1 s2.0 S0166497219300598 Main
1 s2.0 S0166497219300598 Main
1 s2.0 S0166497219300598 Main
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/technovation
School of Management, U. Science & Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui 230026, China
Keywords: The Chinese high-tech industry has developed greatly since the beginning of China's “National High-tech R&D
Innovation value chain (863) Program” and “China Torch Program”. This paper introduces a conceptual model extended from the
Shared resource innovation value chain model to simultaneously estimate the R&D and commercialization efficiencies for the
High-tech industry innovation high-tech industries of 29 provincial-level regions in China. To match reality, a network DEA incorporating both
Data envelopment analysis
shared inputs and additional intermediate inputs is constructed to open the “black box” view of decision making
units used in single-stage DEA. This study is the first attempt to link the R&D and commercialization with a solid
theoretical foundation and feasible mathematical methods. The empirical findings show that most of the 29
regions have low efficiency in the commercialization sub-process compared to the R&D sub-process, although
there are regional differences in China's high-tech industry. Pearson correlation shows that the R&D sub-process
is not closely correlated to the commercialization sub-process in terms of efficiency. Our analysis can provide
information for the formulation of policies to achieve high innovation efficiency.
1. Introduction such as the USA and Japan. For illustration, Table 1 and Table 2 show
the R&D intensity and the value added respectively. One of the major
With the advent of the “Third Industrial Revolution”, high-tech in- scientific and technological development goals of China's 12th Five-
novation has reached a highwater mark. On the international stage, the Year Plan (2011–2015) is that “the ratio of value added of high-tech
USA launched its “Star Wars Program” officially called the “Strategic industry to that of Manufacturing reaches 18%”, which was achieved in
Defense Initiative” (SDI); France put forward the industrial innovation the USA in 2005. The “global competitiveness report 2014–2015”, is-
plan “create tomorrow's products”; Germany introduced its “2020 - sued by World Economic Forum, points out that China is in the effi-
innovation partnership” and “standard innovation plan”; both the UK ciency-driven stage. The low rate of transformation to productivity and
and Singapore launched an “innovation voucher program” (IVS); and low level of high-tech industrialization hinder the China's innovation-
Japan proposed a “digital Japanese innovation plan” (ICT). Having a driven strategy.
transitional economy, China has paid increasing attention to the de- Relevant studies on measurement-oriented high-tech industry ac-
velopment of high-tech industry. The “Chinese High-tech R&D (863) tivities are burgeoning in the literature. Most of the studies focus on R&
Program”, “China Torch Program”, and “Made in China 2025 initiative” D investment and firm performance. Lin et al. (2006) and Lin et al.
have introduced industrial policies to encourage high-tech industry (2008) examined the factors influencing firm performance. Hu (2001)
development. Against this background, within the analytical framework developed an empirical model to study the relationship between gov-
of innovation value chain, this study endeavors to analyze the in- ernment R&D, private R&D, and productivity in Chinese enterprises.
novation efficiency so as to study the improvement path of China's high- Hong et al. (2015) applied a stochastic frontier analysis model to ex-
tech industry innovation. plore the relationship of government grants, private R&D funding, and
The growth and development of China's high-tech industry gives innovation efficiency of China's high-tech industry. Zhang et al. (2003)
evidence that China's commitment is paying off. However, there is still investigated the influence of ownership on the R&D efficiency of Chi-
some way to go before China catches up with high-income countries nese firms. Most of the efficiency evaluation studies use a “black-box”
Received 25 November 2015; Received in revised form 12 September 2017; Accepted 23 February 2018
Available online 19 November 2019
0166-4972/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
X. Chen, et al. Technovation 94–95 (2020) 102094
X. Chen, et al. Technovation 94–95 (2020) 102094
product development frequency. Tseng et al. (2009) identified a new set knowledge into business value and emphasizes the role of skills, capital
of financial and nonfinancial performance indicators and developed a investment, and firms’ other resources in the value creation process.
business performance evaluation model to measure business perfor- Bernstein and Singh (2006) emphasized that an integrated approach to
mance in Taiwan's high-tech manufacturing industry. Zhang and Lv managing the innovation process is required to better understand the
(2012) applied the quantile regression model to investigate various interaction between internal organization activities. Also, Rothwell
relevant factors that impact the innovation performance of high-tech (1994) pointed out that the innovation process is not a continuous
enterprises. The results showed the discriminate impact of factors such process that can be divided into a series of functionally distinct entities,
as enterprise scale, R&D expenditure, net assets debts ratio, and tech- but rather it is made up of interacting and interdependent stages. In-
nical efficiency at different quantile performance points. Lee et al. novation is vital to knowledge and greatly affects improvements in
(2014) found that the negative relationship between R&D intensity and technology, especially in the high-tech industries (Tseng et al., 2009).
a firm's tendency to explore was found to be alleviated in the presence To evaluate the innovation performance of China's high-tech industry,
of technological opportunity or financial slack. These studies provide us the priority is to develop a model which answers the following ques-
a better understanding of the factors influencing innovation activities tions: (1) What is the basic framework of the innovation process? (2)
from different perspectives. However, these researchers treat the in- What are the key elements involved in the framework? (3) How are
novation production process as a “black box”, which may ignore some these key factors interrelated?
deficiencies affecting the process. Such methods fail to reveal the As mentioned above, firms usually obtain knowledge and transform
multistage property of the high-tech innovation process. They also give it into technologies and products, then exploit their innovation to
no consideration to the complexity of innovation elements in the generate revenue. In this paper, we consider innovation activity in the
transformation process of knowledge to revenue. high-tech industry as an innovation process including two sub-pro-
Some researchers have begun to pay attention to two-structure cesses: the R&D sub-process and the commercialization sub-process.
systems for studying the operation in a disaggregated sense. Hung and The former sub-process is directed toward advancing basic science and
Wang (2012) examined the managerial performance of 367 manu- technology, while the latter aims to realize and refine the commercial
facturing firms including 199 high-tech firms and 168 older-established applications of certain technologies which are produced in the former.
firms in Taiwan utilizing the two-stage DEA technique. Their model This paper selects appropriate indicators for measuring innovation
assumed that the inputs in the second stage all were outputs from the performance by referring to previous works about the characteristics of
first stage, meaning complete linearity of innovation elements. Guan China's high-tech industry (Chiu et al., 2012; Guan and Chen, 2010;
and Chen (2010) introduced external non-R&D technological innova- Wang et al., 2013).
