stage. CT-
scanning of the skull of Djehutynakht, mentioned above, showed that the brain
had been extracted not via the nostrils as in later periods, but through holes
made in the maxillary sinuses. This technique resulted in damage to the eye-
sockets of the skull, and was not continued after the Middle Kingdom.
A striking indication of the range of mummification techniques in use at this
period is provided by the bodies of about sixty soldiers, who had been killed in
battle and were brought back to Thebes for burial in a collective tomb at Deir el-
Bahri (see p. 41). Several exhibit fatal wounds, including arrows in situ; other
mutilations were probably caused by birds of prey before the bodies were
removed from the battlefield. The preservation of these corpses had been carried
out in a simple but effective manner, by burying them temporarily in sand
(traces of which still adhered to the skin) and wrapping them in linen. They are
thus counterparts to the naturally-preserved bodies of the Predynastic period,
which they resemble in terms of the state of their preservation.
New Kingdom
Important advances in embalming were achieved in the New Kingdom, doubt-
less facilitated by the long-term stability and prosperity which Egypt enjoyed
during this 500-year period, and the availability of a wider range of materials
from abroad (particularly oils and resins) through improved commercial con-
tacts. The developments are traceable via the mummies of the kings and queens
of the period, many of whom were buried at Thebes. It is a reasonable assump-
tion that these bodies represent the best methods available at the time of their
preparation, and they illustrate the fact that the most skilled embalmers were
now able consistently to preserve the soft tissues of the body as well as the bones
(see fig. 48).
used to prevent the body falling apart — suggesting that embalming had been
rudimentary at best. Written references show that mummification was not
always done by professional embalmers, but could be carried out by relatives or
colleagues. The bodies of the family of the necropolis workman Sennedjem from
Deir el-Medina had been prepared very simply; a contemporary reference from
the same community mentions that the workman Neferabet ‘wrapped up’ his
deceased brother. Doubtless such unprofessional operations did not represent
the highest standards of embalming.
magical protection. Although the canonical number of packages was four, this
custom was not always observed, several mummies of the 21st Dynasty contain-
ing seven packages.
Elaborate cosmetic treatments were carried out. The skin of male mummies
was painted red, that of female bodies yellow (in conformity with the artistic
convention for distinguishing male from female). Thinning hair was eked out by
extensions, and artificial eyes of glass or stone were inserted into the eye-sockets.
Repairs were even made to the skin, where damage had occurred. Defects in the
skin of an elderly woman, probably caused by bedsores, were repaired by sewing
on leather patches. Injuries in life which had resulted in the loss of bodily mem-
bers were sometimes made good by the use of prosthetics. A finely made artifi-
cial toe, discovered in the wrappings of a mummy, may have been worn in life to
conceal a disfigured foot before being incorporated into the mummy.
After the 21st Dynasty, a decline in the standards of mummification began.
Although subcutaneous packing and the replacing of viscera inside the body
continued into the 22nd Dynasty, the range of other treatments employed seems
to have narrowed with the passage of time.
Late Period
Mummies of the 26th Dynasty and later exhibit signs of deteriorating standards
of preservation. Subcutaneous packing was less frequently employed, and there
was an increasing tendency to rely on the use of large quantities of molten resin
to preserve the body. The distinction of methods according to cost mentioned by
Herodotus is exemplified by several bodies which seem to have been prepared
according to his ‘cheaper’ method. An example is the mummy of the woman
Irtyersenu (late 26th Dynasty) which was dissected and examined in 1821 by
Augustus Granville. This mummy had no flank incision and contained a sub-
stantial portion of the viscera, which had perhaps been preserved by means of an
anal injection. Canopic jars were reintroduced during this period, but did not
attain universal use; in many mummies the viscera were placed on or between
the thighs and held in position by the outer wrappings. The positioning of the
arms began to change at this period, the arms more frequently being crossed on
the breast, instead of the fully extended position which had been usual in earlier
Ptolemaic Period
The often inferior standards of embalming continued into the Ptolemaic Period,
when many bodies were crudely preserved by being coated in a thick layer of
resin, although for persons of wealth and high status elaborate treatments were
still available (see fig. 51). The mummy of the priest Hornedjitef from Thebes
(late third century BC) appears to have been carefully preserved. Radiography
showed that the brain had been extracted and the skull cavity partly filled with
molten resin. The viscera had been wrapped separately and replaced in the body
cavity as in the Third Intermediate Period.
51. Mummy of aman named
Djedhor. The outer wrappings
have been carefully coated
with a black substance, which
has been identified chemically
as bitumen from the Dead
Sea. Over this black coating
have been placed a gilded
mask and a group ofpainted
cartonnage plaques,
representing the goddess Nut
with outspread wings, the
Sons of Horus, Isis and
Nephthys and other deities.
Ptolemaic Period, about 250
BC. From Akhmim. L. 156
‘ iilQ
52. Mummy of a young man
named Artemidorus in a
painted and gilded stucco
case. The portrait-panel sl
the deceased dressed in a
tunic and mantle of Roms
style, and with his hair
brushed forward in the
manner of the Trajanic period
(second century AD).
Traditional Egyptian funerary
scenes in gold leaf appear on
the body, the case as a whole
exemplifying the mixing of
classical and Egyptian styles
characteristic of the Graeco-
Roman period. CT-scanning
has revealed that the
developmental state of
Artemidorus’ bones and teeth
is consistent with an age at
death ofaround the early
twenties, as the portrait
implies. AD 100-120.
From Hawara. L. 167 cm.
: G8:
53. Mummy of a young adult
man, found at Thebes.
Radiography has shown that
the brain has been extracted
through the nose, and
viscera via an abdominal
incision. The external
preparation of the body recalls
the methods used in the Old
Kingdom. The facial features
have been carefully modelled
using resin-soaked linen, and
the limbs filled out with a
granular packing material.
The arms, legs, fingers
toes have been individually
wrapped, and the eyes,
eyebrows and mouth painted
on the wrappings. The natural
hair of the deceased has been
intentionally left exposed.
Finely patterned wrapping has
been applied to the forearms,
and the body adorned with a
belt, armlets and straps.
Ptolemaic or Roman Period,
after 305 Bc. L. 162 cm.
Roman Period
A large number of mummies from the Roman Period have survived, and the rich
decoration which many of them exhibit testifies to the importance attached to
the external appearance of the wrapped body and its trappings. As in some ear-
lier periods, such lavish adornment is often associated with crude and inferior
preservation of the body itself (see fig. 52). Unwrapping and radiography of
mummies of this period has revealed that the corpse is often poorly preserved.
The bones are sometimes disarticulated and disordered; some parts of the body
are missing altogether and sometimes a single ‘mummy contains parts of more
than one body. This suggests that the embalmers often carried out their work in
a rudimentary fashion and that many of the bodies were in an advanced state of
decomposition before work on them began. Although ‘restorations’ of damaged
or incomplete bodies were carried out, these were usually crude efforts using
wooden splints, rolls of linen, mud and pottery — a far cry from the sophisticated
cosmetic treatments used in the Third Intermediate Period.
More elaborate treatments were, however, available at this period, as one
unidentified male mummy in the British Museum illustrates (see fig. 53). The
brain was removed via the nose and the organs extracted from the body cavity.
Before wrapping, the embalmer carefully modelled the facial features and the
shape of the limbs to create a lifelike appearance, using resin-soaked linen for the
face, and a granular packing material to emphasise the breasts. The facial features
were painted on the wrappings, and the crown of the head was intentionally left
uncovered so that the natural hair could remain visible. The limbs were wrapped
separately and the fingers and toes individually bandaged, the feet being
wrapped to imitate sandals. Finally, patterned wrapping was applied to the fore-
arms, and the body was adorned with a belt, armlets and straps. Despite the
prominent breasts, the body is that of an adult man, and the elaborate prepara-
tion, though exceptional for the period, is highly idiosyncratic, and recalls the
style of mummification used in the Old Kingdom. Several other mummies pre-
pared in the same style are known, and it is possible that all these individuals
were mummified in the same embalming workshop.
The most basic requirement for human survival, the need for food and drink,
was a major consideration in funerary preparations at all periods. For the Egyp-
tians, the simplest way to satisfy this need on behalf of the dead was to place
supplies of foodstuffs in the grave or burial chamber. This practice is well
attested during the late Predynastic and early Dynastic periods, when all but the
poorest graves contained storage jars of stone or pottery filled with grain, water,
beer or wine. Substantial quantities of such supplies have been found in some
graves of the Ist and 2nd Dynasties. In some of these, the raw materials for food
production, rather than the finished product, were provided, but there were
exceptions. Loaves of bread, cakes, and cooked meats were sometimes placed in
the grave, and occasionally the food was laid out on plates and in bowls as a
meal, consisting of several courses. One such feast for the dead, found in a tomb
of a woman of the 2nd Dynasty at Saqqara, included a porridge of ground
barley, a quail, a pigeon stew, a cooked fish, ribs of beef, cooked kidneys,
wheaten loaves and cakes, fruit and cheese.
Trussed birds, joints of meat (including ox and calf), bread and cakes were
placed in tombs of the Old Kingdom, sometimes enclosed in limestone boxes
carved to represent their contents. By this period, however, the nourishing of the
dead was usually being taken care of by magic and ritual, and the custom of pro-
viding real comestibles appears to have waned until the New Kingdom, when
there was a resurgence of the practice. Many loaves, cakes, fruits and other items
have been found in tombs of the 18th to 20th Dynasties, particularly at Thebes,
where local conditions are especially favourable to the survival of such imperma-
nent items (see figs 54—5). The tombs of the kings and other individuals of high
status also contained portions of meat which had been mummified and wrapped
in linen, sometimes coated with resin or oil. These provisions were enclosed in
wooden cases carved in the shape of the contents, which usually included geese,
ducks, pigeons, joints of beef and portions of sheep or goat. A black-painted
wooden box in the British Museum, perhaps from the burial of the high-ranking
Theban woman Henutmehyt (c. 1250 Bc) contains enough meat for a substan-
tial meal, comprising a selection of linen-wrapped fowl and joints cut from a
small quadruped, possibly a goat.
Clearly, limited food supplies of this kind were not meant to be replenished,
and therefore could not be expected to nourish the deceased for eternity. Such
food must in fact have fulfilled a symbolic rather than a functional role. This has
been borne out by microscopic examinations of samples of the loaves and cakes
recovered from tombs. These are frequently found to be composed of substan-
dard ingredients, heavily contaminated with waste products which would have
made them extremely unappetising. However, this would not pose a problem if
56. Painted limestone relief the food-offerings were regarded simply as tokens, and there is evidence to sug-
from the shrine or funerary
gest that this attitude was indeed held from the earliest times; loaves found in
chapel of Kemsit, one of the
jars in the Predynastic cemetery at Hierakonpolis, dating to about 3500 Bc,
wives of King Mentuhotep II
(about 2055-2004 sc). proved to be made predominantly of chaff, and hence would have been inedible
Kemsit is depicted savouring (see fig. 54). Bread and cakes from New Kingdom tombs in the British Museum
the scent of a jar of perfumed have also been discovered to contain a high proportion of chaff, in addition to
ointment and stretching out
other contaminants.
her hand to receive offerings.
On the right, a servant, whose
figure is lost, was shown PROVISIONING BY MAGIC
pouring a drink into a cup
and uttering the words The offering cult
inscribed in a vertical line:
Throughout most of the pharaonic period the sustenance of the dead was taken
‘For your ka, gifts and
offerings’. From Deir el-Bahri, care of by magical means. Funerary texts indicate that it was not the physical
Thebes. H. 37.5 cm. body but the ka which required feeding (see Chapter 1) (see fig. 56). The ka was
dependent on the world of the living to make this possible. This need was met
chiefly through the establishment of a mortuary cult, served by relatives of the
deceased or by priests, whose duty it was to present offerings to the dead in the
context of a formal ritual. This took place in the tomb chapel, to which the ka
ascended from the burial chamber below (see Chapter 5), passing through the
false-door and taking up temporary residence within the statue of the deceased in
order to receive its sustenance. In terms of its procedures, the offering ritual was
closely related to the magical purification and provisioning of the images of the
gods which took place every day in the great cult temples. The ka of the deceased,
like the divinity embodied within the cult-statue in the temple, consumed only
the essence of the foodstuffs placed on the offering table. The offerings then
‘reverted’, or, in other words, were eaten by the priests or by those who had per-
formed the ritual. The underlying notion that physical digestion did not take
place removed the obligation to ‘neutralise’ (through offering them to the dead)
much-needed provisions which might otherwise be consumed by the living.
Mortuary cults were established with great care to ensure that the funerary rit-
uals would continue to be performed from one generation to the next (see Chap-
ter 5). However, despite the most elaborate precautions, it was the fate of all
such cults ultimately to fall into abeyance. Though the spirits of long-dead kings
might continue to be maintained through temple cults, with the support or con-
sent of the reigning pharaoh, for non-royal individuals cults of remote ancestors
(even grandparents) were probably rarely maintained for more than a generation
or two. The Egyptians were well aware of the futility of trusting to tomb and
cult for eternal survival, as literary compositions often emphasise (see p. 45).
One text exhorts the reader to make himself remembered by his writings; only
thus are the names of the wise men of the past recalled, for ‘their portals and
mansions have crumbled, their £a-servants are [gone]; their tombstones are cov-
ered with soil, their graves are forgotten’.
The introductory phrase here alludes to the concept that, in theory at least,
offerings to the dead came from the king or the gods. Under a reciprocal
arrangement the king made offerings to the gods, who in turn provided for the
dead (alternatively, it may have been supposed that the king and the god
together presented the offering to the deceased). Of the many deities who are
invoked in the formula on different monuments, Osiris and Anubis, on account
of their special connections with the dead, are the most frequently encountered.
The offering itself is termed a peret-kheru, i.e. ‘going forth at the voice’ (or ‘voice-
offering’), an expression which stresses the importance attached to the speaking
of the words aloud in order to accomplish the purpose of the ritual. The offer-
ings requested generally begin with bread, beer, oxen and fowl — regarded by the
Egyptians as the staples of a good diet — and are often accompanied by ‘alabaster
[vessels], incense, and clothing’. Sometimes other commodities such as wine or
milk are added to the list. The goods are usually enumerated in quantities of one
thousand to symbolise the notion of abundance.
This text was inscribed on the stela in the tomb chapel, and often on the
coffin, on statues and on other monuments besides. Every time the words were
spoken the beneficiary received a renewed supply of the articles named. All those
who entered the tomb chapel were expected to pronounce the formula, and on
many stelae the owner of the tomb personally addresses future visitors with an
appeal to recite the appropriate words for his benefit. The appeal on the stela of
Minnefer (12th Dynasty) reads:
limestone funerary stelae of the 2nd to 4th Dynasties. It was subsequently incor-
porated into the decoration of the false door, the focal point of the offering
chapel (see Chapter 5). The deceased stretches forth one hand towards the offer-
ing table, which may be temptingly heaped with a variety of foodstuffs, or may
support a rather more austere row of stylised conical loaves of bread. The scene is
usually accompanied by the offering formula and offering list.
By the early Old Kingdom, new scenes were added to
the false door and to the walls of the tomb chapel. These
showed rows of servants bringing supplies for the tomb
owner. These figures are usually female, and personify the
mortuary estates which (in the case of a person of wealth)
provided the supplies for the offering cult and the
stipends for its personnel. Other scenes show representa-
tive stages in the production of food and other essentials,
a logical extension of the compartmentalised lists of provi-
sions found in earlier tombs (see fig. 59). Chief among
these are the standardised depictions of agricultural activi-
ties — servants harvesting crops, making bread and beer,
and butchering cattle — but the weaving of cloth and the
construction of household and funerary objects by crafts-
men are also shown. By the principle of magical substitu-
tion it was believed that the things and the people
depicted would come into existence in the tomb and serve
the owner eternally, providing him with a staff of atten-
dants who would go about the tasks which they were
depicted performing for as long as he required them. The
introduction of these representations in about the Third
Dynasty coincides with the disappearance of the custom
of filling tomb-magazines with large quantities of food-
stuffs and furniture.
The inscriptions which accompany the activities some-
times include the statement that it is for the ka of the owner
that the actions are carried out. Occasionally there is even a
hint as to the Egyptians’ attitude towards these representa-
tions. In the mastaba tomb of Nefermaat at Meidum (4th
Dynasty), one of the earliest tombs to possess a chapel with
full wall-decoration, the enduring quality of the images
(which are referred to as ‘gods’) is expressed in a eulogy of
58. Images of food offerings the tomb owner: ‘It is he who made his gods as representation that cannot be oblit-
for the deceased, carved on erated.’ A later Old Kingdom tomb inscription from Saqgara identifies the carved
the false door from the
figure of a funerary priest as the medium (literally door’) by which the priest is to
mastaba of Ptahshepses.
5th Dynasty, about 2400 Bc. ‘go forth’ to serve the master. These statements emphasise that for the Egyptians
From Saqqara. H. of false the images carved and painted in tombs and on coffins were primarily functional.
door 366 cm. This does not of course mean that they did not take pleasure in fine draughtsman-
59. Limestone relief showing ship and skilful sculpting — some scenes even contain humorous details probably
two servants leading an ox placed there for the amusement of future visitors.
which is to provide sustenance
for the &a of the owner of the
tomb. The figures are carved Model figu res fo r the tomb
in the style of provincial The notion that images of servants could act as substitutes for real ones marks an
workshops of the First important step forward in cultural development. During the 1st Dynasty the
Intermediate Period, about king had been accompanied in death by attendants whose graves were located
2181-2025 sc. From the
tomb of Mereriger at
around that of their mastet. They were in all probability put to death at the time
; : popes cea
Dendets E343 em: of the royal burial so that the ruler would not be deprived of their service in the
afterlife. This practice had been abandoned in Egypt
by the beginning of the Old Kingdom (although it
occurred in Nubia during the Classic Kerma phase c.
1750-1600 Bc) and the prevalence of images in the
tombs of the élite during the following centuries indi-
cates that magical substitution had become the norm.
In the 4th to 6th Dynasties, further developments
took place. The two-dimensional figures of servants on
the walls of the tomb chapel began to be augmented
by statuettes which represented a comparable range of
activities. The earliest of these are limestone figures of
the 4th to 6th Dynasties, examples of which have been
found chiefly in tombs at Giza and Saqqara. Each represents an individual male
or female servant; several are kneeling in the act of grinding grain on a quern
(see fig. 60); others are represented straining mash through a sieve into a vat to
make beer. Less common types depict other activities including baking, butchery
and the manufacture of stone and pottery vessels.
After the Old Kingdom, the limestone figures
were replaced by statuettes of painted wood, which
had first begun to appear during the 6th Dynasty.
These statuettes represented servants both singly
and in groups, engaged on various tasks. Examples
have been found at sites throughout Egypt, and
date chiefly to the First Intermediate Period and the
early Middle Kingdom. In undisturbed tombs, the
models have been found placed on top of the coffin
or at its side. A single tomb might contain many
models; the tomb of the provincial governor Dje-
hutynakht at Bersha was stocked with forty-five
models of scenes and servants and fifty-five model
boats. The most imposing group are the twenty-
four models found in the tomb of the official
Meketra at Thebes, dating to the late 11th Dynasty.
These encompass a wide range of activities, and the
models are exceptional for their detail and fine
An astonishing range of activities is represented
in tomb-models. The quality of craftsmanship
varies enormously, from crude stick-like figures
with angular faces and hastily-daubed painted fea-
tures, to exquisitely modelled sculptures finished in
painstaking detail. Even the crudest groups present
61. Painted wooden model of a vivid picture of the everyday lives and activities of the ancient Egyptians, and
a peasant wielding a hoe with the models are of inestimable value for understanding how basic activities were
which to break up the ground
carried out.
for the planting of crops.
Limestone figures were The production of foodstuffs is depicted in great episodic detail, with models
superseded by wooden models of various stages in the agricultural process. The preparation of the ground for
from the late Old Kingdom. sowing is represented by a single figure from a tomb at Asyut. He wields a hoe,
6th Dynasty, about
the standard agricultural tool of the Egyptian peasant (see fig. 61). Several
2345-2181 Bc. From Asyut,
tomb 45B. H. 33 cm. group-models represent ploughing with a pair of horned oxen yoked to a simple
wooden plough; one man is shown guiding the plough as it cuts the furrow,
while a second urges the draught beasts onward with a goad. The rest of the cul-
tivation process is not usually depicted in models, though ploughing scenes
sometimes include a figure scattering seed. Other models represent animal hus-
bandry, chiefly the management and slaughtering of cattle. The most elaborate
model of this type is a large group from the tomb of Meketra, showing the tomb
62. By the First Intermediate owner and attendant scribes inspecting a herd of nineteen cows — a substantial
Period, servant models had number which reflects the high status of their owner. This model, however, is
evolved; they were now
unique; most models of cattle show the process of butchering, the animal lying
usually made ofpainted wood
and very often represented on the ground, its legs bound together and its throat cut (or about to be). In the
groups ofservants engaged in most detailed models of butchery, such as that of Meketra, cuts of meat are seen
a variety of activities. This hanging up to dry on strings on the upper level of the abattoir.
group from the tomb of
The preparation of bread and beer are among the most commonly depicted
Sebekhetepi at Beni Hasan
shows male and female
tasks, and after the Old Kingdom both processes were usually represented in a
servants grinding corn and single group (see fig. 62). Several models depict bakers modelling loaves and
baking bread, brewing beer in cakes and tending an oven or a stack of filled breadmoulds heated over a fire.
vats and slaughtering an ox. The making of beer is usually represented by one or more standing figures
Another man carried two jars
straining mash through a sieve or cloth into a large vat.
slung over his shoulders
ona yoke. Probably late A highly important category of model is the granary — a miniature storehouse
11th Dynasty, about 2000 Bc. filled with samples of grains used to make bread and beer. These models are
49.6x24.3 cm. among the most informative of all for they often represent the complete building
with walls and working door, ramps, ladders and grain silos with movable
hatches. A granary from the tomb of Sebekhetepi at Beni Hasan is occupied by
figures of men carrying the grain while a scribe records the quantities on a writ-
ing board (see fig. 63). An example from Thebes has a courtyard in which a
Model boats
The boat was of great importance in ancient
65. Model of a female servant Egypt, not only as the principal means of transport, but also for fishing and
bringing offerings for the fowling. Boats also played a major role in religion, being conceived as the main
owner of the tomb. On her
means by which the gods travelled across the sky and through the netherworld.
head she carries a basket of
bread and cakes and the head
It is hardly surprising, then, that miniature boats form the largest single category
and foreleg of an ox. The of models found in the tombs of the Old to Middle Kingdoms. Three broad cat-
right hand probably held a egories can be distinguished. The first comprised vessels designed for everyday
bird (now lost). The figure is
transport (see fig. 66). Most of these models represent boats built of wooden
made from an indigenous
planks, and the hulls are often carefully painted with details of the deck planking
timber, probably tamarisk.
Said to come from the tomb and structural beams emphasised in red. These boats are directed by one or two
of the physician Gua at Deir steering oars mounted at the stern. Besides the helmsman, crew members are
el-Bersha. 12th Dynasty, represented rowing or setting the sail; there is usually a lookout-man at the prow,
about 1850 sc. H. 39 cm.
holding a lead-line or a pole to test the depth of the water. Some of the transport
66. Painted wooden model of boats incorporate a cabin or canopy, beneath which sits a figure of the owner,
a sailing boat. Under a canopy often squatting in an enveloping cloak in the manner of later block-statues. He
sits the owner with two boxes
is sometimes attended by servants or soldiers. A smaller number of boat models
or storage-chests. At the stern
sits the helmsman and in the
represent craft used for fishing and fowling. Among the models of Meketra are
bows stands the pilot, who two papyrus skiffs, from which fishermen are shown casting nets. Most tombs
tests the depth of water with were supplied with two boat models, one with its sail set and the other propelled
a lead-line. Three of the crew
simply by oars. The different modes of propulsion were those appropriate to
are hauling on the rigging,
while two others are depicted
travelling north and south, respectively, and this idea is sometimes emphasised
using poles (now lost), as if by the positioning of the two vessels within the tomb, one with its prow facing
levering the boat offa north and the other in the opposite direction.
sandbank — a regular obstacle
A second class of model consisted of the type of boats used at funerals or for
to navigation on the Nile.
making pilgrimages to holy sites such as Abydos. The appearance of these craft
Late 11th Dynasty, about
2000 Bc. From the tomb of indicates that they were ideally supposed to be made of papyrus, although in
Sebekhetepi at Beni Hasan reality the full-size boats would probably have been made of wood (see fig. 67).
(no. 723). L. 69.8 cm. Hence the prow and stern are raised up out of the water, and the hull is usually
painted green to suggest the colour of the bundles of papyrus reeds of which it
67. Painted wooden model was made. These boats usually have a canopy amidships under which lies a
ofafunerary boat. The hull is mummy on a bier. Female mourners personifying the sister goddesses Isis and
painted green to suggest the
Nephthys stand at the foot and head of the bier, sometimes in traditional atti-
papyrus reeds of which such
craft were traditionally made. tudes of lamentation. It is difficult to determine whether such models represent
On the deck is a canopy, an episode in the funeral, during which the corpse was ferried across the Nile
beneath which lies the from its habitation on the east bank to the tomb in the west, or are meant to
mummy on a bier, attended symbolise the journey to Abydos, the holy city of Osiris.
by female mourners who
represent Isis and Nephthys
The third category of boat model comprised representations of the solar
lamenting the death of Osiris. barque in which the sun god was believed to travel. The importance of this con-
12th Dynasty, about 1850 Bc. cept was dramatically revealed in 1954 by the discovery of the full-size ship
From Thebes. L. 66.7 cm. buried in a pit alongside the pyramid of Khufu (c. 2589-2566 Bc) at Giza. This
vessel was intended to enable the dead king to traverse the heavens with the sun
god; finds from other royal burials from as early as the 1st Dynasty indicate that
one or more boats were often provided for the dead king’s use. Small scale
models of solar barques were also included among the tomb equipment of some
private individuals in the Middle Kingdom.
68-9. The graves of poorer individuals of the Middle Kingdom were often
simple shafts, without any mortuary-chapel or offering table to act as a focus
for the ritual provisioning ofthe dead. To supply this need cheaply, a pottery
offering-platter or model house was often deposited at the mouth of the
shaft. The main feature of these was a representation of a courtyard
containing a water basin and a range of food offerings — usually an ox and
a variety of
loaves, cakes, fruit and vegetables. More elaborate examples,
termed ‘soul houses’ by Egyptologists, incorporated a representation ofa
house. Offering platter, Middle Kingdom, about 2050-1650 Bc. Provenance
unknown. L. 30.5 cm. ‘Soul house’, 12th Dynasty, about 1985-1795 Bc.
Provenance unknown. 25 x 23.5 cm.
above the burial shaft, and hence acted as the focus for offerings in the absence
of atomb chapel.
These models varied in the amount of detail they contained. The simpler type
is a round or oval pottery plate with raised edges and a simple T-shaped runnel
impressed into the clay, terminating in a small spout (see fig. 68); this served to
carry away the water-offerings which were to be poured on to the plate. The rest
70. An ivory headrest.
The two sides of the central
of the space was occupied by clay models of food offerings, usually including a
support are carved in the trussed ox, a loaf of bread or cake and a bunch of vegetables. Other models are
shape of the 77, or ‘girdle more elaborate and usually incorporate a representation of a house, and a court-
of Isis’, which symbolises the yard containing a wide range of offerings. Earlier Egyptologists supposed that
protection of the goddess.
the miniature structures were intended as homes for the spirit, giving rise to the
Said to be from the tomb
of the physician Gua at Deir modern term ‘soul houses’ (see fig. 69). Although this was probably not their
el-Bersha. 12th Dynasty, true purpose, the models are highly informative for the study of ancient Egypt-
about 1850 Bc. H. 16 cm. ian domestic architecture, ranging as they do from simple domed huts to elabo-
rate houses with columned porticos and stairways
leading to a roof terrace. The courtyards contain
large quantities of offerings and usually a libation
basin or pool. Some examples have holes in the
base of the courtyard or along the top of the
enclosure wall, suggesting that model trees may
have been inserted to add to the realistic effect.
Comparable Middle Kingdom houses with
walled gardens and pools have been excavated
near Lahun, and funerary texts repeatedly allude
to the desirability of having water and shady trees
for the comfort of the deceased.
in the tomb, as though to awaken to a new life. Although this custom was not
generally observed in Egypt, during the Old and Middle Kingdoms mummies
were regularly placed in coffins on their left sides, with a headrest supporting the
head (see p. 219). This position may have been intended to reflect the concep-
tion of death as a sleep. The headrest also possessed amuletic significance. In the
New Kingdom, spell 166 of the Book of the Dead, often written on an amulet
representing the headrest in miniature, assures the deceased peaceful sleep and
that his head will not be taken away in the netherworld.
Clothing was also provided. Some tombs have yielded enormous quantities of
garments, mostly of linen. The tomb of Kha at Deir el-Medina, dating to the
reign of Amenhotep III (c. 1390-1352 Bc), included over 100 items. Sandals
were regarded as particularly important items. As pointed out in Chapter 2,
these were sometimes worn by the mummy in the Old Kingdom, and in later
periods pairs of sandals were regularly placed in the coffin (see fig. 71). The provi-
sion of sandals magically gave the deceased the ability to leave the tomb at will;
their importance is further emphasised by the fact that they were regularly
painted on the interior of coffins. They also magically enabled the deceased to
tread his enemies underfoot, as the example from the burial of Pepy I
(c. 2321-2287 Bc) illustrates (see p. 81). In the context of a non-royal burial,
this defeat of foes was a symbolic act which reaffirmed the triumph of order over
chaos, and hence perpetuated maat. The predominantly symbolic significance of
funerary sandals becomes even clearer when it is realised that many of those
found in tombs are ‘dummies’, equal in size to functional examples but made
from inflexible or fragile materials which would have made them impractical to
wear. The theme of the victory of order over chaos was taken up again in the
Ptolemaic and Roman periods, when many mummies were provided with sandal
soles or footcases of cartonnage, the under-surfaces of which carry painted
images of bound prisoners, representing the traditional enemies of Egypt.
