Relatório Ambiental - Ar - Ruido
Relatório Ambiental - Ar - Ruido
Relatório Ambiental - Ar - Ruido
Prepared by the North-West Power Generation Co., Ltd for the Asian Development Bank.
This environmental monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed
herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff,
and may be preliminary in nature.
In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any
designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the
Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other
status of any territory or area.
1.1 Study Background
The Power System Master Plan 2016 recommends diversification in the use of fuel for power generation
such as domestic and imported coal and natural gas, oil, nuclear power, and renewable energy. As of
December 2017, the energy mix in Bangladesh consists of 64.5% natural gas, 1.66% hydro, 4.8% power
import, 6.4% diesel, 20.9% furnace oil, 1.81% coal, and 0.02% renewable. Consistent with this, the North-
West Power Generation Company Limited (NWPGCL), an enterprise of the Bangladesh Power
Development Board (BPDB) has taken the initiative to enhance the power generation capacity of
Bangladesh to address the growing electricity demand. This initiative will involve the construction of a
new Rupsha 800 megawatt (MW) Combined Cycle Power Plant (CCPP) in Khalishpur Upazila, Khulna
District in the administrative division of South-Western Bangladesh. The Rupsha 800 MW CCPP will be
designed to use natural gas main fuel and high-speed diesel (HSD) as backup fuel to be used only for
about 500 hours maximum annually during maintenance or emergency. The Government of Bangladesh
(GoB) has applied for the financing of this new power plant from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The
Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) is expected to co-finance about 20% of the total project cost.
The objectives of this initiative include the following:
a. To contribute to meeting the demand for electricity and to increase the reliability of supply by
minimizing load-shedding;
b. To support in achieving the vision of GoB, “Power to All by 2021;”
c. To reduce the increasing gap between demand and supply of electricity throughout the country;
d. To accelerate economic development by providing adequate and reliable power generation;
e. To enhance the stability and reliability of the national grid system, and to reduce the loss of the
system by local generation; and,
f. To develop human resources through technology transfer.
Overall, the goal is to improve the economic growth of Bangladesh by providing a reliable and stable
power supply with this initiative.
4. Switchyard 4.13
SPM* 200 - - -
PM10 150 50 50 20
PM2.5 65 15 25(guideline) 10
SO2 365 80 20 -
NOX - 100 - 40
As per the WB/IFC General EHS guidelines, ambient air quality results need to be compared with the
relevant ambient air quality guidelines and standards by applying national legislated standards, or in their
absence, the current WHO air quality guidelines or other internationally recognized sources, such as the
United States National Ambient Air Quality Standards and the relevant European Council Directives. Since
Bangladesh has its own national ambient air quality standards, these local standards are considered as
the applicable standard for the project.
Silent Zone 50 40 55 45
Residential Area 55 45 55 45
Mixed Area 60 50 - -
Commercial Area 70 60 70 70
Industrial Area 75 70 70 70
*The Bangladesh National Ambient Noise Standards have been taken from Schedule 4 (Standards for Sound) of the Environmental
Conservation Rules, 1997 amended October 7, 2006.
**Guidelines values are for noise levels measured out of doors. Source: Guidelines for Community Noise, World Health
Organization (WHO), 1999; As per IFC EHS noise level guidelines, Noise impacts should not exceed the levels presented in the
above table.
1. SPM 8 8
2. PM10 24 24
3. PM2.5 24 24
4. SO2 24 24
5. NOX 24 24
6. CO 8 8
Sources: Information Taken from EQMS Environmental Laboratory
2. Biological Environment The Ecology team will involve extensively in the field to monitor and to identify
any potential killing of any wildlife species during buildings demolition and
vegetation clearing period in the project area. The team will search the project
area; record the kills or dead or injured animals from the study area. Direct
observation /Transects will be conducted within the project area. The
ecological team will make 2 days transect walk and direct visual observation
near to demolition and clearance activities every week.
Vegetation study will be taken up by using the quadrate method. It will be
conducted by the stratified 5 (five) quadrates (5 × 5 m) in the project area.
Opportunistic observation will also be considered. The total number of trees
3. Underwater Noise A surface-based underwater noise measuring system is more common and
popular than the other system. In surface-based systems, a generic continuous
underwater noise measuring system is deployed from a surface platform, most
commonly a vessel. The vessel can be free-floating, or more usually, anchored.
All system parts except the noise meter are placed on the vessel, while the
sensor is suspended from the vessel at the desired depth and connected to
the equipment aboard with a cable. The platform-based underwater noise
measuring systems are the most usual entry (starting) level for underwater
noise measurements. The reason is that small vessel are easy to find and
handle and the measuring equipment (amplifier, filter, A/D converter, etc.) can
be easily available general-purpose laboratory equipment. The great
advantage of this methodology is that it is real-time. The functionality of the
system is always under control, measurement parameters can be adjusted and
data monitored in real-time. It can be very useful when starting to monitor
underwater noise when knowledge and experience are gained.
4. Fish Diversity and To conduct the assessment of fish diversity and habitat, the survey team will
Habitat drive for the boat-to-boat survey within Bhairab River around 2 - km u/s and d/s
away from the Project site. In the survey, the team will consider 1 (one) normal
day as well as 1 (one) full moon or dark moon. A suitable questionnaire will be
kept to distinguish the fish species, and their local status (IUCN Red List
Bangladesh, 2015 and Fish Base data). Then the team will make a checklist of
threatened species within the survey AOI. In addition, alternatively (each
quarter) one fish market will be surveyed for species composition within the
study AOI. The consultant will scrutinize the fish species, their sources, and
their availability within the project AOI during the market survey.