tion inputs in the second stage and suggested that the intertwined ef- Prior studies typically use R&D expenditure and R&D personnel to
forts of the R&D and non-R&D technological innovation inputs are what measure the inputs of innovation (Cruz-Cázares et al., 2013; Griliches,
eventually results in the final technological innovation outcomes in the 1979; Hong et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2015). Consistent with the lit-
marketplace. Empirical measurement provides an in-depth look at high- erature, we select the R&D personnel and R&D expenditure as the core
tech innovation inefficiency for China's provinces in 2002 and 2003. innovation inputs. As for the output of the R&D sub-process, the
Chiu et al. (2012) constructed a two-stage evaluation framework to number of patents granted may be the most appropriate proxy (Bronzini
calculate the R&D efficiency and operation efficiency for 21 of China's and Piselli, 2016; Buesa et al., 2006; Cappelen et al., 2012; Guan and
high-tech business. Aside from the patents generated from the first Chen, 2010; Hong et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2013). Some researchers
stage, employees and fixed assets were also used as inputs in the pro- have pointed out that patents cannot entirely explain the actual in-
duction efficiency measure. Wang et al. (2013) proposed an R&D value novation quality because, as Griliches (1990) comments, “not all in-
chain framework to explore the effects of R&D efforts and basic pro- ventions are patentable, not all inventions are patented, and the in-
duction activities on the market valuations of 65 high-tech firms in ventions that are patented differ greatly in quality.” Despite such
Taiwan. These studies involve “additional inputs” in the second stage, objections, the correlation between patent activity and innovation is
but they did not consider shared resources, whereas, in reality, common close (r = 0.934) (Feldman and Florida, 1994). Compared to alternative
resources are required to produce innovation revenue through colla- measurements, patents can guarantee originality and are more likely to
boration between sub-processes in the high-tech industry. achieve market value (Bronzini and Piselli, 2016; Buesa et al., 2010).
Shared resources are those that are applied to different segments. Because of these considerations, it is reasonable to use the patent count
Cook et al. (2000) studied the allocation of shared resources to both as an indicator of innovation performance. In addition, Lev (2000) in-
service and sales functions within the banking industry. Zha and Liang dicated that patents are one important indicator of R&D innovation
(2010) proposed a product-form cooperative efficiency model for outcomes. In this paper, patent applications are regarded as a measure
studying shared flow in a serial two-stage production process. Wu et al. of R&D output. Since new product development is an important factor
(2015) built a two-stage DEA model with shared inputs to open the which can reflect R&D efficiency, it is also chosen as a new R&D output
black box of efficiency measurement in traditional energy efficiency in this paper.
methods. Wu et al. (2016) treated a transportation system as a parallel Concerning the commercialization process, as suggested by Guan
system including two parallel transport subsystems (passenger and and Chen (2010), we take into account commercialization-dedicated
freight). Considering prior research, although the DEA method with inputs as additional intermediate inputs. Based on practical operations
shared inputs is widely used, no studies on the high-tech industry are and the availability of data, these additional intermediate inputs are
available. Therefore, it is necessary to construct a new two-stage DEA measured by expenditure on new product development, expenditure for
model with shared resources for a cross-region performance evaluation technical renovation, and employed personnel. According to common
of China's high-tech industry. practices (Czarnitzki et al., 2011; Maietta, 2015; Spanos et al., 2015),
the final realization of commercialization is measured by the sales
2.2. Conceptual model revenue from new products.
It is evident that in the high-tech industry, fixed assets and tech-
As Roper et al. (2008) suggested, the innovation value chain high- nology resources are shared inputs. We cannot determine precisely each
lights the structure and complexity of the process of translating stage's share of these two kinds of inputs but we can obtain total inputs
X. Chen, et al. Technovation 94–95 (2020) 102094
Shared inputs
Intermediate Commercialization outcomes
R&D Process outputs
Dedicated inputs(I) Process
Dedicated inputs(II)
for the whole innovation process. Considering the path dependency New product development (NPD): The planning and development of
effect, we use knowledge capital to represent the technological re- products, which result in new product launches or new process im-
sources. As was done in Hu and Mathews (2008) and Guan and Chen provements.
(2010), this paper employs the number of invention patents as an in- Expenditure for technical renovation (ETR): The expenses of an
dicator of technological resources. enterprise to integrate novel technological achievements into its pro-
We propose a conceptual model which has the innovation value duction process, which can improve the product quality, update the
chain as the backbone. The R&D sub-process and commercialization product, and improve the synthetic economic benefit.
sub-process are incorporated within this model. The input-output con- Expenditure on new product development (ENPD): The expenses
ditions of each process and the distribution structure for shared re- used by an enterprise to develop new products.
sources between the sub-processes are taken into consideration. Fig. 1 Employed personnel (EP): Refers to the number of employees in-
shows the basic conceptual model, which contributes to a better un- volved in the operation of production processes, including the em-
derstanding of the high-tech innovation process for each region in our ployees devoted to production and marketing activities.
study. Sales revenue of new products (SRND): The annual total value of
new product sales in the high-tech industry, which represents the
3. Data and methodology market value associated with the new technology.
Invention patents stock (IPS): The total invention patents at the
3.1. Data provincial level, which indicates the technology resources that can be
used in the high-tech industries of one province. IPS is used both for the
This research studies the high-tech innovation activities of 29 pro- R&D stage and the commercialization stage.
vincial-level regions in mainland China (excluding Tibet and Qinghai Fixed assets (FA): Refers to the cumulative total fixed asset invest-
due to incomplete data). The statistical information is from the China ment, including typical resources that support high-tech innovation
Statistical Yearbook on the High Technology Industry, which focuses on activities. FA is used both for the R&D stage and the commercialization
China's High Technology Industry (Manufacturing Industry) stage.
