The Rise of Startups
The Rise of Startups
The Rise of Startups
ISSN: 2709-0809
DOI: 10.32996/jefas
Journal Homepage: AND DEVELOPMENT
Competition and Innovation: The Rise of Startups and Its Effects Towards the Philippines
Shotaro Paul Akehira1, Emmanuel Alcantara2 ✉ and Augusto Laforga Jr, MBA3
123Department of Economics, Faculty of Arts and Letters, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines
Corresponding Author: Emmanuel Alcantara, E-mail: [email protected]
The Philippines has a growing startup scene in Southeast Asia and is currently the prime target of many investors like Tencent
Holdings, Voyager’s Innovation, and more. Despite this opportunity, in 2018, the Philippines made 31.8million dollars in deals,
which is only a 10th of Indonesia’s deals and a 3rd of both Vietnam and Thailand. This study aims to empirically prove the
economic benefits of startups to the Philippines economy and positively impact the country’s currency exchange rate. The data
was collected from online and publicly accessible websites like the Worldbank and Openstat. Statistical tools used were Eviews
11 and Microsoft Excel. The result shows that the 3 independent variables have a moderate relationship with the dependent
variable given the r2 value 77.0365%. Although the results showed that FDI does not affect the currency value of the Philippines
and the growth of startups, mainly since the majority of the FDIs are invested in agriculture and income inequality efforts, also
the factor that the Philippines is not famous for its tech industry. The results showed that Taxes on income, profits, and capital
gains (%), considering the factors that the government is providing tax incentives to new businesses, can ease the burden off
entrepreneurs in establishing startups, importing computers, communications, and other services (%). Additionally, since tech
startups mostly rely on computers, communication goods and services to fully utilize their business, it shows that these two
variables had a significant effect on the currency value of the Philippines. Start-ups are gaining traction in becoming one of the
rising industries around the world. This industry challenges traditional business models with its complex utilization of technology.
Moreover, the Philippines also has a growing startup scene, although it doesn't have a strong and established tech industry yet.
For this reason, foreign investors can possibly be attracted, given the fact that they can take advantage of the lack of competition
that exists within the startup scene.
Startups, Entrepreneurship, Foreign Direct Investments, Currency Exchange Rates
1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the study
The rapid digitalization of our world has shifted our way of life and how we approach different challenges. Technology and
businesses are one of the largest sectors affected by the world's digitalisation. According to Bejnaru (2019), due to the accelerated
pace with which information and communications technology developments are taking place, digital society and the digital
economy have become real and, in turn, are generating specific challenges. In this environment, digital skills and competencies
are essential in order to achieve professional success and the personal development of any individual. A number of conglomerates
have adopted the digitalized framework and have evolved their transaction methods online to ensure efficiency and to be able to
tap into new markets. However, this has also allowed emerging businesses called startups to be able to capitalize on the rising
trend and attempt to surpass these conglomerates and become a rival in the field of business and commerce.
According to Steve Blank, startups are "a temporary organization designed to look for a business model that is repeatable and
scalable". Unlike traditional business models, startups require to build an appealing business model to the public because they're
Copyright: © 2022 the Author(s). This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license ( Published by Al-Kindi Centre for Research and Development,
London, United Kingdom.
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tapping into a new market that hasn't been explored by traditional business models. Examples of startups include but are not
limited to Grab, Airbnb, and Whatsapp. A prevalent trend among most startups is that it challenges traditional business models
and utilizes technology as a means to evolve these structures and become appealing to the consumers. According to Semenova
(2021), in the early stages of firm creation, the entrepreneur acts as the representative of the entire company. They are expected
to interact with the broader community to enable venture capital and credibility within the field competitive space of the startups.
Moreover, García Sáez (2020) recommends that startups openly communicate about the company's goals, culture, and value to
attract new talents to their company and the startup ecosystem.
According to research conducted by PricewaterCoopers Australia, the startup tech industry had the potential of contributing 109
billion dollars to the Australian economy, which is 4% of their GDP and can contribute 540,00 new jobs to the country back in 2013.
