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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Bohol



I. Choose the letter of the correct answer. or six lines) moving into a chorus with lots of
MUSIC A. Notice the conversational quality.
1. It is an element of music that refers to the B. Start with what you want to say.
effect created by combining a variety of notes C. Lengthy lyrics compound problems.
with different durations. D. Read lyrics from other artists.
A. Dynamics C. Tempo

B. Rhythm D. Harmony
2. The Period where Opera was performed and ARTS
staged with strong emotions content. 11. The following are Neoclassical Architects,
A. Baroque C. Roman EXCEPT.
A. Pierre Alexandre Vignon
B. Greek Era D. Medieval B. Charles Follen Mckim
C. Bertel Thorvaldsen
4. The idea of this period shapes not only D. Charles Garnier
musical, artistic and literacy production, but laid 12. The paintings of the Romantic period gave
the spiritual, intellectual and moral foundation. more emphasis on
A. Medieval C. Renaissance .
A. emotion C. historical
B. Baroque D. Greek accuracy
6. Which set of elements are the musical B. order and moderation D.
elements of the Classical Style? message
A. Melody, Rhythm, Beat, Harmony and 13. How are you going to appreciate the Use or
Texture Function of an artwork?
B. Timbre, Vocal Genres, Instrumental A. by the atmosphere or the feeling
Genres, expressed in
Forms and Dynamics an artwork
C. Dynamics, Functions, Harmony, B. by the thought or concept of the artist
Texture and in
Timbre creating the particular artwork
D. Forms, Harmony, Blending, Melody C. by the meaning that the artist wants
and to
Vocal Genres communicate to the viewer
7. His music reflects his character and D. by the means wherein a particular
personality: mainly calm, balanced, serious but artwork
with touches of humor. can be utilized
A. Franz Joseph Haydu 14. How are you going to make a certain part of
an artwork stand out?
B. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart A. Be creative with the patterns.
C. Ludwig Van Beethoven B. Arrange well the contrast.
C. Highlight on the movements.
D. Eine Kleine Natchmusik D. Focus more on emphasis.
8. Franz Joseph Haydu is the ___________. 15. An element of art that deals with the illusion
A. Father of Harmony Orchestra of depth on a flat surface.
A. Space C. Texture
B. Father of Musical Orchestra B. Shape D. Line
C. Father of Rhythm Orchestra 18. He was a portraitist and painter of rural
Philippine landscapes, and he was popularly
D. Father of Symphony Orchestra known for his craftsmanship and mastery of the
use of light.
9. One of the steps in playing improvised A. GUILLERMO ESTRELLA
instruments is you need to play your instrument TOLENTINO B. FERNANDO CUETO
along with the ___________. AMORSOLO
D. Sound Y
10. It is a step for writing song lyrics where in PADILLA
you will try to write a simple verse (such as four
19. He was a sculptor and also a political activist A. Active Recreation C. Recreation
of the Philippine revolution during the late 19th B. Passive Recreation D.
century. Sports
AMORSOLO 31. Which of the following is a serious act of
domestic violence?
HIDALGO Y A. Hitting C. Sexual
20. The theater period that has marked the use B. Pushing D. Verbal
of technology in current Broadways or Abuse
Commercial Plays. 32. What act is an unwanted aggressive
A. Romantic Theater C. Baroque behavior which is repeated or an overtime?
Theater A. Kidnapping C. Extortion
B. Medieval Theater D. Greek B. Bullying D. Suicide
Theater 33. Who was usually a victim of extortion by
a gang outside the school?
A. Teacher C. Father
B. Parents D. Students
35. The act of using force or threats to force
people to hand over their money or properties
21. Flexion, extension, contraction, release, A. Extortion C. Bullying
collapse, recover, and rotation are examples of? B. Kidnapping D. Stalking
A. Mechanical movement 36. The sexual abuse of a person by an adult for
B. Locomotor movement sexual pleasure or for profit.
C. Non-Locomotor Movement A. Rape C. Molestation
D. Physical movement B. Incest D. Human
23. Refers to the focal point of dancer’s attention Trafficking
while moving in space. 37. This is the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013.
A. Directions C. Range A. Article 34 C. Article 35
B. Focus D. B. RA No. 7610 D. RA No.
Level 10627
24. What dance injury where you can apply the 39. Attention deficits, hyperactivity, or learning
RICE Method? disorders is under what risk factor related to
A. Muscle cramps C. Muscle intentional
Sprain B. Ankle Sprain D. Heat injuries?
Exhaustion A. Individual factors
25. While dancing Sinulog, what do dancers B. Peers and Social Risk Factors
usually shout? C. Family factors
A. “Viva Pit Señor!” C. “Mabuhay!” D. Community factors
40. Article 19 is ____________.
B. “Ato Kini!” D. “Hey,hey” A. Abduction, Sale, and Trafficking
26. What are the things to consider when B. Protection from all forms of Violence
conducting a festival dance? C. Anti-Bullying Act of 2013
A. Dance Context D. Sexual Exploitation
B. Contingent performances
C. Composition of Presentation
D. All of the above
27. Which is NOT a First aid in Heat
A. Give him/her plenty of water.
B. Check for vital signs.
C. Transport a victim to a cool place.
D. Support his chest with one hand and
give five sharp blows between the
shoulder blades

28. It happens when air cannot get into the lungs

because of water. It can cause immediate death
when taken for granted.
A. Drowning C. Food
poisoning B. Choking D.
30. This refers to recreational activities that
do not require organized facilities like sports
fields or pavilions and gym.
27. D
28. A
29. D
30. B
31. C
32. B
33. D
34. C
35. A
36. C
37. D
38. B
39. A
40. B

Answer Key

1. B
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. D
9. A
10. C
11. C
12. A
13. D
14. D
15. A
16. B
17. B
18. D
19. B
20. 38. Which of the following is one
the Risk in Family C
21. C
22. B
23. B
24. C
25. A
26. A

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