Classification, and the Annual Report of Patent Statistics (ARPS). Figures It is important to keep in mind the existence of time lags when
for R&D personnel (R&DP), intramural expenditure on R&D (R&DE), analyzing innovation activities. Following Hong et al. (2015) and Guan
patent applications (PA), the number of new product development and Chen (2010), this paper selects a 1-year lag for the R&D process and
(NPD), expenditure on new product development (ENPD), expenditure a 1-year lag for the commercialization process in the high-tech industry.
for technical renovation (ETR), and employed personnel (EP), sales Because of the dissimilarity of statistical scales, continuous data for
revenue from new products (SRND), and fixed assets (FA) are extracted China's high-tech industries innovations is only applied to the moving
from the China Statistical Yearbook on the High Technology Industry. The average of three years for 2010–2012 and 2011–2013. Therefore, for
invention patents stock totals (IPS, meaning the number of invention the sake of comparison, we choose two consecutive cross-sectional
patents that can be used by the province) are collected from the ARPS. databases in 2010 and 2011. For the shared inputs, we take the average
The definitions for each variable are detailed as follows. value of the three years. The fixed assets, which include the accumu-
Intramural expenditure on R&D (R&DE): The expenses of an en- lated resources that support high-tech innovation activities, are com-
terprise for internal R&D activities, including researching and devel- puted with the Perpetual Inventory Method proposed by Goldsmith
oping technology, patents, and the administrative expenses related to R (1951). Regarding the year 2000 as the base period and the deprecia-
&D activities. tion rate as 8%, we take the base period data divided by 10% as the
R&D personnel (R&DP): This usual international indicator refers to base levels (Hall and Jones, 1999).
the number of research workers, engineers, designers, and R&D re- All the variables are measured in China's high-tech industry at the
levant staff who are important for motivating firms to become involved provincial level and are summarized in Table 3. The descriptive sta-
in R&D innovation activities. tistics for the inputs and outputs of 29 regions in China for 2010–2012
Patent applications (PA): Refers to the number of patent applica- and 2011–2013 are presented in Table 4. From this table, it can be
tions by an enterprise per year. The patent application types include observed that the mean values and the standard deviations of all ten
inventions, utility models, and designs. variables increased, which indicates that the high-tech industry
X. Chen, et al. Technovation 94–95 (2020) 102094
Table 3
Input-output variables and Source.
High-tech innovation process Variable Unit Source
R&D-dedicated inputs R&D personnel (R&DP) 10,000 persons China Statistics Yearbook on High Technology Industry 2011, 2012
Intramural Expenditure on R&D (R&DE) 10,000 yuan China Statistics Yearbook on High Technology Industry 2011, 2012
Intermediate outputs Patent applications (PA) Piece China Statistics Yearbook on High Technology Industry 2012, 2013
New product development(NPD) item China Statistics Yearbook on High Technology Industry 2012, 2013
Commercialization-dedicated inputs Expenditure on New product development 10,000 yuan China Statistics Yearbook on High Technology Industry 2012, 2013
Expenditure for Technical Renovation 10,000 yuan China Statistics Yearbook on High Technology Industry 2012, 2013
Employed personnel (EP) Person China Statistical Yearbook on Science and Technology 2012, 2013
Final outputs Sales revenue of new products (SRND) 10,000 yuan China Statistics Yearbook on High Technology Industry 2013, 2014
Shared inputs Invention patents stock (IPS) Item Annual Report of Patent Statistics (ARPS) by State Intellectual Property
Office of China (2011–2014)
Fixed assets (FA) 100 million yuan China Statistics Yearbook on High Technology Industry: 2001–2014
investments and outputs increased. The high standard deviations imply assume region j being evaluated is denoted by DMU0 (DMU0 DMUj ),
that there may be uneven innovation performance across different the R&D efficiency by E10 , and the commercialization efficiency by E20 .
provinces. This corollary is reasonable in real life because of the im- This paper presents the two-stage DEA model based on the constant
balanced regional development in China, including China's differ- returns to scale (CRS) model introduced by Charnes et al. (1978). The
entiation development strategy, the unbalanced regional economies, CRS efficiency scores for the evaluated DMU in the first and second
and the industrial structure disparity. stage can be written by the models (1) and (2) as follows.
2 1
k1= 1 v k1 Yk1 0
3.2. Methodology Max E10 = 2 2 1
i1= 1 ui1 Xi1 0 + s = 1 us s 0 X s 0
2 1
k1= 1 v k1 Yk1 j
3.2.1. Overall process performance assessment model s. t . E1j = 2 2 1 1
i1= 1 ui1 Xi1 j + s = 1 us sj X sj
Fig. 1 shows the two-stage network process of a high-tech industry
system with shared inputs associated with both stages. For notational Lsj1 sj Lsj2
purposes, each region is viewed as a DMUj (j = 1,2, …, n). Let v k11 , ui1, us1
Yk1 j (k1 = 1,2) , Yk2 j (k2 = 1) denote respectively the outputs of the R&D j = 1, 2, …, n . (1)
and commercialization sub-processes. The intermediate outputs flow
from sub-process 1 to become inputs of sub-process 2. On the input side, v k 2 Yk 2 0
Xi1 j (i1 = 1,2) , Xi2 j (i2 = 1,2,3) , and Xsj (s = 1,2) denote the R&D dedi- Max E20 = 3 2 2 2 2
i2 = 1 ui2 Xi2 0 + s = 1 us (1 s 0) Xs 0 + k1= 1 v k1 Yk1 0
cated-, commercialization dedicated-, and shared inputs, respectively. v k 2 Yk 2 j
Let an allocative factor sj (0 s. t . E2j = 1
sj 1) denote the proportion of shared 3 2 2 2 2
i2 = 1 ui2 Xi2 j + s = 1 us (1 sj ) X sj + k1= 1 v k1 Yk1 j
inputs to be assigned to the R&D sub-process, i.e. sj Xsj and (1 sj ) Xsj
correspond to the portions of shared inputs allocated to the first and Lsj1 sj Lsj2
second stage, respectively. According to Cook and Hababou (2001) and v k2, v k21 , ui2, us2
Wu et al. (2015), certain inequality constraints should be considered, j = 1, 2, …, n . (2)
namely Lsj1 sj Lsj2 .
Following the general practice (Chiu et al., 2012; Wu et al., 2015), Lsj1 and Lsj2 are the lower and upper bounds for the shared resources.
Table 4
Descriptive statistics for the inputs and outputs of 29 regions in China.
