S3 Geography Notes Topic 2 Climate
S3 Geography Notes Topic 2 Climate
S3 Geography Notes Topic 2 Climate
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Weather: is the daily condition of the atmosphere studied and recorded through the weather elements for a
short period of time.
Elements of Instruments
weather 1. Maximum and
1. Temperature mini- mum
2. Rainfall thermometer.
3. Cloud cover 2. Rain gauge
4. Sunshine 3. Eye
5. Humidity 4. Sunshine
6. Wind recorder
7. Atmospheric 5. Hygrometer
pressure 6. Wind vane
7. Barometer
Topic 2: Climate of Africa and climatic Regions .
Winter conditions include; Cool temperatures and dry / unreliable rainfall from the area where the sun
migrated from.
When the sun over heads at the Tropic of cancer in the northern hemisphere the land becomes hotter
(warm) than it is in the southern hemisphere (Tropic of Capricorn) i.e. temperatures are hot at the
Northern hemisphere and cool at the southern hemisphere.
Heavy rainfall conditions are experienced in Northern Hemisphere where the sun is overhead and dry
conditions in the southern hemisphere where the sun has migrated.
ITCZ also exists when the sun is overhead the Equator and the following conditions are experienced in the
Hot temperatures,
High evaporation rates.
Dense cloud covers in the sky.
Heavy rainfall.
Low pressure (doldrums).
The condition attracts the wind systems to blow towards the equator. (Winds move from high
concentration to low concentrated area).
Heavy rainfall is received here compared to areas far away from the Equator.
However, areas near the Equator do experience hot temperatures and receive rainfall throughout the year
than the other in the same areas; where temperature has been modified by the altitude.
This means that areas along the Equator have different climate in terms of temperature and Rainfall.
During the day landmass do get heated faster than the sea and evaporation takes place on the land, while a
high pressure zone is experienced on the sea with air masses moving towards the land surface.
The South West Trade winds originate from the South West parts of Africa all the way from the Atlantic
Ocean onto the Interior West Africa countries and masses. They carry moisture to that cause heavy
rainfall to the coastal areas.
Hamattan winds originate from the Alps region of West Europe. They are only dry and cold winds. They
cause little or no rain fall on the landmass of North Africa. Its effects may lead to the afternoon and the
early morning’s rains on the areas near to the Mediterranean Sea.
The South East Trade winds carry the moisture from the Indian Ocean where they come from and drop it
on the Interior of Africa. These winds bring in Rainfall. They are responsible for heavy rain fall received along
Natal province and other parts of the East African Coast.
The North East Trade winds originate from the North East Africa parts of the continent coming from Asia
Continent through Arabian Desert to the Red Sea and they proceed to the whole of Africa.
These winds are forced to rise over the Ethiopian Highlands and form Relief rainfall on the wind ward side.
Winds that proceed to the leeward side of the highland lead to desert conditions in the Northern parts of
Kenya, Somalia, North Eastern Uganda and Sudan because they carry no moisture to the Northern parts of
These winds are partly responsible for the dry conditions and low temperatures during night on the Sahara
Ocean currents are normally warm or cool. Therefore, are named according to the conditions of the
Ocean currents are set in motion by wind system and reduce force.
Ocean currents are cold /cool or warm.
Cold ocean currents originate from the cold parts of the world. (Polar region).
6. Tides;
The sun and the moon exert gravitation and attraction on the earth’s surface this refers to rolling and
following motions to develop on water of large oceans result into movement of ocean currents.
Pastoralism is practiced along the coast bordering cold ocean currents due to arid conditions e.g. the Fulani
of the Sahel in Morocco, the Hottentots of Namibia.
Forestry is done along the coast bordering warm ocean currents e.g. Equatorial rain forests bordering warm
guinea currency favours lumbering.
Growing of coral reefs leading to mining on the east African coast bordering the warm Mozambique
currents has boosted the cement and tourism industry in the region.
Relief is the general description of the landscape. Relief of an area is measured in meters above sea level.
The general landscape is either low, a slope, flat or high i.e. it has valleys, flat lowlands, plateaus, steep slopes, mountains
or highlands, etc.
When winds reach higher elevation up the mountains they condense because of the effect of altitude (the
Higher you go the cooler it becomes) the winds have lost much of its temperatures into the atmosphere. They condense
and become heavy clouds that eventually fall as rains.
As it falls winds are warmed from the ground surface. Warm air holds moisture such that it loses at higher levels, when it
reaches the leeward sides it is dry and absorbs moisture and leaves the place in a dry condition.