Most tombs, even those of the very poor, contained some personal jewellery
and cosmetic implements. Cosmetics were used in life to adorn, beautify and
protect the body against the effects of the extreme climate of Egypt, and cos-
metic materials and applicators were among the earliest everyday items to be
placed in graves. Predynastic burials contain slate palettes, often in the shape of a
fish, bird or other creature, for grinding the pigments used as cosmetics, and in
many graves powdered malachite has been found in a separate container, or may
even be still visible on the palette. Combs, hairpins, copper or bronze mirrors,
stone and pottery vessels containing oils and perfumes, and other containers
made of more expensive materials such as glass, are also regular finds in tombs.
However, some of these items — perhaps too valuable to consign to the tomb — were
at times replaced by dummies. In some tombs of the 18th and 19th Dynasties,
wooden, pottery and limestone dummy vessels were included, imitating the
forms and distinctive colouring of containers made of more costly materials.
Many of these jars were completely solid, their surfaces intricately painted to
represent the veined appearance of calcite, the mottled surface of breccia or
granite, or the brightly-coloured festoon-patterns of glass.
Tombs have also yielded items of professional equipment, such as scribe’s
palettes, cubit rods, writing boards, tools, weapons and hunting equipment (see
fig. 72). The pharaohs of the New Kingdom were even provided with chariots,
and a room in the tomb was designated as the ‘chariot hall’. Six dismantled char-
iots were found in Tutankhamun’s tomb, and fragments from other tombs show
that this was not an isolated instance. Chariots have also been found in a few
non-royal tombs, though this is rare. The tomb of Yuya and Tjuyu, the parents-
in-law of Amenhotep III (c. 1390-1352 Bc), contained a small chariot, appar-
ently made specifically for the tomb.
To complete the atmosphere of comfort and luxury in which the deceased
hoped to find themselves, musical instruments and games were also supplied.
Board games were placed in tombs as early as the 1st Dynasty, and many playing
pieces and boards from different games have been found. The board-game senet
(‘passing’) was one of the most popular leisure-time activities of the ancient
Egyptians, and gaming-boards and sets of playing pieces for them have been dis-
covered in many tombs. The object of the game appears to have been to follow a
pathway of thirty squares or ‘houses’, eventually bearing one’s playing-pieces off
the board in a manner reminiscent of the game of backgammon. Naturally, the
placement of senet sets in the grave reflected a desire to continue this enjoyable
pastime in the next life, but from the New Kingdom the game acquired a reli-
gious significance as well. The journey around the board came to be equated
with the passage to the afterlife; after successfully reaching the goal, the player is
rewarded by the gods with food and water. According to spell 17 of the Book of
the Dead winning a game of senet was synonymous with successful attainment of
the afterlife in the form of ‘a living a’.
Some of these ‘everyday’ objects had clearly been used in life. Headrests show
signs of wear, other objects had been broken and repaired. They were not neces-
sarily the best or newest the deceased had owned; many goods would descend to
the heirs and continue in use, perhaps only being consigned to the tomb several
generations after their manufacture, when they had outlived their usefulness or
were considered old-fashioned.
Dbl. YAP? z
pea \..
: SS a,
Savy Y
anthropoid coffin (see Chapters 5 and 7) (see fig. 75). This role dictated the main
iconographical features of the figures, which represent not a living individual, but
the deceased in the transfigured state, shrouded like a mummy and equipped with
divine attributes. In keeping with this notion, the shabtis of the Middle and New
Kingdoms were placed in the tomb either inside a miniature coffin, just like a
mummy, or inside a shrine-shaped box, a type of container appropriate to a
divine image. As with other images of the deceased, the shabti was an idealised
representation and cannot be regarded as a likeness of the owner.
However, the notion which ultimately came to dominate was that of the
shabti taking the owner’s place in carrying out manual labour in the afterlife.
Ancient Egyptian civilisation was based essentially on agriculture, and this in
turn depended on irrigation to water and fertilise the fields along the banks of
the Nile. In order that this system might function smoothly, all Egyptians were
subject to statutory labour by the authority of the king, and were required to
spend a certain period each year maintaining dykes, channels and irrigation
basins. Since the afterlife was thought to replicate many of the features of the
earthly environment and its social hierarchy, it was expected that a similar oblig-
ation to carry out agrarian labour might be imposed by the gods on the transfig-
ured dead. Naturally, the deceased hoped to avoid this unpleasant contingency,
and it became the shabti’s role to relieve the owner of this duty. During the New
Kingdom and later, shabtis were equipped for their work with hoes, grain baskets
and sometimes a yoke and water pots; these tools were sometimes provided as
models of the real thing, or, more often, carved or painted on the figures. Begin-
ning in the New Kingdom, shabtis came to be regarded principally as slaves of
their owner. This is reflected in texts such as the bill of sale (see p. 116), where
they are described as ‘male and female slaves’, and in the adoption of the term
ushebti — derived from the verb ‘to answer’, and recalling the figure’s response to
the summons to work.
The functioning of shabtis was dependent on a magical incantation (the so-
called ‘shabti spell’), first attested in the 12th Dynasty (c. 1900 Bc), when it
appears as spell 472 in the great collection of funerary literature known as the
Coffin Texts. The earliest copies of the spell so far known are found on two
coffins from Deir el-Bersha, one of Gua (in the British Museum) and one of Sepi
(in the Louvre). The text underwent development during the succeeding cen-
turies, and was later incorporated into the Book of the Dead as spell 6. It ensured
that the shabtis performed their duties. There are many variations in wording.
One of the commonest versions of the spell reads:
The shabt’s task was thus particularly to carry out the more onerous and
unpleasant tasks involved in the production of food: breaking up the ground,
watering it and transporting sand. The significance of this ‘sand’ is uncertain.
It is possibly to be equated with the sebakh used by modern Egyptian farmers
as fertiliser; or it may have been used to make irrigation-dykes and field
boundaries. These were the parts of the cultivation process which the deceased
most wished to escape, and it is probably significant that scenes in tombs and
on papyri showing the agricultural labours of the deceased in the Field of Reeds
(see Chapter 1) usually omit these aspects of the work, concentrating on the less
burdensome ploughing, sowing and reaping.
Many smaller shabtis bear only the name and title of the owner, often pre-
ceded by the introductory formula sehedj Wsir ‘glorifying (or ‘illuminating’) the
Osiris, or ‘the illuminated one, the Osiris . . .’. This seems to be a reference to
the transfiguration of the deceased by means of the sun’s rays. Other texts
sometimes occurring on shabtis allude to the owner's desire to see the life-giving
sun, or commemorate the presentation of the figure to the owner by favour of
the king.
The three terms for the figurines, shabti, shawabti and ushebti, are distinct and
were not used interchangeably. Shabti occurs in the late Middle Kingdom and
New Kingdom. Shawabti appears in the 17th Dynasty, but it was never as widely
used as the other words and is chiefly found on figurines made in the 19th
Dynasty at Deir el-Medina on the Theban West Bank. Ushebti is used from the
21st Dynasty to the Ptolemaic Period. The exact interpretation of the terms
shabti and shawabti remains debatable. Two quite different etymologies for shabti
are possible, one deriving from a word for ‘stick’ (perhaps alluding to wood as
the prescribed material for the figures), the other from the word shabr, ‘food’,
perhaps designating the statuettes as procurers of sustenance for the deceased.
Shawabti may also derive from ‘stick’; a connection with shawab, ‘persea tree’
has also been suggested, though there is no firm evidence that the figures were
actually made from this wood. Ushebti first occurred in the 21st Dynasty and
remains the standard term until the figurines ceased to be made. It has been
plausibly connected with the verb wesheb, ‘to answer’ — particu-
larly appropriate in view of the figures’ duty to respond to the
call to work.
The shabti, then, like the tomb and the coffin (see Chapters
5 and 7), was effective on several different levels. It was an
image of the deceased and, as such, could serve as a vehicle for
his ka, through which to receive offerings. It was also a servant,
deputed to carry out tasks which provided sustenance for the
deceased and which he himself wished to escape. The progres-
sive depersonalisation of the shabtis which took place during
the New Kingdom led to the predominance of the latter role,
in which the shabtis were viewed merely as slaves of the owner,
whose services were bought and sold. This notion is clearly
revealed in documents relating to the purchase of shabtis.
Shabtis were made by craftsmen operating in workshops
attached to the temples. A small hieratic papyrus in the British
Museum, dating to the 22nd Dynasty, records that the priest
Nesperennub had purchased a set of shabtis for his deceased
father Ihafy. They had been supplied by the ‘chief modeller of
amulets of the temple of Amun’, Padikhons, who (as his title
76. Wooden tablet inscribed implies) probably also made the faience amulets worn for protection by the
with a hieratic text recording living and included in the wrappings of mummies (see Chapter 6). In this docu-
an oracular decree issued by
ment, Padikhons declares:
the god Amun on behalf of
Neskhons, wife of the high
I have received from you the silver [i.e. the payment] of these 365 shabtis
priest of Amun Pinedjem II
(21st Dynasty, about
and their 36 overseers, 401 in all, to my satisfaction. Male and female
990-969 Bc). The text states slaves are they, and I have received from you their [value in] refined silver,
that the shabti figures have [the price] of the 401 shabtis. [O shabtis] go quickly to work on behalf of
been paid for, and confirms Osiris, for the beloved of the god, the wab-priest Ihafy. Say, ‘we are ready’
that they shall perform their
whenever he will summon you for service of the day.
allotted tasks only for
Neskhons. It is one of two
The payment which the relatives made for the set of shabtis was both the
copies ofthe decree, originally
from the ‘Royal Cache’ at
vendor's remuneration and the ‘wages’ of the figures.
Deir el-Bahri, Thebes, in Further light on the acquisition and function of shabtis comes from a decree,
which Neskhons was buried. recording a judgement given by an oracle of Amun at the temple of Karnak,
H. 28.9 cm. concerning the shabti figures prepared for Neskhons, wife of the high priest of
Amun Pinedjem II (c. 990-969 Bc) in the late 21st Dynasty. The text survives in
two copies written on wooden boards, which were probably deposited with
Neskhons’ shabtis in the ‘Royal Cache’ at Deir el-Bahri (see fig. 76). It states that
the shabtis have been paid for and confirms that they shall perform their
appointed duties on behalf of Neskhons alone. The document thus lends divine
78. The shabtis of the Middle for the word hes, signifying ‘favour’), ankh signs, a sceptre or a piece of folded
Kingdom were made in a cloth. Some of these figures are uninscribed; others simply carry the owner's
range of materials, including
name preceded by the offering formula. The shabzi spell is encountered on only a
stone and wood, and were
few examples at this date, and it is a simple version of the text. One of the earli-
varied in their iconography
and inscriptional content. est shabtis to be inscribed with the spell is that of Renseneb, dating to the 13th
Left to right: Renseneb, Dynasty (see fig. 78).
painted limestone, with
In keeping with the role of the figures as images of the deceased, each was pro-
mutilated hieroglyphs
(see p. 200), from Abydos,
vided with its own miniature coffin, closely imitating the full-size coffins in
about 1750 Bc, H. 23 cm; which mummies were placed.
User, serpentine, provenance
unknown, 12th Dynasty, about
Late Second Intermediate Period
1985-1795 Bc; Senbi, painted
The production of fine shabtis seems to have declined after the 13th Dynasty,
wood, from Meir, 12th
Dynasty, about 1985-1795 Bc; and there may even have been a hiatus in the tradition. However, shabti produc-
lwy, priest of Amun, gilded tion revived at Thebes towards the end of the 17th Dynasty. Some of the fig-
steatite, provenance unknown, urines produced at this period were inferior imitations of shabtis of the Middle
13th Dynasty, about
Kingdom, but the most characteristic specimens were figures of sycomore wood
1795-1650 Bc; name omitted,
stone, 12th Dynasty, about
(or tamarisk), the majority of which were of extremely crude workmanship.
1985-1795 Bc. Many of the figures were mere sticks or offcuts roughly shaped with an adze into
a rudimentary likeness of the mummy. The face was suggested simply by a crude
wedge-shaped projection, and the body was rapidly inscribed in black ink with
the owner's name or the shabti spell. The surprising crudeness of these ‘peg’
shabtis does not disguise the fact that a clear pattern was being followed in their
production, in which prescribed shape (however
simplified), material, and words of power took
precedence over fine craftsmanship in making
the figures effective. Like the earlier shabtis, these
examples were generally enclosed in a miniature
coffin, either of wood or mud. These containers
were usually rectangular but sometimes roughly
imitated the anthropoid rishi style in vogue at
the time (see Chapter 7) (see fig. 79). Relatively
few examples of this type have been found in
context and it is apparent that not all were
placed in the burial chamber. At the tomb of
Tetiky at Thebes (early 18th Dynasty), shabtis
were discovered buried in the courtyard of the
tomb. Their inscriptions contained the names of
relatives who had evidently dedicated the figures
to the deceased.
New Kingdom
In the 18th Dynasty, the production of fine
shabtis was resumed, and the figurines were pro-
vided for a wider range of individuals (see fig.
79. Crudely shaped wooden 74). One of the most significant innovations of the period was that shabtis began
shabti with miniature to be provided for kings. The earliest is a large limestone figurine inscribed for
rectangular coffin. These
King Ahmose I (c. 1550-1525 Bc), founder of the 18th Dynasty and inscribed
rough figurines were placed
in tombs in the 17th and early with the shabti spell (see fig. 80). From the reign of Amenhotep II (c.
18th Dynasties. They were 1427-1400 Bc) the number of shabtis placed in the king’s tomb began to
frequently inscribed in ink increase steadily.
with the shabti spell. Late
Shabtis of the early 18th Dynasty resembled those of the Middle Kingdom, but
17th to early 18th Dynasty,
about 1600-1500 Bc.
there was much greater variety in material and form (see fig. 81). The majority
Provenance unknown. L. 17.5 were made in stone and painted wood, but faience and pottery grew in popular-
cm. ity. The period is particularly notable for the significant developments which
occurred in iconography. After the middle of the 18th Dynasty the crossed hands
— previously an optional feature — were regularly depicted. The most important
innovation was the representation of the agricultural tools which were required
for the shabti to perform its tasks. These were hoes, and baskets or bags for grain
suspended from a yoke. At first individual models of these tools were made from
bronze or faience, and placed in the tomb for the figures to take up when
required. Withina short time, however, these items began to be carved or painted
on the shabti itself, which was generally represented holding two hoes in its hands
80. Limestone shabti figure and grasping cords from which one or two grain baskets hung. This development
of King Ahmose I. The piece seems to have begun about the reign of Tuthmosis IV (c. 1400-1390 Bc), whose
is in the austere style of the
shabtis are the first datable ones to have the tools. The baskets were at first shown
early New Kingdom, and
the inscription consists of at the front, but by the reign of Tutankhamun (c. 1336-1327 Bc) they had been
the shabti spell. This is the transferred to the back, hanging over the shoulder.
earliest known shabti figure The figures were often inscribed with the text of the shabzi spell in horizontal
to have been made for a king.
lines around the body and legs. During the 18th Dynasty the version of the text
18th Dynasty, about
1550-1525 sc. H. 30 cm.
codified as spell 6 of the Book of the Dead became the standard text for shabtis.
This emphasised the role of the shabti as a servant, just as did the inclusion of
81. Limestone shabti of the tools, but the older notion of it as a substitute for its owner still remained strong.
priest Nefer, with the shabti One manifestation of this is the continuing close parallelism between the
spell inscribed on the body.
iconography of shabtis and that of anthropoid coffins which also acted as eternal
This example is typical of
the finer figurines of the images of their owners. Many shabtis of the early 18th Dynasty bore painted
18th Dynasty. About images and texts in blue, yellow and red on a white background, closely resem-
1500-1400 sc. H. 24.5 cm. bling the coffins of the same period; on some shabtis the similarity was enhanced
by the depiction of transverse ‘mummy-bands’ and a vulture on the breast, again
features of contemporary coffins. Later specimens had details in gold leaf or
yellow paint on a black background in clear imitation of the coffins of the later
82. Miniature double shabti
coffin of Montu. In keeping
with their role as substitutes
for the deceased, the figurines
were often enclosed in
miniature coffins, modelled
on those used for human Slax. E j
= Reh y \
bodies. In this case the fine
gilded steatite shabti of
Montu was placed in a small
anthropoid coffin, which in
turn lay inside a rectangular
coffin carved with figures of
protective deities. Mid to late
18th Dynasty, about
1450-1380 Bc. From a tomb
shaft at Sheikh Abd-el-Qurna,
Thebes. L. of outer coffin
11.4 cm.
18th to early 19th Dynasties (see Chapter 7). On others the natural colour of
the stone or wood was left exposed. The containers for shabtis also continued to
imitate coffins, both anthropoid and rectangular types. A few shabtis for persons
of high status were even enclosed in nests of miniature coffins comprising a rec-
tangular outer case and an inner one of anthropoid shape (see fig. 82).
Although under Akhenaten (c. 1352-1336 Bc), traditional conceptions of the
83. Four wooden shabtis of afterlife based on Osiris were repudiated, shabtis continued to be made, both for
Khons, captain of the barque the king and his subjects. The shabtis of Akhenaten himself usually bear only the
of Amun, with their original
king’s names and titles and avoid standard features of shabti iconography, but
boxes. The tall, shrine-shaped
box was introduced as a
those of non-royal persons were more conventional, retaining their agricultural
container for shabtis in about tools. Some are inscribed with the shabzi spell, although others have a special for-
the reign of Amenhotep III, mula in which the Aten (the divine solar disc) is invoked to provide funerary
and gradually superseded the offerings, and the deceased is promised the benefits of the ‘gentle breeze of the
use of miniature coffins.
north wind’ (see fig. 84). According to Akhenaten’s doctrine, resurrection was to
Late 18th Dynasty, about
1400-1300 sc. From Thebes. be obtained not through Osiris but through the daily rising (i.e. rebirth) of the
H. ofboxes 30.5, 35.5 cm. Aten, although the precise role of the shabti in this system of belief remains
A legacy of the Amarna period was the appearance of more richly detailed
shabtis, often with large elaborate wigs of the kind worn on festal occasions. At
the height of the New Kingdom some unusual forms were created, including the
double shabti (see fig. 85), often comprising figures of a husband and wife side
by side as though together on a bed, and the shabti kneeling and grinding corn.
At the same period, several fine shabtis included a representation of the ba bird
spreading its wings over the body (as in the vignette from the Book of the Dead
showing the 6a rejoining the mummy: fig. 10). This image reinforced the notion
84. Painted ebony wood shabti of 86. Steatite shabti of the Master of the Horse,
Hatsherit, Chantress of the Aten. Sunur. In the 19th Dynasty, a number ofshabtis
The owner's title suggests that the abandoned the mummiform appearance and
figurine was made during the reign represented the owner as a living individual —a
of Akhenaten (about 1352-1336 Bc). phenomenon also encountered in the development
A number of examples from this of coffins at that period. This example shows
period were inscribed with a Sunur dressed in the wig, pleated robe and sandals
modified version of the shabti spell, of aman of high rank. His crossed arms embrace
created in order to reflect the his 6a. 19th Dynasty, about 1275 Bc. Provenance
unorthodox concept ofthe afterlife unknown. H. 21.4 cm.
which was promoted by the king.
This specimen, however, retains the
traditional form of words and even
describes Hatsherit as ‘revered with
Osiris’, indicating that proscription
of orthodox funerary beliefs was
not total in the Amarna period.
Es 23cm.
of the shabti as the substitute of its owner; a further variation on this theme was
the shabti lyingon a lion-bier, again accompanied by the da. A fine specimen of
this type was found in the tomb of Tutankhamun (c. 1336-1327 Bc).
Fine, individually crafted shabtis of stone and painted wood continued to be
made in the 19th Dynasty. Among the finest were those produced for the mem-
bers of the royal tomb-builders community at Deir el-Medina. These often had
polychrome decoration on a white or yellow background. Many shabtis contin-
ued the iconography of the 18th Dynasty, with crossed arms, hoes, baskets and
the shabti spell. A new type was also introduced at the beginning of the 19th
Dynasty, representing the owner as a living person in the elaborate pleated robes
and full wig, collar and bracelets of festal occasions (see fig. 86). This develop-
ment again reflects a comparable trend in coffins and sarcophagi, which seems to
focus particularly in the reigns of Ramesses I, Sety I and Ramesses II (c.
1295-1213 Bc) (see Chapter 7). Sometimes the iconography of the standard
shabti was completely transcended by depicting the hands laid flat on the thighs,
but in most instances the hands were still crossed on the breast. Some hold hoes,
while others grasp amulets or embrace the ba-bird which is carved in high relief
on the breast.
During this period there was a marked increase in the number of shabtis
provided for each burial. This coincided with a reduction in the size of
figures and a simplification of the manufacturing techniques. Many
shabtis were now crudely modelled, and were often of painted pot-
tery or faience (see fig. 87). Among the largest known teams from
the 19th Dynasty is the set made for Henutmehyt, comprising
forty wooden and pottery shabtis in four boxes (see fig. 88).
Here already, quantity takes precedence over quality, for in
workmanship Henutmehyt’s figures are inferior to those of
the Deir el-Medina craftsmen. The painted wooden type
each box containing one or two shabtis. The British Museum possesses a good
early example of a set housed in this manner, comprising four wooden shabtis
made for Khons, captain of the barque of Amun (see fig. 83). These were finely
carved, and each pair was stored in the tomb in a tall unpainted wooden box.
Oddly, the boxes are not a matching pair, being of unequal height. Some of the
earlier shrine-shaped boxes have panelled ‘palace facade’ decoration
or a single line of inscription, while others carry depictions of
mummiform figures. The shrine-shaped box remained the standard
shabti container during the 19th and 20th Dynasties, and to
accommodate the increasing number of shabtis in these periods it
took the form of two or three (occasionally even four) such shrines
joined side by side. The boxes were mounted on flat or sledge-
shaped bases, and decorated with figured scenes in polychrome or
yellow on a black background. The subjects most commonly repre-
sented include the deceased seated with his wife, offering to deities,
or receiving food and drink from a goddess in a sycomore-tree. In
place of wooden boxes, pottery jars were sometimes used as con-
tainers for shabtis in burials of the 19th to 20th Dynasties, notably
at Abydos, el-Amra, Gurob and Sedment. These ‘shabti jars’ resem-
ble canopic jars, with lids in the form of the heads of the Sons of
Horus (here perhaps acting as representatives of the cardinal points
of the heavens, rather than as protectors of the viscera), and con-
tained from six to twelve crude pottery shabtis (see fig. 90).
individual figures were usually small in size and crudely made (see
fig. 91). The majority of examples were made of faience, and both
workers and overseers were mass-produced in moulds. Their propor-
tions were often poor, with large heads and feet and flat backs; the
details of face, wig and tools were crudely painted. They wear a tri-
partite wig, and from the middle of the 21st Dynasty this is bound
by a fillet tied at the back of the head; otherwise only the hoes and
basket were represented. Although the shabti spell continued to be
included, the text was often garbled or incomplete, and on many
examples it was replaced by the short sehedj-formula, simply fol-
lowed by the title and name of the deceased.
Most shabtis of this period were covered with a blue or green
glaze. Figurines of the 21st Dynasty were usually blue, and among
them may be distinguished those made for the ruling high priests of
Amun and their relatives, most of whom were ultimately buried in
the ‘Royal Cache’ at Deir el-Bahri. The glaze of these ushebtis is of an
intense blue (‘Deir el-Bahri blue’). Comparable ushebtis of paler
colour were provided for the kings of the 21st Dynasty buried at
Tanis, and the royal tombs there also yielded a number of very small
ushebtis of bronze. This type, however, seems to have been short-
lived, and in the 22nd Dynasty faience shabtis, often with a predom-
inantly green glaze, remained the norm. The finest specimens of this
period have the text of the shabti spell written in horizontal lines on
the body and legs but many bear only the owner’s name and titles in
a vertical column on the front.
With the growing number of figurines, their containers increased
in size commensurately. The double or triple shrine-shaped boxes
continued into the 21st Dynasty, although the decoration was often
austere, with a single panel of inscription in black on a white back-
ground. The multiple shrine form was often illusory, and frequently
91. Blue-glazed faience the boxes contained no internal division, the shabtis being unceremoniously
‘worker’ ushebti of the high heaped inside. During the 21st and 22nd Dynasties the shape of the boxes was
priest of Amun Pinedjem II.
After the New Kingdom, the
further simplified. New types had flat lids and shallow rounded end-boards, the
concept of ushebtis as slaves exterior painted white or black, with a simple panel ofinscription containing the
of their owner, rather than deceased’s name and titles.
personal substitutes,
predominated. Late 21st
Ushebtis in the Late Period
Dynasty, about 990-969 Bc.
From the “Royal Cache’ By the end of the Third Intermediate Period, the faience and pottery ushebtis
at Deir el-Bahri, Thebes. had declined in size and craftsmanship to an unprecedented degree. The typical
H. 16.8 cm. figurines of the 25th Dynasty were small and very crudely shaped, often without
glaze, and uninscribed. They were usually stored in pairs of wooden boxes with a
flat lid, on which one or two boats were painted. The sides of the box usually
carried an inscription in vertical or horizontal lines, sometimes accompanied by
a figured scene. An alternative type of ushebti box imitated the shape of the rec-
tangular outer coffins of the 25th to 26th Dynasties, with vaulted lid and posts
at the corners (see Chapter 7).
The Kushite rulers who dominated Egypt throughout the 25th Dynasty fos-
tered a revival of earlier traditions in art, architecture and literature. This
‘archaising’ tendency was already present in the eighth century Bc but was accel-
erated in the Kushite period and extended to embrace a wide range of manifesta-
tions of material culture. One consequence of this trend was a major change in
the iconography of ushebtis. The ushebtis made for the earlier Kushite kings Piy,
Shabaqo and Shabitgo (c. 747—690 Bc), discovered in their pyramid tombs at el-
Kurru in Nubia, show the evolution of a new form. The mummiform ‘worker
ushebtis are very simplified in shape, having no arms, hands or tools, although
overseer figures were still represented as living individuals. Shabaqo’s workers
especially show the emergence of a new mummiform image soon to be more
widely used. It is characterised by a large, broad face with a heavy beard, and a
flat-topped tripartite wig. The proportions and features of these 25th Dynasty
royal ushebtis clearly drew inspiration from sculptures of the Middle Kingdom,
and this became even more apparent in the reign of Tahargo (c. 690-664 Bc),
whose pyramid at Nuri yielded a remarkable series of stone ushebtis in granite,
calcite and serpentine. These were of large size, with a bold iconography and
they were inscribed with a clearly ‘archaising’ version of the shabti spell, which
revived the full phraseology of earlier periods. Comparable figures were made for
the highest ranking officials at Thebes, including the God’s Wives of Amun, and
the officials Montuemhat, Pedeamenemope and Harwa (see fig. 92).
The production of stone ushebtis did not continue for long after the 25th
Dynasty, but the innovations of that period brought about the establishment of
a new standardised type, which was extensively produced in faience and which
remained in use from the reign of Psamtek I (664-610 Bc) until the Ptolemaic
Period. These figures, usually of green (less often blue) faience, are distinguished
by the tall, slender body, long plaited beard, long tripartite wig without fillet, a
pronounced smile and by the inclusion of elements derived from stone sculpture
— a pedestal beneath the feet and a rectangular pillar supporting the back (see
fig. 93). The toolkit of most early examples is restricted to two hoes and a basket
suspended over the left shoulder on a cord, but after the reign of Psamtek II
many figures hold a hoe in the right hand and a pointed pick in the left. The
inscription is often the shabzi spell incised in horizontal lines around the body, or
a shorter vertical text on the front, giving the name and parentage of the
deceased. Both types occur within a single burial outfit.
94. Faience ushebti figures as These figures, like their precursors, were produced in moulds, and the quality
found in the undisturbed of the workmanship varies. Full sets of 401 have been found in several tombs of
tomb of the Kanefer family
the 26th to 27th Dynasties at Saqqara and Abusir, notably those of Hekaemsaf,
at Saqqara. The increase in
number of figures per burial Tjanehebu, Psamtek-meryptah and Iufaa. The iconographic distinction between
after the New Kingdom led workers and overseers soon disappeared — the latest examples of overseers occur
to the production oflarge among the ushebtis made for Divine Adoratresses of Amun of the 26th Dynasty,
wooden boxes, in which
buried at Medinet Habu — but the concept may have persisted. Possibly the vari-
ushebtis were stored in the
tomb. In some cases, as here, ations in inscription (or its absence in a proportion of examples) might reflect
the figures were arranged the difference. The figures were stored in wooden boxes, sometimes placed in
standing in rows around the special niches in the walls of the tomb, or arrayed standing in ranks around the
walls of the burial chamber, as
tomb chamber (see fig. 94).
though awaiting the summons
to work for their master. Late The majority of these late ushebtis have been found at sites in the north of
Period, about 664-305 Bc. Egypt. There are relatively few from Thebes, and those are of inferior type, such
as the ushebtis of Ankh-hor the Chief Steward of the Divine Adoratress, who was
buried about 586 Bc. This reflects the steady decline in the importance of
Thebes which followed the reunification of Egypt by Psamtek I (664-610 Bc).
Most of the ushebtis of this period were made for men, in striking contrast to the
situation in the New Kingdom and Third Intermediate Period, when a high pro-
portion of ushebtis were provided for women. Kings continued to be provided
with ushebtis at least until the 29th Dynasty; examples have the royal nemes
headdress but otherwise are not distinguished from non-royal specimens.
Stylistic evolution of ushebtis during the Late Period was limited, and was
confined mainly to variations in the disposition of the text. A T-shaped arrange-
ment, with one horizontal line above one vertical line on the front, appears to be
characteristic of the Persian period, having been introduced during the mid-5th
century BC.
One of the most remarkable variations on the basic form of these figurines is
that of the animal-headed shabit. Some of these owed their existence to the prac-
tice of burying sacred animals in a fashion modelled on the ritual burial of
humans, a custom which was carried out with increasing elaboration from the
New Kingdom to the Roman Period, as described in Chapter 8. The most elabo-
rate of these animal burials was that of the Apis bull, which was mummified and
interred in a sarcophagus, accompanied by many of the trappings of a human
burial, including canopic jars, amulets and jewellery. Some Apis bull burials at
Saqgara included shabtis with a mummiform human body and the head of the
bull. The provision of these figurines probably reflects the intention to assimilate
the burial of the bull to that of ahuman corpse.
A few other animal-headed shabtis are known, but a different explanation for
these is required, since they were inscribed with the names and titles of officials
of the New Kingdom. The Overseer of Cattle of Amun Thutmose (19th
Dynasty), whose tomb was at Tuna el-Gebel, had shabti figures with baboon and
jackal heads, which were probably part of a set representing the Sons of Horus.
