Kiến Thức Hóa Dầu
Kiến Thức Hóa Dầu
Kiến Thức Hóa Dầu
Refinery Overview
The crude oil is heated in a furnace and charged to an atmospheric distillation tower, where it is
separated into light gas (C1-C4), light naphtha, heavy naphtha, kerosine, atmospheric gas oil, and reduced
(topped) crude . The reduced crude is sent to the vacuum distillation tower and separated into vacuum gas
oil stream and vacuum reduced crude bottoms (residua, resid). The reduced crude bottoms from the
vacuum distillation tower is thermally cracked in a delayed coker to produce gas, coker gasoline, coker gas
oil, and coke. The atmospheric and vacuum crude unit gas oils and coker gas oil are used as feedstocks for
the catalytic cracking or hydrocracking units where heavy molecules get converted into lower molecular
weight compounds boiling in the gasoline and distillate fuel ranges. The hydrocracked products are
saturated whereas catalytic cracker products are unsaturated and further need improvement in quality by
either hydrotreating or by reforming. The light naphtha streams from the crude tower, coker and cracking
units are sent to an isomerization unit to convert straight-chain paraffins into isomers which have higher
octane numbers. The heavy naphtha streams from the crude tower, coker, and cracking units are fed to the
catalytic reformer to improve octane numbers. The products from the catalytic reformer can be blended
into regular and premium gasolines for marketing. The wet gas streams from the crude unit, coker, and
cracking units are separated in the vapor recovery section (gas plant) into fuel gas, liquefied petroleum gas
(LPG), unsaturated hydrocarbons (propylene, butylenes, and pentenes), normal butane, and isobutane. The
fuel gas is burned as a fuel in refinery furnaces and the normal butane is blended into gasoline or LPG. The
unsaturated hydrocarbons and isobutane are sent to the alkylation unit to react olefins with isobutane to
yield isoparaffins. The alkylation is done at high pressure and low temperature in the presence of sulfuric or
hydrofluoric acid as catalyst. The product is called alkylated gasoline, which is a high-octane product
blended into premium motor gasoline and aviation gasoline. The middle distillates from the crude unit,
coker, and cracking units are blended into diesel and jet fuels and furnace oils. In some refineries, the heavy
vacuum gas oil and reduced crude from paraffinic or naphthenic base crude oils are processed into
lubricating oils. The asphaltenes are removed in a propane deasphalting unit, and the reduced crude from
bottoms are processed with the vacuum gas oils to produce lubeoil base stocks (LOBS). The vacuum gas oils
and deasphalted stocks are solvent-extracted to remove the aromatic compounds followed by dewaxing to
improve the pour point. These LOBS are further treated with acid clays to improve their color and stability
before being blended into lubricating oils. Each refinery has its own unique processing scheme which is
determined by the process equipment available, crude oil characteristics, operating costs, and product
The basic raw material for refineries is petroleum or crude oil. The chemical compositions of crude
oils obtained from various sources are almost uniform although their physical characteristics vary
widely. The elementary composition of crude oil usually falls within the following ranges: C 84-88; H
11-15; S up to 5%, N up to 0.5 %. Crude oils are classified as paraffin base, naphthene base, asphalt
base, or mixed base depending upon the composition of the residue left after distillation. Crude oils
which have up to 80% aromatic content are known as aromatic-base oils. The U.S. Bureau of Mines
has developed a system which classifies the crude according to two key fractions obtained in
distillation: No. 1 from 250 to 275 oC at atmospheric pressure and No. 2 from 275 to 300 oC at 40
mmHg pressure. The API gravity of these fractions varies depending upon paraffinic and naphthenic
grade of the crude(Paraffin : API 40 for No. 1 and 30 for No. 2, Naphthene : API < 30 for No. 1 oil and
<=20 for No. 2 oil). The paraffinic and asphailtic classifications in common use are based on the
properties of the residuum left from nondestructive distillation and are more descriptive to the
refiner because they convey the nature of the products to be expected and the processing necessary.
Composition Of Petroleum[19-20]
Crude oils are composed of many members of homologous series of hydrocarbons. Petroleum is
essentially a mixture of hydrocarbons, and even the non-hydrocarbon elements are generally present
as components of complex molecules predominantly hydrocarbon in character, but containing small
quantities of oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen, vanadium nickel, and chromium. The composition of the total
mixture, in terms of elementary composition, does not vary a great deal, but small differences in
composition can greatly affect the physical properties and the processing required to production
marketable products. The hydrocarbons present in crude petroleum are classified into three general
types: paraffins, naphthenes, and aromatics. Olefins are generally not present in crude oil, however
these are formed during processing by the dehydrogenation of paraffins and naphthenes. The paraffin
series of hydrocarbons is characterized by the rule that the carbon atoms are connected by a single
bond and the other bonds are saturated with hydrogen atoms.The general formula for paraffins is
CnH2n+2. Crude oil contains molecules with up to 70 carbon atoms, and the number of possible paraffinic
hydrocarbons is very high. Olefins do not naturally occur in crude oils but are formed during the
processing. They are very similar in structure to paraffins but at least two of the carbon atoms are
joined by double bonds. The general formula is CnH2n. Olefins are generally undesirable in finished
products because the double bonds are reactive, and the compounds are more easily oxidized and
polymerized to form gums and varnishes. Olefins containing five carbon atoms have high reaction rates
with compounds in the atmosphere that form pollutants and, even though they have high research
octane numbers, are considered generally undesirable. Some diolefins (containing two double bonds)
are also formed during processing, but they react very rapidly with olefins to form high-molecular-
weight polymers consisting of many simple unsaturated molecules joined together. Diolefins are very
undesirable in products because they are so reactive, they polymerize and form filter and equipment
plugging compounds. Cycloparaffin hydrocarbons in which all of the available bonds of the carbon
atoms are saturated with hydrogen are called naphthenes. There are many types of naphthenes
present in crude oil, but except for the lower-molecular-weight such as cyclopentane and cyclohexane,
are generally not handled as individual compounds. They are classified according to boiling range and
their properties determined with the help of correlation factors such as the characterization (Kw) factor
or correlation index ( CI) . The aromatic series of hydrocarbons is chemically and physically very
different from the paraffins and cycloparaffins (naphthenes). The cyclic hydrocarbons, both naphthenic
and aromatic, can add paraffin side chains in place of some of the hydrogen attached to the ring
carbons and form a mixed structure.
Petroleum (also called crude oil) is a mixture of gaseous, liquid , and solid hydrocarbon
Petroleum occurs in sedimentary rock deposits throughout the world and also contains small
quantities of nitrogen oxygen and sulfur-containing compounds as well as trace amounts of
metallic constituents.
The fuels derived from Petroleum contribute approximately one-third to one-half of the total
world energy supply and are used for transportation fuels (gasoline,diesel fuel,and aviation
fuel,among others) and heating buildings.
Petroleum products have a wide variety of uses that vary from gaseous and liquid fuels to near-
solid machinery lubricants. Residue of many refinery processes asphalt—is now a premium
value product for highway surfaces, roofing materials, and miscellaneous waterproofing uses.
Amine Treating
Solvent Extraction
Solvent dewaxing
Solvent Deoiling
Solvent deasphalting
Lube isomerisation
LPG 2.1%
MS 11.2%
OTHERS 18.3%
ATF 9.0
MS: Octane number, Sulphur, distillation, Oxidation stability, Bz/ Aromatics/ Olefin content.
Petroleum is a mixture of gaseous, liquid, and solid hydrocarbon compounds that occur in sedimentary
rock deposits throughout the world and also contains small quantities of nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur-
containing compounds as well as trace amounts of metallic constituents.Petroleum is a naturally occurring
mixture of hydrocarbons, generally in a liquid state, which may also include compounds of sulfur, nitrogen,
oxygen, metals, other elements .Any naturally occurring hydrocarbon, whether in a liquid, gaseous, or solid
state may found explorations.
The combination of refining processes and operations employed (complexity) varies from one refinery to
another.Modern refinery is highly complex, energy and capital intensive. Role of catalytic processes,
secondary processing and hydroprocessing is increasing .Factors deciding the complexity of a refinery.
Inter-fuel substitution.
Classification of crude
The hydrocarbons found in petroleum are classified into the following types: [19,20]
Paraffin base: The presence of paraffin wax in residue is reflected in the paraffin nature
of the constituent.
Asphaltic base: high asphaltic content corresponds with the naphthene properties of the
fractions. Asphalt-base (black amorphous solid MW 600-30K) crude oils our mainly of
highly Aromatic (or naphthene) hydrocarbons. 0.81—0.985
Metals: V, Fe, Ni
S-( H2S, Thiols (mercaptans), sulfides, di sulfides, poly sulfides and thiophenes).
Cause corrosion of equipment, bad odour in products, catalyst poisoning, Air pollution.
N –Indoles, pyridines and quinolines (Difficult to remove).
Crude composition
Petroleum is derived from aquatic plants and animals that lived and died hundreds of
millions of years ago. Their remains mixed with mud and sand in layered deposits that,
over the millennia, were geologically transformed into sedimentary rock.
Gradually the organic matter decomposed and eventually formed petroleum (or a
related precursor), which migrated from the original source beds to more porous and
permeable rocks, such as sandstone and silt stone, where it finally became entrapped.
Such entrapped accumulations of petroleum are called reservoirs.
Generally, deposits are several meter deep where pressure >100atm.Lig/ gas volume expan-sion
factor Bg at surface conditions For liquid expansion factor is small but for gas it is high.
Derived Manufactured
Natural Materials
Materials Materials
Synthetic Crude
Natural Gas Saturates
Kerogen - Tar
Coal - Pitch
Refinery Operation
Crude oil is transported to refineries by pipelines, (more than 500,000 barrels per day), or by
ocean-going tankers.
The basic refinery process is distillation, which separates the crude oil into fractions of
differing volatility.
After the distillation, other physical methods are employed to separate the mixtures
including absorption adsorption solvent extraction and crystallization.
After physical separation into such constituents as light and heavy naphtha, kerosene, light
and heavy gas oils selected petroleum fractions may be subjected to conversion processes such
as thermal cracking (i.e., coking;) and catalytic cracking.
Cracking breaks the large molecules of heavier gas oils into the smaller molecules that form
the lighter, more valuable naphtha fractions.
Process Development Since The Commencement Of The Modern Refining Era [19,20]
1862 Atmospheric Distillation Produce Kerosene
1935 Catalytic Polymerization Improve Octane Number
1937 Catalytic Cracking Higher Octane Gasoline
1942 Fluid Catalytic Cracking Increase Gasoline Yield
Hydrocarbon sources (oil shale and coal) which may be made to generate hydrocarbons
by the application of conversion processes. Oil Shale are argillaceous, laminated
sediments of generally high organic content that can be thermally decomposed to yield
appreciable amounts of oil.
The hydrocarbon constituents, separated from petroleum and natural gas, are the
hydrocarbon constituents that existed from the reservoir.
Coal and kerogen do not enjoy this by means of separation and methods of thermal
decomposition and it must be applied before hydrocarbons are produced.
Kerogen is the complex carbonaceous (organic) material that occurs in sedimentary rocks
and shales.
Characterization of crude:
Crude of petroleum is very complex except for the low-boiling components, no attempt is made by
the refiner to analyze for the pure components that contained in the crude oil. Relatively simple
analytical tests are run on the crude and the results of these are used with empirical correlations to
evaluate the crude oils as feedstocks for the particular refinery. Each crude is compared with the other
feedstocks available and, based upon the operating cost and product realization, is assigned a value.
The useful properties are discussed.
API Gravity: The density of petroleum oils is expressed in the United States in terms of API gravity
rather than specific gravity; it is related to specific gravity in such a fashion that an increase in API
gravity corresponds to a decrease in specific gravity. The units of API gravity are API and can be
calculated from specific gravity (sp. Gr.) by the following:
Sp. Gr. of crude oil may vary from less than 10oAPI to over 50oAPI but most crudes fall in the 20 to
45o API range. API gravity always refers to the liquid sample at 60 oF (15.6 oC). API gravities are not
linear and, therefore, cannot be averaged. For example, a gallon of 20o API gravity hydrocarbons when
mixed with a gallon of 30oAPI hydrocarbons will not yield two gallons of 25o API hydrocarbons but will
give two gallons of hydrocarbons with an API gravity different from 250 API. On the other hand, Specific
gravities of different oils can be averaged.
Sulfur content and API gravity are two properties which have the greatest influence on the value of
crude oil, although nitrogen and metals contents are increasing in importance. The sulfur content is
expressed as percent of sulfur by weight and varies from less than 0.1% to greater than 5%. Crudes
with greater than 0.5% sulfur generally require more extensive processing than those with lower sulfur
The pour point of the crude oil, in oF or oC, is a rough indicator of the relative paraffinicity and
aromaticity of the crude. The lower the pour point, the lower the paraffin content and the greater the
content of aromatics.
Carbon residue is determined by distillation to a coke residue in the absence of air. The carbon
residue is roughly related to the asphalt content of the crude and to the quantity of the lubricating oil
fraction that can be recovered. In most cases the lower the carbon residue, the more valuable the crude.
This is expressed in terms of the weight percent carbon residue by either the Ramsbottom (RCR) or
Conradson (CCR).
If the salt content of the crude, when expressed as NaCl, is greater than 10 lb/ 1000 bbl, it is
generally necessary to desalt the crude before processing. If the salt is not removed, severe corrosion
problems may be encountered. If residua are processed catalytically, desalting is desirable at even lower
salt contents of the crude. Although it is not possible to have an accurate conversion unit between
lb/1000 bbl and ppm by weight because of the different densities of crude oils, 1 lb/1000 bbl is
approximately 3 ppm.
There are several correlations between yield and the aromaticity and paraffin city of crude oils, but the
two most widely used are the UOP or Watson ‘‘characterization factor’’ (KW) and the U.S. Bureau of
Mines ‘‘correlation index’’ (CI).
KW= TB1/3/ G , Where,TB is the mean average boiling point, R and G is the specific gravity at 60 oF.
The Watson characterization factor :KW ~15 for highly paraffinic compounds , KW <10 for highly
aromatic materials and KW vary from 10.5 to 12.9. For a highly naphthenic crude it is 10.5 to 12.9 for a
paraffinic base crude.
The correlation index is useful in evaluating individual fractions from crude oils. The CI scale is based
upon straight-chain paraffins having a CI value of 0 and benzene having a CI value of 100 and is defined
as follows:
C.I = 87552/TB + 473.7 G – 456.8
The CI values are not quantitative, but the lower the CI value, the greater the concentration of paraffin
hydrocarbons in the fraction; and higher the CI value, greater the concentration of naphthene and
High nitrogen content is undesirable in crude oils because organic nitrogen compounds cause severe
poisoning of catalysts used in processing and cause corrosion problems. Crudes containing nitrogen
more than 0.25% by weight require special processing to remove the nitrogen. [19,20]
Distillation Range
The boiling range of the crude gives an indication of the quantities of the various products present.
The most useful type of distillation is known as a true boiling. point (TBP) distillation and generally
refers to a distillation performed in equipment that accomplishes a reasonable degree of fractionation.
There is no specific test procedure called a TBP distillation, but the U.S. Bureau of Mines Hempel and
ASTM D-285 distillations are the tests most commonly used. Neither of these specify either the
number of theoretical plates or the reflux ratio used and, as a result, there is a trend toward using the
results of a 15:5 distillation (D- 2892) rather than the TBP. The 15:5 distillation is carried out using 15
theoretical plates at a reflux ratio of 5: 1. The crude distillation range has to be correlated with ASTM
distillations because product specifications are generally based on the simple ASTM distillation tests
like D-86 and D-1160 etc.[20]
The metals content metals (nickel, vanadium, and copper) of crude oils vary from a few parts per million
to more than 1000 ppm. Minute quantities of some of these metals can severely affect the activities of
catalysts and result in a lower value product distribution. Vanadium concentrations above 2 ppm in fuel
oils can lead to severe corrosion to turbine blades and deterioration of refractory furnace linings and
stacks. Distillation concentrates the metallic constituents of crude in the residues, but some of the
organometallic compounds are actually volatilized at refinery distillation temperatures and appear in the
higher-boiling distillates. The metallic content may be reduced by solvent extraction with propane or
similar solvents as the organometallic compounds are precipitated with the asphaltenes and resins.
API=141.5/Spig. – 131.5
where TB is the average boiling point in degrees Rankine (= F + 460) and d is the specific gravity
60 oF/60 oF. (Also, Kuop= (Tk)3/0.827 G, if T in K)
According to the chemical composition of the 250 oC to 300 oC fraction has been used.
But the difficulty is that in the fractions boiling above 200 oC (390 oF) the molecules can no longer
be placed in one group, because most of them are of a typically mixed nature.
More direct chemical information is desirable and can be supplied by means of the correlation
index (CI).
The CI, developed by the U.S. Bureau of Mines, is based on the plot of specific gravity vs the
reciprocal of the boiling point in Kelvin.
For pure hydrocarbons, the normal paraffin series is given value of CI=0 and for benzene CI = 100.
Where, TK for a petroleum fraction is the average boiling point (K) and ‘d’ is the specific gravity
Physical properties
Materials having viscosity less than 10,000 centipoises (cp) are conventional petroleum
and heavy oil.
In order to classify petroleum, heavy oil, and bitumen the use of a single parameter such
as viscoity is not enough.
Other properties such as API gravity, elemental analysis, composition, and the properties of
thefluid in the reservoir as well as the method of recovery need to be acknowledged
Fig.1.8 Classification of petroleum, heavy oil, and bitumen by API gravity and viscosity
Tar sand bitumen is a naturally occurring material that is immobile in the deposit and
cannot be recovered by the application of enhanced oil recovery technologies, including
steam –based technologies.
Heavy oil is mobile in the reservoir and can be recovered by the application of enhanced
oil recovery technologies,including steam–based technologies.
Pour point is the lowest temperature at which oil will move, pour , or flow when it is
chilled without disturbance under definite conditions (ASTM D97).
The pour point and reservoir temperature present a more accurate assessment of the
condition of the oil in the reservoir an indicator of the mobility of the oil in the reservoir.
when used in conjunction with reservoir temperature, the pour point gives an indication
of the liquidity of the heavy oil or bitumen and, therefore the ability of the heavy oil or
bitumen to flow under reservoir conditions.
Atmospheric Column
Vacuum Column
Petroleum refining begins with the distillation, or fractionation, of crude oils into separate
hydrocarbon groups like Light ends, naphtha/gasoline kerosine diesel and residue etc.
The resultant products are directly related to the characteristics of the crude processed.(T 650-
750 deg oF) or (310 oC-350 oC)
Most distillation products are further converted into more usable products by changing the size
and structure of the hydrocarbon molecules through cracking, reforming, and other conversion
Wash Zone
Reflux to wash resins & other heavy materials that may contaminate the products.
Balancing act
High pressure decrease vaporization but increases flash zone temperature & furnance
duty: affects yields.
Reduces overhead condenser load & achieves more uniform tower loading.
Side draws & strippers cut point related to final boiling point of draw steam.
Side strippers remove light component tail & return to main column.
Condenser & accumulator 3 to 10 psi across condenser liquid static head in accumulator.
Generally,the products which dictate refinery design are relatively few in number, and the basic refinery
processes are based on the large-quantity products such as gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and home heating oils.
Storage and waste disposal are expensive, and it is necessary to sell or use all of the items produced from
crude oil even if some of the materials, such as high-sulfur heavy fuel oil and fuel-grade coke, must be sold
at prices less than the cost of fuel oil. Economic balances are required to determine whether certain crude
oil fractions should be sold as is (i.e., straight-run) or further processed to produce products having greater
value. Usually, the lowest value of a hydrocarbon product is its heating value or fuel oil equivalent (FOE).
