Unit I TQM
Unit I TQM
Unit I TQM
1. What is T.Q.M.?
2. Explain following terms:
Calibration, Least count, Accuracy, Precision, Dispersion, Standard deviation
3. Define following terms:
A. Relative precision B. Most probable error
C. Maximum error D. Standard error
E. 95% error F. Frequency
4. Give the names of T.Q.M Guru’s.
1. Enlist 10 mantras of T.Q.M.
2. Write short note: “ Digital theodolite”
3. State methods for computations of area and explain any one in detail.
4. Explain their principle of TQM.
5. Discuss the concept of T.O.M.
6. Discuss various TQM models in detail with the help of flow chart.
7. Write precautions while taking horizontal angles in Vernier theodolite.
8. Explain various types of errors in case of surveying.
9. State methods for computations of area and explain any one in detail.
10. Explain Simpson’s rule briefly.
11. State methods for computations of volume and explain cross section method.
Vision: To impart human values with competency in civil engineering field having innovative approach
to satisfy global needs.
Mission: To develop Civil engineers of high technical skills with ethical values & give exposure to them
about latest technological development
1. Explain planimeter with neat sketch.
1. Calculate the area by Simpson’s rule for following observations booked during a chain
2. Formation width of road in embankment is 9 m with side slope 1.5:1. The ordinates of
height along centre line at regular interval of 20 m are 2.1, 1.9, 1.8, 1.8, 2.0, 1.6 and
1.8. Calculate the earthwork using prismoidal rule.
3. Calculate area of irregular figure from data obtained using planimeter.
A) Anchor point was kept outside.
B) I.R = 8.765, F.R = 2.134, M= 100 cm2.
C) Counting disc crosses zero mark once in clockwise direction.
Vision: To impart human values with competency in civil engineering field having innovative approach
to satisfy global needs.
Mission: To develop Civil engineers of high technical skills with ethical values & give exposure to them
about latest technological development