Although the principal role of these deities was to protect the internal organs
(see Chapter 2), they, like the shabti, also ensured that the deceased was provided
with nourishment, and the figurines of Thutmose may have been a concrete rep-
resentation of this notion. Another canine-headed shabti was found at Asyut, the
cult-centre of the jackal-god Wepwawet. This example was perhaps dedicated by
its owner, the scribe Nahuher, as a votive offering to the local deity.
Despite the increasing emphasis, from the New Kingdom onwards, on the
shabti as a servant or slave for the deceased in the afterlife, the concept of the fig-
urines as substitutes or representatives of their owners persisted throughout this
period. The strong belief in this function led to the depositing of shabtis in
places of special sanctity other than in the tomb, in order to enable the owner to
participate in the rituals and benefit from the offerings made at the holy place of
a god such as Osiris. In consequence, deposits of shabtis have been found buried
at sites such as Abydos and the Memphite necropolis. This practice had already
begun in the Middle Kingdom. The owners of the figurines were mainly kings
or officials of high rank, and the shabtis could be deposited in a container, such
as a jar or miniature coffin, in holes in the ground or close to a monument such
as a tomb or stela.
Large numbers of shabtis were found in the Serapeum at Saqqara, the burial
place of the Apis bulls. In an intact sepulchre containing the mummy of a bull
which died in year thirty of the reign of Ramesses II (c. 1279-1213 Bc), shabtis
inscribed with the names and titles of many high officials of the realm were dis-
covered. Some of these were in the burial chamber and others actually inside the
sarcophagus of the bull. Many bore the name of Prince Khaemwaset, who dis-
played special interest in the burial place of the bulls, while others commemo-
rated high ranking Memphite officials and their wives. The shabtis seem to have
been placed there to give their owners a physical presence at this holy place.
Caches of shabtis have also been found elsewhere in the Memphite necropolis,
at Giza and Saqqara. The placing of shabtis there brought the owner close to ‘the
great tribunal of Rosetjau’. The term Rosetjau (‘The Entrance of subterraean
passages’) denoted any hole or shaft in the ground (principally tomb shafts but
also natural features) which was believed to be an entrance to the netherworld.
The Memphite necropolis was ‘the domain of the god Sokat who was called
“Lord of Rosetjau”’, and it is likely that the depositing of shabris close to the
entrances to the subterranean realm was done in order to bring the deceased into
direct proximity to the god as he entered the netherworld.
Another site where many non-sepulchral shabtis have been discovered is
Abydos. This was important as the traditional burial place of the god Osiris. As
early as the Middle Kingdom, the tomb of King Djer (c. 3000 Bc) in the royal
cemetery of the Early Dynastic Period at Umm el-Qa‘ab was re-identified as the
sepulchre of Osiris, and Abydos became a place of pilgrimage. Many stelae and
chapels were set up on the terrace of the temple of Osiris during this period (see
Chapter 5). Some of these incorporated statuettes in high relief representing the
dedicator and relatives as living persons or as mummies, and these were probably
the forerunners of the use of shabtis in this context. Individual
statuettes inscribed with the shabti spell were being buried in holes
in the area of the Umm el-Qa‘ab in the late 12th and early 13th
Dynasties, and this tradition continued in the New Kingdom.
Small hills near the tomb of Djer have yielded many shabtis of offi-
cials of the 18th and 19th Dynasties, some of them placed in jars.
The archaeologist Flinders Petrie found many very fine shabris
with bronze hoes, baskets and yokes in a mound near the Old
Kingdom mastaba tomb of Emdjadja. He named it Heqreshu Hill
after the owner of some of the finest shabtis and tools (see fig. 95).
A number of shabtis from Abydos are inscribed with a special text,
in which the gods who are with Osiris (perhaps meaning the
dead kings of the Early Dynastic Period buried at Umm el-Qa‘ab)
are petitioned to intercede on the deceased’s behalf so that he
should obtain a share of the food offerings made to Osiris at the
wag-festival (an annual festival of Osiris which took place at Peger,
the god’s traditional burial place at Umm el-Qa‘ab). The text also
emphasises that it is the deceased’s shabtis who shall labour in his
place when the summons to work comes. This text is known as the
Amenhotep III formula, since it is chiefly on shabtis of that king
that it occurs, but variants of it are occasionally found on shabtis of
private individuals.
The multi-titled official Qenamun, who served Amenhotep II
(c. 1427-1400 Bc), possessed a large number of exceptionally fine
shabtis. Besides those from his tomb at Thebes, he also had
groups of shabtis in model coffins buried close to the royal tombs
at Umm el-Qa‘ab. Another large group of about sixty shabtis or
shabti-like figures with his name and titles were found at Zawiyet
Abu Mesallam, between Giza and Abu Gurob. Many of these fig-
ures are inscribed with a text-formula stating that they were a
donation to Qenamun from the king, and hence they must have
been made in the royal workshops (see fig. 96).
Another series of extra-sepulchral shabtis comes from the
Theban necropolis. Several of these limestone and wooden figures
95. Copper shabti of Tuny. The eyes were inlaid with glass and the stripes of
the wig originally contained a blue pigment. Apart from a few examples made
for kings, bronze shabtis are rare, and this example was dedicated at the holy
city of Abydos as a means of enabling its owner to share in the offerings made
to Osiris there. 18th to 19th Dynasty, about 1300-1200 sc. H. 17.7 cm.
are inscribed with the names of kings including Ramesses II (c. 1279-1213 Be),
Merenptah (c. 1213-1203 Bc) and Ramesses IX (c. 1126-1108 Bc). Figures of
this type are associated with deposits in the Wadi Qubbanet el-Qirud, south of
Deir el-Bahri, a spot later used as a burial place for corn-mummies and hence
perhaps related to the Osirian Khoiak mysteries (see Chapters 1 and 6). This
interpretation is supported by the inscriptions, which mention the god Sokar,
who was prominent in the mysteries, and most of the statuettes have the white
crown, the headgear prescribed in texts relating to the ritual. Since none of these
statuettes actually carry the shabzi spell, their identification as shabtis might even
be questioned, although, as the preceding survey has shown, those figurines could
fulfil a wide range of magical functions on behalf of the individual represented.
_ he tomb was the physical setting for the eternal afterlife of the
deceased. It fulfilled the two most essential requirements, those of providing a
permanent resting-place in which the body lay protected from thieves and scav-
engers, and a setting for the cult, where the ritual acts which were intended to
ensure eternal life could be performed (see fig. 97). The importance of construct-
ing and equipping a tomb is emphasised repeatedly in ancient Egyptian writings.
The ‘instructions attributed to Prince Hardjedef (probably 5th Dynasty, c. 2300 Bc)
state: ‘Make good your dwelling in the graveyard, make worthy your station in
the West. . . the house of death is for life’. Since this new life was to be unending,
the tomb ideally should last for ever, and this was reflected in the ancient termi-
nology, which described it as the “House of Eternity’ (see Chapter 1).
The dual function of the Egyptian tomb is clearly reflected in its architecture,
in spite of the many changes in form and construction which occurred over a
period of approximately 3000 years. In all but the poorest graves, two compo-
nents can be recognised. The first is the burial chamber, sealed after the funeral,
which contained the body, the coffin and the most essential funerary equipment;
this was usually located below ground level (although in a few kings’ pyramids of
the 4th Dynasty the burial chamber was in the mass of the superstructure). The
second was a cult place — usually a chapel located within the superstructure of
the tomb — which remained accessible to relatives, priests and casual visitors. For
kings, a temple, built adjacent to or close by the tomb, replaced the chapel. The
focus of the cult place was the false door or stela, the point of transition between
this world and the next. Here, at the performance of the offering ritual, food,
drink and other essentials were placed on the offering table, accompanied by
appropriate words and actions, and the ka of the deceased was believed to pass in
disembodied state from the burial chamber to the offering-place. There it could
inhabit a statue (either in the chapel itself or in an adjacent chamber, the serdab),
in order to partake of the provisions. This ritual was supposed to be performed
p= :
97. Rituals performed on the regularly, but even if it were neglected the architecture, decoration and equip-
day of burial. At the right is ment of the tomb encompassed alternative methods of ensuring that the service
the entrance to the tomb,
of the dead continued.
with a schematised depiction
of a frieze of funerary cones The arrangement of the different components of the tomb changed through
over the door. In front of this, time, and differed according to the status and personal wealth of the owner. The
priests support the mummies earliest burials, both of kings and their subjects, comprised a pit dug in the level
of the two tomb-owners in
ground of the desert fringe, covered by a superstructure of earth, mud-brick or
their black-varnished
anthropoid coffins. Libations
stone. The most developed form of this type, the mastaba tomb, remained in use
of purifying water are poured, for non-royal persons as late as the Middle Kingdom, but tombs with free-stand-
and at the foot of each coffin ing superstructures continued until the end of the pharaonic period. The most
crouches the lamenting elaborate examples reproduced many of the architectural features of a cult temple.
widow. The woman on the
From the Old Kingdom to the beginning of the New Kingdom, kings were
left has exposed her breast and
is casting dust on her head as buried in pyramid tombs, comprising a massive superstructure of stone or mud-
a sign of mourning. Copy ofa brick with adjacent mortuary temple or chapel. In the New Kingdom, the pyra-
scene in the tomb chapel of mid ceased to be a royal prerogative, and small brick pyramids were incorporated
Nebamun and Ipuky at
into private tombs.
Thebes, late 18th Dynasty,
about 1380 Bc.
A third major type of sepulchre was the rock-cut tomb. These were hewn into
the cliffs and wadis bordering the Nile. Originally made for non-royal persons
only, the type was adapted in the New Kingdom for the burials of kings.
for the maintenance of the royal ka. The ritual acts performed in these structures
centred on a statue which served as the physical embodiment of a deity or a
king, and the maintenance of these cults was directly linked with the survival of
the universe, and the perpetuation of maat (see Chapter 1). Because of this role,
temples and chapels, in one way or another, were conceived as cosmograms, i. e.
miniaturised representations of the Egyptian cosmos. This was a means of relat-
ing the cult acts performed within the temple or chapel to the universe as a
whole, and of ensuring thereby the effectiveness of those rites. This underlying
significance accounts for much of the architectural form, layout and wall-decora-
tion of the cult temples of the gods.
In a differing degree the same principles underlay the design and decoration
of tomb chapels of the élite at several periods of Egyptian history. The tomb, like
the temple, was a place in which cult practices were performed, here before a
statue of the deceased. The ritual not only guaranteed the rebirth and nourish-
ment of the dead in the afterlife but placed this rebirth in the broader context of
the perpetuation of the cosmos, a feature highly characteristic of Egyptian
notions of human existence (see Chapter 1).
Because of this cosmogonic significance, the location, architecture, ‘decora-
tion’ and fittings of the tomb had to conform to prescribed patterns. The most
fundamental condition to be fulfilled was the orientation of the burial place, and
attention to this aspect is apparent from prehistoric times. Predynastic graves, as
well as mastaba tombs of the pharaonic period, were deliberately orientated
north-south. The positioning of the body was the factor which determined the
orientation of the grave-mound or tomb superstructure. In the Predynastic
period, the body might be placed with the head to the south or to the north, and
with the face turned either to the west or to the east, but the importance of the
north-south alignment remained consistent. In the dynastic period, it became
standard to position the body with the head to the north and the face towards
the east, a consequence of the growing importance of solar aspects of the after-
life. The deceased was thus positioned looking from the west, the realm of the
setting sun and the dead, towards the rising sun (symbol of rebirth) and the
world of the living, from which direction his offerings were brought. The impor-
tance attached to this east-west orientation led to the painting of a pair of eyes
on the eastern side of the coffin in the late Old Kingdom and Middle Kingdom,
and the placing of the mummy itself on its left side in order to align the face
with the eyes on the coffin (see Chapter 7). Moreover, although the superstruc-
ture of tombs might continue to be orientated north-south, like the corpse, the
principal internal features of the tomb came to be arranged on an east-west axis,
so that visitors and officiating priests entered the chapel from the east and pro-
ceeded towards the stela, which was both the focal point of the cult and the
interface between the worlds of the living and the dead.
The local orientation of the Nile was often used as a guide to the establish-
ment of the cardinal points, just as is done today in Egyptian villages. Deviations
from a north-south flow coincide with variations in the positioning of tombs;
this is clear at sites such as Abydos and Naga ed-Deir, where Early Dynastic
tombs are aligned north-west: south-east, precisely reflecting the orientation of
the river in this area. For major monuments such as the pyramids of kings,
however, it is clear that orientation was not dependent solely on the position of
the Nile, but on astronomical observations.
The architecture and iconography of the tomb also conveyed the notion of its
cosmic significance. At various periods tombs resembled temples in architecture,
design and iconography. Already in the 12th Dynasty, the tombs of provincial
governors at Qaw display architectural features characteristic of temples, and
more developed versions are represented by élite tombs of the New Kingdom
and Late Period. Not only the architecture, but also the wall-decoration of the
tomb played a major part in realising its cosmogonic significance. The 12th
Dynasty tomb chapel of the official Khnumhotep II at Beni Hasan illustrates
this. Scenes of hunting, fowling and agriculture in river, floodplain, marsh and
desert reproduce the local environment in which Khnumhotep lived (his ‘per-
sonal cosmos’). In some scenes he carries out roles appropriate to the king — the
‘royal cosmos’. The wall scenes representing the earthly environment also served
as the basis for a projection of the cosmos as a whole, supplemented by more
indirect allusions to the celestial regions in which the sun god travels, and the
subterranean Duat or underworld. Hence a tomb chapel can be interpreted as a
projection of several cosmoi simultaneously — scenes such as the deceased fishing
and fowling in the marshes can be read both as ‘good wishes’ for the future state
and also as symbols of the establishing of order over chaos, in which the dead
man fulfills the role of the king and the gods, subduing and controlling the ‘dis-
order’ of the natural world. Many of these scenes, of course, also functioned as
magical substitutes for the objects depicted so as to provide for the needs of the
deceased in the afterlife (as explained in Chapter 3), but this in no way conflicts
with the interpretation of the tomb chapel as cosmogram, since a recurrent char-
acteristic of Egyptian representations is that they convey meaning on more than
one symbolic level simultaneously. With the continued development of tombs in
the New Kingdom and Late Period, the cosmogonic symbolism was increasingly
reflective of the parallelism and interaction between the realms of Ra and Osiris,
through whom rebirth was expected to be achieved (see below).
throughout the year. The regions in which the dead were buried were regarded as
enjoying the special protection of the gods, a notion which is reflected in the
standard term for ‘cemetery’, kheret-netjer (literally, ‘that which is under the god’
or ‘that which the god possesses’). Most cemeteries lay on the west bank of the
Nile, the region of the setting sun, regarded symbolically as the realm of the
dead. A few cemeteries, however, were located on the east bank. The situation of
some of these may have been influenced by the availability of cliffs and wadis
there suitable for the cutting of rock-tombs, as at Beni Hasan and Deir
el-Bersha. In special cases, such as the tombs at el-Amarna, unusual religious
concepts dictated the choice of site.
Since the tomb was to reflect the owner’s position in the cosmos, it had to
manifest his place within the structure of Egyptian society. The persistence of
social hierarchies beyond death is manifested in the positioning of tombs, both
at national and local levels. Persons of very high status, who formed the royal
entourage, were buried close to the king at several periods, notably in the Early
Dynastic Period, at the height of the Old Kingdom and during the 12th
Dynasty. Other people were buried in the place where they had lived or held
office. Within a particular cemetery, graves of important people generally occu-
pied the more prominent locations, which acted as focal points around which
the graves of persons of lower rank were grouped. In the First Intermediate
Period, when the influence of the kings was reduced and that of local governors
relatively high, provincial cemeteries show a progressive trend towards a spatial
distribution based on links to persons of high status. This is even more clearly
seen in the Middle Kingdom. At sites such as Deir el-Bersha, the tombs of the
governors were architecturally the most elaborate and occupied the most impos-
ing sites; in the forecourts of some of these tombs or on the slopes of the hillside
below them were the burials of the attendants who constituted the governor's
‘court’. One such official, interred below the tomb of the governor Ahanakht
specifically records that he built his tomb ‘at the feet of my lord’. The grouping
of officials’ tombs occurs also in the Theban necropolis in the New Kingdom.
Some of these tombs were positioned in a relationship to major royal monu-
ments, such as the mortuary temples of the deceased rulers on the west bank.
The degree to which cemeteries were artificially ‘planned’ varied. Different
areas of a cemetery might be allotted to persons of different social groups, but
such patterns sometimes changed over time, as the use of the site progressed. In
many cases, the individual graves were probably dug only when required, and
not prepared in advance. The excavation or building of a series of graves simulta-
neously with a view to future use was a relatively rare phenomenon. The most
notable instances of this date to the early Old Kingdom, when the tombs of
courtiers were sited close to the pyramids of their masters at Meidum, Dahshur
and Giza, those at the latter site being constructed as part of a pre-planned
installation, centred on the Great Pyramid and its temples. Here, mastaba tombs
were laid out on a grid-plan of ‘streets’ and subsequently allotted to their even-
tual occupants. Although cemetery planning at this level was exceptional, simple
98. The Step Pyramid of complex was built of hewn stone, and the king’s tomb was situated on the desert
king Djoser at Saqqara. edge overlooking the city of Memphis, the principal royal residence and the
This monument, designed,
centre of government. The enclosure replicated the features of the earlier brick
according to later tradition,
by the official Imhotep, funerary ‘palaces’ in stone. The rectangular mound of the 2nd Dynasty mortuary
united for the first time a enclosures was developed by creating a series of superimposed ‘mastabas’ to pro-
number ofelements ofthe duce the Step Pyramid, a symbolic ‘stairway to heaven’ for the king’s spirit (see
royal burial which had
fig. 98). The body was buried beneath the pyramid and the huge surrounding
previously been distinct:
the stepped mound, the
enclosure was the setting for the mortuary cult and for the Sed festival, a ritual in
subterranean burial which the king’s powers were eternally renewed.
apartments, and the palace- Further development under later rulers produced the ‘true’ pyramid with
like enclosure. Throughout smooth, angled sides, constructed of massive limestone blocks. It was set within
the entire complex,
a funerary complex consisting of amortuary temple on the east side of the pyra-
constructional techniques
which had originally been mid, to serve the cult of the dead ruler, and a ‘valley temple’ close to the Nile, in
developed using wood, reed which among other activities the mummification of the king took place. The
and brick were translated into two cult units were linked by a covered causeway. The burial apartments were
stone with remarkable success.
usually within the mass of the pyramid, or, in some cases, beneath it. The devel-
3rd Dynasty, about 2670 Be.
opment of this type of tomb in the reign of Sneferu (c. 2613-2589 Bc) culmi-
nated in the three pyramids of Khufu, Khafra and Menkaura (c. 2589-2503 Bc),
at Giza. The construction of these massive monuments took decades to complete
and involved both professional builders and peasant conscripts. Contrary to
99. The pyramid of Khafra at traditions recorded by classical authors, there is no evidence that the workmen
Giza. During the reign of were coerced. Modern calculation suggest that crews of 2000 men could have
Sneferu, first king of the 4th
accomplished the quarrying, haulage and stone-setting required to complete
Dynasty, the royal pyramid
underwent trasnformation even the largest pyramids at Giza (see fig. 99). Because of the traditional belief
from a stepped structure to a that the dead king would ascend to the circumpolar stars of the northern sky the
true pyramid with smooth entrance was usually still situated in the north face, but the east-west alignment
sides. This became the model of the cult structures emphasised that solar symbolism had also become impor-
for all subsequent kings’
pyramids. 4th Dynasty,
tant. This was further reflected in the shape of the true pyramid. Although it still
about 2558-2532 Bc. reflected the notion of the primeval mound, the true pyramid was also a stylised
replica of the benben, the conical sacred stone kept in the temple of Ra at
Heliopolis. The dead king could ascend to the sky up its smooth faces, as up a
ramp, and for his additional help sacred boats were buried in pits alongside the
pyramid, to convey him to the sky each dawn so that he might travel with the
sun god.
The pyramid form, with its associated temples, was retained for most kings’
burials throughout the 4th, 5th and 6th Dynasties, although the size and construc-
tional standard of the monuments declined after the reign of Menkaura (c.
2532-2503 Bc). A major innovation, however, was the inclusion of hieroglyphic
inscriptions on the chamber-walls of the pyramids of the late Sth and 6th Dynas-
ties. The obscure kings of the First Intermediate Period appear also to have had
100. Funerary complex of pyramid-tombs, but to judge from the scanty traces which survive these were
King Mentuhotep II at Deir very small and of inferior construction.
el-Bahri, Thebes. In place of
King Mentuhotep II (c. 2055-2004 Bc) of the 11th Dynasty reunited Egypt
the rock-cut tombs of his
predecessors, Mentuhotep and constructed at Thebes a highly individual sepulchre of ambitious design.
constructed a large free- This was located in the great natural amphitheatre of Deir el-Bahri, and was
standing funerary monument fronted by a large cult monument dedicated not only to the king but to the
which combined the
deities Amun-Re and Montu-Re (see fig. 100). A stone platform supported a
functions of tomb, mortuary
chapel and cult temple. The
stylised divine booth surrounding a now-lost edifice which may have been a rec-
rectangular terrace originally tangular structure symbolising the primeval mound or, less plausibly, a pyramid.
supported a superstructure, A descending passage led from the rear of the monument to the vaulted burial
now destroyed, which may chamber, under the cliffs. His two successors, Mentuhotep III and IV (ec.
have been a pyramid or
a flat-topped building.
2004-1985 Bc), may have followed the same tradition, but their tombs have not
11th Dynasty, about been definitely identified.
2055-2004 Be. Amenemhat I (c. 1985-1955 Bc), founder of the 12th Dynasty, probably
101. The mortuary cults of began a funerary monument at Thebes, in the style of that of Mentuhotep II,
the New Kingdom rulers were but on transferring the court to Itj-tawy, in northern Upper Egypt, he aban-
maintained in large temples
doned his Theban tomb and constructed instead a pyramid complex at Lisht in
which were physically
separated from the tombs in the style of the late Old Kingdom monuments. His successors of the 12th and
the Valley of the Kings. These 13th Dynasties were also buried in pyramids, situated at various sites around and
temples stretched in a line north of the Faiyum region: Dahshur, Lisht, Saqgara, Lahun and Hawara. These
along the base ofthe cliffs on pyramids were relatively small in size, of inferior construction, and contained no
the Theban West Bank, facing
across the Nile towards the
inscriptions, but several of them possessed complex internal arrangements of
temple of Karnak. Among the passages and chambers intended to foil the attempts of robbers to plunder the
most elaborate was the burials (see below).
Ramesseum, the mortuary The tombs of the Asiatic Hyksos rulers (15th Dynasty), who controlled the
temple of Ramesses II (about
Delta and northern Upper Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period, have
1279-1213 Bc).
not yet been found. They were perhaps buried in tombs of Canaanite type, non-
royal examples of which have been found at their principal centre Tell el-Daba
=Sake pee
paws ea 2 SS o
CS SBS Sewn. SaaS r
26 ES ai e ee
Os Poo WLS Ve
102. The pharaohs of the (Avaris). The rise to power of the Hyksos compelled the native Egyptian rulers of
New Kingdom broke with the contemporaneous 13th Dynasty to abandon the capital of Itj-tawy and to
the tradition of burial in
take up residence at Thebes (from which point in time they are termed the 17th
pyramids. Their tombs, in the
Valley of the Kings at Thebes,
Dynasty). The last few of these kings were buried in tombs with small brick
were extensive rock-cut pyramid-superstructures, in the Dra Abu el-Naga area of the Theban necropolis.
sepulchres, decorated with What appear to be the substructures of some of these tombs, comprising burial
texts and inscriptions chamber, pillared hall and court, have been identified recently.
describing the nocturnal
The New Kingdom rulers were buried in tombs of a new type, cut in the
journey and rejuvenation of
the sun god, with whom the Valley of the Kings on the Theban West Bank. The tombs consisted of a series of
dead king was closely rock-cut passages and chambers, without a superstructure; possibly the promi-
identified. This scene, painted nent local peak of El-Qurn, which dominates the Valley and resembles a natural
on the wall of the burial
pyramid, was regarded as a collective ‘superstructure’ for all the tombs there. The
chamber of Tuthmosis III
(about 1479-1425 Bc) mortuary temples, to serve the cult of the dead kings, were physically separate
shows gods towing the barque from the tombs and were located in the plain on the other side of the cliffs (see
of the sun god in the fig. 101). The internal arrangements of the tombs provide one of the clearest
underworld (Book ofAmduat,
examples of the tomb as cosmogram. They replicated the environment of the
eleventh hour).
underworld through which the sun god journeyed by night (see fig. 102). The
decoration of the walls illustrated and described the episodes of that journey, in
the course of which the sun god (and hence the dead king also by assimilation)
was rejuvenated. The sole exception to this pattern was the tomb of Akhenaten
(c. 1352-1336 Bc), who promoted a religious ‘revolution in which the solar disc
was elevated to the status of sole god. Not only did Akhenaten’s creed deny the
existence of multiple deities, it negated traditional views of the afterlife based on
the mythological cycles of Ra and Osiris. Hence the king’s tomb was situated in
the cliffs east of his new city of Akhetaten (el-Amarna), well away from those of
his orthodox predecessors, and its decoration eschewed all the elements of tradi-
tional iconography. Under Tutankhamun (c. 1336-1327 Bc), the orthodox reli-
gion was restored and the practice of burying the dead ruler in the Valley of the
Kings was resumed.
The Valley of the Kings was abandoned at the end of the 20th Dynasty. The
Delta became the political focus of the kings of the 21st and 22nd Dynasties,
and they chose to be buried at Tanis, the main cult centre of the god Amun in
the north. The tombs comprised stone-built subterranean burial chambers,
probably with cult chapels (now destroyed) above, situated within the enclosure
wall of the temple of Amun. The siting of tombs within temple enclosures also
extended to the burials of royal relatives and high-ranking officials at this period.
The custom was interrupted during the 25th Dynasty (consisting of rulers of
Nubian extraction). Although resident in Egypt and adopting the trappings
of pharaonic rule, they made their tombs in their Nubian homeland at el-Kurru
and Nuri. The tombs themselves revived Egyptian traditions of the distant past,
having small pyramid superstructures and adjacent mortuary temples. The 25th
Dynasty sepulchres are the latest identifiable tombs of Egyptian kings. Textual
evidence indicates that the rulers of the succeeding 26th Dynasty returned to the
practice of constructing their tombs within the enclosure of a cult temple (in this
case, that of the goddess Neith at Sais), but no archaeological remains of them
have been found. It may be that this tradition was continued by later rulers, but
of this there is no proof.
or brick. At this period the walls of an élite tomb at Hierakonpolis, perhaps that
of an early ruler, were decorated with painted scenes of ships, animals and human
figures, the earliest dated instance of wall-decoration in an Egyptian tomb.
The unification of Egypt under a single ruler in about 3100 Bc, brought cen-
tralised government and rapid acceleration in the evolution of social organisa-
tion, writing, and religious practices. This is reflected in the development of
tomb-types at this period, which show greatly increased variation according to
the rank of the owner. The tombs of kings, queens and high officials of the first
two dynasties were much larger than earlier versions, having enormous mud-
brick superstructures containing storage magazines for the vastly increased quan-
tity of funerary equipment now thought necessary. The external faces of these
structures were decorated with palace facade panelling, imitating the recessed
decoration of contemporary élite dwellings. The body was placed in a subter-
ranean burial chamber excavated in the rock and reached by a descending stair-
way. Some tombs at this period incorporated hewn stone, the earliest attested
use of stonework in Egypt. Some of the tombs of the kings were surrounded by
the graves of servants, who were apparently buried at the time of the king’s inter-
ment, suggesting that they may have been put to death in order to accompany
their master into the afterlife. This practice steadily declined and was abandoned
at the end of the 1st Dynasty.
The notion that the deceased dwelt in the grave in physical form — implicit in
the Predynastic custom of placing food, clothing, tools and weapons in the grave
— survived into the Early Dynastic Period, and is manifested in the architecture of
large tombs. The ‘palace facade’ design of early tombs probably reflects this con-
cept, and the idea was carried further in some large mastaba tombs of the 2nd and
3rd Dynasties at Saqqara, Giza and Helwan. The substructures of these comprise
a complex of chambers strongly reminiscent of the plans of the houses of the
living, as exemplified by surviving structures of New Kingdom date at el-Amarna.
In the tombs, the burial chamber is equated with the main bedroom (suggesting
an early conceptual association between death and sleep), while other chambers
represent storerooms, servants quarters and even bathrooms and lavatories.
Old Kingdom
From the 3rd Dynasty, tombs with stone- or brick-built superstructures were the
norm for non-royal individuals of high rank. Like the earlier brick graves, these
tombs had rectangular superstructures, but with the sides inclined at a slight
angle and usually without panelled decoration. This type of tomb was dubbed a
mastaba (Arabic for ‘bench’) by Egyptian workers of the 19th century, after a
perceived resemblance to a type of bench found in front of Egyptian peasant
houses. The substructure of these tombs dispensed with the notion of replicating
living quarters for the dead, and comprised a single large burial chamber reached
by a vertical shaft (see fig. 103). Instead of the continuous panelled decoration of
the earlier superstructures, the early Old Kingdom mastabas had two niches, one
at the northern end, one at the southern end; these served as suitable places for
New Kingdom
Rock-cut tombs (often with little decoration) remained the norm during the
Second Intermediate Period, but important innovations occurred in the New
Kingdom. The early 18th Dynasty tombs in the Theban necropolis developed
from the safftombs constructed there in the Middle Kingdom; some early New
Kingdom tombs were unfinished saff tombs of earlier date, adapted and modi-
fied, such as those of the officials Ineni and Hapuseneb. The saff type was subse-
quently developed by transforming the long narrow space behind the facade into
a self-contained transverse hall — this, together with an axial passage beyond,
constituted the basic type of Theban tomb of the 18th Dynasty, the plan of
which suggested an inverted “T’-shape. The walls of the chambers were painted
and sometimes carved in relief. The transverse entrance hall mainly had scenes
reflecting the environment in which the deceased had lived; these included agri-
cultual scenes, the deceased hunting and fowling, enjoying a banquet, and carry-
ing out his official duties (such as inspecting the products of craftsmen in their
workshops). It is these ‘daily life’ scenes which provide us with much of our
detailed knowledge of ancient Egyptian dress, industries and manners and cus-
toms. The scenes however were not merely commemorative of a life on earth
well-spent. As usual, they conveyed meaning on different levels. They empha-
sised the status of the deceased, reflecting his position in society, and symbolised
aspects of the future existence he hoped for. Fowling in the marshes, for exam-
ple, signified the subjection of chaotic forces by order, in which the deceased ful-
fills the crucial role of the king in maintaining the cosmos. On the walls of the
axial passage the images were usually concerned with funerary themes, mainly
the burial rites and cult of the deceased. This section terminated in a false door
or statue niche, where the rituals were performed. The burial chamber was sub-
terranean, reached via a shaft or passage, and was usually undecorated, though
funerary texts and scenes were occasionally placed there.