This value is always established by location, demand, availability, combustion characteristics, sulfur
content, and prices of competing fuels.
Low-Boiling Products
The compounds which are in the gas phase at ambient temperatures and pressures methane,
ethane, propane, butane, and the corresponding olefins.
Methane (C1)
It is usually used as a refinery fuel but can be used as a feedstock for hydrogen production by
pyrolytic cracking and reaction with steam.
It is generally expressed in terms of pounds or kilograms, standard cubic feet (scf) at 60 °F and
14.7 psia, normal cubic meters (Nm3) at
15.6 °C and 1 bar (100 kPa), or in barrels fuel oil equivalent (FOE) based on a lower heating value
(LHV) of 6.05 x106 Btu (6.38 x106kJ).
Refinery Gases
Ethane (C2) can be used as refinery fuel or as a feedstock to produce hydrogen or ethylene,
which are used in petrochemical processes.
Ethylene and hydrogen are recovered in the refinery and sold to petrochemical plants.
Refinery Products
n-butane has a blending octane in the 90s and is a low-cost octane improver of gasoline.
Isobutane used as a feedstock to alkylation units, where it is reacted with unsaturated materials
(propenes, butanes, and pentenes) to form high-octane isoparaffinic compounds in the gasoline
boiling range.
Mixture of light HCs propane and butane,gases at ambient temperature but condensed to liquid state
by applying moderate pressure.
Vapour Pressure,Psig
70oF(21.1oC) 124 31
100oF(38oC) 192 59
130oF(54oC) 286 97 At 60oF,15.6oC
LPG Production
Cryogenic process:
Turbo expander
ease of starting
quick warm-up
Production of Gasoline
Gasoline Specifications
Most important properties wide greatest effects on engine performance are: Reid vapor
pressure,Boiling range,and Antiknock characteristics.
The Reid vapor pressure is approximately the vapor pressure of the gasoline at 100 °F (38 °C) in absolute
units (ASTM designation D-323).
The Reid vapor pressure (RVP) and boiling range of gasoline governs ease of starting, engine warm-up,
rate of acceleration, loss by crankcase dilution, mileage economy,and tendency toward vapor lock.
Engine warm-up time is affected by the percent distilled at 158 °F (70 °C) and the 90% ASTM
distillation temperature.
Warm-up is expressed in terms of the distance operated to deveop full power without excessive use of
the choke. A two-to four-mile (3 to 7 km) warm-up is considered satisfactory.
Altitude affects several properties of gasoline, the most important of which are losses by evaporation
and octane requirement.
Octane number: requirement is greatly affected by altitude and, for a constant spark advance, is about
three units lower for each 1000 ft(305 m) of elevation. In practice, however the spark is advanced at
higher elevations to improve engine performance and the net effect is to reduce the PON of the
gasoline marketed by about two numbers for a 5000- ft (1524-m) increase in elevation.
Octane numbers are obtained by two test procedures; those obtained by the first method are
called motor octane numbers (indicative of high-speed performance)and those obtained by the
second method are called research octane numbers (indicative of normal road performance).
Octane numbers quoted are usually, unless stated otherwise, research octane numbers. In the
test methods used to determine the antiknock properties of gasoline,comparisons are made
with blends of two pure hydrocarbons, n-heptane and iso-octane (2,2,4-trimethylpentane).
Octane numbers quoted are usually, unless stated otherwise, research octane numbers. In the
test methods used to determine the antiknock Properties
Isooctane has an octane number of 100 and is high in its resistance to knocking; n-heptane is
quite low (with an octane number of 0) in its resistance to knocking.
Posted octane numbers (PON) are arithmetic averages of the motor octane number (MON) and
Research octane number (RON) and average four to six numbers below the RON.
PON is the arithmetic average of the research and motor octane numbers [(RON +MON)/2].
The posted method octane number (PON) of unleaded regular gasolines:~ 87 and
For all gasolines, octane numbers average about two numbers lower for the higher elevations of
the Rocky Mountain states.
The difference between the research and motor octane is an indicator of the sensitivity of the
performance of the fuel to the two types of driving conditions and is known as the ‘‘sensitivity’’
of the fuel.
Other Activity: antioxidants, metal deactivators, and anti-stall agents, are included with the cost
of the antiknock chemicals added.
Light straight-run (LSR) : gasoline consists of the (C5)-190 °F (C5)-88 °C) fraction of the naphtha
from the atmospheric crude still.
(C5)-190 °F fraction means that pentanes are included in the cut but that (C4) and lower-boiling
compounds are excluded and the TBP end point is approximately 190 °F.
Aromatic Vol 30 or
42 42 . 48/42 40 . .
%Max 35
Vol 21/1 23 or 20 or
Olefins 21/18 . 35 . .
%Max 18 25
The FCC and Hydrocracked gasolines: Generally used directly as gasoline blending stocks, but in
some cases are separated into light and heavy fractions with the heavy fractions upgraded by
catalytic reforming before being blended into motor gasoline.
Motor gasoline is unleaded, and the clear gasoline pool octane is now several octane numbers
higher than when lead was permitted.
Gasoline/Motor spirit/Petrol
The reformer increases the octane by converting low octane paraffins to high-octane aromatics.
Some aromatics (e.g., Benzene) have high rates of reaction with ozone to form visual pollutants
in the air and some are claimed to be potentially carcinogenic by the EPA.
This restricts the severity of catalytic reforming and will require refiners to use other ways to
increase octane numbers of the gasoline pool by incorporating more oxygenates in the blend
(Table 1.6).[19,20]
RON 95 95 95 95
MON 85 85 85 85
Arom.,%Vol., Max - - 42 35
Olef.,%Vol., Max - - 18 ?
Polymer gasoline :
Manufactured by polymerizing olefinic hydrocarbons to produce higher molecular weight olefins in the
gasoline boiling range.
Refinery technology favors alkylation processes rather than polymerization for two reasons: [19,20]
1- Larger quantities of higher-octane product can be made from the light olefins available
2- The alkylation product is paraffinic rather than olefinic, and olefins are highly photo reactive and
contribute to visual air pollution and ozone production.
Alkylate gasoline:
It is the product of the reaction of isobutane with propylene, butylene, or pentylene to produce
branched-chain hydrocarbons in the gasoline boiling range.
Alkylation of a given quantity of olefins produces twice the volume of high-octane motor fuel as can be
produced by polymerization. In addition, the blending octane (PON) of alkylate is higher and the
sensitivity (RON -MON) is significantly lower than that of polymer gasoline.
Normal butane is blended into gasoline to give the desired vapor pressure. The vapor pressure
[expressed as the Reid vapor pressure (RVP) of gasoline is a compromise between a high RVP to
improve economics and engine starting characteristics and a low RVP to prevent vapor lock and reduce
evaporation losses.
Normal butane is blended into gasoline to give the desired vapor pressure. The vapor pressure
[expressed as the Reid vapor pressure (RVP)of Butane has a high blending octane number and is a very
desirable component of gasoline; refiners put as much in their gasolines as vapor pressure limitations
Isobutane can be used for this purpose, but it is not as desirable because its higher vapor pressure
permits a lesser amount to be incorporated into gasoline than n-butane.
Normal butane is blended into gasoline to give the desired vapor pressure.
Concern over the effects of hydrocarbon fuels usage on the environment has caused changes in
environmental regulations which impact gasoline and diesel fuel compositions.
The main restrictions on diesel fuels limit sulfur and total aromatics contents and gasoline
restrictions include not only sulfur and total aromatics contents but also specific compound limits (e.g.,
benzene), limits on certain types of compounds (e.g., olefins), maximum Reid vapor pressures,and also
minimum oxygen contents for areas with carbon monoxide problems.
Distillate Fuels[20,26,27]
Jet or turbine fuels,diesel fuels,and heating oils.These products are blended from a variety of
refinery streams to meet the desired specifications.
Jet fuel is blended for use by both commercial aviation and military aircraft.
Also known as turbine fuel and there are several commercial and military jet fuel specifications.
For most refineries the primary source of jet fuel blending stocks is the straight-run kerosine
fraction from the atmospheric crude unit because
Kerosene (kerosine): also called paraffin or paraffin oil, is a flammable pale-yellow or colorless
oily liquid with a characteristic odor.
It is obtained from petroleum and used for burning in lamps and domestic heaters or furnaces,
as a fuel or fuel component for jet engines, and as a solvent for greases and insecticides.
Kerosene is intermediate in volatility between gasoline and gas diesel oil. It is a medium oil
distilling between 150 oC and 300 oC(300 oF to 570 oF).(HC: C10-C14).
Kerosene has a flash point of about 25 oC (77 oF) and is suitable for use as an illuminant when
burned in a wide lamp.
Fuel oil: any liquid or liquid petroleum product that produces heat when burned in a suitable
container or that produces power when burned in an engine.
Kerosine Composition
Kerosene is less volatile than gasoline; it boils between about 140 oC (285 oF) and 320oC (610 oF).
Kerosene, because of its use as a burning oil, must be free of aromatic and unsaturated
hydrocarbons, as well as free of the more obnoxious sulfur compounds. The desirable
constituents of kerosene are saturated hydrocarbons, and it is for this reason that kerosene is
manufactured as a straight-run fraction, not by a cracking process.
Aviation fuels consist primarily of straight and branched alkanes and cycloalkanes.
Aromatic hydrocarbons are limited to 20% to 25% of the total mixture because they produce
smoke when burned.
A maximum of 5% alkenes is specified for JP-4. The approximate distribution by chemical class
straight chain alkanes (32%),
Jet fuel comprises both gasoline and kerosene type jet fuels meeting specifications for use in
aviation turbine power units and is often referred to as gasoline-type jet fuel and kerosene type
jet fuel.
Jet fuel is a light petroleum distillate that is available in several forms suitable for use in various
types of jet engines.
JP-6 has a higher cut than JP-4 and is characterized by fewer impurities.
JP-7 is high flash point special kerosene used in advanced supersonic aircraft.
Usually, jet fuels sell at higher prices than diesel fuels and No. 1 and No. 2 heating oils, and it is
more profitable for the refiner to blend the kerosine fractions from the atmospheric crude unit
and the hydrocracker into jet fuel rather than other products.
Commercial jet fuel is a material in the kerosine boiling range and must be clean burning.
Property Jet A JP-5 JP-8
Combustion Prop
Smoke Point,mm,min,or 25 19 - 25
Smoke 18v - 19 20
400(205) 400(205) 401(205) 401(205)
Recovered oF(oC),max
report report report report
Recovered oF(oC),max
Two of the critical specifications relate to its clean burning requirements and limit the total aromatics as
well as the content of double ring aromatic compounds are :
Smoke point, expressed in mm of MAXIMUM flame height at which smoking is detected, and
the volume percent total aromatics and naphthalene.
Specifications limit total aromatic concentration to 20% and the naphthalene content to 3% or
3.0% depending upon the specific specifications.
Hydrocracking saturates many of the double ring aromatics in cracked products and raises the
smoke point. (Improves the quality)
The desired freeze point specification is very low [-40 to -58 °F max (-40 to -50 °C max.)] and
hydrocracking is also used to isomerize paraffins and lower the freeze point.
Jet fuel is blended from low sulfur or desulfurized kerosine, hydrotreated light coker gas oil, and
hydrocracked blending stocks.
The smoke point and percent aromatics specifications limit the amount of cracked stocks which
can be blended into jet fuels.
The two basic types of jet fuels are naphtha and kerosine.
Naphtha jet fuel is produced primarily for the military and is a wide-boiling-range stock which
extends through the gasoline and kerosine boiling ranges.
The naphtha-type jet fuel is more volatile and has more safety problems in handling.
The JP-8 jet fuels are blended from the various components to arrive at the lowest-cost blend
that meets specifications.
Volatility, ignition quality (expressed as cetane number or cetane index), viscosity, sulfur content,
percent aromatics, and cloud point are the important properties of automotive diesel fuels.
No.1 diesel fuel (super-diesel) is generally made from virgin or hydrocracked stocks having
cetane numbers above 45.
It is having a boiling range from 360 to 600 °F (182 to 320 °C) and is used in high-speed engines
in automobiles, trucks, and buses.
High speed engines above 1500 rpm, need high C.N 45-50.
No.2 diesel fuel is very similar to No. 2 fuel oil and has a wider boiling range than No.1.
It usually contains cracked stocks and may be blended from naphtha, kerosine, and light cracked
oils from the Coker and the fluid catalytic cracking unit.
Limiting specifications are flash point [125 °F (52 °C)], sulfur content (0.05% max.), distillation
range, cetane number or cetane index (40 min.), percent aromatics, and cloud point.
The main restrictions on diesel fuels limit sulfur and total aromatics contents and gasoline
Include not only sulfur and total aromatics contents but also specific compound limits (e.g.,
Limits on certain types of compounds (e.g., olefins), maximum Reid vapor pressures.
Essentially the opposite of octane number May be measured but frequently approximated
ASTM D 976 —Standard Test Methods for Calculated Cetane Index of Distillate Fuels
High demand.
E A Ind
SA lan
.Nttrib apa
Outes Di BB
r.98/ harhar
70/ atat
02at II
5 4 4554
e1 -
44 444
e2 -
88 8 8 8
ensit 8 8
3 20-20-
y @45 60
15 oC
K 12 2 2 2
V@4 .5-
40 oC 4.5
90 3
5 - -- -
deg 60
95 3 33 3 3 3
deg60 70
7T 5 35 3 55
otal0 &000
00#50 0/1
Fl 3
66 33
8 5/6
olyar 1 11
9 -- - -
1 0 022
Cont .02.05
1 44 4 4 4
ubric -
Diesel Specification
Minimum Cetane 40 40 30
MinimumoF 540
Ignition Delay
temperature: low
for paraffins
(higher MW
paraffins have
lower ignition
Aromatics have
high self-ignition
Rapid pressure
rises results from
the accumulation
of fuel in the
chamber during
ignition delay
period. And large
number of
ignition points
throughout the
fuel/air mixture.
Rapid pressure
rise results
knocks, high
stresses, and
severe engine
vibration (Diesel
Cetane number
The ignition
properties of
diesel fuels are
expressed in
terms of cetane
number or cetane
trembly high
cetane number
cause incomplete
because of
insufficient fuel
or air mixing due
to very short
ignition delay
frequently a
minimum cetane
specification is
used an
alternative to
Lowering sulfur
and aromatics
specifications also
lowers the
emissions from
diesel engines.
Aniline point:
Defined as
temperature at
which a liquid just
miscible with
equal volume of
Aromatics are
easily miscible=>.
Low A.P
Paraffins have
high A.P.
ro Norms)
perty III(00
ane 4 4 5 5
Numb9 9 1 4
0. 0. 0. 0.
20 05 035005
T95 3 3 3 3
Max 70 70 60 60
Hs., 1 1
- -
%Wt., 1 1
Setting Up High
Pressure DHDT
That Can Handle
Cracked Stocks
Unit for
Replacement Of
Catalyst by New
Highly Catalyst.
Use Of High-
Internals In
Existing DHDS.
Fuel Quality
Improvement To Meet
Emission Norms
Reduction Of
Benzenes 5 To 1
(%V) Lower VOC
Reduction Of
Olefins To 21(R),
(18)P Emission
Reduction Of
Sulphur 500-150-
Increase In
Octane To 91-
Energy Efficiency,
Lower CO2
Reduction 2500-
Lower SO2
Cetane Increase
The principal
distillate fuel
oils: No. 1 and
No. 2 fuel oils.
Heating oil
1 1 1 1
8) 8) 55)0)
9 2 2
(- 8(-8(- -
18)6) 6)
19(2 - - -
- - -
5 6
40(3 - -
/s at 104oF(40oC)
1 1 >
Min -
.3 .9 5.5
2 3 2
Max -
.1 .4 4.0
Min - - -
Max - - -
60 F(15oC)
Max 8 8
API 50(3
76(3 - -
min) 5) 0)
Ram 0 0 - -
e On
wt - - -
0 0
er &
0 0 0 2
nt Vol
Lube oils
source: fraction
left after gasoline
kerosine and
diesel oil.
ASTM Boiling
point>35 oC
Mainly composed
nes and
Use: machine
engine oils,
turbine oils,
Transformer oils
Index: Change in
viscosity with
Not a market
VGO: Producr
obtained from
distillation unit.
ASTM boiling
range 420-600 C.
Residue obtained
from CDU.
Solid at room
Highly viscosity.
Asphalt: mixture
of bitumen in oil
mineral matter.
Use: highway
construction, water proofing
viscosity and
sulfur content.
Sulfur content
specifications are
generally set by
the locality in
which it is
burned. Only low
sulfur fuel oils
can be burned in
some areas and
this trend will
continue to
Heavy fuel
oils: with very
low sulfur
contents are
much in demand
and sell at prices
near those of the
crude oils from
which they are
Mixture of
Bitumen in oil
containing much
mineral matter
Bitumen obtained
from distillation
column is poor in
Air blowing is
done to obtain
suitable grade.
Use: Highway
water proofing
coating etc.
World petroleum
demand is
growing at an
Conventional oil
supplies are
All available
carbon resources
need to be
engaged and
New technologies
need to be
Depending on
physical location
– GTL/CTL are
viable near-term
Biofuels, Ethanol,
Compressed Natural
Mixture of
hydrocarbons ~
80 to 90 %
Compressed to a
pressure 200 to
250 kg/cm2( to
enhance the
vehicle onboard
in cylinder)
Energy value:
W.I = Heat of
combustion/ (sp. Gr)0.5
Advantages of Natural
Clean fuel
requiring little
Easily transported
via pipelines.
released into the
contribute less to
smog formation
than gasoline
methane’s single
C is reactive than
carbons of longer
Disadvantages of Natural
Common $/GJ
$50/bbl $8.80
$ 1.67/gala $13.80
$20/ton $0.94
$0.04/kWh $11.10
$0.23/lb $13.80
$2.25/ bu $6.50
$50/Ton $2.50
< crops b
Oxe G
Met 2n Ther
hanol mal
1st Biolo
gical or
anol nd
1st Biolo
gical or
ed 2n Ther
Alcoho mal
DM 2n Ther
E mal
Bio st
deisel Chemica
Syn n
g Term
Syn 2n Ther
Gasoli mal
Hyd mal or
rogennd Biologic
Crude oil contains water, inorganic salts, suspended solids, and water-soluble trace metals.
First step in the refining process is to remove salt and solids to reduce corrosion, plugging, and
fouling of equipment and to prevent poisoning of the catalysts in processing units.
If the salt content of the crude is greater than 10 lb/1000 bbl (expressed as NaCl), the crude
requires desalting to minimize fouling and corrosion caused by salt deposition on heat transfer
surfaces and acids formed by decomposition of chloride salts.(<1000 lb/bbl).
Chemical and Electrostatic separation:Washing of the salt from crude oil with water oil and
water phases are separated in a settling tank by adding chemicals to assist in breaking up
emulsion or by the application of electrostatic field to colapse the droplets of saltwater more
Chemical desalting:Water and chemical surfactant (demulsifiers) are added to the crude, heated
so that salts and other impurities dissolve into the water or attach to the water, and then held in
a tank where they settle out.
Electric desalting:Under charge condition polar molecules get oriented and get separated. More
than 90% of salt can be removed in just less than half an hour.
Desalting of Crude
Surfactants are added if the crude has a large amount of suspended solids.
The feedstock crude oil is heated to between 150 and 350oF to reduce viscosity and surface
tension for easier mixing and separation of the water.
Electric desalting[1]
The dual field electrostatic process provides efficient water separation at temperatures lower
than the other processes and as a result,higher energy efficiencies are obtained.
The salts are dissolved in the wash water and the oil and water phases separated in a settling
vessel either by adding chemicals to assist in breaking the emulsion or by developing a high-
potential electrical field across the settling vessel to coalesce the droplets of salty water more
Ammonia is used to reduce corrosion. Caustic or acid may be added to adjust the pH of the
water wash.