5. Fishing Livelihoods The precisely guided questionnaire will be used to apprehend the fishing
activities, seasonal engagement, species availability, yields and market price,
equipment/production cost, livelihoods, extant of dependency (primary and
secondary) on fishing, etc.
After getting the baseline information from FGDs and KII, the team will
accumulate the consequences considering the livelihood, socio-economic
status, production cost, monthly/seasonal fishing engagement, daily/monthly
earnings, available exquisite and expensive fisheries around the fishing area,
6. Worker Health and Details in the “Occupational Health and Safety Plan” prepared and submitted
Sanitation by the Contractor as an independent document.
7. Working Condition, Details in the “Occupational Health and Safety Plan” prepared and submitted
Laws, Safety, and by the Contractor as an independent document
8. Generation of Non- Details in the “Occupational Health and Safety Plan” prepared and submitted
Hazardous Solid Waste by the Contractor as an independent document
(Domestic Waste, Office
9. Community Safety and Details in the “Occupational Health and Safety Plan” prepared and submitted
Security by the Contractor as an independent document
10. Agricultural Production, Agricultural production, Loss, and Diseases (If Present) will be monitored
Loss and Disease through direct observation in the field. Also, the cropping pattern will be
monitored to picture the cropping changes. Three Locations of the study area
within 0.5-2 kilometers will be selected as a sample field. Primarily, a
structured questionnaire will be kept to determine the production, yield, loss,
and disease (if present). Also, the team will conduct KII with the Upazilla
Agricultural Officer and Sub Divisional Agricultural Officer to distinguish the
running production and previous one. 2 (two) nos. of FGD will be conducted
with local farmers.
11. Drinking-Water Details in the “Occupational Health and Safety Plan” prepared and submitted
by the Contractor as an independent document
12. Health and Safety Details in the “Occupational Health and Safety Plan” prepared and submitted
by the Contractor as an independent document
2. Damage to Local Roads Visual inspection with pictorial evidence will be maintained from the
starting of the project till the end. Besides all documents will be
oriented in the monthly based report.
3. Traffic Safety Visual inspection with pictorial evidence will be maintained from the
starting of the project till the end. Besides all documents will be
oriented in the monthly based report.
4. Air Quality (Dust, Smoke) Visual inspection with pictorial evidence will be maintained from the
starting of the project till the end. Besides all documents will be
5. Noise (Daily) The ambient noise level will be measured around the construction area
for 1hour when the construction work going on. One Noise data logger
sound level meter (Techoplus, Model: SLM25K) will be used to collect
the ambient noise levels. After getting all the noise it has been
downloaded to the computer. The noise meter was settled in a tripod
and kept 2-3 m away from the sources. The noise level has been
analyzed according to the methodology and compared with the
Environment Conservation Rules (ECR), 1997- Schedule 4 and Noise
Pollution Control Rules, 2006.
6. Plantation Healthy plants are vital to sustainable and profitable yield production
and the quality and cost of the nation's supply of food, fuel, and fiber
Plant. To conduct the study, the team will consider ten x ten m (10 × 10
m) experimental plots: one wet, one dry, and one control. Sidling’s,
Saplings, and the tree of each plot will be measured for the first time
through measurable tape. Additionally, a datasheet will be kept for
recording the plant health, plant width, leaves, etc. Surveyed locations
will be repetitive, non-destructive, and measurable in the context of soil
and plant characteristics.
7. Waste Management Visual inspection with pictorial evidence will be maintained from the
starting of the project till the end. Besides all documents will be
oriented in the monthly based report.
8. Hazardous Waste Visual inspection with pictorial evidence will be maintained from the
Handling starting of the project till the end. Besides all documents will be
oriented in the monthly based report.
9. Restoration of Work Sites Visual inspection with pictorial evidence will be maintained from the
starting of the project till the end. Besides all documents will be
oriented in the monthly based report.
10. Safety of Workers Incident reporting, Visual inspection with pictorial evidence will be
Monitoring and Reporting maintained from the starting of the project till the end. Besides all
Accidents documents will be oriented in the monthly based report.
11. Emergency Response Included in the “Emergency Response Plan” which has been submitted
Facilities by the contractor as an independent document.
12. Grievance Mechanism Several complaint boxes will be set up around the project area and the
documentation will be maintained on weekly basis.
Muktijoddha Complex,
22°52'15.63"N 27.11.2021 Village and Rural
6. AQ6 Chandanimahal, Khalishpur,
89°32'38.12"E 10:26 AM Settings
Sources: Monthly Environmental Monitoring, November 2021
Baseline 42.07 15.22 13.88 134.18 17.62 0.01 Remain more than Baseline exception NOX & SO2 but Under the
Standard Values for all Parameters. Only SO2 exceeds the IFC
1. AQ1 standard but under the BD Standard. Sources: Residential
58.5 31.2 19.6 42.5 16.7 0.09 Combustion, Road Dust Spreading, and Local Construction
Remain less than Baseline exception PM10, NOX & CO and Under
Baseline 141.60 39.55 38.53 71.89 21.41 0.29 the BD Standard Values for all Parameters exception PM10, PM2.5
& SO2 exceed IFC standard but under Bangladesh standard.
