Dr. Rao
Dr. Rao
Dr. Rao
Keywords: The device of self-healing cementitious composites is a most anticipated approach for repair of
Bacillus safensis unavoidable cracks through biological intrusions. The bio-inspired self-healing composites sys
Sugarcane bagasse tematically heal the cracks and control the penetration of corrosive ions towards the embedded
Pyrolysis steel. However, the effect of bacterial additions on the electrochemical performance of embedded
Biochar steel holds several questions and needed to be explored further. Therefore, this research was
carried out to assess the effect of a calcifying bacterial strain “Bacillus safensis” and its carrier
Corrosion inhibition
media, biochar, on mechanical and transport properties along with the corrosion performance of
embedded steel in cementitious composites. The boosted strain energy storing potential with
25.5% and 38.18% enhanced flexural and compressive strength than control sample, respectively
was observed. Additionally, about 89% gain in compressive strength was observed after 28 days
of cracking at 85% of ultimate compressive strength. Moreover, a significant increase in relative
healing degree was seen during ultrasonic pulse velocity measurements of uncracked and cracked
samples. Furthermore, the healing precipitate was recognized as calcite through scanning elec
tron microscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The lower sorptivity trends also
indicated the denser microstructure with minimum water uptake capability and porosity which
lead towards minimum corrosion damage in the embedded steel. Besides, the corrosion inhibition
efficiency was noted as 95.18% compared to the control sample. Thus, the proposed combination
of biotic and abiotic materials would be a good solution for recycling waste and enhancing me
chanical and durability prospects of reinforced cementitious composites.
List of abbreviations
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (R.A. Khushnood).
Received 10 November 2022; Received in revised form 10 December 2022; Accepted 16 January 2023
Available online 18 January 2023
2352-7102/© 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
M. Kanwal et al. Journal of Building Engineering 70 (2023) 105930
1. Introduction
The major benefit of steel as reinforcement in cementitious systems is its exceptional tensile attributes. Further, similar coefficients
of thermal expansion of steel and concrete and highly alkaline environment of concrete provides passivity to embedded steel thus act as
best composite in reinforced concrete structures (RCS) [1]. However, the composite action could be compromised under exposure of
extreme conditions. For instance, steel reinforcement de-passivate leading to active corrosion and reduction in life of RCS upon un
dergoing severe attacks of chlorides, CO2, or stray current [2–4]. Thus, enhancing the durability of cementitious matrix and elevating
the corrosion inhibition potential of embedded steel are equally important to improve the service life of RCS.
As a crack opens in RCS, the aggressive substances including, water, sulphates, CO2, chlorides, and oxygen finds paths to penetrate
inside the cementitious matrix and influence the embedded steel [5–7]. According to a recent research, the cracks as fine as 0.1 mm
wide could provide diffusivity of chlorides inside the concrete samples subjected to salt exposures [8]. Therefore, the prompt
self-healing cementitious systems have now emerged as the sustainable strategy to tackle the cracking of structures and become the
hotspot for construction sector [9]. These approaches involve the encapsulation of crack healing agents, bacteria based strategies, use
of supplementary mineral admixtures, vascular techniques, and use of shape memory alloys [10–13]. While the bacteria based healing
approach is considered more sustainable and more efficient in healing wider cracks among other aforementioned methods [14,15].
Where the bacteria are incorporated in concrete during mixing or surface applied, the cracks get healed by the microbially induced
CaCO3 precipitation (MICP) [16–20].
Broadly, there are two approaches for supplementation of bacteria in the cementitious mix: direct addition and addition through
carrier media [21]. In the direct addition, the bacterial cells could be damaged and cause reduction in the healing efficiency of cracks
[22]. While adding via carrier media could provide shield for cells by offering resistance against (i) high shear stresses induced during
mixing, (ii) heat released during cement hydration, (iii) extreme alkaline pH, (iv) stresses due to dehydration, and (v) limited vicinity
inside the pore spaces as less as 0.1 μm [23]. Various types and sizes of bacterial carrier compounds have been tested yet whereas the
porous nano-micro sized considered superior as these particles could be coated over the surface of bacterial cells and protect them for
longer time in the extreme pH of concrete (>12) [18,24]. More conducive carrier media needs to be explored before commercializing
the bio-inspired self-healing concrete. A carrier compound endorsing bacterial preservation and contributing to elevating the dura
bility and mechanical aspects of cementitious matrix while making it sustainable and cost efficient is still looked-for.