Mean 15,977.69 333,687.21 2296.31 1869.24 617,519.38 10,5077.17 39,5291.55 8,816,755.03 11,289.93 857.45
Std. 32,984.20 683,255.12 3172.32 4745.61 1,154,836.55 177,673.27 740,726.13 18,182,013.64 14,917.15 1060.83
Max 174,644.00 3,630,850.40 15,310.00 25,961.00 5,812,831.00 960,814.00 3,614,903.00 85,195,533.00 59,813.67 5455.95
Min 114.00 3671.70 36.00 16.00 7060.00 3621.00 5612.00 2253.00 342.67 18.04
Mean 20,610.77 480,283.63 2774.20 2228.53 709391.23 127,200.24 422,853.07 10,409,088.20 14,420.42 1061.30
Std. 37,831.26 912,061.24 4013.28 5291.32 1,337,499.35 223,967.17 777,639.27 20,106,742.01 19,336.83 1336.36
Max 198,187.00 4,809,951.00 19,177.00 29,210.00 6,502,335.00 1,225,605.00 3,842,156.00 97,687,741.60 77,675.00 7036.95
Min 45.00 361.00 16.00 2.00 1374.00 1449.00 3843.00 10,065.00 287.67 19.75
X. Chen, et al. Technovation 94–95 (2020) 102094
The certain intervals are used to avoid extreme bias toward one of the 2
k1= 1 v k1 Yk1 0 + v k 2 Yk2 0
Max E0 =
sub-processes (Chen et al., 2010; Wu et al., 2015). Similar to Liang et al. 2
u X
i1= 1 i1 i1 0 + 2 3
s = 1 us Xs 0 + i2 = 1 ui2 Xi2 0 +
s = 1 v k1 Y k1 0
(2008) and Chen et al. (2009), we assume that v k11 = v k21 = v k1 for all 2
k1= 1 v k1 Yk1 j
k1 = 1,2 in models (1) and (2). As for the shared inputs, we assume that s. t . 2 2 1
i1= 1 ui1 Xi1 j + s = 1 us sj Xsj
us1 = us2 = us for all s = 1,2 because they pertain to the same types of
v k 2 Yk 2 j
inputs. This is also consistent with the principle that the multiplier of a 3 2 2 1
i2 = 1 ui2 Xi2 j + s = 1 us (1 sj ) Xsj + k1= 1 v k1 Yk1 j
factor is always the same, no matter where or how it is used (Kao,
2 2
2009). w1 =
i1= 1 ui1 Xi1 0 + s = 1 us s 0 X s 0
2 2 3 2
Following Chen et al. (2010), this paper combines the two sub-stage i1= 1 ui1 Xi1 0 + s = 1 us Xs 0 + i2 = 1 ui2 Xi2 0 + k1= 1 v k1 Yk1 0
Lsj1 sj Lsj2
E0 = 1 E10 + 2 E20
v k1, vk2, ui1, ui2, us
Note that 1 and 2 are the weights for the R&D sub-process and the j = 1, 2, …, n (3)
commercialization sub-process, and that w1 + w2 = 1. Sub-process 1 (2)
with efficiency E1j (E2j) is efficient if and only if E1j = 1 (E2j = 1). DMU0 To transform model (3) into a standard linear program, we can
is overall efficient if and only if E0 = 1, and by the equation above, this apply the usual Charnes and Cooper transformation so that the above
is possible if and only if each of its sub-processes is efficient. fractional program can be converted to the following linear model (4).
1 and 2 represent the relative importance or contribution of the Let t = 2
, µ i1 = ui1 t ,
2 3 2
efficiency of each sub-process to the overall performance of the given i1= 1 ui1 Xi1 0 + s = 1 us X s 0 + i2 = 1 ui2 Xi2 0 + s = 1 v k1 Yk1 0
DMU. One reasonable weight choice of each sub-process is the pro- µs = us t , µ i2 = ui2 t , k1 = vk1 t , k2 = v k2 t , sj = µs sj
portion of total resources devoted to each sub-process, reflecting the Then model (4) can be written as:
relative size and importance of a sub-process. According to Chen et al. 2
Max E0 = k1 Yk1 0+ k 2 Yk2 0
(2009) and Cook et al. (2010), to be more specific, we then have: k1= 1
2 2 2
2 2 s. t . k1= 1 k1 Yk1 j µ X
i1= 1 i1 i1 j
+ X
s = 1 sj sj
u X
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
+ u X
s =1 s s0 s0
1 = 2 2 3 2
u X +
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
s= 1 s s0
+ u X
i2 = 1 i2 i2 0
+ v Y
k1= 1 k1 k1 0
3 2 2
k 2 Yk 2 j µ X
i2 = 1 i2 i2 j
+ s=1
(µs sj ) Xsj + k1= 1 k1 Yk1 j 0
2 2 2
u X
i1= 1 i2 i2 0
+ u (1
s=1 s s 0 ) Xs 0 + v Y
k1= 1 k1 k1 0 2 2 3 2
2 = 2 2 3 2
µ X +
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
s= 1 s s0
+ µ X
i2 = 1 i2 i2 0
+ s= 1 k1 Yk1 0 =1
u X
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
+ uX
s= 1 s s0
+ u X + k1= 1 v k1 Yk1 0
i2 = 1 i2 i2 0 2 2
µ X +
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
s = 1 s0 s0
2 2 3 2 2 2 2
where u X
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
+ uX
s = 1 s s0
+ u X
i2 = 1 i2 i2 0
re- v Y
k1= 1 k1 k1 0
u X +
i1= 1 i2 i2 0 s=1
( µs s0
) Xs0 + k1= 1 k1 Yk1 0 b
presents the total amounts of input consumed by the whole two-stage Lsj1 sj sj Lsj2 sj
network structure with intermediate outputs used, while k1 , k2 , µi1 , µi2 , µs
u X + s = 1 us s 0 Xs 0 and i1= 1 ui2 Xi2 0 + s = 1 us (1 sj ) Xs0 + k1= 1 v k1 Yk1 0
2 2 2 2 2
i1= 1 i1 i1 0 j = 1, 2, …, n (4)
represent the sizes of the R&D and commercialization sub-processes,
By solving linear program (4), the optimal solutions
Then the overall efficiency E0 can be written in the form
(wk*1, w k*2, µ *i1, µ *i2, µ*s , sj*) will be obtained. Since sj = µs sj , we have
(s = 1,2j = 1,2, …, n) . Through the above steps, we can obtain
2 sj
k1= 1 v k1 Yk1 0 *
sj =
E0 = w1 + w2 µs*
each DMU's optimal overall efficiency and the optimal proportions for
2 2
i1= 1 ui1 Xi1 0 + s = 1 us s 0 Xs 0
v k2 Yk 2 0 the shared inputs
3 2 2
i2 = 1 ui2 Xi2 0 + s = 1 us (1 s 0 ) Xs 0 + k1= 1 v k1 Yk1 0
k1= 1 v k1 Yk1 0 + v k2 Yk 2 0
= 2
i1= 1 ui1 Xi1 0 +
2 3
s = 1 us X s 0 + i2 = 1 ui2 Xi2 0 +
s = 1 v k1 Yk1 0 3.2.2. Sub-process assessment model: efficiency decomposition
Once we obtain an optimal solution to model (4), the efficiency
To overcome the possible drawback that some i = 1(i = 1,2) at scores of individual sub-processes can be calculated accordingly.