2. AQ2
Sources: Dust from Land Filling Area, Vehicle movement,
92.1 52.28 33.16 32.76 22.2 0.31 Building Construction, Pilling activities Emission, and
Residential Combustion.
Baseline 82.32 60.86 56.14 19.14 51.04 0.17 Remain less than Baseline and Under the IFC & BD Standard
Values for all Parameters, Exception SO2 exceed IFC standard
3. AQ3
November but under Bangladesh standard. Sources: Rural Combustion,
65.3 38.2 23.8 34.5 29.8 0.16
2021 River Transport Emission, and Road Traffic.
Remain more than Baseline exception NOX & CO but Under the
Baseline 47.61 15.04 7.79 32.38 39.98 0.32
Bangladesh Standard Values for all Parameters where PM10,
4. AQ4 PM2.5 & SOX cross the IFC standard. Sources: Industrial Emission,
98.4 55.8 42.1 50.3 30.4 0.08 Construction activities, Vehicular Emission, and Road Dust.
Remain more than Baseline exception SPM & SO2 but Under the
Baseline 127.71 47.22 23.34 49.01 7.93 0.01
Bangladesh Standard Values for all Parameters Exception PM10,
5. AQ5 PM2.5 & SO2. cross the IFC Standard. Sources: Slum Area
116.2 60.5 44.9 43.8 28.4 0.12 Combustion, Industrial Combustion, and Local Traffic.
Bangladesh 100
6. 200 150 65 365 9
Standard* (Annual)
7. IFC/WHO Standard -- 50 25 20 --
Exceed the Bangladesh Standard Exceed the Baseline Standard Exceed the IFC/WHO Standard Exceed Both Baseline and IFC/WHO
* According to ECR 1997 and Subsequent amendment 19th August 2005; vide S.R.O. No.220-Law/2005;
Date of Sampling: 24th to 29th November 2021;
Date of Analysis: 5th December 2021;
Weather Condition: Sunny;
Baseline = Construction Environmental Action Plan (CEAP), May 2019.
Photo 5-1: AQ1, In front of Rotary School, Khalishpur, Khulna (Residential Area near KNM)
Photo 5-2: AQ2, Second Gate of the Project, Khalishpur, Khulna (Inside the Project Area)
Photo 5-3: AQ3, Hardboard Boat Terminal Area, Chandanimahal, Khalishpur Khulna (Residential Area of
Chandanimahal Village)
Photo 5-5: AQ5, Crescent High School Play Ground, Khalishpur, Khulna
Sl. Time
Code Location GPS Coordinates Sampling Date Location Setting Category
No. Day Night
Southern Side of the Project Boundary, 22°51’03.7’’N 10:15 Urban and Slum
5. NL5 27.11.2021 09:11 PM Residential Area
Khalishpur Khulna 89°32’58.9’’E AM Settings
Residential Area of the Power Plant, 22°51’05.3’’N 10:08 Urban and Slum
6. NL6 26.11.2021 09:18 PM Residential Area
Khalishpur, Khulna 89°33’13.7’’E AM Settings
Alamnagar Village, Khalishpur Khulna 22°51’02.6’’N 28.11.2021 11:05 Village and Rural
10. NL10 09:36 PM Residential Area
(Local Community) 89°33’08.2’’E AM Settings
Sources: Monthly Environmental Monitoring, November 2021
According to Bangladesh Environmental Quality Standard ECR’97 categorizations, the current monitoring location falls into Residential area (NL1, NL2, NL3, NL5,
NL6, and NL10), Silent area (NL7 and NL9), Industrial Area (NL4), and Commercial area (NL8). The daytime noise level of NL1, NL2, NL6, NL8, NL9 & NL10 are
exceeded baseline values rest of the other location values are below the baseline and all values are below the standard level BD and IFC-WHO exception NL2, NL6
& NL9 (Figure 5-1).
Noise Level (dBA)
NL1 NL2 NL3 NL4 NL5 NL6 NL7 NL8 NL9 NL10
Nov-20 54.6 58.5 43.8 50.9 52.5 65.7 46.7 57 58.2 54.8
Baseline 53.57 49.37 52.45 53.39 66.13 58.53 60.27 53.14 51.72 51.02
BD Standard 55 55 55 75 55 55 50 70 50 55
IFC Standard 55 55 55 70 55 55 55 70 55 55
Figure 5-1: Comparison Diagram of Leqday, Baseline, BD Standard, and IFC Standard
There is huge local road traffic on the highway alongside the project and also observed river
transportation behind the power plant area. In the daytime, more than a thousand vehicles are passing
through the local roads and riverways. Besides, local people of this area are engaged in extracting sands
from the river, and the sands are also transported by local truck, lorry, van, etc. There are a lot of industries
around the project area where, heavy machinery, vehicle, and river transportation may be influenced here
for increasing the noise level. Mitigation measures are already taken to control the noise level in all of the
locations. Most of the areas will be fenced out and the acoustic barrier will be in the operational phase.
Earplugs will be provided to all of the workers for reducing the extreme effect of noise pollution.