Similar to most countries within Southeast Asia, Australia doesn't have a developed tech sector, which gives it a big opportunity
to develop and impact the economy on a greater scale through government investments for tech startups and education for
people who want to enter the industry. With the Philippines suffering an 8.7% unemployment rate, the job opportunities that a
government-supported startup economy may contribute to a positive outcome to the economy.
The Philippines being part of the growing startup scene, which is Southeast Asia, alongside Singapore and Indonesia, has one of
the world's unicorns; it is currently the prime target of many investors like Tencent Holdings, Voyager's Innovation, and more.
Similar to the situation of Australia, the Philippines doesn't have a strong, established tech industry, which makes it attractive for
foreign investors to come in and attempt to take advantage of the lack of competition within the market. Moreover, because the
Philippines is part of ASEAN, it allows these investors to have access to other markets within the economic block.
Another issue the country faces is the underdeveloped culture of startups within the country. According to Natasha Bautista, in a
news article by Lopez (2019), "some founders may seek mentorship from entrepreneurs who may not have had experience in the
start-up scene, and so they get traditional advice, which isn't always applicable to a start-up seeking scale early on". The assumption
of most entrepreneurs and investors in the Philippines is that start-ups are the same as any other entrepreneur venture. This leads
to inefficient approaches when establishing their businesses and decreases the number of investors within the country due to a
negative confidence rate. According to Rivera, the CEO of Kalibrr, a skill-matching job marketplace start-up, they garnered 9 million
dollars in funding, but the majority of them came from foreign investors. This shows that local start-ups have a larger opportunity
to grow if local investors and the government get involved in their projects which is currently not present within the country.
The study aims to empirically prove the significance of startup companies to the Philippines’ currency exchange rate globally to
determine its financial attractiveness to both investors and consumers abroad.
Hypothesis 1:
Ho: There is no significant relationship between taxes on income, profits, capital gains and Philippines Currency Value.
Ha: An increase in the amount of collected income, profits, and capital gains mean that startups have already developed enough
to contribute large amounts of tax revenue. These tax revenues can be used for government expenditures to increase
foreign investments and increase the Philippines' currency value.
Hypothesis 2:
Ho: There is no significant relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and Philippines Currency Value.
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Ha: An increase in Foreign Direct Investment will lead to an increase in starting capital for startups that will help in the scalability
of these companies. As the startup company scales, they will export their goods and services, leading to greater desires
for the Philippines currency and increasing its value.
Hypothesis 3:
Ho: There is no significant relationship between the increase in computers, communications, and other services and the
Philippines currency value.
Ha: An increase in computers, communications, and other services will increase the Philippines startups' access to technology
and information to improve on their innovative ideas. This will help in the scalability of the company and lead to export
in goods and services, leading to greater desires for the Philippines currency and increasing its value.
The corresponding p-values for each variable's coefficient dictate whether the mentioned variables have statistically significant
relationships with each other. The p-values are tested at the 0.01, 0.05, and 0.1 levels of significance.
This paper will not take into account competitions, including larger, more established traditional businesses, current sectors
investors already invest in, and the sectors that public subsidies are allocated to. This is because there's a lack of data on the
distinction between where Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) are allocated between startups and traditional business models.
Finally, it will not take into account the willingness of the citizens to engage in the startup economy. The researchers lack academic
knowledge on behavioral economic theories that can be applied in this study; therefore, the researchers choose to not include this
specific field of economics.
External investors are also interested in the startup scene of the Philippines; therefore, investing in this sector may allow these
sectors to grow exponentially. Our country’s proximity towards countries like Singapore and Indonesia with a booming startup
scene will also aid us in developing startup networks and improving business relations with these countries beyond manufacturing
and service.
This will help entrepreneurs interested in start-ups know what to do and the incentive for them to continue their venture and
break out from the current trend of Filipinos choosing either to go abroad or working for other companies domestically. Moreover,
the minimization of bureaucracy This will also address misconceptions regarding the differences between traditional business
structures and startups to filter advice received and apply them appropriately.