During the short-lived religious ‘revolution’ instigated by the pharaoh Akhen-
aten many of the king’s principal courtiers had rock-cut tombs made for them-
selves in the cliffs surrounding the new royal residence city of Akhetaten.
Architecturally these tombs continued the tradition established in the early 18th
Dynasty, but the decoration of the chapels concentrates on the adoration of the
royal family by their subjects, and events in the lives of the tomb-owner. Akhen-
aten’s religion offered mortals only the hope of continuing to exist on earth
under the rays of the sun. Images and texts relating to traditional concepts of the
afterlife were avoided.
After the 18th Dynasty the concept of the tomb changed. There was a shift
away from the earlier ‘commemorative’ function, by which the decoration
sought to confirm the deceased’s setting in the hierarchy of earthly society, and a
corresponding emphasis on the tomb’s religious role, setting the deceased in the
divine environment in which he was to exist after death. The equation of tomb
with temple, a holy place where the deceased adored the gods, already foreshad-
owed in the Middle Kingdom, became more pronounced. This development was
manifested by innovations both in the wall-decoration of the chapel and in the
architecture of the tombs. The chapels of 18th Dynasty tombs were charac-
terised by the concentration of a single subject or scene on one wall (as demar-
cated by the corners of the chamber, doorways and other architectural features);
internal organisation of components within scenes was done by the use of regis-
(court, transverse and axial halls and chapel) was that chiefly inspired by temple
architecture. This was the cult place, the site for the adoration of the gods, and
here the funerary rites were performed.
This scheme represents a further development of the conceptual function of
the tomb, of which that of Khnumhotep at Beni Hasan (see above) is an early
example. It isa monumental reflection of the role of the deceased, placing him as
a participant in the sun god’s journey, and identifying him with both Ra and
Osiris. The Ra/Osiris connection is manifested in many ways in the whole tomb
layout. The pyramidion (capstone of the pyramid) usually shows the adoration
of the sun god. On the stelae, the left (ie. eastern) side has depictions of Ra-
Horakhty with associated texts; the right (western) side has depictions and text
relating to Osiris (or sometimes vice versa). Among other Osirian features of the
New Kingdom tomb was a garden with trees. These would provide shelter and
nourishment for the deceased’s ba, as described on a New Kingdom tomb stela:
‘May my 6a alight upon the branches of the trees which I have planted, may I
refresh myself under my sycomore trees and eat the fruit which they give.’
fourth to third centuries Bc, with the creation of tombs such as that of Petosiris
at Tuna el-Gebel. Elsewhere the arrangements for the disposal of the dead varied.
Burial catacombs were in use at Alexandria (Kom el Shugafa),
adorned with painted and relief decoration, in which Egyptian
imagery was intermingled with Graeco-Roman elements. In the
Faiyum, mummies were interred in large pits, perhaps following
temporary storage in some type of mortuary structure. At Kom
Abu Billo there were brick tombs with vaulted roofs, and a niche
at the eastern end containing a limestone stela. With the advent
of Christianity burials were increasingly simplified, often. com-
prising no more than a pit grave.
107. Limestone stela from the burial of adwarf 108. Painted limestone false
named Nefer, whose distinctive bodily proportions door from the tomb of Bateti.
are illustrated in the hieroglyphic determinative The lintel and side panels are
accompanying the name. The stela, together with unfinished, but the central
another almost identical in design, comes from the aperture includes a depiction
subsidiary chambers of the tomb of King of the rolled mat which would
Semerkhet at Abydos. These chambers contained have ‘closed’ the door and —
the bones of two achondroplastic dwarfs, who were unusually — a figure of the
probably members of the king’s entourage. The deceased represented as
simple design ofthe piece is typical of the earliest though emerging from the
funerary stelae from Egypt. Late 1st Dynasty, burial chamber into the tomb-
about 2900 sc. H. 45 cm. chapel to receive his offerings.
4th or 5th Dynasty, about
2613-2345 Bc. Possibly from
Saqqara. H. 131 cm.
109. Panel from the limestone false door of the king’s son and high
priest of Ra at Heliopolis Rahotep. The central scene shows the dead
man seated on a bull-legged chair, extending his right hand towards
a table on which are stylised conical loaves of bread. The names of
other offerings (including incense, eye paint, wine and figs) are
inscribed above and below the table, and at the right, in tabular
form, is a list of different kinds oflinen cloth. The large hieroglyphic
texts framing the scene give the name and titles of the deceased.
Early 4th Dynasty, about 2600 Bc. From the tomb chapel of
Rahotep at Meidum. H. 79 cm.
110. Limestone false door from the tomb of Kaihap. At the top is
an inscription in which offerings are requested for the deceased at
various festivals in the religious calendar. Below this in the centre is
a tablet showing Kaihap and his wife seated before an offering table.
The central aperture of the door is again occupied by figures of
Kaihap and his wife, while on the panels at each side relatives and
mortuary priests burn incense and present offerings. 5th Dynasty,
about 2494-2345 Bc. From Saqgara. H. 209 cm.
110). The recessed sides of the niche carried representations of the deceased, rel-
atives, offering bearers or offerings. At Giza in the reigns of Khufu and Khafra (c.
2589-2566 and c. 2558-2532 Bc) false doors were usually omitted from tombs,
and instead a slab bearing the offering-table scene alone was set into the eastern
side of the mastaba.
The development of stelae was accompanied by an evolution in the offering
table. In graves of the first two dynasties a circular table on a central support,
usually of calcite, was placed within the burial
chamber, close to the corpse. This served to support
the food offerings and is exactly the type of table
which appeared in the offering scene on stelae. As
the provision of food supplies within the grave was
gradually superseded by a formal offering cult situ-
ated in the tomb superstructure, offering tables
began to be placed in front of the false door or stela.
In the 3rd to 4th Dynasties the circular type contin-
ued in use and a stone trough for offerings of water,
wine or beer was added (though these could also act
symbolically as pools for the deceased to sail on in
the next life) (see fig. 111). At this period, a rectan-
cular type of offering-slab also appeared, combining
the libation-trough with a representation of the cir-
cular table carved in relief. From the 5th Dynasty
onward the standard type was the offering table in
the shape of the hieroglyphic sign etep (‘offering’),
111. Limestone offering which in origin represented a loaf of bread standing on a reed mat.
table of rectangular shape In the years immediately following the Old Kingdom, the design of stelae
incorporating the
became simpler as Egypt became politically decentralised and provincial tradi-
hieroglyphic sign hetep
(Coffering’), two circular
tions of craftsmanship rose to prominence. A common type of the First Interme-
depressions probably diate Period was the ‘slab stela’, a rectangular tablet with a representation of the
representing individual deceased before an offering table as the principal feature (see fig. 113), with the
offering tables and two
frequent addition of figures of relatives and servants bringing offerings. The rigid
miniature libation-troughs.
The basic function of the
graphic framework of earlier stelae gave way to a more haphazard arrangement
troughs was to receive drink- with figures and offerings ‘floating’ in the field (see fig. 112).
offerings of water, beer or Following the reunification of Egypt under Mentuhotep II (c. 2055-2004
wine, but they also played a BC), greater uniformity in the design of funerary stelae returned. Examples
symbolic role as miniature
pools on which the deceased
from the 11th and 12th Dynasties were rectangular in basic shape, and
might travel by boat in the included both the false door type and a type with a rounded top. This marked
afterlife. In the centre of the a significant development away from the false door (symbolising the threshold
upper portion is a carved of the netherworld) to a type of stela which represnted the cosmos. The curved
figure of the deceased,
upper portion suggested the vault of heaven, and was frequently occupied by
identified in the text as the
Overseer of the Storehouse celestial symbols, such as the winged solar disc or wedjat eyes. The main scene
Seneb. Possibly from Saqqara, again showed the deceased before the offering table, often accompanied by rel-
6th Dynasty. 39x37 cm. atives and servants presenting offerings. The text, often inscribed above the
scene, usually comprised the offering formula, but some examples include
autobiographical passages and an appeal to the living (see Chapter 3). Offering
tables generally continued to take the form of the hieroglyphic sign hetep and
bore carved images of foodstuffs and libation vessels — images which, like those
on the chapel walls, were to satisfy the deceased’s needs should the real offer-
ings cease to be provided (see fig. 114). Some examples also incorporated
miniature libation troughs.
In the later Middle Kingdom, stelae were characterised by the subdivision of
the surface into small rectangular compartments, each occupied by a figure of an
individual related to the deceased (children, brothers, sisters, etc.). This type
continued into the Second Intermediate Period. A number of crudely painted
rectangular wooden stelae were also included in burials in this period.
In private tombs of the New Kingdom stelae were usually tall and round-
topped, and were frequently large. They were often made of limestone and were
brightly painted. While free-standing stelae were common, many were also hewn
from the rock. The stelae stood in pairs in the courtyard of the tomb, and also at
one or both ends of the transverse hall. Many of them continued to show the
deceased and his wife receiving offerings, but this scene was now usually at the
top. A major innovation of the period was the regular depiction of deities (who
appeared only occasionally in the Middle Kingdom) (see fig. 115). Osiris and
Anubis often appeared, sometimes accompanied by Isis, Nephthys or Horus,
receiving offerings or incense from the deceased. The scene of the deceased receiv-
ing gifts often itself appeared in a lower register. Stelae from the later New King-
dom sometimes incorporated a pyramid-shaped top, emphasising the solar
aspects which at this period rose to greater prominence in the tomb (see fig. 116).
The general reduction in the scale and complexity of tomb superstructures
during the Third Intermediate Period was
accompanied by a simplification of the stela.
Most burials were provided with a small
round-topped stela of painted wood, usually
showing a scene of the deceased adoring
Osiris or Ra-Horakhty. A few of these are
known from the 21st Dynasty, but the vast
majority date to the 22nd Dynasty. The con-
cept of the stela as a miniature cosmos was
still prominent in these examples: the curved
upper surface was often decorated with the
hieroglyphic sign for ‘sky’ and the field below
was framed by the signs for ‘east’ and ‘west’,
with the baseline representing the earth (see
fig. 117). On some examples of the 25th
Dynasty the entire frame was formed of the
arched body of the goddess Nut. This type
continued in use under the 25th to 26th
117. Painted wooden funerary Dynasties, when substantial texts reappeared below the scene, which often
stelae. Left: the priest of included a solar barque. Some of these were installed in chapels, but others were
Amun Nakhtefmut and his
probably located inside the burial chamber.
daughter Tashepenese adore
Ra-Horakhty. 22nd Dynasty,
Private funerary stelae made of stone were rare after the New Kingdom, when
about 850 Bc. H. 27.5 cm. wooden tablets were the norm, but examples of stone began to reappear in the
Right: the woman Late Period. Both stone and wooden stelae were used in the Ptolemaic Period
Tjentdiashakhet seated before (see fig. 118). Some of these were inscribed with a Greek text, and there was a
an offering table. The ‘sky’
hieroglyph above and the
tendency towards the inclusion of more Hellenistic features noticeable particu-
signs for ‘west’ and ‘east larly in the dress and pose of the deceased. Some examples represent architec-
which form the frame ofthe tural doorways, such as those from Kom Abu Billo (Terenuthis). They were
scene define the stela as a ultimately succeeded by Coptic Christian gravestones.
miniature version of the
cosmos. The iconography of
the scene and the Statues of the deceased
arrangement and wording of The statue was regarded as a physical embodiment of the individual, a base
the inscription deliberately which the ka could occupy in order to receive offerings. A common word for
imitate models from the Old
statue, shesep, probably means literally ‘receiver’, and when used in the phrase
Kingdom. From Qurna, 25th
Dynasty, about 680 Bc. H. 21 shesep r ankh (‘receiver in order to live’) it denotes the capacity of the image
cm. to serve as a receptacle for the vital essence of the deceased. Another function
118. Painted sycomore fig
funerary stela of Neswy (see
also fig. 156). The 6a of the
deceased is perched on the
top of the vault, stressing the
role of the stela as a miniature
representation of the tomb.
Beneath the schematic vault mares vai |
of heaven, adorned with a fF en ARESA ae
winged sun disc and two Cw Se $= @)
jackals representing Anubis, feres Braz
are scenes of the deceased
adoring the sun god and
other deities in the solar
barque, and a row ofgods.
Early Ptolemaic Period,
about third century Bc.
From Thebes. H. 53.5 cm.
of the statue was as a reserve body to act as a base for the 6a, since this aspect
of the individual could not exist independently without a physical form (see
Chapter 1).
All human images produced by Egyptian artists were created according to a
canon of proportions. The figure was laid out on a grid, and standing figures
were divided from hairline to foot into (for most of the pharaonic period) eigh-
teen squares. This allowed consistency in reproducing the human image, which
was heavily idealised. Figures were usually depicted in a formal pose, in which
symmetry was important (though not invariable). Most figures were positioned
squarely on the base, looking forward. Stone statues were usually provided with a
back pillar and carried an inscription on the base, pillar or seat. Certain poses
were applicable to the different sexes. Standing figures of men usually show the
left leg advanced, those of women represent the feet together.
The principal materials used to make statues for the tomb were stone and
wood. A range of stones was obtained from quarries in Egypt — limestone, gran-
ite, quartzite, serpentine — while the woods used included both native and
imported varieties (sycomore fig, acacia, tamarisk, ebony and cedar). The partic-
ular qualities of the different materials encouraged different treatments by the
craftsmen; hence stone statues often represent the subject seated, whereas
wooden ones are more frequently standing. The size of the figure varied, from a
few centimetres in height to over lifesize.
Ancient Egyptian sculptures were not portraits, but rather idealised images. This
is demonstrated by the strong standardisation apparent in statues produced in the
same period, and by the fact that where numerous statues represent the same
owner there are usually no similarities which can be attributed to a likeness to the
subject. The majority of statues were probably carved without reference to the
actual appearance of the person depicted. Resemblance between statues probably
reflects the prevalent sculptural style of the period and/or local craft tradition.
119. Scenes from the rock- Since a statue could enable the owner to be physically present in some loca-
tomb of Pepiankh at Meir, tion outside his body, there was in theory no limit to the number of images by
showing the production of
which an individual might be represented, although most people probably had
statues of the tomb owner.
On the left, the lector-priest
only one. A statue set up in a temple put the owner in the vicinity of the god of
and scribe Pepi-ihyemsa that place; in the same way as in the tomb, the person depicted could receive
paints a standing statue. some of the offerings presented in the temple ritual. It is somewhat less easy to
On the right, the ‘overseer explain the presence of numerous statues in the tomb, a phenomenon particu-
of sculptors’ Itjau and the
larly associated with the Old Kingdom. Possibly some of these figures acted as
sculptor Sebekemhat use
chisels to carve the finer reserves in case of damage. Other possibilities are that they depicted the owner at
details of a seated statue. different ages, or as the holder of different offices.
6th Dynasty, about 2200 Bc. Since the statue was made of inert materials, it had to be transformed into an
object which had the properties of a living being. The eyes must be given the
capacity to see, the mouth to speak and to eat and drink. This animation of the
statue could be done only by the performance of the ritual known as the ‘Open-
ing of the Mouth’, or sometimes more fully the ‘Opening of the Mouth and
Eyes’. This ritual was performed at the completion of the statues, while in the
workshop. Its main features were the touching of the eyes and mouth with a
range of instruments: three types of adze, an instrument called the weret-hekau
(also imitating an adze), a chisel and a finger-shaped instrument. Each episode in
122. Cedarwood statuette, chamber in the superstructure in which the statue was placed. It was usually con-
said to be from the shaft tomb cealed from the view of visitors to the chapel; a small slit in the wall, level with
of Gua, physician to the
the eyes of the statue, permitted communication with the offering chapel. The
provincial governor
Djehutyhotep. Although serdab was sometimes located directly behind the false door, before which the
uninscribed, the pose and offering ritual was performed, so that the deceased’s ka, within the statue, faced
costume of the figure, the participants. In some tombs the participation of the deceased in the ritual
together with the use of an was emphasised by having the statue carved within the central aperture of the
expensive imported timber,
false door itself, either standing (see fig. 108) or advancing as though entering
suggest that it represents the
owner of the tomb. Small- the chapel to partake of his offerings. Most freestanding statues represented the
scale wooden figurines, placed deceased or his wife standing or seated. Some were life-size, but the majority
in or near the coffin, were smaller. Some images of men were in the pose ofa scribe, emphasising liter-
sometimes served as a
acy; this was an important prerequisite for an official to hold high office, and the
repository for the ka in burials
which did not possess an scribal statue would help to ensure that this privileged position would be perpet-
offering chapel. 12th Dynasty, uated in the afterlife. Pair statues show husband and wife seated or standing,
about 1850 Bc. From Deir some with children on a smaller scale. There were also many statues of wood,
el-Bersha. H. 35 cm.
mostly on a small scale (see figs 121 and 122).
A well-publicised but enigmatic group of early tomb sculptures are the so-
called ‘reserve heads’, the majority of which have been found in early 4th
Dynasty mastaba tombs of persons of high status in the west cemetery at Giza,
adjacent to the pyramid of Khufu (c. 2589-2566 Bc). These are limestone repre-
sentations of the head and neck, without details of hair or wig, and with only a
simple carved line marking its outline. The eyes are sometimes turned upwards.
The significance of these sculptures is uncertain. They may have been intended
as substitutes for the head in case of its loss (by analogy with later mummy-
masks), or as a receptacle for the £a to receive offerings, but it is unusual for
Egyptian representations of the deceased to omit the body. It is notable that they
occur mainly in the tombs of Khufu’s courtiers, which are otherwise distin-
guished by the austerity of their decoration (for example, there are no wall-
images and false doors are usually omitted; see above, p. 150). Since these tombs
usually contained no ka statue, the reserve head may have been a substitute for
the statue and two-dimensional wall-images of the deceased, representing only
the most important part of the body. The puzzle of the heads’ significance is
complicated by the distinctive mutilations found on many of them — the ears are
always damaged or entirely destroyed, and on many there is a vertical incision
down the back of the head. This has suggested to some scholars that they were
sculptor’s models from which plaster casts were taken, and that the mutilations
occurred during the removal of the casts. However, it is at least as likely that they
were related to the plaster head-coverings of the mummy (see Chapter 2) or were
intended to function in funerary rituals.
During the First Intermediate Period, funerary statues from provincial centres
such as Asyut were mainly made of wood. There is no evidence for royal funer-
ary sculpture between the 6th Dynasty and the late 11th Dynasty, when a series
of painted sandstone statues were carved for installation at the temple-tomb of
Mentuhotep II (c. 2055-2004 Bc) at Deir el-Bahri. These figures, both standing
and seated, are the earliest to represent the dead king in the so-called “Osirian’
pose, with feet together and arms crossed on the breast. His garment, however, is
not the enveloping shroud of later statues, but the short knee-length robe worn
at the sed festival, emphasising the notion of renewed life and powers inherent in
these images. Non-royal burials of this period were sometimes provided with
small limestone figures.
At the height of the Middle Kingdom, royal mortuary temples continued to
contain statues of the king as a living individual, but alongside these, true mum-
miform figures were also installed. Both types were found at the pyramid com-
plex of Senusret I (c. 1965-1920 Bc) at Lisht, and the mummiform statue was
also installed in cult temple contexts at Karnak at this period. The more impos-
ing private tomb chapels of this period contained a seated statue of the owner set
in a niche at the end, while others contained mummiform figures lining the
walls of the passage, as in the tomb of Sarenput at Aswan. In smaller tombs,
where the surfaces of the coffin replicated the chapel wall-decoration of richer
burials, a small wooden statuette of the deceased was placed in the coffin or
burial chamber.
In private tombs of the 18th Dynasty it became more usual for the statue to be
positioned in the chapel, where it was fully visible to the visitor. The figures were
often lifesize, usually representing the owner and his wife, sometimes with his
mother or a group of relatives. These statues were often cut from the living rock,
but there were also freestanding statues (usually smaller than lifesize) which were
placed in a niche in the chapel (see fig. 123). Many figures were of painted lime-
stone, although other stones were used. Besides the familiar seated type, the
range of sculptural forms used in tombs was expanded. Block statues and
stelophorous figures became more common. Whereas the dress of earlier statues
was generally traditional, tomb sculptures now began to reflect changing fash-
ions of dress. This is exemplified well in the post-Amarna period by such pieces
as the large limestone statues from Saqqara (see fig. 124). In the later New King-
dom, stelophorous statues were often placed
in the tomb superstructure.
After the New Kingdom, many burials
were grouped in family vaults or in earlier
rock-cut tombs, often without an adjacent
mortuary chapel. The entire burial outfit was
simplified, and among the items which disap-
peared from the fittings of the tomb was the
statue of the owner. At the same period, there
was an increase in the number of statues of
non-royal individuals which were set up in the
precincts of cult-temples, a phenomenon par-
ticularly well-documented at Thebes. The
poses and attributes of these sculptures fol-
lowed traditional models (mainly seated or
block statues). Their inscriptions request
offerings and often proclaim the devotion of
sons in setting up the statues to preserve the
memory of fathers, very much in the manner
of tomb-statues of earlier periods. It may be
123. Painted sandstone pair-statue of Itu, a priest 124. Limestone pair-statue of an unnamed man and wife.
of Amun and his wife Henutweret. The couple are The function and design of this piece are essentially the
represented sitting on a plain seat, clasping each other same as that illustrated in fig. 123, but this example
by the shoulders. A small figure between the man and illustrates the artistic legacies of the Amarna period
wife represents their son Neferhebef. Groups such as (mid-fourteenth century Bc). The poses of the couple are
this were set up in the offering chapels of tombs to more relaxed, their mutual affection is more naturalistically
provide a physical form for the ka ofthe dead person to suggested by the clasping of their hands and the sculptor
receive sustenance. The hairstyles and the simple has represented luxuriant curled wigs and elaborately
costumes ofthese figures are characteristic of the pleated gowns. They are seated on a wooden chair with
middle years of the 18th Dynasty, about 1400 sc. leonine legs. Late 18th Dynasty, about 1300 Bc. Probably
From Thebes. H. 74 cm. from the Memphite necropolis. H. 132 cm.
NT SE Gy ral
that such images continued to act as the focus for the mortuary cults of their
owners, but now within the context of the temple ritual rather than in the
Since the tomb was to be the eternal resting-place of the corpse, and the place
where the crucial sustaining rituals were to be performed, its construction was a
matter of major concern for the owner. The king’s tomb was the most impor-
tant, and usually the most elaborate, since the dead king’s successful trans-
figuration was linked not only to his personal survival but to the continuation of
the cosmos. Hence the construction of the king’s tomb was the responsibility
of the state and absorbed considerable resources in the form of building materi-
als, labour and artistic endeavour. The craftsmen who built the pyramids and
their associated cult-complexes were highly organised into gangs, working in
shifts, and were housed in special communities close to the site of the pyramid’s
construction. Remains of these craftsmen’s communities have been excavated at
Giza and Lahun, and have given a valuable insight into their lives and working
The benefits of this effort were sometimes made available to the king’s sub-
jects. Particularly in the Old Kingdom, favoured officials received their tombs
and funerary equipment by gift of the king as a reward for good service. This
could be the whole tomb, but more frequently it might comprise the main fit-
tings such as a sarcophagus, doorway and libation slab, for which high-quality
and expensive stones were ideally desired. These would not only be quarried and
transported at the king’s expense, but carved by the royal craftsmen, the resultant
product serving as a conspicuous testimony to the probity of the deceased. The
official Weni proudly commemorated such an honour in his tomb: ‘When I
begged of the majesty of my lord that there be brought for me a sarcophagus of
white stone from Tura, his majesty had a royal seal-bearer cross over with a com-
pany of sailors under his command, to bring me this sarcophagus from Tura. It
came with him in a great barge of the court, together with its lid, a doorway,
lintel, two doorjambs and a libation-table.’
In the majority of cases, however, a non-royal individual would himself be
responsible for the construction of his tomb and the setting-up of a mortuary
cult. Inscriptions in several tombs contain a reference to the owner’s having paid
the craftsmen who constructed the monument. Renenuka declares, in his
mastaba at Giza (6th Dynasty): ‘I made this tomb in exchange for bread and
beer, which I gave to all the artisans who made this tomb . . . I have given them
very great wages out of all the linen which they asked for . . .’. Many persons
would have begun the construction of the tomb during their lifetime with such
funds as they had available, which might be the stipend received for official
duties; part of these funds might be reserved to meet essential funerary expenses
after death. An inscription in the tomb of the vizier Senedjemib (5th Dynasty) at
Giza recounts that he had constructed his father’s tomb ‘in one year and two
thirds while he was in the embalming workshop (wabet), whose means were
drawn from his income connected with the pyramid of [King] Isesi’. Here, then,
the cost of mummifying the dead man was met from funds he had received as an
official of a royal pyramid endowment. Senedjemib also asked the king to pro-
vide his father with a sarcophagus from Tura, so that the total costs of the burial
were shared between the ruler and the local official. This example is also interest-
ing on account of the unusually long period taken up by the embalming (see
Chapter 1).
In practice, the burden of responsibility for burying the dead fell mainly upon
the immediate family of the deceased. Inscriptions testify to the children of the
deceased setting up monuments (both funerary and votive) ‘in order that his/her
name shall live’. Burying one’s deceased parents was a duty of the children, as is
often expressed in funerary inscriptions. In the tomb of Mery-aa at El-Hagarsa
(early First Intermediate Period) the dead man’s eldest son, Nenu, inscribed a
text recounting his virtues: ‘I buried my father with an “offering which the king
gives’; I interred him in the beautiful West; I embalmed him with sefegj-oil of the
Residence and zmsw-linen of the “House of Life”. I inscribed his tomb, I erected
his statues, as does a trustworthy heir.’ Inheritance of the parental property was
linked to the fulfilling of this duty. Legal documents of the Ramesside period
from the workmen’s village of Deir el-Medina throw light on this. From Papyrus
Bulag X we learn of a man named Huy who provided a coffin and burial place
for his mother Tagemy. This entitled him to inherit her property, which passed
in turn to Huy’s son, Hay. In support of his inheritance, Hay cites ‘the law of
pharaoh’, which stated: “Let the possessions [of the deceased] be given to him
who buries’. Tagemy’s other children attempted to claim part of her property as
her heirs, but as they had not taken any part in burying their mother, their claim
was judged to be invalid. Further records show that this was no isolated instance,
and that one did not have to be a son or daughter to inherit on this basis. A
letter to the dead, written on the ‘Oxford Bowl’, states that a woman who was to
bury a fugitive named Meniupu had been told by her husband: “Bury him and
act as an heir towards him’.
Sometimes items were donated by parents to the burial of a child who had
died before them. Queen Hetepheres II provided her daughter Queen Mere-
sankh III (c. 2500 Bc) with a tomb chapel, and a granite sarcophagus originally
made and inscribed for Hetepheres herself. The sarcophagus was adapted for the
daughter by the addition of a short text put into the mouth of her mother: ‘I
have given [it] to the King’s daughter and wife Meresankh’.
After the Old Kingdom, the greater degree of autonomy enjoyed by provincial
officials enabled them to arrange for the construction and equipping of their
own tombs without royal subsidy. In provincial cemeteries such as those at Beni
Hasan, Asyut and Bersha the large and elaborate tombs of the local governors
were major constructional projects, doubtless carefully planned and carried out
under the owner’s supervision. But in cemeteries such as these there were also
125. The walled village of hundreds of small shaft and chamber tombs which must have been constructed
Deir el-Medina on the West in advance and only afterwards assigned to their eventual occupants. They point
Bank of the Nile at Thebes.
to the existence of a local organisation dedicated to the production of tombs for
Special accommodation for
the artisans who constructed
officials of lower status, although there is no written evidence to tell how such a
the king’s tomb is known system worked.
from as early as the 4th The royal tombs of the New Kingdom in the Valley of the Kings were con-
Dynasty. Throughout the structed by a dedicated community of specialist craftsmen who were settled in an
New Kingdom, the self
enclosed village on the Theban West Bank. This site, today called Deir el-
contained settlement at
Deir el-Medina housed the Medina (see fig. 125), has yielded an enormous quantity of evidence about the
community of stonecutters, daily lives and working procedures of these people, particularly in the 19th and
plasterers, draughtsmen and 20th Dynasties. The community included craftsmen with a wide range of exper-
painters who built and
tise — stonecutters, draughtsmen, sculptors, painters and scribes — who, between
decorated the tombs in the
Valley of the Kings. them, disposed of all the necessary skills and resources to construct a king’s tomb
in its entirety. Documents reveal that these men also built and decorated tombs
for the use of themselves and their colleagues, many of which were located on
the slopes close to the village in which they had lived. To what extent this
pattern of activity extended to the rest of the Theban necropolis is unknown. It
is possible that some of the many other New Kingdom tombs there may have
been built by craftsmen from Deir el-Medina, but evidence is almost totally
lacking, and there is a strong possibility that other groups of workers were
responsible for many of the sepulchres. It has been estimated that outside Deir
el-Medina at this period perhaps two to four tombs would be under construc-
tion at Thebes at a given time, with possibly four or five craftsmen at work on
each. The wall-decoration of the tomb of Amenemhat includes a rare acknowl-
edgement of the craftsmen who built his tomb. Amenemhat is shown making
offerings to them, and although most of the names and figures are destroyed
they included a son ‘who directed the work upon this tomb’, an ‘outline-
draughtsman’ and ‘the sculptor who made the statues’.
