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A Project Report on

“Bright Brains E-Learning”

Submitted to the Bangalore University in partial fulfillment

Of the requirement for the award of the degree in

Bachelor of Computer Applications

Submitted by


Under the guidance of


Asst. Professor

Ring Road, Marathalli, Bangalore–560103


I hereby declare that the project report entitled “Bright Brains E-Learning” was prepared by
me During the year 2019-2020 and was submitted to the Bangalore University, in partial
Fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree in Bachelor of Computer
Applications. I also declare that this project report is original and genuine and it has not Been
submitted to any other University for the award of any degree, diploma or other Similar titles
or purposes.

Date: Signature of the

Candidate Place: New Horizon College MAHESH C

(Marathalli) USN:17VFSB7031

This is to certify that the project report entitled “Bright Brains E-Learning” Submitted by
Jennifer. B[17VFSB7019]. This report is an outcome of genuine project work and has been
submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Computer
Applications, awarded by Bangalore University, during the academic year 2019-20

Project Guide Head of Department

Ms. ANJANA S MURTHY Dr. Nagaraju K

Signature of the Examiners


We express our deep sincere thanks to Dr. Mohan Maghnani, Chairman of New Horizon
Educational Institutions for providing the platform and Infrastructure to do this project. This
project would not have been possible Without the help and co-operation of many. At the
I wish to record My profound gratitude to our principal Dr.R.Bodhisatvan

We are extremely thankful to Mr Nagaraju K, Head-Computer science for his unending

support and encouragement during the development of this project.

We would like to acknowledge the interest and the support extended by our Project guide
Mrs. Anjana S Murthy, Asst. Professor, Department of Computer Science, to make this
project implementation successful.

Above all we would thank God for the blessings and my parents also for Their valuable
suggestion and support in my project report

Finally, we extend my deep sense of gratitude to all those who made this Project come a live
and encouraged and guided me from the start to finish.

1.1 Abstract
1.2 Problem Scope
1.3 Modules
02 System Study 9-12
2.1 Existing System
2.2 Feasibility Study
2.3 Proposed System
03 System Design 13-57
3.1 Data Flow Diagram (DFA)
3.2 Entity Relationship Diagram (ER-Diagram)
3.3 Activity Diagram
3.4 Architecture Diagram
3.5 Input Design
3.6 Output Design
04 System Configuration 58-59
4.1 Hardware Requirements
4.2 Software Requirements
05 Details of Software 60-65
5.1 Overview of the front-end
5.2 Overview of back-end
5.3 About the platform
06 Testing 66-69
07 Implementation 70-72
08 Conclusion and Future Enhancement 73-74
09 Appendices A-Table Structure 75-78
10 Appendices B-Sample Test Cases 79-80
11 Bibliography 81-82




Quite simply, e-learning is electronic learning, and typically this means using a computer to
deliver part, or all of a course whether it's in a school, part of your mandatory business
training or a full distance learning course.

In the early days it received a bad press, as many people thought bringing computers into the
classroom would remove that human element that some learners need, but as time has
progressed technology has developed, and now we embrace smartphones and tablets in the
classroom and office, as well as using a wealth of interactive designs that makes distance
learning not only engaging for the users, but valuable as a lesson delivery medium.

Definitely challenges that would constrain any system. There are some key challenges that
we are facing in eLearning today. And I am beginning to think that these are pretty much
invariant to scale. I am beginning to think that perhaps many of them happen at smaller scale
in traditional face-to-face education. Low engagement and retention (motivation). Lack of
data driven analytics cramps scalability. Low use of collaboration/networked learning.

Many technological challenges to be overcome, but mobile learning is definitely a reality

today and especially so for the corporate learner. So, instead of carrying a load of technical
manuals, they can now have an application on their smart-phones, which gives them precise
diagnostic solutions to common problems which they face every day at schools and college.


The main objective of E-learning is to manage the details of user, course and examination.

It helps the user to learn virtually from anywhere anytime.

There is a plethora of different e-learning systems (otherwise known as Learning

Management Systems, or LMSs for short) and methods, which allow for courses to be
delivered. With the right tool various processes can be automated such as a course with set
materials and automatically marked tests. E-learning is an affordable (and often free) solution
which provides the learners with the ability to fit learning around their lifestyles, effectively
allowing even the busiest person to further a career and gain new qualifications. Some of the
most important developments in education have happened since the launch of the internet.
These days learners are well versed in the use of smartphones, text messaging and using the

internet so participating in and running an online course has become a simple affair. Message
boards, social media and various other means of online communication allow learners to keep
in touch and discuss course related matters, whilst providing for a sense of community.

Admin login: This module helps the admin to login to the website. And admin can update the

Admin upload: This module helps the admin to upload the files and questions. Admin
support: This module helps the admin to answer all questions given by the user in help and

Login Area: The login details are maintained by website. A single person can use only one
User Id for his login Account.

Course list: This module will showcase all the subject available on the each semester.

Help and support: This module helps the user to ask any question or query related to the
website and give feedbacks.

Questions module: This module will have the questions related to course. Payment module:
This module accepts payment from user depends on the course.

Quiz module: This module helps user to view quiz questions.