Biochar possesses the potential to reduce CO2 emissions and global warming prospects associated with concrete and enhances the
fracture properties [25]. In previous studies the biochar extracted from different biomasses has given boosted properties in cemen
titious composites because of its good fracture, electromagnetic interference shielding, and thermal properties [26,27]. Use of biochar
is 94% cost efficient than using similar amount of carbon nano tubes in concrete to elevate the mechanical properties [28]. Besides, it
has also been used as bacterial carrier media in bio-inspired composites and exhibited lesser sorptivity, enhanced healing efficiency
and mechanical properties compared to the controlled formulation [29,30]. The size effect of saw-dust biochar (ground and normal
size particles) was tested on properties of mortar specimens [31]. Improvement in the early strength and reduction in water absorption
was seen through the incorporation of ground biochar (GBC) in the cementitious mix than the normal size particles [31]. Thus, the use
of fine biochar as bacterial carrier would be promising to protect bacteria during severe conditions and result in a more sustainable and
cost effective composite material to self-heal the cracks and enhance the mechanical properties.
The crack healing potential of bacteria based self-healing cementitious systems has been studied immensely with the expectation of
lesser corrosion of reinforcing bars as the MICP could block the paths of aggressive ions penetrating towards the steel. However, the
effect of healing product and bacteria on the reinforcing steel has rarely been evaluated [32,33]. Therefore, the present study is
comprised of a thorough investigation of self-healing potential and corrosion attributes of reinforced mortar (RM) specimens. A
bacterium from Bacillus specie has been selected and added through GBC (as carrier media of bacteria) to check its effectiveness on the
CaCO3 production, mechanical and transport properties along with the corrosion characteristics of embedded steel in cement mortar.
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Fig. 1. SEM micrographs of (a) bagasse fibers, (b) GBC and (c) EDS of GBC.
M. Kanwal et al. Journal of Building Engineering 70 (2023) 105930
nucleation sites for the growth of hydration products during the cement hydration and could be efficient in pore-refinement and
reduced sorptivity [37]. Besides, nano-particles could be adhered over the bacterial cells during their combined sonication before
adding them in mortar mix and safeguard the cells during harsh exposures [7,15]. The composition of GBC is presented via the energy
dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) in Fig. 1(c). It is majorly composed of carbon that is an inert element and does not react with the
any compound present in matrix or hydration products of cement. The remaining minor concentrations of oxygen and calcium have
also never been reported in any negative context for concrete properties. Though, these elements could contribute to accelerating the
hydration process.
GBC was added directly or as the carrier media of B. safensis in the mortar mix after 45 min of sonication in a bath sonicator as per
the findings of our previous work [38].
Table 1
Notations and mix design of mortar samples.
Sample ID Cement (kg/m3) Sand (kg/m3) Calcium Lactate (kg/m3) Water (L/m3) Bacterial Culture (L/m3) Biochar (kg/m3)
M. Kanwal et al. Journal of Building Engineering 70 (2023) 105930
in uncracked samples and lower in cracked ones. Thus the comparative damage in the specimens in terms of damaging degree (DD) was
estimated by taking the UPV measurements of the uncracked and cracked specimens by Eqn. (3). Again upon the sealing of cracks, the
UPV could increase therefore the regain in UPV or the healing degree (HD) was also calculated by using Eqn. (4).
( )
DD = 1 − × 100 (3)
( )
UPVch − UPVc
HD = × 100 (4)
Since the generated cracks in each sample were uncontrolled and the extent of damage or DD could be different, therefore the direct
comparison of HD of samples was not appropriate. Thus, in order to compare the healing based on the UPV data, calculation of relative
healing degree (RHD) was deemed more accurate where the effect of DD was considered on the healing efficiency of each sample as
given in Eqn. (5).
