Civil All - Second Final 4-9

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प्रदे श लोक सेवा आयोग

गण्डकी प्रदे श
इञ्जिनियरिङ्ग सेवा, नसनिल समूह, जििल, हाइवे, हाइड्रोपावि, इरिगेशि ि स्यानिटिी उपसमूह, अनिकृत
सातौं तहका पदहरुको खुला ि अन्ति तह प्रनतयोनगतात्मक पिीक्षाको पाठ्यक्रम
låtLo kq (Paper II) : Technical Subject
Section (A) - 30 Marks
1. Structural Engineering
1.1 Reinforced concrete structures: difference between working stress and limit state
philosophy, design of beam and slab, analysis of RC beams and slabs in bending,
shear, deflection, bond and end anchorage, design of axially loaded columns;
isolated and combined footings, introduction to pre-stressed concrete
1.2 Steel and timber structures: standard and built-up sections: design of riveted, bolted
and welded connections, design of simple elements such as ties, struts; axially
loaded and eccentric columns, column bases, design principles of timber beams and
1.3 Requirements of earthquake resistant building construction
1.5 Mandatory rule of thumb in building design
1.5 Structural design of bridge: various types of bridges, selection and type of bridges
and economic span length, types of loads, forces and stresses, live load, impact load,
wind load, longitudinal forces, lateral loads, centrifugal force, width of roadway and
footway, general design requirements, solid slab bridges, deck girder bridges, B.M.
in slab supported on four edges, distribution of live loads on longitudinal beams,
method of distribution coefficients, Courbon’s method, design of a T- beam bridge,
balanced cantilever bridge, design of box culvert
1.6 Comparison of Steel, RC and Masonry Structures in terms of Cost and Construction
1.7 Earthquake Resistant Features in Steel, RC and Masonry Structures
1.8 Mandatory Rule of Thumb for RCC and Masonry Structure Construction
1.9 Bridge Management Information System in Gandaki Province
2. Geotechnical Engineering
2.1 Soil Mechanics
2.1.1 Identification and classification of soil
Field identification of soil and soil classification: descriptive, textural, ISI,
2.1.2 Permeability of soil
Factors affecting permeability of soil, determination of coefficient of
permeability: laboratory and field methods
2.1.3 Effective stress
Factors affecting effective stress, capillary rise, quick sand condition
2.1.4 Seepage analysis
Flow net, application of flow net, seepage below concrete dam, sheet pile and
safety check, seepage analysis through earthen dam and filter layer design,
techniques to reduce discharge and to increase safety of dam

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प्रदे श लोक सेवा आयोग
गण्डकी प्रदे श
इञ्जिनियरिङ्ग सेवा, नसनिल समूह, जििल, हाइवे, हाइड्रोपावि, इरिगेशि ि स्यानिटिी उपसमूह, अनिकृत
सातौं तहका पदहरुको खुला ि अन्ति तह प्रनतयोनगतात्मक पिीक्षाको पाठ्यक्रम
2.1.5 Soil Compaction
Concept of compaction, lab test, factors affecting compaction, specification
of compaction, field control of compaction, methods of compaction in field
and their suitability, special parameters to be considered for compaction in
road, earthen dam
2.1.6 Shear strength of soil
Concept of shear strength, principal planes and principal stresses, Mohr-
Coulomb theory of shear strength, calculation of normal stress and shear
Stress at different plane, relation of principle stress at failure condition, types
of shear test: direct shear test, unconfined compression test, triaxial test, vane
shear test
2.1.7 Consolidation and settlements
Concept of consolidation, types of consolidation, test of consolidation, NC,
OC, OCR, reconsolidation pressure, calculation of settlement, settlement of
structures resting on soil: its nature, causes and remedial measures
2.1.8 Stability of slopes
Causes of slope failures, types of slope and slope failures, critical surfaces
and factor of safety, method of stability analysis and stability number, bio
engineering: advantages, principles, concept, components and uses in
stabilization of slope
2.2 Foundation Engineering
2.2.1 Introduction
Types of foundation, factors affecting on selection of foundation,
requirement and criteria of ideal foundation, types of load for design of
foundation, criteria for selection of depth of foundation
2.2.2 Earth pressure and retaining structures
Rankine’s earth pressure theory, Coloumb's earth pressure theory, trial wedge
theory, types of earth pressure, types of retaining wall, stability analysis of
earth retaining structures, techniques to increase stability of retaining wall
2.2.3 Bearing capacity and settlements
Types of bearing capacity and factors influencing bearing capacity, effects of
various factors on bearing capacity, modes of foundation failure, Terzaghi’s
general bearing capacity theory, ultimate bearing capacity of cohesionless
and cohesive soil, settlement: types, nature and effects
2.2.4 Types of foundation and their suitability in context of Nepal
Condition to use spread or strap or combined footing; mat: types, bearing
capacity, construction approach, floating mat, compensating mat; pile: types,
load carrying capacity, negative skin friction (NSF) and calculation;
comparision between pile, pier, and caisson; caisson: types, bearing capacity,
construction of well, tilt and shift of well and its retrofication and prevention