Exam module: This module helps user to take on exam on particular course. Result module:
This module generates results to user.





In the present system a student has to carry books and attend the lectures of the faculties. This
often makes student tired and get exhausted attending lectures from morning to evening. Even
after so much struggle student may not have all the information needed to be learned. This
makes students confidence low. The objective of the project is to develop a system that can
help students to study the subject where ever they are and gain complete information of the
subject. The purpose is to design a system using which one can study all subject related to
their course.


• Time consuming.
• Not accurate.
• Error prone.
• Large amount of records are to be kept.
• Report production is very slow.
• Searching for a file or record is very difficult.


The process of analysing the fundamental requirements involves examining and doing
the feasible study report. Evaluation of existing system and procedure analysis of alternative
candidate systems, specifications of the performance and cost estimation constitute the
feasibility study. The objective feasibility study is not to solve the problem but to acquire a
sense of scope.

During the study, the problem definition is crystallized and aspects of the problem to be
included in the system are determined. Consequently, cost and benefits are estimated with
greater accuracy at this stage. The result of the feasibility study is formal proposal. This is a
simple report of formal document representing the scope and nature of the proposed solution.
The proposed summarizes the current research and what is going to be done. It consists of
statement of problem, summary of findings and recommendation, details of finding and
recommendation and conclusions.

The key considerations involved in feasibility analysis are:

10 | P a g e
• Operation feasibility
• Economic feasibility
• Technical feasibility

Operation feasibility
There is sufficient support for the project from the organization. The proposed system is
acceptable to the users. So the proposed system is operationally feasible.

Economic feasibility
As part of this, the costs and benefits associated with the proposed system are compared and
the project is economically feasible only if tangible and imaginable benefits overweigh cost.
The proposed system will minimize the time and effort involved in doing the tasks associated
with the CPU. The system development cost will be significantly low, so the proposed system
is economically feasible.

Technical feasibility
This test focuses on the feasibility of technical environment required for the development and
the implementation of the project. First verify whether necessary technology is existing or can
be acquired it understanding the project. If any technical short comings are noted, the project
is not feasible, if such technology exists, check whether that technical equipment can handle
the data required to use the proposed system. If the proposed system provides adequate
response to the requests irrespective of the new projects and whether response is handled
without any delay.


The proposed system is a web based application and maintains a centralized repository of all
related information. The system allows one to easily access the relevant information and make
necessary notes available. Users can decide about the subject they want to study and
download required notes. Internet has significantly benefited the bottom line of E-Learning in
terms of cost and time. Our system helps students to study any subject where ever they
without any books through online.

Features of Proposed System

• The system should enable better maintenance of the student and makes better learning.

11 | P a g e
• It improves efficiency and reliability.
• Getting student information’s and project details at a button click.
• Overall, the system should make the studying work faster and accurate.
• If everything is fully automated the reports are clear and consistent.

12 | P a g e




13 | P a g e
A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through an
information system, modelling its process aspects. A DFD is often used as a preliminary step
to create an overview of the system, which can later be elaborated. DFDs can also be used for
the visualization of data processing (structured design).

A DFD shows what kind of information will be input to and output from the system, where
the data will come from and go to, and where the data will be stored. It does not show
information about the timing of process or information about whether processes will operate
in sequence or in parallel.

It is common practice to draw the context-level data flow diagram first, which shows the
interaction between the system and external agents which act as data sources and data sinks.
This helps to create an accurate drawing in the context diagram. The system's interactions
with the outside world are model purely in terms of data flows across the system boundary.
The context diagram shows the entire system as a single process, and gives no clues as to its
internal organization.

Representation of components

DFDs involve symbols like:

• Process
• Data Object
• Data Store
• External entity
• Report


14 | P a g e
Transform of incoming data flow(s) to outgoing flow(s).

Data flow

Movement of data in the system

Data store

Data repositories for data that are not moving.

It may be as simple as a buffer or a queue

External Entity

Sources of destinations outside the specified system



The symbol used for showing any

document or report that Will be created or

used in the data flow chart


15 | P a g e
Login Login

AdminView information Request


Login Signup

Admin 1 User
View User Login


Upload Stores Course

Takes Course/Que View Course

16 | P a g e
Add Stor es

Upload 2
Courses Update 2.2 Re -stores D2 Course


Delete Existing


Add Insert
Upload 4 Stores
Question Update

D3 Question




17 | P a g e
Select 3.1 Stores
3 D3 Payment
Pays Credit

Gateway Select
3.2 Pays Bank Site
Select Net bank Through

Pay pal site
Pay pal

6 D6 Feedback
User Feedback &

Contact us

D7Contact us
Contact us

18 | P a g e
Entity relationship model defines the conceptual view of database. It works around real world
entity and association among them. At view level, ER model is considered well for designing

A real-world thing either animate or inanimate that can be easily identifiable and
distinguishable. For example, in a school database, student, teachers, class and course offered
can be considered as entities. All entities have some attributes or properties that give them
their identity. An entity set is a collection of similar types of entities. Entity set may contain
entities with attribute sharing similar values. For example, Students set may contain all the
student of a school; likewise, Teachers set may contain all the teachers of school from all
Entities sets need not to be disjoint.

