IMPORTANT P.3 Science Revision Booklet
IMPORTANT P.3 Science Revision Booklet
IMPORTANT P.3 Science Revision Booklet
© Page 1
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Table of Contents
PAPER 1 .................................................. 3
PAPER 2 ................................................ 13
PAPER 3 ................................................ 24
PAPER 4 ................................................ 33
PAPER 5 ................................................ 43
PAPER 6 ................................................ 53
PAPER 7 ................................................ 64
PAPER 8 ................................................ 75
PAPER 9 ................................................ 86
PAPER 10 .............................................. 96
PAPER 13 ............................................ 126
PAPER 14 ............................................ 135
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© Page 2
SECTION A. (40 Marks)
1. Name any one product got from a domestic bird.
2. Give the use of a toilet at school.
3. Why do farmers provide houses to their farm animals?
4. Identify any one insect that lives in soil.
5. Identify the method of preserving food shown below.
6. Why is a lion dangerous to people?
7. Which clouds are a sure sign of rainfall?
8. Draw a garden tool used for cutting big trees.
© Page 3
9. Name any one place where children are taken for immunization.
10. Which gas is given out by plants during photosynthesis?
11. Write any one type of family in your sub-county / Division.
12. Why are people advised to drink boiled water?
13. Why should every family start a tree planting project in our
14. Name any one play material that children can make at home.
15. What does the diagram below show about air?
Air bubbles
16. How is strong wind dangerous to a person using a boat?
17. Why do farmers mulch their gardens?
18. Name any one element of weather.
19. How is a mortar and a pestle useful in a kitchen?
© Page 4
20. Identify any one method of planting maize.
21. Why do farmers dry cereal crops before storing them?
22. Why is it dangerous to disturb bees in their hives?
23. Give any one way of avoiding mosquito bites in your bedroom.
24. Write any one danger of the sun.
25. Name the food value got from eating beans.
26. Which body organ is cared for by wearing sunglasses?
27. Identify any one item used to keep your classroom clean.
28. How do you care for pit latrines?
29. Apart from decomposition, give any other way in which soil is
30. State any one role of children at home.
31. Give the use of a rake to farmers.
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32. How do you care for your school shoes?
33. Name any one plant that grows well in a desert.
The diagram below shows a rain gauge.
© Page 6
40. Give any one importance of things we make like bags.
41. (a) Name any two common accidents at home.
(i) _________________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________________
(b) State any one cause of road traffic accidents.
(c) Give any one way of reducing accidents on our roads.
42. (a) Name any two things you can do to promote personal
(i) _________________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________________
(b) What problem can result from failing to keep the body
(c) Draw any one item used to care for your body parts.
© Page 7
(c) How is a granary useful to a crop farmer?
44. The diagram below shows a flowering plant.
© Page 8
46. Match the following correctly.
Animal movement
Cow swimming
Fish leaping
Toad flying
Bee walking
47. (a) Name part marked S and T above.
S __________________________________________________________
T __________________________________________________________
(b) Identify any one item used to make part R.
(c) Give any one use of a house to people.
© Page 9
48. (a) What is germination?
(b) Write any two conditions needed by a seed to germinate.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
(c) Give any one way of caring for seedlings.
49. The diagram below shows a common item. Use it to answer the
questions that follow.
© Page 10
(c) Write any one danger of staying in a dirty place.
51. (a) Who heads most normal families in our community?
(b) Name any two groups of people in a family.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
(c) Who breastfeeds a baby in a family?
52. (a) Give one example of an energy giving food.
(b) Name any one use of food in the body.
(c) State any two dangers of poor feeding.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
53. (a) Identify any one main part of an insect.
(b) Write any one characteristic of insects.
(c) Give one example of each of the following;
(i) useful insects ___________________________________________
(ii) harmful insects ___________________________________________
54. (a) Name any two sources of water in our sub-county / Division.
(i) _________________________________________________________
© Page 11
(ii) _________________________________________________________
(b) Give the use of water to wild animals.