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प्रदे श लोक सेवा आयोग
गण्डकी प्रदे श
इञ्जिनियरिङ्ग सेवा, नसनिल समूह, जििल, हाइवे, हाइड्रोपावि, इरिगेशि ि स्यानिटिी उपसमूह, अनिकृत
सातौं तहका पदहरुको खुला ि अन्ति तह प्रनतयोनगतात्मक पिीक्षाको पाठ्यक्रम
2.2.5 Design of foundation
Design of spread foundation, combined footing, strap footing, mat
foundation, pile foundation, well foundation
2.2.6 Foundation stabilization, underpinning and geotechnical process Soil
stabilization, stone column, sand pile, dynamic deep compaction, grouting
and its methods, methods of underpinning, methods of dewatering
2.3 Site Investigation and Soil Exploration
2.3.1 Purpose of site investigation, planning of investigation, stages of
investigation, methods of boring, types of soil sample
2.3.2 In-situ test: standard penetration test, dynamic cone penetration test,
correction of N value, calculation of bearing capacity using N value for
isolated footing, mat, pile and well, plate load test, pile load test
2.3.3 Preparation of site investigation report
2.3.4 Type of Bridge Foundation based on topographical features
2.3.5 Geotechnical consideration for basement parking design
2.3.6 Techniques for Selection of Suitable Foundation
2.3.7 Purpose and Method of Site Investigation and Exploration

Section (B) - 25 Marks

3. Water Resource Engineering
3.1 Hydrology and Sediment
3.1.1 Rainfall measurements and related analysis
3.1.2 Flow measurements, rating curve and generation of flow data
3.1.3 Estimation of long term daily and monthly flows, low flows
3.1.4 Hydrograph analysis, synthetic unit hydrographs
3.1.5 Flood frequency analysis, estimation of design flood
3.1.6 Collection of sediment data, sediment rating curve, estimation of sediment
yield and concentration, reservoir sedimentation
3.1.7 Ground water hydrology
3.1.8 Spatial and temporal, distribution of rainfall; rain shadow areas, and impact
of the mountain on rainfall distribution in Gandaki province
3.1.9 Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOF), past GLOF events, and potential
sources of GLOF in Gandaki province.
3.1.10 Flood routing (Hydrological and hydraulic routing, the impact of lakes and
reservoirs on the flood routing.
3.1.11 Consideration of climate change impacts on water resources availability

3.2 Hydraulics
3.2.1 Fluid pressure, fluid kinematics, dynamics of flows
3.2.2 Boundary layers, uniform flow, steady flow, laminar and turbulent flow
3.2.3 Bernoulli’s equation and its applications