Noise Level (dBA)
NL1 NL2 NL3 NL4 NL5 NL6 NL7 NL8 NL9 NL10
Nov-20 37.2 42.2 34.5 43.2 40.6 41.3 32.5 38.4 47.4 43.4
Baseline 42.74 35.14 36.21 35.07 36.1 34.71 35.2 35.97 34.83 35.05
BD Standard 45 45 45 70 45 45 40 60 40 45
IFC Standard 45 45 45 70 45 45 45 70 45 45
Figure 5-2: Comparison Diagram of Leqnight, Baseline, BD Standard, and IFC Standard
The night-time noise level of all the locations is exceed the baseline value exception NL1 & NL7 but
remained under the standard of Bangladesh and IFC-WHO exception NL9 (Figure 5-2). The noise level in
every location may be hampered by traffic movement on the highway nearby as well as the sand
transported by local trucks or trolleys which are responsible for increasing the noise level in this area.
River transportation such as goods and people bearing engine boats, ferry and cargo are responsible for
increasing the noise level around all of the areas.
5.2.3 Photographs
Photo 5-9: NL3, South-West Corner of the Project Boundary, Khalishpur Khulna
Photo 5-10: NL4, Demolished Overhead Tank of KNM (Presently Wearhouse Building of the Power Plant),
Khalishpur Khulna Photo 10
Photo 5-12: NL6, Residential Area of the Power Plant, Khalishpur, Khulna
Photo 5-13: NL7, Premises of Abandoned Mosque (Presently Feed Water Pump Room), Khalishpur, Khulna
The underwater noise from the project construction and water vehicles are barely responsible for
impacting the aquatic organism in the surrounding river. A few water kinds of transport are now engaged
for construction-related work but it produces not so much noise to the deep-water body. Besides these,
there are two thousand or more local vehicles, ships, trolly are passing here through the Bhairab river
towards the Rupsha River. So, the project-induced noise level has a rare impact on the aquatic organism,
and in the future, if any kind of disruption is observed immediate action will be taken.
5.3.3 Photographs
1. Workers’ Health and Safety - Maintaining safety gears - The contractor has ensured the PPE application
- No entry without PPE during full swing work
- Comfortable working conditions for the workers - Safety personnel will be appointed as soon as
- No major issues of health and safety were observed
in this monitoring period
2. Damage to Local Roads - No damage observed - The contractor will take necessary steps as per EMP
- In a proper condition to mitigate any situation when will arise
- Need to be refurbished
3. Traffic Safety - A bunch of traffic men, signalmen, and linesmen are - Supervision personnel should be appointed for
appointed for proper traffic navigation at the project monitoring all of the traffic-related staff and
area personnel
- All are well trained and responsible
- Traffic signs, safety signboard, navigation board,
etc. have been increased
4. Air Quality (Dust, Smoke)-Including - Due to the rainy season, there had a few waters - One water track is spraying water three or four times
Constructing Site, Batch Mixing Plant, Material spraying conducted for dust control per day as per demand.
Storage Sites - No issues have arisen yet - The contractor will take all necessary steps for
- Will be increased than previous time after ending of developing the issue
raining days
5. Noise-Including Physical Inspection and Visual - An existing noise barricade around the project area - Some new barricade construction is ongoing
Inspection has been observed - The contractor will take necessary steps as per EMP
- The contractor has been provided earplugs for to mitigate any situation when will arise
workers where noisy work ongoing
- No issues were observed during the inspection
about the noise pollution.
6. Plantation - There has been no plantation plan received from the - Monitoring has been conducted continuously but the
contractor and related activities are absent from the activity on the plantation is absent. The evidence and
starting of construction work till now. details will be incorporated after getting any
information about it.
7. Waste Management - Waste bins have been provided for waste collection - The contractor will take necessary steps as per EMP
▪ Solid Wastes - All kinds of wastes are collected in the proper way to mitigate any situation when will arise
▪ Liquid Wastes - Some solid wastes created from pile head break - All of the domestic wastes are dumped in a
which is accumulated in a place and handover to 3rd government-approved dumping site near the power
▪ Construction Wastes
8. Hazardous Waste Handling - A few hazardous wastes related impacts observed - Proper monitoring will be needed to maintain this
- Possibility to soil pollution due to oil leaching kind of situation
- Immediately the leaching oil had been cleaned up - A concrete designated place is needed for
and the place covered with sand mechanical work of vehicle
9. Visual Observation of Drinking Water and - Safe drinking water has been ensured for workers - The contractor will promote the water supply system
Sanitation - Sanitation facilities have been completed in a near future
- No waterborne disease has been observed yet - Also increasing the sanitation facilities
11. Emergency Response Facilities - Good placement of first aid box with basic medical - The contractor will take all necessary steps for
assistance implementing the issue
- Established Emergency medical centre - The medical team will be appointed in a near future
- Accessible and good at handling
- Observed petrol first aider team
12. Grievance Mechanism - The complaint box has been placed in the main gate - The contractor will take all necessary steps for this
and several points in the project area grievance mechanism
- Local publicly accessible - The stakeholder meeting will also be undertaken
Photo 5-28: Install Complain Box both Inner & Outside of Project Area
Sources: Monthly Environmental Monitoring, November 2021
Table 2-1: Breakdown of Components and Area............................................................................... 2-6