It can be safely assumed that the prospective occupant would regularly inspect
the work on his tomb, for a fine funerary chapel confirmed the status of the
owner in the eyes of posterity. As the ‘appeal to the living’ implies (see Chapter
3), it was expected that the chapel would be visited by future generations, who
might then recite the offering formula for the benefit of the deceased. A finely-
decorated chapel with wall-scenes would attract admirers, and many tomb scenes
include amusing details which might appeal to a casual visitor. Thus, in a market
scene in the tomb of Tepemankh at Saqqara (5th Dynasty) a baboon seizes a
thief by the leg; in the 18th Dynasty tomb of Menna two young girls fight, tear-
ing at each other’s hair; in the tomb of Iduit (6th Dynasty) a predatory crocodile
watches hungrily as a hippopotamus gives birth. In scenes of peasants and crafts-
men dialogue is often included, freezing for ever the banter and jocular insults of
daily life. Visitors’ graffiti in Old Kingdom pyramid temples show they were vis-
ited as tourist attractions as early as the New Kingdom.
The ownership of a tomb was often indicated by inscriptions on the door-
jambs or lintel. Another medium by which the owner was identified was baked
clay cones, the bases of which were stamped with hieroglyphic texts giving the
names and titles of the deceased. These objects were arranged in friezes above the
entrance to the tomb with their inscribed surfaces visible.
Great care was devoted to the equipping of the tomb. Some of the various
objects placed in the tomb had been used in life (clothing, containers, tools,
weapons, jewellery, games and musical instruments), but the majority of items
were made specifically for the grave. Apart from those items made as a special
concession in the royal workshops, coffins, canopic containers, shabtis and other
items were made by local craftsmen. Most of these were attached to temples.
Those items which carried detailed religious iconography and texts — particularly
coffins and papyri — were probably produced in workshops attached to the
‘House of Life’, i.e. the temple library. Sculptors, joiners, painters and scribes
worked in teams to produce objects (see fig. 126). Such teamwork is depicted in
a famous scene from the tomb of Ipuy at Thebes, in which craftsmen are shown
making a shrine. Scenes such as this are rare, but scrutiny of finished works
reveals (in spite of a basic uniformity of style) the mark of different hands, besides
errors and corrections. The limestone architrave of Akhethotep in the University
Cau Na SEG Yar
126. Craftsmen in the Museum, Liverpool (6th Dynasty) exhibits technical variations between figures
workshop ofthe temple of and hieroglyphs suggesting the hands of both master(s) and apprentices.
Amun. Among the objects Informal notes on hieratic ostraca from Deir el-Medina show that skilled
being made are some which
were probably intended for
craftsmen could make funerary items for neighbours and colleagues as private
the tomb. Part ofascene in commissions. One such transaction is recorded as follows:
the tomb chapel of Nebamun
and Ipuky at Thebes, in
‘What the draughtsman Neferhotep gave to Horemwia (namely):
which one of the owners one painted stela of (Nofretari), May she live! (And) he gave me
inspects the work under his a wooden coffer in exchange for it. In addition, (I) decorated two
authority. 18th Dynasty,
coffins for the Riverbank (meryt) for him, and he made a bed for me...’
about 1380 Bc.
serve his cult after death] a plot among your fields, well-watered every year. He
profits you more than your own son; prefer him even to your [heir].’ The mortu-
ary estates are depicted in tomb chapels of the Old Kingdom, personified as
female servants carrying goods to the tomb. In some tombs endowment docu-
ments are carved on the walls, recording the duties of the personnel, the content
of the endowment, and sometimes ways of protecting the interests of the cult
personnel to prevent interference or attempts to divert the funds elsewhere.
Ideally the main cult officiant was the son of the owner. Ideologically, this
reflected the myth of Osiris, in which Horus performed the funerary offices for
his dead father. It played an important role in the royal succession, since carrying
127. Ka priests (hemu-ka)
out the funerary rites for a dead king legitimised the officiant as his successor,
bringing ‘choice cuts’ of meat,
irrespective of his relationship to the deceased. In the wall-paintings in the burial
birds and other foodstuffs to
sustain the owner of the chamber of Tutankhamun (who died without a male heir) the funerary rituals for
tomb. Scene carved on the the dead pharaoh are performed by the official Ay, who is accordingly represented
jamb of a false door from as the new king. In the private sphere there was a link between the mortuary cult
the mastaba of Werirenptah,
and the inheritance of property. Inheritance was conditional upon the son’s fulfill-
priest in the sun temple of
King Neferirkara. 5th
ment of duties towards the father’s cult (see p. 171), and as the mortuary cult was
Dynasty, about 2400 sc. intended to last in perpetuity it might have been hoped that the land set aside for
From Saqqara. the endowment would remain in the family from generation to generation.
Besides the eldest son the main personnel of the mortuary cult were priests
called hemu-ka (literally servants of the ka) (see fig. 127). Their task was to keep
the ka of the deceased supplied, and in return for fulfilling this duty they
received the largest share of the endowment. They served in rotation. Besides
these priests a lector priest was necessary to direct the cult proceedings. His title
— khery-hebet — means literally ‘the keeper of the sacred book’ and he read the
words of the ritual from a papyrus scroll.
Information on the organisation of mortuary cults varies in degree from
period to period. We are comparatively well informed about the administration
Intef, son of Myt, dating to the late 11th Dynasty, from Thebes, in the British
Museum. The relevant passage reads:
I have made a contract with the hem-ka priest Nekhtiu, son of Irmeh.. .
son of Nekhtu, for the pouring of water and the pouring out oflibations,
while the mhwnw-attendant holds out his arms to him, and the khent-wer
[officiant] holds the offering-cakes and the jar in which they go forth,
and make offering therewith to my statue in the course of every day.
Moreover, I have made a contract with the lector priest Intef, son of
Mentunesu, son of Intef, son of Tjetu in order that service may be
performed in the tomb and that the liturgy may be read by the hem-[ka|
at every monthly festival and at every half-monthly festival, in order that
my name may be beautiful and that my memory may exist up to this day,
and in order that the chapel of this excellent sah may be established.
Moreover I have given twenty garments to this mortuary priest and
I have given ten garments to this lector priest, and a man-servant and
a maid-servant to each...
Evidence from later periods is less informative. Judicial papyri of the Late
Period/Ptolemaic period mention mortuary priests called wah mu, ‘water pour-
ers, who are more generally termed choachytes (the Greek version of wah mu).
They maintained the cult of the dead, fulfilling the traditional role of the eldest
son, and they seem to have been the successors of the hemu-ka of earlier periods.
Though not explicit in the records, it is likely that their responsibilities extended
beyond a basic water-pouring ritual, and that they were in fact professional mor-
tuary priests, paid by the family of the deceased, perhaps with the, profits of a
land endowment, as in earlier periods.
Ritual purity had to be observed when performing the cult of the dead. The
necropolis, like the temple precinct of a god was a sacred area, not to be entered
in a state of impurity. Inscriptions in some tombs of the Old Kingdom warn
against this. In the tomb of Harkhuf (6th Dynasty) we read:
The mortuary priests underwent purification at the bu or seh netjer, the place
where the body of the deceased was purified before being embalmed. In the
tomb of Rekhmira at Thebes there is a depiction of the lector priest and other
mortuary personnel undergoing this ablution before entering the necropolis.
Even the funerary equipment and offerings had to be purified in order to pre-
vent any unwelcome influences entering the realm of the dead.
The mortuary cult was inaugurated on the day of burial, when the first offer-
ings to the dead were made, and the ritual was repeated at the numerous reli-
gious festivals in the calendar. On these occasions offerings were made to gods in
their cult temples and, by the process of ‘reversion’, these offerings could then be
presented to the dead so that they might receive a share of the nourishment
which they provided. For this reason, inscriptions on false doors and tomb stelae
often request offerings at specified festivals — the feasts of particular gods, and
secular ones such as the new year festival, and the monthly and half-monthly fes-
tivals. In the tomb of Princess Ni-sedjer-kai at Giza the text runs: “May offerings
be given her on the New Year’s festival, the Thoth festival, the First-of-the-Year
feast, the wag-festival [a celebration of the vindication of Osiris], the Sokar festi-
val, the Great Flame festival, the Brazier festival, the Procession-of-Min festival,
the monthly sadj-festival, the Beginning-of-the-Month festival, the Beginning of
the Half-Month festival, every festival, every day . . .. On each of these occa-
sions the offering ritual would be performed at the tomb. The most important of
all these events during the New Kingdom was the annual Festival of the Valley,
which took place at Thebes. On this occasion, the cult image of the god Amun
was taken from his shrine in the temple of Karnak and ferried by barge across
the Nile to the west bank to visit the mortuary temples of the deceased rulers
(see Chapter 1). The people of Thebes followed the image of the god in his pro-
cession, and visited the tombs of their dead relatives in the necropolis. Here they
would hold a feast at which the dead were honoured guests. Besides ensuring
that the dead were nourished, this event was crucial to maintaining the links
between the living and the dead members of the community. The importance of
the Valley Festival for the dead is amply illustrated by texts such as the following,
inscribed in the now-lost 18th Dynasty tomb of a man named Amenhotep:
May you see the lord of the gods Amun on his beautiful Festival
of the Valley, may you follow him in the sanctuaries of the temples.
And when your name is invoked at the offering table every time the rite
is performed, may your ba cry aloud so that it may be heard. It shall not
be kept back from the great place, and you will partake of the offerings
brought forward and drink water at the edge of the pool.
The intention to provide the dead with commodities and objects of value
brought with it the threat of tomb robbery. The tombs of the élite were most at
risk, since they contained a higher proportion of valuable objects, but even poor
graves were robbed for the sake of the meagre offerings and adornments placed
with the dead. Grave robbery was present from the very earliest times, and, as
the equipping of the dead grew progressively more elaborate, so the threat of
tomb robbery increased. Some aspects of the evolution of tomb architecture can
be viewed as attempts to defeat robbers; for example, the storing of goods in the
superstructure in early tombs was abandoned in favour of placing them in sub-
terranean magazines. The entrance stairway leading to the burial chamber in
Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom mastaba tombs was blocked by one or more
stone slabs, which slid into place in vertical slots like a portcullis. The entrance
passage (or shaft, in later tombs) was also blocked with rubble. The entrance pas-
sage in Old Kingdom pyramids had always been a security risk because religious
reasons dictated that it should be located consistently in the north face (see
above). 12th Dynasty rulers broke with this tradition and varied the position of
the entrance to their pyramids, but this failed to protect their mummies; robbers
tunnelled into the masonry of the pyramids at random, until they broke into
one of the internal passages, which led them to the burial chamber. Towards the
end of the 12th Dynasty, the architects, as though engaged in a battle of wits
with the robbers, changed the internal arrangements of the king’s pyramid with
each successive reign. The most ingenious and complex of all these structures
was the pyramid of Amenemhat III (c. 1855-1808 Bc) at Hawara, in which a
series of blind passages and concealed trapdoors was cunningly deployed to
outwit and frustrate the robbers. Modern archaeologists found that they had,
however, successfully negotiated these puzzles to reach the burial chamber. This
room had been carved out of a single enormous quartzite block, set into place
during the construction of the pyramid and covered by three huge slabs of
quartzite. The robbers, no doubt after immense efforts in conditions of great dis-
comfort, had succeeded in mining their way through one of the roof-blocks to
gain access to the king’s sarcophagus. When the chamber was first entered in
modern times (by a boy employed by Flinders Petrie in 1888-9) only minute
traces of the original burial equipment were recovered.
In addition to architectural devices to foil robbers, the Egyptians made use of
several ingenious locking-systems to secure doorways and coffin-lids. The burial
chamber in the tomb of Senusret-ankh at Lisht (12th Dynasty) was protected by
a series of stone ‘portcullis’ slabs, the first of which, once lowered: into place,
could not be forced upwards again on account of the metal or wooden ‘bolts’
which were released from holes in the lateral grooves as the slab was lowered,
effectively ‘locking’ it. Locking mechanisms were also incorporated into kings’
sarcophagi in the Old Kingdom and on the wooden coffins of high-ranking per-
sons in the Middle Kingdom. These latter, of course, would not deter most rob-
bers, but would perhaps have prevented pilfering by officials responsible for the
The ingenuity of the precautions taken to protect the body was sometimes
self-defeating. In several of the kings’ pyramids of the 12th and 13th Dynasties,
the huge stone trapdoors were left open by the masons after the burial, perhaps
having found that the effort required to move them was too great. In some
tombs, robbery was committed at the time of burial, probably by the undertak-
ers or cemetery guardians. A number of intact burials have been found in tombs
where the entrance blockings were intact, yet the bodies had clearly been
searched and valuables removed before the coffin lids had been replaced. Else-
where, bodies had clearly been thrown out of their coffins while still articulated,
indicating that the disturbance had occurred soon after the burial. In cemeteries
where many tombs were cut into the rock, it was relatively easy for robbers to
tunnel from tomb to tomb. In the small, closed communities of ancient Egypt
the position and internal arrangements of a wealthy burial could not easily be
kept secret, and those with specialist knowledge — notably the masons who cut
the tombs and the undertakers who supervised the burials — were advantageously
placed to carry out robberies. There were also opportunities for pilfering during
the embalming process and when the mummy was placed in the tomb, at which
periods the deceased’s relatives probably had little chance of detecting dishonest
practice. A group of mummies of high-ranking women of the 21st Dynasty, dis-
covered in a tomb at Thebes, was apparently undisturbed, yet examination
revealed that the gilded faces had been removed from the coffins, and items of
jewellery taken from the mummies before the wrapping was completed, thefts
which could only have been perpetrated by those responsible for the burials and
the embalming.
An additional means of protecting the mummy was by placing it in a stone
sarcophagus. These were sometimes enormously thick and those provided for the
élite were made of hard stones such as granite, quartzite or basalt, but in few
cases did these defeat the robbers, who levered the lids off, or even tunnelled
through the sides or floors of the sarcophagi to reach the contents.
Tomb robbery was reviled because it harmed the deceased’s chances of reaching
the afterlife. Inscriptions in some Old Kingdom tombs included warnings that
robbers would be judged by the gods in the hereafter. Fear of divine retribution,
however, clearly did not outweigh temptation, as the extent of plundering makes
clear. For those who were caught, severe punishments could be applied. One of
the most famous collections of legal documents to survive from ancient Egypt
concerns the trials of men accused of robbing both royal and private tombs in the
Theban necropolis. The texts, dating to the reigns of Ramesses IX—XI (ec.
1126-1069 Bc), purport to give verbatim accounts of the confessions of the
defendants and the statements of witnesses, from which it appears that private
tombs were regularly robbed, although most of the royal tombs had not been dis-
turbed. The severe punishments meted out to those found guilty served as a
deterrent. Referring back to the trials under Ramesses IX, a later witness recalled:
‘I saw the punishment of the thieves in the time of the vizier Khaemwaset. Is it
then likely that I should seek such a death?’ It is interesting that there is no indi-
cation of fear of retribution from the dead or the gods. This is clear enough from
the disrespectful way in which corpses were stripped and hacked to pieces or
burned to facilitate the extraction of valuable jewellery or amulets.
Reuse and recycling are attested at all periods. When a tomb-owner’s descen-
dants died, the tomb and its chapel were often neglected, falling into disrepair.
Some such old tombs were appropriated for new owners and reoccupied; others
were simply exploited as convenient sources of building materials for new monu-
ments, since to do this was more economical than quarrying new stone. Texts,
however, warned against this practice. The Instruction for Merykare, a Middle
basic necessities were in short supply — most of the royal burials of the New
Kingdom seem to have survived with little serious disturbance until the end of
the New Kingdom. Around the end of the 20th Dynasty, however, economic
weakness forced the authorities to begin a process of official dismantling of the
royal burials in the Valley of the Kings. The mummies and coffins of the dead
kings were stripped of items of intrinsic value, which were then recycled to sup-
port the ailing economy. The bodies themselves were secreted in caches in vari-
ous parts of the Theban necropolis. The early stages in this process are
documented in letters sent by the army commander Piankh (virtual ruler of
Upper Egypt at this time) to the scribe of the Theban necropolis Butehamun,
instructing him to open a tomb, and by numerous graffiti written on the rocks
by Butehamun and his colleagues — records of the process of searching for and
identifying older tombs. A part of the funds recovered in this way may have been
used to finance military operations against Nubia. Some items were perhaps
retained for inclusion in the burials of the 21st Dynasty kings at Tanis, while
others were recycled for use by individuals buried at Thebes. Pinedjem |
(c. 1054-1032 Bc) was buried in a coffin which had originally contained the
mummy of Tuthmosis I (c. 1504-1492 Bc), while a shabti of Ramesses II
(c. 1279-1213 BC) was converted into an Osirian statuette for a private burial .
The opening of tombs and the reorganisation of burials at Thebes during the
21st and early 22nd Dynasties led to the creation of collective burials in earlier
tombs. Royal mummies were moved several times, from one tomb to another in
the Valley of the Kings, a large group finally coming to rest in the tomb of
Amenhotep II (c. 1427-1400 Bc). Others were grouped in tombs at Deir el-
Bahri, which had become an especially sacred spot in the 21st Dynasty, highly
favoured for burials — perhaps on account of its association with the cult of
Hathor. The most famous of these was the so-called ‘Royal Cache’, the largest
single group of royal mummies of the New Kingdom which survived undetected
until 1871.
The cult of the dead was also maintained at locations outside the tomb. By set-
ting up an ex-voto statue or a stela of the deceased at a cult temple or a place of
pilgrimage it was believed that the deceased would be able to benefit from the
offerings made at these places. They would receive a share of the daily offerings
made to the local deity, and at festivals such memorials would be seen by large
numbers of people who might then pronounce the owner's name or recite the
offering formula, ensuring benefits for them.
The placing ofastatue in a temple or the deposition ofshabtis at a sacred spot
could serve to represent the owner for this purpose. In some cases, however, the
secondary memorial to the dead took the form of a complete tomb, comprising
cult place, burial chamber and a sarcophagus, which of course was empty. These
secondary tombs, or ‘cenotaphs’, were erected on behalf of several kings and
private persons at important cult centres. King Senusret III (c. 1874-1855 Bc)
and King Ahmose I (c. 1550-1525 Bc) erected ‘cenotaphs’ of this kind at
Abydos. Like a real burial place, these dummy-tombs had a mortuary temple
with an associated town to accommodate the officials who served the cult. A
more common type of monument was a chapel without a dummy burial, in
which a statue served as the focus for devotion.
During the Middle Kingdom a large number of memorial chapels were set up
at Abydos. The importance of this site was not due to any economic significance.
It was the burial place of the kings of the 1st Dynasty and of two of those of the
2nd Dynasty, and later became the centre of the cult of Osiris. Although the
original god of Abydos was Khentimentiu, it became the chief cult centre of
Osiris in the late Old Kingdom. The most important event at Abydos was the
annual festival of Osiris. This celebrated the resurrection of Osiris and the over-
throw of his enemies, and records of the festival state that the image of Osiris
was brought out of his temple in a sacred barge borne by priests and carried in
procession. At a place on the desert fringe called Peger a dramatic performance
took place in which the main elements of the myth of Osiris were re-enacted.
One of the tombs of the 1st Dynasty kings (that of King Djer, c. 3000 Bc) came
to be identified as the tomb of Osiris. The spot attracted thousands of pilgrims
who made offerings in pottery vessels. The remains of these still cover the area
and are responsible for the modern Arabic name Umm el-Qa’ab, ‘Mother of
Pots’. After the ‘burial’ of Osiris, the defeat of Seth was enacted and the proces-
sion returned triumphantly to the temple. Every Egyptian made — or desired to
make — a pilgrimage to be present at this festival. It is depicted in some tombs of
the Middle and New Kingdoms. Some even aspired to be buried at Abydos
itself, but this was possible only for the privileged few.
In order to participate vicariously in the rituals and to receive a share of the
offerings made to Osiris, commemorative monuments were set up in the locality
known as the Terrace of the Great God (see fig. 129). This was a raised area close
to the western entrance to the cult temple of Osiris. The location was doubtless
chosen because it was on the processional route along which the cult image of
Osiris (preceded by that of the jackal-god Wepwawet) was carried at the annual
festival. The spirits of the individuals whose chapels stood on the Terrace could
thus participate in this all-important ritual — seeing the images of the gods pass
on the outward and return journeys, and themselves sharing in the rejuvenation
experienced by Osiris. The stelae generally have an image of the deceased receiv-
ing offerings. The hetep di nesu formula is included, often with an appeal to the
living to recite the words for the deceased’s benefit. Autobiographical passages
recount the owner’s virtues and achievements. Several stelae might be set up at
different times by the same individual or by members of the same family, and
occasionally work colleagues might also be commemorated as a personal favour.
Some of the monuments commemorated an actual visit to Abydos, but the mere
presence of a monument recording one’s name was sufficient to enable one to
participate in the rituals. Hence the stela of Nebipusenusret in the British
Museum was not set up by the man in person, but was taken to Abydos by
another official. Another stela was deposited at Abydos on the way home
from an official visit to Upper Egypt.
Only scanty details of the appearance of the memorial chapels at
Abydos are available. The area in which most of them stood was
intensively mined for antiquities by the collectors of the 1820s and
1830s. Records of the context of the finds are meagre and little now
remains on the ground; fortunately a few chapels were partially pre-
served by later structures built over them, and these were excavated
by the Pennsylvania-Yale Expedition in the 1960s. The chapels
were closely packed together. They were of brick, with stelae set
in niches in the structure, and some had courtyards in the
manner of a tomb-chapel.
From the New Kingdom to the Late Period, memorials
more often took the form of ex-voto statues set up in tem-
ples. Many of these were naophorous or statue-bearing
images, i.e. showing the owner holding a shrine or an
image of the god of the temple where they were placed. In
the Late Period these statues were extensively inscribed
with autobiographical texts, stressing the achievements
and piety of the owner. An alternative to the statues, in
the Late Period, was to set up stelae at cult centres, espe-
cially at the burial places of sacred animals, such as the
Serapeum at Saqqara. Hundreds of stelae were installed
there by pilgrims, recording their adoration of the Apis
bull, and requesting the god’s protection or assistance
(see Chapter 8).
The dead themselves were sometimes the focus
of cult activity. The ‘ancestor busts’ have been
130. Deceased ancestors were mentioned in Chapter 1. Usually lacking identifying inscriptions, these are
commemorated through abbreviated representations, mostly confined to the head and shoulders, with
sculptured busts (see fig. 18)
only the face, wig and collar detailed. A few examples have two heads carved on
and via small stelae. These
were usually round-topped or or mounted on a stela-shaped support. They are of limestone, sandstone, wood,
pointed, and bore the figures clay and faience, and all are less than lifesize, some being tiny objects (possibly
of deceased individuals, amulets), not more than 1 cm high. Many have been found at Deir el-Medina,
identified as revered ancestors
but some are from other sites, from the Delta to Sesebi in Nubia. Since some of
by the epithet akh iger en Ra,
‘effective spirit of Ra’.
these busts have been found in houses, it is supposed that they acted as the focus
Painted limestone stelae both of a domestic cult of ancestors situated in the first room. However, others are
representing the same from tombs or their vicinity, which suggests that some of the busts may have
individuals, Pennub and functioned in different ways. The dead could certainly act as intercessors to help
Khamuy. 19th Dynasty,
solve problems which faced the living. A further indication of this comes from a
about 1295-1186 Bc.
From Deir el-Medina H. (left)
series of stelae on which specified deceased individuals are depicted, usually with
24 cm, (right) 26 cm. the epithet akh iger en ra, or ‘effective spirit of Ra’ (see fig. 130). Other stelae
and monuments from Thebes commemorate various members of the royal
family of the New Kingdom as patrons of necropolis (Lords of the West) and
The most conspicuous use of magic for the dead was in the context of rituals.
The uttering of prescribed words, together with the performance of appropriate
acts, was regarded as the most effective way of achieving results. According to
Egyptian belief in the ‘performative’ power of speech, to pronounce something
made it so; hence attributing qualities or status to someone in a ritual context
endowed them with those qualities. Like the cult of the gods in the temples,
funerary ritual was usually enacted at a sacred location, a place perceived as a
boundary between the world of the living and that of the gods and the dead.
This was usually the tomb, but might also be a mortuary temple, a cult temple
or a memorial chapel. As the foregoing description of the tomb has shown
(see pp. 136-55) there was a parallelism between the status of the transfigured
deceased in funerary ritual and that of the god in temple cult, emphasising the
new divine quality of the dead person.
We have already encountered the offering ritual (see Chapter 3), which was
intended to sustain the dead. This was incorporated into a long sequence of
funerary rituals, which began shortly after the death and culminated in the rites at
the tomb on the day of burial. This long sequence included ritual acts accompa-
nying the embalming, and the various episodes which constituted the ‘funeral’.
Rituals of embalming
There can be no doubt that the process of mummification was heavily ritualised
at all periods, but actual information on this is rare. The main source of details is
the Ritual of Embalming, which survives in manuscripts dating to the Roman
Period (first to second centuries AD), but probably represents a much older tradi-
tion, perhaps dating back as far as the New Kingdom (see above, pp. 49-50).
The text contains eleven episodes, with spells to be recited and instructions for
the correct application of particular wrappings and amulets.
BD » tlhe
131. Painting on the outer The catafalque, adorned with floral bouquets, was the focus of a procession,
coffin of the priest of Amun which also included the relatives and friends of the deceased (see fig. 131). Those
Amenemope, representing the
taking part observed the formalities of mourning. The period of mourning
procession to the tomb on the
day of burial. The mummy in began immediately after death. Herodotus describes how the female relatives of
its catafalque is mounted on the deceased ‘smear their heads with dust, and sometimes also the face, and then
wheels and drawn by priests they leave the corpse in the house and themselves wander through the town and
and officials. In front of these beat their breasts with garments girt up and revealing their breasts . . . And the
are other officiants carrying
divine standards. Early 22nd
males beat their breasts separately, these too with their garments girt up.’ These
Dynasty, about 945-900 Be. actions were repeated during the funeral. In New Kingdom depictions the dead
From Thebes. H. of coffin man’s widow is often shown kneeling beside his mummy, and at the burial of a
210 cm. person of wealth there would also be professional mourners. Old Kingdom
scenes show men and women segregated in mourning, women indoors, men
outside. In New Kingdom scenes, the most conspicuous mourners are the
women, recognisable in the their dishevelled hair, exposed breasts,
mouths open in lamentation, and contorted postures, which conveyed a highly
specific ‘semaphore’ of grief (see fig. 132). Herodotus’ account notwithstanding,
oR "ys
132. Group of female men generally adopted a less dramatic pose, squatting on the ground with their
mourners, detail of the scene faces downcast, a gesture described in the story of Sinuhe, where the courtiers
illustrated in fig. 131. Their
who lament the death of the king sit ‘head-on-knee’. In addition to these groups,
exposed breasts and vigorous
gestures are conventional there were sometimes two women who personified Isis and Nephthys, the
expressions of grief. Early mourners for Osiris.
22nd Dynasty, about The procession also included the embalmer and various priests, headed by the
945-900 Bc. From Thebes. lector priest carrying a scroll, from which the appropriate incantations were read
H. ofcoffin 210 cm.
out. Servants brought the burial goods, particular attention being given to the
canopic container, which was dragged on a sledge. Since most tombs were on the
west bank, it was usually necessary to cross the Nile. At the river the coffin was
placed on a boat, towed by rowing boats. The coffin was laid beneath a canopy
in the middle, with the two principal lamenting women at the prow and stern.
The boat crossed the river and arrived at the west bank, where it was received
into the wabet. This structure (perhaps the same in which the embalming had
been carried out) was the place in which the mummy was subjected to purifying
rituals, before resuming the journey to the tomb.
At the tomb a further series of rituals took place. Here the muu dancers per-
formed a ritual dance wearing tall headdresses made of vegetal material. Brief
processions were made representing journeys to different cult centres in Egypt,
which were represented by chapels. These included a visit to Sais, with rituals
believed to derive from the ceremonies enacted at the burials of the Predynastic
rulers of Buto in Lower Egypt. Finally, both the tekenu (see Chapter 2) and the
canopic container were brought to the tomb entrance.
burial; possibly their activity was imagined to be suspended until the mummifi-
cation process was complete. The Opening of the Mouth, however, renewed the
relationship of these aspects with the corpse.
Depictions of the ritual from the New Kingdom show the mummy placed
134. Sets of model ceremonial
upright on a patch of clean sand at the entrance to the tomb (see fig. 133). The
implements (left and above
liturgy was recited while the appropriate acts were carried out; in its fullest form,
right) for use in the Opening of
the Mouth. The objects include the ritual incorporated elements from a number of different sources. Purifica-
the pesesh-kef, a bifurcate tions and offerings similar to those performed in temple rites were enacted. The
instrument possibly used to most important episodes were those adapted from the original statue-ritual,
support the lower jaw of the
involving the priest touching the mouth of the mummy-mask with a chisel, an
corpse, miniature tools and
libation vessels. At lower right
adze and other implements, including a bifurcate object called the pesesh-kef, by
is a calcite tablet with wells for which the faculties were symbolically renewed. The ritual was directed by an
the seven sacred oils prescribed official called the sem-priest. This individual, originally the eldest son of the
for use in the ritual. Larger
king, acted as the intermediary between the deceased and the netherworld;
Opening of the Mouth set and
through his filial relationship to the deceased, like that of Horus to Osiris, the
oil-tablet, from the tomb ofthe
lector priest Idy at Abydos, 6th identification of the dead man with the resurrected god was strengthened. From
Dynasty, about 2300 Bc. the New Kingdom onwards this role was often conceived as being carried out by
L. (left) 17 cm, (right) 13 cm. Anubis; at least, he is often depicted taking part, either holding the mummy
Smaller Opening of the Mouth
upright while the ritual is performed (see fig. 133) or bending over the mummy
set, 5th to 6th Dynasty, about
2494-2181 Bc. 11x9 cm.
on its bier, holding the adze and actually carrying out the ritual himself.
The words of the Opening of the Mouth ritual occur in the Pyramid Texts. In
the New Kingdom, a revised version of the ritual was produced, illustrated with
seventy-five individual scenes, copies of which are found in several tombs,
notably that of Sety I (c. 1294-1279 Bc) in the Valley of the Kings. The main
elements of this revised version were purification, the sacrifice of a bull, the
mouth-opening itself, and the presentation of offerings. The ritual ended with
an invocation to the gods at the placing of the mummy or statue in the tomb.
Because of the importance of the Opening of the Mouth, tombs were some-
times supplied with sets of implements which enabled the deceased to perform
the ritual for himself if the need should arise. In the Old Kingdom, these imple-
ments are usually models, set into stone slabs with receptacles specially cut to
receive them (see fig. 134). More elaborate models of some of the implements
and vessels are known from the New Kingdom (see fig. 135), and some tombs of
the Late Period have also been found to contain groups of objects relating to the
ritual. The tomb of Tjanehebu at Saqqara (26th Dynasty) contained a group of
these, including a sekhem sceptre, the ram-headed serpent rods called wer-hekau
instruments, and models of vessels in faience, calcite and wood.