Wastewater and contaminants are discharged from the bottom of the settling tank to the
wastewater treatment facility.
The desalted crude is continuously drawn from the top of the settling tanks and sent to the
crude distillation (fractionating) tower.
For single-stage desalting units 90 to 95% efficiencies are obtained and two-stage processes
achieve 99% or better efficiency.
Efficiencies of up to 99% water removal in a single stage are claimed for the dual field process.
About 90% of desalters use AC field separation only.
Heavy naphthenic crudes form more stable emulsions than other crudes. Higher temperature is
Octane number
Cetane number
Carbon residue
Crude Assay
The complete and definite analysis of a crude oil is called crude assay.A complete crude assay will
contain some or all of the following:
Table:2.1 For narrow boiling cuts (TBP slope less than 2) all above
mentioned boiling points tend to equal. [1,2,6,7]
Average Boiling
Physical property for which it is distinct.
Used for distinguishing physical property like Liquid Viscosity, Specific Gravity.
These are required for estimating property of cut ranges in the manual method.
Calculate Mean average boiling point from TBP slope and correction factor
(From graph)
For Fractions: Separate IBP and volume percent for crude fractions
Calculate MABP (VABP, SLOPE and Watson Characterization factor)
Calculate API of fractions
Calculate Molecular weight of the fractions using graph
Plot MID Volume percent vs API gravity and M.W
50% Boiling Point on ASTM curve :can be calculated from the slope of TBP
curve of a crude and its 50% B.P can be estimated
Fig:2.11 50% Boiling Point on ASTM curve :can be calculated from the
slope of TBP curve of a crude and its 50% B.P can be estimated
Fig:2.12 Relationship between ASTM and TBP 50 volume points [1,2]
Fig:2.13 Characterization factor vs B.P and API gavity [1,2]
API gravity
Standard Conditions (Temperature & Pressure)
“Standard conditions” may vary between countries and even states within the US
Standard temperature 60°F.Other typical values are 14.73 psi & 14.503 psi.
Normal conditions
Indicates distribution quantity and quality of crude oil feedstock based upon boiling point
temperature range.
Represents expected products from crude and vacuum distillation.
Quality measures[1,2]
Specific gravity and API gravity.
Sulfur content.
Octane number and Cetane number.
Carbon residue.
TBP Curves
12 – 13 (Paraffinic) to 10 (Aromatic)
Laboratory Distillation[1-6]
A:True boiling point distillation (TBP) for crude used to obtain true boiling point distillation curve good
Large no. of stages and a high reflux to distillate ratio so as the temperature at any point on
temperature Vs volumetric yields curve represents the actual boiling (true boiling) points of
the hydrocarbon material present at the Vol. % point.
Hempel Distillation:Semi fractionating type distillation, but can be used TBP data, where TBP
data are insufficient.
Simple distillation carried out with standard ASTM flask of 100, 200, 500 ml capacity.
No reflux is provided.
Rapid batch distillation employing no trays or reflux between the still pot and condensation.
Separation is poorer: more volatile and high volatile components are present in initial condition. So
IBP is higher than TBP.[1,7]
Distillation Analyses
Low resolution - no packing reflux from heat loses.
1 atm; no hotter than 650 oF minimize cracking.
Correlation to correct to TBP basis.
ASTM Distillation Analyses
ASTM D1160
Used on Resids (650 oF).
Relatively low resolution.
Vaccum conditions- 10 to 40mmHg,no hotter than 1000oF AEBP.
Correlations to correct to atmospheric pressure & TBP basis.
ASTM Distillation
At the end in TBP only pure component less volatile component is present. Whereas in ASTM
more volatile components and less volatile both are present so FBP is lower in ASTM.
Separation is poorer compared to TBP.
IBP for ASTM is higher than that for the TBP.
FBP for ASTM is lower than that for the TBP.
1. From the crude distillation data,plot TBP and gravity- midpercent curves.
2. Select TBP cut-points of products to be made from atmospheric and vacuum pipe stills.
3. From TBP and gravity curves, determine percentages and gravities of fractions.
4. Convert volumes percent to weight percents.
5. Determine weight of bottoms stream by difference.If the volume of bottom stream is taken
from the TBP curve, then gravity is calculated from weight and volume.
6. For crude oils containing significant amounts of sulfur or nitrogen, it is also necessary to make
sulfur and/or nitrogen balances around each unit.
Table:2.2 Plot TBP, M.W , API AND Wt% CURVES FOR THE CRUDE oil
Volume percent 5 10 20 30 40 50 60
Volume percent 70 80 85
= (717-144)/60
= [9.6 oF/%]
Basis 100 Barrel of crude oil( Weight of the crude = 100x0.843x 349.7=29500 Lb)
Boiling range (F) Cumulative vol.% VABP( F) MABP(F) API M.W Mid vol%
Density Wt.% of
Vol.%cuts API Sp.Gr weight Cumulative wt.%
(lb/bbl) cuts
Plot API vs mid volume, Molecular weight vs MID Volume and weight percent vs mid volume for
these cuts.
Calculate 50% ASTM and 50%EFV Boiling temperatures for each fraction and plot. Draw astm
and EFV curves for the crude.
50% Boiling Point on ASTM curve :can be calculated from the slope of TBP curve of a crude and its 50%
B.P can be estimated
Fig:2.21 Different Slope and Interconversion
Determine the stage and reflux requirement:- The number of equilibrium stages.
Arrangement of Towers
Improper reflux and poor quality of fraction. Economic utilization of heat is not possible.
This helps every plate to act as a true fractionator.( because there is always good amount of
Tower is uniformly loaded, hence uniform and lesser diameter tower will do.
In this arrangement reflux from a lower plae is taken, cooled and fed into the column at a higher
section by 2 to 3 plates.
This creates local problem of mixing uneven composition of reflux and liquids present on the
Designers treat all the plate in this zone as one single platre, the result gives large number of
plates and high tower height.
Fig:2.27 Atmospheric Distillation Unit Middle [8]
Fig:2.28 Typical Configuration of Single Feed and Multiple Feed into Distillation Unit [1,2,11]
Some Basis
Optimum reflux ratio typically lines between 1.2 to 1.5 times the minimum reflux ratio.
Mesh Equations
Material Balance
Energy Balance
Yi =KiXi........Equ 3
These Four equations are the called MESH EQUATION i:e Material Equilibrium, Summation and Heat
(Energy)Balance Equation.MESH Equation can be written for each stage and for reboiler and condenser.The
Solution of the set of equations forms the basis of rigorous methods.
Basic Processes
Crude Assay provides estimates of various products obtainable from a particular crude.
Fig:2.31 Atmospheric Distillation Unit Bottom [9]
Fig:2.32 Vacuum Distillation Unit Overhead [10]
Steam rates to stripping sections and steam distributions between overhead distillates vapors
and liquids.
Atmospheric EFV Temperatures for products corresponding to the estimated strip out for each
Draw Tray locations, Number of trays in each sections and total number of trays in the Tower.
Heat input to the base section of the tower from feed and bottoms stripping steam, heat
outflow in the bottoms liquid and external heat quantities at the flash zone.
Separation Criteria
Separation Criteria
Degree of Separation
Greater the degree of separation, greater will be recovery of the light component in the
distillate and the heavy component in bottoms.
Determined by subtracting 95 vol.% ASTM Temperature of a fraction from the 5 Vol. % ASTM
temperature of the adjacent heavy fraction.
No. of trays required increases markedly as purity requirement increases, but reflux
requirements increases only a small amount.
Tray and reflux requirements increases as relative volatility decreases i.e separation becomes
more difficult.
Separation Criteria
For a fixed number of trays,reflux reqirement is directly proportional to the degree of difficulty
of separation.
The degree of difficulty of separation inherent in the physical chemical system under
Molecular Weight(optional)
Column Pressure
Process design
Prepare TBP Distillation and equilibrium Flash Vaporisation curves of crude to be processed.
Using crude assay data construct TBP curves for all products except gas and reduced crude.
Convert these to ASTM & EFV.
Prepare material balance of crude distillation column, on both volume and weight basis.
Fractionation requirements: ASTM gap and overlap
Knowing gaps as the design parameters correlate deviation or gap with F factor( product of number of
plates between two adjacent side draws off stream and internal reflux ratio.
Packie’s Method
Separation Capability (F):defined as the product of the reflux to feed ratio at the upper draw
tray as calculated on the volumetric basis and the number of actual trays in that section.(F,
Factor related to gap and overlap).
In a refinery side stream operation the fraction to be collected is diesel. The diesel entering the side
stripper is 4000 bbl/h, the 50 percent point of the cut is 275 oC and contained with Kerosine whose mid
boiling point is 145 oC. If the stripper is having 4 plates find the actual amount of diesel coming out of the
stripper if the ASTM GAP is 20 o C.
ASTM GAP= 20 oC = 36 oF
F= (L/D)NT=>L/D= 5/4= 1.25
V= L+D = 4000
Maximization of distillates.
FZ pressure is set by fixing the reflux drum pressure and adding to it to the line and tower
pressure drop.
Over flash:Over flash is the vaporisation of crude over and above the crude overhead and side
stream products.
Over flash is generally kept in the range of 3-6 liquid volume %. Kept at minimum value as a
Larger over flash consumes larger utilities.
Over flash prevents coking of wash section plates and carryover of coke to the bottom side streams by
and the tower bottom by providing reflux to the plates between the lowest sidestream and the flash zone.
EFV cruve of the crude is derived from the TBP and converted to the flash zone pressure.
Overflash quantity is selected included this material balance and heat balance arount the
bottom section including feed section is done to fix the flash zone temperature.
Flash zone temperature thus fixed ensures desired total distillate yield.
From ASTM curve:1 ATM EFV curve are develoved and extrapolated to(-) 50% VOL% vaporized
as an initial estimate.
Stripping steam to the stripper is set at about 10LB/BBL of stripped product bubble point of
unstripped side stream is estimated.
Fig:2.41 FLASH ZONE[1,2]
Lo = Overflash.
Thus V= D + Lo - SF
From the flash curve(EFV) of the crude, the temperature at which this vaporisation is achieved
at the FZ Pressure is determined.
This T should not exceed the maximum permissible temperature. If does quantities of Overflash
and stripping steam are changed until a permissible temp is obtained.
Lofz= Lo (Overflash)+ W
Solution:100 bbl of LD to be producd, TBP Cut 27-39 % =12 vol.%, Mid vol %33
= 100/(1-238).
Pressure to be adequate that dew point (for the composition of top product) is more than cooling hot
water temperature around 45oc + ΔT(15oc)=60oc with cooling water inlet temperature of 33oc with
condensate temperature of 40o - 45o can be obtained eith consideration of 10o- 15o ΔT .The column
pressure to be adequate that bubbles point of the top product is 40o - 45o.
ΣPi calculated at 45oC for all the components.
ΣPi=ΣXiPi or ΣYiPt=ΣXiPi
The top product is a mixture of light end and top naptha(C5-140o).The naptha TBP is subdivided 10oC or
20 C cuts eg.70o-80o,80o-90o,90o-100oetc and midpoint are tabulated.
C1 B1 K1 X1 K1 X1
C2 B2 K2 X2 K2 X2
C3 B3 - - - -
C4 B4 - - - -
C5 B5 - - - -
70o-90o 80o - - - -
90o-110o 100o - - - -
110o-130o 115o - - - -
130o-150o 140o Kn Xn Kn Xn
It ΣKiXi=1 then the pressure is OK.
If not 1 then repeat trial with another value of pressure till ΣKiXi is 1.
Same method is applied for discrete component and mixture of pure component and fixes the reflux
drum pressure.
Top temperature is dew point of top vapor at column top pressure.Once reflux drum pressure is fixed
D(say)the column top pressure is estimated after adding the pressure drop across condenser/OH
Again calculation is performed at top pressure for determining the dew point.Assume a top temperature
and calculate.
Pressure drop from furnace outlet to Flash zone : 0.3 – 0.4 kg/cm2.
Reflux ratios : 2-3 (for light fractions)for Heavy fractions 1.5- 2.5.
Contacting Device
Cross Flow
Counter flow
Cross Flow
Pumparound Duties
This is limited by Gap/Overlap specification between adjacent products and minimum internal
reflux specification.
Pumparound duties are maximized and reflux ratio is brought close to 1.5 to 1.8.
Vacuum Column
(ΔT)Hy.Diesel PA :70oC-90oC
Top PA =1 stage.
LVGO PA =1 stage.
LVGO-HVGO =1 stage.
Thermodynamics - BK10/GSI.
Density - API.
The primary objective of a vacuum distillation is to produce either feedstock for FCCU or HCU.
This type of vacuum distillation units are termed as Fuel Type Vacuum Unit.
The other kind of vacuum distillation unit is a Lube Type Vacuum Unit and deployed for
production of fractions for Lube Oil Base stocks.
In a Fuel Type Vacuum distillation Unit the VGO TBP cut point is controlled for Maximizing
profitability while containing the level of contaminants acceptable by downstream secondary
3. Dump column without stripping (no precondenser, coil steam used to adjust flash zone oil
partial pressure).
4. Dump column with stripping steam (no precondenser, coil and stripping steam used).
The first one operates typically at 8-12 mm Hg (a) at top. The vapour directly goes to ejectors.
The second type operates at 60-70 mm Hg (a) at top and have a precondenser, the non-
condensable are pulled by ejector.
Furnaces are used throughout the industry to provide the heat, using the combustion of fuels. These
fuels are solid, liquid or gaseous. Furnaces consist essentially of an insulated, refractory lined chamber
containing tubes. Tubes carry the process fluid to be heated, and sizes are device for burning the fuel in air
to generate hot gases. A great variety of geometries and sizes are used, and much of the skill employed in
their design is based on experience. However, all furnaces have in common the general feature of heat
transfer from hot gas source to a cold sink, and in the past few decades theoretical models of increasing
complexity and power have been developed to aid the designer.[1,2,3]
An industrial furnace or direct fired heater is equipment used to provide heat for a process or can serve
as reactor which provides heats of reaction. Furnace designs vary as to its function, heating duty, type of
fuel and method of introducing combustion air. However, most process furnaces have some common
features. Fuel flows into the burner and is burnt with air provided from an air blower. There can be more
than one burner in a particular furnace which can be arranged in cells which heat a particular set of tubes.
Burners can also be floor mounted, wall mounted or roof mounted depending on design. The flames heat
up the tubes, which in turn heat the fluid inside in the first part of the furnace known as the radiant section
or firebox. In this chamber where combustion takes place, the heat is transferred mainly by radiation to
tubes around the fire in the chamber. The heating fluid passes through the tubes and is thus heated to the
desired temperature. The gases from the combustion are known as flue gas. After the flue gas leaves the
firebox, most furnace designs include a convection section where more heat is recovered before venting to
the atmosphere through the flue gas stack. (HTF=Heat Transfer Fluid. Industries commonly use their
furnaces to heat a secondary fluid with special additives like anti-rust and high heat transfer efficiency. This
heated fluid is then circulated round the whole plant to heat exchangers to be used wherever heat is
needed instead of directly heating the product line as the product or material may be volatile or prone to
cracking at the furnace temperature.)
The radiant section is where the tubes receive almost all its heat by radiation from the flame. In a
vertical, cylindrical furnace, the tubes are vertical. Tubes can be vertical or horizontal, placed along the
refractory wall, in the middle, etc., or arranged in cells. Studs are used to hold the insulation together and
on the wall of the furnace. The tubes are a distance away from the insulation so radiation can be reflected
to the back of the tubes to maintain a uniform tube wall temperature. Tube guides at the top, middle and
bottom hold the tubes in place. The convection section is located above the radiant section where it is
cooler to recover additional heat. Heat transfer takes place by convection, and the tubes are finned to
increase heat transfer. The first two tube rows in the bottom of the convection section and at the top of the
radiant section is an area of bare tubes (without fins) and are known as the shield section, so named
because they are still exposed to plenty of radiation from the firebox and they also act to shield the
convection section tubes, which are normally of less resistant material from the high temperatures in the
firebox. The area of the radiant section just before flue gas enters the shield section and into the
convection section called the bridge zone. Crossover is the term used to describe the tube that connects
from the convection section outlet to the radiant section inlet. The crossover piping is normally located
outside so that the temperature can be monitored and the efficiency of the convection section can be
In petrochemical industries, furnaces are used to heat petroleum feedstock for fractionation, thermal
cracking, and high-temperature processing. Usually, these furnaces are fired by oil or gas. They have to be
designed to ensure that the fluid receives the correct amount of heat and has sufficient residence time
within hot zone. While at the same time excess temperatures have been avoided. These excess
temperatures lead to degeneration of the product or damage to the furnace. The balance is achieved by
appropriate disposition of the tubes carrying the fluid within the furnace, and careful control of firing rate
and fluid flow Calculations are required to determine the fuel consumption and the maximum
temperatures of the tube and walls. Tube temperatures in some plant may be as high as 900 °C, and
combinations of high pressure (e.g., 200 atm) and relatively high temperatures (e.g., 450 °C) are not
uncommon. Process heaters come in many shapes and sizes; Figures 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 show typical
arrangements.Fig.3.1 is a vertical cylindrical process heater with a band of vertical tubes in the radiation
zone and a bank of horizontal tubes at the outlet that receive heat mainly by convection. The latter may
have fins attached to enhance heat transfer, except for the base of the furnace and the flames are vertically
oriented. Typical heat transfer rates for the vertical tubes in the radiation zone are about 50 kW/m2, and
the total heat rating is usually in the range 3 to 60 MW.
Fig.3.2[1]shows an alternative arrangement, where the tubes are horizontal and cover not only the
vertical walls but also the sloping roof of the “cabin”. Units of this type are used for a similar range of duty
as is the aforementioned vertical cylinder. Fig.3.3[1] shows the more unusual design for smaller heat loads,
where a single central wall of horizontal tubes is heated on both sides by two sets of burners set in the
A fuel-fired furnace consists of a gaseous heat source, a heat sink, and a refractory enclosure, as
illustrated diagrammatically in Fig.3.4.[1] Heat is transferred to the heat sink by radiation and convection
from the hot gases and by reradiation from the refractory walls. In developing any model of the process, it
is necessary to consider two heat transfer phenomena:
The heat emission from hot gases containing combustion products, i.e. the heat source.
The heat absorbed by the tubes, taking into account their geometrical configuration and
material properties (the heat sink), composed of primary heat transfer from hot gases and
secondary heat exchange with the refractory walls.
Heat is released in a fuel-fired furnace as a result of combustion, and the rate of heat generation, Qf, is
equal to the rate of combustion of fuel, Mf, multiplied by its lower calorific value, Δhf:
Qf = Mf Δhf...............................(1)
The heat generated by the combustion process appears initially as sensible heat in the steam of hot
gases, consisting of combustion products and excess air, passing through the furnace at a rate Mg. Part of
this heat is transferred to the heat sink at a rate Qg, part is lost through the furnace walls at a rate Ql, and
the remainder is carried out of the furnace through the exhaust stack as the sensible heat of the partially
cooled combustion products at a rate Qp. As illustrated in Fig. 3.5[1] the heat balance for this process may be
expressed as:
Qf = Qg + Ql +Qp...............................(2)
If there were no heat sink and no losses, all the heat released by combustion would go into heating the
gases produced, which would then attain a temperature, Tf, known as the adiabatic flame temperature. The
adiabatic flame temperature is, therefore given by:
Qf = Mgcpg (Tf-To)...............................(3)
Where To is the air inlet temperature and cpgis an appropriate average value of the gas specific heat for
the range To to Tf.