Entities are represented by means of their properties, called attributes. All attributes have
values. For example, a student entity may have name, class, age as attributes.

There exists a domain or range of values that can be assigned to attributes. For example, a
student's name cannot be a numeric value. It has to be alphabetic. A student's age cannot be

negative, etc. Entity Set

An Entity set is the collection of entities of the same type.

An association of several entities in an ER Model is called relationships


19 | P a g e
20 | P a g e

The current application is being developed by taking the 3-tier architecture as a prototype. In
a three-tier architecture (also known as a multi-tier architecture), there are three or more
interacting tiers, each with its own specific responsibilities:

Three-Tier Architecture

• Tier 1: the client contains the presentation logic, including simple control and user
input validation. This application is also known as a thin client. The client interface is
developed using ASP.Net Server Controls and HTML controls in some occasions
• Tier 2: the middle tier is also known as the application server, which provides the
business processes logic and the data access. The business logic/ business rules can be
written either with C#.Net or VB.Net languages. These business runes will be
deployed as DLL’s in IIS web server.
• Tier 3: the data server provides the business data. MS-SQL server acts as Tier-3,
which is the database layer.
These are some of the advantages of three-tier architecture:
• It is easier to modify or replace any tier without affecting the other tiers.
• Separating the application and database functionality means better load balancing.
• Adequate security policies can be enforced within the server tiers without hindering
the clients.
The proposed system can be designed perfectly with the three tier model, as all layers
are perfectly getting set as part of the project. In the future, while expanding the
system, in order to implement integration touch points and to provide enhanced user
interfaces, the n-tier architecture can be used.


Input designs the method by which the valid data are accepted by the user. This part of the
designing requires very careful attention. If the data going into the system is incorrect then
the processing and output will magnify these errors. Inaccurate input data are most common
courses of errors in the data processing. The input design is carried out in such a way that
the input screens are user friendly. The goal of designing input is to make input data entry as
easy and error free. The collection input data is a most expensive part of the in terms of both
the equipment’s used and the number of people involved.
The objective of the input design are:

• To produce a cost effective method of input.

• To achieve the highest possible of accuracy.
• To ensure that the input is acceptable and understood by the user.

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ForeColor="Aqua">Feedback</asp:HyperLink> <asp:HyperLink
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absolute; z-index: 1; left: 1015px; top: -29px"

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style="margin-top: 0px;" >

<h2 class="auto-style31"><em>Register :</em></h2>

<br />

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<td class="auto-style43">

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ForeColor="#990000" Text="User ID :"></asp:Label>


<td class="auto-style44">

33 | P a g e
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ReadOnly="True"></asp:TextBox> <asp:RequiredFieldValidator
ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" runat="server" ControlToValidate="TextBox2"
ErrorMessage="RequiredFieldValidator" ForeColor="Red">*</asp:RequiredFieldValidator>






<td class="auto-style43">

<asp:Label ID="Label7" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" FontSize="Medium"

ForeColor="#990000" Text="First Name :"></asp:Label>


<td class="auto-style44">

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<td class="auto-style43">

<asp:Label ID="Label8" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" FontSize="Medium"

ForeColor="#990000" Text=" Last Name:"></asp:Label>


34 | P a g e
<td class="auto-style44">

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox4" runat="server" Width="200px"></asp:TextBox>

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<td class="auto-style43">

<asp:Label ID="Label9" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" FontSize="Medium"

ForeColor="#990000" Text="Email :"></asp:Label>


<td class="auto-style44">

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox5" runat="server" TextMode="Email"

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ControlToValidate="TextBox5" ErrorMessage="RegularExpressionValidator"
ForeColor="Red" ValidationExpression="\w+([-+.']\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([.]\
w+)*">Incorrect Email</asp:RegularExpressionValidator>




<td class="auto-style43">

35 | P a g e
<asp:Label ID="Label10" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" FontSize="Medium"
ForeColor="#990000" Text="Password :"></asp:Label>


<td class="auto-style44">

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<td class="auto-style52">

<asp:CompareValidator ID="CompareValidator1" runat="server"

ControlToCompare="TextBox6" ControlToValidate="TextBox7"
ErrorMessage="CompareValidator" ForeColor="Red">Password




<td class="auto-style43">

<asp:Label ID="Label11" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" FontSize="Medium"

ForeColor="#990000" Text="Confirm Password :"></asp:Label> </td>

<td class="auto-style44">&nbsp;&nbsp;<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox7" runat="server"

TextMode="Password" Width="200px"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator6" runat="server"
ControlToValidate="TextBox7" ErrorMessage="RequiredFieldValidator"
ForeColor="Red">*</asp:RequiredFieldValidator> &nbsp;


<td class="auto-style52">&nbsp;</td>

36 | P a g e


<br />



<asp:Panel ID="Panel4" runat="server" CssClass="auto-style47"


<h2 class="auto-style48"><em>

<strong>Personal Information :</strong></em></h2>

<table cellpadding="5" class="auto-style57">


<td class="auto-style62">

<asp:Label ID="Label12" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#990000"