Lowland areas do not provide barriers to moving winds since they are flat landscapes, winds just pass and carry along it
any moisture present. They are drier lands in most cases e.g. Sahara Desert
Convectional rainfall:
Is caused by strong heating of the land by solar radiation which sets up rising air currents (convection
Convectional rainfall.
Africa: climate regions of areas with mean annual rainfall of ; over 2000mm, 1000mm and less than
b) (i) Factors which have led to high mean annual rainfall in areas named in (a) (i) above.
This is 2000mm at Equatorial climate regions.
- Proximity to the Equator which causes double maxima rainfall due to influence of the inter-tropical
convergence zone.
- Proximity to warm ocean currents e.g. the Guinea Ocean current which brings moist on-shore winds to west
African coast.
- Proximity to large water bodies like oceans; Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean that lead to influence of land
and sea breeze.
- Presence of trade winds e.g. the NE, SE and SW which blow on show causing rainfall.
- Existence of dense, thick Equatorial and tropical rainforests that are always humid cause convectional
- Existence of many patches of highlands which lead to formation of Relief rainfall, e.g. Drakensburg in South
Africa and Ethiopian highlands.
- Apparent movement of the sun which leads to high evaporation rates causing convectional rainfall.
(iii) Low mean annual rainfall in areas named in (a) (iii) above.
c) Explain the influence of rainfall on human activities in areas marked in (a) above
(i) Influence of heavy rainfall. (Equatorial lands) over 2000mm
Heavy rainfall throughout the year supports the growth of tropical rain forests leading to forestry in the
Heavy rainfall received throughout the year support the growth of perennial crops like rubber, cocoa,
coffee, oil palm, etc.
The double maxima received encourages double cropping (two seasons of farming) of annual crops.
Heavy rainfall encourages growth of forests as habitats for wildlife to promote the development of
There lead to destruction of roads, farmlands, due to boggy conditions and floods.
It encourages severe soil erosion and leaching leading to development of infertile soils.
Encourages rapid growth of destructive pests and diseases that affect crop production.
Leads to rapid growth of weeds which is expensive to maintain by farmers.
ii) Influence of moderate rainfall on human activities in the area. (Savanna lands) 500 –
- Areas of moderate rainfall receive single rainfall peak which lead to cultivation of annual crops like beans,
maize, etc.
- Animal rearing take place due to existing abundant pastures in savanna lands encouraged by rainfall.
- Moderate rainfall encourages wildlife conservation leading to the development of tourism.
(iii) Influence of low mean annual rainfall on human activities. (Semi and desert
Below 500mm.
Low annual rainfall supports pastoralism especially nomadic pastoralism in Sahel areas, Sahara
and Namib Desert areas.
Encourages cultivation of drought resistant crops like millet, sorghum, maize and vegetables.
Promote bee keeping in areas of unreliable rainfall i.e. Apiary.
Encourage wildlife conservation in areas with unreliable rainfall for development of tourism.
Shortage of surface water and pasture during dry seasons leading to death of animals.
Prevalence of destructive pests and diseases e.g. locusts invasion in Niger.
It promotes pastoral communities e.g. the Fulani and other Pastoral tribes.
d) Outline the problems faced by people living in areas receiving mean annual rainfall
of over 2000mm in Africa.
Rapid growth of vegetation leading to high costs of clearance and increased inaccessibility.
Flooding in lowland areas due to numerous rivers destroying life and property.
Landslides are common in areas of heavy rainfall.
Transport difficulties due to muddy roads as a result of heavy rainfall wash away bridges.
Boggy conditions encourage rapid growth of weeds lead to high costs of clearance.
High incidence of destructive pests and diseases that destroy crops.
Heavy leaching lead to low soil fertility.
Presence of dangerous wild animals and vermin in the thick vegetation may lead to threat, death of people
and destruction of people’s crops.
Attract a high population density leading to land fragmentation.
Thunder storms and lightening are associated to heavy rainfall in these areas that is destructive to
people’s lives and their livestock.
Severe soil erosion due to heavy running water from high relief region to lowlands areas during
Equatorial climate extends to the following countries in Africa;
Countries covered by the Congo basin, central Africa republic, the guinea coast, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon,
Southern Nigeria, Benin, Ghana, Togo, Cameroon Ivory coast, and Southern Sudan etc.
QN. Draw the sketch map of Africa and on it mark the above climatic regions;
Study the table below showing climatic statistics of;
(i) Libreville – Gabon:
Months J F M A M J J A S O N D
Temp oc 30 31 31 30 29 28 27 27 28 29 30 30
Rain (mm) 250 250 325 300 213 25 25 25 100 275 380 200
Source: Minns W.J. A Geography of Africa, New Edition Pg 37.