In a real furnace the gases do not attain the adiabatic flame temperature, due to the heat sink and wall
losses. For example, neglecting losses but allowing for heat removal by the sink at a rate of Qg), the
theoretical gas temperature, Tg) is given by
Qf -Qg=Mgcpg Tg-To...............................(4)
This equation shows how the gas temperature, Tg is related to the rate of heat transfer of the sink, Qg, by
heat balance. However, Qg is also related to Tg by the heat transfer characteristics of the hot gas and of the
sink. A solution of the problem requires a combination of these two sets of equations.
3.2 Hot gases as heat source
The chemical composition of the gases produced by the combustion of hydrocarbons depends upon the
choice of fuel and the amount of excess air employed above the stoichiometric requirements. In practice,
excess air is required to ensure complete combustion; typical values are 10% for gaseous fuels, 15 to 20%
for liquid fuels, and 20% for pulverized fuel, although lower percentages can be achieved with efficient
As we know, gaseous combustion products radiate heat when raised to temperatures above their
surroundings. When solid particles are present in the furnace gas stream they become incandescent,
radiating both heat and light, so producing a glowing or luminous flame. Gaseous fuels burn with a
nonluminous flame, but liquid and solid fuels produce luminous flames due to the presence of particles of
carbonaceous material. For example, soot or coke resulting from the incomplete combustion of the
hydrocarbons and mineral matter originally in the fuel. In general, solid fuel produces a more luminous
flame than does liquid fuel.
Carbon dioxide and water vapor are the main sources of radiation for nonluminous flames, and the total
emissivity εg of a volume of combustion gases is dependent upon the temperature Tg and product of partial
pressure and effective path length PL . The total absorptivity of a gas also depends upon its temperature
and partial pressure path length product, but in addition upon the temperature Ts of the source of the
radiation that is being absorbed.[1,9,10]
The rate at which heat is transferred by radiation from the hot gases to sink depends not only upon the
emissivity of the gas and emissivity of the sink surface, but also upon the relative size of the sink. This is
because the unconverted refractory lining radiates back into the furnace heat that it has received from the
flame, and some of this is absorbed by the heat sink.
This compound effect is illustrated in Fig. 3.6, where two extreme cases are shown. The diagram on the
left represents the case in which the sink area is very small, and that on the right represents the case in
which the sink is very large and completely covers the furnace walls.
In the case of refractory surface, assuming no heat loses, is in equilibrium with the gases and reradiates
all the heat falling upon it. The total radiation flux within the enclosure is equal to that emitted by a
blackbody at temperature Tg . Under these circumstances the heat flux to the sink is independent of the gas
emissivity, depending only on the emissivity of the sink itself. The rate of heat transfer to a very small sink
at temperature T1 is therefore
QgA1-->0 = A1ε1σ(Tg4-T14)....................(6)
In the second case,where the sink covers the whole of the interior of the furnace, the situation is
analogous to the exchange between two parallel party reflecting surfaces. It was already known that the
rate of heat transfer is given by
Intermediate situations can be estimated by using the equation for the simple case when the sink and
the refractory are intimately mixed (Hottel and Sarofim, 1967). This is called the speckled surface equation
and is quite adequate for preliminary estimates of furnace performance. It gives
Where C is the ratio of the sink area to the total area, i.e. A1/At.
Fig. 3.6 shows an example of the way of the effective emissivity (the term in the curly braces in Equation
8) varies with C. The example assumes a gas emissivity is close to that of the gas, εg of 0.3 and a sink
emissivity, ε1 , 0f 0.85, the latter being typical of tube surfaces. For large values of C the effective emissivity
is close to that of gas, εg , and is intensive to the value of the sink emissivity, ε1 . For this reason the
emissivity of tube surfaces in the fire tube boilers, where the sink entirely encloses the hot gas stream, may
often be taken as unity for calculation purposes.
Fig. 3.6 Effect of heat sink area on effective emissivity. (a) small heat sink area; (b) large heat sink area;
(c) blackbody analogous to (d) exchange between reflecting surfaces;
εc=(1/(1/ε1+C(1/ εg)-1)),C=A1/At
So far the heat sink has been treated as a plain surface. In practice, however, it consists of one or more
banks of tubes usually mounted close to the refractory wall, as shown diagrammatically in Fig.
3.7. Normally there is a space between the tubes and consequently some of the radiation from the hot
gases is not intercepted and impinges on the refractory wall behind the tubes. Most of this heat is
reradiated and part contributes to the heat flow to the sink. This is a complex situation and complete
formal analysis is very difficult. Because of mutual shielding effects of adjacent tubes, the radiation heat flux
varies circumferentially around the tubes, as shown diagrammatically in Fig. 3.8.[1] The surface of the tube
facing inward (position 1 in the figure) receives maximum heat flux because it is subject to radiation from a
total angle of 180°. Point 2 receives radiation from a smaller angle and point 3 only from a very narrow
beam; beyond this point there is an area of the tube that receives no direct radiation from the hot gases.
There is, of course, an additional component of heat flux, mainly on the back of the tubes, due to
reradiation, but this is much smaller in magnitude.
The ratio of peak to mean heat flux is a function of tube pitch to diameter ratio, B, as shown
in Fig.3.9[1] for three typically configurations. This factor is important in assessing the permissible heat
rating of a furnace, because it is the peak heat flux, which is usually the limiting factor. A simplification of
this complex situation was proposed by Hottel in which the heat sink is defined as an equivalent plain
surface having an area equal to that covered by the tubes, as shown in Fig. 3.10, and an effective emissivity,
eeff, which would give the same radiative heat transfer as the tube bank.
The first step in calculating the equivalent emissivity of the plain surface is to determine the fraction, F,
of radiation intercepted by the tubes. The equation for F is based on optical path geometry, namely,
F = 1-(1/B){(B2-1)1/2-cos-1(1/B)}..............(9)
This function is plotted in Fig.3.11[1] for a single and a double row of tubes.
The interception factor, F,can then be used in calculating the effective emissivity of the tube bank,
including radiation from an adiabatic refractory backing,as:
εeff= 1/{(1/F(2-F)) + ((B/π)(1/ε1-1))}..................(10)
Effective emissivity based on this equation is plotted in Fig. 3.12[1] as a function of tube pitch to diameter
ratio for a tube material emissivity of 0.85. It is clear from the form of the equation and the shape of the
curve that tube spacing has a very powerful effect. This is partly due to the fact that the actual tube surface
area per unit of total projected area, A, is proportional to 1/B, a fact reflected in the reduction in the
fraction, F, of radiation intercepted, which plays a predominant role in determining eeff. The foregoing
equations apply to true banks adjacent to the refractory wall. A similar approach can be made to the case
of a centrally mounted tube bank, but here a different form of equivalent plain area has to be used.
Procedures for this type of furnace geometry are outlined in the Heat Exchanger Design Handbook
(Truelove, 1983).
4. Furnace models
The full mathematical description of practical furnaces is exceedingly complex, combining aerodynamics,
chemical reactions, and heat transfer, and computer programs are necessary for detailed solutions.
Advanced methods of calculation may be divided into zone methods and flux methods.
Zone methods are employed when the heat release pattern from the flame is known. They start by
dividing the furnace and its walls into discrete zones. The effective exchange areas between zones are
determined, and the radiative heat transfer corresponding to the prescribed heat release pattern is
calculated. In flux methods, instead of dividing the space into zones the radiation arriving at a point in the
system is itself divided into a number of characteristic directions, representing averages over a specified
solid angle. Flux methods are well suited for use in combination with modern methods of prediction of fluid
flow and mixing pattern. Simultaneous solutions of the radiative heat transfer equations using flux methods
and turbulent flow models are feasible.
This is the simplest approach to the assessment of furnace performance. One of the first versions is the
method of Lobo and Evans (Lobo and Evans, 1939), which was used in Process Heat Transfer (Kern, 1986).
Subsequently an improved version, expressed in nondimensional terms, which made the calculations
easier, was presented in the book Radiative Heat Transfer (Hottel and Sarofim, 1967). These authors also
introduced additional terms to allow for incomplete mixing and wall losses. Their model, later reviewed by
Hottel (1974), still forms the basis of most simple calculation procedures (e.g., Truelove, 1983).
The furnace is modeled in three zones as shown, Fig.3.13[1] namely, the central hot gas zone, the heat
sink, and the refractory walls. The combustion region and the space occupied by hot products of
combustion are lumped together in the central hot gas zone (hence the alternative title “lumped model”),
which transfers heat by radiation to the heat sink, here shown diagrammatically as a tube bank, and to the
refractory walls containing the furnace.
The hot gases are perfectly mixed and at a uniform temperature, Tg.
The refractory surface is radiatively adiabatic, that is to say it radiates all the heat that is
The “well stirred” furnace model is based on a combination of the balance equation for the furnace
(Equation 5), namely.
And the expression for heat transfer to the sink based on the“specked surface” model (Equation
Where, gr, the total heat transfer factor for radiation from gas to sink, is
gr= A1/{1/eeff+C(1/εg-1)}....................................(13)
Note that εeff(Equation 10) has replaced ε1, because the model is using
the projected area, A1, of the tube bank as illustrated in Fig. 3.10.
If the furnace contains a convectively heated section, the total heat transfer factor can be modified to
introduce both radiation and convection,as
Where,gr = total heat transfer factor for radiation from the gas to the sink, including reradiation from
the refractory walls and multiple reflection.
Because the convective component is usually small compared with that of radiation it may be submitted
in the gr,term as follows.Let
Qg=grc σ(Tg4-T14).....................................................(17)
grc=gr+(α Ac/4σT3g1).................................................(18)
Fig. 13 Simple well stirred Furnace model
(Qg/σ grc)+T41=T4f{1-(Qg(Tf-To)/QfTf}4...........................(19)
Q,gD,+(T,1)4) =(1-Q,g)4...................................................(23)
Delayed Coking
Using time and high temperature one can break large asphalt molecules into gasoline and
diesel.Petroleum coke is a solid by product and is blended with coal to use as a solid fuel in
power plants.[5,8]
Dissociation of high molecular weight hydrocarbon into a smaller fragments through agency
of heat alone is termed as thermal cracking or pyrolysis.
C2H4C3H4 C + H2
C3H4 + H2 C3H6
Cracking temperature
Nature of operation Products
Thermal cracking[1,2,6-8]
Pressure has no direct effect on velocity of the reaction. If more gases to be produced then
low pressures are desirable.
Liquid products may be used as cycle stocks for crackers commercially valuable
main products know as fuel oil.
Basic parameters:
Cracking temperature and residence time Soaker type (more gas) or coil type
visbreaker(more gasoline due to for short residence time)
Soaker drum : Large vessel designed to allow for a long residence time for the feedstock.
Cracking in the furnace is minimised by using high liquid velocity and steam injection.
With increase in T and cracking time : light fraction increase => fuel oil yield decrease.
Gives higher conversion and more stable residue compare to conventional soaker
Feed stocks : Heavy crude oil, oil shale, long and short residue, visbroken residue.
Increase in cracking time and temperature increases the lighter fraction and
decreases the fuel oil yield.
Pressure has negligible effect on velocity of reaction. At high pr. gas / gasoline ratio
is less.
Visbreaking Operation[1,2]
Theory of cracking:
Thermal cracking proceeds via free radical machanism.[1,2,8-17]
Unpaired electrons are very active and try to form stable compound by acquiring unpaired
electrons from sources available.
HC (charged) ions are usually referred as carbonium ions.
Hydrogen Transfer
Catalytic Cracking[3-16]
Catalytic Cracking is the most widely used refinery process for converting heavy oil
into gasoline of high octane value.
Protonation of an olefins:[1,2,5-13]
Bronsted Acid
Cracking:(+ve) endothermic
H-Transfer:(-ve) Exothermic
Isomerization mildly:Exothermic
Fig:4.7 The typical sketch and relationship between the Acid strength of different catalyst versus
different reaction carried out for different hydrocarbon products.
Life time of a Carbonium ion may vary from a fraction of second to minutes.
Tertiary Carbonium ion is stablest one followed by secondery and primary Carbonium ion.
Paraffin Reactivity:
Rate of reaction increases with carbon number but rate of coke formation also increases with (carbon
number) molecular weight characterized by high production of C3 and C4 in the cracked gas.
Olefin Reactivity:
These cracks at a much faster rate compared to paraffins and subject to rapid isomerization.
Naphthene Reactivity:
Alkyl Aromatics
So ring does not crack because of alkyl group. But removal of alkyl group is easy and it is again by ß-
Cracking reactions:[1,2,9-20]
Alkyl Naphthene Naphthene + Olefin
Cracking Catalyst
Acidic catalyst : which can supply proton.
Zeolites have more active sites and adsorption capacity which helps in faster cracking rate.
3. Higher gasoline yield at a given conversion however octane number of gasoline obtained from
zeolite cracking is lower by 2-3 numbers compared to amorphous catalyst.
Amorphous 38 10 0.45 10
Zeolite 45 20 0.15 20
Olefins are lower & paraffins and aromatics are higher. This is because of superior Transfer
facility of zeolites.
Cyclo-olefins N+A
Gasoline yield is higher with zeolite. This is because of:
C16 C16+
C16+ C16+ + C3
8. Lower dry gas yield.( C1-C4 HC’s) [more gasoline, less coke and less gas yield are its main
Cation exchange with a medium containing rare earth cation ( cesium, lanthanum etc.)
Fludised bed:
Fexi cracking
Fig:4.8 A typical sketch of refinery operations integrated with its profit margin, product pattern
shift, with deteriorating crude quality and stringent emission control parameters.
Produces olefins.
Further hydrocracked.
First Houdry catalyst cracker started up at Sun Oil’s Paulsboro, New Jersey,
refinery in June 1936.
Three fixed bed reactors and processed 2,000 barrels/day 12,000 barrels/day
commercial unit went on stream at Sun’s Marcus Hook Refinery in 1937.
Other adoptees: Gulf, Sinclair, Standard Oil of Ohio, and The Texas Company.
Sun & Houdry Process Corporation started development on a moving bed process in
Catalytic cracking[1,2,12]
The process flows of both types of processes are similar. The hot oil feed is contacted
with the catalyst in either the feed riser line or the reactor.
The catalyst and hydrocarbon vapors are separated mechanically, and oil remaining on
the catalyst is removed by steam stripping before the catalyst enters the regenerator.
The oil vapors are taken overhead to a fractionation tower for separation into streams
having the desired boiling ranges.
The spent catalyst flows into the regenerator and is reactivated by burning off the coke
deposits with air. Regenerator temperatures are carefully controlled to prevent catalyst
deactivation by overheating and to provide the desired amount of carbon burn-off.
This is done by controlling the air flow to give a desired CO2/CO ratio in the exit flue
gases or the desired temperature in the regenerator.
The flue gas and catalyst are separated by cyclone separators and electrostatic
The FCC process employs a catalyst in the form of very fine particles [average particle size about
70 micrometers (microns)] which behave as a fluid when aerated with a vapor.The fluidized catalyst
is circulated continuously between the reaction zone and the regeneration zone and acts as a
vehicle to transfer heat from the regenerator to the oil feed and reactor.
side-by-side type,where the reactor and regenerator are separate vessels adjacent to
each other,and the Orthoflow, or stacked type, where the reactor is mounted on top of
the regenerator.
One of the most important process differences in FCC units relates to the location and control of
the cracking reaction. Until about 1965, most units were designed with a discrete dense-phase
fluidized-catalyst in the reactor vessel.The units were operated so most of the cracking occurred in
the reactor bed
The extent of cracking was controlled by varying reactor bed depth (time) and temperature.
Although it was recognized that cracking occurred in the riser feeding the reactor because the
catalyst activity and temperature were at their highest there, no significant attempt was made to
regulate the reaction by controlling riser conditions.After the more reactive zeolite catalysts were
adopted by refineries, the amount of cracking occurring in the riser (or transfer line) increased to
levels requiring operational changes in existing units.
The fresh feed and recycle streams are preheated by heat exchangers or a furnace and enter the
unit at the base of the feed riser where they are mixed with the hot regenerated catalyst.The heat
from the catalyst vaporizes the feed and brings it up to the desired reaction temperature. The
mixture of catalyst and hydrocarbon vapor travels up the riser into the reactors. The cracking
reactions start when the feed contacts the hot catalyst in the riser and continues until the oil vapors
are separated from the catalyst in the reactor. The hydrocarbon vapors are sent to the synthetic
crude fractionator for separation into liquid and gaseous products.
The catalyst leaving the reactor is called spent catalyst and contains hydrocarbons adsorbed on
its internal and external surfaces as well as the coke deposited by the cracking. Some of the
adsorbed hydrocarbons are removed by steam stripping before the catalyst enters the regenerator.
In the regenerator, coke is burned from the catalyst with air.
The regenerator temperature and coke burnoff are controlled by varying the air flow rate. The
heat of combustion raises the catalyst temperature to 1150 to 1550oF (620oC–845oC) and most of
this heat is transferred by the catalyst to the oil feed in the feed riser. The regenerated catalyst
contains from 0.01 to 0.4 wt% residual coke depending upon the type of combustion (burning to CO
or CO2) in the regenerator.
The regenerator can be designed and operated to burn the coke on the catalyst to either a
mixture of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide or completely to carbon dioxide.Older units were
designed to burn to carbon monoxide to minimize blower capital and operating costs because only
about half as much air had to be compressed to burn to carbon monoxide rather than to carbon
dioxide.Newer units are designed and operated to burn the coke to carbon dioxide in the
regenerator because they can burn to a much lower residual carbon level on the regenerated
catalyst. This gives a more reactive and selective catalyst in the riser and a better product
distribution results at the same equilibrium catalyst activity and conversion level.
For units burning to carbon monoxide, the flue gas leaving the regenerator contains a large
quantity of carbon monoxide which is burned to carbon dioxide in a CO furnace (waste heat boiler)
to recover the available fuel energy.The hot gases can be used to generate steam or to power
expansion turbines to compress the regeneration air and to generate electric power.
Fig:4.9 Older fluid catalytic-cracking (FCC) unit configurations [1,2]
Fig:4.10 UOP reduced crude cracking(RCC)[1,2]
Zeolite catalysts have a much higher cracking activity than amorphous catalysts, and shorter
reaction times are required to prevent overcracking of gasoline to gas and coke. This has resulted in
units which have a catalyst-oil separator in place of the fluidized-bed reactor to achieve maximum
gasoline yields at a given conversion level. Many of the newer units are designed to incorporate up
to 25% reduced crude in the FCC unit feed. Schematic drawings of Exxon Research and Engineering’s
These units incorporate a high height-to-diameter ratio lower regenerator section for more
efficient single-stage regeneration and an offset side-by-side or stacked vessel design. UOP-designed
units utilize high velocity, low inventory regenerators, and Kellogg-designed units use plug valves to
minimize erosion by catalyst containing streams . All units are now designed for both complete
combustion to CO2 and CO combustion control.
The large differential value between residual fuel and other catalytic cracking feed stocks has
caused refiners to blend atmospheric and vacuum tower bottoms into the FCC feed. Residual feed
stocks have orders of magnitude higher metals contents (especially nickel and vanadium) and
greater coke forming potential(Ramsbottom and Conradson carbon values) than distillate feeds.
These contaminants reduce catalyst activity, promote coke and hydrogen formation, and decrease
gasoline yield. It has been shown that catalyst activity loss due to metals is caused primarily by
vanadium deposition, and increased coke and hydrogen formation is due to nickel deposited on the
The high coke laydown creates problems because of the increase in coke burning requirement
with the resulting increased air or oxygen demand, higher regenerator temperatures, and greater
heat removal. For feeds containing up to 15 ppm Ni V, passivation of nickel catalyst activity can be
achieved by the addition of organic antimony compounds to the feed with reductions in coke and
hydrogen yields up to 15% and 45%, respectively. For feeds containing 15 ppm metals and having
Conradson carbon contents above 3%, hydroprocessing of the FCC feed may be required to remove
metals, reduce the carbon forming potential, and to increase the yield of gasoline and middle
distillates by increasing the hydrogen content of the feed.