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प्रदे श लोक सेवा आयोग
गण्डकी प्रदे श
इञ्जिनियरिङ्ग सेवा, नसनिल समूह, जििल, हाइवे, हाइड्रोपावि, इरिगेशि ि स्यानिटिी उपसमूह, अनिकृत
सातौं तहका पदहरुको खुला ि अन्ति तह प्रनतयोनगतात्मक पिीक्षाको पाठ्यक्रम
3.2.4 Laminar and turbulent flow in pipes
3.2.5 Concept of specific energy and gradually varied flows in open channel
3.2.6 Hydraulic jump and its types, flow profiles
3.2.7 Consideration of climate change impacts on hydraulic structure design
3.3 Irrigation
3.3.1 Function, advantages and disadvantages of irrigation; status and need of
irrigation in Nepal
3.3.2 Crops and soils, crop water and irrigation water requirements, water
availability for irrigation
3.3.3 Irrigation methods (surface, sub-surface, sprinkler and drip), their
suitability, advantages and disadvantages
3.3.4 Canal types, network and alignment, canal losses, command area, duty and
3.3.5 Silt theories, design of earthen and lined canals, canal standards, specific
considerations for hill irrigation
3.3.6 Design of irrigation structures on permeable foundation (seepage theories,
piping & uplift)
3.3.7 Design of weir and barrage (crest, length and thickness of impervious floor)
3.3.8 Design of silt control structures (excluder, ejector and settling basin)
3.3.9 Design of energy dissipaters (hydraulic jump and stilling basins)
3.3.10 Design of river training works (guide bund, levees and spurs), water shed
3.3.11 Design of regulators, drops, cross-drainage and outlets
3.3.12 Waterlogging (causes, effects and measures), design of surface and
subsurface drainage
3.3.13 Planning and Management of Irrigation System: General knowledge
regarding the status of irrigation system; farming system, need, potentiality
and types of irrigation in Gandaki Province; Characteristics of Hill Irrigation
Systems; Guidelines for Hill Irrigation Design; Managerial, Social and
Institutional Arrangements, Financial Provisions and Engineering Solutions
for the Hill Irrigation System; Advantages, Suitability and Limitations of
Sprinkler and Drip for Hill Irrigation; Components, Design Approach and
Selection of Sprinklers and Drip Irrigation; Problems of Floods, Soil
Erosion, Land Slides and Mountain Zone Classification; Engineering and
Vegetative Measures for Canal Design in Different Mountain Zones;
Advantages and Design considerations of Gabion Construction for remote
hill areas
3.3.14 Consideration of climate change impacts on irrigation water demand and
crop yield
3.4 Hydropower
3.4.1 Hydropower development in Nepal, policies, acts and regulations

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प्रदे श लोक सेवा आयोग
गण्डकी प्रदे श
इञ्जिनियरिङ्ग सेवा, नसनिल समूह, जििल, हाइवे, हाइड्रोपावि, इरिगेशि ि स्यानिटिी उपसमूह, अनिकृत
सातौं तहका पदहरुको खुला ि अन्ति तह प्रनतयोनगतात्मक पिीक्षाको पाठ्यक्रम
3.4.2 Types of hydropower project (run-off river, peaking ROR storage, and
pump storage)
3.4.3 Flow duration curve, determination of reservoir capacity, reservoir
sedimentation, useful life of reservoir
3.4.4 Power demand analysis and forecast
3.4.5 Potential and firm power, maximum power output, firm energy, surplus
energy, seasonal energy, and average annual energy
3.4.6 Concept of load, load curve, capacity factor, load factor, and utilization factor
3.4.7 Power demand variation (daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal, and annual)
3.4.8 Layout of reservoir, diversion structures, de-sanding basin, water conveyance
system, fore-bay, surge tank, penstock, power house, draft tube, tailrace,
switch yard, and auxiliary structures
3.4.9 Dam classification and their usage based on functionality, acting forces, and
construction materials; selection of dam based on construction material,
topography, economy and purpose
3.4.10 Concrete gravity dams: forces on gravity dams, their line of actions, stability
against sliding, overturning, and floating
3.4.11 Embankment dams: earth and rock-fill dams; basic design principles,
concept of seepage through embankments, considerations in foundation and
slope stability
3.4.12 Concept of coffer-dam and their usage
3.4.13 Design of spillways, types of spillway gates, location, and their functions
3.4.14 Energy dissipation methods, types of energy dissipaters, design of stilling
basin and aprons
3.4.15 Design of intake, trash rack, gravel trap and approach canal
3.4.16 Types, location, and usages of de-sanding basin, suspended sediment
characteristics, sediment velocities to be considered in de-sanding basin
design, design of de-sanding basin, flushing of sediments from de-sanding
3.4.17 Hydraulic tunnels: pressure and non-pressure tunnels, tunnel cross-section
and size, head loss in tunnels, concept of tunnel stability and protection
measures, tunnel linings
3.4.18 Water hammer, hydrodynamic pressure calculations, design of fore-bay
3.4.19 Importance, location and application of penstock, anchor blocks and saddle
3.4.20 Underground and surface power houses, power house dimensions and
design, tailrace
3.4.21 Types and selection of turbines, concept of specific speed, gates and valves,
draft tube, need and working principle of governors