NB: all answers should have units i.e. Rainfall in mm, Temperature in oc
Outline the steps being taken to solve the problems faced by people living in equatorial
Construction of all-weather roads and railways resistant to heavy rains and improve the radar system to air
Construction of hospitals and health centers as treatment for people infected with diseases from poisonous
insects, snake bites, mosquitoes, tsetse flies, etc.
Employing game rangers to gazette dangerous animals in the forests to conservation units.
Deployment of peace keeping forces by UN to push out rebels from the forests, e.g. the UN forces in D.R.
(Savanna climate)
- This climate falls within the transition zone between equatorial climate and the semi desert climate.
- It covers the parts of West Africa, the North East Africa, the Central Africa, that is to say countries like
Zambia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Karoo in South Africa, Northern parts of Nigeria, Burkina Faso, parts of
Niger, parts of Chad.
Factors / conditions that influence the characteristics of tropical climate.
Influence of the ITCZ as the sun over heads the latitudes of tropic of cancer and tropic of Capricorn which
increase temperatures, high evaporation rates, a low pressure zone on land surface and eventually heavy
Influence of the prevailing winds that are attracted by a low pressure zone located in the tropics e.g. the
South East prevailing winds from Indian Ocean or the South West winds from the Atlantic Ocean do lead to
hot temperatures and heavy rainfall formation.
Latitudinal location. Location between the tropic of cancer and tropic of Capricorn which experience the
effects of ITCZ, hot temperatures throughout and low pressure.
Savanna lands are partly near large water bodies like the Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean; these areas
experience the effects of Lake Breeze and land breeze that modify climate.
Proximity to deserts like Sahara and Namib, areas that have scanty vegetation cover, dry winds and
extremely hot sunshine lead to dry savanna lands.
The effect of dense vegetation covers to areas nearer the equatorial climate, lead to evapo-transpiration to
modify the climate by recharging moving winds with moisture.
Human activities which involve; clearing of vegetation and accelerating soil erosion through traditional
farming methods; Pastoralism, over grazing, deforestation etc. lead to the growth of secondary vegetation
and affect the original climate.
Effect of relief: High Mountains influence dry conditions on the lee ward side and also low land areas
experience hot temperatures and have no effect on moving moist winds to cause rain fall in the savanna.
g) Mining of minerals e.g. copper in the Zambia – Zaire copper belt, gold and Diamonds in South Africa,
coal in Zimbabwe, etc.
h) Charcoal burning in the savanna range lands for sale to urban areas to earn income.
i) Hunting of wild animals e.g. Antelopes, Buffalo, rats, etc. for bush meat in the woodlands.
Sample Question:
Study the table below showing climatic statistics and answer the questions that follow.
a) (i) Harare – Zimbabwe.
Months J F M A M J J A S O N D
Temp oc 24 23 22 21 20 18 17 18 20 23 24 24
Rainfall(mm) 200 175 100 25 20 50 100 175
Kano – Nigeria.
Months J F M A M J J A S O N D
Temp oc 22 24 27 32 31 27 26 25 26 26 25 23
Rainfall(mm) 25 75 125 200 150 50 25
a) Draw a suitable graph to represent the information on the table above.
b) Calculate the;
i) Mean Annual Rainfall (MAR)
ii) Mean Monthly Rainfall (MMR)
iii) Mean Annual Temperature (MAT).
iv) Annual Temperature Range. (ATR)
c) Describe the characteristics of the climate at the station.
Note that:
- Both vertical axes should be drawn labeled.
Scale should be marked on both vertical axes for temperature and rainfall on both vertical axes.
Bars for rainfall should be shaded each one alone not combining.
Marking Months on horizontal axes should be done in the mid points NOT at the end.
Plotting temperature line graph should be done using mid-points.
There are two types of deserts in Africa:
a) Hot Continental interior deserts - Sahara Desert.
b) The coastal deserts of western margins or Marine deserts:
Namib Desert in Namibia.
a) Location along the horse latitudes i.e. Tropic of cancer for Sahara Desert and Tropic of Capricorn for Namib Desert
are regions of High Pressure belt where winds blow away causing arid conditions.
b) Continentally i.e. absence of large water bodies within the interior of the continent e.g. the Sahara Desert.
c) Location on the western sides of continents where the winds are off-shore leading to aridity.
d) Rain shadow effects due to presence of the Ethiopian highlands and Drakensburg Mountains in South Africa.
e) Presence of scanty vegetation that limits evapo-transpiration process that would lead to rainfall formation.
f) On shore winds crossing the cool canary and cool Benguela ocean currents bring dry conditions and cool
temperatures to the adjacent areas.
g) Human activities e.g. bush burning; mining can cause greenhouse effects, deforestation, overgrazing etc.
lead dry conditions and hot temperatures.