Amount of coke formed correlates to carbon residue of feed normally 3-7 wt%
Produces high yields of liquids small amounts of gas coke Mass liquid yields are usually
90%-93%; liquid volume yields that are often more than 100%(Rule of thumb) Remaining
mass yield split between gas and coke.
Zeolite catalysts
High activity.
Acid site catalyzed cracking and hydrogen transfer via carbonium mechanism.
Small amount of aromatics and olefins will condense to ultimately form coke.
Recognition that both crackability of feed and severity of operations are factors.
Theoretical basis for cracking reactions lead to more precise catalyst formulation.
Fig:4.14 Catalytic Cracking[1,2]
Fig:4.15 Exxon FLEXCRACKING IIIR FCC unit(courtesy of Exxon Research and Engineering)
FCC Cracking, Catalyst coking and regeneration, Design concepts, New Designs for Fluidized-Bed
Catalytic Cracking Units
FCC Cracking, Catalyst coking and regeneration, Design concepts, New Designs for Fluidized-Bed
Catalytic Cracking Units
FCC additives.
Reforming Catalyst.
Catalyst Characterization.
R & D & Commercialization Status in India.
Fig:4.20 Zeolite Structure
Four major manufactures (Grace Davision, Engelhard, Akzo Nobel, CCIC)supply 1400 tons of
catalyst daily to process 12 million barrels per day (600 MMT/day).
In addition to the nature of the charge stock, the major operating variables effecting the conversion and
product distribution are the cracking temperature,catalyst/oil ratio, space velocity,catalyst type and
activity, and recycle ratio. For a better understanding of the process, several terms should be defined.
Activity :Ability to crack a gas oil to lower boiling fractions.
Catalyst/oil ratio (C/O) =lb catalyst/lb feed.
Conversion =100 (volume of feed volume of cycle stock)/volume of feed.
Cycle stock :Portion of catalytic-cracker effluent not converted to naphtha and lighter products [generally
the material boiling above 430°F(220°C)]
Efficiency =(% gasoline)conversion.
Recycle ratio=Volume recycle/volume fresh feed.
Selectivity:The ratio of the yield of desirable products to the yield of undesirable products (coke and gas).
Space velocity:Space velocity may be defined on either a volme (LHSV)or a weight (WHSV) basis. In a
fluidized-bed reactor, the LHSV has little meaning because it is difficult to establish the volume of the
bed.The weight of the catalyst in the reactor can be easily determined or calculated from the residence
time and C/O ratio.
LHSV = Liquid hour space velocity in volume feed/(volume catalyst)(hr).
WHSV =(Weight hour space velocity in lb feed)/(lb catalyst) (hr).
1. Reaction temperature
2. Catalyst/oil ratio
3. Catalyst activity
4. Contact time
Results in an increase in conversion, while a decrease in space velocity increases conversion. It should be
noted that an increase in conversion does not necessarily mean an increase in gasoline yield, as an increase
in temperature above a certain level can increase conversion, coke and gas yields, and octane number of
the gasoline but decrease gasoline yield . In many FCC units, conversion and capacity are limited by the
regenerator coke burning ability. This limitation can be due to either air compression limitations or to the
after burning temperatures in the last stage regenerator cyclones. In either case FCC units are generally
operated at the maximum practical regenerator temperature with the reactor temperature and throughput
ratio selected to minimize the secondary cracking of gasoline to gas and coke. With the trend to heavier
feedstocks, the carbon forming potential of catalytic cracker feeds is increasing, and some units limited in
carbon burning ability because of limited blower capacity are adding oxygen to the air to the regenerator to
overcome this limitation. Oxygen contents of the gases to the regenerator are being increased to 24–30%
by volume and are limited by regenerator temperature capability and heat removal capacity
Reactions in FCC[1,2,21,22]
Paraffins are cracked to give olefins and smaller paraffins.
H-transfer reactions.
FCC Catalyst
Catalyst Components
Structure of Zeolite[23]
Fig:4.23 Zeolite
Ion Exchange.
RE Exchange.
Chemical modification.
Ion Exchange
Thermal and hydrothermal modification
Framework Stabilization:
Fig:4.25 Framework Stabilization
Zeolite properties[23]
1. Introduction
The word ‘Zeolite’ is derived from the Greek word, which means ‘boiling stone’[24] (2002). Zeolites are
water-containing crystalline aluminosilicates with highly ordered structures. They can be of naturally
originated or synthesized and consist of SiO4 and AlO4- tetrahedra. These tetrahedras are interlinked
through common oxygen atoms to give a three-dimensional network through which long channels
run[25] (2006).
A representative empirical formula for a zeolite can be written as Mx/n [(AlO2)x (SiO2)y]mH2O. Where, M is
the cation of valency n; x and y represents Si/Al ratio and having value from 1 to 8. When M cations are
replaced by H+ions, the active catalysts can be generated and used in the petroleum industries for cracking,
hydrocracking and isomerization reactions[26] (1982). Zeolites provide excellent shape selectivity and acidic
sites. Due to these characteristics, zeolites have dominant applications in petroleum industries.
Hydrocracking and hydroisomerization are the two of the most important processes of the petroleum
refineries, which are not possible without application of suitable catalysts (Fig.4.26). The continuous
increase in global demand of the petroleum products increases the valuation of these processes in modern
refineries. Hydroisomerization is termed as the isomerization of n-paraffins into branched isomers.
Hydroisomerization of C4–C7 hydrocarbons has been applied for the production of gasoline with a high
octane number. Hydroisomerization of C7 –C15 paraffins applies to improve diesel fuel cold flow properties,
such as viscosity, pour point and freezing point. The hydroisomerization reaction is always accompanied by
a hydrocracking reaction that lowers more or less the yield of that the isomerized feed molecules[27] (2005).
Catalysts used for hydroisomerization reactions are bifunctional in nature. They generally contain metal
such as Pt, Pd, Ni etc. dispersed on acidic supports. While hydroisomerization and hydrocracking reactions,
metals are responsible for hydrogenation-dehydrogenation agent and acidic supports are responsible for
isomerization and cracking of the substances[28] (2003). Zeolite acidity (number and strength distribution)
and pore structure play important role in overall reactions.
Typical acidic supports of bifunctional catalysts used are amorphous oxides or mixture of oxides (i.e. HF-
treated Al2O3, SiO2–Al2O3, ZrO2/SO42-); zeolites (Y, Beta, Mordenite, ZSM-5, ZSM-22, ZSM-12 etc.);
silicoaluminophosphates (SAPO-11, SAPO-31, SAPO-41) and mesoporous materials (MCM-41, AlMCM-41)
(Deldari, 2005).
Gasoline and diesel are the most important and valuable fractions generated by petroleum refineries.
The demand of these two fractions have globally increased since last few years. The average demand for
diesel will be almost twice than that of the demand of gasoline in next few years (Fig.4.27). So, major part
of the investments of the petroleum refineries have covered processes for production or upgrading of
middle distillate fractions to make them suitable for diesel blendstock[29] (2010).
So, objective of this work is to develop suitable molecular sieve based catalysts for the
hydroisomerization of middle distillate fractions. The catalyst should provide transition shape selectivity for
branched isomers. Also, the catalyst should provide good mechanical strength during reaction conditions
and structure (especially in the case of molecular sieves) should not collapse at reaction conditions. The
zeolite molecular sieves successfully fulfilled all these criterions and have been commercially used since
their invention. Therefore, development of the noble metal (i.e. Pt, Pd etc.) loaded zeolite (i.e. ZSM-12,
ZSM-22, ZSM-48) supported catalysts, is the major objective. Also, development of kinetic model for
hydroisomerization followed by hydrocracking reactions will also be performed.
Fig:4.26 Schematic flow diagram of a modern refinery [29](2010)
Fig:4.27 Incremental transportation fuel demand from 2008 to 2015 [29](2010)
In 1932, McBain proposed the term “Molecular Sieve” for the materials which have selective adsorption
properties and these materials separate components of a mixture on the basis of difference in molecular
size and shape. The different classes of molecular sieves are listed in Fig.4.28 Structure of many of these
materials are analogous, but all are different in terms of elemental composition and aluminosilicates have
been given the classical name ‘Zeolites’.
Structurally zeolites are the crystalline aluminosilicates with a framework based on an extensive three-
dimensional network of oxygen ions. The AlO2- tetrahedra in the structure determine the framework charge
and is balanced by cations, which occupy non-framework positions. The crystalline framework structure
contains voids and channels of discrete size. The pore opening ranges from 3 to 8Ao. The negative charge
has been created by AlO2- tetrahedra and balanced by cations like alkaline (Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+), alkaline earth
(Mg+2, Ca+2), NH4+, H3O+ (H+), TMA+ (Tetramethylammonium), other nitrogen containing organic cations, and
rare-earth and noble metal ions. All aluminosilicates are molecular sieves but not zeolites. An
aluminosilicate is called zeolite if it contains at least one aluminium ion per unit cell based on the bulk
composition of the sample, with no allowance made for inhomogeneities within the individual crystal on
the microscopic level.
Fig:4.28 Classification of molecular sieve materials indicating the extensive variation in
composition[30] (1989)
Fig:4.29 Examples of pore opening in the zeolite molecular sieves [25] (2006)
Zeolites have been classified on the basis of different structural elements. The kind of building unit most
suitable for the classification of the zeolites depends on the property under consideration. If we are able to
identify ability of a perticular zeolite to selectively adsorb one component of a mixture over another,
understanding of the detailed complex structure of that perticular zeolite would not be necessary. Size of
the pore opening of the perticular zeolite is responsible for selective adsorption of perticular components.
So, we can classify zeolite from on the basis of pore size to sequence of building blocks which form the
regular network pattern characteristic of the zeolite. Each level acts as a model to understand, describe or
visualize a specific aspect of a material.
The first level of classification is based on pore size. All the zeolites used for catalytic or adsorption
operations can be classified by the number of T atoms, where T is Si or Al that define pore opening. Till date
only three types of pore openings are known and of practical interest. They are 8-member ring (small pore),
10-member ring (medium pore) and 12-member ring (large pore) zeolites (Fig.4.29). The distribution of
products for different zeolites depends upon difference in their pore sizes. Example of 8-member ring
zeolites are Erionite, Chabazite and Type A. ZSM-5, ZSM-11, ZSM-22, EU-1 and Theta-1 comes under the
category of 10-member ring zeolites. Whether Type Y, Mordenite (synthetic), ZSM-12 and ß are the
examples of 12-member ring zeolites.
Second level of classification is based on the number of dimensions encompassed by the pores and
shape of the pore mouth. There are one-, two- and three-dimensional tubes or channels can be viewed in
the zeolite structures. Analcite is the example of one-dimensional channels, while Mordenite has two-
dimensional intersectig channel system. ZSM-5 and ZSM-11 contain intersecting three-dimensional 10 ring
channel system. The difference in shape and size of channel interaction are responsible for subtle
difference in selectivity between different zeolites. The size and shape of the pore opening can be
determined by configuration of T and O atoms relative to each other, Si/Al ratio, size and location of the
cation and temperature.
Pore openings and channel systems determine catalytic and adsorptive properties of the zeolites. But, as
also mentioned earlier they don’t provide any information on structural properties of the zeolites. Lack of
information on structural properties of the zeolites led to develoment of Structural Building Units. The
Structural Building Units can be classified into Primary Building Units, Secondary Building Units, Extended
Chain Building Units and Sheet Building Units. A primary building unit is the individual tetrahedral TO4 unit,
where T is either Si or Al. A secondary building unit (SBU) is the geometric grouping of those tetrahedra.
These SBU’s contain 4, 6, and 8-member single rings; 4-4, 6-6, and 8-8 member double rings; and 4-1, 5-1,
and 4-4-1 branched rings. Most of the zeolites frameworks can be generated by the arrangement of
different SBU’s. ZSM-5 and Ferrierite can be described by their 5-1 building uits. Offretite, zeolite L,
Cancrinite, and Erionite are generated using only single 6-member rings. Some zeolite structures can be
generated by various SBU’s. For example, the sodalite structure can be built from either the single 6-
member or the single 4-member ring (Fig.4.30).
Fig:4.30 Generation of sodalite structure from either 6-member rings or 4-member rings [30] (1989).
Arrangement of the secondary building units in space generates chain building units, which add further
dimensions to secondary building units. Various types of chains found in the zeolite structures is shown in
Fig:4.31 Chains found in zeolite structures: (a) zig-zag (b) sawtooth (c) double crankshaft (d)
narsarsukite (e) natrolite 4=1 and (f) pentasil chains [29](2010).
Chain building units rearrange and form the sheet building units. Generally, chain building units are one-
dimensional and sheet building units are two-dimensional. In Fig.4.32 successive built up of the ZSM-5
(MFI) is shown.
Fig:4.32 The ZSM-5 (MFI) structure can be built up successively: (a) the pentasil unit; (b) chains of
pentasil units; (c) layers of these chains; and (d) layers linked across inversion centres [29] (2010).
In late 1940s, Richard Barrer and Robert Milton have started synthesis of zeolites by conversion of
known mineral phases under the action of strong salt solutions in the temperature range of 170 to 270oC.
By 1953, Milton and his colleagues had synthesized 20 zeolites including 14 unknown as natural minerals.
Initially the aim of study was to understand complex synthesis processes and later it has been shifted to
discoveries of new materials, advances in synthesis techniques, innovations in theoretical modelling
methods, development of new techniques for the investigations of reaction mechanisms and development
of the new techniques for the characterization of the materials.
Silica and alumina sources in the amorphous form have been mixed together in the alkaline pH
and in an aqueous medium with a cation source.
The reaction mixture has been heated in a sealed autoclave at temperature above 100oC and
autogeneous pressure.
After reaching the appropriate temperature, reactants remain amorphous for some time and
this time is known as “induction period”. Crystallization starts after this period of time.
After appropriate time period, all the amorphous materials will be converted into zeolite
crystals. These crystals are recovered by filtration, washing and drying.
The Si and Al sources have been used in an oxide form and these amorphous precursors contain Si-O
and Al-O bonds. At the end of the hydrothermal synthesis crystalline zeolite products containing Si-O-Al
linkages has been created in the presence of “mineralizing” agent (generally alkali metal hydroxide). The
bond type of the product is very similar to the bond types of precursor oxides. So, it can be concluded that,
no great enthalpy changes has been takes place. In fact, overall free energy change of the reaction is small
enough to become the overall reaction kinetically controlled. This gives the benefit of generation of
metastable products. To make the synthesis process industrially important, the product must contain
reproducibility and the same specification each time. This needs to develop exact conditions for product
optimization. This influences the choice of starting reagents from wide varieties of simple oxides or
hydroxides to sodium silicate solution and solid sodium aluminate. Usage of sodium silicate solution or solid
sodium aluminate gives not only benefits in terms of cost or ease of operation but also they offer optimum
routes to particular materials. Flexibility in the choice of reagents enables equilibria to be approached from
various directions. We may also get the kinetic benefits like preferred nucleation of one phase over another
in the situations of possibility of co-crystallization of the materials.
Now let’s come to the synthesis mechanism for zeolites. The most probable pathways can be given as
induction period, nucleation and crystal growth in sequence. Induction period is the time (t) between the
notional start of the reaction and the point at which the first crystal formation can be observed. According
to the classical nucleation theory, the induction period has been divided into three subunits as relaxation
time (tr), time for formation of stable nucleus (tn) and time for the nucleus to grow to a detectable size (tg).
‘Nucleation’ is defined as the series of atomic or molecular processes by which the atoms or molecules of a
reactant phase rearrange into a cluster of the product phase large enough as to have the ability to grow
irreversibly to a macroscopically larger size. The ‘cluster’ is defined as nucleus or critical nuclei. The rate of
nucleation (i.e., the number of nuclei formed per unit time per unit volume) can be expressed by an
Arrhenius-type equation[29] (2010):
J = A exp (-ΔG*/kT).................(1)
Where, ΔG* is the critical Gibb’s free energy, k is rate constant at temperature T. Cations and organic-
structure-directing agents also involved in the nucleation process by surrounding themselves with metal-
oxide species in preferred geometries. Crystal growth is considered as one of the most important step and
studies tell that zeolite growth increases linearly during most of the crystallization process for both gel and
clear solution synthesis. Temperature, gel composition, agitation and aging are the various parameters
which affect the zeolite growth[29] (2010).
2.3 Characterization of zeolites
Characterization of the synthesized zeolites is very important aspect. A particular zeolite must contain
good crystal structure, required Si/Al ratio, desired BET surface area and pore size, desired acidic and metal
sites, good dispersion of metal sites, proper crystal morphology etc. for particular application. Each of the
above mentioned properties can be verified by various characterization techniques like X-Ray Diffraction
(XRD), BET surface area analyzer, Solid state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Solid NMR), NH3 or Pyridine
Temperature Programmed Reduction (NH3 -TPD or Pyridine-TPD), H2 -Chemisorption or CO-Chemisorption,
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) (both normal and high
resolution) etc.
Zeolites are comprehensively classified on the basis of their morphology, crystal structure, Chemical
composition, effective pore diameter, origin of trivalent species donor.
2.4.1 Morphology
Fibrous: Tetrahedra linked more numerous in one crystallographic .Lamellar (Open framework):
Tetrahedral linkages within similar plane.Zeolites have been structurally classified on the basis of Secondary
Building Unit (SBU). They can be explained as cage, ring or cage like structures which forms the basic
architecture of zeolites. Fig.4.33 shows some of the SBU.
4.33 SBU in zeolite skeleton.
Rare earth elements serve as a bridge to stabilize aluminium atoms in the zeolite structure.
Zeolites are classified on the basis of their framework silicon and aluminum constitution. This
classification is mainly done on the basis of the Silicon to Aluminum ratio and was introduced by
Flanigen[32] (1982). Table 1 vividly describes some of the zeolites.
Different zeolites have different opening ring combination. Such as Fig.4.34 a) displays the graphical
view of MFI zeolite with 10 Member Ring (M.R.) opening structure. While Fig.4.34 b) displays dimensions of
LTA zeolite with 8 M.R. Structure. Fig.4.34 c) elaborates dimensions of VPI-5 with 18 M.R. Some example s
of different zeolites containing.
Fig:4.34 Ring opening structures along [001] of some zeolites. (Units mentioned in fig are in Angstrom
Medium Pore10 M.R. Medium Pore 12, 14 M.R. Large Pore18, 20 M.R.
Global rise in demand of zeolites can be justified with the help of some following properties of zeolites
followed by discussing the chief properties of zeolites. High surface area, uniform micropore size, high
hydro thermal stability, intrinsic acidity, ability to accommodate active metal species, introducing
constraints to undesired species by molecular sieving effect (shape selectivity), environmentally harmless,
non-corrosive, show ease of separation from reaction mixture compared with homogeneous catalysts.
2.5.1 Framework Cation Exchange
The zeolite framework is comprised of Silicon and Aluminum linked together with oxygen atoms to form
tetrahedra. To stabilize the structure or to compensate negative charge imparted by aluminum due to its
valency, a cation is required. Cation exchange properties of zeolite is function of its intrinsic properties like
(i) Framework topology (ii) Ion size and shape (iii) Charge density of anionic framework (iv) Ion valence (v)
Electrolyte concentration in aq. Phases.
Due to rigid skeletal system, zeolite window has intact window size due to which molecules having size
larger than this window dimensions often experience constraints in accessing the intrinsic sites. Thus,
prevents undesired large molecules to enter network. Depending upon this shape selectivity is being
classified into three main subdivisions as described in brief below.
