Lecture Notes On The Nature of Assessment
Lecture Notes On The Nature of Assessment
Lecture Notes On The Nature of Assessment
EBS 234
Assessment: The process of obtaining information that is used for making decisions about
students, curricula and programs, and educational policy. It includes the full range of
procedures used to gain information about student learning. These procedures may be
formal (pencil and paper tests) or informal (observations). Certain concepts and terms are
associated with assessment. These are tests, measurement and evaluation.
Test: A task or series of tasks, which are used to measure specific traits or attributes in
people. In educational settings, tests include paper and pencil instruments, which contain
questions that students and pupils respond to. The responses provided to the questions
help the test giver to obtain an estimate of the specific trait being measured. It answers
the question, ‘How well does the individual perform?’ Two interpretations can be given
to scores from tests. These are norm-referenced and criterion-referenced interpretations.
Scales of Measurement
Depending upon the traits/attributes/characteristics and the way they are measured, different
kinds of data result representing different scales of measurement. For example the number 4
can be interpreted in different ways depending on the source.
There are 4 types of measurement scales: Nominal, Ordinal, Interval, and Ratio
Nominal Scales: A nominal scale classifies persons or objects into two or more
categories. Whatever the classification, a person can only be in one category, and
members of a given category have a common set of characteristics. For identification
purposes, categories are numbered.
For example:
Gender, Male 1, Female 2.
Halls of Residence: Atlantic 1, Oguaa 2, Adehye 3, Casford 4, VALCO 5, Kwame
Nkrumah 6.
Ordinal Scales: An ordinal scale not only classifies subjects but also ranks them in
terms of the degree to which they possess a characteristic/attribute of interest. An ordinal
scale puts subjects in order from highest to lowest, from most to least. With respect to
height, 5 students can be ranked from 1 to 5, the subject with rank 1 being the shortest.
Though ordinal scales do indicate that some subjects are higher or better than others, they
do not indicate how much higher or better. i.e. intervals between the ranks are not equal.
Interval Scales: An interval scale has all the characteristics of both nominal and ordinal
scales and in addition has equal intervals. The zero point is arbitrary and does not mean
the absence of the characteristics/trait. Values can be added and subtracted to and from
each other. But not multiplied or divided. Examples include Celsius temperature,
academic achievement.
Ratio Scales: A ratio scale has all the advantages of the types of scales and in
addition it has a meaningful true zero point. Height, Weight and time are examples.
Values can be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided. 60 minutes can be said to be 3
times as long as 20 minutes.
Continuous assessment
Ogunniyi (1984, p. 113) defined continuous assessment as ‘a formative evaluation process
concerned with finding out, in a systematic manner, the overall gains that a student has made
in terms of knowledge, attitudes and skills after a given set of learning experiences’. The
definition implies that a student’s final grade after a programme of instruction is an
aggregation of all the performances exhibited in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor
domains during the duration of the course.
Six desirable characteristics are expected in a continuous assessment programme. It
is expected to be cumulative, comprehensive, diagnostic, formative, guidance-oriented, and
systematic (Ipaye, 1982, Ogunniyi, 1984; Ministry of Education Ghana, 1988).
further his strong areas and attempts to improve upon his weaknesses, to attain the level of
mastery needed. The student is thus directed and motivated in his learning.
Learning and taking tests is not an end in ‘itself’. It is a step to achieve the total
growth and development of the student. Continuous assessment provides the facts and figures
and all the necessary school information needed to goad the student to achieve growth and
development. It also provides the necessary information for the student to decide his future
career and his world of work.
1. Continuous assessment provides an excellent picture of a student’s performance over a
period of time. In summative evaluation, a student’s attainment in a course of studies for
example is measured by a single shot examination. However, several influences like,
malpractices, illnesses and inability to follow instructions influence a student’s final
score. The reliability of such scores is therefore doubtful. In continuous assessment,,
judgement on a student’s performance is based on several other previous performances.
This enables the effect of extraneous variables to be minimised a more representative
sample of his performance is arrived at.