Table 3-1: Ambient Air Quality Standards/ Guidelines ....................................................................... 3-2
Table 3-2: Noise Level Standards/ Guidelines .................................................................................. 3-3
Table 4-1: Methodology for the Analysis of Ambient Air Quality ........................................................ 4-1
Table 4-2: Air Sample Collection Time and Data Converted Time ...................................................... 4-2
Table 4-3: Methodology of Qualitative Environmental Monitoring ..................................................... 4-3
Table 4-4: Impact Auditing Methodology During Construction .......................................................... 4-5
Table 5-1: Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Locations ........................................................................ 5-1
Table 5-2: Ambient Air Quality in the Study Area .............................................................................. 5-2
Table 5-3: Sensitive Noise Locations ............................................................................................... 5-6
Table 5-4: Noise Level Monitoring Results ....................................................................................... 5-7
Table 5-5: Underwater Noise Monitoring Locations and Descriptions ............................................. 5-16
Table 5-6: Underwater Noise Level Monitoring Results .................................................................. 5-16
Table 5-7: Environmental Health Safety and Social Monitoring and Mitigation Measures ................ 5-21
Photo 5-1: AQ1, In front of Rotary School, Khalishpur, Khulna (Residential Area near KNM) .............. 5-4
Photo 5-2: AQ2, Second Gate of the Project, Khalishpur, Khulna (Inside the Project Area) ................. 5-4
Photo 5-3: AQ3, Hardboard Boat Terminal Area, Chandanimahal, Khalishpur Khulna (Residential Area
of Chandanimahal Village) ............................................................................................................... 5-4
Photo 5-4: AQ4, Residential Area of Khulna Power Station, Khalishpur Khulna .................................. 5-5
Photo 5-5: AQ5, Crescent High School Play Ground, Khalishpur, Khulna ........................................... 5-5
Photo 5-6: AQ6, Muktijoddha Complex, Chandanimahal, Khalishpur, Khulna ..................................... 5-5
Photo 5-7: NL1, Abandoned Hospital Premises of KNM, Khalishpur, Khulna .................................... 5-12
Photo 5-8: NL2, Residential area of KNM, Khalishpur, Khulna ......................................................... 5-13
Photo 5-9: NL3, South-West Corner of the Project Boundary, Khalishpur Khulna ............................. 5-13
Map B-1: Air Quality Monitoring Locations of Rupsha 800 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant ............ B-2
Map B-2: Noise Level Monitoring Locations of Rupsha 800 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant .......... B-3
Map B-3: Under Water Noise Level Monitoring Locations of Rupsha 800 MW Combined Cycle Power
Plant ............................................................................................................................................... B-4
Annex A-1:Noise Level Analysis Report ........................................................................................... A-2
Annex A-2: Ambient Air Quality Analysis Report............................................................................... A-4
Annex A-3: Under Water Noise Level Analysis Report .................................................................... A-11
CITES - Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
DO - Dissolved Oxygen
RoW - Right-Of-Way
4. Switchyard 4.13
SPM* 200 - - -
PM10 150 50 50 20
PM2.5 65 15 25(guideline) 10
SO2 365 80 20 -
NOX - 100 - 40
As per the WB/IFC General EHS guidelines, ambient air quality results need to be compared with the
relevant ambient air quality guidelines and standards by applying national legislated standards, or in
their absence, the current WHO air quality guidelines or other internationally recognized sources,
such as the United States National Ambient Air Quality Standards and the relevant European Council
Directives. Since Bangladesh has its own national ambient air quality standards, these local standards
are considered as the applicable standard for the project.
Silent Zone 50 40 55 45
Residential Area 55 45 55 45
Mixed Area 60 50 - -
Commercial Area 70 60 70 70
Industrial Area 75 70 70 70
*The Bangladesh National Ambient Noise Standards have been taken from Schedule 4 (Standards for Sound) of the
Environmental Conservation Rules, 1997 amended October 7, 2006.
**Guidelines values are for noise levels measured out of doors. Source: Guidelines for Community Noise, World Health
Organization (WHO), 1999; As per IFC EHS noise level guidelines, Noise impacts should not exceed the levels presented in the
above table.
1. SPM 8 8
2. PM10 24 24
3. PM2.5 24 24
4. SO2 24 24
5. NOX 24 24
6. CO 8 8
Sources: Information Taken from EQMS Environmental Laboratory
Parameters Methodology
2. Biological Environment The Ecology team will involve extensively in the field to monitor and to identify
any potential killing of any wildlife species during buildings demolition and
vegetation clearing period in the project area. The team will search the
project area; record the kills or dead or injured animals from the study area.
Direct observation /Transects will be conducted within the project area. The
ecological team will make 2 days transect walk and direct visual observation
near to demolition and clearance activities every week.
Vegetation study will be taken up by using the quadrate method. It will be
conducted by the stratified 5 (five) quadrates (5 × 5 m) in the project area.