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प्रदे श लोक सेवा आयोग
गण्डकी प्रदे श
इञ्जिनियरिङ्ग सेवा, नसनिल समूह, जििल, हाइवे, हाइड्रोपावि, इरिगेशि ि स्यानिटिी उपसमूह, अनिकृत
सातौं तहका पदहरुको खुला ि अन्ति तह प्रनतयोनगतात्मक पिीक्षाको पाठ्यक्रम
3.4.22 Hydropower potential, current installed capacity, and major
hydropower developed or under construction in Gandaki province;
Financing of hydropower PPP, BOOT, FDI, MLB; Challenges of
hydropower development in Gandaki province: Social, environmental,
economical and geological; Interprovincial water sharing, distribution of
resources (local, province and center), inter-basin water transfer; Micro
Hydro Reliability, funding requirement, subsidy policy and mechanism,
cost per KW, sustainability, operation and maintenance, local people's
participation, and End-use of electricity-for project viability.

Section (C) - 25 Marks

4. Transportation Engineering
4.1 Highway engineering
4.1.1 Highway Planning and Survey
Approach to road planning: establishing economic and environmental
viability, evaluating alternatives, historical development of road construction
in Nepal, classification of roads, national road network of Nepal , road survey
and quantity calculation, process of identifying best route location, map study
and reconnaissance survey, preliminary and detail survey, recommendation
for best alignment, highway alignment and controlling factors, Asian
Highway in Nepal and NRS–2045, NRS 2070, Highway Planning practices
in Gandaki Province.
4.1.2 Geometric Design of Highway
Basic design controls and criteria: design speed, vehicle characteristics,
traffic volume & its composition, topography, elements of highway cross
section, highway curves: tangents, type of curves, transition curves, reverse
curves and their functions, circular curves, super elevation, stopping sight
distance, vertical curves, gradients, average gradients and ruling gradient,
Crest curve and sag curves, design considerations of horizontal and vertical
alignment, extra widening, set back distance
4.1.3 Evaluation of subgrade soil
Functions of subgrade soil, CBR ant its test, group index, plate load test,
determination of modulus of subgrade reaction (k), dynamic penetration
test and its application
4.1.4 Hill Roads
Hill road design: speed, sight distance, geological condition and alignment
selection criteria, gradient selection, Hair Pin Bends, horizontal curves,
passing lane in hill roads, retaining and slope protection structure in hill
roads, use of bio-engineering, drainage structures, stability of formation
width and cut and fill slopes, Challenges in Hill Road construction and
Remedial Measures

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प्रदे श लोक सेवा आयोग
गण्डकी प्रदे श
इञ्जिनियरिङ्ग सेवा, नसनिल समूह, जििल, हाइवे, हाइड्रोपावि, इरिगेशि ि स्यानिटिी उपसमूह, अनिकृत
सातौं तहका पदहरुको खुला ि अन्ति तह प्रनतयोनगतात्मक पिीक्षाको पाठ्यक्रम
4.1.5 Highway Drainage
Importance of highway drainage: surface drainage and estimation of water
quantity, design of drainage structures, erosion control and dissipating
structures, subsurface drainage, cross drainage structures and types

4.1.6 Highway Materials

Binding materials, types of aggregate and tests on their gradation, strength,
durability, mathematical and graphical methods of aggregate gradation,
binding materials, bitumen, road tar, penetration test, consistency test, flash
point test, composition test, bituminous mixes and asphalt concrete, open
and dense graded mixes, design of asphalt mixes,
4.1.7 Traffic Engineering
Traffic engineering and scope, interrelationships between human/
machinery/environmental elements, impact of human and vehicular
characteristics on traffic planning, traffic operations and regulations driver
and vehicle control, traffic control devices, traffic flow counts and speed
studies, traffic flow characteristics, traffic count and presentation, O and D
studies, parking studies and accident study and analysis, basic requirements
of intersections, types of intersections and configuration, channelized and
unchannelized intersections, design of intersections, traffic signs, signals,
road marking, road delination, road lighting, factors influencing night
visibility, design of the lighting system, traffic projection and forecasting,
Problems and Remedial Measures of Traffic Congestion
4.1.8 Road Pavement
Types of road pavements, flexible and rigid pavements, load and other
factors controlling pavement, design methods for flexible pavements,
design methods for rigid pavements, stress due to load, temperature and
sub-grade friction, functions of pavement structure, axle load, damaging
factor of axle loads, different types of pavement surface
4.1.9 Road Construction Technology
Activities and techniques used in road construction, tools, equipment and
plants used in road construction, preparation of road subgrade, excavation,
filling, compaction, moisture density relationship, field compaction control,
soil stabilization, Construction of asphalt concrete layers including prime
coat, tack coat, and seal coat, construction procedure of penetration
macadam, construction procedures of bituminous bound macadam,
construction procedures of plain cement concrete pavements, Road
Construction Technology ( Earthen Road, Gravel Road Bituminous Surface
Dressing, Asphalt Concrete, Rigid Pavement), Suitability of Different types
of road construction technologies at different regions.

