Vix Cos R: 106 Cost Accounting
Vix Cos R: 106 Cost Accounting
Vix Cos R: 106 Cost Accounting
Problem 4
The company*s tOtBt fixsd
Green Meadows makes three types poGabl8 CO
gfS. g/ gg »ges of e4Ch typt
of cooler follow:'
P 30%
X 100 p 8,800
7,600 50%
X950 14,860
12,000 20%
C 800 24,600
Problem 5
Alonzo osvns a barber where he eiiiploys five barbers and pays each a base rale o£
P2,000 per month. One of the barbers act as the manager and receives aia extra
P3,000 per month. lii addition to the base rate, each barber is paid a commission
P20 per haircut. A barber can do an ax'erage of 6 haircuts a day'. The barber shop
is open 24 days a month. Other costs incurred are as
follows: Advertising P 1 ,000 per
month Rent 4,000 per
Barber supplies 400 per month
UtilitiCS 1,750 per month and
25 per haircut
Magazines 250 per mom
Cleaning Supplies 15 per haircut
Curently Alonzo charges Pl00 per
Compute the break-even point ns a) nambe r of hairc• @
(b) total pesos
s»d 1f1
2. In March, 1400 hairCLttS were giv en, C ompUt f2 tl1e at e t i n c
om e
3. Alonzo wants a net income of must be given P2 ,0 00, GO mpute
the n umber
of haircuts that
4. lf Alonzo wants a net income of P40,000, a n d 1,500
haircu tS „,p re giv it, how
much must be the amount charged per
Chapter 4 COst Yol ume Pr oñ t Analysis 107
Problem 6
I.Compute the break-even poii1! in
units 2.Compute the break-even point
in pesos 3.Compute tile contribution
margin ratio
4.Using the projected sales 5or the coining year, compute the margin of safety and -
margin of safety ratio.
Problem 7
Statement of Comprehensive Income for Brooklyn Company for the current year is
Sales P 750,000
Variable cost 600,000
Contribution margin 150,000
Fixed cost 100,000
Operating income
1.Compute the break-even
poiiit 2.Compute the margi n
of safety 3.Compute the
margin of safety
Com pute the degree of operating leverage
Suppose the company experiences a 30% increase in revenues, compute for the
The most ilnportant iltformatioit derived froln a breakeven chart is the
a. amount of sales needed to cover the variable cost
b. amount of sales needed io cover the fixed cost
c. relationship among revenues, variable costs, fixed costs at diNerent levels of
d. volume or output level at >'liicli the enterprise breaks ei/en
Companies with a high Jegree of op«rai ilag lcverage
a. wil! have a more sltik in inccmc a.t SaleS volume changes
b. have fewer fixed costs’
c. have lov•- contribution margin ratios
d. are less dependent on volume to add profits
6. If the variable cost per unit decreases while selling price decreases, the nsw
variable cost ratio in relation TO
the O ld 'V ariable cost ratio tvill be
a. higher
b. losver
c. the same
d. ñot enough i nformation provided
' 8. If the fixed cost for a product decrease and ihe varialsle cost (as a percentage
of peso sales) decrease, what wil l be the effect on the contribution margin
ratio and the break-even point respectively
Contribution margin ratio Break-es'en point
a. Deceased lncrease’d
b. Increased Decreased
c. Decreased Decreased
d. Increased Increased
1 0. If the s,ales mix shifls toward the higher contribution mar5in products, what
w'ould happen tp lhe bfeak-even point
a. decreases
b. increases
c. remains constant
d. requires add itional i n?ormatior
c »o Accounting
.The Orange Company plans to sell a new The selllpt price is expected tO
be P 150 per unit. The company is able to 15,000 unig but the Com pany’s
marketing manager feels that a more realistic level of sales would be units.
