Amiri Et Al. 2021
Amiri Et Al. 2021
Amiri Et Al. 2021
Environmental Challenges
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Evaluating the water quality index in dam lake for cold water fish farming
Hamid Amiri a, Bijan Hadizadeh b, Mehrdad Ghorbani Mooselu c, Sama Azadi d,
Amir Hossein Sayyahzadeh e,∗
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Department of Civil Engineering, Shiraz Payam Noor University, Shiraz, Iran
Department of Engineering Sciences, University of Agder, Norway
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
Department of Civil Engineering, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Keywords: Water quality monitoring and assessment in drinking water resources are of great importance. The entry of
Drinking water pollutants and nutrients into water resources may cause problems for public health and can increase the bioac-
Fish farming cumulation and biodiversity risks. This issue is more critical for dam lakes with more retention time, a primary
Ilam dam
source for drinking, agriculture, fish farming, and industry. This study applies the universal water quality index
Universal water quality index
(U-WQI) to evaluate the dam lake quality in an arid area and identifies the sources of upstream pollutants over
time (2016–2020). For this, 16 physical, chemical, and microbial parameters were quarterly measured in three
points of Ilam dam lake in Ilam City, Iran. Then, U-WQI was calculated to evaluate water quality for drinking
and cold water fish farming. Over the course of monitoring, the average U-WQI for drinking and fish farming was
176.7 and 190.2, respectively. Seasonal changes in the index suggest that fish farming in spring is more suitable
than other seasons since the U-WQI decreases in summer and winter.
1. Introduction plays an essential role in fish nutrition. Consequently, the economic ben-
efits of the aquaculture industry and the quality of their products face
In arid and semi-arid regions, dams construction and operation are serious risks. Therefore, assessing the reservoir water quality variables is
among the primary strategies for water resources management. Dam necessary to secure downstream ecosystems and related industries such
lakes are applied for supplying water demand in agriculture, drinking, as fish farming (Ni et al., 2018; Schenone et al., 2011).
fish farming, flood control, and energy production (Kutlu et al., 2020). The water quality index (WQI), which converts massive water
Anthropogenic activities such as the entry of urban and rural wastewa- quality information into an understandable number, has received
ter, livestock and metal factories effluent, and production of pesticides much attention recently (Mooselu et al., 2020; Azadi et al., 2021;
and fertilizers can contaminate dam water during the operation of dams Mooselu et al., 2021). Various types of water quality indices such
(Ozmen et al., 2008; Karadede and Ünlü, 2000; Karimi et al., 2020; as U-WQI (Azadi et al., 2021; Mooselu et al., 2021), Dinius-WQI (D-
Masoudinejad et al., 2018). The entry of pollutants and nutrients into WQI), WQI-National Sanitation Foundation Index, and Canadian Coun-
water resources and their accumulation in dam sediments can cause cil of Ministers of the Environment Water Quality Index (CCME-WQI)
problems for public health and can increase the bioaccumulation and (Mooselu et al., 2020) have been applied in previous researches for wa-
biodiversity risk (Baştürk, 2019). Recently, dam lake water has been ter quality assessment. Each one interprets the water quality by con-
widely applied to raise aquatic animals in cages. Understanding the ge- sidering different parameters (Baştürk, 2019; Carbajal-Hernández et al.,
ological characteristics of the lakes and the physicochemical properties 2013; Torres et al., 2010; Dinius, 1987). D-WQI evaluates the quality of
of the water behind the dam are vital for the application of dam water water resources for a set of different applications (i.e., public water sup-
resources in fish farming. Undesirable changes in the water quality of ply, recreation, fish, shellfish, agriculture, and industry) by considering
dam lake can pose serious risks to natural spawning ground of fishes and 12 parameters, including pH, DO, BOD, Cl, total hardness (TH), alkalin-
self-purification capacity of river. The quality variation can also gener- ity, coli, e-coli, electrical conductivity (EC), temperature, nitrate, and
ate polluted aquatic products, decrease vital elements due to sediment color. The main problem of this method is that it does not take into ac-
deposition behind dams, and decrease the growth of planktons, which count other water quality parameters, which may be important for any
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.H. Sayyahzadeh).