Opportunistic observation will also be considered. The total number of trees
3. Underwater Noise A surface-based underwater noise measuring system is more common and
popular than the other system. In surface-based systems, a generic
continuous underwater noise measuring system is deployed from a surface
platform, most commonly a vessel. The vessel can be free-floating, or more
usually, anchored. All system parts except the noise meter are placed on the
vessel, while the sensor is suspended from the vessel at the desired depth
and connected to the equipment aboard with a cable. The platform-based
underwater noise measuring systems are the most usual entry (starting) level
for underwater noise measurements. The reason is that small vessel are easy
to find and handle and the measuring equipment (amplifier, filter, A/D
converter, etc.) can be easily available general-purpose laboratory
equipment. The great advantage of this methodology is that it is real-time. The
functionality of the system is always under control, measurement parameters
can be adjusted and data monitored in real-time. It can be very useful when
starting to monitor underwater noise when knowledge and experience are
4. Fish Diversity and To conduct the assessment of fish diversity and habitat, the survey team will
Habitat drive for the boat-to-boat survey within Bhairab River around 2 - km u/s and
d/s away from the Project site. In the survey, the team will consider 1 (one)
normal day as well as 1 (one) full moon or dark moon. A suitable questionnaire
will be kept to distinguish the fish species, and their local status (IUCN Red
List Bangladesh, 2015 and Fish Base data). Then the team will make a
checklist of threatened species within the survey AOI. In addition,
alternatively (each quarter) one fish market will be surveyed for species
composition within the study AOI. The consultant will scrutinize the fish
species, their sources, and their availability within the project AOI during the
market survey.
5. Fishing Livelihoods The precisely guided questionnaire will be used to apprehend the fishing
activities, seasonal engagement, species availability, yields and market price,
equipment/production cost, livelihoods, extant of dependency (primary and
secondary) on fishing, etc.
After getting the baseline information from FGDs and KII, the team will
accumulate the consequences considering the livelihood, socio-economic
status, production cost, monthly/seasonal fishing engagement, daily/monthly
6. Worker Health and Details in the “Occupational Health and Safety Plan” prepared and submitted
Sanitation by the Contractor as an independent document.
7. Working Condition, Details in the “Occupational Health and Safety Plan” prepared and submitted
Laws, Safety, and by the Contractor as an independent document
8. Generation of Non- Details in the “Occupational Health and Safety Plan” prepared and submitted
Hazardous Solid Waste by the Contractor as an independent document
(Domestic Waste, Office
9. Community Safety and Details in the “Occupational Health and Safety Plan” prepared and submitted
Security by the Contractor as an independent document
10. Agricultural Production, Agricultural production, Loss, and Diseases (If Present) will be monitored
Loss and Disease through direct observation in the field. Also, the cropping pattern will be
monitored to picture the cropping changes. Three Locations of the study area
within 0.5-2 kilometres will be selected as a sample field. Primarily, a
structured questionnaire will be kept to determine the production, yield, loss,
and disease (if present). Also, the team will conduct KII with the Upazilla
Agricultural Officer and Sub Divisional Agricultural Officer to distinguish the
running production and previous one. 2 (two) nos. of FGD will be conducted
with local farmers.
11. Drinking-Water Details in the “Occupational Health and Safety Plan” prepared and submitted
by the Contractor as an independent document
12. Health and Safety Details in the “Occupational Health and Safety Plan” prepared and submitted
by the Contractor as an independent document
1. Hydrocarbon and Chemical A comprehensive checklist will be generated and maintained logbook.
Storage Visual observation and pictorial evidence will also be maintained. The
storage place and the surrounding area will be maintained in an
environmentally sound manner.
2. Damage to Local Roads Visual inspection with pictorial evidence will be maintained from the
starting of the project till the end. Besides all documents will be
oriented in the monthly based report.
3. Traffic Safety Visual inspection with pictorial evidence will be maintained from the
starting of the project till the end. Besides all documents will be
oriented in the monthly based report.
4. Air Quality (Dust, Smoke) Visual inspection with pictorial evidence will be maintained from the
starting of the project till the end. Besides all documents will be
oriented in the monthly based report.
5. Noise (Daily) The ambient noise level will be measured around the construction area
for 1hour when the construction work going on. One Noise data logger
sound level meter (Techoplus, Model: SLM25K) will be used to collect
the ambient noise levels. After getting all the noise it has been
downloaded to the computer. The noise meter was settled in a tripod
and kept 2-3 m away from the sources. The noise level has been
analyzed according to the methodology and compared with the
Environment Conservation Rules (ECR), 1997- Schedule 4 and Noise
Pollution Control Rules, 2006.
6. Plantation Healthy plants are vital to sustainable and profitable yield production
and the quality and cost of the nation's supply of food, fuel, and fiber
Plant. To conduct the study, the team will consider ten x ten m (10 × 10
m) experimental plots: one wet, one dry, and one control. Sidling’s,
Saplings, and the tree of each plot will be measured for the first time
through measurable tape. Additionally, a datasheet will be kept for
recording the plant health, plant width, leaves, etc. Surveyed locations
will be repetitive, non-destructive, and measurable in the context of soil
and plant characteristics.
7. Waste Management Visual inspection with pictorial evidence will be maintained from the
starting of the project till the end. Besides all documents will be
oriented in the monthly based report.
8. Hazardous Waste Handling Visual inspection with pictorial evidence will be maintained from the
starting of the project till the end. Besides all documents will be
oriented in the monthly based report.
9. Restoration of Work Sites Visual inspection with pictorial evidence will be maintained from the
starting of the project till the end. Besides all documents will be
oriented in the monthly based report.
10. Safety of Workers Incident reporting, Visual inspection with pictorial evidence will be
Monitoring and Reporting maintained from the starting of the project till the end. Besides all
Accidents documents will be oriented in the monthly based report.
11. Emergency Response Included in the “Emergency Response Plan” which has been submitted
Facilities by the contractor as an independent document.
12. Grievance Mechanism Several complaint boxes will be set up around the project area and the
documentation will be maintained on weekly basis.