Variable coN is estimated at P70 per un it. TOtal fixed costs >’ill be P 900,000
Chapter 4 Cost Vof ume Profit 111
6. How much is i^Co me (loss) if the company sells all the units it can produce
a. P (87,500)
b. Pl22,500
c. P300,000
d. P330,000
7. If the company desires to eana P400,000 before tax at full capacity', what
selling pricg must be charged
a. P 80.00
b. P 90.00
c. P 95.00
d. P100.00
&nna Company manufactures and sells tw’o products: Product A and Product
B. The two products have the following characteristics
Product A Product B
Selling price per unit P 50.00 P30.00
'Sales revenue 750,000 900,000
Variable cost per unit 39.09 24,00
Total fixed cost for the 0OlT1 dH}’ W'as P320,000 but increase to P400,000 at
production levels over 100,000. Sell ing price and variable cost per unit are the
same at all production levels
8. Assuming a consent product mix, w!* ft h is the break-even in units?
a. 10,000 units
b, 16,000 units
c. 23,000 units
d. 30,000 units
Cost Acco unting
jpg a GOH t Pr Od C* *** l *.
9. Por the company to earn a pro£it Of P4 00,00
0, aS U*
how maziy units must be sold
a. 25,000 units
b. 37,500 units
c. 50,000 units
d. 75,000 units ot30,000 un its
te d baa d on S ales
The following costs have been estini il
Total itnnua l Pe rcent
cost p Variab
direct materials
Direct fiabor 300,000 100%
Manufacturing overhead q50,000 100
Sellilng and adlYliRlstrative 250,000 50
130,000 30
10. What selling price ss'ill result iia a 40% coñ t fl bU ii • = a gr l•
a. P33.2S
b. P39.J8
c. P52.78
@ P60.00
Happy Face Company has fixed cost of per J'ear, t'ariable cost of P30
P500,000 per unit, and a selling Jirice of P50
per anit.
12. At a production level of 30,000 units, how ffltlCh is the operating income?
a. P 50s000
b. P I 00.000
c. P 150,000
d. P 200,000
i4. The number of units the company must sell to earn an income of P100,000?
a. 10,000 urits
b. 25,000 unita
c. 27,500 units
d. 30,000 uRi8
›tlexis Company’ operated normal capacit)' during the current year producing
50,000 of its single product.. Sales 40,000 units at a selling price of P20
per unit. Variable manufactu ring were P8 per unit and variable selling and
admin isYative were P 4 per utlit. cost were incurred uniformly throughout
the year and amounted to P188,000 for manufacturing and P64,000 for P64,000 for
selling and adm\nistrative.
The Presley Company manufactures two products, Product X and Product Y..
The following are projections for the coming year,
16. Assuming that the fac ilities are not jointly' used, the breakeven
output (in tlnits)for Product X wou ld be
a. 8,000
b. 7,000
c. 6,000
d. 5,000
c ost Accounting
The vanablC cost is
The Power Company sells its ,‹Pls.0o per »n:i.
sales anu t(}3ted to P45,000
p j2, 000. Cunent
PS.09 per unit. Total fixed coS1 l8 *
, pp¢¿ „ pJ3 «d eXpe n S e S hftYC th be
l7,If sales deer e>xc bj' 500 uisits,
by h fi
izfiuced to maintain the GtllTClat net income?
a. P7,500
b. P6,000
c. P3,000
The statement of comprehensive income for Blanche Company' for the curent
yeur is presented below
Sales P 400,000
Vwiable costs 12i,000
Contribtltion margin fi7S.000
Fixed costs 200.000
Income before tax p 75.000
19. What is the degree of operating leverage of Blanche Company
c. 5.33
d. 1.67
The job order cost procedure keeps the costs of various jobs or contracts separate
during their manufacture or construction. The method is applicable to job order
work in factories, workshops, and repair shops as well as to work by brii!ders,
cons4uction engineefs, sJii builders, and printers. The cost unit is the job, the
work order, or the contract; and the records will show the cost o¥ each. The
method presupposes the possibility' of physically ide ntifying the jobs produced and
of charging each with its o¥m cost.
A variation of the job order cost method is that GOStlD g Drders by lots. A
lot is
of the quantity oP product that can economicalt y be produced and
conveniently and
coxted. For example, in the shoe ma indust ry’, a contract is divided into
lots, each lot being from 100 to 250 pairs of one size and style of shoe. The costs
are ihen accumulated for each lot.