Received 2 August 2021; Received in revised form 7 November 2021; Accepted 8 November 2021
2667-0100/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
H. Amiri, B. Hadizadeh, M.G. Mooselu et al. Environmental Challenges 5 (2021) 100378
desired application for the monitored water. Also, D-WQI is not flexible is 17.2 °C. The average frosty days in Ilam station is 42 days per year,
regarding the standards. It means that it does not apply the acceptable with an annual evaporation of1312.93 mm. The catchment area of Ilam
limits according to the local standards or updated versions of the WHO Dam consists of three sub-basins, including Golgol, Chaviz, and Ema.
standard. Therefore, the U-WQI has been widely applied in literature Each sub-basin has its specific river, and all three rivers flow indepen-
in which the effective parameters and their standard limits are selected dently and supply the water of the dam reservoir. So, the three rivers of
site-specifically and based on the required applications (Mooselu et al., Chavez, Golgol, and Ema are the main sources of water entering the dam
2021).Alobaidy et al. (2010) used the U-WQI to assess the water quality lake. The Golgol River has a permanent flow with a significant discharge
of Dukan Lake in Kurdistan (Iraq), and the results indicated the im- rate, accounting for ∼70% of the inflow into the reservoir. Since Ilam
pact of anthropogenic activities on some parameters such as EC and Dam supplies drinking water for the Ilam city, the reduction of pollu-
BOD.Kükrer and Mutlu (2019) evaluated the effect of anthropogenic ac- tion generated from upstream resources in this catchment is essential. In
tivities on the water quality of Sarayduzu dam lake (Turkey) by U-WQI. mid-2018, in order to control upstream pollution sources, many sectors
Considering 28 basic variables, they found that pH, temperature, EC, in the basin, including a livestock in the Cheshmeh Kaboud catchment
suspended solid matter, BOD, TH, Alkalinity, calcium, nitrate, ammo- area and a poultry slaughter in the Golgol basin were closed. Also, in
nium, mercury, and DO are the most significant parameters in variations recent years, the establishment of any new polluting sector in the up-
of the aquatic ecosystem quality following by the major ions. To the best stream basin of Ilam Dam has been stopped by the local authorities to
of the authors’ knowledge, the application of U-WQI has not been used protect water quality.
previously to assess the lake water quality for fish farming and aquatic
life. Therefore, this study evaluated the water quality conditions in Ilam 2.2. . U-WQI
dam lake using U-WQI and assessed the efficiency of remedial activi-
ties (e.g., upstream pollutant resource management, and preventing the To calculate U-WQI in the lake water, 16 physical, chemical, and
entry of effluents from livestock centers) in the quality of consuming biological parameters of water quality, including turbidity, electrical
water for fish farming and drinking. Accordingly, water physical, chem- conductivity (EC), suspended solids (SS), total dissolved soild (TDS),
ical, and biological parameters were quarterly monitored between 2016 pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical
and 2020. Finally, the seasonal variation of the water quality for drink- oxygen demand (COD), nitrate, nitrite, bicarbonate, total hardness, cal-
ing and fish farming was examined. Decision-makers could apply the cium, chlorine, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and fecal coliform were
results of this study to adopt proper approaches to protect the dam lake quarterly measured between 2016 and 2020. Water samples were pre-
water quality. pared from three different points of the dam lake, corresponding to the
entrance of three rivers. The samples were transferred to a laboratory,
2. Materials and methods and the qualitative parameters were measured according to standard
methods. U-WQI was calculated considering the standard limit of cold
2.1. Study area water fish farming and standard limits of WHO for each parameter. One
of the critical steps in U-WQI calculation is computing the relative im-
Ilam Dam is located in the southeast of Ilam City and lies between portance of qualitative parameters in comparison with each other. In
620,000 N and 650,000 N latitude and 3,700,000 and 3,720,000 E this study, the assigned weights to water quality parameters were col-
(38 N,UTM) longitude. It was constructed on the Kanjancham River lected from various studies (Table 1) and normalized between 1 and 5.