Muktijoddha Complex,
22°52'15.63"N 22.12.2021 Village and Rural
6. AQ6 Chandanimahal, Khalishpur,
89°32'38.12"E 09:22 AM Settings
Sources: Monthly Environmental Monitoring, December 2021
Remain more than Baseline exception NOX & SO2 but Under the
Baseline 42.07 15.22 13.88 134.18 17.62 0.01
Standard Values for all Parameters. Only SO2 exceeds the IFC
1. AQ1 standard but under the BD Standard. Sources: Residential
December Combustion, Road Dust Spreading, and Local Construction
57.2 34.5 22.3 38.4 17.4 0.07
2021 Work.
Remain less than Baseline exception SO2 & CO and Under the
Baseline 82.32 60.86 56.14 19.14 51.04 0.17
IFC & BD Standard Values for all Parameters, Exception PM2.5 &
3. AQ3 SO2 exceed IFC standard but under Bangladesh standard.
December Sources: Rural Combustion, River Transport Emission, and Road
72.8 44.3 27.1 33.6 27.6 0.19
2021 Traffic.
Remain more than Baseline exception NOX & CO but Under the
Baseline 47.61 15.04 7.79 32.38 39.98 0.32
Bangladesh Standard Values for all Parameters where PM 10,
4. AQ4 PM2.5 & SO2 cross the IFC standard. Sources: Industrial
December Emission, Construction activities, Vehicular Emission, and Road
87.5 54.8 37.2 49.7 21.5 0.1
2021 Dust.
Remain more than Baseline exception SPM & SO2 but Under
Baseline 127.71 47.22 23.34 49.01 7.93 0.01
the Bangladesh Standard Values for all Parameters Exception
5. AQ5
PM10, PM2.5 & SO2. cross the IFC Standard. Sources: Slum Area
December 85.4 49.6 35.2 36.5 17.8 0.09
Combustion, Industrial Combustion, and Local Traffic.
Remain more than the Baseline exception SPM & PM10 but for
Baseline 117.60 87.45 24.87 21.18 8.60 0.07 all Parameters. PM10, PM2.5 & SO2 exceed the IFC Standard
6. AQ6 Values but don’t cross the Bangladesh standard limit. Rest of
December the parameters under the standard. Sources: Rural Combustion,
112.9 68.5 45.8 25.4 16.6 0.11
2021 Dust from Land Filling area, Sand Extraction and Local Traffic.
Bangladesh 100
6. 200 150 65 365 9
Standard* (Annual)
7. IFC/WHO Standard -- 50 25 20 --
Exceed the Bangladesh Standard Exceed the Baseline Standard Exceed the IFC/WHO Standard Exceed Both Baseline and IFC/WHO
* According to ECR 1997 and Subsequent amendment 19th August 2005; vide S.R.O. No.220-Law/2005;
Date of Sampling: 21st to 26th December 2021;
Date of Analysis: 30th December 2021;
Weather Condition: Sunny;
Baseline = Construction Environmental Action Plan (CEAP), May 2019.
Photo 5-1: AQ1, In front of Rotary School, Khalishpur, Khulna (Residential Area near KNM)
Photo 5-2: AQ2, Second Gate of the Project, Khalishpur, Khulna (Inside the Project Area)
Photo 5-3: AQ3, Hardboard Boat Terminal Area, Chandanimahal, Khalishpur Khulna (Residential Area of
Chandanimahal Village)
Photo 5-5: AQ5, Crescent High School Play Ground, Khalishpur, Khulna
Sl. Time
Code Location GPS Coordinates Sampling Date Location Setting Category
No. Day Night
Standard* IFC-WHO**
Sl. Sampling Ambient Noise Level [dB(A)]
Locations Period [dB(A)] [dB(A)] Remarks
No. Code
Leqday Leqnight L10 L90 Day Night Day Night
According to Bangladesh Environmental Quality Standard ECR’97 categorizations, the current monitoring location falls into Residential area (NL1, NL2, NL3,
NL5, NL6, and NL10), Silent area (NL7 and NL9), Industrial Area (NL4), and Commercial area (NL8). The daytime noise level values are bellow from the baseline
values exception NL6 & NL10 location’s values and all values are below the standard level BD and IFC-WHO exception N L5 & NL6 (Figure 5-1).
NL1 NL2 NL3 NL4 NL5 NL6 NL7 NL8 NL9 NL10
Dec-21 51.1 47.4 51.9 46.1 59.3 60 50.7 46 47.2 54.8
Baseline 53.57 49.37 52.45 53.39 66.13 58.53 60.27 53.14 51.72 51.02
IFC Standard 55 55 55 70 55 55 55 70 55 55
BD Standard 55 55 55 75 55 55 50 70 50 55
Figure 5-1: Comparison Diagram of Leqday, Baseline, BD Standard, and IFC Standard
There is huge local road traffic on the highway alongside the project and also observed river
transportation behind the power plant area. In the daytime, more than a thousand vehicles are passing
through the local roads and riverways. Besides, local people of this area are engaged in extracting
sands from the river, and the sands are also transported by local truck, lorry, van, etc. There are a lot
of industries around the project area where, heavy machinery, vehicle, and river transportation may be
influenced here for increasing the noise level. Mitigation measures are already taken to control the
noise level in all of the locations. Most of the areas will be fenced out and the acoustic barrier will be
in the operational phase. Earplugs will be provided to all of the workers for reducing the extreme effect
of noise pollution.