optimality, we impose bounding restrictions w1 a and w2 b as in However, model (4) may have multiple optimal solutions, so the in-
Amirteimoori (2013), where the a and b represent the minimum weight dividual efficiency may also not be unique. Therefore, we follow Kao
for R&D sub-process and commercialization sub-process respectively in and Hwang's (2008) approach to find a set of multipliers which produce
calculating the overall efficiency. The overall efficiency of the whole the highest R&D or commercialization sub-process efficiency score
two-stage network structure with intermediate outputs used for a while maintaining the overall efficiency score of the whole process.
common DMU0 can be evaluated by the following model. Denote the optimal overall efficiency score for DMU0 obtained from
model (4) as E0* . The maximum efficiency value achievable for sub-
process 1 (R&D stage), denoted E10 * while maintaining the overall effi-
ciency score can be determined via the following model (5).
X. Chen, et al. Technovation 94–95 (2020) 102094
k1= 1 v k1 Yk1 0 According to Kao and Hwang (2008) and Halkos et al. (2014), the
Max E10 = 2 2
i1= 1 i1 i1 0 + s = 1 us s 0 Xs 0
u X efficiency of sub-process 2 (commercialization) can be calculated as
E* *E *
k1= 1 v k1 Yk1 j
E20 = 0 *1 10 , where 1* and 2* are the optimal weights based upon
s. t . E1j = 1 2
2 2
i1= 1 ui1 Xi1 j + s = 1 us sj Xsj model (4), and E10 * represents the optimal efficiency of sub-process1
v k2 Yk2 j while maintaining the overall efficiency in model (6). However, be-
E2j = 1
i2 = 1 ui2 Xi2 j +
s = 1 us (1 sj ) Xsj +
k1= 1 v k1 Yk1 j cause of the multiple optimal solutions of model (4), 1* and 2* may
k1= 1 v k1 Yk1 0 + u1 + v k 2 Yk2 0
also not be unique. Therefore, consistent with previous research (Wu
E0* = 2 2 3 2 et al., 2015), we propose to produce the highest efficiency score for sub-
i1= 1 ui1 Xi1 0 + s = 1 us X s 0 + i2 = 1 ui2 Xi2 0 + s = 1 v k1 Y k1 0
2 2 process 2 while maintaining the overall efficiency score E0* and sub-
i1= 1 ui1 Xi1 0 + s = 1 us s 0 X s 0
w1 = 2 2 3 2 a process 1's maximum achievable efficiency E10 * . The maximum achiev-
i1= 1 ui1 Xi1 0 + s = 1 us Xs 0 + i2 = 1 ui2 Xi2 0 + k1= 1 v k1 Yk1 0
able value of E20
can be determined via the following linear model (7).
2 2 2
w2 =
i1= 1 ui2 Xi2 0 + s = 1 us (1 s 0) Xs 0 + k1= 1 v k1 Yk1 0
b This is an approach of efficiency decomposition which has not pre-
viously been applied in a chain system.
2 2 3 2
i1= 1 ui1 Xi1 0 + s = 1 us Xs 0 + i2 = 1 ui2 Xi2 0 + k1= 1 v k1 Yk1 0
Lsj1 sj Lsj2
ui1, ui2, us , vk1, vk 2
j = 1, 2, …, n (5)
Model (5) can be converted into the following linear program (6) as
explained above.
* =
Max E10 k1= 1 k1 Yk1 0
2 2 2
s. t. k1= 1 k1 Yk1 j ( µ X
i1= 1 i1 i1 j
+ X )
s = 1 sj sj
3 2 2
k2 Yk2 j µ X
i2 = 1 i2 i2 j
+ s= 1
(µs sj
) Xsj + k1= 1 k1 Yk1 j 0
2 2 2 2 3 2
k1= 1 k1 Yk1 0+ k2= 1 k2 Yk2 0 + uB E0* ( µ X
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
+ µX
s =1 s s0
+ µ X
i2 = 1 i2 i2 0
+ s= 1 k1 Yk1 0 ) =0
2 2 3 2 2 2
a ( µ X
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
+ µX
s =1 s s0
+ µ X
i2 = 1 i2 i2 0
+ k1= 1 k1 Yk1 0 ) ( µ X
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
+ X ) 0
s =1 s0 s0
2 2 3 2 2 2 2
b ( µ X
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
+ µX
s =1 s s0
+ µ X
i2 = 1 i2 i2 0
+ k1= 1 k1 Yk1 0 ) ( µ X
i1= 1 i2 i2 0
+ s=1
(µs s0
) Xs0 + k1= 1 k1 Yk1 0 ) 0
2 2
µ X
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
+ X
s =1 s s0
Lsj sj sj Lsj2 sj
Max E20 = k2 Yk2 0
2 2 2
s. t. k1= 1 k1 Yk1 j ( µ X
i1= 1 i1 i1 j
+ X )
s = 1 sj sj
3 2 2
k2 Yk2 j µ X
i2 = 1 i2 i2 j
+ s= 1
(µs sj
) Xsj + k1= 1 k1 Yk1 j 0
2 2 2 3 2
k1= 1 k1 Yk1 0+ k2 Yk2 0 E0* ( µ X + s= 1 µs Xs0
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
+ µ X
i2 = 1 i2 i2 0
+ s=1 k1 Yk1 0 ) =0
2 2 2
k1= 1 k1 Yk1 0 * (
E10 µ X + s = 1 s0 Xs0 ) 0
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
2 2 3 2 2 2
a ( µ X
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
+ µX
s =1 s s0
+ µ X
i2 = 1 i2 i2 0
+ k1= 1 k1 Yk1 0 ) ( µ X
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
+ X ) 0
s =1 s0 s0
2 2 3 2 2 2 2
b ( µ X
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
+ µX
s =1 s s0
+ µ X
i2 = 1 i2 i2 0
+ k1= 1 k1 Yk1 0 ) ( µ X
i1= 1 i2 i2 0
+ s=1
(µs s 0 ) Xs 0 + k1= 1 k1 Yk1 0 ) 0
2 2
µ X
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
+ X
s =1 s s0
3 2 2
µ X
i2 = 1 i2 i2 0