A counterfactual study by Leleux and Surlemont (2003) states that the success of funding through venture capital is through
understanding specific local contexts. An example of this is in Poland, where venture capitalists had common law than in civil law
environments, and this is due to minority shareholders having greater power under common law. The success of Poland cannot
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be ignored because venture capitalists had lesser success in Europe, as opposed to the United States (Hege et al., 2003; Bottazi
and Da Rin 2004).
However, venture capitalists also take into consideration non-tangibles like personality and experience as a determinant before
investing (Morawczyński 2020). Venture capitalists look for individuals who can calculate risks and have the capacity to do research
(Mishra 2004), as well as have a compatible personality to work with the same venture capitalists (Mishra 2004; Petty and Gruber
2011). At the end of any venture capitalists’ investment, they aim for the startup to gain an IPO as an exit tool. This ensures
maintained capital inflow for the venture capitalists and the scalability of these startups (Schäfer 2002).
This paper wants to analyze what type of investments and support the Philippines government can provide for aspiring startups
and whether these investments can come with a positive return for the economy and innovation in the country. The type of
investments government funding can provide to startups are coaching from startup hubs that exist in Silicon Valley, tax breaks,
starting capital to start their research and development, and others. This section of the paper will focus on how Public Finance
Theory can be applied to the 3 areas and how it can create positive returns to the country’s economy and overall innovative
inventions made by startups.
Mentorship is key to a startup succeeding because you not only acquire the knowledge that the mentor provides for the business
to succeed, but it allows the entrepreneur to acquire connections that didn’t exist before. Most startups are co-founded by
individuals who share a similar passion and want to innovate (e.g. BootUP, The Hive, Powerhouse, etc.). Most co-founded startups
happen when entrepreneurs meet in mentorship seminars or in Silicon Valley, where they exchange ideas and negotiate to develop
a business model together. Applying the Public Finance Theory, we can examine the positive externalities that subsidizing aspiring
entrepreneurs in the startup scene of the Philippines can provide for the country. Following the same principle under Lener (1999),
governments don’t need to subsidize all startups due to the finite resources they possess. Instead, they can fund a few that they
determine as more likely to succeed, whether the definition is for profit or for non-profit Ester (2017).
According to Song, D. -G et al. (2018), college students' entrepreneurship positively affects starting a business. Since not every
college student has an entrepreneurship course, some may not be willing to engage in startups. Further research by Reypens,
Delanote, & Rückert (2020) indicates that the majority of US startups accelerate further due to private investments and an increase
in venture capitalists. Larger participation from the public decreases the chances of a company going into default and allows it to
grow even further. Continued contrast in ideas amongst startup entrepreneurs with their mentors and investors made Hegde and
Tumilso (2014) believe that co-ethnic-led companies yield higher returns if invested and mentored.
Beyond the business model, entrepreneurial characteristics and the ability to work in a team environment amongst other
entrepreneurs and venture capitalists are crucial to the success of a startup. A number of European literature have adapted the
term “team of entrepreneur” or general management (Franke et al. 2008; Streletzki and Schlute 2013), which indicates a group of
individuals that opposes the commonly western interpretation of entrepreneur as a singular entity (Hsu et al. 2014; Warnick et al.
2018). The reason for this is to show that the success of a startup is based on collaboration rather than just individual innovative
ideas. However, a counterfactual study states that collaboration is unimportant if you are unable to access these circles due to
negative perceptions and distrust when the entrepreneur has low social status, according to Młokosiewicz and Misiak-Kwit (2017).