Text="Mobile No :"></asp:Label>


37 | P a g e
<td class="auto-


<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox8" runat="server" MaxLength="10" TextMode="Phone"

Width="200px"></asp:TextBox> <asp:RequiredFieldValidator
ID="RequiredFieldValidator7" runat="server" ControlToValidate="TextBox8"


<td class="auto-style64">

<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="RegularExpressionValidator1" runat="server"

ControlToValidate="TextBox8" ErrorMessage="RegularExpressionValidator"
ForeColor="Red" ValidationExpression="^([7-9]{1})([0-9]{9})$">Invalid




<td class="auto-style62">

<asp:Label ID="Label13" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#990000"

Text="D.O.B :" >



<td class="auto-style63">

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox9" runat="server" TextMode="Date" Width="200px"


<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator8" runat="server"

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38 | P a g e
<td class="auto-



<asp:RangeValidator ID="RangeValidator1" runat="server" ControlToValidate="TextBox9"

ErrorMessage="RangeValidator" ForeColor="Red" MaximumValue="2010/12/31"
MinimumValue="1995/01/01">Enter Your Correct D.O.B</asp:RangeValidator>



<td class="auto-style62">

<asp:Label ID="Label14" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#990000"

Text="Gender :"></asp:Label>


<td class="auto-style63">

<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList4" runat="server" Width="205px" Height="22px">

<asp:ListItem>Male</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem>Female</asp:ListItem>


<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator12" runat="server"

ControlToValidate="DropDownList4" ErrorMessage="RequiredFieldValidator"
ForeColor="Red" InitialValue="-----select----">*</asp:RequiredFieldValidator>

<td class="auto-style64"></td>



<td class="auto-style62">

<asp:Label ID="Label15" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#990000"

Text="Address :"></asp:Label>

39 | P a g e
<td class="auto-



<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox10" runat="server" Width="200px"></asp:TextBox>

<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator9" runat="server"
ControlToValidate="TextBox10" ErrorMessage="RequiredFieldValidator"
ForeColor="Red">*</asp:RequiredFieldValidator> </td> <td




<td class="auto-style62">

<asp:Label ID="Label16" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#990000"

Text="City :"></asp:Label>


<td class="auto-style63">

<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server" Height="22px" Width="205px">



<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator13" runat="server"

ControlToValidate="DropDownList1" ErrorMessage="RequiredFieldValidator"
ForeColor="Red" InitialValue="-----select----">*</asp:RequiredFieldValidator>


<td class="auto-style64">

40 | P a g e
<td class="auto-


41 | P a g e


<td class="auto-style62">

<asp:Label ID="Label17" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#990000"

Text="State :"></asp:Label>


<td class="auto-style63">

<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList2" runat="server" Height="24px" Width="205px">


<asp:ListItem>Andhra Pradesh</asp:ListItem> </asp:DropDownList>

<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator14" runat="server"

ControlToValidate="DropDownList2" ErrorMessage="RequiredFieldValidator"
ForeColor="Red" InitialValue="-----select----">*</asp:RequiredFieldValidator>

<td class="auto-style64">




<td class="auto-style62">

<asp:Label ID="Label18" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#990000"

Text="Pincode :"></asp:Label>


<td class="auto-style63">

42 | P a g e
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox11" runat="server" MaxLength="6"

<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator10" runat="server"

ControlToValidate="TextBox11" ErrorMessage="RequiredFieldValidator"


<td class="auto-style64">

<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="RegularExpressionValidator3" runat="server"

ControlToValidate="TextBox11" ErrorMessage="RegularExpressionValidator"
ForeColor="Red" ValidationExpression="\d+">Only -
Number</asp:RegularExpressionValidator> </td>



<td class="auto-style62">

<asp:Label ID="Label19" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#990000"

Text="Country :"></asp:Label>


<td class="auto-style63">

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox12" runat="server" MaxLength="5" Width="200px"

ReadOnly="True">INDIA</asp:TextBox> <asp:RequiredFieldValidator
ID="RequiredFieldValidator11" runat="server" ControlToValidate="TextBox12"
ErrorMessage="RequiredFieldValidator" ForeColor="Red">*</asp:RequiredFieldValidator>


<td class="auto-style64">




43 | P a g e
<td class="auto-style62">

<asp:Label ID="Label20" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="#990000"

Text="Education Qualification :"></asp:Label> </td>

<td class="auto-style63">

<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList3" runat="server" Height="22px" Width="205px">


<asp:ListItem>10th standard</asp:ListItem>

<asp:ListItem>12th standard</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem>Under

Graduate</asp:ListItem> <asp:ListItem>Post Graduate</asp:ListItem>

<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator15" runat="server"

ControlToValidate="DropDownList3" ErrorMessage="RequiredFieldValidator"
ForeColor="Red" InitialValue="-----select----">*</asp:RequiredFieldValidator>

<td class="auto-style64">




<div class="auto-style49">

<br />

<asp:Button ID="Button3" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" FontNames="Times New

Roman" Font-Size="Medium" Text="Register" CssClass="autostyle56"
OnClick="Button3_Click1" /> <asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink13" runat="server"
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<div class="auto-style21">