(c) Write any one human activity that can make water sources
55. The pictures below show wild animals.
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SECTION A. (40 Marks)
1. How many legs has a spider?
2. Give one danger of long fingernails.
3. How is a dustbin useful in a classroom?
4. Write any one member of a nuclear family.
Below is an object found in our environment.
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11. How is a latrine useful to people?
The diagram below is of a fish. Use it to answer question 12.
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21. How does a bat move from one place to another?
22. Draw a garden tool used for collecting rubbish.
© Page 15
31. State one way of keeping water sources clean.
32. The diagram below shows a drum.
36. How can family members protect themselves from mosquito bites
at home?
37. How can you protect your food from being contaminated?
38. Give one reason why people keep birds at home.
© Page 16
39. How can you help a blind man or woman in your village?
40. Give any one use of soil to people.
41. The diagram below shows life cycle of an insect. Use it to answer
the Eggs
questions below.
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(i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________
43. a) What is weather?
b) Identify the type of weather that leads to drought.
c) Give any two elements of weather.
(i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________
44. The diagram below is of a flowering plant. Use it to answer the
questions below.
a) Name part marked S.
S ______________________________________________________________
b) Give the function of parts marked T and L to the plant.
T ______________________________________________________________
L ______________________________________________________________
c) Why do bees visit part K?
© Page 18
45. a) Why do we eat food?
b) Give any one use of food in the body.
c) How can you preserve the following food stuffs?
(i) fish __________________________________________________________
(ii) beans _______________________________________________________
46. Match these animals
Animal movement
Fish - walking
Snake - slithering
Grasshopper - swimming
Cow - hopping
a) Fish ____________________________________________
b) Snake ____________________________________________
c) Grasshopper ____________________________________________
d) Cow ____________________________________________
47. a) Name the property of air shown below.
card board
b) How is the above property useful to people?
© Page 19
c) Give any two other properties of air.
(i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________
48. a) Write any two examples of seeds eaten by people.
(i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________
b) Identify any two things needed by a seed to germinate.
(i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________
49. a) Apart from clay , name any other type of soil
b) Why is clay soil the best for making pots?
d) Name one thing which is added to sand soil when building a
d) Give one way in which we can make the soil more fertile.
50. a) Draw and name any one item used to clean our school
© Page 20
b) Where can pupils at school put the rubbish?
(i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________
c) Why should you wash your hands after cleaning the
51. a) Write one example of natural changes in the environment.
b) Identify any two natural causes of changes in the environment.
(i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________
c) Name one human activity that causes changes in the
52. a) Give any two characteristics of living things.
(i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________
b) Apart from animals, give any other group of living things.
c) Where do wild animals such as lions live?
© Page 21
53. The diagram below shows part of the human body.
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55. The diagram below is of a living thing. Use it to answer the
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SECTION A. (40 Marks)
1. Name one domestic animal that provides us with milk.
2. How useful is a broom in your classroom?
3. Why is a hen grouped under living things?
4. How are rats dangerous to a crop farmer?
5. What food value do we get when we eat the animal below?
6. Give one role of a mother at home.
7. Give one domestic animal used for transport.
8. Why is it dangerous to share clothes with other people?
9. Give one use of leaves to people.
10. Give any one effect of accidents to people.
© Page 24
11. Why should a casualty be given first aid?
12. How is the garden tool below useful to a farmer?
13. Name any one disease that has no cure.
14. Why do we need to bathe everyday?
15. Why is a spider not referred to as an insect?
16. How is too much sunshine dangerous to crop farmers?
17. How is a shadow useful to people?
18. Why should we have a dustbin in our classroom?
19. Give the use of a toilet at home.
20. Identify any one use of feathers to birds.
21. Name the animal waste used for smearing the floor of a house.
© Page 25
22. Identify the health practice done before eating food.
23. Name part of the bird marked B.
24. How is a housefly dangerous to people?
25. Name any one place where people can get food.
26. Give one use of trees found in the school compound.
27. Name one tool that we can use to keep our bodies clean.
28. Why are farmers advised to keep metallic garden tools in a cool dry
29. Give one element of weather.
30. Why should pedestrians cross a busy road at a zebra crossing?
31. How is electricity useful at home?
32. Why should we boil water for drinking?
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33. Name one thing we can make from banana fibres.