The positive externality provided here is that we now have a small startup ecosystem within our country that can jumpstart other
aspiring entrepreneurs who want to enter the accelerator field. The pioneers of the future Philippines startup scene now can act
as mentors to the aspiring candidates and now no longer have to travel all the way to Silicon Valley if they want to succeed and
receive advice from non-startup entrepreneurs. The spread of knowledge that this project provides promotes a positive externality
to new individuals entering the field and beneficiaries of the technology these startups will provide for the country.
entrepreneurship due to the risks that come with it, let alone engage in the startup scene that’s currently nonexistent in the country.
The government needs to make an incentive for people to see that startups are a legitimate business career to take, and tax breaks
can be the initiator for this.
The main principle for tax breaks is to increase the productivity of the economy but also provide deficits for the federal government,
as stated by Yang (2018). Governments are willing to take these risks if they’re assured a positive return once the action is taken.
Unlike providing tax breaks to ordinary citizens, we are providing this to startups that are assumed to grow and be backbones of
the economy, both tangible and intangible. Governments are assured that this incentive provides more opportunities for aspiring
entrepreneurs to be able to enter the market and help promote the productivity of the economy. We’ve seen this happen in
Singapore, where there are 3,800 startups within the country and over 150 venture capitalists Loh (2020).
Tax breaks aren’t only the reasons why startups are sustainable and attractive in Singapore and other countries with a startup
ecosystem. In a study by Cheah (2016), Singapore is among the fastest in bankruptcy proceedings allowing bankrupt entrepreneurs
to start up afresh in liquidation. They reduced the 29-month duration to 10 days on average to increase the productive capacity
of entrepreneurs who want to bounce back. Numerous entrepreneurs in Singapore fear failure once entering the entrepreneurial
scene, especially in startups, because it’s not traditionally seen as attractive compared to stable paying jobs like being a doctor,
lawyer, engineer, etc., according to research conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (2015). Providing an assurance that even if
your business fails, the government will be there to assist you in bouncing back ensures a sustainable ecosystem continues to
grow. This is especially important in the Philippines, which doesn’t have an established ecosystem which likely causes some levels
of volatility in growth during the early stages of development. Ensuring that the government will provide these benefits will make
the scene more attractive for aspiring entrepreneurs and ensure entrepreneurs within the ecosystem will retain.
Further studies, according to Cheah (2016), states that Singapore relaxed bankruptcy laws when promoting the startup culture to
allow more businesses to enter the market and bounce back, even if it fails. It also attempts to provide tax breaks for these types
of businesses so more people will enter the startup ecosystem. The minimization of bureaucracy through digital banking and
minimized paperwork requirements has been seen to have great effects in Singapore, with over 4300 tech startups in 2016. The
issue currently of governments, according to Delanote, Reypens, & Rückert (2020), is that they act as conveners, funders and
facilitators in the startup ecosystem but only rarely engage directly with startups. This results in less access by the public towards
the digitalized innovation that startups want to encourage, which doesn’t promote a positive spillover towards other businesses
and the citizens.
Moreover, governments being riskavers also affects the scalability of these innovative startups due to their nature of taking risks.
This leads to a slowdown in the development of their products and less access to funding that could help sustain these businesses.
According to Kim et al. 's (2010), Singapore’s sustainable startup economy was able to promote green movements, attract more
investors, and promote a mutual relationship with South Korea’s tech scene. This has resulted in an influx in economic productivity
and increased innovation within South Korea. The Philippines may also suffer similar issues that European countries do when it
comes to their startup ecosystem. According to a study by Delanote, Reypens, & Rückert (2020), poor startup ecosystems within
the region have caused the scaling of their business to slow down, as opposed to their US counterparts. This is caused by a lack of
private and crowdfunding, as well as a lack of staff to ensure the sustainability of these businesses. This shows interconnectivity
amongst startup businesses towards one another and to the public, helps in accelerating its growth and contributes to the larger
Bejinaru (2019) also states that a digital and modernized society unlocks and interconnects the public to greater access to
education and business opportunities. Governments play a vital role in providing this access and allow the citizens to be aware of
the advantages this provides. The researchers predict that government support to both the startup economy and its own citizens
through reforming policies and giving access to technological literacy will greatly increase the survival and acceleration of startups.
