Protectorate State: Kinds of States in Internation Low

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1. Protectorate state
2. Vassal state
3. Sovereign state
4. Federal state
5. Unitary state
6. Trust state
7. Neutral state
8. Neutralised state
9. Condaminium
10. Confederation
11. Micro state
1. Protectorate state
When one surrenders itself, by on agreement embodied in a treaty ,the administration of certain
important international affairs, to the protection of another state ,kind of relationship between the
two taste know as protectorate state.

2. Vassal state
A state which remains under the suzerainty of another state is called vassal state. It has not
capacity to enter into relationship with other state .it is semi sovereign state .it is bound by the
treaty entered into by the protecting state. Vassal state is not regarded as member of international

3. Sovereign state
Sovereign state is subject of international law. It is possesser of all right and international person.

4. Federal state
A union of state in which both the federation and the member states embody the constitutive
elements of a state: legislative, executive and judicial power over territory and citizens.

5. Unitary state
Unitary state has single central government which rules the whole country.
6. Neutral state

Neutral state do not support either party during war. it is generally deemed a temporary status
and can be terminated by joining either of state at war.

7. Neutralised state

A neutralized state is a state whose independence and integrity are for all future time guaranteed
by treaty, on condition that such state binds itself not to enter into military.

8. Condaminium
A condominium exists when two or more external power exercise joint dominium over a
particular territory.

9. Confederation
Confederation is a group of two or more sovereign state which have permanently given up part
of their liberty for some specific aims and.

10. Micro state

A state which is small in area, population and human an economic resource which has emerged
as an independent state.

The key points to include in your definition are:

 Bodies of rule governing human conduct

 Recognised binding by the state
 And is enforceable

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