<asp:Panel ID="Panel3" runat="server" BackColor="White" CssClass="autostyle26">


<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink11" runat="server" ForeColor="Maroon"

NavigateUrl="~/services.aspx" CssClass="auto-style27" Font-Bold="True"
FontSize="Medium">Join Bright Bench.!!</asp:HyperLink>



<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink9" runat="server" ForeColor="Maroon"

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CssClass="auto-style29" Font-Bold="True" FontSize="Medium">Test

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<asp:Label ID="Label3" runat="server" Text="Label" style="text-align: right; font-size:

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Home Page

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ForeColor="Aqua">Home</asp:HyperLink>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <asp:HyperLink
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ForeColor="Aqua">Services</asp:HyperLink> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink3" runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/course1.aspx"
ForeColor="Aqua">Courses Offered</asp:HyperLink>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink4" runat="server" NavigateUrl="~/aboutus1.aspx"

ForeColor="Aqua">About Us</asp:HyperLink>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

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NavigateUrl="~/userhome.aspx" CssClass="auto-style31">Log Out</asp:HyperLink>
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style="z-index: 1; left: 847px; top: 4px; position: absolute"></asp:TextBox>

<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" BorderColor="#666666" BorderStyle="Groove"

style="z-index: 1; left: 994px; top: 4px; position: absolute; height: 23px" Text="Search" />



<div style="position: relative; top: -74px; left: 140px; width: 1076px"> &nbsp;

<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" Cssclass="auto-style15" BackColor="WhiteSmoke"

style="margin-top: 0px;">

<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="E-LEARNING" FontBold="True" Font-

Italic="True" Font-Names="Times New Roman" Font-Size="XXLarge"
ForeColor="Maroon" style="font-size: xx-large" CssClass="auto-style17" ></asp:Label>

48 | P a g e
<br />

<asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text="Label" Font-Bold="True" FontItalic="True"

Font-Names="Times New Roman" Font-Size="X-Large" ForeColor="Maroon"
style="fontsize: x-large;" CssClass="auto-style16">What is elearning? Is it important in

<p style="margin-bottom: 0px;" class="auto-style2"><em>T<span class="autostyle3">he term

&quot;e-learning&quot; has only been in existence since 1999, when the word was first
utilized at a CBT systems seminar. Other words also began to spring up in search of an
accurate description such as “online learning” and “virtual learning”. However, the principles
behind e-learning have been well documented throughout history, and there is even evidence
which suggests that early forms of e-learning existed as far back as the 19th century.

<br /> The site &quot;BRIGHT BRAIN&quot; Learning Center enhances the talents ans skill
of those students who is reallywanted to experience an new system of learning through online.


<strong><br /> &nbsp;</strong></em>




<div class="auto-style21">

<asp:Panel ID="Panel3" runat="server" BackColor="Silver" CssClass="autostyle26">


<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink11" runat="server" ForeColor="Maroon"

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49 | P a g e
FontSize="Medium">Why Bright Brain?</asp:HyperLink>



<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink10" runat="server" ForeColor="Maroon"

NavigateUrl="~/course1.aspx" CssClass="auto-style29" Font-Bold="True"
FontSize="Medium">Test Center</asp:HyperLink>



<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink12" runat="server" Font-Bold="True"

ForeColor="#990000" NavigateUrl="~/Profile.aspx" CssClass="auto-style32">My


<img src="Images/IMG10.jpg" class="auto-style30" />

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<asp:Panel ID="Panel2" runat="server" BackColor="Silver" CssClass="autostyle20">

<asp:Label ID="Label3" runat="server" Text="Label" style="text-align: right; font-size:

large; color: #990000; font-style: italic; font-weight: 700; " CssClass="autostyle19">Connect
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<asp:Label ID="Label5" runat="server" CssClass="auto-style10" Text="Label">BRIGHT

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<marquee>© 2018 by BRIGHT BRAINS Learning Center. All Rights Reserved</marquee>



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Outputs from computer system are required primarily to communicate the results of
processing to users. They are also used to provide a permanent copy of these result for latter
consultation. Computer output is the most important and direct source of information.
Computer output is the most important and direct source of information to the users.
Designing computer output should proceed in an organized well throughout the manner. The
right output must be available for the people who find the system easy to use. The outputs
have been defined during the logical design stage. If not, they should defined at the beginning
of the output designing terms of types of output connect, format, response etc.

Various types of outputs are

• External outputs
• Internal outputs
• Operational outputs
• Interactive outputs
• Turn around outputs
All screens are informative and interactive in such a way that the user can full fill his
requirements through asking queries.

52 | P a g e
Welcome Page

Registration Page

53 | P a g e
Login Page

Home Page

54 | P a g e
Course Page

Contact Us Page

55 | P a g e
56 | P a g e



57 | P a g e


Laptop / Desktop Laptop
Hard Disk 500GB
Processor i3, i5, i7 and above
Laptop 4GB and above


Programming Language ASP.Net
Database or DBMS SQL Server 2014
Tools Visual Studio 2019
Operating System Windows 10 and above
Others Photoshop, JQuesry, javascript

58 | P a g e


59 | P a g e



Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It

is used to develop computer programs for Microsoft Windows, as well as web sites, web
apps, web services and mobile apps. Visual Studio uses Microsoft software development
platforms such as Windows API, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation,
Windows Store and Microsoft Silverlight. It can produce both native code and managed

It accepts plug-ins that enhance the functionality at almost every level—including adding
support for source control systems (like Subversion) and adding new toolsets like editors and
visual designers for domain-specific languages or toolsets for other aspects of the software
development lifecycle (like c the Team Foundation Server client: Team Explorer).