34. The diagram below shows a garden tool.
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(b) Give two ways of controlling soil erosion.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
42. (a) Name any two common diseases in our homes.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
(b) What vector spreads malaria?
(c) Give one way of controlling malaria at home.
43. Match the animals in A to their homes in B correctly.
Dog den
Fish tree
Monkey kennel
Lion water
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(ii) __________________________________________________________
45. (a) Draw and name any two things we use to keep our bodies
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(ii) __________________________________________________________
(c) Give one way of caring for domestic animals.
48. The diagram below shows a plant.
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50. (a) How is AIDS spread?
(b) How is AIDS dangerous to people?
(c) Give two ways of caring for AIDS patients.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
51. Give two natural causes of changes in the environment.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
(b) Name one man made change in the environment.
(c) How can you care for trees at home?
The diagrams below show properties of air. Use them to answer
questions that follow.
52. (a) Identify the properties of air marked A and B.
(i) A _________________________________________________
(ii) B _________________________________________________
(b) How is Carbondioxide useful to people?
© Page 31
(c) Which part of air is needed for burning?
53. (a) Name one source of water.
(b) Give three uses of water at home.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
(iii) __________________________________________________________
54. (a) What is mulching?
(b) Give two importance of mulching a garden.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
(c) State one danger of the sun.
55. Use the words below to fill in the gaps below correctly.
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SECTION A. (40 Marks)
1. Name the sense organ for hearing.
2. Why are bees grouped under insects?
3. Which activity in personal hygiene is carried out using soap?
4. Who is a grandmother in an extended family?
5. Give one example of a body-building food.
6. Why do people cross a busy road at a zebra crossing?
7. How does the animal below move from one place to another?
8. Write down any one behaviour that is accepted in our community.
9. Why is it dangerous to have poor feeding in children?
10. What is a balanced diet?
11. Why is a stone grouped under non-living things?
© Page 33
12. How do children prevent tooth decay?
13. How are floods dangerous in the environment?
14. In which way is a dog useful at home?
15. Name the childhood immunisable disease that makes children
16. What danger would a housefly get if its spiracles were blocked?
17. Identify the main natural source of water.
18. State one reason why you need a dustbin in your classroom?
19. What type of weather is the best for winnowing seeds?
20. Why do people keep hens at home?
21. How is the tool below useful in a home?
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22. Complete the diagram by drawing a shadow.
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32. Identify the method of preserving food shown below.
33. How can we care for plants during drought?
34. Identify any one tool that people use to keep an area clean.
35. Give any one way of caring for garden tools.
36. What is the standard unit for measuring length?
37. Give any one importance of the sun to people.
38. Name any one dangerous insect found in pit latrines.
39. Why is it dangerous for children to play along the road?
40. Draw any one item found in a first aid box.
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41. (a) What is air?
(b) Write down any two components of air.
(i) ___________________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________________
(c) Which property of air enables us to suck soda from a bottle?
42. (a) Why do people use umbrellas on a rainy day?
(b) Give any two dangers of too much rain to people.
(i) ___________________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________________
(c) Draw any one item used for harvesting rain water.
43. (a) Draw the following items used to keep the body clean.
toothbrush comb
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(b) Give any one danger of failing to clean your body.
(c) How do you care for your hair?
44. (a) Write down any two animals at home whose meat we eat.
(i) ___________________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________________
(b) State any two ways we can care for the animals above.
(i) ___________________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________________
45. The picture below shows a child suffering from an immunisable
red eyes
running nose
skin rash
© Page 38
46. (a) What is germination?
(b) Apart from water, name any other two conditions necessary for
(i) ___________________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________________
(c) Give another use of seeds to people at home.
47. (a) Name any one living component of soil.
(b) Give any two ways of keeping soil fertile.
(i) ___________________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________________
(c) How is soil formed?