As stated by Evers (2003), a common issue emerging startups face is that with minimal investments, they end up failing due to the
volatility of the business model. Startups take greater risks, compared to traditional business models, in order to be innovative;
hence, they require safety measures and investments in order to flourish. A continued negative outlook towards startups will lead
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to a negative confidence rate amongst investors, hence, stagnating or killing off the economic sector. In a report by
PricewaterhouseCoopers, in the years 2016-2019, over 47% of startup businesses had no external funders in equity and debt.
Focal companies have seen the greatest success when it comes to investments from venture capitalists due to the large returns
they will receive if the company succeeds (Gulati and Higgins 2003; Pahnke et al. 2014). The capacity for companies to be able to
pivot is also crucial in the success of acquiring venture capitalists. This covid-19 pandemic has seen 52% of startup portfolios
positively affected or unaffected while 38% were negatively affected but still ok, according to Gomper, Gornall, Kaplan, &
Strebulaev (2020). This is due to the business structure of startups that allows remote work to be easier, as opposed to most
traditional business models (Ding, Levine, Lin, and Xie 2020). This shows the opportunity startups have, as opposed to traditional
business models, that may attract future venture capitalists after the situation of the covid-19 pandemic.
2.5 Taxation
Taxes are an important indicator of the sustainability of businesses and how their structure will look like. High-income taxes
amongst entrepreneurs have a negative impact and statistical significance on the entry of businesses and employment within the
area (Ferede 2021). The same paper states that for every one percentage point, expect to have 405 fewer employer business entries
in the economy. Further studies that support this are by Edwards and Todtenhaupt (2018); they state that tax reduction is an
incentive for investors to come in, and their study indicates 12% increase in startup investments as a result.
Counterfactual studies also indicate the importance of Tax Havens or Special Economic Zones as a means of attracting future
investors to a country. Tax exemptions were one of the greatest successes in Poland, with Special Economic Zones being built in
the poorest areas of the region experiencing decreased unemployment rates (Amroziak 2015). The goal of these forms of economic
policies isn't aimed to only solve regional economic crises but to efficiently promote utility at a national level (Parr 2014). In the
Philippines, however, according to the Republic Act No. 7916, Subic as a Special Economic Zone mostly attracted tourism and
agro-industrial development that isn't heavily focused on technology. Since Subic wasn't an underdeveloped region, the case study
of Poland may not arrive at the same conclusion.
The researchers predict that an increased tax collection in income, profit, and capital gains doesn’t mean an income in tax rates
rather an increase in the amount of startups that allowed a greater number of tax collections.
Counterfactual studies claim that developing countries are unable to disperse the potential crowding in a process that FDIs may
bring due to primary demographic factors. Research by Danakol, Estrin Reynolds, & Weitzel (2014) states that FDIs had a negative
spillover effect towards the observed country from years 2000-2009. It did not increase the competition between new firms and
already established industries within the region. In conjunction with the Philippines, we have invested FDIs in agriculture and
income inequality efforts (Reyes 2017; Montes and Cruz 2019). These factors may affect the significant impacts on FDIs towards
the currency value and impacts towards startups in the Philippines.
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The studies have also shown that the success of startups in countries like Poland and Singapore require government support and
the establishment of startup ecosystems. The importance of ecosystems is to have a free-range in exchange of ideas and
investments amongst entrepreneurs and venture capitalists, similar to Silicon Valley. At the moment, while this research is being
conducted, The Philippines does not have the same infrastructure and systems that these established startup ecosystems have;
therefore, it hinders their scalability and sustainability. This is important because the study predicts that startups currently have a
positive impact on the Philippines’ economic growth. The trend should continue to be upward as the years' progress.
Growing public knowledge and support towards startups are also necessary for sustainability and scalability. The reason for this is
that they’ll be the future investors when these businesses release IPOs and future consumers to the kinds of products these
businesses will be selling. If consumers continue to have a negative outlook towards startups as they currently do in the Philippines,
it will hinder all these benefits from occurring. Startups need to collaborate in ensuring these negative stigmas are addressed to
ensure that all the opportunities they’ll provide for the country will occur.