( )
RHD = × 100 (5)
Meanwhile the visual healing analysis was also done through a digital microscope by measuring the crack widths of the healed and
unhealed cracks. The forensic evaluation of the healing product was made through SEM and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)
spectroscopy based characterization techniques.
Fig. 2. Schematic of the electrochemical test setup for reinforced mortar (RM) sample.
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Icorr (μA/cm2) = corrosion current densities of any RM sample and
Icorr(M1) = corrosion current densities of the control sample (M1).
The surface analysis and microstructural characteristics of the steel-concrete ITZ were done through SEM and EDS techniques.
Where, Fmax is the maximum load in the load-deflection curves, L is the effective length of prisms, w and h are the width and height of
the prism, respectively and D is the recorded maximum deflection under the applied load.
The stress-strain (σ-ε) curves were obtained from the load-deflection data which were used to estimate the modulus of toughness
(MOT) of the samples as presented in Fig. 4(a). Since the MOT also known as tensile toughness represents the amount of strain energy
M. Kanwal et al. Journal of Building Engineering 70 (2023) 105930
Fig. 4. (a) MOT, (b) flexural strength and rupture strain of analyzed samples.
stored by the material per unit volume to completely crack it. The MOT was calculated from the area under the σ-ε curves from zero
point to ultimate failure region. The control sample or M1 exhibited minimum MOT which shows its lesser strain energy keeping
capability than any other samples. The M1 showed minimum flexural strength and rupture at lesser strain compared to samples M2-M4
as shown in Fig. 4(b). However, the M2 sample being reinforced with GBC showed 31.57% enhanced strain energy storing potential
than the M1 sample. There was 13.72% enhanced flexural strength than M1 with 18.5% added rupture strain. Because the fine GBC
sheets with tortuous edges and nano-particles alter the smooth trajectory of cracks into multiple branches under the certain loading
[27]. The sharp and elongated shape of GBC micro-sheets facilitated their firm fitting in the cementitious matrix and made it to absorb
more energy at the fracture which caused high displacement of M2. Mechanical properties are typically governed by interfacial
transition zone (ITZ) that is about 10–40 μm wide in cementitious mortars [45]. From the SEM image of GBC (Fig. 1), it could be
observed that it has wide range of particle sizes. Some particles were in lesser size than the ITZ and also greater than 40 μm. Gupta et al.
[46] reported that the varying size of biochar induces strength improvement by two means, by densifying the ITZ through smaller
fraction of particles and spanning over the ITZ could be done by larger particles, thus redistribute the applied stresses and avoid brittle
The directly added microbes along with calcium lactate (M3) also contributed significantly to impart ductility and flexural strength.
That could be attributed to the MICP in pore spaces, thus offered denser matrix of M3 than the M1 and resulted in higher strength.
Besides, the bacterial mix could boost the rate of hydration as dissoluble calcium lactate content endorse lubrication in the cemen
titious matrix [47,48]. However, the bacterial cells alone do not possess any significant effect on the hydration kinetics of fresh mix
[48]. Therefore, it could be inferred that bacterial nutrient altered the strength development pattern which caused enhancement in
strength despite of higher workability of fresh mortar in terms of endorsing fluidity [38,48]. About 17.5% enhancement in MOT and
13.7% higher flexural strength was seen by M3 than the M1 sample and the rupture strain was also closer to the M2 sample but with
lesser strength.
The M4 sample, where B. safensis were added via carbonaceous GBC sheets/particles, revealed optimum flexural attributes as
M. Kanwal et al. Journal of Building Engineering 70 (2023) 105930
shown in Figs. 3 and 4. Because the addition of bacteria through a compatible carrier media enhanced the bacterial survival rate
compared to the direct addition in cementitious mix, thus accountable for boosted CaCO3 production and offered densified micro
structure. Moreover, the GBC intrusions itself possess the potential of refining crack paths and enhancing strength. The flexural
strength was 25.5%, 13.67% and 22.95% more than the M1, M2, and M3 samples, respectively. Moreover, the MOT was 52.13% more
than the M1 indicating its comparatively enhanced strain keeping potential. Thus, the bacterial cells added with fine pyrolytic bagasse
biochar efficiently persuaded the tensile properties of the cementitious composites.