48. Match the words in A with those in B correctly.
Cow den
Rabbit kennel
Lion hutch
Dog kraal
Cow ______________________________________
Rabbit ______________________________________
© Page 39
Lion ______________________________________
Dog ______________________________________
49. (a) Apart from malaria , mention any other two common diseases.
(i) ___________________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________________
(b) How can we prevent malaria at home?
50. (a) What is weather?
(b) Write any two elements of weather.
(i) ___________________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________________
(c) Which condition of weather makes people wear gumboots?
51. (a) Give two reasons why we should give first aid.
(i) ___________________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________________
(b) Write any two ways we can prevent accidents at home.
(i) ___________________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________________
© Page 40
52. Use the diagram below to answer questions that follow.
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54. The picture below shows items found in a bedroom.
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1. Which domestic animal lives in a sty?
2. How is wind useful to people?
3. Why do people plant short grass in their compounds?
4. Identify any one material used to make the tool below.
5. Give the importance of a house to people.
6. Give any one use of electricity at home.
© Page 43
7. Why did the balloon with air go down?
8. Give one way of caring for a baby at home.
9. How can a P.3 child promote personal hygiene?
10. Write one way of keeping food safe for a long time.
11. Which food value is mainly obtained from fruits?
12. Give one way of caring for water sources.
13. What problem can be faced by people who don’t want to brush
their teeth?
14. How are swamps useful in our environment?
15. What does the sign post below mean?
16. Why do people need health centres in their communities?
17. Name the second stage in the growth of a cockroach.
18. Which immunisable disease makes children to get skin rash?
© Page 44
19. How can a P.3 pupil ensure proper disposal of rubbish in a class?
20. Give an example of anything that can make a shadow.
21. Write the use of a knife to people.
22. Name one organism which helps to aerate soil.
23. Give any one member who can join a nuclear family to make it
24. Why do people carry umbrellas on rainy days?
The diagram below shows an animal. Use it to answer the question
© Page 45
29. Write one food stuff which needs pounding in a mortar before
30. Why does a chameleon change its colours?
31. Give one method of killing mosquitoes at home.
32. Draw any one garden tool.
© Page 46
38. Name one material we can use to catch fish.
39. Identify any one way animals care for their young ones.
The diagram below shows a house. Use it to answer question 40.
© Page 47
43. The diagram below shows a common tool.
© Page 48
46. a) What is a balanced diet?
b) Give two uses of food in our bodies.
(i) ________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________
c) State one danger of poor feeding.
47. a) Name two items used to cook food.
(i) ________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________
b) Give two ways of caring for utensils in the kitchen.
(i) ________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________
48. a) What is sanitation?
b) Draw these items used to promote sanitation.
broom rake
© Page 49
c) Write any one danger of poor sanitation.
49. a) How is a sickbay useful to a primary three pupil?
b) Name any one person who works in a sickbay.
c) Write one item found in a sick bay.
d) Why should a sickbay be kept clean?
50. a) Name any two places where wild animals live.
(i) ________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________
b) How are wild animals useful to people?
c) Write one danger of wild animals to people.
51. The diagram below shows the water cycle. Use it to answer
question 50.
© Page 50
a) Name the processes taking place at A and D.
(i) A____________________________________________________
(ii) D____________________________________________________
b) Name part B.
c) How is part B important in the cycle above?
52. a) What is first aid?
b) Give any two accidents that need first aid.
(i) ________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________
c) Give any one reason for giving first aid.
53. a) How are shadows formed?
b) Give two uses of shadows to people.
(i) ________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________
c) At what time of the day are shadows shortest?
54. (a) Match the insects to the diseases they spread.
(i) Houseflies sleeping sickness
(ii) Anopheles mosquitoes Trachoma
(iii) Tsetse flies malaria
© Page 51
(i) House flies _________________________________________
(ii) Anopheles mosquitoes ______________________________
(iii) Tsetse flies _________________________________________
(b) Which person in our community treats a child who gets
55. The diagram below shows a common plant.
© Page 52
1. Name any one material used to keep the house clean.
2. The diagram below shows a soil profile.
© Page 53
9. Name a disease which can be controlled by sleeping under a
mosquito net.