2. It enables the classroom teacher as well as the school administration to be actively and
more meaningfully involved in the assessment of the students throughout the period of
teaching and learning. The teacher is expected to be alert, diligent and consistent in
assessing the various behaviours expected. He gives exercises, assignments and tests;
scores them and discusses results with the pupil. He also observes students behaviours in
various domains and provides help where needed. The school s administration also
provides the ‘back up’ services like the provision of stationery needed for class
assignments, projects, tests and questionnaires.
3. It enables the measurements of the three important domains in the taxonomy of education
objectives viz cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. This is important because
while the cognitive objectives are measured under test and examination conditions,
affective and psychomotor abilities such as courtesy, sociability, creativeness, leadership
and responsibility could only be measured over a reasonable time lapse, and over
repeated occurrences of such abilities. In the traditional one shot examination system, the
emphasis has always been on the cognitive abilities. This ultimately provides a biased
outcome of the students’ educational attainment. The possibility of spreading the
measurement net over the other areas makes the assessment of the students’ exhibited
behaviours more total.
4. It helps to minimise the students’ fears and anxieties about failure in the examinations.
The fear of performing poorly leads students to engage in examination malpractices such
as copying and the exchange of answer scripts. Since the student is aware that several
scores will be used to assess his final performance, tensions are often reduced. More
desirable learning habits are developed. Rote learning is discouraged. Creativity and
initiative are encouraged. A poor performance in one course is counter-balanced by an
improved performance in another. Failure in one aspect of the course of study does not
spell the doom of the student. The student has a great advantage here in that he has
several opportunities to demonstrate the behaviours and objectives being mesasured.
5. Continuous assessment encourages students to work assiduously throughout the period of
teaching and learning. The student becomes more alert in the class. He is punctual and
attends classes regularly. This attitude comes about as a result of the fact that every stage
of the instructional process is assessed and this counts towards the ultimate grade or
score he would obtain. He knows that complacency, absenteeism, laziness and
malingering would prove disastrous to his goals in academic achievement, and he
therefore works hard.
6. Education under the traditional summative evaluation system could be termed, “syllabus-
ish” or “syllabus-pulled”. This means that the emphasis is purely on what the syllabus
prescribes as related to internal and external examinations. Any activity or task, which is
not directly related to the syllabus for the examinations, is met with profound resistance
from students. Continuous assessment discourages this attitude to a very large extent.
Topics which are found relevant and interesting are included in the teaching and learning
process. The aim here is that teaching should bring about a total growth in the individual
and not only passing examinations.
7. Constant feedback is given and this provides the groundwork for teachers to engage in
diagnostic teaching. Feedback enables the teacher to identify the weaknesses of
individual students early and across tasks. He is then in a position to provide remedial
and individualised teaching. This corrective action reduces frustration, disappointment
and disillusionment on the part of students. The student is thus helped to progress.
Continuous feedback guides the student to the most effective means of improving his
8. Record keeping is an important aspect of the teaching and learning process. Records
acknowledge the totality of what pupils have done in order to improve their motivation
and help schools identify their needs more closely. It also provides a testimonial
respected and valued by employers and colleges.
Records also help to place students in appropriate stages when they transfer to another
institution. Continuous assessment is a great instrument in the achievement of these
goals. It provides the opportunity for the collection, preparation and keeping of up-to-
date records on students. This data includes family and health data, academic record,
interests and hobbies, work experience and special talents.
9. Parents are provided with better and clearer pictures of their wards’ performance and
achievement in school over a period of time and learning experience. The “One Shot”
traditional examination in most cases colours the actual performance of the student
because of the variety of influences that affect the performance of a student. Due to
repeated performances on various activities and tests in continuous assessment, the
influence of these factors is greatly minimised. Parents thus receive a more accurate
information on their wards and are put in a better position to plan more relevant
programmes towards the future careers of their wards.
Even though continuous assessment achieves much in terms of student and teacher evaluation
of the instructional process and product, there are problems and weaknesses.
1. Continuous assessment brings about an increase in the workload of teachers. Since the
process is systematic and comprehensive, the teacher is expected to be active in
designing and producing a variety of assessment instruments. In addition, he is expected
to be scoring the class tests, assignments, projects and at the same time taking
observations. He is also expected to provide up-to-date records on each pupil and
simultaneously be involved in remedial and individual teaching. Where classes are large
in size (and in Ghana most classes are large,) the load becomes unbearable. The teachers
then resort to unfair means in providing the requisite data for each pupil.