+ s=1
(µs s0
) Xs0 + k1= 1 k1 Yk1 0 =1
Lsj1 sj sj Lsj2 sj
X. Chen, et al. Technovation 94–95 (2020) 102094
Similarly, the following linear program can be established to max- score. The highest achievable efficiency scores E21j* and E12j* of the
imize sub-process 2's efficiency score E20
* while maintaining the overall commercialization and R&D sub-processes based upon models (7) and
efficiency score of E0* . (9) are specified in columns 4 and 6, respectively. Columns 7 and 8
Max *
E20 = k1= 1 k1 Yk1 0
2 2 2
s. t. k1= 1 k1 Yk1 j ( µ X
i1= 1 i1 i1 j
+ X )
s = 1 sj sj
3 2 2
k2 Yk2 j µ X
i2 = 1 i2 i2 j
+ s= 1
(µs sj
) Xsj + k1= 1 k1 Yk1 j 0
2 2 2 3 2
k1= 1 k1 Yk1 0+ k2 Yk2 0 E0* ( µ X
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
+ µX
s =1 s s0
+ µ X
i2 = 1 i2 i2 0
+ s=1 k1 Yk1 0 ) =0
2 2 3 2 2 2
a ( µ X
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
+ µX
s =1 s s0
+ µ X
i2 = 1 i2 i2 0
+ k1= 1 k1 Yk1 0 ) ( µ X
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
+ X ) 0
s =1 s0 s0
2 2 3 2 2 2 2
b ( µ X
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
+ µX
s =1 s s0
+ µ X
i2 = 1 i2 i2 0
+ k1= 1 k1 Yk1 0 ) ( µ X
i1= 1 i2 i2 0
+ s=1
(µs s0
) Xs0 + k1= 1 k1 Yk1 0 ) 0
2 2
µ X
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
+ X
s =1 s s0
Lsj1 sj sj Lsj2 sj
2* 2
Max E10 = k1= 1 k1 Yk1 0
2 2 2
s. t. k1= 1 k1 Yk1 j ( µ X
i1= 1 i1 i1 j
+ X )
s = 1 sj sj
3 2 2
k2 Yk2 j µ X
i2 = 1 i2 i2 j
+ s= 1
(µs sj
) Xsj + k1= 1 k1 Yk1 j 0
2 2 2 3 2
k1= 1 k1 Yk1 0+ k2 Yk2 0 E0* ( µ X
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
+ µX +
s =1 s s0
µ X
i2 = 1 i2 i2 0
+ s=1 k1 Yk1 0 ) =0
3 2 2
k2 Yk2 0 * (
E20 µ X
i2 = 1 i2 i2 0
+ s=1
(µs s 0 ) Xs 0 + k1= 1 k1 Yk1 0 ) =0
2 2 3 2 2 2
a ( µ X
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
+ µX
s =1 s s0
+ µ X
i2 = 1 i2 i2 0
+ k1= 1 k1 Yk1 0 ) ( µ X
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
+ X ) 0
s =1 s0 s0
2 2 3 2 2 2 2
b ( µ X
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
+ µX
s =1 s s0
+ µ X
i2 = 1 i2 i2 0
+ k1= 1 k1 Yk1 0 ) ( µ X
i1= 1 i2 i2 0
+ s=1
(µs s0
) Xs0 + k1= 1 k1 Yk1 0 ) 0
2 2
µ X
i1= 1 i1 i1 0
+ X
s =1 s s0
Lsj sj sj Lsj2 sj
Solving the above models, we can obtain each model's optimal value and standard deviations of the 29 provincial-level regions. The order of
* , E20
E10 1*
, E20
* , and E10
. If the results satisfy E10 2*
* = E10 and E20 1*
* = E20 , we data for the year 2011 is the same as that for 2010. To help the readers
arrive at the conclusion that a unique efficiency decomposition is ob- understand, detailed explanations of the efficiencies under different
tained. conditions are given as follows.
4. Results E j*: The maximum overall system efficiency score of the high-tech
innovation in each provincial-level region.
Based on the methodology provided in Section 3, we calculate the E1*j : The highest achievable efficiency score of the R&D sub-process
innovation efficiency of the high-tech industries in 29 of China's pro- of the high-tech innovation in each provincial-level region while
vincial-level regions. For the shared inputs, we set 0.2 sj 0.8 to maintaining the maximum overall system efficiency score (E j*).
conform to reality. In addition, we require that the weights of each E21j*: The highest achievable efficiency score of commercialization
subsystem within the overall system are not smaller than 0.3, that is, sub-process of the high-tech innovation in each provincial-level re-
a = b = 0.3. gion while maintaining the maximum overall system efficiency
The CRS results from models (4), (6), (7), and (8) for 2010 and 2011 score (E j*) and the maximum R&D efficiency (E1*j ).
are reported in Table 5. For the year 2010, the second column reports E2*j : The highest achievable efficiency score of commercialization
the overall systems’ efficiency scores E j* of high-tech innovation process sub-process of the high-tech innovation in each provincial-level re-
of these 29 provincial-level regions in mainland China. Columns 3 and 5 gion while maintaining the maximum overall system efficiency
show the highest achievable efficiency scores E1*j and E2*j of R&D and score (E j*).
commercialization respectively while maintaining the overall efficiency E12j*: The highest achievable efficiency score of the R&D sub-process
X. Chen, et al. Technovation 94–95 (2020) 102094
Table 5
Innovation efficiencies of high-tech industry in 29 regions of China from 2010 to 2011.