10. Why do people plant grass in the school compound?
11. How is the part shown in the diagram useful to a plant?
12. Give any one example of a fuel commonly used at home.
13. How can you prevent a water source like a well from
14. Give an example of a disease which can be controlled by
15. Which body part do you use to taste food?
16. How is heavy rainfall dangerous in our environment?
17. To which body part of an insect are the legs attached?
© Page 54
18. Why is a stone considered to be a non living thing?
19. Name any one example of a wild bird.
20. Write one way we can save resources at home.
21. Identify the part of a sugarcane plant that stores food.
22. Why do we cook food before eating it?
23. How is a shadow useful to people?
24. Identify any one common accident at home.
25. Name any one element of weather.
26. Give one use of things like toy cars made from artificial materials.
27. Give any one role of a father at home.
28. How is the garden tool below useful to a farmer?
© Page 55
29. Name any one item used to manage rainy weather.
30. How are floods dangerous in the environment?
31. How is a watering can useful to a farmer in a dry season?
32. Why is carbon dioxide used in fire extinguishers?
33. Write any one PIASCY message.
34. State any one way a P.3 child can control the spread of malaria at
35. In the space below, draw the animal that guards our home.
36. Which accident will come as a result of playing with the object
© Page 56
37. Give one reason why people make mats.
38. Why is it advisable to brush our teeth after every meal?
39. Mention any one animal kept in an aquarium.
40. The diagram below shows a sick child.
© Page 57
b) Give two examples of domestic animals that are kept for
(i) ________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________
c) How is a cow useful at home?
43. The diagram below shows the life cycle of a housefly. Use it to
answer questions that follow.
© Page 58
44. Use the diagram below to answer questions that follow.
© Page 59
47. a) How is soil formed?
b) Give any two types of soil.
(i) _______________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________
c) Identify the component of soil that makes it fertile.
48. a) How many legs has an insect?
b) Why are termites and bees referred to as social insects?
b) Mention two ways in which insects are useful to people.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
49. Match the materials used to clean the body correctly to their uses.
Material Use
Tooth brush scrubbing dirt from the body.
Soap brushing teeth.
Sponge removing wax from ears.
Ear bud kill germs on the skin.
a) Tooth brush _______________________________________
b) Soap _______________________________________
c) Sponge _______________________________________
d) Ear bud _______________________________________
© Page 60
50. How are the following road signs useful to road users?
(i) _____________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________
© Page 61
c) State the importance of the sun in a water cycle.
53. Below is a diagram of flowering plant, use it to answer the questions
that follow.
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55. Use the words below to fill the gaps correctly.
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SECTION A (40 marks)
© Page 64
9. Identify any one component of soil.
10. Name any one thing a plant needs to grow well.
11. Give any one activity carried out by farmers during the wet season.
12. Draw any one item made from banana fibres.
© Page 65
19. What is the use of food in your body?
20. How does a dog protect itself against its enemies?
21. Which type of soil has the biggest soil particles?
22. Identify any one common accident at home.
23. Name any one insect that lives in soil.
24. Identify any one use of cats at home.
25. How is humus formed?
26. Identify any one item used for clearing bushes around our school.
27. The diagram below is of an insect. Name part marked X.
X ________________________________
© Page 66
30. How can you care for plants?
31. Give the use of the garden tool shown below.
32. Why is the third layer of a soil profile not good for crop growing?
The diagram below shows a human sense organ.
© Page 67
38. How can a dog be dangerous to people?
39. Name any one immunisable childhood disease.
40. Give any one danger of putting on dirty clothes.
41. (a) Briefly explain the meaning of first aid.
(b) State any one reason for giving first aid.
(c) Draw and name two items used in giving first aid.
42. (a) Apart from hides, mention any one other product got from a
(b) Give any one way of caring for cows at home.