Visual Studio supports 36 different programming languages and allows the code editor and
debugger to support nearly any programming language, provided a languagespecific service
exists. Built-in languages include C, C++and C++/CLI (via Visual C++), VB.NET , C# (via
Visual C#), F# (as of Visual Studio 2010) and Type Script . Support for other languages such
as Python, Ruby.

It also supports XML/XSLT, HTML/XHTML, JavaScript and CSS. Java were supported in
the past. Microsoft provides a free version of Visual Studio called the Community edition
that supports plugins and is available at no cost.

Visual Studio does not support any programming language, solution or tool intrinsically;
instead, it allows the plugging of functionality coded as a VS Package. When installed, the
functionality is available as a Service.

ASP.NET is a web application framework developed and marketed by Microsoft to allow
programmers to build dynamic web sites. It allows you to use a full featured programming
language such as C# or VB.NET to build web applications easily. The language which we
used for the project is C#.

60 | P a g e
C# is an elegant and type-safe object-oriented language that enables developers to build a
variety of secure and robust applications that run on the .NET Framework. You can use C# to
create Windows client applications, XML Web services, distributed components, client-
server applications, database applications, and much, much more. Visual C# provides an
advanced code editor, convenient user interface designers, integrated debugger, and many
other tools to make it easier to develop applications based on the C# language and the .NET

C# makes it easy to develop software components through several innovative language
constructs, including the following:

• Encapsulated method signatures called delegates, which enable type-safe event

• Properties, which serve as accesses for private member variables.
• Attributes, which provide declarative metadata about types at run time.
• Inline XML documentation comments.
• Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) which provides built-in query capabilities across a
variety of data sources.

ASP.NET Component Model

ASP.NET is a technology, which works on the .Net framework that contains all web-related
functionalities. The .Net framework is made of an object-oriented hierarchy. An ASP.NET
web application is made of pages. When a user requests an ASP.NET page, the IIS delegates
the processing of the page to the ASP.NET runtime system. The ASP.NET runtime
transforms the .aspx page into an instance of a class, which inherits from the base class page
of the .Net framework. Therefore, each ASP.NET page is an object and all its components
i.e., the serverside controls are also objects.



SQL stands for Structured Query Language. SQL is used to communicate with a database.
According to ANSI (American National Standards Institute), it is the standard language for
relational database management systems. SQL statements are used to perform tasks such as

61 | P a g e
update data on a database, or retrieve data from a database. Some common relational database
management systems that use SQL are: Oracle, Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, Access, Ingres,
etc. Although most database systems use SQL, most of them also have their own additional
proprietary extensions that are usually used on their system. However, the standard SQL
commands such as "Select", "Insert", "Update", "Delete", "Create", and "Drop" can be used to
accomplish almost everything that one needs to do with a database.

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft.

As a database server, it is a software product with the primary function of storing and
retrieving data as requested by other software applications which may run either on the same
computer or on another computer across a network (including the Internet).

Microsoft markets at least a dozen different editions of Microsoft SQL Server, aimed at
different audiences and for workloads ranging from small single-machine applications to
large Internet-facing applications with many concurrent users.

The protocol layer implements the external interface to SQL Server. All operations that can
be invoked on SQL Server are communicated to it via a Microsoft-defined format, called
Tabular Data Stream (TDS). TDS is an application layer protocol, used to transfer data
between a database server and a client. Initially designed and developed by Sybase Inc. for
their Sybase SQL Server relational database engine in 1984, and later by Microsoft in
Microsoft SQL Server, TDS packets can be encased in other physical transport dependent
protocols, including TCP/IP, named pipes, and shared memory. Consequently, access to SQL
Server is available over these protocols. In addition, the SQL Server API is also exposed over
web services.


.NET is a set of technologies designed to allow applications to work together whether they
reside on the user’s hard drive, the local network, a remote computer, or the Internet. It is the
common code framework used by nearly all Microsoft applications, such as Windows,
Internet Explores and IIS Web server, and it is also the framework for third – party
application development based on Microsoft technology.

Microsoft .NET relies on standards such as XML, SOAP and UDDI to make it easy for
networked objects to discover other networked objects and communicate with them.

62 | P a g e
Because .NET applies to almost all Microsoft products, the company divides .NET into several
areas including .NET servers and the .NET Framework.

. NET Framework:
The .NET Framework includes the runtime and compiles time services required to run
a .NET application. Compile time is when the developer is compiling the source. Runtime is
when the compiled code is executing in memory. At the center of the runtime execution
of .NET code is the Common Language Runtime (CLR). The CLR is a virtual machine that
runs as a process on the computer on which it is installed.

