Grade Common

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Health Education
Planning Task 1
Date of Lesson: 02/21/23
Grade Status: Second
Theme: Reading
Lesson Plan #:2
Lesson heading:
Heading: Carla’s Sandwich
Knowledge Meta-Strategy for learning section: Find, story elements, and break down the skills,
character traits, or themes.
Literacy Strategy: Vocabulary instruction
Necessary Skill: Understanding vocabulary meaning in context

2nd grade common core ELA standard 2.7

Usage of data acquired from the words plus illustrations contained in digital text or print to show
an interpretation of its scenery, plot and characters.

The apprentices will detect the location of the definition; vocabulary knowledge will become ever
more transferrable across theme zones, and pay more attention on terminology acquisition will
be fruitful. They will also be able to identify the knowledge and skills acquired in Carla’s
sandwich by carrying out a Vocabulary instruction and generating a summation of the story with
a high percentage of accuracy.

Learners will use vocabulary instruction tools to consolidate their story comprehension and
determine the extent/degree to see if the learning target is reached. The same academic literacy
tool will also be acquainted with in the third section of the object lesson:
Disclose Literacy Strategy
The learners must familiarize themselves with the term, sum up or summarize opinions, and
condense (shorten)—the restatement of main points in a case or argument.

Learners will ascertain the definitions in addition to their location, sum up the knowledge already
acquired on or after the story Carla's sandwich by filling in four columns of vocabulary

No IEP or ELL learners are in this lesson, as termed in the "Context for Learning" (Task 1A);
however, all students with various individual needs will be accommodated. Present will be
special and universal adjustments besides support for the five struggling writers, readers, as
well as two other students with hearing impairment.
A total of twenty-four students are divided into four groups. The groups are culturally mixed
teacher-chosen and heterogeneous, so the groups are so involved. The four sets of groups will
be evaluated by observing them for the duration of all lesson to conclude if regrouping needs to
be done considering the specific needs of individuals. The aim is to ensure that the groups
provide accommodations for different cultural and behavioral needs. Two of the struggling
learners will join a single group which straight in opposite the board, where the educator is able
to readily reach out and offer additional help speedily. The remaining three struggling learners
will join the remaining groups for each group one student. Here they will get extra support from
other able and competent students.
The two students with hearing loss will be in such a manner that the ears with full hearing are
facing in the direction of the front of the classroom, and the teacher will call out to cross-check if
they are listening before giving any instruction. An educational assistant will also be
occasionally required to work with the teacher during the day to help the students with hearing
The students will have to remain settled at their writing table in their corresponding groups in
lieu of the better part of the object lesson. While reading Carla’s sandwich, the apprentices will
sit semantically, focusing and putting all attention toward the reader. When it is time for
summaries and completion/filling of the vocabulary instruction, students will return to their desks
and get seated to allow them to concentrate on their work. This way, the teacher can go around
the class to pay close attention to the struggling learners and provide additional support to those
who need it.

In this object class lesson, the instructor will require different requirements such as markers, a
whiteboard, and the book, Carla's Sandwich by Debbie Herman. Additionally, twenty-four
vocabulary instruction materials are needed for the students. Summary worksheets for the
students and individual target boards for the same number of students will be required for the
student's voices at the lesson's close. Also, every student should have erasers and paintings

The apprentices will ascertain whatever they have learned, locate and define some concepts
from the story Carla’s sandwich by filling the columns provided in the vocabulary instruction
material and construct a summation of the story with high accurateness. At the onset of the
literacy approach and opening activity, the instructor will evaluate learners' intellectual capacity
verbally. Students will be engaged in incorporating activities including question and answer
where they will participate, as well as the vocabulary instruction tool. The tool will be assessed
informally for participation and comprehension because it is done at the class level. The
summary worksheet will be the formal assessment; students will do them individually. However,
seeking help with spelling a word from the group members is an exception. The apprentices will
have realized the Learning Objective if they can locate, fill in the most used vocabulary in the
columns, and ascertain the kind of skills obtained from the story Carla’s sandwich by carrying
out the vocabulary instruction and summarizing the story with 80% accuracy.