(Fig. 1) and put into operation in September 2001 to supply drinking Then, the average relative weight of each parameter was determined
water to Ilam City. Ilam Dam is a clay core earthfill dam with a height using Eq. (1).
of 162 m and a width of 250 m. The capacity of the dam is 71 Mm3 , and 𝐴𝑊
the lake area is 340 hectares. The average temperature in the study area 𝑅𝑊𝑖 = ∑ 𝑖 (1)
H. Amiri, B. Hadizadeh, M.G. Mooselu et al.
Table 1
Relative values of indices used in literature for calculation of WQI.
Parameters Boyacioglu Bodrud- Saucedo- Arkoç El Baba Rubio- Average RWi
(2007) Kannel et al.Abrahão
(2007) et al.
Karakaya andRamakrishnaiah etDoza
al. et al. Periyasamy and
Meher et al.Ravikumar et Ş
ener et al. Batabyal and Mgbenu andTerán et al. Ugochukwu et(2016
al. ) Khatita et Karunanidhi
al. et al.
et al. Arias et al. weights
(2007) Evrendilek (2009) (2016) Rajan (2015) (2013) (2017) Chakraborty Egbueri (2017) (2019) (2017) (2021) (2020) (2012)
(2010) (2009) (2015) (2019)
SS – 4 – 4 – – – – – – – – 3 – – – – – – 3.7 8.87
Turbidity – – 4 2 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 3 3.0 7.26
pH 1 1 1 1 3.2 4 1 3.2 2.4 3.2 3.2 3.2 – 3.2 – 1.68 3.2 2.4 4 2.5 5.96
EC – 1 4 2 – – 2 4 2.4 – – 2.4 3 4 – – 3.2 – 4 2.9 7.04
DO 4 4 4 4 – – – – – – – – – – – 3.2 – – 4 3.9 9.40
Table 2
Parameters used in this study and their standard values World Health Organization (2002), Alberta Environment and Parks AEP (2018), Svobodová (1993).
Parameter Unit Measurement method Standard limit of fish farming Standard limit WHO
Table 3
Natural water quality classification based on the total score of WQI index.
where, 𝑅𝑊𝑖 is the relative weight calculated for each parameter and
𝐴𝑊𝑖 is the weight assigned to each parameter. Then, to calculate
the U-WQI, the quantity rating scale (Qi) was computed according to
Eq. (2) for all parameters, except for pH and DO which was determined
by Eq. (3) (Meher et al., 2015), as follows:.
( )
𝑄𝑖 = ∗ 100 (2) Fig. 2. Value chart of U-WQI in the monitoring period for drinking use.
( )
𝐶𝑖 − 𝑉 𝑖
𝑄𝑖 = ∗ 100 (3)
𝑆𝑖 − 𝑉 𝑖 measured values for the parameters of COD and BOD, little biological
where 𝑄𝑖 is the relative index, 𝐶𝑖 represents the parameter measured in pollution enters the lake. Analyzing the measured parameters during the
the dam water samples, 𝑆𝑖 corresponds to the allowable quality param- study period showed that the average of turbidity, BOD, Ca+2 , K+, and
eter in the global standard related to drinking water and fish farming, fecal coliform are higher than the standard value mentioned by WHO
and 𝑉 𝑖 represents the optimal value for pH and DO which is equal to 7 for drinking water.