Transition shape selectivity refers to curbing of intermediate compounds formed therin the framework
whose size is larger than skeleton size. Fig.4.37 shows formation of small sized isomer compared to bulky
4.37 Shape selective transition compound formation restriction.
Due to restricted pore size products diffusing through these materials experience constraints and so
product formed is also selective in nature. But however sometimes this bulky products accumulate over a
position of zeolite blocking the accessibility of virgin molecules resulting into coking or deactivation of
In case of some selected zeolites, having multi dimensional channels, in such cases reactants access
pores other than what product diffuse out. This becomes easier as counter diffusion is prevented. Several
probing techniques are investigated for having clear idea on shape selectivity of zeolites amongst which
some includes: (i) Constraint Index (ii) Refined constraint index (iii) Spacious Index, o-p index.
2.6 Applications of zeolites
2.6.1 Ion-exchange
Natural zeolites have a very gifted tendency to ion exchange some water pollutants. Clinoptilolite is
successfully employed for removing Ammonium from municipal sewages. Regeneration is performed by
NaCl and CaCl2. Ammonia is air stripped in regeneration and absorbed by sulphuric acid to give ammonium
sulphate, a kind of fertilizer. An advantage of zeolites for elevated resistance compared to organic resins for
wastewaters of nuclear industry has been investigated.
Soils of volcanic origin are prone to have some fraction of natural zeolites, so they give some indications
for their application in improving soil fertility. Natural zeolites helped many plants including spinach, radish,
sugar beet, tomato, maize, rice, potato and cucumber[33] (2011).
2.6.3 Adsorption
Most of the applications are based on water vapour adsorption. Based upon such properties zeolites are
used as drying media for air, sour natural gas and other artificial gas streams. Water adsorption-desorption
cycles chabazite, clinoptilolite gave some good inferences in air conditioning and refrigeration. Their
applications based on adsorption of pollutants gas such as SO2 from gas effluents attributed to the fact that
selectivity was found to be good for polar molecules rather than non-polar molecules. Gas separation
technologies are also under investigation, of these O2 from air by pressure swing adsorption method are
employed using mordenite rich tuffs. Some lab scale investigations of water-ethanol vapour separations by
Phillipsite were performed knowing that it provides selectivity to ethanol.
Due to stupendous shape selectivity and acidic sites provided by zeolites they have found their
dominant applications in petroleum industry, especially for hydrocracking and hydroisomerization. As
mentioned earlier, long-chain n-paraffins present in the petroleum products, have bad effect on some
properties like octane number of gasoline and cold-flow properties of diesel fuel. It is desired to remove or
convert them into isomers. Conventionally hydroisomerization process has been used for this. The
isomerization process usually takes place in the presence of hydrogen, and in this case it is referred to as
hydroisomerization [27](2005).
The term cold-flow properties refer to the flow characteristics of a diesel fuel after at low temperature
range. If cold-flow properties don’t change with respect to temperature, it is termed as good. It is the ability
to operate under cold weather conditions. Petroleum products contain different hydrocarbons like n-
paraffins, i-paraffins, olefins, naphthenes, and aromatics. Among these, normal and slightly branched
paraffins have relatively high melting points in the typical range of 250–360 oC. The melting point of normal
paraffins ranges between 10 and 40oC, while the melting point of the heaviest methyl paraffin present (C21)
is, depending on the position of the branching, between –4 and 13 oC. The extent of decrease in the melting
point significantly depends on the degree, the position, and the length of the branching. Branching
positions in the middle of the chain have a higher effect than those near the end of the chain, while longer
side chains lead to a higher decrease of melting point.
Engines running on diesel should be able to operate even in cold weather conditions where temperature
can reach values well below 0oC. On the basis of the data presented above it is evident that such
temperatures may cause the crystallization of those compounds presenting the highest melting points,
thereby affecting the flow characteristics, and ultimately may lead to solidification of the product. Standard
test methods for determining these properties are cloud point (CP; ASTM D2500), pour point (PP; ASTM
D97), and cold filter plugging point (CFPP); IP 309). The CP is the temperature at which a haze of wax
crystals is formed; PP is the highest temperature at which the product still flows, while CFPP is the highest
temperature at which the wax crystals severely reduce the flow through a filter. Different options are
available to improve the cold-flow properties of gas oil:
The simplest is to reduce the backend cutpoint and add kerosene blendstock. This action
removes the heavier paraffinic molecules that tend to precipitate at higher temperatures.
However, reduction of the end point results in significant reduction of diesel yield from the
Catalytic dewaxing process wherein the waxy paraffin are selectively cracked or isomerized.
All of above mentioned techniques; catalytic dewaxing process is of our interest. Catalytic dewaxing is a
process where the products are removed which are responsible for the degradation of the cold-flow
properties. They are removed by selective cracking to lighter compounds, by boiling in the gasoline and LPG
range (i.e., cracking dewaxing), or by isomerization into more branched lower melting point structures
minimizing as much as possible the cracking (i.e., isomerising dewaxing).
The pore opening of the catalyst is small enough to restrict the larger isoparaffins from reacting
at the acidic sites inside the pore.
2.6.5 Matrix
Physical functions
Diluting medium
Sodium sink
Heat transfer
4.40 Main Reactions in FCC Catalysis
FCC Catalyst
4.41 FCC Catalyst
FCC Additives
4.43 FCC Additives
ZSM-5 additive
Octane boosting.
Initially ZSM-5 cracks paraffins and olefins. As cycle time increases, olefin isomerisation
dominates while gasoline loss and octane improvement is minimum.
Fig 4.44 A typical flow sheet for higher molecular hydrocarbons (feed) cracking with ZSM-5 towards
propylene and butylenes.
Low pressure
High Tempreature
Suppressing competitions from secondary reaction is the major key for maximizing propylene.
The relative activity of the host FCC catalyst for secondary reactions can be quantified using the
Hydrogen Transfer Index (HTI):
High accessibility reduces HTI. Primary cracking products can diffuse from the catalyst faster and
are less likely to undergo secondary reactions.
There is a limit to how much zeolite can be used in catalyst to compensate for activity loss.
The challenge, particularly for Resid, is achieving high propylene yield AND good conversion with
acceptable catalyst addition rate.
In the regenerator ‘V’ presented on the catalyst converted Vanadium pentoxide (V2O5).
Ni passivators
‘Ni’ passivating agents are antimony, bismuth and rare earth compounds (Ce, La, etc…).
Vanadium Passivators[1,2,23]
Vanadium passivating agents are Tin, Titanium, Zirconium and rare earth compounds.
Other than the above stated passivating agents there are other passivating agents are also
reported. They are germanium, gallium, indium, tellurium, aluminium, barium, zinc, boron,
phosphorous, tungsten, tantalum, lithium and cadmium.
Metal traps
Metal traps are added to the FCC Catalyst as separate particle or incorporated directly into the
catalyst particle.
These metal traps react with incoming metals like nickel and vanadium and form an inert
Fig 4.46 A typical FCC flow sheet in petroleum refining system which incorporates an FCC to distill
high-octane gasoline and LPG from the heavy contents of the crude oil with sulphur
For Gasoline.
Optimized access.
For Gasoline.
BCA Additive
Process Variable.
Reforming Catalytic
To name a few of the other catalytic reforming versions that were developed, all of
which utilized a platinum and/or a rhenium catalyst:
Before describing the reaction chemistry of the catalytic reforming process as used
in petroleum refineries, the typical naphthas used as catalytic reforming feedstocks
will be discussed.Typical naphtha feedstocks.A petroleum refinery includes many unit
operations and unit processes. The first unit operation in a refinery is the continuous
distillation of the petroleum crude oil being refined. The overhead liquid distillate is
called naphtha and will become a major component of the refinery's gasoline (petrol)
product after it is further processed through a catalytic hydrodesulfurizer to remove
sulfur-containing hydrocarbons and a catalytic reformer to reform its hydrocarbon
molecules into more complex molecules with a higher octane rating value. The
naphtha is a mixture of very many different hydrocarbon compounds. It has an initial
boiling point of about 35 °C and a final boiling point of about 200 °C, and it contains
paraffin, naphthene (cyclic paraffins) and aromatic hydrocarbons ranging from those
containing 4 carbon atoms to those containing about 10 or 11 carbon atoms.
The naphtha from the crude oil distillation is often further distilled to produce a
"light" naphtha containing most (but not all) of the hydrocarbons with 6 or less carbon
atoms and a "heavy" naphtha containing most (but not all) of the hydrocarbons with
more than 6 carbon atoms. The heavy naphtha has an initial boiling point of about 140
to 150 °C and a final boiling point of about 190 to 205 °C. The naphthas derived from
the distillation of crude oils are referred to as "straight-run" naphthas.
Crude oil name => Barrow Island Mutineer- CPC Blend Draugen
Location => Australia Exeter Kazakhstan North Sea
Naphthenes, liquid
42 32 27 45
volume %
Purpose of Reformer
FCC additives
Reforming Catalyst[1-13]
Catalyst Characterization
Catalytic reforming
Overall effect
Process converts straight run naphtha (C6-C10, Straight chain paraffins and
naphthenes) to gasoline components of high antiknock quality.
Reforming Reactions[6-13]
The hydrocracking of paraffins is the only one of the above four major reforming
reactions that consumes hydrogen. The isomerization of normal paraffins does not
consume or produce hydrogen. However, both the dehydrogenation of naphthenes
and the dehydrocyclization of paraffins produce hydrogen. The overall net production
of hydrogen in the catalytic reforming of petroleum naphthas ranges from about 50 to
200 cubic meters of hydrogen gas (at 0 oC and 1 atm) per cubic meter of liquid
naphtha feedstock. In the United States customary units, that is equivalent to 300 to
1200 cubic feet of hydrogen gas (at 60 oF and 1 atm) per barrel of liquid naphtha
feedstock. In many petroleum refineries, the net hydrogen produced in catalytic
reforming supplies a significant part of the hydrogen used elsewhere in the refinery
(for example, in hydrodesulfurization processes). The hydrogen is also necessary in
order to hydrogenolyze any polymers that form on the catalyst.
Process description[9-13]
The most commonly used type of catalytic reforming unit has three reactors, each
with a fixed bed of catalyst, and all of the catalyst is regenerated in situ during routine
catalyst regeneration shutdowns which occur approximately once each 6 to 24
months. Such a unit is referred to as a semi-regenerative catalytic reformer
(SRR).Some catalytic reforming units have an extra spare or swing reactor and each
reactor can be individually isolated so that any one reactor can be undergoing in situ
regeneration while the other reactors are in operation. When that reactor is
regenerated, it replaces another reactor which, in turn, is isolated so that it can then
be regenerated. Such units, referred to as cyclic catalytic reformers, are not very
common. Cyclic catalytic reformers serve to extend the period between required
The latest and most modern type of catalytic reformers are called continuous
catalyst regeneration reformers (CCR). Such units are characterized by continuous in-
situ regeneration of part of the catalyst in a special regenerator, and by continuous
addition of the regenerated catalyst to the operating reactors. As of 2006, two CCR
versions available: UOP's CCR Platformer process[13] and Axen's Octanizing process.
[14] The installation and use of CCR units is rapidly increasing. Many of the earliest
catalytic reforming units (in the 1950's and 1960's) were non-regenerative in that they
did not perform in situ catalyst regeneration. Instead, when needed, the aged catalyst
was replaced by fresh catalyst and the aged catalyst was shipped to catalyst
manufacturer's to be either regenerated or to recover the platinum content of the
aged catalyst. Very few, if any, catalytic reformers currently in operation are non-
Fig:5.1 The process flow diagram below depicts a typical semi-regenerative
catalytic reforming unit
Some installations use three separate fired heaters as shown in the schematic
diagram and some installations use a single fired heater with three separate heating
coils. The hot reaction products from the third reactor are partially cooled by flowing
through the heat exchanger where the feed to the first reactor is preheated and then
flow through a water-cooled heat exchanger before flowing through the pressure
controller (PC) into the gas separator. Most of the hydrogen-rich gas from the gas
separator vessel returns to the suction of the recycle hydrogen gas compressor and
the net production of hydrogen-rich gas from the reforming reactions is exported for
use in other the other refinery processes that consume hydrogen (such as
hydrodesulfurization units and/or a hydrocracker unit). The liquid from the gas
separator vessel is routed into a fractionating column commonly called a stabilizer.
The overhead offgas product from the stabilizer contains the byproduct methane,
ethane, propane and butane gases produced by the hydrocracking reactions as
explained in the above discussion of the reaction chemistry of a catalytic reformer,
and it may also contain some small amount of hydrogen. That offgas is routed to the
refinery's central gas processing plant for removal and recovery of propane and
butane. The residual gas after such processing becomes part of the refinery's fuel gas
system. The bottoms product from the stabilizer is the high-octane liquid reformate
that will become a component of the refinery's product gasoline.
Fixed-bed reactors used for semiregenerative and cyclic catalytic reforming vary in
size and mechanical details, but all have basic features as shown in Figure. Very similar
reactors are used for hydrotreating, isomerization, and hydrocracking.The reactors
have an internal refractory lining which is provided to insulate the shell from the high
reaction temperatures and thus reduce the required metal thickness. Metal parts
exposed to the high temperature hydrogen atmosphere are constructed from steel
containing at least 5% chromium and 0.5% molybdenum to resist hydrogen
embrittlement. Proper distribution of the inlet vapor is necessary to make maximum
use of the available catalyst volume. Some reactor designs provide for radial vapor
flow rather than the simpler straight-through type.
Four SR and three CCR plants have been licensed jointly by IIP-IFP in India
Average = (MON+RON)/2
Reforming Catalyst
Sulfur tolerant.
Catalyst Mechanism[19-21]
Catalyst Manufacture[1-2,19-21]
FCC additives.
Reforming Catalyst.
Catalyst Characterization:
Octane Rating
RON is determined by running the fuel in a test engine with a variable compression
ratio under controlled conditions, and comparing these results with those for mixtures
of iso-octane and naphthenes.
MON testing uses a similar test engine to that used in RON testing, but with a
preheated fuel mixture, a higher engine speed, and variable ignition timing to further
stress the fuel's knock resistance. Depending on the composition of the fuel, the MON
of a modern gasoline will be about 8 to 10 points lower than the RON.
9 IOCL, Vadodara 0.33 SR Procatalyse
Reformer feed, Reforming reactor design, Continuous and semi regenerative process
Reformer feed, Reforming reactor design, Continuous and semi regenerative process.
Reformer feed, Reforming reactor design, Continuous and semi regenerative process.
RONC 50 66
P/N/A(%vol) 66.8 /21.8/11.4 29.3/61.85/8.85
ASTM Distillation - -
IBP 92 88
30 115 115
50 123 123
70 133 132
90 147 145
95 152 150
- 155 161
Chemical Reactions
Desirable Reaction which lead to higer octane number and to higher purity hydrogen
production.They are the reaction to promote.
Adverse Reaction which lead to decrease of octane no and a decrease in hydrogen purity.They
are the reaction to minimize.
Tab:5.4 [1-2,19-21]
Cyclohexane 83 77.2
Naphthenes dehydrogenetion
Highly Endothermic.
Paraffin's Dehydrocyclization
At the selected operating condition much lower rate than that of Dehydrogenetionm.
Slightly Exothermic.
Naphthenes Isomerization
Difficulty of ring rearrangement and high risk of ring opening (paraffin formation).
Slightly endothermic.
Naphthenes isomerisation
Adverse reaction
Consequences of Cracking
But at selected operating condition and with the selected catalyst,this reaction is not
Lead to heavier molecules which may increase the end point of the product.
TransAlkylation(alkyl disproportionation)
At the selected operated conditions,and with the selected catalyst this reaction is
Result from complex group of reaction.Deatailed machanism not fully known yet.
Coke deposit reduces active contact area and reduces catalyst activity.
Chemical Reaction[1-2,24-26]
All these reaction occur in series and parallel to each other producing a complicated reaction scheme.In
an effort to simplify the scheme according to the reaction rates the main reaction take place in the
following order:
Dehydrogenetion/Isomerization/Cracking and
2 2nd and 3rd Reactor
R1= 10%
R2= 15%
R3= 25%
R4= 50%
Isomerization:paraffins +2
Naphthenes +4
Conventional unit[1-2,15-25]
Fig 5.8 A typical FCC flow sheet to regenerate catalyst from spent catalyst (Regeneration process)
Catalyst regenerator
Fig 5.9 Catalyst regenerator
Process variables[1-2,22-29]
Space velocity
Process variables
Each of them can be fixed by operator within the operating range of the equipment
independently from the others.
For one set of independent variable for same feed characterstics there is only one performance
of the unit i.e one set of value for:
Product yields
Product quality(octane)
Pressure is the basic variable because of its inherent effect on reaction rates.
The lower the pressure the higher the yields of reformate and hydrogen for a given
octane number.But it developer high coking rate(compensated by continous
Pressure lowering limited by recycle compressor design for power and intake volume.
Effect of temperature
Catalyst activity is directly related to reactor temperature.By simply raising or lowering reactor
inlet temperature operator can raise or lower product quality and yield.
Increase octane.
Decrease of H2 purity.
A slight increase of temperature(WAIT) through the life of the catalyst make up for this activity
Space velocity
Linked to resident time of feed in the reactor and effect the kinetics of the reforming reaction.
Operator must careful in mind that each time liquid feed rate is changed a temperature
correction must be applied if octane is to be maintained.
Important Recommendation
Always decrease reactor inlet temperature first and decrease feed flow rate afterward.
Always increase feed flow rate first and increase reactor inlet temperature afterward.
The recycle gas MW is obtained by chromatographic analysis as well as the H2 vol fraction(Y)
Operator can change H2/Hc ratio by lowering or increassing the recycle compressor flow.
For a given unit the amount of recycle is limited by the recycle compressor characterstics(power
suction flow).
The H2/Hc ratio has no obvious impact on the product quality or yield.
It is stirctly recommended to operate with a H2/Hc ratio equal to (or higher than) design figure.
The endothermic reaction heat increases and the feed flow rate will be limited by the
heater design duty.
Higher paraffin and napthanic content obtained.The hydrogen purity of the recycle gas
decrease and operation will be limited by the recycle compressor capacity.
Feed quality
Light fraction:
Cyclization of c6 more difficult than that of C7-C8.The lighter the feed,the higher the required
severity for a given octane.
Heavy Fraction:
High naphthenic and aromatic content.Lower severity to obtain good yield.But polycyclic
compounds which favor coke deposit.
EP higher than 180oc are generally not recommended.
Operating parameters summary
Here after the theoretical effect on the unit performance of each independent processes
variable taken separately:
Reforming of catalyst are bimetallic catalyst consisting of platinum plus promoters on alumina
support, rhenium being essentially used.
High regenerability.
The main characterstics of catalyst other than it physical and mechanical properties are: [1-2,25-32]
The Activity
The Selectivity
The Stability
Measured by the amount of feed treated per unit weight of catalyst.C5 + Wt reformate
yield is also an indirect measure of the stability.
Platinum (pt) plus other promoter(s) impreganted on to gamma alumina containing around 1%
wt chloride provide to acidity.
Selection of metal
Depend on what you want from the catalyst:The Objectives
Selectivity towards
Hydrogen H2
Mental sintering
Metallic Phase
Presence of Chloride
The relative rate of coking is proportional to the hydrogenation function of the catalyst this is
dependant on the metallic phase.
Fig 5.10
C5 + Reformate
Low benzene
Catalytic Reforming
Types of Catalytic Reformers[1-4,25-34]
Fig 5.11 A typical FCC flow sheet integrated with CDU, HDSD, VRDS, FCC to generate different
hydrocarbons from crude oil
Tab 5.8
Butane 95 92
Iso-pentane 92 89
FCC gasoline 91 80
Alkylate 95 92
Isomerate 85 82
MTBE 115 99
Zeolite Area
Matrix Area
Pore Volume
Silicon-Alumina ratio
Attrition Resistance
Metal Content
Carbon and Sulphur Content
Measurement of SA, Z/M ratio and Pore size distribution of fresh/equilibrium FCC
catalysts/additives, zeolite, clay, alumina, etc.