Engaging the family (Epstein, J. L. 2019) will be done via notes where learners will be issued
with such notes after the lesson to take home for their parents. Notes will provide them with a
notification on the learning concepts that a child is engaged in. The concepts will be about the
importance of individuality, tolerance, and creativity and how they will help them connect well
with community and family members. Equally, the learners study to identify, locate and
describe the meaning of being creative, they will constantly familiarize themselves with the new
vocabulary, talk about it with the family, generate more creative ideas, and engage in it. All
these processes will help the students catch up easily on the day's learning target. The work
samples will be issued to the students so that they take them home at the conclusion of this
book learning segment.

Vocabulary instruction is what I choose as a literacy approach to back up intellectual capacity

for part two, reading and understanding of Carla’s sandwich. The tool will provide the learners
with flashback skills where they can display the ability to remember the story components from
the beginning, rehearse pronunciations of the new vocabulary and get ready for more literacy
skills and interpretation of further learning in this lesson. The vocabulary instruction tool is a
reading ability strategy that supports the meta-Strategy of classifying story features, personality
traits and subjects. Summary worksheets and Vocabulary instruction are Detailed Organizers
(Dujardin et al. 2021 which are good for organizing the learners' understanding on paper and
supporting comprehension. The learning segment's theme is creativity and tolerance, which

applies to family and the community. This will give the teachers, parents, and community a very
good platform to partner in building and encouraging students to develop skills and good
character. The graphical organization is very useful to particular group of learners.

Rip-roaring introductory activity that involves apprentices in the object lesson

Raise: contextual facts for new vocabulary as well as material
The instructor asks: Who's ready for a little test ? And makes an offer that anyone who gets to
answer the challenge can also add points to their groups. This challenge stimulates excitement
for the participation of the students to earn points. The students will then participate in the
following oral comprehension questions:
I. Why did Buster and their classmates tease Carla?
II. Where did the girl hang her traits list?
III. What did the girl bring her mother for the traits’ list pie?
IV. What was the girl doing while her mother made the pie?

The target for new learning is to develop a system to effectively collect student voices to
understand better and respond to student needs and concerns. The teacher will have the
students repeat after her what he has just read, for example, the words," Now we will establish
what we have learned from the story Carla’s sandwich as well as identify new vocabulary” to
gain a better understanding of how students are feeling and what they need. Additionally, this
system should be designed to be easily accessible to students and include methods to keep the
collected feedback confidential. The system's goal should be to create an environment where
students feel comfortable and open to providing their opinions and insights. The teacher will
then let them summarize the story in their own words, after which they can engage in smaller
group discussions and in turns recite that learning objective to every single one of them. The
learning target will also be written on the whiteboard so every student can see it.

The instructor will draw vocabulary instruction material on the white-colored board and begins
by clearly identifying and explaining the purpose of the strategy and the skill they want the
students to learn. The teacher then models how to complete the task or skill, breaking it down
into step-by-step instructions. Throughout the modeling, the teacher should provide verbal and
visual cues and feedback to help students understand and follow each step of the process. After
modeling the task, the teacher can provide students with opportunities to practice the skill or

task and provide further feedback and guidance. Then explain how the columns will be filled.
The students will then be given more room to suggest a few more ideas from Carla's sandwich
story by raising their hands.

The instructor will capture all class attention by inviting all to participate as the class says. He
will incorporate the class in question and answer activity to examine the students' knowledge of
the sandwich story. Room for group discussions on what has been learned from the story Carl's
sandwich will be given at an average of 5 minutes after one group at a time through the group
leader will give their understanding of the concept. The learners will recap to each other the
learning target and summarize the story.

The learning target for collecting students' voices is to understand the needs and concerns of
students to create an environment that is supportive and conducive to learning. It is important to
give students the opportunity to express their opinions and ideas in a safe and comfortable
setting. This will allow teachers to create lesson plans tailored to their student's needs and
create a better learning experience for everyone. Independent response will be provided to the
learners as they do an appraisal on their strategies plus complete their worksheets. Regarding
rating understanding of the class, general feedback will be applicable during the last part of the

Epstein, J. L. (2019). Theory to practice: School and family partnerships lead to school
improvement and student success. In School, family and community interaction (pp. 39-
Dujardin, E., Auphan, P., Bailloud, N., Ecalle, J., & Magnan, A. (2021). Tools and Teaching
Strategies for Vocabulary Assessment and Instruction: A Review. Social Education
Research, 34-66. Routledge.

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