2. To implement a continuous assessment programme, it is assumed that teachers have the
requisite skill in test construction. However, in Ghana, most Ghanaian teachers lack the
skills required for constructing tests, because most initial teacher training programmes do
not make provision for a course in testing. In cases where teachers underwent a course of
instruction in testing and assessment, few teachers use their knowledge in test
construction. The effect is that, since each teacher designs his own instrument, the testing
instruments yield unreliable information. Standards are also bound to vary from teacher
to teacher.
3. In Ghana, one problem is the inadequacy of materials and equipment. Continuous
assessment is costly in terms of materials. Finance is needed for the procurement of
material and equipment such as cumulative record cards, stationery for testing
instrument, chairs and tables, and well-built classrooms. The sizes of the classes are such
that a huge financial outlay is needed. The experience in the Ghanaian classrooms is that
these equipment and material are woefully inadequate. This situation puts great inhibition
on the success of any continuous assessment programme.
4. Continuous assessment, especially in the first and second cycle levels, means less
dependence on an external examining body. This implies that the uniformity that goes
with external written examinations in the form of standard test items and scoring, are
reduced to some extent. The fate of the individual student lies more in the hands of the
classroom teacher. This situation generates fears, doubts and apprehensions in the minds
of the public about the degree of fairness in assessing the achievement of students. It also
makes it difficult to compare the performances from different schools since there is less
uniformity in the use of instruments and techniques in assessing the performances of
5. In the first and second cycle institutions, certificates obtained are based on performances
and achievements in external examinations in Ghana. This situation enables the
certificates to have credibility, since efforts are made to maintain standards across years
and test items. However, with the continuous assessment, if schools award certificates
based on the attainments of their own students, standards will vary from school to school
as well as certificates. The credibility of certificates becomes doubtful in most cases. To
handle this problem, schools contribute 30% of the total scores of each student in a
subject while an external examining body (WAEC) contributes 70%.
6. Another problem is that of supervision. Continuous assessment requires co-operation and
co-ordination at different levels. Close supervision is needed at all levels. Unfortunately,
supervisors in most cases who are heads of institutions are already laden with loads of
work. They are therefore not effective in their supervisory roles.
7. There is also an additional problem of record maintenance. Continuous assessment
requires the collection and storage of records. In most institutions, adequate storage
facilities are not available. Current storage and retrieval facilities like steel cabinets,
personal computers and word processors are lacking in institutions. Handling continuous
assessment data is therefore extremely difficult.
The three assessments give a total score of 100, which is scaled down to 30% as the internal
mark for each pupil. The end of term examination is given 70%.
At the end of the junior and senior secondary schools, all the scores a pupil obtains are scaled
to 30% and forwarded to the WAEC where 70% is obtained for external assessment.
For the policy to be successful, teachers are expected to perform the following roles.
1. The teacher must accept the philosophy of continuous assessment. He must be convinced
beyond all reasonable doubt that continuous assessment is a better form of assessing
students’ academic attainment than the traditional summative system.
2. The teacher needs to be knowledgeable about continuous assessment. He must know the
characteristics of continuous assessment, the strengths and weaknesses of the system as a
procedure for assessing students’ knowledge, attitude and manipulative skills. He must
clearly understand and accept his roles and responsibilities as outlined by the programme,
and be willing to contribute to its successful implementation.
3. At the beginning of each academic year and term (or semester), the teacher must make a
timetable for the assessments to be made. He must set specific dates on which the class
tests, assignments/exercises, projects/homework tasks will be performed. He also needs
to decide, what instruments to use in his assessment.
4. The teacher must break the learning programme of the period of instruction into smaller,
specific and well-defined units. A level of mastery must be set for each unit.
5. The teacher must assess the learning outcomes and performances at the end of each unit
of instruction. He must follow the timetable laid out for assessment but should allow
some degree of flexibility.
6. The teacher must spread the assessment over all areas of student’s behaviour. These are
the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. Appropriate assessment instruments
such as pencil and paper tests, observation, autobiographies, questionnaires, checklist,
rating scales and inventories should be used.