This is a process by which land becomes increasingly dry until almost no vegetation grows on it, turning into
a desert.
Desertification may mean a decline in the biological or economic productivity of the soil in arid and semiarid
areas resulting from various factors, including human activities and variations in climate.
Desertification refers to the formation and expansion of degraded soil, not to the advancing movement of
the current deserts.
Desertification occurs in cropland (both irrigated and non-irrigated), pasture, and woodlands. Loss of soil,
deterioration of soil, and loss of natural vegetation all lead to desertification.
How Government Is Solving The Problems Affecting Arid And Semi-Arid Areas In
a) Practice a forestation and re-a forestation or planting of trees to restore formation of rainfall.
b) Government has legalized cutting down of trees and gazette forests to conserve trees.
c) Construction of dams to introduce irrigation farming and water reservoirs for human consumption.
d) Construction of boreholes and valley dams to provide water for animals and domestic uses in away reduce
nomadic pastoralist movements and losses.
e) Open up demonstration farms to teach natives, economically viable farming practices, e.g. ranching and
f) Introduce drought resistant and fast maturing crop species as a means to improve on food production.
g) Donation of food to starving communities or food aid by World Food Program.
h) Donations in form of medicine and building hospitals to treat people suffering from malnutrition.
i) Public sensitization extended to the nomads on the need to reduce the size of herds and teach them effects
of over stocking e.g. land degradation, etc.
j) Alternative energy sources be introduced and intensified like solar energy, natural gas, for urban users in
order to save trees.
Study the table showing the climatic statistics of stations under desert climate and answer
questions that follow.
(i) Walvis Bay – Namibian Coast - Desert
Months J F M A M J J A S O N D
Temp oc 18 19 19 18 17 16 16 14 15 17 18 17
Rain (mm) 3 3 7 3 - - - - - - - 3
Source: Africa by Minns Pg 32
Months J F M A M J J A S O N D
Temp oc 12 15 20 25 30 35 37 36 33 26 20 16
Rain(mm) - - 3 10 10 35 85 50 13 12 - -
Source: Africa by Minns Pg 35.
Also is called Warm Temperate western margins.
It is located around the Cape Town region of South Africa and in the northern parts of Morocco, Algeria and
Topic 2: Climate of Africa and climatic Regions .
Study the table below showing the climate of station A and answer the questions below;
Temp oc 12 13 14 16 19 22 25 26 24 21 17 13
b) (i) Mean Annual Temperature.
=Add all the temperature for 12 months in a year
= 222 = 18.5oc = 19oc
(ii) Annual Range of Temperature;
= Highest temp - Lowest temp.
= (26 – 12) oc = 14oc
(iii) Mean Annual Rainfall;
= Add rainfall for 12 months
1 year
1 year
= 773 mm p.a.
Topic 2: Climate of Africa and climatic Regions .
Onshore winds, mostly Trade winds, blow all the year round and so rains fall all year round.
However, these areas lie largely within the tropics and are affected by the same controls as tropical continental climate.
Rainfall is heavier in the hot season (summer) when rain bearing winds are attracted to the inland by low pressure areas.
Temperatures in these areas are very warm through all the year.
Summers are hot and wet while winters are warm and drier.
Temperature ranges are far greater than in equatorial areas but not as great as in savanna lands owing to
modifying effect of the sea.
There are many high mountains and plateaus regions in Africa. This include; the Ethiopian highlands, the
Drakensburg, etc.
Their altitude changes with effects on temperatures.
The size and altitude of mountains affects the distribution of rainfall over large areas.
Temperatures decrease with increasing altitude and thus we find permanent snow and ice on Africa’s highest
Temperatures increase with decreasing altitude; thus we find some of the hottest temperatures on (lowlands)
in Africa in the Danakil desert in Ethiopia where large areas are below sea level.
Temperatures changes by about 2oc for every 300 Metres rise or decrease in altitude.
Mountain ranges and high plateaus cause much of relief rainfall.
The slopes that face rain bearing moist winds are very well watered indeed, but on the far side (leeward side),
away from these winds, there is often much less rainfall.
By the time rain bearing winds reach the peaks of a high mountain, there is little moisture left in the air. Thus
the very tops of these mountains do not receive as much rain / snow as the lower slopes.
As the air falls down other side of the mountain becomes warmer and warm air does not loss its moisture.
Thus the windward slopes are often wet and leeward slopes are often dry. These areas are known as Rain