Implications of SA
Z/M ratio gives information about SA of zeolites (small pores of <20 Ao)and SA of matrix,
(large pores>20 Ao).
Matrix area does not tell whether the matrix is active or non-active.
Loss of SA due to
Principle: Catalyst is titrated by water until the fluidity of the sample is destroyed. Pore volume
is calculated as volume of water titrated over weight of catalyst.
Procedure: Sample calcined to remove carbon and moisture.Titrated with distilled water or DM
Typical range: 0.15-0.45 cc/g Simple method, PV measurement can be done at Refinery
Pore Volume[19-21]
Indications/Directions: Generally, higher pore volume in fresh catalyst means higher levels of
active matrix components.
Thermal deactivation.
X-ray patterns of test and standard samples are compared. Integrated intensities of the
peaks provide quantitative data.
UCS of Y Zeolite[19-21,33-36]
It is a measure of aluminium sites or the total potential acidity per cell.UCS is a indicator of
zeolite acidity. As the UCS decreases, acid sites become further apart since Al4+ion is bigger than
Lower UCS means fewer active sites per unit cell.The fewer acid sites are further apart and
therefore inhibit hydrogen transfer reactions,which in turn increases gasoline octane as well as
production of C3 and lighter components.
PSD by Micromesh[19-21,33-36]
Determination of Particle size and average particle size of FCC catalysts in the range of
20-150 microns.
Dry sieving procedure for determination of particle size in FCC catalysts by means of
calibrated sieves of uniform and precise square opening.
Sample placed on top sieve, set shaken for specified time. Each sieve is weighed.
Typical Range
APS= 80 microns
Significance of PSD
PSD is an indicator of fluidisation properties of catalyst. 0-40 micron particles (5-20 wt%)
improves the fluidisation.
PSD is a function of cyclone performance, catalyst properties, catalyst make-up rate and unit
operating conditions.
Case-1: A decrease in the percentage of smaller particles (fines) possibly due to (a) deteriorating
cyclone performance. (b)Reduced Catalyst attrition (c) Lower fines in the fresh catalyst.
Case-2: An increase in fines may indicate increased catalyst attrition possibly due to (a) changes
in the fresh catalyst composition, (b) increased fines in the fresh catalyst (c) internal damage
such as air distributor or slide valve.
Attrition Resistance[19-21,33-36]
Calcined catalyst microspheres are subjected to high velocity air jet.Catalyst fines are
removed from the attrition zones and weighed.Attrited catalyst is expressed as weight
percentage and termed as Attrition Index (AI).Higher the index lower is the attrition
In house fabricated.
Typical Range
Excessive velocities (>300 FPS) in the feed nozzle can also cause attrition.
Apparent Bulk density (ABD) of fresh, equilibrium FCC catalyst having size less than 150
Calcined catalyst sieved and taken into cylinder kept under given vibration to increase
the packing efficiency, mass/unit volume is calculated to get ABD.
Typical Range
Significance of ABD[19-21,33-36]
ABD is a also function of catalyst composition, manufacturing process and other physical
properties such PV and PSD. Generally does not change unless the catalyst type changes.
Normally ABD of E-cat is higher than the fresh catalyst due to thermal & hydrothermal changes
in the pore structure that occur in the unit and also due to catalyst loss.
If we compare one catalyst with other, slightly higher ABD catalyst can increase the pressure
drop across the slide value and improve the catalyst circulation.
Hydrothermal deactivation of fresh FCC catalysts is done at 788 oC for 3 hours at 100%
steam whereas 750 oC for ZSM-5 additive.
Alumina (Al2O3) content and Rare earth content is determined by catalyst formulations.Changes
in Alumina/ Rare earth content can be used to track catalyst change out.Unexpected change
indicate a change in catalyst formulations.
The alumina content (25-55%)indicate the in-active alumina and active alumina i.e. Alumina
from clay, binder and zeolite.CO Promoter additive and SOx additives.
The Sodium (Na) in the E-Cat is the sum of sodium added from the feed and sodium in the fresh
catalyst. Severe problem if the Na >>0.5%; Lower in unit conversion &loss in Octane Number. A
Increase in Na level of 0.1 unit can decrease MAT conversion by 3 units.
Ni, V, Fe & Cu has the gas making tendencies of the catalyst, when deposited on FCC
catalysts.These metals originate from the FCC feed.
Lebold Heraus,Germany;Analysis time: >1 minute Carbon range from 0.001-6 wt%.
Refining Process and Catalysts.
FCC additives.
Reforming Catalyst.
Catalyst Characterization.
Catalyst Changeover
Requirement of each unit are different in terms of catalyst requirement for different setup
reaction scheme.
R & D have acquired many patents for catalys and additive formulations as well as
manufacturing process.
Since Large amount of catalyst is required for a plant trial, decent size manufacturing facility is
to be created at first.
Most of the refining catalysts are imported.
Tab 5.9
Reduce average molecular weight & produce higher yields of fuel products
Minimal cracking
50%+ conversion
Hydroprocessing Trends[1-6]
Sources of Hydrogen[2-4,6-15]
Catalytic Reforming from steam reforming of NG and Naptha reforming methods and also from the
catalytic reformer one at Al2O3.
Steam-Methane Reforming
Synthesis Gas
More expensive than steam reforming but can use low quality by product
Methanation. Trace amounts of carbon monoxide & carbondioxide removed. Exothermic fixed-
bed catalytic reactions,700-800 °C.
Hydrogen (H2) is identified to be an ideal energy carrier with high efficiency, since it possesses LHV of
121 MJ/kg compared to any other known fuels and burns cleanly, without generating any environmental
pollutants. H2 production is an attractive subject of current interest for fuel cell applications which are
considered to have the potential to provide a clean energy source for automobile as an alternative to
gasoline or diesel engines. H2 is also one of most important chemicals and is widely used for ammonia
production, oil refineries, and methanol production etc. In view of growing environmental concerns, such
as global warming and the depletion of fossil fuel, major efforts are being dedicated to develop the
utilization of renewable energy sources. Bio oil produced from biomass has been proposed as an alternative
to produce hydrogen; because this renewable rich energy resource does not contribute to a net increase in
atmospheric CO2. Bio-oil is a dark brown organic liquid. Bio-oil exhibits a complex composition with more
than 200 different compounds including acids, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones as well as lignin derived
oligomers, which are emulsified with water hence difficult to reform. In general, the steam reforming of
bio-oil is simplified in terms of the oxygenated organic compounds (CnHmOk) by the following reactions:
Steam reforming of the main component in bio-oil such as acetic acid (12-14 by wt %) can offer the
information for active catalyst preparation and the knowledge about the potential catalytic behaviour of
bio-oil in steam reforming.
Reforming of acetic acid for H2 production can be summarized as followes: First, Steam reforming of
acetic acid reaction has discussed as stated below:-
The maximum stoichiometric yield of H2 for acetic acid reforming is 2 mole to mole of carbon. However
some undesired reactions take place inside the reactor. Hence there is large possibilities of decomposition
of acetic acid to lower molecular weight oxygenates, lighter hydrocarbons (CH4, C2H4) and coke.
Some amount of coke can also be formed via Boudouard reaction.
The desired gaseous product i.e. hydrogen is lost through methanation reaction and reverse water gas
shift reaction.
The terms % H2 yield, % acetic acid (acetic acid) conversion and % selectivity of gaseous product
distribution were used to describe the catalytic results in reforming of the oxygenate. The definitions are
given below.
Where RR is H2/CO2 reforming ratio and RR=4/2.
Table:6.1 [1-6]
88 88 91 95 91
No spec No spec 81 85 81
5 3 1 1 1
No spec No spec 42 42 35
No spec No spec 21 18 21
Cetane Number(*) 48 48 51 51
11 11
Year of implementation Mega Cities April 1,2003 April 1,2005 April 1,2010
Catalyst is a material that can influence a chemical reaction without changing itself chemicallly
It makes reaction faster by reducing activation energywithout affecting equillibrium
Key Factors
Activity(reaction temperature)
Selectivity(desired product)
Stability(deactivation rate)
Hardness/crushing strength
Catalyst Charateristics
Partical size
Pore volume
Size distributor
Pore diameter
Surface area
Typical composition
CoO 2-6wt%
MoO3 10-25wt%
Catalyst Loading
Special technique is used to load catalyst into reactor to maximise bulk density.This is callled
dense loading
Maintaining lower operating temperture for same hetero atom removal and saturation
If reacting molecules cannot reach all catalyst active sites,rate of reaction decreases.It is called
catalyst deactivation.
Catalyst Deactivation study necessary at higher reactor temperature for same S,N,O
Major cause of temporary deactivation is coke deposition in catalyst due to undesireable side
Coke can cover active catalyst sites and block the entrance of pores leading to active sites
Reactor temperature
Feed Rate
H2 partial pressure
Feed contamination
Catalyst Regenration[1-6,20-28]
Strict environmental norms for disposing spent catalyst also encourage regeneration of catalyst
and reuse
Normally two regeneration are allowed and its impart total life of 3-5 years to catalyst
Catalyst regeneration involves removal of deposited coke in oxidised atmoshere using stem/airs.
Diesel Hydrotreating[1-2,24-30]
Temperature 320-400°C
LHSV 0.5-3.5h-1
o Conversion 50-100%(Normally low for once thru and high for recycle configuration)
o Temperature 350-425° C
Hydrocracking - Feeds[17-19]
1. Hydrocracking does a better job of processing aromatic rings without coking than catalytic
4. Hydrocracking more severe for resids high in resins, asphaltenes and heteroatom compounds.
5. Heteroatoms and metals prevalent in resins & asphaltenes poison hydroprocessing catalysts.
Hydrocracking - Chemistry[1-8]
Cracking Reaction
1. Saturated Paraffins cracked to form lower molecular weight olefins and paraffins
3. Side chained cracked off the resins and asphaltenes heaving thermally stable polynuclear
Isomerization Reactions[1-4]
Isomerisation provides branching of alkyl groups of paraffins and opening of naphtic rings
Condensation Reaction
Suppresed by hydrogen
Hydrogen - H2 Consumption[7-19]
Heavier distillates make more lights from breakings more complex molecules
Sulphur converted to hydrogen sulfide
Hydrcracking catalyst[1-19]
Hydrocracking catalyst generally a crystalline silica alumina base with rare earth metal deposited in
Catalyst deactive and coke does from even from hydrogen present
Hydrocracker reqires peroidic regenration of fixed bed catalyst system.Typical catalyst cycle
length is 2 years
Space Velocity
Total Pressure
Severe operation needed to significantly reduce molecular weight of feed & increase the
hydrogen:carbon ratio in product
Mild operation for diesel or fuel oil from heavy gas oil
Consider 343°C to 400°C as a description of mild operation and 400°C to 450°C to severe
Hydrocracking process
Severity of operation
Product desired
Nature of feedstock
Simple hydrocracker single reactor combining modest desulphurization with hydrocracking of gas oil to
Hydrogen sulfide must be relatively low and not be a problem for these catalysts
Desulphurisation catalyst in the top bed and sulphur intensitive hydrocracking catalyst in lower
Hydrogen quence
Fresh feed recycle feed,and hydrogen heated in furnace to reactor temperature approx 700&d
F.Operating pressure1,200 psig or more.1000 scl/bblor more hydrogen for combined desulphurization and
Product Separation
Use separate reactor with desulphurisation and olefins saturation in 1st reactor and hydrocracking in
2nd reactor
Effluent from 1st reactorsent to fractionator - fractionator bottoms sent to 2nd stage hydrocracking
reactor.May need a separate internal hydrogen sulphide removal
Fig.6.9 Two Stage Hydrocracking with Recycle & Separator System [1-2]
Hydro treating process and catalysts Resid hydro processing,Effects of process variables,Reactor
design concepts
Hydro treating process and catalysts Resid hydro processing,Effects of process variables,Reactor
design concepts.
Large sulfur reduction & high cetane gain coupled with T-95
DHDT(85+bar pressure)
point improvement
Remove hetero atoms and saturate carbon-carbon bonds Sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen, and
metals removedOlefinic & aromatic bonds saturated
Reduce average molecular weight & produce higher yields of fuel products
Minimal cracking
50%+ conversion
Hydroprocessing Trends[1-2,17-18]
increase dramatically
Catalystic Reformer
FCCU Offgas
Membrane separation
Steam-Methane Reforming
Synthesis Gas
More expensive than steam reforming but can use low quality by product streams
Sources of Hydrogen[1-2,15-16]
Catalytic Reformer
The most important source of hydrogen for the refiner
FCCU Offgas
Membrane separation
Steam-Methane Reforming
Synthesis Gas
More expensive than steam reforming but can use low quality by product streams
FCC Gasoline Spiltter Separation of light cut,mid cut & heavy cut
Hydroprocessing Catalysts
Desired function Cobalt molybdenum : sulfur removal and olefin saturation Nickel
molybdenum: nitrogen removal & aromatic saturation
Selective catalysts for sulfur removal without olefin saturation Maintaining high octane
Crystalline silica alumina base with a rare earth metal deposited in the lattice Platinum,
palladium, tungsten, and/or nickel
Catalysts deactivate and coke does form even with hydrogen present Hydrocrackers
require periodic regeneration of the fixed bed catalyst systems Channeling caused by
coke accumulation a major concern Can create hot spots that can lead to temperature
Sulfur converted to hydrogen sulfide (H2S) Added hydrogen breaks carbon-sulfur bonds
and saturates remaining hydrocarbon chains
Form of sulfur bonds Sulfur in naphtha generally mercaptans (thiols) and sulfides In
heavier feeds, more sulfur as disulphides and thiophenes
Light ends Heavier distillates make more light ends from breaking more complex sulfur
Olefins saturated – one hydrogen molecule added for each double bond Olefins
prevalent in cracked streams – coker or visbreaker naphtha, catalytic cracker cycle oil,
catalytic cracker gasoline
Selective catalysts available for hydrotreating cat gasoline for sulfur removal but not saturate
Hydrogen Consumption[1-2,12-16]
Amount is significant and may double amount required for sulfur removal
Used to maintain a high purity of hydrogen — light ends dilute the hydrogen
Increasing pressure increases hydrogen partial pressure and increases the severity of
Recycle hydrogen
Purge hydrogen
Bottom to reformer
Hyrdoprocessing Basics[1-2,12-16,31-33]
Fig:6.11 HydroProcessing Family
Petroleum fractions contain organic Sulfur, Nitrogen etc. which cause Increased air pollution
Equipment corrosion
What is Hydroprocessing[1-2,31-35]
Reduced average molecular weight and produce higher yields of fuel products
Degree of hydroprocessing depends uppon the nature of feedstock & extends of pollutants
removal required
Heavy distillates makes more light ends from breaking more complex sulphur molecules
As the feeds become heavier de-nitrogenation becomes more significant,such as heavy distillate
and gas oil hydrotreating
Nitrogen removal requires about 4 times as much hydrogen as equivalents of sulphur removal
Major Hydrotreating Reactions[1-2,30-35]
Increasing temperature increases hydrogenation but decreases the number of active catalyst
Increasing pressure increases hydrogen partial pressure and the increases the severity of
Recycle Hydrogen
Pure Hydrogen
Increases severity
Naphtha Hydrotreating
Hydrotreating Trends[1-2,24,30-35]
Challenges in HydroProcessing[1-2,30-35]
o Selective ring opening for cetane improvement with less hydrogen consumption
Good Distributors
Decrease radial thermal distributions
Leading to
Higher throughput
Increase conversion
Add for mechanical loss and loss with the light hydrocarbon vapours
Fig:6.16 Naphtha Hydrotreating-Process
Flashed liquid fed to stripper for removal of light ends of hydrogen sulphide and sour water
Distillate Hydrotreating
In general , all liquid distillate Streams contain sulfur compounds that must be removed needs
the treatment.
Light distillate hydrotreating (kerosene and jet fuel) requires more hydrogen than Naphtha
Hydrogen consumption and operating pressure are a function of the stream being treated, the
degree of sulfur and nitrogen removal, olefin saturation, aromatic ring saturation,…..
Typical conditions – 300oC – 425oC ; 300 psig and greater Modest temperature rise since reactions are
Distillate (jet fuel & diesel) with 85% - 95% sulfur removal
Catalystic cracker feed stocks (atmospheric gas oil, light vacuum gas oil, solvent deasphalting gas
oil) hydrotreated severely Sulfur removal Opening of aromatic rings removal of heavy metals
Desulphurization of gas oil can be achieved with a relatively modest decomposition of structures
Gas oils can be contaminated with resins and asphaltenes deposited in hydrotreater.
Require catalyst replacement with a shorter run length than determined by deactivation
Guard chamber may be installed to prolong bed life Nickel Molybdenum catalyst system from
severe hydrotreating
Low-pressure flash liquid is treated as gas oil and sent to catalyst cracker
Hydrocracking Trends[1-2,30-35]
Hydrocracking does a better job of processing aromatic rings without cooking than catalystic cracking
Hetroatom and metals prevalents in resins and asphaltenes poison hydroprrocessing catalyst
Hydrocracking Feeds
Typical Feeds
Highly aromatic with sulphur,small ring and polynuclear aromatics,catalyst fines usually
has high vescosity
Gas oil from delayed cocker
Residue Hydrotreating[1-2,30-35]
Residuum technology is widely used for pretreating residuum to produce RFCC feed,hydrotreating coker
feed,hydrotreating visbreaker/FCC feed or to produce Low sulphur Fuel Oil(LSFO)
Most new residuum hydrotreating units pretreat for an RFCC,allowing a very high conversion to high
value product with this combined processing
The RDS process reduces metals,sulphur,nitrogen and carbon residue in the residuum
By pretreating the residuum with an RDS,the yields and quality of RFCC products are greatly improved
Residue Hydrocracking
This technology provides the means to convert residuum to lighter petroleum fraction such as naphthna
and distillates are greater than 70% conversion of heavy residual 975° F (524° C) material
The unconverted residue is usually blended as fuel oil as if the conversion is less than 80%
Conversion greater than 80% & as high as 97% has been achieved commercially but the unconverted
residue may be unstable as a fuel oil blend stock
Along with high conversion,feed desulphurization of 80-85% is typical for most designs
Hydrotreating of Diesel[1-2,30-35]
Key Features
Hydrogen is consumed
Heat is released
Some important process variable affects the catalyst stability and product quality
These variable needs to be monitored regularly for consistent operation & longer cycle length
Reactor Temperature
Temperature of the reactor effluent is more than that of the reactor inlet stream
Best way to control reactor temperature is to control WABT by adjusting quench flow
Higher reactor temperature causes more hetero atom(S,N,O) removal and saturation
Higher reaction leads to higher catalyst deactivation (more coke deposit) and lower cycle time of
Higher reactor temperature may have adverse impact on treated diesel color stability
DHDS feed streams are SR Gas oil,LCO from FCCU,gas oil from CIDW,kerosene cuts etc.
Cracked product /unsaturated are difficult to process as they require more heat during reaction
Higher S content in feed requires more severity,H2 consumption and H2S reaction
Liquid hourly space velocity is defined as M3/Hr of feed (at 15°C)per M3 of catalyst
Design value of LSHV depends upon feed stock quality,product quality stipulation and
channeling that may occur inside reactor,leading to unusual deactivation of catalyst bed
Operate near design value,do not go below trundown ratio
H2 Partial Pressure[1-2,30-35]
This is the design criteria and critical process variable for good hetero atom(S,N,O) removal
Lower H2 partial pressure leads to higher reactor temperature the (S,N,O)removal and reduce
cycle length
Another related process variable is gas-to oil ratio and has same effect.It is defined as Total gas
flow(NM3/Hr)/Feed rate(NM3/Hr)at 15°C
Hazards of Hydrogen[1-2,13-16,30-35]
Hydrogen gas is colorless and odorless and not detectable by human senses
Properties of Hydrogen
What Is Hydrogen?