Common Language Runtime:

The Common Language Runtime (CLR) serves as the execution environment for the .NET
Framework. The CLR is responsible for managing the compiled code of .NET applications,
which can be written in different languages including VB, C#, Java, and Perl.
The cross language integration is achieved through the two major components of CLR:
Intermediate Language and Metadata. Intermediate Language (IL) is an assembly language
that runs on almost any type of CPU. IL achieves this versatility by using stacks to handle
functions that normally occur in registers. As managed code, IL is just-in-time (JIT)
compiled when .NET applications are executed. JIT compilers convert IL into machine
language that is specific to the host CPU. [During runtime, JIT compilers have the luxury of
choosing stacks, registers or other stores to implement IL stacks.] Various JIT compilers are
provided by the CLR, making it possible for different computer architectures to execute IL.

Common Language Specification (CLS):

If we want the code which we write in a language to be used by programs in other
languages then it should add here to the CLS. The CLS describes a set of features that
different languages have in common; the CLS includes a subset of common type system
(CTS), which define the rules concerning data types, and ensures that code is executed in a
safe environment.

Common Type System (CTS):

The common type system is a rich type system, built into the common language runtime,
which supports the types and operations found in most programming languages. The CTS
supports the complete implementation of a wide range of programming languages.

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Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL):
MSIL is the CPU-independent instruction set into which .NET frame work programs are
compiled. It contains instructions for loading, storing, initializing and calling methods on

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Software testing is the crucial element of the software quality assurance and represents the
ultimate review of specification, design and coding. Testing represents an interesting
anomaly for the software. During earlier definitions and development phases, it was
attempted to build software from an abstract concept to tangible information. The testing
phase is a very important phase since it is in this phase; we make sure that the system will
perform the task without any error. Testing is vital to the success of the system and is being
done by classifying it in two ways- System Testing and Program Testing. Program Testing
involves checking the syntax and logic of the program. This checking resulted in achieving
error free programs.

No matter how carefully a programmer designs and plans application, the programs are sure
to have a few bugs in them. Errors in the program immediately stop program execution and
display an error message if the errors are syntax errors. After debugging one can identify the
limitations of this project and hence corrections are made. During the system development,
each source code was tested for its level of correctness. Each form was run a number of times
in order to ensure that the details are entered correctly and works properly.

Testing methods: This project has undergone the following testing methods.

1. Black Box Testing.

2. White Box Testing

1. Black Box Testing

Black box testing methods focus on the requirements of the software that is black box testing
enables the software engineer to drive sets of input conditions that will fully exercise all
functional requirements for a program. It maintains the integrity of external information.
Black box testing attempts to find errors in the following categories.

• Incorrect or missing functions.

• Interface errors.
• Error in Data structures or external database access.
• Performance errors.

2. White Box Testing

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White box testing of software is predicted on a close examination of procedural details.
Logical paths through the software are tested by providing test cases that exercise specific
sets of conditions and or loops. The status of the program may be examined at various points
to determine if the expected or asserted status corresponds to the actual status. Using white
box testing methods, the software engineer can derive test case.

• Guarantee that all independents paths within a module have been exercised at least
• Exercise all logical decisions on their true or false sides.
• Execute all loops at their boundaries and within the operational bounds.
• Exercise internal data structures to ensure their validity.

Incremental Model – SDLC

In incremental model the whole requirement is divided into various builds. Multiple
development cycles take place here, making the life cycle a “multi-waterfall” cycle. Cycles
are divided up into smaller, more easily managed modules. Incremental model is a type of
software development model like V-model, Agile model etc.

In the diagram above when we work incrementally we are adding piece by piece but
expect that each piece is fully finished. Thus keep on adding the pieces until it’s complete. As
in the image above a person has thought of the application. Then he started building it and in
the first iteration the first module of the application or product is totally ready and can be
demoed to the customers. Likewise in the second iteration the other module is ready and
integrated with the first module. Similarly, in the third iteration the whole product is ready
and integrated.
Hence, the product got ready step by step.

Advantages of Incremental model:

• Generates working software quickly and early during the software life cycle.
• This model is more flexible – less costly to change scope and requirements.
• It is easier to test and debug during a smaller iteration.
• In this model customer can respond to each built.
• Lowers initial delivery cost.
• Easier to manage risk because risky pieces are identified and handled during it’d

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Disadvantages of Incremental model:

• Needs good planning and design.

• Needs a clear and complete definition of the whole system before it can be broken
down and built incrementally.
• Total cost is higher than waterfall When to use the Incremental model:

• This model can be used when the requirements of the complete system are clearly
defined and understood.
• Major requirements must be defined; however, some details can evolve with time.
• There is a need to get a product to the market early.
• A new technology is being used
• Resources with needed skill set are not available
• There are some high risk features and goals.

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Implementation is the stage of the project where the theoretical design is turned into a
working system. At this stage the main work load, the greatest upheaval and the major impact

69 | P a g e
on the system shifts to the user department. If the implementation is not carefully planned
and controlled it can cause confusion.