The collective term for all ancient Egyptian funerary texts was sakhu (literally,
‘that which makes ak/’). This emphasises the principal purpose of all the texts,
which was to enable the deceased to make the successful transition to the trans-
figured state, akh. The placing of funerary texts in the tomb — on the walls of the
chapel, on papyri, on coffins, stelae and amulets, or on the mummy wrappings —
sought to make possible the replication by magic of the ritual acts which the
texts described. The deceased was thereby equipped with the special knowledge
needed to attain the afterlife.
Funerary texts in ancient Egypt had a long history, stretching from the late
third millennium Bc to the early centuries AD. Originally reserved for the sole
use of the dead king, they ultimately became available to a broader range of the
misleading term, as it implies a removal of the distinction between king and sub-
ject which the evidence does not warrant. The king continued to be distin-
guished from his subjects both in life and in the provision made for him after
death, as exemplified by the restriction of the pyramid-tomb for the use of roy-
alty alone. What funerary texts were used for Middle Kingdom rulers is not
known, but they were not necessarily the same as those provided for non-royal
persons. It is noteworthy that several centuries later, in the New Kingdom, new
royal funerary texts were created, but that these were, as a rule, distinct from
those of private individuals.
The organisation of the Coffin Texts is related to that of the Pyramid Texts, the
internal surfaces of the wooden coffin equating to the stone interior walls of the
king’s pyramid. The ‘resurrection’ ritual continues to be used, while in place of
the ‘offering’ ritual an offering-list is often included; the offerings are further
illustrated in the ‘frieze of objects’, a narrow band of pictures of various com-
modities which is one of the most characteristic features of coffin decoration in
the Middle Kingdom (see Chapter 7).
The Coffin Texts develop the notion of the two main contrasting concepts of
the afterlife: the heavenly travels of the ba, and existence in the earthly nether-
world, through the preservation of the corpse and the nourishing of the ka.
The content of the Coffin Texts is heavily indebted to that of the Pyramid Texts,
and includes many of the ‘personal’ spells. There were, however, innovations,
the most important of which was a new genre of spells, collectively termed
‘guides to the hereafter’. These texts were usually accompanied by a map show-
ing the topography of the netherworld, and the means of access to it. The texts
provided information and special knowledge to assist the deceased in making a
safe journey into the next life. The most important of these guides was the
Book of Two Ways. This composition was probably formulated at the
Residence and first employed in the cemeteries of Dahshur and Lisht. From here
it seems to have spread to other regions, most notably to the province of Her-
mopolis. The rectangular wooden coffins of governors and officials from Deir el-
Bersha, the necropolis of that city, are the major source for the Book of Two Ways.
On the coffins, the floor is usually occupied by the map, generally presenting
two paths consisting of earth and water. The coffins of the physician Gua in the
British Museum are among the finest examples (see
fig. 15). Different versions of the book were in use
simultaneously. In the version painted on the outer
and inner coffins of Gua, the main goal of the
deceased is to join the sun god Ra.
Although the whole corpus of Book of the Dead spells comprised about 200
separate texts, it was usual for only a selection of these to be made and inscribed
on a roll of papyrus. Certain spells were meant to function as charms to protect
or assist the deceased, and according to the rubrics, were to be written out on a
separate sheet. The rubric to spell 100 states that the words were to be pro-
nounced over the appropriate design which was to be drawn on a clean, unused
sheet of papyrus with powder of green glaze mixed with myrrh-water, the sheet
to be placed on the breast of the deceased without coming into direct contact
with the body. If this is done, the text states, the deceased will be able to enter
the barque of Ra. A rare example of the carrying out of these instructions in a
New Kingdom burial is the papyrus from the mummy of Henutmehyt, which
bears the text and vignette of spell 100 written unusually in red and white inks
(see fig. 139).
The Book of the Dead remained the most important collection of funerary
texts until the Ptolemaic Period. In the version used in the New Kingdom (the
‘Theban recension’) the spells do not occur in a standard sequence. A major
revision of the corpus in the 25th to 26th Dynasties (the ‘Saite recension)
resulted in a fixed sequence of chapters dealing in turn with the burial of the
dead, their equipping with divine power and knowledge, their judgement and,
finally, transfiguration. It is this later version that is the basis of the numbering
sequence used today.
Mortuary Liturgies
The three great corpora of funerary writings,
the Pyramid Texts, the Coffin Texts and the
Book of the Dead, represent the most con-
spicuous stages in the development of the
textual tradition. Another important cate-
gory of funerary texts, however, is that of the
‘mortuary liturgies’, the words of the rituals
carried out at the time of burial. Although
140. Scene from the Book of designed for the welfare of the dead, they were not primarily meant to be read by
Gates, showing the sun god’s them for their own benefit, but were intended for use by the mortuary priests
journey through the
who carried out the rites. Although, as noted above, a substantial ‘number of
subterranean chambers of the
underworld. In this
them are found incorporated within the Pyramid Texts and Coffin Texts, they are
composition, first introduced far more widely distributed in time, from the Old Kingdom to the Roman
in royal tombs at the end of Period. They also occur in various contexts, being inscribed in tombs, on coffins,
the 18th Dynasty (about on stelae, on papyri and on statues. With the passage of time, the main funerary
1300 Bc), each hour of the
god’s nightly passage beneath
text corpora and the mortuary liturgies followed independent courses of devel-
the earth is spent in a opment, and the two became more clearly differentiated.
different chamber, access to
which is gained through Late funerary texts
enormous gates guarded by
Funerary texts of earlier periods were revived in the Late Period, including the
dangerous serpents. Copy by
Henry Salt (1780-1827) of a
Pyramid Texts and Books of the Netherworld, inscribed in sarcophagi and on tomb
scene in the tomb ofSety I walls. The production of long Book of the Dead papyri declined in the late Ptole-
(about 1294-1279 Bc) in the maic Period, though short selections continued to be used until the Roman era.
Valley of the Kings, Thebes.
From the 4th century Bc, the Book of the Ded was increasingly replaced by other
texts. These included liturgies used in temple rituals, which were usually written
on papyri. Some of these texts were originally mortuary liturgies. There were also
new compositions such as the two Books of Breathing and the Book of Traversing
Eternity. The opening phrases of the Books of Breathing demonstrate that the
texts have the character of divine decrees to grant new life to the deceased,
notably giving him the ability to breathe. They also acted as letters of
141. During the 21st and recommendation to the inhabitants of the hereafter. These ‘passports’ to the
early 22nd Dynasty, burials afterlife were sometimes folded up like letters and placed at the head and legs of
of persons of high status were
the mummy, so that the deceased might present them to the gods on reaching
generally provided with two
funerary papyri. One of these
the next world. Such late texts were also sometimes inscribed on wooden boards
contained texts from the Book placed under the mummy.
ofthe Dead, while the other The provision of funerary texts had been abandoned by the 4th century aD,
often had only vignettes. together with most of the other features of traditional pharaonic burial practices.
This papyrus of the chantress
of Amun-Ra, Tentosorkon,
contains spells 125-130 of MAGICAL OBJECTS FOR THE DECEASED
the Book ofthe Dead. Early
22nd Dynasty, about Objects were believed to convey magical power no less efficiently than texts.
945-900 Bc. Probably from
Magical objects and images placed in the tomb could function independently
Thebes. H. 24.5 cm.
through the associations of their form, colour or material, as well as in conjunc-
tion with texts which would activate them. The strong belief in the power of the
image is strikingly emphasised in some funerary inscriptions of the Middle
Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period. In these texts, hieroglyphic signs rep-
resenting potentially harmful creatures were deliberately ‘mutilated’ — snakes
were drawn without tails or with the head severed from the body, birds appear
without legs — as a precaution lest the images should inadvertently be activated
within the tomb and cause harm to the deceased.
Funerary jewellery
Egyptian burials have yielded an enormous quantity of jewellery, and this was
one of the main temptations to ancient tomb-robbers. From the point of view of
the deceased, however, its importance was manifold. Jewellery not only beauti-
fied the body and marked the social status of the wearer for eternity; much of it
also conveyed magical power and protection, through its form, its iconography,
and the materials of which it was made. Some people were buried with treasured
jewellery which they had worn when alive, but there was also jewellery made
specifically for the tomb. This superficially resembled real jewellery but was
142. Wesekh or ‘broad’ collar flimsy in construction. Like the tomb models and model vessels, they were sub-
made of faience beads. The stitutes which would function as well as the real thing by magic.
pendants forming the
The most important items of funerary jewellery were collars. The wesekh, or
outermost row are perhaps
intended to represent leaves. ‘broad’, collar (see fig. 142) usually had terminals in the shape of falcon heads.
From Deir el-Bahri, Thebes. This collar conveyed magical protection over the deceased, as did the vulture
11th Dynasty, about 2020 Bc. collar. The magical functions of these collars, and the manner prescribed for
Max w. 25.5 cm.
their placing on the body are described in spells in the Book of the Dead.
Funerary amulets
Another important means of protecting and empowering the deceased was
through amulets. In ancient Egypt, amulets were widely used by the living as
well as by the dead. Their purpose was to give the wearer supernatural power or
protection. They depended for their potency on their shape and colour, the
material from which they were made, and the particular ritual acts and incanta-
tions associated with them which rendered them effective. Certain spells in the
Book of the Dead prescribe the correct materials, form and colour of important
amulets and how they were to be positioned on the body. Similar details are also
included in the Ritual ofEmbalming.
Some amulets were placed within the wrappings during the mummification
process, while others were laid on the outer surface (see fig. 143). Small num-
bers of simple amulets were being included with the dead even in the Predy-
nastic period. They began to increase in number from the First Intermediate
Period onwards. The growth in popularity of amulets in the Middle Kingdom
was perhaps as a substitute for funerary literature, which was absent in many
burials. By the New Kingdom, the wrappings of royal mummies were filled
with a wide range of amulets, as the body of Tutankhamun (c. 1336-1327 Bc)
testifies (see fig. 144); in the burials of private individuals, however, amulets
were generally few in number and restricted to a few types, such as the zit, the
146. Large pectoral symbol of Osiris and was reinterpreted as a representation ofhis backbone. As an
ornaments made of faience, amulet, it conferred stability on the deceased, and the ability to stand upright.
metal or stone were a
The djed was often paralleled by the iz, a depiction of a girdle-tie, which was
common attribute of
mummies during the New
associated with Isis. Spell 156 of the Book of the Dead directed that it be made of
Kingdom. The decoration of red jasper, and explained that if placed on the mummy’s throat it would convey
these often featured the scarab the power ofIsis to protect the body.
beetle or heart amulet, or
In the myths about Horus, originally a god of the skies, his eyes were equated
showed the deceased adoring
Osiris or Anubis. This group
with the sun and moon. Seth stole the eye of the moon, and the two gods came
of pectorals dates to the 19th into conflict. Seth disposed of the eye, which was later found in pieces by Thoth
to 20th Dynasties, about and restored. This story perhaps enshrines the explanation of the name wedjat,
1295-1069 Bc. Provenance
‘that which is whole’, which was assigned to the eye of Horus; eye amulets in the
unknown. L. oflargest
form of the wedjat became very common as protective devices, guaranteeing that
pectoral 12 cm.
the wearer, like the healed eye of the god, was whole and sound.
Symbols such as the wadj, or papyrus column, were usually made of green
stone or blue-green faience. This amulet connoted rebirth and resurrection, as
manifested in the new growth of plants, of which the papyrus was a familiar
example to the ancient Egyptians. The predominantly green colouring of this
amulet played a significant part in establishing its effectiveness.
A large number of amulets are miniature representations ofa particular god or
goddess. When used in funerary contexts these placed the wearer under the pro-
tection of that god, or identified him with the deity, so as to endow him with the
god's powers or attributes. The most common deities represented in this form
are those associated with the myth of Osiris: figures of
Isis and Nephthys are common, either individually or
as members of a miniature triad incorporating Horus.
Amulets representing Osiris himself are rare, probably
because the deceased was himself identified with
Osiris in the context of the tomb.
The scarab (a representation of the beetle scarabeus
sacer) was another of the most popular amulets. Small
representations of scarabs were commonly used by the
living as seals, but they also served as funerary amulets
to be placed on mummies. The scarab was associated
both with the sun god and with the notion of rebirth.
The adult beetle was observed to propel before it a ball
of dung in which its eggs were embedded. The sight of
the ball from which newly hatched beetles emerged
apparently prompted in the minds of the Egyptians a
comparison with the sun-disc at dawn as the source of
renewed life. Hence the scarab was regarded as the
form adopted by the sun god in the morning, and is
depicted propelling the solar disc across the sky. This
powerful image of rebirth occurred repeatedly on
coffins, mummy-trappings and pectorals, sometimes
147. Green basalt heart scarab showing the beetle alone, but often with outspread falcon-wings (see fig. 146).
of Renseneb, suspended on a One of the most important of all funerary amulets was a special type of scarab
necklace of gold wire. This
which protected the heart of the deceased (see fig. 147). The heart was regarded
type of funerary amulet
protected the deceased’s heart,
as one of the modes of human existence, and was considered to be the location
the centre ofhis physical and of the human intelligence. Moreover, it contained a record of its owner’s deeds
mental existence, and and behaviour in life, and it would be examined by the gods of the judgement
prevented it from revealing
hall to determine whether or not its owner merited eternal life (see Chapter 1). It
incriminating details ofits
owner's behaviour in life to
was therefore important that the heart should be retained in the hereafter. It was
the gods ofthe judgement deliberately left inside the mummified body by the embalmers, and spells in the
hall. A magical spell to ensure Book of the Dead were designed to guard against its loss. Since it could reveal
this was inscribed on the base potentially damning information about the deceased, texts such as spell 30B of
of the amulet. 18th Dynasty,
the Book of the Dead also prevented the heart from testifying against its owner in
about 1450 sc. L..5.5 cm.
the presence of the gods (see Chapter 1). This text was often inscribed on the
‘heart scarab’. The rubric of the spell prescribed that this amulet should be
carved from green stone and mounted in gold. It was to be anointed and
OM 1
27, to prevent the taking away of the deceased’s
heart in the netherworld; and spell 29B, relating to
ANN lacelontaceaenseah
al the bennu, or heron, which is identified as the ba
Wicca ancetavecercnerianenen sl of Ra. The bennu bird is frequently represented
PARNER LEK RAIL both on heart scarabs and on_ heart-shaped
lated eacacastranseeeneens,
Bre) ee latter also
amulets. These et protected d thethe heartheart.
. Th They
RRO K KR ERY were commonly placed inside the mummy wrap-
ROOK AR REAR LY pings, and the amulet was sometimes depicted
BSCR ARRI AMORA being worn as a pendant by the deceased in scenes
/CRRESIKL MAK Kletereralnaceteete’ola
reseseaeeseler ileal LOIS KOH such h as the
as the weighing
weighing of the of the h heart.
.BE SHAS ARRRR RNS A characteristic feature of mummies of the
SOO RX OKK KRY dicen and tuinteetetnallenai
middle late 1st millennium Bc was a |ange net
nes fe
econGeSantali’ lozenge
wen fin
of blue-green faience tubular beads, threaded in a
ge p pattern, with small spherical
P beads of dif
| |
Lis neces
eee enet
SK exvy
uy yy wy ey .) 148. Network of blue faience tubular beads with collar of
polychrome beads. Nets such as this were regularly placed over
the outer wrappings of mummies from the 25th Dynasty to the
Ptolemaic Period. The nets evidently conferred on the deceased
the protection of the sky-goddess Nut, and their pattern imitates
that of abead garment often shown as worn by Osiris. Late Period,
after 664 Bc. Provenance unknown. H. 140 cm.
ferent colours at the junctions and amuletic figures attached. These were placed
on the front of the body, over the outer wrappings (see fig. 148). The bead-nets
were evidently related to the bead-garment worn by Osiris, and hence the plac-
ing of such a net on the mummy probably enhanced the assimilation of the
deceased with Osiris. The nets also carried celestial symbolism, illustrated in the
blue colouring and the incorporation of the face of Nut into some examples.
This also recalls the astral associations of Osiris; in at least one late depiction of
Osiris wearing the net (in a tomb at Kom el-Shugafa) the lozenge spaces are
occupied by moon, star and solar disc.
A few sporadic instances have been reported from the Third Intermediate
Period, but it was only in the 25th Dynasty that the nets were introduced on a
regular basis, continuing in use until the Ptolemaic Period. The earliest version
of the net usually extended only from the shoulders to the ankles, and
amuletic figures were limited to a faience winged scarab and the four Sons of
Horus on the breast. Later examples (26th Dynasty and later) were more elab-
orate, covering the head as well as the body. The finest ones incorporate a face
mask of gold (occasionally silver), often with a wesekh collar, and a wider range
of amuletic figures. To the Sons of Horus were added a winged Nut, mourning
Isis and Nephthys, and a band of inscription giving the name and titles of the
deceased; these could be of gold leaf, gilded wood or cartonnage. Some Mem-
phite examples incorporated a flat face of the goddess Nut, frontally depicted,
recalling frontal images of the goddess on coffins. Particularly rich burials had
more elaborate nets. That of the chief of royal ships Hekaemsaf, buried at
Saqgara in the reign of Ahmose II (570-526 Bc), consisted of beads of gold,
lapis lazuli and amazonite, with an integral gold mask, bead-collar with gold
falcon-head terminals, and figures of Nut and the Sons of Horus and an
inscription all in gold. Another type of net incorporated a face of tiny coloured
beads, directly over the face of the mummy. Some examples have a collar and
divine figures in the same ‘mosaic bead’ technique threaded into the open
lozenge-pattern net. These have been found at sites such as Saqqara, Abusir,
Lahun and el-Hiba.
Magic bricks
Depictions of the mummy in the burial chamber occur in the Book of the Dead,
and these illustrate the protection of the deceased by a range of deities and tute-
lary symbols. One important means of providing magical protection was the plac-
ing of four bricks of unbaked mud in niches in the burial chamber. These are
attested for high status burials of the New Kingdom and 21st Dynasty, and were
apparently reintroduced in the Late Period, the latest example dating to year 15 of
Nectanebo I (c. 365 Bc). They occur in both royal and private burials, so appar-
ently no royal privilege was attached to them, though examples for kings usually
have inscriptions in hieroglyphic, and those for non-royal persons in hieratic. The
bricks have rarely survived in good condition, the best preserved set being those
of Henutmehyt (reign of Ramesses II, c. 1279-1213 Bc) (see fig. 149).
149. Set ofmagic bricks from Each brick supported an amulet — a djed pillar, jackal, torch, and mummi-
the tomb of the chantress of form figurine — and each had a text, which reveals that their purpose was to
Amun Henutmehyt, made of
ward off hostile forces from the four cardinal points. This text, part of spell
unbaked mud and each
supporting an amuletic figure.
151 of the Book of the Dead, contains specifications for the bricks and what the
The amulets represent a djed figures were to be made of. The djed brick was to be placed on the west, and
pillar of blue-glazed faience, a the torch at the south — this was to be of reed, containing a wick. An Anubis of
mud figure of the jackal-god
unbaked clay mixed with incense was to be placed on the brick for the east
Anubis, a wooden
mummiform figure and a
wall while the brick with the human figure guarded the north. The inscrip-
reed, intended to hold a wick. tions and placing of the bricks seem to have confused the personnel who
The inscriptions incised on deposited them, for the texts often contain mistakes, and the positioning of
the bricks contain the magical
the bricks in the tomb did not always follow the prescribed pattern. In some
spells which describe their
function, and indicate that
tombs the bricks were placed in two pairs of niches in opposite walls, and even
each brick was to be placed in royal tombs, the pattern was not always followed, suggesting that the posi-
facing one ofthe four cardinal tioning may reflect notions of a localised geography within the burial chamber.
points. 19th Dynasty, about
1250 Bc. From Thebes.
Other magical figures
H. (left to right) 18, 9.5,
205; 9-5 cm: At different periods, a range of other magical objects was placed in the tomb.
Some of these, once introduced, became a fixed part of the standard burial outfit
for centuries; others were in vogue only briefly. A complex methodology underlay
the selection of objects; texts on coffin, mummy-shroud and papyrus were some-
times complementary, each component forming part of a ritual unit indispens-
able to the deceased’s welfare. In the same way, at periods when funerary texts
were rarely placed in the tomb, other types of object appeared, perhaps to com-
pensate for the absence of the texts. Hence, from the middle of the 12th Dynasty
2 lal
tions occurred only once more; the Theban governor Montemhat (early 26th
Dynasty, c. 650 Bc) arranged for a set of statuettes of these guardians to be
carved from stone and placed in his tomb in the Asasif.
At its simplest, a coffin protected the buried corpse from the depredations of scav-
enging animals and tomb robbers, thereby helping to retain the integrity of the
body. The earliest Egyptian coffins were simple boxes of reeds, clay or wood. Had
physical protection been their only function, all later coffins might have been as
plain and unadorned as were these primitive examples. But in fact Egyptian
coffins were subject to an astonishingly rich variety of form, pictorial imagery and
text. Through its shape and its surface imagery, texts and colouring, the Egyptian
coffin was heavily endowed with symbolic meaning. Like the tombs discussed in
Chapter 5, coffins created special environments or cosmoi in which the transfigu-
ration of the dead was promoted: the extended cosmos (incorporating sky, earth
and underworld) and the more restricted cosmos of the deceased’s immediate sur-
roundings represented by the burial place and cult-chapel. The coffins’ evolution
reflected changing attitudes to the afterlife, taking up, preserving and developing
different notions, expressions of which came to be ultimately embedded within
the complex iconography and texts of their surfaces.
The earliest attested symbolic role of the coffin was as a ‘house’ or eternal
dwelling for the deceased. This is apparent in both the shape and decoration of the
coffins of the Early Dynastic Period and Old Kingdom, which, like tomb super-
structures, replicated the architectural features of early palace buildings (see fig. 158).
Development was relatively rapid. By the end of the Old Kingdom, the coffin
had already begun to reproduce the immediate funerary environment of the
deceased. The orientation of the coffin and its decoration were crucial to the ful-
fillment of this goal, the long front and back sides being aligned east and west
respectively like the corresponding walls of the burial chamber, while the
mummy within faced east, towards the rising sun. The tomb, of course, also
took care of the sustenance and provisioning of the deceased, through the agency
of the offering chapel with the false door stela as its focal point, and by means of
images and lists of offerings on the walls. These magical ‘tools’ accordingly began
to be depicted on the internal surfaces of the coffin, so that the space confined
by its sides and lid was treated as a miniaturised reproduction of the tomb. The
application of the bulk of the pictorial and textual material to the inside of the
coffin, from the late Old Kingdom to the Middle Kingdom, emphasised the
notion that it was arranged for the convenience of the dead person within. For
the same reason, images and spells were positioned close to the part of the body
to which they directly referred.
A more sophisticated role for the coffin or sarcophagus was already developing
during the Old Kingdom, to set the deceased within a larger environment than
that of the tomb alone — that of the universe itself: The lid of the coffin was sym-
bolically associated with the sky; on examples from the Middle Kingdom, star-
clocks and constellations are depicted on the under surface, and at later periods
coffin lids, both rectangular and anthropoid, were identified with the sky-goddess
Nut. Texts on the lid refer to the goddess stretching herself protectively above the
deceased and placing him ‘among the imperishable stars’ — these of course were the
circumpolar stars which were regarded as the destination of the dead king, in early
concepts of the afterlife (see p. 25). The case of the coffin was associated with the
earth. Thus the coffin recreated the universe around the deceased.
The dead man, inside the coffin, was identified with Osiris or Ra, each of
whom were reborn within the cosmos, or with Shu, god of the atmosphere,
whose place was between earth and sky. A significant element in this role was the
occasional identification of the entire coffin, not just the lid, with the sky-god-
dess Nut. The sky-goddess was regarded as the mother of all the dead. As she was
also the mother of Osiris, the identification of the deceased with Osiris was
emphasised. In some texts of the Old Kingdom the chest of a sarcophagus is
referred to by the word mut (literally ‘mother’), and it is apparent that the
mummy deposited inside the sarcophagus or coffin was equated symbolically
with a child in the womb of the sky-goddess, a notion which placed the deceased
in a situation of potential rebirth. A papyrus in the Louvre alludes to this:
When the mummy was placed inside the coffin, the deceased entered the
embrace of the sky-goddess. This idea situates the rebirth of the deceased in the
cyclical eternity of the universe. But, although reborn, the deceased is not ‘deliv-
ered’ from the body of the mother-goddess. Instead, the rebirth takes place
inside the womb (= the coffin = the sky), a concept which is graphically illus-
trated by the painting or carving of the figure of Nut — sometimes with a star-
studded celestial body — on many coffins and sarcophagi.
It was not Nut alone who fulfilled this role. In the texts on some coffins and
sarcophagi the position of divine mother of the deceased is taken by the goddess
Neith, while Hathor (often in her guise as the Goddess of the West) features
prominently in the iconography of post-New Kingdom coffins. The association
of the coffin with Nut, however, remained strong for centuries, and the concep-
tion of the coffin as a kind of cocoon in which the deceased would be reborn is
further revealed through the later use of the word swht (literally ‘egg’) to describe
the inner case.
The concept of the coffin as microcosm endured for millennia, and produced
a rich and varied use of iconography. It is most clearly recognisable on rectangu-
lar coffins, where the lid was equated with the sky, and the base represented the
earth or the underworld in which the dead dwelt. The long sides of the coffin
could also be equated with the underworld, or with the western and eastern
horizons, the physical boundaries of the world. The cosmological role of the
coffin also applied to anthropoid coffins, particularly from the New Kingdom
As mentioned above, the formal, pictorial and textual attributes of coffins,
which are the vehicles for these symbolic meanings, also belonged to the tomb.
The coffin, therefore, acted as a tomb in miniature. The degree of correspon-
dence between tomb and coffin fluctuated from time to time, becoming closest
when (whether for economic, social or religious reasons) the attributes of the
tomb were curtailed, and some of its functions were taken over by the coffin. An
undecorated chamber tomb without a cult chapel, such as those provided for
many minor officials of the Middle Kingdom, often contained a coffin whose
interior surfaces mirrored the decoration of walls and ceiling in the chapels of
the wealthy. In the Third Intermediate Period, when many burials were placed in
communal tombs without decoration, the surfaces of coffins were densely cov-
ered with images and short texts to provide for the welfare of the deceased.
There were numerous ways in which the coffin’s attributes could be made to
activate symbolic associations for the benefit of the occupant. It was common for
a body to be placed within a series of coffins, one within the other, each of which
might convey different symbolic significance. Thus the outer coffin might be
rectangular in shape, imitating the tomb or the shrine in which a divinity was
housed, while the inner coffin(s) were anthropoid in shape, representing the
deceased with the specific attributes of a transfigured being (sah). This multi-
level significance in some cases reflected the unity of Osiris and Ra, progressively
emphasised in religious texts and iconography after the New Kingdom. On
coffins of the later first millennium Bc, inner and outer decoration might be
complementary without necessarily being unified into a single concept; hence
the exterior could identify the deceased with Osiris in the place of embalming,
surrounded by protective deities, while the internal space represented the cosmos
in which the deceased (i.e. Osiris) lay.
kings or persons of high status survive from this period, but people of lower rank
were buried in containers made of bundles of reeds, large reused storage jars,
simple trays or wooden chests. The chests, the earliest true coffins, were relatively
small (approximately 1 metre in length) and held the body in a contracted posi-
tion with the knees drawn up and the hands in front of the face (see fig. 157).
Some examples evoked the architectural forms familiar from the great tombs and
funerary ‘palaces’ of the period, with vaulted lids and recessed panelling on the
sides, and provide the first instance of parallelism in the symbolic conception of
tomb and coffin — in this case as a ‘house’ for the use of the deceased.
158. Red granite sarcophagus The development of techniques of mummification during the Old Kingdom
made for a high official. The
vaulted lid and panelled
had a major impact on the evolution of the coffin. The preparation of bodies
decoration on the sides are with the limbs fully extended necessitated creating a longer type of receptacle.
imitated from the Examples of full-length coffins began to appear in the 3rd Dynasty, though at
iconography of contemporary this stage they seem to have been provided mainly for members of the royal
wooden coffins and are
family. In the chambers beneath the Step Pyramid of Djoser (c. 2667-2648 Bc)
ultimately supposed to derive
from the appearance of the at Saqqara were found the remains of a child who had been buried in an elabo-
royal palace. On the eastern- rate plywood coffin of the ‘long’ type; it was formed of six thin layers of different
facing side false doors are types of wood, arranged with the grain running in alternate directions to provide
added to the pattern of
added strength, and gilded on the exterior. This coffin had in turn been placed
panelling. Traces of an erased
hieroglyphic text are inside a calcite sarcophagus.
discernible along the upper Contracted burials in short coffins remained in use for many years during the
edge of this side; this may Old Kingdom, but were eventually completely superseded by ‘long’ coffins. Ear-
have been removed in order to
lier examples of this type generally had panelled decoration on the sides and a
usurp the sarcophagus for a
second owner. Probably 5th
vaulted lid, a type created in both stone and wood at the height of the Old King-
Dynasty, about 2494-2395 dom (see fig. 158). In about the 6th Dynasty, a type with a flat lid and smooth
BC. From Giza. L. 2.25 m. sides was introduced, continuing in use throughout the First Intermediate
159. Tamarisk-wood coffin of Period and the Middle Kingdom (see fig. 157). The religious significance of this
Hetepnebi, Inspector of type of coffin was reflected in the manner of its positioning in the tomb and in
priests of the ka-temple of
its decoration. The coffin was orientated with the head-end pointing north, and
king Pepy I or IJ. With its flat
lid and plain sides adorned the feet south. The mummy was positioned on its left side, the head supported
only with offering formulae by a headrest, with the face turned towards the east. This positioning was impor-
and a pair ofeyes, it tant for two reasons. Firstly, the deceased looked out from the realm of the dead
represents the earliest version
towards that of the living, ready to take in nourishment from the offerings which
of the standard type of coffin
in use from the 6th Dynasty
— he expected — would be presented to him by relatives or priests entering the
to the Second Intermediate tomb chapel from the opposite direction. Secondly, by facing towards the eastern
Period. It is constructed of horizon he would see the rising sun each dawn, symbolising the rebirth for
small, irregularly-shaped which he hoped. The iconography of the eastern wall of the coffin promoted
pieces of wood, dowelled
these functions. The most consistent element was a pair of painted or inlaid eyes,
together and originally
secured at the corners with through which the deceased could see; care was taken to align the mummy’s face
leather thongs. Excavated by with this ‘eye-panel’ and a headrest was placed under the head to provide the
D.G. Hogarth, 1907, in tomb necessary support. To enable the ka of the deceased to pass freely in and out, a
56 at Asyut. Late 6th Dynasty
small-scale image of a false door was often painted on the side of the coffin
or early First Intermediate
Period, about 2200-2100 Bc.
below the eyes. This functioned in the same way as the stone false-door stelae
L. 186.5 cm. placed in tomb-chapels. An image of a table of food offerings was regularly
painted alongside the false door on the interior. Hence the eastern face of the
coffin facilitated the offering-cult.