M. Kanwal et al. Journal of Building Engineering 70 (2023) 105930
internal curing of matrix. As GBC could absorb some fraction of the mixing water, exhibit hydrophilic properties, and offer moisture to
internally cure the surrounding matrix which leads towards increased strength [55]. Due to these characteristics of GBC, it behaved
superior in M2 as well than the M1 mix. Previous studies reported that the inert GBC particles act as filler material in cementitious
matrices, thus improve the rate of hydration being micro-fillers in nature and offer place for heterogeneous nucleation [56–58].
However, in the M3, the surviving fraction of microbes healed the induced cracks through biomineralization and added in recovered
strength. As this recovered strength is more than the M2 sample, therefore it could be said that the B. safensis cells efficiently resisted
the stresses during mixing and hydration phases and also during and after induction of cracks. Whereas previously, various types of
microbes were reported killed during mixing and RCS was attained on direct induction of bacteria in cement based matrix [15,21].
Fig. 7. Characteristics of internal structure of mortar by (a) UPV of uncracked and cracked samples (b) induced DD and RHD by mineralization.
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However, the CO2 could be either coming from outer environment or inner matrix, as bacteria produce CO2 during their metabolic
action while precipitating CaCO3 by consuming the calcium source as shown by reaction in Eqn. (11).
CaC6 H10 O6 + 6O2 Bacteria CaCO3 + 5CO2 + 5H2 O (11)
Moreover, there could be minor contribution from the additional growth of hydration products over large surface area of fine GBC
[64,65]. Thus integration of all these factors from autonomous and autogenous healing processes made the M4 as most promising
sample with boosted healing potential of cracks.
The M3 sample showed only 13.46% lesser healing potency than the M4, however it was 47.57% and 44.04% more than the M1 and
M2 samples, respectively. Thus the RHD confirmed the result of the strength regain of cracked samples, that the direct induction of
B. safensis was also somehow more effective than the control and biochar added samples. While the M1 and M2 represented quite
similar RHD with marginal difference due to the limited sources of added healing and autogenous healing was lesser effective than the
autonomous or bioinspired healing of cracks. Some of the visually healed cracks by all samples are presented in Fig. 8. The M1 and M2
samples did not heal the visual cracks but the enhanced UPVs represented that there could be microlevel healing which contributed to
enhance the density and added into RHD. The directly added microbes in M3 showed substantial RHD but lesser than M4 and the
cracks healing was also nonhomogeneous as seen from Fig. 8(c). This could be attributed to the unavailability of microbial cells along
the full length of cracks due to their lesser survival in direct incorporation. Thus the available microbes were only able to precipitate in
their limited surrounding area which resulted in the cracks healing in varying length of patches instead of homogeneous healing
throughout the length of crack. Consequently, the complete closure of cracks took longer time than M4 thus reduced the healing rate.
In M3, maximum of 1.668 mm width of cracks were completely sealed by bacterial metabolically precipitate and the 1.964 mm crack
was also partialy healed with minor unhealed portion of about 187 μm. However, it was still expected that the remaining portion
would be healed with the exceedance of healing period to more than 28 days. The B. safensis added via GBC (M4) precipitated
abundance of CaCO3 and completely healed a varying width of crack from 1.823 mm to 2.532 mm as shown in Fig. 8(d).
The bacterial precipitated product was carefully scraped from cracks and analyzed through SEM as shown in Fig. 9. It was noted
that the most of the crystals were agglomerated with each other and possessed different type of microstructural characteristics
including varing size and shape. The shapes of the precipitates were found varying from small ovel crystals to large glubular or
spherical which were somehow amorphous in nature with uneven surface. These varied size and clustered grains contributed to
compactly block the cracks and improved the density of matrix.
