Cognitive Simplification Operations Improve Text Simplification
Cognitive Simplification Operations Improve Text Simplification
Cognitive Simplification Operations Improve Text Simplification
This goal of CS can also be at odds with TS’s more bility to include the ability to use services, receive
general goal of improving comprehension, such as information, and participate in activities, in addi-
when simplifying an article for school students vs. tion to the more commonly accepted physical abil-
for adults with cognitive disabilities at a similar ity to reach, navigate, and move in a place. This
language proficiency. definition codified the accessibility measure of sim-
As a first step, we explore CS and TS in English, plifying textual information to address the need
and leave exploration of other languages and intra- of people with cognitive disabilities to understand
language comparisons for future work. textual information, i.e., Cognitive Simplification.
There are very few NLP works that tackle CS. Subsequent operationalizations of this notion were
As such, scarce data is available for training po- carried out by Uziel-Karl et al. (2011) and Yalon-
tential CS models. We propose a methodology to Chamovitz et al. (2016). In particular, they empha-
address this gap, by introducing an inductive bias size the need to preserve as much of the meaning
to a model trained on TS, in the form of simplifica- of the original text as possible, without rendering it
tion operations. We propose a set of simplification childish or simplistic, while using the same written
operations based on CS manuals, and show that language as the original text. Although cognitively
adding inductive bias regarding their use improves simplified texts can be easier to read for people
performance on the ASSET test set, compared to a with learning disabilities (such as dyslexia), people
strong baseline model. with learning disabilities are not the main target
In addition, we present an English parallel cor- audience for them.
pus aimed at CS, which we use as a test set.3 We NLP research into TS for people with cognitive
show that when fine-tuning models on TS data, our disabilities is relatively scarce. Most works focus
method improves the models’ SARI score on the on measuring the effect of cognitively simplified
CS dataset, allowing better task adaptation from TS text on the comprehension of people with cognitive
to CS. Finally, we compare how the operations are disabilities (Chen et al., 2017; Rochford, 2021) and
used in the new CS dataset and existing TS corpora, without them (Djamasbi et al., 2016b,a). A differ-
and show that CS differs from TS not only in goal, ent line of work explored how people with different
but also in data statistics. cognition react to texts at different simplification
levels (Yaneva et al., 2016).
2 Cognitive Simplification
Several works (Feng, 2009; Yaneva et al., 2016)
The field of cognitive accessibility (Yalon- detail parallel corpora of regular and EasyRead
Chamovitz, 2009) is derived from defining accessi- documents, documents that are created via the pro-
cess of CS. Although these works provide details
This dataset, together with all our code, is publicly avail-
able under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 on GitHub and huggingface regarding linguistic phenomena in their corpora,
datasets. we were not able to find any of the corpora detailed
therein to run evaluations on. In addition, we were NewselaAuto, created by Jiang et al. (2020) by us-
not able to find any recent works that report results ing a neural CRF sentence alignment model. Both
on these corpora, using neural techniques for TS. are split into training and validation sets. To train
Although some preliminary works reference the their neural CRF aligner, Jiang et al. (2020) also
use of contemporary NLP methods for CS to gener- compiled two manually aligned datasets, WikiMan-
ate simplification examples (e.g., Rochford, 2021), ual and NewselaManual, split into development,
to the best of our knowledge none provide details train, and test sets.
regarding the model used, model hyperparameter The two main datasets used for validation and
choices, and evaluation methodology. As such, we evaluation of TS models are Turkcorpus (Xu et al.,
consider our work to be one of the first to tackle 2016) and ASSET (Alva-Manchego et al., 2020a).
CS as a rigorous, distinct NLP task.4 Both contain multiple references for each source
Two other tasks that are related to CS, and use sentence (8 and 10 respectively). They are crowd-
contemporary NLP methods, are text2picto (Sev- sourced and validated professionally.
ens et al., 2017; Vandeghinste et al., 2017) and The main metric used for evaluating TS models
picto2text (Sevens et al., 2015). These are the tasks is SARI (Xu et al., 2016), which is computed based
of converting text to the Sclera5 and Beta6 pic- on three token-level operations: ADD, KEEP, and
togram languages, designed for people with IDD DELETE. For the full calculation, see Appendix D.
(intellectual or developmental disabilities), and vise Many previous works in TS also report BLEU
versa. While the output of both tasks can improve (Papineni et al., 2002). However, several works
access to information for people with cognitive dis- (Sulem et al., 2018; Xu et al., 2016), have shown
abilities, we believe this task to be distinct from CS that BLEU scores are not suitable for the evaluation
and especially TS, that focus on written and spoken of TS models. Nevertheless, BLEU is still reported,
language. and so we also report it for completeness.
3 Other Related Work A contemporaneous work (Alva-Manchego
et al., 2021) argued for the value of manual evalua-
We would like to highlight key points from Alva- tion in TS rather than automatic metrics. We defer
Manchego et al. (2020b) relevant to our work that this exploration for CS for future work.
relate to training and evaluation datasets and evalu- Recent works have proposed methods to con-
ation metrics. trol TS outputs by prepending special tokens to
The main datasets used to train and evaluate TS the input of a TS model, in a similar manner to
models are WikiLarge (Zhang and Lapata, 2017) the one explored in this work. Such control allows
and Newsela (Xu et al., 2015). Both corpora adjusting the model’s outputs to different target
contain matching complex-simple document pairs, audiences, and to control what aspects of the sim-
whose sentences are automatically or manually plification process are applied. ACCESS (Martin
aligned to create the datasets. In WikiLarge, the et al., 2020a), and MUSS (Martin et al., 2020b)
matching document pairs are taken from English both use four structural features of the input-output
Wikipedia7 and Simple English Wikipedia,8 that pairs to define what tokens to prepend during train-
aims to be more accessible to people with lower En- ing, and at inference they predefine which tokens
glish skills, mainly language learners. In Newsela,9 to use for all inputs. Sheang and Saggion (2021)
the matching document pairs are articles written add a fifth token to this methodology. Scarton and
professionally at four different reading levels, and Specia (2018) use a combination of tokens to spec-
are originally intended to be used to teach language ify the type of simplification to perform and the
skills at different school grade levels. grade level to which to simplify to. Similarly to
The latest training datasets, and the current de these works, we also define special tokens to add
facto standard for TS training, are WikiAuto and to the input at training, while at inference we take
4 a different approach (see §6).
Contemporaneous work by Rennes (2022) also addresses
TS for people with cognitive disabilities in Swedish. Other recent work on TS focuses on particu-
5 lar simplification operations (Zhong et al., 2020;
Srikanth and Li, 2021), or on combining different
8 operation modules in a joint model (Maddela et al.,
9 2021). Srikanth and Li (2021) define Elaborative
Simplification as simplification by adding informa- independent sources (the CS manuals) and focus on
tion to the source text, rather than just removing intra- and inter-sentence operations applied mainly
redundant information. This aligns with some of to a SI. §5.1 provides theoretical definitions for
our proposed simplification operations (Adding In- each operation. §5.2 describes how we integrate
formation and Explicitation, see §5.1). Similarly, operations into a TS model.