2010 2011
E*j E1*j E21j* E2*j E12j* 1j 2j E*j E1*j E21j* E2*j E12j* 1j 2j
Beijing 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.556 0.447 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.554 0.423
Tianjin 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.390 0.460 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.420 0.449
Hebei 0.460 0.858 0.290 0.412 0.507 0.671 0.578 0.426 1.000 0.148 0.219 0.597 0.679 0.573
Shanxi 0.597 0.478 0.686 0.686 0.478 0.649 0.548 0.435 0.705 0.052 0.052 0.705 0.582 0.578
Inner Mongolia 0.506 0.545 0.457 0.457 0.545 0.778 0.663 0.364 0.452 0.169 0.169 0.452 0.563 0.564
Liaoning 0.403 0.413 0.399 0.496 0.283 0.674 0.578 0.366 0.561 0.138 0.185 0.460 0.524 0.578
Jilin 0.623 0.786 0.416 0.416 0.786 0.562 0.554 0.338 0.419 0.149 0.149 0.419 0.200 0.384
Heilongjiang 0.257 0.716 0.060 0.119 0.333 0.645 0.581 0.235 0.675 0.047 0.095 0.310 0.605 0.573
Shanghai 0.514 0.815 0.385 0.592 0.449 0.584 0.626 0.489 1.000 0.209 0.301 0.641 0.654 0.679
Jiangsu 0.980 1.000 0.970 1.000 0.944 0.358 0.567 0.742 1.000 0.593 0.765 0.720 0.711 0.578
Zhejiang 0.733 0.588 0.795 1.000 0.398 0.621 0.651 0.770 0.913 0.708 1.000 0.544 0.588 0.513
Anhui 0.693 1.000 0.548 0.696 0.689 0.694 0.502 0.528 1.000 0.229 0.262 0.837 0.755 0.574
Fujian 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.392 0.493 0.917 1.000 0.868 1.000 0.818 0.708 0.567
Jiangxi 0.721 1.000 0.576 0.621 0.877 0.765 0.585 0.697 1.000 0.466 0.484 0.952 0.783 0.568
Shandong 0.803 0.966 0.733 1.000 0.595 0.637 0.552 0.612 1.000 0.443 0.694 0.546 0.742 0.719
Henan 0.379 0.759 0.216 0.310 0.444 0.705 0.526 0.953 0.842 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.200 0.250
Hubei 0.558 0.763 0.463 0.650 0.470 0.608 0.577 0.447 0.887 0.258 0.438 0.453 0.704 0.655
Hunan 0.589 0.867 0.469 0.603 0.572 0.694 0.470 0.533 0.650 0.482 1.000 0.294 0.568 0.525
Guangdong 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.441 0.491 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.510 0.398
Guangxi 0.582 1.000 0.164 0.164 1.000 0.793 0.796 0.402 0.993 0.149 0.245 0.519 0.648 0.580
Hainan 0.556 1.000 0.192 0.192 1.000 0.800 0.800 0.562 1.000 0.193 0.193 1.000 0.800 0.800
Chongqing 0.652 0.426 0.749 0.749 0.426 0.800 0.787 0.421 0.617 0.102 0.102 0.617 0.586 0.577
Sichuan 0.626 1.000 0.329 0.340 0.962 0.787 0.578 0.586 1.000 0.249 0.249 1.000 0.800 0.800
Guizhou 0.498 1.000 0.161 0.183 0.844 0.743 0.469 0.518 1.000 0.194 0.223 0.839 0.744 0.681
Yunnan 0.489 0.611 0.337 0.337 0.611 0.572 0.571 0.414 0.661 0.231 0.374 0.437 0.616 0.540
Shaanxi 0.331 0.716 0.167 0.345 0.324 0.568 0.568 0.333 0.902 0.089 0.150 0.463 0.654 0.574
Gansu 0.376 0.232 0.437 0.437 0.232 0.800 0.800 0.332 0.442 0.082 0.082 0.442 0.623 0.601
Ningxia 0.542 1.000 0.307 0.326 0.899 0.763 0.571 0.547 1.000 0.153 0.153 1.000 0.800 0.800
Xinjiang 0.414 0.701 0.005 0.005 0.701 0.748 0.574 0.098 0.114 0.060 0.060 0.114 0.202 0.200
Mean 0.617 0.801 0.494 0.556 0.668 0.648 0.585 0.554 0.822 0.361 0.436 0.627 0.604 0.562
S.D. 0.211 0.220 0.299 0.306 0.256 0.128 0.099 0.237 0.238 0.322 0.357 0.276 0.166 0.139
of the high-tech innovation in each provincial-level region while tech industry. Third, the standard deviations of all the efficiencies are
maintaining the maximum overall system efficiency score (E j*) and bigger than 0.2, indicating that there are remarkable variations in the
the maximum R&D efficiency (E2*j ). efficiency scores across provinces both in 2010 and 2011. The inter-
regional differences in all the efficiency performances corroborate our
From Table 5, the following findings can be concluded. First, the Section 3.1 conjecture about disparity.
mean values of the overall efficiency scores are 0.617 and 0.554 for For ease of illustration, we take the year 2011 as the research object
2010 and 2011, respectively, which indicates that there is great po- of this section, investigating the high-tech innovation efficiency. Since
tential for improving the high-tech innovation efficiency. Effective the whole innovation process is composed of the two connected sub-
measures should be taken to encourage the high-tech industry in- processes, it is technically efficient only when both sub-processes are
novation performance in China. Second, the average R&D efficiency is efficient. Table 5 shows that there is only a small percentage of regions
larger than the commercialization efficiency in 2010 and 2011. Taking that were overall efficient in terms of the high-tech innovation process
the year 2010 for example, while maintaining whole process overall in 2011: Beijing, Tianjin, and Guangdong. Maybe the good local
efficiency, if we maximize the R&D sub-process achievable efficiency, economy encouraged these regions to introduce and incorporate more
then the average efficiency scores of R&D and commercialization are advanced technology in production, with the result that the innovation
0.801 and 0.494, respectively, whereas if we maximize the commer- inputs are used more effectively. In addition, there are some regions
cialization sub-process efficiency, the corresponding figures are 0.668 with low overall efficiency, such as Jilin (0.338), Shaanxi (0.333),
and 0.556, respectively. In other words, the R&D sub-process in China's Gansu (0.332), Heilongjiang (0.236), and Xinjiang (0.098) in 2011. In
high-tech industry performs better than the commercialization sub- the future, these low-innovation-efficiency regions could find out what
process. Such results indicate that more emphasis should be put on is holding them back by looking at the well-developed regions and
commercialization activities to stimulate the development of the high- could learn from the experience of those regions to improve their own
performance in high-tech innovation. From the optimal proportions of
shared resources for the R&D stage, each region can choose its optimal
division of shared resources.