Implementation includes all those activities that take place to convert from the old system to
the new one. The new system may be totally new, replacing an existing manual or automated
system or it may be a major modification to an existing system. Proper implementation is
essential to provide a reliable system to meet the company requirement. Successful
implementation may not guarantee improvement in the company using the new system, but
improper installation will prevent it. The following activities can be implemented once the
project is deployed in the client’s platform. There are several activities involved while
implementing a new project they are

• End user training

• End user Education
• Training on the application software
• System Design
• Parallel Run and To New System End user Training:

The successful implementation of the new system will purely upon the involvement of the
officers working in that department. The officers will be imparted the necessary training on
the new technology.

End User Education:

The education of the end user start after the implementation and testing is over. When the
system is found to be more difficult to understand and complex, more effort is put to educate
the end used to make them aware of the system, giving them lectures about the new system
and providing them necessary documents and materials about how the system can do this.

Training of application software:

After providing the necessary basic training on the computer awareness, the users will have
to be trained upon the new system such as the screen flows and screen design type of help on
the screen type of errors while entering the data, the corresponding validation check at each
entry and the way to correct the data entered. It should then cover information needed by the
specific user or group to use the system

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This project proved good as it provided practical knowledge of not only programming in
ASP.NET and C#.NET web based application and to some extent Windows Application and
SQL Server, but also about all handling procedure related with E-learning. It also provides
knowledge about the course. Subject and also provides appropriate documents related to the
subjects. This also provides documents files download option for the students so that they
could use for reference. This is also provided Help & Support for any queries by giving the
queries and Email id. This will provide better opportunities and guidance in present and

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• This System being web-based and an undertaking of Cyber Security Division, needs to
be thoroughly tested to find out any security gaps.
• A console for the data centre may be made available to allow the personnel to monitor
on the sites which were cleared for hosting during a particular period.
• In future if we get a chance to work on the same project then we like to implement
Improvement for advertisement.
• Addition of Virtual Timing For Students. Moreover, it is just a beginning; further the
system may be utilized in various other types of auditingoperation viz. Network
auditing or similar process/workflow based applications.

Chapter 9

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Registration Table
Field Datatype Constraint Description
User Id Varchar(50) Not Null User Identification
Fname Varchar(50) Not Null First name
Lname Varchar(50) Not Null Last name
Email Varchar(50) Primary Key Email id

74 | P a g e
Pass Varchar(50) Not Null Password
Conpass Varchar(50) Not Null Confirm password
Mobile Varchar(50) Not Null Mobile number
Dob Varchar(50) Not Null Date of birth
Gender Varchar(50) Not Null Gender
Address Varchar(50) Not Null Address of user
City Varchar(50) Not Null City
State Varchar(50) Not Null State
Pincode Varchar(50) Not Null Pin code
Country Varchar(50) Not Null Country
Qualification Varchar(50) Not Null Qualification

Course Table
Field Datatype Constraint Description
C _id Varchar(50) Primary key Course id
Cname Varchar(50) Not Null Course name
Domain Varchar(50) Not Null Domain name

Questions Table
Field Datatype Constraint Description
Q_id Varchar(50) Primary key Question id
C_id Varchar(50) Not Null Course id
Opt a Varchar(50) Not Null Option a
Opt b Varchar(50) Not Null Option b
Opt c Varchar(50) Not Null Option c
Opt d Varchar(50) Not Null Option d
Ans Varchar(50) Not Null Answer

75 | P a g e
Payment Table
Field Datatype Constraint Description
Name Varchar(50) Not Null Name on card
Cardno Varchar(50) Primary key Card no
Cardtype Varchar(50) Primary key Card type
Cvvno Varchar(50) Primary key Cvv no
Valid from Varchar(50) Not Null Validity from
Expiry Varchar(50) Not Null Validity to
Email Varchar(50) Foreign key Email id

Exam Table
Field Datatype Constraint Description
Email / User id Varchar(50) Foreign key Email id
Name Varchar(50) Not Null Name
C_id Varchar(50) Foreign key Course id
Cname Varchar(50) Not Null Course name
Marks Varchar(50) Not Null Marks
Grade Varchar(50) Not Null Grades
Result Varchar(50) Not Null Results

Feed back Table

Field Datatype Constraint Description
Email Varchar(50) Foreign key Email id
Feedback Varchar(50) Not Null Provide feedback
Suggesstions Varchar(50) Not Null Optional

Contact Table
Field Datatype Constraint Description
Name Varchar(50) Not Null Name
Email Varchar(50) Foreign key Email id
Mobile Varchar(50) Not Null Mobile number

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Query Varchar(50) Not Null Queries



Sample Test Cases

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References Books

1. Roger S Pressman, “Software Engineering”, 2000 Edition, Dreamtech Publications.

2. Stephen Walther “ASP.NET Kick Start” 2002 Edition, Sams Publications

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3. Mathew MacDonald and Mario Szpuszta, “ASP.NET 2.0 in C# 2005”, special Edition,
Dreamtech Press.
4. Peter Aikten 2002 Edition. “Visual Basic .Net Programming”, published by Dream
Tech New Delhi.
5. Steven Holzer 2005 Edition. “Visual Programming Black Book”, published
by Paraglyph Press USA


anddelete -in-Asp-Net-using- sql server/

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