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प्रदे श लोक सेवा आयोग
गण्डकी प्रदे श
इञ्जिनियरिङ्ग सेवा, नसनिल समूह, जििल, हाइवे, हाइड्रोपावि, इरिगेशि ि स्यानिटिी उपसमूह, अनिकृत
सातौं तहका पदहरुको खुला ि अन्ति तह प्रनतयोनगतात्मक पिीक्षाको पाठ्यक्रम
4.1.10 Highway Maintenance, Repair and Rehabilitation
Classification of maintenance activities for on road and off road structures,
inspection, prioritization and planning of maintenance operations,
evaluation of pavement distress and pavement condition, types and methods
of pavement repair, regular, recurrent, periodic maintenance, types of
overlay and strengthening of existing pavements

Section (D) - 20 Marks

5. Public Health Engineering
5.1 Water Supply
5.1.1 Introduction
Potable, contaminated and wholesome water, typical components of water
supply schemes
5.1.2 Sources of water
Surface source, ground water occurrences and prospecting, chemical
characteristics and properties of ground water, recharge of ground water,
ground water recovery, tube well design, selection of water sources
5.1.3 Quality of water
Types and sources of water pollution, effects of pollution (river, lake and
reservoir), pollution of ground water, hardness of water, alkalinity in water,
living organism in water, water borne diseases, physical, chemical and
biological tests of water, water quality standard: WHO standard of drinking
water quality, Nepal interim standard of drinking water
5.1.4 Quantity of water
Types of water demand, design period, methods of population forecasting,
variation in demand of water, factors affecting demand of water
5.1.5 Intake works
Site selection of an intake, Characteristics of river reservoir and spring
intake, various types of hand pumps including suction hand pump,
submersible hand pump
5.1.6 Water treatment
Treatment systems: screening, plain sedimentation, sedimentation with
coagulation, flocculation, filtration (Slow sand filtration /Rapid filtration),
disinfection, softening, and miscellaneous treatments (aeration, removal of
iron and manganese, removal of arsenic and removal of colour, odour and
5.1.7 Reservoirs and distribution systems
Types of reservoir, sizing of reservoir: mass curve method, peak demand
method etc. for reservoir Design, Water supply system: pumping system,
gravity system, Layout of the water supply system, Pipeline design: design

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प्रदे श लोक सेवा आयोग
गण्डकी प्रदे श
इञ्जिनियरिङ्ग सेवा, नसनिल समूह, जििल, हाइवे, हाइड्रोपावि, इरिगेशि ि स्यानिटिी उपसमूह, अनिकृत
सातौं तहका पदहरुको खुला ि अन्ति तह प्रनतयोनगतात्मक पिीक्षाको पाठ्यक्रम
criteria, design of transmission and distribution system (including pipe net
5.1.8 Operation and maintenance of water supply system
Difference between maintenance and rehabilitation, Operation of water
supply system, Maintenance equipment: wrench
5.1.9 Design specific of gravity flow rural water supply system in Nepal:
Planning and Layout of Rural and Urban Water Supply System and Sanitation
System; Environmental Impact Assessment (Need, Requirement and
Implementation Strategy), Stages for Environmental Impact Assessment and
Initial Environmental Assessment
5.2 Sanitary Engineering
5.2.1 Introduction
Importance of waste water and solid waste management, Sanitation system,
Types of sewerage system
5.2.2 Quantity of wastewater
Sources and nature of wastewater, effluent characteristics, Factors affecting
sanitary sewage, Determinations of quantity of sanitary sewage,
Determinations of quantity of storm water
5.2.3 Characteristics and examination of sewage
5.2.4 Sampling of sewage, Physical, chemical and biological characteristics of
sewage, Decomposition of sewage, aerobic and anaerobic decomposition,
Biochemical oxidation demand (BOD) and chemical oxidation demand
(COD), Test of solids, Dissolved oxygen (DO), pH-value, BOD, COD,
chlorine demand
5.2.5 Design and construction of sewers
Typical design periods, flow velocity, self cleaning velocity, flow diagrams,
hydraulic formulae and gradients, Estimation of quantity of sanitary
sewage, collection systems, sewer design criteria, shape of sewers, types of
sewers, sewer materials: requirements, salt glazed stoneware, and plain or
reinforced cement concrete pipes, plastic, steel, brick, sanitary and storm
water sewers for separate and combined sewer systems, construction of
sewer: excavation, laying, jointing of sewer, testing of sewer, water test and
air test
5.2.6 Sewage treatment
Treatment methods, Secondary treatment processes and their types, BOD
removal, design criteria, activated sludge, oxidation ponds and ditches,
aerated lagoons and lagoons, Sewage filtration, intermittent sand filter,
contact bed, trickling filters, bio- filters and design of trickling and biofilters