3. Methodology
3. 1 Research Design
The researchers used the correlational method to see the relationship between the variables and a descriptive method to be able
to describe the conditions between the variables. The correlational method will tackle whether the theory behind externalities does
have a significant impact on the sustainability and success of the startup businesses within the country. The research will also
analyze if the trends found in the literature review regarding case studies in other countries have similar trends as they do in the
Philippines. Moreover, the descriptive approach will help the researchers assess if a random sample of individuals also agrees with
the trend, is consistent with the case studies of other countries, and is consistent with the theory regarding the hypothesis of an
increase in demand.
In line with this, the researchers aim to estimate the currency value’s fluctuations based on variables that are homogenous to
startup ecosystems. The researchers will first be using the independent variable Taxes on income, profits, and capital gains (TIP).
There was no accurate list of the number of startups in the Philippines, and that list was not usable for the researchers due to the
limited observations it had. TIP is an effective alternative to the number of startups because we can estimate the amount private
entrepreneurs contribute to the economy in taxes and or are noted through stocks and dividend shares that are reported to the
BIR. The amount of contribution they provide is more important than the number of startups that exist because the researchers
aim to analyze the contribution startups have to the economy.
The following variable that the researchers will be utilized is the use of Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) has an impact on the
currency value of the country. There is no existing data regarding the amount of money venture capitalists invest in the Philippines
because this is a new phenomenon. The importance of FDI as an independent variable is that it provides not only capital inflow
but also knowledge and skill through workers or imports (Caves, 1996; Markusen and Venables, 1999; Javorcik, 2004). The
researchers believe that it’s an effective and accurate instrumental variable to the number of investments made by venture
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The last independent variable that the researchers will be utilizing is the import of computers, communications, and other services
(CI). In a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers, 47% of investors invested in Fintech; 29% invested in Medical, healthcare, and
Enterprise services; and 24% invested in E-commerce, Real estate and household, Online-to-offline commerce, Education,
Transportation, and Automotive. These are all sectors that require imports from foreign countries to be able to utilize that
knowledge and technology to develop the innovative ideas they have in the region. The researchers also believe that these imports
help in the scalability of startups to be able to create revolutionary ideas that can attract more investors in the future.
C. Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey Test
Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey Test is used to determine how errors increase as the dependent variable increases.
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To remedy any potential biases in the study, the researchers also conducted a few tests to ensure heteroscedasticity and
multicollinearity. For the heteroscedasticity test, the researchers utilized the Breusch-Pagan Godfrey Test. The justification for
utilizing the Breusch-Godfrey test over Durbin-Watson is the flexibility of going beyond lag 1. The use of residuals also provides
further analysis and credibility for the study to have no forms of homoscedasticity and autocorrelation. The use of the Variance
Inflation Factor to resolve multicollinearity in the research is due to the limited knowledge of the researchers on other models used
for multicollinearity tests. Despite this limitation, the researchers believe that the test’s ability to check how much the variables are
contributing to the standard error in the regression is sufficient for the findings and results of this research.
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Observations 30 30 30
Mean 41.97180
Median 44.35922
Maximum 56.03992
Minimum 24.31050
Skewness -0.554201
Kurtosis 1.919733
Probability 0.223754
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Sum 1259.154
Observations 30
Dependent Variable: CV
Included Observations: 30
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0.743868 10.36862
Adjusted R-Squared S.D. dependent var
5.247501 6.276947
S.E. of Regression Akaike info criterion
715.9430 6.463773
Sum squared resid Schwarz criterion
Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000
The test included the dependent variable, which is Currency Value, and 3 independent variables Taxes on income, profits, and
capital gains (%), Foreign Direct Investment, and Import of computer, communications, and other services (%). The value of the R-
squared is .7704 or 77.04% which showed there is a moderate relationship between the variables. The F-stat results show that two
of the independent variables, namely Taxes on income, profits, and capital gains (%) and, Imports of computer, communications,
and other services(%), will reject the null hypothesis because the probability is less than .05, while the other variable FDi will accept
it a null hypothesis,
The results showed that if there is a unit increase in Taxes on income, profits and capital gains(%), there will be a 113.0249 increase
in currency value also if there is a unit increase in Foreign Direct Investment, there will be a 6.50E-10 increase in Currency Value,
and lastly, when there is a unit increase in Imports of computer, communications, and other services(%) there will be a -22.6876
decrease to the current value. The Durbin-Watson stat value is .5281; it is below the standards, which is 1.5-2.5; therefore, there is
a positive correlation between the variables.