Zhong et al. (2020) focus on whole sentence dele-
tion, which aligns with some operations from our 5.1 Definitions
proposed list (Deleting information, and Opera- Below is the list of definitions for the main types
tions on Sentences). Maddela et al. (2021) combine of simplification operations.
a module for sentence deletion and splitting with 1. Proximation: Reduces ambiguity in the
a paraphrasing module to generate final simplifica- source by making references in the text
tions. We discuss all three operations in §5.1. “closer” to the reader, such as converting a
3rd person point of view to 1st person’s.
4 Our Approach 2. Rephrasing: Modifying the words used in the
To learn how to simplify a text, a model needs to source such that simpler words and phrases
learn what types of modifications to apply to the are used in the target instead of complex, am-
input and how to apply each one. These modifi- biguous, and hard to understand ones.
cations can be categorized into operations. More- 3. Deleting Information: Removing words and
over, since TS has multiple large-scale datasets information from the source via summariza-
commonly used for training, while there are hardly tion or deletion, to reduce the overall informa-
any such datasets for CS, incorporation of some tion load on the reader.
form of CS-focused inductive bias into a TS-trained 4. Adding Information: Adding information to
model would be useful to allow it to adapt to the the target of a SI, that did not appear implicitly
CS task. The inductive bias could also be useful or explicitly in the source, mainly through
for improving TS on its own, given the similarities generating relevant examples.
between the two tasks (see §7 and §8). 5. Explicitation: Explicitly stating or explain-
As such, our hypothesis is that a TS-trained ing implied knowledge and information from
model that was trained to be aware of the use of the source11 , and explicitly resolving pro-
CS simplification operations, will perform better at nouns and co-references in the target.
TS and adapt better to CS than a model that was 6. Intra-Sentence Rearrangement: Reorder
trained end-to-end. We will now turn to testing this the information content and words of a sen-
hypothesis empirically. tence into a logical and easily followed order.
7. Operations on Sentences: Operations that
5 Simplification Operations apply to a whole sentence, including Sentence
Splitting and Sentence Reordering.
We adapt existing CS manuals (PLAIN, 2011a,b;
8. Document-Level Operations: Operations
U.S. OPM, 2011a,b; U.S. Dep. HHS, 2020; Uziel-
that are applied to a document level, including
Karl et al., 2011) into a list of eight main types
paragraph reordering, and whole paragraph
of simplification operations. Seven of these apply
to the simplification instance (SI) level, and the
In this paper we focus on the first seven operations.
final main type applies to a whole document. An
All the operations described above make texts
SI is a set of one or more sentences in regular lan-
easier to understand for any reader (PLAIN, 2011a;
guage (source) aligned to one or more sentences
Uziel-Karl et al., 2011). They are especially impor-
in simplified language (target).10 Each main type
tant for people with cognitive disabilities, as each in
of operation has multiple sub-operations. For full
their own way reduces the “mental load” required
details, see Appendix A.
from a reader to understand a given text. For exam-
Previous work define different lists of simpli-
ple, “Adding Information” by providing examples
fication operations (Caseli et al., 2009; Bott and
makes general or abstract concepts more concrete
Saggion, 2011) or focus on word-level opera-
to a reader; “Explicitation” by clearly stating im-
tions (KEEP, ADD, DELETE and sometimes also
MOVE (Dong et al., 2019)). Our list is based on Explicitation is different from Adding Information since
the information that appears “new” in the target is actually
See Alva-Manchego et al. (2020b), section 2.1.1. implied to be understood by all readers in the source.
Task Train Model SARI ADD KEEP DELETE BLEU % Ident.
GEM T5Base 30.35 3.11 62.24 25.7 0.898 40.66%
GEM BART-Base 32.16 3.11 62.17 31.21 0.888 38.16%
T5Large 32.92 2.92 61.70 34.12 0.901 39.28%
T5Large+Classifier♠,♠ 36.90 4.73 61.10 44.87 0.855 23.68%
TS T5Base∗ 32.01 3.04 61.96 31.05 0.903 35.93%
38.13 4.55 61.20 48.65 0.860 23.68%
BART-Large♠ 36.05 4.61 61.82 41.71 0.857 19.22%
BART-Large+Classifier†,♠ 38.76 4.73 60.78 50.78 0.845 11.70%
BART-Base 32.43 3.24 61.91 32.13 0.885 33.70%
BART-Base+Classifier♠,♠ 37.22 3.87 61.93 45.86 0.874 25.91%
GEM T5Base 19.09 1.45 41.64 14.18 0.234 70.71%
GEM BART-Base 21.77 2.43 42.63 20.24 0.238 64.17%
T5Large 20.02 1.67 41.38 17.01 0.231 68.54%
T5Large+Classifier∗,∗ 21.71 2.74 41.81 20.58 0.229 57.94%
CS T5Base 20.66 2.04 41.86 18.07 0.237 68.22%
Table 1: Results for all models trained on WikiAuto (Jiang et al., 2020) and the GEM baseline models (Gehrmann
et al., 2021). Metrics include SARI and the percentage of identical generations (% Ident.). We also report BLEU for
completeness (see text). The highest SARI scores for each fine-tuning setting are boldfaced. We tested significance
for the overall SARI scores using Wilcoxon Signed-Rank tests (Wilcoxon, 1945) in two settings. First, for each
model type and size, we compared the vanilla model and the matching +Classifier model. Second, compared each
GEM baseline model with other models of matching types (T5 and BART). We did so for both TS and CS. Scores
with ρ < 0.00001, ρ < 0.001, and ρ < 0.01 are marked with ♠ , † , and ∗ respectively. We mark each +Classifier
model with two symbols, respectively for each significance test setting. E.g., in CS, BART-Base+Classifier is not
significantly better than BART-Base, but has ρ < 0.001 when testing against GEM BART-Base.
plied prior knowledge eliminates the need to query to <PROX>; Rephrasing to <REPHRASE>; Delet-
that knowledge from memory; and “Proximation” ing Information to <DEL>; Adding Information to
by changing passive voice to active voice makes a <ADD> and <EXAMPLE>; Explicitation to <ADD>,
sentence easier to follow, since “Active voice makes <EXPLAIN>, and <EXPLICIT>; Intra-sentence Re-
it clear who is supposed to do what.”.12 arrangement to <REORDER>; and Operations on
Sentences to <REORDER> and <SPLIT>. For a full
5.2 Special Tokens for Operations description on the rules used to identify each token,
This section describes a method for introducing see Appendix B.
inductive bias regarding the use of operations to a While the use of simple rules to assign opera-
TS model. For each operation, we create a special tion tokens to SIs is noisy, we see its quality as
token that is added to an SI such that the model sufficient for testing our main hypothesis, namely
would learn to predict the token at inference. See about the value of the inductive bias implied by the
Figure 1 for an example. For each operation, we operations. We do not stipulate that our operation
formulate simple rules that can be applied automat- classification is optimal, and leave the exploration
ically to determine whether it took place in a given of more sophisticated methods for future work.