© Page 68
(c) Draw these items made from animal hides.
drum belt
© Page 69
44. Match the animals to their weapons correctly.
Animal weapon
(a) goat claws
(b) bee hands
(c) person horns
(d) cat sting
prickly hair
(a) goat _______________________________________
(b) bee _______________________________________
(c) person _______________________________________
(d) cat _______________________________________
45. The diagrams below shows types soil.
(a) Name the type of soil marked with letters A, B and C.
(ii)B __________________________________________________________
(iii)C _________________________________________________________
(b) Which letter shows the type of soil which allows water to pass
through easily?
46. The diagram below shows part of the human body.
© Page 70
(a) Name the part shown above.
(b) Give the use of the part shown above to people.
(c) How do you care for that part?
(d) Write any one thing used in cleaning the above part of the
47. Study the life cycle of a cockroach.
nymph X
© Page 71
(c) Name the items below that are used by first aiders.
49. (a) How can you use these things for keeping your bedroom clean?
(i) A________________________________________________________
(ii) B_______________________________________________________
(b) Why do people keep their homes clean?
(d) Draw a tool used for cutting grass.
© Page 72
(i) Fish ________________________________________________________
(ii) Monkey _____________________________________________________
51. The diagram below shows a house.
© Page 73
(b) Write any two elements of weather.
(c) Which type of weather is managed by using an umbrella?
55. (a) Name any two food stuffs eaten at home.
(i) _________________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________________
(b) Write any two use of food in the human body.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________________
© Page 74
1. Name any one domestic animal with horns.
2. How are ears useful to a P.3 child?
3. Why is it not good to cross the road carelessly?
4. How is a sting useful to a bee?
5. Name any one animal which uses a nest as its habitat.
6. Why is a fire extinguisher painted with bright colours?
7. How can we protect our bodies from catching skin diseases?
8. Why should farmers mulch their gardens?
9. How is the plant below harmful to people?
10. Name the sense organ for tasting.
© Page 75
11. Why is a grasshopper grouped under insects?
12. Write any one common accident at home.
13. Complete the diagram to form the shadow.
© Page 76
21. Write down any one effect of accidents to people.
22. Draw one item used to manage rainy weather.
deflated balloon
Inflated balloon
© Page 77
29. How is poor feeding dangerous to children?
30. Why should people sleep under mosquito nets?
31. Give one use of leaves to a plant.
32. Identify one member of an extended family who is not found in a
nuclear family.
33. Why are children taken for immunisation?
34. Give one non-curable disease.
35. How is a knife useful in a kitchen?
36. Give one use of food to the body.
37. State any one product got from cows.
38. How are spiracles useful to an insect?
© Page 78
39. Draw one object used in the cleaning of our teeth.
© Page 79
42. (a) Give one use of sunglasses to people on a sunny day.
(b) Why are we advised to harvest cereal crops in a dry season?
(c) Give one danger of too much rainfall to farmers.
(d) Why should a farmer first dry cereals before storing them?
43. (a) What is first aid?
(b) State any two importance of first aid.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
(c) Name any one sharp object that can cause harm to the
44. (a) Name any two common diseases in our sub-county.
(i) _________________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________________
(b) Give any two ways of preventing common diseases.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
© Page 80
45. Below is a diagram of soil profile.
© Page 81
(c) Name these items used in keeping our bodies clean.
© Page 82
49. Below is a diagram of a garden tool.
© Page 83
(ii) __________________________________________________________
52. (a) Why do we eat food?
(b) Why should some food be cooked before eating it?
(c) What is the best food for babies of one month?
(d) Name one class of food.
53. The diagram below shows materials used in the preparation of food
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(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
(c) How can you control soil erosion in your home compound?
55. The diagram below shows one of the materials in a first aid box.
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1. Name one material which can be made from sisal.