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प्रदे श लोक सेवा आयोग
गण्डकी प्रदे श
इञ्जिनियरिङ्ग सेवा, नसनिल समूह, जििल, हाइवे, हाइड्रोपावि, इरिगेशि ि स्यानिटिी उपसमूह, अनिकृत
सातौं तहका पदहरुको खुला ि अन्ति तह प्रनतयोनगतात्मक पिीक्षाको पाठ्यक्रम
5.2.7 Sewage disposal
Sewage disposal by dilution: essential conditions for dilution, self
purification of streams, factors affecting self –purification, the oxygen sag
curve (streeter-phelps equation), Sewage treatment by land treatment

5.2.8 Sludge treatment and disposal

Sources of sludge and necessity of treatment, Aerobic and anaerobic
digestion, Methods of sludge treatment: grinding and blending, thickening,
stabilization, dewatering, drying, composting and incineration, Methods of
sludge disposal: spreading on land, lagooning, dumping and land filling
5.2.9 Community participation and introduce following under this heading
Users committee, Village maintenance workers, Pre construction/during
construction/post construction trainings, Women participation,
Community mobilization/participation, Record keeping of WSP,
Rehabilitation, Composting toilets, eco-sanitation

5.3 Environment
5.3.1 General introduction of air pollutants, its causes, impacts and remedial
5.3.2 Human excreta and its characteristics, pollution caused by excreta
5.3.3 Health aspects of water supply and sanitation
5.3.4 Green house effect, its impacts and remedies measures
5.3.5 Solid waste management, Types and characteristics of solid waste
5.3.6 Garbage collection and disposal
5.3.7 Methods of solid waste disposal: dumping, sanitary landfill, incineration and
5.3.8 Concept of environmental assessment: Initial environmental examination
(IEE), Environment impact assessment (EIA), role of EIA, Types of
environmental impacts, and EIA principles
5.3.9 Government rules, regulations and procedures for EIA


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प्रदे श लोक सेवा आयोग
गण्डकी प्रदे श
इञ्जिनियरिङ्ग सेवा, नसनिल समूह, जििल, हाइवे, हाइड्रोपावि, इरिगेशि ि स्यानिटिी उपसमूह, अनिकृत
सातौं तहका पदहरुको खुला ि अन्ति तह प्रनतयोनगतात्मक पिीक्षाको पाठ्यक्रम
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सामूहहक पिीक्षण (Group Discussion)

यस प्रयोजिको लानग गरििे पिीक्षण १० पूणााङ्क ि ३० नमिेट अवनिको हुिेछ जुि िेताहवहहि सामूहहक
छलफल (Leaderless Group Discussion) को रुपमा अवलम्वि गरििे छ। ददइएको प्रश्न वा Topic
का हवषयमा पालैपालोसँग निददाष्ट समयनित्र समूहवीच छलफल गदै प्रत्येक उम्मेदवािले व्यञ्जिगत प्रस्तुनत
(Individual Presentation) गिुा पिेछ। यस पिीक्षणमा मूल्याङ्किको लानग दे हाय अिुसािको कम्तीमा ३
जिाको सनमनत िहिेछ।
आयोगका अध्यक्ष वा निजले तोकेको सदस्य - अध्यक्ष
हवज्ञ - सदस्य
दक्ष/हवज्ञ (१ जिा) - सदस्य

सामूहहक छलफलमा ददइिे िमुिा प्रश्न वा Topic

उदाहिणको लानग - उजाा सं कट, गिीबी निवािण, स्वास््य बीमा, खाद्य सुिक्षा, प्रनतिा पलायि जस्ता Topics
मध्येकुिै एक Topic मात्र ददइिेछ।

PPSC/Page 11

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