7. The teacher must formulate measurable, specific and attainable instructional objectives
for each unit for instruction. This helps him to make his teaching more effective and
meaningful. It also makes his assessments easier since these are based on the objectives
set out.
8. The teacher must provide constant feedback. Class assignments and exercises, projects,
tests and home wok must be promptly scored and returned to the students. This helps to
direct and motivate student learning.
9. The teacher must record all the assessment of the student in all the areas of learning and
instruction in the appropriate records. This must be done promptly at the end of each
measurement. The records must be well kept and maintained.
10. The teacher must be involved in remedial and individualised teaching. At the end of
teaching assessment the teacher should find out whether the whole class attained the
required level of mastery. Remedial programmes should be organised if the requisite
level of mastery was not reached. In addition, the teacher must also devote time to
individuals who do not perform well in the class assignments, exercises and tests and
have difficulties.
11. The teacher must also engage in guidance and counselling. He must identify the
weaknesses and strengths of students in the various areas of learning. He should then use
the information to guide and counsel the student for his full personal development and
growth as well as preparing the student for his future career.
12. The teacher must engage in constant evaluation of himself and of the continuous
assessment programme. The scores obtained from the various assessments should be used
to measure his own performance and the effectiveness of his methods and techniques. He
must also evaluate the success of the programme regularly to identify the lapses and
improve upon them. This could be done weekly, monthly and at the term/semester.
Similarly, being able to develop, plan, solve problems, construct, etc. means that the pupil
can "apply" the knowledge acquired in some new context. Each of the specific objectives in
each syllabus contains an "action verb" that describes the behaviour the pupil will be able to
demonstrate after the instruction. "Knowledge", “Understanding” and "Application", etc. are
dimensions that should be the prime focus of teaching and learning in schools. It has been
realized unfortunately that schools still teach the low ability thinking skills of knowledge and
understanding and ignore the higher ability thinking skills. Instruction in most cases has
tended to stress knowledge acquisition to the detriment of the higher ability behaviours such
as application, analysis, etc.
The persistence of this situation in the school system means that pupils will only do well on
recall items and questions and perform poorly on questions that require higher ability
thinking skills such as application of mathematical principles and problem solving. For there
to be any change in the quality of people who go through the school system, pupils should be
encouraged to apply their knowledge, develop analytical thinking skills, develop plans,
generate new and creative ideas and solutions, and use their knowledge in a variety of ways
to solve problems while still in school.
Each action verb indicates the underlying profile dimension of each particular specific
objective. Teachers are to read each objective carefully to know the profile dimension
toward which you have to teach. The major profile dimensions are:
In developing assessment procedures, select specific objectives in such a way that you will be
able to assess a representative sample of the syllabus objectives. Each specific objective in
the syllabus is considered a criterion to be achieved by the pupil. When you develop a test
that consists of items or questions that are based on a representative sample of the specific
objectives taught, the test is referred to as a “Criterion-Referenced Test”. In many cases, a
teacher cannot test all the objectives taught in a term, in a year etc. The assessment procedure
you use i.e. class tests, home work, projects etc. must be developed in such a way that it will
consist of a sample of the important objectives taught over a period.
The marks for the SBA should together constitute the School Based Assessment component
marked out of 60 per cent. The emphasis is to improve students’ learning by encouraging them to
perform at a higher level. The SBA will hence consist of:
➢ End-of-month tests
➢ Home work assignments (specially designed for SBA)
➢ Project
The SBA system will consist of 12 assessments a year instead of the 33 assessments in the
previous continuous assessment system. This will mean a reduction by 64% of the work load
compared to the previous continuous assessment system. The 12 assessments are labeled as
Task 1, Task 2, Task 3 and Task 4. Task 1-4 will be administered in Term 1; Tasks 5-8 will
be administered in Term 2, and Tasks 9-12 administered in Term 3.
Task 1 will be administered as an individual test coming at the end of the first month of the
term. The equivalent of Task 1 will be Task 5 and Task 9 to the administered in Term 2 and
Term 3 respectively. Task 2 will be administered as a Group Exercise and will consist of two
or three instructional objectives that the teacher considers difficult to teach and learn. The
selected objectives could also be those objectives considered very important and which
therefore need pupils to put in more practice. Task 2 will be administered at the end of the
second month in the term. Task 3 will also be administered as individual test under the
supervision of the class teacher at the end of the 11th or 12 week of the term.