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Test Equation
Included Observations: 30
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0.122588 25.48941
Adjusted R-Squared S.D. dependent var
23.87600 9.307190
S.E. of Regression Akaike info criterion
14821.65 9.494017
Sum squared resid Schwarz criterion
Prob(F-statistic) 0.095554
This test was used to see if there is a presence of heteroscedasticity. If this problem was met, the researchers need to use the
logarithmic form to the observations. The result of the test showed .0956; since the value is greater than .05, there is no
heteroscedasticity in the model.
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Included Observations: 30
C 163.3172 177.9295 NA
The researchers used the Variance Inflation Factor to determine if multicollinearity exists between the independent variables. The
result of the test showed that there are 1.8221(TIP), 1.0919(FDI), and 1.7237(CI). Since the values did not exceed 10, it shows that
there is no multicollinearity in the model.
The result of the regression analysis shows that the 3 independent variables have a moderate relationship with the dependent
variable given the r2 value 77.0365%. Although the results showed that FDI does not affect the currency value of the Philippines
and the growth of startups, mainly since the majority of the FDIs are invested in agriculture and income inequality efforts, also the
factor that the Philippines is not famous for its tech industry. The results showed that Taxes on income, profits, and capital gains
(%), considering the factors that the government is providing tax incentives to new businesses, can ease the burden off of
entrepreneurs in establishing startups, Import computers, communications, and other services(%).
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Additionally, since tech startups mostly rely on computers, communication goods and services to fully utilize its business, it shows
that these two variables had a significant effect on the currency value of the Philippines. This can be attributed to the rise and that
these factors affect the sustainability and success of startups in the Philippines.
5.2 Recommendations
This study focused on the empirical aspect of startups and analyzed their impacts on globalization utilizing currency value as the
metric. Problem the researchers faced was the lack of data that has at least 30 observations, hence utilizing several instrumental
variables as substitutes. Although outcomes are still accurate with the current trajectory of startups in the Philippines, it wasn’t the
optimal approach that the researchers desired. Better compilation of data by local governments through understanding the
differences between normal private businesses and startup entrepreneurs will be helpful in distinguishing the nuance between the
two business models.
Moreover, greater accuracy on where private investment is funnelled into to be able to compile the sectors the country’s currently
investing in and being able to estimate company balance sheets more accurately (e.g. liquid and non-liquid assets) to be able to
track the tax revenue acquired will help in accuracy for future similar studies.
A behavioral economic approach can address the social and political aspects of this research. Investments aren’t only based on
the return value but also on economic and political ties the national government has with certain local government units. The
establishment of Special Economic Zones and simulating the success of Poland (Ambroziak 2015) can greatly help the economy
of the country, and understanding why this is inefficiently done can be tackled through a sociological and political approach.
Looking into government officials' backgrounds, the political and economic climate of the Philippines, international allies, and
socioeconomic conditions of citizens in different regions are some variables that future researchers can investigate to address
gaps within this paper.
Interviewing and talking to board members of startup companies both in the Philippines and the United States of America (USA)
can also address gaps within the research. Utilizing a randomly selected survey between people working under startups, people
aware of start-ups, and people who don’t know what startups are can help in understanding the epistemic access between each
In addition, interviewing CEOs of startups can help in understanding if the findings found in the paper accurately represents the
upbringing and challenges that they’ve faced and add on nuances that their company experienced.