2. The diagram below shows a soil profile.
© Page 86
8. The diagram below shows a home of an animal.
Name it ________________________________________________________
9. Give one common fuel used for cooking at home.
10. Why is it dangerous to play near a cooking place?
11. Name the main body part of an insect on which the legs are
12. How can we prevent food from getting contaminated?
13. Why do we wash our hands after picking rubbish?
14. Why is a spider not considered to be an insect?
15. How can farmers control soil erosion in their gardens?
16. Identify any one good health practice you know.
17. How is a zebra crossing useful to pedestrians?
© Page 87
18. Identify any one danger of diarrhoea to a patient.
19. Why is clay soil the best soil to use when making pots?
20. How is the item below useful in promoting personal hygiene?
© Page 88
30. In which one way is oxygen gas useful to people?
31. Give one way people can care for their eyes.
32. Draw and name one material made from banana fibres.
33. How can a P.3 pupil help to control the spread of malaria at home?
34. State one way of keeping food safe.
35. How are parts marked X useful to an insect?
36. Name any one item at home used for grinding millet.
© Page 89
37. Give one way we can keep ourselves safe from accidents at
38. Why do animals move from one place to another?
39. Why is an antelope grouped under living things?
40. Identify any one reason why people make mats.
41. a) What is an accident?
b) Name one cause of accidents on the road.
c) Write any two effects of an accident to a person.
(i) ___________________________________________________________
(ii) ______________________________________________________
42. a) Apart from air , name one component of the environment.
b) In which way is the component of air with 0.03% useful to
c) Write down any two properties of air.
(i) __________________________________________________________
© Page 90
(ii) _________________________________________________________
43. What is wind?
b) Apart from wind, name two elements of weather.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________________
c) State any one way of managing rainy weather.
44. Study the diagram below shows a natural process.
© Page 91
45. a) Give any one use of food in the body.
b) State any one danger of poor feeding.
c) Mention any two sources of food in your division / subcounty.
(i) _________________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________________
46. Use the diagram below to answer questions that follow.
© Page 92
b) Apart from a duck, name one other example of a domestic
c) Give any two uses of domestic birds to people.
(i) ___________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________
48. a) What is a family?
b) Identify any one type of a family.
c) Name any two members of family.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________
49. a) How are the following types of soil useful in your division?
(i) sand ____________________________________________________
(ii) clay ______________________________________________________
b) Mention any one organism that stays in soil.
c) Why is loam soil the best for plant growth?
50. a) How is the sun useful in the environment?
b) Give one danger of the sun.
© Page 93
c) Which type of weather is best for the following human
(i) Winnowing seeds __________________________________________
(ii) Drying harvested crops ___________________________________
51. Below are some of the garden tools. Use them to answer the
questions that follow.
a) Name the garden tool labelled D.
b) How are the garden tools labelled A and C useful to farmers?
(i) Garden tool A ___________________________________________
(ii) Garden tool B ____________________________________________
(iii) Garden tool C _____________________________________________
52. a) What are domestic animals?
b) Which domestic animal is kept for wool production?
c) Identify any one product made from skins or hides.
c) How are animal wastes useful to farmers?
© Page 94
53. Match correctly.
Fish Walking
Snake Jumping
Frog Swimming
Man Slithering
Fish ____________________________________________________________
Snake _____________________________________________________
Frog _________________________________________________________
Man ________________________________________________________
54. What is First aid?
b) Mention any two reasons why we give first aid.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
c) Name any one item used in giving First aid.
55. Name any two childhood immunisable diseases.
(i) ___________________________________________________________
(ii) ___________________________________________________________
b) Identify any one place where children are taken for
c) Mention one group of people who carry out immunization.
© Page 95
SECTION A. (40 Marks)
1. Name any one useful insect.
2. Why does a leopard move from one place to another?
3. How is a toilet useful in a school?
4. Why is a cockroach grouped under insects?
5. Give one danger of growing crops near anthills.
6. Draw the part of a plant used to make food.
© Page 96
10. How is a dog useful in a home?
11. Give the use of a beak to a hen.
12. What is soil erosion?
13. Write one use of mulching a garden.
14. Apart from mulching, how else can you care for crops in the
15. Why is an ostrich unable to fly?
16. How are floods dangerous in an area?
17. Why are pedestrians advised to cross a busy road at a zebra
18. Give one danger of poor feeding to a child.
© Page 97
19. Write any one source of food.
20. Why is loam soil the best for crop growing?
21. How are nimbus clouds important in our sub-county?
22. Name the main natural source of heat and light.
23. How is water important in a kitchen?
The diagram below shows a local tool.