Task 4 (and also Task 8 and Task 12) will be a project to be undertaken throughout the term
and submitted at the end of the term. Schools will be supplied with 9 project topics divided
into three topics for each term. A pupil is expected to select one project topic for each term.
Projects for the second term will be undertaken by teams of pupils as Group Projects. Projects
are intended to encourage pupils to apply knowledge and skills acquired in the term to write
an analytic or investigative paper, write a poem (as may be required in English and Ghanaian
Languages), use science and mathematics to solve a problem or produce a physical three-
dimensional product as may be required in Creative Arts and in Natural Science.
Apart from the SBA, teachers are expected to use class exercises and home work as processes
for continually evaluating pupils’ class performance, and as a means for encouraging
improvements in learning performance.
End-of-Term Examination
The end-of-term examination is a summative assessment system and should consist of a sample
of the knowledge and skills pupils have acquired in the term. The end-of-term test for Term 3
should be composed of items/questions based on the specific objectives studied over the three
terms, using a different weighting system such as to reflect the importance of the work done in
each term in appropriate proportions. For example, a teacher may build an end of term 3 test in
such a way that it would consist of the 20% of the objectives studied in Term 1, 20% of the
objectives studied in Term 2, and 60% of the objectives studied in Term 3.
The new SBA system is important for raising pupils’ school performance. For this reason, the
60 marks for the SBA will be scaled to 50 in schools. The total marks for the end of term test
will also be scaled to 50 before adding the SBA marks and end-of-term examination marks to
determine pupils’ end of term results. The SBA and the end-of-term test marks will hence be
combined in equal proportions of 50:50. The equal proportions will affect only assessment in
the school system. It will not affect the SBA mark proportion of 30% used by WAEC for
determining examination results at the BECE.
Grading Procedure
The grading system presented above shows the letter grade system and equivalent grade
boundaries. In assigning grades to pupils’ test results, or any form of evaluation, you may
apply the above grade boundaries and the descriptors. The descriptors (Excellent, Very Good
etc) indicate the meaning of each grade. For instance, the grade boundary for “Excellent”
consists of scores from 80 - 100. Writing “80%” for instance, without writing the meaning of
the grade, or the descriptor for the grade i.e. “Excellent”, does not provide the pupil with
enough information to evaluate his/her performance in the assessment. You therefore have to
write the meaning of the grade alongside the score you write. Apart from the score and the
grade descriptor, it will be important also to write a short diagnosis of the points the pupil
should consider in order to do better in future tests etc.
Keep it up
Has improved
Could do better
Not serious in class
More room for improvement, etc.
Note that the grade boundaries above are also referred to as grade cut-off scores. When you
adopt a fixed cut-off score grading system as in this example, you are using the criterion-
referenced grading system. By this system a pupil must make a specified score to earn the
appropriate grade. This system of grading challenges pupils to study harder to earn better
grades. It is hence very useful for achievement testing and grading.
1. Test developer must be clear about the learning target to be assessed. This involves
clearly specifying the intended learning goals and helps to select the appropriate
assessment technique.
2. The assessment technique selected must match the learning target. The main criterion is
whether the procedure is the most effective in measuring the learning target.
3. Assessment techniques must serve the needs of the learners. They should provide
meaningful feedback to the learners about how closely they have approximated the
learning targets.
4. Multiple indicators of performance provide a better assessment of the extent to which a
student has attained a given learning target. Assessment needs to be comprehensive.
5. Proper use of assessment procedures requires that the user is aware of the limitations of
each technique. In interpreting the results of the assessment, these limitations must be
6. Assessment is a means to an end. It is not an end in itself. Assessment provides
information upon which decisions are based.
7. Evidence needs to be provided that the interpretations and use of students’ assessment
results are appropriate and reliable.
Purposes of Assessment
Assessment provides information for decisions about students, curricula and programs,
and educational policy. These decisions are:
1. Instructional Management decisions
2. Selection decisions
3. Placement decisions
4. Counseling and Guidance decisions
5. Credentialing and Certification decisions
Selection decisions
Assessments provide information to select the right caliber of people for admission,
promotion, and awards of prizes. Those not acceptable are rejected.