and 14.6, respectively. Table 2 presents the weight assigned to each pa-
rameter and their standard values. U-WQI for each sample was obtained 3.2. . U-WQI results for drinking use
by multiplying 𝑄𝑖 and 𝑅𝑊𝑖 (Eq. (4)) as follows:
∑ The U-WQI of water samples of Ilam dam for drinking water between
𝑊 𝑄𝐼 = 𝑄 𝑖 𝑅𝑊𝑖 (4)
2016 and 2020 is indicated in Fig. 2. The minimum and maximum values
Then, the sum of these values for all parameters was considered as were 95.62 and 317.59, respectively. The average of this index during
WQI value. Finally, water quality status in different stations and sam- the monitoring period was 176.7. The results show that the water quality
pling stages was determined based on the general classification of WQI. is in poor condition for drinking during the monitoring period. Hence,
For the relative comparison of samples, water quality was classified from the local authorities need to adopt protective measures for drinking pur-
excellent (WQI < 50) to unsuitable (WQI> 300) (Table 3). poses and improve water quality in water treatment stages. U-WQI be-
tween late 2017 to mid-autumn 2018 had the highest value, showing the
3. Results and discussion lowest water quality. For instance, on 12/02/2017, the U-WQI reached
317.6. The most effective parameter in increasing the U-WQI during this
3.1. Results of monitored parameters period was turbidity, which increased to more than 30.81 NTU which is
mainly due to the torrential rains and floods entering the dam lake. In
Table 4 presents the measured values of the 16 physiochemical pa- addition, the value of factors such as COD, pH, and total hardness have
rameters of Ilam Dam water. By far, the most critical cations were Ca2+ changed significantly compared to other periods. The COD level has in-
at an approximately average amount of 3.9 meq/L, followed by Mg2+ creased to more than 40 mg/L, indicating the entry of contamination
at 2.5 meq/L. The Na+ and K+ were far less important with average from upstream pollution sources. This increase was due to the rise in
amounts of 0.53 and 0.37 meq/L, respectively. In addition, HCO3− with poultry and livestock activities in the lake catchment area. Hence, since
an average amount of 2.9 meq/L was determined as the most impor- 5/8/2018, these sectors were forced to build a sedimentation pond to
tant anion in the Ilam dam water. Regarding other parameters, turbidity decrease the turbidity and pollution load of dam lake. After this date and
and total coliform have significant standard deviations. According to the by operation of sedimentation ponds, U-WQI decreased to about 132.2.
H. Amiri, B. Hadizadeh, M.G. Mooselu et al.
Table 4
Values of parameters measured at different stages of sampling.
Sampling Date TSS Turbidity pH EC DO TDS BOD COD TH Ca (mg/L) Mg Na K HCO3 Cl Total coliform
(mg/L) (NTU) (ms/cm) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (MPN)
28/11/2015 43 3.31 7.91 0.563 7.83 282 3 12 184 79.35 30 9.5 2.3 107.8 5.99 150
23/05/2016 17.2 4.22 8.44 0.639 9.26 322 2 11 192 75.35 0.96 10.4 1.4 164.7 1.99 240
16/08/2016 57.6 14.9 8.8 0.555 7.76 281 4 4 172 82.56 0.48 10.2 1.3 140.3 14.9 93
25/10/2016 40.3 11.2 8.63 0.631 7.8 317 3 4 200 85.77 0.28 11.25 1.5 176.9 3.99 4
12/02/2017 40.3 7 8.5 0.63 5.01 315 2 11 192 80.16 0.48 11 1.3 183 11.99 23
08/06/2017 99.6 2.11 6.83 0.595 7 299 2 4 240 80.16 9.6 12.47 1.8 170.8 1.99 67
02/12/2017 24.7 30.81 8.46 0.635 8.2 317 2 40 280 48.096 38.4 16.34 4.5 164.7 11.99 23
26/02/2018 18.7 28.84 7.05 0.662 7.27 331 2 12 220 36.072 31.2 16.04 2.6 183 11.99 93
16/05/2018 12.9 0.61 8.36 0.59 7.82 296 1 24 100.2 100.2 30 14.45 2.3 195.2 9.99 1100
05/08/2018 9.3 0.3 7.25 0.643 6.26 321 1 4 208 100.2 30 15.34 9.28 183 15.99 1100
06/10/2018 6.73 0.588 6.4 0.588 6.4 294 1 12 240 104.2 30 12.69 2.9 183 12.05 460
31/12/2018 10.78 4.26 8.09 0.703 7.6 354 1 12 216 98.59 4.8 11.87 8.2 195.2 19.99 150
27/04/2019 8.7 7 8.32 0.699 6.72 349 1 12 208 52.9 18.46 10.56 8.3 231.8 7.99 210
14/09/2019 10.7 0.9 8.19 0.65 7.1 429 1 8 216 100.2 30 12 14 219.6 9.99 230
21/11/2019 5.6 1.5 6.92 0.539 7.68 270 1 4 248 64.128 21.38 12 14 219.6 11.99 210
21/01/2020 9.8 3.66 8 0.366 7.09 183 1 4 114.62 74 220 7.99 183 18.4 20 20
18/05/2020 14.5 3.7 7.98 0.499 3.66 249 1 16 220 96.192 21 14.48 1.5 244 7.99 460
15/06/2020 32 2.42 8.48 0.483 7 241 3 8 260 64.128 24 12.8 1.1 183 11.99 15
Average 25.7 7.1 7.9 0.6 7.1 302.8 1.8 11.2 206.2 79.0 30.1 12.3 14.5 175.8 10.7 258.2
Standard 23.19 8.86 0.69 0.08 1.20 50.51 0.92 8.66 43.89 19.27 47.74 2.24 41.08 49.20 5.07 325.76
Mean 15.85 3.68 8.14 0.61 7.19 307.00 1.50 11.00 212.00 80.16 22.69 12.00 2.45 183.00 11.99 150.00
4. Conclusion
In this study, water quality of Ilam dam lake for drinking and cold-
water fish farming was assessed between 2016 and 2020 using U-WQI.