Table 6
Pearson correlation tests cross each efficiency. To illustrate the relationships among the overall efficiency and sub-
process efficiencies, the results of Pearson correlation tests are shown in
* *
Table 6. The significant correlations indicate that the overall efficiency
E10 1* E20 2*
E20 E10
performance is related to the two sub-processes. The correlation coef-
E0* 0.635** 0.945** 0.868** 0.498**
* 0.428*
ficient (E10 1*
* < E20 2*
; E10 * ) indicates that the overall efficiency is
< E20
E20 0.469 more related to the commercialization efficiency than to the R&D ef-
ficiency. In other words, the main cause of inefficiency in the innova-
* Indicates that correlation is significant at 0.05 level (2-tailed). tion process is the commercialization stage. As to the correlation be-
** Indicates that correlation is significant at 0.01 level (2-tailed). tween the two sub-processes, the smaller value and weaker significance
X. Chen, et al. Technovation 94–95 (2020) 102094
The conceptual model and empirical results provide practitioners The current study has several practical implications. The two-stage
and researchers with a better understanding of the innovation activities network DEA model allows the local governments to identify the
in China's provincial high-tech industries. The implications for theore- sources of inefficiency better and thus devote more effective effort to
tical work and practice are now considered in this discussion. improving the overall efficiency. The application of a weighted additive
strategy and the proposal of a deterministic efficiency decomposition
approach is pioneering in the value-chain DEA model, and this tech-
nique offers a beneficial guide to find optimal solutions. Moreover, this
analytical framework is generalizable and can be extended to other
This paper evaluated and analyzed the innovation performance for
the high-tech industries of 29 regions in China, and the results show
that innovation is not simply a matter of input-output activities but also
a collaborative system between R&D and commercialization. Therefore,
an appropriate balance of efficiency between R&D and commerciali-
zation is critical for overall efficiency. Beyond this, during the in-
novation process, it is necessary to identify the effect of various factors
and find more efficient options. These findings provide guidelines for
Fig. 2. The efficiency of the eastern, central, western, and northeastern areas of improving high-tech innovation performance considering both sub-
China in 2011. process disparity and regional disparity.
X. Chen, et al. Technovation 94–95 (2020) 102094
5.3. Implications to policy innovation process based on innovation value chain theory. A two-stage
DEA model with shared resources freely distributed among the stages is
This study gives insight into the cross-region innovation process of applied to evaluate the innovation performance of 29 provincial-level
China's high-tech industry for policy makers. Based on this empirical regions in mainland China for the years 2010 and 2011. The empirical
study, we offer guidelines for enhancing China's high-tech innovation findings show that most of the 29 regions have low efficiency in the
performance. commercialization sub-process compared to the R&D sub-process. To
First, considering the systematic nature of the relationship between complement previous publications, this model gives insight into the
R&D and commercialization, the policy makers should emphasize the appropriate proportion of shared resources in each sub-process, thereby
coordination of the R&D activities and industrial activities. avoiding the waste and misuse of resources. In addition, this study
Additionally, based on the shared resource measurements, the optimal contributes to the regional studies literature by analyzing the high-tech
proportions can provide guidance on resource allocation to the R&D industry innovation activities from the perspective of the regional in-
sub-process and commercialization sub-process. Attention should be novation system.
paid not only to the scale of R&D resources but also to the allocation This research is not free of limitations and these offer several useful
mechanism, which is beneficial to optimize the use of limited resources. directions for future study. First, it would be interesting to add some
This suggestion echoes Lee et al. (2014)’s argument for encouraging the characteristics of high-tech innovation into the framework. Future re-
use of the Technology Road mapping technique. From the optimal search should consider other factors such as the fast life cycle and a
proportions of shared resources for the R&D sub-process, we know how feedback loop from commercialization to the R&D stage. Second, owing
each region can choose its optimal division of shared resources for the R to the lack of statistics about subindustries, this study focuses on the
&D and commercialization sub-processes. Taking Beijing in 2011 as an regional disparity for the high-tech industry, as does the research of
example, the optimal proportions of technology resources and fixed Guan and Chen (2010). Since there is always some degree of regional
assets for the R&D sub-process are 0.554 and 0.423, respectively. In and industrial diversity within a nation, it could be fruitful to consider
other words, the optimal proportions for commercialization sub-process the regional industrial differences in future work. Third, following Chiu
are 0.446 and 0.577. et al. (2012), Guan and Chen (2010), and Wang et al. (2013), our focus
Several other factors may contribute to the low conversion of R&D is on measuring the internal innovation process of the high-tech in-
achievements. “Sleeping patents” may be the major cause, that is, a dustry itself rather than finding concrete solutions to improve innova-
substantial share of patents are not used internally nor used in market tion. In real life, there is imbalanced regional development in China due
transactions. The focus on patent applications rather than patent usage to aspects such as China's differentiation development strategy, the
leads to poor-quality patents (i.e. a “patent bubble”), which deviates unbalanced regional economies, and the disparities in industrial
from the market demand and cannot be successfully commercialized. structure, all of which affect possible strategies. The quest for concrete
On the other hand, the lack of skilled professionals and corresponding solutions for performance improvement deserves more research. The
technical knowledge reserves may block the transformation of R&D current paper's province-specific recommendations need to be in-
achievements into effective productivity. In this case, the top priority vestigated using provincial-level analysis, taking into account the
for policy makers should be oriented toward the ultimate goal of in- characteristics of R&D and commercialization activities, the regional
novation activities, rather than blindly providing tax policies and other policy, and so on. Fourth, the collaborative system between R&D and
incentives to stimulate R&D investment. Therefore, patent valuation commercialization cries out for more research. Finally, a longer time
institutions should be established to improve patent screening me- horizon in the empirical study would help capture a more dynamic
chanisms and to promote reviews of granted patents. In addition, there picture of the high-tech industry development in China, which might
should be incentives for the transformation to an open innovation provide interesting results.
model (Hu et al., 2015; Mortara and Minshall, 2011), including im-
plementing inside-out activities (Cassiman and Valentini, 2016), es- Acknowledgments
tablishing technical trading platforms (e.g., the “IP Marketplace” in
Denmark and the “Innovation Market” in Germany), the setup of The authors gratefully acknowledge the valuable comments and
crowdsourcing platforms (e.g., Odeskm, Elance, Freelancer), promoting suggestions of the three anonymous reviewers and Editor-in-Chief Prof.
the development of technology intermediaries, enhancing research co- Linton. This research is funded by the National Natural Science
operation between enterprises and universities, and so on. Foundation of China (Project no. 71472172) and the Social Science and
Finally, the findings of this study clearly show that high-tech in- Humanity Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (Project no.
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