Besides, clear bacterial imprints were seen in the precipitates which were nearly equivalent to the size of the B. safensis cells [66,
67]. Since the size of the cavities ranged between 0.47 μm and 0.81 μm. The possible reason for the escape of bacterium from such sites
or development of such holes could be the unavailability of proper nutrients, air and water during the crystalization of CaCO3 around
the cells. Thus living environment became really harsh for B. safensis and they might escaped from the crystals with the help of their
Fig. 8. Cracks healing by different formulations (a) M1, (b) M2, (c) M3, and (d) M4.
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Fig. 9. (a) SEM image of product healing the cracks and (b) enlarged view of bacterial imprints in precipitates.
flagellum and left some imprints in the precipitates [68]. Previous few studies concerning growth evolution of CaCO3 also support this
phenomenon [69].
The FTIR spectroscopy being helpful in identifying the materials composition was used to confirm the bacterial precipitate as
CaCO3. The FTIR spectra is shown in Fig. 10 against wavenumber in 1/cm (cm− 1) units and transmittance in arbitrary units (a.u.). In
the spectrum the adsorption band around 3400 cm− 1 was the fingerprint of absorbed water molecules in the precipitate. Between 2250
cm− 1 and 3200 cm− 1 were the indication of the vibration of C–H stretching bonds. However, the adsorption bands of carbonates could
be divided into four segments i.e. (i) symmetric stretch of CO2−
3 around 1080 cm
− 1
that is marked as v1 on spectrum, (ii) out of plane
bending around 870 cm− 1 which is v2, (iii) asymetric stretching around 1400 cm− 1 as v3 and (iv) in-plane bending at about 700 cm− 1
as v4. Besides the bands around 700, 875 and 1425 cm− 1 also represent the out of plane and asymmetric stretching vibrations of O–C–O
bonds respectively. And the sharp absorption bands of v2 and v4 confirms the formation of calcite by bacterial activity and it was
according to the previously reported IR spectrums of calcite [70,71].
M. Kanwal et al. Journal of Building Engineering 70 (2023) 105930
Fig. 11. Sorptivity trends of analyzed specimens representing the porosity of cracked and uncracked specimens.
Fig. 12. SEM micrographs of (a) hydration products developing in voids and (b) autogenous healing or carbonation of calcium hydroxide in micro voids and cracks.
of biochar may reduce the amount of free water in fresh mortar resulting in reduced local w/c ration in the hardened matrix. Then may
induce lesser capillary pores due to the presence of lesser amount of evaporable water [73].
Besides, M4 was the most promising in retention of lesser amount of water as bacteria added through GBC got activated upon the
ingress of water and started their metabolic activity resulting in crystallization of CaCO3 in the voids. Thus made the microstructure
denser and hindered the penetration and retention of water inside the matrix as evident from sorptivity trends in Fig. 11. The M3
sample also exhibited quite denser microstructure in terms of showing high resistance for sorptivity compared to the M1 but this
M. Kanwal et al. Journal of Building Engineering 70 (2023) 105930
resistance was lower than the M4 sample. Thus due to the possibility of bacterial damage in direct incorporation and absence of fine
reinforcement like GBC in M2 made it comparatively less effective than M4. However, the biomineralization occurred by survived
bacteria and nucleation effects of added micro sized bacterial cells with calcium lactate facilitated the production of CaCO3 and growth
of hydration products [30].