Noise Level (dBA)
NL1 NL2 NL3 NL4 NL5 NL6 NL7 NL8 NL9 NL10
Dec-21 38.4 36.5 35.8 38.6 42.7 37.4 33.2 34.8 32.9 38.5
Baseline 42.74 35.14 36.21 35.07 36.1 34.71 35.2 35.97 34.83 35.05
IFC Standard 45 45 45 70 45 45 45 70 45 45
BD Standard 45 45 45 70 45 45 40 60 40 45
Figure 5-2: Comparison Diagram of Leqnight, Baseline, BD Standard, and IFC Standard
The night-time noise level most of the locations are bellow from the baseline value exception NL4,
NL_5, NL_6 & NL_10 but remained under the standard of Bangladesh and IFC-WHO Figure 5-2. The
noise level in every location may be hampered by traffic movement on the highway nearby as well as
the sand transported by local trucks or trolleys which are responsible for increasing the noise level in
this area. River transportation such as goods and people bearing engine boats, ferry and cargo are
responsible for increasing the noise level around all of the areas.
5.2.3 Photographs
Photo 5-9: NL3, South-West Corner of the Project Boundary, Khalishpur Khulna
Photo 5-10: NL4, Demolished Overhead Tank of KNM (Presently Wearhouse Building of the Power Plant),
Khalishpur Khulna Photo 10
Photo 5-12: NL6, Residential Area of the Power Plant, Khalishpur, Khulna
Photo 5-13: NL7, Premises of Abandoned Mosque (Presently Feed Water Pump Room), Khalishpur, Khulna
The underwater noise from the project construction and water vehicles are barely responsible for
impacting the aquatic organism in the surrounding river. A few water kinds of transport are now
engaged for construction-related work but it produces not so much noise to the deep-water body.
Besides these, there are two thousand or more local vehicles, ships, trolly are passing here through
the Bhairab river towards the Rupsha River. So, the project-induced noise level has a rare impact on
the aquatic organism, and in the future, if any kind of disruption is observed immediate action will be
5.3.3 Photographs
1. Workers’ Health and Safety - Maintaining safety gears - The contractor has ensured the PPE application
- No entry without PPE during full swing work
- Comfortable working conditions for the workers - Safety personnel need to increase as soon as
- No major issues of health and safety were observed
in this monitoring period
2. Damage to Local Roads - No damage observed - The contractor will take necessary steps as per EMP
- In a proper condition to mitigate any situation when will arise
- Need to be refurbished
3. Traffic Safety - A bunch of traffic men, signalmen, and linesmen are - Supervision personnel should be appointed for
appointed for proper traffic navigation at the project monitoring all of the traffic-related staff and
area personnel
- All are well trained and responsible
- Traffic signs, safety signboard, navigation board, etc.
have been observed
4. Air Quality (Dust, Smoke)-Including - Due to the winter season, waters spraying - Two water tracks are spraying water three or four
Constructing Site, Batch Mixing Plant, Material conducted for dust control times per day as per demand.
Storage Sites - No issues have arisen yet - The contractor will take all necessary steps for
- Will be increased than previous time if will need developing the issue
5. Noise-Including Physical Inspection and Visual - An existing noise barricade around the project area - Some new barricade construction is ongoing
Inspection has been observed at south site - At north site need to construction a noise barricade
- The contractor has been provided earplugs for as soon as possible
workers where noisy work ongoing - The contractor will take necessary steps as per EMP
- No issues were observed during the inspection to mitigate any situation when will arise
about the noise pollution.
6. Plantation - There has been no plantation plan received from the - Monitoring has been conducted continuously but the
contractor and related activities are absent from the activity on the plantation is absent. The evidence and
starting of construction work till now. details will be incorporated after getting any
information about it.
7. Waste Management - Waste bins have been provided for waste collection - The contractor will take necessary steps as per EMP
▪ Solid Wastes - All kinds of wastes are collected in the proper way to mitigate any situation when will arise
▪ Liquid Wastes - Some solid wastes created from pile head break - All of the domestic wastes are dumped in a
which is accumulated in a place and handover to 3rd government-approved dumping site near the power
▪ Construction Wastes
8. Hazardous Waste Handling - A few hazardous wastes related impacts observed - Proper monitoring will be needed to maintain this
- Possibility to soil pollution due to oil leaching kind of situation
- Immediately the leaching oil had been cleaned up - A concrete designated place is needed for
and the place covered with sand mechanical work of vehicle
9. Visual Observation of Drinking Water and - Safe drinking water has been ensured for workers - The contractor will promote the water supply system
Sanitation - Sanitation facilities have been completed in a near future
- No waterborne disease has been observed yet - Also increasing the sanitation facilities
- Maintain Register Books - The contractor will take necessary steps as per EMP
to mitigate any situation when will arise
- Fencing and signboard instalment will be increased
11. Emergency Response Facilities - Good placement of first aid box with basic medical - The contractor will take all necessary steps if any
assistance issue will arise
- Established Emergency medical centre
- Accessible and good at handling
- Observed petrol first aider team
12. Grievance Mechanism - The complaint box has been placed in the main gate - The contractor will take all necessary steps for this
and several points in the project area grievance mechanism
- Local publicly accessible - The stakeholder meeting will hold as per EMP
Photo 5-28: Install Complain Box both Inner & Outside of Project Area
Sources: Monthly Environmental Monitoring, December 2021