Hieroglyphic inscriptions began to be added to coffins and sarcophagi in the
4th Dynasty. At first these were standard, offering formulae invoking Osiris and
Anubis and other deities to provide the deceased with the basic necessities of
existence. These texts were written down the centre of the flat lid of the coffin
and along the upper edges of the sides.
A variety of types of stone and wood were used to make coffins and sar-
cophagi. Timbers such as cedar yielded large straight planks, ideal for the con-
struction of rectangular coffins, but cedar had to be imported from the Lebanon;
it was therefore a costly material and its possession was a mark of status. Some
high-ranking officials had pairs of coffins made from cedar. Those ofindividuals
of humbler rank were generally made from native timbers, of which the syco-
more fig was by far the most extensively used. Since these trees were generally
much smaller than the Lebanese cedars, the coffins were usually made from
small pieces of irregular shape, ingeniously fitted together in a patchwork fash-
ion, using wooden cramps and dowels and secured at the corners with leather
thongs (see fig. 159).
Stone sarcophagi were introduced in the 3rd Dynasty, initially for members of
the royal family. Examples were made from limestone, calcite (alabaster) and
granite, and in succeeding centuries stone sarcophagi became more widely used
for individuals of status, either in place of a wooden coffin or as an outermost
container for a series of wooden coffins. As a general rule, the design of stone
sarcophagi was adapted from that of wooden coffins, not only in the Old King-
dom but in later periods as well.
160. Exterior of the painted First Intermediate Period and Middle Kingdom
wooden coffin of Ankhef (see Rectangular wooden coffins remained standard during the First Intermediate
fig. 47). The inscriptions
Period and Middle Kingdom, but their decoration underwent significant evolu-
contain prayers for offerings
and confer the protection of
tion. The horizontal inscriptions on the exterior were augmented by vertical
various deities on the deceased. texts arranged at intervals along the sides (see fig. 160). These referred to various
This side of the coffin faced east deities of the Osirian cycle, whose protection was thereby extended around the
in the tomb and at the head-end
deceased. A false door was also added, painted below the ‘eye panel’ and from
is painted a pair of eyes to
enable Ankhef to ‘see’ the rising
the middle of the 12th Dynasty false door motifs were often repeated on all the
sun. Early 12th Dynasty, about exterior faces of the coffin. The decoration of the interior became more elaborate
1950 sc. From Asyut. L. 183 than that of the exterior, a reflection of the greater magical importance of the
inner surfaces, from the deceased’s point of view (see fig. 161). Opposite the
mummy's face on the eastern side was a false door, a depiction of an offering
162. Interior of the coffin of table heaped with provisions, and a standardised list of funerary offerings.
Seni, showing a section of the Around all four sides ran the ‘frieze of objects’, a narrow band containing images
‘frieze of objects’ — a series of
of a wide range of commodities which would both provide for the physical needs
images of commodities and
ritual items with which the
of the deceased and assist him in his passage to the afterlife (see fig. 162). The
deceased was equipped for the contents of the frieze vary from one coffin to another, but among the items most
afterlife. 12th Dynasty, about commonly included are clothing, jewellery, furniture, tools and weapons, as
1850 Bc. From Deir el-
well as amulets and royal insignia — the latter enabling the dead person to be
Bersha. L. of coffin 256 cm.
resurrected as Osiris, the ruler of the underworld. These images were often
deliberately arranged so that the objects were conveniently positioned for the use
of the deceased: headrests appear at the head-end of the coffin, sandals at the
foot-end, mirrors and pieces of jewellery close to the upper body, weapons close
to the arms.
The interior surfaces of many coffins were inscribed with funerary texts for
the benefit of the deceased (see Chapter 6). It is unknown whether or not the
inner wooden coffins of kings bore these texts, since no examples have survived
from this period, but private coffins were regularly inscribed in this manner. At
first, the texts seem to have been copied from those in the 5th—6th Dynasty
royal pyramids, and examples of private coffins inscribed with these texts have
been found in the Memphite necropolis. The Pyramid Texts, however, were soon
superseded by the Coffin Texts, extracts from which began to appear on coffins
in all parts of Egypt. They are first attested in southern Egypt and occurred in
non-royal burials as early as the 6th Dynasty. Regional variants occurred, partic-
ular texts being favoured in different parts of Egypt. Hence many of the finer
coffins from Deir el-Bersha include the text and illustrations from the Book of
Two Ways, a composition which includes a map to assist the deceased in finding
his way through the hereafter. The map is located on the floor of the coffin, a
reflection of the conceptual role of this part as a representation of the terrestrial
The principal changes in the design of coffins were closely related to the grow-
ing complexity of their religious function. Thus, the relatively simple exterior
decoration of the Old Kingdom coffins was intended mainly to ensure that the
deceased obtained material benefits such as a ‘good burial in the West’ and
funerary offerings. On the later coffins the external inscriptions and the more
complex internal decoration linked the coffin closely to the rituals performed at
the funeral, with the principal aim of ensuring the deceased’s resurrection
through his association with creator gods, chiefly Osiris and Ra.
Members of the royal family and certain high officials of the Middle Kingdom
were provided with stone sarcophagi. Some of these were plain, others carved
with panelled decoration. Images were usually avoided, but there are exceptions
to this practice. The most notable examples are the sarcophagi made for the
wives of Mentuhotep II (c. 2055-2004 Bc) who were buried within the king’s
enormous funerary complex at Deir el-Bahri. These unusual sarcophagi were
built of stone slabs, instead of being carved from a single block, and their outer
surfaces were decorated with scenes of daily life and offering inscriptions.
New Kingdom
At the beginning of the New Kingdom, both rectangular and
anthropoid rishi coffins were in use at Thebes. The coffin of King
Ahmose I (c. 1550-1525 Bc) and those of several queens of his
family show that a modified version of the rishi motif continued
in use in royal burials, undergoing further developments through-
out the 18th Dynasty. Early examples were of gilded wood or car-
tonnage, and the feathered patterning was more stylised,
representing the deceased sheathed in the plumage of a falcon or
vulture. This stylised feather design also appears on the royal
coffin from tomb 55 in the Valley of the Kings and on those of
Tutankhamun (c. 1336-1327 Bc). His intact tomb shows that by
the late 18th Dynasty three anthropoid coffins were required for a
king’s burial. Each coffin was decorated with a variant of the rishi
motif but the material and colouring of the coffins differed.
Tutankhamun’s first and second coffins were of gilded and inlaid
NR i)
more frequently with figures of the Sons of Horus, Anubis and Thoth. Isis and
Nephthys were painted at the foot and the head, and were depicted both lament-
ing and protecting the deceased as they had done for Osiris on his bier. The motif
of the pair of eyes, the most conspicuous feature of earlier rectangular coffins, sur-
vived on some 18th Dynasty anthropoid coffins, where they appear on the left
upper arm, although they were still sometimes painted on the shoulder-area of
the case. These coffins were thus an amalgam of the anthropoid and rectangular
types, and the latter in consequence fell out of common use. The basic design ele-
ments remained standard throughout most of the 18th Dynasty, but the colour
scheme of the coffins changed. Those made from the reign of Tuthmosis I to that
of Tuthmosis III usually had polychrome decoration on a white background, to
be succeeded by coffins with a black background, on which the texts and images
were applied in gold leaf or yellow paint (see fig. 165).
Once the anthropoid coffin had become established as the standard type, its
evolution proceeded steadily. Multiple anthropoid coffins, placed one inside the
other, began to be provided for private individuals as well as for kings and
queens. Features adapted from rectangular coffins became steadily less obtrusive,
as the design tended increasingly to reproduce the appearance of the ideal
mummy-image of the deceased, and through the attributes of the mummy to
emphasise his divine status. In the early 18th Dynasty, the arms began to be
depicted on some royal coffins, crossed on the breast, the hands grasping
amulets. Arms, or sometimes hands alone, were added to private coffins with
166. Small painted wooden increasing frequency from the middle of the Dynasty, the hands sometimes
coffin of the king's scribe Iny, holding djed and tit amulets. The curled ‘divine’ beard was also added to the
found in the city of Akhetaten
ite thy een ome graphy. The conceptual
iconography. p link between coffinin and tomb became less overt as
decoration meproduess that of iconography emphasised more strongly the coffin’s role as a replica of the divine
a full-size coffin, it is a body; to this end, the distinction between the lid and the case was obscured by
valuable indication of the making the lateral inscriptions continue from lid to case, and by painting the
f coffi : . . :
Simei ee a = details of the wig on the case as well as the lid. The importance attached to the
produce uring the re. 1gious . .
aL eee ieaed external appearance is further underlined by the rarity of internal decoration on
. : .
Tate 18a yaaay, shone anthropoid coffins of the New Kingdom. A few exceptions are known, such as
1352-1336 se. L. 44.5 cm. the depiction of Nut on the interior of one of the coffins of Tjuiu. This, how-
ever, may have been a feature taken from the design repertoire of kings’
coffins. Tjuiu was the mother-in-law of Amenhotep III (c. 1390-1352
BC), and her coffins were almost certainly made in the royal workshops;
indeed, the outer coffin of her husband Yuya is inscribed with the
words ‘made as a favour from the side of the King’ — one of the royal
donation formulae also found on shabtis such as those of Qenamun
(see above, p. 134).
The fragmentary sarcophagi of Akhenaten (c. 1352-1336 Bc)
and other members of his family, recovered from the royal tomb
at Amarna, reflect the religious changes promulgated during his
reign. The most notable innovations are the suppression of tradi-
tional texts and images, redolent of the Osirian afterlife which
the king had rejected, and the substitution of figures of Queen
Nefertiti for those of the traditional goddesses at the corners of
the king’s sarcophagus. Few coffins of private individuals survive
from this period, but a valuable indication of the likely appear-
ance of the lost specimens is provided by a miniature wooden
coffin from Amarna, which was found containing two pairs of
ivory clappers. Perhaps originally a shabti container, it reproduces
the decoration of a full-size coffin (see fig. 166). Traditional texts
and figures of gods are replaced by scenes of offering to the
deceased, who appears both as a mummy and as a living person.
Immediately after the Amarna Period, many of the traditional fea-
tures of coffin design returned, but several important innovations are
apparent. A new colour scheme was adopted, in which texts and
images were painted in polychrome on a yellow background, perhaps
to emphasise the idea of the deceased’s resurrection through the bril-
liant rays of the sun. The old black-coloured coffins ceased to be made,
finally disappearing in the reign of Ramesses II (c. 1279-1213 Bc).
Features of the mummy-iconography continued, arms and hands
crossed on the breast becoming a standard element (fig. 167). The
most remarkable innovation at this period was the creation of coffins
and sarcophagi which represented the deceased as a living person,
dressed in pleated linen garments, wearing a fashionable festal wig, and
with the arms arranged in poses associated with the living.
168. Painted wooden coffin of Standardisation of the burial ensemble continued, with two anthropoid
an unnamed priest of Amun. coffins becoming the norm for the burial of a high-status person. Mummy-
The surface below the floral
masks, which had remained in use during the 18th Dynasty, were replaced after
collar is densely packed with
small figures of gods and the Amarna Period by a ‘mummy-board’, a cover of painted wood or cartonnage
symbols of resurrection. At which was placed directly over the mummy. Although wooden coffins remained
this period, when the the commonest type, stone sarcophagi were also made for some high-ranking
decoration of tomb chapels
officials. Both rectangular and anthropoid types were used. The earliest are the
had almost ceased, the
surfaces of the coffin were
sarcophagi belonging to the Viceroy of Kush Merymose and Amenhotep son of
used to accommodate Hapu (both dating to the reign of Amenhotep III, c. 1390-1352 Bc). Anthro-
essential funerary imagery. poid sarcophagi of the 19th Dynasty were made both in mummiform shape and
Mid-21st Dynasty, about in the image of the living person.
1000 Bc. From the ‘cache of
the priests of Amun at Deir
el-Bahri, Thebes. H. 185 cm. 21st Dynasty
The stylistic distinction between royal and private coffins continued in the 21st
Dynasty. The intact burial of King Psusennes I (c. 1039-991 Bc), excavated at
Tanis, comprised two reused stone sarcophagi of the New Kingdom and an
anthropoid coffin of silver made specifically for Psusennes. The outermost sar-
cophagus had been made originally for Merenptah (c. 1213-1203 Bc), and was
extracted from his tomb in the Valley of the Kings and reinscribed. The silver
mummy-case was strongly traditional in design, with rishi decoration and
crossed arms grasping royal sceptres, which had been normal for kings’ coffins at
least since Tutankhamun (c.1336-1327 Bc). Private individuals were still pro-
vided with two wooden anthropoid coffins and a mummy-board. The external
surfaces were densely covered with figured scenes and brief texts, while all avail-
able spaces were filled with divine figures and symbols (see fig. 168). The colour
scheme was normally red, green and blue on a yellow background, and a thick
varnish sometimes made from péstacia resin intensified the overall yellow/orange
The scenes on the lid consisted chiefly of symbols of resurrection, notably the
scarab beetle and winged sun-disc, and these were juxtaposed with figures of Nut
and depictions of the deceased offering to various deities. The sides of the case
were painted with a varied selection of scenes, some of which had already
appeared in Book of the Dead papyri and tomb paintings: the weighing of the
heart, the goddess Hathor as a cow emerging from the western mountain of the
Theban necropolis (see fig. 169), and the deceased receiving food and drink
from Nut, who stands within the branches of a tree. These were augmented with
other vignettes belonging to a new repertoire of religious images which also
occurred on the funerary papyri at this period, and which included scenes such
as the creation of the universe by means of the separation of Geb and Nut. The
insides of anthropoid coffins were now also regularly decorated. A large djed
pillar, enfolded by wings, or a figure of the Goddess of the West (a manifestation
of Hathor) was often painted on the floor, while a full-face ba bird frequently
appeared above the head of the deceased, as though flying down to reunite with
the corpse. The inner surfaces of the walls usually had rows of deities, some of
169. Exterior of the case of the which represented the manifold forms assumed by the sun god during his jour-
outer coffin of the priest of ney through the night.
Amun, Amenemope. The
Many of these innovations seem to have originated at Thebes, at this time the
pictorial strip contains scenes
familiar from tomb decoration
centre of a virtually independent state controlled by the High Priests of Amun
of the New Kingdom, such as and only nominally under the authority of the kings in Tanis. The intensive use
the goddess Hathor in the form of coffin surfaces to accommodate this rich vein of theological imagery must in
of acow, emerging from the
part have been a consequence of the decline in the production of decorated
slopes of the Theban
tombs (previously the main location of such decoration); the coffins, and the
necropolis. Early 22nd
Dynasty, about 945-900 Bc. papyri with similar images, may even have taken the place of temple walls as a
L. of coffin 210 cm. setting for the visual display of the theology of Amun. The vignettes became
progressively complex, and some of the images combined allusions to several dif-
ferent mythological concepts simultaneously, as though to maximise the magical
potential of the limited area available for decoration.
Towards the end of the 21st Dynasty the decoration of coffins of the Theban
ruling élite began to be distinguished by very large floral collars and representa-
tions of red leather straps (stola), placed around the neck and crossing on the
breast (see fig. 170). This device, originally of protective significance, was often
depicted as worn by mummiform deities such as Amun, Min, Ptah and Osiris,
and at the end of the New Kingdom the sto/a began to be placed on mummies
(see p. 63). Its subsequent appearance among the attributes of mummiform
coffins was a further indication that the iconography of the coffin had come to
170. Lid of the outer coffin of
the priest of Amun
Amenemope. The evolution
of coffins during the 21st
Dynasty culminated in a type
distinguished by a very large
floral collar and the regular
depiction of leather ‘mummy
braces’ on the breast. In
addition, there were several
scenes and images which had
previously been the
prerogative of the king —
notably the depiction of
extracts from the Book of
Amduat on the sides of the
coffins. Early 22nd Dynasty,
about 945-900 sc. H. 210
Hyper nan: Se af
iu iy
Hi Be
| =P
XM r
emphasise more strongly the divine nature of the dead person. The curled divine
beard and fillet around the wig had already been added to the repertoire during
the New Kingdom, and now, in addition, the deceased was often represented
holding in each hand a mekes, or container for a rolled document which con-
cerned the status of Osiris as the heir of the god Geb. It is on these same coffins
of private individuals that scenes taken from the royal funerary repertoire
become frequent, notably extracts from the Amduat (see pp. 198-9), while in
some of the details of the scenes the deceased has royal attributes such as the
crook and flail sceptres. This tendency, together with the appearance of the stola
and mekes, points to a closer identification of the dead man with the world of
the gods and the divine king. Perhaps the priests of Amun at Thebes enjoyed a
relationship with the divine sphere which at other periods was more appropriate
to that of the king, and had this manifested in the iconography of their coffins.
These same coffins also re-emphasised the connection between coffin and tomb;
on some examples, the space above the mummy’s head carried patterns tradition-
ally painted on the ceilings of tomb chapels, and the arrangement of scenes on
the inner surfaces in horizontal strips recalls the ‘picture-strip’ style of Ramesside
tomb-chapels (see p. 153). It is even possible to recognise in the different decora-
tive elements echoes of the conceptual division which influenced tomb-design in
the Ramesside period (see pp. 152-4). Among the most striking images on
the interiors of these coffins are figures of the deified kings Amenhotep I
(c. 1525-1504 Bc) and Tuthmosis HI (c. 1479-1425 Bc) and the deceased offer-
ing to deities.
22nd Dynasty
The complex and sophisticated coffins of the early 22nd Dee were super-
seded by an alternative style of coffin, which differed strongly from what had
gone before. The new types had perhaps been developed in the Delta and their
adoption at Thebes may have been imposed by the early 22nd Dynasty kings as
a measure to curb the independence of the priesthood there, the design of the
priest’s coffins having begun to suggest an unprecedented degree of equality
between gods and mortals.
Wooden mummiform coffins continued to be made, but they were simplified
both in physical form (hands and arms usually being omitted from the lid) and
in decoration (see fig. 171). On many coffins the decoration was restricted to a
coloured wig, face and collar, with brief inscriptions on the exterior and a figure
of the goddess Nut painted full-face inside. On others, a more detailed decora-
tive scheme was applied, but the complex and specific vignettes of the 21st
Dynasty were avoided, and replaced by figures of gods arranged in symmetrical
groupings, or by a series of apotropaic deities wielding knives, lizards and ser-
pents. These figures belonged to a long-standing tradition (related entities had
appeared on ivory wands in the Middle Kingdom and as wooden statues in royal
tombs of the New Kingdom; see pp. 211-12). On some 22nd Dynasty coffins
their place is taken by deities who guarded the gates to the netherworld, both
groups having essentially the same function — to form a protective barrier around
the deceased.
The innermost case was usually a mummiform envelope of cartonnage, made
in one piece to fit closely around the corpse and laced together with string along
the back (see fig. 173). The surfaces of these cases were painted in brilliant
colours on a white, yellow or blue background. These cartonnages show a mix-
ture of solar and Osirian iconography. A common design shows a large ram-
headed falcon with outspread wings over the breast, rising above a second falcon
and, below, emblems of Osiris such as the Abydos fetish or the djed pillar. The
entire image probably represents the emergence of the sun at dawn from the
173. Cartonnage mummy-
case made for an unidentified
woman. The central
inscription ends with a ble
space for the name of the
owner, which was never
inserted. A red leather ‘stole’
(see p. 63) is represented on
the breast, below which are
depictions of the winged
g solar
disc, Sokar-Osiris as a
mummified falcon, the Sons
of Horus, winged serpent
goddesses and two
ba-birds. 22nd Dynasty,
about 850 Bc. From Thebes.
H. 170.5 cm.
carries the figure of Nut, the sky-goddess, while the base beneath is decorated
with the Djed pillar, symbolising the terrestrial realm ruled over by Osiris and
protected by the Goddess of the West, a form of Hathor. The mummy of the
deceased at the centre of this cocoon of potent images takes on the role of cre-
ator gods such as Osiris and Ra, who were the chief agents of resurrection. Fur-
ther allusions to this concept are too numerous to list. One, found on 26th
Dynasty inner coffins, is a long snake painted around the edge, its tail grasped in
or meeting its mouth; this ‘ouroboros’ snake has various functions in Egyptian
iconography, but here it undoubtedly protected the deceased, as did the “Encir-
cling Serpent’ Mehen in depictions of the sun god in his barque.
The design of these inner coffins allotted much more space to inscriptions
than had the cartonnage cases. On coffins made for persons of high status, these
inscriptions often included substantial extracts from the Book of the Dead and
other funerary compositions of earlier eras (see fig. 176). The selection of spe-
cific texts and their writing was a task for specialist scribes and would undoubt-
edly have increased the price of the finished product. Interestingly, even coffins
of inferior workmanship (generally prepared for persons of lower status) often
had extensive inscriptions, but the content was usually little more than repeti-
tions of the standard offering formula. Alongside these heavily inscribed inner
coffins, a simpler type persisted. The decoration of these coffins was predomi-
nantly pictorial, and some of the more popular design elements of earlier carton-
nage cases were perpetuated in this way.
Just as tombs of earlier periods often contained or represented different struc-
tures, sometimes ‘hidden’ within their masonry, these inner coffins were nested
in one, two or even three outer cases. At least one of these was always anthro-
poid, though of a more traditional shape than the inner coffin, with an undeco-
rated, flat base showing that it was intended to lie horizontally. When
functioning as an intermediary coffin, this type usually bore very simple decora-
tion, consisting of little more than the painted face, wig and collar, with brief
offering formulae on the lid and sides. In other burials this larger anthropoid
case was the outermost coffin of the set, and was then more extensively painted
with figures of protective deities and often a scene of the deceased’s judgement.
In high status burials the outermost coffin was of rectangular shape, with a
barrel-vaulted top and a freestanding post at each corner. This gersu type was
derived from the shape of coffins and sarcophagi of the Old Kingdom, and ulti-
mately from the traditional iconography of the per-nu shrine of Lower Egypt.
This shrine never in fact possessed corner ‘posts’; they owe their existence to an
artistic misinterpretation of earlier two-dimensional images. These coffins pro-
vided the vehicle for yet another cosmogram. The vaulted lid represented the
arch of heaven, and usually bore two images of the sun god travelling in his
barque pulled by a row of deities. The case again symbolised the earthly realm in
which Osiris — and by assimilation the deceased — dwelt. The use of a shrine-like
form was of course another means of promoting the notion of the divine status
of the deceased.
176. Interior ofthe inner
anthropoid coffir of Hor,
priest of Montu see fig.
: eh
177. Painted wooden coffin
of aman named Itineb. The
green colouring ofthe face
was a frequent feature of
coffins made after about
650 Bc, and symbolised the
identification of the deceased
with the god Osiris (see
fig. 11). On the breast the
goddess Nut, flanked by Isis
and Nephthys, spreads her
wings in protection, and
below this is a scene ofthe
weighing of the dead man’s
heart before Osiris. Most of
the remaining space is
occupied by twenty
compartments in each of
which Itineb is shown adoring
a different god or goddess; the
associated texts explain that
his various bodily members
are identified with those of
the deity depicted. 26th
Dynasty or later, about
600-300 Bc. From Saqqara.
H. 183 cm.
These wooden coffins were extensively used in Upper Egypt: many examples
having been found at Thebes and at other sites such as Akhmim. Relatively few
burials in the south of Egypt made use of stone sarcophagi in this period, but
these became increasingly common in the tombs of high-ranking officials, par-
ticularly in the north of the country from the 26th Dynasty to the Ptolemaic
Period. Anthropoid sarcophagi once again became fashionable and these closely
imitated the appearance of the contemporary wooden coffins. Rectangular or
cartouche-shaped sarcophagi also made a reappearance, their surfaces densely
covered with images and texts. These include the Pyramid Texts and Book of the
Dead, besides elements of the Stundenwache. Particularly full versions of the
latter (doubtless taken from Egyptian sources) occur on the massive stone sar-
cophagi made for the Kushite rulers Anlamani (623-593 Bc) and Aspelta
(593-568 Bc) from Nuri. These exemplify the wholesale adoption by post-25th
Dynasty Nubian kings of major elements of Egyptian burial practice.
179. This mummy-case is funerary bier, sometimes attended by Anubis. The texts, while derived from ear-
made of mud coated with lier sources, are often ineptly written and contain numerous scribal errors. The
linen and plaster, with inlaid
mummies were frequently provided with cartonnage coverings, ranging from
eyes of glass. It is decorated
with a range oftraditional complete body-cases to ensembles comprising a separate mask, collar, apron and
Egyptian images, including footcase, decorated with short texts and figures of divinities. Bound captives
the winged solar disc, Osiris, were sometimes painted on the underneath of the footcases, enabling the
Anubis and other deities,
deceased symbolically to tread his enemies underfoot.
and a bead-net design
(see fig. 148). The bearded
Although anthropoid wooden coffins remained the usual type, some individu-
face and the depiction of the als were still buried in a rectangular case with vaulted top and corner posts. This
exposed feet wearing sandals type was being used as late as the second century aD. Among the latest known
are, however, more
examples are the coffins of the Theban official Soter and members of his family,
reminiscent of Classical styles.
which display a mixture of traditional Egyptian motifs (solar barque, judgement
About 50 Bc—aD 50. From
Akhmim. H. 174 cm. scene and full-face Nut figure) and elements from the Hellenistic world, such as
the signs of zodiac (see fig. 178). Inner coffins were not provided with these
burials, the mummies being instead wrapped in painted shrouds.
The Roman Period witnessed the last manifestations of the long tradition of
Egyptian coffin-production. Anthropoid cases of wood were relatively rare,
although cartonnage body-cases continued to be produced. These were now
increasingly constructed from mud or discarded papyrus, rather than linen, and
their iconography — like that of the Soter coffins — blended Egyptian and Hel-
lenistic features (see figs 179-80). Many mummies were buried without coffins,
instead being provided with gilded cartonnage masks or plaster heads, while others
had portrait-panels in encaustic or tempera inserted into the outer wrappings. In
some cases, such as the mummy of Artemidorus from Hawara (see fig. 52), a
stucco body-case provided the base for traditional pharaonic funerary images, but
the mechanical way in which these were reproduced indicates that much of their
original significance had been forgotten.
The lives of the Egyptians were permeated and influenced by those of animals to
a degree almost unprecedented in the ancient world. At all periods the Egyptians
maintained an intimate and sensitive relationship with their environment, an
important element of which was the exceptionally rich and varied fauna. Moving
from a hunting and gathering economy to an agricultural one, they naturally at
first perceived animals largely as prey and as a source of food. The domestication
and breeding of animals had begun by the fifth millennium Bc, and cattle, sheep,
goats, pigs and poultry were extensively exploited throughout the historic
period. With the beginnings of an agricultural society, involving animal hus-
bandry, a closer relationship with animals was developed. Throughout the
pharaonic period, they served as a source of food, as draught animals, and as
transport, while their hides were used for clothing and leather, and bones, feath-
ers, sinews, horns, fat and dung were put to other practical uses. Some creatures,
however, particularly cats, dogs, monkeys, geese, and gazelles, were also kept as
pets. There were few aspects of society and culture in ancient Egypt which
remained uninfluenced by animals, but it was in the sphere of religious beliefs
and cult practices that they left their deepest imprint.
It was perhaps inevitable that animals would acquire divine associations for
the Egyptians. The special qualities of different creatures impressed themselves
on human observers: the virility of the bull, the swiftness of the hare, the
strength of the lion, the ferocity of the crocodile, the soaring flight and keen eye-
sight of the falcon. These attributes might inspire admiration, wonder or fear. At
an early stage animals became venerated, their worship probably arising out of a
desire to either manipulate their positive qualities or avert harmful ones. Out of
such attitudes were born animal cults, and these flourished in many different
parts of Egypt. The local communities of the prehistoric period which ultimately
developed into the provinces, or nomes, of pharaonic Egypt were sometimes
identified by emblems or standards in animal shape — the falcon, the oryx, the
hare, and others — and these totems may also have played a part in the formation
of animal cults. Such cults are often regarded as hallmarks of the religious atti-
tudes of relatively primitive societies, yet even after the evolution of much more
sophisticated modes of religious thought among the Egyptians, the association of
animals with deities persisted, largely because divine beings were regarded as
capable of being manifested in a variety of physical forms, including statues,
celestial bodies or animals. The evolution of the supernatural entities which we
refer to as ‘gods’ involved the attribution to many of them of the qualities of par-
ticular creatures. Thus the characteristics of the falcon belonged to Horus, those
of the lioness or cat to Bastet, and those of the jackal to Anubis. Such relation-
ships were eventually given visible representation in art by depicting the deities
either in the form of the animal or in human shape with the head of that
animal — a practice which attracted the ridicule of some classical and
later observers. By this period, however, it was not the animals them-
selves that were worshipped; such depictions were not intended to be
understood literally, but rather as metaphors, to convey some of the character-
istics of particular deities. To refer to Horus as the ‘falcon-god’, or Anubis as
the ‘jackal-god’ thus is grossly to oversimplify the interpretation of the evi-
dence. The association of various animals with particular deities involved
numerous subtle levels of meaning, and is a subject too complex to be con-
sidered here. In the following paragraphs we will concentrate on those
aspects which led to the mummification and ritual burial of animals.
181. One ofagroup of mummified bulls from Thebes. The horns, ears and
facial details are imitated in coloured linen, and the frontal wrappings are
arranged in an elaborate geometrical pattern. Although this animal was not
an Apis bull, its trappings included the triangular patch on the forehead
which was one of the distinguishing marks of the Apis. Radiography of this
group shows that they died aged between six and twelve months and
indicates that the post-cranial remains were prepared on a board, which was
incorporated into the wrappings. Roman Period, after 30 Bc. H. 45.7 cm.