Placement decisions
1. Assessments provide information to place students in courses and classes where they are
likely to succeed in the future.
2. Assessments provide the basis for grouping individuals for instruction in view of the
individual differences.
Assessment for learning (Afl) is a recent term describing one of the important purposes of
assessment. It is one of the powerful ways of improving learning and raising standards
(Black and William, 1998). Assessment for learning (Afl) is the process of seeking and
interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in
their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there.
Black and William (1998) also define assessment for learning as “all those activities
undertaken by teachers and/or by their students, which provide information to be used as
feedback to modify the teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged”.
Assessment for learning (Afl) focuses on the gap between where a learner is in his/her
learning, and where he/she needs to be – the desired goal. This can be achieved through
processes such as sharing criteria with learners, effective questioning and feedback.
Assessment for learning (Afl) is distinguished from Assessment of learning (Aol) which is
carried out purposely for grading and reporting. Aol involves decisions about the merit of
student performance in relation to standards of performance
It is designed to measure student achievement and gauge what they have learned.
Aol takes place at a point in time for the purpose of summarizing the current status of student
It has well established guidelines including:
1. It is accompanied by a number or letter grade (summative).
2. It compares one student’s achievement with standards.
3. The results can be communicated to the student and parents.
4. It occurs at the end of the learning unit.
The UK Assessment Reform Group (1999) identified the following seven key characteristics
of assessment for learning.
The Assessment Reform Group in the UK in 2002 derived 10 principles for guidance in
assessment for learning. These principles are explained below.
1. Assessment for learning should be part of effective planning of teaching and learning
A teacher's planning should provide opportunities for both learner and teacher to obtain and
use information about progress towards learning goals. It also has to be flexible to respond to
initial and emerging ideas and skills. Planning should include strategies to ensure that
learners understand the goals they are pursuing and the criteria that will be applied in
assessing their work. How learners will receive feedback, how they will take part in assessing
their learning and how they will be helped to make further progress should also be planned.
The process of learning has to be in the minds of both learner and teacher when assessment is
planned and when the evidence is interpreted. Learners should become as aware of the 'how'
of their learning as they are of the 'what'.
Much of what teachers and learners do in classrooms can be described as assessment. That is,
tasks and questions prompt learners to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and
skills. What learners say and do is then observed and interpreted, and judgements are made
about how learning can be improved. These assessment processes are an essential part of
everyday classroom practice and involve both teachers and learners in reflection, dialogue
and decision making.
4. Assessment for learning should be regarded as a key professional skill for teachers
Teachers require the professional knowledge and skills to: plan for assessment; observe
learning; analyse and interpret evidence of learning; give feedback to learners and support
learners in self-assessment. Teachers should be supported in developing these skills through
initial and continuing professional development.
5. Assessment for learning should be sensitive and constructive because any assessment
has an emotional impact
Teachers should be aware of the impact that comments, marks and grades can have on
learners' confidence and enthusiasm and should be as constructive as possible in the feedback
that they give. Comments that focus on the work rather than the person are more constructive
for both learning and motivation.
6. Assessment for learning should take account of the importance of learner motivation
7. Assessment for learning should promote commitment to learning goals and a shared
understanding of the criteria by which they are assessed
For effective learning to take place learners need to understand what it is they are trying to
achieve - and want to achieve it. Understanding and commitment follows when learners have
some part in deciding goals and identifying criteria for assessing progress. Communicating
assessment criteria involves discussing them with learners using terms that they can
understand, providing examples of how the criteria can be met in practice and engaging
learners in peer and self-assessment.
Learners need information and guidance in order to plan the next steps in their learning.
Teachers should:
Independent learners have the ability to seek out and gain new skills, new knowledge and
new understandings. They are able to engage in self-reflection and to identify the next steps
in their learning. Teachers should equip learners with the desire and the capacity to take
charge of their learning through developing the skills of self-assessment.
10. Assessment for learning should recognise the full range of achievements of all
Assessment for learning should be used to enhance all learners' opportunities to learn in all
areas of educational activity. It should enable all learners to achieve their best and to have
their efforts recognised.