Hydrogen is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, flammable nontoxic gas. It is the lightest of all gases, with a
specific gravity of 0.0695. The hydrogen content of atmospheric air at sea level is 0.5 ppm. Hydrogen has
two isomers (forms): ortho-hydrogen, in which the two atomic nuclei spin in the same direction; and para-
hydrogen, in which they spin in opposite directions. There is no difference in the chemical properties of the
two forms of hydrogen, but there are slight differences in physical properties. Gaseous hydrogen is a
mixture of 75% ortho-hydrogen and 25% para-hydrogen at room temperature; this mixture is called normal
hydrogen (CGA G5 1991).
Several unique properties contribute to the hazards associated with gaseous and liquid hydrogen
A single volume of liquid hydrogen expands to about 850 volumes of gas at standard
temperature and pressure when vaporized. At 7,000 ft elevation, this expansion rate is
increased to approximately 1,000 volumes of gas at standard temperature.
Hydrogen is able to reduce the performance of some containment and piping materials, such as
carbon steel.
Hydrogen burns with a nearly invisible bluish flame, unless it is contaminated with impurities, in which
case a pale-yellow flame is easily visible in the dark. The temperature of burning hydrogen in air is high
2050 oC (3,713 oF), as compared with 1250 oC (2,276 oF) for gasoline), and warm hydrogen gas rises rapidly
because of its buoyancy. Hydrogen forms a flammable mixture over a wide range of concentrations in air
and requires a minimum ignition source, only one-tenth of the energy required for gasoline vapors. It is the
combination of these factors that contributes to the flammability hazard associated with hydrogen gas.
(See the table below for a summary of the physical properties of hydrogen.)
Because of its small molecular size, hydrogen can easily pass through porous materials and is capable of
being absorbed by some containment materials, which can result in loss of ductility or embrittlement. At
elevated temperatures, this process is accelerated. Because of the possibility of hydrogen embrittlement of
some materials, piping and component materials that are not subject to this form of degradation should be
selected.Recommended materials include 300-series stainless steels, copper, and brass.
Properties of Hydrogen continued
The following table lists the physical properties and characteristics of hydrogen and their values.
Property/Characteristic Values(approximate)
Toxicity Nontoxic
Volume Expansion
Liquid(-252.9°C) to gas (-252.9°C)
gas(from -252.9°C to 20 °C)
liquid(-252.9°C)to gas (20°C)
Hazards of Hydrogen[13-16,36]
The primary physical hazards associated with hydrogen gas are its flammability and explosivity. This is
because hydrogen can form a flammable mixture with air over a wide range of concentrations (4%Ð75%),
and very low energy is needed to ignite hydrogen-air mixtures. Once hydrogen is ignited, the reaction can
proceed either by deflagration (subsonic propagation) or detonation (supersonic propagation). Deflagration
in a closed volume can cause a pressure increase of almost eight times the initial pressure. Detonation from
a low-energy ignition source is possible in hydrogen-air mixtures of 18 to 60% vol% that are well mixed and
confined. Although hydrogen - air mixtures have the same calorific value per pound as TNT, the rate of
energy release is much slower for hydrogen-air mixtures.
Hydrogen detonations, although rare, are characterized by pressure increases so rapid that pressure-
relief devices are usually ineffective. When using hydrogen in enclosed areas, consult National Fire
Protection Association documents 68 and 69.
Effects on Health
Hydrogen is nontoxic and has even been used as a filler for oxygen sources for underwater diving. The
primary health effect associated with hydrogen is the possibility that it could displace air in a poorly
ventilated or confined space, resulting in asphyxiation. However, because it is flammable at only 4% in air,
the most significant concern should be the physical hazard of flammability and the possibility of burns
resulting from fires and explosions. When working with liquid hydrogen, there is an additional health
hazard of cryogenic burns.
Flammability Limits
Hydrogen Propane
Explosive Limits
Hydrogen Oxygen
Hydrogen Propane
400 450
The octane numbers of the LSR naphtha [C5-180oF (C5-82oC)] can be improved by
the use of an isomerization process to convert normal paraffins to their isomers.This
results in significant octane increases as n-pentane has an unleaded (clear) RON of
61.7 and isopentane has a rating of 92.3. In once-through isomerization where the
normal and iso compounds come essentially to thermodynamic equilibrium, the
unleaded RON of LSR naphtha can be increased from 70 to about 82–84. If the normal
components are recycled, the resulting research octane numbers will be about 87–93
A third type of catalyst contains platinum supported on a novel metal oxide base.
This catalyst has 150oF (83oC) higher activity than conventional zeolitic isomerization
catalysts and can be regenerated. Catalyst life is usually three years or more with all of
these catalysts. An atmosphere of hydrogen is used to minimize carbon deposits on
the catalyst but hydrogen consumption is negligible .The composition of the reactor
products can closely approach chemical equilibrium. The actual product distribution is
dependent upon the type and age of the catalyst, the space velocity, and the reactor
temperature. The pentane fraction of the reactor product is about 75 to 80 wt% iso-
pentane, and the hexane fraction is about 86 to 90 wt% hexane isomers .
Isomerization Processes[1-5]
Catalyst types
Make-up essential
Platinum catalyst.
Lightest naphtha feed stock (SRG) with pentanes, hexanes, and small
amounts of heptanes.
Sulfur and nitrogen must be removed since catalysts employ an ‘acid site’
for activity.
Clay treating
Unconverted feedstock.
Increased severity increases octane but also increases yield of light ends.
Yields depend on feedstock characteristics and product octane.
If the normal pentane in the reactor product is separated and recycled the product
RON can be increased by about 3 numbers (83 to 86 RONC).If both normal pentane
and normal hexane are recycled the product clear RON can be improved to about 87
to 90. Separation of the normals from the isomers can be accomplished by
fractionation or by vapor phase adsorption of the normals on a molecular sieve bed.
The adsorption process is well developed in several large units.
Some hydrocracking occurs during the reactions resulting in a loss of gasoline and
the production of light gas. The amount of gas formed varies with the catalyst type
and age and is sometimes a significant economic factor. The light gas produced is
typically in the range of 1.0 to 4.0 wt% of the hydrocarbon feed to the reactor. For
preliminary estimates the composition of the gas produced can be assumed to be 95
wt% methane and 5 wt% ethane. For refineries that do not have hydrocracking
facilities to supply isobutane for alkylation unit feed, the necessary isobutane can be
made from n-butane by isomerization. The process is very similar to that of LSR
gasoline isomerization but a feed deisobutanizer is used to concentrate the n-butane
in the reactor charge. The reactor product is about 58 to 62 wt% isobutane. A
representative flow scheme for an isomerization unit is shown in Figure below.
Fig:7.1 A representative flow scheme for an isomerization unit
Isomerization Chemistry
Olefins may isomerize and shift the position of the double bond.
Cyclobutane to butene.
Cost Included
1. Feed Drying
4. Product stabilization
6. Central control
7. Paid up royality
1. Hydrogen source
3. Feed desulfurization
Example Problem
Alkylation process, Feedstocks, reactions, products, catalysts and effect of process variables
Catalytic Alkylation[1-7]
The alkylation reaction involves the addition of photon H+( supplied by an acid
catalyst),to the double bond of an olefin to form carbonium ion. This ion then adds
to another olefin molecule to form a new carbonium ion which abstracts a hydride
ion, H-, and from isobutene to become a paraffin. At the same time new carbonium
ion is produced to continue the reaction.
Side Reactions
Feed Stocks
For HF, temperature is higher T ~ 38oC .Liquid phase reaction in both cases.
Important features:
Operating Variables:
Acid concentration is kept high because of strong acid catalyst alkylation reaction
where as acid catalyst polymerization reaction occurs.
No refrigeration.
Feed is dried.
(for both process) Major Variables are:- Reaction T, Acid strength, I-butane
concentration, olefin space velocity.
Reaction Temperature:
High isobutane recycle rate increases the octane number and lowers acid
requirements. However high isobutane rate also increases the investment required
for deisobutanizer and increase the operating cost of the tower because of the
higher steam requirements.
Space Velocity:
High spent acid strength tends to increases octane No, but also increases make up
acid requirements. Low spent acid strength tends to decrease make up acid
requirements, it increases risk of acid runaway.93-95% acid by weight, 1-2% water
remainder, Hc diluents. Some water is initially added to the acid which promotes
the proton transfer for alkylation reaction. Lowering olefin space velocity reduces
the amount of High boiling hydrocarbon produced, increases the product octane
and lowers acid consumption.
Contact Time:
F = 10-40
Higher the 'F' better is the Quality product.
Alkylation of benzene:
With ethylene -----> gives ethylbenzene Starting material for styrene production cat
CH2= CH2 + HCl -----> CH3CH2Cl
HCl is used as promoter for Aluminium Chloride and lowers its consumption.
HF Acid Alkylation
HF alkylate in general was not quite as high quality as sulfuric acid alkylate.
Process Chemistry
Type of Olefin
Butylene is preferred.
Propylene is worse.
Isobutane concentration.
Reaction Temperature
Variables H2SO4 HF
The process consists essentially of vapor-phase cracking of, say, propane and
butane followed by prolonged periods at high temperature (51oC to 59oC)for the
reactions to proceed to near completion. On the other hand, olefins can be
conveniently polymerized by means of an acid catalyst. Thus, the treated olefin-rich
feed stream is contacted with a catalyst (sulfuric acid, copper pyrophosphate, or
phosphoric acid) at 15oC to 22oC and 150 to 1200 psi, depending on feedstock and
product requirement. The reaction is exothermic, and the temperature is usually
controlled by heat exchange. Stabilization and fractionation systems separate
saturated and unreacted gases from the product. In both thermal and catalytic
polymerization processes, the feedstock is usually pretreated to remove sulfur and
nitrogen compounds.
Polymerization ties two or more olefins together to make polymer gasoline. The
double bond in only one olefin is changed to a single bond during each link
between two olefins. This means the product will still have a double bond. For
gasoline, these polymer stocks are good for blending because olefins tend to have
higher octane numbers than their paraffin homologs. However, the olefinic nature
of polymer gasoline can also be a drawback. During long storage in warmer
climates, the olefins can continue to link up to form bigger molecules of gum and
sludge. This effect, though, is seldom important when the gasoline goes through
ordinary distribution systems.
Solvent power -> should have high power for aromatics would lead to lower S/F for given
aromatics extraction capability.
Solvent Power generally decreases with increasing selectivity.
T increases the solvent power (exception is propane deasphaltive).
Corrosion -> It should not be corrosive.
Liquid SO2 (for H2O extraction)
70.05 wt% H2O causes severe corrosion.
Melting point(MP):
Low IFT facilitates dispersion (drops are smaller and more interfacial area for mass
transfer) whereas too low IFT lead to emulsification and coalescence.
Density difference between disperse and continuous phase S must be large for ease of
setting of phases.
Low viscosities are preferred for rapid setting of phases ( more viscosity phase is usually
Waxes are large MW Paraffinic compounds having melting point 32- 100 °C.
High viscosity Index lube oil cuts: contain large amount of wax.
All heavy fraction of crude oil contains at least some amount of waxy material.
Waxes: It can not be distilled as it boils in the range of lubricating oils( can not be distilled)
Dewaxing Process:[6-12]
2. Solvent Dewaxing.
3. Urea Dewaxing- Urea forms complex compound with large chain paraffin i.e wax range
higher molecular weight of HCs but not within the lubrication oil ( some m.w paraffins).
Dewaxing method is simple process but time consuming.Based on the principle of decreases
solubility of wax in cold setting process.
Cold pressing
T= -17 °C (O° F)
P=35°C to 300°C
For microcrystalline wax cold pressing cannot be used because these wax either pass through
filter on may clog it.
Lighter change-Pressing.
Heavier change-Setting.
Solvent dewaxing :[9-15]
Iso dewaxing:[6-12,16-18]
Urea Dewaxing:[1-2,16-19]
Urea forms solid filterable complex ( adducts) at room temperature with large paraffic ( > C18 )
HCs with no branching. To increase the rate of adduct formation some activator ( methanol) is
Iso Dewaxing:
The lube oil base stocks are prepared from selected crude oils by distillation and special
processing to meet the desired qualifications. The additives are chemicals used to give the base
stocks desirable characteristics which they lack or to enhance and improve existing properties.
The properties considered are:
1. Viscosity
3. Pour point
4. Oxidation resistance
5. Flash point
6. Boiling temperature
Viscosity index is the most important characterisitics of a lube oil. It is defined as the rate of
change of viscosity with temperature is expressed by the viscosity index (VI) of the oil. The higher
the VI, the smaller its change in viscosity for a given change in temperature. The VIs of natural oils
range from negative values for oils from naphthenic crudes to about 100 for paraffinic crudes.
Specially processed oils and chemical additives can have Vis of 130 and higher. Additives, such as
polyisobutylenes and polymethacrylic acid esters, are frequently mixed with lube blending stocks
to improve the viscosity– temperature properties of the finished oils. Lube oil blending stocks
from paraffinic crude oils have excellent thermal and oxidation stability and exhibit lower acidities
than do oils from naphthenic crude oils. The neutralization number is used as the measure of the
organic acidity of an oil; the higher the number, the greater the acidity.
The first step in the processing of lubricating oils is the separation of the crude oil distillation units
for the individual fractions according to viscosity and boiling range specifications. The heavier lube
oil raw stocks are included in the vacuum fractionating tower bottoms with the asphaltenes,
resins, and other undesirable materials. The raw lube oil fractions from most crude oils contain
components which have undesirable characteristics for finished lubricating oils. These must be
removed or reconstituted by processes such as liquid–liquid extraction, crystallization, selective
hydrocracking, and/or hydrogenation. The undesirable characteristics include high pour points,
large viscosity changes with temperature (low VI), poor oxygen stability, poor color, high cloud
points, high organic acidity, and high carbon- and sludge-forming tendencies.
3. Solvent dewaxing and selective hydrocracking to lower cloud and pour points
Xem xét sinh thái trong nhà máy lọc dầu,Xử lý nước thải,kiểm soát ô nhiễm không khí,Xu hướng mới
trong nhà máy lọc dầu,Nguồn năng lượng thay thế,Dầu diesel sinh học,Năng lượng hydro từ sinh khối
In two step:
Clause Process :-
Work well for gas strem containing greater than 20% H2S(by value) and less than
5% HCS .When reaction is.
1. Heat is recovered from the reaction gases in the waste heat boiler by
generating high pressure steam.
2. Reaction gases leaving the waste heat boiler are then passed to a
condenser where cooling to 150-190oC result in condensation to elemental
S formula.
4. Finally waste gases are incinerated to oxidize the last traces of H2S and
elemental S and then vented to atmosphere via stack.
Doctor 2 Sweetening-A
Feed:All naphthas.
mercaptan level :no limits.
Very versatile process.
Disadvantages:Polysulfide formation
Feed :Most cracked & straight from napththas . mercaptons level = up to 0.04%
Reaction Involved:
Aesenuation def:
Energy experts point out that reserves are less than 40 years for
petroleum, 60 years for natural gas and 250 years for coal.
Fossil fuel costs are likely to increase in the near future. This will allow
renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydrogen, etc., to be
Bioling Point,oC 37-205 65 78
Octane Enhancer
Environmental Benefits
Feed Stocks
.High Cetane
.Better Lubricity
.No Sulphur
.Can be directly used in diesel engine
.Environment Friendly
.Complete CO2Cycle
Zero Emissions
CottonSeeds oil(Greece)
Available from water using non petroleum fossil fuel or renewable energy
141.90 10.10 1.00 0.00
141.90 0.013 1.00 0.00
Thermal Processes
Eletrolytic Processes
Photolytic Processes
Other Options
Chlor-Alkali Plants
Fuel Cells[18-19]
Fuel cell is essentially a battery that does not need recharging. As long as
hydrogen and oxygen fuel are supplied, it can continue to supply heat and
an electrical current indefinitely.
Once activated by a catalyst, the hydrogen gas separates into protons and
electrons, and the electrons are conducted through a wire, forming an
electrical current.
The protons move through the electrolyte, where they combine with
oxygen and other electrons to produce heat and a water by product.
FUEL CELL[18-22]
High Efficiency
Enviornmentally Benign
Minimal Maintainence
Load Following
Cooling Towers
Process Units
Desalter brine
Tank Farms
Chemical waste
Fire protection
The capacity of the environment to absorb the effluents and other impacts of
process technologies is not unlimited, as some would have us believe. The
environment should be considered to be an extremely limited resource, and
discharge of chemicals into it should be subject to severe constraints. Indeed, the
declining quality of raw material s, especially petroleum and fossil fuels that give
rise to many of the gaseous emissions of interest in this text, dictates that more
material must be processed to provide the needed fuels .
Minor losses from truck and car accidents can affect rivers and streams. Leakage
from underground gasoline storage tanks, many abandoned decades ago , has
contaminated some local water sup plies and usually requires expensive operation
s either to clean or seal off. Both the production and processing of crud e oil involve
the use of a variety of substances, some toxic, including lubricants in oil wells and
catalysts and other chemic also in refining. The amounts used, however, tend to be
small and relatively easy to control. More detrimental to the environment is the
spillage of oil, which has been a particularly common event.
Minor losses from truck and car accidents can affect rivers and streams.A pollutant
is a substance present in a particular location (ecosystem) when it is not indigenous
to the location or is present in a greater-than-natural concentration. The substance
is often the product of human activity.
Natural gas is also capable of producing emissions that are detrimental to the
environment. While the major constituent of natural gas is methane, there are
components such as carbon dioxide (CO), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and mercaptans
(thiols; R–SH), as well as trace amounts of sundry other emissions. The fact that
methane has a foreseen and valuable end-use makes it a desirable product, but in
several other situations it is considered a pollutant, having been identified a
greenhouse gas.
In addition to the corrosion of equipment of acid gases, the escape into the
atmosphere of sulphur containing gases can eventually lead to the formation of the
constituents of acid rain, that is, the oxides of sulfur (SO2 and SO3). Similarly, the
nitrogen-containing gases can also lead to nitrous and nitric acids (through the
formation of the oxides NOx,) which are the other major contributors to acid rain.
The release of carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons as constituents of refinery
effluents can also influence the behavior and integrity of the ozone layer. Gases
such as sulfur oxides (usually sulfur dioxide, SO2) as well as nitrogen oxides (NOx)
react with the water in the atmosphere to form acids. Acid rain has a pH less than
5.0 and predominantly consists of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and nitric acid (HNO3). As a
point of reference, in the absence of anthropogenic pollution sources the average
pH of rain is 6.0 (slightly acidic; neutral pH 7.0).
In summary, the sulfur dioxide that is produced during a variety of processes will
react with oxygen and water in the atmosphere to yield environmentally
detrimental sulfuric acid. Similarly, nitrogen oxides will also react to produce nitric
acid. Hydrogen chloride, if produced during refining, quickly picks up moisture in
the atmosphere to form droplets of hydrochloric acid and, like sulfur dioxide, is a
contributor to acid rain. However, hydrogen chloride may exert severe local effects
because, unlike sulphur dioxide, it does not need to participate in any further
chemical reaction to become an acid and under atmospheric conditions that favor a
buildup of stack emissions in the area of a large industrial complex or power plant,
the amount of hydrochloric acid in rainwater could be quite high.
Liquid Effluents
In India, for AAQS, various areas have been classified into 3 categories:
1. Category A:covers Industrial and mixed – use areas.
Supporting Processes
Sulfur recovery
Water treatment
Sources of hydrogen
Catalytic Reformer
Synthesis Gas
Propylene carbonate
Dry absorbents
Molecular sieve
Activated charcoal
Iron sponge
Zinc Oxide