These sacred animals fell into several categories, of which the most important
was the ‘temple animal’. This was a creature considered to be a physical incarna-
tion of the god; like a cult statue, it served as a receptacle in which the non-phys-
ical essence of the deity could be manifested — more specifically, his ba. The
animal was thus distinct from the god himself, yet enjoyed a unique relationship
with him. The Apis bull was the 6a of the god Ptah of Memphis; in other words,
it was (in the original meaning of the word 6a, see p. 20) the manifestation of
Ptah’s power. In the same way, the Buchis bull venerated at Armant was the ba of
the god Ra, and the sacred ram venerated at the city of Mendes was the 6a of the
god Osiris. These animals had special significance because only a single example
of the species was considered to embody the ba of the deity at any one time. This
unique creature could be recognised by special markings on the body. Once
identified by the priests, it was installed in a temple until its death, when it
received individual burial with all the formalities accorded to a person of the
highest status, including a relatively high standard of mummification.
Other animals were also held to be sacred, but on different terms to those
applied to the temple animal (see below, pp. 254-60). No single creature was
distinguished as the 6a or manifestation of the deity, but all examples of the
appropriate species were held to be sacred and were in some sense representatives
of the deity on earth. They were not, however, the focus of a cult, and were gen-
erally buried en masse, although they did receive mummification.
The divine associations of animals can be traced as far back as the late Predy-
nastic period. Ritual burials of cattle, baboons, crocodiles, hippopotami and
other species have been discovered in Naqada II-III contexts at Hierakonpolis.
However, the connections between animals and cult became most emphatically
obtrusive in the Late Period and the Ptolemaic-Roman periods, when animal
cults became very prominent and their cemeteries expanded enormously. This
rise to prominence may have been in part a consequence of an upsurge of popu-
lar religious practices. While certain animals had long been associated with
major state cults, it is likely that many more animal cults had flourished chiefly
among the peasants, leaving relatively little trace in the archaeological record
until the mid first millennium Bc. The immediately preceding centuries had wit-
nessed political and social changes in Egypt, of which the rule of Libyans,
Nubians, Assyrians and Persians had been only the most conspicuous. The
changes perhaps brought a move of nationalism, one manifestation being the
promoting of peculiarly Egyptian religious practices as a means of asserting
national identity. The association of animals with divinity was one of the most
conspicuous of these features. Indeed, Greeks and Romans who visited Egypt
regarded the animal cults as the most distinctive aspect of the Egyptians’ reli-
gious practices, although many were clearly puzzled by the contradiction which
such ‘primitive’ practices appeared to offer to the sophistication of other aspects
of Egyptian culture. But the late development of animal cults was not purely a
popular phenomenon. The huge expansion of cult places and cemeteries associ-
ated with sacred animals owed much to active encouragement by the state in the
Sacred Bulls
182. The Apis bull, painted The most important of the sacred animals was the Apis bull. Apis, originally a
on the wooden footboard of god associated with fertility, is mentioned in texts as early as the 1st Dynasty, but
the cartonnage mummy-case
his association with the god Ptah of Memphis came later, when he is described as
of an official named
Peftjauemawikhons. The bull the ba or ‘herald’ (wehem) of Ptah. Apis was believed to be incarnate in a bull,
is depicted as a pied animal born to a virgin cow which was supposed to have been impregnated by Ptah
wearing a menyet-collar with through the agency of fire from heaven (perhaps a bolt of lightning). When an
counterpoise. Early 25th Apis died, a successor was chosen by priests who travelled throughout Egypt
Dynasty, about 720-700 Bc.
searching for the new-born calf which was the next incarnation of Apis. This calf
Probably from Thebes.
L. of case 169 cm. was identified by means of specific body markings. According to Herodotus, the
hide of the bull was black, with a white triangle on the forehead, and a mark
shaped like an ‘eagle’ on the back, while ‘double hairs’ were to be found in the
tail and a scarab beetle-shaped mark on the tongue. Bronze figurines of the later
first millennium Bc show the triangular mark on the forehead, and a vulture and
a winged scarab or sun-disc on the back, but paintings of the Apis on coffins
183. Calcite (alabaster) tables from the same general period usually depict it as pied rather than black (see
for the embalming of the fig. 182). Once identified, the bull was taken in procession to the temple of Ptah
Apis bulls at Memphis.
at Memphis. Here he was formally inaugurated, and began a life of luxury, pam-
The majority ofthe tables
are carved to represent lion-
pered by attendants and fed on the richest foods in a special temple of his own,
shaped couches, a type of where he received the veneration of worshippers.
structure also used for the The death of the Apis bull was an occasion for national mourning. The prac-
mumumification of humans.
tice of giving the bull an elaborate burial seems to date from the reign of Amen-
Fourth century BC.
hotep II (¢.1390-1352 Bc). At this time there are signs of a strongly increased
royal interest in such animal cults and in the special arrangements made for
them after death. The burials of the Apis bulls were made at Saqgara, at first in
separate chambers, and later in rooms opening off subterranean catacombs. The
deceased Apis was identified with Osiris, and was referred to as Osiris-Apis or
Osorapis. This name gave rise to the Graecised Serapis, and from this the burial
galleries at Saqqara became known as the Serapeum.
Each bull was mummified at death. The rites echoed those of human
mummification, beginning with a ritual washing, and proceeding to drying,
anointing and wrapping. Indeed, there is evidence that the embalmers who
carried out the operation also mummified humans, thus maintaining their
skills in the interim between Apis burials, which occurred an average of eigh-
teen years apart. The place of embalming of the Apis bulls has been discov-
ered, south-west of the temple of Ptah at Memphis. This structure dated to
the 26th Dynasty, and contained eight large calcite (alabaster) tables carved to
imitate the lion-shaped supports used for the mummification of human
bodies, and with a receptacle at the foot-end to catch fluids (see fig. 183).
The procedure followed is described in a demotic papyrus dating to the Ptole-
maic Period, now preserved in Vienna. The body was placed on a layer of
clean sand to ensure its ritual purity. According to the papyrus, it was eviscer-
ated via an incision in the left flank, the heart alone being left in situ. Some of
the Apis burials of the New Kingdom included large canopic jars, though
whether these really contained parts of the body or were purely ritual in func-
tion cannot be determined. The body cavity was packed with bags of sawdust
and natron, to help the corpse retain its shape and — presumably — to absorb
moisture, as in human embalming. The wrapping, which occupied sixteen
days, took place with the body lying on a board, along the edges of which
were fixed metal clamps. The application of the wrappings was a highly ritu-
alised process; the Vienna papyrus records precise instructions for the prepa-
ration and application of every piece of cloth. The texts mention that the
wrappings were to be secured by passing them through the clamps and
beneath the baseboard. This technique has been confirmed through the dis-
coveries of the mummies of Buchis bulls at Armant, which were also prepared
on a board, associated with clamps of bronze or iron. The bull was provided
with eyes made of glass and stone, and artificial hooves of gold were substi-
tuted for the real hooves — corresponding to the application of finger and toe
stalls to human corpses.
A stela dated to year 30 of the reign of Ramesses II (c. 1279-1213 Bc) men-
tions the mummification of an Apis which had just died, and states that the
body was in the embalmer’s workshop for seventy days, exactly as would be
expected for the mummification of a human body. Other stelae show the funer-
ary rituals performed before the interment of the bull, and here again the acts
carried out mirror those in human burial, with an Opening of the Mouth cere-
mony to restore the use of the bodily faculties.
The mummies of the bulls were taken to the Serapeum at Saqgara for burial.
A processional way lined by sphinxes led to the burial place, and the catafalque
containing the bull in its coffin was dragged along by soldiers. At the end of the
sphinx-avenue stood a temple to Osiris-Apis built early in the reign of
Nectanebo II (360-343 Bc), the last native-born pharaoh of Egypt. This temple,
the ‘Place of the Living Apis’, served the cult of the deity, though no remains of
it survive today.
The Serapeum, with its associated temple and avenue of sphinxes, was well-
known to the Greeks and Romans, and was described in the Geography of
Strabo. Later covered with sand and lost to view, its location was deduced by the
English collector Anthony Harris in the mid-nineteenth century and was actu-
ally rediscovered by Auguste Mariette in 1851-2. The earliest graves so far dis-
covered were separately constructed. One of them was found undisturbed, and
contained the mummies of two bulls who had died in the reign of Ramesses I]
(c.1279-1213 Bc). The chamber was faced with limestone on which was a
painted depiction of the pharaoh with his son prince Khaemwaset offering to the
Apis bull. The mummies lay inside wooden coffins and were adorned with rich
jewellery and amulets. They were even provided with bull-headed shadzi figures.
From the later years of the reign of Ramesses II the method of interment
changed, each bull being placed in one of a series of chambers which opened
from subterranean galleries. The Serapeum remained in use from the New King-
dom to the Ptolemaic Period, although not all the burial places of the bulls from
this long time-span have been identified. Each chamber contained a sarcopha-
eus. Those of the 18th to 26th Dynasties were made of gilded wood, while those
of the later periods were massive chests hewn from granite blocks, the largest
approaching 70 tons in weight. The individual vaults were originally faced with
limestone, and many stelae were set up there (see fig. 184). These included
formal records of the lives of the bulls, giving the dates of their death and burial,
and those of their birth and installation at Memphis. Since the age of the animal
at death is often included, these stelae are an important source for the recon-
struction of ancient Egyptian chronology. Besides these, there were hundreds of
stelae inscribed in hieroglyphic, hieratic and demotic, set up by private individu-
als to express their piety and devotion to the Apis bull. Many of these stelae were
set into the walls of the corridors, where they would be seen by visitors to the
at Heliopolis (see fig. 189). The early history of this bull is poorly documented
but by the New Kingdom it had acquired great importance. As a manifestation
of the sun god, special provision for it was even made in the extreme theological
system of Akhenaten (c. 1352-1336 Bc). Like Apis, the Mnevis bull was distin-
188. Sandstone stela dated in guished by external signs and had to be searched for at the death of the old bull.
the 13th year of the reign of The Mnevis also was mummified at death and buried in a special tomb; how-
Ptolemy I (285-246 Bc),
ever, only two of these tombs have been discovered, dating to the reigns of
recording the death of aBuchis
bull who was aged twenty years, Ramesses II (c. 1279-1213 Bc) and Ramesses VII (c. 1136-1129 Bc). Located to
eight months and thirteen the north of Heliopolis, they consisted of roofed chambers constructed of lime-
days. From the Bucheum at stone blocks below ground-level. The walls of the tombs were inscribed and cov-
Armant. H. 55 cm.
ered with reliefs, and the burials were accompanied by offering tables and stelae.
Sacred rams
In a manner analogous to that of the bulls, sacred rams were also regarded as the
sole manifestation of particular deities. The ram Banebdjedet was revered at
Mendes in the Delta, and at Elephantine were the burials of rams which were
representative of the local god Khnum. They were mummified and adorned with
gilded masks incorporating elaborate headdresses, and then placed in stone
to Hathor, and later in the cliffs north of the Serapeum. Further animal cults
were added as the centuries passed. A cult of Thoth, the god of wisdom and
writing who was also associated with the moon, was established at Saqqara,
where he was venerated as the father of Isis, mother of Apis. Thoth was associ-
ated with both the ibis and the baboon, and large numbers of mummies of these
animals were deposited there. Horus was also represented by falcon mummies;
ideologically the presence of this solar deity provided a harmonious balance to
the lunar Thoth, while Horus as son of Osiris, had a manifest relationship with
the deceased Apis, himself identified with Osiris.
The steady growth in popularity of these cults owed much to a belief in the
oracular powers of the deceased sacred animals, which were believed to be able to
reveal future events. To cater for these cults at Saqqara a series of temples and
shrines was constructed, stretching northwards along a wadi towards the ‘lake of
pharaoh’. Pilgrims came to this spot from all over Egypt and from other parts of
the eastern Mediterranean. A community grew around the temples and shrines
to cater for the needs of these people. In addition to the numerous priests and
minor officials who maintained the cults, there were the embalmers who mum-
mified the sacred animals and the labourers who cut the catacombs and stone
sarcophagi. There were also other craftsmen who produced bronze statuettes for
presentation as votive offerings, astrologers and fortune-tellers, and those who
provided lodgings for the many visitors. The life of this society is abundantly
documented by many written records on papyri and on ostraca. These include
the personal archive of a man named Hor, which reveals details of the day-to-day
management of the sacred animal cults, besides throwing light on dishonest
practices among the priests.
The range of creatures which was mummified was extensive, including cats,
dogs, crocodiles, bulls and cows, rams, baboons, falcons, ibises, lizards, snakes,
and even beetles. Some of the deities represented by these animals were wor-
shipped throughout Egypt, while others were ‘local’ deities, and the attitude to a
particular creature varied from place to place. An animal venerated in one
province could be reviled in another, and such differences sometimes formed the
pretext for clashes between the inhabitants of neighbouring cities.
The mummified animals were buried in mass graves. At some places, such as
Thebes and Asyut, rock-cut tombs of earlier periods were reused for this pur-
pose. At the former site, tombs have yielded mummies of bulls, gazelles, ibises,
falcons, baboons, cats, rams and crocodiles. A large tomb at Dra Abu el-Naga
was reused in the Ptolemaic Period as a necropolis for ibises and falcons, and a
series of demotic graffiti on the walls record the names of many of the priests
who were connected with the cemetery of these birds. Elsewhere, extensive sub-
terranean galleries were excavated, containing many chambers which were filled
to the ceiling with animal mummies. The best-known examples are the Ser-
apeum and the catacombs of other animals at Saqqara; a crocodile cemetery near
Manfalut seems to have been installed in caverns of natural origin.
The priests who served the cults and the burial places of sacred animals were
organised in groups, and some of the posts were hereditary. One such group, the
‘bearers of the gods’ (equivalent to the Greek rheagoz), is often mentioned in
papyri and graffiti of the Ptolemaic-Roman periods. Their task was apparently to
transport the mummified animals to the cemeteries. They could be carried by
hand, or transported on a sledge or wheeled cart. Apart from such creatures as
the Apis bull (whose burial was a relatively infrequent event) the numbers of ani-
mals mummified and buried all over Egypt at this period was immense. The
practice with regard to the majority of animal mummies was to inter them peri-
odically. The ibises and falcons interred at Saqqara were buried on one specific
day every year, while at Athribis falcons were buried every month, and at Kom
Ombo at irregular intervals.
Among the animals most frequently mummified was the cat, which was mainly
associated with the goddess Bastet. Although originally associated with the
lioness, Bastet later came to be linked with cats, and was regularly depicted as a
cat or a cat-headed woman. Herodotus states that dead cats were taken to
Bubastis in the Delta, the centre of the cult of Bastet, and there embalmed and
buried in sacred receptacles. The remains of a great cat cemetery have indeed
been found there, but it had been extensively plundered before archaeologists
investigated the site. However, cat cemeteries have been found in many other
parts of Egypt (notably at Saqgara and Thebes), perhaps owing their existence to
Bastet’s association with lion deities such as Sekhmet, worshipped in various
places. Radiology of cat mummies in museums has shown that most of them
had died within one of two age-ranges: three to four months and one to two
years. This uniformity of ages strongly suggests that they had not died natural
deaths, and some X-rays provide confirmation of this. The neck-vertebrae of sev-
eral cats are seen to have been dislocated, while others showed head injuries, sug-
gesting that they had been killed specifically for mummification, perhaps during
periodic ‘culls’ on the temple estates. The majority of cat mummies have a dis-
190. Mummified cat with tinctive shape, created by extending the front legs down the body and tucking
imitation of the animal’s head up the back legs (see fig. 188). This produced an elongated package, which was
in linen and plaster. The
completed by a stylised image of a cat’s head created in dyed linen or drawn in
lozenge-patterning ofthe
interlocking wrappings is a ink on the wrappings, the ears shaped from linen. Occasionally this shape was
feature which had been varied: one famous example in the British Museum was wrapped to resemble a
adapted from the human mummy, with prominent ‘shoulders’ and a body tapering to the feet
mummification of humans.
(fig. 196). The wrapped mummies were sometimes enclosed in cat-shaped
Roman Period, after 30 Bc.
Provenance unknown. coffins of painted wood, or even inside hollow-cast bronze cat-statues (see figal 9D).
H. 53 cm. Small examples were placed in bronze relic boxes, with figures of cats on the top.
vipers were prepared in this way). Mummified lizards also occur, but the most
common of the reptile mummies was the crocodile, the sacred animal of the
god Sebek. His cult was maintained at various sites, notably Kom Ombo and
Shedet (Crocodilopolis). The crocodiles were kept in temple lakes, and force-
fed while being physically restrained by holding them down. Large numbers of
crocodiles were mummified. One of the biggest crocodile cemeteries was situ-
ated east of the temple of Kom Ombo. Another major source was the ‘crocodile
grottoes at Maabda, opposite Manfalut in Middle Egypt, visited by many
European travellers before they were destroyed in the late nineteenth century.
These naturally-formed subterranean galleries were used in the Ptolemaic and
Roman periods to house large numbers of mummified crocodiles. These
i) Nn ™S
Sacred birds
Birds were also mummified extensively. Perhaps the
most numerous were mummies of the ibis, the bird
sacred to the god Thoth. Many ibis mummies have
been found at Saqqara, where they were placed in
catacombs in conical pottery jars (see fig. 190). An
alternative form of container was an ibis-shaped
sculpture, comprising a hollow wooden body to
contain the mummy, to which a bronze head and
feet were fitted. Falcons were also mummified in
large numbers (see fig. 191). Most of these were deposited without coffins,
although there are exceptions. Examples from Saqqara were placed in wooden
coffins, while an example of unknown provenance (Roman Period) had a painted
cartonnage mummy-case which was fitted inside a stone shrine-shaped chest.
196. Mummified cat with In the most elaborate instances of animal burials, such as those of the Apis
wrappings dyed in contrasting bulls, the techniques of mummification employed followed those used on
colours arranged in a
human bodies, including evisceration, drying, and wrapping. These opera-
geometrical meander pattern.
Like other animal mummies,
tions were carried out in a ritualised context, accompanied by appropriate
this specimen has a painted incantations.
headpiece realistically For the millions of ibises, falcons, cats, fish and other animals, embalmed as
modelled in linen and plaster,
votive offerings, a much simpler approach was employed. Evisceration was not
but the tapering shape of the
body is unusual for a cat, and
always performed. When it was, the body cavity would be packed with sand or
appears to imitate the form of mud, perhaps mixed with natron. The internal organs do not seem to have been
human mummies. Roman separately preserved; apart from the sacred bulls, no mummified animals are
Period, after 30 Bc. From known to have had canopic jars. The bodies were dried or coated with resin,
Abydos. H. 46 cm.
before being wrapped in layers of linen, soaked in resin or natron. Smaller crea-
197. Radiography of the cat tures such as ibises might be simply immersed in molten resin, and wrapped.
mummy shown in fig. 196 Fish were simply slit open and dried by being covered with a mixture of mud
reveals that the body inside is and salt, and buried in sand.
not that of amature animal,
The positioning of the limbs of animal mummies and the method by which
as the wrappings suggest. It is
actually composed of the skull they were wrapped led to distinctive forms being created for individual creatures,
of an adult cat, attached to the shape of the bundle being based on that of the animal’s body. For cats, bulls,
the body of a kitten which rams, crocodiles, falcons and gazelles, the head was often modelled in linen, with
died at about the age ofthree
facial features represented in coloured linen, in paint or ink. The limbs were usu-
or four months. This
composite corpse occupies
ally confined within the bundle (as in the majority of human mummies), and for
less than half the space some creatures this meant distorting the body. Hence cats assumed an elongated
within the wrappings, and shape, while bulls, gazelles and rams had their limbs folded underneath their
pieces of wood and scraps of bodies. In some of these packages, substantial parts of the body were omitted,
linen were used to help create
and reeds were used extensively to create the desired shape.
the desired shape.
In some cases, the bundle has been made to resemble a human mummy, with
prominent shoulders and the body tapering towards a projecting foot. Examples
of this type usually contain extensive packing to create the appropriate shape,
while the head of the animal may be elaborately modelled in folded linen or may
even be covered by a bronze or cartonnage headpiece comparable to the
mummy-masks of humans. Wrappings were often dyed in contrasting colours
and elaborately arranged in geometric patterns.
Animal mummies often contain an incomplete body, or parts of more than
one animal. This state of affairs has been found in bovine mummies (though not
those of Apis bulls), as well as in those. of birds and crocodiles. In the same way,
some cat mummies are found to contain only a head, or the head, forelegs and a
few other bones. Some bird mummies contain only a few bones, while gazelle
mummies have been found which appear to contain little more than the animal’s
horns, the shape of the body being represented by bundles of reeds.
The external appearance of an animal mummy may then be deceptive. One of
the most imposing mummies in the British Museum (see fig. 196) has been
wrapped as though it contains an adult cat, yet X-rays have revealed that it con-
tains the body of a tiny young kitten, probably about 3-4 months old, on to
which had been placed the head of an adult animal (see fig. 197).
Some of these cases may represent deliberate attempts by the embalmers to
deceive the pilgrim who had paid for an animal to be mummified, or they may
have been produced at times when the demand for animals outstripped supply.
Yet this may not be the whole story; we cannot be sure that the purchaser
expected the mummy-package to contain a complete body. In terms of the cult
significance of such votive offerings, a portion of the body may have been suffi-
cient. Perhaps (as was the case with human mummies) the creation of an eternal
image using parts of the animal’s body was sufficient to fulfill the religious func-
198. Bronze reliquary to tion. The incomplete state of many animal mummies finds a parallel in the often
contain the mummy ofan irregular contents of human mummies of the Roman period, and both phenom-
ichneumon, an animal sacred
ena may share a common ideological background.
to several deities, including
Horus, Atum and Wadjit.
For the most part, only temple animals received elaborate coffins and sar-
Large numbers of smaller cophagi, but coffins for individual animal mummies are also known. Like the
creatures were placed inside anthropoid coffins of humans, these were sometimes sculpted images of the crea-
containers of this kind after ture, hollowed out to recieve the mummy. Cat coffins of wood and bronze are
mummification. As in this
known, and ibises were sometimes placed inside the hollow bodies of images of
case, a hieroglyphic
inscription was often incised the living bird, although the majority were placed in conical pottery jars. Smaller
around the box, giving the animals were placed in relic boxes of bronze or wood, with a three-dimensional
name and parentage ofthe image of the animal on the top (see fig. 198). Significantly, these coffins do not
dedicator. Late Period,
carry funerary inscriptions or images, indicating that the creatures within were
664-305 Bc. From Thebes.
not assimilated to humans, but were simply regarded as offerings to the gods.
In some cases, the animals interred were clearly beloved pets or companions of
their owners. Pets were frequently immortalised in the wall-decoration of tomb-
chapels or in scenes on funerary stelae, and were sometimes given a formal burial
according to procedures normally reserved for humans. The burial of three don-
keys in a grave of the Ist Dynasty at Tarkhan may be an early instance of this
practice, although the reason for the animals’ presence there is not certain. An
Old Kingdom tomb at Giza was prepared at the king’s expense for one of his
guard-dogs, Abutiu. According to an inscription in the tomb chapel, the king
ordered that the dog be provided with a coffin, fine linen and incense — clearly a
burial such as a distinguished human might expect. Another example is the
burial of a dog named Aya, interred at Thebes during the Middle Kingdom in a
wooden coffin which closely reproduced the shape and decoration of coffins
made for humans at the same period. The inscriptions included the offering for-
mula, promising funerary offerings for the dog, who is described as ‘beloved of
her mistress’. The cost of producing such an expensive piece of burial equipment
for a dog indicates that the mistress (whose name unfortunately we do not
know) belonged to a wealthy family. A later example of even more exalted status
is the cat of Prince Tuthmosis, the eldest son of King Amenhotep III (c.
1390-1352 Bc). This animal, simply named Tamyt (“The [female] cat’) was
buried in a limestone sarcophagus, which again imitated the shape and decora-
tion of coffins made for human burials. It is inscribed with hieroglyphic texts
identifying Tamyt as an Osiris, and invoking the protection of the goddesses
Nut, Isis and Nephthys and the Sons of Horus — exactly as would be done for a
deceased human. The analogy is carried further by the inclusion of a carved
figure of the deceased cat before a heaped offering table. In these cases the
animal was assimilated to a human being, rather than being regarded as a repre-
sentative of a deity. Such instances, however, are rare. Among others are a few
mummified gazelles and a baboon found at Thebes — perhaps the pets of the
high-ranking women of the 21st to 25th Dynasties — but otherwise, the mum-
mification of animals arose from their association with divinities.
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Mipp.e Kincpom
11th Dynasty c. 2125-1985 Bc
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Page numbers in ztalics refer to illustrations
Apep 28, 31, 198 205, 206, 207, 21, 229,236; 238;
Abu Gurob 134 50, 251,252; 253, 254) 256, 2600 Book of Gates 33, 198-9
Abusir 80, 131, 207 Apotropaion 209 Book of Traversing Eternity 199
Abydos 27, 75, 79, 104, 105, 107, 118, Armant 246, 249, 251, 252, 253 Book of Two Ways 33, 195, 196, 222
WH, N86), MS BS), NS), WANN, IS ISy, Artemidorus 89, 243 Books ofBreathing 199-200
156, 183, 184, 187, 191, 234, 257, Asasif 212 Bubastis 256
260, 261 Ashait 82, 223 Bucheum 251-3
Adaima 48 Aspelta 241 Buchis 249, 251-2, 253
Aha 209 Aswan 40, 76, 151, 167 Butehamun 182
Ahmose I 84, 119, 120, 183, 224 Asyut 68, 81, 100, 109, 133, 150, 151, Buto 66, 190
Ahmose II 47, 207, 247 160; G76 WANG WG; 2198 22 0 255
akh 31-2, 35, 38, 42, 43, 44, 193 Aten 122, 123
akh iger en Ra 185 Athribis 256
Akhenaten 121-2, 123, 146-7, 152, 225, Atum 19, 25, 28, 32, 253, 256, 262 Cambyses 46
DG, Dif, ISB Atum-Mnevis 253 canopic jars 49, 63, 65-76, 86, 87, 132
Akhetaten 147, 152, 226 Avaris 146 Canopus 65
Akhmim 57, 88, 166, 241, 242 Awibra Hor 19, 83 choachytes 77, \77
Alexandria 155 Ay 175 Coffin Texts 12, 31, 32, 33, 39, 62, 68,
Amduat 28, 33, 146, 198, 199, 231 115, 194-6, 198, 199, 209, 221, 222
dismembering of corpse 48, 79 Gua 103, 107, 115, 166, 196 Florus)2/5932) 96; 38352, os onO2,
Died 203, 204, 208, 226, 229, 234, 236, guides to the hereafter 33, 195 141, 161, 175, 191, 194, 204, 205,
238 Gurob 127 210, 245, 255, 262
Djedkara Isesi 80, 171 House of Life 171, 173
Djefahapy 176 Hunefer 26, 36, 190
Djehutyhotep 166 Hyksos 83, 145-6
Djehutynakht 67, 82, 100 Hagarsa 81, 171
Djer 79, 133, 134, 183 Hapy 14-15, 65, 66, 75
Djoser 80, 141, 42, 165, 218 Hardjedef 136, 174-5
Dra Abu el-Naga 78, 146, 255 Harkhuf 177 Ibi 193
drowning 41 Harwa 130 ibu 52,77, 177
Duamutef 14-15, 65, 66, 68, 73, 75 Hathor 17, 42, 60, 182, 216, 229, 230, Imhotep 45, 142
Duat 28, 35, 139 238; 25) Imsety 14-15, 65, 66, 68, 69, 75
Hatshepsut 42, 85, 154 Ineni 152
Hawara 89, 145, 179, 242, 243 Insinger, Papyrus 23
heart 14-15, 16, 17, 23, 24, 36, 37, Instruction for Merykare 180-1
el-Amarna 140, 147, 148, 226, 227 205-6 Intef, king 44
el-Amra 127 heart scarab 18, 38, 196, 205-6 Intef, Nubkheperra 78
Elephantine 254 heka 186 Ipuky 137, 174
el-Hiba 49, 207 Hekaemsaf 207 Ipy 176
Elkab 35 Hekanakht 176 Isesi 80, 171
el-Kurru 75, 129, 147 Heliopolis 25, 37, 143, 157, 196, 253 Isis 175.23; 253-265 2775, 5237103) COME
Helwan 148 75, 88, 105, 107, 161, 189, 197, 204,
hem-ka 175, 176, 177 205, 207, 226, 236, 240, 254, 263
Henutmehyt 93, 124, 125, 197, 198, Itj-tawy 145, 146, 196
Faiyum 145, 155, 258 207, 208, 227
festivals 42, 139, 177, 178 Henuttawy 86
Field of Reeds 34, 115, 159 Hermopolis 196
Field of Offerings 34, 38 Herodotus 46, 50-1, 53, 55, 56, 78, 79, judgement ofthe dead 34, 35-8, 196,
84, 87, 188, 247, 256 205
hery seshta 76
hetep 158, 160
Geb 2552295233 Hetepheres I 67, 80
Gebelein 14 Hetepheres II 171 ka 14-15, 16, 18-20, 23, 24, 31, 32, 40,
Giza 48, 67, 77, 80, 81, 100, 105, 133, Hetepnebi 219 46, 95, 96, 98, 99, 112, 116, 136,
134, 135, 140, 142, 143, 148, 149, Hierakonpolis 47, 58, 66, 79, 93, 95, 138, 155, 162, 165, 166, 167, 168,
150, 154, 156, 158, 166, 170, 171, 148, 149, 246 WP MOO SI9S 20 nS
178, 181, 218, 262 Hogarth, David 150, 219 Kagemni 67
Goddess of the West 216, 229, 238 Horemheb 54, 69, 153, 2/1 Kamose 83
Granville, Augustus 87 Hornedjitef 76, 87 Karnak 42, 116, 145, 167, 178
Pyramid Texts 19, 25, 27, 31, 32, 48, 65, rishi coffins 119, 223, 224, 225, 229 Sennedjem 86
141, 193-4, 195, 196, 198, 199, 222, Ritual of Embalming 49-50, 57, 60, 187, Senusret I 40, 167
241 202 Senusret III 183
Rosetjau 37, 133 Senusret-ankh 179
Royal Cache 72, 75, 116, 128, 182 Seqenenra Taa 83
Rufinus 65 Serapeum 133, 184, 248, 249, 250, 255
shabti 22, 35, 68, 103, 112-35, 173, Terenuthis 162 SO OMe oD
780714°1 eS