24. Give any one use of the tool above to a crop farmer.
25. Which component of air helps a candle to burn?
26. How can farmers control pests in the garden?
27. What is the best season for planting seeds?
28. Why should children not play near sharp objects?
© Page 98
The diagram below shows an item kept in a first aid box.
35. Name one item that can be used to keep the environment clean.
36. Why do fish move from one side of a river to another?
© Page 99
37. Name any one element of weather.
38. Write any one way of controlling malaria at home.
39. State any one time when you are supposed to wash hands.
40. Give any one example of a fruit.
41. Below is an instrument used to preserve food.
(c) Identify the disease the above children are suffering from.
A __________________________________________________________
B __________________________________________________________
(d) How can the above diseases be controlled?
52. (a) Name two items used in the kitchen to cook food.
(i) _________________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________________
(b) Give two ways of caring for the items found in the kitchen.
3. Give one role of a mother at home.
4. How is a zebra crossing useful to pedestrians?
5. Write down one danger of too much sunshine in the environment.
6. State one way you can make use of banana fibres at home.
7. What is the main source of light energy in our environment?
8. How does a chameleon protect itself?
9. The diagram below shows a garden tool.
41. a) Mention any two sources of water.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
b) State any two use of water to people.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
42. a) Name any two immunizable diseases.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
b) Write any one place where immunization can be carried out.
c) Identify any one group of people who immunize children.
43. a) What is mulching?
b) Why do farmers mulch their gardens?
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
deflated balloon
inflated balloon
1. What term is used to mean the study of living things and non-living things?
2. Name the main natural source of water.
3. What is an accident?
4. Why do we wash our hands with clean water and soap?
5. Which type of soil is good for growing crops?
6. Name the habitat for this animal.
34. What part of air occupies the biggest percentage in the atmosphere?
35. What is the meaning of ‘environment?
48.(a) Name the part of an insect where its legs are attached.
b) How many legs does an insect have?
c) What name is given to the larva stage of a butterfly?
d) Give one way a housefly is dangerous to people.
49) The diagram below is of the soil profile. Use it to answer the questions
that follow.
(i) A : _______________________
(ii) B : _______________________
(iii) C : _______________________
for hearing
for tasting
for seeing
for smelling
(ii) ______________________________________________________________________
(b) Give two ways of caring for domestic animals.
(i) ______________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________
© Page 132
52 (a) Write two uses of water at home.
(i) ____________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________
b) State any two items used to keep water at home.
(i) ____________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________
22. Mention any one disease spread by mosquitoes.
23. Give any one member of a nuclear family.
24. Give any one way of making water safe for drinking at home.
25. Which part of the body is affected by trachoma?
41. a) What is food?
b) How is food useful in our bodies?
c) Which food value do we get from eating the following?
b) How do you care for animals?
c) Mention any two materials made from banana fibre.
i) ________________________________________________________
ii) ________________________________________________________
44. a) Give any two uses of trees to people.
(i) __________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________
b) Name one animal which lives in trees.
c) Name any one tree that gives us fruits.
45. a) Write any two main body parts on an insect.
i) ________________________________________________________
ii) ________________________________________________________
b) Which part of an insect is used for breathing?
c) State any one use of insects to people.
46. a) Name the animal drawn in the picture below.
Ears Seeing
Nose Feeling
Skin Hearing
Correct functions
Eyes _________________________________________________________
Ears _________________________________________________________
Nose _________________________________________________________
Skin _________________________________________________________
49. a) Mention two materials used to clean yourself in a pit latrine
i) _____________________________________________________________
ii) _____________________________________________________________
b) Give two ways you can keep the latrine clean.
i) Cow : __________________________________________
ii) Pig : ___________________________________________
iii) Sheep : _____ _____________________________________
iv) Hen : _________________________________________
55. The diagram below shows a common plant.