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Page | 399
Competition and Innovation: The Rise of Startups and Its Effects Towards the Philippines Economy
Dependent Variable - Currency Value raw data in tabular and graphical form
Year CV
1990 24.3105
1991 27.47863
1992 25.51249
1993 27.11984
1994 26.41717
1995 25.71447
1996 26.2161
1997 29.47066
1998 40.89305
1999 39.08898
2000 44.19225
2001 50.99265
2002 51.60357
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JEFAS 4(1): 383-411
2003 54.20333
2004 56.03992
2005 55.08549
2006 51.31427
2007 46.14839
2008 44.32329
2009 47.67969
2010 45.10966
2011 43.31314
2012 42.22879
2013 42.44618
2014 44.39515
2015 45.50284
2016 47.49246
2017 50.40372
2018 52.66143
2019 51.79578
Figure 2.1
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Competition and Innovation: The Rise of Startups and Its Effects Towards the Philippines Economy
Figure 2.2
Independent Variable - Taxes on incomes, profits, and capital gains(%), Foreign Direct Investment, and Import of computer,
technology, and other services(%) raw data and graphical form.
Year TIP
1990 0.32542
1991 0.33342
1992 0.3353
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JEFAS 4(1): 383-411
1993 0.32496
1994 0.33868
1995 0.358
1996 0.37064
1997 0.39831
1998 0.43956
1999 0.42629
2000 0.44052
2001 0.45262
2002 0.44619
2003 0.44568
2004 0.45983
2005 0.45824
2006 0.43842
2007 0.4576
2008 0.45962
2009 0.44354
2010 0.44733
Page | 403
Competition and Innovation: The Rise of Startups and Its Effects Towards the Philippines Economy
2011 0.47581
2012 0.47205
2013 0.46777
2014 0.4566
2015 0.4661
2016 0.46517
2017 0.45553
2018 0.40353
2019 0.41187
Figure 2.3
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Figure 2.4
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Competition and Innovation: The Rise of Startups and Its Effects Towards the Philippines Economy
Year FDI
1990 530,000,000
1991 544,000,000
1992 228,000,000
1993 1,238,000,000
1994 1,591,000,000
1995 1,478,000,000
1996 1,517,000,000
1997 1,222,000,000
1998 2,287,000,000
1999 1,829,000,000
2000 1,487,000,000
2001 760,000,000
2002 1,769,000,000
2003 492,000,000
2004 592,000,000,
2005 1,664,000,000
2006 2,707,000,000
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JEFAS 4(1): 383-411
2007 2,919,000,000
2008 1,340,000,000
2009 2,065,000,000
2010 1,070,000,000
2011 2,007,000,000
2012 3,215,000,000
2013 3,737,000,000
2014 5,740,000,000
2015 5,639,000,000
2016 8,280,000,000
2017 10,256,000,000
2018 9,949,000,000
2019 8,671,000,000
Figure 2.5
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Competition and Innovation: The Rise of Startups and Its Effects Towards the Philippines Economy
Figure 2.6
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JEFAS 4(1): 383-411
Year CI
1990 0.33178
1991 0.3438
1992 0.40347
1993 0.46354
1994 0.6219
1995 0.62612
1996 0.61318
1997 0.66475
1998 0.60583
1999 0.25355
2000 0.24986
2001 0.2644
2002 0.23258
2003 0.24344
2004 0.20089
2005 0.14817
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Competition and Innovation: The Rise of Startups and Its Effects Towards the Philippines Economy
2006 0.16054
2007 0.19216
2008 0.23437
2009 0.19062
2010 0.15354
2011 0.1646
2012 0.19115
2013 0.23041
2014 0.2406
2015 0.29155
2016 0.26999
2017 0.26969
2018 0.26724
2019 0.29144
Figure 2.7
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Figure 2.8
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