It was further observed that the M4 sample showed reduced initial and secondary sorptivity in both cracked (M4’) and uncracked
conditions. It means that the carrier media of bacteria protected the cells and remained available for mineralizing during cracked and
uncracked conditions. Thus efficiently maintained the water tightness of matrix in pre and post healing phases. However in the cracked
sample a throughout increase in absorption was seen. This might be attributed to the continuous formation of healing products in the
induced cracks in addition to the absorption of water and resulted in mass gain of samples thus directly affected the sorptivity (I)
despite of any limitation of saturation capacity of samples [43]. While this behavior was not that prevalent in cracked control sample
(M1’). The M2’ and M3’ also somehow followed the behavior of M4’ in continuously gaining weight. Still, M2’ was behaving uniquely
than any other samples as there was uneven trend of cracked sample. It could be due to large water absorption potential of biochar
during the upwards seepage of water in samples, therefore they exhibited gain in sorptivity at the interaction of any GBC intrusions
with the water. Moreover, autogenous healing could also impart a bit gain in weight and affect the sorptivity trends. Micro-cracks and
fissures could be healed in cracked samples when water reacts with unhydrated grains of cement available at cracks faces and edges of
voids. Furthermore, the carbonation of Ca(OH)2 may also be involved in the autogenous healing of cracked samples. Because during
the penetration of water inside the cementitious matrix it may bring CO2 from the external environment with it which could laterally
react with Ca(OH)2 to produce CaCO3 [74,75]. Similar behavior was detected by the SEM micrograph presented in Fig. 12(b). The
curing of cracked samples resulted in the formation of spongy-fibrous CSH gel in the available spaces and crystallization of Ca(OH)2
occurred [13]. The morphology of Ca(OH)2 in Fig. 12(b) was quite different than its plate like structure reported previously and in
Fig. 12(a) [76,77].
Therefore, it could be thought that the transformation of Ca(OH)2 to CaCO3 occurred due to carbonation. Since this morphology of
CaCO3 was different than the biological precipitated product shown in Fig. 9, it was confirmed that this product was produced
autogenously instead of autonomous healing. Moreover, the CaCO3 produced by microbial activity was more in amount, somehow
amorphous and spherical in shape. While the carbonation of calcium hydroxide formed lesser in quantity, crystalline in nature and
well-arranged plates or somewhat rhombohedral shape of calcite. Thus MICP is a more proficient way to heal wider cracks without
compromising the alkalinity of cementitious systems, unlike carbonation, where pH of cement mortar drops with the transformation of
calcium hydroxide to calcium carbonate.
Fig. 13. Tafel curves of analyzed samples at 180 days of wet-dry exposure of chlorides.
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Most promising results were seen in the M4 sample, according to the above discussed criteria of interpretation of electrochemical
test results this sample was safer in corrosion. The Ecorr was − 5.4 mV that is quite lesser than the − 200 mV, and Icorr was also very close
to the lower value of natural corrosion range. Thus the M4 sample remained corrosion impeded during the exposure period of chlorides
for 180 days due to the synergetic protections provided by various combined sources like GBC, bacteria, and calcium lactate. The M4
mix was 95.18% more efficient than the M1 mix in inhibiting the corrosion. Whereas the mechanism of corrosion protection in M4
sample was the combined effect of all the factors acting individually in M1, M2 and M3 samples.
Additionally, a whitish layer was noticed on the surface of reinforced M4 and M3 samples submerged in the 3.5% solution of NaCl.
It was thought that it could be the deposits of salt just over the surface due to the resistance offered by denser matrix to penetrate them
inside or could be the bacterial precipitate as observed by a previous study on bio-self-healing composites during water absorption test
[30]. Therefore, it was investigated through SEM and EDS analysis as presented in Fig. 14(a–c). The results showed that there were
huge number of deposits of spherical to round shaped CaCO3 mineral with smaller amount of NaCl which were well spread on the
sample’s surface. The shape of the deposited CaCO3 was well matching with the microbially precipitated CaCO3 in the cracks of
bacterial samples as shown by Fig. 9. However the observed shape was different than the shape presented in Fig. 12(b) due to the
autogenous healing. Thus the production of CaCO3 by bacteria lying near the surface of RM samples was confirmed because of the
contact of water with the near available cells. The bio precipitate contributed to filling the open voids and lowered the penetration of
chlorides and protected the samples from corrosion.