SI. These rules depend on the source and target To validate our automatic operation token assign-
together, and cannot be discerned deterministically ment, we asked an in-house human annotator to
based on the source. To prevent overlap between manually assign operation tokens to 50 random SIs
operations that share similar indicators, such as from the WikiAuto training set according to their
Adding Information and Explicitation (when stat- definition in §5.1. Using these labels as ground
ing implied prior knowledge), we map the first truth, our automatic identification rules achieve a
seven operations into 9 unique tokens: Proximation micro precision, recall, and F1 scores of 60.3%,
Federal Plain Language Guide, Section III.a.1., (PLAIN, 90.1%, and 72.2% respectively. The main fall in
2011b) F-score is the accuracy of the <ADD> operation,
which is assigned by an admittedly over-simplistic source text, and the target output is the correct sim-
rule. The two other most frequent operations have plified sentence. This is the standard methodology
F-scores of around 90%. For further details, see used to train TS models. In the +Classifier setting,
Appendix F. our goal is to force the model to predict simplifica-
We further validated the reliability of the anno- tion operations while simplifying the source sen-
tation by assigning a co-author of this paper to tence. For each model architecture this is achieved
independently complete the same manual anno- differently. For T5, since you can bind particular
tation task. This resulted in a remarkably high masking tokens to particular spans of the input, we
inter-annotator agreement. Indeed, measured by format the input and target for the model such that a
Cohen’s κ, we get an agreement of κ = 0.84 for mask is bound to the operation tokens and the target
the <REPHRASE> operation, and perfect agreement remains the simplification. For BART, since masks
for other operations. Taken together, these scores cannot be bound to particular spans, we prepend a
indicate the reliability of the automatic token as- masking token to the source and prepend the sim-
signment we employ, at least at the aggregate level. plification operations to the target. We illustrate
both methods in Figure 1.
6 Simplification Experiments All models are fine-tuned on a single 24GB
RAM GPU for 3 epochs, using a constant learning
We use the huggingface13 API to fine-tune pre-
rate of 10−4 and the Adafactor optimizer (Shazeer
trained language models. We select T5 (Raffel
and Stern, 2018). At inference, we use beam search
et al., 2020) and BART (Lewis et al., 2020) model
with 4 beams and early stopping. We do not per-
architectures of two sizes each, Base and Large,
form hyperparameter tuning. Due to computational
to align with the recently published GEM bench-
limitations, we train one model of each (architec-
mark’s (Gehrmann et al., 2021) official baseline
ture, size, type, training data) combination.
for TS that uses these two model architectures. In
We also compare each model architecture
addition, we wanted to test if results are consistent
against the respective GEM baseline using a note-
across model architectures.
book provided by the original authors.
6.1 Training Setting
6.2 Evaluation Datasets
The main dataset we use for fine-tuning is Wiki-
Auto (Jiang et al., 2020), the automatic align- All models are evaluated on the ASSET (Alva-
ment of WikiLarge (Zhang and Lapata, 2017). Manchego et al., 2020a) test set, which contains
This dataset contains 483802/20000 SIs for train- 359 SIs. This is the standard dataset for evaluating
ing/validation respectively, and is the standard TS models, since it provides multiple reference sim-
dataset used in recent works for TS training. This plifications for each source sentence. The way we
is also the training set used in the GEM benchmark. decided whether a particular operation is applied to
We also experiment with a non-standard train- a source sentence in ASSET is by majority of the
ing setting, using the manually aligned datasets ten references, meaning, we consider an operation
WikiManual and NewselaManual from Jiang et al. taking place only if more than 50% of annotators
(2020), who used these datasets to train their re- in ASSET used it in their simplifications of that
spective automatic alignment models for the Wiki- source. In Appendix H we provide more details on
Large and Newsela corpora. We experiment with the counts of actions in each dataset.
this setting since both datasets as well as our new In addition, we evaluate each model on a new
CS dataset are manually aligned, and manual align- Cognitive Simplification test set, called FestAbil-
ments can potentially capture more complex simpli- ity Transcripts. This dataset contains aligned tran-
fication phenomena. This dataset has 11728/1418 scripts of the virtual accessibility conference Fes-
SIs in training/validation sets. tAbility14 held in 2020 during the COVID-19 pan-
demic. The conference was simplified live accord-
Models. For each model architecture and size, ing to the Yalon Method15 , and the transcripts were
and each dataset, we fine-tune the model on two manually aligned by the authors to create 321 SIs.
different settings: baseline and +Classifier. In the We use this dataset to test each model’s perfor-
baseline setting, the model receives as input the
13 15
mance in adapting from a TS setting to a CS one. Focusing on CS performance, we find that the
Table 2 provides some details into the content of +Classifier variants achieved superior results for all
this dataset. model architectures and sizes. The improvement
differs by architecture and size, with the largest
Metric Value difference being of 5.74 SARI point for the T5Base
Unique Tokens – source 1452 models trained on WikiAuto. The best performance
Unique Tokens – target 996 is again obtained by the BART-Large+Classifier
Shared Tokens 798 model, and is at least 2.01 SARI points higher than
TER 0.92 the score obtained by any baseline variant.
Token Length Ratio 0.95 With respect to the Manual dataset training set-
Nbchars Ratio 1.14 ting, we see similar trends. In particular, the
Levinstein Similarity 46.29 +Classifier models outperform baseline models,
Wordrank Ratio 0.83 and the best performing model is still BART-
Deptree Depth Ratio 1.11 Large+Classifier. Due to space limitations, we
Table 2: Details for the new FestAbility Dataset. Us- discuss the results on this dataset in Appendix C.
ing a SentencePiece tokenizer, we report the number Taken together, our results demonstrate the ef-
of unique tokens in the source sentences and the tar- fectiveness of incorporating inductive bias using
get simplifications, and the number of shared tokens simplification operations for both TS and CS.
between them. We also report the four metrics from
Martin et al. (2020a,b) for future comparisons between
In order to ensure that the experimental setup we
FestAbility and other datasets. use is comparable in performance with the standard
practice in the field of TS, we experiment with the
original GEM baseline code-base, and our hyperpa-
We report SARI16 (Xu et al., 2016) for each
rameter settings were chosen according to it. The
model on each test set, and we also report sep-
results of models trained according to this code-
arately the scores for each token-level operation
base are indeed comparable to models of matching
(ADD, KEEP, DELETE) that are averaged together
sizes of the baseline variants.
to compute SARI. For completeness, we report
We further validated our results with significance
BLEU scores for each model as well. However, we
tests, following the guidelines of Dror et al. (2018).
should note that according to Sulem et al. (2018)
We used the Wilcoxon Signed-Ranked (Wilcoxon,
and Alva-Manchego et al. (2021), BLEU is not a
1945) test as our main significance test. We com-
suitable metric for evaluating text simplification
pared each vanilla and +Classifier model pair, and
models. We also report what percentage of test
also each model of a particular type (T5 and BART)
outputs are identical to the source for each model.
to their respective GEM baselines. The results are
shown in Table 1. Almost all tests, with only six
7 Results
exceptions, are significant with at least ρ < 0.01
Our main results are presented in Table 1. Re- and most with ρ < 0.00001. These results further
sults on TS show that when trained on the stan- support the validity of our analysis.
dard WikiAuto dataset, the +Classifier variant of We attribute the improved performance of all
a model outperforms the baseline’s SARI score in +Classifier models to improvements in the token-
all cases, with 3.98 points for T5Large, 6.12 points level operations scores for ADD and DELETE.
for T5Base, 2.71 points for BART-Large, and 4.79 In the standard training setting on WikiAuto, all
points for BART-Base. These are substantial im- +Classifier models achieve substantially higher
provements, considerably larger than differences ADD and DELETE scores than their same-sized
in SARI scores between model sizes of the same baseline counterparts, while all models achieve sim-
variant, except for the BART baseline models. The ilar KEEP scores. Interestingly, for the BART mod-
difference between the T5 baseline models is 0.91 els, the difference in ADD scores is less substantial
points, T5+Classifier models is 1.23, the BART than for the T5 models.
baseline is 3.62 points, and the BART+Classifier
models is 1.54 points. 8 Simplification Dataset Comparison
Using the EASSE (Alva-Manchego et al., 2019) imple- We compare simplification datasets with respect to
mentation of the metric. how the simplification operations are used in each.
(a) JSD distances between distributions (b) `2 distances between correlation matrices
Figure 2: Heatmaps of the distances between dataset sub-sets. We shorten dataset names as follows:
FA=FestAbility, NewM=NewselaManual, WikiM/A=WikiManual/Auto. The final two letters signify ts=test,
vl=valid, dv=dev, and tr=train sets. For each sub-set pair, we report the numerical distance in the matching cell.
We show that simplification operations can also be JSD < 0.1 from one another, which is not a large
used to better characterize such datasets. distance. However, we are still able to see dis-
We analyze all available sub-sets (development, tinct clusters for each dataset, with subsets having
train, validation, and test) of all datasets, to provide JSD < 0.04 within clusters and JSD > 0.04
a fine-grained analysis. We consider test sub-sets to other sub-sets.18 Interestingly, WikiAuto-test
of datasets, to better understand the results of §7. is closer to the WikiManual cluster than it is to
This analysis was done after-the-fact, and did not WikiAuto-valid, which could be explained by the
influence the development of the models.17 fact that WikiAuto was created based on the match-
The results presented in this section show that ing of complex-simple sentences presented in Wiki-
CS is different from TS in how the operations are Manual. In addition, WikiAuto-valid and ASSET-
applied. They also surface the known relationships valid appear to be identical, which could be ex-
between the datasets, validating our analysis. We plained by the fact that the source for ASSET-valid
believe that this type of aggregate analysis can be was taken from WikiAuto-valid. Regarding the
confidently performed given the validation at the CS dataset FestAbility, it is JSD > 0.07 from
end of §5.2, but acknowledge that the token assign- all other sub-sets, and is the farthest sub-set from
ment is noisy. WikiAuto, ASSET, and WikiManual clusters, and
To understand how each simplification operation the second or third farthest from sub-sets in the
is applied individually, we compute the frequency NewselaManual cluster.
with which each operation is applied in a given To understand how simplification operation are
sub-set. These frequencies can be viewed as defin- applied together, we computed the Pearson corre-
ing random variables XoS , stating the probability lations of the co-occurrence of each operation pair
that each simplification operation o is used in a in a given subset S, to create a correlation matrix
particular SI in sub-set S. As such, to understand M S . We then computed the pair-wise `2 -distance
the distance between sub-sets with respect to the between matrices. Results are in Figure 2b.
individual application of each operation, we can As can be seen in Figure 2b, the clusters of clos-
compute the mean Jensen-Shannon distance (Lin, est sub-sets are maintained for NewselaManual,
1991; Fuglede and Topsoe, 2004) (which we mark and for ASSET and WikiAuto-val , while the sub-
JSD) between matching random variables in dif- sets of WikiManual are no longer closest to one
ferent sub-sets. For further details on the action another. Also, WikiAuto-train is similarly distant
distributions for each dataset, see Appendix H. from both WikiAuto-val and the WikiManual sub-
As can be seen in Figure 2a, all sub-sets have sets, unlike when comparing with JSD. In this
17 18
We analyze the test sets also because the CS dataset only For reference, if p = (0.557, 0.443) and q = (0.5, 0.5),
contains a test set at this point, due to their small size. then JSD(p, q) = 0.0403.
setting, the FestAbility dataset is the most distant than their baseline counterparts on TS.
sub-set from all other sub-sets, with d`2 > 0.88 We believe that comparing how simplification
from all of them. All other sub-sets are d`2 < 0.75 operations are applied in different languages can
from one another, except NewselaManual-test from provide valuable insights into understanding the
WikiAuto-train and WikiManual-test with d`2 = task of Text Simplification better. Future work will
0.85 and d`2 = 0.88 respectively. further explore the relation between the distribution
Taken together, these results show that while of operations and the ability of the model to gen-
each individual operation is applied with similar eralize to different domains and task formulations.
probability in every dataset, the operations are ap- Such an inquiry may reveal that simplification op-
plied together differently. In CS in particular, they erations provide not only inductive bias, but also an
are applied in a more distinct fashion than in TS. analytical tool for comparing datasets and variants
The difference in operation application could be of TS. There are TS datasets in many languages,
attributed to the different domains from which each including Swedish (Rennes and Jönsson, 2015),
dataset pulls its sentences. In our CS dataset, all Spanish (Saggion et al., 2015), German (Säuberli
sentences are transcripts of human speech, taken et al., 2020; Battisti et al., 2020), Danish (Klerke
from a formal conference. Thus, they may contain and Søgaard, 2012), Portuguese (Leal et al., 2018),
more informal language than a Wikipedia article. and Russian (Dmitrieva and Tiedemann, 2021). We
Given our datasets, we therefore cannot differen- plan to compare these datasets in terms of their
tiate between domain difference and task differ- distribution of operations, so as to empirically char-
ence. However, we are currently compiling a larger acterize whether the notion of text simplification
dataset for CS that contains more formal language, implicit in these datasets is similar or not.
that will enable such analysis. We hope that our findings will spark interest
The analysis here can provide additional insight in CS, as there is much more to solve in creating
as to the performance patterns of the different mod- automatic simplification systems for people with
els (§7). Since each operation is applied individu- cognitive disabilities. As stated above, we are cur-
ally under a similar distribution in TS and CS, the rently working on compiling a larger and more
+Classifier models could have potentially learned robust CS dataset, that will enable improvements
indicators of when to apply each action individu- in CS technology, and allow to tease apart domain
ally when training on TS. This could have been effects in the differences between TS and CS from
useful when adapting to CS, especially given that more fundamental differences between the tasks.
the operations co-occur differently in TS and CS.
Ethical Considerations
9 Conclusion and Future Work Use of existing datasets. The WikiAuto, Wiki-
Manual (Jiang et al., 2020), and ASSET (Alva-
We formulated the task of Cognitive Simplification
Manchego et al., 2020a) datasets are publicly avail-
as an NLP task, and discussed its similarities and
able. We took the WikiAuto and ASSET from
dissimilarities from the well-researched task of TS.
the huggingface dataset hub,19 and WikiManual
The two tasks are similar in the types of simplifica-
from the authors’ GitHub.20 We used and received
tion operations that are applied in each, and differ-
access to Newsela with accordance to Newsela’s
ent in the distribution in which the operations are
terms of service.
applied. They also differ in their target audience,
at least when using standard datasets. We further The released FestAbility dataset. The FestAbil-
release with this paper a readily available dataset ity conference is available for viewing online, and
directed at CS, providing a test set to evaluate CS we received approval to redistribute the simplifi-
models on. cations and transcripts from the organization that
Attempting to overcome the absence of training simplified the conference.21 The text in these tran-
data for CS, we showed that by introducing to a scripts deals with the following subjects: rights of
TS-trained model inductive bias as to the simplifi- people with cognitive disabilities, arts and perform-
cation operations that need to be performed on the ing arts in particular, accessibility, and personal
input, the model is able to better adapt to CS. We 19
also showed that TS-trained models that are trained 20
to predict simplification operations perform better
stories. None of the text is offensive or discrimina- Using additional datasets. Although we did
tory in any way. Free public access to this dataset is get permission to use NewselaAuto as a training
available for future research under CC BY-NC-SA dataset, we did not train models with that dataset
4.0 on GitHub at https:/ to report results on. The reasoning behind this de-
CognitiveSimplification and as a huggingface cision that we wanted the main results of this paper
dataset at to be easily reproducible, and while WikiAuto is
eytanc/FestAbilityTranscripts. readily available for use by all, access to Newsela
is provided under a restrictive license.
Ethical risks. We do not see any immediate ad-
verse effects that our methodology and dataset can Adding simplification operations. The method-
lead to. On the contrary, further research into CS ology proposed in the paper to add simplification
from an NLP context can only provide benefits to operations to SI uses simplistic rules to do so.
people with cognitive disabilities. Some of the operations can be quite difficult to
identify, even for humans. We believe that there
Other Considerations Gooding (2022) recently probably is a better methodology for identifying
presented multiple different ethical considerations the simplification operations, and leave identifying
for text simplification research. These include stat- such a methodology for future research.
ing explicitly the target audience for TS, using ap-
propriate datasets, and evaluating using appropriate
measures, among others. While contemporane- This work was partially supported by the Israel Sci-
ous, our paper aligns with the claims that Gooding ence Foundation (grant No. 929/17). We would
(2022) present with how we define the task of CS. like to thank Prof. Shira Yalon-Chamovitz for help-
Furthermore, the methodology presented in §8 can ful discussions and for providing us with the cogni-
be used to empirically measure some of the risks tive simplification guidelines and data. We would
presented in Section 3 of Gooding (2022). like to thank the authors of the GEM baseline for
simplification, for providing the source code used
Limitations to train their baseline models. We would also like
to acknowledge the Adi Lautman Interdisciplinary
Computational limitations. Each model trained Program, for providing the fertile ground in which
in §6 requires a long time to train on the largest the initial idea for this project grew.
GPU available to the authors, with the largest mod-
els taking several days to complete the training. See
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Wei Xu, Chris Callison-Burch, and Courtney Napoles. this is the list provided in the main paper. In here,
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Linguistics, 4:401–415. CS. In addition, we also describe “Document Level”
operations. These “Document Level” operations pler words and simpler phrases makes the text
are not distinct to CS, but have an important role easier to understand for people with lower
in that task. language comprehension skills, such as those
For each operation, we also describe what type with cognitive disabilities. A rephrasing can
of modification to the source of a SI is this op- be finding a simple synonym to a complex
eration aimed at: a modification of its syntactic word, but also converting words to phrases
structure or the modification of its lexical content and vise-versa. Since Rephrasing changes the
(i.e., the words used in the SI). We deem the former words used in a sentence, it is a lexical modi-
a structural modification, and the latter a lexical fication.
modification. Some operations perform both, but
in such cases we chose to assign the type of modi- 3. Deleting Information: A main part of sim-
fication that subsumes the other. For example, Sen- plifying a text is deciding which information
tence Splitting is a structural modification, since is irrelevant or surplus to a reader’s compre-
it aims to modify the structure of the original text hension, and removing it from the text. By
by splitting a sentence into two or more sentences lowering the information load on the reader,
in the simplification. This structural change might his or her ability to comprehend the text in-
require changing words used in the target (i.e., a creases. Deleting Information comes in two
lexical modification) but those changes are part of main types, Removal and Summarization. We
the structural modification. chose to assign both into Deleting Informa-
tion, since in both some of the information
1. Proximation: Proximation is the process of content24 of the source is lost in the target,
making references in the text closer to the either directly (Removal) or indirectly (Sum-
reader, meaning explicit and more relatable. marization).
This can be by changing the point of view of Deleting Information is a lexical modification.
the sentence from 3rd to 2nd and/or 1st per-
son, by changing the tenses of verbs to easier 4. Adding Information: This operation in-
to understand tenses22 , or by converting Pas- cludes adding information to the simplifica-
sive voiced sentences to Active voiced ones23 . tion that never appeared in the source. It in-
This reduces the potential ambiguity in the cludes only one sub-operation, Example Gen-
source and makes the target more personal, eration, since this is the only type of novel
and thus more easily understood to people information that can appear in the target of
with cognitive disabilities. an SI. Any other apparent “new information”
Proximation, and all of its sub operations, are is usually implicit information that is part of
structural modifications, since their goal is to the source, and requires Explicitation in the
transform the syntax of the sentence (tense, target.
voice, etc.). However, finding precise distinctions between
new information in the target that is 100%
2. Rephrasing: Modifying the words used in the
new and new information in the target that
source such that simpler words and phrases
is implicit information from the source is a
are used in the target instead of complex, am-
difficult task. As such, we chose to have a
biguous, and hard to understand ones. Sim-
general “Adding Information” operation for
For example, Present Tenses are generally easier to com- exactly the type of new information in the tar-
prehend than Future Tenses. Another example: in English, get that cannot be precisely associated either
Perfect Tenses harder to understand and should usually be
converted to other tenses. as an Explicitation or Example Generation.
Multiple CS manuals state that sentences with an active
voice are easier to understand than sentences in passive voice
Adding information is a lexical modification.
(PLAIN, 2011b; Uziel-Karl et al., 2011). From the Federal
Plain Language Guide, Section III.a.1.i, page 20: “Active 5. Explicitation: Many of the texts we read con-
voice makes it clear who is supposed to do what. It eliminates tain implicit information that the writer as-
ambiguity about responsibilities. Not “It must be done.”, but
“You must do it.”. Passive voice obscures who is responsible sumes the reader has prior knowledge of. Dur-
for what ...”. Uziel-Karl et al. (2011) even explicitly state that ing simplification, this implicit information
every passive voiced sentence needs to be converted to active
voice. See subsection A.1 for a discussion on this topic
will need an explanation or elaboration upon, whole sentence that is part of a SI, rather than
so that the reader can understand the text. applying to an internal part of a sentence. This
This could be achieved by Explanation Gen- includes Sentence Splitting, and also Sentence
eration: explaining the meaning of particular Reordering.
terms and phrases, or explicitly stating the Splitting long sentences into shorter ones
logic and reasoning behind a particular pas- makes texts easier to comprehend by reducing
sage in the text. These explanations are crucial the information load of each sentence. Rear-
for people with cognitive disabilities to under- ranging the sentences of a paragraph into a
stand texts, since they sometimes lack prior correct logical/temporal order also makes a
common knowledge in many domains. text easier to comprehend, for the same rea-
We consider both Explanation Generation and sons explained above in Intra-Sentence Rear-
Example Generation (from the previous main rangement.
operation) to be forms of Elaborative Simpli- Sentence Operations are structural modifica-
fication (Srikanth and Li, 2021). We create tions.
a distinction between the two to differentiate
between “new information” in the simplifica- 8. Document Level Operations26 : In some
tion that is from the implicit information of cases, when simplifying long texts organized
the source and “new information” from the as documents and/or documents with subsec-
potentially relevant information of the source. tions, more overarching operations need to be
See subsection A.1. applied. These are almost always modifica-
In addition, the source might contain pronouns tion of structure, since information needs to
that the writer assumes their co-references can be ordered correctly, as explained in the previ-
be resolved easily from the text. However, in ous two Main Action types. This can include
most cases, people with cognitive disabilities full chapter/sub-document reordering and full
would not necessarily be able to resolve pro- paragraph reordering, but can also cross para-
noun co-references. As such, most pronouns graph reordering of sentences and paragraph
should be converted in the target to their ex- splitting.
plicit references. This is Pronoun Explicita- In addition, there are lexical modifications that
tion. we consider a Document Level Operations.
Both types of Explicitation are lexical modifi- These are Adding Paragraphs and Adding
cations. Chapters that didn’t exist in the original docu-
ment, and Deleting Paragraphs and Deleting
6. Intra-Sentence Rearrangement: At times, Chapters from the original document. The
the clauses of a sentence can be ordered in additions of paragraphs or chapters usually
such a way that make it harder to comprehend explain particular concepts or ideas crucial to
due to its clauses being out of the “correct” comprehending the document, while deleting
logical order. In addition, for many reasons, paragraphs or chapters in their entirety is usu-
the ordering of the subject, verb, and object ally because the information they provide is
can be out of the “correct” order. When in- not crucial for comprehending the main idea
formation is presented out of order, it makes of the document.
the text harder to comprehend, especially for
people with cognitive disabilities. Semantic
Rearrangement is presenting the information A.1 Modifying the Information Content of
content of a sentence in the source of an SI in Simplification Instances
a logical and easily followed order, and is a We would like to propose a clear definition of how
structural modification. 25 the information content of a text is modified during
7. Operations on Sentences: There are often the process of simplification. For this, we define
simplification operations that are applied on a the explicit information content of a text as being
25 26
This passage is written on purpose in a convoluted order, As stated in the main paper, we focus mainly on the SI
to demonstrate to the reader the importance of order to text operations, and less on the document level operations. We still
comprehension. state them here to present a complete picture.
(a) Source (b) Target
Figure 3: Diagrams showing the transformation of Information Content between the Source and Target in a simpli-
fication instance.
the information that is encoded by the exact words TS, in which the distance between explicit and im-
of the text. Each text, in addition to the information plicit information content is minimized, but not to
explicitly stated by words used in the text, also en- the maximal degree.
codes implicit information about those words and
the subjects they describe. This includes assumed B Special Token Identification
prior knowledge related to the subject of the text
Each of the operations described in Appendix A
or the use of phrases in it, references to other parts
can be potentially identified using multiple differ-
of the text, understanding the logic and reasoning
ent methods. In this appendix we describe how
behind the information described in the text, and
we identified each operation and sub-operation in
more. The potentially relevant information can be
order to prepend the relevant special token as seen
defined as all the potential utterances that describe
in Figure 1.
information and knowledge that can be relevant to
a particular text. This information is not explicitly For the scope of this work, we chose to use de-
stated in the source or needs to be implied to under- terministic heuristics that can be applied automat-
stand it, and if the information appears in the target, ically. Although they create noisy classifications,
the decision to include the particular utterance can’t we chose the heuristics such that hey have an em-
be uniquely predicted given the source. In essence, phasis on Precision rather than Recall, and so we
potentially relevant is net new information that can find them sufficient for our work.
appear in the target. For CS, this happens mainly Most of the operations below are analyzed in the
in the form of Example Generations, and the par- context of simplification instances, and we describe
ticular example chosen for a given simplification in input as the “source” and simplification as the
could easily be switched with other examples. “target”. These will be mathematically noted as S
and T respectively when relevant.
Using these three types of information content,
The full code that we used to identify these op-
we can better define the process of CS, and the
erations is available on GitHub.
distinctions between the simplification operations
of Adding Information, Explicitation, and Delet-
1. Proximation: All of these operations are
ing Information.
tested on a word by word basis using the Uni-
We can formulate the process of CS as minimiz- versal Dependency parse trees of the source
ing the distance between the explicit and implicit and the target.
information content of a text as much as possible,
while removing redundant or surplus information (a) Change of person point of view: We
and adding relevant novel examples, all in the goal check if there was a change in person
of making the text more comprehensible to people POV from 3rd to 2nd, 3rd to 1st, or 2nd
with cognitive disabilities. This is juxtaposed with to 1st.
(b) Modify verb tense: We check if the verbs mainly according to the alignment type. Pre-
in the target are in a different tense than cisely discerning between the two operations
the matching verbs in the source. for other alignments types is a more compli-
(c) Passive-Active Substitution: We check if cated task that cannot be resolved by a simple
there exist any passive verbs in the source heuristic, and as such we leave it for future
that share meaning with active verbs in research. For our analysis’ purpose, whenever
the target. the token length ratio (Martin et al., 2020a) be-
tween source and target was greater 1.2 than
Any SI that has a Proximation operations was (|S|/|T | >= 1.2), or that the percentage of
prepended with the token <PROX>. deleted words from the source (i.e., that were
removed in the target and were not part of
2. Rephrasing: A rephrasing operation will fol- another operation such as Rephrasing) was
low the format of replacing one or more words higher than 30% and the token length ratio
from the source with one or more words with was > 1, we classified it as a Deleting Infor-
similar meaning in the target. Thus, to iden- mation operation.
tify a rephrasing, we tested every word in
the source sentence that did not appear in (a) Removal: If the sentence alignment type
the target against known paraphrase databases of the SI is M -to-0, we count the opera-
for the relevant language (such as SPPDB tion as Removal.
(Pavlick and Callison-Burch, 2016) for En- (b) Summarization: If the sentence align-
glish) to see if one of their relevant para- ment type is M -to-1, we count the op-
phrases appears in the target. eration as Summarization.
Phrasing this mathematically, for every word
Any SI that has a Deleting Information opera-
w ∈ S \ T , we check if pp(w) ⊂ T , where
tion was prepended with the token <DEL>.
pp(w) is the result of applying a rule from a
paraphrase database on w.
4. Adding Information: To discover if an ac-
(a) Simple synonym: These operations are tion was of Adding Information, we check if
defined when one word is paraphrased to there are new words in the target, that aren’t
another single word. part of another modification (such as Rephras-
ing or Passive-Active Substitution) or are func-
(b) Paraphrasing
tion words. Once such words exists, we as-
i. Word-to-Phrase: Similar to simple sume that there is additional explicit informa-
synonym, only a single word is para- tion in the target that did not appear in the
phrased into a series of words. source. We then test if it is Example Gener-
ii. Phrase-to-Word: A phrase is con- ation or Explanation Generation (see below),
verted to a single word. This is and if it is neither, similar to the general clas-
discovered by checking all possible sification in Deleting information, if the token
combinations of consecutive words length rations between source and target is
in the source that did not appear in < 1 (target is longer), we classify as Adding
the target for possible paraphrases. Information.
iii. Phrase-to-Phrase: Similar to Phrase-
to-Word, when the paraphrase rule is (a) Example Generation: If the new words
to another phrase instead of a single are part of a clause that starts with in-
word. dicative phrases for providing examples
(such as “e.g.”, “for example”, “such as”,
Any SI that has a Rephrasing operation was and more) we classify this operation as
prepended with the token <REPHRASE>. Example Generation. This is the only
case where we would prepend the SI with
3. Deleting Information: Any words in the the token <EXAMPLE>.
source that doesn’t appear in the target des-
ignate a Deleting Information operation. We Any SI that satisfied the token length ratio <
discern between Removal and Summarization 1 was prepended with the token <ADD>.
Task Train Model SARI ADD KEEP DELETE BLEU % Ident.
T5Large 33.03 2.41 61.78 34.91 0.916 48.75%
T5Large+Classifier 31.78 2.34 61.27 31.71 0.909 57.66%
T5Base 30.41 1.77 62.03 27.42 0.920 56.55%
T5Base+Classifier 30.48 1.87 62.35 27.21 0.920 62.12%
BART-Large 32.27 2.85 61.27 32.69 0.888 55.43%
BART-Large+Classifier 37.66 3.87 59.93 49.19 0.842 31.75%
BART-Base 31.97 1.76 61.83 32.31 0.914 55.15%
BART-Base+Classifier 32.65 2.45 61.63 33.87 0.876 54.31%
T5Large 21.10 1.43 41.98 19.91 0.234 69.16%
T5Large+Classifier 22.43 1.21 42.78 23.30 0.235 72.27%
T5Base 20.14 1.69 42.35 16.38 0.243 72.90%
Table 3: Results for all models fine-tuned on the Manual dataset (see Appendix C). Metrics include SARI, the
percentage of identical generations (% Identical). We also report BLEU for completeness (see text). Highest SARI
scores for each fine-tuning setting are boldfaced.
5. Explicitation: From a modeling perspective, Any SI that was identified containing Ex-
we grouped Pronoun Explicitation and Expla- planation Generation <EXPLAIN>.
nation Generation together, since their pur-
pose is similar – reducing ambiguity in the 6. Intra-Sentence Rearrangement: This oper-
source that is related to the implicit informa- ation is identified when the information order
tion and assumptions. However, from a classi- in a text is changed. We use the Universal De-
fication perspective, each is discovered differ- pendency parse trees of the source and target
ently. to discover rearrangements.
(a) Pronoun Explicitation: We use a (a) Clause Reordering: If the clauses in the
co-reference resolution (CRR) model target appear in a different order than in
(Coreferee from Spacy27 ), applied to the the source, then this is a Clause Reorder-
concatenated source and target. If the ing operation.
CRR model finds explicit references in (b) SVO Reordering: For each sentence in
the target to pronouns in the source, we the source, we check if the order of sub-
classify as Pronoun Explicitation. This ject, verb, and object are maintained in
is the only case where we would prepend the target. If not, then this is an SVO
the SI with the token <EXPLICIT>. Reordering.
(b) Explanation Generation: We identify Any SI that has an Intra-Sentence Rearrange-
this operation together with Adding In- ment operation was prepended with the token
formation, since heuristically they can <REORDER>.
appear very similar. If new words in the
target aren’t tied to an example, or are 7. Operations on Sentences: These operations
tied to a noun phrase in the source that are checked on a sub-document level, as com-
is part of one or more sentences in the pared to a simplification instance level.
target, we assume that this is a form of
(a) Sentence Splitting: This operation is
Explanation. Discerning between the dif-
assumed to appear by default in SIs
ferent types of explanation generations
with sentence alignment type of 1-to-
is a task for future research, but we list
N . Any such SI was prepended with
them here for indexing purposes.
the <SPLIT> token.
i. For term/phrase
(b) Sentence Rearrangement: Part of the
ii. For logic/reasoning manual alignment process, the origi-
iii. For background information nal ordering of sentences in the source
27 sub-document and be compared to
the order of the original sentences (2020). Jiang et al. (2020) used WikiManual and
according to their alignment to the NewselaManual to train their NeuralCRF sentence
target sub-document. So, if the alignment models for the WikiLarge and Newsela
source sub-document consists of sen- corpora, respectively. In addition, we use these
tence [s1 , s2 , s3 , ..., sn ] and their align- datasets as other comparison points between TS
ment to the target sub-document sen- and CS data presented in §8.
tences is some permutation of their With respect to SI counts, for the Manual
indexes I, such that the source sen- dataset we use 1522/280 SIs from WikiMan-
tences ordered by the target’s order is ual and 11728/1418 SIs from NewselaManual to
[si1 , si2 , ..., sin ], we look for the longest create combined training and validation sets of
increase sub-sequence in this permuta- 11728/1418 SIs respectively. Although both Wiki-
tion L ⊂ I. Any sentence indexed by Manual and NewselaManual contain tests sets that
ij ∈ / L is a Sentence Rearrangement. Jiang et al. (2020) used to test their CRF models,
From an SI perspective, a similar analy- we use other datasets as the tests sets for our exper-
sis was done for Clause Reordering, in iments (see §6.2).
order to discover to which SIs to prepend We should note, that there are more SIs in the
the <REORDER> token. original datasets than the number of SIs we used for
fine-tuning. This difference is because the missing
8. Document Level Operations: We list here
SIs are either complete deletions (sentences from
the Document Level Operations, but for
the source that are removed in the simplification)
our analysis we only focused on identify-
or complete additions (sentences in the simplifica-
ing Adding/Deleting Paragraphs and Sub-
tion with no source). See Table 6 in Appendix I
documents, which were respectively classi-
for additional details regarding SI counts in each
fied as Adding/Deleting Information. In ad-
dition, as part of our reordering analysis, we
were able to discover Cross-Paragraph Sen- Results. When trained in this setting, which uses
tence Reordering if they occurred in the same a considerably smaller albeit cleaner dataset, we no-
Sub-Document. tice two phenomena when compared to the results
(a) Paragraph Splitting in §7 when tested on TS. First, for all models except
(b) Cross-Paragraph Sentence Reordering T5Large, the +Classifier variant still outperforms
the baseline model, though by a smaller margin
(c) Paragraph Rearrangement
than in the classic training setting. Second, model
(d) Sub-Document Rearrangement
size now has a consistent trend, with larger models
(e) Adding Paragraphs outperforming their matching smaller counterparts.
(f) Adding Sub-Documents Further work is required to ascertain this different
(g) Deleting Paragraphs pattern of performance on this setting. In general,
(h) Deleting Sub-Documents the best TS performance on SARI is achieved by
the BART-Large+Classifier variant in this training
C Experiment and Results on the
setting, repeating the performance in §7.
Manually-aligned Dataset
Examining the performance on CS, we find that
In this section, we describe the experimental setting the +Classifier variants achieved superior results
and results for training TS models on a manually for all model architectures and sizes in this train-
aligned dataset. We do so for completeness, since ing setting as well. Unlike the results presented
manually aligned datasets can potentially capture in §7, here the difference in SARI scores is more
more complex relationships between source and pronounced for larger models, with differences of
target sentences than automatic alignments can, more than 1.3 SARI points for both large model ar-
and the test dataset in CS is manually aligned. We chitectures, while the differences in the base-sized
report results for this series of experiments in an models is under 0.8 SARI points. The model with
appendix, since no prior work used these datasets the highest performance difference in this training
to train TS models. setting is BART-Large+Classifier, with a difference
The Manual dataset is created by combining of 5.05 SARI points on CS data, while in §7 this
WikiManual and Newsela Manual from Jiang et al. was the T5Base+Classifier model.
In both evaluation settings, the best performing Operation P. R. F1 #
<PROX> 0 0 0 0
model is still BART-Large+Classifier, similar to <REPHRASE> 80.43 97.37 88.1 38
the results in §7. <DEL> 80 84.21 82.05 19
<ADD> 12.5 50 20 2
Discussion. The results shown here further <EXAMPLE> 0 0 0 0
<EXPLAIN> 0 0 0 0
demonstrates the potential benefit of adding induc- <EXPLICIT> 42.86 42.86 42.86 7
tive bias towards simplification operations to a TS <REORDER> 32.43 1 48.98 12
trained model. Potential future research could also <SPLIT> 1 1 1 13
look into performances of different models when Table 5: Precision, Recall, and F1 scores for each oper-
trained on datasets of different sizes and quality, ation token, when comparing our automatic identifica-
since many language lack resources for automatic tion rules to a human annotator. We also describe the
number of SI with each operation in the random sample
text simplification, let alone cognitive simplifica-
analyzed, and the expected number SI.
D SARI Calculation
G Simplification Instance Counts
The main metric used for evaluating TS models is
SARI (Xu et al., 2016), which is computed based
Table 6 contains the details regarding the counts of
on three token-level operations: ADD, KEEP, and
SIs in each dataset, as used to fine-tune our models
DELETE. Precision and Recall are computed for
in §6, and the full dataset, including deletions of
each with respect to n-grams for n = 1 . . . 4, and
complete sentences from the source and additions
averaged together to yield overall Precision and
complete sentences to the target.
Recall scores per operation. SARI is defined as:
Dataset Fine-Tuning Full Corpus
F1ADD + F1KEEP + PDELET E FA - / - / 321 - / - / 380
SARI = (1)
3 NewM 11.7K / 1.4K / 3.6K 17.8K / 2.6K / 5.1K
E Model Training times WikiM 1.5K / 280 / 531 29.9K / 4.4K / 7.9K
ASSET - / 2K / 359 - / 2K / 359
WikiA 483K / 20K / - 483K / 20K / -
Train Dataset Model Size Train Time
Table 6: Number of SIs used for fine-tuning our mod-
T5-Large 7 days
els in §7 and Appendix C as compared to the number
T5-Base 4 days of SIs in the respective full corpus. The differences are
BART-Large 5 days because in the fine-tuning setting we ignored complete
BART-Base 2 days deletions of sentences from the source and complete
additions of sentences to the target. For each dataset
T5-Large 1 day and each setting, the number of SIs are for the train /
T5-Base 12 hours valid / test sets respectively. We shorten dataset names
Manual as follows: FA=FestAbility, NewM=NewselaManual,
BART-Large 20 hours WikiM/A=WikiManual/Auto.
BART-Base 11 hours
Table 4: Approximate training times on a single GPU
for our models trained in §6 and Appendix C.
H Simplification Operations per Dataset
F Comparing automatic identification of
In this appendix, we present the results of 3 key
simplification operation to human
point of information regarding the use of simplifi-
cation operations in the TS and CS datasets. First,
We asked a human annotator to manually assign we show the distribution of each simplification op-
simplification operations to 50 random SI from the erations per dataset (Figure 5). Then, we show the
WikiAuto training set. Below are the particular histograms of the number of simplification opera-
Precision, Recall, and F1 scores for each opera- tions used in each SI (Figure 6). Finally, we present
tion on that subset, using the human annotations as the correlation matrices for each dataset used in our
ground-truth. analysis in §8 (Figure 7).
(a) JSD distances between distributions (b) `2 distances between correlation matrices
Figure 4: Heatmaps of the distances between dataset sub-sets. We abbreviate sub-set names such that
FA=FestAbility, NewM=NewselaManual, WikiM/A=WikiManual/Auto. The final two letters signify ts=test,
vl=valid, dv=dev, and tr=train sets. For each sub-set pair, we report the numerical distance in the matching cell.
Source: Know that there are absentee ballot options available, and there may be
other options available depending on what situation we find ourselves in.
Simplification: There are many options for absentee ballots.
Reference: You should know if you could vote from home. You should check if there
are other ways of voting this year because of covid-19.
Source: Zazel O’Garra, founder and artistic director of ZCO Dance Project, is a
force to be reckoned with.
Simplification: Zazel O’Garra is the founder and artistic director of ZCO Dance Project.
Reference: Zazel O’Garra is the founder and artistic director of ZCO Dance Project.
She is a very strong and important woman.
Source: I was diagnosed at the age of five and completely stopped walking when I
was 12 years old.
Simplification: I stopped walking when I was 12 years old.
Reference: It started when I was five years old. I stopped walking when I was 12
years old.
Source: And in trying to get towards where I really wanted to be in life, I really
thought about giving back and being of service to someone else.
Simplification: I really thought about giving back and being of service to someone else.
Reference: I thought about what I really wanted to do. I wanted to help other people.
Table 8: Example simplifications from FestAbility Transcripts of the T5-Base Classifier model fine-tuned on the
WikiAuto dataset. Differences between the source and simplification are bold-faced and italicized, per example.
We add the CS reference for each example as well to highlight where the model succeeds and fails in the task.