Fig. 3. The average water quality variation for drinking and fish farming water During this period, the average U-WQI of the lake for drinking and fish
(2016–2020). farming was 172.45 and 124.84, respectively. It shows that the water
quality of the lake is poor for both usages. Maximum U-WQI values were
calculated in 2018. The most effective parameters in increasing U-WQI
in 2018 were turbidity, pH, COD, and TH due to the flood influx and ef-
fluents from polluting industries such as poultry and livestock upstream
of the dam. In order to improve the water quality pre-treatment units
were considered for these industries from mid-2018. After the opera-
tion of such management measures, the amount of U-WQI for drinking
and fish farming improved to 140.97 and 103.1, respectively. Seasonal
changes in water quality showed that water quality for fish farming in
the spring is more suitable than other seasons. In summer, due to the
entry of agricultural drainage and the reduction of the dam water vol-
ume, the water quality for drinking purpose extremely decreased. Ad-
ditionally, the variation of water quality in winter was mainly due to
the arrival of the upstream floods. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt
continuous protective measures to prevent the entry of pollutants from
the upstream contaminant sources. Also, since this dam is the primary
Fig. 4. U-WQI of the dam lake water for cold-water fish farming (2016–2020). source of drinking water for Ilam City, the water treatment plant of Ilam
City should be updated based on the water quality variation of dam lake.
During the monitoring period, the average value of U-WQI for spring,
CRediT authorship contribution statement
summer, autumn, and winter was 169.9, 174.2, 181.8, and 174.2, re-
spectively. As shown, the U-WQI for drinking usage was almost the same
Hamid Amiri: Investigation, Writing – review & editing. Bi-
over different seasons. However, in autumn, the dam water for drinking
jan Hadizadeh: Data curation, Formal analysis. Mehrdad Ghorbani
usage was of lower quality than other seasons. The mean deviation for
Mooselu: Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Sama
spring, summer, autumn, and winter was 47.3, 62.1, 83.1, and 64.8, re-
Azadi: Writing – review & editing, Formal analysis. Amir Hossein
spectively. Spring has the lowest standard deviation compared to other
Sayyahzadeh: Investigation, Writing – review & editing.
seasons, and autumn has the highest U-WQI changes compared to the
Fig. 3 shows the changes in the annual average U-WQI between 2016 Declaration of Competing Interest
and 2020. Before 2018, the average annual U-WQI was more than 221,
and after the construction of sedimentation ponds upstream of the dam, The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
the average index decreased to less than 132.2. interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.
3.3. Water quality monitoring for fish farming
CRediT authorship contribution statement
U-WQI was calculated based on parameters for cold-water fish farm-
ing, including SS, pH, turbidity, EC, DO, TDS, TH, and HCO3 in Ilam Hamid Amiri: Investigation, Writing – review & editing. Bijan
dam (Fig. 4). The average of this index in the sampling period was Hadizadeh: Data curation, Formal analysis. Mehrdad Ghorbani
190.2, indicating its relatively poor quality for cold-water fish farm- Mooselu: Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. Sama
ing usage. Low water quality for fish farming can lead to low economic Azadi: Writing – review & editing, Formal analysis. Amir Hossein
benefits, low product quality, and high potential risks to human health Sayyahzadeh: Investigation, Writing – review & editing.
(Schenone et al., 2011). As mentioned earlier, after 5/8/2018, man-
agement practices were adopted for controlling the pollution sources Reference
upstream of the dam lake. The average U-WQI after these corrective
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