For the evaluation of microstructural characterizations of ITZ of the modified samples the SEM and EDS analysis was done as
presented in Fig. 15(a and b). The M4 sample where B. safensis were added through GBC, showed minor content of iron at the ITZ of
steel and mortar compared to the M1 sample which could be attributed to the lesser movement of ions or lesser corrosion of the
embedded steel surface. Because the any penetrated oxygen during the analysis period was consumed by bacteria to biomineralize.
Moreover, the calcium weightage was also significantly higher than the M1 indicating the presence of calcium lactate or CaCO3
precipitated by the bacterial metabolism at the open spaces of mortar in addition to the CSH and Ca(OH)2. Besides, the SEM image
Table 2
Electrochemical properties of analyzed RM specimens.
Electrochemical parameters M1 M2 M3 M4
M. Kanwal et al. Journal of Building Engineering 70 (2023) 105930
Fig. 14. (a) M4 surface with whitish layer (b) SEM micrograph of precipitate over surface (c) EDS spectra representing the composition of surfacial layer.
presented relatively compact and improved microstructure of matrix at ITZ. Thus the M4 bacterial formulation efficiently densified the
ITZ and inhibited the penetration of chlorides to reach the embedded steel and consequently inhibited corrosion.
4. Conclusion
In this research, the B. safensis bacteria were added in the cementitious composites through the fine bagasse biochar as carrier
media. The effects of bacteria and biochar on the mechanical, sorptivity, ultrasonic pulse velocity, healing and corrosion performance
of plain and reinforced mortar have been investigated, by adding them individually and collectively into the mix. So following con
clusions are drawn.
(a) It is found that adding B. safensis with sugarcane-bagasse biochar improves the compressive and flexural properties of
cementitious samples. That implies the synergistic effect of biochar and bacteria in densification of mortar by well-preservation
of microbes leading to enhancement in bacterial metabolically precipitated calcite in voids.
M. Kanwal et al. Journal of Building Engineering 70 (2023) 105930
Fig. 15. Microstructural and elemental analysis of steel-mortar ITZ by SEM and EDS analysis.
Table 3
Cost comparison of bio-inspired mortar samples with a commericial inhibitor.
Material Unit Price (USD) M1 (USD/m3) M2 (USD/m3) M3 (USD/m3) M4 (USD/m3) Commercial Inhibitor (USD/m3)
(b) The bacterial samples added via carrier media show high compressive strength recovery of cracked samples compared to the
directly incorporated bacteria and control samples by completely filling the induced cracks through CaCO3.
(c) Higher ultrasonic pulse velocity of undamaged sample and higher relative damaging degree by M4 sample is due to the
improved microstructural quality and complete healing of cracks by MICP.
(d) There is a clear difference in the bacterially produced calcite and the calcite produced through carbonation of calcium hy
droxide. The calcite produced through bacteria is more in amount, less crystalline and spherical in shape while carbonation
leads to produce lesser amount, more crystalline and plates to rhombohedral shape. Thus MICP is efficient in healing wider
cracks than carbonation while maintaining the alkalinity.
(e) The co-added bacteria and biochar effectively reduces the water absorption rate of uncracked specimens due to the well-
compacted matrix by bacterial calcite deposits in pores and surface of samples. Besides, provides effective recovery in sorp
tivity of cracked samples by healing the induced cracks and densifying the matrix.
(f) The M4 samples gave minimum corrosion in embedded steel due to the enhanced passivity inside the bio-inspired matrix
provided by calcium lactate, bacterial calcite deposits at surface, voids and ITZ in addition to the well-refined matrix offered by
biochar intrusions. Thus inhibits the penetration of chlorides towards steel and protects the steel bars from corrosion.
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However, it is further recommended to explore the comparatively cheaper nutrients of bacteria for their invitro growth and survival
in concrete so that the cost difference between conventional and bio-inspired concrete could be reduced. Moreover the freeze-thaw
characteristics along with the high temperature tolerance of bacteria should also be checked to optimize the use of bio-inspired
concrete in extreme environmental conditions.
Data availability
The research presented in this paper was sponsored by Higher Education Commission (HEC), Islamabad, Pakistan under research
grant# 10232/Federal/NRPU/R&D/HEC/2017.
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