Paper Mache Form
Paper Mache Form
Paper Mache Form
photography, paper mache magazine,
Name: MS.AJ Grade: All Ages scissors, paper mache glue, mixed
BIG IDEA : Creative Exploration media paper, watercolor, beads,
paint, markers, paper, text, stencils,
Prior Kn found images, charcoal, conte, ink,
found objects, books, internet, audio,
Cutting paper, Fine motor skills, form, poems, paint brushes
Collage, Gluing
Organization, Puzzle solving, Planning e Standards used
Elements/ principles of design
VAH2-1.3 Communicate ideas through the effective use of a variety of materials,
techniques, and processes in works of visual art.
VAH2-3.3 Select and effectively use subject matter, symbols, and ideas to
communicate meaning through his or her artworks.
Language Function One OF essential for students to develop & practice. Use Standard and Objective action verbs, e.g. analyze, compare/contrast, interpret.
Creators will assemble a visual journal spread that combines text and imagery
Vocabulary No more than 5 terms w/definitions using age-appropriate language. Cite source
see speaking notes for definitions
4.Geometric/ organic shapes
Discourse How will you develop students’ academic discourse (putting the words to work/responding) and/or syntax (symbols, etc.)?
Creators will develop their language through verbally stating a project proposal that articulates the different elements used to assemble their project
Practice: How will you help students practice using the language function? What specific opportunities: e.g. reflective writing, exit tickets, critique, small group
discussion, presenting?
Creators will add the vocabulary words to the vocabulary list they’ve started in their sketchbook
1hr. 35 min. class periods
Challenge Questions
1.What is the significance of the color palette you are using?
2.Where in your life do these colors appear the most?
3.What added images did you choose to your letter and what is the significance of your
choice of imagery?
4. What is the reason behind your choice of the letter your built?
Artist Credit: