Jurnal Inggris Fix
Jurnal Inggris Fix
Jurnal Inggris Fix
Enda Sundari
Email: [email protected]
3) Documentation Method. The results of this study found that the implementation
of ICT-based learning media in each learning process was carried out well
supported by facilities and infrastructure, the commitment of the principal with
the teacher and the quality of teacher mastery in teaching. ICT-based learning
media plays an important role in increasing student motivation in Tanah Abang II
Elementary School, this is because teachers in delivering subject matter using
ICT- based learning media make students more enthusiastic and interested in
participating in learning activities, students are more focused and focused on
paying attention lessons delivered by the teacher and the creation of pleasant
learning environments for students
This research was carried out using a qualitative approach, because the focus of
the research was how the role of ICT-based learning media in increasing student
motivation. This approach is a process of systematically and intensively collecting
data to find out how the implementation of ICT-based learning media and the role
of ICT-based learning media in increasing the learning motivation of Tanah Abang
Junior High School 2 students.
In a system that will be used, of course there are many benefits from the system
that will be used and developed, among the benefits of using ICT-based learning
media in the world of education, namely:
g) Providing the same stimulus, equating experience & giving rise to the same
j) The learning process can take place whenever and wherever needed
student learning from low class to high class. As for the results of observations
and interviews conducted by researchers with Tanah Abang Junior High School 2
teachers in the utilization of ICT-based learning media in the teaching and
learning process at the school, they play an important role including:
a. As one of the learning facilities and infrastructure that can make it easier for
students to understand the subject matter delivered by the teacher because by
using ICT-based media it is easier for teachers to convey subject matter and
provide a real picture and the material presented is more focused.
b. Using ICT-based learning media can help students be more focused and active
in receiving the lessons delivered by the teacher.
d. Using ICT-based learning media can create a pleasant learning climate and
atmosphere for students because the teacher in delivering lessons displays the
material directly and provides real examples related to the material in the form of
pictures or videos that are displayed directly on the LCD projector so that students
are happy and not bored following the lesson.
e. It has been seen that ICT-based learning media plays a very important role in
increasing student learning motivation based on observations and observations
made by researchers during the learning process.
As previously discussed, the role of ICT has not been implemented optimally due
to the lack of teachers' ability to use technology in learning. The facts related to
the low competence of teachers in ICT are in fact still far away, Plt's research.
PUSDATEKOM data obtained data from 28,000 educators in Indonesia, only 46%
passed the ICT test (Regita Andriani, et al: 2021). Ability can also be referred to
as competence, in this context the researcher concludes that teacher competence
includes abilities, skills, responsiveness in the educational process in the form of
teaching, supervising, educating and directing activities. Learning in the 21st
century is related to technological systems, so that in essence teachers currently
have many demands to be able to master ICT and become professional teachers to
create a golden generation of hope for the nation in the 21st century. Basically in
improving teacher abilities in using ICT requires sensitivity and awareness high
on existing problems. Improving the quality of teachers can be done
independently or through various training. Decree of the Minister of National
Education Number 16 of 2007 states that professional teachers need to have skills
in the use of ICT standards. The benefits that can be felt by a teacher if he has
skills in mastering ICT not only make it easier for him to provide new
understanding and learning experiences for students. More than that, according to
Sukono (2018), he explained that from the mastery of ICT that teachers have,
teachers can also build closer communication with students through the use of
class groups or friendships on social media. That way, the teacher will easily
understand how the character development of students. In addition, through the
role of ICT in learning can also provide convenience in the form of time and space
1). The school principal needs to record data on its members (teachers) regarding
ICT abilities.
1. Infrastructure
b. The school principal needs to establish good relations with the educational
institutions above him, this is intended to make it easier for the school to increase
funding assistance as an effort to meet the needs of ICT facilities and
infrastructure in schools.
c. The government needs to provide budget funds that are evenly distributed to
every school in various regions, be it cities, districts, sub-districts, villages, etc.
d. Principals, teachers, students and the school community need to work together
in maintaining and caring for existing ICT facilities and infrastructure.
Based on the results of the research that the authors conducted regarding the role
of ICT-based learning media in increasing student motivation in Junior High
School 2 Tanah Abang, it can be concluded as follows:
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Information and Communication Technology bagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar dalam
Menghadapi Abad 21. https://dapo.kemdikbud.go.id/
Utari, A. A., Syafwatul, D., & Hidayatullah, P. (n.d.). MANFAAT ICT SEBAGAI